Straits Echo, 3 November 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1314 1 w 4!S a as V: r f- 2 L* C SZ a ®head5^ TIANG LEE (Jo., /Sole Agent*. TUE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hu ad OffiCK—SI snghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200.000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy hulders- The ONLY company that
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    • 6 1 a Tiang Lee Co, Sale Importers.
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  • 2369 2 Music Do the English Love It? By K. N. Brunei-Nortnon. That the knowledge and love of music 1 have made rapid progress in England during i tin* reign of Victoria is not to lie wondered i at when we consider what musk* i* and under 1 what conditions it flourishes.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 I>« It Now Now i** the time to get rid of vour rheumatism. In fully nine cases out of ten the attack it* «imply rheumat'am of the muscles dm* to cold or «lamp, or chronic rheumatism, ueitlier of whi h require any internal treatnwnt The tree application of Chaml«erlaiu’s Paiu
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    • 210 2 Chamberlain's < nugli Remedy the Ptsl Obtainable. This remedy has uo superior as a cure for colds, croup and whooping cougb* It has been a favorite with the mothers of children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can alwavs be depended upon and is pleasant to take.' It not
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    • 1527 2 From George I. to George V. MARTELL’S BRANDY I has known but one quality— the Best. I You know it by the L Blue and Silver Label. 1810 1910 Wm. SIMONS Co., Ltd. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS and DREDGE CONSTRUCTORS. K RN FREW SLOTH NI). GOLD and TIN DREDGERS for ALLUVIAL MINING.
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  • 13 3 Lughbh Delt *> 5th China (Devanha) 8th Chira (Yore*) ...lOth German {Kleret)
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  • 28 3 Vessels From, Agents Due Delta Colombo A.G. Co. •3r<l Nov. Deranha Singapore A.G. Co. oth Ytrrck Singapore B.M. A Co. 8th Kleist Colombo B.M. Co. 10ih
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  • 24 3 Vessels For Ajenta Leave» Delia D canha Yorck Keeist Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore A.G. A Co.' Nov. A. B. A Co. B.M.&Co. 1
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    • 89 3 Malacca, Br s.s., 405, Upton, 2nd ff6r.,' Tongkah, Ist Nov.. Gen.—A. G. A Co. net Nirolf Br. s.s., 475, Bell, 2nd Nor., Tavov, 27th Oct., Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Carlyle, Br. s.s., 234, Treweeke, 3rd Nov., Teluk Anson, 2nd Nov., Oen. Kwong On. Thongira, Br. s.s., 3,428, Herrington, 3rd
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    • 43 3 3rd November. Delta, for Singa)>ore, China and Japan. Dan Whatt Soon, for Pangkalan Bran dan. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Srec Dangkn, for Trang. Perak, for Deli. Canton, for Bindings and Teluk Anson. Thongira, for Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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    • 298 3 For Alor Star (Kedah) Per Kedah, tomorrow, 9 a.m. Deli—-Per Calypso, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Tongkah—Per Malacca, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavov—Per Jan»t Nicull, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per E. F. Ferdinand, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Swettenham, SingajH*re, China and Japan
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  • 300 3 Per J* aud O. s.s. Mongolia from Loudon Oct. 7 connecting with the D*Ua at Colombo, due at Penang on 3 Nov.: To »*e.*ang Mrs. Tate, Miss G. Birch, Messrs. E. G. Walker, H. C. Eobinsou and E. H. Bratt. To s ngipore Mrs. G. F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 284 3 P.&O. S.N.C Expected Arrival* and Departure*, Mail Service Outward. Nov. 3 Delta connecting with Mongolia 16 Delhi do. 80 Ansaye do. Dec. 14 Devanha do. 28 Delta do. 1911 Jan. 12 Delhi do. Homeward. Morea Moot tan China Mantua Malwa THROUGH MAIL STEAMER 8.8. Marmora Mar. 25. (Calliug at Bombay.)
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    • 310 3 (iH I I WO.) 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang, Agents. V"' koninkluke PAKETVAART M A ATSCHAPPIJ. {R0V\I. DUTiH I’.UKET COMPANY.) Fou Intended to Sail. Dell (Twice a week). i)eh Batu Bahra, Asaliau. Paneh and Singapore, (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Sat. 5th Nov., 2 p.m. Thur.
