The Straits Budget, 6 November 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEAIILY A CENTURY] No. 3.705 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1930. Price* 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d
    29 words
  • 363 1 LEADERS P»*e Health Boards 3 The First Consideration 3 The Final Session 3 of This Parish 3-4 Hearer Loaf 4 The Will to Prosper 1 Occasional Notes 6-f T«leprams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 23-29 Marshal Chiang’s Holiday 8 I ietures Weddings in Malaya IT 1 ind.
    363 words
  • 1766 1 Wilfred Hubert Gladwell and Dr. v. Minhan, of the Malayan •>! department, will be married at hun-h of the Assumption, Penang, J l'». Mr. Gladwell is in charge of ''"-iitf branch of Wearne Brothers. 1^,n message reports the death, age of 77, of the Rev. Edward
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  • 2623 2 Chinese Trader Sentenced. “ACCUSED ARE CRUEL AND DEPRAVED.” Said to be a well known and well respected member of the Chinese business community of Singupone, an elderly trader of Market Street was convicted on two charges of indecent assault on two young girls and sentenced to
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  • 422 2 Increase of 2,052 Tons In October. The exports of tin from Malaya f 0 the month of October show a considerable increase over those for September which—at 5,311 tons—were the lowest f the year. The October figure wu7,3(53 tons, indicating that the effect of the closing down
    422 words
  • 242 2 Need for Revision Not Revivification. In connection with the report of the revivification of racing on the East t oast of Sumatra, a correspondent writes as follows It is urged that there should no cooperation between the Singapore Tuj" Club and the Java Racing Club so as
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1075 3 Straits Times, Oct. 30. Eve r since the rubber industry was tatted in Malaya and Indian labourers attracted in their thousands the "njntry has borne a deservedly high refutation for the excellent conditions maintained. Successive agents of the I overnmen". oi India have found little i C i
      Straits Times, Oct. 30.  -  1,075 words
    • 1135 3 Straits Times, Oct. 31. *4 Rbetroe, as Disraeli said, that the first consideration of a Minister should be the health of the people,” then we may safely assume that among the subjects discussed at the Imperial Conference in London during the current month has been the position
      Straits Times, Oct. 31.  -  1,135 words
    • 1037 3 THE FINAL SESSION Statute Book in record time.—Straits Times, Nov. 1. It is quite possible—and eminently desirable—that the session of Parliament opened by His Majesty the King on Tuesday will be the last of the present Government. There is general agreement that no party is fully preparer! for an immediate
      Statute Book in record time.—Straits Times, Nov. 1.  -  1,037 words
    • 1001 3 Times, NaV. 3. Among the disclosures made at the last meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners was the fact that a committee had been appointed which might “pull down certain buildings, including the Memorial Hall.” This apparently had reference to various reconstruction schemes in that neighbourhood, of
      Times, NaV. 3.  -  1,001 words
    • 1213 4 absurd game politics is !—Straits Times, Nov. 4. “Your food will cost you more” is a cry which has won many elections in Great Britain. And it has taken the country a long, long time to awaken to a 1 ealisation of the fact that it is
      absurd game politics is !—Straits Times, Nov. 4.  -  1,213 words
    • 933 4 -Straits Times, Nov. 5. Malayan tin and rubber statistics for October contain no cause for immediate rejoicing, but they are less depressing than the figures for the preceding months of this year and behind them lies much that is encouraging. The position with legard to stocks,
      -Straits Times, Nov. 5.  -  933 words

  • 413 4 Monday, Oct. 20. His Excellency Mr. John Scott, C.M.G., assumed the duties of Officer Administering the Government, after taking the Oaths of Allegiance and of office in the Legislative Council Chamber. Tuesday, Oct. 21. Captain A. N. Dowding. H.M.S. Cornwall, and Mr. Madsen Mygdal called on llis Excellency.
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    • 127 5 “A BRAW LADDIE --Straits Times, Oct. 30. There is an eight-year-old boy in Vherdecn at present who ought to be c’har.eellor of the Exchequer long, long f rL he is Mr. Snowden’s age. His Jiguns are “risk no capital, believe in inherent goodness of human nature 1 he content with
      --Straits Times, Oct. 30.  -  127 words
    • 141 5 irg i ;r.tact with the ground.—Straits Times. Oct. 30. Yho parachute-plane is the latest thrill whivh air sport offers. The idea is to leap "from a high-flying aeroplane with a paiachute, but to have, strapped to the body, an ingenious feather-weight frame, tarrying a tiny engine
      irg i ;r.tact with the ground.—Straits Times. Oct. 30.  -  141 words
    • 249 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 30. Will the time come when it will be p ssible to move house by aeroplane V rhe question is prompted by the announcement made recently that tests are being r.< w carried out with a new twinmgineii pantechnicon of the skies. It
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 30.  -  249 words
    • 309 5 MR. BALDWIN k. wi, Various have been the efforts to oust Mr. Stanley Baldwin from the leadership of the Conservative Party, but apparently he still sits as securely, or insecurely, as ever. The latest was indicated by a brief message to the effect that “a meeting attended by 44 Conservatives
      * • • k. * • wi,  -  309 words
    • 122 5 altei reading this note.—Straits Times, Uct. o 1. n these days of long faces and short purses the advocates of smiling assurance that all is well are welcomed. These are unfortunately few and far between, in iaet so much so, that the unfortunate optinvst who relaxes his features
      altei reading this note.—Straits Times, Uct. o 1.  -  122 words
    • 128 5 Straits Times, Oct. 3 1 Poor old Billingsgate! The home of Cockney wit, gruff voices and cheery grins is changing. And even Covent Garden and Smithfield are in it, too. Such typical centres of characteristic humour are now using Bowery slang. Hollywood has taught them to say
      Straits Times, Oct. 31.  -  128 words
    • 134 5 -Straits Times, Oct. 31. German officials are notoriously punc tihous, and the regulations which insist that every letter addressed to a government department must be answered led to a gruesomely humorous incident the other day. A householder wrote to the authorities complaining that his name had been omitted
      -Straits Times, Oct. 31.  -  134 words
    • 145 5 .—Straits Times, Oct. 31. News from Calcutta during the last few days has indicated a considerable revival of the “picketing” nuisance. Young Indians have even taken to patrolling outside European stores, imploring possible customers not to "buy British,” and yesterday there was an attsnpt to make a
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 31.  -  145 words
    • 254 5 invented by a Frenchman. —Straits r I imes. Oct. 31. A Home paper which recently instigated a search for the perfect cocktail has been also delving into the origin of the name. Unlike the Oxford Dictionary which laconically remarks, after giving the definition of a cocktail, ‘‘A
      invented by a Frenchman.—Straits rI imes. Oct. 31.  -  254 words
    • 236 5 Straits Times, Nov. 1. Recently there has been a little controversy in our correspondence column.'as to the monetary v«»1t»«* of revive 1 r.r. 1 i.« vei nm e.' 1. ?jrvi.’.*. in .ku i* *i. It would seem that the Civil is not the only service where the
      Straits Times, Nov. 1.  -  236 words
    • 187 5 V1 Wilt -Straits Times, Nov. 1. 1 here is still another grievance in military circles, according to this correspondent of "Truth.” Noting that next year the whole system of Army pay is to be revised, he expresses the hope that the pay of the R. E. will at
      V1* Wilt -Straits Times, Nov. 1.  -  187 words
    • 384 5 Straits Times, Nov. 1. We cannot, of course, go on os we have been going on said Mr. Stanley Baldwin at the secret meeting of the Conservative Party held on Thursday last. And the political farce which has just been enacted in South Paddington serves t.o emphasise his
      Straits Times, Nov. 1.  -  384 words
