The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 28 July 1905

Total Pages: 20
651 670 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 887 651 (Friday, 21st July.) A few days back Holley and Buddings, the well-known jockeys, together with Holley’s little daughter, were bitten by a chow dog. 'The dog was secured and sent down to the Quarantine Station for observation anti lias, we are sorry to sav, now died of hydrophobia, the
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  • 528 651 C. R C. r Y. M. C A Ini. soccer football match liel.ween elevens re resenting the Chinese Recitation < mb and the «mug Men s Christian Association on the Esplanade pitch last Thursday evening attracted another large crowd of spectators, but the game lacked much of the exciting
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  • Page 651 Advertisements
    • 109 651 The Straits Echo, ,>• fi M. f Justice sati’-fies every body,and.justicealonc.—Emerso/t Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundaj s.i Al DIE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 226 —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL 524 per annum OUTSTATION Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) .$l5 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo —Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 126 652 The Naval Battle. 4 Rostjestvensky s Report (Supplied hi/ Reuter.) London, 20t h July.—The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Paris paper La Liberte states that the Tsar received Admiral Rostjestvenskv’s report of the naval battle on 10th instant. He a scribes his defeat to defects in his guns,
    (Supplied hi/ Reuter.)  -  126 words
  • 126 652 News at Last London, 21st, July.— Reuter's Tok io correspondent wires that the mystery surrounding the fate of the steamer Oldhamia, supposed to have been sunk by the Russian Baltic fleet on the eve of the battle of Tsushima, has been cleared up A LieiHentant and thirteen marines
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  • 76 652 M. Witte's Aspirations (L’c/io Special.) Berlin, 2Otb July.—The Paris newspaper Eclair states editorially that M. Witte aspires to the dictatorship of Russia and hence is deeply interested in concluding peace. Departure for Washington. (Supplied, by Renter.) London, 21st July.—M. Witte, chief ol the Russian Peace Plenipotentiaries, has left
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  • 161 652 Attempted Assassinations. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 20th July. —It is reported from St. Petersburg that an attempt has been made to assassinate M. Pobidonostzef, but has failed. The wouldbe perpetrator of the crime has been arrested. (Supplied bi/ Heater.) London, 21st July.—The Deputy Gov-ernor-General of Finland has been wounded
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  • 23 652 Six Millions Voted. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 20th July. —The British House of Commons has voted six millions sterling for naval purposes.
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  • 54 652 The Boycott. (Echo Special.) Amoy, 21st July.—The Committee of the boycotters has ordered a boycott of the American missionaries. The natives an* unable to distinguish between British and Americans and hence the British Consul at Foochow has telegraphed to the Viceroy of Fukhien asking for protection for the British
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  • 338 652 We are requested to publish the following letter which was received this morning from H. E. Ichizo Hattori, Governor of the Hiogo Prefecture: Hiogo Kencho, Kobe, 4th July, 1905. Liin Seng Hooi, Esq., J., Dear Sirs, I beg to acknowledge with many
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  • 605 652 of the India Rubber World an experiment in Cevloii 110 ,0 W ed order of things in ef.lon, come wealth, within a half centurv through agricultural development production of tea is the largest «Li?-* terest on the island, though not r 8 mg the whole of agriculture there
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  • 1323 653 If most people were asked to name I ge countries of the world in which I till to be found splendid arcbitecturTremains of bygone civilisations, says eorr espondont of the Globe, the names of Egypt, Lidia. Syria, and Mexico would at once be forthcoming; font
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  • 454 653 China is following with deep interest the proposed meeting of peace, delegates al Washington, telegraphs the Peking correspondent of The Times. She thinks that, inasmuch as the terms of peace must ailect, her interests as a Sovereign Power, she ought also to be represented. Friendly Ministers here
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  • 1398 654 Dear Old Man, -In your last Dllor to me vou said vou envi<- I 1 he ZooZos and that must be tho 10l (and a pretty big lol,) of the Manager of the Tramway company here. Well, 1 ctn ted you that, like the polic -man's
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  • 617 654 -Movement in I he South China Montiuu p,,., Illg the spread of the boycott of U 4 gpods in th" Malay Peninsula, The movement seems to. have l7 up with peculiar vigour bv the nr Chamber of Commerce at Penan-r-a 1 which m exceptionally well vajybl.- O i-xpculiui;
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  • 1018 655 (Satiirelay, 22nd July.) The Empress Dowager has Quenes been greatly offended by the < receipt of a memorial from Prince Ching advising that all military officials and civil officials above the third degree should be ordered to cut off their queues and dress in European style, says a
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  • 651 655 Jockeys v. Hunt Clue. 1 he raiily < f a ho‘key match in Penang is m itself sufficient localise both enthusiasts m this branch of sport ami those on curiosity bent to turn up at the Esplanade in force on occasions when a game is announced. This was in
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  • 62 656 Japanese active around Vladivostok. (Supplied by Keuter.) Loudon, 22ud July.—Japanese warships are becoming increasingly active on the Siberian coast having appeared at Pachkevitch Bay, to the South of Vladivostok, Korniloff Bay and Anna Bay at the mouth of the Amur River. The Japanese cruisers are bombarding the Russi
    (Supplied by Keuter.)  -  62 words
  • 17 656 No Confirmation (Echo Special-) Berlin. 21st July.—The reported attempted assassination of M. Pobedonotsef is unconfirmed.
