The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 26 May 1905

Total Pages: 26
441 466 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 167 441 Mr. Choon Chung, of Serendah, writes to the Malay Mail as follows I think that as a rule correspondents only write to you to make complaints of the Railway officials, and it is only their due that, when an occasion occurs, they should also get their
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  • 832 441 (Friday, L9th May.) It is admitted, writes Neutrality Prof. Holland, on the Proclamations, subject of the Russian fleet at Camranh Bay, that a neutral Power is bound not to permit the “asylum which she may grant to ships of war to be so abused as to render her
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  • 211 441 Pitchforking.” “Kissing goes by favour” all over the world, at the same time it is unfortunate that an important appointment which was posted in the latest issue of the Government Gazettee should have had to be gazetted, savs the Straits Times. The publication of the circumstance has given rise to
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  • 242 441 An Exciting Chase. The capture of the Norwegian steamer Henri Balkow at the northern end of the Yunigiri Straits on the 7th instant was effected after a somewhat exciting chase. The Japan Mail states that she was sighted at the first break of day steaming leisurely along having
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  • Page 441 Advertisements
    • 104 441 Che Straits Echo 104 Jugticcgß tisfles everybody, and justice Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No 226—232, Beach Streel, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL ver annum. OUTSTATION Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) 815 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. NOTICE During the temporary
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  • 644 442 Within the last, few years the Colony of the Straits Settlements has thriven exceedingly. In ’lB9O or thereabouts it suffered greatly through the fall in the value of the dollar, but now, although the exchange value of silver has in nowise recovered, or at least
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  • 691 442 Effect of Baltic Fleet s Presence. That the presence of the Baltic Squadron in Far-Eastern Seas must have an effect upon Japan’s foreign commerce is indisputable, savs the Japan Mail. The Sliogyo Shimpo writes interestingly on the subject. Rice and raw cotton, it observes, would naturally be
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  • 560 442 The Berliner Tagebl.ut p lbils|le article by the German naval officer Cow Reyentlow, pointing out the ffi/im v which Admiral logo is exposed in the rear by the fact that, the remaining cruism f the Vladivostok Squadron, the BoXi Gromboi, together with a number of torpedo-boats, are still
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  • 594 443 British Steamer Daghestan arrived ffirennore Tuesday morning from L York “nd Captain Todd reported that N Vsdav.the 14th mst., near I'ulo arela Bindings) lie passed a damaged Steamer presumably a. Russian Xpert. The vessel was stopped ami L «ere dowu apparently repairing her
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  • 203 443 V hex the Prince and Princess of Wale, IS,t Ind,a ,11 October next, two part, ti e streat Empire will be open to them which were closed to Hi s Majesty the Kim. < i the oecnsioii of liis nistecAe,' P a 1 b
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  • 369 443 Recalcitrant Crew. Before the District Magistrate at Rangoon, on 10th inst., twenty-five merchant sailors, representing practically the whole new of the tramp steamer Lustleigh, were prosecuted for refusing to go to sea. The men say' that there is cont raband of war on board the tramp in
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  • 612 443 Reduction on Rough Goods. London, Alay Bth. Owing to the rate war the Liverpool lines to-day reduced their freights on rough goods to Calcutta bv five shillings. Colombo, Alay 9th.—The Hansa Line will commence a regular service of steamers from London to Colombo, Aladras and Calcutta, the
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  • 63 444 a Rost jest vensky Nervous I Asks to be Recalled. His Probable Successor. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 19ch May.—The journal Bersehewija reports that a vague rumour is in circulation to the effect that Admiral Rost jestvensky has asked to be recalled because he is suffering from nervous attacks. Vice-Admiral
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  • 85 444 Expectations Among the Japanese. Possible Demonstration near Pescadores. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th May.—Reuter’s correspondent at Tokio states that the departure of Admiral Rost jestvensky from the Bay of Bin Kohe northwards has renewed the popular expectation in Japan of an early naval action, and it is
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  • 76 444 Railway Enterprise near Tiding. Replacing Destroyed Bridges. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th May.—Reuter’s correspondent at Tieling states that the Japanese have completed the changing of the guage of the railway to Tieling ami supply trains are now running to that place from the south. The Japanese are
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 88 444 Incognito in Paris. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 18th May. 11. I. 11. Admiral Prince Arisugawa of Japan is travelling incognito during his visit to Paris. He will call at the Elysee before his departure for Germany. To Attend German Review. The Kaiser has invited Prince Arisugawa to attend the
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  • 22 444 Batteships Ordered Home. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 19th May.—Three Dutch battleships have been ordered to proceed home from the Netherlands Indies,
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  • 86 444 Chino-American Treaty. Urging Delay in Signing. Result of Exclusion Acts. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 18th May. —A number of influential Chinese here have telegraphed to the Wai Wu Pu, requesting that the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, may be instructed to delay signing the new Chino-American treaty at Washington.
