Straits Echo, 6 January 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 986 1 Corkscrew Brand. The Best Beer on the Market Light, Sparkling and Refreshing SOLD BY ALL LEADING SHOPS BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong: Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paul up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors XHOO.UOO -0875,000 jC«oo.<-00 Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADN
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    • 17 1 TIANG LEE Co., o DO cx; a 1 m ir. cx. u_ r_i L 3 SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 308 2 biNCK the production of the shield with which the celebrated Kailaug Tuuuel is U°iui» to lie pierced, the work has l**eu progressing satisfactorily aud, as we mentioned the other day, is likely to be accomplished within six months or so if the rate of sjieed which presently
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  • 472 2 AMERICA GUTS LESS THAN FOUR I*KR f ENT. j OF THEM. In bis book ou Chinese emigration, Gottwaldt gives the number of Chinese resident abroad at 7,642,650, distributed as follows: Formosa 2,600,000 Siam 2,500,000 Malay Peniusula 985,000 Suuda Islands... 000,000 Hongkong 274,548 All America 272,829 ludo-Chiua 150.001»
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  • 504 2 A Story Proving once again that Dr Williams’ Pink Pills are the Remedy for Impure Blood. Tota Biugh is au old soldier. Formerly be was a driver in the stli Bombay Mountain Battery of the Indian Army now be holds the humble but responsible position
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  • 1264 2 Programme for January Meeting, 1906. Tuesday 30th January, Thursday 1st February and Saturday 3rd February. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY. I90*i. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value §600. A Pace for Maiden Horses. W eight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All j aniimls inputted into the Straits
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 Absolutely Harmless Anv mother can give Chamberlain's Coiigh Remedy to her little ones with a feeling of security, The absence of ali narcotics makes this remedy I he safest and best that cau be procured. Geo roe Town Dispensary, General Agents, and for sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. W
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    • 163 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****, l2t h July 1005. Managing Direc or BTOTICB. {HEREBY give notice that J have as from the Ist day of January. 1006, admitted Mr. S.
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    • 734 2 1 CLEANS AND POLISHES at tho sa (ic time. For use on all H yse r.ncJ Kitchen Utensils. REMOVES Kwi.7, LiC.T, and SPOTS. MAKES TIN LIKE SILVER, COPPER LIKE GOLD. MAKES HOhi BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. IP w r yni *tS .*r *3*. TRADE MARK :c.kj Rt MUNICIPAL NOTICE. FOR S
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    • 136 2 JUST ARRIVED A new stock of stationeries, viz Ruled f’caps of 14, 15 and *7 lbs of the best quality, Waverly, Big Waverly, W iliam Mitchell’s G I’ens, Tapes, Parcel Wax, Chequered Seals, Ink Pots with without cover, Paper Fasteners, Erasers, Automatic Pencils, Penholders of 3 qualities, Lead Pencils, Blue
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  • Shipping.
    • 125 3 Uotorua, Br. s.s. 555, LiiiKiml, sth Jan., Tongkah, 4tli Jap., Gen .—K. G. A Co. C. Ai'Car, Br. a.». 1,780, Stewart, 6th Jau., Singapore, 4th Jan., Gun., —A. A. A. A Co. I’kkkta, Br. 8. 8,428, Willis, 6th Jau, Singapore, 4th Jan., Gen., H. L A Co. Chusan, Br.
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    • 66 3 Gth January. Deli, for Tiaug ami Pang Nga. Te**la, for Negapatam and Madras. Jin Ho, for Langkut. Lamiknt, for Teluk Anson. Lightiii lit/, for Singapore and Hongkong. Tong Chug Un, for Batu Bahra and Aeabau. Kidna. for Port SweUeubani, Kuala Bum pur and Singapore. 11. llolewgn, for Paugkor. Pegu,
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  • 34 3 Veesel* Front Atjtiuf* Due j lieulonioml Siug;tpo;e S.H.AOo. Hlli Jan. Nippon 1 Japan Austria Tii“*l.e S K &Co. S l\ &(!<>. lOtl, Ty»1**iik 0 W M At 'n. IStli U*H1 I v« i
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  • 30 3 1 erreln for At/mU Leaver Beuloiuoud Nippon Austria Tvdeus ISeulecii 1 Loudon jS.B.&Uo. Trieste S.K.&Co. Singapore jS K &(J<>. London W.M.&Co. Siuoaporo S.B.AOo. 8th Jau. 10th 10th lath 27th
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  • 23 3 FoK Calcutta—Per C. A near, Bth instant, 11 a.m. Port Swetleuhani— Per Mari/ A uni in, Bth instant, 1 p in.