    • 163 5 Straits Times, Nov. 3. One of those American writers who specialise in uplift has been endeavouring to give words of cheer and encourag ment to those who feel age creeping on. Vout’i, be -ays, is r.ot a time f life, it is i slate of mind. People
      Straits Times, Nov. 3.  -  163 words
    • 154 5 -Straits Times, Nov. 3. A correspondent in Socrahaya has come to the conclusion that we are very interested in the subject of long distance telephony since we have referred to it more than once quite recently.” lie therefore mentions that he had the pleasure of acting
      -Straits Times, Nov. 3.  -  154 words
    • 157 5 IN LION S’ SKINS AND MANES. -Straits Times, Nov. 3. The Coronation of Has Tafari, the Emperor of Abyssinia, at Addis Ababa yesterday must have been essentially Oriental in its splendour of yet Savile Row had a hand in it. Some months ago a firm of London tailors and furriers
      -Straits Times, Nov. 3.  -  157 words
    • 350 5 i r (i it4ll i vm i i i iivi straits Times, Nov. Jl. What is the name of the Governor of the Straits Settlements One would imagine that, outside Malaya, one of the places where a reliable answer to the question might be expected, is the headquarters
      i r (i it4ll i \ vm i i «* i iivi » straits Times, Nov. Jl.  -  350 words
    • 185 5 -Straits Times, Nov. 4. Some weeks «£<> we offered criticism of the activities of the F.M.S. Unemployment Committee. We protested strongly against the appointment of a woman, a recent arrival in the country, a; secretary to the committee at a time when thenwere a number of unemployed
      -Straits Times, Nov. 4.  -  185 words
    • 249 6 to use a handkerchief.” —Straits Times, Nov. 4. Accompanying this Note are abject apologies to the Weekly Letter of the Singapore Rotary Club:— “Hello, children Ail the boys and girls have received nice letters of congratulation from Uncle Hank of Oshkosh, Wis., Uncle Al. of Gigglcsburg, Tex.,
      to use a handkerchief.”—Straits Times, Nov. 4.  -  249 words
    • 333 6 -Straits Times, Nov. 4. On Oct. Ill a note appeared in this column on the subject of punctual British trains. It quoted statistics compiled by the London Midland and Scottish Railway which showed that, of tiie 10,000 trains which run daily on that system, 95 per cent,
      -Straits Times, Nov. 4.  -  333 words
    • 75 6 Straits Times, Nov. 5. Today is a religious festival of the Cantonese, and many gaily bedecked tongkangs were to be seen leaving Singapore this morning on the annual pilgrimage to Pulau Huso. On this island there is a Chinese temple, and it is a strong belief among
      Straits Times, Nov. 5.  -  75 words
    • 167 6 —Straits Times, Nov. 5. In an article on the trials of newspaper work in Japan it is stated that if *>n editorial happens to trespass on the i Press regulations of the moment, the I manuscript has to be submitted to the police j ci nsor, who blue-pencils
      —Straits Times, Nov. 5.  -  167 words
    • 200 6 —Straits Times, Nov. 5. A correspondent of 'I ruth states that not many years ago the British Mej.ical Association put a ban on the medical department of the Straits Settlements and it seems likely that they will soon have to do the same thing again.” 1 he
      —Straits Times, Nov. 5.  -  200 words
    • 348 6 Straits Times, Nov. 5 IMease to remember the Fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot.” Little boys all over England today will >e saying this as they haul their guys through the streets, but few will give a thought to the terrible price which Guy Fawkes
      — Straits Times, Nov. 5  -  348 words

  • 231 6 Amending Bills to Be Introduced. A bill to amend the General Clauses Enactment of 1911 which is to be introduced in the Johore State Council, has been drafted in view of recent constitujonal changes in Ireland. In Johore, so tar as Ireland is concerned, the expres ■dons
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  • 591 6 A SINGAPORE BY-ELECTION.” Three Candidates Engage In Debate. Tuesday night’s meeting of the Presbyterian Church Literary and Debating Society took the form of a model byelection for the return of a Member of Parliament for the County Borough of Tanglin.” The object of the meeting was to secure an examination
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  • 113 6 Arrival in Singapore On World Cruise. The Matson Line vessel Malolo arrived in Singapore yesterday on her second world trip. On her first trip she carried a large party of American business men representing the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, when she called at Singapore last year. Dr.
    113 words
  • 417 6 Former Principal Of Medical College. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 5, The death occurred yesterday at the age of 51 of Dr. George Hugh Kidd Macalister, M.A., B. Ch. t M.D., (Cambridge), M.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S (England), Principal, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Lecturer on Therapeutics
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  • 206 6 The death occurred in the General Hospital on Monday’ of Mr. Joseph McIlveen, for many years storekeeper of the Singapore Traction Co. He was taken ill some weeks ago. The funeral took place at Bidadari and was largely attended. The Rev. Stephen Band officiated. The
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  • 68 6 Attacked in Racecourse Road. Shortly after three o’clock on Tuesday an elderly Chinese, described as a Buddhist priest, was attacked at a house in Racecourse Road and stabbed. The mar was removed to hospital where he died about an hour later. No arrest has been made. Robbery is
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  • 2251 7 To be Put on Month to Month Agreement. REDUCING COSTS. ittempt to lighten THE j PLANTERS’ BURDEN. (I ron Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. While a certain section of the rubber industry has been complaining v of the burdens thrown upon it l
    2,251 words
  • 151 7 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Oct. 25, gives he total number of deaths as male INK, ind femrtle 95. This represents a death n .te of 29.68 per mille, per annum, compared with 26.22 in the preceding week ind 23.69 in the corresponding week
    151 words
  • 706 7 Aim of Indian Immigration Committee. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 3. A meeting of Ih 0 Indian Immigration Committee was held at Penang on Oct. 24, the Controller of Labour, Malaya (the lion. Mr. NV. J. K. Stark, M.C.S.) presiding. In opening the meeting the
    706 words

  • 589 8 Application to Rescind Adjudication Order. A Chi nose trader who h.ul been made bankrupt applied before Mr. Justice J'a Ik rave Simpson on ’Piivstlay l a* the adjudication order to be rescinded on the ground that an offer, which he had made while the
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  • 144 8 Man Who Kept on Hanging Himself. While walking in a wood outside Potsdam, a man found another man hanging from a tree with his braces round his neck, and released him and ran for assistance. When he returned ten minutes later with a helper they found
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  • 600 8 Head Office, CECIL AND STANLEY STREETS, SINGAPORE. Branch Office, 27, JAVA STREET, KUALA LLMPUR. Cables TIMES, SINGAPORE. Telephones SINGAPORE 5151. KUALA LUMPUR 3683. Sole Advertising Agents in Great Britain, REUTERS, Ltd., 24, Old Jewr>, London, E.C. 2. (through whom all business with British
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  • 893 8 The following passengers are homeward 1 hound by the Khyber: Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell, Mr. H. J. Frewin, Mr. F. G. Winton, Mr. A. Duncan. Mr. W. N. Still, Mr. R. P. France, Mr. A. S. Morton, Mr. Mason, Mr. Dowe, Mr. C. B. Rippon, Mr. L. \V. Freshwater,
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  • 303 8 .—Sin Kuo Min. Returning to Nankin? Shortly. Shanghai, Nov. 4 President Chiang Kai-shek will leave Fenghua shortly, after a fortnight’s complete rest, and will go to Nanking. Admiral Yang Shu-chuang, state C( uncillor of the National Government and chairman of the Fukien Province Government, is leaving Foochow
    .—Sin Kuo Min.  -  303 words
  • 334 8 Important Decision in Supreme Court. Mr. Justice Palgrave Simpson entered ■udgment, with costs, in favour of Elias Brothers in their suit against Chop Yak .Too Ann, for $1,772 for goods sold, in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Mr. Claude da Silva was for the plaintiffs, and Mr.
