The Straits Budget, 2 May 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget

  • The Straitts Budget
    • 761 2 the United States. —Straits Times. Apr. 25. On the eve of the fourth British Trade Fair to be held in Singapore it is pleasing to receive a new report on economic conditions in Malaya by His Majesty's trade commissioner—the second report of this kind to be issued
      the United States.—Straits Times. Apr. 25.  -  761 words
    • 819 2 WHAT IS THIS FUND Fifth in this city.—Straits Times. Apr. 26. The Jubilee is going to be a great experience for Singapore, much greater than most people realise. One felt that very strongly in the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday, during the singing of the National Anthem. Something more than a
      Fifth in this city.—Straits Times. Apr. 26.  -  819 words
    • 541 2 Timely observations on lubber control were made by Mr. R. s. Chantler. retiring chairman of the United Planting Association of Malaya, at the annual meeting the other day. There is still overmuch discussion of what constitutes a fair price for rubber, and it will have been
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    • 321 3 Straits Times, Apr. 27. It is not too much to say that a chapter in the history of Malayan education has closed today with the departure of Dr. R. O. Winstedt. It tell to Dr. Winstedt’s lot to guide educational policy in this country during a
      Straits Times, Apr. 27.  -  321 words
    • 837 3 Friday may be amended. Straits Times, Apr. 29. Gratitude is due to the committee which has studied for over a year the problem of throwing open more of the higher posts in the Singapore municipal service to local men. That committee’s report will require very careful consideration, and
      Friday may be amended. Straits Times, Apr. 29.  -  837 words
    • 824 3 Straits Times. Apr. 30. Events are moving fast in Malayan aviation. It is only five years since there was no air service in this country. Today we are confronted with a proposal to appoint a direc- tor of civil aviation. Startling though that suggestion may be, in
      Straits Times. Apr. 30.  -  824 words
    • 887 4 Straits Times, May 1. It is significant that the American magazine Fortune, the most expensive and in a technical sense the 1 finest periodical in the world, should have devoted the major part! of its April issue to a description of Singapore. What is more, the
      – Straits Times, May 1.  -  887 words

  • 86 4 F.M.S. Expenditure In 1934. From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur. April 30. Tlu- last schedule of additions to the F.M.S. Estimates for 1934 was approved by the Federal Council this morn ing— items totalling $166,649 for D? cembcr. The figure*, for the year are. Provision in
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  • 117 4 New Member Of Council Of Ministers. Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Dato Yahya bin Abu Talib, D.P.M.J., has been appointed a member of the Council of Ministers. Mr. L. R. F. Earl, M.C.S., has been seconded for service in Johore to act as Assistant Adviser, Kluang. Miss E. E. Castle
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  • 38 4 Readers of the Straits Budget in the United Kingdom can obtain Dr. R. O Winstedt’s recently published “History of Malaya” from Luzac and Co., 46, Great Russell Street. London. W.C.I The Straits price is $7.50
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  • 393 4 New Agreement Signed. An agreement has been signed by h f the Governor and Messrs. Boustead and Co.. Ltd., for the continuance oi -h. Indian immigration contract with th British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd., and the mail service by the same line. The agreement operates
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  • 89 4 PERRY.—On Apr. 22 to Marjorie, wife o! Mr J. Perry, a daughter O’DWYER.—On 22nd inst. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Irene, wife of P J O'Dwyer, a son. do LAS CASAS.—On April 23. to Henrietta wife of John Louis de Las Casas, Sukuaai Estate. Scudal. Johore. a son.
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  • 54 4 TEO—TAN.—The marriage of Mr. Teo Koon Wah to Miss Tan Mui Kiali took puw Singapore on Saturday, April 20. 193o. K NUDSEN—REU TENS.—The marriage Eigil Knudsen of Copenhagen and Sing**' pore to Adrienne Reutcns of Singapore .solemnised by the Rev. Father Souhait The Church of The Assumption. Penarx on
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  • 93 4 BLACKDEN—HILTON-PAGE —A marria has been arranged and will take P’ acP J London in June, between Colin, eldest of the late Major W. Blackden and Blackden of Yatelcy, Camberly, and bara, only daughter of the late Hilton-Page and the Contessa di Lee cm.’ Rome. ASTE—HENDERSON.—A marriage has oeen arranged
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  • 173 5 CV'KK Since the road from Medan E to Brastagi was built during the ir Singapore people have been ndl „g holidays at the Sumatra hill lt on but not until the last Easter V-ek-end did the Royal Singapore Flving Club pay its respects to ta4iBrastagi has
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  • 149 5 yHE four R.S.F.C. members who made this trip say that ttie view looking down into the volcano craters magnificent—and Indeed it must be. with four volcanoes grouped ..round the Brastagi end of the plateau and numerous others at a .re.aer distance from the hill station. The Singapore
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  • 133 5 Ji is interesting to read that in Java bushes are actually being planted streams so as to shade the and thus prevent the dangerous malaria-carrying mosquito. A maculatus, from breeding. I his method is being adopted on n;bber and tea estates, thanks in part propaganda by the Ross
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  • 128 5 QUARTER CENTS JR TY years ago the currency commissioners in the Straits Settlents were issuing not only half-cent quarter-cent copper coins. 1 lean this item of information from r historical preface to Lyall and att’s “Exchange Rates, 1934.” from hlch 1 also learn that the half-cent was not minted again
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  • 133 5 TWELVE YEARS SPECIAL word of welcome is due to the Geylang English School Magazine because it comes from a very young Singapore school. For 12 years." says the headmistress. Mrs. A. M. Waddell. the fingers oi the little pupils of Geylang English School have been busily v/riting. So busy have
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  • 146 5 TITOULD it not be possible to make more intensive use of rubber land? To an ignoramus like myself, it always seems as though there is a shocking waste oi space beneath the trees. At present this space is used either to keep coolies employed in viciously uprooting
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  • 159 5 ’T'HIS idea was put before the central board of agriculture in Ceylon recently by Mr. M. Crawford. Government veterinary surgeon in that colony. Mr. Crawford did not say much about rubber but declared that the coconut industry would benefit considerably by combining animal husbandry with ordinary estate work.
