Straits Echo, 24 December 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
  • 39 1 Straits Echo 10-PAGE EDITION. IUII V tH W>NICLE oh events, circulating throughout the straits, the federated malav states, and the far east generally VOL 4. $24 Per Annum, PENANG, MONDAY, 24th DECEMBER, 1906. Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 2wft.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1289 1 T,QER “«AND CEMENT. fs N? 258 S 8 AS <\ <* rU s *> IN f 3 PO BE±T fCR all PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. incorporated ry royal CHARTER. Hongkong St Shanghai Banking Corporation. j Paid-up-Capital Rkskkvb Fund— JlO.OOOJKX) Capital Paid'up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability
      1,289 words
    • 25 1 1 i*rv«j» LEE Sl Co BASS’S ALK. 35 M <2 <:r O :n ST cP "3 0 w THtS •mois s.ssHKNino SOLE A OEM S.
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  • 1048 2 A Fun Picture Tiiic strikiug parliamentaiy picture of recent «lav» lias been the duel in tlie House of Lords betw-eu an aristocratic L uiouist autl an equally aristocratic I adical. There are keen thinkers aud brilliant speakers on both sides of the House ot
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 84 2 A Prominent Publisher Indorses Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Leon 0. Streeter, propiietor of the Wome'er, Capo Colony, St .ml ini, ««vs: For the past, seven yeai s, or since w eliave I•eeii in Sout h Afriea, Chainlierlaiu's I'etr.mlv Ins always l>een kept in otir househohl. M y wife lias foiiu<l
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    • 364 2 Homeward Passenger Season 1907. P. O. S. N. Co. s 8. “MACEDONIA 10.512 TONS. From Penang Direct to Marseilles and London. •WITHOUT TRANSHIFMBNT. Leave Bombay ipl. b Leave Penang Uar. i 9 8 P M Colombo Apl. 3 Passengers bv this vessel will Ik; afforded the upportuuuy of a few
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    • 2161 2 GRAND CASH SALE of CHOCOLATES, SWEETS, BONBONS, almost at cost price. For one day only, Monday, 2W/i December. Don’t lose your chance to get cheap the best qualities of* sweets* W-A.KTT: For Marine Department, Penang. PENANG SALES ROOM. mail with nautical knowledge uot over A 40 years of age, for
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  • Shipping.
    • 121 3 Khenania, (ter. s.s, l.Ooti, Voulloff, 28rd Dec., Singapore 22ud (ten, —IJ. M. it Co. Bharata, Hr. s.s, 1,357, Wiudebank, 23rd Dec.. Rangoon, 20ili Dec., Gen., H. D. A Co. Calyp?o, l>r. s.s. Molt, Dowry, 24tli Dec., Smyapoie, 22nd J)ec., Gen., VV. M. .t Co. Pkkak, Dr. s.s. 513, Olsen,
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    • 86 3 24th December Tong Cltafi Un, for Hatu Ralir.i and A Malian. link Canton, for Edie, 'i'. Seniawe, Segli, Olelileli and Sabang. Conton, for Paugkor and '1’eluk Anson. Palavicotn. for Rangoon and Calcutta. Caly/mo, for Deli. Soembawa, Rangoon and Calcutta Avayyee, for Deli .1 Liry Austin, for Asalian. Paitang, for
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  • 30 3 Vessels h\ v#t## Ag*nU l)tie Java Pak Lifig Hay SOU Austria Colombo Singapore Singapore Trieste 1 A.G.ACo. W.M.ACo. W.M.ACo. S.K A Co. 25' 1. I >«•. 29th 3rd Jau. 7lli
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  • 42 3 1 t’ltSt'll' AW .1 if’nlx l.eiir** J l Vll SiuyajMire 1 <<HI<I<III A (i.ACV •jr.ih iVr. I’ak Lin <4 W M A C<>. lla v si >u JkJruo i W M ACo. jJnl Jan. Austria Singapore S K A (Jo. 7«li
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  • 39 3 K«»k Toiigk lit lVr /i’h/h/ w i, 2dtli instant. i I a in. Paugkalau Dtandan— 1 Nr Petre', 2<»th instant, il in Teluk Ausou—Per Langkal, 2Gtk instant, 11 Paugkor—Per tire: llanka, 2t»tli instant, 11 a. in.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1604 3 (SHIPPING.) P. 4 0 K special Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. •Inn. 8.«. Arcadia connecting* with 1»««»..*. d„ i 1 i if l j Marmora hob. 14 8.8. Macedonia do 8.-. Mooltan Homewards. Jan. 5 8.8. Delhi connecting' with 8.8. Victoria 1 do 8.8. China Hob. 1 8.8. Amalia
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    • 186 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. I NIKI-JAVA LINK. Tiie Compauv n aiutaius a first class w>rvice of steamers carrying lxith passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta aud Rangoon to the following ports iu Java Batavia Pasoeroeau Samarang Pekalougati Soeraliaya Clieribou Banjoewangi The Company’s Steamers also give direct shipment to Padang
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  • 99 4 Justice saUfifles everybody and justice alone.—Xmrr*o Established June Ist, 1903. Pnbliehed daily (except Sunday?.» AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penan?. PRICE DAILY LOCAL IS* Per annuo. OUTBTATIONB Pcstvge Extra. «All. EDITION (Poet Free *l5 CARLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 N.P.— All busine-ts
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  • 1152 4 At this Christmas season, when good will is supposed to reign supreme ami we are all preparing for the coining festivities of to-morrow, it is sad to think that within a few thousand miles of us a great disaster has fallen upon thousands of our fellow creatures and
