The Straits Budget, 13 December 1928

Total Pages: 38
1 9 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget No. 3.H96 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 Price 23 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d«
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  • 359 1 LEADERS— The Elephant and the Pill 3 Non Decipitur Qui Scit Se Decipi 3 The Vilification of the Hylam 3 The New Singapore 3-4 Motoring Manners The Education of the Malays 4 Occasional Notes 5*6 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 19-25 Pictures Singapore Cricket Club Ground.
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  • 5007 1 The Poppy Day collection in Kelantan was a record, a total of $2,891 being raised. Mr. A. P. ameron, of the London office of Paterson, and Co., has arrived in Singapore. H. H. the Ranee of Sarawak is returning to Europe by way of America' during next
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1093 3 -Straits Times, Dec. 6. India is at last considering concrete proposals for the solution of one of the greatest of her domestic problems. A Hoads Development Committee has issued a report recommending additional taxation on motorists and motor vehicles for the purpose of raising revenue
      -Straits Times, Dec. 6.  -  1,093 words
    • 1096 3 Straits Times, Dec. *7. Certain unfortunate experiences which have befallen Singapore in the not very distant past have prompted a number of readers to ask. with varying degrees of good humour, why we do not exhibit the courage of our convictions in reviewing theatrical
      — Straits Times, Dec. *7.  -  1,096 words
    • 1192 3 and discredit upon it. —Straits Times, Dec. 8. A couple of months ago there appeared in this column an article Why Employ Hylams in which it was pointed out, more in sorrow than in anger, that the Hylams themselves are in the long run the
      and discredit upon it.—Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  1,192 words
    • 1026 3 iiaviour than they can to-day.—Straits Times, Dec. 10. Those who have followed the development of Singapore during the last decade know hew steady and remarkable has been the rise in real estate value* during that period. Prices are being paivl for both urban and suburban lots to-day
      iiaviour than they can to-day.—Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  1,026 words
    • 1083 4 li* V 1 1—Straits Times, Pec. 11. All English-speaking motorists in this Settlement would do well to read, mark, iearn and inwardly digest the letter from Mr. R. J. Farrer, President of the Municipal Commissioners, in which lie compares London and Singapore—very much to the disadvantage of Singapore—in
      li* %• V 1 » ' •' * ' ■ •••* •••** ( 1—Straits Times, Pec. 11.  -  1,083 words
    • 1077 4 —Straits Times, Dee. 12. Ten years the Principals of English schools dreaded the advent of Malay pupils. Owing to a defective system, they were over-age owing to bad teaching, they were dull. After a study of conditions in Java and the Philippines the present Director
      —Straits Times, Dee. 12.  -  1,077 words

  • 354 4 ENGINEER OFFICER WITH NOTABLE RECORD. ii U '?> n J u unce,i that Major-General L Prichard, C.B., C.M.G., U.E.. is to succeed Major-General Sir C C Van fctraiibenzoe, C.B.. C.M.G., as General CLicer Commanding the Troops, Malaya. The new G.O.C., who will be accompanied •y his wife
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    • 238 5 --Straits Times, Dec. 6. European and Asiatic miners in this country must have listened with very great interest to the explanations given by Dr. Liese, the representative of a German company, of the geophysical method of prospecting. It is claimed that mineral deposits in the soil can
      --Straits Times, Dec. 6.  -  238 words
    • 268 5 •*v*»r* worse moss than ever. —Straits Times, Dec. 6. Some uncomplimentary things have been said about the United States since the War, but the unkindest cut of all has been delivered by a gentleman in Detroit, who has discovered that the fearsome Bea.-i described in the
      •*v*»r* worse moss than ever.—Straits Times, Dec. 6.  -  268 words
    • 306 5 —Straits Times, Dec. 0. Sea Monsters.” Family of Mermaids.” Captured fi'om the Red Sea. These are rot further announcements of the Anson Rond show which was commented upon recently in this column. Lu‘ of an entertainment in Plymouth, England, which has aroused the curiosity o. that vigilant organ
      —Straits Times, Dec. 0.  -  306 words
    • 68 5 POWER OF ORATORY.” annual dinner last month.—Straits Times. Dec. 7. Say, kid, lend me your form for a twist.” This was merely the terse expression of an American gentleman who asked a lady to dance, explained the Duke of York in the course of a speech on the power of
      annual dinner last month.—Straits Times. Dec. 7.  -  68 words
    • 207 5 —Straits Times. Dec. T. Sir Laurence Guillemard and Sir George Maxwell would doubtless disirree as to how much truth there is in this recent schoolboy “howler”: Evoution is what Darwin did. Revolution s a kind of government abroad. Devout ion has something to do with Satan.”
