The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 2 June 1905

Total Pages: 26
467 492 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 855 467 (Friday, 26 th May.) Owing to the uncertainWar Risks, ty of the operations of the Baltic Fleet, the war risk market is in a decidedly unsettled condition, writes the London correspondent of the Glasgow Herald on 2nd in st. To attempt to form a tariff of ratesis impossible,
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  • 50 467 V' e are courb-oi: y informed by the Director oi Institution that, a bdegram m>t ’a rpr»*iv<*d stating that St. i-.» •in m, Smgapor»». has secured tie 1 ’w.> Oik a, s Airships for this year, the siu-i-esHid competitors being Ernes' (Jhi.'s ]>t. I Dem* Ober 2nd.
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  • 123 467 1 ROGllEsS ItEiORT. Si.'j't: the dii.o of report, tin* works iLi.e ni;i-It- ex -i-ilont progress. lie rads are now aJ |,u.| and are being ballasted. 1 in* passing piaee has b»-t-n put m. i !>>• c.iucret Id x-i.s lor the anchorage of tin* top wheel
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  • 135 467 A water carnival will take plaxe on Saturday lie 17th June, starting at 3.30 p.m. The following is a list of events. 1. 100 cards Scratch Race 2. Object Diving 3. 20 yards Blindfold Race 4. G reasy Pole 5. Neat Diving 6. 1-50 Yards Handicap Race
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  • 87 467 died the other day, and on the 1st inst. the King of Siam drove in from Dusit Park and gave an audience at the Grand Palace to his son, on whom His Majesty was pleased to confer
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  • 156 467 of Gilleno M r. T. Giles) the Musical Clown of Harmston’s Circus, which occurred at the St. Louis Hosj itai in Bangkok on the 14th inst.., from small-pox. The funeral took place on the same «veiling at the Protestant Cenieten the k’ev. .1. Carrington
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  • Page 467 Advertisements
    • 113 467 Straits Echo I SEh f V( rv bodv, andjnsfice alone.— E/nersoit. 1.1«’. lC? Silt 1-0"- L Established June 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., \<> 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL sn per annum. Of (’STATION Postage Extra. mail EDITION (Post Free! S15 CABLE
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  • The War.
    • 61 468 Preparations in Philippines. Coal Supply Expected. Ecl<o Si i eci al.) Berlin, 25th May,—The United States Government is stated to be f idly prepared for the expected arrival of the Baltic Fleet at the Philippine Islands where it is being pretended by the Russians that fresh supplies
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    • 71 468 Official Report from Philippines. S n aplied by Renier.) London, 26th May. The correspondent of I.enter’s Agem-v at Manila states that an ollieia.1 report has been received from Vigan (north-east coast of Luzon) to the effect that over fifty warships, supposed to be the Russian fleet,
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    • 61 468 (Echo Special.) Shanghai, 26th May. —Yesterday evening a Volunteer cruiser, four inen-of-warj’ and three colliers entered Yang-tsze-kiang River, anchoring near Wusung. The Volunteer cruiser soon left, however, and sailed in a northeasterly direction On Look-out for Japanese Mails. The British steamer Benvorlich, which has been chartered by
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    • 34 468 Several Steamers Detained. (Echo Special.') Shanghai, 26th May.—Several steamers, which are loaded with cotton for Japan, have been detained by the aforementioned Russian vessels pending information as to the consignees, etc.
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    • 83 468 His Latest Complaint SUEFEEIX FROM kll'NEY DISEASE. I Echo Special.) Berlin, 25th May. —Admiral Rostjestvenskv is now reported to be suffering from kidney disease and to he prepared to h ind over command of the Baltic Fleel to Admiral Berileff, the nevvl v-appoinfed commander of the Russian Pacific
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    • 84 468 Rennenkampf Repulsed. Several Hundred Casualties. Censor Suppresses Details. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th May.—Russian despatches which have been received at St. Petersouig from the front show that, Geuerid Reiinenkampf has been seveiely checked alter ait acting a Japanese posit ion, t lie name of v inch is
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    • 43 468 Transport cf Troops to Odessa. (Echo Specud.) Berlin, 25th May.—Tim Nortji German Lloyd Shipping Company has entered into a contract with the Russian Government, for the transport of troops from the places of evacuation in the Far East to Odessa.
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    • 43 468 A Warsaw Outbreak. Serious Fighting among Jews. Four Killed; Twenty Wounded. (Supplied by Reuter.J London, 25th May. —It is reported that serious fighting has taken place among the Jews at Warsaw, resulting in four persons living killed and twenty being wounded.
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    • 65 468 Proposed German Loan. Low interest and No Security. Latest Move at Fez. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th May.—A telegram which has been received in Paris from Fez reports that Count von Tatieubach, of Germany, has informed the Sultan of Morocco that German financiers are willing to supply an
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    • 25 468 Progress of His Journey. (Echo Special). Berlin, 2(>th IVlay.— Prince Kriederidi Leopold of Prussia lias arrived bv steamer at Verkni Udinsk (Baikal Lake.)
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    • 39 468 Official Ann ounceinsn t. To be 'Taken Over at End of June. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 26 May.—It has been officially intimated by the Government that it will take over the Tanjong Pagar Dock ou 30th June next.
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    • 147 468 Sequel Uproarious SceM Proposed Vote ci Censure e n Government. Terms of Notice of Motion. Opinions of Electorate Wanted (Supplied by Reut»r.) London, 25th Mav.—Sir Edward Gr« Liberal M. P. for Berwick-on-Twped, G given notice of his intention to ino\> of censure on the Government declaring that, in view
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    • 117 468 Important Statements by Balfour. > India Not to be Represented. Preferential Proposals not to be Pit. London, 26th May. —Replying to questions asked in the House of Commo»» yesterday, Mr. Balfour intimated that India will not be represented at the Colonial Conference of 1306 and that the
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    • 67 468 Denounces an Agitation- Desires no Interference with His Command. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 2CU. Jlay.-Tbe g sent:. the agitation of the Navy League is interfering with his comma 11 Two Generals Resign. As a consequence of ibis General Menges and General have both resigned. Conciliation Expected* A conciliatory
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    • 45 469 Numerous Godowns Devastated 4 (Echo Special.) Swatow, 26 May.—A terrific squall was experienced here yesterday, result-- m the oMihviis belonging to Messrs Jardine, Matheson. A L o., amt Messrs Butterfield, Swire A Uo., besides nuinerous others belonging to Chinese merchants. being completely devastated.
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    • 34 469 Movement Spreading. 4 Troops Mobilised. 4 (Echo Special Chicago, 26 b May -The getieral strike in this city is rapidly spreading and the troops have been mobilized so as to preserve order.
