Straits Echo, 19 June 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1533 1 ?®SEDf BRA JWISSCOND and I FOR SALE. One 2-3) seater ‘Scripps Booth Motor Car Irutft 1917 HlO'lel Bfe.f N<*rt*-r fccd D?D»oio L gs-tiog in eiCfrl'ent m condition oDiy iun* 919 m::es owner htving in in*. App'y to Hit vndei garage. IF YOU WANT! COMFORT 1 GO TO TRE Undermentioned Garage
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    • 14 1 -i ,F *mca a ratio» a^5 Ct 'Ons p«i P»0 S •<*S* A~mtJ "HP,V
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  • 2329 2 5 0 Diridtil Hut 4* ef m 1« ia Capital. ■karrt p far amrraat Van a. s E -0 6 S Usied last fin*»1 h. a *3 p aial jaar. year0 SQ m 1 KUBBEK—B8LLAK BHAKB8. ets. f ets 1909 f 129,999 809,999 459,990 299,990 740,909 209.999 120,000 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 281 2 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANCE. 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Chant. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 245th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 20th June, 1918. Auction Sales of Rnhher hell twice a week, on e»erj Monday and 1 hnrsday.
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  • 522 3 HEAVY PENALTIES- AtiK Etam Ihhotd. In the Pci ce O-iurt before Mr, 8. H. i Langston th moruiog Ong Tek Pin wm I charged with (1) failirg to report a eaee of I- email-pox, of a Siamese woman named l Kliog Me, (2) failing to report a case
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  • 113 3 (To thi Edito* of thi Strain Echo). Sir, Yesterday afternoon I bad occasion to use the ferry running from Penang to Sagan Tuan Ketchil, While crossing I noticed that we were wandering about considerably, instead of mtkiog direct for the jstty on the other aide, and it
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  • 76 3 Fob Bt Stiamfk At To-morrow (Thursday). Port Swettenham and Singapore Krian Ipm. P. Brendan and Langsa Stephan 8 a.m. Trang Trang 3*30 p.m Dali, T. S°mawe, Segli. Sabang Oiebl-b, etc., Pad an g van den Boteh noon 21st instant (Friday). Rtngoon (Mergui ani Moulmein via Bangoon) 6
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  • 37 3 Bstrut Basin output first half of June 286 picul j Hours worked 310. Yards treated 86,000, Tbe tin outputs for D*ebook were 270 and for Bangnon Valley 280 piculs for the first half of June,
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  • 91 3 Taiping Rubber 12,550 lb. Tbe Japanese shipowners, who are in possession of above 10,000 tons deadweight exclusively for cargo purposes, number 42, cco'ding to investigations of the Shipping Department of tbe Mitsuis. The fallowing are tbe leading six companies t Owners. Ships, 'j onnage. N Y K.
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  • 291 3 CFrom Our Own Correspondent) Teluk Anson, June 17. The following osse was brought before Mr. Black, tbe Magistrate, by Inspector Gowland on the 14tb instant at Teluk Anson. Lim Ab Kang was charged on tbe 14tb instant with house trespaaion the 21st ultimo into the small attap
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  • 289 3 A contributor to the Contemporary Review, under the pen-name of Treaty Port,” says it is important that we should understand Japaoess policy is the Far East, and remember all that Japan has done to counter German icflaecoe, both before and sinee the beginning of the war. Japan may have
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  • 213 3 AuSTKO-G«BMAN AILIANCU. It is reported from Zarioh that tbs Munich Neuette Nachriehten. referring to tbe visit of tbe K ng of Bavaria to Garmau headquarters to participate in the AustroGerman negotiations, states —"The hiu* is grave. Bavaria oannot allow Prussia to b the oole arbiter of Germany’s destinies
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  • 134 3 Laet night tbe oompany staged a comedy entitled Ah-I-Majlum at the Colieeum theatre, with whioh the andienoe wee very pleaeed the aoting being greatly appreciated To-night, what ie termed a fantaatio drama entitled Cbalora Bakvali will be put on the boarde. I see you have recruited several
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 421 3 sB?fro¥?WT?«rrmTMmTmwMtmff???mw* AT THE -H -H Hi •*•4“ THE "MILKY WAY” OF STARS. ‘STARS’' whose Brilliance is a Light to the Imagination and an Uplift MONDAY'S CHANGE OP PROGRAMME First House 4JACK MULHALL A GREAT BTAR AND FAVOURITE IN Mr. EOLAN OF ITE'W YOUK, fcOMETHING QUI'E NEW 7 •tSecond House King
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    • 800 3 «M* 4iOOOM> 4Sl+ l+ 41^^ THEATRICAL Co, OP BOMBAY E 4 To-night! To-night!! AT 9 P IC. 'pHE PARSIEMPIR 4 t I i I Present at the Drury Lane Theatie Hall, Chalora Bakavali DOORS OPEN 8 P M. CURTAIN RISES 9 P.M, Carriages 1 a.m. 4 4 t 4 i
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  • 106 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $BO per annum. Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Poat Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG. 1 Telephone Noe. (Coho) 886. Printing Department 843, I
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  • 828 4 The Machinery of Government is skin to t w e Mills of God in that it grinds slowly, I As a matter of fact, as regards tfca new Straits 5\ per oent Loan, it has not beguD to grind at all yet, as far as the public
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  • 523 4 The telegrams received to-day col firm the view expressed yesterday on the tactical f*ilu>e of wbat was intended to be a great Austrian offensive on Italy, but which really degenerated into a series of isolated attacks, neither timed nor co ordinated as they would have been had