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  • 22 656 The Kaiser s Clemency. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 21st July.—On the recommendation of Prince von Buelow the Kaiser has pardoned Carl Peters.
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  • 24 656 Progress Reported. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 21st July.—The exchange of opinions between Great Britain and France on the Moroccan question is progressing favourably.
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  • 36 656 Finances to be Controlled. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 21st July.—The Powers are formulating a scheme for the International control of the finances of Macedonia, which will be assumed even if the Porte dissents from the proposal.
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  • 27 656 A New Steamship Line, (Echo Special.) Berlin, 21st July.—A direct steamship line from Buenos Aires to Japan has been opened for the wheat trade.
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  • 36 656 A New Loan (Echo Special.) Simla, 22nd July.— It is announced that a loan of ten million rupees at three and a half per cent, will be issued for the public services, including army reform.
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  • 83 656 A Visit to Sungei Besi. (Echo Special. i Sungei Besi, 21st July.— His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, in company vvi»h Sir William T. Taylor, Resident General, F. M. S.. Mr. H. Conway Belfield, Resident of Selangor, Mr. Oliver Marks, Private Secretary, and Captain Stocklev. A.D.C.,
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  • 26 656 The Electric Tramways Echo Special.) Sin gap» >re, 22 ml J ul y. —The Singapore Electric Tramways will be opened for passenger traffic on Mornlay.
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  • 30 656 Dutch Troops Land. Echo Special.) Soerabaya, 22nd July.—The Dutch troopshave effected a landing at Cape Patrio in Celebes and are marching northwards. The landing was effected on Thursday last.
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  • 125 656 A bout three weeks or so ago there appeared in the columns of the Straits Times the history of a case in which Mr. L. Perreau, according to his own statement, had become the dupe of a rather clever and well-known individual named Salem. The case attracted
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  • 144 656 A Plea for its Occupation. Ln view of the operations now proceeding, the following is interesting The Jiji, which regards the time as opportune for the occupation of Saghalien, gives the following reasons for promptly putting that step into execution. The occupation of the island will, in tire first
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  • 160 656 The Russky Slovo of Moscow has printed a dispatch from Vladivostock, which indicates that the inhabitants of the whole maritime region of Eastern Siberia, including the island of Saghalien ami Kamschatka peninsula, are facing starvation on account of the situation produced by the war Word has been
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  • 587 656 Installation of Chiefs at Tam piSere .'ban, J ULY Hw l«ucy the Governor. accompany u L Ande/son. Capt. Stockler and Mr hr Marks, 1.-ft Singapore by the Sa i" the evening of Saturday. ant passage arrived off Mulacea in the eX niorumg 1., find rain falling N
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  • 1204 657 Th E l'» i 4 A,iSIV at Last Pkel al<eik v, Brodric/s statement in the lf Commons has at last cleared B °X dispute bet vet,n Lord Kitchener n P,,L Government of Indra, and the It is an arrangement that will enre L i U nlir greatest
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  • 465 657 Isar Refuses Leave to Return. The Mainichi has received the following telegram from its correspondent at Ujina:—On the evening of June 30, RearAdmiral Nebogatoff and over sixty other Russian officers who surrendered at the Battle of the Japan Sea were removed to the prisoners quarters at Ninoshima. On
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  • 1183 658 CAPTAIN ITo'.S LECTURE ON I HI. BA I'l’l E. At a meeting of the Toho Kyokai, held at the Fujiiriken, Captain Ito delivered a lecture on the recent hattie in the Sea of Japan. The speaker first stated that though Japan had assumed
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  • 163 658 The growth of an industry so far nw-nl,. to Port Dickson is worth recording Mr H.B. E11er.,,,,. At the 1903 it was suggested by the writer some Malays experienced in the nianuU ture of baskets from the pandan and menu kuang pa’ms, that hats might l>e lnad
