The Straits Budget, 15 December 1938

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY./ No. 4218. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1938. Price 25 cts. f S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 855 1 Descriptions of the arrest and persecution of Jews in Berlin and Vienna, following the shooting of Herr vom Rath. Third Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris by a Polish jew. were given in Singapore by some 01 the 550 refugees, who passed through in the
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  • 32 1 r 2 W ith the Sultan and British Kesidcn t. M> W. h en,r< Members of Selangor's State oun i ,Le n after last weeks meeting. the front row,
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  • 43 1 Tungku Mustapha Assistant District Officer, Scpang, son of the Tungku Bcsar of Sri Menanti and cousin of the Yang-di-Pcrtuan Besar of Negri Sembilan with his bride, Tungku Asiah binti Tungku Muda Chik, after their wedding last toeek.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 771 2 eign currency.—Straits Times, Dec. 8. It is a cynical reflection that while Japan has managed to escape i any grave trouble with Western Powers during the onslaughts ol her armed forces in China, the flrsl unquestionable indication of an officially sponsored economic raid on the country
      eign currency.—Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  771 words
    • 276 2 -Straits Times, Dec. 8. As toddy is to the Indian labourer In Malaya what beer is to the workingman in England, it is startling to learn that the profit taken by Government on the sale of this beverage in the Colony Ls no less than 300 per
      -Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  276 words
    • 815 2 -Straits Times, Dec. 9. He who shouts loudest gets most That appears to be the basic principle of current world politics. With the Munich Agreement between Great Britain and Germany little more than two months old, with the Anglo-Italian Pact ratified still more recently and a Franco-German “no more
      -Straits Times, Dec. 9.  -  815 words
    • 271 2 Straits Times. Dec. 9. When Mr. Malcolm MacDonald told the House of Commons the day that he had no evidence r,: demand for a Itoyal Commiss. 1 investigate the supposed need greater measure of self-govern. u tin people of the Straits Settlements. a section of manufactured public opinion
      Straits Times. Dec. 9.  -  271 words
    • 829 3 are now fitted.—Straits Times, Dec. 10. Much has been said and written lately about the European personnel of government in Malaya, and it is clear that there is a general desire to replace the imported officer with the local-born man as rapidly as possible, on grounds of
      are now fitted.—Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  829 words
    • 211 3 Straits Times. Dec. 10. All who have taken an interest in the Malayan National Park must have been glad to read the statement made bj the Secretary of State for the Colonies a few days ago that no modification of the boundaries of the Park is contemplated.
      Straits Times. Dec. 10.  -  211 words
    • 949 3 Straits Times, Dec. 12. There is nothing new in the Italian claims to Tunis and Corsica The history of each of these French possessions is a long story ol bitter struggles, settlements, revolutions, more wars and more settlements. Great Britain as well as Italy and France
      Straits Times, Dec. 12.  -  949 words
    • 778 4 Straits Times, Dec. 13. At a time when unimaginable w'calth is being spent on the means of death and destruction, when the mediaeval pogrom is being revived in what was formerly one of the most cultured countries of the world, and when the progress of mankind has
      Straits Times, Dec. 13.  -  778 words
    • 777 4 Straits Times, Dec. 14. Dissatisfaction expressed by Malayan rubber producers and dealers when it became known that this country was considerably ever-exported at the end of September has not been dissipated by the explanation offered hy the Controller of Rubber. It is now perfectly clear how this overexport
      Straits Times, Dec. 14.  -  777 words

