The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 16 December 1904

Total Pages: 24
1 22 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. «15 Per Annum. Single Copy, 4U cents. Vol. 2. Penang, Friday, 16th December, 1904. No. so.
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  • 183 1 y v Births, Marriages, Deaths: t j Leading Articles: V The Storm-Clouds Ware Baltiters The Tsar’s Arma<la Crime in Perak uud Penang Fires in Penang Police Reforms > The Burial Grounds By-laws The New Shipping Ring Leaderettes and other Articles: a V', Current Topics:— Rubber The Pig Trade The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 T STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION tf i u] in IS published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States News originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far East, including
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  • (9 Dec.) Current Topics.
    • 62 1 Peat have just concluded the purchase of six tons of Ceylon rubber at six shillings a pound—a record price. The rubber was from the following estates: —Culloden, Kllakamh*, lieatherlev, Suduganga, Doron-.ikanda, Elston, Weoya, and Polatagama. The first three were purchased from lirst hands, the others were re-sales. An ‘exclusive
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    • 244 1 Jn connection with the p g trade, it may be remembered that on Friday last we published the following para- graph It is understood in certain quarters that pigs intended for slaughter can now be brought over from the Province, after inspection, but they must be landed
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    • 392 1 The R an goon mail brings further news of the Cabul mission, telegrams from Allahabad and Calcutta to the Rangoon Times informing that the Amir has summoned to Cabul two representatives iom each important tribe to remain at the capital during the stay of tiie British Mission
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  • 145 1 H. M. S. Vbstal arrived at Singapore from Hongkong last Monday and left the following day for England. Tub Resident of Selangor lias consented to lav the foundation stone of the new American Mission School, Kuala Lumpur, on the 17tli inst. “When Doctors Agree is tlie headline under which the
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  • 969 1 la Aid of Alexandra Home. Yesterday afternoon a fancy Tiazaar in aid of the Alexandra Home for Destitute Women was opened iu the Town Hall,and attracted a large number of people, all anxious to see what manner of articles wen* to be offered to them and to expend
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 The Straits Echo. TNi iS* mr un^: ■n-i m J lPfico satisAe* everybody, and justice alone.—Emerson Established June Ist, 190.1. Published daily (except, Hundiye.i IT TUI CRITERION PRESS, L<l., No. Beach St wt, Pbihui/, ruiCR: PAII.V I.O(,AI. I‘tl per auuuui OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra M All. KIHTION (IVt Erei) 15 «AIII.K
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  • 200 2 A Phantom Vessel With Minks. In our issue of the 10th ult., it will be remembered, we published the following special from our London correspondent London, 0 Nov.—The Manchester Guardian hears that the Tsar has been warned that a vessel laden with mines has left Singapore, apparently
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  • 131 2 Mu. Alexander Philip, Secretary of the Ceylon Planters’ Association since 1870, died at Colombo on the Dili ult. 4 General Grippenberg, Commander of the Second Manchurian Annv, left Vilna on 17th Nov. with his staff for the front. 4 During the forthcoming visit of Lord Kitchener to Rangoon a ball
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  • 1395 2 .—Straits Tini^s. Impassions of a Visitor. Those of us who have spent only a short time in the Far East—indeer], those whose Eastern life has extended to many years can easily associate November with driving rains, dripping umbrellas, slushy streets, wet knees, coughs and colds, and the like.
    .—Straits Tini^s.  -  1,395 words

  • 775 3  -  Bv Tasmania. Tailing, 7 Dec.— The bazaar is a thing of the past tiled stall-holders sav with a sigli of relief still, it is a matter of greuL satisfaction to know what an unqualified success it has been financially and otherwise, and that all interested in church work
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  • 481 3 To TilK Kiutok op tiik SrK&nj Hem». Bin, —Kindly permit me lo draw attention to what strikes me as a queer anomaly respecting the Selangor Survey Department. A Mr. 15 had been an Assistant Draftsman in the Selangor Survey Department for several years on #25 a mouth.
