Straits Echo, 4 September 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • 71 1 To* DAT. tifch Day, Mtii Moon Meeting of Shareholders. Renang Hills Railway Co., Chamber of Commerce, 4.1"» p.iu. I Town Rami, Esplanade, it fy 7 p.m. Opera India Zibba, King Street, 1* p.m. Moving Pictures Exhibition, Town Hall, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 7th I >av, Bth Moon. Auction Sale of
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  • 27 1 First «Quarter Sept Oil; 118.8 am O hull M»h»h 14th I East 22ml o 10.0 O New Moon 29th 4.- r »9."» a.m
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  • 54 1 for Wmk «Muiiiit' SiiikUix. Ill iwo.j. Low High a m. r. M. m. MoimIo, nil JO.40 4.44> Tii**t»«lnv, J»t(i 11.#» 5 30 i «I»■ Otli 0.20 0 2o Tli*in«*ii»y. 7ili I I»* 7 10 Friday, 8th 2 00 Sul iil'tJix Otli 2 7*0 H 7*0 SuM'inx. lotli
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  • 46 1 P. O. SAILINGS. Wail Sen i. e OUTWARD'. 11 ».VI KH A »H*s. Chit tan /V St'i'f. Iti nijal Sept Coromandel ii 7 Sim *!t kxira Service OUTWAUDs. 1i < KWARIJs Poulin •> Sept. Malacca JO Sept, S Hilda IS Caiidin Oct. ON?- For particular» set! Page 3.
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  • 17 1 0« rn an (Bayer») .">1 h Sept China P. KiUl Pciedetc thh Indian (Te**ta) 7lh
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  • 1063 1  -  BY A Chines Scholar and Patriot. An Appeal to the Chinese. I Dear Friend am» Compatriot. The secret greatness of England at a nation is to be found, 1 l»elieve, in the immediate and ready respouse of sous to her call in every crisis. England expects
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 483 1 *r> N 1258 (S roh ONLY TWO MORE NEihTS. OPERA INDRA ZABBA, The Prince of Wales Jawi Pcranakan Theatrical Company. (4Jndcr Entirely New Management j At King Street Theatrical Hall. To-night, Monday. 4th Sept. Tin* Company will the popular ami eharmiu<' piece, Sultan Khasrusah. To-morrow, Tuesday. sth Sppt. < I»'
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    • 141 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. tiang LEE Co B ITS a r CAD SOLE AGENTS. Oli. thou husky asthmatic ohl fellow. Whom ooutrhing lias lient like a how Thou child with the coli; w hose bellow Disturbs the whole neighbourhood so Oh La i with the appetite hearty Whom sweetmeats too jrreatlv allure
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  • 1092 2 Thk world 1« now so much covered with telegraph and telephone wires that civilised human beings scarcely notice tla-a- 1 In-} run alongside most of the highways in England, aud the oft-announced coining of au underground system seems to have m* influence in the direction of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 643 2 WANTED 4 EUROPEA N maid seeks employment j[JL as companion or child’s nurse. W ill- j imr to travel I efereuces given. Apply to E. M. c o Str ‘ifi Echo 1 op 8-('o 1 w k WANTED. AT «OROUGHLY competent shorthand W riter. Apply to PRESGRAVE A MA’ITHEWS, •j.p.00
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    • 2029 2 Important Municipal Notice. to LET. DOGS. Spacious Bui mall Roa«l. 28-8-05 uc t>B2 BUNGALOW at No. 100, Applv to uccupikk. hereby informed (\\Y N EKS of Dous are hereby it f that for a perio«l of two months trout this date all «logs must be kept under control either bv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1813 3 *'B. 11. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Expected Arrival# and Dejnirlur Mail Service. Outwards. es. H.B. Britan ma r».s. Molt [folia s.s. China j*.s. I ictona >. Himaluya e.e. lull'a fakes by mail steamers. I»t ('las* 2nd Diana To liomlou by Sea IS4O To Marseilles or
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  • 124 4 Justice satistteseTerjrbudy and justice alone. Einemou. Established June Ist, li>o3. Published ilailjr (except Sundays.) AT Til K CUITPPION PKESSrbttk No. 22t>—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LUCA I Sit l**r iiiumm OUTSTATIONs Postage Kxtni. MAIL RMTION (Phut l?iw> Sl3 CAULK ADDRKSS; Echo —Penang.** Telephone N*>. 188 Editor-m-C
