The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 14 July 1905

Total Pages: 24
607 630 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 853 607 (Friday, 7th July.} For pure and unadulterated Cheek, cheek recommend us to the Russians. When President Roosevelt approached them with a view to concluding peace, they would have none of it, they said, unless Japan asked for it. Ihrough all the negotiations, so far as they have been
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  • 623 607 11 IE Vekdici •Jk. Alex. Gentle, the Coroner, and the jury, consisting ot .Mr. A. J. Corbett. Capt S invent and Mr. Ong Sam Leong, assembled at ilit* hamlang Keibau Police Stat ion on Saturday afternoon, Is’ savs the Straits Times, ami returned the following verdict in
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  • 322 608 The Naval Mutiny. 4 Foreign intervention Rumoured. ZT7/o Specials.) Berlin, sth July. —There are rumours that the Foreign Powers are interfering on account of tlieOdes-ii disturbances. The statement that steamer traffic with that port has been reopened is incorrect. Berlin, sth July.—The crews of the Russian mercantile steamers
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  • 97 608 Japanese Peace Envoys. The Mikado’s Farewell. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 7th July.—Reuter's Tokio correspondent wiles that the Mikado has bidden farewell to Baron Komura ami the Staff of the. Peace Commission. A New Russian Chief of Staff (Echo Specials.) Berlin, sth July.—General Politzyn has been appointed t hief
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  • 1260 608 The following Bv-laws lor Prevention of .Nuisance* and Regulation of traffic in the Street, framed bv 1 he Municipal Commissioners of George l ow n, Penang, ami approved bv 11 is Excellency' the Governor in Council under Section 85 (</) and (I) of the Municipal (Ordinance No
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  • 2136 609 Trick Was Turned by Admiral HoW 1 e Togo. u-„ ts the Baltic fleet made its a [r P off the Luchu Islands on the rth of May, >t obvious that ol i Pnstiestvei.-sky would not venA,l '"T through the writes the Japan Chronicle, the broadest
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  • 1294 610 A Weekly Causerie from Singapore. Dear Old Man, Trade is as dull as dampditchwaler, ami a wistful inspection of an attenuated banking account has not put mem the sunniest of moods. Therefor» 1 forgive me if this screed does notbustle wit h sparkling wit and scintillating
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  • 1141 611 (Saturday, Sth The very contradicThe Pote n, ki ne tory news received day bv d ly anent tin* process of the naval mutiny in the Black Sea tends to sh >w that matters must be erv niueh worse in that quarter than ve are given to understand, or
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  • 92 611 The Honor.try Irtasurer acknowledges wi 1 h t hanks t In* following subscriptions:— .Amount previously acknowledged $5,095. Ghigor Estate 50. College Missions Etiiiigers 20. Mr. IL G. F. Buck land 10. Revd. J. Menenvrier |O. Mr. H. (J. Sells |O. Swee Lee 10. A. Harduin
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  • 505 611 Our has lieen making a tour 1 hrough the new wing of the Supreme Court, which is to be utilised as the Public Library, ami his impressions are not at all in keeping with much of the favourable comment that we have heard from other sources
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  • 50 612 The Naval Mutiny. Au Odessa Rumour. I Supplied bp Healer.) London, Bl > July.—There is no truth in the reported blowing up of the Potemkine. Some officials from I heodosia, who went on board found that the vessel was commanded bv a committee of seven, her crew numbering
    I Supplied bp Healer.)  -  50 words
  • 65 612 Peace Prospects .—< The Mikado’s Instructions. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7tb July.— Reuter s Tokio correspondent wires that the Mikado, in his address to the Japanese Peace Plenipotentiaries, savs: —“If in consequence of the conciliatory spirit of our opponent hostilities could be ended, nothing would be more satisfactory.”
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  65 words
  • 152 612 Malacca Railway Question. (Echo Special.) Singapore, Bth July.—At yesterday's meeting of the Legislative Council the motion for the sale of the Malacca Railway to the Federated Malay States Railways was passed, despite the arguments of the Hon. A. Hottenbach. There was a breezy interchange of debate between the
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  • 80 612 The “International Bar,” a new and thriving restaurant in Singapore, was <>n Tuesday night robbed of 8300, presumably by one of the Chinese boys” employed on the premises. The theft was reported to the police, but no clue to the thief has as yet I men found.