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  • 365 658 On Thursday morning (20th) the funeral took place of Mr. A. Cumming, of Messrs. McAlister ami Co., who died on the previous day at Singapore suddenly from heart failure. There was a very large attendance’ of the deceased gentleman’s friends and acquaintances. The cortege left the
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  • 1147 659 Monday, -4th July.) As cotton may yet prove Cotton. to be ;l product of Malava planters may be interested jn the following A meeting of the India Committee of the I’ritish Cottou('lowimr Association was hold in Manchester *on June 20, Air. E. Stansfield in the chair. Mr. F.
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  • 284 659 li i' not geneially known what a. numt>m oi public or quasi-publie buddings have l>een in course ot erection during the I st two years and less, ami which are now fast approaching completion, remarks the Straits Times. The principal of these is the new police offices in
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  • 407 659 <o ef A j[, r ,11pf/J* New Title for a Hongkong Newspaper. Th*. Strait* Echo in its issue of 20th u t. his a tilt at one of our contemporaries. After amusing reference to the alleged battle of the Anambas, which in the Hongkong paper appeared under a
    <o ef A j[,r ,11pf/J*  -  407 words

  • 1336 660 Great Changes in Progress Kerrtown to Pass Under New Control. The Far Fast is proverbially lh&gt; &lt;»f the earth wherein the unexpected usually happens and where, too, the impossible often becomes possible. The latest instance of this is the complete triumph of David over Goliath, the latter
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  • 290 660 A STRONGcounter-attracf f o of the Band, the lawn-tennis u and the hockey match .vas served Wllt Esplanade last Friday evenim, U bullock which supplied an' 'I strav piece m three hets. the ffi the cm tain was raised on the anim .i acl iil!lv E S
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  • 341 660 Singular Case at Shanghai. The trial of Mr. Godfrey Hirst on the charge of killing Fu Chi Sing has causeda feeling of distaste at Shanghai at the senseless brutality which is far too often meted out. to Chinese crews by officers in charge, says a China, Mail correspondent.
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  • 891 661 Visit to Kuala Pilah. elliNG bv motor car from Tampin, Fxeelleucv "the High Commissioner ‘inv.-ial K-Ktlk the evenin'; &lt;&gt;£ an the 17th accompanied bv the ’J'S-Generai, Sir William 'l'ayl.n', Mr. \hrks Secretary to the High ComMr. Campbell, British Resident. Xi Sei’nbilan, and Air. Trump, Director Public
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  • 359 661 Big Passenger Boats for China. Two fine big P. and O. steamers, the Arcadia, and the Delta,, are due here towards the end of the year from Englund. The Arcadia, is expected to arrive here on October 14th and the Delta on December 9th. Apropos of
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  • 685 661 The Guides to the Fore Again Come out well in Alatch with some of England's Crack Shots. I ro.m time to time during the past five years the Press of ALilaya has had the pleasure io record the excellent marksmanship of Our Own Regiment, otherwise the Alalay States
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  • 63 662 The Honora.rv Treasurer acknowledges with thanks the following subscriptions Amount previously acknowledged 85,469. Mr. H. JI. Hudsoh 25. T. Gaw’t home 25 P It B uoer 10 A. D. Neiibronner 10.— E. Slienton l h W. R. Swan 10 John Lamb •&gt;. E. A. B. Brow n
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  • 414 662 The fina l development in the O’ Keefe law suit, instituted by the American wife ol “King” O’Keefe, has resulted in a. compromise with the native disputant over the Yap estates. These have been estimated at a value of over a million dollars, gold, and are to
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  • 1094 662 How it can be removed. (1 a e.&lt;&lt;lllii, '..ofh ./"/y.) I’t is believed on ail sides that the ci imide agai list uiil men-ed. unmuzzled, unsightly, under-fed, and ill-kempt dogs his proved a dismal failure owing childly to the inertness, or somethingworse. of Government. With the cause
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  • 529 663 (Tuesdarj, 25th July.') Mr. W. Newman Flower Shooting- writes to the Daily Mail as follows: &gt; With regard to Lord Roberts’ request for tbe sum &lt;’f £lOO,OOO tor the formation »nd maintenance of rifle clubs, would it not be as well before this amount is subset ibed if
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  • 1229 663 The Proposed Extermination of Dogs. GOVERNMENT against measure. Municipality Follow Suri. CHAINING ORDER TO BE EXTENDED. A special meeting of. the Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the Municipal Chambers on Monday afternoon to consider the question of the proposed extermination of all dogs in Pentng. Mr.