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    • 86 469 .4 Proposed Line to Kowloon. ——4 Announcement by Hongkong Governor. Negotiations for Joint Operations. British Surveyors Coming from Home. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 26th May.—Sir Matthew Nathan, k.c.m.g., the Governor of Hongkong, has announced that legislative negotiations have been opened with the Chinese authorities ad Peking to operate jointly
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    • 103 469 Declaration by War Secretary. Noice Wanted in New Questinns. Actuated by Growing Trade. 4 Ownership of Philippines Another Factor. 4 (Supplied by lie lifer.] yg -n, 25th May.-In presiding at the “gtouoftlieOhioIJepuldiean Slate,1,eld r !‘c ,lls the 01 W. H Taft, Sei'i'eWar 8i i(l t‘>‘" I
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  • 77 469 iJrk ill the Notts and <7t*“ h Ailed l,v the pr..'«Sltal, eU lll,lw,t V Hindes, of toe •^m;r ts, 'T p ,re c -‘i-'-"'■w n is e '7;.;' <?f !>■» rv iceinf' J S,,w <,< »‘isidcr. i o|.* active v. e uth War of 1899liM r >t()rioii
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  • 896 469 1 he Appeal. As reported by cable by our London corespondent, in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, before yj,. j, is t ie( Farwell, the case of Chang Ycmnmo and ,H em 7,. i M>T<;hu and Co. and ”’ii‘ is .v:o, taken mi
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  • 152 469 London. 2nd May. Slightly more activity has prevailed, and the market has assumed a, bettor appears nee, but the tendency was irregular. In the East cable bids on tIm basis of .3 c i.f. Singapore weie refused. This market opened fairly active at about pry. vious closing prices,
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  • 221 469 Ploughing by Steam Power. Dr. Adamsen has ploughed his paddy fields near Klong Rangsit with an American plough driven by a. coal-oil engine of two horse-power, an<l we (Bangkok Times) understand the experiment has been a success. He has been doing this in the midst of the
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  • 66 469 according to German papers, has granted its first patent. It i. tor an electric lamp, the inventor of whi h is an inhabitant of Nanking, the old Ct| ital of th..- Chinese Empire, who calls bis >..ujp th«‘“ bright moonlight, ’and asserts it i> siip-i
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  • 1140 470 (Eruin Our Own Correspondents.) PERAK. Taiping, 22nd May.— II. II. the Sultan of Perak, who has not been in good health lately, intends taking a sea trip along the coast of the Peninsula and will probablA be away for a fortnight or so. The F. M. S. steamer
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  • 53 470 the Pharmaceutical authorities at, home are making representations on behalf of the Straits Chemists on the recent Poisons Ordinance. The Ordinance has vet to receive the final assent of the Co lonial Office, and there, is a possibility that it may be amended more in favour
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  • 71 470 the sopranos go lower than the basses, but we are told that this took place at last Thursday's Choral Society practice. The top A had just been reached when that portion of the stage accommodating the sopranos collapsed and the singing came to an abrupt,
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  • 203 470 Chinese Burial Scandal i n Calcutta. The rare ami isolated character <f oeeur.-p,,,- -viz., the a ail ,t 1 ingot a corpse at the gate of i| ie (Jbi n cemetery, because the interment fee was paid, and the keeper would not consent? the burial without the fee-— w furnish
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  • 278 470 Typical Treatment. In the House of Commons on 4th April, the Earl of Jersey aslaed the Secretary of State for Foreign AffipH what steps had been taken to correct the action of the German Government against, British traders in the Marshall and Caroline groups of islands.
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  • 66 470 has just been visited by IiAblBK JLSJUIUU HdB |UOO i the steamer Tagliaferro, the first which called there tor 12 months. There were onf, 200 inhabitants on an island that once sup ported a population of 3,000, and o 1 but three were white. The lag ia 6
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  • 76 470 observes a local paper, is as ubiquitous as tie p rows, or 1he crows. Nothing is t° 0 j for him so long as it is nioyea nothing too small provided it, ls i ve taking He discovered that tne lengths of chain round the
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  • 926 471 (Saturday 27 lh May.) j One of the most German Comment noteworthy of Contin,nent Camraali- «P!" io 8 aneni recent international ■•-’’created by rhe hospitality extended bv French Indo China to the Baltic Bounders, is to be round in a German leaflet edited at Berlin and entitled Continental
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  • 30 471 which lias been huiir for the .Japanese naw, will be completed and lun ‘n’*! on t,he 4th of July in the pie-cnee <>1 I’riuce and Princess Arisugawa.
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  • 89 471 on Tuesday ’(Jdi-d )th;it a < r<-" of ome magnitude h:id occurred on the Indi Syndicate lands in Kelantan. A disi urbance to< k place among the cooues as a resu1t ol ga mbl mg and 31 r. (J. <J. Mactaggarl went out io put
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  • 615 471 Questions H.M S. •‘Hecla.’' Concerning Presence of War Ships. THE FLEET AT VAN FONG BAY Among the many items of news concerning the movements and whereabouts of the Russian Baltic Fleet received bv ships lately arrived from the south the interesting information brought bv the torpedodepot and
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  • The War.
    • 32 472 Bcrileff Started for Vostok. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 26th May.—Admiral Berileff, the new Commander of Russia’s naval forces in the Far East, started from St. Petersburg for Vladivostok yesterday.
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    • 45 472 Portion off Saddle Islands. (tS'cy/d/cd hi/ lleuler.) London, 27 Ma.v.- The coriesp jndeut ot Reuter* Agency at Shanghai reports that seventeen vessels of the Baltic Fleer have anchored oil the Saddle Islinds (in China Sea, north east of Bay of Hang-ch ui
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    • 38 472 Laden with Coal for Hongkong. London, 27 May. Reuter s correspondent at Nagasaki states that three British steamers which have loaded coal for Hongkong have been detained at Moji by o’der of the Japanese Government.
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    • 143 472 (Echo Special.) Shanghai, 27th May.—The Russian vessels which were reported yesterday to have anchored near Wu-sung were the Volunteer Fleet ships Yaroslav, Vladimir, and Voronij; the special service ship Meteor; and the Linovia and Silvonia which are reported to have come from Nosse Be All these vessels
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    • 46 472 (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 27th May.—-The steamer Saint Kilda reports having sighted the entire Baltic Fleet of 45 vessels on Wednesday last, in Lat. 29.4 N. and Long. 123.3) Fast—(almost opposite Chusan) steaming N. N. W. at a speed of 8 knots per hour.
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    • 88 472 Declaration by Baron Komura. Hopeful Prospect at Close. London, 2711) May.—The correspondent of Reuter’s Agency at Tokio wires that Baron Komura. Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, in addressing the members of the Clearing House Association, said that the war with Russia would still last a long
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    • 147 472 Demolition of Warsaw Houses Christians Join the York. Similar Action Imminent at Lodz. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th May.—'1 lie demolition of disorderly houses, including elegant flats, of demi-mondes is being continued at Warsaw unrestrained by the authorities, and the Christian portion ol the community is now participating
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    • 71 472 4» Prospect of Closer Relations. French President Optimistic. (Supplied by Reuter.) London 26th May.—H. I. H. Admiral Prince Arisugawa of Japan has been entertained to luncheon by the Franco-Japanese Society in Paris. In proposing the toast of His Imperial Highness, M. Lou bet, President of the French
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    • 43 472 Navy to be Strengthened. Additions Announced for August. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27th May.—M. Thompson, the French Minister of Marine, has announced that two more submarines, four shallowwater torpedo boats, a,nd six toipedo gunboats will be despatched lor lnd<»-(Jhina in August next.
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    • 76 472 Despatch of Indian Troops. March Begun from Chakaran. (Echo Special) Simla, 26th May —In consequence of disturbances which have broken out at Dir, a town in Kafiristan (50 toiles south of Chitra), the Queen’s Guides, 24th Mountain Battery, a detachment, of the 1st Sappers and Miners, the 35th
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    • 23 472 Resumes Government of Sweden. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27th May, —His Majesty King Oscar II. lias resumed the Government oi Sweden.
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    • 24 472 Due in Berlin (Echo Special.) Berlin. 2(5tb Muy.— The Einpeiwof Germany, accompanied by tiie hiupr 688, is due to return here to-morrow.
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    • 22 472 County Championship(Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27lli May.—Nott. County beaten Kent, by an innings ana 0’ ihe milch which commenced on last.
