Straits Echo, 25 April 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 OF EVERY av Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD
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  • 1122 3 L'fe in thii land of abot and shel! —this land of (quid mud, where dugouts arp 'he order of the d*y, and the Daily Mail ia half ita proper size and three times its [published price—ia fortunately not entirely dtvoid of bumoar. Fortunate tbia ia,
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  • 443 3 PAGES FROM BELGIUM, One often sees some such announcement I as this in the papers British Official 11 Oar aeroplanes yesterday dropped bombs 1 upon X. Photographs taken show that all the obj-ctives were hit, considerable damage 1 being done to the aerodrome, docks, and gas-works.”
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  • 154 3 The Paris Municipal Council are going to set up business as butchers. In other words they sre about to open municipal batchers’ shops, wherein meat will be procurable at something like reasonable prices. This, by the way, is the main object of the scheme; for, far from
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  • 117 3 M. Paul Hyaointh Loyson (Frenoh Interpreting Offioer), speaking at the Royal Institution, said that Germany made several mistakes before the war, but her psychology had been pretty sound since. She took advantage of what an English statesman had called brain waves,” bat whioh might be even fcotter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 298 3 rnr* gras IC/A|Md I jl W UW U a M H ERE are some reasons to show how excellently suited is the “Swan” Pen as a gift. It adds to the pleasure of daily life. It gives the best service and lasts for years. It is free of all complications
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    • 48 3 Accidents Will HappenIt may be impossible to prevent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is net beyond anyene’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yoa are prepared for almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 12 3 For Ohildren'a Hacking Coagh at Night Wooda'e Great Peppermint Onre la. 6d.
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    • 450 3 “GUARANTEED” UNDER THE PURE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 0n every bottle of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill, sold i„ ,be United ittates ot America there is placed an extra label, bearing a number and the word Guaranteed which denotes that the proprietors of Dr. Morse's Indian
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  • 1376 4 Thu Hiddbn Foaous, U Every human being is a museum. Per« haps we have not regarded ourselves in that light before. Every mother’s son is a storehouse of inherited tendencies, experiences, beliefs, prejudices, and superstition. He is the resultant of all kinds of foroes that have
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  • 593 4 Thu Jpoh Conveuiwcs. Siturday, says the Ipoh paper, was a red letter d*y in the history of the mining if dustry of Mal- ja, in that H. E. the High Commissioner arrived for the sp c oial purpose of mooting representatives of the industry, The large new Town
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 (Quality Bath Towels. THE “W.L." OF BATH TOWELS. Guaranteed to give satisfaction f* 4 ••v. #aE3pk 1 v jj£ V 1' i t rA X j UA’ f. .r>r V r*? 04 4 < “1K.L” 8 Turkish Bath Towel. A full size bath towel measuring 28 by 54 inches, light
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    • 78 4 What an anxious time has the mother with a growing family to look after. Generally one or the other is ailing, has caught a chill, or h feveiish- With a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE in the medicine cbeit the worry is much diminished. A dose or two of
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    • 750 4 ORIGINATING SUMMONS No. 117 of 1918. lif Thb Mattbbof EA,N,D, 10m NOTICE is hereby given that by orH. oC too Supreme Court of th/s oet laments at Penang nud. i» aa ter and dated the 17. h day of A I*? 1918, I the undersigned WllluL HoicThi* Tboru of Penang,
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  • 349 5 Annual General Meeting(/'row* Our Own Correspondent,') KuaU Lumpur, April 24, The P.A.M. meeting held to-day was largely attended. The Hon. F. G. Harvey aoted as Chairman in the abaenca of Mr, R. C. MKindtrsley. Age Limit for Indian ImmigrantsRegarding the restriction to age limit of eooliea from
