The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 16 June 1905

Total Pages: 20
519 538 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 831 519 {Friday, 9th June.} The Hill Railway rapidThc Hili ly approaches completion Railway. and we hope to be able in a short time to make an important announcement concerning it. We understand that the Colonial Engineer, on his recent visit to Penang, was impressed by the progress made and
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  • 604 519 Welcome to Justice Fisher. Mr. Justice Fisher, who arrived from Colombo last Thursday evening, presided over one of the two Supreme Court sittings on F’riday forenoon, the other being taken as usual by Mr. Justice Law. On Mr. Justice Fisher taking his seat on the bench in presence
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  • 39 520 Russia Awaits Japan. (Echo Special.) Berlin, Bth June.—An audience granted by the Tsar to the United States Ambassador on the peace question has been without direct result. Russia wishes first to enquire what Japan’s terms may be.
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  • 28 520 To Holiday in Baltic (Echo Special.) Berlin. Btb June. The Kaiser has cancelled his projected northern trip and will merely take a cruise in the Baltic.
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  • 38 520 All Quiet. (Echo Special.) Berlin, Bth June. —The situation in Norway and Sweden remains quiet and a peaceful solution of the difficulty is expected, despite King Oscar’s sharp protest against the resolution of the Storthing.
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  • 286 520 Proposed Conference (Echo Special.) Berlin, Bth June.—Great Britain and France have not yet decided to accept the Kaiser’s invitation to a conference on the Moroccan question, but have not decidedly declined. It is reported that two students from Perak will join the new Straits Medical School in Singapore.
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  • 605 520 Tkonoii Directors’ Report. 'The annua! meeting of the Tronoli mines (Perak), of which Mr. Gilbert B. Pearce (Havle) is chairman, Messrs. J. 11. Bain and C. V. Thomas, Cornish directors, and Mr. James Wickett, Redruth, secretary, was to be held at the Cannon Street Hotel, London, on
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  • 653 520 PEACE AND ITS PRI CE Baron Suyemat u’s Views. Baron Suycmatsu, formerly Mi n m tup Interior in Japan, has written aiArf i* for the London Outlook, under tm. i “War and Indemnity -the J a panes? Ch The trend of the article ls I Japan will carry on the
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  • 856 521 'youth, China Morning Post. Uncle Sam’s New Exclusion I Chinese Retaliation. Westerners are familiar with what to be the ineptitude of the Chinese authorities to grapple with a “mplex issue. The world has had nhiect lessons of China s feebleness J en crises arise. But the latest
    'youth, China Morning Post.  -  856 words
  • 245 521 The Mackay Treaty. In the House of Commons, oa 12th ulto., Mr. Moon asked the Under, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the fact that a number of British merchants have t( legrapbed from China to the Secretary of Stale representing that the Government of
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  • 144 521 In reference to the casein which Ladv Luem took proceedings at Singapore to set aside a sale of property there belonging to her, which had been disposed of by her husband, Phya Montri, without her consent, it may be remembered, notes the Siam Observer of the 27th
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  • 510 521 e are indebted to Messrs. Lewis and Peat for the following report on plantation grown Para rubber, dated 19th ult: There is a. good dema,nd for this grade, ami, privately, small sales have been made of fine Ceylon and Straits at 6/8 and 6/9 per lb. Fine Para,
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  • 645 522 Lord Justices Vaughan Williams, Romer and Stii ling, on 17th ulto. commenced the hearing of an appeal by Cheng Yen-mao from an order of Mr. Justice Farwell striking out the Chinese Engineering and Mining Company as plaintiffs, ami adding them as defendants, in a pending action
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  • 569 522 A Pleasant Exchange of Courtesies. The Japan Times states that, towards the end of March, four Russian hospital orderlies working at Port Arthur accidentally fell into the sea, but were saved from drowning by seven Japanese soldiers. General Balaschoff, Chief Commissioner of the Russian Red Cross Society, then
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  • 604 522 Activity in South China. As is generally known the Trim c Souiety of Kwangtung province u-L ised by old Taiping rebels in of tne sixties, after the collapse f Taipmg rebellion which followed capture of Nanking and the death o r t time of Hung Hsiu-ch’uen, the
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  • 690 523 (SaiurdAlb J ane The announcement that The China the battleships of the Brit- ish China fleet have been ordered to proceed to England immediately need cause no surprise o anybody at the present juncture. Toco’s g real victor v OVBr Psar 8 has entirely altered the balance cf
