Straits Echo, 23 September 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1523 1 NESTLES i iMILK FOOD ft THE BEST FOOD FOB YOU.. BabY l 90 cts. PER i lb. TIN BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England bj Royal Charter.( ill ,200,000 .£2,000,000 Paid up Capita) geierve f and Reserve Liability of Proprietor* Head Office i No. 88,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 THIS SPACE USUALLY ADVERTISES DEWAR 9 WHI For which Messrs. KATZ BROS, are the sole importers. We can thoroughly recommend this whisky as Messrs. KATZ BROS, have been so good as to allow us to use this space to advertise EslEgl^llsslisallsĔHßallßsllsßllsia^Hsnaißgllsm^ 66 i m 99 siSiißißijaiqigisißisifg»EijgiEiigisigiSifgisi|aigj3isiigisiigisißisi pisiigisiißifejaiST^ispsigispisipf^pEijgisigisinasigJgig^igisjaM MANY PRIZES HAVE
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  • 886 3 EDUCATION BY STARVATION. To iu Editob of the Free Frets,] Sir,—Everybody interested in Education —except the Education Authorities—will no doubt feel grateful to your Malayan contemporary the Straits Echo for ita remarks on education generally in the Straits, and to the Singapore tires Press tor quoting those remarks. The failure
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  • 655 3 1 t.tie alone of Mr. Ly.di Fox's Wilhelm Hohensollern and Co." might suggest the American journalist, while such English ss "would not have tolerated his own absenoe," ocnjecture upon," am “some of us are obscure as to why" is obviously trans-Atlantio. His nationality stood him in good stead
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  • 283 3 For the first time in their history the leading Straits Ohinese Associations met together for a united debate on Thursday night, the meeting being held in the Y.M.C.A. The subject—" Are we getting the right kind of edacation P —brought together an audience of nearly 200. £«ch
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 530 3 s 4' vTonsinr 6 0 <r >45. 3 lif r Tlrestonc TROPICAL SPECIAL” TIRES. Fresh Stocks Have Arrived. w v-4 R.T.iREID Co., PENANG AGENTS.',/' 1 fimm w STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5‘ per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly en the aoth
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    • 91 3 Chamberlains Cnmgk R cmedj When yon hare a bad oold yo« want a remedy that witk not only giro relief, bat ef foot a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that con* tains nothing injnrioes. Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy meets all these reqnnrements, It
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    • 25 3 •"Wilhelm Hohenadlern and Co.” Bj Edward Ljell Fox. (Methnen and Co. 6« net.) For Children’» Hacking Ooagb at night, Wood'. Orwt Fwirul Out U. 64.
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    • 487 3 R c XZXZX XT 6ASTOLEUM PLAHTARIUM REMEDY FOR RUBBER TREE DISEASES TARBOLINEIIM PLANTARIUIHI [j Prefaerratire for protecting wood against the attack of white ants. Stocked in 4 gallon tins. f. SWEE COY., Penang, Kuala Lumpur Singapore. .oor__ x~~"~ DO DCDC DCDnCDOCDC DCDC Constant headaches People with thin bleod are usually
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  • 2105 4 MR DARBISHIRE’o REVIEW, |i The following taken from the Strailt I, Time* is k more detailed account of some of L tbe matters touched upon in the Hud. Mr. 1 C W. Dirbiahire’s speech at the hall- yearly general meeting of the Singapore I Chamber of C^mm p
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 299 4 ooOOC GOOD VALUE 111 GENT’S WEAR. JAEGER WOOLLEN MUFFLERS Wit’i fringed ends In a*ock in white grounds with coio <red ends.» Ai»o in self colours Price $4 50 each. SILK finish mufflers Smart and dressj A lar-w variety of colours in stock. plendid value Price $3.25 each. THE OUBLEY” FELT
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    • 66 4 BdANT do 70a know the danger of BFg'eoting a chill F Chilli lead to penumoma a&d a score of other dangeroaa die* orderi. Be prudent, and at the firit ligr* of a obill take a dc«« or two of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURB the medicica that should never L* übsei-•
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    • 588 4 BRITISH NORTH OUR n|n day lottery. Tickets for this Lottery are is,»,, the auspices of the British North p^" War Relief FuotiCo ma i.,ee,J by B 7 M »AV Commit,k tor the West Coast, North Borneo The lottery to b. on i, mM i icketa $5 each (Strait* fWi currency)
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  • 338 5 [To ran Edito* of thb Malaya Tribunt —A* a visitor ro. Singapore, lan rather to f a wt*rj pithetio claim made dj a Ontnese wife in the advertisement oolimn of your papsr. That there should be any neoeeaitj at all for every Ohioeee woman to give pablioity aa
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  • 105 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs, A A. Anthony A Co.’s share list to-day i Saturday. To-day. Mining. I P o 0^ PQ CO A GO Bangnon 1/- par 1/3 6d Kampong Kamuting 57/• 58/- 57/- 58/6 Katoo Deebook 16/- 16/6 6d 1/6 Ratmt Basin 25/-
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  • 445 5 Esplanadb, 6 pm, 1 Fantasia Lißeve d’Amour Millars 2 Polka Merriment Wood 3 Beleotion II Trovatore Verdi 4 Walts May Blossom Roy 5 March The Royal Salute Hume Says the Free Frett We have been told that siooe married men have been exolnded form the immediate operation
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  • 1092 5 CLAIM FOR DAMAGE 9. In the District Court before Mr. Justioe P. J. Sproule this morning the hearing was begun of.tha suit instituted by Mr. H. Sib» belee, manager, Central Malaya Engineering and Motor Works, Taipiog, and Mrs, Bib* belee aguinat the Willison Wirth’sOireus and Menagerie
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  • 573 5 Following arfi the agenda for tc-nnrrow’s meeting of the Municipal OjtsmiaioD i—--1 Minutes of last m-etiog to ho read and confirmed* 2 Any special business the President may biiog forward: 8 Questions, 4 Bme b’' a to be pass'd 6 Popoa d acquisition of Lot 179 T. 8
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  • 152 5 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ending September 7,1918. {Male 42*) V 64 Female 22 Death rate 31.26 per mi lie per annum oompared with 27.84 in the preoeding week and with 32.96 in the corresponding week ef last year. Nationality.
