The Straits Budget, 7 February 1935

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 1017. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1935. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 831 1 pore Nival Base is being pursued by the London Daily Mail. This newspaper devoted its centre page to an article entitled, ‘‘Stop fooling at Singapore,” by Mr. G. Ward Price, its wellknown special correspondent. m m 0 RENEWED protest at the imposition of the Government tax
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  • 18 1 Miss Dorothy Round, the number one tennis player, and Miss Mary Heeley in Singapore, this week
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  • 94 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 31. Invitations have been issued by the reception committee on the occasion of the presentation of an address of welcome by the public of Negri Sembilan to H.E. Sir Shenton Thomas, on his lrst visit to Negri Sembllan, at the
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  • 244 1 Sir A. Caldecott Sees Factory. An interesting threequarters of an hour was spent by Sir Andrew Caldecott last week, when, accompanied by Archdeacon Graham White, he toured a furniture factory at Broadrick Road. The factory belongs to Mr. I. Paskoe, the proprietor of Paskoe
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  • 215 1 New Rules Indexed By Mr. B. A. Mallal. The new year ushered in a new era in the history of procedural law in the Colony. The Civil Procedure Code, hitherto the only statutory enactment governing matters of practice and procedure in civil matters, is no
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 733 2 Straits Times. January 31 A statement by Sir Shenton Thomas that he intended as soon as possible to discuss with the Director oi Agriculture j the question ol promoting new industries was quoted in this column on Tuesday. That is an assurance to welcomed, and one that
      Straits Times. January 31  -  733 words
    • 269 2 —Straits Times. January 31. With reference to our leading article on the steps which the directors of Ti noli Mines. Southern Tronoh and Ayer Hit am tin dredging companies propose to take to perpetuate British control of these companies, a reader has pointed out that the
      —Straits Times. January 31.  -  269 words
    • 903 2 tories are endangered.—Straits Times. February 1. A new objective has appeared In Japan’s policy towards China. It Is none other than an undertaking by China not to appeal to the League ot Nations, and withdrawal by China from the League. That is revealed in a statement of
      tories are endangered.—Straits Times. February 1.  -  903 words
    • 761 2 i.—Straits Times. February 2. Six days shalt thou labour—.’’ The Commandment is precise, and it crystallises a sound social and psychological maxim, apart from its religious significance. Rest on the seventh day is one of the blessings oi civilisation, even when interpreted us merely rest from “the
      i.—Straits Times. February 2.  -  761 words
    • 188 3 also show a decline.—Straits Times. February 2. According to the statistical tables published by the International Labour Office for the last quarter of the year 1934, in the majority of countries unemployment has again declined as compared with the corresponding date in 1933. In many cases the decrease
      also show a decline.—Straits Times. February 2.  -  188 words
    • 755 3 —Straits Times. February 4. A plain demand that Malaya should not sign another international tin agreement unless she did so on a basis of equality of sacrifice was voiced in the Federal Council last week. The speaker was Mr. T. R. A. Windeatt. who may be regarded
      —Straits Times. February 4.  -  755 words
    • 206 3 Empire countries—Straits Times, February 4. When the Malayan governments refuse to subsidise a powerful broadcasting station, capable of relaying the B B C. programmes at a strength which would enable those programmes to be picked up in Malaya by the cheapest receiving sets, they apparently overlook
      Empire countries—Straits Times, February 4.  -  206 words
    • 901 3 commodity. Straits Times. February t 5. Discussing current Malayan problems the other day, we alluded to that of rice production and the necessity of importing large quantities of the staple food of the population; and, touching upon Sir' Cecil dementi’s earnest efforts to encourage and extend domestic
      commodity. Straits Times. February t 5.  -  901 words
    • 628 4 airport for this Times. February 6. It is good news for Singapore that a mission has left London to inspect the imperial air route to Australia and confer with the governments interested in that route on behalf of the Air Ministry and the British Tost Oflice. Both
      airport for this Times. February 6.  -  628 words
    • 262 4 we used to.”—Straits Times. February 6. How strong are the forces making for economic nationalism in the world of today, and how much opposition to those forces still remains—if only it could bo effectively concentrated and mobilised—is shown by a remarkable speech made by the Minister tor
      we used to.”—Straits Times. February 6.  -  262 words

  • 133 4 AN ex-Malayan living in retirement has sent some interesting comment! on the assessor system in F.M.S ass i courts, evoked by the Straits tw hading article on the Wigley murder trial in Ipoh. In the old days,” writes this correspondent. very great can> Was roken in
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  • 158 4 I DOUBT whether this...correspondent is being quite lair to the proem generation. Assize calcndais in Kuala I.umpur and Ipoh are much lor.:,t. than Uiey used to be, and it is a very real hardship, although a necessary civic obligation, for a busy man to be kept on an
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  • 158 4 rpHIS man was first tried at B.itu Pahat and found not guilty el murder, the assessors holding tha* there was such a complete absence oi motive that the man must have been insane. The D.P.P. lodged an appeal, whereupon the appeal court ordered a retrial. Again
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  • 128 4 A TEAM REWARD /"\NE cannot help liking the manner in which Mr. Fairburn. recipient ol the highest honour ever conferred upon a police officer in Malaya, acknowledged the congratulations of the F.M.S. Police on the C.M.G., awarded to him in the New Year Honour? List: 41 His greatest wish is
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  • 108 5 I, SUPPOSE there is such a thing as i t >mpt of court in America, but r ,,i hitting the judge on the nose V u )t imagine what form such conwould have to take to be 'ble. lt editors of Singapore newsliad permitted headings on ...of
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  • 162 5 v| h Bartley stated at the municipal meeting last week that over a thousand empty houses were re-occu-pud in Singapore during the last half 1934 and that the revenue from j, nts rose S160.000 above the estimate h. consequence. That is very cheering, but one would 1 >o
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  • 156 5 “NO DANGER IN a recent address to the Penang 1 Rotary Club the Hon. Mr. F. G. Ciiumitt commented on the multitudes of surf-bathers which he saw during his leave outside Sydney. 1 was listening all the time,” he vi’.d. for the bell whose ominous < tanging serves to warn
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  • 151 5 hi re a practice of stealing licence discs or tabs from dogs in Singa--1 It looks very much like it, for n d tells me that his dog came t minus its metal disc a day or l larm aSO and same thing bpened twice last year. would
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  • 134 5 rpHIS surely indicates inefficient or slack organisation on the part oi the municipality. Officialdom states, I understand, that it is impossible to issue duplicate tabs because no check is kept on those issued. Whv is it impossible And why should tlie taxpayer, and not the taxgatherer, be penalised
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  • 147 5 Balinese dancers have gone after three days in Singapore, and it is interestlqg to analyse their reception here. Lamentable though it is to the highbrows, there is no doubt that they would have had larger audiences if only the first half rf the Capitol programme had been
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  • 135 5 AIANY people will agree with Sir prank Swettenham’s opinion that a statue at the landing place in Penang would be a better form of memorial to Francis Light than a museum. Possibly Sir Frank underestimates the educative value of a museum in this country, where the appeal to