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  • 105 4 To-morrow being Christinas Day and Wednesday Boxing Day, both public holidays, there will be no issue of the Straits Echo. On Christmas Diy the Post Office and the Sub-Offices will be closed. On Wednesday. the 2(»th: instant, the Post-Office and the Sub-Offices wiil be open from 7 to
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  • 103 4 At noou to-day a vary pleasant fuuctio" took place when the H mi H. N. Bland, our Resident Councillor, formally opened the uew Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building at the corner of Downing aud Beach Streets. Practically every business man of Penang was present and after Mr.
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  • 124 4 The funeral of the late Mr. Yeob Heug Keat, wlwise death was reported in our issue of the 20th iust., took place this morning from deceased’8 residence iu Carnarvon Street, and there was a very large attendance of Chinese ladies and gentlemen, which testified
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  • 115 4 The idea has'just struck us that weought to reserve a special column for tire*. They come almost every day. tShoitlv befoie 1 o’clock thismorniugNo.3l, Alroo Sittee Lane, a cigar manufactory, known ps Khansahib Co., was burnt down. The cause of the fire was unknown We understand that
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  • 137 4 It appears that at 7 o’clock this nioruiug a Tamil, named Kami >s imniv, living at No. 119, Pitt Street, asked lus mother-in-law for food. The old la ly reiuoustratod with him for wautiug to eat so eaily m the morning, which seemed to have so enraged the man
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  • 123 4 1’hk Sbo >ting match batweeu the Peuaug Voluuteers aud the Police, which took place at the KiHe Range at Aier Etam last Siturday, eudel iu a victory for the Police team liv 21 points. The following represente 1 the Volun leers:—Capt. ATaa, A. S. M. Keerv, S-*r-geauts
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  • 217 4 After a stoppage of over a weak m order to have their eugiue, which had gone out of order, thoroughly overhauled, the British Cinematograph Co. re opened their show on I Saturday night, this time at the corner of 1 Penang Road and Campbell Street. A visit
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  • 348 4 The Circus Oft concluded a very successful season iu Penang oa Saturday night, the large teut being again packed to its utmost capacity. The progiamine was the same as on the occasion of our previou visit, except that it included—or was to include—besides, a high jumping c
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  • 1166 4 Mr dkarest Fanny.— The latter part of the week has lieeu rather a gaudy one, as Tom would sav, aud it all commenced bv his going to the V olunteer smoker, getting enrolled as a recruit aud, so far as 1 could see, rolled i u all sorts
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 228 4 For Sabang, Rangoon Calcutta. The s.s. SOEMB AWA,” 3,375 tons, Capt. Schuurman, is expected here on 24th inst. from Singapore and to leave the same day for the above named ports. For freight, etc., apply to G. H. SLOT CO., Agents. THE BRITISH CINEMATOGRAPH. The largest, brightest, and most up-to-date
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    • 44 5 1 S of a Sin f?apore Steamer. heh,, Special j King.l polo, HI, December The (M nese tiwued steamer 1,1 a tot,,i I, ‘v;? Tlie voasi-l alrucka L. twenty minute* In Ijlly' nth, ''“’"'i water. Tlie ctvw «.„1 »‘«lioiiiBof all saved. paxeengers were
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    • 67 5 The New Ambassador. {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon -4* h December.—President Uoos*velt has intimated (bat tbe appoint! meut of Mr. Lrvee as British Ambassador to Washington will lie entirely acceptable to the American Government. lho lifieg states that it is rumoured that serious differences have occurred between Sir Anthony Macdonnell
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    • 77 5 Government Apprehensions [Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, -2nd December. —lu apprehension of a Ministerial defeat, the German Government, through the medium of the semi-official journals, has submitted a programme to the electors and states that it trusts that the uatiou will render a second dissolution unnecessary. The programme states that
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    • 103 5 Church and State (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22nd December.— The French Chamber, by 413 to 166 votes, has passed a new Government Bill modifying the Separation Law in a manner conciliatory to the Church, despite the opposition of the Radicals and Socialists. The Vatican's Protest. Loudon, 22ud December. —The
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    • 121 5 The Cretan Question. (Supplied by licuter.) Loudon, 22nd December.—Speakiug iu the Greek Chamber tlie Premier said that, as a result of steps takeu by tlie Kjng ou the initiative of a powerful Sovereign, Greek power, with llie good will of the four protecting Powers hail increased aud the Cretan
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    • 38 5 Mr. Balfour Criticised. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 24th December.— The action of Mr. Balfour over the Education Hill dispute is criticised in certain Con ervative circles, where he is charged with subordinating policy to more political tactics.
