Straits Echo, 16 February 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 ami OF EVERY v\ Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. BROTHERS, (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. v V- I/
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  • 1039 3  -  (By Alored F. Ozanne.) i On the anniversary of the capture of J'rusilem by Judas Maccaleeus, in 166 B-C, London received the news that the Holy ity had surrendered to the British t oops under General A lien bv on the 8th of December. For four centuries
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  • 1025 3 A Classic and its Fkaders. It is hard for as to talc*) any book that baa oecoaie a clnssc quite seriously, and hardest of all to take the B ble so. We can take a book j ist written seriously we have oo preconceptions about
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 260 3 K, VP ri -r ■b I r I t I t n t- I II an ftR.T.Reid&Co. >* P E'N AN G <»qS jg^sr: E. O. Hotel. ■:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN FVF.FV WEDNESDAY SATURDAY ur, .ms SAFETY TREAD bii r Vi e'V #0'« V -‘i d %•> -y ,v-> I
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    • 270 3 TFVWWV mw *pHULr A Bouquet of India’s Choicest Flowers. An entrancingly fragrant and powerful scent, yet not cloying, Phul Nana blends all the choicest scents of an Indian Garden into an unique perfume. Try it and enjoy this luxury in sweet smells. Phul-Nana can also be obtained in conjunction with
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    • 88 3 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you bnve a bad cold you want a rpmedy that will not odlj give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent curp, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contain! nothing i jut ions. Cbumberlain’g Cou«h Remedy mtei* n It acts on nature’s
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  • 988 4 Tbi Ban. Evo ow Orion, In our issue of yesterday we pmbliabed, and with a great deal of pleasure, a strong declaration from the Shaiwn Cha, to the effect that the Government’s attitude towarda opium ie a firm and atrong one, and that under no oironmatanoea will
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  • 1013 4 The month of February has been as ■onnrily treated aa it treats us. It is a friend to none, and no one speaks well of it, March blasters, but always with its winds there is a hint of spring; April’s schowres sweete,” burst the thick buds everywhere but
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 Why It 8«1U. Ghamberlain’a Cough Remedy ia the Urga.t aelliog ooagh medicine in the world beonnae it doea exactly wl ia anppoaed to do. It °***h by onring the oold, end do ll J had eCootnaUy. For aale had dealera t a oongh atopa the it apeed* ij all die*
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    • 200 4 OdX 0 DC DCDC DCDC DC DC DOCZD( NEW STOCK. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR BLADES. In packets of twelve blades. Prico $2-25 per packet. ICY HOT SPECI&LITIES. CY H0' m HI VI ICY HOT v>/ o i ICY HOT FLASK. iD Keep Liquids Hot for 24 Hours. ICY HOT FLASK Keeps
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    • 358 4 Good Golorns and Sava t M TWO CROPS IN ONE YEAfi. Eobusta Coffee Nuraerieo 18 montha each tree gi Te bear,!! of thousands of seeds. r n Liberian Coffee Nurseries An 24 months each tree gues befiST of thousand, of seeds* m Planting 6 feet by 6 feet With the
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  • 1019 5  -  (By Tom Wright.) Gcod manners ignore evil commnoicaJ l 0118 If this inverted adage were as widely known as the copybook axiom, the s»iDg might be removed from a naive "b* rvation in a Rmdum N te” on page of the Echo where it saye: ‘‘There n,d been
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  • 742 5 [To Tbi Editoe oi the Malaya Tribune Dsar Sir,—Please allow me some space in your valuable paper to express my views on the above subject. Having studied the customs of Chinese in the Straits, I ventpre to suggest the following, in the hope that some, if not
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  • 171 5 [To Thh Editob of thh Strait» Echo'], Sir, There are four Banks and a Treasury in Penang and from all these I could yesterday get small change for 95 only. Perforce I was driven to a money changer, who charged me 45 cents or 3%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 522 5 i-* Program for Thurs., Fir., Satur, and Sun., Feb, 14, 15, 16 17, SH* nr -a -9S ■SH* Proprietor II. J. A. HOLM Manager: THOMAS SH4FTO. hi 3^ ftH* TWO.DELIGHTFUL YOUNG LADIES Dorothy Ph llt s and Maud ieorge 'I he Captivating stirs of the Blue Bird Co who will
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    • 471 5 WANTED. EMPTY GTiASS JA S <*fcich contain d Acetio acid. Apply stating quant ty and puce to Box No. 86, e/o Sit ait» Echo. WANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED COMPO SITORS for tbe N-w-paper Djp»rtment. Good sihry to competent men, Apply to 10. 1 FOREMAN, cjo Strait» Echo, W-A.KTTBD. An experienced factory
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    • 539 5 1 OUR DAY j ALOR STAR MflLRCH 29th. MARCH 30 tlx. AND RiJL 1st, FX RAORD NARY ATTRACTIONS Watch'-Details? Public Auction Safe Of a comfortable 5 seater, 4 cylinder 16 H P., 1912 Model Wolseley Motor Car I he undersigned are instructed to sell the above on WEDNESDAY, 27th FEBRUARY,
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  • Supplement to the “Straits Echo.”
