The Straits Budget, 8 November 1934

Total Pages: 36
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES rpflmnrTcniDr. [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] K,. i""i SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1934. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 380 1 ■kadhrs— H fjubbt r New Uses Substitutes 3 3 Recovery Problems 3 IH 1,000.000.000 3-4 H untr lined Officers 4 Malay Rights 4 Kamiri 5 .Votes of the Day 5-6 turrs H yin Siamese Boxers 17 H Mrs Pennefather 17 Rural Scene at Esplanade 17 I Raja Muda
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  • 322 1 I Mr. C. B. Pecker left for Home by the K.L.M. plane last week. Capt J. Riley, of the Straits Steamship Co., has returned from leave. The Hon. Mr. G. E. London has been appointed Colonial Secretary, Gold Coast. Mr E. Hofman left by imperial Airways for
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  • 145 1 The following passengers are booked from Bangkok and Straits ports by the Boringia which leaves for Europe today _Dr. D. Collier. Mrs. M. Collier. Master D. Collier. Master R. Collier. Mrs. D. Houlberg. Mr. D. F. Macfie, Miss N. Macfie. Mr. E. A. J. Brooks. Mrs. E. A. J.
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  • 260 1 Dr. B. A. Taylor, Health Officer, Pahang East, has been appointed to act as Medical Officer Kuantan, in addition to his uuties. Mr. R. P. s. Walker, European Master, Malayan Educational Service,' has been appointed to officiate as, Head Master, King Edward VII School.; Taiping. Mr. R. O.
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  • 132 1 Mr. Phuan Yun Mong, Clerk Class 11, Social Hygiene Branch, Medical Department, Singapore, has been dismissed from the public service. Mr. G. H. Sutherland and Mr. 11. E. Stone have been granted commissions as acting sub-lieutenants in the S.S. Nava) Volunteer Reserve. Capt. O. L. Hancock has been
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  • 52 1 The celebration of the festival ol St. Andrew is to take the form of a dinner and ball in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday. Nov. 30. Practice dances will be held ir. the Victoria Memorial Hall on Thursday. Nov. 8. and Fridays, Nov. 16 and 23,
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  • 144 1 Commercial Tour Through India. < From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpi r. Nov. 1. The Selangor Indian Association entertained Mr B. K. Chengappa to tea this evening prior to his departure to India on a business trip. There was large gathering, and in the absence
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  • 137 1 Sudden Death At Colombo. News has been received by cable of the death at Colombo of Mrs. W. A Rogers, wife ol Dr. W. A. Rogers, J.P. of Colombo and Malaya. Mrs. Rogers came to Taiping on her marriage in 1894 and finally left Malaya In
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  • 71 1 R.A.F. Officer’s House Entered. A burglar who entered the house of Mr. H. T. Galvin, of the R A F., in East Coast Road on the night of Oct 31. got away with goods to the value of $50. Another burglary was reported by a Hokkien named Tan
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  • 55 1 Mr. F. H Turrell has been appointed Assistant Electrical Engineer. Mr. J. Hardman lias been appointed Assistant Electrical Engineer. The hon. Dato Abu Bakar bin Huang. Deputy Commissioner of PoPce. Johore, has been granted four months' vacation leave. Inrhe Abdul Rahman bln Abubakar. Treasurer, Batu Pahat. has been
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  • 531 2 Concert Success. SOPRANO, VIOLIN AND ORGAN. Singapore’s attitude towards celebrity concerts has been mystilying no’ infrequently in the past, but give the public a popular concert at which the artistes are well-known local people and the best support, especially il the event is on behalf oi a
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  • 501 2 In A Motor Smash. SINGAPORE FAMILY BEREAVED. i Tragedy has befallen the family u I Mr and Mrs. G. R. Oehlers. of SingaA wire was received from London on Monday announcing the death, as the result ol a motor accident, ot 23 year-old Harry F Oehlers. barrister-at-law
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  • 125 2 The general committee of the Y.W.C.A. will be “at home” at the Hostel, Fort Canning Road, on Friday afternoon to members and friends of the Y.W.C.A. to give them the opportunity of saying goodbye to Miss Catt who leaves by the Nieuw Holland for Australia on Nov.
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  • 162 2 Guests Of R.A.F. At Seletar Base. The Straits Times understands that a Siam Air Force mission is being sent to Singapore next month. The mission will be here one week as the guests of the Royal Air Force, whose training and organisation they will
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  • 227 2 Decree Nisi For Mr. A. Selvadurai. From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 1. In the Supreme Court today Alfred Selvadurai. otherwise known as John Alfred, petitioned for the dissolution of his marriage with Rose Selvadurai whom he married at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes at Singapore,
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  • 123 2 Death Of Well-Known Taiping Chinese. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 5. The funeral took place yesterday of Mr. Khoo Keng Lean, retired cashier of the Chartered Bank, Taiping. Mr. Khoo Keng Lean died last Wednesday, at the age of 63. Mr. Khoo Keng Lean started
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  • 342 2 His Family Today. ECHO OF PRE-HIUTIsh times. H ,From ,r vn r rr T Kuala Lumpur. Saturday lhe grandchildren 0 f tij Sultan Mohammed, U 0 ri S S 2? n < V r m 18 lo 1H5«.7£ addressed a petition, through H the High Commissioner
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  • 53 2 Presentation Of Service Medal. <From Our Own Correspondent.' Taiping. Nov. 5 At the Council Chamber. Saturday the British Resident. Mr G E. Cator, presented the Imperial Service Medal to Mr. Narain Singh, lafOverseer of Mines, Taiping. Mr Narain Singh, is the first of this town to
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  • 108 2 (From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Seremban, Nov 5 The newly appointed Negri Sembila. State Councillor, lnche Abdul Aziz Ahmad, was entertained at a party on the occasion of his apP 01 1 ment. The hosts were the Seremo Hire Motor Union of which body t Aziz is president.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 —2500 COLLECTORS wish to exchange STAMPS, TT.J,U8TRATED P08TCARDS, ptc with correspondent*. Ask for free English booklet No 10 to: EXOHA NOE-REGISTER. 51 Passage du Bure u. Mat-son J. Parts, France.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1126 3 RUBBER NEW USES AND SUBSTITUTES. mind of many of us—Straits Times. November 1. Ab ut two months ago we were able M publish in a leading article rlti ,tive information regarding! K niouress made in the search for j rubber and statistics show-j |H}.. the rubber growing areas which j
      mind of many of us—Straits Times. November 1.  -  1,126 words
    • 846 3 Straits Times, November 2 Mr. Leonard Reid. City Editor oi the London Daily Telegraph and formerly Assistant Editor of the Economist, has expressed in a lecture delivered in London the view that President Roosevelt will find himself sufficiently strong in the near tuture to pursue vigorously a rapprochement
      Straits Times, November 2  -  846 words
    • 953 3 K —Straits Times. November 3. We dealt yesterday with th»* general subject of trade recovery and reviewed some ol the obstacles, notably the un certainty of the position In the United States, which threaten to Impede continued progress toward world prosperity. Today we turn from the general to the
      K—Straits Times. November 3.  -  953 words
    • 825 4 Commissioner Straits Times. November 5. With the impending arrival ot a new Governor and High Commissioner, and an improvement in governmental finances, it is natural that people vGth pet schemes of one kind and another should be in a hopeful mood. They cannot all be successful, but there
      Commissioner — Straits Times. November 5.  -  825 words
    • 818 4 R 1 tthes. November 6. The action which has been Selangor to alter the succession ;o the throne has caused much comment throughout the Peninsula, and it nas been suggested that the treaty relations between Great Britain and Selangor do not authorise intervention in a matter ot this
      R 1 tthes. November 6.  -  818 words
    • 1055 5 Straits Times. November 7 L Phillips is to be congratuliK tactful manner In which p <-* the extraordinary general ri °l shareholders In Pulau r,t(} held at Kuala Lumpur on Monday, but the congratulations cannot be extended to cover the outcome oi the meeting in an atmosphere oi
      Straits Times. November 7  -  1,055 words

  • 65 5 The following have been appointed as office bearers for the Singapore Municipal Employees’ Co-opera’.'ve Thrift and Loan Society Ltd., for the ensuing year: Chairman of committee Mr. fan Sim Hong hon. secretary Mr. K. Rethnasarny; lion, treasurer Mr. him Keng Poh; committee members: Messrs. D. M Davis,
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  • 114 5 Singapore, Nov. 5. TODAY the “Notes Of The Day” appear in a new form, and an xplanation of this change is called for, tin? more so because many readers have been kind enough to say that they liked this department ol the Straits Times and never
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  • 86 5 IN these days most people read their newspapers In a hurry. The chief exceptions are our planting friends, who still settle down to a really thorough session with the Straits Times; and Indeed no class of Malayan reader is so satisfactory to cater lor. The journalist likes
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  • 118 5 IN Singapore It Is ditlerent. The tempo at which we live Is essentially a city tempo, and it seems to be becoming faster and faster nowadays. We work at high pressure during the day, and there Is more than enougn social life, sport and entertainment to fill up
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  • 108 5 17*011 one reason and another, therefore. It seems desirable to relax slightly, in this department of the paper, the conservatism lor which the Straits Times has always stood and for which it always will stand; and that relaxation is evidenced in the lighter and more popular style
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  • 75 5 pEYOND that, it is thought that by tills arrangement .1 greater degree of unity and continuity, as well as a stronger and more distinctive Malayan llavour. can be imparted to the “Notes •i the Day.” Another advantage will lx* that more •licetive presentation will hi: possible lor