  • 62 4 (From Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru, Dec jytß. R. W. GRANT, the president ot the Johore Bahru Town Board. b leaving for Home on leave at the end of the month. During the two-and-a-half years his presidentship, the town and suburbs have undergone consider.' 111
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  • NOTES Of The DAY
    • 312 5 rr»HEHE is a passage in “Vanity Fair" 1 is of special interest to u p ip in a Crown Colony, and since reads Thackeray nowadays it may be worth recalling. I have found it in Mr. Charles J. Jeffries* new book on the Colonial Service in which he
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    • 247 5 jJECAUSE British police officers in Malaya now belong to a corps known as the Colonial Police Service, the powers in Whitehall have decided that their uniform should be the same as that of their brethren in more romantic parts of the Empire. Hence the bush tunic which is
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    • 106 5 excitement was caused among Singapore males—to borrow a term used in the recent controversy over the Malay girls school sports—when the following appeared In the classified advertisements page of the Straits Times a few days ago YOUNG European lady wishes to share bungalow with a married couple or
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    • 55 5 REGRET to say that a letter came in the Straits Times mail-bag yesterday addressed to “Anna Singapura.” This is neither biologically nor phonetically -orrect. Anak Singapura is a male, and the terminal “k” in Malay should be pronounced as though you were about to say it and then swallowed
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    • 207 5 RECENTLY I quoted a description of how the whole population of Kuala Selangor chopped up a onehorned rhino into countless bits for medicinal purposes, and since then I have found a more detailed explanation of the role of the rhinoceros in Chinese medicine. This occurs in the last
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    • 186 5 MR. BROWN also tells a story about rhino aphrodisiac which is too good to remain buried in the pages of a Resident’s annual report. Here it is: “The tale is told of a Chinese medicine-seller whose ingenuity placed him in an awkward dilemma. It became known to
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    • 199 5 other day I remarked that continuity of service in one town or district was much more common among Government officers In the early days of the F.M.S. than It is now, and that better work was probably done under the old system. A striking example of the individual
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    • 134 5 llfITH reference to Mrs. Gough’s book on gardening In Malaya, mentioned in a note on Jasmine In this column recently, a reader invites me to chuckle with him at Mrs. Gough’s reference to “Odontadenia Speciosa, or Dipladenia Harrisii, as it is usually and more easily called Needless to say,
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    • 205 5 MRS. Colin King is quite right in saying that it is very healthy and natural to laugh at the sex life of Homo Sapiens occasionally, and so I print below a story taken from Signor Daniele Vare’s book “Laughing Diplomat.” Since the North China Daily News has quoted
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    • 184 5 curiosity was aroused the other day by a remark, in a letter in the Straits Times on Mr. Lloyd George’s new book The Truth About the Peace Treaties,” that the writer had not forgotten what Clemenceau whispered to Sir Laurence Guillemard.” Accordingly I have looked up Sir Laurence
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    • 196 5 jyjUCH mystification has been caused 1 by the following paragraph in the Straits Times report of a meeting of the committee of the Johore Planters’ Association: It was resolved to advise the General being used as a means of keeping elephants off estates. The reference was to the General
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    • 161 5 IN the Kuala Klawang rest-house the other day I was greatly diverted to find a paragraph in a Negri Sembilan magazine called “The Pusher” which was apparently inspired by certain notes in this column on the subject of birds. This item was headed “For Bird Lovers Only” and
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    • 435 6 r J*HERE is a very long and sympathetic discussion oi Ramadan, the fasting month of the Islamic world, from the point of view of the British administrator in Major C. S. Jarvis’s new book Desert and Delta” (Murray, 10s. 6d.). The author spent many years in Government service
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    • 243 6 PUSHING with the cast-net is such a familiar sight on Malayan beaches that few of us realise what a skilful operation it is. The throwcord and weighted strings all round the net become hopelessly tangled in the hands of an amateur. One must know not only how to
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    • 146 6 PROSAIC though the District Officer’s job is in Malaya today, most of us cherish the hope that something more romantic still survives in Borneo. We picture splendid savages, practically in the nude, prancing outside tne District Office with tufted spears and necklaces of human teeth. It is therefore bitterly
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    • 220 6 Angin Besar gINCE the “Great Wind” of Kelantan tradition was mentioned in this column some time ago, more information has been received from various quarters. To begin with, I find that this event was referred to by Mr. A. S. Haynes in one of the annual reports written by him
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    • 172 6 is also a theory that the Great Wind was connected with some volcanic disturbance—not, of course, in the Peninsula, where no such disturbances occur—but farther afield. This could hardly have been the explosion of Krakatau, for that happened in 1883, and the dates given by various authorities for
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    • 183 6 THRIVES for wild pi* are sometimes organised in the Malay Peninsula but rarely on the scale of one described in a recent number of the British North Borneo Herald. About 1.500 Dusun tribesmen turned out. armed with spears, and were posted along the railway for a distance of four
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    • 155 6 A LTFOUGH police in other countries are using radi- cars and powerful moto* cycles, public opinion in Singapore demands a really wellmounted cyclist squad. “In pursuing a cyclist snatch-thief,” says the writer of a signed leader-page article in a Singapore contemporary, “a police squad will be useless
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    • 196 6 READERS are invited to guess the identity of the official in Empress Place who received last week a letter from Home addressed as follows Mr. X Assistant Adviser. F.M.S., Singapore, Malay, Asia. That was an unusually good effort, but the fogginess of the writer in regard to Malaya
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    • 189 6 A FRIEND of mine who wen; lor walk through Chinatown south 1 the river last Sunday morning J surprised to find long lines of br«! plates on the shop fronts all along Cro Street and other streets. Each plate bore the words “Sunda Closing,” and the shuttered condition
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    • 178 6 QNE has heard it said that some boys v from the vernacular schools in Malaya and the Netherlands Indies are losing their Islamic faith and showing a tendency towards agnosticism or Indifference. Whether this is true or not I have no means of knowing, but I was struck
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    • 156 6 AS a test of observation it would b interesting to ask a group Singapore residents to describe trom memory the oncoming of a rain-storm I doubt whether many of us would be able to give as much detail as is iound in the passage quoted below, it ib taken
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  • 293 7 Mr L Rayman, M.C.S., has been no in ted Under Secretary, S.S., with f/ect from Nov._2l. cneond Lieutenant M. L. Webber, volunteer Force, has been promoted to the rank ot Lieutenant. commission as Lieutenant in the ~,I S volunteer Force has been granted to Mr. H. Scott
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  • 61 7 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Dec. 12. DY 82 votes to 73, Dr. Lee Tiang Xeng was elected as nominee of the Straits Chinese British Association on the Municipal Commission in place of Mr Koh Sin Hock, who is retiring this >ear. Today’s special meeting was
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    • 52 7 t.HLERS.—At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on Dec. 11, to Eleanor, wife of r Sydney L. Oehlers, a son. -viENON.—To Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Menon, l he Lily Clinic. Serangoon Road, on \f rda y ni Bht (Dec. 10)—a daughter. mccONlGley.—On Dec. 5. to Irene, wife of McConigley, Singapore,
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    • 68 7 p (n gagement is announced between John Caister. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cooke of Spalding, Lines, and Edith, younger daughJ (r of Mrs. J. Gerrard-Williams and the Mr. W. Harper-Smith of Oxted, Surrey. WHONYPILLAI KANAGASABAI. —Mr. a eldest son of late K. min i onypillal »nd
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  • 191 7 yHE divorce petition of Dorothy Isabel Tan, a European woman, against her Chinese husband, Mr. Peng Yong Tan, a Singapore lawyer, was withdrawn without prejudice to her rights to making a fresh petition when the matter was heard before Mr. Justice Pedlow in the Singapore
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  • 150 7 Rate Last Year Was Lowest Recorded THE infant mortality rate in the A Colony last year, at 155.8 per thousand live births, was the lowest yet recorded. “It is noteworthy that the highest rates still occur in districts which have a pre-eminently Malay population,” states
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  • 125 7 N. I. Government Thinks That It Is (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Dec. 12. IS Netherlands Indies tea drunk on ships in port liable to export duty? The Government here thinks it is. British India does not think it is. Guidance is
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  • 262 7 Dismissed By Privy Council YOUNG CHINESE IN CONDEMNED CELL THE Privy Council, sitting in London dismissed the appeal of Yeo Hock Cheng, 26-year-oid Chinese school teacher, who was sentenced to death in Singapore ten months ago, for the murder of his 16-year-old sweetheart, Loh Koh. News of
    262 words
  • 148 7 “Verminous Heads In S. S. Schools r t I HE ‘verminous heads totals in the Malay girls’ schools make depressing reading,” states the annual report of the Medical Department, tabled in the Legislative Council yesterday. u The rate in Malay schools in Penang has risen frobi 73 per cent, in
    148 words
  • 86 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 12. MR. JUSTICE MURRAY AYNSLEY delivered judgment this morning in the slander action brought by Yong Kwai Sam against Leong Sin Nam. The Judge allowed damages of $500. The case lasted five days Tungku Syed Abu Bakar, Asiatic
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  • 332 7 Leaders—- Getting Away With Murder 2 Appeasement 2 A Colonial Career 3 Corsica, Tunis And Nice 3 A Chinese Offer 4 Rubber Over-Export 4 Telegrams— Covering past week’s news 25—28 Pictorial Section 17— Financial Supplement— Financial and Commercial News to date, following pag* 32 Malayan General News— Launch For
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  • 111 7 'From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Dec. 12 THE engagement is announced between Che Mohamed Yusof, second son of Che Hashlm bin Haji Abdul Ohani of the High Court, Malacca, and Che Rogayah, eldest daughter or Che Ismail bin Haji Aman. Dato Dagang of Asahan, Malacca. Che Mohamed
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  • 51 7 DEATHS 1 HO SI.—Step-mother of Leong Man p m Hong Toh, Pook Chong, Choo Keng, Sin and Lau Sim (Mrs. Choo Seng jPassed away peacefully on 7th Dec. K —Mr Tolc jjocfc Q Uan passed away accfully at his residence, 162 Pasir Pan,.,nS Road on Sundav, Dec. 11. 1938. aged
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  • 354 8 R.A.F. Chief Down In One Flying-Boat In Nicobars ISLAND WHERE ONLY ONE MAN SPEAKS ENGLISH QNE of the three Royal Air Force Short Sunderland flyingboats which have been on a visit to Ceylon flew non-stop from Trincomolee (Ceylon) to Seletar on Dec. 12. Another one alighted at
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  • 123 8 Malay Killed While Reading Koran (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Dec. I?. LJOW a Sumatra Malay. Marah bin Salleh, is alleged to have run amok in Pengkalan Bukit Estate on Nov 4 and to have attacked seven persons who were reading the Koran, killing one
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  • 164 8 Coorong Damaged In Darwin Gale IN an 80 mile-an-hour gale, the Qantas Empire flying-boat Coorong broke her moorings at Darwin, Northern Territory, and was badly damaged when she went ashore on the rocks. Three tons of mail which were aboard were salvaged. Coorong, which was southbound, left
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  • 37 8 Passports like this, chopped with a large red “J” i cere carried bv th 550 German and Austrian Jewish refugees. Who passed throuah Singapore bound for Shanghai.—Straits Times picture Straits Times picture.
    Straits Times picture.  -  37 words
  • 63 8 DEGULATIONS governing the issue of passports to Malayan Chinese returning to China will he tightened, states an official notification sent by the Singapore Chinese Consulate-General to all leading Chinese associations and guilds. The Consulate-General will in future require reputable guarantors for applicants of Chinese passports, such
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  • 36 8 ONE set of quadruplets was born In Singapore last year, according to the annual report of the Medical Department. There was only one birth of triplets, but there were 156 sets of twins.
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  • 336 8 JOHN Gludovatz, proprietor of the Arcade Restaurant, was one of three licensees who were warned by the Board of Licensing Justices at a meeting held in the District Court on Monday, and presided over by Mr. L. B. Gibson. Gludovatz was applying for
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  • 263 8 PRESCRIPTIONS of the arrest and persecution of Jews in Berlin and -Vienna, following the shooting of Herr voni Rath, Third Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris by a Polish Jew, were given in Singapore by some of' the 550 refugees, who passed through
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  • 110 8 ALL communities in the Colony had a smaller death rate last year, eu* the most substantial decrease was among the Malays, whose crude death rate fell from 29.54 per thousand in 1936 to 25.29 in 1937, states the annua'' report of the Medical Department.
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  • 48 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Johore Bahru, Dee. 15After serving for nearly 12 years headmaster of the Bukit Zarah lish School Mr H. B. Manby retires at the end of the month He will be relieved by Mr. G Lowe, of the English College staff
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  • Correspondence
    • 402 9 Malayan Inferiority Denied STARVATION wages accepted To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— Having had ample experience ,i the type of Immigrants who come here to seek foi employment, I feel that exception must betaken to the stateinert by your correspondent, “Another Democrat,” that these people are •head
      402 words
    • 153 9 the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—With regard to Anak Singa-r-ura's comments on the four men of the Tenth Foot who lie buried near Siremban, and his query as to the eounty they came from, the hallowing nia y be of interest. 1 have a distinct recollection
      153 words
    • 526 9 ESTATE CLERKS PLANTERS European View Of Grievances To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I be permitted to congratulate you on the publication of the two letters which appeared in your issue of Dec. 7 commenting on the conditions of employment of tne majority of estate clerks and
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    • 236 9 Another Mr. Kiat Needed Up-Country To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Mr. G. H. Kiat has been good enough to raise his voice on behalf of the Singapore clerks, and you have also been good -enough to support him through your able editorial. But, who is
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    • 265 9 Singaporean Disagrees With Mr. Tan To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—As a member of one of the local-born communities. I have to protest against Mr. Tan’s protest against the purchase of Japanese cement by the Singapore Municipality. The “war” between China and Japan is to be
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    • 92 9 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Dec. 11. INCHE MOHAMED SALLEH, of the Johore Military Forces, was married at the week-end to Inche Rogiayah. daughter of Dato Ibrahim bin Abdul Majid, the retired State treasurer. The bridegroom is a son of Dato Mustapha Jaafar, the former
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    • 87 9 Smuggling In Johore (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Dec. 11. pOUND guilty of smuggling 10,059 pounds of rubber sheet, two Teochews, Kang Chaik Wang and Toh Ah Leng, were sentenced to $8,500 fine or nine months’ rigorous imprisonment each by Inche Mahmood bin Mohamed
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  • 60 9 SIX flight-lieutenants attached to the Royal Air Force. Far East, have been promoted to the rank oi squadron leader. Thev arc Squadron Leaders R. N McKern. A. A. Saw. and E. H Walk'T. of Headquarters, and Squadron Leaders N C S Rutter. A. D. Messenger
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  • 100 9 Alterations To Laburnum To Cost $30,000 THE purchase and conversion of the launch, Sidili, at a cost of $44,000. for the use of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Penang, was approved by Legislative Council A vote of $30,000 for the hulking of the Reserve’s sloop,
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  • 116 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Dec. 11. CONVICTED on his own plea of guilty, a Chinese, Lim Heng Kang, yesterday morning was fined $5O by Tuan Haji Nassir bin Haji Salleh, first magistrate, at the Panchor Court. Lim Heng Kang was charged with having illegally
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  • 73 9 IUIR F. I. TREMLETT, Assistant Superintendent of Police, appeared in the Singapore Fourth Police Court, wearing a white short sleeved shirt and white short trousers—minus his coat. “I wish to apologise for coming to Court half undressed as I am, but I only Just received a
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  • 46 9 ENTERTAINING the American naval squadron on visit to Singapore last February cost Just over $l,OOO. A vote of $517.50 for payment of the Government’s half share was passed by the Legislative Council on Monday. The other half was paid by the Municipality.
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  • 546 10 Capt. Hashim Suggests Land Should Be Set Aside CONSIDERATION PROMISED FOR RURAL AREA PLAN A settlement in the rural area for retired and serving junior Government officers and pensioners was suggested by Capt. N. M. Hashim (Singapore) in the Legislative Council On land set aside
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  • 63 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 11. CINCE Mr. Marcus Rex, Financial Secretary, F.M.S., has been appointed acting British Resident In Perak, his place in the financial office in Kuala Lumpur has been taken by Mr. H. R. Joynt, lately Accountant-General, F.M.S. Mr. R. Bird,
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  • 182 10 Malacca Swimmers Pass LifeSaving Society Tests (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Dec. 12. p*OR the first time in the history of Malacca swimming, a life saving examination for the Royal Life Saving Society’s awards was held today at the Malacca Volunteer Corps swimming pool at Tanjong Rruas. The examination was
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  • 304 10 Former Dollar Ship Here EAGLE REPLACES OLD SIGN QCCUPYING the first class saloon cabins, previously filled by wealthy American tourists, the crew of the old Dollar liner President Munroe, which arrived at Singapore this week under new “colours/’ are enjoying their trip round the world.
    now pan or tne Amencan President Lines—a picture taken by a Straits Times photographer  -  304 words
  • 56 10 THE second reading of the Moneylenders’ (Amendment) Bill was again deferred, until the next meetting in February, in the Legislative Council The Attorney-General, Mr. C. G. Howell, said the matter was still under consideration. The Bill was deferred from the last meeting of Council as several
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  • 351 10 VISITORS CONSIDER STANDARD HIGH yHERE are more than 7.800 miles of road in Malaya including 5.100 miles of “all weather” roads of which 3,700 miles have bitumen treated surfaces. This is revealed by Major R. l Nunn in his annual report on the Malayan
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  • 462 11 •Situation Acute And Causing Real Concern’’-Major Nunn IS BRITISH REARMAMENT PROGRAMME REASON FOR SHORTAGE OF MEN? COMMENT on the difficulty of finding suitable candidates C for Malayan Public Works Department appointments in Great Britain and the problem of staffing is made by Major R.
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  • 68 11 From Our Own Correspondent.) T Taiping, Dec. 11. tb latest issue of the Edwardian, the Magazine of the King Edward VII 10 °1' Taiping. contains several inresting articles, and the issue main‘a,lls the high standard established in Previous numbers. he editor of the magazine is
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  • 260 11 Dr. -Smith’s Plea j In Council A PLEA for the preservation of documents of great historical and sentimental value to the Straits Settlements, such as the will of Capt. Francis Light, founder of Penang, was made by Dr. J. 12Smith at the Legislative Council He suggested that
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  • 193 11 SUBORDINATES EDUCATION Capt. Hashim Urges Allowances CDUCATION allowances to officers' of the Junior Civil Service were! recommended by Capt. N. M. Hashim (Singapore) in the Legislative Council **I know that parents, not necessarily Government servants, with a number of children attending school, on presenting a case to the Inspector of
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  • 172 11 One Charge Withdrawn Against Contractor AG. DOBB, oi Dobo and Co., Ltd.. Singapore, was fined $5 and $4 and costs when he pleaded guilty in the Singapore Fourth Police Court, on Friday, to two Municipal summonses. The first summons charged him that on Sept. 28,
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  • 552 11 Foster Parents Charged With Causing Hurt A LLEGATIONS of cruelty were made before Mr. L. B. Gibson in the Singapore Criminal District Court during the trial of a pig-rearer, Ong Ooi, and his wife, Ng Kwai, on charges of causing hurt and wrongful confinement
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  • 32 11 A PPROVAL of an Improvement rate of two per cent, per annum of the annual value of property in the Singapore Municipality was given by the Legislative Council
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  • 650 12 Considerable Building In Kuala Lumpur Suburbs CLEANLINESS AND MODERN FURNITURE ARE OUTSTANDING FEATURES (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 9. THE increasing desire on the part of middle-class wage- earners to live in semi-detached comfortable little houses instead of in the shophouse type of
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  • 104 12 movement to close Chinese shops on Sundays was given new impetus on Monday, when a representative meeting of Chinese traders held at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce decided on a whole-day holiday on Sundays as from Jan. 1. About 100 representatives of shops
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  • 152 12 Comparison With Figure For Britain “DUBLIC attention has again been 1 drawn to the problem of venereal diseases, because of the garrison in Singapore,” states the annual report of the Medical Department, tabled in Legislative Council New cases applying for treatment of all forms of
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  • 199 12 I Desirable To Stop It, Says Judge THE desirability of preventing people from using the machinery of the Bankruptcy Court merely for private revenge was raised by Mr. Justice Pedlow in the public examination of a Chinese commission agent, Lau Boon Kian, before the Singapore
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  • 120 12 Launch Aground On Shoal CEVEN Singapore Europeans, including three women had a harbour adventure when the 40ft. motor-launch Kembara, owned by Mr. C. Jackson, manager for Malaya of the Borneo Company, ran aground on a shoal between St. John’s Island and Blakan Mati, at about 6
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  • 108 12 JL|R. P. F. Aroozoo of OuVam School Afl Singapore, will officiate temporarily as Headmaster of Gan Eng Seng School as from Jan. 1, in succession to the late Mr. H. A. L. Orchard. Mr. Aroozoo was present at the Gan Eng Seng prize-giving held
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  • 272 12 COLONY URGED TO PLA N WIRELESS POLICY Council Comment On Big Scheme For Empire A definite policy should be prearranged by the Government of the Colony in view of impending important develop, ments in wireless telegraphy and telephony throughout the Colonial Empire, urged Dr. J. E. Smith at the Legislative
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  • 168 12 Dishonest Use Of Agency’s Money (From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Dec. 11. “I HAD hoped to hear from your lip* some expression of regret” said Mr A. W. Bellamy. Second Polio? Magistrate, yesterday to a Eurasian. C. R Cortez, when the latter said that he had
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  • 70 12 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 10 AN appeal has been lodged by the Public Prosecutor in the Perak bigamy case in which A. Ramalingum. Sanitary Inspector, Teluk Anson. wa> acquitted and discharged by Mr tice Murray-Aynsley, at a special session of the Perak
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  • 311 13 ki\ Months Needed To Receive I Views Of The Colonies SECOND STEP IN PROCESS OF IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT AND UNITY (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 9. IT may be over three years before the proposed Cabie and I Wireless chain of wireless
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  • 106 13 MALAYA'S new weather chief will 1 arrive at Singapore shortly. He is Lieut. Commander H. B. F. MoorLead. formerly pf the Bermuda meteorological service, who succeeds Mr. C. D. Stewart as Director 01 tin* Malayan Meteorological Service. nimander Moorhead will be accompanied by
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  • 40 13 Nuttall, a private in the Loyal Regiment. was on Friday produced in Singapore Traffic Court on a mge of negligent driving on AUg. 29 Pasir Panjang Road. Accused claimed trial and the hear--1:1 was postponed to Jan. 3.
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  • 72 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Dec. 6. DENANG streets returned to normal this morning when ricksha pullers ended their two day strike. About 50 pullers were on the streets last night, hut it was not imtil this morning that the general strike was called off.
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  • 203 13 ‘Cautious Optimist,’ Says Law Officer THE successful business man is a cautious optimist.” said the SolicitorGeneral. Mr. N A Worley, during hearing of the appeal of Mr. J. S. Anderson against the valuation by a lower court of a block of shares, in the Court of Civil
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  • 51 13 CHINESE rice merchant, Ong Mah Chce was committed to the Assizes on Friday by the Singapore Sixth Police Magistrate, on a charge of dishonestly inducing Kwek Sam Hock to deliver to him $l,OOO in cash In exchange for a cheque. Bail of $2,000 was
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  • 189 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8 pOADS in Selangor were one of the principal subjects under discussion at the Budget Meeting ol the State Council here today, when the State Treasurer. Mr. A. Heywood-Waddington, disclosed that provision of $262,000 had been made to
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  • 109 13 ]U[R M. A. Lippe, sound engineer of the Koster Compay Singapore, and Miss Annie Schmidt were married at the Singapore Registry on Dec. 9. Mr Lippe is the son cf Mr. Lippe, of Singapore, and Miss Schmidt, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, of Utrecht.
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  • 97 13 From Our Own Correspondent! Batavia, Dec. 8 NEARLY 70 young pilots have been trained by the National Air School in Holland, their instruction being paid for by thp Air Defence Fund in Holland. The purpose of this fund is to train as many pilots as
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  • 566 13 Appeal Court Fines Three Chinese Ten cents Each J’AKING sand from unalienated foreshore without authority constitutes an offence and those found doing so in future may be substantially punished. Warning notices drawing attention to this fact may be erected along parts of the Singapore beach
    566 words