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  • 1470 4 Great Movement to Uplift the Ancient Empire. Wt publish elsewhere in this issue a most interesting ami important nppeal to tin.* Cliiuese, from Mr. Loo Teny Mtii. calling upom them to come forward at tho pr-sent moment to support the World's Chinese Students Federalion, which has offices at
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  • 146 4 Ortss bTH Sept Ci.ohes 4 p.m. 14th October. As there lias been a very brisk demand for our last issue, giving the history of this new Beauty Competition, those who want extra copies, or who have not yet obtained a copy of Saturday’s AV/iy, should send in
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  • 726 4 A N AMUS ING SUGGESTION. To rut Euitor <>i tiik Straits Echo. I)eak .1 am very glad to see that you ve hit upon such a good idea as a ISeauty Competition, for it will amuse a lot of us. It seems to me to l»e arranged ver\ ciirefullv. The
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  • 892 4 Saturday's Shooting. From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiivtng, 2nd September.—The Perak Rifle Association’s annual shoot commenced to day under splendid conditions, the weather being tine aud clear and the arrangements perfect. There was a large attendance of members ot the Association, the outstatious lieing fully represented. The Resident
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 538 4 CENTRAL SALES ROOM. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Important Auction Sale j' RE CHOP CHIP HOCK, Beach Street. IN BANKRUPTCY. TO BE SOLl> BY Public Auction On Wednesday 6th Sept tuos, At 11 am. ALL THE STOCK-IN-TRADE, FITTINGS Etc. CONSISTING OK: Coloured Print», Grey Shirtings, Flannels, Hinner Sarongs, Handkerchiefs.
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    • 11 4 For palpitation of the lit-art take Woods’ i'epperuiint Cun’, SO cents?.
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    • 13 4 For Cold in the Head aud Couglis take 'W.oocU’ UrtssUFrppwumit Curfe &0 cents.
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    • 196 5 Last Point Settled. -JL_ (Supplied h Renter-) Loudon, 4th September. News comes from Portsmouth tlu.t the last disputed point in the pence negotiations ha»-ijeen arrauge<l and both pin ties agree not to fortifv Saghalieu or the Perouse St i aits. The Treaty. Londou, 4tli September. It is expected that
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    • 77 5 The Coming Loan. ('The Oslnsintisrher Lloyd Set vi e.) Berlin, 2nd September. The Berliner Tageblatts London correspondent slates that probably fifty millions sterling of the Russian loan will be placed in France and Germany. The Tsai’s Clemency. (Supplied Ini Renter.) London, ttli Septemlier.—Several of the mutineers of the Potemkine
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    • 106 5 France Reassured. (Snjtjdied by HetUer.) London, 2nd September. —The French press finds that the renewed Ani;lo-Japan-ese Alliance is, in view of the Anglo-French entente, more reassuring than disturbing. A Guarantee of Peace. (The (Jstasiatircher Lloyd's' Service.) lierliu, 2nd September,—The German press regards t he conclusion of the renewed
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    • 90 5 I ranee Demands Reparation. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2nd Septemlier. -M. Taiilandier, the French Envoy, has handed to the Sultan of Morocco an ultimatum demanding complete reparation and an apology worded in specified term* for the imprisonment <if the French Algerian chief by the Moroccan authorities. Franco-German Dispute. Loudon,
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    • 125 5 British Squadron Feted. (Supplied by Renter li»»uduu, 2ud September.—The British 1 kliuunel squadron has met with a most! cordial reception at Dant /Ay'. A great prob'ranuue of sports lias beeu arrauge<l ami thousand nieu have beeu lauded from Ur) Hwt t 0 t a ke p tt ,q
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    • 20 5 Entertaining the Shah. (Snpjdied by Rentei.) London, 3rd September. The Shah of Persia lias arrived at St. Petersburg.