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    • 434 3 NORDDfcUTSCHERJLLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Z 3 P ..a v m 3ET.Z rr«*9 THE fast and well-known steamers of tm» Company sail fortnightly from Eren en Hamburg via Ro le‘dam. Am wevp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra and vice versa), Port 'Said, Suer, A.
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  • 101 4 Jitiin everybody and inrtiee alone.-- W*», Published daily (except Sunday*.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226 232, Bench Street, Penang Pi ICE: DAILY ItOCAL fi'4 pTMiii m OUTKTATIONH Pottage Kilo. MAIL KWTIOIC (Fuel Free) 9 5 CAKI.K AIMWKSS I cho —Penang.*’ Telej hone N 343 A
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  • 381 4 Aii orra man proposing the fusion of the Federated Malay States with this Colony would not seem too important. It is an idea that might easily occur to an idle thinker here and there, to be loosely expressed, and moan no more than an announcement of another
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  • 383 4 It is more amusing than interesting to hear the vicarious wail of the F. M. S. Civil Servants about the alleged inadequacy of their wages. They do have a cheek. A lawyer gets up on their behalf, and the worst cases he can adduce are of one man with
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  • 74 4 The following business in tin lias l**en done to-day Penang: Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at $83.70 Straits Trading Co., 75 84.15 Leong Fee A Co., 75 84 15 Eastern Smelting Co., 125 84.15 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 100 81.15 Total 400 tons. Tin is quoted
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  • 49 4 Ayer Etam Intake. During the month 17 74 inches. Largest fall in one day... 3 15 No. of «lays on which rain fell 23 days. Waterfall Intake. During the month 18*22 inches Largest fall in one day... 2’16 No. of «lays on which rain fell 26 days.
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  • 47 4 The latest alterations to Messrs. Anthonv and Anderson’s share list are:— Alor Pongsu 9s. 6d.—lss. Brieh 255.—305. Consolidated Malav 235.—245. 6 1. Linggi 425. 9d. 455. 3d. London Asiatic 12s. 9d.—l3s. 6d. S. S. (Bertam) 7s—7s. 9d. Singapore Pa a 49 5 6d —s2s. 6d.
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  • 27 4 Messrs. Kennedy and Co. supply us with the following crop returns for October.— R. E. of Krian 4,100 lbs. drv. Padanjj Jawa... 920 Gula-Kalumpong 12,600
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  • 771 4 Poor Score »y Penano. Penang performed disappointingly in the interport shoot this morning. The weather was wretched. The team achieved a poorer score than they ever did in any of the practice matches.* It was not so much the I shooting of the team that was at fault
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  • 826 4 Seh Cheah Konosi. In this case the learned Judge said that he had personally visited the land and found the soil very poor. The fruit trees referred to in the evidence were more an eyesore than anything else, and he thought that anyone taking up the land would
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 m< (THE crag hotel. SANATORIUM. j PENANG HILLS.} “As jfocd an Hotel as any in the Straits.” 5 X —Singapore Free Press, 27th March SARKIES BROTHERS i Proprietors.^ [HE GRAND HOTEL. IPOH, PERAK. The Only Ist Class HOTEL it Perak. Mont Charmingly Situated, standing in it» own grounds. Excellent Accommodation
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    • 35 4 Purest Defence. This is the season when sickness stalks through the lan<l in the form of pneumonia The surest defence against the disease is Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 23 4 the G d^T" e SStt 8 wcU ‘"WM i, v s zsrss'-gzs***»'"* favourable in Cv*titi« ,utlon is most reading specialist* of the ig”™*
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    • 16 4 T a I Wu leB contain only the purest 84 f l u,< Jflv removes vio-
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    • 403 5 {Echo Special.) L*ONG Kit ADVOCATES INCREASED Chinese Representation. Kuala Kangsar, November 8,- The Su|>plv Bill del»at«* was continued yesterday morning. Tow kay Ijeong Fee agreed with the other unofficial members regaining the change of the title from Resident-General to Chief Secretary. With regard to the tin duty he
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    • 29 5 (Echo Special Copra and Pepper. Singapore, 3rd Nov.— Following are today’s market prices: Sundried Copra $10.60, no buyers. Mixed $lO 30 Black Pepoer $14.50. buyers. White 325.50, ii
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    • 53 5 {Echo Special.) Latest Prices. Kuala Lumpur. 3rd Nov.-Tlie Planters' Stores anil Agency’s London agents wire the following prices: Sheet and biscuit* -> 8 hd. per 11». Fine crepe 8 v 1 Best Si-rap (crepe form) r »s. 3d. Bark Si-rap 8 Vf 1 Si-rap (untreated) os Kamlstno (untreated) 4s.