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  • 58 444 Recrudescence on Canton River. Communication sent to Chinese Government, (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th May.—Earl Percy, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, intimated in the House of Commons yesterday evening that Sir Ernest Satow, British Ambassador at Peking, is communicating with the Chinese Government in reference to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  58 words
  • 45 444 Declaration of Dividends 140 Francs per Share. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 19th May.—-The Suez Canal dividends amount to 140 francs per share. Reducing Shipping Dues. It has been decided to reduce the dues for shipping iu the Suez Canal to 75 centimes per ton.
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  • 44 444 Reciprocating Birthday Honour. King Edward Now a Spanish Admiral. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18t b May.-—His Majesty King Edward has been appointed a.u Admiral of the Spanish Navy on the occasion of the young King of Spain’s nineteenth birthday anniversary celebrations.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 51 444 NATAL CONGRATULATIONS. Refers to His Forthcoming Marriage. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 May.—His Majesty King Alfonso of Spain, in replying to the congratulations of the Senate on the occasion of his birthday anniversary referred to his forthcoming marriage in connection with his visit to France and Great
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 86 444 New Freight Line From Bremen to Java and Australia (Echo Special.) Benin, 18th May.—The North Ger man Lloyd Shipping Company i s to open a freight line from Bremen to Australia, calling en route at ports iu Java. Will Call at Java both Out and Home. (Supplied by Reuter.)
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  • 69 444 SANDY HOOK TO THE LIZARD. Wind Favours Schooners At Start. VALHALLA AN HOUR BEHIND. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 May. —At the start of the yacht race from Sandy Hook to the Lizard for the Kaiser’s Cup a light wind favoured the schooners, and the Earl of Crawford’s
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  69 words
  • 70 444 Ragging in Navy. Cruiser's Captain Superseded. Punishment for Other Practical Jokers. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 May.— Mr. E. G. Pretyman, m.a., Secretary to the Admiralty, has intimated in the House of Commons that iu connection with the “ragging” of the midshipman belonging to the cruiser Kent by his comrades,
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  • 53 444 Outlook in Australia. PLANTERS NOT TO BE ENCOURAGED. Bonuses not to be Recommended. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th May.—The Minister Commerce of the Australian Connnonwea has announced that, after full iuvestiga 1 he is unable to recommend tlje ral J tlD bonuses to encourage the growing o c
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  53 words
  • 55 444 Dispute Between Rajah an Nephew. Resident of Selangor as Arbitrator (Echo Special.) Resident of Selangor, Mi. H. C. proceeds from here to !n ‘y 1C f e beLawas to arbitrate in the isp g. f tween the Ra jah of Mr. Charles J. Brooke) and his ne P"%
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  • 599 445 (Saturday, 20th May.) Tue so-called report upon the enquiry A by the Municipal Commissioners ardin" certain complaints made by l nnrk butchers, which was laid on the table by the President at yestermeetin? of the Commission, niiot be described as a very convincLdocument to the man in
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  • 579 445 Strange Scenes at Karachi. Shoals of dead fish were thrown up on the beach at Karachi, between Clifton and Rea man, below high water mark, on the night of the 4th inst. and were seen next morning. The residents of Clifton state that the sea between Clifton
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  • 614 445 An incident occurred recentlv in the Supreme Court at Colombo, presided over by His Lordship the Chief Justice, which can only be characterised as unfortunate and regrettable, both in the interests of bench and Bar, writes a Ceylon paper. Mr. Advocate Abdul Cader, who has
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  • 2198 446 Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Municipal Commission of George Town was held in the MunicipaljChambers last h riday afternoon. Mr. J. W. Hailifax (President) presided; and there were also present: —Dr. Locke, Messrs. L. H. Clayton, A. R. Adams, and Cheah Tek Thye; with Mr. L.