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  • 119 5 *THERE will be a considerable amount of money spent throughout Malaya next May on decorations for the King’s Jubilee, and it is to be hoped that local authorities, firms and individuals will use British materials as far as possible for this purpose. It is universally appreciated that the
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  • 160 5 rpHERE was much resentment at the policy of the British banks in Malaya in refusing to accept rubber land as security for loans during the slump, but the recent decision of the Netherlands Trading Society goes a long way towards justifying that policy. The N TS. proposes
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  • 131 5 IT is difficult to understand why our city solons are having so much difficulty in hearing each other when raucous but perfectly clear utterance is attainable by means of loudspeakers. Is it that the commissioners secretly take an aesthetic pleasure in the oratorical and polemical aspect of administration,
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  • 171 5 AN interesting idea, arising out of this difficulty, is that the Singapore commissioners should instal not only loudspeakers but a microphone as well. Why should not we, the great inert rate-paying masses, listen to the municipal debates? It would be a civic education in itself, and after
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  • 137 5 ARE the Singapore cinemas overdoing the display of advertising slides? As a talkie fan myself I must confess that I wish the number could be cut down by half. And since I go to the cinema to seek refuge In a comfortingly dark and unreal world, I simply
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  • 157 5 REMARKABLE results are being noticed in Soufabaya and East Java as a result of the decision to abolish the tax on motor vehicles based on horse-power and to levy instead a higher petrol tax. Motor traffic in these districts is showing a decided increase. Of the
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  • 171 5 IJOW many Singapore firms in ex- istence today can go back 75 years? Very few indeed, Judging by advertisements in early files of the Straits Times. One member of that select circle is Hooglandt and Co., which was established here in 1860. and I am indebted to
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  • 107 5 «*yHE total population, of Singapore. as shown by a census tak n by the police, was just over 80.000. of whom Europeans and numbered 2,500 and Chinese 50.000. “At Kandang Kerbau a new general hospital and lunatic asylum were opened. The Agricultural Society was established and John Baxter
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  • 165 5 INQUISITORIAL.” «*T*HE surplus in Singapore at that time was about €35.000. and opposition was taken on the grounds that the tax, besides being unconstitutional, was unnecessary, and that It was specially unsulted to the natives of these Settlements who were peculiarly averse to i!l inquisitorial measures.’ ■‘Another objection raised was
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  • 104 6 of the most obvious signs of returning prosperity in Singapore nowadays is the congestion of traffic in Raffles Place. Not only on Saturday mornings but in mid-week the Place is chock-a-block with cars, so much so that it is difficult to find parking space, and shoppers have to
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  • 136 6 I OOKING through the Selangor Journal the other day, I came upon what is perhaps the most extraordinary episode in the history of European penetration of Malaya. Somewhere about the year 1855 a party of twelve Americans and 60 Orang llHam <negroes) sailed up the Langat river,
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  • 143 6 IN his reminiscences in the last issue of the Sunday Times “J.C.P.” stated that hydrophobia was introduced into the Malay Peninsula by Captain Murray, the first British administrative ofllcer in Sungei UJong. Captain Murray was said to have brought in a fox-terrier infected with rabies, and since his
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  • 158 6 B. F. BRIDGE, district Judge at Penang, has brought upon his head the wrath of the Anti-Slavery and aborigines Protection Society. The eagle-eyed reformers of this society have come across a newspaper report of a case heard by Mr. Bridge last September, in which he lined Wan
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  • 165 6 A LAKE CARNIVAL lIISTORY is to repeat itself in Kuala 1 Lumpur, for King George’s silver Jubilee is to be celebrated by illuminating Sydney Lake, as was done at the time of Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee. The Victorian tamasha, however, was much more ambitious than anything that will be possible
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  • 158 6 IT is like old times to hear that the S.S.A. is to hold a dinner again in Singapore this month, and that the Governor is to be the guest of honour. A few years ago the annual S.S.A. dinner ranked only second to the King’s Birthday Ball
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  • 179 6 JJOW strange it is that in a country so small that it can be traversed by car in 24 hours, any of its inhabitants should be objects of wonder in Singapore! Not for the last three centuries would it have been possible for Highlanders from the far north
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  • 202 6 AT Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay—" Every English schoolboy has been thrilled by Tennyson’s poem telling how a grim old Devon sea-dog in the Revenge held at bay fifty-three Spanish ships for a day and a night. Those residents of Malaya who are descended
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  • 186 6 ALL who keep a Malayan press- cutting book—and there is no more worth-while hobby—should make a point of getting Father Cardon's article. It is an exceedingly good account, in popular language, of the relations between Portuguese Malacca and its implacable enemy, the kingdom of Acheh. To be
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  • 53 6 Mr. Felix de Silva And Miss F. Sequerah. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Feb. 4. The marriage took place today at the Church of the Visitation here of Mr. Felix de Silva, health inspector and State cricketer, and Miss Florence Sequerah. sister of Mr. Norman Sequerah, of
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  • 117 6 Old Woman’s Death At Sungei Besi. i From Our Own correspondent i Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 2 •Death by misadventure” was the verdict returned today by the Coroner Mr. J. P. Biddulph, at an inquest on a Chinese woman, Wong Chong Mo aged 62 years, who was gored
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  • 53 6 The engagement is announced between Miss K. D. F Clinton, daughter of Mrs. J. S. M Rennie of No. 3 Ladyhill Road. Singapore and the late Mr. W. D. Clinton and Mr Eric C. Watson, son of Mrs. R. Watson el Ranelagh Farm. Windsor Forest. England and tiie late
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  • 55 6 NICOLL.—At the Country Hospital. Shanghai cn Jan. 22. 1935 to Alison wife of T. S B Nicoll. a daughter. HARTLAND.—To Irene, wife of Alfred Har: land, a daughter. Maternity Hospital Jan. 31. VANDERPUT.—At Singapore, on February 4 1935, to Rose, wife of Mr. W. R. Vanderput of the Municipality,
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  • 44 6 GREGORY—DAVIES.—On February 2. 1935 at Holy Trinity Church, Batu Gajah. John Francis Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. A R Gregory of Derriton. Dartmouth to Sybil Eleanor Kathleen, elder daughter of the late Mr. W. Davies and Mrs. Davies of Rest Harrow. Dartmouth.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 425 6 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office. Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries Is $48 a year. The post free price of
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  • 68 6 DEATHS DAWSON.—Suddenly, on January 31. at Mildura. Victoria. Australia. Captain William Dawson, late of the Singapore Pilot Association. CHOA.—Mrs. Choa Kim Keat (nee Tan Hoon Neo) passed away peacefully on Friday the 1st instant, at the age of 77, at 1m residence No. 149 Neil Road. GOH. —Cheng Chew aged.