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  • 1020 4 Mr. R. J Feonycvick, Agent of tfce E intern Smelting C>„ Ltd., in Puket, ha» been transferred to Sang i Basi. It will prcbibly about two monthe jet before H. E. Sir Wm. M ming arrives to assume the Governorship of Ceylon, s s s v The
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  • 1003 4 THIBTT YEARS AGO. O her work took tbe writer back to ths Singapore and Straits Directory of Thirty years ago, 1889, and out of pure ouriosity he turned tithe Pm ing section of this "history written in names." Of men in the Government Bsrvioe still living, although
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 Pritchard Go., Ltd. The goods in Pritchards outfitting Dept, cannot be equalled for quality anywhere in the Colony. i ,w "v GOOD QUALITY. a %i Si* GOOD VALDE Townends white “Straits” Topees. Similar to illustation. Good Quality and Value. Price 9.50. Pith Planter’s Solar Topees, covered Khaki DrillVery Light and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 21 4 DEATH. Colbmah.—Edith 8. Coleman, the be’ovod wife of C G. Co'eman, on June 13, of PDtpric fevf, at Coonoor, (By cable.)
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  • 1570 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] initial failure complete. Ia the Chamber. London, June 17, 4 Rome message reports scenes of •xtraordinary enthusiasm in tbe Chamber when tbe Minister of War dwelt on the heroism of the trocp* who repeatedly drove back the enemy’s seeaults, restoring tbe oes. He dwelt on tbe
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  • 464 5 London, Jane 17. A New Yotk menage ttatea that Jeremiah O'Leary as cabled on 8ch Jane hoi been arrested and alio James Larkin, the selfstyled president of the new Irish republic. London, June 17. The lames’ correspondent at The Hague reports that a mysterious disease at Essen,
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  • 26 5 (_From Char Own Correspondent London, June 15. The prioei in the Lendon Rubber Market te-day were: Pale Crepe 9/2 Diamond Smoked Sheet t/i
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  • 725 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, June 17. 9 A French communique states t—Between 3 tbe Oise and the Aiane we successfully oarried out a local operation this morning whioh enabled us to extend onr positions north and north-west of Hautebrayu. We took prisoner about a hundred and oaptured some machine-guns.
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  • 595 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Imperial Conference. 1 London, Jane 17, The Press Bo ream annonnoes that at the aeoond maefeing of the Imperial War Con* ference on the morning of the 17th theie waa a fell attendance of membera, includirg the representatives of Anatralia and India, to whom the Secretary
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  • 51 5 The following article* will be foend on oar outside pages 3, —Concealing Small-Pox. Could it Be P Taluk Anaon Notea. Japan. 6. —Food Pricsa. Letter* on the Rnisian Revolution. Japan'a Trade with Dutch Indiea. German* Depressed. Land of the Laay. The Dutch sad the Geraaana. 7. —Hold or Yield
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  • 622 5 It has been proposed that the women and children of Penang should co-operate in raising a Silver Wedding present for Her Majesty Queen Mary. As Her Majesty has expressed a wish that any suoh present should be for the benefit of the troops, it is suggested that
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  • 225 5 Many of your reader* dcubtleea mail bare noticed the announcement in the Router's telegram dated June 9 of the appearance of a mew star io the Constellation of Aquila of the first magnitude. Thia remark* •bis object can be ruing up in the evenirgs about 7 o’clock
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  • 23 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to«day at $153.25, no business done, and in Singapore ("refined) at $163, buyers no sellere,
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  • 796 6 A Noth. Vibw or the no. Life in the F M.B. is dealt with from a decidedly novel atand point in the following artiole from the Sydney Sun i When oca woman meeta another, after a careful inquiry abuat each other’a children, or the progreaa of
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  • 202 6 No. 78 of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the R.A.S. contains the report of the proceedings of tbe annual general meeting of the Society at which a paper was read on Forty Years Work of tbe Society by Mr. W. Makepeaoe. A collection of
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  • 349 6 At the meeting of the Perak Planters, Association at Ipob on Saturday, the following passed:-— The Chairman said tbat they had a lot of trouble in the matter of food prices, especially as regards rice, the price of which bad risen abnormally a little time ago. Tbe present
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  • 368 6 (T 0 M, report of Perak Planters Meeting.) Tbe Chairman said tbat tbe idea of appointing Dr. Strickland as a gece'al adviser on malaria treatment on estates had been brought up. It bad been proposed tbat he should take charge of the whole of Perak, aDd