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  • 91 6 The only other point calling lor comment is the pen-name that has been adopted. Anak Sinyapura sounds better than the clumsy “Singaporean.” and. besides, it has a rather different meaning. It suggests long and intimate association with Singapore, a sense of citizenship, and—In its purely journalistic connotations—a frank admission
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  • 241 6 ■OUT Anak Sinyapura and his col- leagues are bound to tire of Singapore now and again, as everyone does, and when that happens they will delve into Malayan lore or discuss anything else that happens to interest them in the Peninsula and Archipelago And if they get very
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  • 100 6 literary merit or psychological interest is claimed lor the journal, which is simply a record oi personal, family and social allairs, but it does tell the discerning reader how people lived in Penang seventy years ago. The Presgraves. Rodyks. Caunters and other well-known Penang names figure in
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  • 117 6 *pHE Gaunter family is still well known in Penang, and it is possible—though here I am confessedly guessing—that the two elderly ladies bearing that name who are now living in the Northern Settlement will recognise themselves and friends of their girlhood in this journal. Possibly the Penang library
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  • 98 6 OEVERAL weeks ago the Straits Times called attention to the mysterious activities of a ship called the Doggersbank She is a motor ship of some 300 tens i and carries a crew’ of 12. For some months she has been making regular voyages between Singapore and the Java
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  • 100 6 TT looks as though the Bata company is going to become as far-reaching in the Far East, in the rubber shoes trade, as the Tan Kah Kee organisation used to be. Bata, states a trade journal, already has 181 chain stores in Eastern countries. and he is
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  • 77 6 THE output for this chain of retail 1 shops comes from the Bata factory in India, for which rubber is occa- sionally obtained direct from Malacca j in chartered ships, thus avoiding the shipping conferences and their fixed tariffs. When Bata was in Singapore some months ago he
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  • 178 6 T\OES not his success, even with his India factory alone, w’eaken the Trade Commission’s conclusion that Singapore has no future as an industrial city (except in so far as it serves the limited Malayan market), because goods from our factories cannot hope to pass over the tarilT
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  • 141 6 knowing anyone, and being uncertain as to what to do, I was wandering disconsolately about the compound of the mosque when I suddenly saw a group of richly dressed Malays beckoning to me. They were seated at one end of a long, decorated building, which was hull
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  • 82 6 INCIDENTALLY— to make an abrupt descent from the sublime to the ridiculous—I have another vivid memory of that occasion in Selangor The chiefs’ pavilion had some religious significance, and I was requested to remove my shoes before entering it. 1 did so—and revealed a very large hole in the
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  • 101 6 WHOSE of us who are wandering what social changes we shall see in the next ten years will be depressed or elated, depending on the point ot view, by the* following comment on Singapore It's a nice town—if you like nice towns. How long it will remain
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  • 135 6 PERSONALLY I am not su pessimis- tic. Singapore has been a garrison town ever since it was founded and its military and civilian circles have always met in the friendliest possible spirit in sport and social lite In the last two or three years the Royal Air Force
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  • 90 6 fpHERE are selfish as well as social A reasons for welcoming the Services to Singapore. Presumably we shall see the China* Squadron at Seletar now and again and when that happens two or three thousand men will be coming into Singapore on shore leave. That will mean lots
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  • 123 6 reference to what was said in T this column yesterday about Bata's plans to build factories in Singapore and Shanghai, it is worth noting that the Firestone company has had a curious experience in Java. The Goodyear company has been running a tyre factory, the only on* in
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  • 158 6 Ah Whatt And Hi, Mala, Foster-Father. Twelve years of age hut Ah Whatt. little orphan peared before Mr. J. M Br 3 the police court on Monday to a charge of vagrancy. J 1 nstf! ”1 am looked after uy a Mahv he said in reply to
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  • 123 6 The funeral of Madam Chua Hay Luan. (late Mrs. Wee Cheong Lay who died at her residence. 105. Nelson Road. Singapore, on November Ist. took place at the Buk»t Brown Cemetery, or. Suitday. She is survived by her four sons Messrs. Wee Kim Leong. K;m Hock
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  • 19 6 BARROW.—At the General Hospital. Singapore. on November 2. to Mr. ancl 1 A. P. L. Barrow, a son.
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  • 33 6 TALBOT— BLACKWOOD SEWELL.-^ 1 engagement is announced of Mu A Talbot, son of Captain and Mrs. Talbot. Regent’s Park. London. 1 Violet Blackwood Sewell, daucht r and Mrs. F. Blackwood Sewell. SingaP°
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  • 23 6 Andre** McMICHAEL—BERNARD.—At wi j. Church. Ipoh F.M.S. on Nov. 2. lj»*- w liam Alexander McMichael to Susa Bernard. M.D., Kuala Kangsar. 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 NOTICE. All communications for both the Straw Times and the Straits Budget should addressed to the Head Office. CecC aM Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Setur ments. < The post free prire of the Straits Times* the United Kingdom and foreign countrw is $48 a year. The post fret 1 price
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  • 52 6 DEATHS 11 hi t BALAGURU.—Balaguru Chettyar ra i Mr. B Govindasamy Chettyai 1 n3 Contractor of Singapore Harbour Sunday, Nov. 4, at 2.30 p.nn a: ravaDatlnam. S India. Aged 1 ROGERS —Mrs. Florence Nancy Masof Dr. W. A. Rogers at her reside 8 cot.” Kensington Gardens, < 1 Sunday. November
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  • Letters To The Straits Times.
    • 91 7 ir From your ssue of Saturday it .)p.. lir s that the Municipal Com‘'/dinners of Singapore are going to vent taxi-drivers on the Serangoon R oud route dropping or picking up passengers. II i am not mistaken, all the Commissioners possess motor cars. I wist: they would discard
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    • 1053 7 Sir. The greatest need of mankind tjday is unity. No one will deny that 7 his is a crucial moment, not only among nations and religions, but also in our everyday life. In this world success does not depend so much upon individual men as on organised
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    • 140 7 Sir.—There are many nuisances and inconveniences to which law-abiding citizens of this city peacefully submit One of them is the fly nuisance. Flies are said by health authorities to be carriers of germs that cause all sorts of sickness. I wonder why the health authorities, who are the guardians
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  • 443 7 Friday’s Events. CIVILIANS, SERVICES ANI) CONSULS. The new Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the Malay States, II. E. Sir Shenton Thomas. K.C.M.G.. O.B.E., will arrive in Singapore next Friday (tomorrow) afternoon. There will he a ceremonial landing at thfe new pier, after which
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  • 100 7 Escorting The Ranpura Next Friday. All three squadrons of the R A F. in Singapore will be in the air on Friday morning to perform an aerial salute of welcome to the new Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas. The flying boats of No. 205 Squadron will
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  • 456 7 In Room At Detective Station. fl LETTER ON DESK, j Dies After Admission T« Hospital. Mr. J. Judge, Asiatic inspector of police attached to the 9 Detective Branch in Singapore. 2M was found shot in his office on <9 Friday shortly after beginning rj® work. j
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  • 109 7 The funeral of Mr. J. Judge of the Straits Settlements Police took place on Friday according to Sikh rites at the Bldadari Cemetery. The cortege was met at the entrance to tiie section reserved for Sikhs bv ,i number of constables of that nationality who
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  • 538 8 “I’M MOVING,” SAYS A MANUFACTURER. Charges Too High. BETTER TERMS OFFERED IN PERAK. Dors Government really endeavour to encourage local industries This thorny question is raised once again by the manager of what was at one time a flourishing cigarette factory in Bukit Timah Road. Because
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  • 46 8 There were 348 births as against 209 deaths within the Municipality of Singapore during the week ended Oct. 20. The chief cause of mortality was pneumonia with 23 deaths. There wers seven cases of chicken-pox, one case of fever and one case of dlptherla
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  • 313 8 Personnel Arrives. STEADY GROWTH OF GARRISON. Men lor the additional battery 1 of the Royal Artillery, which is expect:'ed in Singapore during this trooping j season, arrived by the Dorsetshire on i Saturday. The draft consisted of 7 officers and i 131 men. Six officers and a
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  • 101 8 And Chinese Gets Four Months Imprisonment. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 1. Requiring proof positive, Mr J P Biddulph. during the hearing of a case of theft of a white suit, ordered the Chinese delinquent to wear the apparel. The latter went into an adjoining
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  • 68 8 Woman Found With Fractured Skull. A 55-year-old Chinese woman fell from a height of 36 feet in a house in Banda Street on Monday while she was making her way through the darkness. She was found unconscious, and bleeding from a head wound, and the ambulance
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  • 508 8 Grim Struggle With Man I n Moving Car. A desperate struggle between a constable, who was standing on the footboard of a moving motor-car. and a man inside the motor-ear, ended in the car landing in a drain in High Street. On Friday one of