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  • 70 9 The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Conres ...indents should bear in mind that letters u t be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut I .wit Correspondents must enclose theii rimes and addresses, not necessarily fo
    70 words
  • 101 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times r> We have a very active Film Censor in Singapore, but what about other things which go on unchecked It i- a fact well konwn to everybidy that the position in the centre of the town on any nitrht of th.>
    101 words
  • 124 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —I am surprised you are supporting the perpetuation of the memory of flu- greatest mistake of the world. Anyone who was at the Front or has read War books cannot but have a qualm that while they were patriots of
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  • 85 9 T<» the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—There is serious cause for complaint regarding the delay in returning hooks to Raffles Library, and it is to be regretted that through the thoughtlessmss or selfishness of certain r p °plp the excellent facilities provided at this library annot be
    85 words
  • 140 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —As one interested in the classics, nd particularly in the Latin Verse Competitions appearing in your journal from "me to time, might I suggest that the tit'e of the competitions be changed fiom I .at in Verse Competition
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  • 400 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. —As usual, it has been left to the Straits Times to register a protest, most ertainly endorsed by the public, against the scheme to throw away public money n what may fairly be called “Mr. brown’s Obsession.” Organs to-day are
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  • 203 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In these days of trade depression, many parents find it hard to educate their children, and the principals of some of our schools do not seem to consider our difficulties. Three of my- hoys attend a Government-aided school and I
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  • 252 9 Question Raised at Penang Turf Club Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 5. The question of the double tote has been raised in the Press,” said Mr. D. A. M. Brown, the president at the Penang Turf Club annual meeting yesterday. I am afraid I cannot
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  • 100 9 Albert Medal for R101 Survivor. Rugby, Oct. IK). The Air Ministry announces that the King has awarded the Albert Medal to Henry Leech, foreman engineer, in recognition of his gallantry when < R 101 was wrecked. Leech entered the burning wreckage and rescued a companion, receiving burns while
    100 words
  • 241 9 Official Arrangements For Observance. The following official communique ispublished for general information: H.M. the King hai approved of th< observance of Armistice Day, 1930, (Tuesday, Nov. 11th) in the same manner as in previous years. The firing of guns, one at 11 am. and two at 11.02 a.m.,
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  • 326 9 Chinese Conductor Killed. A sequel to the fatal collision between a “mosquito” bus and a taxi and 3.45 a.m. on Oct. 30 near the Capitol Theatre was heard in the Fourth Police Court before Mr. K. G; A. Dohoo, the same day when the Chinese driver of
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  • 163 9 (Jap in Evidence that Upset Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 3. In the Supreme Court today Mr. Lim Cheng Ean appeared to support the appeal of Lim Kim Tok who had been convicted by the District Judge and fined $425 or five months and three weeks
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  • 498 9 T Hawkers’ Evidence Against Chinese. “Hi* is n well known collector and I ask that the evidence of two hawkers he recorded now. He cleared off after the ant ease hut came hack and was caught •i Dieting again,” said Mr. C. II. Nicoll, A.S.P., attach**! to the
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  • 272 9 Reception By Van Keng Association. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. J). A function took place at the Yan Kent llenevolent Dramatic Association, Sultan Street, yesterday evening, when the president and members Rave a reception and concert in honour of the lion. Mr. San Ah
    272 words

  • 2318 10 First Day’s Results. PLAS IIATAN AND LADY WIRK SURPRISE. The amateur race meeting held under the auspieus of the Singapore I’olo Club in conjunction with the Singapore Turf Club began on Friday. 'I he wet weather caused heavy gninj and some reversals of form. There was little
    2,318 words
  • 69 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 30. Judgment was reserved in the Supreme Court here today in the ease in which Ko Ay Low, sole proprietor of Chop Sin Ctuan Kee, coffee manufacturers, is seeking an injunction to restrain Chop Sin Hunn Ann, from using a trade
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  • 513 10 Officer Commended By Judge. “This is a very good catch and I must congratulate you, Mr. McIntosh on that” said Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, to Detective Inspector McIntosh who was responsible for rounding up four armed Chinese and frustrating their plans for a
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  • 112 10 Selangor Wants Record Collection. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. HO. A meeting of the committee of the Poppy Day Fund was held on Tuesday at Carcosa. Mrs. Cochrane presided and the following were present :—Mrs. Mathews (secretary), Mrs. R. F. Blair Mrs. Elphinstone, Mrs. Tempany, Mrs.
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  • 63 10 To Return to Singapore As Under-Secretary. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. HO. Mr. F. .1. Morten, who has been acting as Senior District Officer, Butterworth. since the retirement of Captain E. Pratt is to return to Singapore as Under-Sec" ary, S.S. to relieve Mr. W.
    63 words

  • 4616 11 Control of Disease. agriculturists in CONFERENCE. (Fi-om Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 29. Th0 seC ond annual interdepartmental v ycultural conference, in which officers h e Rubber Research Institute of i V-dava. the Agricultural department, and a Societies department J, i the Veterinary department are taking
    4,616 words

  • 292 12 Damage Done Estimated At $500,000. Damage estimated at more than $500,000 was done when fire broke out in the Lam Choon Rubber Works at the 5V4 mile, Thomson Road, Singapore, early on Sunday morning. The Singapore fire brigade, which answered the call promptly, was considerably hampered
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  • 305 12 Mr. H. D. Collins Free And Miss J. M. Stenson Cooke. The wedding of Mr. H. D. Collins Fre., of Reuters. Ltd. Singapore, only son of the late Mr. R. 11. Collir.s Free and Mrs C:llins Free of West Hampstead, and Miss I. M. Stenson Co k\ only
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  • 46 12 Non-Stop Flight to Akyab From Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Nov. 3. The homeward Dutch air rrail, BataviaAmsterdam, arrived here from Medan on Saturday afternoon and left early yesterday morning for Akyab, which was reached the same afternoon after a nonstop flight.
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  • 594 12 Charabanc Danger. MR. STENSON COOKE’R VIEWS. The growing danger of the new charabanc traffic on Great Britain’s roads, which may now be regarded more as a liability than as an asset to the country’s transport, was mentioned by Mr. Stenson Cooke, secretary to the Automobile Association, in
    594 words
  • 123 12 Complaint Regarding Book Printed in India. The murder of Jeewa Singh, a Sikh watchman employed at Paterson Sinn n> and Co., Ltd., whose dismembered b *‘> was found in the Botanical Gardens, a recalled in the Second Police Court, befoio Mr. E. N. Taylor, when a Sikh
    123 words

  • 4575 13 I Recent Phases of the Thriller —A Batch of Ten A Paradoxical Story From G. K. Chesterton in His Usual Manner “Sappers” Mixture of He-men and Heroines —A History of Modern Arabia. Diversity of Thrills. Strong Poison. By Dorothy L. Sayer*. Gollancz. 7s. 6d.
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  • 500 14 Inquiry Into Ricksha Puller’s Death. A motoring fatality during the early hours of the morning of Oct. 19 in which a motor-car, said to have been driven by Mr. Vaughan Jones of Malayan Motors, was involved, was the subject of an inquiry by Mr. J. G. Barrett, the
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  • 152 14 Observance by All Nationalities In Johore. A notification in the Johore Government Gazette states that all nationalities in the State are requested to observe the commemoration of Armistice Day. At two minutes to 11 a.m., one gun will be fired from the Fort, Johore Bharu all steam vessels
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  • 60 14 Police Meet Boat to Search For Missing Money. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 30. In response to wireless messages from R awa lpindi, reporting a theft of money on board, a number of detectives went out to meet the boat some miles from Penang. Inquiries were
    60 words
  • 496 14 Action for Libel Dismissed. Judgment was delivered on Saturday in the Singapore Supreme Court suit in which O. Curtis sued Metro-Goldwyn Meyer Oriental, Incorporated, for damaij! *s for libel. The case was heard by ;\i. Justice Sprcule. 1'laintitf was one of the defendants in a suit
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  • 230 14 Procedure for Calls in London And Singapore. On the question of Singapore Municipal tenders, committee No. 7 ot the <>nimissioners agreed that the deposit made with tenders is to ensure that any tender sent in is bona fide, and decided that > any Municipal Department is put to
    230 words

  • 4210 15 Allegations of Tampering After Closure. cheaper TAXIS. Mr. Harries and Home Agents. uniting of the Municipal Commis1 on Friday was a particularly Vvv or.c there being several long :L ;,n< in connection with tenders tracts. In one case allegations Vncring were made, while methods Virg contracts were criticised
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 354 16 V (ir. A-'* i s. r> »7//j «v r ciocnwsji rrtr a/t w* > I i 7i?*vi'jv.:'pv. S3* "J A -cJ* >\- *r <• > Ref resiling After Exereise. ‘*4711 Eau de Cologne is the companion of sport. Its refreshing coolness after exercise is particularly appreciated by women. Applied to
      354 words

    • 59 17 Guests at the wedding of Miss Brooke, daughter of l)r. Gilbert Brooke, and Mr. K. S. G. Herring, of Uengaiv, Jolmre, who were married in Ipoh. On the right, the bride and bridegroom. Thc wu jj inK ot Mr. Philip J. Todd and Miss Mary Stewart Oran,
      l>'i .1 <  -  59 words
    • 66 18 l' n; Mi it «ry the K A I*, t Navy 'represented l»y II.MS. C&lt;&gt;rn\ull&gt; anJ the Volunteer.' conbineJ in a:t elibjra‘e technical scheme. The pictures show. front let t to rijh; L-l iu ot a bridge. Welch Kc«t. machine-gunners hoIJinG the
      66 words
    • 18 18 L'»rd l.i C'tmy Mai. oi lac till refine in China, who recently vi«iltd &gt; njjaporc.