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    • 18 5 The Shah Dylnjf. (Supplied by Reuter.) Lonuou. 2kb 1 )ecember. The Shah o Persia is siukiug rapidly.
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    • 31 5 The Duma. (Supplied by Reuter.) l» —£T<: for ll,e Kuaainn I >un,a ve 19th February. More Bloodshed Loudon, 23rd Ilecemlie^- County Iguatieff, the former Gov Kieff, has l eeu assassinated.
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    • 48 5 The Passive Registers (Supplied by Reut r.) 1,w, 10n 24*h l)ecetuber.—A manifesto issued by the National Passive Resistance oinmittee appeals for funds to continue the h i against aggressive clericalism and ineu ions t laf eight thousand summonses have *u issued aud 318 imprisonments have already resulted.
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    • 20 5 The Governorship (Supplied ly Rtnter.) London, 24th December.—Lord SelWue ills been ie-ippoiuted Governor of the 1 rausvaal.
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    • 21 5 Football. (Supplied by Rent r.) Loudon, 23rd December—Playing at Ivei, tlioboutli Afriotfu footballers <lef«a*ed Cornwall by nine points to three.
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    • 20 5 Coming Events. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 24tli December.—The accoucbmeut of the of Spaiu is exjec f ed next April.
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    • 26 5 Universal Suffrage. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 24th Decemlier.—H. R. H. tlie Duke of Counaught starts on his tour of the Far East on 10th Jauuirv.
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    • 23 5 The l)uke of Connaught. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd Decemlier.—Both Houses of the Austrian Parliament have passed a Bill for universal suffrage.
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  • 451 5 The Gor emmet t Gazette of December 21 contains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor has lieen pleased to nominate Mr. L. H. Clayton to lie a Commissioner for the Municipality of George Town. Penang, to till the vacancy caused hy the resignitiou of Mr.
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  • 99 5 Ceylou’s ties with Malaya are increasing every week, savs the Times of Malaya. Now we have a Ceyion engineering firm establishing a blanch at Klang. This speaks a great deal for the enterprise of Ceylon establishments. Mr. Geo. S. Brown, who recently paid a visit
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  • 89 5 The Annual General Meeting of the Perak Ladies’ R'ff 5 Association took place ou Wedj uesday afternoon at the residence of M rs. Mai per and was largely atteuded. The following officeis weie elected as, the Committee for PH)7. President —Mrs. E. W. Birch. Vice-President —Mrs.