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  • 86 8 Mr. Lee Teck Chong And Miss Chang Hin Neo. (From Our Own Correspondent.' Seremban. Oct. 29. The wedding took place in the orthodox Chinese style at Seremban of Mr. Lee Teck Chong, brother of Mr. Lee Teck Nie of Tongkah Compound. Seremban. and Miss Chang Hin Neo. fourth
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  • 57 8 Shock In A Singapore Street. While dismantling a bulb on a lamp standard at the junction of Orchard Road and Tank Road. Choa Kwee Lim. an electrician attached to the Armenian Street electric substation, received a severe shock and fell to the ground. He sufTered burns on
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  • 52 8 Mr. M. A. K. Cassim was admitted and enrolled as an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court on Monday before the Chief Justice Sir Walter Huggard. Mr. C. H. Smith appealed in support ol the application. His lordship wished the new lawyer success in
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  • 249 8 The Master Of Sempill Where Is He Where is the Master of Sempill. c cf the leading British amateur aviators. who was to have left London c~ a flight to Melbourne before the a:, race, was delayed, and was expected in Singapore on Sunday? It
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  • 4087 9 RESOLUTION LOST. “A Perfectly Honest Show Mr. Butler’s View. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 5. Contrary to what w r as expected, the extraordinary general meeting: of Pulau Kamiri, Ltd., convened to consider the circular of Oct. S, passed off quietly and finished within
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  • 213 10 St. George’s Society Wants More Members. The annual general meeting of the. Royal Society of St. George (Singapore Branch), will be held in the lounge of the Singapore Cricket Club on Tuesday. Nov 13, at 6.15 p.m. for the iol- j lowing purposes To receive a report and
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  • 327 10 Young Malay Convict In Court. Mohamed bin Sudin. a young who Is already serving.a t"rnr 0 prisonment for house tresm« brought up from prison on Munch.*? 8 answer two charges of theft ,l) One of these w:.s not proceeded wits as the Crown otlered
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  • 44 10 A Chinese washerwoman fell ironu terrace at the back of a house in Middle Road on Tuesday while drying clothes. She regained consciousness before the ambulance arrived and she refused to go to hospital She bore no external injuries.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 368 10 LADIES. If you are short you can in rraAte your bright and. at one and the •am* time, develop that wi.loay figure that >• to much admired, oy adopting the Ron System —IT NKV KK PAILS I No discomfort or danger to health RQ55\ whatever la involved, and tnouaands of
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  • 1256 11 WORE STATE COUNCIL: [Malays Growing Enthusiasm For The Game At a meeting of the Johore State Council held at Johore Bahru on Oct. 30, it was announced that there was growing enj thusiasm among Malays for and for this reason provision had been
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  • 159 11 Six Months Gaol For Killing A Man. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 30. Abdul Rahman bin Jalaam. aged 25. with five years service as an outdoor officer of the customs department, received an extremely light sentence lrom Mr. Justice Mudie today on conviction of culpable
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  • 164 11 AN ACTRESS’S GOWNS What A Detective Found In A Sack. Chinese theatrical costumes, brightly coloured silks, laces and bead-laden gowns were exhibited in the police court when Tan Yew Heng, a labourer, appeared before Mr. J. M. Brander on a charge of being in fraudulent possession of property. He was
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  • 153 11 I nanimous Finding. INSANITY PLEA FAILS. From Our Own Correspondent.’ Ipoh, Oct. 31. The last session of the Perak Assizes for this year closed today when Bahat Bin Samat. a middle-aged Banjarese. was convicted of the murder of a Chinese shopkeeper at Sungei Manik. near Telok
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  • 55 11 He Asked For More An octogenarian Chinese created some surprise in the criminal district court on Oct. 31 when he begged for an enhancement of his sentence. The man, who was given six months for possession of fermenting rice and a still, asked for another four months. The judge, however,
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  • 181 11 ('he Asar bin Basir Honoured. From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Oct. 30. More than a hundred were present at the presentation of the Imperial Long Service Medal to Che Asar bln Basir. ex-Demang and Penghulu of Pegoh at the District Office, Alor Gaja today. The
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  • 61 11 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 31. Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad Malaka, IS M a retired officer of the Forest Department has been appointed a member of the Negri Sembllan State Council. The Seremban Hire Motor Union, of which body Inche Abdul Aziz is president.
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  • 2039 12 SELANGOR THRONE CROWN PRINCE LOSES TITLE MALAY PRINCE WHO HAS LOST A THRONE. HIS DIGNIFIED FAREWELL. Moving Scene In Astana At Klang. A statement has been issued by (he Colonial Office denying that the Raja Muda of Selangor has been deposed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies. The
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  • 118 12 Another Boy Rescued By Scavenger. (From Our Own Correspondent Seremban. Nov. The Seremban Coroner held an »a quest into the death of a three-yea* old Tamil boy who was drowned in channel near Rasah. A Tamil woman gave evidence 1 seeing two children floating n- r 6tream. As
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  • 420 13 lm BOMBER BACK at seletar. I Now We Know.” ijOll'-CAPT.’ IN SMITH’S COMMENTS. j| l0 K.A.F. bomber which crash B n the heart of the Johore jungle on its way to Alor Star tor duly in B ,omu‘ftion with the Air Race Iasi vc ,»k
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  • 154 13 Donations To Kelanlan Association. lr following donations to the Aus'n Jamboree Fund (Kelantan if ion 1 are acknowledged: ly acknowledge! $349; Staff of Di>rir Office. Ulu Kelantan. $50.05: A. G A. (J. Boyd, $20; Ong Teng Kee. Japanese Association of K-nntan. Ulu Kelantan DP n reach rs Pasir
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  • 296 13 The Late Mr. Judge. depression since his WIFE’S DEATH. Tragic revelations are expected at the inquest on Mr. J. Judge. Asiatic police inspector, which has been provisionally fixed for next Friday. Mr. Judge died in hospital in Singapore on Friday morning, two hours after he
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  • 145 13 Young Aviatrix On Way To Australia. The young Australian aviatrix. Miss Freda Thompson, who set olf from Lympne. Kent, in September in a small Gipsy Moth plane in an attempt to beat the 15 ciays record from England to Australia set up by Miss Jean Batten, arrived at
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  • 44 13 (From Our Own Correspondent). Sercmban, Nov. 1. The following are new members oi the Negri Sembilan State Council: The Inspector of Schools, Negn Sembilan (Major C. A. Scott) Mr. W. J Howse and Inchc Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad Malaka I.S.M. (un-offlcial>.
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  • 646 13 Strange Story. SEQUEL TO TREE FELLIXCJ. Allegations that the cutting down of a tree in front of the worshipping shrine at the Hakka burial ground in Huona ista Road had brought evil spirits and had luck, were made in a case heard by the fourth
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  • 201 13 Hut His Brother Joins State Council. 1 From Our Own Corespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 2. Contrary to expectations today'® Government Gazette makes no reference to the Raja Muda’s renunciation )f his title. On the other hand, it reveals that Tengku Alam Shah. Tengku Laxamana of
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  • 224 13 Arrangements For 1934 Celebration. The following official Communique is published lor general information:— His Majesty the King has approved j of the observance of Armistice Day, 1934. on Sunday. November 11. in the same manner as in previous years. The liring of guns. on»* at 11 i m.
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  • 590 14 Injured Man Tells Of Police Warning. A 1 .‘{-year-old boy, Kamanathan ('hettiar, was killed in a motor accident at the (> 3 j mile liukit Timah Road while hi< father, Chettiappa hettiar and another man kuniarappan ('hettiar were injured. The tragedy was the result
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  • 165 14 Malabari Gaoled For Retention. (From Our Own Correspondent > Muar. Oct. JO. The story of a pocket watch whicn was stolen and then passed through lour different hands was told in the second magistrate’s court today, when a Malabari Tamil. Mohamed. was charged with retaining stolen property. About
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  • 48 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Oct. 30. A 3-year-old girl while playing in the compound of the Military Barracks at Tanjong, Muar. was rendered unconscious by a coconut falling on her head. She was removed immediately to the Muar Hospital in a critical condition
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  • 62 14 Chinese Remanded For One Week. Arrested on a charge of murder of Tan Ho, a Chinese, Ng Kheng Jot), was produced before Mr. Norman Ciriee, the second magistrate. The incident was alleged to have occurred in Larut Road on Oct. 4 and was reported to have been the
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  • 80 14 Sequel To Meyer Road Motor Accident. D. C. Morgan, of the Singapore Cole Storage, who was involved in a motor smash at Meyer Road, Katong, in the early hours of Oct. 22, appeared in the police court before Mr. C. H. Whitton on Tuesday to lace a
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  • 41 14 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiplng, Oct. 31. Narain Singh, late Overseer of Mines, Taiping. will receive the Imperial Service Medal on Nov. 3 from the British Resident, Perak. The presentation will take place at the Council Chamber, Taiping.
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  • 718 14 Much Has Been Done In Every Direction.” Dr. A. L. Hoops, former Principal (ivil Medical Officer in Singapore has just returned from China as an unofficial delegate to the ninth congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, which was held in Nanking.
