Straits Echo, 21 August 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1066 1 HIMkVAID f ft !Sd NATUEa motor cars for Sal©. JUST RECEIVED ONE NEW 5-SEATER 1916 MODEL. pitted with two extra Dickey scats, aud complete tools. Ywo second-hand two-seaters MORRIS oxford AND humberette In good running order, complete with accessories. Intending purchasers can hh\e a trial run and full particulars obtained
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    • 12 1 p rig&ssi I 5 wiuen is tm ted f®* •«it uiC '•ONI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1041 3 The WHisrERs Ih The Darkness “You have b«n dreaming,” said the night nurse gently, “just a bad dream. Try to forget it The seldier who had come to the ward that morning fmni France gezed at the night nurse with eyes full of doubting. He seemed «ctrcjly to
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  • 1024 3 There is no better source for those who would explore tbe motives which led tbe German Powers into the present wsr or the aims which they are now pursuing than the Preface which Prince Bulow has written for the new edition of his book "Germany Under tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 764 3 When you feel limp and washed out, weary and fatigued with no inclination for exertion—your body is in a run-down condition—you are debilitated. You need something to put fresh "go into you—you need a fortnight’s Iron 'Jelloids' treatment English price 1/1J). Unequalled as a tonic restorative, Iron 'Jelloids' are most
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    • 29 3 Keep It Handy, Immediate relief is necessary in attacks of diarrhoea. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should always be on hand. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 232 3 DODGE BROS. ilSDTOR CARS. Shipment of these famous Cars due to arrive very soon r 5 Seater Touring Body, Electric Light, Electric Starter, High Tension Mag- neto Ignition etc., etc., etc. 2' SEATER CAR CAN BE DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. ORDERS TO BE BOOKED NOW. For further particulars apply to cm ant
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  • 402 4 Wanted —Honours. To the Editor of the Strait* Timet. 1 Sir, —We admire your leader of the 16th instant for the bold and impartial manner you hare so plainly put forward the claims of engineers for honours. The public spirit and fair-play you have displayed in that leader is quite
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  • 527 4 JUTLAND LOSSES. Ships that Suffered Very Severely From two sources to-day, says the Fall Mall of July 13, comes news of the German High Seas Fleet. One message from the Central News reads:— Interesting information has been received in diplomatic circles in Rome, the Agenzia Nationale states,
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  • 932 4 Relations of Holland to Herman t. A.nuuiber ot articles by subjects of neutral countries on the relations between America, the Netherlands, Not way, SweCen and Switzerland and the belligerents, have oeen garnered in a book entitled Neulrale Stimmen (Neutral Voices) and published in Germany. The ntutiai voice from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 WIIIEMY, LAEAOT CO., LIB, (Incorporated in England.) BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Now Proceeding “O.K," Honeycomb Towels. A delightfully soft and absorbent face Towel. Fringed ends. Size 40 by 24 inches. Sale Price 50 cents each. > 66 Tlie©[& HOHeyoohbTOWel Own Make, Un I 1 <P o
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    • 57 4 Supplied by All Chemists. Physicians prescribe Chamberlain’s Colic Cool era and Diarrhoea Remedy because it relieves cramps in the stomach and intestinal pains quicker than any preparation they can compound. It can be bought from any chemist. A bottle will keep for years, and no home !s complete without it.