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  • 290 472 Result of the Payne Stak es Tub Payue Slakes of 15 w 500 added second Io receive 50 srJ !ti fillies and geldings 8st <Hb Hie D8 the 2,000 Gs. or 1.000 G s value 800 sovs in 1905 to carry 71b* t hose got by stallions
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  • 61 472 Obituary. Baron Alphonse de Rothschild (Echo Special.) Paris, 20th May.—The taken plane here of Baron /kip 0D Rothschild. —*v4— Obituary. Mr. Xavier O’Brien, M. P. (Supplied, by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The death is announced of Mr. James Francis Xavier O’Brien, Nationalist Member of Parliament for Cork. Ubituaiy. Senor Silvela. i.
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  • 582 473 Sporting and Training Notes. By “Old Stager.’ Although the race track looks a bit off i r iust now owing to such a large Zfer Having .left 'o try their luck iu L-apore, still there are seme lew re.namb whose work will doubtless interest vour numerous readers. Here
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  • 59 473 "fMisRicl.- ave ''«cord the death «f Taipin., who had M bwa ‘‘i c 4"‘‘ h sixteenth year. She «uccuinlJ] J*v- a Col,s leralde time and e ,IK s^a v (24tl))to sprue, the ‘l f vvllidl her mother died, now Lft H f
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  • 519 473 Daring Rescue of a Prisoner. (From Our Ou-,i Correspondent.) Butterworth 26th May .-About 7 p.m. on uesUriy last, Inspector Jovce accompanied by a posse of constables, t'wo chintings and an informer proceeded to the Oil Vvoi ,.s at Hagan Luar to execute a. Revenue Search Warrant. The Inspector
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  • 40 473 a planter reports, that Para rubber seed will be scarce this year. 'There was plenty of blossom, but owing to the large rainfall, it did not set The present price of seed is about 85 a thousand.
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  • 45 473 on 12th nh. Saigon was startled hv the news of a frightful 1 raged y, which had just occiirieu. It, appears that Goutes Young, an official m the Government service, shot at ami killed his uiutreaa and then shot himseli.
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  • 116 473 Penangites will ’no pleased to hear that a new residential hotel will shortly be opened iu the Settlement, Mr. W. Cornfield having obtained a lease of the large house at the corner of Leith ami Farquhar Streets, which he is now fitting up m a most palatini
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  • 178 473 \V e are indebted to Messis. Sandilands, Lottery A Co. lor the following report bv Messrs. S. Figgis A Co. under date London, 5 May, 1905: —The market was quiet but >teady. with business in Hard Fine at 5/7, but with leuewed enquiry (principally for covering) price has
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  • 351 473 Messrs. Chow Kit Co’s premises in Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, were the scene of a daring burglarv during the small hours of Wednesday morning(24th). The thief appears to have entered from the adjoining premises by a balcony overlooking the river at the back of the godown and to have
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  • 492 474 Commercial Conve nti on The following Con vent ion was published in the Official Gazelle of Japan of the 16th March. It received the Imperial Approval on the 14th. His Al ijestv i'i'- Emperor of Japan ami His Majt'stv the King of the United Kingdom of Great
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  • 643 474 The following pithy k-tter above the signature of Viator” in the Hongkong Telegraph is worthy of reproduction as bearing out all that has been sa; I ami predicted on I the subject bv the \oiing E-J/o I note from an item in one of your local contemporaries
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  • 27 474 Messrs. Jardine, Matheson Co. a re placing a new steamer of some 7,800 tons on the Hongkong-Calcutta run. Tne ship is expected out some time this mouth.
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  • 337 474 Bangkok’s Shi pping A Considerable I NCMm| According l„ il,p statistical 57 Nt, :':V-.- 1 considerable a< -in ion to ti'w s tuoanf of n ping frequenting the Port of aih L V.. n—teof st ea„ w ward was 722 will, a t„ llll;lge of 627,352 m 1902. Of tl,<>
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  • 19 474 closed on Satur- dav for ihe Midsummer holidays and will be re-open on the 12th inst.
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  • 33 474 of tiie Federatdl Ma.lav Stall's Ra.iiw.ivs. who left for Horae last, year, was married to Aliss Mamant Midaid at Hi. Al ark’s Church, Newton, igan, on the 24th April.
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  • 27 474 occurred mi Wednesday (24ih) at. tin* new Itailway wmkdiops at Ku»la Lumper, where three Chinamen were serious!* injured through the fall of s0U1B scaffolding.
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  • 91 474 are ii. Al. OilHb <TOHI<<UII <HL'* 1 coming out Io 1he Chum, Stat ion. 1 Goliath is a, twin screw bat t leslup <>t tons, i. h. u. 13.500 N. D. Pmt8uwiHb,he*a in reserve? Cantam Hugh F. was appointed 7th March, ihe lU0 P
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  • 84 474 are pt‘. viu a ihe Calcutta ii;iiii«.o.-< < fer dividend i‘or last year of <' p el having made provision for C( j IlS iinpr<.vi;<;( and expanding 1 svstmn, and alter twinging the Fund up to <£42.000. Jhe mi,, pa ~e 3,309.665 the earnings per mile expending
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  • 554 475 (Monday 29th May.) M since the arrival of AdmA-al crvpnskv’s mighty Armada in Far «X waters the world has been all a ™‘with curiosity, and and low, H’ch’anJ poor, h re hved 111 d -T rIt tinn of the great naval fight which Sftke place between the fleets
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  • 510 475 The Fire t,ie Mak >y v Alan, tlio Committee of the danger. Kuala Lumpur Fire Brigade has sent in a report to Government suo’o’esfiiitr vi ri u_^c5, t iijg various improvements. Amongst these is a new petro] engine with fire escape ami hose-tender c 2 Lnblned Itissaid that
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  • 14 475 on 1 he new road from Kuala Lumpui to TcUhug.
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  • 584 475 Committee v. The Rest. The Lest Win by 5 to 3. As previously a nnounced in our columns, ibis interesting match cmie off on Sunday morning at the Swimming Club’s ground at Taujong Bengali, and was watched by a very satisfactory muster of members. The Committee were certainly
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  • The War.
    • 62 476 Thrilling Engagement in Corean Straits. Five Russian Warships Sunk. Repair Ship Also Goes Under (Supplied bi) Reuter.) London, 291 h May.—A telegram which has been received here from Washington states l.hat, the Uni‘ed States Consul at Nagasaki has telegraphed that the Japanese squadron has sunk one Russian battleship,
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    • 86 476 Steaming in two Columns. Japanese Silent as to Historic Events. London, 28th May.—The correspondent of Reuter’s Agency at Tokio states that, apart from the fact that Admiral Rostjestvensky’s main fleet, steaming in two columns —the battleships on the starboard and gunboats and cruisers on the port
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    • 47 476 Balticers Fleeing North. {Echo Special.) Hongkong, 29th May.—A big naval fight is reported to have taken place in the vicinity of the Tsuhima Straits, and the Baltic fleet is reported to be now fleeing northwards. Four Russian warships have been sunk, including the battleship Borodino.
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    • 23 476 Thirty-three Warships. It is also reported that 33 Japanese warships were sighted on Saturday last near the Straits of Corea.
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    • 55 476 Togo in Pursuit. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 29th May.—According to reports which have been received by the British naval authorities here, the engagement on Saturday between the Japanese squadron and the Baltic fleet was fought near 1ki Shima. Nine of the Russian warships were sunk, and Admiral
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    • 122 476 To Checkmate Flanking Movement, Consternation Among Diplomats. 4 FIRST STEP TOWARDS ANNEXING CHINESE TERRITORY. Opening up Question of Partition of China. 4 (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 27tl> May.—The correspondent of the Times at St. Petersburg wires that Russia has notified China that it is
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    • 98 476 A Japanese Company Annihilated. Prisoners and Machine Guns Captured. London, 27th May.—An official despatch, which has been received at St. Petersburg from General Linievitch, reports that a. successful cavalry raid has been conducted by General Mistchenko. The Japanese communications and telegraphs were cut for a great distance,
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    • 29 476 Martial Law in Warsaw, —-4.1 Fights in the Streets. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 28tli May.—Martial law has been declared in Warsaw, where fights in the streets are proceeding.