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  • 158 5 DIFFICULT though it is to believe, it is only two years since the Legislative Council solemnly debated a proposal to deprive hawkers of their wooden rattles. What would the anti-noise reform- ers of that day have said about an innovation which a resident of Penang has Just observed
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  • 171 5 'X'HE difference In morale which might be effected bv a six-day week on estates is shown uy Mr. C Uradbery, ol Chumor Estate, m a letter to The Planter. Mr. Bradbery abolished Sunday tapping lor a time during the peiiod of the Stevenson scheme, and his Tamil labour
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  • 107 5 A BRIGHT idea by a Malay rubber grower in the Kuala Kangsar district is mentioned in the Malayan Agricultural Journal. This man was found to be using a cabinet made of bamboo and sacking lor smoking rubber sheet, and from plans sent to the R.R.I. a similar cabinet
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  • 146 5 IT is rather touching to learn that the first donation to the Jubilee fund, received by Mr. Bartley yesterday. consisted of a purse made up by 22 Chinese stall-holders. Thus the poorest of the poor have forestalled the wealthy firms and lamilies whose names have been associated with
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  • 131 5 lI7ITH reference to what I wrote the other day about the filthy 10cent and 25-cent notes used until recently in this country, I now learn that an astonishing number of these notes are still supposedly in circulation. The last annual report of the Cur- n ncy Department shows
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  • 159 5 jyt. WINSTEDT tells a yarn in his “History of Malaya” which was a lavourite among old-timers in the F.M.S. but is rarely heard today. In the second Pahang rising, in June. 1894, a chief named Bahman crossed the border from Trengganu, descended the Tembellng river and captured a,
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  • 152 5 CO much bracken and stagmoss ap peared on Malayan rubber estates during the slump, especially on hilly land, that it is interesting to see the verdicts which are being given on that experiment now. Mr. C. H. Tilley, ol Imperial Chemical Industries, thinks that these plants have served
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  • 136 5 following tip given by Mr. Tilley may be useful to many planters at the present time However. I think that many estates are making a mistake by not burying the stagmoss which they are clearing away. These plants have removed quite considerable amounts ol nutrient from the soil.
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  • 114 5 IN LOOKING back over Dr. Wlnstedt's Malayan career, which closed thU morning with the sailing of the Ranpura. one cannot but be struck by ttxe farity of individual reputations in the H C.S. nowadays. The general level is as high as ever four, few men stand out, and the
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  • 146 6 INEVITABLY when men are switched from one post to another every two or three years they can do little more than tread in their predecessors’ lootsteps. Consequently one British Resident is very much like another, so far as the public is concerned. Just as they are
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  • 144 6 IT IS not entirely a question oi personality, however. Most ot our M.C.S. officers have that in plenty, but under modern conditions the public never gets to know them really well. A much more significant fact *s the rarity with which an M.C.S. officer catches the public
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  • 100 6 THESE officers were allowed to specialise and were kept in the same appointments for long periods. Accordingly they are still remembered —for what that remembrance is worth. All Malayan reputations are writ in water, in a country in which a press of ambitious younger men is continually toppling
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  • 117 6 H ow important it is to eliminate quacks in Singapore, and to substitute for them properly trained pi uctitioners of medicine, surgery and dentistry, is shown by a pathetic case which concluded in the Singapore police courts yesterday. An elderly Chinese woman gave evidence that she went
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  • 92 6 OINGAPORE is already looking distinctly Jubilee-ish, and a new cluster of lights is appearing every night in the central part of the city, presumably by way of a try-out. The appearance of the Victoria Memorial building on Wednesday night, with coloured lights entirely covering its four frontages, was
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  • 141 6 'THERE is now a Malay translation of Fitzgerald’s English translation of the Persian poem. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.” This has been done by Mr. A. W. Hamilton, who needs no introduction to students of the Malay language, while the illustrations are from the pen of Mr. William
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  • 92 6 original quatrains have been lengthened to eight lines, in the lorm of the narrative verse termed Sha’ir in Malay. Here is an example: Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough, A Flask of Wine, a book of Verse —and Thou Beside me singing in the
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  • 111 6 IF one were asked by a harassed middle-class parent in Malaya what he could do to find a job for his boy, one could not do better than refer him to Serdang. “We could have found employment on estates for several more Chinese, had they been available,” said
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  • 123 6 'T'HE statistics of untapped rubber in Malaya correspond with remarkable exactness to the working of the restriction scheme Over eighteen per cent, of the tappable estate rubber in Malaya, or 000.000 acres in round figures, was out ol tapping last month. That figure includes only estates that are
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  • 104 6 <**T*HE experiment of isolating special tracks for cyclists and rickshas in Pudu Road has proved an unqualified success.” says the Malay Mall. There has been a considerable decrease in the number of minor accidents in this thoroughfare, and both last and slow types of traffic have flowed more
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  • 127 6 'T'HOSE who have suffered lrom the heat in Singapore during the last few days will sympathise with the complaint made by a resident of the Improvement Trust “garden village” in Kim Kiat Road. These cottages look pleasant enough from the outside, set in tree-lined streets, with tiny gardens
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  • 130 6 of the most noteworthy changes in Singapore nowadays is tlie improvement that is being made in shop window’s. The frontages of tw r o buildings in High Street, and one in Raffles Place are being rebuilt at present, and even amid the perpendicular signs and trow’ded pavements of
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  • 144 6 OATTERY Road came out in fluttering. multi-coloured attire yesterday. and bunting is already to be seen on the buildings in Empress Place. Most people had not expected the Jubilee decorations and illuminations to appear so early, but the result is a very satisfactory one, in that the streets
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  • 154 6 HTHOUGH I say it as should’nt, the “Harbour Log” article in last Satui day’s Straits Times on the diving boys at Tanjong Pagar was one of the most interesting that has been published in Singapore for a long time. We have all seen these boys swimming and diving
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  • 144 6 117HILE typing at my house the other night I had an experience which would provide excellent material for the neurotic school of fiction. I suddenly heard a boom and a thwack, and an enormous flying cockroach landed on the wall above my desk. It was one
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  • 175 6 DUT my troubles were far from over I had settled down to my typing again when my attention was attracted by a slight noise and I saw a pair ol antennae waving menacingly over the window ledge. Thoroughly exasperated by this time. I made a surprise attack, only to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 “2500 COLLECTORS'" wish to exchange STAMPS, ILLUSTRATED etc. with correspondents. Ask for fret English booklet to: EXCHANGE-REGISTER. 51 Passage du Bureau, Paris, 142 Franc France.
