Straits Echo, 30 September 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1441 1 NESTLES I MILK FOOD* J THE BEST FOOD FOB Yiitih BhOYi 90 cts PER 1 lb. tin < BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter.) £1,200,000 £2,000.000 jiid up Capital ggervu Food jgierve Liability of Proprietors 1... Head Officer Ho. *B, BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 J |1 “OUR DftY” TANK FUND I THIS SPACE USUALLY ADVERTISES DEWAR’S WHISKY For which Messrs. KATZ BROS, are the sole importers. We can thoroughly recommend this whisky as Messrs. KATZ BROS, have been so good as to allow tis .to use this space to advertise I l l I
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  • 2217 3 (From Char Otm a Curre^porvdead^ Loudon, July 25. I The Crown Prinoe’s retreat from the I arne—despite the ohildiah and oontradiotory explanations offered by the lying I Potsdam press—fully oonfirms my statement I of last week, that it is comparatively easy to cross a river and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 681 3 /'jnnnnnf TTT 0 o 0 0 bUb o o o STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. 0 0 6 Bearing interest from the date of purchase at Si per cent per annum, t payable Half-yearly #■< the aeth January and the aoth July 0 0 REPAYABLE \T PAR ON THE 20th
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    • 373 3 rl. BRIDGE loomg pad* extra stout and lar*o. Paio*.—Pads of 50 leaves 85 cents* Pads of 100 60 THE CRITERION PRESS Ltd., Penang. TRANSLATION. rHE UNDERBIGNED andertakee k translate any document from English into Chinese and vice versa Also China* e accounts into English. Fees according to the following soale
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  • 947 4 FURTHER INOREA8E3 IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. 1 The offloial returns of imports and ex- 1 I ports of the Straits Settlements for the quarter ended June 30, has been issued and shows an appreciable rise both in the imports and exports of Singapore and Penang, though
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  • 307 4 Frasxb and Co.'s Ripobt. In their Singapore share circular, dated the 26th inst., Messrs. Fraser and Co state: A t present there is very little inclination to o erat\ but the market would require only slight encouragement to stiffen prices all round. Mining shares are rather steadier
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  • 665 4 Esflanadu 5 pm, I, 1 Potpourri Railway Gomes 2 Polka Toe D<ep Blue Sea Brewer I 3 B«llet Musio In the Opera Faust Guonod I 4 Walts Dream Of The Ooean Burald 5 March The Regiment Passes Hume I King George, speaking at the conclusion I of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 >r .c rs 'cOUGATCS viout powota 5. .«nlinK I a o 0 n 3 O/HQ X a a ion IDKIfltt X —ooo ooO CDC DC X Get it at Whiteaway’s TALCUM. POWDER. Colgate'* unscented and Mennen Price 45 cent* per tin Air-float powder per large tin 95 cents. II DENTAL
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    • 12 4 For Children's Hacking Congh at night, Wood's Great Peppermint Cere Is, 6d.