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    • 43 476 Second French Squadron. To Arrive at Saigon Next November. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 28th May.—A telegram from France states that the second squadron which is to be despatched for the protection of Indo-(’himi will arrive at Saigon in the mouth of November next.
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    • 22 476 German Asiatic Bank’s Dividend. (Echo Special.) Beilin, 28th May.— The German Asiatic Bank has declared a dividend of ten per cent.
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    • 30 476 Another Tronoh Dividend. (Echo Special.) Ipoh 29 th May-A further of one shilling and sixpence has k declared by Tronoh Mines. Ltd nJ able on 8th June.
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    • 27 476 Due in Berlin. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 28th May.—II. I. 11. Admiral Prince Arisugawa and Princess Arisugawa of Japan are expected to arrive here to-morrow (Monday).
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    • 53 476 Prussian Crisis Averted. Count von Buelow Intervenes. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 28th May.—All parties, except the Socialists, are satisfied at the intervention of Count von Buelow, President of the Prussian Ministery, in regard to the acceptance of the new Mining Law. and a crisis in the Prussian Parliament has
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    • 81 476 Separate Consular Service Refused. 4 King Refuses Assent to Bill. Resignation of Ministry. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.— His Majesty King Oscar II. has refused to give bis assent to the law which has been passed by the Norwegian Parliament providing for the establishment of a
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  • 19 476 District Engineer, Kuala Selangor, is going on leave. Mr. Sanguinetti will act for him during his absence.
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  • 26 476 lire out announcing the BETROTHAL caitlS are vtu engagement of Mr. John Hug of ing” pore and Miss Elsie Schmid, of Win e Switzerland.
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  • 36 476 at Sungei hesi UUKHUi cl Ilc-ctv v oivixi* > the other day, the roof of the sl iu r n house fell in. Fortunately the ul 8 was not occupied at the tune.
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  • 33 476 it is propose! to t u ™i point on the Rawang-Kuala .lek»!? in order to open up a lai go p-« o This is good news tor planteis
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  • 67 476 It seems to oe now remarks the Japan Mail, t hat e BussiaB i carrying ships captured g al nud are the Kish, consigned 1 Samuel and Company, aim u aid consigned to Messrs. Jardine, >* Company. The former vesse a(ter for Yokkaichi
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  • 684 477 Chinese Recreation Club v,«. BCKIT MeRTAJAM RECREATION CLUB. The above most .interesting match was nhved on the Esplatfide on Saturday altorLn lash when it resulted in a victory lor fije visitors by 37 runs, after a bard struggle This being the first match of our Chinese friends since their
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  • 184 477 Sunday saw f [.<. celebration of the inamage of Mr. Lifl, Eu Toil our p„,, u ar Gmnese, Commissioner, to Miss Siew. On that evening a lame number ol guests were invited to the wedding least which took pl; lc at the residence ol Mr. Dim Eu Sean,
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  • 201 477 A Plucky Capture. The Detective Department has lately been on the qui vice as it was known that a number of armed robbers were lurking between Pudoh and Kuala Lumpur, says the Malay Mail. Several fruitless attempts were made to discover the gang by searching several Chinese
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  • 33 477 have reverted to Government owing to their having ceased for two consecutive yeais to carry on mining operations.
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  • 54 477 for the four weeks ended May 20, ]90o, was as f o li ows -]tukit stone crushed 3 282 tons gold obtained 5/b oz.; average I Jo- mu 3.51 dwO. Bukit Malacca: stone crushed 1,811 tons, gold obtained 131 oz., average per
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  • 103 477 1he birthday of II.II. the Sultan of 1 erak is to l»o celebrated with great ceremony. In the morning there will be a parade of tlm Guides, -nfter which His liiglniess wili attend the Council in state. 1he public will be admitted by tickm. A p.ocwssmn composed
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  • 213 477 Advices are just to hand that the sale of rubber f rom the Bukit Asahan and Bukit I bin tang Estates, the proper! ies of t he Malacca Rubber < o, am! ?»’r. Ian Cha.y Yau respectively, havi? fetched 1he handsome prices of 6 6 per lb, says
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  • 35 477 was on Monday sentenced to pay a tine of $50 with the alternative of two months’ imprisonment by Mr. Peel for being in possession of 64 grains of morphia at Carnarvon Street.
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  • 36 477 went ashore on the north bankof .Pula.u Angsa on Wednesday (*****) and is still there, says Friday’s Malay Mail. Tangkangs have gone out from Port Swettenham to take some of the cargo.
    36 words
  • 39 477 a flash of lightning struck the roof of the newly-built. Chinese temple in Chulia Street, penetrating the roof and running down along the wall. It burnt one of the lanterns opposite the building.
    39 words
  • 45 477 the Singapore burglar fraternity have discovered.,that the police patrols do not start out Before 10 o’clock, and they therefore have begun to operate on houses in Tanglin before this hour, dinner lime being apparently considered the most convenient by them.
    45 words
  • 61 477 has la-en increased by fifty feet, so that the largest vessels whin? jo to that, port have abundant space Io swmg around instead of going down th" river stei n first, as heretofore be woi 1; has 1 e n done by
    61 words
  • 68 477 that orders have be<*n received from the Admiralty for the re-commissioning of the first-c gunboats, including the Bramble, Britom rt, ami others on the China Station. Lh.dt r ;L- now sxstom inaugurated by Admiral John Fisher tin boats wi re put out of c
    68 words

  • 3515 478 A Romance of Modern Malaya By OLIVER ASH WELL, AUTHOR OF “Tales of the Fen,” Chronicles of the Carbonettor Club,” In Peril in Penang,” etc. Martin munched on steadily. H<* did noteven raise his eyes from his phte. Married life had not. altered this man of moods
    3,515 words

  • 31 480 that a, certain block' of 3,Odd acres in Johore terriiory his Ih< a sold for §75,000. It is believed to h ive been purchased by a planting syndic;!‘e.