    68 words

  • 1047 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Vr vv E. Pepys is returning from l,,*ve by the Corfu, due in Singapore on Mar. 16. Mr F W. Margrett has arrived at Singapore from Bangkok and is staying at Raffles Hotel. Mr P H. D. Jackson, of the Police Department, Kuala. Lumpur, has sailed for Home
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  • 368 7 Malacca Notes. Celebration Committee Decided Upon. i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 1. A public meeting of the Government officials and leading citizens ot Malacca was held at the M.V.C. Head- quarters. The Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant was in the chair. Among those present
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  • 110 7 Perak’s Ruler Visits His New Territory. As previously reported, H.H. the Sultan of Perak and H.H. the Raja Perempuan paid a private visit to the Dindings last Tuesday, accompanied by an A.D C. and Private Secretary. Arriving at Pangkor in the morning, His Highness and party visited
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  • 58 7 The funeral of Mrs. Coombs, wife of Mr. H. T. Coombs, of the Municipal Electric Supply Department. Penang, whose death occurred suddenly on Tuesday night at Penang Sanatorium and Hospital, took place on Wednesday at the Western Road cemetery. The deceased, who was 27 years old,
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  • 699 7 Passengers For Malaya And Orient. Thu following are passengers for Malaya and the Orient by the P. and O. Chitral. which sailed from London on Jan. 4. Penang:—Mr. Anderson, Lady Anderson, Mrs. K. A. Dunn, Mr W. D. Hutchinson, Mrs. Hutchinson, Sir Francis Voules, Lady Voules.
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  • 405 8 Leicester Inquest Verdict. The cause of the death ot Mr. Donald Andrew Leicester remains a mystery. A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by Mr. W. G. Porter at the conclusion of the coror. r’s inquiry last week. Mi Leicester, a 49-year-old engineer employed at the
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  • 130 8 Mr. Gregory And Miss Sybil Davies. The marriage took place on Saturday at Holy Trinity Church, Batu Oajah, of Mr. J. F. Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs A. R. Gregory, of Derriton, Dartmouth, Devon, and Miss Sybil Davies, elder daughter of the late Mr. W. Davies and of
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  • 38 8 Mr Raymond B. Stevens, Adviser in I Foreign AlTairs to the Government of Siam, and Mrs. Stevens will leave Bangkok by today’s international express, and Join the mall steamer In Singapore lor Home. j
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  • 530 8 Passengers By P. And O. Naldera. The following passengers proceeded per s.s. “Naldera” on Friday, Feb. 1, for I Penang, Colombo. Bombay and Europe: Miss J. B. Kidd. Miss J. Crowe, Miss M. M Cameron. Mrs. C. H. Short and child, Mr. P. H. O’Flynn. Mr. F. A.
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  • 126 8 Passengers By The Alsia. The following are passengers by the East Asiatic Co’s m.s. Alsia which left Southampton on Jan. 16 and is due at Singapore on Feb. 16: For Penang: Mr. H. Malet. Mrs. Malet and two children, Miss A. Soden. Mrs. V. C. Sheffield, Miss P.
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  • 268 8 i Recruits For The Customs Department. The following appointments are notified In the F.M.S. Government Gazette: Messrs. W. F. Mavor, E. M. W. Wood and K. S. Hellrich to be Probationers, Trade and Customs Department, F.M.S., and Government Monopolies, S.S. Mr. L. A. Morley to be a Lithographer,
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  • 275 8 Over $6,000 Collected Johore. The following are details of the Poppy Day Fund collection in Johore: The Johore Contributions were H. H. Tungku Mahkota $10, Royal Johore International Club $133, Johore Club $87.70, Johore Civil Service Club—Flag Golf Competition $26, Auction Sales $499.50, Armistice Dinner $154.30, and
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  • 498 8 But Are Homesick For The Jungle. A group of 17 Sakais, dirty, unkempt, in jungle dress, and with blow-pipes and quivers, may be seen in Singapore. For a monetary remuneration, which to them means tobacco and sireh for months, they have deserted their natural home
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  • 70 8 A GOOD HAUL Arresting a man in a house in Joo Chiat Road a few days ago on a charge of fraudulent possession of property, the police found— Thee Yale locks, a quick-silver ladle, ten dessert spoons, ten tea spoons, three dessert forks, three sal spoons, a cake fork, five
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  • 1073 9 A Federal Letter Municipal Issue: Cecil Street v. Pudu; Council Chamber Acoustics: Who Bought That Clock From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 1. NOW I ask you—is it cricket for a urofessional colleague to try to et one “in bad” with one’s Editor? Well the Malay Mail has accused
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  • 422 9 Operative On Feb. 16. PERAK TO PAY $85,850 TO THE COLONY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 4. In a supplement to the F.M.S. Government Gazette appears, for general information,” a Bill which is about to be introduced in the State Council of Perak. It
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  • 479 9 S.S.(S.)A. Dinner Postponed. All ships in the harbour are dressed on Wednesday in honour of the anniversary of the founding of Singapore on Feb. 6, 1819. But that this as far as official recognition of the day goes in the Colony. The Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association does
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  • 56 9 Imperial Service Medal For Inche Tahir. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Feb. 4. The Imperial Service Medal has been awarded to Inche Mohamed Tahir bin Sulaiman, retired special grade outdoor officer of the Seremban Customs. The High Commissioner (Sir Shenton Thomas) will present the award to Inche Tahir
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  • 29 9 One of the R.A.F. flying boats taking off from Pembroke Dock on an 8,000 miles formation flight to Singapore. Four machines are making the journey.
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  • Letters To The Straits Times.