      —Straits Times. Dec. T.  -  207 words
    • 265 5 -Straits Times, Dec. 7. Satisfaction at the news that the G.O.C. is to prolong his stay in this country, for several months is by no means confined to regular military circles. Sine* his arrival in 1927, Major-General Sir C. C. Van Straubenzee has taken a special interest in
      -Straits Times, Dec. 7.  -  265 words
    • 259 5 —Straits Times, Dec 7. It is pleasant to learn that the sea and land sports arranged for New Year’s Day promise to be particularly well supported this year. For almost as many years as the Colony has existed it has been the praiseworthy practice of the European
      —Straits Times, Dec 7.  -  259 words
    • 115 5 LOUD CHEERS “Mr. Bones” gloomily.—Straits Times, Dec. 8. Audiences in the East are noted among entertainers for being somewhat slow in showing appreciation. Even when applause h enthusiastic it usually com"? from only about 25 per cent, of those present. It was at a minstrel show in Singapore—many years ago,
      “Mr. Bones” gloomily.—Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  115 words
    • 174 5 h"ld for the past 14 years.—Straits Times, Dec. 8. It is recorded in the current issue of St. Andrew’s Cathedral Monthly Paper that at a Parish Church Council meeting last month the four years’ agreement with the Rev. J. V. Westlake was reviewed in view of the
      h"ld for the past 14 years.—Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  174 words
    • 226 5 JOHNNY-WON’T-HIT-TO-DAY.' -Straits Times, Dec. 8. Johnny Douglas is annoyed. And when Johnny gets annoyed it is a certainty that the fur will fly. In unburdening himself of his views on the uccession of H. M. Morris to the captaincy of the Essex county cricket team which he has held since
      -Straits Times, Dec. 8.  -  226 words
    • 289 5 Straits Times, Doe. 8, That amazing person Charles Blake Cochran appears to have come back with a vengeance. It is only a few years :go that he wrote a most fascinating bool describing his promotion of all sorts of "nterta lament from the magnificent spectacle of “The
      Straits Times, Doe. 8,  -  289 words
    • 76 5 Straits Times, Dec. 10. Singapore has been enjoying pleasnntlv cool nights lately, but up in the F.M.S. it must have hern positively cold, tint is if we can believe one of the Kuala Lumpur papers which assures its readers that now is the season of the fireside and
      Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  76 words
    • 103 5 OUT OF THE MOUTHS..... -Straits Times, Dec. 10. Peeping Tom writes from Seremban The penultimate jeu d’esprit in your issue of the 7th instant seems to have been cut short, or perhaps the version I have heard has been extended. The version I know is more amusing, I think. It
      -Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  103 words
    • 253 5 —Straits Times, Dec. 10. An event of some interest in the history of Malayan education took place at Kampong Bahru, near Kuala Lumpur, a few days ago, when the first public performance given by Malay schoolgirls was seen. Until quite recently Malay parents were most reluctant
      —Straits Times, Dec. 10.  -  253 words
    • 377 5 -Straits Times, Deo. 10. We have just finished reading The Well of Loneliness for the second time and we can honestly affirm that it is a remarkably beautiful, conscientious, and tragic piece of work, with an interesting story told in extraordinarily fine language. True the theme is
      -Straits Times, Deo. 10.  -  377 words
    • 126 5 Straits Times, Dec. 11. “Is the M.C.C. si»Ie 25 per cem. better than the Australian?” asked the Rev. F. II. Gillingham, the old Essex cricketer and rector of St. Margaret’s, Lee, a month ago. “That is the margin which we think is nocessarv to counter, act the strange
      Straits Times, Dec. 11.  -  126 words
    • 179 6 Straits Times, Dec. 11. One strange structure which may be seen in the Straits of Johore in the future is a floating dock for flying boats. The Royal Air Force already possesses such a dock at Southampton. The news that Air Commodore C. R. Samson has
      Straits Times, Dec. 11.  -  179 words
    • 500 6 SAFEGUARDING BRITISH INDUSTRIES —Strrits Timc3, Dec. 11. Our remarks under this heading seem to have borne some fruit for Mr. J. W. Harries, the honorary secretary for the Straits Settlements of the Association of British Malaya, informs us that, in response to the protests of several members of the Association
      —Strrits Timc3, Dec. 11.  -  500 words
    • 259 6 completion of a wonderful feat. —Straits Times, Dec. 12. The new Tube station muter Piccadilly Circus has been opened with appropriate ceremony and will certainly constitute one of the sights of London. For \enrs past an unpr’ct* ntiou? hoarding in the centre of the Circus, a few
      completion of a wonderful feat.—Straits Times, Dec. 12.  -  259 words
    • 267 6 PIRACY AD LIB. wruld do well to note.—Straits Time* Dec. 12. The present piracy on the Yangtse leaves only one trade route in China waters still to be raided by the pirate gangs—the Shanghai-Ningpo run—and a newspaper correspondent in Shanghai writes under the above caption somewhat bitterly of the existing
      wruld do well to note.—Straits Time* Dec. 12.  -  267 words
    • 294 6 Straits Times, Dec. 12. Inhabitants of this commercial city, who find their centre of gravity in Raffle** lace and not on Government Hill, will be distressed to discover a complaint of bad manners emanating from the verv tom pie of Red Tape and Good Form, .m.ertainment of any
      .— Straits Times, Dec. 12.  -  294 words

  • 106 6 Bucharest, Dec. 1. A is stated that Prince Antoine Bibesco, Rumanian Minister at Madrid, and M. Stoica, Rumanian Counsellor at the Legation, figured in a painful scene at the office of the Prime Minister s Department when M. Stoica assaulted Prince Bibesco as the result of a personal
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  • 273 6 Attempt to Put Up Posters In Town. Information having been received or. Tuesday of an attempt that was to K made to put up Communist posters in various parts of the town, a watch was kept and a Hylarn was arrested in New Bridge Road in possesion of
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  • 196 6 Prominent Mining Engineer. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 11. The death is announced of Mr. \V. R. Chappel, mining engineer and formerly a partner in the firm of Osborne and Chappel. Mr. W. R. H. Chappel had since his retirement from Ipoh in
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  • 205 6 Exhibition by Singapore Artists. Some eighty sketches in water colour? are on view’ in an exhibition by members of the Singapore Sketch Club which opened at the Y.M.C.A. on Tuesday Five artists are represented, and the exhibition affords a very welcome opportunity of seeing some of the work
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  • 490 6 Notice for Voluntary Windin'* Up Agreed To. The adjourned extraordinary general meeting of The Savoy, Ltd., which was engaged in the trade of bread making, etc., was held at the offices of the secre. taries, Messrs. Cilia Cheng Jin and Co Raffles Chambers, on Tuesday. The Hon
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  • 273 6 18 Strokes For Chinese Gangster. The shooting of a Revenue Officer No. 4i in New Market Street on Nov. (5 while helping Revenue Officer 132 to capture a Chinese armed with a pistol was recalled in the District Court yesterday, when the C hinese was sentenced to
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  • 826 7 COLONY AND THE KING’S ILLNESS. A meeting of the Legislative Council was hold on Monday at which the following were present H. E. Officer Administering the Government (Sir Hayes Marriott, K.B.E., C.M.G.) H. E. the G.O.C., Malaya, (Major General Sir C. C. Van Straubenzee, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G.) Official