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  • 2001 664 Penang Autumn Meeting Tuesday was a glorious day fol racing so far as weather was concerned. It was excessively hot, to be sure, but a strong, cool breeze was blowing across the course and this made it exceedingly pieasant m the stands or w herever a morsel
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  • 220 665 Writing on 3rd inst. our London correspondent says About 140 people attended the annual dinner of. the Straits Settlements Association at the Whitehall Rooms on Friday evening. Dr. Carnegie Brown was in the chair and the company included Sir 'Ph anas hetland, Mr. Yerburgh M.P., Mr. William
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  • 169 665 Mr. Consul Fraser reports from BataV| a tiiat during the past year axles and spnuos have been regularly imported mt" nva from the Cnited Kingdom and have ound a good market, although an inferioi cheaper quality of German manufacture s 111 the market. The turnover of Swedish
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  • 674 665 .i v are T °hl, hath charms to soothe I 1 i ueast, but, conversely, discord 1 l’ au ls to ruffle the average civilised “H»per Complaints as to the latter have •eenntefor some time past amongst residents in the vicinity of the Golf Club ami elsewhere,
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  • 32 665 Port Arthur. Another Warship Raised. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th July.—lt is reported from Tokio that the Russian battleship Poltava, sunk at Port Arthur, has lieen raised by the Japanese.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 117 665 An Inspired Account. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Beilin, 24th July.—The Tsar and Kaiser had a friendly meeting on the coast of I inland, at which no political officials were pi esent. lhe Kaiser expressed his wishes foi the success of the peace negotiations and the success of
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  • 83 665 Anarchy in Mid-Russia. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th July.—There has lieen a terrible outbreak of mob violence at NijniNovgorod, in Mid-Russia, against all welldressed persons, the mob pursuing them into their houses. Many persons have been killed and wounded. Cossacks Refuse Duty. (The Ostasiastischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 25th
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  83 words
  • 15 665 Illness of the Viceroy. (Echo Special.) Simla, 24th July.—Lord Curzon, the Viceroy, is indisposed.
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  • 132 665 A Rumour Denied. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 25th July.—The rumour emanating from Sydney to the effect that Germany is establishing a penal colony in the South Seas is without foundation. Another case for the Assizes. A Kling named Abdulrahim has been remitted thither by a Bench Court (Messrs.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  132 words

  • 2855 666 (Before the Hon. II ll r Fisher, Puisne Judge, and a Jury.) Counterfeit Coin Case. Five Chinamen, named respectively- Lim Ti, Lim Thiam, Lim 'l ek, Lim Bot Li, and Cling Chia Tan, were arraigned at the afternoon sitting of the Assizes in the Supreme Court, last Thursday
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  • 524 667 Official and Consular Fears. At the date of last mail advices from China, the Foreign Ministers at Peking were becoming alarmed at the connection between Boycott and Boxerism. Mr. Rockhill, the American Minister, has, for instance, received many communications from American merchants a d missionaries in various parts
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  • 288 667 Cricket Club’s Tournament. The following additional ties have been decided Single Handicap, Clang A. J. E. Nathan beat A. F. Goodrich 6—l 6—4. M. H. Graham beat C. C. Rogers 3—6; 6—2; B—6. Single Handicap, Clagg B. G. H. Lees beat W. McKnight Young 6—2; 6—2. T. P.