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  • 357 5 Why is it that even highly educated and polished people in Malaya —and there are vast numbers wha answer to this description, almost invariably persist in dubbing every native of northern India who comes to Malaya by the grossly inaccurate, all embracing name of Bengali
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  • 67 5 PkNJINO Wo MIN WoiKIKS. Amount previously acknowledged $7llO 02 Mr«. Jamieson 10,00 Ladies Bridge Book Golf Club 10 00 L. A. M. 5 00 Mrs. Saye 5 00 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cat out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall
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  • 474 5 At the reoent meeting of the Lower Perak Planters’ Association it was proposed and carried that if it coaid be proved that the baiiog process would resalt in saving paoking space and if the jute and other material be reasonably guaranteed then the Association should support
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  • 283 5 The Singapore Cold Storage Company is being accused of grossly disloyal conduct and we consider it a matter of public interest to give the company an opportunity of proving that the allegation is unfounded. The statement made to us is as follows Alter the takiog over of
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  • 196 5 Mr. R. G. Van Someren, the well-krown counsel, received at Singapore, where he wis Ust week, the sad news of the death of bis fifth son, Mr. C- D. Van Someieo, formerly manager of Bukit Hitam Estate, on March 21st. By last letters
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  • 32 5 Serendab, 12,963, Eamasan 15,556, Bokit Kepong 5,553, Utan Simp*n 10 380. DHahury 8,340. Alor Pongsu 10,000, Bneh 10,860, North Perak 5 243, 6,821, Ayer Kuning 4,800, Temerleh 8,784 lb.
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  • 14 5 The Club shoot advertised for next Sunday morning is oanoelied.
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    • 416 5 OTfffTWTWWWWWTCTTWfWWTTOTWWTWWfTjI 3 E hS SeiH H 8 E /Ire yo£/ a Saint? Are you a Sinner? 3 tt- Hi The Empire Theatre I WILL BE PACKED WITH SAINTS AND SINNERS (NO QUESTIONS ASKED,) -a a 5 Thursday Friday and Saturday Nights. TO S -a > “The Saintly Sinner’ HS A
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    • 843 5 Book-keeper Wanted. THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of book--1 keeping eeeentul. Afp j in otrn band-writing with copies ot t-stimooials to Mr. HEAH BWEE LEE, 52, Bishop Street, Penang, 24 April, 1918, 274 WANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS COOO SALARY TO COMPETENT MEN. Apply personally to FOREMAN, C[o Straits Echo. WANTED. Experienced planter, Eagiisb
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. N.B.—A 11 businesa communications
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  • 45 6 D’Arct Irvine.—At the European Hospital, Kc&’a Lumpur, ou Ap< il 19, to Mr -ad M r s IT, C. D’A r ‘y livice, a eou. Winson. —At the Eu'cp'iin Hospital, Kuala Lumpa", on April 23. 1918, to Mr sod Mis H. W. a diUghte'.
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  • 1358 6 The strain of waitiog for developments of the attack in Flanders is now decidedly less, for with a daily and hourly wire oomitg in with accounts of fierce fighting, it is not easy to figure out the general position One is apt to get carried away
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  • 414 6 H. R. H. Princess Mary celebrates her twenty-first birthday to-day. The Malay Mail hears that Capt. WE, Banguinetti, R.B, has been awarded the Military Cross, Mr. H. Welham left for Singapore and Austral'a this afternoon, sailiog from Singapore probably on Sunday. Mr. A. S R9ddi, Tamil Fund
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  • 263 6 The Annual Vestry was held on Wednesday, Apri’ 24. 12 o’clock in the Governor’s Office, Theib w's only a small attmdanoe. The various Church accounts were presented The Churchwarden’s accounts were held over till Mr, Pritchard’s return for some final corrections, but showed a balance
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  • 26 6 (From Our Ovon Correspondent.) London, April 23, The prices ro r*e London Rabber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/SJ Diamond Bmoked Bheet 2/4|
