The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 23 June 1905

Total Pages: 24
539 562 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1446 539 Water for Penan; Hill. Views of tiie Government. It will be doubt] *ss remembered that, at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held outlie 28th April, a, lengthy report was submitted v tho Municipal Engineer in r>p ?et Io ihe question of a water supply hu; ;<;;«
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  • Page 539 Advertisements
    • 110 539 rphc i' Echo. W j. A .<■' s, i v/ i -£> <SN\','V t i'- c 6? A \s jMticesatisfl nd justice alone.-Emer.son. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday s.) AT "THE CtiiT' '-t.’S, L;.'„ No. 226—232, B'.ich S; ;.*■>(, Penang CABLE A DICES H F.'JlO pn«- vs/J
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  • 52 540 Peace Prospects. Warlike Generals. (Echo Special-) Berlin, 15th June. —General Linievitch and other Russian Generals have protested against the conclusion of peace. The Coming Conference. {Supplied by Reuter) London, 16lli June. —It is officially stated in Washington that that place has been selected for the conference of the
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  • 38 540 Another Russian Victory.” London, 16th June. —The Russian auxiliary cruiser Don sank the German steamer Letartos on the 30th May, between Japan and Tientsin. The crew of the sunken steamer have been landed at Batavia
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  • 21 540 The New Chancellor. {Echo Special.) Berlin, 15th June.—M. Witte has been appointed Chancellor of the Russian Empire, with extensive powers.
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  • 258 540 The Proposed Conference. {Echo Specials.) Berlin, 15th June.—Pourparlers concerning the Moroccan question continue in Paris. Italy and Austria agree to participate in a Conference on the Moroccan question, but Great Britain refuses to do so. The Harbour Contract. Berlin, 15th June.—The German firm of Messrs. Reutemann in Morocco
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  • 659 540 Five Chinamen buried alive. A terrible accident occurred at the Kailang Tunnel on Sunday morning (11th) and resulted in the death of five unfortunate Chinese coolies ,as briefly reported by wire. According to the Straits Tinies, it appears that, on Sunday morning, five Chinese coolies were employed in
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  • 530 540 Comments on the Russian Leader. The war correspondent of the min and a few of his confrere-/ other Japanese journals were rec -”T grantedan interview by Marquis Gv/, 7 The Kobe Herald translates "the 3 of* servations which are stated to h'" been made by the Japanese in-Chief:—
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  • 1336 541 with the Modern Hercules. SI)O w in Penang’. Much as the fame nhk evangelist of physical culture had 0 his arrival here last Thursday, and as one was familiarised day in and with his wonderful system for thJdevelopment of the muscles, his actual W T in our
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  • 789 541 Some Remarks about America, Rubber and Queer Companies. Mr. IL V. Carey, of Selangor, returned from a. trip round the world by the I*. A O. s > Sini/a on Saturday, and leaves here for Kuala Lumpur to-morrow, says the Straits dimes of 13th inst. During his
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  • 352 542 Attempted Suicide. (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, 15th June. —About 1 p.m on Sunday last, a Chinaman named Goh Ah Ki was seen to run on to the Government Pier at Butterworth and deliberately jump into the sea. Several persons were in the vicinity and saw him do
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  • 1181 542 The following is the Manager’s report to the directors of the Raub Australian Gold Alining Co. for the four weeks ended 20m May Gentlemen, —1 beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay lesultsof prospecting work show a total
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  • 231 542 Obituary. The Rev. Ch. Grenier. It is with deep regret that we have to record the receipt of a telegram by the Rev. Father Aleneuvrier announcing the death at Pondicherry of the Rev. Father Ch. Grenier, late of Taiping. The lieverend Father was returning from atrip to India when he
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  • 2136 543 Coiiiniissiuners revive the V/asic Bogey. Ball Taps Denounced by i eop e 5 Representatives tgK FORMER RESOLUTION TO BE RESCINDED. Special Melting to be Calleo. TiitiEE-FOURTHS of 1 lie time at the ordin- rv fortnight Iv mooting of the Municipal Commissioners, held in the Municipal Cham- bars
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  • 1173 544 Munich* <li'> y to ask for Control of Property. 'lhe letter from the Government and the rejoinder from the Municipal Engineer in regard to w ter supply and sanitation of house.', in Penang Hills w re submitted next and taken as read. The President siid that
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  • 592 544 “Amendment Wanted” < Straits Times as follows 0 I I-eg the spree of a few hues t As an example ot U.l t latest elloil Hi» Government willtak.;! tobost. a Poisons require, for the Colony but let ua h reasonable one. c io quote a few instances
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  • 124 545 Locale of Peace Confcruice. (Echo Special Berlin, 17th June.—The meeting of the Peace Plenipotentiaries will be held a t Washington. Russia’s Ke presen tat i vc. Paris, 17th June. —M. Nelidoff has been appointed to represent Russia in the peace parley. Japan and Vladivostok. Berlin, 17th June. —'The
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  • 39 545 Coneiliatory Scniiiiient. (Echo Siiemal Berlin, 17th June.— Sentiment in France and Germany in regard to Morocco is com iliatorv, although Germany still adheres (o the appeal for an international Conference, io which the United Stites has consented.
