The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 9 December 1904

Total Pages: 28
1 26 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $l5 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Yol. 2. Penang, Friday, th December, 1904. No. 49.
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  • 216 1 1 >jkthm. Marriages, Deaths: Leading Articles: Is China Arming Our Local Affairs The Unrest in China 'The Election The Cabul Mission LEADERETTES AND OTHER ARTICLES: j Current Topics:—■ Rubber Cotton Rublwr v. Tin Is it Wise? I The Purchase of the Standard Mr. Stead at the Play Legal: The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 I rui ECHO MAIL EDITION I '1- I v— 1 S published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States News originally published in the daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts of the Far East,
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  • 546 1 If so, Why? In our last issue we published the substance of a sensational wire forwarded by Mr. Bennet Burleigh to t lie Daily Telegraph from Shanghai. Mr. Burleigh, who disclaims being an alarmist, avers that the political outlook in China is worse to-day than
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  • 141 1 The Water Supply. Government and the Alleged Waste. At the meeting 1 of the Municipal Commission this afternoon the following letter from the Government was submitted regarding the Commissioners’ proposal to enact an Ordinance to cut otf water supply of consumers in cases of alleged waste Colonial
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  • 237 1 The Governor s Views. Ready to Assist. The following letter in regard to the control of food supply was also submitted at this afternoon’s meeting of the Commissioners: Colonial Secretary ’s Office, Singapore, 25 Nov., 1904. Sir, l am directed ivy the Governor to acknowledge the leceipt
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  • Current Topic.
    • 213 1 Tiih Straits 'Times remarks that the fart of IVrak-grown rubber fetching Gs. Id., as re- ported in this journal last week, is very good news indeed, and continues:— Elsewhere the prospects of rubber plantations are becoming satisfactory. The outlook in Burma seems to be excellent. A Rangoon firm which
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  • 135 1 The Government of Ceylon lias taken steps for leasing Crown land at specially low rates with a view to encouraging pioneer cultivation. If the purchaser undertakes to plant the land with cotton, rubber or some other product approved by Government, a lease for 50 years at a minimum rate of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 The Straits Echo. Tv \jh Ijl Justice pattnlloH everybody, ami justice alone.—Kwmrsnn Established June Ist, you. Published daily (except Sundays.) CRITERION PRESS, 1.d., No. 22L-222, Bead. St root Poiuupr PI MCE UAIIiY, I.OCAI, ph per annum OUISTATIONS Postage lixtra MAIL KIUTION (Post Free) 15 (’A ADPItKSS: “Ec I t
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  • 108 2 We rSgret to record the death, at 4 a.m. to-day, of Mr. Pawan Abdul Cader Merican, grandson of tho late Kader Mydin, Kapitau Kling, who was the sole trustee of the Kap.itan Kling Mosque and who was the agent of Messr| Alfred Holt
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  • 491 2 Mr. R. 11. Pinhorn, M. A. (Oxon), of the Royal Masonic School, Busliey, Herts., has been appointed Head Master of the Penang Free School. The Indian authorities have wisely determined that a motor-car is henceforth to bo included in the equipment of Chief Commissioners. Good! Distinctly noteworthy. Why not ‘equip’
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  • 1045 2 We learn from Singapore exchanges that at a special meeting of the Municipal Commission, held on Monday, 28th ult., it was decided to raise rates and taxes and borrow §BOO,OOO. The Times’ report of the proceedings reads as follows The Budget. The President, in moving that the
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  • 70 2 The names of the passengers who arrived hero from Teluk Anson by the Lady Weld vesterdav are noteworthy. They are Messrs Black, White, Brown, aud Green. A special to the Asian states that the Derby Gold Cup (run 011 N V ’„~l hr plus stakes; 1 mile straight) was Mr.