      18 words
    • 21 18 A scene from “The Quest Divine.” which was staged hy the Ttfluk Ayer ehuur I L.uiu
      21 words
    • 24 19 A group of “Old Frees/ former students of the Penang Free School, at a reunion meeting in Kelantan
      24 words
    • 32 18 Ut Clioon Ngcc. the winner. (behind cup) and other cumpelituis at the Chinese Swunniinn Uuh in a hall mile rate to; a cup presented by Mr. I o Mayliew
      32 words
    • 31 18 Mr. Tons Lao. the n tiring Chinese Consul General &gt;n Hug. pile. Mi&gt; I iKiii* inU i (.lined .il the Chinese i. luin Ivr of 1 omnura
      31 words
    • 14 18 Chinese lishcinicn landing their catch at laniong Ivatong
      14 words
    • 45 19 ~j u (he Mi ait.&gt; Hu &gt;g larlv «m &lt;M 2n Mr Ong Kim Hong »li» k the kill it .1 mi ShuM pure I&gt;miiu ''&gt; A &lt;iger wa» s*luit at Lima Chu Kjiik 3tl S iuUd behind tin ii^ei
      45 words
    • 28 20 A group photograph taken prior to the departure from Ipoh of Mr. F. Blackwell, o: the Posts and Telegraphs Department. /Vi l», M. It
      /Vi (• l», M. It ..  -  28 words
    • 43 20 riioio. uy m. ,C &lt;Unl y ,Ban, ,u 2 d l! ,t Wckh Kc K I. (in coloured jerseys) and Perak, who met reeently in Ipoh. The military won ny eight points to five. Photo, by M P'
      Photo, by M P' "•  -  43 words

  • 1045 21 More Playing Grounds For Rising Generation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kualu Lumpur, Oet. 30. The crying need for more playing ir.zounds was stressed by Capt. A. 0 Wilson, chairman of the Selangor Football Association, at a dinner held in his honour last night by
    1,045 words
  • 152 21 Chap-Jee-Kee Runners Plead Guilty. Mr. R. C. Blair Wiltshire, A.S.P., attached to the Singapore Detective branch, rounded up two Chine.-e, alleged to l&gt;e concerned with the running cf a big chap-jee-kee lottery in the Malabar Street area. Kong Chan and Low How, who were caught at Malabar Street
    152 words
  • 115 21 Malacca Rubber Godown Destroyed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Nov. 1. Damage estimated at $40,000 was done when fire broke out at 4.30 a.m. this morning in the rubber godown of Messrs. R. A. Barbour and Co., Ltd., completely destroying the building, in which 110* tons of
    115 words
  • 198 21 Unlucky Spectacles” Lead To Prison. An elderly Indian tailor, Mohammed Kassim, who attributed his troubles to his pair of spectacles, which he said had brought him bad luck, was sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment and ordered to pay a compensation of $1,000 to his employer or
    198 words
  • 46 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 31. A Chinese youth named Lim Ah Sing was fined $2O or, in default, one month’s rigorous imprisonment here today for stabbing a Mohammedan boy in Chowrn.;ta market with a pair of scissors during a slight altercation.
    46 words
  • 597 21 Demonstration Van To Tour the F.M.S. &gt;* (rrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 29. Through the joint enterprise of the Agt icultural Department, the Co-opera-tive Department and the Rubber Research Institute, u novel experiment is to l&gt;e tried in an attempt fc&gt; transfer the knowedge
    597 words
  • 130 21 Action by Seremban State Council. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 2\K The following notice to Malays has hern issued In view of tlie fact that the price of rubber is very low and will prohahly remain so for a considerable time, and that m certain districts
    130 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 56 21 U. B. DE SILVA BROS.. Manufacturing Jewellers ami Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS &lt;5*2 Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is given to uutstation orders. J All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and persona! attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. PHONE 4540.
      56 words

  • 1252 22 What It Means. INTERESTING ADDRESS BY CAPT. THOMSON. That the slowing down at the Naval Base had not affected “in the slightest” work of the main contract undertaken by Sir John Jackson Ltd., but had affected the Admiralty side such as the provision f houses and
    1,252 words
  • 314 22 Desperate Character Gets Away. Following a rapid exchange of revolver fire, a Cantonese gunman, who is wanted by the Singapore police in connection with a* shooting affair, managed to evade capture and got away from the detective who was tracking him in Jalan Besar on
    314 words
  • 52 22 16 Cent Meal Tickets Being Issued Daily. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Oct. 30. Up to this morning 000 unemployed Chinese have been put on the register. It has been found impossible to deal with many others. Meal tickets of a value of 16 cents are being
    52 words
  • 440 22 Effort to Remove It. CHINESE NOTE TO BRITISH MINISTER. That representations will shortly to made by the neyvly-arrived Consul Central for China, Dr. Chen Chang Lok, to the responsible authorities for the rescin ding of the ban on the Kuomintang in Malaya was annuonced on Oct.
    440 words
  • 183 22 Charge of Cruelty in Singapore Police Court. Carrying an infant in her arms, ayoung Chinese woman who was charged with wrongful confinement and voluntarily causing hurt to a 14-year-old girl, pleaded guilty before Mr. C ilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge. The child was badly beaten
    183 words
  • 47 22 Arrives in Bangkok From Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Oct. 51. Mr. Madsen-Mvgdal, the well-known Danish agriculturist and politician, who is touring the East and was recently in Singapore, arrived here today. The Danish Consul-General and many people of the Danish community met him
    47 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 54 22 Adel phi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away-From-Home of Discriminating Travellers. The, Only HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD. Under
      54 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 708 23 —Reuter. Kmpire Crusader Wins At S. Paddington. BITTER COMMENTS. Mrs. Richardson Polls Only 494. London, Oct. 31. Yhf result in the South Paddington byolwtien was as lollows Vice-Admiral E. A. Taylor ’(Koipire Crusader) 11,209 &lt;i,. Herbert Lidiard (official i vative) 10.268 M ss 1). ;uthv Evans (Labour)
      ”—Reuter.  -  708 words
    • 158 23 —British Wireless. Protest to the Soviet Ambassador. Rugby, Oct. 29. The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Arthur Henderson, was asked in the House of omnions if he could state the conclusions arrived at by the special committee set up to inquire into propaganda by the Third international in
      .—British Wireless.  -  158 words
    • 148 23 —Reuter. Tribute to Dominions By Prince of W ales. London, Oct. 30. The British Commonwealth was held up as an example to the world by the Prince of Wales at a dinner given at the Guildhall by the League of Nations Union at which all the Dominions were
      —Reuter.  -  148 words
    • 83 23 ,—Reuter. Christening at Buckingham Palace. London, Oct. 30. Dressed in the cream silk, old-lace robe 110 years old, which was used lor the christening of Queen Victoria and nearly all her descendants, the ten-wecKs old Princess Ma.garet Rose was christened this afternoon, in the private chapel at Buckingham
      ,—Reuter.  -  83 words
    • 56 23 —Reuter. Premises of the Japan Advertiser Gutted. Tokio, Nov. 4. Fire broke out on the premises of the Japan Advertiser at 4.20 today, and the building was gutted. The loss is estimated at a million yen.—Reuter. The Japan Advertiser is a well-known American newspaper which has been
      —Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 394 23 .—Reuter. —Nichi-Nichi. Japanese Police And Civilians Killed. Tokio, Oct. 30. Gruesome scenes occurred in the massacre at Musha hill station, Central Formosa, on Monday. The authorities were caught napping. Survivors relate that the Japanese inhahi'ants had gathered to watch the sports at the Japanese primary school,
      .—Reuter.; .—Nichi-Nichi.  -  394 words
    • 188 23 Reuter. General Hertzog’s Advice To Britain. London, Oct. 31. Members of the Imperial Conference exchanged notes at a dinner given by the London Empire Parliamentary Associ“V; Ramsay MacDonald, presiding, paid a tribute to” the spirit by which the conference was animated. He said now that the end was
      .— Reuter.  -  188 words
    • 450 23 U.S. SILVER FOR CHINA Suggested Loan. ADVISERS REMARKABLE STATEMENT. San Francisco, Oct. 31. Judge Paul I.inebarger, the legal adviser to the Chinese Government, has arrived en route to Washington as a special envoy from Chiang Kai-shek to negotiate a United States loan of 1,000,0(&gt;0,000 ounces of silver. It is hoped
      450 words
    • 70 23 —Reuter. Effort to Restore Pangalos To Power. Athens, Oct. 30. General Pangalos, the ex-I)ictator of Greece, has been arrested at his residence in Eleusis, following the discovery of a plot to restore him to power with the aid of insurgent forces. The police made arrests elsewhere, but
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 52 23 Reuter. 134 Deaths Reported In (i Smyrna. Constantinople, Oct. 30. Mosques and school buildings in Smyrna have been turned into shelters for 2,500 families who are homeless through devastating rains. Already there have been 134 deaths anti many more are missing. Damage to the. extent of £2,000.000 has
      Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 2526 24 —British Wireless. —Fie u ter. Lord Thomson’s Advice To Air Officers. SECRETS DIVULGED. Why It Was Shortened To 16 Hours. Rugby, Oct. 29. The inquiry into the RlOl disaster was mainly engaged today in discussing available facts regarding the only trial flight the airship underwent
