Straits Echo, 28 November 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1271 1 Sole Aneot.: TIANG LEE CO., Petuf V Kuala Lumpur. •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l SS m at o The Doctor advisee and recommends. It is nourishing, invigorating and strengthening. D D Drink Dot’s Had Guinness Stout. Georgetown Motor Garage 7 A Penang Road. Due to arrive by a steamer. One 5 Xeater EMPIRE CAR
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    • 33 1 WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY Dog Head Stout." rc a m fa I «7 o. K* a m D v It is Strengthening and Invigorating, SeU Agcats TIANG LEE Co., Penang Kuala Lumpur. «■■■■■annaanDnanDn■■■■■■■■ anaona
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  • 551 2 When Admiral Bacon said in a letter to The Times on June 15 last that the human element must always be the supreme factor in submarine work, he could not have ex-! pacted that his dictum would so soon be justified by the actual events
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  • 670 2 PICTURESQUE SCENE3 IN THE NEW FOREST. A Gimt Lies Spictaclb. 8ome of our Indian soldiers are now encamped in the New Forest, and their presence has given to a usually quiet and sedate country road the appearance of a Derby Diy. There are huge blue motor monsters
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  • 1056 2 In the course of bis lecture the other even- j ing at the meeting of the Ipoh Debating Society, Dr. Clark set out to knock over a few of our cherished convictions about the cliu>ate of this country, and its effect upon the young. In passiug, we
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  • 564 2 Rebel Activity—Attack on Fits hen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Canton, Norember 16. Concerted action on the part of the rebels I has temporarily ceased. To rouse the I peaceful inhabitants of the Province againat the rebels, the pro-government news organs are crediting all rape, kidnapping, bombthrowing, and
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  • 326 2 A MALAYA SUGGESTION IMPRACTICABLE UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS. Acid is Necessary to do the WOb k Well. Mr. B. J. Eaton, of Malaya, revives an i question in the suggestion he makes of allowing latex to coagulate naturally. His suggestion was quoted in our issue of Friday. A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 215 2 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Ohamberlniu’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 10 2 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d
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    • 352 2 FOR THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO CHIN SENG 8 Co., Ltd., farqdhar street. Rustoff Metal Polish thoroughly cleans and brightens without scratching or damaging. Wet-Star A. B. Cylinder Oils. Easy Running. Redio Cleaning Cloths for cleaning all kinds of metal goods. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE. Telephone 420. CHIN SENG A Co..
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    • 40 2 Early CoUs. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 891 3  -  [BY TOM WRIGHT.] My daughter reads novels of the modern dufferish class, productions I’d rarely pick up It is therefore to her that I, and I hope you, feel indebtedness for this week’s treat. Father,” she said, here’s a story about Malaya.” It was The Island of Love
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  • 116 3 Sib, If any of your correspondents are still doubtful of the truth of the allegations brought against th« German Armv, I should like them to read the following extract from a letter received bY my wife from Croydon, dated 27th September, 1914: We have, in Croydon, some
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  • 633 3 To the Editor or the Strait* Echo. l Dear Sir, My view of writing this,for publication by you is to serve as a warning to those Chinese students in the Federated Malay States who I are desirous of obtaiuiug their higher educaI
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  • 272 3 The following correspondence which passed between the high priest of the Masjidul Jamiah and the Colonial Secretary has been laid on the Press Table at the Colombo Secretariat this afternoon Wekande, Colombo, Nov. ‘2nd, 1914. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Colombo. Sir, I have the honour