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  • 540 7 Another Buying Centre For Consumers. According to some authorities the American election lessened the demand for tin n j a cou, ?try—the greatest consumer and there is no doubt American buying jy*® better after the election was over. Mill this should not be stressed too much, >aj
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  • 358 7 S.V.C. Scottish Co.’s Wapinshaw. The weather on Sunday was somewhat uncertain for the first rifle meeting, or wapinshaw, of the Scottish Co., S.V.C. In the morning the conditions at the Bukit Timah range could nut have been better, but in the afternoon the shooting was marred by heavy
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  • 170 7 Auction Sales. A Bill is to be introduced in the Federal Council to repeal and reenact the law regulating sales by public auction. In the Objects and Reasons it is stated Sales by auction are at present governed by the State Enactments of 1905. The scale
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  • 97 7 Leaving Singapore on Sunday. The Officer Administering the Government, Sir Hayes Marriott, and Lady Marriott will be leaving Singapore on Sunday morning next by the s.y. ‘‘Sea Belle II.” They will be sailing from Penang on Dec. 29 by the P. and 0. Naldera without returning to
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  • 101 7 At a coroner’s inquiry on Saturday it was stated that a Boyanese youth dived m o the sea at Pasir Panjang from a boat in which he was frolicking with two other youths. He was soon in difficulties and clung to one of his companions, both
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  • 764 7 Night of Feast and Jollity At Miri. As one of the prime movers in staging the festivities, writes F. VV. S. from Miri, Mr. Leslie King deserves the gratitudo and appreciation of Scot and Sassenach. He was at fault in no department, and ho and the committee
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  • 595 8 COMPLIMENTS FROM COLOMBO. ♦> AN EXAMPLE FOR CEYLON. Much excellent propaganda work is done by the “Malayan Trade Annual,” which, says the Times of Ceylon, is now in its fourth year of publication. This is but an example of the intensive efforts made by Malaya to spread
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  • 89 8 late HARHOUR-Master AT LAItUAN. Many ft tends throughout Malaya, and especially among the mercantile marine, will learn with sincere regret that a cable was received from home on Saturday announcing the death at Southsea, Hants, on Dec. G, of Captain J. K. Webster who, "V’pT, y
    89 words
  • 465 8 Lady Marriott at Keppel Harbour. One of the last public acts of Lady Marriott in Singapore was to launch one of the two new Penang ferry boats at Keppel Harbour on \N odnesday. 1 he weather wa> tine, and the newly christened Tanjong made a gallant sight
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  • 421 8 Interests in Plantation Undertakings. A change of address card just received brings to memory an old friend, wellknown in Singapore and the Malay' Peninsula a couple of decades back. I V\ e refer to Mr. H. L. Coghlan, at present the managing director of one of
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  • 585 8 Two Masonic Installation Ceremonies. (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Dec. 10. There was a distinguished gathering at the installation of Bro. Alex MacKenzie in the chair of Lodge Elliot, No. 3,557 E.C., on Saturday evening. Rt. Wor. Bro. C. G. Cndman, D. D. G. M. Ruling Wor. Bro.
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  • 739 8 I SYMPATHY IN THE KIN( ILLNESS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Dec. 8 II f ratifying to see the manner in which the Java newspapers are deni;* with the news of King George’s i& Daily they publish long reports of hU progress, printing the latest bulletins n English,
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  • 1486 9 INDUSTRY’S POSSIBILITIES IN MALAYA. In view of the prominence given to the possibilities of oil palm cultivation on an extensive scale in Malaya, the opinions of Mr. P. B. Flockton, one of the pioneers of the industry, who is now visiting Malaya, are of special interest.
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  • 51 9 (Nichi-Nichi Service) Scene at Hokkaido University. (Nichi-Nichi Service) Tokio, Dec. 5. Mr. Tsuehiya, of the Hokkaido University. received rough handling at the hands ot "students and sustained injuries. It is stated that the students were infuriated because certain of their number had been accused of sympathy with
    (Nichi-Nichi Service)  -  51 words
  • 88 9 Mr. R. Stanley Dollar, Vice President and General Manager of the Dollar steamship line, has announced that the new President liner, the former Manchuria recently acquired by the Dollar Line, will be known as the President Johnson and will take place as the eighteenth passenger vessel of
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  • 354 9 DISAPPOINTING EASTERN TRIP. The experience of a Swede who left a position in Stockholm to come to the Last, on a friend’s promise of employment, only to discover when he arrived that lu could not locate his friend, was disclosed in the Fourth Court on Dec.
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  • 197 9 Former Singapore Postal Clerk’s Lapse. A charge of making a false declaration was preferred against Ewe Thean Hoe i at the police court on Dec. <>. The accused was employed in the Kuala Lumpur Post Office between February and November this year and it was discovered after
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  • 195 9 Singapore is to have a brewery of its own, or at least efforts are being made to form a brewery company there, a fact which recalls that a similar proposal was once made here, says the Siam Observer, though we believe it never got beyond the suggestion
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  • 371 9 EVASIVE METHODS OP the hylam. ni V r W* H. Hatfield, Protector of Chinese, when he produced before the second Police Magistrate (Mr. W.- N. Hour lay) on Dec. 5 the 58 Hyiama arrested overnight in the former [lap Sing night school, stated that the 1 ro
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  • 229 9 A Colleague’s Tribute. Old boys of the Penang Free School who are now in Singapore will appreciate the following tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Koay Thean Chin which H.R.C.” publishes in the Straits Echo:— Koay Thean Chin taught generations of Penang schoolboys. They
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  • 102 9 Marriage Facilitated By Police. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 6. A bridegroom, the son of a well-known Chinese merchant of Kuala Lumpur, who disappeared suddenly from his home last week just before the wedding, made hia appearance at the eleventh hour yesterday morning, surprising his
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  • 973 10 Sir Ernest Birch on Tin Situation. At the seventeenth annual general meeting of the Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., held on Nov. 15, Sir Ernest Birch, K.C.M.G., presiding, said The report of the directors and the statement of accounts for the year ended July 31, 1928, have been
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  • 493 10 Distinguished Government Service. Mr. H. G. Sarwar, M.C.S., District Judge (Civil), will sit for the last time on Dec. 17 and his actual retirement will date from the end of this year. Mr. Sarwar is 55 years of age and has worked for the S.S.