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  • 1133 3 To the Editor of the «traits Euio. Sir— With reference to a paragraph about Jaffnese appearing in your journal of the 23rd iust., and credited to the Ceylon Independent, please publish the subjoined letter which I have sent to the Editor of the Ceylon
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  • 168 3 Tiie Chief Justice of Ceylon’s latest dicta lias, it is reported, made a decided impression in the Colombo Law Courts. “The Judge is always the friend of the prisoner,” His Lordship remarked in the course of an appeal case, an observation which induced the Solicitor-General to sav that if that
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  • 1408 3 —Raupniu Times. Lawyer Cowic's Confession Calcutta, 14th Nov. The Englishman publishes a full statement l»y Ernest Hardwick Cowie handed by him to the Presidency Magistrate. The accused says that the wa* already aware of the confession made by him to Mr. Eggar of having misappropriate ed sixty
    —Raupniu Times.  -  1,408 words

  • 179 4 Calcutta, 17th Nov. —The last batch of coolies working over the Nat hula Pass into the Chutnbi Valley, was withdrawn on the 13th inst. Both Capt. Drake Brockman and lit. Twiss, who were responsible for the transport arrangements over this, one of the worst portions of the
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  • 131 4 I)r. Chantemesse’s Marked Success. Encouraging statistics in -regard to 1 lie use <d serum in the treatment of typhoid were read before the Medical Congress at Paris by Professor Chantemesqp. He stated that the use of serum had been continued for three years and-a-half under liis direction in
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  • 247 4 Training for the 'forthcoming Selangor Races is proceeding steadily. Past work has just been b gun by the ten horses undergoing preja atiou at Kuala Lumpur. The griffins are (says the Malay Mail) looking well, and of these perhaps the one which most takes the fancy is Thiendaw, the property
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  • 98 4 203 Metre Hill Carried. (Echo Special) lokio, 2 Dec.—A despatch received here from the Headquarters of the Army before Port Arthur reports that, at dawn on 30th Nov.’ the Japanese army commenced bombarding the Russian posit ions on 203 Metre Hill, which commands the harbour. Repeated assaults made
    (Echo Special)  -  98 words
  • 197 4 ITS CAPTURE A VERY SUBSTANTIAL GAIN. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2 Dec.—-The 203 Metre Hill, which the Japanese stormed, is on the western side of the harbour and commands the whole of the port and town, enabling the Japanese to direct a heavy
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  197 words
  • 83 4 His Excellency the Governor is expected in Penang about the 18th instant. Par. from the Malay Mail: —Scene: Ipoh Station. Time: yesterday. Tamil coo he places luggage in first class carriage the sacred B. carriage. Railway Suboidmate: Whose luggage is that?” Tamil coohe “It belongs to my Tuan.” K. S.
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  • 1832 5 The Unrest in China. (3 Dec.) f What is the Cause of it? How Will It End? A correspondent of the Shanghai Daily News, who, unlike Mr. Bennet Burleigh, does not disclaim alarmist tendencies, recently reported from Teik, Anglisien, Honan piovinee, as follows Boxerism is not dying out, and now
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  • 463 6 Aden is declared infected owing to an outbreak of bub.-uic plague. Messrs Lewis and Pent inform u*> that 5 SStraits-grown rubber marked M A over J and 1 case marked R R fetched ss. Bd. on 11th ult. It is notified in Friday’s Gazette that Mr. J..W. Hallifax has been
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  • 2596 6 Ordinary Meeting. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission of George Town was held iu the Municipal Chambers yesterday at ter noon. Mr. J. \V. Hallifax, President, presided; and there were also present: Dr. P. V. Locke, Mr. A. R. Adams. Mr. L. H. Clayton, Mr. Cheah
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  • 734 7 ‘The vagaries of some municipal mata-ma* tas are occasionally astounding, but the ways of the municipal dog-catchers passeth all understanding, and it is to 1» feared that they are almost past redemption. About a month ago the writer saw the 'dog man in all the splendour of