  • 399 14 S300,000 Increase Granted For The Establishment (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 7. “THE strikes of 1937 showed that the Police Force was smaller than was safe,” declared the Hi&h Commissioner, Si) 1 Shenton Thomas, in the Federal Council last week.
    399 words
  • 235 14 Two More Cases In Singapore PROPERTY WORTH $500 TAKEN Singapore, Dec. 7. TWO gangs of Chinese, allegedly armed with pistols and daggers, held up the occupants of homes in different parts of Singapore this morning and last night and decamped with more than $500 in jewels and
    235 words
  • 135 14 Reinforced Concrete Buildings (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Dec. 6. pOSTING nearly $40,000 to build, the new market at Segamat was opened this week. Built of reinforced concrete the market comprises two long buildings with a concrete wall around. The stalls are of modern design and
    135 words
  • 196 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 6. MEW possibilities for the bicycle are opened up in Malaya by the decision of the F.M.S. Railway* to introduce cheap rates for the conveyance of bicycles by rail. It now costs only ten cents ro take a bicycle ten
    196 words
  • 251 14 'fHE South African Government will open new Trade Commissioners’ offices in Singapore and Calcutta early next year, the Straits Times understands. The Government of the Union of South Africa has decided that to deal more efficiently with trade promotion in Eastern territories, it is
    251 words
  • 237 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8 A TRIBUTE to Sultan Alain Shah for his gesture in postn poning the rebuilding of his palace, the Astana Mahkota estimated to cost some $750,000, until better times, was paid by Unofficial members in the Selangor State
    237 words
  • 78 14 (From Our Own Penang. Dec. 7. T'HE wedding took place yesterday afternoon at St. George’s. Penang, of Mr. Elwin Wrench Carolin. chief accountant of Harrisons and Crosfield. Medan. Sumatra, and Miss Joan Constance Penfold, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. G. B. Penfold, of Tanjong Peera Sumatra.
    78 words
  • 98 14 AT a meeting of the congregation o* St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Selangor, it was unanimously agreed to address a call to the Rev. Alfred W ,J B.A., to become minister of the c< ’> gregation in succession to the R° v A H. Pringle whose ministry terminate*
    98 words