      25 words

  • 743 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Dr c. E. Lim left Penang by the Ta i m a lor Calcutta. A commission as acting sub-lieuten-t in the S.S.. R.N.V., has been granted to Mr. Clifford Hamer Taylor. Mr G. G. Templeton, of Ipoh Tin Dredging. Lahat. and Mrs. Templeton recently sailed for home. Mr
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  • 79 7 His Sixtieth Birthday This Month. Mrs A. H. Flowerdew and the Misses Flowerdew. ol Kuala Lumpur, sailed for Home by the s.s. Glenapp on. Wednesday. u Mr. Flowerdew will celebrate his 60th birthday on May 22. He was born in Norfolk A very fit and active
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  • 475 7 Mr. Ward Wing At Workj In Singapore. Malaya is again to appear upon the silver screen. The first “shots” have just been made in a little Malay kampong j near Tanah Merah. I Mr. Ward Wing, the American < producer of Samarang, has been in Singapore
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  • 123 7 The following have been granted leave: Mr. G. L. Ham. Under Secretary. S.S.. Class IA. M.C.S.. Mr. A. B. Walton, assistant conservator of forests. Malayan Forest Service, Mr. J H Spowers. superintendent. Survey Department, F.M.S. and S.S., Mr. T. G. Husband, senior executive engineer. Malayan Public Works
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  • 222 7 12,000 FEET REACHED IN A MOTH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 29. An altitude flight was accomplished by Mr. H. B. Hussey, piloting a Gipsy Moth, with Mr. G. E. Wiseman as passenger, at the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club yesterday morning. A height of
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  • 172 7 Second International Course. The second International Course in Malarialogy was formally declared open Monday morning by the Hon. Dr. W M. Chambers, acting Director of Medical Services, at King Edward VTI College of Medicine Practically all the delegates were present and Dr. Chambers, after welcoming them, said
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  • 138 7 To Act As (Jeneral Adviser, Johore. Our Johore Bahru correspondent writes: A special Gazette notification records the appointment of the Hon. Mr. M. C. Hay. M C S. to act as General Adviser. Johore. with elTect from April 27. It is understood that Mr.'Hay will still
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 143 7 UWII, If >w in *on jt« mbb tr**m ;<■ kutkl axul. M OM M>4 kk* NM turn. *•▼•£>* ikat moafll. wlUowj ■fw* lUt la ao ui*oa Kim trad, Uowuac tto Koaa IjiW IT VBTKB X rift* Vo dtrualm or iionr to toaltk qac*\ yiokoaor la la rot Tod. u 4
      143 words

  • 2092 8 7,000 Years Of Civilisation. History of Malaya. By l)r. It. O. Winstedt. t'.M.G., M.A., I). Lilt. (Oxon.) Malayan Branch ol the Koval Asiatic Society. $7.50. From chippi-d stone tools used by cave-dwellers in Perak to Sir Laurence Guillt mard s constitutional reforms—such is tin sweep
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  • 431 8 Cor res po n deuce I BUDDED RUBBER Vs SEEDLINGS. To the Editor of the Straits Tim«*s Sir,—The experiments of tapping on Sungei Krudda Estate, as quoted by your planting correspondent “Planting Topics" of April A Tr interesting. It should M wever, br noted that the planting had
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  • 1359 9 MAJ. R.L. NUNN’S REPORT ON WORLD AIR TOUR. New Department Planned. IMPORTANT recommendations for the future development of T civil aviation in Malaya are contained in a report of Major K. L. Nunn's recent 38,000 miles aerial tour of the principal aviation centres of the
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  • 646 9 OPEN TO CHILDREN OR BRITISH SUBJECTS. The Council of The Royal Empire Society, with a view to encouraging the progress of Imperial studies in the schools of the Empire, and among the children of British subjects generally, has decided to award in 1935 medala and prizes for
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  • 159 10 WHERE TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS. A CHEQUE for $3,000 was received by the treasurers of the Singapore Silver Jubilee Fund on Saturday. These first donations since the fund was inaugurated at Thursday’s public meeting were $2,000 from Sime Darby Co., Ltd., and $1,000 from Mr. J. M.
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  • 598 10 Malay Literature Diploma. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Apr. 26. The Malay Officers in the State of Johore gave a farewell dinner to their General Adviser, the Hon. Dr. R. O. Winstedt, and Mrs. Winstedt last night at the Royal Johore International Club, covers
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  • 55 10 During Holiday Visit To Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 23. Mrs. Bryant of Malacca reports the loss here ot a diamond ring, valued at £100 During the Easter holidays she has been staying at a Kuala Lumpur hotel but is unable to say
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  • 366 10 Correspondence. Sporting Fish Already In The Rivers. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of the 20th instant you published particulars regarding a consignment of trout eggs for Cameron Highlands which had arrived from England. These eggs were taken to Cameron Highlands by Mr.
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  • 711 10 BIG CHINESE CHANGI PARADE ON MAY 6. The Services in Singapore- Army, Air Force and Navy—will play a big part in the Jubilee celebrations on May 6. There will be two ceremonial parades, it is now learned. Besides that on the padang, similar
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  • 840 11 Pay Cuts Restoration Would Involve $116,854. At the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission last Friday, rising on the motion for adjournment. Mr. Brown referred to His Majesty’s Silver Jubilee and spoke feelingly of loyalty and affection for the King Emperor. He proposed the following
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  • 191 11 PROPOSAL NOT TURNED DOWN. A statement regarding the proposed home or homes for the aged was made at the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on Friday when the action taken by the general committee on the decision to consider the question was tabled. Mr. E.
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  • 27 11 The F.M.S. Jubilee message to the King, now on its way to London by air, is contain ed in this ivory case.
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  • 1036 11 An Official Who Failed To Please. Long ago the Resident Councillor of Singapore gave a ‘ball in honour of the Queen's Birthday, and a description of this function, written by an acidulous visitor from India, has been preserved. It is published below. The chief civil
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  • 938 12 Retiring President’s Review. THE 38th annual general meeting of the United Planting Association of Malaya was held at Kuala Lumpur last Wednesday, with Mr. R. S. Chantler (president) in the chair, supported by Major C. H. A. Huxtable, D.S.O., M.C., (vice-president), Mr. C. WardJackson
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  • 83 12 Mr. Clemons Exonerated From Blame. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Apr. 25. The inquiry into the death of a Chinese cofteeshop keeper, Kok Chin Guan. who was knocked down by a car driven by Mr. R. S. Clemons at Batu Road on Good Friday, was concluded today
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  • 308 12 WELL-KNOWN MALAYAN BUSINESSMAN. From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Apr. 29. The death occurred at Penang yesterday of Mr. D. A. M. Brown, Mr Browr. had been 111 for about a month. He first contracted pleurisy and it was later accompanied by pneumonia. About
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  • 73 12 The marriage will take place in September in India of Mr. Gerald Aste. of the Mercantile Bank of India. Delhi, younger son of Mr. Henry Aste of Wendover, Bucks and Miss Andrey Clare (Bunty) only daughter of Mr. G. S. Henderson, Indian Agricultural Service retired) and of
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  • 100 12 RAJA PREMPUAN OK PERAK’S BROOCHES. FOUND IN A K.L. PAWNSHOP. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 26. Two diamond brooches, valued at £700 each, were lost by the Raja Prempuan of Perak in the course of a visit to Penang a fortnight ago. The F.M.S. detective
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  • 125 12 Seen Off By The Sultan And Sir A. Caldecott H.H. the Sultan of Johore. and the Tunku Mahkota, and friends from Johore and Singapore, including Sir Andrew and Lady Caldecott, bade farew’ell to Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Winstedt, who left by the Ranpura on
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  • 111 12 New Machine Put Through Her Trials. On Friday evening the Royal Singapore Flying Club’s newest and fastest aircraft—a Miles Hawk fitted wfith a Cirrus Hermes II enginewas put through her paces for the first time by the Club Captain. Mr. E. C. Whiteley. The Hawk
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  • 114 12 WHAT IS RUBBER Kuala Lumpur Dealer's Appeal. From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Apr. 20. The appeal against the decision oi the Kuala Lumpur magistrate, in the case in which Kong Fatt Kcw was fined $50 for being in possession ot rubber in excess of the amount allow* d
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  • 1821 13 JUBILEE FUND OF 1 Thanksgiving. 2 Loyalty. 3 Remembrance. All Communities Support Big Effort. SELANGOR PLAN ANNOUNCED. FIFTY dollars from 22 Chinese licensees of food stalls in the People’s Park and $100 from a man “who is not what we call rich these were
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  • 193 13 Homes For Destitute And Distressed. From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. April 26. Details are now available of a scheme for the commemoration in Selangor of tin King’s Silver Jubilee. It will take tlii form of an institution lor the relief of destitution and distress, and
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  • 797 14 “Laid Up” In The Cathedral. GOVERNOR WITH THE EX-SERVICEMEN. Ensign As Bond Of Union. I A BLUE ENSIGN which used' to fly from the Cenotaph in Whitehall has found its last resting place in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore. The standard was on the Cenotaph for twelve
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 14 11.R.11. Prince Pii ’achatra who is about to leave f< r the American continent, partly in connection with the international Rotary meeting in Mexico.