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  • 257 8 Dutch Endeavouring to 'hit' Penang. They ci-aim to have ‘Out Into Penano’s Trade. Following is the substance of inform ition culled from Dutch-Indies papers by the Singapore Times The Governor-General is energetic in pushing oil trade at Sabang. As Governor of Acheeu, lie strove hard to draw
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  • 119 8 The Straits Medical College fund now amounts to £53,600. A large meeting of Sikhs was held at Buttenvorth on Sunday last, at the residence of Mr. Sunder Singh, to celebrate the birthday of Guru Nanuk, one of the principal holy men held in veneration by the Sikhs. A service was
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  • 151 8 Held ue in Broad Daylight. At about 10-30 \csterday morning a Chinaman left his lions*» in Aier Itam village to com»* to town, carrying with him t.lic sum of £21.74, in notes, silver, and copper, in a bag slung round his waist. On reaching the iron bridge on
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  • 1953 8 Discussion on the “Free Tickets Question CORRESPONDENCE A general meeting was held on (rot.h Nov.) afternoon at No. 5 Weld Quay, tie Hon. J. Turner, m. l. c.. presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read at d c mfirmed. The notice calling this meeting
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  • 164 9 During the past few days a uuinlter of 4-year-old rubber trees ou Caledonia Estate have l*een tapped, and the latex obtained was considered very satisfactory. Once more we are reminded of the fact that in the midst of life we are in death bv the sad intelligence that little Alexander
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  • 493 9 Annual Meeting or Justices. Yesterday afternoon, as briefly reported in our last issue, the annual ineering of the Licensing Justices took place in the Court of Requests to hear applications for new licenses, for the renewal of licences, and for the transfer of licences under the Liquors and
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  • 60 9 Times Corresponlent Attackel. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 3 Dec.—Reuter's Tangier correspondent; wires that a strong force of inountainers made a determined attempt to capture Mr. Walter I>. Harris, the Times' correspondent, at that place. The mountaineers rushed Mr. Harris' house, which was guarded, and the attempt failed. The British
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words

  • 302 10 f< The New Clerical Scheme. It is notified that «appointments are to be divided intf> the undermentioned classes Special Cla ss. —Four appointments, to be increased later to 6, $2,160 to $2,400, by annual increments of $l2O. .Class 1. —65 appointments, $1,200 to $l,BOO, by
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  • 93 10 (Echo Special.) Singapore, 3 Dec. —At yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Hon W. R. Collyer, At-torney-General, at the request of Penaug Municipal Commission- ers, introduced a Bill authorising: the Commissioners to cut off the water supply from any person detected to be wasting water, and to do
    (Echo Special.)  -  93 words
  • 55 10 The steamer Knight of St. George, which went ashore on Alligator Island, near the Raflies Lighthouse, is still fast stranded. Bad weather has prevailed for ihe past fortyeight hours and fears are entertained that she may be badly dam*aged. [jitter. —The Knight of St, George
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  • 1884 10 (5 Dec.) The ratepayers of Pena in: will have the opportunity to-morrow to once more exercise the treasured right of all free peoples to cast their votes for their chosen representative on tin.» Municipal Board. It is in strict conformity wit h the old-established principles of vote by
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  • 41 11 I hi. following contributions to the above tund are acknowledged with thauks: Previously acknowledged .313,000 Mr. Lim Eow Hong 1.000 Foo Choo Cliooit I.ouu Chung Tuye Phin 1,000 Clioong Cheng Keau 1,000 17.000 Singapore 53,500 Total 370,500