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  • 136 10 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Dec. 1. give* the total number of deaths as male 1S1 »nd female 85. This represents a death rate of 31.26 per mille. per annum, compared with 22.08 in the preceding week and 34.49 in the corresponding week of
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  • 309 10 'Resident Councillor at Two Prizegivings. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 7. The first prize distribution at the Hutchings School, Penang, took place yesterday. The headmaster. Mr. H. i Mortimer, in the course ot ar. interesting report, *aid the Hutchings School was i now a sort of middle
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  • 335 10 Excessive Sentence on Car Driver. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 7. Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby presided over the Selangor Appeal Court, which began to-day. T. Weernkkody, until recently chief clerk of the 1-xai branch of Whiteaway. j I .aid law a.’id Co., was brought up to
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  • 248 10 The Drowning Fatality At Petaling. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. 7 The death occurred under tragic circumstances yesterday afternoon of Mr D. P. Roberts, manager of Buk:t Jali Estate, Petaling. Mr. Roberts is reported to have been drowned on the estate. No details a-t at present
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  • 309 10 New Vessel Launched At Hong hong. Quite a distingwiished company attended the launching of the la>t of thv* three vessels built at the Taik<*«* dockyard. Hong Kong, to the or»U*r of the Strars Steamship Co'., when Mr*. Southern, wife ol the Office: Administering the c»overnmeni. Ilong Kong,
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  • 155 10 Visit of H.M.S. Cumberland. H.M.S. Cumberland (Capt. A. I.. Snagge) is due to pay a visit to Singapore waters next month. Leaving 1 Hong K«>nz on Dec. 28, the Cumberland will call at Touraine on Dec. MO and reach Singapore on Jan. 7. She will leave f (,r
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  • 352 11 Capt. J. H. V. Clarke Sent For TriaL The adjourned enquiry into the case of 'Captain J. H. V. Clarke, late Officer Commanding, Malay Volunteer Infantry, Negri Sembilan, was continued at Seremban Police Court on Dec. 7 before Mr. O. E. Venables, the Seremban Magistrate. Mr. L. B.
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  • 82 11 Will Cause Sickness, Pestilence And Perdition." (From Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Dec. 7. The cigarette threatens to lead to a diplomatic hitch between Nepal and Tibet. For many years Nepalese traders have carried cigarettes into the Forbidden Land, but it is now reported from Lhasa that
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  • 83 11 Singapore Christmas Programme Cancelled. 'i 'ho Australian submarines Otway and Oxley, which are on their way from Home to Australia, will not now arrive at Singapore* until after Christmas. They will leave Colombo on Dec. 18, and will call at Medan and Penang. A working committee had been
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  • 148 11 The group meeting of the Royal Institute of International Affairs held at Chatham House last night w’as w’cll attended, wrote the London correspondent of the Malay Mail on Nov. 15. Major-Genera Sir Neill Malcolm was in the chair, and among those present wrere the Rt. Hon. W.
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  • 624 11 A LONDON LESSON FOR SINGAPORE. Writing from London to the Straits limes on Nov. 13, Mr. R. J. Farrer, President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, makes another appeal to motor-car owners to do all they can to mitigate the nuisance of horn-blowing. He states Some three years ago
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  • 143 11 Great Success of First Exhibition. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 10. Klang held a very successful first Baby Show in the Court House yesterday. .It v w viewed by large crowds of people mcluding distinguished visitors from Kuala Lumpur and district. Lady Peel and H*
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  • 544 11 NEW M.S.V.R. ADJUTANT APPOINTED. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 15. The observation that one hears on all sides is What a wonderful November it is,” and this is so up to November 15. Consequently everybody one meets is in good humour, especially those who have been
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  • 94 11 Assault and Extortion Alleged. When a Mohammadan Indian police constable named Aya Tulla was charged before the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. W. N. Gourlay, on Tuesday, Court inspector Meeton' said that the allegation was that the accused demanded money from an ice water seller and, when the latter
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  • 41 11 (Aneta’s Service) Mishap Off Kangean Islands. (Aneta’s Service) Batavia, Dec. 11. The steamer Ruysdael, belonging to the Bolton Steam Shipping Co., is aground off tho Kangean Islands. Efforts are ing made to refloat her under her own steam.
    (Aneta’s Service)  -  41 words
  • 264 11 Sharp Criticism By Appeal Judge. A severe rebuke was administered at Seremban on ihursduy during the hearing of an appeal in the Supreme Court before the lion. Mr. Justice K. D. Acton when the circumstances of the arrest and conviction of Lian Shai Sang were brought to
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  • 243 11 Views of Government Geologist. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dee. 6. The Government Geologist, Mr. J. B. Scrivenor, contributes a special article to the Times of Malaya on the value of geophysical prospecting for tin. He thrashes out at length recent inventions and discoveries with special relation to
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  • 178 11 Lady Marriott at Pearl’s Hill School. Hayes Marriott was present at the annual prize distribution of the 1 earl s Hill School on Dec. 0 and gave away the prizes. There was a large attendance of parents and members of other educational institutions. Under the direction of the
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  • 1262 12 Case Against Inspector Judge’s Accuser. The prosecution was closed on Tuesday and the defence opened in the case in which Inspector Judge charged Ong Guan Suah with laying false information before the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. C. H. Dakers. by stating that Inspector Judge and Malay Police
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  • 152 12 Forty-Seven Hylams in The District Court. Forty-seven Hylams. arrested on the premises of a former Hylam night school in Owen Road by Mr. Gatfield. Protector of Chinese, were produced before the District Judge, Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, vesterday. Chief Court Inspector Meredith stated that the charge
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  • 80 12 For Central and Northern Malaya. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 12. A flying club was formally established at an enthusiastic meeting in Ipoh last night. About 100 members were enrolled, including several from Selangor, and others are expected from Penang. Rules based on those of the