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  • 1182 447 Predictions for Singapore Meeting. Everything augurs well for the success of the Singapore Spring Race Aleeting coming off in ten days’ time. Discussing the vaiious items in the order they appear in the programme, we come first to The Alaiden Plate. For this event there is expected to
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  • 370 448 Russia’s Naval Command. Admiral Berileff Appointed. Leaving for Vladivostok. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th May.—Reuter's correspondent at St. Petersburg reports that Admiral Berileff was received in audience by the Tsar yesterday, prior to bis leaving for Vladivostok to take command ot the naval forces of Russia in the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  370 words
  • 55 448 French Gunboat on Look-out. Fleet of Over Sixty Transports. (Supplied by Renter). London, 20th May.—Reuters correspondent at Saigon repors that the French river gunboat Caronade is engaged in watcuing forty-three transports, mostly Russian and German, whr-h bre off Nhal e Dassas, and is a’-o watch’ng twenty more
    (Supplied by Renter).  -  55 words
  • 136 448 Bomb Disaster in Warsaw. Tragic Sequel of Attempt on Governor’s Life. -4 Anarchist Blown to Atoms by his Own Bomb. Two Detectives and a Jew Killed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th May.—A telegram from Warsaw reports that, just as General Maximovitch, the Governor-General of V\ arsaw, was about
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  136 words
  • 224 448 Japanese Invasion Bogey. Deloncle Fears the Worst. French Resistance Powerless. (Supplied by Reuler.) London, 20th May.—M. Deloncle, the French Deputy for Indo China, has drafted an exhaustive but unofficial report concerning the contingency of a Japanese invasion of Indo-China, and demonstrates in most plain language the inability of the
    (Supplied by Reuler.)  -  224 words
  • 190 448 Seizure of Tientao, Denial from Berlin. How Rumours Originated. (Echo Special.) t Berlin, 20th May.—The semi-official Aorddeutsche Gazette again denies the Italian and British reports regarding German military movements on the coasts and i-i the interior of China, and adds that the reports as to the hoisting
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  • 60 448 County Championship .—4—Surrey Defeat Sussex. 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th May.—The match between Surrey and Sussex at the Oval, which wa. begun on Thursday, has resulted in a win for the former by an innings and 184 runs. Derbyshire Down. Derbyshire have been beaten by 161 run* by
    4 (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 66 448 Pathetic Scene in Commons Irish Member Seized with a Fit. Conveyed to Hospital and Dies. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th May.—Yesterday evening, Mr. William O’Doherty, Nationalist Member of Parliament for North Donegal, was suddenly seized wit h a fit whilst in bis seat 111 the House
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  • 261 448 Cambodian Frontier Dispute. 4 French Proposal Adapted. 4 Siamese “Lamb” Gives in Again. 4 {Supplied b'/ Reuter.) i&uppiieu, vy London, 20th May, —M, Delcassc, Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, has announced that Siam Ims accepted the French proposal regarding the delimitation of toe boundary between Siam
    4 {Supplied b'/ Reuter.)  -  261 words

  • 1184 449 22lid May.} y OT once, bat many times, have we ..Jled attention in this column to the utter inadequacy of our tire appliances. B U t it takes along time to penetrate the official hide, and it is only now that the Municipal Commissioners are about to
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  • 250 449 Luring the month of April there were IO'J births, of which 65 were bovs and 44 gills. r l he birth rate was equivalent to 13 40 ppr thousand. Ihe deaths numbered 315, of which 236 were males and 79 females. '1 he death rate was equivalent
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  • 414 449 OBITUARY. Death of Mrs. Bourne. It is with feelings of the very deepest regret that we have to chronicle the death at her residence, adjoining the Detective Station in Penang Road, on Saturday evening last, of Mrs. Mary Bourne, the wife of Chief Defective-Inspector Bourne, the intimation of which cast
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  • 92 450 The Tsar’s Armada. Cruisers Return to Annam In Search of Colliers. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 22nd May.—A telegram winch has been received in Paris from Saigon, states that the auxiliary cruisers belonging to Admiral Post jest vensky’s Baltic fleet returned to the coast of A imam, 1 ndo-Clima,
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  92 words
  • 38 450 Not to be Salved by Swedes. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 22nd May.—The Swedish Salving Company at Neptun declares that it has made no contract with .Japan for the raising of the Russian warships at Port Arthur.
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  • 36 450 Jonquieres Leaves Saigon Again. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 22ml May. —Rear-Admiral de Jonquieres, of the French China Squadron, has again left Saigon on boar'l the French cruiser Guichen, but his destination is unknown.
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  36 words
  • 43 450 french and Russian Ambassadors visit Lansdowne. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 22nd May.—A London telegram states that a mutual reception to the French and Russian Ambassadors in Loudon was given at Lord Lansdowne s office when a discussion followed regarding the Far East.
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  • 49 450 Cruiser Stops a Clan Liner. (Echo Special Singapore, 22ml May.- —The captain of the Clan Macarthur, which has arrived here, reports that he was stopped on the 12th instant by a Japanese auxiliary cruiser east of Shanghai, after leaving Moji with a cargo of coal for Singapore.
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  • 46 450 Receives His Dismissal. (Supplied by lleuter London, 22ml May.—The 'Tsai* has ordered the dismissal of Captain Klado, whose criticism of Russia’s naval administration recently created some comment ami who was lately appointed to take command of a service of river steamers in Manchuria.