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  • 58 3 W k arc indebted to the courtesy of the general managers ful’ the re‘in £lB for the Kinta Tin ami Gopeug Mines for the month of November:— Kinta Minks Limited. Output, 259 pkls. Approximate Value #12,000 Water Kent 5,400 Working Expenses 5,000 Nkw Gopkno Limited. Out ~ut
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  • 243 3 Port Arthur Squadron Completely Destroyed. (Echo Special. (Supplied hi/ It enter. Loudon, 8 Dec. (6.20 p) —The Cent ml News is in receipt of a telegram from Tokio reporting that t!i<- remainder of the Port Arthur squadron was annihilated to-day. The armoured cruiser Hay an (7,800 tons, 10
    (Echo Special.); (Supplied hi/ It enter.)  -  243 words
  • 47 3 It wah announced by the Admiralty on 1 Ik? 10th ult. that after 1 Dili N»>veint>er Britiiih war*hip* will eommiation for two years instead <4 three. Ship* will come home more frequently, and lx* alwavh kept iu the lx*xt condition, uo repair work licing allowed to accumulate.
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  • 1414 4 (10 Dec.) Side-lights on the Mission to Cabul. Afghan affairs bid fair to soon loom largely on *tl»e horizon, as our readers' will have no doubt already assumed from the tenour of tin* intelligence published in this column during the current week bearing upon the Dane Mission to
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  • 280 4 A Tientsin daily states that an over all censorship of the native newspapers official China is to lie established at Peking. The first-class cruiser Terrible, of 14,000 tons displacement and 25,000 horse-power, is, says the Hongkong Telegraph, expected to arrive shortly from Portsmouth with relief crews for vessels on the
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  • 1309 5 (Manufactured by Superlative Impudence, Brazen Cheek Co.) That I he bazaar was a great success. 1 hat Mrs. Pykett is to be very heartily congratulated. That her trusty aides contributed in no small measure to the success attained. That the toys selected for the charity bazaar by Mis. Teach
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  • 470 5 H. M. S. Lkviathan whs to leave Hongkong homeward bound about 27th ultimo, and will be relieved on the China Station by H. M. S. Sutlej. Sut Edward Hutton, late Couiiiiuuder-in* Chief of the Australian Commonwealth forces, with Lady Hutton, ai rived at Colombo on the doth ultimo, en route
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  • 114 6 Yesterday was Hari Rayah and the Mohammedans of Penang celebrated the festival m the time-honoured style, by attending services in the various mosques, the donning of new clothes, and feasting. The .Hari Rayah is the close of the fastiug •month, Ramadan, or buUn puasa, and is over the
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  • 315 6 Yesterday’s Paperchase Yesterday’s paperchase drew a large field to Pato Kramat Gardens and a number of carriages graced the meet,” despite the shower which somewhat damped things between four and live o’clock. At five punctually the hunt threw off, going down Perak Road, over the iron bridge,
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  • 67 6 It is senii-officially announced that Lord Curzon will assume the Viceregal Office on Tuesday, 13th inst. Mu. A. H. Duke, Political Ofiicer, Northern Shan States, has been seconded for service under the Siamese Government. The extra homewavd mail steamer Pera, having left Singapore at 6 p.m. yesterday, is due here
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  • 148 6 Eighty Natives Shot. Sydney, Ist Nov. —By the German New Guinea Government yacht Seestern, news was received that about eighty natives of New Britain had been killed in connection with the massacres of Roman Catholic missionaries. Of these 68 lost their lives in conflict with the police.
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  • 158 6 Directors’ Report. The Directors’ report to the shareholders reads as follows Your Directors now submit the statement of accounts for the year ending 28th Octolier 1904. After making an extremely liberal allowance for depreciation, writing off $3,000 from the goodwill, and deducting $2,090 for doubtful debts, the profit
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  • 203 6 Prince Chakrapongse, accompanied by the Siamese Minister to Russia, arrived at Berlin on loth ultimo and left the following day for St. Petersburg. An advt. in the Straits Times announces that the Japan Daily Herald (an evening paper published at Yokohama) will be put up for sale at auction in
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  • 555 6 The Secretary of the Raugoou Phn, i of Commerce has forwarded! Z letter, dated 28th November 190,l Uk the Chairman of the Raugoou ChamT 1 1 have the honour to acknowledge l| le receipt of your letter No. *****-TH !>i dated tho 27th Octolier, 1904, from
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  • 50 6 Punch lias had many slaps at the ed Balticers. Here’s one of his latest. new' edition of Great Inventors is to w e beilished with a ‘cut of Admiral Roj venskv.” Here» «..other been expressed that Admiral Rojdes on fiuding the Equator across his patn, fire on that imaginary object.”