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  • 50 5 European Found Shot CFrorr, Our Own Correspondent Euala Lumpur, September 21. Mr. Aleo F, Oomrie, who was living with Mr. Falls, manager of the Nestle Milk Company, was found in the garden at 5, Treacher Boad, at 6 o’olook this morning dead, shot through tha temple.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 963 5 TENDERS INVITED PAWNBROKERS’ LICENCES, PERAK. Ten ere will be received at the offio# of the Secretary to Resident Perak Tainm* op to noon on the 20th October. 1918, for the right to receive a i£noTti> *t a. broker under he Pawnbroker. Enact««it 1914,” in each of the undermentioned ireae f
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    • 338 5 NOTICE. TINDEBS will be received at the Offiee of the Honourable Resident Councillor, Penang up to noon on 30th. September. 1918 fo' t e following services for thw Government Mon op dy Department, Penang for the jear 1919. (1) Supply of bast Amoy or Hongkong pots each capable of easily
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $3O per annum I, Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: 11 ECHO PENANG." Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 383. •A l.B.
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  • 17 6 Pbbntis.—On2l-t 89p‘ p o>b r, ?t PrD»np, to Mr and Mro. K E Preitis, a daughter.
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  • 1198 6 From France, the Balkans, and Palestine the news continues to be excellent and perhaps it is not too much to hope that in the near future we shall hear too of a I successful resumption of operations in I Mesopotamia whence reports hare been I
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  • 70 6 The authorities have deoided that the deliberations of the Straits Tribunal are to be conducted in oamrra, basing their decision on para 15 of the Militiry Service Ordinance 1918. The decisions arrived at however will, as far as we understand, be communicated to the Press, The Penang
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  • 897 6 In ft game of billiards at the Singapore Catholic Club between Mr. D. Ferrao acd Mr* Lewis, the latter made a break of 125. Mr, R. J. Husband, formerly of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, is now on «ctive service as a lieutenant in the Royal Engineers.— B.
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  • 942 6 Germany i n Crisis, Orv 'Us'y, th r* i„ tion between the firsts Lu'u 0 Cr Dn*c*re irfl oting «po-i the Quid IC Allies 'o «a it«n_i n 8 h d L“F u interns I political crisis®? J aDd MiUtmg Germany At 18 now bpn coding the reporte
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 QCODC X X— K X~" ~inr WHISKY FINE OLD SCOTCH. J. R. D. SELECTED QUALITY Bl ended and bottled BY John Robertson Sons SOL AGENTS FOg S.S. F.M.S., Pritchard 8 Co., LIMITED. (incorporated in straits settlement» Penang and Ipoh, cone jCThdoc DC a old nun RETAINS THE EXCELLENT QUALITY WHICH
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 2859 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ALLIES AT ST. QUENTIN. The British Effort L ndoD, September 20, 1,20, Sir Douglas Haig reports i—Towards midday cn Thursday the English attacked n the Lempiere—Epehy sector and despite considerable opposition and in the face of heavy artillery and machine*gun fire made valuable
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  • 1358 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE BRITISH BREAK THROUGH, j ALLBNBY'3 DK018IVB VICLOUT, e Cats off 25.000 Turks. t London, September 20, 10 p.m. 3 A Palestine official massage states i During the night of the 18ch we commenced a general attack between the Jordan and the i sea. British and
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  • 53 7 The following articles will ba found on our outside pages 3. Eluostion” by Starvation. The Hoheriolierns. 4. —Malayan Problems. s— Accident at a Circus. Chinese Marriages. 8 —Telegrame 9. —The Wdek’a Events, 10. —F. M S Suprnun Court. The Guild and the Siamese Law. A Week’s Warring. 11. The
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  • 2711 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Attick by Britlib and Qreeki. London, September 20, 6 35 p.m. A Britiah Salonika offioial message states that the British end the Oreeka et five in the morning of September 18 attacked to the weat and eaat of L*ke Doirsn. We oaptured weat of tha Lake
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  • 626 8 [Reuter's Telegrams] NEW GOVERNMENT AND NEW CHANCELLOR. A Policy the Situation Demands. t London, September 21, 6.35 a,m. A cable from Amsterdam states that the j Leiptiger Tageblatt'§ Barlin correspondent says that tbe Gevernment crisis has reached a climax. The Majority parties are firmly resolved on
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  • 646 8 V«b*l PromiMi Insufficient. London, September 11, 3 4* A oable from P, t j B .t.te, ,J Wa.hin.ton c.,, MpoDdect wii,»n, .d dr lllng Al d p ftod America politici.ns. explained .t lĕnlti I ,,Ca It *u ...enti.l «bort (he new .ttenp, ifi 2T 7— z:
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  • 14 8 Obituary. London, September 21. The death has taken plaoe of the oomposer. Lisa Lehmann.