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  • 107 6 Latest Quotatioas. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $161.75, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $162, buyers no sellers, and in London at £343 three months. Messrs. Boustead <fe Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the
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  • 929 6 It was always a Burning Question. Two jears .go to-d.y, tbo Editor had to apply tha polite d 0..,» to a length, 00,. re.pondenoe on Chinese Man lags custom, Probably Not Strong Enough. A Vienna report statfs that at P™. bnrg the Chamber of Commerco ha. proh’h ittd
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  • 2735 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] pivparing for Battle. London, April 22, 10.30 p.m. Renter’s correspondent at British headqo»rt< r* (April 22nd) wires The Oerrnans Continue tro o Pa on the B ,lieUX ftD(J Neuve Eglise line on the north and "'lend Demanoourt on the south. Tbe prisoners state that leave
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  • 633 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Situation less Strained. London, April 23, 5 15 p.m. Beuter learns on high authority that it is true that Germany brought renewed severe pressure to bear upon Holland in order to extort various concessions. The exact demands are not known in London but it is confirmed
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  • 550 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Publication DiscontinuedLondon, April 94, 8 20 a.m. 1 The Admiralty announces the disoon--1 tinuanoe of the weekly shipping return». This will be substituted by information of the gross tonnage lost; also tonnage of sailings to and from the United Kingdom monthly, whioh will be published
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  • 95 7 The following articles will be feud on )«r outside pages B.—The Lighter Side in Franoe. A Way They Have. Paris Meat Supply. Germany's “Soul Waves.” 4—Modern Thought and Life, F.M-S. Mining. 5,—-Packing Rubber in Bains. P V.R.C. The Late Mr. C. D. Van Someren. Singapore Gold Sortage. P. V.
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  • 2022 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] RAID ON 03IEND AND BRUGES. London. April 23. c The Admiralty states: A raid was made i early tbia morning on the Ostend and i Zsabregge deatrojer and submarine bases, the forces returning. Bc\nty information hitherto to hand atatea that the raid met 1 with
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  • 98 8 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s ■hare list Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. I 0 =5 o =3 M on m Indragiri 6.00 6.50 575 6.25 General. Eastern Shipping... 6.40 6.75 6.00 6.50 When one reads that a baby girl at Bermondsey
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  • 964 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Chancellor’s Statement. London, April 22, 8 p.m. Mr. Bonar Law in the oourse of his f Budget speech said that farmers would be j required to pay upon twice their rental j unless they preferred to come under ordin- ary inoome-tax. This would yield £2,500.000
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  • 92 8 The undermentioned prices ware realised for rubber sold by Messrs, Allen Dennys <fc Co. at their two Auction Sales held this week i Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 $lOO to $lll per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 85 99 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 75 do
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  • 115 8 Thursday, April 25. St. Mark. Fridat, April 26. Town Band, Esplanade. Full Moon. Saturday, April 27. M P. A. A. Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 11.30 a.m. P. V. F e’d Operations (Compulsory) 8.45 p.m. Sunday, April 28, Fourth After Easter. P.V R,C. Shoot (Rapids) 7
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  • 61 8 For By Btuakrr At. To-morrow (Friday); Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) 2-30 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin Seng 12-30 p m. Dindings and Sitiawan Ghirbi 1-30 p.m. Bagan D *toh and Teluk Anson Sappho 3 -30 pm. Pulau Langkawi and Perlis Un Peng 3-30 p.m.