    31 words
  • 57 480 who has keen appoint- ed Colonial Surgeon J,’ cadent, Penang, in the place of Dr. G. D. Freer, who Iris been appointed Professor of the Straits Medical College, Singapore, arrived here by train from Kuala Lumpur last Friday afternoon. Dr. Freer left for the Sister
    57 words
  • 176 480 .—The Secretary of the Penang Turf ("mb sends us some particulars as to the Penang Autumn Meeting which conies oh on July 25th, 27th and 29th. Our Straits friends evidently believe in full measure as th're are eight races on the first and last
    176 words
  • 656 480 (Tuesday HOth llay.) ester da r. itt conehiding our leader, wo said “we may rest assured that the Nelson of Japan will uphold his high reputation and that ere many hours have passed we shall hear that Russia’s great Armada has proved to be but a forlorn hope
    656 words
  • 189 480 Vve really do not know what ca n have come to Reuter’s agent in Bom bay. to whom is entrusted the forward* ing of news to the Far East. he jumoles all his messages together in a hut. leads in a blindfolded assistant who uiaws a few and
    189 words
  • 299 480 A Royal Academy Portrait. Sir Frank Swettenliam has had the distinction of having his portrait painted by the most fashionable portrait-painter of the day, Mr. Sargent, and exhibited in this year’s Academy. The Spectator critic says:— Mr. Sargent is represented by three pictures, two of which cannot
    299 words

  • 406 481 Japanese Triumph. Official Despatches from Admiral Togo. How the Russians were Met. Enemy Completely Routed. Flight of the Remnants. (Echo Special.) Tokio, 30th May.—-The following reports have been received from Admiral Togo at the Japanese Headquarters here. Report Received on Saturday Morning. Immediately on receipt of the news
    406 words
  • 160 481 fifteen Vessels Sunk. Seven Captured. Rostjestvenky's Flagship Seriously Damaged. (Supplied by Reuter.) Lonuon, 30th May.—It is now reported that the following Russian vessels have been sunk by the Japanese squadron, namelv Borodino (battleship), Alexander ‘ill. (battleship), Admiral Nakimholi (armoured cruiser), Dmitri Donskoi (armoured cruiser), Vladimir Monomach
    160 words
  • 196 481 Russian Admiral Captured. (Echo Special.) London, 29 May.—The latest war news is to the effect tint the Japanese have captured Admiral Nebogatoff and three hundred men. Rostjestvensky Escaped. Admiral Rostjestvensky has apparently escaped from the Japanese fleet. News Announced at Tokio. (Supplied by Beider.) London, 29th May.—A
    196 words
  • 55 481 All Markets Stronger. London, 30th .May.—On receipt of the news of Japan s great victory over the Baltic fleet, Japanese Consols advanced sharply and ail the markets became stronger. Improving Peace Prospects. The victory has been received with general satisfaction in London and is regarded as
    55 words
  • 115 481 Rejoices at Japanese Nelson s Victory. Anxiety of Nation Relieved. London, 30th May.—Viscount Hayashi, J ipaneso Ambassador to G reat Britain, in the course of an interview with a. representative. of Reuter’s Agency said that he rejoiced over Admiral Togo's victory in the centenary year of the
    115 words
  • 86 481 Cruisers at Wusung. Fleet in Good Fighting Trim I 4 si ven sky's Illness Exaggerated. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The correspondent of the Standard at Shanghai reports that the Russian cruiser Rion (formerly the Volunteer Fleet vessel Smolensk) convoyed tiu* olipii 'oi fleet vessels to
    86 words
  • 43 481 Volunteer Fleet Asked to Leave London, 29th May.—The Tao tai has sent a protest to the Russian Consulate against the presence of the Volunteer Fleet vessels ami has a>ked that they should lie ordered to leave Wusung within twenty-four hours.
    43 words
  • 47 481 Surmised to be Light Cruisers. London, 29th May II is reported that four Russian warehips passed through the Kurile Straits, proceeding westward, on Thursday, 2otb instant. It is surmised that, thov were the light cruisers belonging to Admiral Rost jest ven sky’s licet.
    47 words
  • 40 481 rive Battleships, three Cruisers, and Seven Destroyers Sighted. London, 291 h May. —The correspondent of Reuter's Agency at Shanghai report; that ye erday live Russian battleships, inree cruisers, uid seven torpedo-destrovers were sighted off Tsushima (Corea Straits).
    40 words

  • 99 482 Protest against Taft's Visit to Japan. Roosevelt Declines to Alter Arrangements. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The correspondent of the Morning Post at Washington states that M. Cassini, the Russian Ambassador to the United States, has protested against the forthcoming visit of the lion. W.
    99 words
  • 96 482 Attributed to Lack of Discipline. Threatened Court-Martial for Officers. London, 29th May.—The correspondent of Reuter’s Agency at St. Petersburg reports that the Minister of War there has issued an order relative to the frequency of disturbances among Russian troops whilst on the way to the Far East.
    96 words
  • 74 482 Warsaw Troops on Warpath. 4 Order Temporarily Restored. Preparing for Fresh Disturbances. (Suppl Rd by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The authorities have eventually intervened in connection with the disturbances in the streets of Warsaw and the bellicose crowds have been dispersed by the troops. Although order has been temporarily
    74 words
  • 22 482 Fresh Trouble in Caucasus. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—Massacres of Ar menians by Tartars in the Caucasus have recommenced.
    22 words
  • 62 482 Sandy Hook to the Lizard. American Yacht Establishes Record. (Echo Special.) London, 29 May ((>-35p.m.).—1 have just received a special wireless message from the Lizard stating that the American yacht Atlantic has won the transAtlantic race from Sandy Hook to the Lizard for the Kaiser's (’up. The other
    62 words
  • 105 482 King’s Decision Declared U neon statist dorsal Ministry’s Resignation to be Pressed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May. —The law which was unanimously pas-ed by the Parliament of Norwav, establishing a. separate Consular service from that of Sweden, has been submitted to His Majesty King Oscar II.
    105 words
  • 49 482 Offer of African Land. A Probable Refusal. 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The Zionist executive committee al Vienna has decided to recommend the Hasel Congress to decline the Government’s offer of land in East Africa, because it is exclusively pasture land and unlit for Jewish emigrants.
    49 words
  • 41 482 Locomotives from Glasgow. New Contract Concluded. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The North British Locomotive Combine, of Glasgow, has concluded a, contract to supply one hundred powerful railway locomotives for Japan, having just completed the previous order of fifty.
    41 words
  • 30 482 Despatch of British Loops. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 30th May.— 540 troops of the Second Sussex Regiment have left Malta for Crete, which continues to be much disturbed.
    30 words
  • 84 482 Arrival of Royal Guests. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 30th May.—Eighty-eight Princes of the Blood-Royal have arrived to attend the celebrations of the weddin°' of the German Crown Prince. Kaiser Meets Arisugawa. Contrary to his usual custom. the Kaiser personally received H. I. II. Admiral Prince Arisugawa ami Princess Arisugawa
    84 words
  • 41 482 4 Leaves for France and Britain Auc(.u„uate Farewell a: Madrid -4 (Supplied lg dieuter.'f London, 29th M.iy.—JJi, Maj AlpbonsoXIIIofSp»» day route for f rauee and Great jj’*' U.s departure was wrtnesa.,1 l„ crowds who gave him a most
    41 words
  • 73 482 Has a Severe Chill. Censure Motion Postponed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 30th May .—The Right Hon. A J Balfour, M. P., Prime Minister, is confined to his bed with a severe chill. Consequently the motion of a vole of censure on th Government to be moved by Sir
    73 words
  • 116 482 o Australians in England. 4 Victory over Lancashire. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—The cricket match between the Australians and Lancashire, which commenced at Manchester on Thursday, has resulted in a victory for the former by 244 runs. County Championship. Following are results of County matches iodate: Middlesex have
    116 words
  • 137 482 which unfortunately wasa 2s dCClUx Hl vlJlvil uiiLvi uiui i tended with fatal results occurred on P. and 0. s.s. Chusan on Thursday morn e says the Straits Times ot 1'rid ay steamer arrived in Singapore hai >our early hour and lav in the roads un 1 light
    137 words

  • 562 483 iffedneeday 31st Hay.) Japan is rejoicing, "l nl I{, T 1 1ms P As the details of logo s (B triumph leak <> ut tlie y aU W ”at a great victory he 8",.*° d “nd what a crushing defeat SX>»ky and his brother Adnuri J haT e
    562 words
  • 299 483 It is a well-known fact that the Government of the F. M.S. has for some time since contemplated building a railway across the Peninsula from west 0 east. e Dow hear on very good authority that this railway will start Hom a junction at Bukit
    299 words
  • 9 483 has made its appearance in Seremban, Negri Sembilan.
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  • 31 483 who was formerly resident in Singapore with her parents, is to be married to Mr. W. J. Turnbull on June 9th at H. B. M. Consulate at Shanghai.