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  • 114 11 Two Arrests. We earn t hat two arrests have lie made in connection with the dastardly attack on Mr. E. Lauterbach, manager of Batu Ferringhi Ice Works, on Wednesday evening last. One is a Kling youth who is said to have lieeu in thy employ of the
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  • 970 11 Yesterday s Great Race. A New Record. The cycle handicap race yesterday from Dunbar Hall, near Mr. Quali Heng Hoe's plantation, toßavan Lepas police station and bock —a distance of 15 miles—was a huge success iu many ways, and will do much to encourage the knights of
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  • 281 12 Tub following Penang appointments are gazetted —Mr. A. H. Lemon to act as Superintendent of Prisons; Mr.G. B. Stratton to act as Superintendent of Education Mr. H. Marriott, 2nd Magistrate, to be Coronor vice Mr. A. 1) Neubronner resigned Mr. H. Muir to be a member of the
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  • 434 12 Interesting Revelations. At the adjougied hearing at Singapore on Mouday last of the ease against F. E. Rodrigues, charged with cheating, evidence was giveu by Loh Soon Heug, contractor to the Commissariat Department and the military hospitals. This witness stated, according to the Free Press, that, he
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  • 671 12 Peacock’s XI vs Bradhery’s XI 'l’iiis match was played on the Esplanade ou Saturday afternoon in fine weather and on the best of wickets. As will be seen from the names given below* the two teams were of equal strength, the only disappointment being t he absence of some
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  • 307 12 Bill to Check Waste. Foi. lowing is the text of a Bill entitled Ordinance to amend the Municipal Ordinance 1896” 1. This Ordinance maybe cited as “The Municipal Ordinance 1896 Amendment Ordiauce 1904 No. 11 and shall he read and constructed as one with The Municipal Ordinance
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  • 165 13 Messrs Lewis and Peat', produce .ale» report, dated London, 11th November, eive» the following particular, of sales of nlinta-tiou-grown rubber: r Straits. 5 cases tiue pale and dark biscuits, marked M ss. Bd. j 1 case scrap, marked ditto, 4s. 3d. 1 bag biscuits, marked ditto, ss. 1 case
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  • 135 13 The Chinese Medical College {Echo Special.) Singapore, 3 Dec.—The Chinese Medical College Fund now amounts to $53,600. Towkay Loke Yew has given $9,000, the Singapore Gambier and Pepper Society $3,000, Mr. Khoo Teck Siong $3,000 and the Teochow Siam Rice Guild $1,500. H. E. The Governor. His Excellency Sir
    {Echo Special.)  -  135 words
  • 172 13 We are glad to hear that Capt. Mclntyre, our genial Harbourmaster, is about once more, not very much the worse tor his nasty trap accident Mr. Gan Teong Teug, eblest son of Mr. Gan Gnoli Bee, Opium Farmer, Penang, is engaged to be married on the 19th day of 11th
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  • (6 Dec.) Current Topics.
    • 137 13 Ihe British Cotton Growing Association, recently incorporated by Royal Charter, has in- i j nan III vited subscriptions at par for 374,668 shares of £1 each. Tin* share capital of the association is 1500,000 in £1 shares, of which 125,332 shares were already allotted. The association may not declare
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    • 247 13 The Cornish Post takes due note of the hue-and-cry raised in the columns of the Strait» Echo and Straits Timet respecting the ill-considered policy of what we assume to be certain advisers of the Colonial Office whereby the Imperial authorities sanctioned the enlistment of thousands of coolies
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    • 259 13 Is It Wise In a letter to the Times, Mr. Sanford Cole, of Bristol, draws attention to Lord Claude Hamilton’s warning-note respecting the granting of pilot certificates to foreigners. He says:—lt will surprise some people to learn that we arc training up a body of men who, in case ot
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  • 2206 13 The Truth about the Movement. Mr. Huttenbach’s Criticism. Dr. Locke's and Messrs Tek Thye’s and Ben# Kee’s Reply. During the latter part of October a notification appeare«l in the local papers stating that a meeting of ratepayers would be held in the Chinese Town Hall at 3 p.m.