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    • 441 4 Methylated SpiriiT (QUALITY OUAKANTFp.. Retail Price: 35 cents per CHEAH KEE EE&co The Eastern United Corporation Ltd. Head Office: SINGAPORE The undersigned has been arnointi' for the above Corporation, aSTif? RISKS MARINE FiR KI Sty 5 at current ratos QUAH beng kef Reach Strut* p Don't Worry T»ke The primary
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  • 718 5 Report op Directors. The following is the report of tbe directors to be submitted at the Sixth Ordinary General Meeting to be held at the Chamber of Commerce, on Saturday, tbe 26th August, at 12 30 p.m. Directors :—Lt.-CoL Hon. A. R. Adams. W. E. Cleaver
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  • 357 5 The Hon. Secretary of St. George's has forwarded us tba following latter for publication. Blinded Soldpsa and Sailors’ Hostel, St. Duotfao’s, Regent's Park, N W. (Near Hanover Gate.) Pairooeae. Her Majesty Queen Alexandra 11th July, 1916. Dear Sir, I have your letter of June 11, with its welcome
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  • 368 5 Successful Field Operations. The members of the P-oviace Wellesley Volunteer Rifli wero yesterday engaged in field operations which proved to be very successful. Piatcon 11, under tb9 command of Sergeant H. W. Rickeard, acted as a guard to a convoy which was endeavour iog to reach
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  • 173 5 To the Editor of the Straitt Timet., Sir,—“ For ways that are dark and tricks that are vai some S:n£apore landlords take a lot of beating. I hear that some of them are attempting to avoid payment of income tax thus :—A tenant takes a house on a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 313 5 WESTMINSTER CIGARETTES TURKISH BLEND. ALL DEALERS. <> N 1 OCK O L V <> o IK NOTICE is hereby given that the above trade mark is the joint property of the Asiatic Petroleum Cjmpany (8. S) limited and of the Asiatic Petroleum Company (F. M. S Limited—both incorporated in Eugland—aod
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  • 92 6 MftM Mj (BDif* tadsja aai pdtfif nm CBITimiON PBBBS, Lrm. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang. Patou. m IM par annua. m OaMattoa... Paataga Extra. Uml HHaa (Port Free) »17.50 Ift «AK.I iBDIMS ECHO—PENANG” TaUpkoaa Not. (Echo. 586 Printing Depurtaaeat 345 F.A~AB kMbM —ImSI— akoaM te >NnMt O
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  • 1330 6 Sir Victor Horsley, jealous of the reputation of hia great profession and perhaps with a premonition of his own approaching end, wrote before he died a letter which was intended to prevent the Indian Medical Department being made the scapegoat for the lamentable breakdown of the sanitary
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  • 852 6 Mr. H. Jaokeon has arrived from Singa- Sire to join the local branoh of Messrs. a(s Bros. < e Mr. A. Reid, director of Messrs. McAlister i A Co., Singapore and Mrs. Reid are on a visit to Penang. e e Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Milne
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  • 1051 6 Tk« Wcstara Froat. Entirely satisfactory is tha the Western front. Both the Tt!vV r 0 French have made splendid progrss. the ~.t two d.j. tod gams against furious counter-*tart. T* British line from Thiepval to Gum! Tb distance of some eleven miles no big bulge into the German
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 234 6 SALE PROCEEDING. The time to decide is now. T.-morrow the very item 3 01 wanted may be gene. A fresh etock of Bedsteads just received and these will be offered at Sale Rates, M Manive Combine! i 'B Bad, fitted w;tb New Pater t "Anger Mt ah Galvanized W n
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  • 766 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. maurepas captured. Successful Air Conkats. London, August 19, 2 p,m. General Haig, continuing hia communique, states «I We captured several strong positions in the direction of Ginchy and Gnillemont. The French also made progress on our right. A German aeroplane waa felled in flames
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  • 504 7 Furtker Details. London, August 19, 1,5 p.m, A Paris communique states A brilliant French assault captured notable portions of Maurepas, and tbe civalry south east of the village took 200 prisoners. We extended our positions between Maurepas and the Somme and continued the offensive on the right ef
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  • 1120 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE SITUATION. Au»tri** Vcrsio*. London, August, 18. The enemy in Galicia is apparently firmly bolding the wings which are 60 miles apart An Austrian communique speaks of violent assaults by masses of Russians for twelve hours continuously against General Boehm Ermolli on the northern
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  • 77 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page. 3. —Prince Biilow’s Apology. Battle Dreams. 4.—Dutch Neutrality. Kaiser’s Battered Fleet. Wanted —Honours. s.—Kedah Rubber Company Ltd. P. W Y. R. St. George’s, Income Tax. The Week’s Events. 8. —Telegrams. M ilayan Light Infantry. War News for Malaya.