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  • 150 7 To tuk Editor of tub Straits Ecuo. Siu, -Yesterday evening as I was standm- at the junction of Love Lane and Far(juliar Street, at 7.15, 1 saw coining from the direction of Light, Street a large flock of sheep driven by six men. As T was not aware
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  • 408 7 To the Editor of tiik Straits Echo. Sir,- 11 -With reference to the paragraph published under the heading of A Leaky Launch in your issue of the 7th inst,., we shall be very thankful if you will be so good as to correct the statement to
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  • 65 7 Mr. John Redmond, the leader of the Irish Parliamentary party, arrived at Colombo on the 28th ult. We regret to record the death of the vouug son of Mr. Mark Goon Khetn, clerk to Messrs Pritchard Co’s tailoring department and brother-in-law of Mr. Loke Chow Kitt, Kuala Lumpur, the sad
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  • 242 7 Diver’s Fearful Adventure In Table Bay. Capetown, JJNov. Whileadiver, named aimer, was engaged at the harbour entrance at a depth of 35ft., in placing blocks of concrete in position, an octopus’s huge teutace shot out, and gripped him bv the leg, and then another by the arm.
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  • 255 7 Suppose Japan whips Russia or that Russia whips Japan, Beware tlio dreadiul consequence," says the supposing man. Suppose the British were to join the doughty Japauese. Suppose the Kaiser William set a Heet upou the seas To gobble up the British, aud suppose that Frauce were drawn Into the
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  • 73 7 We regret to bear that ill luck is still dogging the footsteps of that good sportsman” Mr. Jac de Voogt. It was only the other dav we had to record the loss of his grand horse Pawnbroker, and now yet. another of liis stable has gone. Blackwing having to be
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  • 198 7 Port Arthur Japanese Casualties London, 10 Dec.—General Nogi’s second son was killed in the assault on 200 Metre Hill, while elde r son was killed at Nanshati. 1 lie General is now childless. Head* quarters at Tokio have published a further list of thirty-six officers killed and
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  • 235 7 Mr. C. \V. Anderson, Resident Engineer, Harbour Works, ban, we hear, cancelled liis arrangement* for leaving lor England next week, l*?iug unable to get away by then. We shall probably have the pleasure of bis presence in Peuang for a month longer. We read, with deep regret, in the iudian
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  • 937 8 (12 Dec.) Instructions from the Secretary of State. By a strange chance the Echoes published in our last issue included the following sally at the expense of the beneficent Tsar's Armada of Blunderers:—“That owners of fishing stakes will be warned to display large white flags on their erections
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  • 1060 8 (12 Dec.) When in February last the Russian fleet at Port Arthur was so badly smashed by the Nelson of Japan and then safely locked up in Port Arthur, only to lose some of its best vessels in a hopeless dash for liberty, it became patent to
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  • 317 9 We are glad to note that Mr. Justice haw has recovered from his recent indisposition and presided in the Supreme Court this morning. This morning the Cambridge Locals commenced throughout the Straits. The candidates from the three principal schools of Penang go through that, intellectual tournament m the Dull Hall,”
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  • 1491 9 Hin Lee A Co.’s Premises Gutted. Damauk Estimated at SPS.OUO. Last night saw a big lire in Penang w iicli emulated that which occurred earlier m the year in the block of buildings occuP 1 J y the Piuang Gazette aud, strange to say, destroyed another of the best
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  • 160 10 Rev. W. K. Horley writes to the Malay Mail under date Kuala Lumpur Bth Dec. Regarding tlie vexed question of having A. and B. carriages upon the railway, 1 think the whole matter could he solved by reserving a first class carriage on all trains for ladies,