    • 239 6 [REUTER’S SERVICE.] Biittsh Labour th« War. L rndoo, Febru-ry 14. 4.10 a.m. A cable Irons N*w Yo'k sf*t a s that at a mass m etirg addressed h>V meint e 8 of the British Lib ur mission Mr, Duac*n, M P. declared that the assertion tn«t But sh
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 39, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local per annum, Outatatlon Postage Extra. MaU Edition (Post Free) #lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephono Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. AM?.— All buiiDNt communication,
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  • 1317 6 The Germanic Powers are still under the necessity of Attacking in order to eliminate one or other of the hostile Powers arrayed against them, to induce neutral nations to press the question of peace, to bolster up the moral of their armies and peoples, and to forestall
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  • 74 6 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*day at $148.50, no sellers and in Singapore, (re. fined) at $149.50, business done, (195 tons sold) and in London at J 5323 spot and at J 6320 three months. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were
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  • 1014 6 When last beard of Mr, Tom Wright was rn bis way from Honolulu to San Franeisco. Among thos3 mentioned in Sir Doughs Haig’s despatches is Lt. Col. G, Badham, Tnronhill, D. S. O. The Time» of Ceylon of January 28 statesMr, M. K. Foster, who, with Mrs.
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  • 998 6 Another Dearth of Cables laste id of the rush that w« to-day the newspipers of Malavl pected again faced with the task of makin. I®°? without straw, very little übiquitous Reuter having come E to-day—unless perhanoe 8 the CeL** sitting on lengthy and important ma.« 11 But we
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 Field Glasses. •e NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED. IMPORTED UNDER WAR OFFICE LICENCE STOCKS VERY LIMITED. Four Different Models $80-00 $88-00 $88-15 $88-00 IN SOLID LEATHER CASES. Th*«e Glasses give an exceptionally clear view over land and sea and have a high magnification. They can be had fitted with magnetic compasses
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  • 625 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] POSITION IN FRANCE. SPEECH by lord curzon. Versailles Counoil Defended. London, February 12. tbe course of the debate on the Lord Cu'SDQ said that the Imperial w ir Ooaf9rea 3 e marked an important step tb0 constitutional development of the Geographical conditions prevented meeliogi bet
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  • 71 7 are the alterations in Messrs IWk, W b are list to-d*y *dl3. 0 k i. Dl ed in 4 buyers t) «dßinrz! B; u K *“«oting Tin Ulu Pit? II Jr bu y er and 47« 6d aellers UiJt sellers; Malayan Collieries A< and sellers United 8 119.00 buyers
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  • 648 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] TROUBLE WITH POLAND, A Chorus of Comment Paris, February 12. The French Press, commenting on the Ukraine peace, emphasises that Germany courted trouble with Poland by allocating three Polish Provinoei to the Ukrainians and consequently the Polish Army will still play a part in the
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  • 585 7 TWELVE MORE V.C.'S.” [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Tales of HeroismLondon, February 12. 2 SO p.m. Another aeriea of heroic acta, a list of twelve new Victoria Crosses, is gasetted, out of wbiob seven of the receivers sacrified their lives. The exploits include: Lieut.-Col. Neville Elliot-Cooper, of the Royal Fusiliers, who, learning that
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  • 84 7 The following articles will be found on eur outside pages Pages. 3.—Oa Taking the Biblo Seriously. Liuda Jerusalem Dominum. 4 February Fill-Dyke Affairs in China. s.—The Pin-Prickers. The Shortage of Small Change. Chinese Marriage Laws. B—Gotha Chasing at Night. The Cberub Aloft. The Week’s Events. P. M. S. Hospital.