  • Planting Topics
    • 1856 15 On Coastal Clays And Inland Soils In Malaya IMPORTANCE of maintaining the balance of plant food Complete Mixtures Give Best Results On Girth, Bark And Yield By Our Planting Correspondent ANK of the last articles published in this page before I went on leave in
      with decaying vegetable m*™*- RfVianting of Ml pictures in this page are reproduced from Pro Rubber  -  1,856 words

  • 381 16 Laws Oi Other Countries Are Under Consideration SELANGOR RESIDENT’S REPLY TO COUNCILLOR’S PLEA FOR ACTION (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. X. THE Malayan Governments are studying the regulation of working hours in towns of other countries, but, meanwhile, many shop assistants and
    381 words
  • 129 16 A CAMPAIGN to educate pedestrians to cross intersections where there are traffic control lights only when the green light is showing is to be embarked on in Singapore, the Straits Times understands. The need lor strict observance of the lights by pedestrians as well as
    129 words
  • 238 16 No Complaints, Says Minister From Our Own Correspondent. London, Dec. 8. MR. Malcolm MacDonald, Secretary of State for the Colonies, stated at question time in the House of Commons last night that he was not aware of the introduction of a new system ot rating
    238 words
  • 95 16 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 6. THE Sultan of Perak, who has been occupying his private residence, the Astana Kurnia, since his proclamation last month, has now moved into his official residence, the Astana Iskanderiah. A “kenduri,” attended by rajas and major and
    95 words
  • 50 16 There are tico candidates for nomination as the Straits Settlement (Singapore) Association representative on the Municipal Comtnissioit Then are Mr. A. Corbet (.eft) and Mr A'. A. Mallal. Mr. Mallal is the present representative. His term expires on Dec. 31.— Straits Times pictures .—Straits Times pictures.
    .—Straits Times pictures.  -  50 words
  • 72 16 DATO SHAHBAN DAR’S SON TO WED <From Our Own Correspondent > Taiping, Dec. 6 THE marriage will take place at Tai- ping this month of Che Mohamed YusofT, son of the Dato Shahbandar of Kuala Kangsar, to Che Rumiali, second daughter of Che Abdullah Sedik of Ipoh, and niece of
    72 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      28 words

  • 343 17 ..lies lau'/h’"' 1 i Dutch kld shotc- <nc c*P'f ed b J Ant^P“ l c ,0 p„tch irl 4B° Vfc this t‘ l,lc si. 1 tg^gS^^Sggr^ jll eyes lor St. Nicholas as he arrives ALL attention us St. Nicholas talks ABOVE: FUght-Ucut. V. 11. .4. Mcßratney.
    343 words