      —British Wireless.; .—Fie u ter.  -  2,526 words
    • 546 24 .—Reuter. Imperial Airways Disaster. INDIA SERVICE. London-Bound Machine Wrecked. Boulogne, Oct. 31. The Imperial Airways liner City of Washington crashed near Boulogne at 2.30 this afternoon, and was completely wrecked. A passenger and two mechanics di.xi from their injuries. The pilot and two other passengers
      .—Reuter.  -  546 words
    • 453 25 —Reuter. Changes in the Gold Situation. NEW SCHEME. International Trust Suggested. London, Oct. 29. lr, the House of Commons Sir Oswald lfyi ubour member for Smethwick, riealinp with the trade depression, urged establishment of a more stable monean- svstem in the Empire. H 'aid the stabilising
      .—Reuter.  -  453 words
    • 223 25 Britain. —Reuter. American Plan to Stabilise Industry. New York, Nov. 2. Realisation that some central economic theory of co-ordinated financial leaderrhip is needed tto avert the worldwide r .ade depression is behind the plan of the figantic international trust which, ac cording to the newspapers, is under congelation
      Britain.—Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 264 25 l. —Reuter. Scenes of Splendour In Abyssinia. Ad lis Ababa, Nov. 2. Ras Tafari was crowned King of Kings and Lmperor of Ethiopia amid scenes of barbaric splendour. The Coronation ceremony was performed in a specially constructed church, the walls of which did not reach to the roof,
      l.—Reuter.  -  264 words
    • 216 25 —British Wireless. Empire Delegates Out In Rough Weather. London, Nov. 1. The Empire Prime Ministers and the Indian Princes, with Mr. J. H. Thomas, the Dominions Secretary, stood up to the discomforts of bad weather in the Channel when they spent a day off Portland Bill and participated
      —British Wireless.  -  216 words
    • 108 25 .—British Wireless. Cunard Line Commodore To Retire. Rugby, Nov. 1. The newspapers state that Sir Arthui Rostron, the commodore of the Cunard Line, and one of the best known c#mnanders on the Atlantic service, has decided to retire next year. Sir Arthur Rostron commands the Bercngaria, which
      .—British Wireless.  -  108 words
    • 99 25 1.—Reuter. Gangsters Said to Have Been Outwitted. Kewanee, Illinois, Oct. 31. Two men have been arrested in connection with the kidnapping of Mr. Earle (or Karl) Yocum. Tha affair seems to have been a mystery. The family declined police help and ar® alleged to have paid
      1.—Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 169 25 —Reuter. Inquirers Welcomed In Japan. Tokio, Oct. 30. The British Economic Mission arrived here this evening and was welcomed at the railway station by representatives of the Foreign Minister (Japan), the Economic Federation and the Industrial Club and by members of the staff of the British Embassy. Special
      —Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 121 25 —Reuter. Desperadoes Shoot Warder In Sing-Sing. New York, Nov. 2. Five armed desperadoes, inmates of Sing-Sing, held up the warders, took their keys and rushed to the prison yard Sirens shrieked, floodlights were turned on and machine-guns on the walls we n manned, while a cordon of men
      —Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 930 25 .—Reuter. —British Wireless. A Momentous Meeting. “POLICY OF A FREE HAND.” Rugby, Oct. 29. A statement published in the Press and purporting to be signed by 44 Conservative members of Parliament, who, it was stated, attended a meeting to protest and demand a change in the
      .—Reuter.; .—British Wireless.  -  930 words
    • 2191 26 —Router. —British Wireless. Settling Disputes By Arbitration. CLOSER CONTACT. Suggestions at Empire Conference. Rugby, Oct. 30. The heads of the delegations to the Imperial Conference will meet tomorrow to receive and consider such reports as have been completed by the committees entrusted with the detailed examination of th»*
      .—Router.; —British Wireless.  -  2,191 words
    • 222 26 —Reuter. UIV VJYVUVl. was completely ineffective.—British Wireless. Striking Results In Municipal Elections. MANY GAINS. Labour Beaten In Industrial Areas. London, Nov. 2. Conservative successes are indicated bv the results of municipal elections in over 300 if the largest cities and boroughs i England and Wales. So far the
      .—Reuter.; ••• UIV VJYVUVl. " was completely ineffective.—British Wireless.  -  222 words
    • 190 26 —Reuter. Issue in American State Elections. Washington, Nov. 3. A deluge of political oratory, and la&gt;tminute harangues by wets and dry&gt;.” ended tonight on the eve of election day. Nov. 4, in 47 out cf 48 States. Man having elected a Governor, a Senator an 1 four
      —Reuter.  -  190 words
    • 78 26 —British Wireless. Request for Support Of British Government. Rugby, Nov. 3. The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Arthur Henderson, stated in the House of Cornmons today that after the conclusion of the recent arbitration proceedings between the Soviet Government and the Lena Goldfields Company, the Lena C m pany had
      .—British Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 67 26 —Reuter. First Tunnel for Vehicles Opened. Windsor, Ontario, Nov. 1. The first tunnel for vehicular trail between Canada and the United Stat&lt; was opened by a signal from Preside?:t Hoover, 400 miles away at the Whi. House, W ashmgton. The President pressed a button whir l sounded
      —Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 1057 27 ,—Reuter. Labour’s Chances to Deal With Unemployment. COMMONS DEBATE. Provisional Support Of Liberal Party. London, Nov. 4. r*House of Commons rejected the amendment to the address v to 2o0. *The amendment, which was moved b&gt; grille Chamberlain, regretted the il'uro of the Government to propose any
      ,—Reuter.  -  1,057 words
    • 119 27 Biitish Wireless. Effort to Open Up New Markets. Rugby, Oct. 31. In the report of the British Coal Delegation to Sweden, Norway and Denmark. the Under-Secretary f-r Mines, Mr. Shin well, recommends that, failing the readjustment by international agreement of the continental markets to the British •oal trade,
      Biitish Wireless.  -  119 words
    • 61 27 —sin Kuo Min. May Again Become Minister To Great Britain. Shanghai, Oct. 2'J. Dr. Wellington Koo and his political rival Dr. C. T. Wang, the Foreign Minister to the Nanking Government, met in Shanghai today. There is a rumour current that in. Wellington Koo will go to
      —sin Kuo Min.  -  61 words
    • 46 27 Effect on Perak Hydro-Electric Company. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 2. tl (1 ivi *iv River Hydro-Electric Co. s progress report states that the depre»s|on n tin has adversely affected the sale power of the company and is causing the board serious concern.
      46 words
    • 161 27 Reuter. Castor Oil Cure For Editors. Berlin, Nov. 4. J he. non-Fascists of Germany will have a thin time if the National Socialists come into power. Speaking at a National Socialist meeting Dr. Goehbels, a member of the Reichstag ami the leader of the Berlin National
      .— Reuter.  -  161 words
    • 100 27 and four passengers were injured.—Bri tish Wireless. Two Men Killed By Lightning in England. Rugby, Nov. 3. Southern England and a large part of the Midlands were swept on Sunday morning by rain and thunderstorm. It lasted only about half an hour, but during :ts brief passage
      and four passengers were injured.—Bri tish Wireless.  -  100 words
    • 185 27 Year’s Imprisonment for Sen Gupta. New Delhi, Nov. 3. Mr. Sen Gupta was sentenced to a year’s simple imprisonment on a charge of spreading sedition.—Reuter. Mr. Sen Gupta, the acting president of Congress, was arrested at Amritsar on Oct. 20, while addressing a meeting attended by thousands
      185 words
    • 95 27 ,—Havas. French Premier’s Reply To Mussolini. Paris, Oct. 30. The Government gave a brilliant banquet in honour of the airmen Coates and Bellonto, who flew direct from Paris to New York. The Premier, M. Tardicu, in a speech, said they were living in a time of material and
      ,—Havas.  -  95 words
    • 55 27 R&lt; ut&lt; r. Japanese Car/jo Steamer Crew Rescued. San Francisco, Nov. 2. The wireless station at Musselrock picked up an S.O.S. from the Japanese freighter Seiyo Maru reporting that she bad heavy list, had lost her rudder and was drifting helplessly. The steamer California is pieding to
      . R< ut< r.  -  55 words
    • 307 27 Reuter. Thirteen Killed and Much Damage. TRAGEDY IN CHURCH. Tidal Wave Sweeps Ancona Harbour. Rome, Oct. .'10. Ten were killed in Scnigallia district and three were killed and 54 were injured in Ancona, as a result of the earthquake which occurred at eight o’clock this morning. Much
      Reuter.  -  307 words
    • 155 27 Woman for Tokio and Man For Australia. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Ott. HO. The t»»sf to greet the lion. Mrs. Victor Hi Men, who ts flying to Tokio, when she arrived at Duin l&gt;um aerodrome this Itfmoon was Mr. Oscar Garden who is lying to Australia.
      155 words
    • 72 27 Reuter. Fifteen People Killed Near Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Oct. 2'J. Fifteen were killed and 10 were injured when the (Jcncva-Bordeaux express left the rails while speeding downhill at d0 miles an hour. The express was being drawn hy two engines. The accident is attributed to an obs truction on
      .— Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 47 27 Rcutr. Four Leaving For (’hina Station. London, Oct. 20. Four of the most modern submarines —Perseus, Pandora, Poseidon and Proteus are to proceed to tin 1 China Station. They will leave Portsmouth on Pec. 12, une..&lt;o»ted and will reach Hong Kong on Kb. 21, Rcut-r.