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  • 136 7 HOLLAND AND THE WAR. The Swedish steamer Fridland with a cargo for Rotterdam was torpedoed off Teraohelling. Of the orew six were drowned and twenty-nine saved. Mr. Aijgnst Philip, the new Dutch Minister, has arrived in Washington. The ToUgraaf learns that in connection with the arrangement concluded
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  • 720 7 German papers declare that the recently a appointed speoial eourts-martial will shortly be dissolved. a The German military authorities have c begun to expel certain German subjects E from districts in a state of aiege. Hitherto a 144 persons have been thus treated. 8 t
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  • 696 7 [To tbb Editor or thi Timet of Malaya.] Sir.—My departure to Penang on business prevented me from replying to A Briton’s” numerous queries earlier, and I trust you will now give me the oourtesy of your columns for a brief reply. I bare already said
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondent-) London, February 14. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/4J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/3£
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  • 250 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 16. At yesterday’s auctions the quantity catalogued was rather less than uiutl: Smoked fine ribbed 89 to 92 per picul Good 67 83 do Fine plain 79 82 do Unsmoked fine plain 60 66 do Crepe fine pale thin 92 92
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  • 354 7 COURT’S DECISION AND AWARD. Judgment was delivered to-day in tht Supreme Court by Mr. Justice L. M. Wood* ward, Senior Paisne Judg», and Messrs, Allen Dennys (tor the Penang Harbcur Board) and Cheah Kee Ee (for Oooi Sean Swee, the claimant) who sat as assessors in
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  • 323 7 Fieb Still Kaoino. Just before daybreak this morning a fire broke out at the Khye Heng Bee Rice and Oil Mills at Sungei Pinang. It is just a little over six months ago that a fire broke out at the Rice Mill of Mr. Lim Cheng
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  • 154 7 Mmtino Adjouenbd. The seventh annual general meeting of the Perak River Valley Rubber Company, Limited, which was fixed for noon to-day bad to be adjourned to next Saturday at' the same time and place. Mr. W. Duncan, who presided, aaid that owing to the ahan of
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  • 104 7 CHIEF JUSTICE’S SEVERE STRICTURES, Living on Clerks’ Money. (_From Char Own Correspondent) Singapore, February 16 At tbe public examination ye.terday of G. M. Toner, advocate, the debtor admitted that for the last year be waa in Hongkong he waa living on money depoaited by clerks. Tbe Chief
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  • 907 8  -  VIVID DESCRIPTION OF FIGHTING AND FLYING OVES LONDON. By a Pilot. The R F.C pilot who is posted for home defence always regards his task somewhat in the nature of a grievance, because of the long periods of inactivity which the nature of his duties involve Orders
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  • 714 8 How the Seaplane Fights the Murderous 17-Boat. Among the many purposes for which aircraft is used there is one of which the public hear lit le. How many realise that if it were not for the co-operation of aircraft the 17-boat would have brought about compulsory rations
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  • 88 8 Saturday, February 16. Perak River Vralley Co., Ltd, Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noon. Sunday, February 17. First in Lent. 4* A Third Quarterly General Meeting, Knan Club, Parit Buntar, 11 a.m. Monday, Februaby 18. Town Band, Esplanade, Tuesday, Febbuaby 19. Penang Chamber of Commerce, Annual
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  • 1043 8 MR. BERNARD SHAW’S VISIT. Repost for Ngvbmbbb. Dr. C. J. Atkin. Medical Officer in charge c f the F- M S. Hospital, in his report for the month of November, says In my report of last month I stated that I thought it was likely that,
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  • 624 8 An Eventful Career in the Far East. Regarding the death of Captain Gaggino, already telegraphio.lly reported in the Straitt Echo, the Singapore evening paper says: We regret to record the death of an old and well-known merchant of the Colony in Captain Giovanni Gaggino, founder of
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  • 367 8 Messrs. Situ?, Darby Co. send as these particulars of outputs for the half month of February Kamuntmg Tin Dredging Ltd.: Piculs 310, Honrs run 230. Cbenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd. Dredge: Piculs 95, Hoars run 283. Tnbutors: Piculs 65 Total 160. It will be remembered that when Sir Edward
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  • 394 8! Against a. Chinese Step-Mothbr. The preliminary enquiry into a charge of murdnr brought against anonia n*m c d Ch-»n Sew Yin was proceeded with in the thi r d pdioe C'urt yesterday afternoon, say* the Strait» Time» of Tnursday. It is alleged that on December 29 accused
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  • 394 8 The best time to buy a share is often after the appearance of a report which, on account of the non-declaration of a dividend, causes disappointment among holders. Many investors on snch an occasion sell tbeu shares, with the result that the price falls but people who then