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  • 31 612 Fusing Lama Outdo i. We are courteously informed that the output from the above mine for last month was 51)0 piculs of Im ore of an approximate value of 522,500.
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  • 602 612 Writing to the Straits 'Limes on the above subject “Paterfamilias” says: —ln view of the progress in Council of a Bill to piovide for the establishment of a, School of Medicine at Singapore, it would be interesting to parents ami guardians to know’ whether it, is proposed
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  • 246 612 'l’an Goh Chu, Tan Ah Naob Teng Wah were charged Assizes on Tuesday (4th) w t i, > n a por* mitted gang robbery on the (“'aT' the Straits Tinies. 01 day, They pleaded not guilty. Mr. Sproiile said th;u i| l(1 Ibis case was Captain
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  • 415 612 A Batavian Account. 'The Batavia Nieuwsblad of June 30 has the following account of the arrival of the Russian cruiser Terek there:— Yesterday morning the Russian steamer Terek, ex Maria Theresa of the Hamburg Ainerika line, Commander Bancroft’, arrived in Tanjong Priok. She is a ship
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  • 173 612 Obituary. Charles Stringer, Esq. (Echo Specials London, 7th July.—Mr. Charles Stringer, a partner in Messrs. Paterson, Simons and Co. and lately a Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, died yesterday. Assistant Superintendent Wathen. Singapore, Bth July.—Assistant Superintendent of Police C. T. Wathen, died at eleven o’clock last
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  • 1221 613 Miss Katherine Carl, the American tiste "ho painted the picture of the impress Dowager of China exhibited ./t'tbeSt. Louis Exposition,is now in Now York. To a Sun reporter she gave an Aouut of her experiences at Peking. It was while she was visiting- her brother Francis Carl, Commissioner
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  • 515 613 I'll e. delight s < t the sport <>l rocod ile Fishing ■He sei out very pleasautlx bv Mr. (r-orce Maxwell in the June issue of Blackwood. The ornamental lake formed out of disused Im .nines in the prettv public gnden al laiping b<-*< ame I lie home
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  • 1213 614 (Ernni the Literni'ij Digest j A Chinese Roland for the American Oliver. These are the words used bv the Brooklyn Eagle in commenting upon the surprising and disturbing report that the Chinese merchants had determined to boycott American goods. The facts regarding this reported boycott
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  • 213 614 Rules for Soldi ers Runnin. Amok. of T t”e E -Diarmed soldier British or M.J broken loose in the manner r'm known as running amok and is threatening or purposing to bill irT"'- J is the duty ot all ffi cers d to take steps to effect I,is prevent Ins
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  • 335 614 Caroline Islands Swept. News of a typhoon of exceptional violence in the South Seas reached Sydney the other day by the steamer Germania. The full extent of the damage was not ascertained when the vessel was at the islands, but it is known that two of the
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  • 765 615 (Monday, 10th July.) We quite sympathise Water- with Mr Gan X ob Beein his grievance anent tiie to made lor taps in "'Ce‘houses from Ist January next. P points out, it will not result ni water but Wlll snuply that he is squeezed for trying to q ul
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  • 312 615 As rabies is prevalent amongst dogs in Penang, all persons are warned to report to the nearest Police Station immediately upon being bitten by any dog and. if possible, the dog should be taken to the Police Station at the same time. J. K. Birch. Resident (lounc dlo r.
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  • 527 615 Old Singaporeans r--. The Rest lx magnificent weather and with water as favourable as could be wished, the above scratch match took place on Sundav morning at the Swimming (hubs ground before a fair muster of members. 1 he Singaporeans had got together a fine team, but imfoi
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  • 170 616 Japanese Invade Penal Settlement. (Supplied by Heater.) London, 10th July.—The Japanese landed a force on the Island of Saghalien, the .Russian penal settlement oh the coast of Siberia, on the 7th instant. The Russians, after offering a slight resistance, retired northwards. London, loth July.—The Japanese Squadron which attacked
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  170 words
  • 256 616 The Naval Mutiny. To Destroy the Potemkine. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Bth July.—The Russian Black Sea squadron, which has been re-manned, has arrived at Novorossusk, on the northeast coast of the Black Sea, and is proceeding south with orders to capture or destroy the mutinous battleship Potemkine, which
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  256 words
  • 48 616 The Cabinet Hitch (Echo Special.) Berlin, 9th July. Mr. Ilordyk, the* ex-Governor of the Netherlands Indies, having refused to undertake the formation of a Cabinet, Queen Wilhelmina has consulted Mr. Lohmann, an exMinister and member of the Kuyper party, as to the formation of a Cabinet.