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    • 151 5 The Cholera Scare. (The IJ*taeiali*cher Loyd Sir vice.) Berliu, 2nd September- It i* officially notified that cholera Im< lcoken ouf in West Prussia at Posen ami there lias lieeu one case at Hamburg. Thorough precautions are being taken by the authorities and the outbreak lias not reached tV«* dimensions
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    • 36 5 Reinforcements. (Supplied by Heider. t Loudon, Bli Heptemb *r The Au»l aiu Lloyd steamer K«»*rl**r has sailed from Port .Slid for Dar os Salaiii, in German West Afric*. with 232 German Imops on (staid.
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    • 45 5 The Porte Obstinate. (Supplied by Renter.) London. 4th Septemlier.— A Mole from the Porte rejects the scheme put forward by the A tubas sailors, for the European Powers for tlie control of tbe tin.mce of Macedonia, but the Powers will persist iu their demands.
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    • 47 5 An Alleged Outrage. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 3rd September. A pariy of Chiuese attacked an Indian hut at Kleiufontein Estate, South Africa, and hacked the inmates vvi I* knives, disembowelling one and injuring three. Twenty Chinese have lieen arrested in connection with t lie* affair.
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    • 388 5 {Supplied by Renter. > London, fill Septem 1 •or. —Tlie Australians have beaten an All Bug laud eleven by one wieket 'l’lie match between Surrey and Kent has resulted in a tie. Sussex has i«eaten Kssex bv I♦ ami the All Fiiglaud eleven has drawn the match with Baucu
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  • 1910 5  -  BY VIOLA GRAEME. AUTHOR OF Tin- Child of Soiiotr. lir I rrocloril <</ LjOCCO Tho Hand ot liinl, ]ji>Ur*s LiOfrlltif. ”.1 Royal lit'h*'/. H>'C Soldi**)’ Siceetheart,' Lb•* lli'unty <a (In Sanson, /Vt< I’ro-shop (r/V/, Scotch Moi t iogr. c //< Millin' s Afoilrl. A. Gmiibl' i' a
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  • 1264 5 P C.C rf. C.R.C. VIOTOKV *’OK Tilt; OICIMfSt. As announced in our columns of batin'dav s issue this most interesting contest came off on the Esplanade on that after noon and was witnessed liv a large crowd of enthusiastic onlookers. When the two teams met on the pavilion, cricket
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1103 6 PENGCHKNG Coy., Khoo Buan Phuan 17, Market l.ane, Penang, chop Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Road. Taiping. BERNESE ALPS MILK Co., Sialden. Emmenthal, Switzerland. Just received ;i large consignmeiil Mah Way Cigars. Nos. I, 2 and 3 Beware of Imitations PKNG CHENG Go» 17. Market |,ane. 15-8-05 lm 3t« 544
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  • 322 7 (i tut UAL Hoot It, who Ims just returned I rum a pro|<mged southern tour, has a great project ou hand for introducing immigrants wholesale into Western Australia, Hi* scheme, in so far as it «ill relievo the pressiir** and overcrowding in our own industrial disliicU. is
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  • 649 7 IjOki» Cu'zm has occasionally had it thrown in his teeth that when he abandoned the costly scheme for opening a trading route via Kuulong Ferry to Yunnan he t laved right into (lie hands of the French Government of Judo-China, who had planned .i railway through
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 805 7 TEOH JOO MENG, Chop SOON YANG. Tklsphouk No. 321 HAVING JUST KK<*9IVKI> A Portable Improved Wheel Rubbering Machine is n oW prepared to undertake prompt I v repairs of old rubber-tyred wheels which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nos. 178, 180 182 Penang Road. PENANG. Established 1875 Goon y<jn friends