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  • 73 545 Mr. Huttenbaeh Wishes More Light! Why is Its Control to be Trans terred? 4 (A'c/zo Special.) Singapore. 17th June.—At the me-t--iiig of the .Legislative Council yest--*rdav discussion on the proposal to* transfer toe Malacca-Puhiu Sebaug Railway to the Government of the’ Federated -’day States was postponed owing to
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  • 108 545 ®ntish Mission in Germany» Cordial Receptions. (Echo Special 7UI Ma y--The British Misha! I j s studying German Muiiici°ordiJr tirUtl ,1< bG( n everywhere -eruiany received. under th/qT 1 iJ tlie PXain inativii held on the on i? 1 jioi !frs Enactment, 1903, as 2n.lV/ U T CP
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  • 454 545 ;irer of the above Fund mg subscriptions :l ns ly acknowledge d $ll5 1 .Lun Mali (Hive 59 Yeow ()oi CM-k 59 j!<> J lang Wan •>,, Khoo Hun Yearn la Yeoh 'J’iaug Sif’W o Liin Seng Tek Yeow Chord llwar 5
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  • 651 545 Ihe .statutory meeting of this company was held on 24tn ulto., al the offices, St. Swithin s-lane. London, Air. Edmund Davis presiding. ihe Chairman said the company was registered on Feb. 25th last, with a capital of Tot)(),()■ )0, d 1 vided .nto 400,(XM ordinary ami
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  • 1060 546 A Romance of Modern Malaya By OLIVER ASHWELL, AUTHOR OF Tales of the Fen,” Chronicles of the Carbonettor Club,” In Peril in Penang,” etc. Chapter XXI. Virtue Triumphant. The task of chronicling the a<iventures and misadventures of Martin tho miner is almost done. There i& lit tie
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  • 227 546 A Straw on the Stream. Information is to hand that 1 IV W ch< 7 is 7 sch o1 says the China Mail V ■d- tiiß jwjSl Ine new name is MUl ™l ul thougu not more ambitious than names usually are in China ti SUCi school
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  • 374 546 Further Protest. On Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock, savs the N. C. I). News of 30th ult., over one hundred members of the Hu Hsio Hui (Shanghai Educational Association) and represent in<j about twenty-four Colleges and schools of modern learning in this district met at the
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  • 847 547 (Monday, 19th June.) We hope that wp may be pardoned 'or the heading of this article, but truly it appears to'us to be the only‘one applicable to the subject, after Friday’s discussion at the .Municipal meeting, for years our City Fathers have been talking about water.
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  • 329 547 The Secretary of State has been pleased to confirm the appointments of Miss J. Tarbat and Miss M. Buxton as Principal and Assistant Principal of the Raffles Girls’ School respectively. Leave of absence, without salary, has been granted to Mr. E. G. Broad rick for twelve months from
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  • 569 547 Chinese Recreation Club vs. Police. Another, Win for the C. R. <J. I’he cricket match arranged leb'een the Chinese Recreation Club and the Police was played on the Esplanade on Saturday last and resuited in a, victory for our Chinese friends by 49 runs, with two wickets to spare.