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  • 64 616 The Far Eastern Squadron. (Ech o Spec ia Is.) Berlin, 9th July.—Germany is not sending a second Admiral to the Far East. Kaiser’s Baltic Tour. Berlin, 9th July.—The German Emperor starts to morrow on a tour of the Swedish ports only. The Ambassador to Washington. Berlin, 9th July. Baron
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  • 42 616 Agreement Reached. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, lOtli July.—lt is announced that a Franco-German agreement has been reached regarding Morocco. It is stated in Paris that Germany recognises the exceptional position of France in Morocco ou account of the Algerian frontier.
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  • 27 616 Trouble Brewing. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 9th July.—All the native chiefs of the Southern Celebes have refused to conform to the demands made by the Netherlands Government.
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  • 52 616 The Lawas Trouble, (Echo Special.) Singapore, 10th July.—Pan glim a Muda, the head chief of the Lawas District in Borneo, and Hadji Ismail, his brother, have arrived here by the steamer Kedah to petition 11. E. the Governor against Mr. H. C. Belfield’s arbitration in the Lawas dispute with
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  • 431 616 Selangor Meetiug, (Echo Special.) Kuala Lumpur, 7th July.—The second day’s racing resulted as follows A Selling Handicap. st. lbs. Banzai 8 12 1 The Vyking 8 0 .2 Won by three lengths. Time, 1.20 3 5 Tote, $9. Horse Griffin Handicap. st. lbs. Willaroo 9 4 Little
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  • 1852 617 John Adams of Kent. The fact is little known that the first foreign adviser ever employed by the ruler of Japan was an Englishman. The Kingdom of Japan, though mentioned bv such ancient travellers as Marco Polo and Mandeville, remained undiscovered until nearly the middle
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  • 392 618 It is the distinct ambition in China today for the Chinese to organise and run their own industrial undertakings, says the South China Morning Post. The Chinese officials, especially those of the young and progressive class who have been educated abroad, perceive the advantages foreigners secure
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  • 163 618 Two well-known resident sot Penang met wit h a. rather unpleasant e.xperienceon Sunday evening, which but for their agility, might, have had unpleasant results. Th'ey were proceeding in a, rikisha towards the town from the International Hotel, and when opposite the Church of 1 he Assumption their
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  • 190 618 A very interesting and instructive lecture upon Buddhism was given in the Chinese Town Hall on Saturday evening by the Rev. U. Dhainmaloka, the Irish Buddhist priest who has come to Penang to encourage the revival of Buddhism. There was a very large attendance, including a number of the
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  • 260 618 The Singapore Cases. On Monday afternoon (3rd) the Chief and Second Engineers of the s. s. Nuen Tong, lying in the Roads, were bitten by a dog belonging to the ship, the behaviour of which gives rise to the suspicion that the dog was mad, says the Straits Times.
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  • 543 618 (From Notice Sources.) Exclusion A<;it at ion. On the 22nd ultimo, the Chiu Chou chants assembled in the Chamber o f Commerce of Swatow and passed resolutions condemning the United States Chinese Exclusion Treaty and supporting the decision of the Shanghai Chamber to unite in boycotting American goods.
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  • 669 619 (Tuesday, 11th July.) The danger of appendicitis. penuicitis run by those v who are in the habit f drinking non-alcoholic beverages from bottles fitted with red rubber rings is a topic in the “Lancet.'’ Ked rubber, it is asserted, contains a considerable amount of antimony. This metal, maintains
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  • 173 619 Writing under date of 24th u1t.0., Ihe Amoy correspondent of the China Mail says Ihe wave of feeling that, is just now spreading over China, with regard to the boycotting of the Americans has at length leached Amoy. There is an Anglo-Chinese college here which is nominally American.