    (Supplied by lleuter )  -  46 words
  • 76 450 To Develop Fighting Forces. London, 22nd May. —A Rescript of the Tsar creates a t ermanent Defence Council with a view to developing t he fighting forces of the Russian Empire and assuring the uniformity of the military and naval admin st ration. Commission to Frame
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  • 143 450 1 m port ant Declaration. Outcome of Seizure of Calchas London, 22nd May.- In reference to the seizure of the British steamer Calchas, on 26th July last, by the Vladivostok squadron, a telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Supreme Prize Court, has decided to confiscate the
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  • 63 450 Emperor to be Removed. Alleged Contravention of Simonosaki Treaty. Russian Charge d’affaires Informs China. (Supplied by Renier.) London, 20th May. —Reuter’s correspondent at Peking states that the Russian Charge d’Affaires there has informed the Chinese Government that the Japanese are proposing to remove the Emperor of Korea
    (Supplied by Renier.)  -  63 words
  • 40 450 (Echo Special.) Berlin. 22nd May.—A report from St. Petersburg states that the Russian Government has; complained to the Powers i ab >ut the alleged intention of the Japanese to take the Emperor of Korea to Japan.
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  • 154 450 Japanese Assuming Offensive. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 22nd May.—Telegrams which have been received in St. Petersburg indicate that, the Japanese are again assuming general offensive tactics in Manchuria. Russian Repulses. London, 22nd May.—An official Japanese despatch, which has been published in Tokio, states that, on Thursday last,
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  154 words
  • 95 450 Latest Lic't’b Outrage Peculiar Affair in Warsaw. Incident of a Housc-to-House Search. Twenty-One Persons Injured. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 20th May.—According to a teU gram received here, t wenty-one persons bay* been wounded—three of thnn* seriouslyas the result of a bomb outrage in Warsaw A workman, who was
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  95 words
  • 94 450 Developments Pending, Count Tattenbach at Fez. May Make Definite Proposals to Sultan. Constant Communications Between Two Countries. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 21st May.—The unusually favourable reception which has been accorded to Count Tattenbach, of Germany, by the Sultan of Morocco at Fez, leads to the belief that he
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  94 words
  • 67 450 Departure from Tangier. Governor Accompanies Him at Initial Stage. London. 22nd Mav.—Mr. Lowther, the British Minister to Morocco, has left Tangier for Fez. accompanied by part of the Legation staff and several specially-appoint-ed militai v officers. The Sultan of Moroccos dele aie for Foreign Affairs and
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  • 46 450 -4». Special Wedding Mission. Governor of Lyons at Head. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 22nd May.—General Lacroix, the Governor of Lvons, has been appoint as the head of the special mission wlncn is to attend the wedding of the German Crown Prince next month.
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  46 words
  • 39 450 Resignation Rumours Rtf c Said to be Impending- (Supplied by Heater.) (Supplied uy London, 21st Mav.—Rumours as to i r AT Ltelcaw» 1 impending resignation ot y ve French Minister of Foreign Allan’s, been revived in Paris.
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  39 words

  • 131 451 Role of Protector Refused. W t be Saddled wltli_End!ess Annoyances. But Does not Recognise France 15,1 aS Protector. Ghuuh Subjects usuek Gesman Jurisdiction. (6'unphecZ by Rcid'i.) tadou, 20tl>May.--Tbe Clerical journal i J Vnlks-zeitumz. which recently fVated that the Vatican should make “«aches to Germany»,th a vie» to
    (6'unphecZ by Rcid'i.)  -  131 words
  • 41 451 Cambodian Boundary Dispute. {Echo Special.) Berlin, 22 May.—The report that the King of Siam has accepted the proposal of France regarding the putting back of the boundary line from Cape Lembing to the Paknani-vven river is not authentic.
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  • 20 451 Homeward Bound. {Echo Special) Berlin, 22 May.—Prince Leopold of Prussia has arrived at Urgu and is homeward bound.
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  • 16 451 Visits Warbug To-Day. 4 {Echo Special.} Berlin, 22 May.—The Kaiser visits Wartburg to-day (Monday.)