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  • 2341 548 Ordinary M eeting. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the Municipal Chambers on Friday last. Mr. J. W. Hallifax (President) presided; and there were also present: —Dr. Locke, Messrs. L. 11. Clayton, Cheah Tek Thve, and Lim Eu Toh with
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  • 1954 549 PE NANG SWIMMING CLUB. Gymkhana a,id hater Carnival. A Most Enjoyable Afternoon. (Specially reported for the Straits Echo.) The inaugural Gymkhana and Water Carnival of the above flourishing and popular institution came off on Saturday afternoon ar their Club’s uniqueand beautftul y situated premises at Tanjong Bimgah v.ihi great eclat,
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  • 152 550 A Malay Version. Dengar tuan saia mau bilang, Fa sal menjadi di Pulo Pinang, Buka.n bohong, bukan kar mg, Anjing gilali di gigit orang. Company sudah chari orang, Sama anjing hundak berprang, Ampat orang dengan senapang, Kluar tern bisk bi la trang. Dari tanjong sampai da rat,
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  • 124 550 Peace r respects 1 The Plenipotentiaries. London 170 Juno.-Jt i 8 authority, Stated m Waslnn-tou that Count N.:„l i w,ll lie the au.l M« qui lto h Japanese Peace Plenipotentiary. Russian Ruse. London, 19th June.—R uss i a )ag oured to reopen the question of the nieptin«
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  • 84 550 Representative Assembly. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th June.—The Russian Council of Ministers has finally approved the text of the first twenty five paragraphs for the format! m of the proposed Representative Assembly, which will be officially styled The Legislative Consultative Institution.” Poland's Hopelessness. London, 17th June. A meeting
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  84 words
  • 202 550 Rouvier Puzzled (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 18th June.-lt i» untertW that 11. Bouvier, in view of the «emu»» of the pressure brought to liear by GeimaDf on the question and there» a xietv existing in French politic» cue regarding German intentions with rega Morocco, hesitates about refusing
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  202 words

  • 1705 551 (Tuesday, 20th June.) Vot so very long ago —on 27 th Ap•ftobe quite correct—we had occar!’ to refer in our leading columns to Xnanner in which certain places lAd been bitten by the bittie microbe and ve showed how the Hongkong Telegraph had been led astray by some
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  • 3876 552 An Appreciation and Forecast. Managing Director, Criterion Press. Ltd., Penang* Dear Sir, —Tire Echo having confidently predicted that Admiral logo would ‘•smash” the Tsars precious Armada, and that consummation having occurred, I addressed one of the jlong<ong papers on the subject on the Ist and 2nd instant
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  • 93 554 Another Victory. Russians Utterly Routed. (Echo Special.) Tokio, 20th June. —It is reported that on the 17th instant a Russian force of 5,000 cavalry with 20 trims, under General Mistchenko, was defeated with great loss near Liaoyaugwoping. The Russians displayed extraordinary panic and the Cossacks fled in extreme
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  • 122 554 A British Protest. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th June. —The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Hardinge, British Ambassador at St. Petersburg, has brought the sinking of the St. Kilda to the attention of Count Lamsdorff, the Russian Foreign Minister, pointing out the gravity of the situation arising from
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  122 words
  • 183 554 Jews Disturbed. Threatened Disenfranchisement. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th June. —The Warsaw Jews are exceedingly disturbed over a report to the effect that the popular representation scheme excludes the Jews from the franchise. Numerous indignation meetings have been held which were dispersed by the police and military. The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  183 words
  • 25 554 A Big Typhoon. (Echo {Special.) Hongkong, 20th June.—A disastrous typhoon was raging in the nm/hi'ourhood of Anping, Formosa, on Monday and Tuesday.
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  • 157 554 German Opinion. France an Unwilling Catspaw. (Echo Special.) Berlin 20th June. M. Rouvier remains Foreign Minister of France. The discussions regaiding Morocco continue to be most peaceful and England’s acquiescence to the Conference of tlie Powers is expected. The French press asks England to consent to the International
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  • 917 554 The Alleged Russian Spy. (Echo Specials.) Singapore, 20th June. The alleged Russian spy Horwitz was liberated yesterday and taken by the police to the office of the French mail and given a passage ticket home. He refused to travel, however, saying that he wanted to stop in order to
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  • 1131 555 Wednesday, 21st June.) In such it humid atnioUseful sphere as that of the [ration raits wh re f T seve G days together, tne air is charged with a large amount of )10 j s ture, everything becomes damp and clanuny/ clotlies even 111 11 wardrobe beinu "unfit
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  • 266 555 In a speech at Washington, Biron Kaneko, saying that he was “proud to er.yol himselt as an adopted son of AngloS X'»n civilization in the I ar Fast,’ and p:e lic!ing that the ngio- Japanese Alliance would outlist 1 ht> present war, declared Ha’, but lor
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  • 298 555 Significant Relaxations of ,’o’ rt Etiquette. Despatches from Seoul state that all the foreign diplomatic representatives at Seoul paid visits on the 23rd ult. to Prince Fushimi, Junior, who is now there as an envoy from the Japanese Emperor io the Corean Court. At 11 on the
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  • 87 556 The St. Kilda. Mr. Balfour Speaks (Supplied, by Reuter.) London, 21st June.—Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Balfour stated that the British Government has taken immediate steps re the sinking of the St. Kilda by a Russian cruiser, and that correspondence is proceeding between the British and
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  87 words
  • 128 556 A Russian Rumour. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 20th June. —A rumour is current in Russia that Baron Rosen is en route for Washington and that M. Nelidoff and General Kuropatkin have been appointed Peace Commissioners. A Denial. Berlin, 20th June. —The Daily Mail’s report that the Kaiser is calling
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  • 25 556 A Russian Canard. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 20th June.—lt is rumoured in Russia that a Japanese expedition has been despatched to exploit Chinese Turkestan.