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  • 422 523 >elangor Branch. An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, Photographs, Art Needle-work etc., will be held in the Assembly Room at the Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday, July sth, commencing at 4.30 pin, 1 iie Exhibits will be classified as follows A. Oil paintings by members
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  • 604 523 Conductor King Acquitted by Court Martial. A Court Martial over which Lieut.Colonel A. R. M. Sankey, Commanding Royal Engineers, presided, was held at Headquarters at Singapore on Wednesday, when Conductor King of the Armv Ordnance Corps, was charged with having been guilty of conduct to
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  • 88 524 Russia’s DownfallTsar’s Thanks to Rostjestvensky. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 10th June. —The Tsar has telegraphed to Admiral Rostjestvensky, heartily thanking him for his services and adding: “It was God’s wiil not to give you success, but the country is proud of your courage and God will console us
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  88 words
  • 62 524 First He Would 1 (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 9 June. I'he Tsar has informed the United Stales Minister to Russia that he is willing to consider the question of the conclusion of peace. Then He Wouldn’t (Echo Special.) Raidin, 9th June. —Speaking in the mime of the Tsar, Count
    (Supplied by lieuter.)  -  62 words
  • 58 524 Cornering the Tsar. 4—.-. Demands of the People (Echo Special.) Berlin, 9th June. —The Zemstvos and Burgomasters of Moscow have petitioned the Tsar. They demand freely elected representatives for the people and a decision of the war question. Otherwi'O. they state that a. civil war will bo caiv-md
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  • 41 524 further Developments. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 9th J une. —King Oscar is to treat with the Norwegian revolutionary party, for which the Swedish Reichsrat is to clear the way. The Swedish Reichsrat has been summoned for the 20th instant.
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  • 64 524 The Royal Guests. (Echo Specials.) Berlin, 9th June.—Prince and Princess Arisugawa have arrived at Hamburg. The Kaiser Speaks. Berlin, 9th June. —Speaking to the officers in the Casino at the Barrack ‘•Campat Doeberitz, tlm Kaiser toasted the foreign officers present. General Lacroix, of the French Army, replied to the
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  • 68 524 Battleships Leaving for Home. 4 (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 10th June. —The China Naval station is being depleted, lhe battlesliipCenturioii left on Wednesday the Vengeance ami Albion leave tomorrow; and the (Jlory is leaving a month hence. All these warships are going home, and, consequently, the staff at the
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  • 57 524 Golf. (Supplied by Renter.) London, lOrli June —Mr. James Braid, of Romford, has again won lhe Open Golf Championship, which has been played for on St. Andrew’s links, Scotland. Cricket. Loudon. 10*11 June.—Nolls Counly has beaten Oxford University by 87 runs at Oxford. Yorkshire has beaten Cambridge University at
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  • 229 524 Result of Coronation Cup Another Win for Pretty Polly. A “special" to the Asian, da,ted Ist inst., gives the result of the race for the Coronation Cup (value 200 sovs. and 1,000 sovs. in specie, added to a sweepstake of 20 sovs. each), which was run off on
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  • 203 524 Result of Got ood Cup J he Asian of md inst., gives the following a> 'he result <■! '.lie G odwood Handicap of 400 sovs. lor ihree-vear-ohR-H,i 0“ 16th 1: J. Flannagan's e m First Fleece Carlyon—Golden Fleece, 4 vrB 21b A 8 Bt S.lJaeol^b !11 p K
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  • 381 524 RU S SIA N A C COU NT. The following telegram appears in the South China Morning Post Shanghai, 30th May.-—The Russian transport Korea, and the mine-laying vessel Swir arrived at Wusung this morning. The Swir has since proceeded up river to Shanghai. She left the Tsushima
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  • 1322 525 Lightning Interviews. n 0 half-a-dozen interviews: query jt 11 i everybody about dogs, rabies, am I byi)»toO'>-“' t ris c£ itemeut ami sc.-.wn.omeutan.y With the foregoing injunction deeply on his brain. Our Own Interviewer Led into Beach Street with reams of Operand large, finely-sharpened pencils protruding from
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  • 595 525 Riii.xi. to the Indian Sporting 'limes, Samiov., who m to open here for a, short sea son 10-da v Although thi> is my first trip to India. I have studied Us wavs, its climate and people for years. The native Imliaii has a. fine foundation for the building of