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  • 796 12 1 TALES TOLD TO LOCAL I magistrates. It was a moving tale of having been held up and robbed on the Bukit Tirnah Road at two o’clock in the morning tha a Chinese on Monday told the Dwtnrt Judge, Mr. C. H. G., against thr.'C
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  • 569 12 COMMITTEE MEETING DECISIONS. At a committee meeting of the Strait, Settlements (Singapore) Association held on Dec. 10 with Mr. R. M. Williams, p re siding, a letter from Government was tabled replying to the Association enquiry as to the possibility of a serious increase of Chinese immigrants
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  • 195 12 Sudden Death In America. News has been received by the Bishop of Singapore of the death of Archdeacon Webber at Huntingdon, Penn., U.S.A. It is reported that the Archdeacon went to stay with and preach for his friend, the rector of St. John’s church. Huntingdon. Though unwell he
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  • 1281 13 A NERVOUS PUBLIC. LONDON NEWSPAPER’S COMMENTS. After dipping under £229, as noted last week, says Truth of Nov. 14, tin has risen to over £230 per ton again, despite the persistently bearish predictions heard in some quarters. The reason why there has not been more activity among
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  • 211 13 The new German Ambassador to Japan, Dr. Voretzsch, and Mrs. Voretzsch passed through Singapore this week-end on their way to Japan. Dr. Voretzsch is relieving Dr. Solf who, having reached the age limit, is retiring. Dr. Voretzsch was, in pre-war days, German Consul in Hong Kong and
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  • 66 13 (The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should beer in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut Jown. Correspondents must enclose their names end addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
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  • 491 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am sure that many of your readers will endorse my opinion that a compliment is due to the conductor of the S.S. Police Band who must go to considerable ains to train his musicians for a conceit usually
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  • 190 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With regard to the statement in your Editorial Note in your issue of the 5th instant to the effect that eleven members of the S.C.B.A. of Malacca deny that invitations were received by them to attend the meeting
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  • 352 13 Test Case in Bankruptcy Court. As the result of a decision given in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court, on Friday, all monies paid into a provident fund by a bankrupt prior to his bankruptcy will be available in future for the benefit of his creditors. The test case was
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  • 334 13 Police Constables and Lady Motorists. The main point is that these police •onstables will never wain a motorist,” remarked the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. C. H. Dakers, on Dec. 6 when he dismissed a summons against Mrs. C. Saunders, of Katong, who was charged with causing an
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  • 370 14 Sentenced to Six Months’ Imprisonment. Herbert Conway was found guilty by the District Judge (Mr. C. H. G. Clarke) on Dec. 6 of cheating an Indian money changer of $2,100 by dishonestly inducing him to deliver that sum under pretence of wishing to obtain change for 3,000 guilders.
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  • 145 14 Surprise for Litigants At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 6. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice Stevens heard a somewhat unU'Ual case in which a chetty, Nachiappa Chettiar, sued two other chetties for the recovery of $3,238, being principal and interest due on a
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  • 178 14 Point Raised on Appeal. An interesting but unavailing point was raised by Mr. M. C. Johannes on Saturday before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and Mr. Justice Deane in a District Court Appeal in which Lok Chye Guan, sole proprietor of Chop Hong Hup, appealed against the
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  • 241 14 HUSBAND AND DIVORCED WIFE as litigants. In the Supreme Court on Dec. i before Mr. Justice Deane Radin bin Abdul Rahmin asked His Lordship for the partition or sale of 20,000 square feet of land at Siglap which, he alleged, was held in joint tenancy in common with
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  • 442 14 Proper Investigation Impossible. The Forests Department, S.S. and F.M.S., is rather disposed, we believe, to favour air-surveys, which are being much advertised and pushed just at present by aot altogether disinterested parties in .he sacred name of ‘‘exploring the Empire’s resources.” That there is another side
    442 words
  • 58 14 The return of foreign imports and X ports for British Malaya for the month ended Oct. 31 shows a total .v’o of $137,015,421 as compared with in the. corresponding period of last year a decrease of $23,353,972. This means a decrease in trade for British Malaya since
    58 words
  • 566 14 PARTNERSHIP CLAIMED IN ESTATE. The Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) was asked to unravel a tangle of Chinese family affairs on Dec. 6. The plaint lit See Tiang Kent, was represented by Mr. E. L. Talma, and the defendant, Beng Ong. by Mr. K. Seth. Mr. h. H
    566 words
  • 185 14 Lean and Co.’s Weekly Report. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 7. Lean and Co.’s weekly report was issued to-day. It states that tin, after a little hesitation, touched spot £241-10 and three months £239-10 earlier in the week, but overdue reaction set in and the price
    185 words
  • 547 14 European Lorry Owner Ail The Police. Mr. Wilfred Hill, of W. Hill and Co claimed trial before the Third Magistrate (Mr. C. H. Dakers) on Deo r on a summons charging him with fai’i n to furnish the police with the name 0 the driver of a lorry
    547 words
  • 67 14 Introduce Novel Savings Deposit System. The Eastern Bank, Ltd., was formally opened at 4 D’Almeida Street on Saturday when the manager, Mr. L. F. Tucker, and Mr. Nillen, the accountant, entertained a large number of guests. An interesting innovation is being introduced by the Bank in a
    67 words
  • 103 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 6. The Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club D meeting on the 20th instant and "'ill entertain the acting British Resident r W. H. Cochrane) and Dr. Wellington. With a view to spreading a knowledge of Rotary in other towns in the
    103 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 189 15 8 I To every Motorist i f LODGE CS the correct plug for nearly all engine* screwed metric The best plug for your car whatever its country of origin—is the Try a set to-day your engine will approve Stockists:— Eastern Auto Co. Guan Hoe Co. Guan Hoe Hin 6l Co.