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  • 36 483 Viceroy Yuan Shiii-k’ai’s troops are being put into fighting trim. The first reform is in the direction of uniforms, the new pattern of which resembles those used by French troops.
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  • 75 483 at Singapore, a rikisha puller was pulling two Chinese lady fares along South Bridge Road Suddenly he became aware of a traincar overhauling him, but still at some distance. He seems to have become terrified, for he dropped his shafts and promptly skipped out of the way.
    75 words
  • 86 483 contains an account of the race for the Prix Noaillan (Produce Stakes) of 2,254 sovs. for three year olds, 1 m., run at the Paris Spring Meeting on April 24. The race was won by M. Blanc’s Jardy, 9 2., (Stern) by a short head from Count MoltkeHvitfeldt’s
    86 words
  • 129 483 It is officially reported from Singapore that it is not intended to lay down for the present any definite rules as to the qualifications of the students admitted to the school. Later, when the school has got into working order, rules will be drawn up. Applications for
    129 words
  • 133 483 The committee of the above Club has decided to add to the programme already published the following events open to all S. R. A. Griffins First Day. Race No. 8.—A handicap for all griffins imported by any of the Chibs of the S. R. A., Distance 1
    133 words
  • 24 483 for classes 1 and 2 of the clerical service of Government was to be held at the Colonial Secretary’s Office, Singapore, yesterday.
    24 words
  • 24 483 Saturday, 3rd June, Prince of Wales’s birthday Monday, 12th June, Whit Monday.
    24 words
  • 24 483 have patented in the Straits an invention for an improvement in telegraph keys, and for transmitting instruments for wireless telegraphy.
    24 words
  • 31 483 the editor of our local contemporary, is making steady progress towards recovery and will probably be out of hospital in a few days.
    31 words
  • 37 483 is to lie married to Mr. Tan Tiang Bee, on Wednesday next, and invitations to the wedding have been issued to a large number of people.
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  • 55 483 It is to come into operation on July 1st. The fee under section 8 (for registration) is $50. Dr. Gerald Dudley Freer, Dr. Robert Dane, Lt.-Col. W. Dick, r. a. m. c., and Dr. W. R. C. Middleton are
    55 words
  • 57 483 of St. Joseph’s I list i- tut ion, in carrying oil the Queen’s Scholarships, it may be mentioned that this is the second lime this School lias carried off those i Scholarships. The Straits dimes understands that Mr. Carlos
    57 words

  • THE WAR.
    • 77 484 Rostjestvensky Captured Foeikersham aiso a Prisoner. Ail Battleships Sunk but Two Official Announcement at Tokio. (S applied by Revler). London, 31s! Mw.-A telejra from Washington report tl late Department tlmre says that it lias i»e< j n oliiciaby announced at Tokio tha' Admiral Rosie* >- venskv, Admiral Foelkersham, and Admiral
      77 words
    • 52 484 Orel at Maizuru. (Echo Special.) Tokio, 31st May. —An official Japanese despatch states that the captured Russian hospital-ship Orel has arrived safely at Maizuru (the best harbour of Japanese Sea), and that the battleships Nicholas 1, General Admiral A praxine, and Admiral Seniavme have been taken
      52 words
    • 63 484 Challenges Nelson’s Greatest Victories. SIXTEENTH DECISIVE BATTLE IN WORLD’S HISTORY. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 30th May.—The daily newspapers, m commenting on the naval battle, a,re miaiiii.i >u- m expressing the opinion that Admiral Togo’s triumph challenges the greatest naval victories of Admiral Horatio Nelson, including the battle of
      63 words
    • 47 484 Almaz Reaches Vladivostok. (Echo Special.) St. Petersburg, 30th May.—A telegram has been received here from Vladivostok which states that the cruiser Almaz has arrived there and confirms the report of the sinking of Admiral Rostjestvensky’s flagship by the Japanese in the late naval battle.
      47 words
    • 134 484 Rostjestvensky Believed to be at Vostck I 1 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 31 st May. —It is reported that the Russian hospital-ship Or 1 and a torpedoboat have arrived nt VI idivostok. Reports that ii jestvensky has reached Vladivostok on board a torpedoboat obtain credence in very
      134 words
    • 214 484 Battle-Scarred Warshi ps. Arrive at Wu-suug. > Their Story of the Fight. 1 (Echo Special.) Shanghai, 31 t May.—The Russian transport Korea and the mine-layer Swir have arrived at Mu-sung, both showing signs of having been in the recent engagement in the Korean Strait. A Hasty Flight. The Korea reports
      214 words
    • 109 484 Shanghai “Bunder” Creates Excitement. Alleged “Great Russian Victory.’’ ST. PETERSBURG GULLED. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 3'Jth May. —The correspondent of Reuters Agency at St. Petersburg states that for one morning the public of that citv were kept in ignorance of the disaster to the Russian i ‘et.
      109 words
    • 88 484 Outlook Incertain. I -—■> I (Lc/10 Specials.) I St. Petersburg 30th May—Tl v Bussian officials are question of the advisability off ing peace to-night, but the outU is uncertain, as the maiont, believed to be in favour ance 01 the war. Feeling in Germany. Berlin, 31st May.—The defeat
      88 words
    • 30 484 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 31st May.- The hopes of peace are strengthened by the earnest advocao lor peace which is being pursued by the French newspapers.
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    • 27 484 Japanese Stecks Rising. London, 31st May.—The markets are buoyant, and Japanese stocks are still rising, having gone up five per cent, since the battle.
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    • 36 484 Another Outrage Perpetrated. British Steamer Sunk. (Supplied by Reuter.) London 30th May. —Intelligence bus reached Tokio that the Russian Baltic Fleet sink a British merchant steamer south of Formosa on the 20th instant.
      36 words
    • 75 484 Drawn Closer Together. Recent Events Evoke Warm Feeling. (Echo Special) Simla, :11st MayLord Curzon, Viceroy of India, in 'thanking tho Jiipaic* for a contribution of a sum 0 thousand yen, which has been collected by the Jiii Shimpo on behalf ot Indian Earthquake Fund, has wir that
      75 words
    • 55 484 Suggestion frern St. Pet® rs burg. Beckendorff as Honorary President (Echo Special) Berlin, 31st i h, ‘'k Petersburg, publishes 3,1 Angl > favour of the foundati >n o <’ Russian Club in London. the name <»f Count Reckon 4 < n Ambassador to Great B> licnorury President, and
      55 words
    • 223 485 Great Reception at Berlin. Mei by Kaiser and Crown Prince. Cheered by the Populace. 4 (Supplied by lleuler.) London, 30th May. —On the occasion of the •isitofH.’I. H. Admiral Prince Arisugawa and Princess Arisugawa, of Japan, to Berlin to attend the wedding of the German Crown Prince, the
      223 words
    • 28 485 4 (Echo Special.) Berlin, 31st March.—The semi-official Cologne Gazette, in its welcome to H.I.H. Prince Arisugawa, states that Germany is honouring a personality of importance.
