Straits Echo, 15 October 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1537 1 NESTLES Mii.hJt.QD THE best FOOD fOB Yubh Baby 1 go cts. PER i lb. TIN BANKS chartered Bank tof India, Ch Australia and China (Incorporated lo. England by Royal Charter.) XI ,200,00) X2,000,000 XI.200,000 f»id up < ,'apit»; JJ«s#rTe i ucd Liability of proprieton Head Office NOi ga, B18HOr8QATE, LONDON,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 661 3 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS. Imperial Trust or Minimcm Pries. (JPnmn Otar Own Gtrr&ponde*ld Singapore. October 14. The Rubber Commission's Report has been issued. The following ia a summary t The existing atoeka of Plantation rnbber in Amerioa, Great Britain. Britiah Malaya and Netherlanda East Indies are eatimated
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  • 343 3 (From a Cirrttpondtnt). The recommendations contained in the report of the Rubber Industry Commission whioh has just been handed to the local Government appear to be perfectly sound and feasible. Having plainly established that immediate reatriotion of output is neoessary the measure of suoh restriction whioh it
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  • 300 3 Apropos of the Colonial Saoretary's remarks in Council regarding Spanish leftsecu, which, it seems, can beoome something muoh more serious than we had been led to believe, we note that the Sonth African Government distinctly warns the Straits Government to take steps to avert the same ppalling
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  • 254 3 GUTHBIE A CO.’S BEPOBTSingapore, October 11. Tbe Bobber Auotion this week extended over three days, and the quantity disposed of constitutes a record for the Singapore Auctions, 1,115 ton* having been sold, out of 1,640 tons catalogued. Damand was fairly good throughout, and on the first day prices
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 293 3 iHtfMMMUUiUUiUHUiUAkiUU& 5 PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY J£ r AM 44■M IDTHE known satisfaction ij OF ALL USERS OF SILVA'S JEWELLERY has established faith in the quality 4 of his manufacture all the World oyer. i speciality GEMSET BROOCHES Hi t HI t B. P. De Silva, The Ideal Jeweller and Diamond
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    • 742 3 0 O O C O 0 c JUUUUJUJUUUlAAit BEWARE OF NEW and CHEAP BRANDS STICK TO THOSE KNOWN BUY SAKURA Beer and Stout and you will never be disappointed. GET IT FROM c. AURELY A Co.. PENANG 4 SINGAPORE or from every Kedai throughout the S.S- and F.M.S. 9 9
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  • 102 4 j PUBLISHED DAILY j (Except Sundays and public holidays) I' AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, PenangPrice: Daily Local 180 per annum I Outstatlon Postagre Extra. Mall Edition Poat Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Eoho) SBC. Printing Department 343, I
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  • 1086 4 InfluoDzi, which is no respecter of persons and bas laid low some forty of the staff of this effioe, compelled us to hold ->ver till to-day our comments on tbe Governor’s Budget speech published yesterday. This we do not regret, for it enables u* to review in
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  • 74 4 Further Increases. The duty on all brands of oigars has been raised to-day from 40 cents to 89 cents a pound and on oigarettes to 60 oents a pound. Formerly cigarettes were taxed according t) quality, ranging from 40 oents to $l,lO per pound, At present Rangoon
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  • 1062 4 The Kaiser’s Peace Church" The Cadinen estate, on which the Kaiser proposes to bui da" peace church is the I [German 8andringh‘m. It differs from all the other German palaces and chateaux in being the private property of the Emperor, who purchased >t from Herr Birkner. a magnate
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  • 378 4 Additions to Supply Bill, INCREASES IN ESTIMATES. A Policy of Eoonomy CFrom Our Own CorresvondcnQ Singapore, Ootoher U, At yesterday’s meeting of the LegiaUtU» Counoil, replyiug to the Hon. 8ir Arthsr Adams, on behalf of the Hon. Mr. John Mitooell, the Hon. M-. F. 3. James said that
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  • 73 4 In H. E. the Governor's address to Council published by us yesterday where referenoe was made to restrictions on recruitment of labour from Hongkong on account of u outbreak of cerebro-spinal meningitis and to that disease now declining tbe address should read, "the restrictions have
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  • 79 4 Tbe following iu the alterations of Messrs. I A A. Anth-my A Co.’s share list to-day i Yesterday. To-daj' Rubber. J J 5* =3 o 3 M co O AyerKuning 1.00 1.20 UO J-Jf Ayer Molek 1.90 2-10 200 2-0 Glenealy 175 190 1-90 JJJ Malaka Pinda 2.40 2.60
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  • 73 4 Million Dollars Claim(Frvn Our Our& Corrapondcn'd Singapore, Oatobjr 15Before Mr. Justice Ebden the beario? has begun of the suit brought by I* so owners of the s-s. Laertes claiming fro* owners of the a.s, Warrimoo one 'uili 0 dollars damages resulting from the i <l ef
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 124 4 JUST ARRIVED. f I rrooghes I/. W a 11 s l BF, I 1 ASLES F U L L SIZE AND S» M A L L E R SIZE 10 feet x 5 foet. ritckard ■j LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN 6TRAIT8 SETT1.E1I ENTi u.\rO:\ T' STREET. V OCDuC 0 u CD
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    • 29 4 tansiECT 1 tank fund. TICKET'S $l. FIRST PRizE New Elgin Motor Car VALUE $5,000. OUTSTATION APPLICANTS MUST «1 ENCLOSE POSTAGE Ind apply to the Hon Secs, Tank Fnnd, Penang
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1286 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] PBEBIDEHT WILSON'S REPLY. A Belated Message. London, October 9. I w..b..gio“» bl d ttdool ber .V' 1 A tbe Secretary of State to-day P° r lwo, p ‘nk.Oeim.nNotc .nd, .eoondlj, the ""““'ll Bei-ret.JJ of «h-«.b Ob»'S< d’Affniren Tbe litter, 1 b 8„ dated October
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  • 23 5 Latest Quotation». Tin (unrefined) ie quoted here to-day at $149,131, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $149.87*, business done (100 tons sold).