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  • 306 10 “Navy Leaguer” writes to the Hongkong Morning Post under date of 30th November Attention has been so largelv engrossed with the investment of Port Arthur and the operations on land that little or nothing seems to l>e left in the public mind for the
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  • 54 10 The first fashionable wedding of the season was celebrated at Calcutta on St. Andrew's Day, when Captain W. E. Barrow, r. k was married to Gladys, daughter of Mr. A. Bushford, of the Fast India Railway. After the cfrenmuy in St. Peter’s .mrcli a reception was held at the exceedm
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  • 379 10 Protest Against its I*nefficiency. Dear Sir, llow long? Yes, how long will valuible life and property beat, tiie mercy of a Fire Brigade which is totally inefficient both as regards personnel and the apparatus at their command I am not disposed to crit'eiso either the Municipal authorities or
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  • 243 10 We hear that Messrs Loko Yew and Cluing Thye Pliin have secure. 1 the Perak, Selangor, and Negri Semhilau Opium Import Dutv Farm for the period 1905 1907. We hear that Mr. C. H. Mason, ji a.v.c. (Umhalla), has been licensed as a jockey, t > carry Ost. 311». lie
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  • 1063 10 Is the Bear Hankering afier a Sphere’ in our Neighbourhood? (U inyoon. Times, 26’ Nuc.) Tun article in ,1,„ TimcB ,e lol lu g a,lt l, ,s attrade,J attention m tin. *"U, X-l tl*o l>iu« u ltt, the St,a,7 i ,t tolo. We hope t£ subject
    (U inyoon. Times, 26’ Nuc.)  -  1,063 words

  • 283 11 H. M. S. Glory, with Admiral Sir Gerald Noel ou board, returned to Hongkong on the 28th ultimo from her cruise in the sunny south. 4 Chano Yen Mao, the ex-director General of the Chinese Engineering and Mining Company, Ltd., has been decorated bv the Throne with a 3rd rank
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  • 980 11 (13 Dev.) Latest intelligence from our Perak correspondents is ol *i very unsatisfactory nature, indicating to a certain extent that the State is fairly threatened "ith a reign of terror, or, at least, an epidemic of crime. From Kinta district we learn that last Ftiday
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  • 132 11 Tub first turbine steamer iu Indian w iters was tlie new 81. liner Lhasa, which arrived at Bombay from England about three weeks ago. Many persons think that the punishment of allowing the Balticers to go on to meet the Jaj wniese is more severe than the occasion warrants. I'uilcU.
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  • 429 12 (13 Dec.) 300 Miles from Penang. Ik publishing the communique yesterday from the Secretary of State for* the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor «ruing local fishing fleets to have their lamps trimmed and burning as a precautionary measure in view of the great Tsar’s Armada approach to
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  • 77 12 Another Chinese firm at Kanipoug Glam iias, it is reported by some of our coiitemps., stopped payment. The liability is about $BO,OOO. Mr. Colin C. Mactaggart, who has l>een acting as Secretary of the S. C. C. and 8. S. C. for some time, left for Kelantan ou the Bth
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  • Current Topics.
    • 157 12 The China Mail (Hongkong) understands that after a deal of consideration the Government will consent to a reduction of the amount paid by the Opium Farmer for the monopoly which he possesses. The Opium Farmer has been losing heavily and because of that he petitioned the Government
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    • 193 12 In* its reply to the Government of Bengal on the subject of commercial education, with special reference to the improvement of the commercial classes at the Presidency College, Calcutta, the Bengal Chamber of Commerce states that a system of commercial education on light lines would be productive of
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    • 255 12 In the Straits Times of Bth inst. we note that Mr. C. Trim Johnson, Pb. of George Town Dispensary, voices the need of a Pharmaceutical Society for the Straits —a project which isdouhtless well worthy of serious thought on the part of those directly concerned. Mr.