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  • 1487 526 Sir Lionel Cox on the Gaming Act. In the Singapore Supreme Court on Tuesday (6th) Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox gave judgment in the case in which two Chinese, Wong Tuck Pho and Wee Liok Boon, who had been convicted and heavily fined for gambling 1
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  • 486 526 Dealing at great length with the crippling of enterprise in the Philippines owing to the dearth of cheap labour, the Cabienews says the only remedy is to admit Chine» coolies, which is forbidden by the exclusion law, and congress will not listen for a moment
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  • 1156 527 (Tuesday, 13th July.) All the world seems to be talking •e just at present, and President Eeveitis posing as the intermediary an d peacemaker who is to step in> between the Mikado and the tsar of all heßussias and cause these two monhs to shake hands ami forget
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  • 220 527 Reform Proposals. At the Legislative Council on Friday last, the following letter from Sir Lionel C<>x, Chief Justice, to His Ex. Sir John Anderson was laid on the table: Supreme Court, Singapore, 21 st May, 1905. Sir, —A Council of Judges was held at Penang
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  • 357 527 Inaugural Dinner. On Saturday night the newly opened International Hotel was en fete, the occasion being the giving of an inaugural dinner to the principal residents of Penang. Over forty guests sat down in the large, airy dining hall and were regaled with an excellent dinner, to which
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  • 30 528 A Fatal Landslip. 4 {Echo Special.) Singapore, 13th June.—A landslip has taken place at the Kallang Tunnel, killing live Chinese and filling a cutting with i’ortv feet of earth.
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  • 94 528 New Governor Appointed. 4 (Echo Special Berlin, 10th June. /V report from Paris states that M. Pierre Baudin. French Minister of Public Works in 1900-1901, is to be appointed GovernorGeneral of French Indo-China, in succession to M. Beau. M. Beau Recalled. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 12th June. —M.
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  • 334 528 Its Abolition Sought. Thb China Mail (Hongkong) mentioned some time ago that the Chinese papers in Canton and Hongkong were publishing articles translated by the Italian ConsulGeneral, Mr. Volpicelli, against the practice of judicial torture, and our contemporary on 15th ult. says it is now informed that
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  • 764 528 By “Old Stager.” We have only six weeks to go now, ore our usual Summer Meeting begins, and yet in that short period two ot her Straits Racing Association Fixtures have to take place, the one at Seremban and the other at Selangor, ami both Clubs
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  • 455 528 Butterworth R. C. vs Chinese 11. q The return match between the above clubs was played on the Butterworth ground on Monday before a large crowd of spectators The Chinese team, with one exception, was composed of the same players as in the last match. Play commenced punctually at
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  • 1466 529 .—Straits Tinies. of the Council was held, on q M last June. His Excellency the Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g., p-e--nd’there were also present the Acting I Xtarv, the Attorney-Geueral. Snial Engineer, the AuditonGeneral, Colonial Treasurer, and the Hons. W. P Waddell, W. H Shelford, J. Anderson, «Fori and
    .—Straits Tinies.  -  1,466 words
  • 540 529 In the House of Lords, on 26th ulto., Lord Coleridge called attention to the importation of Chinese indentured labourers into the ’Transvaal, to the conditions under which they are being imported into and are living in the colony, and to the declarations of Ministers on the subject, and
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  • 20 530 Following is tiie output for May Piculs of tiu ore S 200 Approximate value §B,BOO
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  • 161 530 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments with effect from the 10th instant:—Dr. S- H. R. Lucy to be Acting Colonial Surgeon, Penang. Dr. A. L. Hoops, House Surgeon, Penang, to be Acting Colonial Surgeon Resident, Penang. His Excellency the Governor, subject to
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  • 351 530 PERAK. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, 10th June. —The sittings of His Honour the Judicial Commissioner open at Batu Gajah on the 13th instant. There are two cases of murder awaiting trial at His Honour’s Court, one in which two Bengalis are charged with the murder of a
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  • 785 530 Visiting Singapore. There is at present staying in Singapore a high Chinese official whose name for the time being is Joseph B. Hugh. He is engaged in a semi-diplomatic mission from Peking to these parts. Mr. Hugh is a highly cultured gentleman and a graduate of Cambridge,