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  • 102 8 FEBRUARY 17, l8X SUNDAY IN LENT. 8 00 a.m. Matins 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion 10 00 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 6-00 p.m. Evensong Psalms LXXXIX Hopkins «Magnificat 56 Nunc Dimittis 62 Hymns 91, 92 and 198 There will be no Sanday School. On Friday, 6
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  • 243 8 Qjaitt aost«iB tii nt 11 weu.<i»»ps3nsed hi PPT average 10 qu.l„y and un&J''»* 2 are comprise He «lock m trilH d 4bll >tjt!’H talented pack of t 6 f Cr Court Cards wnicb c uailu E r m P*,Tb 4 tbrea n.gota at the Einp,
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  • 174 8 In the Ist show commencing at 8 p.m showing for the last two nights four reel “f universal s Strial Supreme, “Tbs Chost” featuring “Eddie Polo” willS presented. This will be followed in the ,econ d show with a thousand feet of comedy Uuve-sals Animated Weekly, then th.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 45 8 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an aooident but it is not impossible to be prepared for it Chamberlain's Pain Balm is not bayond anyone .pßrse, and with a bottle of li.lkTnf l’°* t™ P re P*™<» for aimoa 2*%. r bT
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    • 72 8 The scourge of a tropical country is dysentery, but every trouble has its antidote, and for dysentery the medicine is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE It is a uedicine that will provide quick relief and cure- Those who have to get away into the out portions of this country should never
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    • 305 8 NOTICE OF SALE. BY OK DEB OF THE HORTUlfiEt TO BE SOLD Br PUBLIC AUCTION On Thursday, the 21st of February, 1918, AT 11 am. At the Archway of Loian's Buildings, Beach Street, Fencing The property of Put eli hintee Konui aiul Moiiained Noor bin IJaja Mausoor, severally of No.
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  • 1402 9 By next spring at latest the Britiah, French and Italian armies will hare a heavier weight of attack throwa against them than ever before. The chief reasons why are four i (1) the immense captures of Italian guns (2) the withdrawal of guns
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 389 9 i oc W\d -T Safety Razor. DTi BRITISH MADE The 7 o’clock is a really dependable razor at a popular price, and the ideal razor for the soldier or sailor. It is so constructed that it can be stropped and cleaned without removing the blade, and it is always ready
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    • 378 9 3NT OTICE FOR 8ALE about 30,000 pieuli of tapioca root* or Oobiei at JEMELIE ESTATE, Kulim, covering an acreage of 100 relongs For further particulars please apply to LEE FOOK at Kwala Sidim Estate, Batu K&ka, Sungei Petani or at No. 15 Carnarvon Street, Penang. Sampson Ton MOTOR TRUCK For
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  • 1119 10 Pink Binbon and R»d Tabs f Dadd j, I want this old box,” «aid the Fleet-Burgeon’» daughter it’s no uae to you. ia it r Daughter! hare a way of appropriating old boxea, and, in fact, anything elae they •ee which they think may be
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  • 851 10 A Ttpb or Constant Survicb. (From a Time» Correspondent My batman has been taken from me "and hath not left his peer.” Others may praise whom they will; for me H will always represent an unattainable ideal. There never was a more lovable creature, nor one with
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Qre<tt Peppermint Ctre la. 6d
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    • 105 10 The Allied Governments Have Bought Over I ROYAL TYPEW To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. I h i STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS i BQTTENBACH fa AND COMPANY
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  • 1972 11 The Morning Pott of Wednesday orn-1 tained a moat interesting but, to our way of thinking, a painful communication frun the This oommunication took the form of a message from Cardinal Casparn, Secretary of State to the Pope, which was conveyed to the Morning Pott
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 377 11 JACOB WALTER Co., BILLITER SQUARE BUILDINGS, LONDON, EC d Export and Commission Merchants Indef ti ft r Merchandise of every description raay be forwarded through R, F. BRADFORD, King t Street, Penzng U n n n n n n a a mannnannannnnannn «W* enuers our last shipment all sold. I»
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    • 671 11 Do you Suffer with. Rheumatism? Has this terube, dpi ve-rscking, painful ai'm-nt fastened itself upon you? Don’t loi8 hop». Hare’s saccoar for you. Little's Oriental Balm has curad thousands of mvrteraie chronic oases of Rheumatism—imonsi them hundreds of cases that were pronouuced bop dess by doctors. Through tois wonderful remedy
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1474 12 r: S 0.— BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companiea Incorporated in England MAIL AND PAS8ENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with His Majeatj’a Government.) The Company's MAIL BEEY1CE8 EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent snspended. Paaeengen for Europe are looked via Bomb*} as opportunity offers end as fares
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