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  • 113 3 Per Rotorua, from Tmiukiili Mr. Duacau. Chusaii, from Hongkong Mr. F. Burke, Mr. K. Finlay, Mr. Cheon Ho g Wafig. From Singapore: Mr. 15 i n'»pr, Mr. I «‘in* r. Mr. Gau l »0011 Cliiang, Mr. Galinidi. the lion. K. C. Ilill. Cliusan, for Colombo, Rev. Brother Cresceuer, M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1303 3 (S H I P P I N,G.) p. o. s t i N. Co. Mayected ArrirnJs and. Ilejuirturea. Mail Service. Outwards Jan. 18 8.8. Delhi connecting with 8.8. Moldavia Keb. 1 ».8. Don gala do m.s. Mongolia 15 a.». Delta do 8.8. Mooltau Homewards. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation
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    • 98 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. TIIHK x. x. Hong Bee, Captain Peter», JL will leave for lias above port», on Wednesday, the lOtli inst., at 4 p.m. For freight or passage applv to KOK GUAN Co., Agent* for Wee Bin <■ Co., of Singapore. 5-1 06 9 BAXTER Co.'s
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  • 121 4 JiwMrw **.U>sA««ererybody and jonlicealou».— Kin»rmt i Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, L 1.1., No. 226—232. Reach Shwi, IViwni;. PRICK DAILY 1/JCAL $-ii v j»er annum OUTSTAIIOSS I’uKtixx Kuo. MAIL KDITION <l\Mt Free) $l5 cable: addkkss; Bcho—Penang.” Telephone No. HH. Editor-in-Chief
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  • 39 4 Marriage. On Saturday. :h>th Decern l >er. at tlie Mission House. Malacca, by the Rev. W. G. Shellabear. Chew Cheng Yong. of Singapore, to Miss Tan Siok Kira, eldest daughter of Tan Keong Keng. Esq., of Malacca.
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  • 744 4 What should bk done: with the: Surplus Rkvknuks. 1 It is satisfactory to find from time to time that our Federal contemporaries are at one with us on the questions of State aid of agriculture and mining, and the benefit such a policy would confer upon the plucky
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  • 326 4 Considerable progress in matters educational in tin* Straits Settlements during the past year is noted by the compiler of the Straitx Time*’* review of IWOo. A new and much needed educational Code came into force; Commercial Scholarships were instituted (both at Sing ipore and Penang, by the
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  • 1205 4 1 Mr Balfour, addressing a meeting of his constituents at Manchester, on the 9th ultimo, said the action of the 1 late Government had not been decided upon in haste, or rashly undertaken. One task remaining was a Redistribution ill, a measure which required more than u3uul
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  • 914 4 Presentation of the Assistant Masters’ Address. Yesterday morning af*er the representatives of the Chinese Community had honoured Brother James the Assistant Masters asMunbitd in I lie Library, where Mr. R. Le is, in the name of liis colleagues. J read a very feeling address to their depart i’g
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 242 5 “JOE” SHOTTED DOWN. Liberal Ministerial Speeches. (Supplied by Ifrnter.) London, sth Jan —Mr Joseph Chamberlain, speaking at was shouted down. He fought with iii* inii *ns interruptions for nearly -n hour and Ins speech ou Colonial Preference was almost inaudible. Loudon, (>th Jau.- Mr. Haldane, the new Secretary of
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    • 133 5 Kostdestvensky 's Lie (Supplied by Rente''.) London, sth Jan. —Admiral Rostdestveuaky, iu a communication to the Novoe Vremya, explains that permission to publish his letter did not imply the Minister of Marine’s agreement with the views expressed therein, especially as he gave permission lor publication without censoring the letter.
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    • 25 5 The Returning Prisoners. (Sup{died by Renter.) Loudou, stli Jan. —The Vancouver, with 986 of tlie returning Japanese prisoners on board, has passed Port Said.
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    • 46 5 The Currency Problem (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 6th Jau.—The well-kuowu Banker Schiff, in a speech delivered iu New York, predicted a panic exceeding all previous experiences unless the United States currency was reformed and made more elastic. The sp6eche has created a great sensation.