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  • 486 530 Shaking in Hotels. The following incident will doubtless prove of interest to many of our readers This morning, says the Times of Wednesday, the Manager of a Singapore hotel responded to a summons issued at the instance of Detective Sergeant Kelleher to answer the allegation of having allowed gamin? with
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  • 2606 531  -  A Romance of Modern Malaya By OLIVER ASIIWELL, author of ■Tales of the Fen,” Chronicles of /lie Carbonettor Club,” In Peril in Penang,” etc. Chapter XVIIL Jlr. Leverton Entertains the Devi'. Tiivlor was taken aback for the moment that the accusing- words he had framed to hud
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  • 89 532 The Honorary Treasurer •> .1- with thanks the following Amount previously acknowledged 2 Municipal Commissioners, Penang Messrs Adamson, Giifillan &Co. fitf Presgrave and Matthews d Hon. A. F. G. Law Messrs Lew Leong Tong (Lim Kongsi) Hock Tek Cheng Sin Kongsi J? Toon Poon Tong Kongsi)
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  • 408 532 Arrival of the Seagull. The new steamer Seagull for the Penang Harbour Department left Singapore on Saturday and arrived in Penang on Monday at 5-30 a.lll. under the command of Captain Russell. According to the contract the builders have to deliver her in Penang. Under the heading
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  • 1180 533 Wednesday, 14th June.) If current reports are The Moroccan to be believed therm is a Muddle. S reat S a, e oF J v proceeding m l ai rope er the Moroccan question. Fram-e i fnr rears looked upon northern jlilS 1 J .< i i i Africa,
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  • 61 533 Berlin’s Views. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 13th June. —Consequent upon the German and American initiative regarding the conclusion of peice, it is expected in Berlin that the first meeting of the Peace Plenipotentiaries will be held at either Washington or Tokio. America and Germany will then regard their task
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  • 516 533 A Rival to Penang. A correspondent draws our attention (says the Pall Mall Gazette) to the fact that the Sabang, whither two transports from Admiral Niebogatoff’s squadron «’ere reported to have retired, is not the one situated at Banka, but a port recently opened by the Dutch, and
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  • 608 534 Shroff Disappears with 850,000No Clue to his Whereabouts. Something in the nature of a sensation was created in ihe Hongk mg and Shanghai Bank here on Saturday afternoon, says the Hongkong 'l'olograph of sth instant, when it was discovered that the receiving shroff or one of the
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  • 581 534 How the Victory was won. Tokio, 31st May.—The newspapers exhau.-t their vocabularies over the naval success. Russia, they say, is not only stripped of all naval force, but she has forfeited her last chance of recovering command of Ihe sea. She took an unconscionable lime to come
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  • 225 534 Says the Sketch:—Bangkok (R an L is the spelling in the Sketch) i 8 tbe AV town whose mosqmtoi s can compare in J; aim persistency with those of Saigon an d the skippers of ships which ply mthe water, of tne Par East, when they have
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  • 419 534 It will be news to a. good many people that Japan has possessed a Red Cross Society —or its equivalent—ages before ourselves. The fact, remarks a writer in the Sunday Strand, that when our ancestors were roaming, wild and untutored, over mountain ami plain, the
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  • 1070 535 (Thursday, loth June.} That Sungei Pinang is io Snngei become our principal iwdusw tr a l cpntrp 1,1 ie ,lcar future is beyond a shadow of doubt and those who have been fortunate enough to purchase and far-seeing enough to retain land in that district are likely to
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  • 178 535 AMATEUR DOG-SHOOTERS. 4 To the Editor op the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —I note that in your last issue you state that a party of amateur dogshooters sallied out on Monday and obtained a good bag. You also state that you are informed that these gentlemen have no
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  • 422 535 Has Norway to Fear Russia a mendacious agitation. Where can Russia look for a sea outlet in the west that, is not closed during the winter months by ice? In view of the prodigious results of her effort to secure such an outlet in the Far East the
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  • 138 536 Russian Qr.pturc. The St Kilda Sunk. {Echo Special.) Singapore, 15th June. —'The Dutch steamer Flores has arrived here with forty-one of the Chinese crew of the steamer St. Kilda. which was stopped and searched by the Ru-sian cruiser Dneiper on the 4th instant. The. Russians sank the St.