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    • 36 5 (Kcho Special.) CoMMKNCK To-DAT. Kuala Lumpur, 3rd N°r.—Two 10,1 ■lies of the Malay State. Guides arm«l hare VMterday eveoin«. Tin. the «m--bined manoeuvres of the M. S. M. S. V. R. commenced.
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    • 30 5 {Echo Special.) Judah Lose*. Singapore, 3rd Novemln*r. The Planters Stores an»l Agency have secured judgment against Mr. Judah f»»r £9,1-10 in respect of the Bukit Rajah case.
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    • 45 5 (Echo Special.) Another Two Years Singapore, 3rd Nov.— Wee Theam Tew has l»een sentenced to another two vears' imprisonment, the sentence to start at the completion of the present sentence. [An account of the case will be found in another column.—Ed b’./i.]
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    • 55 5 (Supplied hij Rt uler.) Mine Owner Stonei». London, 3rd Nov.—lt is reported that at a village in the Swansea Valiev a mineowner and his son were stoned l»v some miners who had struck work. They replied with revolvers but did not injure the men. The telegraph and
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    • 62 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Vague. London, 2nd Novemlier.— A telegram from Paris says that there is rumour of a revolution in Madrid, but it is impossible to confirm or deny it. And Unfounded. London, 3rd Novemlier.—Telegrams from Spain are passing freely and there is no hint of a revolution.
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    • 94 5 (Supplied by Renter.) No Statement. London, 2nd November. —Lord Morlev, Secretary of State for India, called on Mr. H. H. Asquith, the Premier, l>oth in the morning and in the afternoon. No statement has been made regarding the rumour of his resignation. Who Succeeds Him The Dtiily Cbroniele
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    • 53 5 (Supplied by Renter.) A Protest. London, 2nd Nov. —A telegram from Nottingham states that the manufacturers have decided to join the Manchester Chamber of Commerce by sending a deputation to Sir Edward Grey (Foreign Secretary) to protest against the Japanese Tariff which is regarded as a severe blow
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    • 64 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Resignation. London, 3rd Nov. The French Cabinet has resigned. It is known that then* have lieen differences lietween M. 1> iand (I rentier) and M. Viviani (Labour Minister) who is a Socialist, but the resignation of the Cabinet was quite unexpected. M. Briand has agreed
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    • 123 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Aoainst Anolo-Ki ssian Obsta« London. 2nd Novemlier. -A t«detrain from Teheran states that the Persian Foreign Minister is protesting against ti e British Note of November 1, and savs that the delay in the payment of the allowance to the ex-Shah is due to
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  • 929 5 World-wide Sympathy. Savs the Bamjlcok Time# of November 27: On inquiry, we have been courteously infonied that among the many messages received by His Majesty are telegrams of condolence from H. 1. M. the Emperor of 'Austria: H. M. the King of the Belgians; H. K. II. the
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  • 981 5 Grave Allegations. The Assizes wer** resumed in the Sinjjapore Supreme Court on Monday morning, before Mr. Justice Fisher. The charges of giving false evidence and criminal breach of trust in resject of 825,000 against Wee Thoam Tew, were proceeded with. Mr. K. C. Edmonds.
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  • 205 5 This comment has nothin!» to do with the issue of the case, so we take it that it will not lie regarded as improper. In tin* Wee Tltoam Tew case at Singapore, we are interested in the wav in whicn a juryman escaped. He said, in all good
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  • 25 5 Departed. Per s.s. Un Peng, 31st Oct., for Pulau Langkawi Mr. P. F. Joyce. For Per!i Messrs. L. l»cng Quang and Chooug l<vc Hin.
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  • 20 5 To-day. 2nd Day of 10th Moon. League Football: M.R.C. vt. Govt. Wharves, Esplanade. To-morrow. 3rd Day of 10th Moon.