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    • 182 5 A Severe Earthquake. (The Ottaniutiecher Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 6th January.—A severe earthquake is reported from Nicaragua. '1 he town of Masaya has lieen destroyed and the death roll is enormous. The total weight of cow’s milk produced in the world in one day is estimated, according to a United
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  • 1314 5 There is an o'd, old saving, of which most of us have grown heartilv sick aud tiled, that history repeats itself.” This we all of us more or less tacitly admit, but, as the history of one generation is generally only written in the next, we are
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  • 167 5 The bulletin issued by the Bureau of «Statistics at Washington shows that for the Vn mouths ending with October of the J current year the total value of the exports to that country is more than twice as gr**ai as during the corresponding period of
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  • 148 5 AUSTRALIAN MINKS. All official report ou the Northern Territory of South Australia shows a substantial increase in tlie yields of tin and copper during 1904, the quantity of tin raised Iteing 366 tons, vilne 4127,085, as against 171 tons, value 4J10.772, in 19 3 The richest cl.i.h t*elongs to
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  • 151 5 The following appointments, with effect from Ist inst., are announced Mr. W. H. Hvudman Jones, Chief Judicial Commissioner: Mr. A. I). Berringtou, Senior Judicial Commissioner; Mr. L. M. Woodward, Junior Judicial Commissioner Mr. A. I». Voules, Registrar. To Assistant Registrars—The Registrar of Courts, I
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  • 436 5 Pknang Branch. Thk annual dinner of the Penang Brancli of ilie British Association took place ye terdav evening at the Town Club, wliieli had b?en kindly lent by the Committee* for the occasion. There were present :—Drs T. C Avetoom (Ediu.), A. Donald (E«liu ami Ijoml J.
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  • 254 5 turoiis expedition made last year by Dr. Siein, tlie well-kuowu archaeologist, to Maliabai: mountain across the Yusufzai border, W. N. frontier of India. 'J’lie country visited had not previously been traversed by Englishmen and is of great archaeological interest, as itcotnains localities associated with Alexander the Great. Dr. Stein
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  • 139 5 Black wKi.L-'rowNsicND. The Old Parish Church at Pinner was the scene ot a very pretty wedding on 12th Dec., says the L C. Express, the occasion lieiug the marriage of Miss Josephine Eleanor Townsend, second daughter of Mr. A. M. Townsend London Mauager of the Hong Koug aud Shanghai
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  • 34 5 To-day. 12th I iv, 12 h Moon. Football Match Y. M. C. A. v*. Free School, Esplanade, 5 p.m. Town Band, Golf Club, ti to 7 p m. To-morrow. loti. Day, 12th Moon.
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  • 16 5 China (Fr.Eitel Friedrich)... Dili Jan. German (Premsen) 10th English (Delhi) <lBth China (Delta) 19th
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards Deli IS Jan. j Delta 19 Jan. Donyola 1 eh. Ocean 2 Feb. hxira Service Outwards. Hum k wards. C ‘.iflon 9 Jan. Falaican iiti Jan.. Nnhia 2J I Fahna 2S For particulars see Page M.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 For Cold iu fcke Head ami Couulih take Woihlh’ Creat Peppermint Our»* HO unit k.
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    • 29 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints. Worn!s* Great Peppermint Cure. Is, (id. Raffles Hotel, Singapore. Strand Hotel, Rangoon. E. 0. Hotel, Penang. The Crag Hotel, Penang HiHs. SARKIES BROTHERS, > -a. Proprietors
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    • 103 5 Iron is a food to antemic persons and in conjunction with Cod Liver Oil as fouud in Steam* Win provides a most excellent* Tonic. It improves the quality of the blood. NOTICE. The International Bodega Syndicate. The Management begs to announce that on and after Monday, the Bth instant, Grills
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 41 5 WEATHER. This following report is kindly supplied hv the Sigual Director of Fort Cornwall» 5 6 a.m. wwi. Vesterrtay To-day Tiwtiy Dull Dark Dull North North North The rainfall dunug the 24 hours ended it 9 to-dav was uil.