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  • 420 14 Singapore A. S. P. Shot By Pistol POLICE RAID I INCIDENT. I A European Assistant Mim,,; I dent of police was shut at fountain pen pistol durum h ‘H in Malabar Street at mirii/uM «n Tuesday Fortunately, passed through his coat bodily injury. Two e arrested. "''•I This is the
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  • 4839 15 blade Possible By Big Estimated I Surplus. When a budget showing a surplus of $215,000 was con- sidered by Singapore Municipal Commissioners on Friday it was decided on the suggestion of Mr. J. Laycock to restore half of the ten per cent, salary cuts
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 268 21 Reuter. I onimittee Agree On 25 Per Cent. •kicks MAY FALL. pother Meeting Later This Month. rom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 2. The Rubber Committee have rick'd on restriction of the ’port quota for the first three onths of 1935 at 75 per cent.,
      — Reuter.  -  268 words
    • 123 21 Metal For The Buffer Pool? From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 2. liu Anglo Metal Company states lat v orld visible supplies of tin on 31 were 20,174 as compared with 011 Sept. 30, and attention is lawn to the unexpectedly heavy i-it* of 5,171 smelted last month
      123 words
    • 46 21 —Sin Chew Jit Shanghai, Nov. 3. j lns returns show that receipts v, J irs t ten months of this year v compared with jp for the same period last f,i Smuggling of Japanese goods is p 0 j, lor this decline.—Sin Chew Jit
      —Sin Chew Jit  -  46 words
    • 217 21 .—Reuter. Tables Turned On The Reform Party. London, Nov. 2. Sweeping Labour gains, especially in the industrial areas, have resulted so far in the municipal elections held all over England and Wales yesterday, including London where 28 borough councils are elected en bloc every three years. Consequently
      .—Reuter.  -  217 words
    • 148 21 British Wireless. Importance Of Safety And Regularity. Rugby, NOV. The Under-Secretary for Air. Sir Philip Sassoon, in reply to questions, stated that proposals for curtailing the times taken by the existing Empire air services had been under consideration for several months. He could not make a statement
      – British Wireless. |  -  148 words
    • 90 21 Government Intolerant Of Criticism. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 2. In the course of the debate on the second reading ot the Dindings Bill Capt. A. S. Cunningham-Reid (Con Marylebourne) asserted that the proposal was a retrograde step because the inhabitants were being handed over to a
      90 words
    • 262 21 Reuter. Evasive Tactics By Japan. Washington, Nov. 2. An incomplete summary of Japan’s I views on the American objections to the new Japanese oil legislation was received today by the State Department, according to the acting Secretary oi State. Mr. Phillips, who said the Japanese memo
      Reuter.  -  262 words
    • 151 21 —Reuter. By English Captain Of China Cruiser. Shanghai, Nov. 2 The Chinese cruiser Yuen Using, commanded by George Skinner, a Londoner, encountered a big pirate junk of the Chekiang coast, about 100 miles to the south of Shanghai yesterday. Suspecting that the junk was carrying contraband. Skinner’s subordinate,
      —Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 64 21 .—Reuter. Future Of Franco-Soviet Relations. Moscow, Nov. 2 Striking utterances dwelling on tin* Franco-Soviet rapprochement were made today by M. Edouard Herriot.! president of the French Radical-So-cialist Party, in an interview with the Paris correspondent ol the Pravda. M Herriot declared that the future of Franco-Soviet
      .—Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 90 21 Reuter. Szechuan Mining Scheme. SHANGHAI POLICE ARE CURIOUS. Shanghai. Nov. 3. Vast mining lands, described as the richest in the world, have been found in Western Szechuan, according to a Chinese booklet promising untold wealth to investors. The sponsors of I the scheme include two iormer
      Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 241 21 Router. Now Definitely Linked To Sterling. London. Nov. 2. Financiers, in an interview today after three weeks’ experience of the Chinese silver embargo, were of the opinion that the situation was calmer than at first seemed likely. Foreign bankers suggest if the duty is definitely fixed, instead of
      Router.  -  241 words
    • 89 21 Reuter. Fresh II.S. Protest To Japan Likely. Washington. Nov 1. The United States has no intention oi relaxing her efforts to maintain the Open Door in the Far Fast.’* declared Mr. Phillips, Under-Secretary (if State, adding that the US. was considering the next move with regard to the
      ” Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 32 21 —British Wireless. Rugby, Nov. 1. A holiday will be observed in schools throughout the country on Nov. 29, the wedding day of the Duke of Kent and Princess Marina.—British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  32 words
    • 458 22 —Rritish Wireless. —Reuter Wireless. Malaya A Link Of Ever Increasing importance. Rugby, Oct. .*0. Sir Philip Sassoon, who has just returned from his visit to the Far Fast, is satisfied that the aerodromes from India to Singapore and landing grounds are proceeding on the
      .—Rritish Wireless.; —Reuter Wireless.  -  458 words
    • 100 22 —Reuter Wireless. Political Crisis In France Averted. Nantes. Oct. 2 r The threat to the Government due to the Radical Socialists’ op, osition to M. Doumergue’s constitutional reform proposals has been aver ed by M. Her riot. Addressing the Radical Socialists Congress, he appealed for preservation of
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  100 words
    • 86 22 —Reuter Wireless. New Agreement To Be Signed By Germany. Berlin, Oct. 27. The new Anglo-German financial agreement is expected to be signed next week. Although It is understood agreement in principle already has been reached, the mass detail must be worked out beiore signature. The discussions have
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
    • 90 22 t.—Reuter. Unemployed Converge On Albany. Albany (New York), Oct. 31. Twenty unemployed were beaten, two into unconsciousness, and 40 were arrested when hunger marchers from New York to Albany clashed with the police on the Hudson River bridge. Twelve combatants were sent to hospital. Some of the
      t.—Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 80 22 Reuter. Roosevelt To Recommend Full Restoration. Washington, Oct. 31. President Roosevelt today announced his intention to recommend the full restoration on July 1 next of all Government salaries to the 1932 level in expectation of increases in value and prices to warrant it. Salaries were reduced by
      Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 81 22 .—Reuter. After Tending Injuries Of Regular Driver. Sofia. Oct. 30 The locomotive of the express aboard which King Boris oi Bulgaria was travelling trom Sofia to Varna caught fire, today. 140 miles trom Varna. King Boris himself dressed the injuries of the engine-driver, who was
      .—Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 131 22 —Reuter Wireless. Growing Unrest In Austria. Vienna, Oct. 30. Rumours ot another threatened Socialist revolt are rife and it is stated the authorities have taken adequate precautions, including reinforcement of police by 300 long service men from the army. The Socialists, apparently, are wellarmed but open revolt at
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  131 words
    • 72 22 .—Reuter Wireless. Polling At Glasgow University. London. Oct. 27. After the usual battle with soot and ochre to reach the pooling station, the students of Glasgow' University elected Sir Ian Colquhoun, non-poli-tical candidate, as Rector in succession to Mr. Compton Mackenzie. Scottish Nationalist. The voting was 770
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  72 words
    • 64 22 Reuter. £100 Prizes For Malayan Residents. London. Oct. 30. €100 prizes have been drawn by the following in the Irish Sweepstake draw: Kalimmah. Dovenby Store. Sungei Siput. Perak Suntumpat. Kelantan Losing Hope. Singapore Cricket Club; Maxie, Samarang, Java Isangandmak. Jubilee Street. Hong Kong Jack Lehaun. Cualam. Saigon Black
      Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 67 22 —Reuter. Being Restored To Their Offices. Berlin, Oct. 31. Wild cheering by 4.000 Protestants gathered m the Marble Hall Zoo. Beilins biggest ballroom, greeted an announcement by Dr. Niemoeller, “the hghting parson of Dahlem” and one pm u aders of the fi B ht against Reichsbishop Mueller, that
      .—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 166 22 new Manchukuo State.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Oil Monopoly Plan To ft. Carried Out. Representations of Great r„„ the United States and the NethoS to Japan against the proposed jS* chukuo oil monopoly scheme h L l rejected by Manchukuo. 1 b(en In a Note to Japan, the new asserts
      new Manchukuo State.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  166 words
    • 121 22 .—Reuter. Powers May Withhold Oil Supplies. London. Oct. 29. There is no evidence of any difference between the protesting Governments. declares The Times commenting on the proposed Manchukuo oil monopoly. There is no justification, adds The Times, for the suggestion that the British and Dutch interests are combining
      .—Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 47 22 —Reuter. Secured By British Trade Mission. Tokio, Oct. 31. The Japan Advertiser announces that the Federation of British Industries mission has secured orders from Manchukuo for rails and rail equipment to the value of €8.000.000 sterling to be financed by Seligman Bros on 20-year credits.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 133 22 —Reuter. Question In House Ol Commons. London, Oct. 30. When the House of Commons reassembled today after the summer recess, Capt. Peter Macdonald tCon Isle of Wight) inquired whether there was any likelihood of an agreement with Japan as regards cotton and other Japanese exports. Mr. Walter Runciman.