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  • 135 451 Launch of a Battleship. “Africa” at Chatham. {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 22nd May.—The bat tieship ric ;B 6,350 tons displacement, and of e Vlll g Edward \Il cla<s. was launched Koval Navy Dockyard on Saturday Cruiser Launched on Clyde. biiV* 6 Cochrane, of the tip" V. r 111^ul
    « {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  135 words
  • 488 451 Australians in England. A d by E, lift r.) 22ii.1 Mny— Ti«. Australians have beaten Maryle’ione Cricket Club ami Giound (or Gentlemen of England) by an innings and 189 runs in the match which at Lord’s on Thursmiy. '1 he Australians compiled 555 runs tor the loss of only
    ( A d by E, lift r.)  -  488 words
  • 643 451 The Entries. I he complete entries for the forthcoming Singapore race meeting are as follows: Tuesday, 30th May. 1. The Maiden Plate. Postman Sir Dareth (late Marigold Bismuth Banzai Convoy The Viking 'Tea-Tray Sceptre Prince George Nippon Currency Lass 2. The Lawn Stakes. Starlight Financier Meros Benedick Glencoe
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  • 1197 452 Deputation to the Governor. i A deputation of owners or Government i 99 vear ieases wailed on His Excellency I the Governor on Friday, 12tli ins!., at the Government Offices, Singapore. Thedeputai tion consisted of Mr. S. T« mlinson, Mr. Choa Chiang Thye and Syed Abdul
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  • 4719 453  -  A Romanes of M odern Mahya By OLIVER ASIIWELL, author of «Tales of the Fen,” Chronicles of the Carbonettor Club," In Peril in Penang,” etc. Chapter VL which the course of true love, in accordance with time-honoured custom., fails to run smoothly. Martin was distinctly worried. He
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  • 1950 456 A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, 19th inst. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k. c m. g., presided, and there were also pre.-ent Hons, the Officer Commanding tlm Troops, the Ag. Resident Councillor of Malacca, the Ag. Colonial Secretary, the Attorney-General, the
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  • 491 457 Smart Work of Lobe Police. AMPLE FOR 1 EXAXu 1 OIuICE. \n’incident occurred recently .'it the Kobe branch of the Hongkong Shanghai Bink which may act as a warning to those who have business at the Bank, and furnishes an example of smart police work. Ace rdincr
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  • 767 457 (Tuesday, 2d rd May.) s J o-morrow is to be Empire Day. observed as a public holi- Jay to which has been attached the name of Empire D.v. It is nlso Hie anniversary of the birth of victoria the Good, and surely no dav could be more appropriate
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  • 399 457 Although written so long ago as April 10th, a Times article of that date contains much that seems new with regard to the preparations for the naval fight. The 'Third Baltic Squadron of Nebogatoff is believed to be of very little fighting value. The Times evidently
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  • 219 458 The Tsar’s Armada. Possible yet Improbable Report. Said to have passed Formosa. Ind in ect Route to 'Vostok. (Supplied Reuter.) Loudon, 2211'1 May. —A su-amer winch has arrive 1 at Hongkong reports that the Baltic fleet has passed 1 hrough Ihe B tshee Channel, south of Formosa, thus
    (Supplied Reuter.)  -  219 words
  • 47 458 Complete Survey by French Admiral. L<> clou, 23 May.—Reuter’s correspondent at Saigon reports that Rear-Admiral de Jonquieres has returned thither after again visiting the entire coast of Aunam and has ascertained that no Russian men-of-war have returned to these waters since the 14th instant
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  • 50 458 Reconnoitring Officers Captured by Japanese. London, 23rd May. —The correspondent of Reuter’s Agency at Tokio states that it is reported that a junk, which was filled with Russian officers, has been captured by the Japanese. It is presumed that the officers were engaged in a reconnaissance from Vladivostok.
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  • 40 458 Berileff Starts for Vostok this Week. London, 22nd May.—Admiral Berileff, who has been appointed to taken command of the naval forces of Russia in the Far East, starts from St. Petersburg for Vladivostok on Thursday, 25th instant.
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  • 46 458 Two Further Russian Attacks. Repelled by Oyama’s Forces. London, 22nd May.—Gene al Ova ma reports that he repulsed two fresh attacks by detachments of Russian infantry and cavalry in the directions of Fa-ku-men, north-west of Teiling, and of Wei-yuen-pu-men north of Kai-yuen, respectively.