      189 words
    • 286 15 DALLMEYER CINE LENSES OVER 5 TIMES FASTER Will fit all leading makes of Cine Cameras. i Compare the two lenses shown here illustrating the tremendous difference on the amount of light a Dallmeyer F. 1.5 lens passes against the standard P. 3.5 fitted to your camera. i j i A
      286 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 343 16 »+-♦< as C/ 0 R= P i 7! f- —-sv dp O£ 0 o 0 y k-1 .i i» <1 V >v> £g«a "tV M HI I StC r«i r r+~ i 1 $*v tk ,ery r. a» ifscy %.></ fci w «§i IT 5 Wc r i'& l r
      343 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 161 17 i M4444 44# Telegrams FIRNATEX. F I R S X N A I T O N A L Telephones: l 4100, 5534. I coin OORE V»\ v m i FLYING IN HEAVEN AT FIVE l 3> FRYING IN HELL AT SIX n S3 3ls«t Tlational WITH Gary-Gooper As the Aviator
      161 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 327 18 The “Double Duty” CHECK-rROTECTOR SECURITY "T 4 Rotating wheels m r V m Js Protects perfectly m m FOUNTAIN PEN BUILT FOR SERVICE A PERFECT WRITING INSTRUMENT ON ONE END A Practical and Handy Check-Protector on the Other End. 17 YEARS have been spent in developing and perfecting the five
      327 words
    • 400 18 Js2&& 0 *>* at 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
      400 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 5757 19 [REUTER TELECRAM] RECORD JOURNEY. HIS MAJESTY’S BRAVE FIGHT. SLIGHT CHANGE FOR THE BETTER REPORTED. After a journey of ten and a half days from Dar-es-Salaam, concluding with a record dash by train across the Continent, the Prince of Wales reached London at 10.18 on Tuesday night
      [REUTER TELECRAM]  -  5,757 words
    • 208 20 Cable to the Secretary of State. The following cable was dispatched to the Secretary* of State for the Colonies on Monday by the Officer Administering the Government, Sir Hayes Marriott The Legislative Council, at the meeting to-day, asked me to send following message— Please convey an expression
      208 words
    • 79 20 Paris, Dec. 11. It was announced in the Senate that a inquest had been received from the Public* Jrrosecutor for authorisation to proceed gainst Senator Klotz, who was M. Minister of Finance, on °I' cheques with in* rncient funds to cover in connection lt P a 3
      79 words
    • 410 21 LEAGUE COUNCIL’S ADVICE. URGES RESORT TO ARBITRATION. Lapaz, Bolivia, Dec. 9. In view' of official information that the majority of a garrison of 25 Bolivian soldiers were killed by 300 Paraguayans who are alleged to have been trespassing on Bolivian territory, the Minister of External
      410 words
    • 108 21 Good Prospects for Next dear’s Fair. Rugby, Dec. 10. The prospects of the forthcoming British Industries Fair, to be held in London and Birmingham from Feb. 18 to Mar. 1, are extremely satisfactory. CaptHacking, the Parliamentary Undersecretary of the Board of Trade, in making this statement in the
      108 words
    • 87 21 Order Received from Chinese Firm. Shanghai, Dec. 6. What is believed to be the first Chinese order for British aeroplanes placed since 1921 has been secured in the face of keen German and American competition Dy Arnhold and Co., the local representatives of the De Havilland Co. The
      87 words
    • 1398 21 New York, Dec. 5. 18 understood that plans are bein<* prepared to unite the wealthy companies of the United States into a Securities Corporation with a potential capital of $200,000,000. potential Berlin, Dec. 6. ♦u At xT th f- ope ning of the winter session of
      1,398 words
    • 207 21 MUSSOLINI’S VIEWS. ALL forces must be PERFECTED. Rome, Dec. 8. The Chamber of Deputies held its last session under the existing system and was then prorogued. Every Deputy wore a black shut. A big bouquet of red roses, tied with the tri-colour, reposed ia pf s,
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    • 194 21 LONDON’S TUBES.” Great New Station at Piccadilly Circus. Rugby, Dec. 9. The new underground station at Piccadilly Circus will be formally opened tomorrow. It is probably the finest and best equipped Tube station in the world. The spacious booking hall, which is brilliantly lighted and enlivened with bright crosses and
      194 words
    • 118 21 Son of Chiang Kai-shek Not Arrested. Moscow, Dec. 9. The newspaper report of the arrest of a son of Chiang-Kai-shek in connection with the apprehension of adherent* of Trotzky is semi-officially declared to b« pure invention. It is stated that there have been no arrests of Chinese
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    • 359 22 ATTACK ON JALALABAD. ’PLANES BOMB REBEL VILLAGES. l’eshawar. Dec. 7. Fighting with Shimvari rebels round «>alalubad continues. Afghan aeroplane.' bombed villages, causing 15 casualties The rebels attempted to undermine the city wall at Jalalabad. The attack waorganised by Mirzaman Khan, who>e son was captured and shot. The tribal
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    • 141 22 Parleys for a Final Settlement. Calcutta, Dec. 11. A message from Peshawar states that a truce has been declared between the Shinwari rebels and the Afghan officials at Dakka, and parleys are in progress for a final settlement. The trouble was definitely due to the opposition of
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    • 87 22 Next Year’s International Air Race. Rugby, Dec. 9. It is understood that next year’s Schneider Trophy race will be flown over the Solent. A triangular course will be fixed. France, the United States and Italy have all intimated their intention to attempt to wrest the trophy from
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    • 41 22 New York, Dec. 10. Queen Wilhelmina and the Netherlands Government have presented the Cathedral of St. John the Divine with a beauti-fully-bound copy of the Staten Bijbel, the 1686 h translatlon of tho Bibl printed in
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    • 188 22 CHINA AND JAPAN. WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS CALLED FOR. Nanking, Dec. 6. Mammoth demonstrations are being carried out by students urging the Government to take up a strong stand in the future negotiations with Japan regarding the settlement of outstanding issues. Poster slogans have been. posted up. pamphlets
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    • 190 22 Development of Overseas Empire. Rugby, Dec. 10. A directing committee ha? been appointed by the Secretary of State for Dominion? Affairs ard for the Colonies to ?tudv every aspect of mechanical transport likely to further the economic development of the oversea? Empire. One of the primary object? of
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    • 151 22 A Significant Cleavage With Labour. Mexico City, Dec. 7. A significant cleavage between the Government and the Federation of Labour has been disclosed by the latter ordering all members to resign all Federal or State Government appointments and the withdrawal of delegates from the Congress of Workers and
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    • 76 22 Sir John Cadman Urges Co-operation. Chicago, Dec. 7. Sir John Cadman, chairman of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., addressing the annual session of the American Petroleum Institute, urged co-operation everywhere in the development and distribution of petrol in order to conserve the world’s supplies. Sir John said he