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  • 185 14 The Japanese Soldiers’ and Sailors Widows’iiud Families Fund’ being raised iu the United Kiugd»nn*has reached £*****. An anonymous donor has recently given A2,tWO to be specially allocated to the Japaueso wounded. At the annual meeting of members of the Chinese Club, McAlister 1 Road, the following genth»*men were electsl officebearers
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  • 157 15 A Walkover for Mr. Lim K u Toh. A New Record Established Ur to 4 this afternoon upwards of dll votes had been cast in favour of Mr. J/„„ Kii Tull. As stated in our last issue, he is unopposed, but it is nevertheless highly satisfactory to find
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  • 287 15 .As already reported by our Singapore .correspondent by wire on'Saturday last the Attorney-General at the meeting of the •Legislative. Council oil Friday movejl the first reading of the .Municipal Ordinance Amendment Dill to amend the Municipal Ordinance, 180 ti. The objects and reasr ous of the Dill
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  • 175 15 An observant correspondent satirically comments oh the condition of several pontoons and bridges maintained’’ by Government in these regions. The pontoon, at Prai, he says, is sunk, and has lieen so tor about three months the pontoon at Butterworth is dangerous to the public, half the steps being non eat,
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  • 2443 15 —Slraits Times. A meeting of the Council was held on J'- i. ay last, 2nd instant. His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g'., presided, and there were also present His Excellency General Sir A. \l V. Dor ward, C B 0ffic cr Commanding the Troops, Hons, the
    —Slraits Times.  -  2,443 words

  • 202 16 Thk Perak Pharmacy Co., Kampar, has put on the market, a specially prepared tooth powder which compares favourably with similar preparations. It contains no chemicals and being a compound of simple household ingredients blended together, is a safe deutritice to use. It, is further very moderately priced, viz., 5, 10,
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  • 442 16 Mile. Torchi at the Town Hall A small but select aud appreciate audience, including Mrs. Birch, the wife If our Resident Councillor, aud His Honour Justice and Mrs. Law, were treated to a very pleasant, concert last evening in fk* Town Hall, when Mile. Maria Terri,, talented
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  • 68 16 The British collier Shrewsbury, which left Singapore on Nov. 10 for the North, been heard of since. The agents, Behu Meyer Cd, are, says the Straits Times, making enquiries about her. The German steamer Veteran, formerly Thales, has been captured by the Japanese whilst attempting to run the blockade <
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  • 252 17 Togo’s Fleet. Preparing for the Balticers. (Supplied by Heater.) Coal for Balticers Stopped. London, 5 Dec.—Reuter’s (Jliefoo correspondent wires that the Japan- esc have been hurriedly but effect- ively overhauling their entire Heel since- August, with the greatest secrecy, in readiness to meet the Russian Baltic fleet. 1
    (Supplied by Heater.); Coal for Balticers Stopped.  -  252 words
  • 62 17 The Budget. (Supplied by Healer.) London, 5 Dec. Reuters lokio correspondent wires that the budget of 81st October has been submitted to the Diet and totals about Yen 1,000,000,000, whereof Yen 780,000,000 is for war expenditure, including interest on war loans. The economies on ordinary expenditure amount to en
    (Supplied by Healer.)  -  62 words
  • 35 17 llieir Status in War-time. {Supplied by lietder.) Loudon, 5 Dec.—An International onference, in which Russia is participating, opens at The Hague 011 Djth instant to consider the status of hospital ships in war-time.
    {Supplied by lietder.)  -  35 words
  • 557 17 AI u. Lawrence C Brown and Mr. Frederick H. F. Sperling, both of the Federated Malay States, have been elected Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute. The marriage of Miss Hurkitt, daughter of Sir William Bu*kitt, Judge of the AUuliabad High Court,and Captain Francis Ellery, n A.M.c.. was solemnized at
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  • 386 17 (Sydney Time*, fifh Nor.) Germany would bo brought to her l#*arings in the matter of the islaiftl trade if there was any backbone in the Federal Government. Our inaction in this matter is discreditable in every way. We may be sure that so long as we are
    (Sydney Time*, fifh Nor.)  -  386 words
  • 217 17 M it. C W. Anderson, Resident Engineer. Harbour Works, is leaving for England next week. The whole of the Kabul Mission was assembled at Peshawar on the 22ud ultimo, .under Mr. L W. Dance,and the journey into Afghanistan is to be begun in a few days. “Goon heavens, Bridget! are
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  • (7 Dec.) Current Topics.