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    • 25 7 STEARNS’ WINE (stimulates appetite aud assists iu the assimilatiou of other food. The lieueticial effect 'ifi seen at ouoe. Depressiou and langour pass away rapidly.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 811 8 EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS. rtrifi*.. 4TH E IDEAL MACH 1 N E m FOR THEAN CHEE Co., (ESTABLISHED 1858.) General Store Keepers, Ship Chandlers, Outfitters, Government Ol'l'K.h ESI:, Contractors, etc,, etc. being built on principles comprising Uieat Strength and Simplicity ol Construction. Full particulars from HUTTENBACH Bros. Co., Penang. Sole Agents. MAJNO’S
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  • 1004 9 SCRAPS. bII.LV AND SfiNgUAHK. Winks: Do you read the Echo* tommyrot Jinks D’vou mean the futile .See«l r Winks; Ya-as. Jinks: Never: it’s too silly for anything. Wi. ks Oh I Ain I then the\ parted to meet no more. Johnson “Were von at the concert, Jone*- Jones
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  • 105 9 Tu k Y acht Incident. (A *>■; Ttrinkle, TicinLlc. I lvaiser, Kaiser, burning bright In the Baltic dead of night, Say what other hand or eye Could frame this fearful mystery In what deep-laid plot for power Didst thou choose the Midnight Horn T For thy wishper
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  • 204 9 The Viceroy of Kansu memorializes as to the working of a !ea«l mine in Mongolia for. the supply of the provincial forces with bullets. The bullets used for target practice hi all the soldiers ir. Kansu are imported from Shanghai and Tientsin, Hie cost per lOt catties,
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  • 211 9 Canton, August 21. luaimno Military jSisueons. Taotai Weu and the director of the Chiu- I ese Military College were to lie entertained at lunch vesterday at the Victoria Hotel by a Japanese doctor who is about to commence traiuiug a uundier of Chinese students for the purpose of
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  • 1047 9 \TuOBOU8 On$J,AIH'HT. Tub following strongly worded article on the methods of .Russian diplomacy appeared |in the Xiehi Nichi.—Russia is noted for j her restrictions on the liberty of speech, but. 1 strange to say, it is only the lower classes who appear to lie affected. Persons
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 527 9 NOTICE. \N and after tins date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. IJM SENG *****. 12th July, l'A'-V Managing Director. AGUILAR'S Pure Grape Sherries -j 1 'V Heal Old Portwines j ARE THE BEST > ON THE MARKET. L X—
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    • 12 9 For ;Wind in the stomach- take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, 80 cents.
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    • 52 9 Be wise iu time, tin good advice. Mau gets his chance but seldom twite, And therefor© do not I*© cajoled Into neglect of cough or cold—- Or stomach troubles, pains that gripe, Or ailments of this wretched type For each there is no nostrum truer Than that of Woods’ Great
      52 words
    • 176 9 j THE EASTERN DAILY MAIL. I FIV E CENTS A. COPY ONLY. $4.50 a quarter post free. Native States and Penang News Specialized. For B a st Advt. Space'-; nppfy early to the St aits Press Agency, S'ng*por\ Penang. A u t'n i unipur and Ipni. I 1 51)7 ESTABLISHED
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  • Shipping.