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  • 460 5 Obituary. Harrison Weir. (Supplied by R-'iUer.) London, 5th Jan. —The death is announced of Mr. Harrison W. Weir, the celebrated artist, author and journalist. Obituary. -VI r. G. M. Donai.d. It is with deep sorrow aud profound regret that we have to chronicle the very sad and distressing demise of
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  • 1904 6 An extraordinary general meeting of t lie shareholders of the Pahang Kabuug, Ltd was held 011 lltl, nil., at WmcheMei House’ E. C, Mr. E A. Pmi'ilex presiding. 1 he Solicitor'raid Miat shareholders had received the report of the committee of iuiiivest.igal mu aud also received
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  • 134 6 Bevano 6th January. (Hi/ courtesy of the Chaiiered Hank London Demand Bank 2/3] 4 months’si gin Httik 2/34 3 (’red it 2/3jj 3 Documentary ...2/3*2 Calcutta.. Demand Bank its 69 3 days’ sight I’riva e .71 Bombay, Demand Bank 69 3 days’ sight Priva'e 171 Madras, Demand Bank 168]
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  • 214 6 Belat Tin Aiming Co., Ld. 4.50 tellers .a*i»awaneiool Ai ining Co., Ld. j lo. —sellers Brich Rubber Syndicate, Ld. §75. —}> reinium buyers Bruseii Hydraulic bin Mining Co.. Ld 9.25 sales Duff Development Co. sB.— sederFraser A Nesive, Ld 5105.— telle, s George Town Dispeusar» 5:6 Uowarlli Erskine, Ld.
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  • 186 6 Gold leal 5 75. I>. Uepper VV. Coast XHw*. on! of stud. While Pepper 5 38* seders rang IVp| **r season over Tien's (picked) out of season Mace 75 —sellers Mace Picking* 60. —severs Ntil megs I Ids 32. —seders f No. I olu now. Sugar *2 no stock.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1175 7 P. nflair Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sandiland s Hnt f rry Sc Co. Fetter’s Patent Petroleum Engines THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE. OUT. For Quotations amt Catalogues APPLY TO SANDIUNDS. RIITTLRY St Co, Sole Agents, PENANG F. M. S. JUST RECEIVED English made Rubber-Tyred Carriage Wheels OF BEST QUALITY. AN
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    • 192 7 Hoy cured of Croup in fifteen minutes. 44 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy cured our little four year old boy of croup in fifteen minutes. Nlv wife and I have used this remedy in our family for the past five years, having tried many other kinds previous to that time, aud can
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1322 8 Lim Sun Mo, chop HENO IVIOH Co., 164, Beach Street, Pcnung. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 61« DENTISTRY. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late nf Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IRONMONGERY, Which is oil
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  • 2346 9 P. O. S. N. Co. I* 651,1 orda,ar v H«neral meeting of the r. AO. Co. Was held on 12th ult., at the omees, Leadenhullst reel, Loudon, Sir Thom m Sutherland pieNiding, lhe Chairman paid he thought that, on the whole, the accounts would be regarded as satisfactory, l’he directors
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  • 166 9 Penang, Gth January, lOOG. Bbrv— <*« Soup per «BJv <» Boast 21Steaks Stew or Curry Meat IS Lump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tougue W Feel 20 Heart *> Liver Pork Pork l* 1 catty 34 Pit's Head 22 Feet Tongue Mutton I** 1 {U :i;> Head
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 When you have a Cold. The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells ol the lungs, produces a
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    • 69 9 Better than a Plaster. A piece of tlauuel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Palm and bound on the affected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains iu the side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated,
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    • 192 9 The only Cough Medicine free from poison. Tiie Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Australia, had au analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold on the market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from ail poisons. This exception
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    • 818 9 INSURAH CHE. TIIE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. I NCORPORATED B Y UO Y A I CHARTER A.D. IT-’*» undersigned liavimr t*eeii appointed X Agents for tlie almve C*>r|» n»n, an uow prepared to accept MAW INI’- and FIRE risks at enrreut rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A Co I nsurances F RE Invested
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 655 10 OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Health!ul location, food the best, lar 0 i y "ground, strict discipline <Iju1\ study classes under personal supervi.-; >u of the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH limited, 1 3-4-0."» !Mc Address PRINCIPAL ANCLO-CIIINESE SCHOOL, Singapore PRINTERS, PUBLISHER S LITHOGRAPHERS, BOOKBINDERS AND STATIONERS. The
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