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  • 491 12 r It is proposed to send a team of Ceylon Volunteers to take part in the Bislev meeting next year. 4 The latest returns of.tlie revenue from opium in India show that the receipts from the sales in Bengal are 110 lakhs better than the estimates. Plague mortality is increasing
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  • 598 13 Hunt-Pulman. Sr. George’s Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday last xvhen Mr. J, W. Hunt, of the Municipality] was married to Miss Hagar Pulnian, of St! Heliers, Jersey. The ceremony was performed bv the Key. If. C. Henham, Acting Colonial Chaplain. The bride was
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  • 63 13 The Imperial Customs Service lor all India will probably be established about the Ist April next. Mr. Neo Ong Hee is nominated a Municipal Commissioner ot Malacca for a further period of three years from January next. A certificate of naturalization has l>een granted to Mr. Tan Kee Peck, a
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  • 562 13 An Enjoyable Dance j On* of those very enjoyable at homes,” loi which the Penang Club is famous, was j given last night, and the greater portion of Penang assembled, either to dance, engage in a quiet game of bridge, or chat about the latest war news or
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  • 90 13 Baltic Fleet Fears Attack, was the poster of a paper the other evening.- The Globe’s jester thinks it is natural that they should fear a blow; they were even afraid of a couple of smacks A notice in the Bangkok Times of the 7th instant invites Freemasons to attend a
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  • 630 13 Text of the Agreement. The draft of the Convention proposed by Great Britain declared that the Commission is to report on all the circumstances relating to the disaster, aud to establish the responsibility. Great Britain proposed to sub- J mit the question to a Commission as described
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  • 1267 14 Terrible effects of dum-dume used by the Russians. Japanese ammunition humane in comparison with Russian bullets. Thk San Francisco “Examiner ’’contains two pages of letterpress and gruesome photographs dealing with the War, and comparing the barbarous methods of the Russians with the humanitarianism of the Japanese. Russians Bless
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  • 107 14 Manchuria Another Great Battle. Japanese Again Victorious. (Echo Special.) Shanghai, 12 Dec. —A special telegram, received here from P© king, reports that the Russians are retreating on the Huubo river. After a battle lasting three days and nights, the Japanese assumed the offensive on the fourth day and
    (Echo Special.)  -  107 words
  • 91 14 The German cruiser Hertlia turned up a Singapore last Friday from Bangkok. 145 is £.oing on to Baiavia and has mice Adalbert of Prussia ou board. H.M.B. Leviathan (Captain F. <i. Kilby) arrived at Singapore from Hongkong Friday afternoon. The Times says sie bound for Malta aud that the date
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  • 376 15 (14 Dec.) Sunday night’s fin*, in which the premises of Messrs Hin Lee and Co. were completely gutted, serves to still further point a lesson taught, by the tire in which the Ah Kwei block in Beach Street was destroyed earlier in the year. In the case
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  • 247 15 Ar the annual general meeting of the si rail s Settlements Association, held at Sing:. pore on the lOtli inst., the report and accounts were adopted and the following cilice-bearers elected for the ensuing year, namely Mr. Hugh Fort, President: Mr. W. IF Slielford, Vice-President; Mr. E. F. H. i’din,
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  • 420 15 (14 Dec.) Inn subject of police reform ha* often engaged the attention of the public in various parts of the Far East. And well it might so long as terrible crimes are perpetrated without a single arrest being made for weeks and months and e\en years. Cases in
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  • 140 15 KEAR-Adiniral von Moll Ice, a grandnephew of the famous general of that name, passed through last week bv the Seydlitz eu route to Shanghai, where he will meet and hoist his Hag ou Ixiard the cruiser Haiisu as second iu command of the German squadron in the Far East. H.M.9.
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  • Current Topic.
    • 118 15 Last Friday's Gazette contains the text of a letter dated Singapore -sth Dec., addressed by the Hon. 11. Spaklor, Consul-General for theNetherlands, to the Hon. the Colonial* Secretary. It reads as foHows With reference to my letter No. 1877 ot the 4th ultimo and former correspondence, I have
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  • 208 15 Allahabad, 4 I>e<*.—A horrible {xiiHoiiing case is reported from Burhunpur, in the Nimar District, Of the Central Provinces. It appears that last Thursday, Dr. Ben jamin, of the American Episcopalian Mission, was* away visiting an outlyiug village, when news was brought him that his family had lx*m seized
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  • 169 15 Official Notiucation. Following is the full text of the communication received from the Hon. the Resident Councillor which we were only able to mentiou briefly iu our last issue Resident Councillor’s Office, Penang, IGLIi December, PJO4.» The Editor Strait* Kcho Penang. •Sir, I have the honour to
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  • 24 15 4* X mas holidays will extend over Monday and TueHdav.sthe 26th and 27th iuat., in accordance with a notification published iu last Friday's Gazette.