    • 241 10 Appeal For More Music And News. Sir,- It is most gratifying to learn of the increase of radio listeners in Malaya, as published in your paper, as the more listeners we have in this country the better entertainment we may expect and earlier improvement in the suppression of
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    • 358 10 More About Effect Of Fern Covers. I Sir,—My suggestion, based on four years’ observation, that rats and .snakes keep away from blocks covered by Nepnrelopis Biseratum fern, has received further confirmation. Two days ago I put a gang of M i- j lays on to clear about
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    • 145 10 Two Separate Streams Of Cars Suggested. Sir, —Writing as a motorist wdio makes a good attempt to drive a cai according to traffic regulations, may I offer a suggestion to the traffic authorities. Cars crossing Anderson Bridge and approaching the traflic signals do not usually indicate to the
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    • 150 10 Recent Activity Of Sanitary Inspectors. Sir,—Of late the Malacca municipal sanitary inspectors have been on inspection in town houses to see and note the number of cubicles each house contains. I do not pretend to know what has resulted out of the suddenly energetic inspection, but if the
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    • 99 10 UNOFFICIALS.” Objections To A Political Term. Sir,—May I suggest that Government should And a more appropriate title for the nominated members of the Legislative Council than “Unofflcials.” The word “unofficial” has lost itsi original meaning and is now more commonly used in the sense of “unauthorized” or “not sanctioned,” and
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    • 97 10 An Indian Who Disagrees But Sympathises. Sir,—With reference to the letter from “A Devotee,” which appeared !n the Straits Times of the 28th instant, purporting to be a criticism of my article on “Thaipusam” in the Sunday Times. I should like to state that, despite his pointless references and
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    • 90 10 Sir—I am k keen correspondent with many pen friends In other countries. I am wondering whether you could let me know of &ny in Singapore, or perhaps you could give me the names and addresses of them. My age is 18. and my main hobby Is stamp collecting,
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    • 79 10 Sir, —A native or inhabitant of Europe is called a European one of America, American; one of Africa. African; and one of Australia, Australian; but one of Asia is called an Asiatic. Can you or any of your readers say why “Asiatic” shouldn’t be “Asian.” Phonetically the latter
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    • 36 10 THE ASSESSMENT FARCE.” Sir.—Can there be any justification for giving to seven-year rubber an assessment for 1935 beloiv the actual crop obtained by normal tapping from the same trees In 1934?—Yours etc., PLANTER. Perak. Jan. 31.
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  • 472 10 Sunday, Jan. 20. In the morning His Excellency and Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas visited the Sunday Fair and surrounding kampongs of Kuala Kangsar. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Sturges. Mr. H. R. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. D. Roper, Mr. and Mrs. McMichael. Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 10 Lady Inchcape who is travelling East on the Carthage.
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  • 130 10 Arrival Next Week. ACCOMPANIED BY DA YANG LEONORA. Lord Inchcape, director of the P and O.. is a passenger for Singapor by the liner Carthage, which is due on Feb. 15. Lady Inchcape is accompanying him. Lord Inchcape, Viscount Glenapn of Strathnaver. succeeded his fathr. in
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  • 2626 11 Policy Which “Has Every Chance Of Success.” appeal for avoidance of INTER-STATE RIVALRY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 29. THE High Commissioner, Sir Shenton Thomas, made an important speech on the Decentralisation policy at the Federal Council meeting today. He declared his approval of
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  • 158 12 The Retrocession Of The Bindings. Celebrations In connection with the restoration of the territory of the Dlndings to the State of Perak are to! take place in May. in order that they may coincide with the birthday of His Highness the Sultan and with the Silver Jubilee
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  • 959 12 NEW NAVAL BASE DEFENCES. R.A.F. Firing On Anniversary Of Singapore’s Foundation. BIG MILITARY EXPANSION. THE one hundred and sixteenth anniversary of the foundation of Singapore by Sir Stamford Radies occurred yesterday (Wednesday.) It was signalled by the beginning of ten days continuous firing exercises
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  • 307 12 Second Anniversary Function. The Young Muslim Physical and Literary Union held its second anniversary function and the Hari Raya festival in conjunction with the annual general meeting on Sunday at its premises 114, Tanjong Katong Read, when a good gathering of members were in attendance. Tuan Haji
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 30 12 p 2500 COLLECTORS wish to exchange STAMPS. ILLUSTRATED POSTCARDS etc. "-ith correspondents. Ask for free English booklet to: EXCHA NG E- REGISTER. 51 Passage du Bureau, Paris. 142 Fiance Franc*.
      30 words

  • 1447 13 Singapore Turf Club Reiterates Opinion. REVENUE contribution up BY $65,875. A renewed protest at the imposition of the Government tax was voiced at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Turf Club, last week, Mr. R. Page presided. The Club contributed to the revenue of
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  • 60 13 One of the largest munition hauls within recent months was made when three hundred rounds of Mauser ammunition were seized by officers of the detective branch when, yesterday morning, they raided coolie lines named the Cantonese Labour Syndicate, in the Singapore Harbour Board area. The lines were full
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  • 155 13 S.S. To Issue Special Postage Stamps. The issue in the Straits Settlements of special postage stamps to commemorate the King’s Silver Jubilee has been approved. The stamps will be for use throughout the Colonial Empire. The series will comprise four denominations only in uniform design. The stamps
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  • 262 13 Sir Frank Swettenham’s Letter To Penang. Following on a recent suggestion by a correspondent that the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Settlement of Penang should be celebrated by the erection of a memorial to Francis Light, the Plnang Gazette wrote to Sir Frank Swettenham, a
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  • 133 13 Re-Election Of Mr. John Bagnall. Mr. John Bagnall was nominated at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last week for reappointment as a member of the Legislative Council, vice Mr. W. J. Wilcoxson, who sails for home on leave tomorrow. Mr. Wilcoxson succeeded Mr. Bagnall when
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  • 111 13 Guest At F.M.S.V.F. Mess Dinner. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 1. His Excellency the High Commissioner (Sir Shenton Thomas) was a guest at a dinner last night at the F.M.S.V.F., Mess. Lleut.-Col. R. H. A. D. Love presided. The function was private. Lady Thomas visited
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  • 1815 15 Netv Uses For Latex—Will Lead To Full Consumption Dr. Barron’s A rticle Valuahle Discoveries —And More Are Coming. (By Our Planting Correspondent.) rr-HERE are I think few planters, or others interested in the production side of rubber, who are not anticipating with confidence that the extended use
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  • 274 15 Even Penang Beaches Not Safe. No. I prefer Penang where the stretch of beach from Tanjong Bungah to Batu Ferrlnghi airords probably the finest bathing in this part of the world and. what is most important. there is no danger from sharks.” That was a passage in an
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 417 21 British Wireless. .—Reuter. five STATIONS IN ENGLAND. Big Progress With High Definition Apparatus. BAIRD—MARCONI COMBINE? London, Jan. 31. T11K TELEVISION Committee appointed by the Postmaster- General, Sir Kingsley Wood, last May under the chairmanship of Lord Selsdon, has submitted its report. The committee's general conclusion is
      — British Wireless.; .—Reuter.  -  417 words
    • 114 21 nioirtucu cuiu me resisting paint will be used throughout.—British Wireless. Duchess Of York To Name Ship. The Duchess of York will christen the new 24.000 tons P. and O. liner Starthmore after her father, the Earl ,l f Strathmore on April 4 at Barrow-in-Furness.