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  • 66 14 (From Our Own Correspondent J Johore Bahru. Apr. 25. 1 understand from a very reliable source that His Highness the Sultan of Johore ivill not be leaving for Europe in the near future. There is every likelihood >/ the Sultan being present at
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  • 1159 14 Governors Familiarity With The Patron Saints. The Singapore branch of the Royal Society of St. George banqueted at Raffles Hotel. The toast of the guests was proposed by the Governor and that of England by O. R. S. Bateman A flourish of trumpets and
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  • Malayan Planting Topics.
    • 2107 15 Plan ters Present-Day Problem —Sequel To Declining Yi elds —Partly Due To Bracken—The “Slashing” Practice (By Our Planting Correspondent.) *V their is one field practice more than an y ther which, after an absence of < months from Malaya I find is our.'- more discussed by
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 38 15 JUST PUBLISHED— Some Agricultural Enterprises In Malaya by M. I. Kennaway NOW ON SALE AT ALL BOOKSELLERS $2.50 including Postage $2.75. or from JAVA HEAD BOOK SHOP Great Russell Street. (Opposite British Museum) LONDON. 6/- including Postage 6/6.
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    • 2025 21 Trading Conditions 100 Years Ago —Simila r Problems To Present Day. By Our Commercial Correspondent. THERE would be a number of subjects oi some importance to write* about in these columns today, at some length, but I shall only 'touch them briefly, a spirit
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  • 189 21 The report ot the Jerum Kuantui Rubber Estate. Limited, states that the net profit for the year < after providing for directors’ fees, audit fee depreciation and manager’s commission* amounts to $34,834.04. The balance brought forward from the previous year is $23,498.35. making a of $58,332.39. The
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  • 77 21 The annual report ot the Sandycroft Rubber Co.. Ltd., states The balance brought forward from last year is $13,718.44. To which must be added the profit for the year of $11,331.21, Leiving a balance of $25,049.05. which the Board recommends should be carried forward. Messrs. E. J. Douglas
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  • 503 22 CELEBRATIONS AMONG THE ESTATE EMPLOYEES. SUPPORT FOR SINGAPORE’S RELIEF FUND. BISHOP ON “A VERY FITTING THANKOFFERING.” II7ITM Jubilee Week fast approaching plans are now being completed for celebrating it on a suitably large scale throughout Malaya. The work of decorating Singapore streets has begun, and messages
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  • 749 22 (from Our Planting (]orrespomlrnt.) JN most planters’ clubs today, the conversation turns on how we are each going to celebrate Jubilee Day on the estates. I can only answer lor a very small portion of the country. To begin with, It, has I think been generally accepted
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  • 539 22 Unusual Demand in Singapore: Supplies Held Up. The Singapore correspondent of the Malayan Forester in the April issue of that journal writes as follows At the present time there is an acute shortage of Malayan timber in Singapore, due partly to exceptionally heavy local demands
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  • 142 22 Segrave’s Car At British Trade Fair. The British Trade Fair, which is being held in the grounds of the Grea f World Amusement Park. Singapore and is to be opened by His Excellency the Governor at 6.30 p.m. on Fridu\ May 3. is to be bigger
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  • 1242 23 MORE SILVER JUBILEE NEWS RADIO DETAILS. -Reuter. LONDON PROCESSIONS TO ST. PAUL’S. KING AND THE CUP FINAL. Broadcasts From Scotland Wales and N. Ireland. THROUGHOUT the Empire Jubilee enthusiasm is growing as May h approaches. Jubilee news includes details of the Royal procession to St. Paul’s Cathedral through the main
    -Reuter.  -  1,242 words
  • 242 23 .—Reuter. 3 MONTHS’ TRIAL OF WEEKLY SETTLEMENT London, Apr. 24. It is ollicially announced that all dealings in silver on the London Metal Exchange between members will be subject to weekly settlements lor a three monthly trial period. The committee has authorised an order for special settlements. The
    .—Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 214 23 Reuter. Canada Is Withholding Huge Supplies. IMPORTANCE TO THE RUBBER MARKET. Weekly Settlements Of London Silver. London, Apr. 24. A serious view is taken by United Kingdom importers and millers of the Canadian Government’s policy of withholding huge supplies of wheat from the world
    Reuter.  -  214 words

  • 142 24 and has been accepted.- British Wireless. More Bilateral Conversations. London, Apr. 25. DEPRESKNTAT1VES of the German Government will visit London early next month to engage in naval conversations. It will Ik* recalled that under the terms of the naval treaties of Washington and London, a
    and has been accepted.- British Wireless.  -  142 words
  • 85 24 Batavia was concerned.—Reuter Wireless. Some Opposition To Dutch Proposal. The new bi-weekly air service to be operated by the Royal Dutch Air Lines Company between Amsterdam and Batavia lias been approved by the Minister for Public Works. The service, in which Douglas machines will be used,
    Batavia was concerned.—Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 82 24 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Returning To Canton Shortly. Canton. April 25. Gen. Tsai Ting-kai. hero of the Shanghai war who subsequently fell from grace by taking part in the Fukien revolt, has accepted an invitation by the leaders of Kwangtung and Kwangsi to proceed to Canton. Gen.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  82 words
  • 87 24 ~Bin Kuo Min. Foreign Opium Smugglers In China. The Nanking Executive Yuan has issued an order enforcing a resolution of the League of Nations opium committee against trafficking or manufacture of opium in China by foreigners. Foreigners convicted of the crime are liable to deportation for life from
    ~Bin Kuo Min.  -  87 words
  • 294 24 —Reuter. Confidence Destroyed. CLAIMS PUT EUROPE AT HER MERCY. London, Apr. 25. A remarkable review of the European situation is made by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, in the National Labour organ, the News Letter published today. Tlie substance of Germany’s general case has
    —Reuter.  -  294 words
  • 49 24 British Wireless. London, Apr. 25. Mr. Hore-Bclisha’s road safety campaign is having a good effect. Road accident figures in England for the past week show that 103 were killed and 3,942 Injured. In the corresponding week last year the figures were 133 killed and 4.181 Injured.—
    British Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 66 24 Reuter. Colombo, Apr. 25. A great increase in Ccyl *n’s purchases of cotton and artificial silk piece goods from Great Britain has followed the restriction of Japanese imports. So states the latest Chamber of Commerce returns, c ommenting on the enormous progress of recent months. Alrnost
    -Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 138 24 Father Defends Man In Bandits’ Hands. London. Apr. 25. “My wife and I are both keeping up our hearts and living in hope, though it is all very disturbing,” said Mr. A. Bosshardt. father of a missionary, who was captured by Chinese bandits. lie
    138 words
  • 196 24 SPECULATORS THE SILVER PRICE. Reuter. What Is Real Aim Of America’s Policy. l London, Apr. 25. Spurred on by the news that the American domestic price has been again increased, silver today soared upwards, spot advancing by 2 1 16d. to 34 7 a on a wave of general speculative
    . — Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 37 24 —Sin Kuo Min. The Soviet authorities have decided to start work in May on a 400-mile raUway. linking Urga, Outer Mongolia, with Chita, on the TransSiberian Railway, states a Moscow report.—Sin Kuo Min.