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  • 110 7 To-day’» Quotatioaa. Tiu (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $Bl, buyers no sellers, and in Singapore (refined) at 181.45, business done (145 tons sold). Mention of tbe Manchester Ship Canal in connection with the death, announced by Renter to-day, of rf former Chairman of the Company reminds us of
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  • 1134 7 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Fiarea Figktiaf. P.ris, August 19. A.telegram from Salonika states that an enemy attack was held up three miles from Fiorina. The Bulgarians and Gormans attacked the village of DoUtli which change J hands several times. An intense artillery duel is in progress. Sarkiaaa
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  • 590 7 BELGIAN PROGRESS Contact Established, Havre, August 19. A communique states that the hist fortnight in August was marked by a ftesh idvance of the Belgians along the whole fioat in Eist Africa* General Molitot a Bridgade, starting from Lutobo in Uganda at the end of April, has
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  • 513 8 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. THE MEDICAL BREAK-DOWN. Sir Victor Horsley Defence. London, August 18, The Britith Medical Journal states that I it received a letter from the late Sir Victor Horsley on July 5 which was intend d to prevent the case of the mfdical officers in Mfsopotamia from
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  • 26 8 (From Our Own Correspondent,) London, August 19. The following were the prices in th® London Rubbor Market to-day Pale Crepe 2/3*Diamcnd Smoked 2/3
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  • 43 8 Following »re the Agenda for rrow' meeting of the Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of last meetirg to be read and continued. 2. Anysp<cial business the Pießident may bring foiward. 3. Quests ns. 4 Some b:lle to be passed. 5. Plans.
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  • 1002 8 In the early days of the war people used I to approach the unfortunate Pressman for L latest news and if, as was usually the case, there was none forthcoming, seemed to I regard it as a personal insult. They I I appeared to expect a
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  • 804 8 The P. A O s.s. Novara loaded 300 tons I of tin and about 1,348 cases of rubber. The s.s. Benalder and the s.s. Benarty are due here some tune during this month. 1 The s.s. Pangan on her homeward voyage! may be expected to arrive here on
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  • 909 8 Th* Chinese Voluntbbb Contbovbbst. In the FM.8, Government Gazette of August 4 it was notified that, in view of applications having been received from Malays, I Chinese, Tamila, and others asking pernrsIsionto form units under the Volunteer Enactment, the Chief Sacretary was prepared to accept the services
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  • 128 8 Monday, August 21. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m, Penang Volunteers—Battalion Drill E.plaomde, 5.30 p.m. R» ra t Dr Cbmese Company, Fort Co.nwalli. 530 p.m. Ambulence Co. ITrill Pol*' Cornwallis, 5.30 p.m. ort P.L.R.C. Shoot, Rifle Range. Tuesday, August 22, Penang Volunteer»— Battalion Drill Race Course, 5.15 p.m.
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  • 429 8 Bowls Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, the 23: d inst. Single Handicap. W. Hamilton (—2) vs. R N. Goodwin J. S. Cunningham (—3) vs. J. Dick ij t Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday the 23rd inst. Mixed Doub'es
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 502 8 English bull-terrier, male, aged about 12 months, quiet, no vice*, make a perftct companion (or a lady. Prioe $150-00. Apply BULL, t$7a c/o Straits EchoNOTICE. The a. a. Hong Moh Captain J. Mason arr.vcd here thia morning from Singopore and China and will leave for Rangoon on Wednesday, the 23rd
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    • 13 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough at N igbt. Woods' Great Feppermiot Cure Is. 6d
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    • 69 8 Arc You Goint on Journey? Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar* rhoea Remedy should be packed in your hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of Wbter, dirt, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured cn board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 10 8 For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Woods’ Great Peppermint Core I». 6d,
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    • 39 8 A Muter Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is master over cramp colic, dysentery, and all intestinal pains. One dose relieres, a second dose is rarely necessary to effect a cure. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 156 8 NOTICE TVTOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN S»* I ml i i_ t .nKciitinS the partnership heretofore subsisting between S. K. M. 8. Mobamed Ta 7*« 8. K. M. 8. Abdul Rahman and S. v* Mohamed Sbariff carrying on business Cloth Shop-keepers at Nos. 8 and M Chulia Street, Penang, under the
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  • 23 8 Obituary. Mr. Ms Eythell. London, August 18. The death has taken place of M'. John Bytbell, formerly Chairman cf the Manchester Ship Canal.