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  • 2032 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BRITI8H FRONT. The Gaabrai Area London, Ootob3r 12, 11.20 a.m, Sir Douglas Haig reports»—Looal fighting oocurred to*day along the line of the Selle river between Le Gateau and Solesmes. We steadily progressed north.west of Solesmes towsrds the Selle valley and drove out enemy rearguards from
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  • 770 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Conditions of Armistice. British Press DefinitionLondon, October 14, 6 30 a m. Scepticism of German sincerity and iosist ooe on guarantees dictated not merely by Marshal Foch but by the British Admiralty before an armistice could be possible are tbe keynotes of comment in the papers
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  • 46 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages 3 —Telegrams. Tho Rubber Commission. The Influenza Epidemic. Rubber Market. 6-—The Thi Kong Thuan Temple. The Road in the Wood. Russia The Next Phase. 7,—The Bnot*y. America and After tho War. When Wages ere Dee.
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  • 246 6 From the F M.B. Government QatoUe of Friday. October 11 Mr. W, 11. Toft, Travelling Audit Clerk, Federate i Malay States Railways, has been appointed Assistant Revenae Auditor, Perak, with effeot from the 18th Jnly, 1916Mr. W. J. K. Stark, an Offioer of Class V has been appointed
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  • 203 6 The entries for the Pansng Red Cross Gymkhana are now out. The omens are good. It i* a long time since horses from other Btates have been sent to ormplete m a gymkhana in Penang, but now it looks as though old times were beginning again
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  • 23 6 The Neutral Red Cross friends have kindly presented a rubber mangle as a priae to the Our Day Tank,
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  • 326 6 The Quarter Mile Championship Competition for the President’s Challenge Cup took plaoe at the Swimming Club on Senday with the following results. nett time. 1 S. A. Yell 6 min, 60$ sec. 2G. B, Crisp 7 81 3R. A. Hunt 7 51 The result of the sealed
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  • 2266 6 THE “THI KONG THUAH TEMPLE. NEW MANAGEMENT SCHEME WAN1ED. In the Supreme Court before Mr. Juatice L. M. Woodward yesderday afternoon the bearing was resumed in which the AttorneyGeneral for the Colony at and by the relation nf Lee Chin Hoe and Oag Hun Chong, merohanta of Penang, on behalf
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  • 942 6 OVERTIME. (Bt 2nd Lt. J. B. Mobton). From the distance it was just a blur on the hori*3n, but as one drew nearer, the skeletons of trees stood out, their branches 1 lopped eff, their trunks ohipped and torn. A muddy track led up to
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  • 1973 6 From a Correspondent Tb« statement that Lmin and Trotsky bays fled m *j not bj true to-day, but may i easily be true to morrow. Bat up to tbe present no news has reached us of their sue oessors, and the immediate consequences of their retirement—to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 90 6 Chamberlains Cngk Itemed jr. When 70« hare a bad cold 70« want a remed7 that will not onl7 give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remed7 that ia pleaaant to take, a remed7 that con tains nothing injurioua. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirement*, It acts
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    • 23 6 FOR SAI.E. BRIDGE scoring pads extra stoat large, Pnica.—Pads of 50 leaves 35 cents Pads of 100 50 THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., ftmf»
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  • 539 7 I regret to s»j that my pioket-boat has I been in {collision with yours at H— Pier. Acoidentj ooonrred owing to bad handling on part of Midshipman Blank of. my boat. With your approval I will send my .Chief Carpenter abo rad you to t ascertain extent of
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  • 478 7 We published last month the report of a Pahang case in which a coeple of interesting points in the law of master and servant were involved. The plaintiff was in the service of the defendsnt, who paid him his wages monthly on the last day of
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  • 921 7 in contemplating the probable result! of America's entry into the war the world is «it present mainly in.pressed by the decisive military effec* which sooner or later, must result from the presence of several million American soldiers on the western front. There is, however. another
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 882 7 )C c r cdoOCZD C DC Whiteaway’s for Hardware. rzi :«r? Enamelled Saucepan b ue lied r«irel!e<3 ii de si** As sketch with cover, .utsido d white en*m t hi lit 2 4, 6 8. and 10 pint*. Prices *2 25. 2-50, 2-95. 8-50 and £3-95 each. I Potosi S
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    • 12 7 For Ohildraa*a Hackmg Ot«gk vt NipHt Wood*'* Oml Plwwii«t CHui I*. M,
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    • 46 7 Vow la the Time. For rhenmatism yoe will find nothing batter than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Now is the time to t ild of it. Try this liniment and see how quickly it will relieve the I p%)H and soreness. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 472 7 AUCTIONS. The undersigned are take up auction sales of Lands, (Properties, Estates. Houses, Furniture, Motorcars, Rubber, etc. iff i j, W? C 1 I I. I I PROMPT ACCOUNT MIES RENDERED* For Verm* Apply to ALLEN DENNYS 8 Co..! Auctioneers, Appraisers eto17, Union Street, Penang. Phone No. 893 u
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 911 8 VC p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LIINEL (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PABBENQER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR >ND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undn Contractjwitk Hla Majeaty’s Government.) Ibo Company'* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ere l ini prooent suspended. Paaecugors for Europe; art booked ria Bombay m\ opportunity offer* and aa <utm modation
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