  • 703 21  -  By- Mrs. G. C. Coles HOW DO YOU TREAT SERVANTS? k there a formula for handlini» Chinese servants or can it he possible that all Mcms experience the setbarks. the ingratitude, the nit: ling double-dealing that I am faced with from one month’s
    703 words
  • 175 21 From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. g* L ANGOR’S new big central hospital, for which $379,000 has eaimarked for next year alone, referred to by the British ResidMr. S. W. Jones, in the State r V men today. Jones said: i- v hoped
    175 words
  • 140 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. 'THE $750,000 astana for the Sultan of Selangor, which His Highness postponed because of the bad tunes, may not be held up for long. In the State Council, the British Resident. Mr. S. W. Jones, said that they had
    140 words
  • 43 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Dec. 7. riE flotilla leader Tromp of the Dutch Navy, recently completed, w’lll travel from Holland to New York in August next year during the World Fair and afterwards will come to the Netherlands Indies.
    43 words
  • 188 21 Donned Shorts To Catch Sumatra Malay From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. THE story of how a trespasser was chased and caught by the European into whose garden he had trespassed was told in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court to Mr. A. J. GrattanBellew, the
    188 words
  • 237 21 Police Engage Chinese Gang ONE MAN SEEN TO LIMP AWAY Singapore, Dec. 8 GUN light between three Malay policemen and five Chinese was fought out on a lonely stretch of Lorong 27A Geylang Road, just before midnight yesterday. It is believed that one of the Chinese
    237 words
  • 55 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. AT the opening of the Selangor State Council today Sultan Alam Shah asked all members to rise in respect of the memory of Sultan Iskandar Shah of Perak, who died a few months ago. The Councillors stood
    55 words
  • 73 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Dec. 7. AFFER protracted discussions between the Iran and Dutch Governments, a barter arrangement was made between their two countries. Java has shipped 17,000 tons of sugar to Basra and In return Iran is sending an equal value of
    73 words
  • 51 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Dec. 7. jyiß. G H. C. HART, former director of the Department of Economic AfTairs at Batavia, will succeed Professor J. van Gelderen as a member of the Dutch delegation to the International Rubber Regulation Committee, as from Jan.
    51 words

  • 896 22 $380,000 To Be Spent Next Year In Four Towns BIG SUM ALSO SET ASIDE FOR WORK ON ROADS AND BRIDGES (From Our Own Correspondent.) I lec 0. JOHORE State is spending $380,000 next year for additioJ nal houses for Government employees. The housing shortage
    896 words
  • 95 22 'From Our Owi Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 5. liilR. P Peethambaram, assessment officer. Kinta Sanitary Board, collapsed in the office this afternoon and died before medical attention could be secured. The deceased leaves behind a wife and two children and a number of relatives. He was
    95 words
  • 45 22 Members of the Hong Kong Police guard, ichich travels on the China immiprant ships to Singapore. Here is Sgt. M. MacDonald giving instructions to one of his men before they left Singapore.--Straps men before they left Singapore—Strails Times picture.
    men before they left Singapore—Strails Times picture.  -  45 words
  • 255 22 COLLISION CLAIM SETTLED jyiR. JUSTICE PEDLOW in the Singapore High Court, approved an agreed settlement of S950, to be paid by Mr. F. V. Duckworth, former Singapore magistrate, to Mrs. Marie Kathleen Paglar and her daughter. Mrs. Paglar and her daughter were injured following a
    255 words
  • 339 22 Stones Which Were Stolen From Local Diamond Merchant CENTENCE of two years' rigorous imprisonment was passed by the Singapore Criminal District Judge, Mr. L. B. Gibson, on a Hainanese, Tuang Joon Kee, who was convicted on a charge of receiving $39,000 worth of
    339 words
  • 49 22 THE insignia of a Companion ol r Most Distinguished Order ol Michael and 3t. George was present* <• to Mr. W. E. Pepys, General Adviser. Johore, by the Governor, Sir Shent< n Thomas, at Government House There was a cocktail party 11: 1 wards.
    49 words

  • 647 23 Selangor Resident On Needs Of State’s Rural Areas COUNCIL MENTION OF CANNIBAL CHIEF IN STORY OF “MOBY DICK" (From Our Own Correspondent) HirvtniTD Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. CMOUR was introduced into the “dry” atmosphere of the Budget meeting of the Selangor State Council
    647 words
  • 389 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. TO remedy a dearth of technical officers in Government service, local men should be sent to England for special training, recommended Mr. J. R. Vethavanam, in the Selangor State Council today. He commented on the
    389 words
  • 686 23 Oriental Studies Higher Education In Malaya f HINESE financial support for a university in Singapore was promised to the McLean Commission on Higher Education before they left for England last week. The Commission were informed that several representative Singapore Chinese are prepared actively to give
    686 words
  • 85 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 8. ALTHOUGH several meetings have been held among local Chinese grocers and sundry goods shops regarding the closing of shops for half a day on Sundays, no final decision has been reached Some of the larger establishments, however, have
    85 words

  • 338 24 —Reuter. BRITISH WARNING AGAINST ROME AGITATION London, Dec. 6. pREAT BRITAIN’S attitude toward the Italian agitation for the ceding of the French territories of Tunis, Corsica and Nice was clarified in the House of Commons yesterday by the Prime Minister, Mr. Neville Chamberlain. There is nothing
    —Reuter.  -  338 words
  • 124 24 flown over Singapore—Reuter and Eastern News. Crew Rescued After Airliner Sank Manila, Dec. 6. T*HE giant German airliner Condor, which last week flew from Berlin to Tokio in 46 hours, crashed into the sea oil a Manila beach at 5.14 p.m. this afternoon. All the
    flown over Singapore—Reuter and Eastern News.  -  124 words
  • 42 24 -Reuter. London. Dec. 5. QFFICIAL returns today show that v the registered unemployed in Great Britain on Nov. 14 totalled 1.828,103. which is 46,876 more than on Oct. 17 this year and 328,900 more than on Nov. 15 last year.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 62 24 Reuter. Prague, Dec. 7. T'HE former regime united us with atheist Russia, red Spain and Jewish Geneva —this is now ended/' declared M. Sidor, the Vice-Premier and the Central Government’s Slovak representative. M. Sidor added: “My task in the Prague Cabinet is to liquidate the centralist system.
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 161 24 —Reuter. If Any Part Of Empire j Were Attacked London, Dec. 5. I AM sure of rightly interpreting the wishes of the people of this country if I say that, if any other part of the British Commonwealth were attacked, we should without hesitation go to
    —Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 53 24 —Reuter. London, Dec 7. 117HILE the liner Queen Mary was anchored off Plymouth today, Special Branch officers from Scotland Yard made inquiries into a report that there were anarchists aboard, pledged to assassinate Prince Paul of Yugoslavia. Passengers’ credentials were examined but nothing
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 99 24 —Reuter. New York, Dec. 8. ACCORDING to a Washington report, the acting Secretary of State, Mr. Sumner Welles, stated today that the Ambassador to China, Mr. Nelson T. Johnson, has been requested to return to the United States for a brief period of consultation. Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 128 24 —Reuter. U.S. Sees Menace To The Panama Canal Washington, Dec. 6. A DMINISTRATION officials are stated to be watching closely efforts of Italian armaments firms to push sales in Salvador, which is within easy air raid distance of the vital Panama Canal. The Italian Government does
    —Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 73 24 Berlin, Dec. 8 THE British Consul-General at Frankfort-am-Main, Mr. Robert T. Smallbones. has declined an invitation to an official function, stating that he could not attend such functions while posters insulting the British Army were still publicly exhibited. The posters referred to are exhibited throughout
    73 words
  • 27 24 —Reuter. Berlin, Dec. 5. According to provisional final figures the Sudetenland elections resulted in 98.79 per cent, of the electorate voting for Herr Hitler —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 360 24 CRISIS NEXT SPRING —Reuter and British Wireless Mr. O. Pirow On European Tour London, Dec. 6 “J7UROPE is drifting into war— a war which no nation want< but against which every Govern ment is preparing,” declared Mr O. Pirow, South African Defence Minister, in a statement on the European situation.
    —Reuter and British Wireless  -  360 words
  • 149 24 Lord Elibank On Ho'\ To Influence Tokio London. Dec. <■ Straits Settlements P orU Hong Kong and the Indian P orh to Japanese shipping as a way to brine Japan to see reason over British ljj* terests in China was advocated in tn House of
    149 words