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  • 103 8 The Coliseum presents a strong programme to-night and a full house is anticipated. Ia the second show, commencing at 9.15 Protea IV” will be screened—-the two first episodes in Tne Mysteries at Molmort Castle" being ‘The Secret Mission" and "In the Hands of the Eoemy." Of all the
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  • 1103 8 Storing thu Policu. The hearing 0 f ue oase against Lye Hong, Low Weng, Tham 8 k, Chan Cbee Ng Tbye ano Lai S*i, on a cb&tge of res-’ cuing from tbe lawful of the Police persons amated for gambling in a public place, to which
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  • 768 9 .aggeitiona have been m»d« lor M V part of tbeir land to P»t*t« de and P B 0 lessening the oall glOWlBg fa jmport ifc Miny u e ful bints poD v."an P elicit d—and many fooliah fiiwb“T! b ri *m f jod of this country,
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  • 1518 9 The word oame up the trench and it reached me where I was littin’ in the dog* out, smokin' me dudheen,” said Ginger Gabej, D, O- M. He was sitting in the Cafe Belle Vue” a little shattered inn in the back area, wiling away the hour before
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 147 9 By Order of the Custodian of Enemy Property. Under the Alien Enemies (Winding Up) Ordinances 1014 to 1917. THR ON DIRSJGS KD ARB INSTRUCTED TO BELL BT PUBLIC AUCTION On Monday, the 29th day of April. 1918 AT 11 A.M, SHARP IN LOGAN S COURTYARD All that piece of land
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    • 759 9 *5 I mm 9 Razor. Safety BRITISH MADE The 7 o’clock is a really dependable razor at a popular price, and the ideal razor for the soldier or sailor. It is so constructed that it can be stropped and cleaned without removing the blade, and it is always ready for
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    • 257 9 Penang Auction Mart TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Wednesday, 1st May, 1918. At 11 a-m. AT THE ABOVE AUCTION MAST, No. 13, Bishop Street. 1. BOH. Car recently overhauled, new hood, newly painted and guaranteed in first cites running order. 2. One seven setter Brasier Car, recently ove
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  • 1076 10 Wnuun the Sexes ill Comrades There ia a glamour to most women about the idea of working in the war sooe. The suggestion of romanoe appeals even to those who are doing good service at home in one of the many lines open to women,
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  • 836 10 Some Geshak Boasts and some Hard Factc. r The German military writer, Erich vod 3alzmann, writing in the Vostiehe Zeitung of J.nuiry 26, makes a remarkable I admission in wbioh he candidly confesses l the preparation for war that Germany had makin? for so many years, and denying
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 87 10 Ckamberlalft’t Cogk Remedy. When 70« have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, bnt effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contain* nothing ibjuiiou*. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy meet* ailtbzae requirement*. It acta on nature'* plan,
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    • 11 10 P«r Children's Hacking Coigh at Mght. Great Peppermint Ovre Is, *4
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    • 94 10 Since the Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over s 9 ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. JUST UNPACKED A LARGE VARIETY OF PICTURE POST CARDS >1 THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Printers,
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  • 1171 11 One Bcbewermann in the course of a series of Letters from Flanders ”to the Carman press has stated that The Belgians bare lost all their hatred for Germans, since it is well understood that Belgian prisoners in Germany are well off, and that German administration does
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  • 511 11 German Big Business is still backing the German Government and the military command in its policy of annexation and domination. German Big Business is already building for future wara.” This is the statement with which Mr, Henry Wood, the apeoial United Press correspondent with the French
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 103 11 0 Vwport j,)e D J 0 NEW: “ll “TSINGTAO SEER” First-class Reverago For T ired Nerves D Try and see For yourselves IF not Come and consult us. SOLE A CENTS m II Si '«0 L TsiNSTAOBRtWEBV Xjai DiiNippon brewery Co.LfJr/m. THE EASTERN TRADING Co., Penang and I poll. DISTRIBUTING
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    • 625 11 Are you a Slave to pain Do You Ever Eeit? Or is your life s perpetuall burden-a wakeful, restless, fevered tortured existence? Do you stait and cry out from twitching nerves or dai ting pains? Are you robbed of yoar nights of jut repose and tranquil sleepP Then there is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1575 12 Ofl "I p lldflT ,1 P. 0. —BRITISH in i ?b* c a AND APCAH LINK. D.»» i ll>« W IO» St' (Companies Incorporated in England) a MAIL AND PABSENOĔR BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINCS. (Undsi ContrMt with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company's MALL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY in it
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