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  • 203 5 The Peuang-Kuala Lumpur inid-dav mail train arrived at Kuala Lumpur last Friday with the passengers luggage aud brake van running hot,” says tho Times of Malaya so it had to be immediately disconnected from the traiu aud a small local one substituted. As the traiu carried the English
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  • 596 5 The Puisne Judgeshii l The Straits Times of Saturday last says: Our Hongkong correspondent telegraphs that Mr. Thomas Sercombe Smith, Police Magistrate at Hongkong, has lieen offered tin position of Puisne Julge in the Straits Settlements, and our correspondent adds the interesting fact that Mr. S-rc mile Smith
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  • 256 5 (From Our Own Cv respondent) Friday, the 21st Dec The weather lias been extremely wet for the last few days; heavy showers falling day and uight. The auuual Examination of the AugloChinese School here, was held by Mr. L. Me Leau, Inspector of Schools, ou Thursday, the 20th
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  • 517 5 Those of our readers who have done much travelling that one of the greitest troubles is to get a satisfactory watch at a moderate price that will keep good time The more expensive kinds are not the most suitable fora colonial or pioneering life; what is
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  • 258 5 Per Rhirata, from Riugoo Mrs Barnett aud daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Uarstiu. Messrs. Girstin junior, F. Deddes, Luer, Mrs. KIIOO Jininn, Mr. and Mrs. Lve Puck Messrs. Lve Iveng Foou, L. Ah Kvaing. Hoe Liang Hone, Wong Ghaw. Lew Hor Kuren, A'i Sham, P. Ba Ba and Hay Yaw
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  • 66 5 To-dav. !Hb Day of lltli Moon. Hunt Club Papercliase, 5 p.m. Town Baud, Esplauade, (5 to 7 p.m. The British Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street, p.m. To-morrow. 10th Dav of lltli Moon. Christmas Day. Public Holiday. No issue of the Strait* Echo. Cricket Match: Penang r*.
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  • 34 5 D Pol! Moon Dec. 31st 1 h. 43 Km. a.m. l,a»i Quariei Jan. 7th 0h.47 Sill. I* M i O New Moon 1 Pli PJh.o7.ttm. i* m First Quarter 21st 3h.42.0m. r.M.
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai 1 Itrrw K l)S. Mom kwa mw A rcuba 2 Jan. j Delhi •> Jan. D'vnah i 17 j Simla /V i in.i Servut ttllTWAttllS. IlmirWUlliv. Jara J't Dee. j Formmta JS Dee j Nyanz>i S Jan. Namur 11 Jan.
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  • 17 5 German (Prim Heinrich ...2»Hi J)ec J Euttlisb (Arcadia) 2n*l Jan. China (Delhi) 5 li j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 French Confectionery, 17i. Nortliam Ho»' 1 Chocolates, Bonbons, peswert Fondants, J/ li*isoiHtbie I'ruet-
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    • 450 5 Edison-Bell Phonographs New Gold-Moulded Records* Just received, a new consignment of these superior Machines at (he fo lowing prices. The GfciM,” complete with Aluminium Trumpet, New Model Reproducer and oiler, 823 Nett. Same with sp cial large bom and crane outfi r The “STANDARD” (runs four records ou one wimliug)
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  • 382 6 It ik recomtneuded in the Bine Book on the fauna of Africa that wild «logs and jackals l>e domesticated. The dogs, in sufficient numbers, might ke a protection agaiust tigers aud panthers. The late Sir Montagu Gerard hid it ou sound authority that the dogs will
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  • 701 6 Happily most people do not consciously die at all. For the majority the e is no deliberate moment when life has to be taken leave of. But when death does come to a mind still alert and conscious there is something peculiarly poignant in the last
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  • 119 6 Penang, 24th December. (Ity courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank .2/4**,- 3 Credit 2/41 3 Documentary ...2/4J’ Calcutta. Demand Bank 1 2 J--3 dftvs’ sigh» Private 174 i B>unbar. Demand Bank 172$ Mouimein, Demand Bank I*o4 3 days’ sight Private 174* Madras?.
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  • 166 6 fold leaf > t>G. B. Pepper(W.Coast 31b*.a 0r... $l7. —buye s White Pepper 23 sa'es Traug Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (pickel) $41.50 budues* done Mace $B5. —buyers Mace Pickings 69.—buyers Nutm«*gs 110* 28. —sales r No. 1 5} ppl Sugar 2 no stock Basket $3.20 sal's Tapioca Fiiu- 1.82£
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  • 11 6 AN I HUN Y AND ANUbKSON, Exchange tf Share Brokers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 Andrew Usher Co.’ si BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND V' *unun > CO a am X '7vL W 3 <7iiiCikV tu *v i r gi, 1t SSEi CJ -J x UJ Wt G^t&S < S^isv**^ o ZHaM if* TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Ban Seng Co., Gini Tek Bee Co., Heap Lee
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    • 427 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sanctilanrls, Huttery Cn. MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. Gieslers’ Champagne. WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Stock Always on Ho nd. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. WHAT IS ASAHI? It is the BEST BEER in the Far East. Brewed specially for hot climates. Obtainable in ordinary