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    • 247 22 BRITISH REPORT. •IIAVEN OF REFUGE” IN SHANTUNG. Rugby, Dec. 7. The Colonial Office has issued a report n Wei-hai-wei. which, with the surround- •>•<* ar ea in Shantung Province, is held by ireat Britain on lease. The report shows how this area has been exempt from thi
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    • 140 22 Leading Rice Firm’s Failure. Rangoon, Dec. 6. A warrant ha? been issued for the arrest of Ker.g Bong Choung, a former member of the Legislative Council and a partner in Beng Huat and Co., rice merchants. The warrant was issued at the instance of the Nether ands
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    • 133 22 Resignation of the Coates Government. Washington, Dec. 7. The Coates Government has resigned as a sequel to the defeat of the Govemby 50 to 28 on a motion of no confidence proposed by S.r Joseph Ward.* leader of the United Party, in which the Labour Party joined. Wellington,
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    • 87 22 Berlin, Dec. 7. Speaking at a service in memory of the late Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, Dr. Stresemann recalled the bitterest hour of the late Ambassador to Russia, namely, at Versailles. History would remember him lor the protest he made against the false ermany s S °K responsibility The Russian
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    • 31 22 Washington, Dec. 7. Mean's H °romn,C Reprc <mtative Wa >'s and Burton Bill for *cttlenu“nt h „f $115,000,000 under °i 20 or 40 y^re qUireS settlement either
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    • 195 22 FOREIGN ATTITUDE. WHY INSPECTOR RET\i\o OFFICE. London, Dec. 9 The newspapers give prominence to statement by Mr. Hussey Freke justifying his continuance in office as Associate Chief Inspector of the Salt Adminisira. tion in China under the changed condii tions brought about by the Government. He
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    • 344 22 Negotiations Still In Progress. London, Dec, 5. In the House of Commons at question time. Sir Austen Chamberlain said bo had received no information to the effect that the Chinese Government was prepar. ng to exercise tariff autonomy. Aa the negotiations with the Chinese Government with regard to
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    • 69 22 Trains Held Up for Many Hours. Berlin, Dec. 5. Further avalanches have caused an entire stoppage of the Arleberg section of the Austrian railways. International trains are being sent through Southern Germany. A train containing 80 passengers was released after being snowed up for 52 hours. An avalanche
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    • 588 23 QUESTIONS ANSWERED. TRYING TO ACHIEVE AGREEMENT. London, Dec. 10. In the House of Lords, replying to Lord Parmoor. who argued that the Peace Treaty compelled us to withdraw our troops from l he Rhineland in the immediate future, without waiting until the whole of the Reparations
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    • 77 23 Berlin. Dec. 7. Baron von Huenefeld, the famous airman, who returned recently after his flight to Tokio in his machine Europa, was the guest of honour at a luncheon given by the Japanese Ambassador today. The Ambassador paid a tribute to the Tokio flight, laying stress on
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    • 24 23 London, Dec. 11. The House of Commons passed the third reading of the Imperial lciOgiuphS| Bill by 235 votes to 97.
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    • 220 23 LONDON FUND REACHES £130,000. London, Dec. 5. At a conference held in the Mansion House the Lord Mayors and Mayors of England and Wales launched a national appeal on behalf of the miners in the stricken coalfields. The Queen, replying to a message of sympathy from
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    • 311 23 Huge Financial Swindle Alleged. Paris, Dec. 7. Financial and political circles are perturbed at the sensational arrest of Mme. Marthe llanau and her divorced husband, Luzare Bloch, in connection with what is described as one of the most colossal financial swindles in French records. Both accused worked huge
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    • 72 23 Widespread Devastation Reported. Pera, Dec. 0. Widespread devastation and a loss of life which it has not yet been possible to -timate were caused by floods in Smyrna. The lower part of the town was submerged to a depth of over live teot. Hk basements and lower storeys
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    • 62 23 Callao, Peru, Dec. Mr. Hoover has arrived on the battleship Maryland. Lima, Dec. 5. Mr Hoover received a cordial welcome from a crowd of 30,000 People. He drove to the Presidential Paiacc »n an open carriage. The coachmen wore ai-,-lived in gold, blue and hveius with white
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    • 282 23 TROTSKY ADHERENTS EXILED. Riga, Dec. 6. Speaking at the Communist Conference in Leningrad, M. Rykoif referred at length to the danger of a possible breach between town and village owing to the inability of the one to supply the vital needs of the other. He said that
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    • 94 23 Theft on Japanese Liner. (From Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Dec. 6. Dramatic incidents have marked the voyage of the Kasada Maru from the Far East. At Rangoon it was discovered that the mail bags had been rifled, but tlie theft remained a mystery until the vessel was passing
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    • 67 23 Drafts Stolen from Cardiff Express. London, Dec. 6. A mail-bag containing registered Ic 11'»>•aril bank drafts to the value of iTff.OJO was stolen mysteriously after the arrival of the London mail train from Cardiff. No bags were missing at Paddington The police believe that the thieves concealed
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    • 111 23 .Mr. Kellogg's Message To Britain. Rugby, Dee. 6. Sir Austen Chamberlain and the American Ambassador, Mr. W. B. Houghton, were tin* principal guests at the Pilgrims dinner held last night to celebrate the signing of the multilateral lreaty foi the ienunciation of war as an instrument of
      111 words
    • 82 23 Admiralty Denies Report Of Change. London, Dec. 6. The Admiralty denies that any change of policy is in contemplation with regard to tin* Singapore Base. It is added that the report that a change is impending can onlv Ik* attributed to a belated reference to the Government’s
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    • 493 23 DEBATE IN THE LORDS. TRIBUTES FROM FORMER VICEROYS. Rugby, Dec. 5. In the House of Lords Lord Olivier, who was Secretary for India in the labour Government of 1024, called attention to questions arising regarding the government of Indian States not forming part of any of the
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    • 159 23 American Debate on British Reservations. Washington, Doc. 6. Mr. Kellogg declared that although ho had not received any communication from Great Britain ho would not he surprised if Grout Britain sought to re-open negotiations with the United States for an understanding on the question of cruiser tonnage.