      --- ..... nioirtucu cuiu me resisting paint will be used throughout.—British Wireless.  -  114 words
    • 54 21 Professor Hsiao Chichwu f of the National Normal University of Pekin, was arrested the other day during a roundup of Communist sympathisers. He has now been released—on one condition. Every week in future he must write an article against Communism which will be published in
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    • 65 21 NEW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE .—Reuter. Hint From Mr. Cordell Hull. Washington, Jan. 31. A proposal that the United States should “father” a World Economic Conference to discuss the stimulation of trade was made by Mr. Cordell Hull to the Agricultural Committee of the Senate. He advocated gathering all interested nations in
      .—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 271 21 Good Prospect. DUKE OF KENT AS GOVERNOR-GENERAL. (From Our London Correspondent.) Although finality is unlikely to oe reached pending the visit of the Australian Prime Minister (Mr. Lyons) for the King’s jubilee celebrations this year there seems to be an excellent prospect of the Duke of
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    • 71 21 a demilitarised zone.—Sin Kuo Min. Peiping, Feb. 1. The principles of an agreement have been reached at the preliminary Sino-Japanese negotiations for a settlement of the Charhar dispute. Final talks will be held at Taitan. Under the “peace” terms, the Chinese forces must withdraw from
      a demilitarised zone.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  71 words
    • 134 21 Reuter Brokers Optimistic Of Outside Assistance. London. Jan. 31. Commodities today ruled more cheerful owing to the abatement of fears regarding the pepper settlement on Feb. 8. The chief buyer of pepper recently has been a firm who is reported to oe acting for a group
      – Reuter  -  134 words
    • 277 21 rubber industry.”—Straits Times Copyright. Mr. J. G. Hay’s Serious Warning. HEAVY TAXATION MENACE. Achieving Restriction’s Other Objective. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 31. WARNING that Malaya’s hard won supremacy in the rubber industry may be in serious danger was made by Mr. J. G.
      rubber industry.”—Straits Times Copyright.  -  277 words
    • 154 21 WE SHALL WIN SAYS PEPPER CHIEF. Straits Times Copyright.’ pepper on the London market today.— London Pool Hopes To Attract New Capital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Jan. 31. Interviewed by the London Dally Express today. Mr. Garabed Bishirgian. the Armenian naturalised British leader of the Pepper Pool which is
      Straits Times Copyright.’  -  154 words
    • 167 22 Reuter. Sir John Simon Questioned. ANGLO-U.S.-SOVIET PACT PLAN. No Appeals To England. OIR JOHN SIMON, the British Foreign Ministei, intimated in the House of Commons yesterday that the British Government would make no representations on the recent Japanese activities in Manchuria. Mr. E. Doran
      Reuter.  -  167 words
    • 78 22 —Reuter. Fighting With The Mongolians. Tokio. Jan. 31. A message from Hsinking states that Manchukuoan and Japanese troops started fighting with the Mongolians last night. A later cable states that Manchoukoan and Japanese troops have captured Khalkamiao.—Reuter. Press reports from Hailar state that Japanese troops delivered
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 186 22 —Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai. Jan. 31. A fresh conflict in the Buinor Lake region, along the Outer MongolianManchukuo border, is imminent, according to a foreign report. Reinforcements for both sides have arrived and the greatest tension prevails. The opening of formal Sino-Japan-ese talks for a settlement of
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  186 words
    • 94 22 Reuter. Exports Examined. i MONTHLY BULLETIN TO BE ISSUED. London, Jan. 29. The International Rubber Committee met today and examined exports from controlled countries for the first seven months of the Restriction Scheme, as compared with the official quotas. The Netherlands Indies Ceylon. British North Borneo
      Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 181 22 5. —Reuter. Commission's First Interim Report. The Newfoundland Commission of Government appointed last year on the suspension of the existing form of government, in an interim report on the economic situation, reviews the steps taken to reduce the Public Debt whereby annual outgoings have been reduced
      5.—Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 90 22 —Reuter. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister Praises Rubber Scheme. London, Jan. 30. In the Commons Sir Philip CunliffeLister referred to the rubber communique and drew attention to the actual exports from the last seven months which slightly exceeded 486,000 tons, compared with the quota of 499.000. He commented
      .—Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 39 22 A proposal that an ages-old Chinese custom, that of making monetary presents in red packets during the lunar new year, be abolished was made by Mr. Li Kit-chi, a South West councillor yesterday, says Sin Kuo Min.
      39 words
    • 324 22 .—British Radio. Jubilee Proposal. BUILDING IN HEART OF I,ON DON. Rugby, Jan. 29. A scheme to raise £500,000 to establish a national theatre during the King’s Jubilee Year, was mentioned by Lord Lytton at a meeting of the Shakespeare Memorial National Theatre Committee which already has
      .—British Radio.  -  324 words
    • 101 22 s.—Reuter. Greatly Strengthened In Past Four Years, Moscow. Jan. 30. After announcing that the Red Army is now 940.000 strong and declaring that war against the Soviet is being intensively prepared. Tuchachevsky. Vice Commissar for defence, in a speech at the All Union Congress, stated that
      s.—Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 36 22 A gold rush has been started in Honan following the finding of rich deposits in Lingpao District, says Sin Kuo Min. The gold bearing area is said to be 25 square miles.