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  • 86 458 Three li mid red Russian Casualties. London, 23rd May.—Reuter’s correspondent at Tokio wires a report that a Russian force on Saturday last, 20th instant, attacked 1 he Japanese at Tangshed, on the right bank of the Liao-ho river and thirteen miles south-west of Fakumen. The engagement lasted
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  • 58 458 Picked Men from Poland. 4 Detachments Despatched Daily. London, 22nd May. —There is a notable increase in activity as regirds l!;> despatch of troops from Poland lor the s 'at of war in the Far East. Detachments are starting dailv, composed of picked men iron) each
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  • 51 458 Report as to Emperor s Removal. 4 Official Denial from Tokio. London, 22nd May.—The correspondent of Reuter’s Agency at Tokio states that the roporl concerning the alleged intention of the Japane.-c to remove the Emperor of Korea, to Japan has been officially denied by the Imperial Japanese
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  • 71 458 New Railway Convention. To Prevent National Monopoly. 4 Britain, France, and Italy in League. (Supplied by Reuter. London, 23rd. May.—The correspondent of Reuter’s Agency at Paris slates that Great Britain, France, and Italy are negotiating an Abyssinian Railway Convention with a view to preventing a monopoly of the lailway
    (Supplied by Reuter. }  -  71 words
  • 77 458 Allegations Against Chinese. Attack on a Native Compound. Two Kaffirs and an Indian Slain. (supplied by Reuter.') London. 22nd May.—The correspondent of rhe Drily Chronicle at Johannesburg has wired a report alleging t hat the Chinese miners oa the I’a.nd, to the number of a, thousand strong, ma,de
    (supplied by Reuter.')  -  77 words
  • 90 458 Dispute with Roumama. 4 School Inspectors Cast into Prison. Reparation Required. A Threat to Sever Relations. 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22ml May.—A serious dispute is reported to have arisen between Turkey and Itoumania oil account, of the imprisonment of two Roum inian school inspectors by the
    4 (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  90 words
  • 240 458 Attempted Daylight Robbery Exciting Scene in Gambling House Tussle between Detective and Desperado. Revolver Shots Exchanged. 4 (Echo Special). Kuala Lumpur, 22ml May.—Con. >iderable excitement has been o CCa sioimd hereby another sensational attempt at robbery at 1 he GamblingFaiji) in Light Sh eet in broad daylight. About
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  • 208 458 Disputes Among th© Partners. 4- Concern Sold by Auction* 4 Knocked Down to a Syndicate. 4 Penang Interested in New VentuH. 4 (From a Special Correspondent) Bangkok, 23rd May.-Owing to several disputes which have arisen amoiL the partners in the Opium Farm of Siam, this concern was
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  • 394 459 Hague Tribunal’s DecL’.v.t. < Awarded Against Japan. 0— Perpetual Leases Debar I .sa Imposts. Pissent Entered by Japanese Ali.x is ?jr. Loudon, 23rd May.—The Hague rbunal's decision was announced yesterday in the appeal by Great Britain, I rul e and Germauv against the Japanese hoime-lax, and its
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  • 693 459 Handicaps. I he following are the handicaps in The Lawn Stakes. Clansman t>< n i u 'b; 116(11C1< n ._> Glencoe Meros <lO !u| whi d 111 BJ2 I 1 inancier 8 9 1 ’oree > The Grand Stand Cup. J< or file 10.4 C()FJIWCi£ i J uindo
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  • 498 459 Medical Changes. Butterworth, 23rd ?4;iy.—Dr. Fry left for Pahang on Saturday last to take up his appointment there, ami has been relieved temporarily by Dr. Keun from Sungei Bakup until the arrival of Dr. Sheppard from Malacca. Opium Smuggling: Heavy Fine. Lee Ah Cheong was yesterday charged before
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  • 739 460 By “Old Stager.’’ Training Memoj. Training operations, in spite of the loss of most of our Singapore contingent, are still in full swing, and the Griflics continue to give entire satisfaction. W bile writing on this latter subject we have several intended for Selangor and Taipmg meetings. Two for
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  • 1194 460 Sighted by the Hong Wan I. Capt Slaker of the British steamer Hong Wan i which arrived at Singapore on '1 hursdav morning from Amoy ami Sv.atow, reports t hat at 2.05 on the 16th he observed eight of the leading vessels of the Baltic fleet. At.
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  • 864 461 (Thursday, 25th May.) The Calcutta Englishman cantains some remark's upon Sp eS spies and spying, which in o f the recent arrest and prosecuVieW L the Sister Settlement will prove Uo 1 In these days, says that Lial,the problems of war are not conJected with secret passages and
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  • 178 461 A meeting of the above society was held on Tuesday evening in the Chinese Town Hall, the chair being occupied by Dr. Gnoh Lean Tuck, the President. There was a fairly large attendance of members and, after some business had been discussed, a lecture on
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  • 617 461 (Befoie the Hon. A. F. G. Law, Puisne Judge, and a Jury.) Culpable Homicide. Terdinand, a Hindoo Christian, was last I liursday morning arraigned before the Court on charges of (1) culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and (2) causing grevious hurt. 'The accused claimed to be tried
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  • 772 462 Uproarious Scenes in the House of Commons. Ministers and Members at Loggerheads. Cails for the Police. CAM 1’ BE I ,L- BA NN El.* MA N BL A MES BALFOUR. T..khU Advantage cf Speaker s Abs.nce. (>' i/p/d ted by Renier.) kmiim, 23rd May —in the Home of <
    (>' i/p/d ted by Renier.)  -  772 words
  • 314 462 Extraordinary Ovations for Party Leaders. London, 24th Alay.—On re-assembling yesterday afternoon the House of Commons was thronged with members, and Sir Henrv Campbell Bannerman and Air. Balfour each received extraordinary ovations from their respective followers on entering and taking their seats. Proposed Vote of Censure. Sir H.