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  37 words
  • 45 24 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Indicative of the growing market for motor vehicles as a result of China’s expanding highways, the customs reports that 596 motor-cars and trucks were shipped to Shanghai alone during the first three months of this year.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  45 words
  • 116 24 uaj —British Wireli *ss. King’s Message. BIG OBSERVANCES l\ AUSTRALIA. London, Apr. 25. 1 he twentieth anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli of Australian and New Zealand troops—Anzac Day—was commemorated today. In Australia and New Zealand commemorative services were held in which ex-soldiers took part
    uaj —British Wireli *ss.  -  116 words
  • 151 24 Sin Kuo Min. Capital Tense. COURTING FOREIGN INTERVENTION Shanghai, Apr 26 Despite desperate resistance by ’h* Yunnan defenders, a Red force from Kweichow* has penetrated into Yunnan territory and is now concentrated .it the town of Loping. Yunnanfu. the capital, is located barely 90 miles from
    Sin Kuo Min.  -  151 words
  • 89 24 ese and Soviet influence.—Sin Kuo Min. Russo-Chinese Talks To Be Resumed. Shanghai, Apr. 25 M. Bogomoloff, Soviet Ambassador to China, left for Nanking yesterday. It is understood he will resume negotiations for Russo-Chinese commercial and non-aggression pacts. With Outer Mongolia already under Soviet control, and Sinkiang now virtually
    ese and Soviet influence.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  89 words
  • 41 24 Bln Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, April 25. Certain American shipping interest.have ottered to sell nin& old river stoamers to the China Merchants Co. This has been referred to the Communications Ministry for consideration
    Bln Chew Jit Poh.  -  41 words
  • 62 24 -Reuter. Expected To Be Raised To SI An Ounce. Washington. Apr. 25. The Treasury announced that the price of silver has been raised to 77.57 cents per ounce.—Reuter. A Sin Chew Jit Poh message states that Shanghai silver brokers are of the belief that the U.S. price
    -Reuter.  -  62 words

  • 211 25 mii doctors.—Reuter and British Wireless Air Surveys Over Stricken Areas. king GEORGE’S SYMPATHY. Japanese Army Navy Help. nr ARM sunshine is now flooding north-west Formosa after a reign of terror, and has enabled relief parties from the army, navy and Red Cross, to come to grips with
    mii doctors.—Reuter and British Wireless .  -  211 words
  • 137 25 -Reuter. It is understood the British Government has offered to send ships in the China Station with food, medical supPues and stores for the relief of the Formosa victims. Several warships are standing by at Hong Kong in the event of Japan's acceptance of the offer. The Commander-in-Chief
    -Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 39 25 Reuter Wireless. K injjf George Sends A Birthday Cable. Hitler’s forty-sixth birthday was < lebrated throughout Germany by a isplay of unity and military splendour. Hitler received a telegram conveying mithday congratulations from King (,f, orge.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 164 25 Reuter Wireless. M. P. Who Gave $1 To Every Child In His Division Baldwin Mills, Quebec, Apr. 19. Willis Keith Baldwin, director of many companies and a reputedly immensely wealthy mill-owner, was *°und dying today in his store, evidently the victim of a murderous assault. His skull was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 86 25 -Reuter. Incendiarism Suspected In Dublin. Incendiarism is strongly suspected to be the cause of a disastrous fire which destroyed the Plaza, “home” of the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes. in Dublin, last Wednesday. Firemen worked feverishly to control the outbreak in order to save thousands of counterfoils stored
    -Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 44 25 -British Wireless.. London. April 23. Lord Tweedmouth aged 61. who had a distinguished career as a soldier in South African and European wars, and who was formerly Lord in Waiting to the King, died in a London nursing home today.-British Wireless..
    -British Wireless..  -  44 words
  • 37 25 -Reuter Wireless. The death is announced of Peter Smidovitch, one of the oldest leaders of the Bolshevik movement and a member of the Praesidium and of the Central Executive committee of the Soviet—Reuter Wireless.
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  37 words
  • 86 25 —Reuter. South East Europe. RECIPROCAL OFFER TO BULGARIA. London, Apr. 22. A Sofia telegram states that Japan has placed a 19,000-ton steamer at the disposal of the Bulgarian Government for the purpose of holding a floating exhibition of Bulgarian products in the Far East. Japan
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 219 25 Reuter. ‘Back To The Land’ Policy At Conference. Rooted opposition to affiliation with the Communist International was adopted by a large majority at the Easter conference of the Independent Labour Party at Derby. “There is not a cat in Hell’s chance for a
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 164 25 25 DEAD AFTER BIG FIGHT AT HULUTAO. A Sin Kuo Min message from Tientsin states that Dutch employees of the Netherlands Harbour Works Co., ol Amsterdam were involved in a serious clash with Japanese and Manchukuo soldiers at Hulutao. 'lanchukuo, on Sunday. While details are lacking,
    164 words
  • 133 25 Sin Chew Jit Poll. Defection To The Red Camp. Shanghai. April 23. The situation in Chengtu. capital of Szechuan, has been very much eased by the arrival of several regiments of Central troops who have had the situation well in hand Hundreds of Red spies who have
    Sin Chew Jit Poll.  -  133 words
  • 39 25 -Reuter. London. Apr. 23. The death is announced today of Sir Richard Harte Keatinge Butler, who, as deputy-chief of the general staff on the western front from 1916-18. was Field Marshal Haig’s light-hand man.- Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 42 25 Hundreds of thousands of Londoners watched the annual ’Varsity Boat “Race” procession from Putney to Mortusual Cambridge won witn the greatest of ease, and this picture shows the Light Blues four lengths ahead as they neared the finish.