      36 words
    • 174 22 KING OF SIAM ABDICATION. —Reuter. No Decision Yet. WAITING TO HEAR FROM DELEGATION. London, Jan. 30 No indication that the King of Siam has finally decided the abdication question is obtainable on inquiry at his household at Kr.owlp Park. It is learned that the King j s still waiting to
      —Reuter.  -  174 words
    • 274 22 YOU HAVE LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING.” —Reuter. Counsel’s Taunt In Tense Court Scene. Flemlngton, Jan. 29. At the afternoon session of the Lindbergh baby murder trial the prosecution counsel, Mr. Willentz, continued baiting Hauptmann and trying to trap him by quick questions. There was a scene when Mr. Willentz accused the
      —Reuter.  -  274 words
    • 64 22 —Reuter. The Segrave Trophy for 1934 has been awarded to Kenneth Waller, the British airman for flights to Australia and the Belgian Congo. The trophy was instituted in memory of Sir Henry Segrave and is awarded to the Britisher who is deemed to have accomplished
      ’.—Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 750 23 .—Reuter. FIVE-POWER PACT PLAN. Provision For Germany To Return To League. “REINFORCING PEACE AIMS” CKCURITY from surprise air attacks is the aim of a joint Air Convention envisaged in an official communique issued a fter the Anglo-French talks in London between Mr. Ramsay MacDonald,
      .—Reuter.  -  750 words
    • 260 23 F.M.S. Tax To Go? SIR SHENTON SAID IN FAVOUR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 1. There is undoubtedly strong public support for the request made by the Hon. Mr. Egmont Hake, at the Federal Council meeting, that the rice tax, always unpopular, and
      260 words
    • 45 23 Reuter. Batavia Feb. 2. The Government have authorised regional civil service officials to prepare for the enforcement of individual native rubber restriction after April 1. Restriction will be limited to the districts of Tapanoeli, Achin and the east coast of Sumatra. Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 119 23 Indian Scenery. PARTY ARRIVES FOR “SOLDIERS THREE.” A party has arrived in Bombay to film Rudyard Kipling’s Soldiera Three for Gaumont-British. It is in charge of Mr. and Mrs. G. Barkas, and the scenario is stated to have been approved by Mr. Kipling. Some 80
      119 words
    • 317 23 Plan To Give Orders To Australia. Another attempt is being made by Nippon Mining Co., Ltd., branch of the important Japanese industrial concern, Nippon Industrial Co., Ltd., to mine iron ore on Koolan Island. Yampi Sound, north of Perth, W. Australia. A delegation has gone
      317 words
    • 54 23 MESSRS. STRAUSS CO. (From Our Own Correspondent > London, Feb. 1. I am asked to point out that Messrs. A. Strauss and Co., metal merchants, are in no way connected with Messrs. Strauss and Co., grain dealers whose financial difficulties were revealed on Thursday. The directors of the two firms
      54 words
    • 667 24 —Reuter. BRITISH WARSHIPS’ PART. Two Guards Killed And Engineer Wounded. PIRATES TAKE NO HOSTAGES. AS THERE was no bullion, silks or other valuable merchandise aboard, it is believed that the pirates who attacked the steamer Tungchow were hoping to abduct a number of British children, holding
      —Reuter.  -  667 words
    • 17 24 —Reuter. The death is announced of Mr. J. S. Fletcher, the author of 230 books and novels.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  17 words
    • 101 24 Straits Times Copyright. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 1. The pepper position in London still remains very obscure although it is believed extremely likely that the operators of the £1 2 million pool will succeed in interesting outside capital and so save the situation when
      Straits Times Copyright.  -  101 words
    • 76 24 The death is announced (says Reuter) of Mr. J. H. Whitley, former speaker of the House of Commons. From 1900 until 1928 he was Liberal M.P. for Halifax. At various times, he was Junior Lord of the Treasury, 1907-1910; Chairman of Ways and Means, and
      76 words
    • 58 24 35,000-Kilometre Trip Across Asia Europe. A 35,000-kilometre flight across Asia and Europe and back is announced by Flight-Lieut. T. Ishikawa, of the Hamamatsu Air Squadron. Flight-Lieut. Ishikawa’s projected itinerary will take him first to Moscow, across Manchukuo and Siberia, then over European countries, following which he will
      58 words
    • 137 24 3,000 ISSUES STILL OUTSTANDING settle before the end of March —Sin Kuo Min. Sino-Japanese Talks Begin. Shanghai, Feb. 4. The Sino-Japanese Charhar peace parley at Taifan was concluded yesterday, the Chinese delegates returning to Kalgan and Peiping last night. While no official statement has yet been forthcoming, it is understood
      settle before the end of March —Sin Kuo Min.  -  137 words
    • 61 24 Reuter. Tokio, Feb. 2. Peace has been officially restored in the Charhar area by an agreement between the Chinese and Japcuiese and Manchukuo negotiators whereby the Chinese representative offers apologies and guarantees that there will be no recurrence of the incident. Chinese troops in future will not
      —Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 246 24 Mass Injections. REMARKABLE SCENES IN JAVA. <From Our Own Correspondent. > Batavia, Jan. 30 Remarkable scenes were witness during a mass vaccination against plague which took place last week in the district of Tjimahi. it j s estimated that in one day no fewer than 2,500
      246 words
    • 225 24 —Reuter. Military Situation. BRITAIN WANTS GERMAN CO-OPERATION. London, Feb. 1. The first stage of the Anglo-French talks was completed in an atmosphere of utmost secrecy on both sides. It is understood that the discussions ranged over the whole field of disarmament. security and air problems. The
      —Reuter.  -  225 words
    • 44 24 —Reuter. The Ceylon State Council yesterday passed a resolution asking the Secretary of State for the Colonies to suspend the operation of the quota system on Japanese textiles in view of the grave hardships caused by the malaria epidemic.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 161 25 Thp first specimens of the special medals which are to be .ssued for lr to the public in connection with the King’s Jubilee celebrations in \l«v have now been struck at the Royal Mint. hey consist of two ivm*s one measuring about in. across, which will
      161 words
    • 90 25 Milan, Feb. 2. Ex-King Alfonso has rescued partQueen Maria Christine had bought n his fortune from confiscation by in Italy and deposited in the Italian Spain which declared all his pos-Bank and the Bank of Spain. He sessions to be the property of
      90 words
    • 189 25 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Manchukuo Trouble. MR. ANTHONY EDEN EXPLAINS. Questioned in the House of Commons regarding the Manchukuo disturbances, Mr. Anthony Eden said the incident appeared to have arisen out of a difference between the local authorities as regards the delineation of the border. The
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  189 words
    • 27 25 —Reuter. Washington Feb. 2—The Cl et Justice announces that the Supreme Court will Its Gold Clause decision on Feb. 4. as hitherto expected.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 221 25 DISTRIBUTING THE BUFFER POOL STOCKS London And Bigger Visible Supplies. CITY ANTICIPATES RISE IN TIN PRICE. “Group” I)o Not Intend To Permit It. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 4. Following publication of an estimate of the world visible supplies of tin on Jan. 31 last to be 17,056 tons
      in the near future.—(Straits Times copyright.)  -  221 words
    • 466 25 Reply To Stop Fooling In Singapore.’ DAILY MAIL ATTACK ON NAVAL BASK. Britain And Japan “Our Old Allies.” From Our Services Correspondent. Stop fooling in London is the most adequate reply that can be given Mr. G. Ward Price in his London Daily Mail article attacking
      466 words
    • 386 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 3. A vigorous campaign against the continuance of work on the Singapore Naval Base is being pursued by the London Dally Mall. This newspaper today devotes its centre page to an article entitled, “Stop fooling at Singapore.”