    • 287 18 The Purchase of the Standard Thk purchase of the London Standard, which lias made such a strenuous tight for Free Trade, deprives the litter policy of its oiflv supporter amid the penny journals published each morning in London. Among tlie evening papers the Westminster Gazette is the only penny journal
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    • 728 18 Mr. W. T. Stead, who, as we announced at the time, paid his first visit to a theatre about three months ago—and liked it—lias apparently been smitten with a mild stage fever and has ventured to attend two more performances, which lie describes in the
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  • 92 18 Six Japanese officers and four Englishmen belonging to the Japanese transport Sado Maru, which was torpedoed by the Vostok raiders, have arrived at Moscow from Kaluga. These prisoners of war will be detained in the village of Medvedreino, in the Government of Novgorod. There is a movement on foot in
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  • 125 18 To the Editor or thk Straits Ee««. Si a.--! here is little, if any. differed ot opinion between me and Messrs JjZ Kee, lek 1 live, and Dr. Locke with regard to the scope of the Ratepayers’ Association it well looked into, their view as well mine
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  • 861 18 To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Dear Sir,— Penang’s Municipal Conimissioners have been forging ahead verv rapidly of late years along the path of pro*, gross, with the avowed iuteutiou of making George Town a model for the whole of the Far East, aud in many
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  • 178 19 To Tim Khitor of the Si k a its Hi iio. Bear Sir, —I was very glad to see that you called attention in your yesterday’s issue to the case of a destitute woman and children. As there are doubtless many such cases which do not come
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  • 56 19 Sydney Times is disgusted with I lie peaceful triumph of the Balfour Cabinet over Russia in respect of the North Sea outrage. It presumes that were Sydney bombarded by a Russiau fleet, and the Balfour Government continued the Dogger Bank policy, it would ask The Hague tribunal to decide what
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  • 83 19 It is understood in naval circles at home that until Russia has settled the inquiry into the North Sea Outrage to our satisfaction, her fleet will be doggedly shadowed by our ships, whether the Russians like it or not. Anything more undignified or ignominious than the “nursing’ of their fleet
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  • 774 19 Th e Resurrection of Poland. Mu. Jjutohlavski Interviewed. J he Polish Republic,” said Mr. Lutoslavski, the learned author of A Study of tlie Psychology of Plato,” the Polish Republic,” 1 exclaimed, the Polish ReP u, >“ c Tiiere 8 u > Poli*h Republic.” Sii, said the Polisli patriot, it
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  • 454 19 The cruiser Black Prince, which was christened by Lady Selborue on Bth nil., at the shipyard of the Thames Iron Works Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, at Canning 'lowti, is a first-class armoured cruiser of the' Duke of Edinburgh tyim, of which there are at present ill all six uudei construction.
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  • 476 20 The “A” and B” Cars. (Perak Pioneer 3rd Dec.) The Malay Mail reports that two Eurasian geufclemen of standing, who for years have mixed only with Europeans and for whose company, it feels sure, Europeans do not object, have been insulted by being told to travel in the “A” or
    (Perak Pioneer, 3rd Dec.)  -  476 words
  • 105 20 The Message to Congress. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7 Dec —President Boose velt, in his message to Congress, earnestly recommends the building up of the navy, and cites the lessons of the war in the Far East as showing that the reliance of the navy must be upon
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  105 words
  • 288 20 Manchuria Four Days’Artillery Duel. London, 0 Doc. Uouter’s Mukden correspondent wires that n lour days’ artillery duel in the Russian centre and oil the right has failed to alter the general situation. Sickness. Considerable illness exists amongst the Russian troops, consequent upon the close confinement in the trenches
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  • 72 20 Three Men Wounded. forty-seven Winters Arrested. (Eeho SpecAal.) Clieinlurinng, I! Dec—S-riotw E ots 1 a ,y e I* lace at Cliendanutig, Kiulu, in tlia course of which iliree men were wounded. Fortyseven of tiie rioters have been ill-rested and the police arc now patrolling the town to maintain
    (Eeho SpecAal.)  -  72 words
  • 38 20 A Significant Move. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6 Dec.—The Moscow correspondent of the Standard wires that the division of the Russian Army stationed in the Caucasus is under orders to proceed to the Afghan frontier.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 62 20 Count Von Buelow Speaks. (Supplied by Reuter London, 7 Dec.—Count von Buelow, the German Chancellor, has said that the obj-ctof the interview with him, published in the Nineteenth Century Review, was to extirpate the weeds which British journalists were sowing in the field of German politics. No
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  62 words
  • 28 20 A German Mission. (Suppl ed by Reuter.) London, (i Dec. —A German Commercial Mission, headed by a high Foreign Office official, is proceeding to Abyssinia in December.'