    42 words

  • 256 26 with complete economic chaos.--Reuter and British Wireless. What Are The U.S. Intentions Bombay Business Suspended. London, Apr 27 The price of silver in London yesterday rose a further 1 K pence per ounce and the cash price of pence is the highest since 1922.
    with complete economic chaos.--Reuter and British Wireless.  -  256 words
  • 121 26 Reuter. New York Criticism Of American Policy. New York. Apr. 26. The Journal of Commerce* today slashes the* “farcical silver-buying programme which is now entering a more acute and more mischievous phase.” The demoralising effect on our political life may prove enormous, says the paper. The potency
    — Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 37 26 -Reuter. Bombay. Apr. 26. On the silver market fresh business has been unofficially suspended, a crisis being feared owing to the sharp rise of prices. Brokers are confining themselves to squaring up old accounts Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 39 26 —Sin Kuo Min. Canton. Apr. 27. A petition by teachers in the muniIpal schools of Canton for payment ol salaries in arrears was rejected yesterday. A mass demonstration is being planned as a protest.-Sin Kuo Min.
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  39 words
  • 250 26 —British Wireless. REALLY STRIKING PAGEANTRY. London. Apr. 26. Ten days before the Silver Jubilee Londoners and thousands of visitors to the Capital are displaying keen interest in all preparation.; for the celebrations which are to be conducted on an unprecedate.d scale. Every morning now sees rehearsals of
    —British Wireless.  -  250 words
  • 212 26 and Brazil $20,000 (€4.000)—Reut»r Special. Big Purchases From Straits Ports. Canada is buying increasing quantities of rubber, a great part of whicn is manufactured and re-exported to more than 70 countries. In the ten months ended January 31 Canada imported 54.034.000 pounds of raw rubber valued
    and Brazil $20,000 (€4.000)—Reut»r Special.  -  212 words
  • 48 26 Nanking pending investigations.—Sin I Chew Jit Poll. Nanking, Apr. 23. The casualties and losses among 1 overseas Chinese in the Formosa j earthquake are believed to be heavy. The Chinese Consul-General at Tai- hoku has so far not reported to Nanking pending investigations.—Sin
    , Nanking pending investigations.—Sin I Chew Jit Poll.  -  48 words
  • 151 26 -British Wireless. Last Lap Hold-Up. ENGINE TROUBLE AT MARSEILLES. Marseilles, Apr. 27. Miss Jean Batten, the “try again aviator from New Zealand, who is engaged on an Australia-England flight, has been held up at Marseilles and in consequence will not, as was anticipated, break the
    -British Wireless.  -  151 words
  • 80 26 automobile design.—British Wireless. London, Apr. 26. Sir Malcolm Campbell, who recently established a new land speed record with his enormous Blue Bird car will drive a new “mystery baby car at Brooklands on Jubilee Day May 6. The car is one of the new M.G
    automobile design.—British Wireless.  -  80 words
  • 100 26 —British Wireless. Imperial Airways And African Extension. London. Apr. 27. Another Empire airway which will connect West Africa with the Imperial air network is to be inaugurated in the near luture. Arrangements have been concluded between Elder Dempster lines and Imperial Airways to form a joint
    —British Wireless.  -  100 words
  • 54 26 —Sin Kuo Min. According to a Tokio message received in Shanghai, the Japanese Government has decided to elevate the legation in China to the status of an embassy. Mr. Hirota, the Foreign Minister, says the report, has offered the ambassadorship to Mr. Ariyoshi. the present minister
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  54 words
  • 36 26 opened for traffic on May 1.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. The laying of a double track along the Nanking-Shanghai Railway has been completed, and the line will be opened for traffic on May 1.—Sin
    opened for traffic on May 1.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  36 words
  • 186 26 UNITED STATES TO IMPOSE TAX ON TIN IMPORTS (Straits Times Copyrightj Bill Introduced By Mr. M. C. Reynolds. TO ASSIST DOMESTIC PRODUCE. London And Wall St. Sceptical. From Our Own Correspondent London, Apr. 26. A New ork message states that Mr. M. C. Reynolds, chairman of the House of Representatives
    (Straits Times Copyrightj  -  186 words
  • 97 26 upon these wall-stones. —British Wireless. Ancient Stone For The Cathedrals. London. Apr. 26 At a service in Canterbury Cathedral on June 15 to be broadcast on the B.B.C. Empire transmissions the Archbishop of Canterbury will distribute gifts for 90 cathedrals within the Empire and for two
    upon these wall-stones.—British Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 57 26 -British Wireless. London. Apr. 26 The Canadian Prime Minister. Mr R. B. Bennett, who with other Dominion premiers is visiting England tor the Silver Jubilee celebrations, arrived in London this evening. Representatives of the Prime Minis ter and the Secretary for the Dominions were
    -British Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 43 26 —Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai. April 25 A co-operative jiedit syndicate, with a capital of $10,000,000. has been jointly organised by the Industry Ministry the National Economic Council and the Rural Villages Reformation Committee for rural relief. —Sin Kuo Min
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  43 words

  • 313 27 Jan 20 units will participate.—British Wireless. Regent Street To Have Growing Plants. WEEK OF FINE PAGEANTRY. Tattoo On The Horse Guards Parade. London, Apr. 28. K\-ery new detail regarding the Royal -Jubilee procession to St. Paul’s Cathedral on May 6 is eagerly read
    _ Jan 20 units will participate.—British Wireless.  -  313 words
  • 106 27 -Reuter. "When Britain is at tear, ice are at war." This terse statement on Sew Zealand's foreign policy was made by Mr. Forbes, the New Zealand premier, on his arrival at Ottawa en route to London for the Jubilee. He added he saw no necessity for
    -Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 96 27 the previous year.—Reuter Wireless. Grave New Menace. ALL DOCTORS’ LEAVE CANCELLED. Colombo, Apr. 29. Leave tor all Ceylon Government doctors and medical officers has been cancelled as the result of the recrudescence ot the malaria epidemic. It is feared the menace may again attain grave proportions.
    the previous year.—Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
  • 100 27 Son Of The Famous Statesman. London. April 29. The death is announced today of Lord Gladstone o: Hawarden 'cables Reuter*. He was the third son of Mr. W. E. Gladstone and himself a staliward Liberal. He was aged 83. For some time he acted as private secre-
    100 words
  • 47 27 —Sin Kuo Min. Nanchang, Apr. 27. Shieh Yuan-fang, an alleged committee member of the Chinese Soviet was put under arrest near Juikin, Kiangsi. yesterday. About 170 Reds were also taken prisoner following a clash with Government forces in the district. —Sin Kuo Min.