      —Reuter.  -  133 words
    • 652 23 -British Wireless Political Uniforms. DISTRESSED areas REPORT. London, Oct. 30. m reassembled today alter o, 1 '.mer recess and there was a i animated attendance in the jj* c Commons. inisterial replies to questions opening ol the sitting todiv X Home Secretary. Sir John Gil- >
      -British Wireless  -  652 words
    • 162 23 .’’—Reuter. Powers Opposed To Japan’s Parity Demand. London. Oct. 31. riu* naval discussions have reached a critical stage. It had been hoped that today's meeting of the Japanese and the Americans might break the deadlock and become the turning point towards a compromise. (The meeting,
      .’’—Reuter.  -  162 words
    • 100 23 Reuter Wireless. Gilt-edged Securities In Demand. London. Oct. 30. On the Stock Exchange today giltedged securities maintained their prominence. most prices, especially among conversion issues, further advancing substantial! v Gold minings rallied especially in the afternoon, on the news the French Government propose to resume minting of gold
      . Reuter Wireless.  -  100 words
    • 67 23 up by the respective Ministers. Sin Chew Jit Poll American And Japanese Troops Involved. Shanghai. Nov. 3. An American-Japanese incident was narrowly averted at Tientsin yesterday when a party of 80 American troops, engaged in exercises, were prevented by Japanese sentries from passing the Japanese lines. Angry words
      up by the respective Ministers. Sin Chew Jit Poll  -  67 words
    • 49 23 —Reuter. Saigon, Nov. 2. It is now revealed that 2’>0 persons were killed, 5.000 houses were wrecked, and cattle and crops in a wide area were destroyed by the typhoon which last week swept a district ISO miles in length between Vinh and Bonita, Indot’hina.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 130 23 i.—Reuter. Story Of An Offer By Mr. Baldwin. Chicago. Nov. 1. An assertion by Samuel Insull. tha. Mr. Stanley Baldwin had In 1920 offer ed him the chairmanship ol the British High Tension Power Development Co. created a senation at today’s hearing of the trial of Samuel and
      i.—Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 118 23 Reuter. Recommends Fixed Gold Dollar. Now York, Nov. 3. A resolution recommending to Government. inter alia, the permanent return of a fixed gold dollar, prefer ably in conjunction with Great Britain and other countries, has been passed by the National Foreign Trade Convention delegates, among whom ar<‘ many
      Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 78 23 .—Reuter. U.S. To Protest Against AngloGerman Agreement. Washington. Nov. 2. It is indicated here that ’■he now Anglo-German debt agreement will form the basis of another protest by the U.S. State Department to the German Government aaainst discrimination against American bondholders. It is evident, however, that the terms
      .—Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 50 23 Hundreds Of Victims In North China. Shanghai. Oct. 31. Th' 1 Tangshan police report that more than 530 persons in the mining areas of the Luantung have died from overdoses of drugs. Meanwhile, Japan ese and Koreans are everywhere opening up firms lor the sale of drugs
      50 words
    • 417 23 Reuter. Crop Of Rumours. GERMANY MAY APPEAL TO LEAGUE. London. Nov. 2. The maintenance or order tor the •Saar plebiscite and the French threat to move troops are having the close attention of the British Government. It is learned that as signatories of the Versailles
      Reuter.  -  417 words
    • 70 23 i.—Reuter. Impending Resignation Denied. Alexandria, Nov. 1. There was a sequel to the recent incident between the Government and the British Residency today when King Fuad gave an audience to the Prime Minister, Yehia Pasha who tendered his resignation All Bey el Memzalawi. minister of Agriculture. Ihrahlm Fahmy
      i.—Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 24 23 .—Reuter. Stockholm, Oct. 31 Princess Sybilla, wife of the eldest son of the Crown Prince, gave birth to a daughter today. Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  24 words
    • 527 24 Assurance That All Is Calm. ‘NOTHING UNTOWARD.’ Dirincliration To Discuss Politics. A message received in Singa|M»re on Wednesday from London states that cables to Bangkok asking for information concerning the trend of events in the Siamese capital, are now being answered for the first time since
      527 words
    • 167 24 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Reuter. No Faith In The Discussions. Shanghai, Oct. 30. That the Japanese Government has little faith in the final outcome of the London naval talks is evidenced by the budget for next year, says a Tokio report. Provisions arc made in
      – Sin Chew Jit Poh.; Reuter.  -  167 words
    • 129 24 est air service in the world—Reuter Wireless. Record Of Progress In Past Year. London. Oct. 27. The report of Imperial Airways lor the year ended March 1934 shows 2.354.176 miles were flown compared with 2.030,923 the previous year Route mileage had increased from 11.366 to 14.158. The report
      est air service in the world—Reuter Wireless.  -  129 words
    • 139 24 Reuter Wireless. Petition For Separation From Commonwealth. London, Nov. 1. The petition to His Majesty the King by the people of Western Australia for separation from the Commonwealth of Australia was presented today by the delegation specially appointed by the Western Australian Government to Mr. J. H. Thomas
      Reuter Wireless.  -  139 words
    • 37 24 Covering Passengers On Chinese Machines. Shanghai. Oct. 21. The administration of the Chinese National Aviation Corp. has introduced an air insurance service in order to insure the life oi passengers travelling on board its planes.
      37 words
    • 78 24 —Reuter Wireless. Puntarcnus (Costa Rica), Oct. -9. The 18 British treasure hunters received a pleasant surprise when they were not placed in custody on arrival here but were allowed to stay in a hotel pending further orders. The Britons were informed they would he required
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 123 24 —British Wireless Large Number Of Visitors Expected In London. Rugby. Oct. 29. The King and Queen who returned to Buckingham Palace irom Sandringham on Saturday, have several important engagements during the next few weeks during which the outstanding event will be tin* wedding of their son. the Duke
      —British Wireless .  -  123 words
    • 84 24 .—Reuter. High Officials At The White House. Washington, Oct. 30. A mysterious conference, attended by a number of high Treasury and State Department officials, was held today at the White House. The exact nature of the meeting has not been revealed. Mr. Morgenthau, Secretary ol the Treasury, stated
      .—Reuter.  -  84 words
    • 108 24 to request aid for her son.—Reuter Wireless, Princess Marina And A Petitioner. Paris, Oct. 31. A slight incident occurred as Princess Marina was alighting from a car at her parents’ house. A woman of Greek nationality Jumped on the running board brandishing a letter. Two plain clothes policemen
      to request aid for her son.—Reuter Wireless,  -  108 words
    • 23 24 Sin Kuo Min. Hong Kong, Oct. 31. A Siamese trade delegation passed through here yesterday en route to Canton.--Sin Kuo Min.
      – Sin Kuo Min.  -  23 words
    • 185 24 Reuter. To Cross Atlantic. Oil) TO BREAK SCOTTv RECORD. b Oakland < California Nov 4 Sir Charles KIngsiord-Smith h a arrived here on the completion of m Pacific flight Honolulu was hi,'1“* stopping place en route from AustraSJ Los Angeles. Nov a When Sir Charles arrived here
      Reuter.  -  185 words
    • 111 24 premises by the fire-brigade'.a-Trans-Ocean. Started By Polish Miners. Warsaw, Nov. 1. Another subterranean starvation strike, similar to the one which recently took place in Hungary, has been begun by Polish miners in the Kleofas pit. in Polish Upper Silesia, as a protest against the proposed ciosm; down
      premises by the fire-brigade'.a- Trans-Ocean.  -  111 words
    • 105 24 Reuter. Loss Of Life Off Coast Of Canada. Quebec. Oct '.'i. Six members of the crew am; kve passengers are believed to haw brer, drowned in the foundering of me motorship Roy David in heavy m a> the Gulf of St. Lawrence, while c.vo of the crew of
      !- Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 57 24 Aneta-Trans-Oce ;n Paris, Oct. On Tuesday a French military p crashed into a high tension w;r burst into flames, both inmates killed. The next day a naval 1 il;1 plane crashed into a vineyard Montpellier. Three of five occu were killed outright, while th< two were sent
      – Aneta-Trans-Oce ;n  -  57 words
    • 30 24 “BOMBING” OF SHANG HAI. Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai. Nov A mock air attack will be c out on Greater Shanghai tonigh Gen. Wu Te-chen, the Mayoi personally direct defence meas
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  30 words
    • 82 25 H.| vin (|onment Of Control W Urged. our Own Correspondent! London. Nov. 5. H r Daily Express asserts that the h0 pe for Empire tin producers is t iriu’st abandonment of restric- r V newspaper adds: “Undoubted- m0 st critical situation is arrisn connection with tin. Control
      82 words
    • 235 25 r Reuter. Aneta-Trans-Ocean. I French Armed Forces Ready. Paris. Nov. 1. I i- i> authoritatively stated here that t: :ah motor units behind the AisafV. border are ready to enter the 1. a a m >ment’s notice ii Mr. K; ox. troident ot the Saar Governing Ccmb ja
      r Reuter.; Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  235 words
    • 76 25 .—Reuter. Running Battle Off Canton. Canton. Nov. 5 cruiser Hai Ying. belonging to Kwangtung Provincial Harbour was shelled and sunk following tunning battle with a preventive 200 miles to the south of Canton. ilH 1 Hai Ying was allegedly smugglf 1 sugar and sea products to Kwangund retused
      .—Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 55 25 —Reuter. Strike Paralyses Work In 250 Skyscrapers. New York, Nov. 3. strike ol lilt operators whten ‘kvM'd work in 250 buildings today (1 in a victory tor the claims of Zionists union threatened to extend 'rike to all hotels, ilats. and buildings all over the city fbe