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  • 431 619 Successful Trials with the Trams. TWO WOULD-BE WRECKERS CAUGHT. It may interest our readers to learn a few' particulars about the Singapore tramways before the cars begin to run for the use of the public. This they will not do until some time next month, and
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  • 88 619 The Meeting Place. (S'/rpp/md by Iteulei.) London, 10th July.—The Russian and Japanese Peace Plenipotentiaries are to meet at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U. S. A. Chinas Request. London, 10th July.— It is stated at Washington that President Roosevelt has submitted to the belligerents China’s request to participate in the
    (S'/rpp/md by Iteulei.)  -  88 words
  • 47 619 Ten Years’ Hard Labour. London, 11th July.—Reuter’s Tokio correspondent wires that M. Bougouin, who was arrested ami charged in Japan for espionage, has been sentenced to ten years’ hard labour, while H. Maki, his interpreter, has received a sentence of eight years’ hard labour.
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  • 175 619 All Amicably Arranged. A’c/i o <S'pec ial,) Berlin, 10th July.—The final Note which has passed between France and Germany upon the Moroccan question agrees that both countries are to uphold the sovereignty of the Sultan and the integrity of Morocco and provides for complete commercial freedom and police,
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  • 2322 620 Mr. A. C. Rudra’s Application for Admission. In the Supreme Court on Monday an application was made to His Lordship the Hon. A. F. G. Law, Puisne Judge, by Mr. P. K. Nambyar, to admit Mr. Akimy C. Rudra, barrister, as an advocate and solicitor of that
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  • 209 621 Messrs. Osborne and Chappel courteously forward the following returns for the month of June Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. Output 275 piculs Approximate value 513.000 Water rent $5,400 Working expenses $4,000 Profit .514,400 New Gopeng, Ltd. Output 250 piculs Approximate value $11,750 Water rent $1,770 Working expenses $4,000 Profit $9,520
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  • 1288 621 Thean Chee Co Only recently there emanated from the Criterion Press, Ltd, a History of Penang” anterior to the year 1827, which is brimful of facts and figures of exceedingly great inteiest to the colonial or the immigrant to whom antiquarian research has its own peculiar fascination.
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  • 2680 622 A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 7th July. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k c. m. g., presided, and there were also present the Acting Colonial Secretary, the AttorneyGeneral, the Colonial Engineer, the AuditorGeneral, the Colonial Treasurer, and the Hons. Tan Jiak
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  • 599 623 IF t ‘lmmenting upon the splenlr,,no" OH (1 1 ronoh Mines, an excerpt irom which we publish elsewhere, the Alining World says:— During the 31 years that this Company has been in existence it has returned its Shareholders (including the dividend of l s (hl. per share announced
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  • 63 623 T he Manager of the local branch of th»* Hongkong ami Shanghai Banking Corporalion courteously informs us that a telegram has been received Irom the Home Office reading as follows That, subject to audit, the Bank divi»lend for first halt of 1905 will lie 355, 85
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  • 283 623 St. Xavier’s v P. C. C. A most pleasantly-contested football match between tea,ms presenting St. Xavier’s Institution ami Penang Cricket Club was played on the Esplanade on/l’uesday evening, resulting m a win for the latter by 4 goals to 2. This score speaks well for the exhibition given by
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  • 2327 624 Increased Production. The following extract from the report of the last animal genera] meeting of the shareholders of Tronoh Mines should prove of interest to all concerned in this huge undertaking The Chairman Gentlemen, I presume it will be your pleasure that we take the accounts as
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  • 368 625 For housebreaking by night on the sth inst. at 14 Chulia Lane, a Kling, Kistnen, has been committed to the Assizes by Mr. Ebden, First Magistrate. 'The prosecution was conducted by Detect-Sergt. Frayne. The possession of an unstamped measure has led to a Hokien Chinaman, Tan Chu,
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  • 269 625 In Appellate Jurisdiction. Aheals Against Magisterial Decision. ARGYLL ROAD GAMBLING CASE. Ihe appeal has at length been decided < as'e of the members of the nowYoung Men’s Literary Looms igyll Load, who were convicted aS oug ago as 19th October last with „am >mg on the above premises,
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  • 359 625 NEW TRIAL ORDERED. <)n 14th March last in the Police Court Khoo Teng Hooi was charged at the instance of Mr. AV. Dixon Sweeney, Chief Sanitary Inspector, with storing firewood at Weld Quay without a licence from the Municipality, when a fine of 85.50 was imposed and
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  • 70 625 Invasion of Saghalien. Japanese Advance Unchecked Echo XlH’Clill.) Tokio, 12th July.— It is officially announced here that General Katoka, in comnmml of the Saglialien Army, reports, under date of llth instant, that two cruisers ami tour torpedoers, under Kea r-Admiral Togo, bombarded and lauded a naval detachment at
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  • 27 625 The Indemnity. Echo iS'y ieci a/.) Berlin, llth July.—The Japanese agent at Washington states that Japan will not desist from demanding an indemnity from Russia.