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  • 40 536 Grand Dukes Favour Peace. Berlin, 14th June. —At a Council of War held at Tsarkoseloe, the majority of the Grand Dukes were in favour of peace. M. Witte proceeds to America, ostensibly anent the conclusion of peace treaties.
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  • 362 536 The Korean Charge d’Affaires, Yi Ilan Eung, who has for a considerable time been in charge of the Korean Legation at Earl's Court, London, in the absence of the Minister, was found hanging in his bedroom on the morning of 12th ulto. Yi Han Eung had for
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  • 1032 536 A Ceylon pat r, discussing rubber curing, says:—lndeed, we are sure that eventually there will be improvements in rubber curing that will be far in advance of all existing methods; ami to this eml we do not see why home manufacturers should not assist. If tiny can get
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  • 274 536 —Cornish Post. London, 23rd May.—The market was firm last week, partly owing to a good demand from America,, partly to official news that the production <>f Banca last year was only about 7,7'00 tons—a, induction of nearly 3,000 tons as compared with the previous year, and prices hardened upto
    —Cornish Post.  -  274 words

  • 1130 537 jin Rockhill’s Statement. The orth China Daily News the following under the heading Sinister Rockhill’s statement to t) e CbU gentry regarding; the American Treaty and Exclusion T r trhai. 22nd May.—ln 1894 the forerninonts of China and the United q te g animated by a strong
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  • 632 537 On lhe 2nd instant a very interesting case was tried by the Hon. Capt. L. A. W. Barnes-Lawrence, R. N., at the Harbour Office, Hongkong. The Lascar «(Indian Mahomedans) sailors of the P. and O. s. s. Palma, had refused to proceed in the ship, saving that
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  • 262 538 Saturday last was a fortunate day for one of the permanent way coolies working on the railway between Bukit Merab and P.irit Buntar, savs the Pioneer, since, had it not been for the caution and presence of mind of Driver Bentiy, the man would have been run
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  • 353 538 The following report has been sent to the shareholders Gentlemen, —The directors submit to you annexed statement of the liabilities ami assets of the Company, and the profit and loss account for the half-year, ended March 31st. The gross profits of the Company tor the past half-year
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  • 172 538 Inward. Per Thongwa, from Singapore Messi Lee Hav liive, K hoo Chamg Ann. Chenh Eu Ghee, F. Holley, Nai Chit, Nii Persew, A. S. Ponniah, T'vatee I’aiip, W. 11. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. S. Quays, Mr. ami Mrs. Lim Tiang Hooi, Mrs. Al el nt y rt. Per Malta,
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  • 97 538 Births. On IHh May, at S treatham, the wife of Rev. Thomas Kane, R. N.. of a son. On the Blh May, at Chenchou, S. Hunan, the wife of the Rev. Chas. H. Dear, A. P. M., of a daughter. Marriage. On the 29th May, at Hongkong, Thomas
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  • 124 538 Penang.lsth June. Giy cwwsn <>r the Gnarivred Hawk.! Lindon Dmmiim Bank ...1/1 I 1 A 1 6 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/llj 3 Creiit ..2',’ J b 3 Doeumontaiy .2 Uaicutr... Demand Bank Rs. 1174 3 days” sight Private 1494 B mibay, Demand Bank 1474 3 days' sight Private
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  • 162 538 Cold leaf 7fil Pepper (W. Co til 8 s’.’’ C pi.eiUper J 1 rang Pepper 8 Cloves (picked) 1 I ’7~ Mace Mace Pickings 12 Nutmegs 110 s No. 1 p u Sugar 2 ,iow 5.40 ,e !B1 Tapioca Flour I.o‘O„y m C °P ra 7.6 b-i, lJm f
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  • 180 538 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ld. 6.50 seto t'm -awtii Gold M ming Co.. Ld. 13 00selkr f Brieh Rubber Syndicate Ld. par buyers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Go.. Ld S 4.00 buyers Duff Development Co. $lO 00 sales Fraser A, Ld $lOO. George Town Dispensary $25. buyers Howarth
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  • 57 538 Deaths. On the 30th May, at Shanghai, Charles Samuel Atkinson, aged 38 years. On the 30th May, at Tientsin, W. Staats, aged 33 years. On the 31st May, at Huchou, by accidental drowning. Alfred Beilby Rex on his 51st year. On J Ith May, at Brighton, F. Marshall, late Councillor
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