  • 263 26 Cruising Nazis Support “Tunis, Corsica Cry Herr Hitler Favours 44 A Just Settlement” Rome, Dec. 8. RESPITE the Franco-German “no more war” pact signed on Monday, and the much publicised improvement in the relationships between Germany and France, a large number of German passengers from German ships cruising in the
    263 words
  • 171 26 Reuter. Concessions By Great Britain To Arabs London, Dec. 7 THE Secretary of State for Colonies, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, announced in the House of Commons today that Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia. Transjordan and the Jewish Agency have already accepted invitations to attend the Palestine Conference in London.
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 55 26 —Reuter. Jerusalem, Dec. 8. PROCLAIMING the 44 principle of free trade or none at all,” Brigadier Whetherail, military commander of southern Palestine, announced today that, 44 unless within a fortnight interference with all forms of traffic ceases, I shall close the port of Jaffa for such
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 222 26 —Reuter. M. Bonnet On FrancoGerman Agreement Berlin, Dec. 8. 'J’HE new Franco-German agreement is to establish collaboration in all spheres, M. Bonnet, the French Foreign Minister, declared in an interview with a representative of the Berliner Tageblatt. M. Bonnet added: “It is unnecessary to abandon old
    —Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 44 26 —Reuter. Shanghai, Dec. 8. THE Japanese naval command 1 has written to Vice-Admiral Sir Percy Noble, Commander-in-Chief of the China Station, expressing regret for the bombing of the British gunboat Sandpiper, near Changsha, last October, and promising to pay damage.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 300 26 -Reuter “One Gleam Of Hope For Peace” London, Dec. 9. jyiR. OSWALD PIROW, the South African Defence Minister, who has been touring Europe and meeting Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini, returns to South Africa today. He emphatically denied in an interview with Reuter, that he
    -Reuter  -  300 words
  • 271 26 German Reply To Statement By r Malcolm Macdonald Berlin, Dec. 8 MR. Malcolm MacDonald’s statement in the Commons ha. IfI not closed the door on the colonial question, but it is (S' signed to create the appearance that it has, and to that
    271 words
  • 223 26 —Reuter. New Japanese Drives In Yangtse South Chungking, Dec. 11. A FTER a four-week lull, on all fronts heavy fighting has been resumed on both the South China and Yangtse fronts. Westward ol Canton, the Japanese are advancing in the direction of Chaoching. which is threatened by
    —Reuter.  -  223 words

  • 1123 27 -Reuter. Return Of Colonies Is “Not Practical Politics” London, Dec. 8. I DO not believe there is today any section in this country which is disposed to hand over to any other country the tare of any territories or for whose government we are responsible either
    -Reuter.  -  1,123 words
  • 122 27 —Reuter. Washington, Dec. 7. I IVELY interest is aroused here by Mr. Malcolm MacDonald’s speech on colonies. The Washington Star points out that the return of the colonies on the west coast of Africa to Germany would place the Reich within easy striking distance of South
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 134 27 Reuter. Barcelona, Doc. 9. /I DECREE published today formally reaffirms the principle religious freedom. It creates the office of a commiesioner general of cu/fi who is given powers for the reestablishment of religious worship. This and several important military measures adopted undoubtedly will help
    —Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 52 27 Shanghai, Dec. 9. A FRANK exchange of views on the present situation took place at a conference between the British Ambassador, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, and the heads of the British Chamber of Commerce. Sir Percy Noble, Commander-in-Chief of the British Fleet in the Far East,
    52 words
  • 152 27 -Reuter. U.S. SECRET SERVICE REORGANISATION Washington. Dec. 9. pEORGANISATION of the United States intelligence service to combat the secret police of other powers is planned by President Roosevelt. The President told Journalists he planned to send a message to Congress recommending legislation empowering him to
    -Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 66 27 London, Dec. 8 IT is understood the Rumanian Gov- ernment intends to protest to Germany regarding German broadcasts yesterday In which attacks were made on King Carol’s regime and the influence of Madam Lupescu, friend of the Rumanian monarch, reports Reuter. The broadcasts follow a bitter
    66 words
  • 61 27 -Reuter. Oslo, Dec. 8 A LL Norway observed a two-minute silence during the funeral of Queen Maud today. The Duke of Kent attended. Wreaths were received from all parts of the world, among them being floral tributes from President Lebrun, of France, Herr Hitler, the Duke of
    -Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 53 27 R*-uter Chungking. Dec. 8 AN appeal to nations sympathetic to China to Join her In a united front to check Japanese aggression and to establish world peace Is made in a statement by Mr Wang Ching-wel, chairman of the Central Political council of the Kuomlntang
    R*-uter  -  53 words

  • 861 28 LITHUANIANS FEAR NAZI Dramatic Sequel To Election Day Kaunas, Dec. 12. AN EXTRAORDINARY decree “for the protecn tion of the State” was promulgated by the Lithuanian Government last night. It applies to the town of Kaunas and surrounding district. The decree is the sequel to anti-Government
    861 words
  • 170 28 Barter Agreement To Last For One Year Bucharest, Dec. 12. AN important trade agreement with Rumania has been reached by the German trade delegation. The treaty, which is retroactive from Occ. 1 nd will remain in effect until Oct. 1, 1939. contains a commercial clearing agreement, and
    170 words
  • 176 28 —Reuter. London, Dec. 11. “THE foreign situation is becoming worse instead of improving and British rearmament must be intensified whatever the cost,” declared Viscount Cranborne, in a speech at the local Conservative Association at Weymouth. He said that Italy was asking full belligerent rights for General
    —Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 174 28 —Reuter. Italy To Stop Demonstrations Rome, Dec 12 WHILE the Italian Press continue the campaign for concessions from France without specifying ex actly what is wanted, there were no incidents during demonstrations in connection with Tunis yesterdav Corriere Della Sera links Italy’s as pirations with Mr. Chamberlain’s
    —Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 109 28 Tunis, Dec. 12. ALL citizens have now responded to the call of the Resident-General for calmness following recent demonstrations against Italy’s claims. No further incidents are expected unless definite provocation is given. The authorities say they have taken all the necessary measures to presene peace.
    109 words
  • 160 28 Durban.—Reuter and Aneta-Trans* Ocean. Johannesburg, Doc. 9. T'HE importance of the Royal Navy to South Africa was emphasised by General Smuts, Minister of Justice, in an address to the Navy League. Nobody could do South Africa a more serious disservice than to make 1 possible
    Durban.—Reuter and Aneta-Trans* Ocean.  -  160 words
  • 43 28 —Reuter. Manila, Dec. *>■ AT least 19 persons were killed, an thousands have been rendere homeless as the result of a typing' which swept several southeast provim of the Philippines tonight. Widesp floods have been caused and com nun cations are disrupted.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words

  • 311 29 ■Britisher Will Return Home I If He Wins Bout ■k Tommy Farr beats Lou Nova he will come home at Christmas or vi'i-y shortly afterwards, farr fights Nova in New York on Dec lfi It will cost Farr £750 to fight
    311 words
  • 88 29 -Reuter St. Louis. Dec. 7. Tony Galento, 16-stone New Jersey bar-tender, knocked out the St. Louis negro Otis Thomas in the ninth round of a scheduled 12-round bout, a left hook to the stomach sending the Negro down. Galento is ranked in America as premier challenger
    -Reuter  -  88 words
  • 99 29 -Reuter. r. K. O. VICTORY IN TITLE FIGHT Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 6. |_JENRY ARMSTRONG, world lightweight and welterweight boxing champion, won on a technical knockout from A1 Manfredo. of Los Angeles, in the third of a scheduled fifteenround bout. The bout was for the welterweight title, arranged
    -Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 363 29 London, Nov. 21. FACERS are being pointed more or less gleefully at Arsenal, floundering in the lower half of the First Division table with only four points more than the absolute stragglers. People fail to realise the distress it would cause if
    363 words
  • 456 29 Two-One Margin In Segamat Hockey (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Pec. 6. QOOD play by Matheson in goal saved the Europeans from a heavy defeat when the India Ceylon Association mot them on the Government English School padang today and emerged winners by the odd goal in
    456 words
  • 15 29 —Reuter Hull beat Huddersfield 16—5 in a rugby league match played on Monday
    —Reuter  -  15 words
  • 242 29 —Reuter. Surprise Win In Annual Rugby Match London, Dec. 6. HIRI thousand spectators saw Cambridge confound the critics and beat Oxford in the annual rugby match by eight points to six. Cambridge owed their victory to a strong defence, especially in the first
    —Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 243 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 6. •THE Siam Derby was run on Sunday at the Turf Cub It Is for a cup presented by the King. This was the seventh race and this year the distance was Increased from eight to nine furlongs The winner
    243 words
  • 60 29 -Reuter. Rome, Dec. 7. Doris Storey broke the world record lor 200 yards breast-stroke today when she covered this distance In 2 min 42 4 sec. The record previously was held by the German swimmer. Hanni Heltzmer. 2 min 42 6 sec. Miss Storey is the
    -Reuter.  -  60 words