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  47 words
  • 167 27 —Reuter. Washington. Apr. 28. “In an emergency, the United States must be prepared to seize British and French islands near American shores:’ is among the recommendations mad? by the Military Committee yesterday in the House of Representatives by General Andrews. Chief of the Air
    —Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 63 27 Reuter. Berlin, Apr 28. While German official circles are silent in regard to naval plans, it is learned from a diplomatic source that German naval leaders are very keen to get the latest information on post-war submarine construction and bombing machines. It is rumoured that a leading foreign
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 217 27 -Reuter. GOVERNOR-GENERAL’S ELDEST SON. Kimberley. Apr. 28. Lord Hyde, eldest son of the Gov-ernor-General. Lord Clarendon, died in Kimberley Hospital yesterday as a result of the accidental discharge of a rifle while shooting springbok. He was with a party which included Lord Clarendon 30 miles
    -Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 105 27 Denies Secret Meeting With Royalists. London, Apr. 26. I know absolutely nothing about it. I have attended no meeting and have not been approached on the subject of my return to Greece. Thus declared the ex-King of Greece in a statement to the News Chronicle
    105 words
  • 31 27 —Sin Kuo Min. Nanchang April 25. Following a fall in the level of the Kan River in Kiangsi. the danger ot flood has been averted in that region.
    —Sin Kuo Min.  -  31 words
  • 153 27 R ‘liter Imposing Procession. CARDINAL SPEAKS OUT ON NEW IDEAS. Lourdes, Apr. 28. Three days’ continuous masses for peace, attended by thousands of pilgrims from ail parts of the world, culminated in an imposing procession today to the Miraculous Grotto. The procession was headed by
    R ‘liter  -  153 words
  • 104 27 Reuter. More Economies To Be Introduced The Hague. Apr. 28. The Government have introduced a Bill to reduce public expenditure. It contains a comprehensive scheme of economy. The Bill declares that the economic position of the Netherlands is more and more difficult owing to the "deplorable developments
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 74 27 Sin Kuo Min. Nanking, Apr. 27. Following a petition from overseas Chinese in Siam, the Central Government has instructed Gen. Chiang Tsopin, Chinese Minister in Tokio. to make representations to the Siamese Minister to Japan. As an inducement for the Siamese Government to accord
    Sin Kuo Min.  -  74 words
  • 42 27 on the projected extension. Sin Kuo Min. Tile Lunghai Railway is to be extended from its terminus at Sian Shensi, to Lanchow. Kansu. The Railways Ministry has begun survey work on the projected extension. Sin Kuo
    on the projected extension. Sin Kuo Min.  -  42 words
  • 30 27 Sin Kuo Min. Total deposits in Chinese savings banks and financial institutions throughout the country total $228,000,C00, states a report by the Nanking Finance Ministry.- Sin Kuo Min.
    Sin Kuo Min.  -  30 words
  • 27 27 Reuter. Shanghai. Apr. 2H. Mrs. Frencham. who was recently reported to have been captured by bandits. gave birth to a daughter today at Hanchung < Shensi).—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  27 words

  • 1542 28 Recommendations Tabled. COMMISSIONERS POSTPONE CONSIDERATION. At Friday’s meeting' of the Municipal Commissioners the report relating to the possibility and desirability of creating opportunities of advancement of subordinate members of the Municipal service to higher posts in that service, in whatever way such advancement may
    1,542 words
  • 52 28 The passenger train which left Ipoh last Wednesday, for Kuala Lumpur ran into a herd of buffaloes on the line near the Lahat section, icith the result that five buffaloes were killed outright. The train suffered no damage and the journey icas continued after a
    52 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 66 28 > (fa,ledum, (pjMJj ON the seven seas j j in famous bars of I Tdit! famous ports; in clubs, *^f .Ip mess-rooms. manor I 111! houses, from pole to pole and around the Tfcc MeCaHumV U "I'y jjjl i 1 companion of leaders ;;:F p IfH uine Scots Whisky 1
      66 words

  • 1110 29 A THRILLING FINISH AT RENGAM. Chinese Gain Easy Victories Over S. R. C. O. R. A. The I'nitcd Services did well to save their match against the S.C.C. first team on the padang, while the C hinese, who are showing greatly improved form
    1,110 words
  • 301 29 Boon Beng In Great Form With Bat And Ball. Tin* Straits Chinese RecreationCluo scored a real triumph on Saturday at Hong Lim Green, when they beat the S.R.C. 1st XI by seven wickets. A feature of the S.C R C. innings was the brilliant knock
    301 words
  • 280 29 Pereira Takes Seven Wickets For 29. A great bowling performance by Carlo Pereira ‘seven lor 29 > dismissed the S.C C for 87 runs ill their cricket match agilnst the Nondescripts on Satnday a iter noon at McNair Road. Windle, Morgan and Brander were tin* only
    280 words
  • 48 29 London. Apr 27 Today’s more important Rugby Union matches as follows Aberavon 15 Llanelly r> Abbertillery 3 Newport 3 Bridgend K Neath 1) Penarth 0 Cardlll 0 SEVEN-A-SIWK The final in the seven-a-sido rugby competition was won by the Harlekulns who beat London Welsh 10 3
    48 words

    • 550 1 Reuter. Hong Kong Worth More Than Straits EFFECT ON COMMODITIES. COR the first time for many years the Hong Kong dollar is "'now worth more than the Straits dollar. Saturday’s quotation on London put the Hong Kong dollar at 2s. 6 9 liid. compared with 2s. Id. for
      Reuter.  -  550 words
    • 96 1 Reuter. All Transactions To Be In Paper Money. Mexico City. Apr. 28 Government action to safeguard the silver supply was announced in tnc form of a decree whereby all silver coinage is ordered to be withdrawn from circulation. All future transactions are to be made against
      Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 92 1 morning to discuss the situation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. A movement is under way in Shanghai to boycott American goods in retaliation against the U S silver policy. Sin Chew Jit Poh reports that Canton merchants have been urged to join in the proposed boycott. America last year won
      morning to discuss the situation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  92 words
    • 23 1 The output ol Ranb Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd., for the four weeks ended Apr. 20 amounted to 1.208 42 oz.