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  • 844 7 We return to the regulations issued hy the Chinese Government, giving < fleet to the Imperial decree abolishing the u>,» of opium, says the London <t' Chino h’rjms- in order to emphasise our doubts as to 11* possibility of carrying out these regulations in their entirety.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 946 7 P. /Wo/r Cranes' CYLINDER oil. SftmUl/mds. Kuttery Cn. 'bhn Bazley While Bros.' PORTLAND CEMENT LION BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery Co.. AGENTS. PENANQ A F M S. RUBEROID ROOFING. A'lamson, Gilfillan Co., [ft). SELF CURE NO FICTION I MARVEL UPON MARVELI u NO SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, but Without running a doctor*»
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    • 50 7 HAXTRR Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAa. SANDIUNDS, IJUiIRRV Co. CLeANS6 YOUR BLOOD with ORIMAULT fc. C oi SARSAPARILLA I* i iZ l I 1 i I r* The original sarsaparilla, recommended for the last 40 years for lymphatic diseases, eruptions, boils, and all disorders of the skin 6RIMAULT C l,rstfiMtuM, PARIS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1186 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rtt’NO IVIOH Sc Co., t. 4, Beach Street, Penang. TOTICB. notice. Importers of all kinds of European doth and General Commission Agents. 22j VIEWS of Penaug, Singapore. Perak, Selaugor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street,
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  • 1522 9 "A (Juestioii of Africa. Auoiiu OUl A study of and Sous. yui .us. Blackwood Of South African w bas had enough and"' public Boer aud Briton, white, 8pa e Hefw wu theie is no rest to the l>*m aU d C, 'inese, Ui that iu all these
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  • 1305 9 By F. A. McKenzie. '1 he most important question iu world politics to morrow will be whether China is to remain free aud undivided, or whether a large part of its territory is to pass under the control of Japan. The answer to this question cau,
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  • 601 9 In the Standard to hand by the mail appears a remarkable letter from a Singapore Chinese merchant, at present in Loudon, and we make no apology for the reproduction of the following extracts, with the sentiments of which, we feel certain, everybody in Malaya will agree:—
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  • 715 9 A cakefu l reader of What is Art? I might have prophesied in advanca what Tolstoy’s judgment of Shakespeare would be, but the series of articles which opens iu uext mouth’s Fortnightly Review promises to set forth an estimate even more uufavourI able than one might have
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  • 612 9 Interim Report. The China Association has issued an iuteiim report for the information of members pending the appearance of the annual report iu March next. The correspondence with the branches at Hongkong, Shanghai, and Yokohama is given in full, together with the representations made to the Foreign
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  • 703 9 J'hk following review of Sir Fiank Swetteii ha ill’s great woi k on 3lalaya appears in the l>ecember number of the Journal ol' the Koval Colonial Institute, just 1 <> hand The origiu and progress of British iu ffueuce iu Malaya could not have lieeu tieated by anyone
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  • 188 9 Pknano, 2 fin Decemiieh, P.iob. els. ou |mr catty IT Koast oq Steaks j>4 Ste.v or Curry 31 eat tt |u Kump Steak oq Gx 'J»il each 30 Tongue t 55 Feet o'* Heart ;{*j Liver ;\o Pork— Hork tier catty TO Pigs Head on Feet oj; Tongue
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 45 9 Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder These are three common a l,in which Camberlain’s Pain Ha 18 it e^ 8 a V e valuable. If promptly apph'ed you time, money and suffering hen F with any one of these ailments, by all chemists and storekeepers.
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    • 45 9 Influenza <jau be cured l»v commencing at the first symptoms to use Chamberlain's Cough Kemedv Thousands have used this remedy during the past year, and we have to learn of a single case where they wero not pleased. For sale by all chemists and storekeeper.
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    • 72 9 You Take Desperate Chances When You Neglect a Cold. It should be borne iu mind that every cold weakens the lungs, loners the vitality and makes the system less able to withstand each succeeding cold, thereby paving the way for more serious diseases. < 'an you afford to take such
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    • 66 9 Everybody Uses Chamfcrlain’s Cough Remedy. Mothers buy it for croupy children, railroad men buy it for severe coughs aud elderly people luy it for 1* grippe,” say Moore Bros., Eldon, lowa, U. S A. We sell more of Chaiuberlaiu’s Cough Remedy than any other kind. It set ms to have
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  • 1180 10 Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February. 1907. First Day. luesday, 29th January, 1907. 1. —Tiik Maiden Plate. Value $009. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as j>er scale ieduced 11 lbs. All animals imported into the S'ra’ts or F.M.S.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 803 10 CES. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. Head Offices:—LONDON. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 172«». rpHE undersigned having l»een appointed Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. FIRE—LIFE—MARINE. Invested Fund» exceeds Twelve Millions. Total Annual Income exceed
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