    314 words
  • 87 462 Conference to Deal also with Customs Duties. (JA.'/.'o Special.) London, 2HL Alay.—An excited cussion took place in the House of Com. *****1 s yesterday afternoon when it was intimated from the Ministerialist benches that the Colonial Conference of 1906 would deal with the question ofprp. ference tariff for
    87 words
  • 53 462 Lord Talbot Replaces Mr. Loder. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25 May.— X Parliamentary vacancy has been created at Chichester, due to the acceptance of the office of Junior Lord of the Treasury by Lord Edinnud Bernard Talbot, m.p., in succession to Mr. G. AV. E. Loder who was
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  53 words
  • 36 462 Admiral Poe for East Indies. (Supplied by Reuter.} London, 25th Alay. —Rear-Admiral Edmund Samuel Poe. C v. 0., second-in-com-mand of the Home Fleet, has been appointed to take command of the East Indies squadron.
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  36 words
  • 143 462 Kirssr Reviews Troops. Unveils Memorial to Army Medical Corps (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 25 Alay.—ln connection slth5 lth the celebration of Empire Day, Ilis King Edward yesterday reviewed tne troops at Aidershot, and unveiled a memoi ial to the members of the Roy a Aledical Corps who have
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  143 words

  • 67 463 fighting in Manchuria. i Russians Occupy Sliahoise. jiMNWU Evacuate Chan-tu-fu. (Supplied by Reuter.) oi Mav —An official despatch f reports that a enforce occupy! Sltahots» o» SnturI li t -’Oil' insbuit, and that another 2, the Japanese to evacnato ~„l u. p li station on Wednesday, 1/rb n
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  67 words
  • 34 463 Railway Severed and Fortress Isolated. London, 24 May.—The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph al L’okio reports that the railway to Vladivostok has been severed and that the fortress is consequently isolated. 4
    34 words
  • 51 463 Berileff to Command Pacific Fleet. 4 Given Independent Powers. London, 21 May. —Admiral Berileff has, iris now stated, been appointed to take the command of t lie Russiau fleet in the Pacific, with independent powers. Rostjestvensky Superseded. His command includes both the Vladivostok squadron and the Baltic
    51 words
  • 91 463 Britain asked to Protest. London, 21- May.—ln the House of Commons, Colonel Nolan, Nationalist m.p. for North Galway, called attention to the decision of the Russian Supreme Prize Court respecting the seizure of the British steamer Calchas and asked the Government h protest against the treatment of
    91 words
  • 57 463 Assassination of a Prince. Outrage at Baku. scape of Perpetrator. (Supplied by Reuter.} by Reuter.) tlieGovpri’ a v -~Prince Nakashidze, lws l,, killed b y •Uw siwil .y, i'l Inin at. Baku, iis v i'i :i bystander were Mce tbe <>f Police at bomi'c UJP 2 b) -i
    (Supplied by Reuter.}  -  57 words
  • 23 463 Ass assin of Sergius. Hanged at Moscow. b n d<m, 24,11, m I Koliaeff, the R ,r M Duke s’p, ary wbo the
    23 words
  • 121 463 Grave Charge Against Britishers. Journalist and Actor Implicated. London, 24th March.—A well-known journalist named Brailsford }lll q an acto namec. Me utlocii have been brought up at lbw Street Police Court on a charge of conspiring to obtain a passport to Russia, purporting to be for McCulloch but
    121 words
  • 84 463 Atjucor IfidGp©jidGni Kinp’. 4 Renews Pledges with Britain. (Supplied by Rente London, 24th May.—The Tinies states that, in the new treaty between Great, Britain and Afghanistan, the Ameer is for the lust time styled the independent King of the State of Afghanistan and its dependencies and is also described
    (Supplied by Rente .)  -  84 words
  • 38 463 Welcomed by British and Dutch. Supplied by Reuter.') Loudon, 25th Mav.—'l he Bari of Selborne, High Commissioner for the Transvaal, on arrival at Pietoria, was welcomed by a large crowd of British and Dutch residents.
    ( Supplied by Reuter.')  -  38 words
  • 57 463 Lunches with Loubet. (Supplied by Reuter.') London, 25th May.—M. Loubet, President of the French Republic, has entertained 11. I. H. Admiral Prince Arisugawa and Princess Arisugawa of Japan to luncheon, at which there were also present M. Bouvier, P.esident of the Council, M. Delcassc. Minister of Foreign Affairs,
    (Supplied by Reuter.')  -  57 words
  • 26 463 Vai d’Or Scratched for Derby. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th May. —Mr. E. Blancos 5 al d’Or has been scratched, for the Derby.
    26 words
  • 33 463 Dispute with Roumania Settled. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th May.—The difficulty between Turkev and Ron mania in respect of the imprisonment of two school inspoctois al Juannina has been settle! favou/abiy.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 23 463 Arrival at Riachta. (Echo Special.) Berlin, 2 Itli May.—Prince Friederich Leopold of Prussia has arrived at Riachta on his way home.