      —Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 96 25 —Reuter. Mobs Wreck Booths And Villages. Chicago. Nov. 1. The world’s lair closed today amidst scenes of the wildest disorder. Mobs of halloween revellers spent the night pillaging the booths and doing $150,000 damage. They wrecked the model villages and pitched furniture and policemen into
      —Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 47 25 —Reuter Chicago, Oct. 31. The Century of Progress Exhibition closed at midnight last night amidst a blaze ot fireworks. The exhibition was an outstanding financial success Despite depression conditions the attendance totalled 38.000.000 spending about $900,000,000 during the two years of its existence.—Reuter
      —Reuter  -  47 words
    • 166 25 .—Reuter. Bigger Enlistments Urged. Washington, Nov. 1. The Navy Secretary, Mr. Claude A. Swanson, has recommended that President Roosevelt and the Budget Bureau should increase the number of men enlisted in the navy during the fiscal year of 1936, thereby giving the navy a maximum of 93.000 men
      .—Reuter.  -  166 words
    • 105 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Their Part In Nation’s Commerce. Vienna. Oct. 25. The part taken by Jews in certain branches of commerce is set forth in a report of the meeting of the “Union of Austrian Jews” published in the Wiener Neueste Nachrichten. In the clothing trade, for instance, no
      Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  105 words
    • 47 25 —Reuter. Turned Back By B*id Weather. Athens. Nov. 1 Cathcart Jones and Waller wer* forced to return to Tatoi aerodrome owing to bad weather in Italy They will spend the night here owimto difficulty in obtaining the necessarv fuel supply, but will depart tomorrow morning.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 375 25 Reuter Wireless. Sold Military Plans To i Foreign Power. Berlin, Oct. 31. It is revealed that a number of alleged spies on behall of foreign powers have recently been tried by the People’s Court. Several have been sentenced to death and others to hard
      Reuter Wireless.  -  375 words
    • 114 25 Reuter. Zeppelin Expedition Planned. Berlin. Nov. 1. A plan for a new Polar expedition with a new zeppelin which is being completed, is announced today by Prof. Weickmann, the famous meteorologist. The zeppelin will take a group of scientists to a district which will be thoroughly explored between
      Reuter.  -  114 words
    • 36 25 SNOW British Wireless Rugby. Oct. 31 Britain is experiencing a cold spell and snow fell heavily today in several parts of England and Wales and there was a fall hi north London tills afternoon British Wireless
      British Wireless  -  36 words
    • 63 25 —Reuter. Shanghai, Nov. 1. A Londoner, George Skinner, master of the Chinese cruiser Yuen Using, today directed a victorious running battle against pirates 100 miles to the south of Shanghai. Three pirates were drowned, two shot dead and five captured. Their junk was holed and sunk. Four
      .—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 195 25 British- Wireless. Retirement Of (ieneral Higgins. Rugby. Nov. 1. The Duke of York paid a warm tribute to the Salvation Army at a huge meeting in the Albert Hall. London, today when the Army said farewell to its retiring head. General Higgins. Cabinet Ministers. Ambassadors arid many other
      British- Wireless.  -  195 words
    • 91 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocein. British Fascists* Latest Step. London. Oct. 28 Sir Oswald Mosley, addressing 10.000 Fascists in the Albert Hall, delivered trenchant attacks on the British Government and the Jews who. he said owing to their boycott movement had deprived Great Britain of Important markets and had attempted to
      Aneta-Trans-Ocein.  -  91 words
    • 49 25 v— Reuter. Winnipeg. Nov. 1 It is announced that at the Government’s request w r heat prices on the Winnipeg grain exchange will be pegged as from Nov. 1. December futures were marked at 75 cents a bushel, and May futures at 80 cents —Reuter.
      v—Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 38 25 Reuter. London. Nov. 2. Cat heart Jones and Waller arrived at Lympne at 1.15 pm. today They took 13 days, six hours and 4a min. lor the flight from England to Australia and back Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 709 26 BRITAIN LEGATION IN CHINA —Reuter. Statement By Foreign Secretary That the Hritish (iovernment does not propose Jit present to raise the status of the Legation in China was revealed by Sir John Simon, the Foreign Secretary, in the House of Commons on Nov. 5. when he was called upon to
      —Reuter.  -  709 words
    • 52 26 —Sin Kuo Min. Hong Kong, Nov. 6. Twelve pirates posing as passengers yesterday seized control of the China Merchants’ steamer Chia Ho and forced the vessel to stop at Honghaiwan. to the south of Swatow. Kwangtung. Hesides looting the steamer, the pirates kidnapped three passengers for ransom.—Sin
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  52 words
    • 111 26 —Reuter Wireless. Angry Wife Shoots Tardy Husband. Paris. Nov. 4. Madame Guigne, a pretty young woman of 25. has been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment with the benefit of the First Offenders Act which nullifies the term. Her crime was the shooting and killing of her husband
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  111 words
    • 29 26 —British Wireless. Rugby, Nov. 3. The Duke of Gloucester had suffl ciently recovered from his chill and catarrh to resume his engagements in Victoria today—British Wireless.
      ’—British Wireless.  -  29 words
    • 176 26 Reuter. Naval Adviser To Nanking Government. London. Nov. 5. Captain J. A. V. Morse has been appointed naval adviser to the Chinese Government and will train Chinese cadets. He succeeds Captain H T Baillie-Grohman. Capt. Morse, when a lieutenant, was mentioned in dispatches and was granted
      Reuter.  -  176 words
    • 126 26 Reuter. Report To Be Published On Nov. 22. London. Nov. 1 The Joint Select Committee on Indian constitutional reforms has now concluded its deliberations and form ally presented its report to Parliament. both Houses of which today agreed to its simultaneous publication in India and Great Britain. According
      Reuter.  -  126 words
    • 133 26 by the price control bureaux.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Must Consider People’s Purchasing Power. Duesseldorf. Nov. 2. For demanding too nign a price tor potatoes a wholesale dealer here was obliged to shut his doors for two days by order o f the district governor who threatened a complete closure of
      by the price control bureaux.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  133 words
    • 67 26 .—Reuter. Acting Captain Faces Negligence Charges. New York. Nov 5. William F. Warms, acting captain of the ill-fated Morro Castle, today pleaded not guilty to five chaiges of negligence when he was arraigned, with four other officers, before the United States Steamboat Inspecton Service with a view
      .—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 323 26 —Reuter. Count Ito’s Evasions. AERODROMES \\h HARBOURS. Geneva. Nov. 5 The Permanent Mandat s c rsion of the League of day opened discussion on the rPr of the Japanese Gov, rnment on* Pacific Islands and .Toum In, panese Minister, was subjectedV" number of questions regardin'. v
      —Reuter.  -  323 words
    • 99 26 —Reuter Soviet To Pay Only £3,000,000. Moscow. Nov. 5 The signature of the Lena Goldfields agreement took place yesterda'* at the bedside of Mr. Marshal., a signatory for the company, who is suffering from influenza. M Trifonoff signed for the Sovie. The £3.000.000 award will be paw through
      —Reuter  -  99 words
    • 59 26 Statement By American Ambassador. Habarovsk The American Ambassador to U.SSR Mr. W. C. Bullit, in an m :t view with the press at Vladivos expressed the assurance that an line connecting America anc U S S R, across the Pacific will h v tablished soon, and stated that
      59 words
    • 280 27 TR ANS ATLANTIC AIR SERVICE. Reuter. Ilncl Bi-Weekly Planes l To Singapore. L \\S DRAWN UP. Lporial Airways Annual I Meeting. London, Nov. 5. “Imperial Airways have Brawn up full plans for a Irans* Atlantic service,” delved Sir Eric Geddes at the tpnual meeting of Imperial Uirwavs today. hut operation
      Reuter. .  -  280 words
    • 109 27 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Bij: I Mane For Austrian Ministers. Vienna, Nov. 3. Taking due account of the fact lat diplomacy apparently has become n itinerant trade whose success is lr sely dependent on \pic transstation. the Austrian Government as ordered for its own use a twohgined American Douglas express
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  109 words
    • 63 27 the auction.—Aneta-Trans- tty Auction Banned In Germany. Berlin, Nov. 1. 11 mres of Der Fuehrer, Adolf r must not be sold by auction r din<j to an announcement in the Ss When someone attempted to several of Hitler’s pictures by auction at Eiselben. district j !l officers of
      the auction.—Aneta-Trans-  -  63 words
    • 360 27 Reuter. Parties Waiting For Each Other To Move. London. Nov. 5. The naval talks are entering their second week. The deadlock is being carired on in a silent manner. The representatives of the three countries are Just sitting and waiting. The Americans sit in a West
      Reuter.  -  360 words
    • 128 27 —Reuter Wireless. Croat Emigrant Leader Detained. Vienna. Oct. 29. There has been an unexpected development here in connection with the Europe-wide hunt for an accomplice in the plot to murder the late King of Yugoslavia. The French Government have requested the Austrian authorities to h* :d in custody
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  128 words
    • 60 27 .—Reuter Wireless. Boulogne. Nov 2. The death has occurred ol Baron Edmond do Rothschild, aged 8.1 grandson of the founder oi the Meat banking family He spent much »t wealth in providing homes tor J exiles in Palestine, especially refugees from the Hitler regime His only son. iames.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  60 words
    • 238 27 Reds.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew J it Poh. Communist Threat To The North-West. Shanghai. Nov. 7. Marshal Chlang Kai-shek’s iears that the Reds will attempt to concentrate in Szechuan, possibly as a prelude to invading North-West China, are believed to have prompted his Hying tour.