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  • 152 6 Bt T. Waltub Williams. Rottrerdim, April 28, (via London.) —A raw in Rotterdam between a German Major and a Dutch landlady has caused some exoitement, The Major rented a high-class spartmeut, with two otber officers, for a month, and having found cheaper quarters, decided to
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  • 998 6 Rhvolutxov axn Rusaiur Jaws. Russia —that great acd brave nation—has been not defeated bat betrayed. She haa been sold for twenty pieoes of silver, more or less. The whole Russian Jewish oommunity will suffer terrible things in opnstqunooe.” Morning Pott, Dso. 5th, 1917. The renegade
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  • 302 6 A despatch from the Japanese Consul at Batavia says:— There is reason to believe that the restriction on the export of the greater portion of Dutch East Icdies products hss beet» imposed as a reprisal for the reeent commandeering of Dutch vessels by tbe United
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  • 277 6 ScnooLMASTin Cab.urns Of* aud Mubdzbzd. I have to report still another ghastly murder, writes the Harbin correspondent of I the "N, C. Daily Newt on May 15. Throe days ago a schoolmaster named Oumaueky, while returning home with friends from a meeting of acbool-masters; was stopped by (several
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  • 355 6 The Paris Matin states that tbe operaI tioos at Ostend and Ziebrugge have definitely given the lie to the dogma that, the enemy’s coasts are inviolable, and adds tbat I tbe< new measures are probably due to I Admiral Wemy+g Nj pirtijailar exception will be
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  • 543 6 These two despatch's to Australia of Mat 7, perhaps, explain why the German» have not progresaed in North Flandera The correspondent of the United Press writes»—Hindenburg’» armies in Flandera for six day* have been lioking their sores. They bare been held in obeok for 35 daya at Amiena
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  • 448 6 1 1 On foot P Too much like work, and i expensive when the drinks are reckoned in. I In a ohair P Smelly, slow, and expensive. By the Hill Railway P All right for 1950 {■for our grandchildren. By a nioely graded motor
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  • 347 6 The Contemporary prints Dart e fu e denied in January by Dr p ,1 f »bs London correspondent of a well I?®* “«r-P’r. r.lerilog Sj d fficulties during tbe w *r n ltnd often said he remarked, that SSSaS j! doing rather well out of
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  • 346 6 Sooner or later one side must break. M \V B can see in the conferences at the German Headquarters an indication of the anxiety of the Central Powers. Hindenburg and his general* were recently reporred to have agretd that everything depend d upon a break through
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  • 118 6 WUDNHSDAT, JUKB 19. Town Band, Esplanade. R>sidency At Home” 5 p m. Licensing Jsetioes Meeting, District Court, 2.15 p.m. Fbidat, Jowa 21. Town Band, Esplsnade. Satuboat, Jews 22, The Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd,, General Meeting, 3 p.m. Penang Bisley. P. V. and P. Y. R. G. *’At
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 For Children’* Hacking Ceaghat Night, WonU'a Great Peppermint Care la, 6d.
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    • 50 6 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to present an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is net be* yond anyane's parse, and with a bottla of this liniment yon are prepared far almast anything. For sale by all diapeaaariea and dealer
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    • 50 6 Whj It Sellf. Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy ii tbs largest selling ooagta medicine in the world to-day becaave it doea ezaotly what a ooagb remedy is «apposed to do> It «taps the oevgb by oaring the cold, aad deaa it speed* ly aad etfsotaallv. For sala by al! dii; i«aaari«faad Men
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  • 951 7 Hold or Yield j Qumaiit i Pacific Colo* ms From Sir Ewerard xm Thun, K. C.M. Q,C* B [As High Commissioner of tbe Western Pacific, Sir Everard im Tfurn had mauy o> portunities of studying the German menace in tha* quarter. In the fallowing •tat meat Sir Ererard condea na
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 547 7 r oc "3CDCDCDC DOCDCDO! DCDCDCDC DD ffhiteaway's, For QUALITY, SERVICE KEEN CASH PRICES. THE jMPERATOR BRAND iMPCBATORr®oc7r 3nroTb». T 4 'wwj TC« BRAND iMPmrar btot>. pmt«, $2l-00 per pm«. hipwator shoes, price *l7-so per pair. THE ‘‘The Imparator fflz. "imperatofT k. In Black or Tan ‘imperator' Willow Calf Shoes, JZtfS&J#*
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    • 13 7 Fer Children'» Hnekin* Coegh at fttgkt. Weed* Creel Peppemiat On re 1», Cd
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    • 537 7 oc DCDC DCDCDH nCDC DCDC The Food Question. >o n n a Indigestion usually arises from eating unsuitable diet, and bolting food without sufficient mastication. Thus instead of being converted into health-giving blood, it becomes a fermenting mass which poisons the whole sjstem. Headaches, depression and dyspepsia are signs that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1655 8 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINK. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND "PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as sodation
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