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  • 180 556 Result of Great Match. STEVENSON V. ROBERTS. A special” to the Asian, dated London 3rd June, says H. W. Stevenson (receives 2,000 points) beat John Roberts to-night by 1,520 points in their match of 18,000 up, the final scores being: Stevenson, 18,000 Roberts, 16,480. Roberts’ best break was 406
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  • 717 556 Opening Exhibition. It must have been very gratifying to Sandow to find that, although Benangites had not rushed in advance to book seats for his opening exhibition, they did not fail to turn up in force and make a very good show in his boxes and stalls, which were
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  • 462 556 A special meeting of the above Society was held on Tuesday evening at the Chinese Town Hall, Dr. Gnoh Lean Tuck occupying After some discussion it was decided that for the success of the Society a strong worting Committee was required and, the old Committee
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  • 994 557 Following are ihe entries for the forthcoming Selangor meeting First Day. Race No 1. —The Maiden Plath. Convoy, Kutland, Banzai, The Viking rtD d Bargee. Rag No. 2. Sue Selangor Stakes. Blanavon, Bara, Duchess, Sea Port and Rulwoi'th. Rage No. 3- —The Horse Griefin Stakes. Queen Anne,
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  • 170 557 V\iiti g to the India Rubber Journal on the main kinds of rubber arriving on the English market, A Practical Man common; s as follows on Penang rubber Penang, Rangoon and Assam rubbers have some points in common, bur the latter two iv, more the finest Para
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  • 448 557 St. Hilda's Crew in Singapore. The Dutch steamer Flores arrived fioni Amsterdam yesterday afternoon via. Sabang and anchored in the roads, says the Straits Times of Wednesday. She brought to Singapore forty-one of the Chinese crew of the British steamer St. Kilda and 78 bags of mails. The
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  • 322 558 Monday’s Free Press gives the following particulars of the attempted suicide of ?d r. Hugh Gordon, .it Singapore, which is briefly reported by telegram on page 554: We regret to hear that Air. Hugh Gordon, who is with Messis. Donaldson and Burkinshaw, shot himse’t l’..rou„h the he* i
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  • 374 558 Mb. William C. J. Bartels writes to the Mining Journal as follows Sir, —It may be of interest to you to hear something of tin in Alaska. Our company owns and operates several tin mines at Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, and struck tin ore in one
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  • 1044 558 It is well known that for some tune past Chinese business and representative nimi have submitted, with anything but equanimity, to the severe restrictions which I he United States of America has imposed upon Chinese coolies and other immigrants. More recently a, feeling of resentment has
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  • 1181 559 (Thursday, 22 nd June.) A sign of the awakening of China is be found in the fact that, not only I ve the Canton, Shanghai and FukhSen Cuilds of Shanghai unanimously decided on a boycott of American goods as a infest against the United States Chinese Exclusion Act, but
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  • 500 559 A Kiala Lumpur corresponMails. dent telegraphs the welcome intelligence that a mail van is to be attached to the mail train between Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. This, we presume, is the mail van which was under construction when the late Mr. Reginald Law took over the duties of
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  • 1209 560 Savage Attack on a Japanese. As a general rule tin* Japanese residents in Malaya, by their veil-ordered peaceful ways of living, give but little trouble to the police authorit ms a It hough at rare intervals some sensation does cause* excitement and test the powers of our detective
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  • 574 560 u ednesuay s Paperchase. A Splendid Meet In glorious weal her and with m (txcelleiit order for limiting this instituti m arranged for a ,7± esd T f 'r n 0I v ud ..was l.i« Imres, -’lessrs. Wallace J oa and 1 earson with voluilli coutreinents tor
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  • 44 561 Th© Armada Remnants Uriu in Pursuit. i (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 22nd June.—lt is repoit--1 here that Admiral Unu contemplates pending the Yangtze. in pursuit ot Russians. Ihe V ai-wu-pu L notified him that his ships must be led by a Chinese squadron.