      ! Reds.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew J it ; Poh.  -  238 words
    • 168 27 .—Reuter. Bureau Convened Again. Geneva, Nov 5. The League of Nations today publishes a communique by Mr. Arthur Henderson, President of the Disarmament Conference, convening the bureau of the Disarmament Conference during the meeting of the Assembly and indicating the agenda for continuing work on the sundry commissions. A
      .—Reuter.  -  168 words
    • 81 27 Sit. Chew Jit Poll. Bandits Liberate All Prisoners. Hong Kong. Nov. 4. Two hundred Chinese bandits made a surprise attack on Halting District South Fukien, on Friday and succeeded in disarming the small garrison there. The magistrate, who was taken prisoner while the miscreants ransacked the town,
      Sit. Chew Jit Poll.  -  81 words
    • 204 27 .—Reuter. .—Reuter Wireless. Favourable Balance In September. Washington, Nov. 5. American exports for September amounted to $191,01)0.000 and imports to $131,000,000, compared with $160,000.000 and $140,000,000 respectively lor September last Exports to Great Britain were $40,000,000 compared with $28,000,000. Imports from Britain, compared with $9,000,000 and $12,000,000 respeclwely
      .—Reuter.; .—Reuter Wireless.  -  204 words
    • 176 27 British Wireless. Committee To Deal With Royal Gift. Rugby, Nov. 3. Tile Duke of Kent and Princess Marina have decided that national wedding gifts to be presented to them shall be used for providing a Christ- mas treat lor necessitous children and i the providing of holidays for
      British Wireless.  -  176 words
    • 67 27 —Reuter. New Prime Minister Not Yet Chosen. Cairo, Nov. 5. It is understood that Yehia Pasha’s Cabinet resigned yesterday, but King Fuad has not yet chosen a new Prime Minister. It is very likely that the choice will be either Tewf lk Nesslm. former chief of the
      —Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 39 27 —Reuter London, Nov. 5. After a course at the flying school at Grantham, two Chinese lieutenants. LI Shou-chen and S. K. Lee. have become attached to the Sixteenth Army Cooperation Squadron and the Ninth Bomber Squadron respectively—Reuter
      —Reuter  -  39 words

  • 1142 28 Rubber At The Seaside—A Planter On Holiday—The Beach Outfit JSeiv Uses —Every Little Helps! (By Our Planting Correspondent.) f|>G any planter who has been oi*t of England for the last lew years, one ol the things that will be sure to attract his notice while on leave
    1,142 words
  • 448 28 They Found His Locked Box. Kaka is dead. Kaka, in his youth a lireman aboard the s.s. Shanghai, has been from the beginning of the twentieth century, colourful seller, outside the Singapore Cricket Club, of the Straits Times and Straits Budget; in recent years of
    448 words
  • 64 28 Addition Of Five Cents On Duty. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 1. From todaj there will be an increase of five cents on the duty of ten cents imposed in November of last year per picul or part of a pikul of all tin-ore exported from
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  • 176 28 Singapore Unemployed. WANT PREFERENCE OVER CHINESE. Four hundred unemployed Bengali ship's firemen, in Singapore have asked the Master Attendant to use his influence in their behalf towards inducing local shipping companies to give preference to them over Chinese &hen signing on crews. A deputation of over a
    176 words
  • 35 28 There were 359 births in the Singapore Municipal area as against 2CI deaths during the week ended Oct. 27. Pthisis with 28 claimed the most number of victims. Twenty-one persons died of pneumonia.
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  • 90 28 Homicide Verdict. SENT TO PRISON FOB EIGHT YEARS. From Our Own Corivso i d-nt Penang. Nov. The murder trial in which a young Hylam, Ooi Kiah Kim, who was arrested in Singapore, while boarding steamer leaving for China on a charge of the murder of a
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  • 85 28 PAWNSHOP ACCO UNTS Assistants Who Failed To Enter Transactions. (Fror Our Own Correspom Kuala Lumpur. Oct. a Fines totalling $40 were imp j each of two Chinese when tl ed guilty today to three ehfailing to enter into the pr« transactions for articles p v r three separate occasions, pawnshop
    85 words

  • 978 29 Johore’s Three Musketeers—Mackenzie Kicks A Great Penalty Goal. 3 PtS Johore li pis. M Rentam on Saturday Singapore successfully neeotiatod the first hurdle in the Malava t up competition defeating Joliore by 13 points <2 goals, 1 try) to 3 points (1 penalty
    978 words
  • 620 29 AN AMAZING VERDICT. Kid L eyt e who came ?rom Mjnila u pee( and Max Santos, was n n action at the New World arena Inh« atUrday ni Sht against Young nson the F.M.S. champion. tll(> end °f ten rounds the judges J r
    620 words
  • 428 29 The Inter-College Athletic meeting on Saturday at the Medical College ground resulted in a great victory tor Raffles College who scored 48 points «,n their opponent’s 38. They thus won the Kay-Mouat challenge cup for the second year in succession. B R. O. Willis set
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  • 125 29 —Reuter. London, Oct. 3i. At Stamford Bridge today the English League defeated the Scottish League by two goal3 to one. Weather conditions were bad there being a bitterly cold wind and rain. The attendance was small, only 16,000 being present. The
    —Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 80 29 .—Reuter. Boston, Nov. 2. The America’s cup referred to yesterday is the old 12 metre cup offered three years ago, which has not been sailed for this year. Mr. T. O. M Sopwith and others have until Nov. 15 to challenge for the Class America’s Cup if
    .—Reuter.  -  80 words

  • 819 30 Fifteen Points Scored After The Interval. Etc. I. IK pts. Mer. Hank nil. Although they played the whole of the first hall one forward short the Etceteras and Insurance beat the Merchants and Bankers in an S.C.C. Tournament match on Tuesday on the padang by 18
    819 words
  • 243 30 EASY VICTORY FOR E. J. y ASs Contrary to expectation Mrs. L. M P“nnetather defeated Miss Wang Siew Eng in the women’s badminton final and thus recovered the Singapore title, which she held in 1931 and 1932. The first set was a very close affair,
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  • 338 30 London. Oct. 31. The Cambridgeshire Stakes, whico was run at Newmarket this afternoon over a distance of 1 mile and 1 furlong resulted as follows: 1. Mr. O. V. Watney’s WYCHWOOD ABBOT (Perryman > 2. Mr. A. K. Macomber’s COMMANDER III <H. Beasley). 3.