  • 325 30 Perak Lose All-Blues Cup Match At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 11. FIERCE forward rushes and admirable backing up, which compensated for disappointing play in the three-quarter line, helped Singapore to beat Perak, holders of the All Blues Cup, by 13
    325 words
  • 19 30 —Straits Times picture.
    —Straits Times picture.  -  19 words
  • 261 30 I Johore Malacca Next Year (From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 11. A PROPOSAL made by Penang that Selangor should play in the Southern section of the All Blue’s Cup in view of the probability of Kedah joining the competition next year was
    261 words
  • 104 30 Good Recovery After Bad Start gELANGOR had the fourth successive hockey win when they met and defeated the Negri side in a State match at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday by four goals to two. Play was fast and good hockey was seen. Selangor started badly and
    104 words
  • 70 30 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Dec. 11. The Depot Police beat the Novices 4—o in an interesting game of hockey on the Depot ground yesterday. The winners scored two goals in each half, Asa Singh and Sham Singh sharing the scoring honours. Play was
    70 words
  • 76 30 .—Reuter. pOLLOWINO Natal’s score of 307 at Durban, the M.C C. replied with 458 (Hutton 108, Edrich 98, Hammond 122, Ames 44, Yardley 10, Bartlett 0; Dalton six for 116). Hutton and Edrich made 207 for the first wicket. The match was drawn when Natal
    .—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 70 30 —Reuter Glasgow. Dec. 7. Scotland beat Hungary in the international soccer by 3—1. Walker, Black and Gillick scored in the first half for Scotland, who led 3—0 at half-time Scotland played with ten men in the second half, Black being injured. The Hungarian goalkeeper made many fine
    —Reuter  -  70 words
  • 280 30 Kuala Kangsar Hockey From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar. Dec. 10 IN an interesting hockey match played on the college ground yesterday. the Malay College, local hockey champions, beat the Malays bv five goals to one. The game was played at a fast pace, the Malays taking
    280 words
  • 35 30 -Reuter, New York, Nov. 22. The New York Boxing Commission today recognised Fred Apostoli, who recently knocked out Young Corbett III here, as the middleweight boxing champion of the world —Reuter
    -Reuter,  -  35 words
  • 465 30 Singapore Win By Only Goal In Game CUPPORTERS of the Singapore hockey team are beginning to lose faith. Opposed to Malacca, on Sunday, on the G.S.C. ground in Serangoon Road, in the second of the season’s State matches, Singapore was only able to win by
    465 words

  • 868 31 I “Raw Material” Not Up I To Standard Clearest possible proof that the young Soccer footballers are not equal to the standa ‘ds demanded by the League ■clubs is this avalanche of big-Money transfers. Or else the professional ga ne holds little attraction for
    868 words
  • 144 31 —Reutei Third Round On January 7 London, Dec. 12. FOLLOWING is the F.A. Cup draw for the third round to be played on Jan. 7: Sheffield Wednesday v. Folkestone or Yeovil and Petters. West Bromwich v. Manchester Utd. Portsmouth v. Lincoln. Brentford vs. Newcastle. Southport v.
    —Reutei  -  144 words
  • 362 31 Review Of Home Soccer Matches (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 11. gCUNTHORPE’S goalie broke his leg in the second round match in the F.A. Cup between Scunthorpe and Watford yesterday. The accident occurred shortly after the start, but Johnson put his side one goal
    362 words
  • 63 31 —Reuter. Pretoria. Dec 12. PLAYING against North Eastern Transvaal MCC, declared their Innings closed with 379 for six (Paynter 102, Valentine 100. Yardley 42. Gibb 28) The Test match bowlers Brown and Balaskas were most ineffective against the English batsmen Brown took one for
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 194 31 —Reuter. WILLS Moody has again announced her retirement from competitive tennie. She said that if the United States Lawn ienni 8 Association required her services and she had the chance to get her game into condition she would be very likely to represent
    .—Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 148 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 9. IN spite of being hopelessly outclassed and being beaten 9—o Kedah put up a game display against Penang in their inter-state hockey match on Hutching’s School ground today. Kedah were poorly served in defence and their forwards displayed lack
    148 words
  • 36 31 Reuter Pretoria, lX‘c 9 Hammond. M C.C. captain, has b on ordered three days rest as he Is suffering from sunburn and will be unable to play against North Eastern Transvaal tomorrow. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words

  • 1583 32 HOME SOCCER RESULTS LEAGUE TABLES CECOND round Cup ties on Saturday saw the survival of several of the non-league Clubs. Runcorn beat Aldershot and Walthamstow surprised by holding Stockport to a scoreless draw. Yeovil and Petters, who survived the early stages of the Cup last year, drew one-all with Folkestone
    1,583 words
  • 388 32 Mabin Gives Good Display For Losers OUTSTANDING feature of Saturday’s Malaya Cup gani between the Army and Johore was the excellent display Riven by the Johore fullback, Mabin. To him most credit for the Army’s comparatively small margin of six points tries) must
    ,—Straits Times picture.  -  388 words
  • 107 32 Home rugby results as cabled by Reuter are as follows: RUGBY UNION Cheshire 15; Northumberland 3 Devon 3; Cornwall 3. Somerset 10; Gloucestershire 3. Yorkshire 3; Lancashire 16. Blackheath 22; Leicester 8 Bristol 9; Bedford 18 Cardiff 16; London Welsh 0. Guy’s Hospital 0; The Army 14
    107 words
  • 69 32 Bradford N. 11; Warrington 3. Broughton R. 18; Keighley 10. Castleford 16; Wakefield T. 5. Dewsbury 4; Hunslet 12. Huddersfield 31; Hull K. R. 12. Hull 19; Barrow 6. Leeds 16; Featherstone R. 7. Liverpool S. 10; St. Helens 12. Rochdale H. 5; Salford 8 St. Helens R.
    69 words
  • 29 32 Reuter. In the annual University country race Oxford beat Cambria? P. D. Marrian (Oxford) was first mai home in the time of 43 min. 27.1 scc-
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 58 32 —Reuter Helen Vinson has filed a divorce si against. Tennis Star Fred Perry ground of mental cruelty. The suit asks for a division oi R property amounting to $74,400. i’ u ing a substantial interest in Beverley Hills Lawn Tennis Club Restates she and Perry
    —Reuter  -  58 words