      28 words
    • 25 485 Speaker Gully Resigns (Supplied bp Reuter.) 31st May.—The Light Hon. Court Gully, m.p., has resigned his 10Q as Speaker of the House of Coin-
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    • 21 485 Reception in Paris. (Supplied bp Reuter.) 3Isf AHodso 11 of eordiallv <iriive d in Paris and has been
      21 words

  • 425 485 Singapore Races. First Day s Results. Herby Won by Devilment (Echo Specials Singapore, 30th May.—Followingare ie r( suits < to-day’s racing. There were heavy rains before starting ami the ground was sloppy. The Maiden Plate.— Value 8600. A rr.ce for in-.iilen horses. Weight 311» An allowance of
    425 words
  • 87 485 The following railway rule regarding traffic to be carried free has been published ,\nv traffic bawarded by train for i j i x r iheij Bi'j ><' the Sultans and tiie Yarn Tuan of Neuri Sembilan, the I Huh Commissioner, the Resident-f reneral, the Resi len s, 1!;(- General inacer
    87 words
  • 1485 485 By One who has been There. (Specially irritt>njr lh< Times of Ceylon) Compari-ons are odious, so said somebody. Mho he was we don't know. However, whoever he was, he might have added that they are necessary, and never more so than when a boom "of
    1,485 words

  • 177 486 A floating dock has been successfully launched from the Tategami yard of the Mitsu Bishi Dockyard and Engine Works, according to the Nagasaki Press. It is usual to launch such docks in sections in fact we believe that this is the first time on record
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  • 18 486 of the Trigono- metrical Survey Department, has been transferred from Negri Sembilau to Taiping.
    18 words
  • 44 486 —Mr. H. S. Sircom as Assistant District Officer, Ulu Langat; Mr. E. MacFadyen, Assistant Secretary to Resident, Selangor; Mr E. W. N. Wyatt, Assistant District Officer, Kuala Selangor; Mr. A. H. do R. Fonseca, Assistant Revenue Auditor, Perak.
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  • 55 486 a gold bracelet and a pair of gold earrings, part of the spoil from Messrs. Chow Kit’s premises at Kuala Lumpur, have been recovered by the Detective Department. These articles, together with some burglars’ tools, were found in a house in Swee Gnat Street, the
    55 words
  • 51 486 in regard to the appeal in the well-known Chinese mining case in which His Excellency Chang-Yeng-Mao figured, finds its way into the columns of the China Mail, but without due acknowledgment. ’Tis not too late for our Hongkong contemporary to rectify this oversight
    51 words
  • 76 486 was given at Government House, Singapore, on Friday last to celebrate the birthday of the Princess of Wales. There was a large gathering of guests, including Rear-Admiral Adair and many naval officers from the squadron now there. The Garrison was in great force, H.H. the Sultan
    76 words
  • 104 486 observes Mr. Sid- ney Low in the Evening Standard, as they contemplate the triumph of Japan and its possible results are filled with something like the feeling which Rosalind in As You Like It expressed to Orlando, when that youthful hero had defeated the great bully
    104 words
  • 102 486 The following special telegram Tinies of Ceylon, dated London, the Fa inst., will interest planters: 10 Al the rubber sale on the 12th j nsta some buyers refused to bid for saying that they could wash the rulV’ themselves; but there was good tion, some of the lots
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  • 216 486 The New Russian Minister. State Councillor Dmitri Pokotiloff, the newly-appointed Russian Minister to China, after leaving the Gymnasium, passed with distinction through the Oriental Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. An acknowledged expert of Chinese, Manchurian, and Mongolian, Pokotiloff was attached to the Asiatic Department of the Foreign Office
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  • 21 486 in the Traffic Department of the Railway to be promoted to second grade clerkships.
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  • 27 486 after the con- struction of the Seremban-Johore extension, the line from Kuala Kangsar to 6 New Territory will be put in hand.
    27 words
  • 36 486 MARRIAGES have been arranged and will shortly take place between the following Mr. A. Cropley of Ipoh to Miss Rita X ewman of Penang; Mr. P. Martin of ua Lumpur to Miss Rica Van Tooren Taiping.
    36 words
  • 134 486 the medical officer of the J7K. uegge, Malay States Guides, who has been ill rece ly has obtained three weeks’ leave to r his health. He intends to visit from here will take a sea trip to and probably to some other pars neighbourhood before ret urning to
    134 words

  • 822 487 (Thursday, Et June.) Just hvo years ago to-day, on fhcl 1st T n u e 5 1903, the >S/no/-s' E’c/io first saw that we are to-day two ars old and are celebrating our birtn•'e, 5 The two years through which we hare passed have been stormy ones in
    822 words
  • 51 487 Yesterday we wired the Echo's congratulations on the great victory to Mr Tanaka, Japanese Consul at Singapore, and to-day received the following courteous reply “Sincere thanks. Latest telegram announces our damage slight no ship lost except three torpedo-boats. Rostjestvensky taken Sasebo Hospital. Officers surrendered ships permitted release parole.
    51 words
  • 40 487 Wor- than), was arrested at Singapore on instructions from Batavia charging him with having robbed a soldier there. As no papers had arrived for his extradition, Mr. Howard discharged the prisoner on Saturday morning.
    40 words
  • 47 487 the Butterworth Gymkhana Club recently applied to the General Manager of the F. M. S. Railways for a reduction <>f the rates on the transport of polo ponies between Prai and Penang and vice versa, but that their request has not been favourably entertained.
    47 words
  • 110 487 a. gentleman whoso nationality is somewhat vaguely described as South European has sent to Marquis Ova ma a fowling piece which belonged Io Napoleon the hirst. It was accompanied by a letter explaining that Napoleon, desiring to punish Russia’s lawles condu t, led an army
    110 words
  • 588 487 One Law for Europeans, Another for Chinese. In i he Supreme Court, Singapore, on Tuesday afternoon (Jord), Mr. Thomas Braddell appeared before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, in support of an appeal by two well-to-do Chinese, by name Wong 'Tuck Pho and Wee Liok Boon, who
    588 words
  • 52 487 A certain planter found that h! coolies were being supplied with milk by a fellow-countryman. He became suspicious ami investigated matters. The fluid was milk, mixed with water, but it never came from a cow. It had obtained from
    52 words

  • THE WAR.
    • 589 488 Thrilling Despatches from Japan s Nelson.” Exciting Encounters with Balticers. Rostjcstvcnsky Hiding in a Destroyer. Surrender or Sink. Echo Special.) Tokio, 31st May.—Th* fifth report from Admiral Togo was received here yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon, and is as follows O:i the main force of our combined Meet accepting the
      589 words
    • 47 488 Damage to Japanese Squadron. (Echo Specials.) Tokio, 1 st June.—Another official Japanese despatch received here states:— In the last naval battle the damage done to our fleet was very slight. None of our battleships, cruisers, destroyers, or other ships, except three torpedoboats, were lost.
      47 words
    • 49 488 Niebogatoff to Scud Reports to Tsar. Tokio, 1st June.—Under Imperial command, Admiral Togo has been authorised to permit Admiral Niebogatoff to submit to the Tsar reports of the last battle, together with a list of the Russians killed and wounded and a list of the prisoners.
      49 words
    • 35 488 To be Released on Parole. Lokio, 1st June.—Admiral Togo has also been authorised to release on parole those officers of the Nicholai I, Orel, Admiral Apraxine, and the Admiral Seniavin, .who surrendered.
      35 words
    • 75 488 In a Naval Hospital. Tokio, 1st June.—Admiral Rostjestvensky :s at Sasebo, in the Naval Hospital. Summary of Results. London, 31st May.- The j official summary of the result recent naval battle gives six battleships, includii ifie Kriaz off', live cruisers and six other vju sunk, tv.o battleships and
      75 words
    • 56 488 i lucky and Persistent Pursuit (Supplied Inj Reuter.) London, 1st. June.—An official Japanese despatch published at Tokio states that the naval battle and ike subsequent pursuit of the Russia!) warships lasted from Saturday morning to Monday morning, the, Japanese not relaxing their tfforts until the whole
      56 words
    • 48 488 The Korea s Experience. London, 1st June.—The Russian transport Korea has arrived at, Wu-sung badlv h led and wi> h ail her boats shot away. She fled directly the Japanese squadron appeared, but was struck by several shells before she could get out of range.