    338 words
  • 393 30 P.8.R.F.C. (i points; Chinese nil. The Chinese paid their second visit to Dunearn Road on Tuesday and werei again beaten by a very narrow margin, the Public Services winning by 61 points (2 tries) to nil. Both tries were
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  • 107 30 Boxing At Ipoh After A Lapse Of Two Years. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Nov. 5. Alter a lapse of two years Ipoh Is to ;ee some boxing. A promotion has been arranged to take place at the Amusement Park on Wednesday when Yeoh Chai Lai. the
    107 words
  • 73 30 Customs Department W> n The O’Reilly Shield. From Our Own Correspondin' 1 Seremban. Nov The Negri Sembilan Inter Departmental Association football leasin concluded on Friday. The were the winners and thus tak' D’Reilly shield. The Negri Police wer runners-up. The following were the resui hockey matches played
    73 words
  • 38 30 Championship Fight At Tunis. London. N" v 1 A1 Brown retained the world )l tamweight championship Tunis by knocking out Young P* e Tunis in the tenth round of a I minute rounds contest. —Reuter
    38 words

  • 528 31 Selangor And Penang Both Held To A Draw At Kuala Lumpur. Hot key came into its own over the week-end four intor "sunda’'" er SameS he SCUreS be,ng Se.a'n g or match on slfrlufand i.7u,c Penal.'a Ma-'JTbZ r r 3 e beate hy Perak
    528 words
  • 297 31 Negri Sembilan Score The Winning Goal On Time. fFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Nov. 3. In fine weather Negri Sembilan beat Malacca by four goals to three. The Negri side underwent two changes. Ali taking the place of Theophilus at back and Theophilus taking the place of McGregor
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  • 156 31 Penang Beaten By Five Clear Goals. tFrom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Nov. 3. Perak were much the superior team and had no difficulty in beating Penang by five goals to nil in a mediocre game. Perak’s first goal came fifteen minutes from the start and was the
    156 words
  • 837 31 Caprice Scores In Lemberger Cup. The first race for the R.S.Y.C. Black Swan Iroph.' Sunday morning. Four six metres entered. The s ar ragged. Kelat and Ramona crossing the line t(,ge SC(on ds seconds after the gun, with Kathleen and jarbet J\
    837 words
  • 144 31 .—Reuter. Flemington, Nov. 6. The Melbourne Cup. value £10.000, was run today before a record crowd, who gave the Duke of Gloucester a tremendous welcome, in spite of the tact that they were soaked to the skla bv the rain, which did not give
    .—Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 83 31 28 Competitors Complete The Course. The third annual cross country run over a distance of 10 miles, organised by the Clerical Union, resulted in a win lor Pte. Morgan, Wiltshire Regiment. who completed the course in 1 hour, 3 min.. 5 sec. Pte Stanley was second, a
    83 words

  • 1807 32 Surprise Results In The Scottish League—Motherwell Fall To Airdrieonians. rvom Our Own Correspondent. > London, Nov. 4 Last year Everton was the only team in the First Division to take four points lrom Arsenal and it was thought that
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  • 589 32 —Reuter. The boxing on Friday at the Great World was spoilt by a sharp shower. I which started during the second round of the fight between Little Lewis and L. S. Fond and lasted until the seventh round. The majority of spectators stayed on and were
    —Reuter.  -  589 words

    • 832 1 Mr. Anderson Pole’s Speech. I twenty-fourth annual genera: ot kempas Ltd. was held at L*a. on Oct. 27. Chairman. <Mr. T. F Anderjle». said:— We meet today under happier circumstances than existing on the four previous ,ns. When we last met the ot rubber
      832 words
    • 72 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract* Spot Seller Prices —> d. S 5 S$ ji x Date L’don S'porc Spot Nov. Dec. N l°0 22 22 4 24 26 2 2122 24 25 x 3 6 9 16 21\ 21s 23.2 5 6 5 16 20-4 21 -O
      72 words
    • 316 1 Sound Financial Position. The second ordinary general meeting of the Jabi Rubber Plantations 1932). Ltd., was held recently in Lonaon. Mr. E. B. Ridsdel, who presided, said that during the year they had harvested a crop of 563,410 lb. of rubber which, compared with the previous 12
      316 words
    • 135 1 Reason For The Delay In Posting Allotments. Some delay was occasioned in proceeding to allotment in connection with the issue of 120.000 Ordinary shares of Cl each of the Malacca Rubber Plantations at 22s. fid. per share The lists were open tor live minutes and tlie
      135 words
    • 25 1 The Raub Australian Gold Mining Company. Ltd. state that their output for the tour weeks ended Oetober 9. 1934, amounted to 1.903.55 ounces
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    • 25 1 Parlt Perak Rubber Company. Ltd. property has been assessed for standard production at 582.038 lb., which figure is considered satisfactory by the Directors.
      25 words
    • 123 1 Foreign Imports of Tin ore during the month of October. 1934. Country of Origin Ton«> Alaska Burma 400 The Netherlands Indies:—Banaka and Billiton Singkep Other Places 2 French Indo-China 231 Japan Siam 1,u jJ Tanganyika Union of South Africa 114 Uganda Australia 1 Total 1.906 IMPORTS. Monthly
      123 words
    • 978 2 Mining Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN QUEENSLAND.) R A U B Pahang, October 26, 1934. MINING REPORT NO: 486 lb* Chairman Directors. i’he Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. S.S. Gentlemen. —The following is the Operation Report for the period ending October 9, 1934.' MINING DEVELOPMENT.
      978 words
    • 103 2 Centra! Perak And Kuala Pilah. From Our Own Correspondents London. Nov 1. The estate acquired by Central i Perak Rubber Co., is situated in < johore. Kuala Pilah Rubber Estates. Ltd.. propose to increase the nominal capital by £50.000. making it £150.000 I ior the purpose of
      103 words
    • 303 2 Company’s Dividend Prospects. The second general meeting ol the Tonghurst Rubber Estates < 11»32 Ltd., was held in London recently. Mr Stanlake Lee. who presided, said that they had harvested a crop c: 378.147 lb. of rubber, which compared with an estimate lor the year of 360.000
      303 words
    • 121 2 The annual meeting of the Mandai Tekong < Singapore* Rubber Estates Ltd., will be held In Singapore next Friday. The report shows that the year was worked with a loss ot 54.293 which amount after being deducted from the balance of profit brought forward from last year
      121 words
    • 88 2 During the week ending Oct. 27 exports from Malayan ports amounted to 18,253 cases, of which 12.375 <6B per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 610 (3 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 3.050 (17 per cent cases to Canada, and 2.218 (12 per cent.)
      88 words
    • 52 2 —British Wireless Rugby, Nov. 3. Sterling on New York opened at 4.98*4, Paris 75 5 a. Gold price is 139s. 9d. On the stock markets interest largely centred in foreign bonds and wide fluctuations occurred trench bonds are firmer. War Loan V per cent, is 105* a
      —British Wireless  -  52 words
    • 163 2 Surplus Of Over Ten Million Rupees. According to a Treasury star,, issued on Oct. 12. the accounts L?* Iasi financial year closed with a plus ol approximately r 5 ***** J? This means that the surplus balances, which at the nil'* of the year 1933-34 stood 71 16.565.231.
      163 words
    • 48 2 —Reuter. Moscow. Nov. 4. The long Anglo-Soviet dispute over the Lena Goldfields concessions has been settled. An agreement was signed today by representatives of the Soviet Government and the British company whereby, it is understood, the Soviet agrees to pay between €2.000.000 to €3.*****0 sterling compensation—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 213 2 The following outputs are for October Ratrut dredge No. I—4lo hrs 30.000 cj yds. 83 pels. Ratrut dredge No. 2 340 hrs 70.000 cu. yds.. 28 pels. Katu.—Hrs. run 360. cu. yds. treated 110.000. tin ore won pels. 645. estimated cat $11,500. cast per cu. vd. lO’s cents.
      213 words
    • 95 2 From Our Own Correspondent.' London. Nov. I Batak Rabit:— Profit for year ende June 30. £3.942: dividend. 5' 2 P er cent.; forward. £15.355. ali Ayer:— Profit for year enaeo June 30. £13.031; dividend. 4' 2 P ei cent.; forward. £51.007. Rubana:— Profit for year ended Ju*>30. £10.639:
      95 words
    • 41 2 —British Wirel'' Rugby. Nov. 3. The total amount applied v tenders for the £35.000,000 TreasJ. Bills was £58,810.000. The ani allotted in bills at three mon'i£35,000.000. The average rate i cent, was 6/7.66d. as compan 9/7.42d. last week.—British Wirel'
      —British Wirel'' '  -  41 words
    • 953 3 Reviving Interest In Industrials. I ..:d Co.'s report o! Nov. 7 1 the past few days t lie contentment of the local has received several severe v the result that there has B, activity in share dealings I Vater display of interest in K ’Van
      953 words
    • 198 3 The following crop figures are for the month of Sept. 1934: Ankola.—2,638 lb. z Bajoe Kidoel 116.967 lb Djnsinga.—163,005 lb Tjikasintoe.—56,740 lb. Langen.—23,270 lb. Donowarie. —43,863 lb. Bulombissie.—24.800 lb United Patani—355.057 lb, MalakofT.—171,500 lb Taiping.-122,948 lb. Sungei Batu. —69.000 lb. Windsor. 36,000 lb. Foothills —35.000 lb. Bertam. Consolidated
      198 words
    • 232 3 Ocean shipments of rubber, including latex, revertex and concentrated latex, during the month of October 1934 Sheet and Crepe Latex. Concentrated Latex, TOTAL Tons. Revertex Tons. Tons GRAND Name of Port Export Transhipment Export Transhipment Export Transhipment TOTAL Proper S. S. M. S. Proper S. S. M.
      232 words
    • 811 4 Fraser And Co’s Quotations. Singapore, Nov 7 Mining. Iafiue Val. Pd Buyers Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 32 35 £1 £1 Austral Malay 59 61/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 25 /3 26 3 1 1 Batang Padang 0.38 0.31 I 1 Batu Caves 0 92 0.96 1 1
      811 words
    • 443 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Nov 7 SELLING. London. 4 months’ sight 2 4 7 32 London. 3 months' sight 2 4 3 16 London. 60 days’ sight 2 4 5 32 London. 30 days' sight 2 4 4 London, demand 2 4 3 32 London, T.T. 2 4
      443 words
      • 671 4 Allagar (2 t 1 94; Alor Pongsu (2j2 5; j Anglo-Malay (£1) 14 'l4; Ayer Kuning(£l) 131 Bagan Serai (£1) 13 3; Bahru (Sel.) I (2 > 3 64: Banteng (£1) 25 74; Batang (2 11; Batu Caves (£1) 22 6; Batu Tiga i (£1)
        671 words
      • 778 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividend* praaer Lyall Ompany Co. Evatt 454.175 1 3 p.c. int. a c year 28-2-35 Allenby <$l> 1 90 2 00 1 90 °0P TI2 NU for year 30-9-33 Alor Gajah ($1) 1 50 1 60 1
        778 words
    • 249 4 Last Night’s London Quotations. (From Our Own Correspondent London. Nov. 6. Closing quotations today ot the principal British stocks are given below The rise or fall is in relation to the price of Oct. 31. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 120Mi -f
      249 words