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    • 529 4 PENANG AOCtSmT*,', B KS. AT 11 a.m. M th ,ch ™'l °t Login', BumBoack Stmt, fcnau,."* c^' s p Um FlfST LOT A.11 tho80 two P160PH r\( 1 hereditaments adj,?„ in? and and forming one conneeted pit b,r Mukim of Cherok TokunPw f” th# being portions of the land tentr
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  • 758 5 WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS. r Codriogton, clerk to tbs Singapore Exemption Tnbenal, supplies the following 'ist of results at Wednesday's bearing i Asiatic Pmtbolxdm Co. Ltd. l Mercantile Assistant, Tbs above application stood over for fnr- tber consideration. Eastern Tblicbaph Co. Ltd. I 218 E. W. Day Cable Operator
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  • 1004 5 The Oer Day fund has made a very fine ■tart and it will not be taking a great risk if the Topioist prediote that 1918 will 9 be a record year. Already the lists have l begun to fill, though the publio has hardly started subscribing, What with
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  • 360 5 i A meeting of the Ladies willing to help t >Q the "Oar Diy" 1918 cimptiga vn held 1 in the Governor's Boom on Saturday, i September 28, at 10.80 a.m. A oommittee waa formed of the following Ladiea j— Mrs. Bennett, Benson, Black* ■tone, Bright, Cavendish,
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  • 75 5 Amount previously acknowledged $695 40 Messrs. W. Duncan 25, J, G, Brown 5 Meldrum 5, Souter 5, Kerdyk 5, V*n der Woude 5, Hyme 5. Strong 5, Bussell 5, Yau Vollenhoven 5, Kramaloff 5, Hogan 5, Winfield 5, Hunt 5, Beattie 5, 8. G. G. 5, Chatsworth
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  • 116 5 The amount realii9d at Mrs. Miohell's Lingerie Sale in aid of St. Dunstan's, representing the work of a few of the ladies of Penang, was $1037. The very lovely materials used for the garments that were on view, were nearly all without exception supplied by Messrs. Waseiamull
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  • 317 5 JTo THi Bditob of thb Btraits Echo )a»r Sir, May I ask you to insert this latter as an addition to your aooouot of the B-sidentM At Home and to enable me to acknowledge the help given by the assistant invisible hands” of Mesara, C. A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 585 5 ft*-' To-night's A 'Blue-Bird Night With tho Haro of the Red Ace In the Leading Part S J* 4 EMPIRE S There could not possibly have been a more instantaneous success—than the inaurgutaton of the great series photo*play—The SEVEN DEADLY SINS 99 When ENTY the first of the series was
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    • 428 5 FOR SALE ONE FORD CAR (fire «eater) Used for some years Good coaditi n £rice $l,lOO or near offer. aspect ion invited. Suitable for hiring purpose. Apply to A 80L0M0N, 187, Main Road, Taipin<{ 681-8-10 FOR SAliB. BRIDGE scoring pads extra «tout and lar^e. Paica.—Pad« of 50 leaves 35 cents.
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) flB per annum. Cable Address: 11 ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 680. Printing Department 363« N.b.— All business
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  • 602 6 Mr, Asquith’s condemnation of the Austrian Peace-Note, though a little belated, is important, for the ex-Premier carries great weight in oiroles which refuse to trust implicitly Either Mr. Lloyd George or bis Unionist associates. So far as Great Britain is conoerned, Baron Burian's proposal has
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  • 897 6 Mr Henry Leaser announces his forthcoming marriage in Singapore with Miss Lea Monny, of Aro en-Barrois, Haute Marne, France. From the Malay Mail of Friday. Mr. D. N. Sherson, of Tanjong Malim, has obtained a commission in the Indian Army. Mr. and Mrs. Yelvertou Craig, of Pantai
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  • 792 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] APPLICATION FOR ARMISTICE, Official British Views 1 London, September 27, 6-85 p m, Renter learns that the Forign Office has received Bulgaria's application for an armistice. There is no suggestion that M Malincff’s aotion was taken only on his own initiative, Toe request is for
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  • 756 6 [Riutsr’s T*t*« II till 0R4 *s] BY BRITISH AND BElota Between Oiimnde and y L°-dc n 8tpUube «‘A oo the 28;h the B,M, n m D betweeaD*''^ 4 0 of Yprt*. The ,t, Kk d *»< T,0l rt «W pre P „.,io 0 Ultl 7*“ which
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 riichard Co., LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Best English Harness FINEST QUALITY THROUGHOUT LESS 10 4 1 DISCOUNT ĕ I FOR CASH. Best Black Leather, Handsewn with Collar. SILVER PLATED MOUNTS HORSE SIZE HARNESS $145-00. PONY $125-00. BRASS MOUNT HORSE SIZE HARNESS $llO-00. COLT $95-00 PONY $B5-00. I Tnmmnnr Tl®7mn
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  • 2384 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DEVELOPING 6UC'JE3BFU ,LY. Fir it German Pc sit lens Carried* London, September 27, 4 25 pm. A French communiqtd statist —Yesterday's attack in the Champagne hai developed Biooeosf ally, From the Saippe to the Argonne the firat Carman positions consisting of a formidable network of trenches
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  • 2180 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 9 I 1 1 Closing In on Oambrai. London, September 28. Sir Douglas Haig reports j Portions of jour First and Third Armies under Generals 1 1 Horne and Byog respectively attacked before I dawn on a wide front in the general dirtcItion of Oambrai.