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  • 231 9 Oae of tin readers of a popular health journal wrcti to the editor, asking why she was peevish, blu-3 and di-*cont* and hie answer will interest all thin people. *'My dear leader,” he said, “wheD, you write that you are thin and do not weigh what you
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  • 899 9 General P. A. Lechiteky, who has made such an ocslaught on General Pfltear’s army in Bukovins, is a self made man, and owes his career solely to his genius. He was educated in Libau ecclesiastical semiuarium, but his nature revolted against becoming a priest. He liked
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  • 924 9 Who is Rbsponsibli P [By Diplomatics in the Sunday Times The more we hear of the handling of the Mesopotamian campaign, the more ghastly appears to have been tbe muddle. Within a day or two a couple of influential peers have assured me that the titsco in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 361 9 V t V V',Na \'r J w t? J ~-N rf) >V J -y -J J ft :o>* WANTED SILVER BULLETS. IS YOUR NECESSARY EXPENDITURE ASSISTING THE OLD COUNTY? REMEMBER THAT 902 of our materials comes direct from British sources. Over 99 cents out of each Dollar you pay for
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    • 72 9 Tefthina Children Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of (be bowels more than natural and th*n castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 56 9 Middle aged people are often affl cted with that distressing ailment, w ndy spasmj. thpy S3em to cut like d koife. Sufferer? should gtt a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE The very first doaa will bring relief and prove it ß value. S,ld by Dispensaries and Store-, ev, rj
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  • 1186 10 Germany's Transatlantic Submarine. Whatever ehe there may be in the achievement of Germany's first Transatlantic submarine, one cannot deny its interes I Theoretically, there does not ft ?J reason why a vessel should be robbed of its mercantile status by the ability to submerge any more than by
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  • 1000 10 OFFICERS FOR TARGETS. Yorkshireman's Bag at the Somme Fight. A second lieutenant in aYo kshire bat-1| UlioD, with a shrapnel wound in bis right thigh and a machinc-gun wound in his left leg, tells a story of a German dug-out and its occupants. The dug-out
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 2088 11 When the war it over, it will be found to hare been not only between peoples and between Governments, but between forms of government. The form of government which is seen, or supposed, to have stood the war-strain best, will enjoy great prestige, not only
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  • 188 11 Every drop of blood in your body passes right through your veins many times every day. carrying off the impurities of the body aud getting cleansed of them in tbe kidneys atd lunge. Unlees the blood itself is abundant and strong it cinnot free itself of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 GOOD <V fit m V^. r~ 1 m? -v r -i a& r R j*.*- ~£v LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEE (916 PRICE LIST. SOLEACENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. JUST ARRIVED WOLF MODEL 1916 SINGLE CYLINDER. Free engine clutch; three speeds Kick-Starter. Model “C
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    • 435 11 Haunted by Pain S Are your waking and sleeping hours haunted by the awful dread or the worse reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, sore throat, and other external aches and piics are quickly soothed and cured by Little's Oriental Balm Simply tub it in where
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1839 12 P. O B. I. AND APCAB LINE (Incorporated in England.) Mail and Pancnger Service». V KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S. N. COMPANY.) (lncoepoeatrd in Holland.) N. Y. K. (Incorporated in Japan.) Japan Mail Steamship Campany Lt(. For Motor Car Insurance TOU CANNOT DO BITTRR THAN The Excess Insurance Co.,
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