    (Suppl ed by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 151 20 There are many widely different estimates as to the extent of Mr. Humphrey Dveiiham’s ‘takings’ over the success of his mare Acrasia in the Melbourne Cup. 1 hose who should know fairly well, however, put it down at not more than «£50,000. A correspondent on board the steam yacht Argonaut
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  • 1774 21 (8 Dec.) [Lomlo", (i Dec.—The Mostw correstKmd. ent of the Standard wires that a division of the Russian Army stationed in the Caucasus is under orders to proceed to the A fghan t rontier. lie liter. It is very doubtful whether, since the crisis which led up
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  • 444 22 With such worthy oitiz tis as Dr. P. V. Locke and Messrs ('heali Tek Thye and Quah Beng K^e —all of whom have Jarge interests at stake here—leading the movement which has as its objective the establishment of a Ratepayers’ Association, there should, we think, be no doubt
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  • 44 22 The Naval Comrnander-in-Chief of the East India Station, Rear Admiral AtkinsonWilles, will visit Calcutta this winter. His flagship Hyacinth is expected in the Hoogli on the 10th instant gtnd will be moored abreast the Eden Gardens. Her stay ;s hkely to extend beyond Christmas.
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  • 1175 22 The Hard* Case of the Breeders. How Their Lot Can Be Improved AND SWINE FEVER EASILY ERADICATED. In the course of a chat, which a member of our Staff had with the Municipal Veterinary Surgeon in charge of the Abattoirs the other day the subject of the
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  • 194 22 An ‘exclusive’ to the Hongkong Telegraph, dated Weihehvei 23rd November, states: —The Russian officer who arrived here after ruuuing the blockade in a lifeboat on the Ifith iustent, lias admitted that at Port Arthur the water supply is scarce, while there is but very little ammunition left. He further states
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  • 174 23 In Civil Jurisdiction. (before the Hun. A. F. Q, Uw, Puisne Judge.) Kb If. If. Rahman Chitty. v. Sahid Meerah and Kader Tindal. The hearing in this suit, brought by a Clutty to recover «2,020, secured by’a mortgage of two junks, which was begun at the beginning of
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  • 300 23 As intimated in our issue of Tuesday, at least 36 7 votes were cast for Mr. Li in Eu Toll, the unopposed candidate for the vacant seat on the Municipal Commission created bv the retirement of Mr. Quah Beug Kee. This constitutes a new record for an unopposed
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  • 67 23 Sir J. J. Grinlintou, late SurveyorGeneral in Ceylon, who has lieen selected to reorganise the Survey and Trigonometrical Departments of the F. M. S., arrived at Kuala Lumpur last Friday. The Harbour Master has issued a notification warning masters of vessels that a cargo boat has been wrecked near the
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  • 1329 23 Conspicuous amongst the numerous craft m the harbour yesterday morning was a trim-looking little coaster with Hags and uuting gaily stretched overhead from stem to stern and running up the flag- mast. As a blood-hound tracks its quarry to its hiding-place, so an Echo reporter instinctively scented
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  • 14 23 The output ofc, Papan Limited for Novemlier was 370 piculs of tin, realizing 316,256.