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  • 72 625 Martial Law Proclaimed. (Supplied loj Eeuter.) London, 12th July.—Martial law has been proclaimed at Tiflis, the capital of the Russian Government, of Trans-Caucasia, indicating the gravity of the situation there, but no news has been received as to the progress of the revolt. Prefect Assassinated. London, 12th July.—Count,
    (Supplied loj Eeuter.)  -  72 words
  • 25 625 France Favours Conference. (Echo Special.) Beilin, llth July.—TheFrench('hamber has decided not to object to an International Conference being convened upon the Moroccan question.
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  • 196 625 (Supplied by Renier) London, 12th July.—Speaking in the House of Lords, Lord Lansdowne, the Foreign Minister, announced that Great Biitain would certainly accept the proposal to join the Moroccan Conference, which would no doubt be made by France. Four of the Russian warships captured in the Battle of
    (Supplied by Renier)  -  196 words

  • 1281 626 F. M. S. Art Club Exhibition. The elite of Kuala Lumpur assembled at the Victoria Institution on Tuesday afternoon last to honour the F. AL S. Art Club, or rather the Selangor Branch of that Club, whose energetic Secretary, Air. J. 11. Tyte, had collected from far
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  • 660 626 Selangor and Penang R Mes L\ Old Stager. Up to lime ol writing our Spline sematives have onlv succeeded one victory, and the strange tlnn-r i s notched by Lui worth, for whom I certaim* had no particular fancy whatever, hut noO to of
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  • 557 627 (Thursday, 13th July.) Vot so very long ago we had occasion to point out in these columns a grave case of apparent apathy upon the part of the Government official whose duty it is to inspect dead bodies before burial and grant permits for burial. In this case
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  • 237 627 Penang Poli ce and Sports. ■m.l t Of '«•t-iimnagedf P°P"'« “«“"al athletic meetings Kingdom, the Glasgow Police „P°" S to wit. took- place 0 the 240. t.seives to rennml us that, under the re K-oVlffi. 3 AV E U Gr Ve OUl ’Ghief Polsports and pastimes among our ocai foor
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  • 336 627 Another Fatal Case. Ihe third fatal case of hydrophobia in the General Hospital and the fourth in Penang since the present epidemic commenced is reported, a little Sinhalese girl of six years of age having died yesterday forenoon. She was bitten three weeks ago by a dog in Macalister
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  • 56 627 Peace Negotiations China’s Attitude. (Supplied by Heiiter.) London, 13th July.—Reuter's Peking correspondent wires that China has noto tied Ihe Powers that she will refuse to recognise any arrangement made at the Peace Conference concerning Chinese interests unless she is consulted. .Japan has replied that this notification will in
    (Supplied by Heiiter.)  -  56 words
  • 28 627 Reported Arrest of Stoessel Echo Special.) Berlin, 12th July. —lt is reported in London that General Stoessel, the defender of Port Arthur, has been placed under arrest.
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  • 67 627 Referred to German Federal Council. (Echo Specials.) Berlin, 12th July.—Prince von Buelow, the German Chancellor, has submitted the Morocco question to the Federal Council of the German Empire. The last meeting of that body was during the Boxer troubles in China. Attitude of the Powers. Berlin, 12th July.—Most
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  • 34 627 Wanted A King (Echa Special Berlin, 12th July.—Failing some member of the Bernadotte family (the Royal Family of Sweden) coming forward, Prince Charles of Denmark will become a candidate for the Norwegian Throne.
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  • 32 627 The Chancellor’s Holiday Echo Special.) Berlin, 12th July.—Prince von Buelow, the German Chancellor, has gone on a holiday to the Isle of Norderney, in Hanover, where he will spend several weeks.
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  • 93 627 Marine Court of Enquiry (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 12th July.—The Marine Court of Enquiry held here into the stranding of the sailing ship Travancore outside Hongkong has resulted in tie* master having bis certificate suspended for nine months, while that of the mate is suspended for three months, the Court
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  • Public Opinion.