    • 161 10 Rotokua, Br. s.s. 555, Liugard, 2nd Sept., I Tongkali, Ist Sept., Geu.,—K. G. Co. Avaoykk, Br. s.s. 21/, Nicliol, 3rd Sept., Port Swettenhaui, n«l Sept., Geu., i K. G. Co. r M Vajircnhis, Out 1,182, Steeuborg, i Itli Sept Padang, 3rd Sept. Gen., j H. L. Co. M. Austin,
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    • 54 10 Hi September. M> try Attritn. lor Port Swettenhain. Poiorua, for Tongkah. Jin llo, for Langkat. Tony Cfttty I n, for Hal 11 Hahra and Asalian. j Hebe, for I)eli. 'C Canton, for Pangkoi and Teiuk Anson. H Un Pent/. Perlis and Setul. M. Vajirnnhis, for Siiiga|H>iv. Fhjintj Drayou, for
      54 words
    • 89 10 1 fi(w/< Frout Agent* Lhif Sikh IjOllboU s RJM V> •‘>t ll bept. Silesia Co I* *m bo Li M A Co. •it It Austria Siu^upoie s K.ACo. St li Li^littiitio Siugapoto A A A Co. 1 Itl. G-kaxHt* t_llas'j;ow Liili Iieuvemie fjOlldoM "vll \Co. 14' li lienlari<4
      89 words
    • 88 10 1 cs' t ?'/>' i 1 'jtut' L*-‘i w Sikli Siugajiore s r* «vCo, 5th Sept Silesia Siuga pore i». .\1. ACo. 5th Austri» Trieste S K.AOo. 9th Lightning Calcutta A A.A Co. 12th Cihazce Singapore s la o. lSth U-nveuiK Singapore S.L A Co. Utti 1 Seuluri*; Loudon
      88 words
    • 120 10 I' ok Calcutta Pei Kut >,*«</, 10-uioirow. 11a in. Tiling -Per iJeii, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deii —Per Cur eli, i. tomorrow, 1 p in. Port Swettenliam and Malacca—Per Ai igyee, to morrow, 1 pm Singapore, Hongkong, Siiaugh i and Japan—Per Silesia, to-morrow, 2 p.m Port Swet ten ham.
      120 words
    • 126 10 Pr.\*v.. +th Secte.mblu litj coin/i fit; of the Chartered Haul; London IKmiibio) Bank 2/1 I itnm'tis si it: i i 9-in k 2li 1 -2 If 3 i r v 2! Caleiitln. I Umim n 4 |hini; H»* 157 •i «lavs -no’ll t I'rivst'o 59 Bohio *y Demand ll
      126 words
  • 228 10 Belat Tin Miuiug Co Ld. —buyers BersavraliGold M itiiugCo.. 1 .o. i 2. ee.lLis Brieh Rubber Syndicate, Ld.3 3 prem. buyers j Bruseh Hydraulic 'l'in Mining Co., 1 id 4.25 buyers Duff Development C*». -8. —sellers Fraser A Neave, 1,1 >lol. sellers j George Town Dispenser» 25. buyers Howartii
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  • 188 10 iJ.Vtd l O B. Pepper otU of sine.'. White PepjH.*: ...5 ’B\ seller* l’raug Pepper s-ason over Cloves < picked! out nj season M ace ‘k) buyers Mace Picking.- 52. buyers Nutmegs 110* 34 —stile No. I tj Io nun*. Sug.ii ..2 ii* sloe 1,. l*aske» 5 seders Tapioca.
    188 words
  • 178 10 Penang, 4th September, 19- »5, Description. j l»KKk— ct*. Soup per eatty 12 lioasl 20 Steak» 28 Slew or turn Meat 18 Kump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 70 Feel 15 Hear I 30 Liver 30 j I I Vkk Fork per catty :j0 Pig’s Head
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 296 10 OLDHAM HALL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, food tuo ues>t, large pia\ -ground, .strict discipline, j daily study classes under personal supervision of the Principal. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH Address: PRINCIPAL ANGLO-CHINESL SCHOOL. 13-4-05 3t in* ;i wk 04c Singapore notice. Notice is herewitli given that the Agency
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    • 273 10 BURN Co., Ltd, Electrical Engineers, PENANG. Show Rooms Logan's Buildings 1 RK now prepared to undertake all kinds of electrical work at the shortest notice. All work done by fully competent men under European supervision. House wiring a speciality. ESTIMATES FREE. 88e HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD., Electrical Structural Engineers. SPECIALISTS FOR
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 46 10 WEATHER. Lhk following tvoori iskimiix s!ii»:*n>*<i in tliH SiiriKil Jliwtur of Fort (Jnrttwuiii» Yesterday Tli. >7Wr. teill W«i. It l’ilfc I.oil fa > at 1» to-«ia» 'I 'loo!.. To-day To-day fits ftHazy Unzy.Hnjr i ’aim S.K, •lining liio -J 1 ilours u i> 11.711 incites eiiiiet.
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