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward Homeward Delhi It» Nov. I DevtuJin 5 N"' Axtwye 30 I Arcadia 10 Fx ra Service Outward Homeward Somali 8 Nov. I Pa la tea n 11 Nov Nile 22 Borneo 25
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 195 5 NOTICE ADVERTISER, a Straits Chinese resident in I poll. Is prepared to act as agent lor persons who have interests in the E. .M. S. on most favourable terms. First class references. Apply to ACCOUNTANT,” 11-10-10 683 c o Strait* Echo THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. II kai»
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    • 421 5 'SKTMG&CO., Marwfnctnrivjj Jewellers. ISPI-XIAI, VAl i f'ro $5 lo $1,500 Customers’ own designs made up. SPECIALITIES Gold Brooches, Bracelets, Pendants, Lockets, Watches and Chains. Silver j Plate and Silver Fancy Goods. EngraO ving in the liest style, etc., etc. I WEEDING RlhG MADE IN f ONE HOUR. o We keep
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  • 123 6 Pknanq, 3rd November by courtesy of the Chartered. Bank. London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’light Bank 3 Credit 2/4/* 3 Documentary.. 2/4 s Calcutta, Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private <7s} Bombay, Demand Pan* 74 Mouluiem, Demand Rank 174 3 days’ s ght Priva>»* I “51 Vladias, Demand Bxup
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  • 205 6 Gold I**af $64.80 Black Pepper no stork White Pepper 25.50 sellers Trang Pepper 18.— Cloves 66.— noni. Mace 95. —sellers Pickings 90. —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 21. —sellers No. 1 6.50 sales Sugar 2 6.40 sales (.Basket 5. nun. Tapioca Flour 1.55 sales Copra (mixed) 10.10 buyers S Tail
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  • 189 6 Penang, 3rd November, 1910. Bkee— cts. Soup p.«r catty 14 R*>ast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Currv Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 60 Liver |>er catty 35 Pork— Fork per catty 32 Pig’s Head. 99 20 Feet tt 24
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  • 1401 6 Name. 9 pa 9 CP RUBBER—I OLI.AK SHAKES. J 906 ISK>7 150,0« X) SHMMX* 1,500,(*00 2/- I 2/- 18 •Hr.* ***** 19t>f 19**6 3<»,«h)o 80,000 190!) 60,000 JP*>9 50,000 .909 100,000 1909 1903 1909 19**9 1»05 1905 19)6 1909 I!K)9 19i »7 1905 1910 1906 1910 1910 175 000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 (roup. Not a minute should Ite lost when a child allowm symptoms of croup. Chamlierlain's Cou>rh Remedy tfiv* n as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the eroupy apftears, will prevent the attack. For e-ile by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 34 6 The afflicted all fly to it The suffering cry for it; Sing praises high of it; It can ensure Protection from chills, Chest troubles and ills, Keep down doctor’s bills, oods' Great Pep|x*rniint Cun*.
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    • 231 6 Woods* Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints, dvsentry. coughs, colds 'etc. NOTICE. r I ENPJER8 will be received up to noon on L the 15th day of November, 1910, at the Hon’ble Resident Councillor’s Office for (a) The use and occupation of the Government Distillery at Sungei Pinang tor
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  • 189 7 Nov»* mbe r, 1910. Date. HW LW H.W. L.W. A.M. A.M. P.M, P.M. 3rd Nil. 6.34, 12.41, «.48 4th 12.56, 7.05, 1.12, 7.20 sth 1.28. 7.36, 1.43, 7.51 6th 1.58, 8.05, 2.13, 8.20 7th 2.29, 8.37, 2.45, 8.53 Blh 3.03, 9.14, 3.24, 9.35 9th 3.47, 9.59,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1351 7 obb, Commercial Union Asi Oomparw Ltd. inco GUAKANfI h IM.PARIMENT. The B<m<ls of this Company a accepted hv the Board of Trade, Colonial Office, lx>cal (government Board, Post Office, Customs,! I Commissioners of inland Revenue, National' 1 >el>t, and the various divisions of the High Court of J ustice. for
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    • 104 7 Known Everywhere. A w ell-known Manitoba editor write#. "As an inside worker I find Chamlierlaiu’s Stomach and Liver Tablets invalutb'e for I|»h touches of biliousness natural to e *dent.irv life, their action l*einp gentle and effective, clearing the dis*estiv tract and the head.” For >si!e by all Disp nsaries an
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1004 8 u. MANSOW, Amerirar Dentist, t Off tf I* All** P*a I. C .es HiMipf Att, Cr nsuiiaiua It*. Oening Kt*af*. A V «Innm tr m *hf K OM*n»al Hntfl. n mtlti KUKKKLL Co.’s BOIL.RO ft RAW l.INSHKD OILS. SNOW WHI'IB ZINC, 1‘AINTS a turpentine. TEE STRAITS 5UAN0 COT., LTD. Can
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