      48 words
    • 23 488 Arrive at Vladivostok. London, 1st June.—The Russian torpedodestroyer Bravy Prawi) has arrived at Vladivostok with 200 survivors of the battleship Oslabia.
      23 words
    • 162 488 Reported in Splendid Condition. 4 Fu-So and Chin-Yen Re-armed. 4 (Echo Spec led.) Shanghai, 1st June. In a further interview, the officers of the Russian warships at Wu-sung have expressed themselves as surprised at the splendid condition of the Japanese fleet. They state that they noted that the
      162 words
    • 23 488 Examining Mail steame a Russian Shanghai, 1st June. r -with cruiser '.s examining > li mails that arrive off the baddie
      23 words
    • 35 489 Strikes a SVZine.Founders with Ah H&iids. (Supplied by Reuter.) Mav —The correspondent jSSlyExpre sat io repons tb t £U<a cruiser brom >!><» vras reaving ufpwese mine and foun lore 1 with all baud»-
      35 words
    • 41 489 Decided by Nuvul bati.e. London, 31st May.-The Bourse Gazette, a St Petersburg journal, say 1 h.d. lie >aelk. near Tsushima has decided toe issue of ike war and has opened new ways ;or Lie cmreuts of history.
      41 words
    • 77 489 A Stupendous Victory. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 1st June. —All the newspapers dilate on Japan’s stupendous victory, the full extent of which is now appreciated. They pay unstinted homage, to Admiral Togo’s gallant fleet and are waiting eagerly forthe details showing how the result was accomplished. “Lionising Arisugawa.
      77 words
    • 271 489 A World-Historical Victory. (Echo Specials.) Berlin, 1st June. —The Cologne Gazette pronounces the Japanese victory near Tsu-shima to be world-historical. The Gazette adds that the German nation will show high appreciation of the successes in the war to all Japanese at present in Berlin. Cheering Prince Arisugawa. Berlin,
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    • 48 489 King of Spain s Life in Danger. Attempted Murder in Paris. Arrest of Anarchist. (Echo Special) Paris, 1st Juno.—An anarchist has attempted to murder Alfonso of Spain with a dagger during his visit liere.| Fortunately the attempt was fruitless and the anarchist has been arrested.
      48 words
    • 54 489 Tsar’s Brother to Attend. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 1st June.—It is reported that the Grand-Duke Vladimir of Russia, is sicl< and cannot come to the wedding of the Crown Prince, but the Tsar’s brother,’the Grand Duke Michael, will attend instead of the former. Reichstag Closed. B rlin, 1st June.—The
      54 words
    • 247 489 Australians in England. 4 Result of Test Match. Big Victory for England. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 30th May. —The first test match between the Australians and England was comm meed at Nottingham yesterday. England went to 1he wickets first, but only compiled a score of 196, of which Tyldesley
      247 words

  • 103 489 Race for the Derby. Won by Cicero Our Loudon correspondent wires that the Derby which was run off in firn* weather with nine starters, has been won by Lord Rosebery’s Cicero, which was three-quarters of a length in front oi Al. Blanc’s Jardy, the third being Chevalier
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  • 26 489 Russian Restrictions. Menace to Foreigners. (Echo Special.) Simla, 1st June.—Russia has issued an order placing rest fictions on foreigners who travel through Central Asia.
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  • 44 489 Necessity of Strength. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 1st June.—in the course of a speech at Brooklyn, the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, pointed out the necessity that exists for a strong navy m the interest of the national welfare.
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  • 38 489 where some Russian cruisers have been sighted, is situated almost at the extreme noil h-easterly point of Japan, separating the mainland of Yezo from Kurile (or Chishima) group of islands in the Nort h Pacific.
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  • 85 489 which has just concluded a contract for the supply of a hundred other powerful locomotives for Japan, and we notice that one contemporary vaguely describes it. as “a North British combine.” The concern in question is, of course,
    85 words
  • 135 489 resulting m a splendid having to be shot. When near the Magazine Station, the pair of horses attached to the carriage of Air. Ong Hun Slew took fri lit at something or other ami became 1
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  • 1695 490 Iki Shi ma, where the big naval fight is reported tu have taken place, is an island off Japan, to the east of Krusenstern Strait which separates it from Tsushima Island. The Russian battleship Borodino, which is reported to have been sunk in the longexpected naval fight
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  • 1458 491 meeting of the Council was held on Friday W,26lh His Exeellyney Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.c., •J.1 ‘01(1 there were also present the rf&ial Secretary, ih‘ Attorney. Opneril the Colonial Engineer, the Amlitorrpneraf the Colonial Treasurer, and the u n \V P. Waddell, W. H. Shelford, J.
    1,458 words
  • 792 491 4 Greatest on Record. Ihe statistical report now issued by the Siamese Customs Department shows that the value of the foreign trade of the port of Bangkok tor the year 1904 was the greatest on record. As compared with the previous year i here was an
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  • 178 492 The Saigon Opinion, in a vulgar way, explains the action taken by M. Beau, the Governor-General of French Indo-China, against certain telegrams lately forwarded from Saigon by Mr. Cunningham of the South China Morning Post, on which a note was printed in the Straits Times M.
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  • 12 492 left Amoy for the Straits Settlements. 12,733 coolies have
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  • 19 492 left Singapore for Hong- kong on Saturday at 3 p.m.
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  • 33 492 during the absence of Mr. Bratt in England, Mr. Tatewill do the handicapping at the forthcoming Taiping meeting, and in Penang the Committee will make their own arrangements.
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  • 52 492 living at Hutton Lane was on Monday morning murdered, it is alleged, by her husband, who cut her throat with a knife. The wound inflicted was about 9 inches long. It is also alleged that her husband committed suicide ai'u r the committal of the deed by
    52 words
  • 179 492 Inward. Per Nubia, from London 25th May, M>ss Fisken. From Marseilles, Mr. A. T. Dew, Mrs. Innes, Mrs. IL B. Matthews, Nam Sang, Br. s.s. 2,591, Payne, 27th May, Calcutta, 21st Ma Gen.,—B. Co. Per Chusan, from Hongkong 27th May, ,Mr. and Mrs. Yeong Chung Mak, Mr. D. C.
    179 words
  • 160 492 Births, At Bangkok, on 16th May, the wife of F. K. Hofer, of a daughter. On 14th May. at Rangoon, the wife of C. I. B. Mealin. of a daughter. At Ailsa. Mount Elizabeth, Singapore, on 25th May, the wife of Charles W. Abrams, of a son. Marriages.
    160 words
  • 111 492 Penang, 1st June. f'Hy courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/111 4 months’sight Bank ...1/11 j* 3 Credit ...1/11 3 Documentary ...2Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 147| 3 days’ sight Private 149| Bombay, Demand Bank 14 7.'. 3 days’ sight Private Madras, Demand Bank 147| 3 days’sight Private
    111 words
  • 133 492 2 0 1 Os' into Pepper JCIi Trang Pepper Cloves (picked) f Mace Picking Nutmegs 11 Os ok 00 ■—stdeg Sugar N '’d 1 Mulai 'k'' FimIr l.'17-aKj.r, Copra 7.8o4e» en C i a!,i>l! -12-Wr, 280,— 8ii-u. VL’ambong 260,— ♦I India Rubber 2’25 Pottans ]j._ Rottans Coarse u
    133 words
  • 214 492 BersawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 13. sellers Raub Aust ralian Gold Mining Co., Ld 8 42b sellers Redjang Lebong Goid-Min-ing Co., Ld.. $252.50 buyers K ad ana Gol d M i n i n g C o„ L td. (fuily paid) 10. num. Bruseli 'Tin Mining Co., L<1. 8 4.
    214 words