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  • 1706 16 The case was further adjourned.— Straitg 27 ntes. Mrs. Mitchell Cross-Examine». Following is further evidence in the heaYing of this case which is proceeding before a Beifch Court, Sing»pore. We have already published notes of the evidence previously given. Dorine Mitchell, cross-examined by Mr. Raiue—My father was
    The case was further adjourned.— Straitg 27 ntes.  -  1,706 words
  • 74 16 The Burma Crop. The surplus rice available for export from Burma duriug the coming season is estimated at 2,293,300 tons of cargo rice, being about 11 per cent, below the estimate of last year’s figures, Which were, according to the Rangoon Gazette, about 150,000 aboTe the* actuals. The Benual
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  • 146 16 Admirers of the gentle art of self-defence will be pleased to learn, says the Daily News (28 Nov.), that Sergeant Smith of the 10th Hussars (who defeated Jack Macauliffe last year) has accepted the challenge of Chariie St. Clair, Ihe American pug ami alleged Champion of the
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  • 97 16 Wit read iu the Calcutta I '“e‘“ < j ellu f 1 k Kao Sahib X. Namberumall Cbetty, well-known engineering mok» B. A. of the Madras University. new departure for au Engineerignoring the existence of the ioc at ing College and starting hfe as a t a comparatively early b
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  • 85 17 Russia The St. Petersburg Riots. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13 Dec.—A crowd of students reassembled in St. Petersburg yesterday, with the intention of rein wmg the anti-autocracy and anti-war disturbances, but dispel sed on the approach of the police. Consternation Prevails. London, 14 Dec.—The publication in Russia of
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  85 words
  • 115 17 Tlie Defence Question. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14 Dec.—The Standard states that the question of the reinforcements possibly needed from Home to defend the Indian frontier arc under discussion. Lord Kitchener’s available force at present amounts to 2,220,000 (1-220,000) regulars, of whom it is computed 100,700 could be mobilized
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  115 words
  • 107 17 Latest Betting on Viceroy’s Cup and Trial Stakes. {Echo Special.) Calcutta, 13 Dec. —The latest betting on the Trial Stakes is:— Great Scot, 3to 1 agst.; Acetine, Tubal Cain, Essington, Amplify, and Joliore, 0 to 1 agst.; from 10 to 1 to 20 to 1 agst. others.
    {Echo Special.)  -  107 words
  • 37 17 The nionev spent on the celebration oi the Empress-Dowager s birthday is said to ha\*‘ amounted to 810,000,000. She received presents from all the officials th oughou* the Empire, principally m pearls, gold, and other costly articles.
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  • 866 17 (15 Dec.) Why they should be extinguished. Anything more ill-advised, more au y3’> uiore offensive, and more uncall-ed-for than the draft by-laws for the control of “all burial and burning grounds within the Municipality, whether in use or disused —a critique ot which will be found
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  • 140 17 H. M. S. A strata, Vestal, aud Ijeviathuu are at Singapore. T»i e Malay Mail hears that Excellency the High Commissioner will visit Kuala Lumpur again at the end of this week. Hearty greetings to Mr. O’Halloran, the new Penang Municipal Secretary, who arrived from home by the Oleulogan
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  • 1167 18 (15 Dec.)* Does it Imperil our Export Trade W hen, in August last, the New York Shipping Conference was sprung upon th*e mercantile communities of Singapore and Penalty considerable doubt was felt as to the effect of the new King on commercial interests generally. The Singapore
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  • 561 18 Tnn Peking Medical College i s seUl]in eight students abroad to study medicine f„? about seven years. lor 4’ T D “""“«to". h«iial Adviser, 1 M b., having returned from leave, resumed the duties of his olfice on sth iustant A site has been reserved for an Anglican Church at
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  • 1369 19 The Proposed By-laws. ion the last two or three vears an unwonted energy has marked the actions of our City lathers. Not content with carrying out their duties as heretofore and gradually improving the Town they seem to have been affected bv some peculiar microbe which forces
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  • 404 19 Penang Spring Meeting. First Entries. The first entries closeu at noon to-day and are as follows Tiie Ci.uu Handicap. Value $5,<K)O. —A Handicap for all Horses, the second to receive $750 and the third 8250 out of the Stakes. Entrance Fee 850 for entries made by noon
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  • 155 19 Tiik Japan Herald is our authority lor stating that the work of dredging Yokohama harbour, which has been in progress some time, is now complete and vessels with a draught of 35 feet can now lie easily *ac« comuiodated. Indian and Ceylon Railways are at present advertising widely concessions in
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  • 429 20 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Rangoon, 1* Dec. —Now that t lie !co!d season has set in, we are being treated to a sufficiency of after-dinner entertainments. First and foremost must lie mentioned the musical comedy ‘Falka,* which has just successfully produced by local amateurs —the Rangoon Lyric Society—after several
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  • 146 20 (Supplied bj/ Reuter.) London, 14 Dec. —Consequent upon the signing of the Franco--Biaraese Convention, the Siamese Government has appointed Mons. Padoux, of the French Consular Service, as Legal Adviser to the Siamese Government, and Colonel Goullet to the command of the Native Militia in the Provinces of
    (Supplied bj/ Reuter.)  -  146 words
  • 26 20 Contraband. Local Warnings. {Echo Special.) Singapore, 15 Dec. —The local shipping has been warned against supplying coal nr provisions to the Russian Baltic fleet.