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  • 955 9 Mobda?, Simxiu S 3. I Town Band, Esplanade. I Ponang Automobile Clab, A G-M.. Cham- I ber of Oommeroe, 4.8 d p.m. > I Tobsdat, Bbptbmbbb 84, I Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. 'I WIOKMSiT, SbPTBMBBB 25 I Town Band, Esplsnade. > I Board of Lioensing Justioe Meeting,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 304 9 3 •4 •01 •d 3 •Hi M ITHE PREMIER HEATRE OF TH COLONY. t w uld b© quite impossible for any Theatre to have h iu< powerful Programme than the manages ent are eMe to present THIS WEEK onward. a- vMONDAY TO WEDNESDAY. a~ 44 HK FINAL 1' PISODE V*Kl*
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    • 1019 9 JONC-KEENA. Java's Contribution to the relief of Suffering Humanity. This preparation is composed of medicjnal herbs cultivated in Maja Pait the Meeca of Jara. The name “JonkKsena” or “Jong-Keena” is Datch and ■ignifles Young Quinine*' as distinguished from Oud-Kina'* or old quinine, which is largely used in Jara, in the
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  • 459 10 THE RICE CONTRACTS CASE. BIO fcUMB XMTOLTXD. There seemed to be some slight m'snnderstanding in the Sup’eme Court on Monday (Sept. 16) with regard to tbe bearing of the rioe oontracti eases. Mr. P. B. Fo r d, wbo represented fonr of the principal plaintiffs, had brought
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  • 428 10 [To the Editor of The Bangkok Times Dear Sir, Considerable interest has been shown, of late, iu matters connected with the administration of justice in Siam. Will yon permit me to draw the attention of your readers to a subject of equal importance, the
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  • 668 10 T^^:g o :;r» h B kok p*p«' Thb Americans Attach. Operations for l3 > September,— The mo t *be Uth operation during the ff by the First fcb Br. Mihiel 10tD Arm, Verdan ,n the M use and Muse'l«. of »tt*ck web launched early 0 n Th
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  • 246 10 A Berlin terrain quotes the following details of Count Mir bach’s aiiuim»**. whi b t e Lokalameiger has rom an eyewitness s “Couut Mirbach Privy Co**®* Rnsier and Lieutenant Muller ware ,ea ed with the two Russians at a mar table in the midd e of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 A Good Rale for the Home. Mikt it a rale of joar home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain** Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe* feard against bowel oomplaints. It always •ares promptly and no household Is safe without It. Far sale by all dispensaries
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    • 1403 10 7*1 vrr. M. m W/i 5 m i AS* a-** s i,i 3U* n uc i 1 ip; V I f V V > k K kJ^i i ~1; &3 > NATURE S WONDERFUL GIFT TO AFFLICTTD MALAYA A CERTAIN. SAFE SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL CASES OF MALARIA, SPLEEN KALA
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  • 2047 11 I The ronouneemeut of August 2), 9’7, j which stated that the goal of the British I Government was the prog respire realisation f of Responsible Government in India, as an integral part of the British mpire can be I described without exaggeration as 1 the most
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 167 11 X» STATE SUPPLIES. IN STOCK Acetic Acid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Rice. Peninsular Acetate, Tha Best and Cheapest Coagolaut in the Market. Tapping Knives Veneer Ghosts WITH canvas fittings. White Porcelain
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    • 255 11 NIPPON CONFECTIONERY 22, Leith Street, Pmng, Phone No, 4SO. OPEN FROM 6AM TO MIDNIGHT. Sweats, Ice Cream, Cakes, Etc. can be had at any hour, Orders for Cakes booked at any time. MODERATE CHARGES. PRICE LISTS FREE ON APPLICATION. Order under the Food Control Regulations. The the maximum prices of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1198 12 P. D. AND APGAB LINK. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PA88ENQER SERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS* (TJndti Contract with Hi* Majesty’* Government.) Tkt Company’* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present *uepended. PiMortn for Europe aro booked via Bombay Ml opportunity offer* and a* far an jnodation i*
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