      Rcutr.  -  47 words
    • 387 28 British Wholes*. Progress in Imperial Communications. DOMINION VIEWS. Hope for Extension To Australia. Rugby, Nov. 4. Tht* heads of the delegations to the Imperial Conference made* further progre;s today with the final consideration of the* constitutional aspects of ir.terImperial relations and also approved the reports of the
      British Wholes*.  -  387 words
    • 118 28 British Wireless. Convention Ratified by Eight Countries. Rugby, Nov. 4. Quest ioned regarding the operations ol It'* t irilV tru**o the President of the Board of Trade. Mr. Graham, informed the House of Commons that the Commercial Convention, concluded at (ieneva last March, had so far been ratified
      British Wireless.  -  118 words
    • 49 28 —Reuter. Delayed Retwecn Rangkok And Hanoi. Hong Kong. Nov. 5. It is reported from Haiphong that- the Hon Mrs. Victor Bruce, who is engaged on a flight from England to Tokio, was delayed between Bangkok and Hanoi, and is waiting for better weather before going on.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 40 28 Reuter. .Japanese Commander During War With Russia. Tokio, Nov. 5. (ieneral Yoshifuru Akiyama, who distinguished himself as a cavalry commander during tb»* Russo-Japanese war, died la.-.t night following an operation tor the amputation of his light hg. Reuter.
      . Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 178 28 —Reuter. Government Programme Announced. New York, Nov. 1. It is reported from Rio de Janeiro that Getulis Vargas has arrived to assume the presidency and was enthusiastically welcomed by the populace.—Reuter. Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 4. Dr. tietulio Vargas assumed the Preside nev today in the presence of
      .—Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 112 28 —Reuter. Chancellor of Exchequer Answers Questions. London, Nov. 4. In the House of Commons at question time. Mr. Philip Snowden, the Chancellor of the Kxchoqucr. stated that he had received the interim report of the gold lelegation of the financial committee of ‘lie League of Nations, dealing with
      .—Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 107 28 ,—British Wireless. King Queen at Thanksgiving Service. Rugby, Nov. 4. The King and Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, Prince George ml Prince Arthur of Connaught were present today at the thanksgiving service to commemorate the re-opening of St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, which has
      ,—British Wireless.  -  107 words
    • 98 28 Reuter. Sole Right of Export Granted. Teheran, Nov. 4. The G &gt;vernmont has granted Haji Mirzn Habibulla Hanin the sole right to export opium for a period of five years. The concessionaire guarantees to exmrt 0,500 tases annually from the port. The tax will he increased to £80
      . — Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 78 28 Japanese Cargo Steamer In Distress. Seattle, Nov. 4. I he crew of fit of th&lt;» Sciyo Maru were resell (I by the Shiraha Maru.—Reuter. A message from San Francisco dated v »v. 2, stated that the wireless station at Mussel rock had picked up an S.O.S. from the
      78 words
    • 172 28 Good Time from Calcutta To Wyndham. Wyndham (West Australia), Nov. 4. The airman Mr. Oscar Garden has arrived here. He met, at Calcutta, Mrs. Victor Bruce, who is fly in*? to Tokio. They flew together to Rangoon. Mr. Carden accomplished the last part of his otherwise lone
      172 words
    • 103 28 .—British Wireless. Further Improvement Reported. Rugby, Nov. 4. The Government of India’s appreciation of the situation states that the Bengal report for the first half of October records a definite advance towards normal conditions, and in the Presidency division picketing is reported to have practically stopped. The
      .—British Wireless.  -  103 words
    • 103 28 i.— Reuter. Arabs’ Uncompromising Attitude. Jerusalem, Nov. 4. As a result of reports from London that the British Government proposes to explain its recent statement of policy in Palestine, it is believed that the majority of the Arabs who were previously pre pared to participate in the propo-ei Legislative
      i.— Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 119 28 Soviet Consul’s Alleged Activities. Shanghai, Nov. 4. A strange story is to hand here from Hr.rbin to the effect that the Soviet Consul at that city is using a million roubles of Chinese Eastern Railway funds for the construction of a new consulate building which will contain
      119 words
    • 121 28 Workless Indians who Seek Comforts of Gaol.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Oct. 30. Clive Street was thrown into confusion today as the lesult of the activities of young Congress picketers. Clad in khaddai and Gandhi caps, they approached the Customs House and barricaded the main ent*ance,
      121 words
    • 432 28 .—Reuter. Consul Praised. MISSIONARIES’ POSITION: IN CHINA. London, Nov. In the House of Commons, in reply t,, a question with regard to the murder 0 f the British missionaries, Miss Nettleton and Miss Harrison, Mr. Arthur Hender son, the Foreign Secretary, after giv m details of
      .—Reuter.  -  432 words
    • 118 28 Reuter. Chinese Consulate Official's Arrest in Johannesburg. Johannesburg, Nov. 3. Following the arrest of a member of the staff of the Chinese Consulate, the Chinese Consul-General, Mr. Ho Tsang, has lodged a strong protest with the Union Department of Foreign Affair.", demanding the punishment of the official* concerned
      .— Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 72 28 Hamburg Authorities to Pa&gt; Compensation. Berlin, Nov. 1 By the decision of a Hamburg couit the municipality of Hamburg has hern ordered to pay compensation to over n people who suffered injury to health dm ing May, 192S, when a number of resident* were killed as a result
      72 words
    • 312 29 Mother Seven Children Among Victims. trapped by fire. Offices of Bangkok Cinema Wrecked. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Nov. 4. pet sons, including a mother j heT &gt;t ven children, were killed yester- j n an explosion which wrecked the „t' the Phathanakorn Cinemato&lt;&gt;tTlces m r
      312 words
    • 276 29 British Wireless. India's Freedom Within The Empire. Rugby, Nov. 3. I’niiev the presidency of the Maharajah (iaekwar of Baroda a meeting of Indian o \*gate* was held to examine the impliat: n&gt; from the point of view of the of the various proposals advanced f v the
      British Wireless.  -  276 words
    • 42 29 n flour at a cost of $100,000,000.- Sin Au u Min. Kcported Big Purchases In China. Shanghai, Nov. 4. x Chinese merchants here are reported to UVt Purchased 20,000,000 hags of Ameri- n flour at a cost of $100,000,000.- Sin
      -•‘n flour at a cost of $100,000,000.-Sin Auu Min.  -  42 words
    • 447 29 To Study Buddhism In The Hills. Peking, Nov. 5. vl l reliably reported that Marshal Yen Shi-shan, the Governor of Shan«i since 1912 has decided to retire per! manently from politics.—Reuter. i f'xr U0 messa ge from Shanghai. f, states that it is rumoured that Marshal
      447 words
    • 135 29 manuiaciureci wu n-iruh to their medical requirements.—British Wireless. Turkish Delegate at London Conference. Rugby, Oct. 30. At today’s session of the meeting of manufacturing countries preliminary to the Conference on the Limitation of the Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs, a delegation representing the Turkish Republic made their first appearance
      manuiaciureci wu *»»» n-iruh to their medical requirements.—British Wireless.  -  135 words
    • 66 29 Sin Kuo Min. Protest Meeting to be Held In Canton. Hong Kong, Oct. 29. The merchants of Canton have called a meeting for tomorrow to discuss the probable effect of the new American import tariffs on China’s trade with the U Grave fears have been expressed in
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  66 words
    • 597 29 —Reuter. and Duke of Connaught.—British Wireless. London, Nov. 2. T he death has occurred of Lieut.General Sir Edward Bethune.—Reuter. Amsterdam. Oct. .‘&gt;0. The Senate sanctioned the bill authorisii'k a loan of 75,000,000 guilders on behalf °1 the Dutch East Indies.— Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 31. A National
      .—Reuter.; and Duke of Connaught.—British Wireless.  -  597 words
    • 36 29 —Sin Kuo Min. Hong Kong Merchants Object To Proposed Depot. Hong Kong, Nov. 4 Lccal merchants are very strongly against the establishment of a depot at Hong Kong for disinfecting agricultural imports,—Sin Kuo Min.
      .—Sin Kuo Min.  -  36 words
    • 146 29 —Reuter. Democrat Victories. CAMPAIGN FULL OF UNCERTAINTIES. New York, Nov. 4. The country has polled in an election full of baffling uncertainties, though a Democratic swing of the pendulum is considered l.kely even hy Kepublican dichards. The weather was fine but apathy is reported from many districts.