      23 words
    • 165 1 poned until tomorrow. -Strait < Times Copyright. CASE IN COURT OF APPEAL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Apr. 30. In the Court of Appeal, before the Master of the Rolls and Lord Justices Romer and Maugham today, the Singapore Traction Co. appealed against the judgment of Mr. Justice
      poned until tomorrow. -Strait < Times Copyright.  -  165 words
    • 698 1 AYER PANAS MARKS ITS JUBILEE WITH A DIVIDEND. AFTER LAPSE OF FOUR YEARS. i The annual general meeting of Ayer Punas Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the Chartered Bank Chambers on Tuesday. Mr. J M. Sime presided. Moving the adoption of the report and accounts, the
      698 words
    • 1457 2 GAMMON (MALAYA) CHAIRMAN’S VIEWS. Views on the methods of awarding Government contracts were expressed by Mr. H. Elphick, presiding at the annual general meeting of Gammon (Malaya), Ltd., at Geylang on Saturday. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts, the chairman said:
      1,457 words
    • 151 2 INSOLUBLE PROBLEM SET BY JAPANESE. “Economic Conditions in British Malaya.” a report by the officer in charge of H.M. Trade Commissioner’s Office at Singapore, is published for the Department of Overseas Trade by H.M. Stationery Office. The price is 2s. 3d. post free. The report is
      151 words
    • 118 2 —British Wireless. British Firms’ Trading Statement. London. Apr. 26. A trading and financial statement issued by a number of leading British industrial companies this week supplies striking evidence of returning prosperity and contributes to the buoyant tone of the stock markets. The companies concerned touch various
      —British Wireless.  -  118 words
    • 289 2 ‘Kongsi’ Sticks Together. SEPANG VALLEY. It gives me the greatest of pleasure to know that so many of the ola kongsi are still with us,” remarked Mr. A. B. Cross, the chairman, at the twenty-first ordinary general meeting of the Sepang Valley Estate. Ltd., held at Seremban.
      289 words
    • 293 2 Whole Output Sold To Dunlop's. The directors of the Borelli Rubber Co., Ltd., in their report for the year ended Dec. 31 last, tor presentation at the tenth annual general meeting in Kuala Lumpur on April 24, state that the profit for the year amounted to $23,718.38. to
      293 words
    • 244 3 ROBINSON CO. REPORT. much smaller LOSS. bigger turnover. further expansion EXPECTED. The sixteenth ordinary general meeting of Robinson and Co., Ltd., oi Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, will be held at the registered office of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, on May 3. The directors’ report is as as follows:—
      244 words
    • 76 3 Reuter. London, Apr. 30. T :c chairman of the tin buffer tick committee announces that S0( tons of butter stock tin now in Sen York were inadvertently stored \un-reporting uarehouses. 0 t of this quantity 170 tons r red in New York on Mar. 28
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 51 3 London Asiatic Rubber And Produce. •From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 29. London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd., report a profit for 1934 of £71,017 and recommend a dividend of 8 per cent. The carryforward is £81,037. This company owns rubber estates :n Malaya and also in
      51 words
    • 57 3 s ingapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices d. S n May- JulyLdon S’pore Apr. June Sept. H jll 16 19% 20 20% 22 20% 21% 22% 19% 20 21 22% r y *&gt;% 19% 19% 20% 21% V'V 0 U 1C 19% 19% 20% 21%
      57 words
    • 161 3 Final Dividend Of 3 Per Cent. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 27. The Dindings Rubber Estates, Ltd, j report a profit for 1934 of £8.555 and a final dividend of 3 per cent., making 5/2 per cent, lor the vear. less tax. is recommended. The carry-forward
      161 words
    • 80 3 Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber. From Our Own Correspondent.) London. April 23. Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber. Ltd., are issuing 12.500 shares of £1 each at a premium of 2s. 6d. to existing shareholders, in the proportion of one new share for every ten shares now held. The company’s profit
      80 words
    • 193 3 Juntai Development’s Position Improved. The sixth annual general meeting of Juntai Development Limited, will be held at the Sungei Ujong Club. Seremban, on Apr. 18. The directors’ report states: It is gratifying to be able to show a profit for the year of nearly $12,000 after providing
      193 words
    • 22 3 25 &gt;I Tin. S’pore Price S114.75 per picul. nc 115.00 &gt;, 114 37% 90 114.00 30 I 1400 ay 115.50
      22 words
    • 436 3 QUIET WEEK FOR RUBBER. With an Easter holidays atmosphere prevailing, the Singapore lubber market has been quiet iccently, as is shown in the following leports of brokers for the week ended Apr. 26. Lewis Peat, Ltd. There is not very jnuch of interest to report this
      436 words
    • 97 3 During the week ending April 20. 1935, exports from Malayans ports amounted to 55,037 cases, of which: 30, 882 (56 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 635 (1 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 5,275 (10 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 18,245
      97 words
    • 451 3 COPRA COMPANY’S TRIBUTE. A tribute to the liberal assistance given by the F.M.S. Government to the copra industry was paid at the twenty-fourth annual general meeting of Rajah Hitam Coconut Estate, Ltd., held in Kuala Lumpur on Apr. 23. In the unavoidable absence or the chairman. Mr. W.
      451 words
    • 773 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore. May 1 MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyer*. Seller* £1 £1 Assam Kumballg 31/- 33/4/- 47- Ampat Tin 4/3 4/9 £1 £1 Austral Malay 69/- 61/-5/-5/-Ayer Hltam 13/3 14/1 I Ayer Weng 1.80 1.85 xd £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 34/- 25/£1 £1 Chenderiang
      773 words
    • 414 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, May 1. SELLING. London. 4 months' sight 2 4 3 32 London, 3 months' sight 2/4 1/16 London, 60 days* sight 2 4 1/32 London. 30 days’ sight 2/4 London, demand 2 '3 31/32 London, T. T. 2 3 31/32 Lyons and Purls, demand
      414 words
      • 638 4 Allagur &lt;2 1 74; Alor Pongsu (2 &gt; 1 11; Anglo-Malay (£1) 11/6; Ayer Kunlng ii‘l» 28/; Bagan Serai (£1) 11/3; Bahru .(Sel.) (2/) 3.4*3; Banteng (£1) 20/; Batang (2/) /9V$i; Batu Caves (£1) 19 6; Batu Tiga (£1) 27 6; Bekoh (2 J /II;
        638 words
      • 688 4 Capital Issue Closing Pikes Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall Company «fc Co. Evatt. 454.175 1 6p c. int. a/c year 28-2-35 Allenby (sl&gt; 1.40 1.50 1.45 1.50 216.779 1 5p c. for year 30-9-34 Alor Gajah (sl&gt; 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.25 439,125 1
        688 words
    • 288 4 (Strait? Times Copyright.) Last Night’s Quotations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 30. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Apr. 25. GOVERNMENT STOCKS, BRITISH. Rise or Pall Conversion Loan 5%
      (Strait? Times Copyright.)  -  288 words