      386 words
    • 299 25 —British Wireless. Diplomatic Negotiations Continuing. London, Feb. 1. Reviewing the results of the recent, preliminary bilateral naval conversations in London, the Prime Minister in the House of Commons said they had fully served the purpose for which they were intended, namely, to enable the Governments
      .—British Wireless.  -  299 words
    • 1635 27 Adventure Ahead —Excitements Of The Common Round In London. Mr. Shaw’s Devil’s Apologetics” Fastest Flying Boats For Singapore And A Huge New I.A. Liner STRAITS TIMES LONDON LETTER FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. I-rom Our Own Correspondent. Straits Times Office, Fleet Street, Jan. 23. THERE is a feeling in Eng- land
      1,635 words
    • 75 27 JUBILEE ADDRESSES FROM LORDS COMMONS. The presentation of loyal addresses of congratulation from both Houses of Parliament to the King on the occasion of the Jubilee celebrations of his accession to the Throne will be one i»f the many functions in connection with the w/ent in which His Majesty will
      75 words
      • 707 28 (From Our London Correspondent.) Fleet Street. Jan. 22. jyj 0 S T L V about films this week. So its just as well that there’s a first-rate batch of ’em to tell you about. Consider, as a non-stop start, Frank Capra’s Strictly
        707 words
      • Article, Illustration
        64 28 Liles good for dramatists in London just now, but pretty depressing for dramatic critics. There hasn’t been a new play, you see, since away back before Christmas, and there isn’t the faintest hope of another being produced until the pantomimes end, some time next month. Co-Stars. Ralph
        64 words
    • 274 28 —Reuter. House Of Commons Statement. EXTENDING PAHANG RESERVE. Question Of Heavy Fines For Infringements. IT WAS revealed in the House of Commons yesterday that the proposal for a National Park for wild life in Malaya has not been dropped. Sir Philip CunlifTe-Lister. the
      —Reuter.  -  274 words
    • 44 28 Reuter. The Prince of Wales is leaving early next week on a three weeks holiday in the Austrian Tyrol It is expected that he will spend most of the time at the winter sports resort of Kitobuehel.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 88 28 Cables In Brief. Berlin. Jan. *19.—Lord Lothian had an audience with Hltlei today. Later, I .speaking on his impressions, he declar ed Germany is settling down after the Revolution. “She certainly does not want war.” he said.—Reuter. Combined exercises between the Home and Mediterranean Fleets
      88 words
    • 108 28 Mr. Campbell Black’s Criticism. No. 820 Squadron, R AF. which left Portsmouth recently for the Mediterranean, is the first unit to receive the new Blackburn aircraft known us the “Shark.” This machine can be employed either on torpedo bomber or spotter-reconnaissance duties. Speaking at a luncheon given
      108 words
    • 88 28 MR. HU HAN-MIN FOR SHANGHAI Canton, Feb. 5. Discussions relating to NankingCanton co-operation have reached a stage where the reorganisation of the Central Government is being considered. This was revealed yesterday by local politicians, who declared that the Central Government has again sent a cable to the South-West Government urging
      88 words
    • 134 28 —Reuter. “Future Medium For Long Distance Flights.” Jim Mollison left for New York from Southampton last night to make preliminary arrangements for his projected stratosphere flight by aeroplane. He said he would have to fly to at least 50.000 feet to reach the startosphere and beat
      —Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 1027 29 Miss Curtis H. S. Hewett Take Mixed Event. The S.C.C. Chinese New Year lawn tennis tournament was brought to a successful conclusion in perfect weather. The meeting was made all the more noteworthy by the arrival in Singapore on Tuesday of Miss Dorothy
      1,027 words
    • 946 29 Rivers’ Defence Too Good For Orient Champion. (By Our Boxing Correspondent.) A1 Rivers, the undefeated champion of Malaya, enhanced his reputation at the New Wor d Stadium last week when he fought a draw over 12 rounds with Young Frisco, the middle and welter-weight
      946 words

  • 39 29 Reuter. Only Two Players To Represent Japan. Toklo. Jan. 31 Owing to a shortage of funds only Jiro Yamagishi and Hideo Nlshimura have been selected to go to Europe to represent Japan in the Davis Cup.—
    Reuter.  -  39 words

  • 949 30 Hutchinson And Prescott Both Do Well. R.A.F 2 S.C.C I. Although they were beaten by two goals to one by the R.A.F. at Seletar on Saturday the S.C.C., who were playing their first soccer match of the season, gave a very creditable display and
    949 words
    -Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 345 30 Now Favourites For Championship. 1 London. Feb. 2 j Arsenal ar rt now three to one favourites for the English league toot- j ball championship and yesterday im* j proved their chances by securing! Bcbby Davidson, the famous insideright from St. Johnstone for a transfer fee exceeding
    345 words
  • 44 30 Lancashire And Somerset In County Final. London. Feb. 2. Somerset 11. E. Counties 4 (At Bridgewater) Warwickshire 14, Lancashire (At Coventry) Rosslyn Park 12. London Welsh Bedford 9. R.A.F. 14 Cheltenham 0, Bridgend 18Heriotonlans 18. Instoniana W. of Scotland 27. Greenock W
    44 words

  • 1894 32  - THE CLUB VERANDAH. Rivers To Meet Frisco Again.— Cricket On The Way. —Some Soccer Gossip. Conducted by LEIGHTON SIR Leslie Wilson, the Governor ol Queensland, met an old friend at the Rotary Club tiffin on Wednesday in Theo Lelisslus. the Singapore Recreation Club and Colony cricketer. Some five years ago
    1,894 words
  • 479 32 MR. BRADNEY AGAIN PRESIDENT. Racial Harmony Our Most Precious Asset. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala r umpur. Jan j: Mr. G. P. Braane*. p-mdent o; Association presided at the twuit ninth annual general meeting of the Selangor Association Football Lea held this evening at the Selangor Chinese
    479 words

    • 1163 1 MORE PRODUCTION IN CONGO. Favourable Developments In America. (Form Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 21. The recent boomlet on the London tin market was short-lived, but it has left a legacy in the shape of a fairsized backwardation/’ namely nearly xA. In view of
      1,163 words
    • 50 1 Markets Closed For Pool Negotiations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 4. London pepper stocks last week are estimated at while muntok 13,637 tons: black 540 tons. The market is closed until February 7 pending completion of the negotiations for spreading the Pool liabilities —Straits Times Copyright.