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  • 67 7 The following article» will b* fuuad on QBj ont*ida page* i B—War Hew» and Go»eip. 4,—Trade of the Colony. 8 ngapore Biare Market. 6—Singapore Exemption Tribunal, Laud Acquisition E qiirjr. Singapore Topic». Oar D*y 1918, 8 —Telegram». 9, —The Glob) Hotel Merder», London Rubber Market P. V. R, C.
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  • 607 8 forml Towns Bombed* London, September 27,11 55 p.m. The Air Minietry announoes that in oonjunotion with the Frenoh and American operation! yesterday we attaoked the rail w Vyi at Mels Sablon and Audun le Roman with very good results. Large numbers of enemy aircraft were shot down, one out
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  • 123 8 The following are the alterations in Heasrs, A A. Anthony A Go, ’a share list to-day i Saturday. To-day. Rubber. 1 J I J i <§ i Bassett 0.75 080 0.75 0.85 Pajam 9-25 9.75 950 10.<0 Taluk Anson 8.50 9.00 8-75 9.25 Mining. Ayer Weng 2.90
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  • 695 8 UNRESTING SERBIAN CAVALRY. I Prisoners and Booty InoreasedLoodon, September 27, 3.50 p,m. A Serbisn oommuuiqul of the evening I of the 26th confirms the ciptsre of Ishtip. I Serbian oavslry psrsuing the enemy entered Koohane. A great number of I additional Bulgarians and Germans was taken prisoner
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  • 711 8 Demanitrationi At SeflA. London, September 29. A telegram to Paris from Zurioh states j that anti-German demonstrations in Sofia 1 I have prevailed sinoe Sundfcy last and have I assumed an alarming character, NEW ADVANCE OF SERBIAN CAVALRY. Within 10 Milea of Uikub. London, September 27, 11.55 p.m.
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  • 819 8 London, September 27« Mr, Walter Long, continuing his speech, j said he also depreoated returning to nonprogressive Germany her African colonies from whioh as well as in the Pacific she would be able to threaten the Empire’s I trade routes. If Germany again were plaoed in a position
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  • 841 8 The hearing was commenced on Fridav last of the enquiry iota the value of 23 «ores 3 roods and 31 poles of land at the mouth of the Prat River to be acqui ed by cLe Fedeated Malay States Railways from hs Prye (Penang) Syndicate L’tnifed for
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  • 30 8 Latest Quotations. Tia (unrefined) is qao‘ed here to-day at $149,12$ business done, and in Singapore i refined at $149.87$ business done, o bar g i og hands 125 tons,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 751 8 NOTICE. T-*K US0AL MoKT iTT Paw.brokers' forfeited i Ar, B of oiceeHintt tio «ill K»« f or at 11 o clock a m oo p r ?l '"■«‘«■all, and Tuo-tdav the 4th 7th 0Q, *y respectively at No 42. Beach BtrlT™* 0 The above torfeited riled V,e»ed at the Sale
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 486 9 i 3 fore Mr. Ju-t!Cj iocUn on Thursday the trial w«i oontiuued of the Hokohia boy Li*Dg Ah Tee obarged with the murders of a.rab Liebman and Emil Lmdau at the Qlobe Hotel on the night of August 2* leat. Tbe greater part of the morning
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  • 350 9 ‘{'Saturday afternoon's Club Shoot resulted as follows i—li.pids at 200, 800 and 400 yards H P. a. 85. H’oap. made. Pte CA de Crus 75 7975 Lim Teik Soon 68 74 49 Bgt Oban Cheng Khoon 62 Coy PMaj Yap Swee Lin 70 71 80 Pte
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  • 1013 9 The following ia the Market Report of Messrs A ldena’ Successors Ltd., dated London, 10th Julj 1 he market has been steady with a difference of about on values, Crepe ia being offered today at 2e. 2Jd and RS 8. aft 2a 1 Jd, July Crepe at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 Cr»mp. This dIiMM i» *0 dmgerou* d I ,p in its development that eterj m yoang ohildren ehemld be P re P* re b i oroip appears and then aena ior and let the child eaflar ntll < a talned. Chamberlain's Ooegb prompt and efleotmal and has n®*® known to