      .—Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 111 29 —Reuter. U.S. Officials Drowned In Attempts at Rescue. Havana, Nov. 4. An accident, followed by two attempts at rescue involved the death of the United States vice-consuls Mr. William Jackson (Havana) and Mr. J. T. Wainwright (Matanza?) and Mrs. Jackson. A gust of wind blew the last named
      —Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 84 29 —Router. 20,000,000 People Affected In U.S.A. Washington, Oct. 30. Mr. Green, the President of the American Federation of Labour, appealed to all groups to join the movement to provide jobs and relief to conquer unemployment. It is anticipated that the official estimate of 3,. r &gt;00,000 unemployed will bo
      —Router.  -  84 words
    • 88 29 Canton Plane Crashes Two Killed. Hong Kong, Nov. 4. Yesterday morning, while aeroplanes made at the Canton factory were l&gt;eing subjected to tests by the Canton Aeronautical Department, one machine crashed from a height of 3,000 feet into the sea. The two aviators were drowned.—Sin Kuo
      88 words
    • 136 29 Work of Singapore After-Care Association. The report of the hon. secretary of tha Singapore After-Care Association shows that during the third quarter of the year the sum of $2-15 was given to prisoners who applied for relief. The applicants included a Zulu, who received $20. At a meeting
      136 words

    • 1137 30 Beaten by Five Goals. BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE SERVICES. 8.C.C. 0 United Services S The United Services fully merited their five clear goals win over the S.C.C. in their hockey match on the Padang on Oct. 29. From the very first bully there was no doubting
      1,137 words
    • 427 30 Married Beat Unmarried 6—0 at Polo. With strings of lights outlining the pagar and diving stage, the Singapore Swimming Club looked a very attractive place on Friday, when an At Home wa* j held and was attended by a large number of members and friends. A
      427 words
    • 327 30 —Reuter. Glut of Goals. BIG SCORES IN HOME FOOTBALL. London, Nov. 1. Th&lt;» following were the results of matches played in the English and Siottish Leagues today First Division. Aston Villa ft Blackburn R. 2 Holton Wand. 1 Derby County 2 Chelsea 11 Blackpool Grimsby Town
      —Reuter.  -  327 words
    • 971 30 Close Competition For Leaderships. The following are tho positions of team* n the English nml Scottish Leagues after Saturday** matches First Division. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Arsenal .13 8 1 4 35 11) 20 Aston Villa 13 8 2 3 30 20 10 Sheffield Wed.
      971 words
    • 467 30 Outsider’s Narrow Win. THE RECORDER FINISHED THIRD. London, Oct. 2j. The Cambridgeshire Stakes v/as run at Newmarket today and resulted as followsCambridge Stakes (hep.) of 25 g 0 vV each, 10 ft. if dec. by Oet. 21, or 5 sovs if dee. by Sept. 9, with 1,000
      467 words
    • 2298 31 Bad Back Play. INGLORIOUS record of dropped passes. 4 From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 1. sin}ja pore. 3 pts. Negri Sembilan. .3 pts. 1Ul U an d uninteresting play with very little good Rugby, is not an unfair "'mming-up of the Malaya Cup
      2,298 words
    • 99 31 Taipin;? Turf Club December Meeting Abandoned. Th &gt; Taiping Turf (Tub announces llmt i*i view of the altered conditions, now availing a compared with the time v lx n racing date; for l'J.TO were originally fixed, and the facts that there will be three other amateur meetings in
      99 words
    • 539 31 M.C.C. Tourists Arrive In South Africa. Cape Town, Nov. 3. II M.C.C. Cricket tourists arrived here t »day. Mr. A.P.F. Chapman, the captain, sugtfost 5 that the reason for Sutcliffe’* omission was the desire on the part of the selectors to (jive a chance to younger
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    • 194 31 Popular Event in Aid of Poppy Day Funds. A successful swimming carnival was Feld at Scavicw Hotel on Thursday in aid of the l’oppy Day Funds. Among those who attended were H.K. the Officer Administering the (iovernruent (Mr. John Scott) and Mrs. Scott, and f.ady Munson. By permission
      194 words
    • 642 32 Cornwall Team Beaten. KILAT’S SUCCESS IN “A” CLASS SERIES. On Sunday at the Royal Singapoie Yacht Club the “sixes, 'i supported byJune, raced the first of a series for the Rear-Commodore’s Trophy and in very light airs made a somewhat ragged start, of which Kilat got
      642 words
    • 444 32 Results of Week-End Competitions. The Siryjapore Golf Hub bogey competition was played on Saturday and Sunday, and lesulted in a win or Mr. R. Craik in “A division and foi Mr. R F. Voelker in “B” division. Altogether 07 cards were taken out, and j tVe fjllowir.t were
      444 words
    • 179 32 Keppel Monthly Medal. Thirty-four cards were taken out for the Keppel Golf Club November medal. The result was a win for P. H. Steed, who returned a score of 1 down Ball Sw-eeps Saturday, P. H. Steed 1 up. Sunday, .J. P. Campbell all square. The November ladies’ spoon (stroke)
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    • 701 32 Good Scores at S.V.R.A. Service Meeting. The Singapore Volunteer Rifle Association held its meeting under Service conditions on Saturday and Sunday at Bukit Tisr.ah Rifle Range. The weather eonditi ns were of the best, the light gv,.).l, and the resuics were seen in good 3C010S. ive possibles were
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    • 155 32 Phenomenal Galloper. CHEAP YEARLING WHICH HAS WON A FORTUNE. Sydney, Nov. 4. The following was the result of the Melbourne Cup (Victoria Racing Club) over two miles, run today PHAR LAP (J. Pike) 9.12 SECOND WIND (Lewis) 8.12 SHADOW KING (Tehan) 8.4 Fifteen ran Won
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  • 95 32 Death of Mother of Raja j Kamaralazman. The mother of Unja Kamaralazman bin Raja Mansur has died as a result of injure she received in a motor-car accident near Kuala on Friday. According to the Times of Malaya the motor-car in which were riding Raja Kamaralazman,
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  • 58 32 Secretary-General's Visit To Malaya. Mr. H. Martin, the Secretary-General of the Royal Dutch Air Line, has been visiting Malaya in connection with the arrangements he is making along the Amsterdam-Batavia route. He was particularly interested in the proposed provision of aerodromes in Singapore and Penang and emergency
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  • 71 32 His Library of 10,000 Books Being Sold. London, Oct. 25. The major portion of the library i t 10.000 volumes of Lord Birkenhead i&gt; being sold. One rare volume is the firs’, edition of Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass now worth several thousan i pounds. A London cable
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  • 67 32 HAWSON.—At General Hospital. Singapore, on Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. RHawson, a daughter. JONES.—At General Hospital. Singapore, on Nov. 4, 11)30, to May, wife of Mr. Reynolds Jones, a daughter. MCDONALD.—On October 22, 1030, at G-v eminent Hospital, Muar, to Mr. and M 1. A. Mcdonaid, Colinsburgh Estate,
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  • 33 32 COLLINS FREE—STENSON COOKE. V Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday. Mr. Collins Free, son of the late Mi’ Collins Free and Mrs. Collir.s Free, Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stei Coolce of London.
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 84 32 NOTICE All communications for both the St::»'Times and the Straits Budget should addressed to the Head Office, Cecil a' Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Setti-*-ments. The post free price of the Stiaits Times the United Kingdom and foreign countrieis $48 a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is
      84 words
  • 128 32 DEATHS JAM HU. At General Hospital on N"v1030, Joseph Juinhu, lute of the Sing-' Municipality, aged 57 years. Deeply gretted. LOW SOO CIIIANG.— Died at his reside::, at Tcdong, Malacca, on Sunday, aged 1 LOW—Mrs. Low Khie Chiang, the be! wife of Mr. Low Khie Chiang, aged (second daughter of
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    • 104 1 n ,hbcr Situation ??*&lt;jr.g.iporc Auction 1 It h ami liubber ..1 i !r i,i&lt;h li&lt;.&lt;Hls n.-hlu r Market ,i v Rubber Output 2 Rubber Co. Interim 2 Malaya Tin Statistics 2 Riubor Costs M &gt;:! Rubber Statistics 8 Kon. iv Tin Kubbt-r Rciurns *&gt; T tu ;..ul *1
      104 words
    • 60 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices &gt; &lt;J. 9 I &lt; A r_tt I.V.« n S’pore Nov. Dec. N'ov. Dec. Oct. c.i 4 n.irt o.n\ n.i4®» 0.14 0.14 0.14 l 4 0.14 4 0.14 4 0.14 0.14 0.15 5 10 &lt;.13 a 4 0.14 0.14*4
      60 words
    • 120 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce J Ar-' ciation hold its 0t*2nd auction on "hen theie was catalogued 1,774,011 ’i'l 7 to is offered 1,616,846 lb. or tt stt 1 (1 1,133,606 lb. or 506.07 tons. Spot. I n 4 1 ad. New York Holiday PRICE REALISED. Ribbed
      120 words
    • 109 1 Companies to Cease Extensions. T Amsterdam, Sept. 28. ino directorate of the Amsterdam Rubber announces that the company’s ex-nsnin.-i of rubber planting are being according to the programme fixed 1 11*30. For 1031 the company intends (i n to stop all extensions of planting or such extensions
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    • 30 1 ow and Co.’s report cn the copra 7 statp s —The improvement in the the commodity still continues. -V x quotations are as follows —Sundried J ‘nixed $6.50.