    23 words
  • 491 463 A Plethora of Matches. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th May.—Following are reSults of cricket matches to date:— Maryleboue C. C. and Ground beat Kent at Lords by nine wickets. Sussex beat Leicestershire al Brighton by an inningsand 18 runs. Essex beat Derbyshire at Leyton by an innings and one
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  491 words

  • 1943 464 Successful Gymkhana. Empire Day showed a ro-y dawn, but unfortunately the rain pm in an appearance just as the first event of the day's sport was timed to start and it raine 1 on and off all the afternoon, considerably damping the competitors and spectators, but in
    1,943 words

  • 434 465 J'he Penang Horses. Writing in the Straits 'limes of Tuesday “Dux” says:— the Peuang horses have now arrived j were severely criticised when they pre*U themselves yesterday morning on Recourse. Tlmy are all, with but few •eptious, looking in the pink 01 condition, ntihnent was much admired and
    434 words
  • 108 465 ar,, Ibe «l.h f.u-she Sin-a-ReDerbvand the plate, al, Ihe )(;d luwlay by Mr. c. Kobius.,:, Singapore Derby. Place ”to 1 Wingaroon 1 2 t° 1 Cadenas •> 6to 1 The Idler G f fi to 1 Waihi Gf. to J CalforG 3 to 1 Barchester 3 to
    108 words
  • 219 465 SLUSHY MAXWELL ROAD. to THE Editor of the Straits Echo, Sir,—V; ill you please allow me a httle space in your valuable paper inorder <» ventilate my grievance against this road, about v.hich there has been a great, deal of correspondence in your columns of late? At first
    219 words
  • 608 465 To the Editor of the straits Echo. Dear Sir, —Being an old cricketer and a great iover of the game, 1 have been most agreeably surprised to see the nets patronised so well as they have been during the last two weeks, and. as t he saying goes that
    608 words
  • 502 465 (ii'oin Our Own Correspondent.) Rangoon, 12th Muy.—On Monday evening a salute tired by the local Artillery informed us of the departure of our Lieuten-ant-Governor, Sir Hugh Barnes, who has resigned his position here fora high official appointment in the India Office at home. A large gathering of all classes
    502 words

  • 408 466 (Krom Our Quit Corre.-'iiotident.) KEG R 1 SEM BI LAN. Seremban, 17th May. —Mr. D. G. Campbell, the British Resident, returned from leave vesterdav and has taken up hi< duties. It is rumoured that, he will guile the destinks of this Stab* as well as that of Selangor,
    408 words
  • 453 466 Preparing for the Siege. The Russkoye Viedomost learns from Vladivostok that, in view of the siege, the town is in a state of very great excitement. The authorities have wished for some time to get rid of the poorer inhabitants, and therefore the commandant of the fortress has been
    453 words
  • 71 466 Inward. Per Bha atla, from Singapore 19th May, Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomlinson, Mr and Mrs. Ong Ewe Tee, Messrs. W. J. Trowell, Khay Ti Hun and Rev. Bro. Michael. Per Pundua, from Rangoon 23rd May, Khoo Soo Lye, Khoo Swee Boon, R. Sibenscheen, Lim Cheng T'aik,
    71 words
  • 65 466 Birth. At Kuala Lumpur, on the 18th instant, the wife of P. D’Aranjo, of a son. Marriage. On the 17th May, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Singapore, by the Rev. 11. C. Izard, F. 11. Malcolm Staples, eldest son of Lt.-Col. F. Staples (retired) former Chief Constable, Stockport. Cheshire,
    65 words
  • 123 466 Penang. 26th May. (liy courtesy o f the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ...1/11} 4 months’sight Bank ...1/11’* 3 Credit ...2 0| 3 Documentary ...2 0, 3 6 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs I4BT 3 days’ sight Private 100 A Bmibay, Demand Batik 1484- 3 days’ sight Priva’e 150 i
    123 words
  • 188 466 Bersawa h Gold M ine Co., Ra,ait Aust "aiia.ii Gold Min- u g Co.. Ld. j I,about; 6,>1,1 Mi” M. 2 KadanaGold MinitigCo„Lt(l (fully paid). i<> usci i Jin Min nig Co., Ini. S 4, i Karaugan Tin Mining Co. t 7 Kinta, Tin Alines Ltd’ 5 New Gopeng
    188 words
  • 120 466 Gohl leaf 5 B. Pepper (W. Coast, 31b5.50z.) outo/M White Pepper S Trang I’coper 252 Cloves (picked) out of Mace Pickings Nutmegs 11 Os 3^B (No. 1 Q nostoct (lusih::: y'P ii>ca i<i,,r t0 7 7 <i£5 Copra op2-jrtfl» 3 1 alioun 280— Gutta 20. 1 Susu >n (Bam
    120 words