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  • 233 24 r (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, 0 Dec. —The first (statutory) ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Chersonese Syndic ate, Ltd., was held at the ftffice of the Company on Saturday last, the 3rd December, at 11 am. Mr* Malcolm Duncan, of Cheuderiang. presided and gave a
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  • 488 24 To riii; Eiuron op the Struts Echo. Dear Sir, —Mr. Hutteubach seems to have grasped the wrong end of the stick in his published views of the desirability or otherwise of a Penang Ratepayers' Association. lie seems to lie under the impression that such a body can
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  • 49 24 The Tsar's Armada. To Attack Formosa. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 8 Dec. —The Hongkong Daily Press lehrns that a priv ate telegram, ordering the making of certain arrangements, discloses the fact that the immediate objective of the Russian Baltic fleet is an attack upon the Island of Formosa.
    (Echo Special.)  -  49 words
  • 40 24 Close on 4,000 Piculs last mouth. {Echo Special.) Jpoll, 7 Dec. —The output of the Trouoh Mines, Ltd., in November amounted to 3,770 piculs, 89 catties, valued at $170,092,21). Everything going well this month, and prospects quite satisfactory.
    {Echo Special.)  -  40 words
  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 48 24 At Rangoon, on 19th November, the wife of R. D. Oliver, of a daughter. At No. 2. Simpson Road. Rangoon, on 23 rd Nov., the wife of Mr. M. ,J. Nahapiet. of a son. On 27th Nov., at Rangoou. tlie wife of Hulburd Steel, of a daughter.
      48 words
    • 140 24 On November 26th. at Christ Church, Cautonments, Rangoon, by tlie Rev. C. P. Cory. Percy Faber Lemarchand, of the B. I. S. N. Co.. Ltd., to Janie Winchester, daughter of the late Captain George Swanson, of Garmouth, Scotland. At the Roman Cathedral, Rangoon, on 26th November, by the Very
      140 words
  • 199 24 Bersa Gold Mine Go., Ld. 13,— S( p eg Raub Australian Gold Min4.7 sseller» Red jang Lebong Gold Miniug Co.. M. 220 —buytn MiningCo„Ltd. ull r S liniwl. 'lia Mining Co I„l. 3.50 sellers Cliendariang Hydraulic Tin Milling Co., M j 10.- IMm Karangan Tin Mining Cm
    199 words
  • 176 24 Tin 5 79-25 buyers Gold leaf 8 7850 1». Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.)8 25.50 buyers White Pepper 8 38.— sellers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 84 —sellers Mace Pickings "6. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s 41. —sales c No. 1 6.10 nom Sugar 2
    176 words
  • 40 24 Deaths. On 28th November, at Serangoon. Robert Kraal, of the P. W. *O.. aged 37 On 25th October, at Croydon. Fanny, the wife of H. W. Cave, of Shanghai. At Tharrawaddy. Burma, on 22nd Nov.. Walter Edwin aged I~> years.
    40 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1113 25 Advertise m ents. This Man Would Raise a Monument To the Famous Physician who Invented Dr. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Chronic Rheumatism was His Trouble ?Y CURED AFTER 1 5 YEARS OF SUFFERING. If I could afford it," said Mr. Louis Loriaux, of Baudoeng, Java, I would riuTe it public statue
      1,113 words

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    • 253 26 ft” K v, Ai^^n y < o-k Vv' mr* ?/v a*# vv' *£V 'V' «r*, a**:.''-' v ..iwv ■■-*rrT.vfc'■■■;;* r The CRITERION PRESS V- > V 7 X I A ESTABLISHED ISB3. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. ,<■ ;< ''v- 1 S n Proprietors of t-lie ‘'STRAITS ECHO,' 1 “SIN POE,’’ k “CHAYA
      253 words