      30 words
    • 1011 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] London, Oct. 8. Stocks in Ix&gt;ndon fell last week by 1,592 tons, but as simultaneously they rose by 1,520 tons in Liverpool the net fall wai only 72
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  1,011 words
    • 411 1 Need for Scientific Selling Research. The constant study of the world’s markets on the spot that is the point most want to stress, especially to the manufacturer, whose interest is often largely engrossed in the many problems of economical production. That, I suggest, touches a spot of real
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    • 171 1 Present Rubber Position. MALAYAN EXPORTS FOR OCTOBER. London, Nov. 2. The firm of Symington and Sinclair understands that the French proposal to tax rubber, except that coming from French colonies, will probably la* dropped. It was first reported ten days ago that a French tax
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    • 480 1 (luthric and Co., Ltd., under date Oct. 30, state The market has shown quite an appreciable improvement over the past week, prices at time of wiiting being 14 cents locally, in London and 9 cents (gold) in New York. At these prices grains of I'a cents, 5-l6d. and
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    • 26 1 The board of directors of Ilantau Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have decided to resume operations with the No. 2 dredge us from Nov. 1,
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    • 938 2 Dutch Attitude. SIR CECIL CLEMENTI NOT HOPEFUL. An important conference between the committee appointed to watch over the interests of the Ceylon rubber industry and Sir Cecil Clementi took place while Sir Cecil was in Colombo on Oct. 22. The deputation met Sir Cecil at Queen
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    • 284 2 Rate Maintained On Ordinary. The directors of tin* Dunlop Rubber &lt;ompuny have declared an interim dividend of &gt;; per cent, on the ordinary shares. This is at the same rate as last year. The full dividend for 1929 was 15 per cent, says the Financial Times
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    • 195 2 Exports. Foreign exports of tin. being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan ports during the month of October, 1930 Destination. Tons. United Kingdom 195 United States of America 4.763 Continent of Europe 1,702 British Possessions 531 Japan 139 Other foreign countries 30 Total 7,363 Note. This
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    • 579 2 Lengthy Agenda for Next Meeting. A number of important matters aiising from the last annual meeting ami special meeting ure to be discussed at the half-year-ly meeting of the Johore Planters’ Association which is to be held at Kluang on Saturday. Nov. 15 at 11.30 in the
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    • 300 2 The Future of The Industry. The twenty-first annual ordinary general meeting of the Bernam-Perak Rubber Plantations was held on Sept. 30 at 4. Lloyd’s Avenue, K.C., Mr. J. Walker Hain (the chairman presided. The chairman said that the profit for the year was £1,128 17s. 9d. as against £10,192
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    • 71 2 [The Straits Times is not responsible f the opinions of its correspondents. Corr f pondents should bear in mind that lctJ S must be short and to the point i r epistles are liable to be rejected or JOl down. Correspondents must enclose tk names and addresses, not necessarily
      71 words
    • 492 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Oct. 22, Mr c C. Malet wrote on the subject of absorb ingr surplus rubber. The discussion mainly hinges on the possibilities of using rubber on roads in a similar manner to asphalt There
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    • 179 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Oct. 30 one read? that Government is prepared to encourage the further planting of rubber by our villagers by supplying them with hud wood. Government is also prepared to erect complete factories or co-operative smokehouses
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    • 629 3 \ffected by Depressed Conditions. annual general meeting of the British 1 t Trustee and Executor Co., Ltd., was lt the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. h&gt; im i Bateman, Fullerton Bnilding, i;al tev ,,u 1 l m -(lay. Sir Galloway presiding. 1 present included Messrs. W. E.
      629 words
    • 275 3 Kepong and Gordon Statements. Similar circulars have been issued by Kepong (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd., and Gordon (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Ltd.. Mowing shareholders’ inquiries, states the 1‘itiancial News of Sept. 19. 1 he Kepong statement says that total out- for the year 1930 is estimated in round t'-trui-fs
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    • 418 3 during the month of October,*^1^30*^ nc u&lt;^ latex, revertex, and concentrated latex) Preliminary Return. -i Rubber J Destination. S e nd Concentrated T r, pe Latex. Latex. Revertex. Total. Singapore oo°iIy» Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Penang TjJ’uon 6G 78 42 30,145 Malacca V A 10,828 Port Swettenham
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    • 327 3 Trading Profit for Year Of £51,204. The following is the report of the directors of Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., for th« year ended June 30, 1930 No work was undertaken on the Gombak Valley during the year. Exemption from working was obtained up to Nov. 12, 1930.
      327 words
    • 122 3 Sir G. Penny’s Suggestion To Government. London, Nov. 4. In tbc* House of Commons at question time, Sir George Penny (Cons., Kingston upon-Thame 0 suggested that in view of the depressed condition of the rubber industry and consequent loss of revenue to the colonies the Government might
      122 words
    • 665 3 Mr. W. R. Davies Outlines Company’s Policy. The twentieth ordinary general meeting of the members erf the Berunang (Selangor) Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was held on Oet. b at the registered office of the company, at Walsingham House, Seething Lane, E.C., Mr. W. R. Davies, J.P. (chairman of
      665 words
    • 45 3 —Reuter. Nearly All U.S. Companies Announce Increases. Akron, Ohio, Oct. 30. It is announced that nearly every important tyre manufacturing company in the Unittsl States, including Firestone and Goodyear, have raised prices. The increases range* from '1 \u to 0 per cent. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 77 3 Taruti. ."&gt;4,♦» 12 ll». Teholang. 25,1,72 li&gt;. Tai Tak Plantations. 72,000 ll*. Tnngkok. 25,112 Ih. Tunjong I.ubu. 0.2100 ll*. Tapah Rubber, -00,;;lx lb. Tundjong. I *’*7, Pin II). Tunah Datar. 521,100 ll&gt;. Toerangie (Si. KX,O 15 lb. Tjikasintoe. 02f,K'j7 Ih. 'I nng Moh. I (1,500 Ih. t’tan Simpan.
      77 words
    • 161 4 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Nov. 5. On London, Hank 4 m 'a 2/3 29/22 Demand 2.3% Private 3 m. credit 2/4 3/32 On New York, demand 66 1/10 Private 90 d/s 67** On France, Hunk T.T. 1430 On India, Hank T.T. 155 On Hong Kong, Hank T.T. 42 disc.
      161 words
    • 804 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Nov. 5. MINING. Issue Vul. J*d. Buyers Sellers £1 f 1 Asam Kumbang 20/- 25/- -6 Ayer II it am Tin 10 11 £1 £1 Hangrin Tin 13 14'1 1 Hatang Padang 0.10 0.15 1 1 Hatu Caves 0.35 0.40 1 1
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    • 713 4 Active Interest in Mining Shares. j Fraser and Co.’s report of Nov. 4, states: An active interest has been taken in mining shares this week encouraged by the steady price for the metal which prevailed until today when values were marked down about £4 10s. per ton for
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      • 677 4 Abaco (£lt O; Allagar (2 »1 14; Amherst ,2') 1 3; Anglo-Malny (£1) 13 22; Ayer Kuning (£1) 4; Hagan Serai (£1) 4; Bahia 1 Sel.) (2 3 Banteng (£1) 'hi; Batang &lt; Vnsi lidatcd t2 8; Ba;u Coves (£1) 9 16; Batu Tiga (ill
        677 words
      • 727 4 rmnitmi Closing Price* v ipitil IllQ6 FrticF T vaII a Paid Up alue Dividends Company 4 C&lt;fr Evatt 1 6 p.c. for year 28-2-80 Allenby ($1) 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.85 216.779 1 174 p.c. year 30-9-29 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.70 0.80 0.70 0.80 435,425
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    • 317 4 Banteng (Selangor) Rubber. A profit af £10,009 is reported by the Banteng (Selangor) Rubber Estates for the year ended April 30 (against £10,110 for 1928-29). After crediting £0,00.") brought forwaul, and meeting the interim dividend of per cent, already paid, £4.950, there remains a balance of £11,724, which,
      317 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 467 5 t rt 1 1 m n DIARIES FOR 1931 LETTS* QUIKREF POCKET DIARIES. From 60 cents to $3.00. Refills at 60 cents and 00 cents. Rough Diary No. 150 $3.00, No. 50 Interleaved with blotting, $1.80. No 35. plain, $1.20. Interleaved blotting $1;50. Combination Blotting Pad and Diary $2. WILLIAM
      467 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 587 6 o u Y A o c w A i J H R n E T D R s s M M O Jbr 3r* T O N R When the wind or outboard fails yon, And you’re miles away from shore. It la I that’ll iladly help you. The KONIG
      587 words