    • 107 628 To the Editor of the Straus Echo. Dear Sir, Will yo i kindly allow me a little space in your valuable paper to report that, when passing through Love Lane at about 6 p.m. yesterday, an unmuzzled dog rushed forward to bite me, but fortunately I hit
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    • 137 628 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —May I be permitted through the medium of your columns to congratulate the Chinese Advisory Board upon the step they have taken in recommending the establishment of a Pasteur Institute at Kuala Lumpur. 1 am entirely in accord with these
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    • 354 628 To the Editor of the Straus Echo. Dear Sir, —I note that our Municipal Commissioners, after much waste of eloquence and puzzling of brains, have brought in an amended scale of charges for water to be based upon the number of taps in a house and to
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    • 238 628 To ihi. Editor of the Straus E. ho. Sir, W ill von please spare a little space in a corner of your paper for me to complain about, the inconvenience caused by the Penang General Post Office.' Your correspondent “Grumbler is quite right in complaining of a
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    • 406 628 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —Will you please spare just a little space in your columns in order that I may also testify, in the most hearty and thankful manner, to all the good that has been urged upon in favour of the Irish
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    • 194 628 To THE Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir,-It appears to me that tl, m is a deal ot reason in Mr. Gan Ngoh jL. argument that charging for wat r tap is merely a f orm of squeeze i had a home .with two taps, and
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    • 366 628 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —I am not A Free School,” neither A Student of Mr. Hargreaves’ Time nor “An Old Free School,” but a subscriber —a Chinese subscriber of only a few dollars towards the Free School Fund. After having read the
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  • 1223 629 Entries for Penang Autumn 6 Meetings Handicaps for Paddock Cup and Club Handicap i antrips for the Penang A nt unin T B ?tobeWd‘> U 25tb, 271 h, and 29(1. ’chsed yesterday at noon, and the hanrSt" for tile Paddock Cup and the Club HuSicap were also
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  • 345 629 In Civil Jurisdiction. Van a Visvanatha Pillay vs. G. H. Hanman. This was a case in which the plaintiff V ana V isvanatha Pillay (shop-keeper) sued Mr. G. H. Hanman (horse-trainer), claiming (1; $780.22 the price of 390,016 bundles of st raw supplied under a writ ten contract
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  • 567 630 The Water Tangle. I’m very fond of water, For I take it in my bath, Or sprinkle it, at. times, upon My dusty garden path But I can’t afford to use it After January first, As the extra charge per tap will cause My treasury to burst
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  • 217 630 Per G. A pear, from Calcutta 6th July, Mr. H. Fornaro, Mr. and Mrs. Green. Per Hebe, from Singapore 7th July, Mr. Rudra. Per deKock, from Deli 7th July, Mrs. Van Orden, Mrs. Kingsford aad Mr. Van Praag, Per Waihora, from Singapore Sth .July. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie. Per
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  • 108 630 Births. On the 25th June at No. 6 Granville Avenue, Kowloon, the wife of J. Campbell, of a son. On June 15. at 42, Haskell Road. Shanghai, the wife of Nario Kimura, of a daughter. On June 15, at Chefoo, North China, the wife of Captain A. Partridge,
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  • 119 630 Penang, 14th July. (By courtesy o f the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/11’2 4 months’ sight Bank ...2- 3 Credit ...20 3 Documentary ...2 o,| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1474 3 days’ sight Private 1494 Bombay, Demand Bank 1474 3 days’ sight Private 1494 Madras, Demand Bank 147]
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  • 198 630 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ld. Bersawah Gold M ming Co., Ld. j Bneh Rubber Syndicate Ld. par T( Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Minim/ Duff Development Co. Fraser A Neave. Ld. George Town Dispensary Howarth Erskine, Ld. International Bodega KaranganHydraulic Tm Minim/ Co. Ltd. 5 > Kinta Tin Mines Ltd... m
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  • 139 630 Gold leaf 77] B. Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.) out of stock White Pepper 8 39— sellers Trang Pepper $27. >easonover Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 75.—sellers Mace Pickings &>. buyers Nutmegs 110 s 37| sales r 1 6.10 now. Sugar 2 no stock. (Basket 5% sales Tapioca Flour
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