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  • 2250 668 Mr. A. C. Rudra’s Application. Adjourned Again for Eight Weeks. In the Supreme Court on Monday the application of Mr Aklioy C. Rud nt to be admitted to practise as an advocate and solicitor at the Straits Bar was again argue* 1 before Mr. Justice Law. As
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  • 305 669 On Tuesday evening our old friends the Dallas Company staged that very popular play A Country Girl and scored, as they always do in Penang, a distinct success. There was a good house, despite the fatigues of the day’s racing, and as the dollar seats were occupied
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  • 647 669 27th July.) -tnzi V HENtw o Empires meet” sar and Wouid be a verv thb U.scr, tor the recent meeting of the j riJ 1 an d Kaiser upon h recent telegrams, has created such &lt; as ...iiouiit of speculation in Europe. L is suggested that the result
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  • 482 669 'The Pahang Administration Report for 1901, which is signed by Mr. Ocil Wray as Resident, says that the export of gold from Pahang in 1904 was 18,004 ounces as compared with 12,411 ounces in 1903—an increase of 5,593 ounces. Of this amount, 3,118 ounces really lielonged to 1903,
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  • 147 670 Peace Prospects. Japan’s Hopes (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th July. —Mr. Sato, the spokes man of Baron Komura, the Japanese Peace Plenipotentiary, when interviewed at New York, expressed his confidence ihat peace will be successfully negotiated. Tne Japanese Government, he said, will be guided by moderation and no
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  147 words
  • 36 670 Sentence Postponed. London, 27th Julv. —Messrs. Brailsford and McCulloch, who were concerned in the passport forgery case, have been convicted after a trial in the High Court, but the sentence has been postponed.
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  • 297 670 Complications Developing. {The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Servi e.) Berlin, 26t h July.—Owing to the Swedish Ministerial crisis the quest ion of the separation of Norway and Sweden is becoming acutely complicated. The formation of a new Swedish Cabinet is proving to be a most difficult task. Sweden’s demand
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  • 246 670 Per De K ck from Deli :21st July, Messrs deVuogt Grand let Pia Lo;e. Per Teesta, from Singapore 22nd July, Hon. G. S. Murray, Messra. 11. Abrams A. Kidd J. B. late, Tan 800 Liat, Seal) Cheng Jo &gt;, S. 11. Guan, A. Johnson, S. Allchan. B. Martin and
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  • 118 670 Births. On the 3rd July, at Shanghai, the wife of J. R. Harding, Imperial Maritime Customs, of a son. On the 15th July, at Medan (Deli), the wife of Mr. H. Reder, of a girl. Marriages. On the Ist July, 1905, at Holy Trinity Cathedral. Shanghai, by the
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  • 117 670 Penang. 28th July. CBy courtesy oi the Chartered Rank.) London Demand Bank 2'- 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 0j 3 Credit ...2 0/ 6 3 Documentary ...2 0| Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 119 3 days’ sight Private 151 Bombay, Demand Bank 149 3 days’sight Private 151 Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 212 670 BelatTin Mining Co., Ld. S 7__ BersawahGold M ming Co., Ld. Brieh Kubbor Syndicate, Ld.SS 5 j’*‘ Drusen Hydraulic Tin Minina 0., r j &lt;l. $4.0) i Bun slo 00 F raser Neave, Ld. 5100 n n George 1 own Iffspeusary $25.-U, w Howarth Erskine, Ld. Wi 1- tt
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  • 133 670 Gold leaf 77| &gt;. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.) out of stock White Pepper 3d—sellers I' Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 75-sellers \lace Pickings 65. buyers Nutmegs 110 s 37| sale* r No. 1 6.10 worn. Sugar 2 no stock. Basket sales Tapioca Flour I-- n
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  • 24 670 Deaths. On the 3rd of July, at Mohkanshan, Doris Rawlinson, infant daughter of Frank and Carrie Th. Rawlinson, aged one year and nine days.
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