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  • 39 561 4 More Survivors. [Echo Special Hougkong, 22nd Jut le. —Th irl v-syv pi i members of the crew of the St. Kilda, which was sunk by the Russians. have been landed here by the steamer Ajax.
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  • 30 561 Reception at the Hague. [Echo Special.) Berlin, 22nd June. —T. R. 11. Prince and Princess Arisugawa on their arrival at the Hague were received by Queen Wilhelmina.
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  • 144 561 Chinese Retaliation. [Echo Specials.) Singapore, 21 st June.—The Cantonese merchants held a meeting here to-day at which it was decided to boycott all American products pending the repeal of the United States Chinese Exclusion Act. The meeting was not attended by the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim and
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  • 88 561 France Conciliatory. (Echo S pedals.) Benin, 22nd June.—The Fn-neh main ier j 8 a conciliatory spirit reft 17 Mg the Moroccan question. American View. 22nd June.-A.neriea aeth» d l )ro P°' d that a Conference of Dowers be held on the Moroccan be ided that the discussion iirm
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  • 40 561 ''o British Alliance» (Echo Special. 1 «2nd utie. —i, is (1 j. 7 111 L ™<lon that the proposed marKing of Spain uudlrmcess Alargaret of Connaimht cannot be arranged owing to the latter’s lelusal to change her religion.
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  • 32 561 Echo Spedal.) Singapore, 22nd June.— The or Cheang Chew, which left hrne for lenang last night, went ashore on B dus, but is expected to float off at high water.
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  • 31 561 Royal Hunt Cup. (Supplied l>y Lleuter.) Loudon, 22ml June.—The race for the Koval Hunt Cup resulted as follows Andover (1), Pharisee (2), Dean Swift (3). there were twenty-five runners.
    (Supplied l>y Lleuter.)  -  31 words
  • 320 561 French “Grand National.’ The Grand Steeplechase de Paris of 10 sovs.each, 20 ft.,with <£4,800 added to a wm k of art, value =£4oo, weight for age; the second receives iO per cent,, and the third 5 percent., of the nominal amount of the stakes, the fourth receives 80
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  • 635 561 A GAI PLAINT, fu mi. Euituk or rm: >11:110 Emo. Dear Sir. PDa>e allow me a, little space in your valuable paper of to-day’s issue to enable me to g;ve publicity to a grave case ol parti' in v siiewn to me bv one Air. Hamel I he
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  • 637 562 Workmen’s Threats. We hear that a high official of the lanjong Pagar Dock Company has had to be provided with a police guard both by day arid night in consequence of threats which have been made against his life by a certain section of the Dock
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  • 136 562 Per Malaya, from Deli 19th June, Mrs. Sharper, Messrs Goldenberg, Gubbins and Griffin.. Per Chusan, from Bombay 19th June, Mr. Lahhor. From Colombo: Messrs. A. C. Kingsford, G. B. Brannan, brom London Messrs W. Lushington and A. F. Worthington. From Marseilles Mr. Trionlaire. Per Pegu, from Singapore 19th June,
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  • 153 562 Births. At Sans Souci, Northam Road, Peuang, on 21st June, the wife of Alex Reid, of a son. stillborn. On 18th May. at 3h, Montagu-mansions, Portman-square, W., the wife of A. K. Buttery, of Penang, daughter. On 18th May, at Tawstock, wife of J. F. Wreford. of the
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  • 111 562 Penang, 22nd June. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/llj 3 Credit 3 Documentary ...2| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 147 A 3 days’ sight Private 149| Bombay, Demand Bank 1471 3 days’ sight Private 149| Madras. Demand Bank 147| 3 days’sight Private
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  • 201 562 BelatTin Mining Co.. Ld. 7 Bneh Rubber Syndicate Ld. p ar Bruseb Hydraulic Dn Minim' ,/P;, 1,1 Jnu Development Co. »10 00««’,, Eraser .V Neuve. Ld SIOO.-rf,, George down Dispensary «9-. tt t i. i T- Men Howarth Erskine, L<l. *970 1 9 International bodega 3 50.-« e( Karan
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  • 143 562 Gold leaf 5 B. Pepper (W. Coast olbs.noz.) out of stock White Pepper 37 sdes Tramr Pepper 8 -7. Cloves (picked) of season Mace 70.-selkrs Mace Pickings 00.-buyen Nutmegs 110 s 30,— -sales z No. 1 <>.lo Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 5 40 sellers Tapioca Flour I.o7|Me« Copra
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