      50 words
    • 93 1 During the week ending Jan. 26 exports from Malayin ports amounted to 38.154 cases, of which 29,648 (78 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 690 (2 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 6.256 (16 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 1.560 per
      93 words
    • 23 1 Jan. 31 Tin, Spore Price $114.50 per picul Feb. 1 114.75 2 114.75 4 114.75 5 114.75 6 114 50
      23 words
    • 315 1 No New Conversion. SAAR PLEBISCITE REACTION SLIGHT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 21. The major event of the week from possibly the financial, as well as the political, point of view was the result of the Saar Plebiscite. So far there has naturally been little financial
      315 words
    • 65 1 Profit of Soember AJoe Rubber Estates to Sept. 30 was 4,965. plus 689 brought in. Div. of 5 p.c., less tax (nil.), absorbs £3,873; fwd. £1,781. Report states av. rate of exchange for year was 7.04 guilders to Difference between that figure and normal rate of 12.10
      65 words
    • 69 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract* Spot Seller Prices d. Apr.Dute L’«ion Sport Feb. Mar. June Jan. 31 6% 20% 21% 21% 23'4 Feb. 1 6 3 16 20% 21% 23% 24% 2 6 3 16 20 7 h 21 23% 24% 4 6 3 16 20% 21
      69 words
    • 690 2 No Forecast Possible. OCCURRENCE OF TIN IRREUULAK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang The nature of the tin occurrence ci so irregular that no forecast can he given of the potentialities of the mine. The progress of development has been excellent during the year,” said Mr. Vaughan
      690 words
    • 337 2 i Sir Francis Voules In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Jan. 31. From what I have seen and heard I have undoubted faith in I the future of Malaya as far as the lubber industry is concerned. She has happy days ahead of her and her
      337 words
    • 139 2 Tlk- following are the tin returns tor the month of January: Rahman Hydraulic.—47B pels Ayer Wenu. —185 pels. Kuala Lumpur.—No. 2 dredge hrs run 519, yds. treated 104.060, output 550 pels. Takuapa Valley.—No. 1 597 hrs. 160.000 cu. yds., 571 pels. Dredge Takuapa N. 2 527 hrs. 140.000,
      139 words
    • 450 2 Fraser And Co.’s Report. GOOD BUSINESS IN FRASER NEAVE. Following is Messrs Fraser and Co.‘s report on the local share market, dated on Wednesday. Mining. On a quiet market a fair number 1 of Kuchais have been placed round 90 cents ex dividend, while Linguis have changed
      450 words
    • 44 2 Messrs Harrisons Crosfield advise the following outputs for the month of December: Rubber.— Ank01a.—2.793 lb. Bajoe Kid0e1.—151.056 lb. Djaslnga.—2o3.l47 lb. TJikasintoe. —65,415 lb. Langen.—96.B26 lb. Donowarie.—49,363 lb. Balombissie.—22,9oo lb. Tea.— Ank01a.—43,062 hks. Pasir Madang.—32,99s hks. Coffee.— Bajoe Kidoel.—l6o pels. Balangriri. —lOO pels.
      44 words
    • 253 2 Drastic Scheme. THE NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. The international syndicate which has undertaken to guarantee th. placing of the new shares ot th, Netherlands Trading Society the big Dutch bank. Is reported to be headed by Hope and Co., Amster dam. Several other large Dutch banks are
      253 words
    • 44 2 .—Reuter. Echo Of Skirmishes In Turkestan. New Delhi. Jan. 31 General Sataboldijan. the leader of the Andijani troops, who figured in the recent Eastern Turkestan fight w’as executed last mnoth by Chinese troops who undertook the pacification of the territory.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 61 2 phine in the Government planes. Sin Kuo Min. Chinese Air Commander Executed. Hankow Jan. 31. Squadron-Leader Huang Fei and a pilct, Liu Chi-chiu. attached to ths Hunan air force, were executed at Hankow yesterday under order of Gen Chiang Kai-shek. It is revealed that the two men had
      phine in the Government planes. Sin Kuo Min.  -  61 words
    • 126 2 (From Our Own Correspondent* Bangkok, Feb. 2. France is leading in the race between Great Britain, Germany and herself to be the first European country to establish a regular air service to China. Air Fance, the French line operating between Paris and Saigon, plans
      126 words
    • 126 3 RECEIVER APPOINTED FOR STRAUSS CO. i'EPPER POOL SHAKE-UP. Can Operators Meet Their Heavy Commitments? RUBBER nervousness. APPOINTMENT of a provisional receiver in London for the affairs of Strauss and Co., Ltd., one of the biggest firm of commodity brokers has caused a sensation in London, India and Malaya. Rubber, cocoa,
      126 words
    • 423 3 London, Jan. 30. The Chartered Bank of India, on behalf of itself and five other important Indian banks, has applied in the Bankruptcy Court for the appointment of a provisional receiver for the affairs of Strauss and Co.. Ltd., Holland House, Bury Street. London, one of the
      423 words
    • 202 3 —Striits Times Copyright. (From Our Own Correspondent London, Jan. 30. The Daily Express suggests that some operators of the Pepper Pool recently formed in London are experiencing or are likely soon to experience difficulties in meeting their obligations. It is believed that the pool consists roughly of
      —Striits Times Copyright.  -  202 words
    • 32 3 Reuter. Snow has fallen in the Sahara Desert at the oasis of Bousaada. The fall is all the more remarkable as the heat there is usually extreme.
      Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 23 3 Local buyers are adopting a cautious policy and no buyers are in evidence at current prices of $5B-$59 for white Muntok.
      23 words
    • 1107 3 United Serdang Meeting. CHAIRMAN’S REVIEW OF WORLD SITUATION. Assessments for 1934 do not necessarily reflect the present yielding capacity of the States. We feel sure that for 1935 the authorities will take into consideration all relevant factors with a view to assessing a flgure more repre-
      1,107 words
    • 65 3 Jtelief That Scheme Will Be Renewed. Paris, Jan. 17. According to a statement made by the Agence Economique, it is believed there is little doubt that the tin-pro-duction restriction plan will be renewed. Reports of a possible increase in the quota of production for the next quarter are
      65 words
    • 880 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Fob. 6. MIMNO. Issue y a l p c Buyers. Sellers. 4 4/- Ampat Tin 4 3 4 9 11 £1 Asam Kumbang 34 38 £1 £1 Austral Malay 62/-5/-5 Ayer Hltam 13 6 14 6 1 1 Ayer W< ng 2.15
      880 words
    • 434 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Feb. 6. SELLING. Ixmdon. 4 months' sight 2/ 4 7/32 London, 3 months’ sight 4 3 16 London. 60 days’ sight 3 4 5 32 London, 30 days’ sight f 2 AM London, demand 2/4 3/32 London, T.T. 2/4 3/32 Lyons and Pails, demand
      434 words
    • 303 4 Last Night’s London Quotations. From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 5. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given oelow. The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Jan. 31. GOVERNMENT STOCKS, BRITISH. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 123% -1-3/16
      (Straits Times Copyright.)  -  303 words
      • 683 4 Allagar (2/) 18; Alor Pongsu (2 2 2; Anglo-Malay (£1) 13 6; Ayer Kuning (£1) 31 3; Barjan Serai (£1) 12/3; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3/74; Banting (£1) 23 Batang (2 1 Batu Caves (£1) 21 9; Batu Tiga (£1) 32 Bekoh (2 1/1; Betram Con.
        683 words
      • 741 4 Capital Issue Closing Price* Paid Up Value Dividend* Praser Lvall A Company «fc Co. Evatt. 454.175 1 6 p.c. mt. a c year 28-2-35 Allen by ($1) 1.85 1.95 1 85 1 y.i 216.779 1 5 p c. for year 30-9-34 Alor Gajah <
        741 words