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    • 219 9 'Mnce the The Allied Governments Have Bought Over Began d f ROYAL IP* To fjquip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, P0UCY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: HaTTENBACH AND COMPANY. ALLEN
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  • 1192 10 Aooordiag to the latest mail intelligence, Baa Yat»sen baa shaken the dast from bis shoes on Ohina and departed for fresh soenes and pastures new. It is not the first time he has left his native country, and judging from his manifesto to his colleagues in the
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  • 767 10 I SEMI OF «CALEEVi Ew The following o»h|p« rj OUt ‘«b th. Hn DilMi# Operation, for V I*'**"’' 1 19. 18k d,„, The 3rd »od 4*h Britt.k 18et tl ,ck.d.ndo.p to 'd h th k. f tbe Hmd.ob.rg li no d m h f Quentin c.n.l, occop
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 442 10 m, i/// i i i 7/M i I ts A-JU r. w <£>/, r K 9 f \n > NATURE’S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLaCTED MALAYA A CERTAIN, SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARiA, SPLEEN KALA-AZAR Jaet think of it!—more people are killed bj malaria, spleen and kala-azir in
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    • 503 10 I NOTICE. N OriCE ia hereby given that Yeoh Paik Tatt of 53. Beach Street, Penang has by an Order of the Bupreme Court dated the 9th day of September 1918 been appointed Beceiver of Chop Foo c ang of 313, Chulia street and of Chop *oo heong of 4
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    • 83 10 Cfc*mtorUii§ C«k B* m6i When yon bare a bad cold J°* remedy that will not oaly gi* e 6 > re a edy feat a prompt and permanent care, that ii pleasant to take, a re taina nothing h>jnrloai. remeo ta. Comgh Remedy meets lane», It aets oa natare e
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  • 1327 11 Modern hietory cerlaialjr affords no parallel for the amsaingly calloaa brutality j whioh has characterised the whole of Oar* man polioy towards Belgian smoo the first days of August, 1914. To hare invadsd ao almost defenoeloas country whoso neatrality «he herself was pledged to protoot
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  • 462 11 In this week’s Official Qaeetie there ap peara a Boyal Proclamation degrading from his rank an officer in the iro vinci al Gendarmerie on account of his making false statements when marrying a second wife, whereas he had a first wife alive It appeals that he when
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 709 11 D n i 9 M M «fSENER BEtn EXHIB iTtOW* K M b o D 3 i hVU §6 ,1 'V V A 2 8 2 N fc d. o n 1 T 3 O o ivjlij I Mil SPECIALLY BREWED Z O K *2 8 OK r EX ORT.
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    • 381 11 TO CONQUER THE GERMS and to be hale aad hearty in all atatBS of |i LIFE nerer be without a bottle of SACUNA the Standard medical preparation that Malarial Germ» HATE. For $l9O you will get a bottle, Full list and particulars from No. 10, Beach Street. L. C. HONG.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1075 12 o THE UBLIC &0 FFICERS OF ALL SERVICES ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO ECOME INTERESTED IN THE it 01 DAT” TANK FOND BY BUYING TICKETS Which Cost $1-00 Each. F/RST NEW “ELGIN 99 MOTOR CAR Value $5,000. Tickets can be obtained from the Hon. Secretaries: Messrs. LIM EOW THOON V H.
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