    • 471 1 finds awaiting safe INVESTMENT FRASER COMPANY’S WEEKLY REVIEW IN a weekly report on the share 1 market, issued at the close of business on Tuesday, Fraser and Company write:— The past week has not differed from :ts immediate predecessors, and values m all sections of the local
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    • 55 1 British Wireless. London, Dec. 12. ASKED what percentage of dues levied in the Suez Canal last year was Paid for British ships and what percentage by Italian ships, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury replied that per cent, was paid for British ships un d about 17
      British Wireless.  -  55 words
    • 503 1 DIVIDENDS TOTAL 20 I PER CENT. DREDGING AREA MAY BE EXTENDED A NET profit of $355,490 was earn- 1 ed by Rantau Tin Ltd. in the year ended July 31 last. This com- pares with $541,674 in the preceding year. Dividends totalling 20 per cent, on
      503 words
    • 210 1 —Reuter. PROFITABLE PRICE LEVEL HARD TO MAINTAIN MR. J. G. HAY’S VIEWS ON CONSUMPTION London, Dec. 13. THE necessity to redouble efforts 1 to increase the consumption of rubber was emphasised by Mr. J. G. Hay, chairman of Sendayan (F.M.S.) Rubber Company Ltd. when addressing shareholders
      —Reuter.  -  210 words
    • 77 1 Exceed Allowance By 13,110 Tons EXPORT of dry rubber from Malaya. Brunei, and Labuan for November totalled 23.417 tons, states the Controller of Rubber. This compares with a proportionate monthly quota of 22.575 tons The position at the end of October was that Malaya had exceeded her
      77 words
    • 107 1 <Froni Our LKvn Correspondent) London, Dec. 12 British Empire “A” 18 6 British Empire “B” 9 4 W British Empire Cumulative 14 0 British Empire C’prehensive 14 9 British General “A" 17 9xd British General “B” 16 0 British General "C 14 3 Gold Producers First 25
      107 words
    • 158 1 Singapore, Deo. 14, 12 noon. Buyers sellers* Gambler S 7 25 Hamburg Cube $13.50 .lava Cube $l2 00 Fepper White Muntok $12.00 White $ll5O Black 8.12‘/2 Copra Mixed $3.00 Sun Dried $3.30 Soqo Flour No 1 Lingga $2.16 Fair $2.15 Sarawat $2 12V2 Jelotonq Palembang $6.25 Banja
      158 words
    • 46 1 Spot Dec. Jan -Mar Apr -June July-Sept. I^ndun o 077, 28'1 28 r 8 DCC Vvl 2?-. 27 28 28'.. 715 16 ,l 27 27% 28', 283, 2814 8 27\ 27% 27% 28% 2«\ j, 27*, 27 St 27% 285, 28S 8
      46 words
    • 1700 2 Preference Dividend Arrears To Be Capitalised HOW THE SCHEME WILL AFFECT SHAREHOLDERS By Our Financial Correspondent COR the past eij?ht years there r has been something almost tragic in seeing an old-established company like Robinson and Co. Ltd. struggling in order to keep its head above water.
      1,700 words
    • 231 2 CHAIRMAN HOPES Tft GET NEW AREA ADDRESSING shareholders at annual meeting of Lukut Dredging Ud. in Seremban Mr m, Phillips, the chairman, said M L I regret that the directors are unato to recommend the payment ot a dend in respect of the past year’s suits as,
      231 words
    • 156 2 Only 239 Tons Sold rpHE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held Its 1.411th auction on Dec 7 when oi 999,149 lb. «446.05 tons* catalogued 827,609 lb. (369.47 tons) was offered and 535.013 lb. (238.85 tons) was sold. London spot 7T 8 d. a pound New York
      156 words
    • 74 2 THE directors of United Temiang Rubber Estates Ltd. have recommended payment of a dividend of 5 P cent, for the year ended July was < per cent. 31. If approved at the annual meeti this will be payable on Dec. 5. The directors have transferred €5. dividend
      74 words
    • 846 3 Favours Preference Holders At Expense Of Ordinary ALTERNATIVE MORE EQUITABLE TERMS SUGGESTED To the Editor of the Straits Times. KIK.— Your financial correspondent s is to be congratulated on his 1 able analysis of the scheme put forward by the Board of Robinson and j Co.
      846 words
    • 114 3 -Reotcr. Considerable Adverse Trade Balance Tokio. Dec. 7. GOLD shipments abroad totalled yen 86.000.000. Mr. Ikeda told a gathering of bankers held at Osaka and he added that this year’s exports, though smaller, were still considerab.e and he claimed that the mobilisation” of gold throughout the
      -Reotcr.  -  114 words
    • 316 3 Correspondence To the Editor of the Straite Times. Sir.—At last, a few people have now dared to ventilate their misgivings about the correct Judgment of the I.R.R.C. Except for the possibility that the committee has been led to expect an increased consumption in the near future, there
      316 words
    • 83 3 Combined Capital Of £697,000 THREE Sumatra rubber-producing companies with a combined paidup capital of £697,556 and having a total planted area of 15,549 acres are to amalgamate. The merger is to be effected by an exchange of shares. The three companies, which are members of the
      83 words
    • 122 3 Tin-Ore Production Last Month THE following particulars of tindredging of companies in the Austral Malay group refer to November Hours Yardge Piculs ore K. Kamunting 638 116,000 Asam Kumbang 202 66,000 346 Ulu Yam close down Thabawlelk Tin 484 66,000 Puchong Tin 57 19,000 100 PU Dredge
      122 words
    • 291 3 PHYSICAL SUPPLIES NOW BECOME SCARCE UNDERTONE REMAINS VERY SOUND IN a weekly report on the rubber mar- ket Issued on Dec. 8. Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd. write: Political developments during the past week have not brought much encouragement, though efforts to find a solution of the
      291 words
    • 242 3 IN a weekly report on the rubber market issued on Friday, Lewis and Peat. (Singapore) Ltd., write:— Quite apart from the fact that we are approaching the Christmas holidays and the end of the year when the market may be expected to be moderately quiet,
      242 words
    • 313 4 DIVIDEND REDUCED TO 12*4 PER CENT. BUT REQUIRES MORE THAN EARNED A NET profit of $161,277 was earned by Pajam Ltd in the year ended Sept. 30‘. This compares with $342,121 made in the preceding year. An interim dividend of 5 per cent, was paid and absorbed
      313 words
    • 248 4 •THE following particulars of tin- dredging operations refer to November Piculs Hours Yardage ore Ampat Tin 450 87.700 545 Southern Kinta 2,339 610,000 3,707 Kamunting Tin 622 130,000 829 Pangnga River Tin 1.285 330.000 1,093 Tongkah Harbour 1,436 332,000 1,339 Anglo-Siamese Tin 1,112 174,000 680 Kampong Lanjut
      248 words
    • 403 4 PROFIT OF $136,241 BUFFER POOL QUOTA RIGHTS SOLD A NET profit of $136,241 was earned by Batu Selangor Tin Dredging Ltd. in the year ended Aug. 31 last. This compares with $613,328 earned in the preceding year. Three interim dividends totalling 12' 2 per cent, were
      403 words
    • 101 4 F\URING the week-ending Dec. 3, 1938, exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 57,606 cases, of which 53,006 (92 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 775 (1 per cent.) cases to tne Continent of Europe, 1.450 (3 per cent.) cases to Canada,
      101 words
    • 147 4 $350,000 ADDED TO RESERVES A NET profit of $683,420 for the year ended Sept. 30 is reported by Wearne Bros., Ltd. This compares with $806,923 in the preceding year. An interim dividend of 5 per cent, was paid and. as already announced, the directors recommend a final
      147 words
    • 160 4 THE following crops of rubber were harvested by the respective estates in November:— lb. Benta Rubber 55.000 Sandycroft 18,000 Kuala Kangsar 110,150 Henrietta 124,100 Sungei Matang 24.000 United Patani 169.516 MalakofT Rubber 107,500 Taiping Rubber 78,438 Sungei Batu Rubber 37.400 Windsor Rubber 17,412 Foothills Rubber 18,500 Kuala
      160 words
    • 79 4 New York, Dec. 1. T'RADE opinion expects another reduction in the domestic silver price when the current bonus price of 64.44 per ounce expires at the end of the year, states Standard Statistics Company. It is generally thought, however, that some premium will continue. It is
      79 words
    • 218 4 DIVIDEND OF TF\ PER CENT. A NET prpfit of $18,020 was eani ed by Teluk Kruin Tin the financial year ended Oct 31 This compares with $46,98 i earS in the preceding year. ncd Interim dividends paid durin, the year totalled 10 per cent absorbed
      218 words
    • 159 4 Profit $7,983: Dividend Four Per Cent. THE report of the directors of Alor Gajah Rubber Estate Ltd. states that the profit for the year ended Sept. 30 was $7,983. which compares with $32,443 in the preceding year. A dividend of 4 per cent, is recommended which,
      159 words
    • 1180 5 Issued By Fraser And Co., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, Dec. 14, 10 a.m. BONING. H su val. Buyers Sellers mpat Tin 3/9 4 >9 ■?< ram Kumbang 28/- 30/-n. Mistral Malay 48/- 47/-n. \ver Hltam 24/9 28 wer Weng 0.60 0.65 ti itangrln Tin 21/6 22/6
      1,180 words
    • 44 5 »t*he official price of tin in Singapore on Dec. 8 was $110.50 per picul of 133 l/3rd. lb.; on Dec. 9. $109; on Dec. 10. $109.25; on Dec. 12. $lO9 25; on Dec. 13. $lO9 37»/ 2 on Dec 14. $109.50.
      44 words
    • 510 5 |N a weekly report on the New York stock market during last week, issued on Dec. 11, Swan, Culbertson and Fritz write:— Price fluctuations during the past week, as measured by the Dow-Jones composite 65-stock average, continued to hold within the narrow range represented by the
      510 words
    • 347 5 London, Dec. 13. /"kN the Stock Exchange today prices ln all sections advanced In busier trading caused by the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s optimistic references last night to the trade outlook. Industrials were prominent with oils and gold-mlnlng issues also showing rair advances.—Reuter. Jne following are today's
      347 words
    • 228 5 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Singapore. Dec. 13, 5 p.m. Pooka rouu tor comoanj Dividend Close Date Kx. Dlv financial rear Tin Payable Oat# u> dat# Hong Kong Tin 5% final less tax Dec. 30 Dec. 19 20% Killinghall 2%% final less tax Dec. 30 Dec. 19 15% Kramat
      228 words

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