    {Echo Special.)  -  26 words
  • 84 20 French Squadron Expected. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 15 Dec —The French squadron, consisting of the cruiser Descartes (Commander Amet), the torpedo-boat destroyers Le Sabre Com. Lebail) and La Francisque (Com. Cotoin) and six torpedo-boats, Nos. 245, 240, 247, 248, 248 and 254, are due to arrive here to-day on their
    (Echo Special.)  -  84 words
  • 67 20 The British Mission. London, 15 Dec. —The British Mission has arrived at Cabul, all well. [As slated in our leading columns on the Bth inst., Mr. Louis Dane, c.s.i.. is entrusted with full charge of the mission, and is accompanied by a number of the Imperial Cadet Corps, one
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 110 20 On 9tli Dec., at Singapore, the wife of C. V. Doral, of a son. On 3rd November, at Lalman. the wife of E. A. W. Cox, of a son. On 19th ult. at Cregagh, Belfast. Ireland, the wife of Robert W. Lambert on, of H. S. M.'s Customs, Baugkok.
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    • 74 20 On 9th November. Lieut. C. G. A. Lenny, R. n., H. M. S. Juno, to Evelyn May Clarkson. daughter of Lady Warren, and stepdaughter of Sir Augustus Warren, Bart., and grand-daughter of Maj-Gen. J. O. Chichester, late commanding 39th Regt. On 7th December, at the Cathedral, Rangoon, by the
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  • 190 20 Bersawah Gold Miue (Jo., Ld. iZ.—galr Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ld Redjang Leboug Gold Mining Co., Ld. »227.506 um, KadanaGold MiuingCo„Ltd. (fnilv paid). in Bruseh iiu Mining Co., Ld. 3.50 sellers Clieudariaug Hvdraulic Tin Mining Co.. W s 10 Karangan Tin Mining Co. 10— Kiuttt Tin Mines
    190 words
  • 151 20 Tin 5 77.50 business done, Gold leaf 79-y B. Pepper (VV. Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 25.50 sellers White Pepper 37.50 sellers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of,season Mace 84 —sellers Mace Pickings 74.50«eJferi Nutmegs 11 Os 40- buyers f No. 1 6.10 noni Sugar < 2 uo stock.
    151 words
  • 93 20 Deaths. On 9tli November, at Bournemouth, the Rev. W. Rawlins Capel, late Chaplain, Madras Establishment, and Vicar of Bickenhill. Warwickshire. On sth Nov., at Kensington, Edward Holbrook. Manager and Sec. of the City of London Real Property Co.. Ld. aged 52. On Nov. Hi, at 1 Kitanagasadori. Kobe, Peter Heinrich
    93 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1189 21 Advertise m ents Her Martyrdom Ended. Railway Inspector Stafford of Selangor Tells what Dr Williams’ Pink Pills Did for His Wife. Sick Headaches week the Trouble. Almost from end to end of the Malay Peninsula Mr. H. J. J. Stafford, Inspector of Permanent Ways, F. M. Railways, is known and
      1,189 words

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    • 238 22 sri u I I < 1 i 1> ,t\ the CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. <■ -4 ESTABLISHED XBS3. •k\ PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,’ “SIN POE,” k “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” r a 1 The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. U Our plant is of
      238 words