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 673 3 < Ui Ui a ui Q£ O UI Q. Ui Ui m z < z < X o D ID o i/> 0UCHAN SCOTCH WHISKY r^s? 53? »gg§K5 «522? ssg? V. X SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT w so w H C—- SO BLACK WHITE ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY to ■o
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    • 570 3 I Packed in 50s 25s Tins. Obtainable Everywhere. ALLEN DENNYS CO., Penang, RUBBER BROKERS, PROPRIETORS OF THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. SALES HELD EVERY TUESDAY RUBBER bjught or sold by PUBLIC AUCTION or PRIVATE TENDER, FORWARD SALES ARRANGED. RUBBER transhipped and insured to any PORT at minimum rates. RUBBER SALE
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  • 95 4 fmbliihsd daily (except Sundays and public holidays) XT TRI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 59, Beach Street, Penang, mica. Daily Local 124 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CARLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 KB.—AW bu»in»M ccrmnunic«tion« »ho«M b» «ddrMMS
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  • 1769 4 At one of the cinematographs in Penang there are now—or were until lately—being shown a series of pictures connected with the war exactly similar to some which the writer saw screened in London about eight weeks ago. They depict scenes in the life and training
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  • 445 4 3 A MURDEROUS ASSAULT. 0 I Miscreants At Large. 3 Mr. A. H- A. Meredith, proprietor and manager of Genolan Estate, South Kedah, i was yesterday morning at about nine o’clock the victim of a dastardly and murderous assault from the effects of which it is
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  • 975 4 Among the prisoners in the concentration camp just outside Denbigh is Major Ritter 1 the well-known member of the German 1 General Staff, who accompanied the Crown Prince to India. 1 1 Mr. G. B. Cargill has resigned his posi- tion as head assistant in the Kuala
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 330 4 Under the auspices of the St. Andrew’s Society. A CONCERT Will he Hell» in Aii> of the PRINCE OF WALES’ WAR RELIEF FUND IN 1 HE Town Hall PENANG ON St. Andrew’s Day {November 30th) I At 9-30 p.m. sharp Refreshments AT Moderate Prices. DAVID COFSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra
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  • 596 5 (Reuter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram. Received 27th of Nov at 11 a.m. Artillery Fire Slacke*. London, November 27. A Paris communique states The artillery fire everywhere was slacker yesterday. The eoemv made two infantry attacks against the bridgeheads on the right bank of the Yser southward of Dixmude
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  • 761 5 [Reuter’s Special War Service.] Copyright Telegram. Received 28th of Nov. at 12-40 p.m. RUSSIAN SUCCESS. r Petrograd, Novetob)r 28 t An official statement says that toe pursuit 5 of the defeated enemy iu the direction of r Erzerum has ended. There have been a i series of
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  • 157 5 (Renter’s Service.) Copyright Telegram Received 28th of Nov. at 9 a.m. THK BRITISH WAR LOAN S SUCCESS Loudon, November 27. In tbo House of Commons, Mr. D. LloydGeorge, Chancellor of Exchequer, aunoucced that the War Loan had been oversubscribed. Rush of Small Applieaa a. London, November 27
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  • 87 5 The Operation» in Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, November 27. Mr. Hewan, who presided at the meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Company, said that the reserve of $40,000 was small considering the size of the Company. It should ba strengthened. The turn-over was satisfactory. The
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  • 58 5 Mr. W. G. Peter, Acting Manager of the Chartered Bank, advises us that the following amounts have been received by him for the credit of the Belgian Relief Fund opened by Mrs. Joiiu Mitchell: Nov. 26| By Balance $1,347-74 27 R. H. Pinhorn 50 00 Balance Nov.
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  • 95 5 Ist Sunday in Advent, November 29 8- am. Matins (Choral) 830 a.m. Holy Communion 9- am. Chinese Service 500 p m. Sunday School 6-00 pm. Evensong and Sermon Hymn 53 Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes Psalm CXLII) u CXLIII J B *7 le r
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  • 81 5 In the Presbyterian Church, Northam Road, services will be held to-morrow St. Andrew’s Eve —At 9 am. specially for Children at 6 p m Public Worship for all. Evening Worship will take the character of a Special Service of Intercession in the time of War. Hymns (from
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  • 84 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 2. —Human Factor in Submarine Work. Indians in Camp: Picturesque Scenes in the New Forest. Children in Malaya. News from Canton. Self-Coagulation of Latex: A Malaya Suggestion Impracticable under Modern Conditions. 3. —Marginal Notes [By Tom Wright.] A
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  • 992 5 One of the b st-known and moat popula sportsmen in Penang has achieved undying fame in local shooting circles by his sue cess, after long and patient efforts, ix training an ordinary Malay cat to retrieve snipo like a water-sp iniel. Readers will probably find it dtffi jult
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  • 423 5 r [Hague telegrams, etc, dated from J November 23rd to the 26th The battle in South Poland is continuing i fiercely in the regiou of Czenstochowa. To the north and south of Cracow an inAtbisive fight is still in progress. Thirty-eight official Geiman casualty lists for the
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  • 326 5 The Need for More Men. The Times has an article in its issue of the 6th instant in which it dwells on the necessity of strengthening the army. The gist of the article is as follows Nobody who understands the real condition of the s tuition will
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  • 104 5 We hear that Mr. Harcourt, Colonial Secretary, has requested that an expression of his app r eciation and thanks bo conveyed to the Cocos Island staff of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company for notifying the arrival of the Emden to the Sydney, to which he
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  • 350 5 Al egtd Murder of well-known Towk»y Shortly after roveu o’clock yesterday l evening a tragedy took place at the > junction of Anson R >ad and Searg Teik 1 Koid, resulting in a well-kuown Towkay num-d Kboo Sit Ho, meeting with an 1 untimely death from a
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  • 330 5 Distribution of Prizes. The distribution of the prizes won at the recent Tennis and Bowls Tournament under the aspices of the Penang Cricket Club was held yesterday evening, when Mrs. W. 8. Dunn, wife of the President of tl:e Club, gave away the trophies to the successful
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  • 808 6 A Cockney Uhlan. A member of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, who ia now in hospital in Droon, writes to a friend:—One German Uhlan came up to an outpost cf the Northamptons and said, Blime, take me prisoner. I am fed up.” He had worked in London
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  • 923 6 Letter of Singapore Prisoner of War From a letter, dated August 12, from a German living in Singapore, printed in a Gerraannew6paper, we extract his description of Ttio effect the outbreak of war with Great Britain has had on the circumstances of tbe Germans residing here.
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  • 1423 6 To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, Having just received a copy of The British Journal of Astrology containing 6ome very interesting prophecies, I thought you might be able to find space to publish at least portions of them Particulars can be given, if required,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 Chronic Constipation. Chau berlain’h Tablets e..n a.d do cure constipation. One or two of theie tablets taken st bed timo will keep the bowels open, and while doing so will invigorate the 8 and put the disordered liver in a condition to d) its work in a natural DeaWs F
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    • 61 6 A Favorite Rob Down. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub dowu after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third less time than
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    • 306 6 Let politicians disagree And pull each other’s hair, It makes no difference to me, For little do I care. But what I do care much about, You’ll never guess, I’m sure, Unless your cold has been repaired W ith Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. Central Sales Room. TO BE SOLD BY
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  • 486 7 The notorious individual Sun Yet-sen is comiug by his own these days. Of late the President of the Chinese Republic has not been sparing in denouncing him as a traitor to his country, and now we fiud him openly dul b d iu a Presidential Mandate as
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  • 487 7 GERMAN RESPECT FOR HER INDEPENDENCE. i 9 An Official Pkonockcemest Amsterdam, October 27. A highly important declaration from Herr Z miuermann, German Acting Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, appears in toil cht’s Het Voile. After cou-ultation with the British section of the International Socialist
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 382 7 f 1 (•> (5) GOODRICH TYRES M V' C S mm <4 z' L--l r- < *0« S Sea •S’ H n, V WW ww^< > w w w ww J WVwt wow WWW -WO*. S^s***? M*| n f i ?-.v4581 < K*?ig R- ta* «25 «r fe > w
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