      159 words
    • 60 23 Rugby, Doc. 6. Mr. (i. Ix)cker-I>ampson, the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, stated in the House of Commons that tho (iotiova Protocol prohibiting tho use of |M>i.v>n c»s in war had boon ratified by only x States. Tho Itritisb Government "a-, not. prepared to ratify the protocol
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    • 965 24 A BURNING TOPIC. FURTHER BRITISH STATEMENT. ALLIED DECLARATION IN 1919. London, Dee. 5. Several questions were put to Sir Austen Chamberlain in the House of Commons on the subject of his repiy regarding evacuation of the Rhineland. Sir Austen Chamberlain said that the former Allied Powers were
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    • 649 24 Meetings Between The “Big Three/* Lugano, Dec. 9. Persistent gloom has displaced the usual sunshine, and pessimists, who are in the majority here, regard the bad weather as an unfavourable omen for the meeting of the Council of the League of Nations. It is thought that the
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    • 288 24 The Rockefeller Foundation Offer. London, Dec. 5. The Government has olTered C ambridge University a gift of £50,000 towards the sum required to enable acceptance of the grant conditionally promised to the University bv the Rockefeller Foundation. A ‘further £50,000 has been pro mised to the University
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    • 117 24 Reduction in Steamer Fares Announced. Rugby, Dec. 7. Mr. Amerv. Secretary for the Dominions, stated in the House of Commons that the Government had reached agreement with British steamship lines for the quotation of special rates for British subjects normally resident in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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    • 37 24 Washington, Dec. 7. The et Battalions" were responsible for a heated debate in the House of Representatives, which terminated in the of a hill appropriating the sum of >13.500,000 for the administration of Prohibition.
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    • 188 24 NEW PROPOSALS. PROVISION FOR ELECTlVp REPRESENTATIVES. Rugby, Doc. 10. In the House of Lords to-morrow Clarendon will introduce his proposals fl reform of the Upper House. This su£ ject has been discussed for years, and the Parliament Act of 1911, which modL lie<l the powers of
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    • 248 24 National Defence Vote Increased. Washington, Dec. 5. President Coolidge has submitted tho Budget to Congress providing for expenditure of >3,781,000,000 and an estimated surplus of >61,000,000. The total appropriations for public services exceed last year's by $224,000,000. The item of National Defence is >649,000,000, compared with >627,000,000
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    • 94 24 New York. Pec. 6. Private advices report that strikers, influenced by Communists, have seized cf> n tr.ol of four towns in Colombia. Nine housand workers on plantations are said to be involved in the strike. All railway traffic is held up. Bogota, Dec. 7. Strikers from
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    • 72 24 Cairo, Dec. 9The police arrested a number of alleged Communist agitators at their homes yesterday. Those arrested include the Russian Jew named Eliahu Teper, who is relieved to have been specially sent to Sfcypt from Moscow by the Communist International, following the deportations of Communists from Egypt
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    • 515 25 A TRAGIC INCIDENT. DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM CAMPBELL. London, Dec. 10. The Board of Trade standing committee has opened an inquiry as to whether an order should be made stating that all tea imported should bear an indication of the country of origin. The applicants
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    • 128 25 Passengers Include estris Survivors. London, Dec. 10. The White Star liner Celtic, bound from New York, went aground on the rocks at the entrance to Queenstown Harbour this morning. Efforts to tow her off have so far been unavailing. It is understood that the liner, which
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    • 48 25 Washington, Dec. 8. President Coolidge has asked Congress to authorise the expenditure of an additional $1,350,000 on each of the two giant submarines at present unde:r con struct ion. The extra grant is nects i it ate/I by an alteration in the engines* > the vessels.
      48 words
    • 188 25 “SAFEGUARDING.” INDUSTRIALISTS DIFFER WITH POLITICIANS. Rugby, Dec. f>. A meeting of Labour members of Parliament, representing the textile constituencies of Yorkshire, considered the situation which has been arrived at by the decision of the textile trade unions to support the application by employers for a duty
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    • 157 25 NOTABLE EXHIBITION IN LONDON. Rugby, Dec. 11. Two Dutch torpedo boats, after accompanying to British territorial waters a Batavier Line steamer in which are pictures of great value for exhibition in London, will pay a courtesy visit to London. The first is due to arrive to-day and
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    • 89 25 Arrangements for London Meeting Next Year. London, Dec. 11. The Council of the Empire Press l nion is arranging for the holding of an Imperial Press Conference in London in June. 1930. A strong committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Major the Hon. J. J.
      89 words
    • 79 25 Injunction Quashed in Berlin High Court. Berlin, Dec. 11. The injunctions regarding the sale of Russian objets dart were quashed todav hv the higher court, which ruled that, l )V Soviet nationalisation decree of November, 1020, all mobile property belonging to fugitive Russians became State property, and
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    • 99 25 New York, Dec. 8. Police investigations indicate that Rothstein, who was shot and killed in a New York street, derived his wealth from other sources besides that of gambling on the Turf. The discovery of two trunks it a railway station containing contraband drugs, Valued at £250,000,
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    • 317 25 INTERESTING DEBATE. GENERAL AGREEMENT DESIRABLE. Rugby, Dec. 11. In the House of Lords the Earl of Clarendon introduced his proposals for reform of the Upper Chamber. He moved, firstly, tha/t it was desirable that early steps should be taken to limit the number of members of
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    • 133 25 FRENZIED SELLING OF ALL STOCKS. New York, Dec. 9. It is estimated that a total depreciation of about £1,200,000,000 in the value of securities was sustained in the second half of last week in the big slump on Wall Street, which was marked by frenzied selling.
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    • 49 25 Rugby, Dec. 8. Piloting a Gipsy Moth aeroplane yesterday. Mr. Butler, chairman of tin; de Havilland Aircraft Company, who was accompanied by his wife as passengei, broke the world’s speed record for a two-seater light aeroplane, attaining an average speed of 1112.8b 1 kilometres an hour.
      49 words
    • 45 25 Washington, Dee. 11. The Naval Committee of the House ol Representatives approved several bills sponsored by the chairman, Mr. Britten, authorising an increased appropriation tor the modernisation of the battleships California, Oklahoma and Nevada, and the construction of a fleet of submarines.
      45 words
    • 42 25 Washington, I I u u i of Representative pa: I |,r Hurt on Rill for settlement o' the Austrian debt by MO <'• amounts to $35,000,000. and the "-w agreement calls for settlement in oilhei 20 or 40 years.
      42 words
    • 40 25 Cologne, Dec. 11. Seven miners were fatally gassed and three seriously injured through an break of fire in the winding f t d' t u I*ie,gardt Mine at Duisburg. bo: o kill til included three would-be rescuers.
      40 words
    • 182 25 EXPERTS’ REPORTS. DELAY IN SENDING S.O.S. New York, Dec. 0. The reports of the two experts sitting at the Yestris disaster inquiry (’apt. McConkey, the British marine superintendent of the Cunurd line, and (’apt. Jessop, a former officer of the United States Navy—have now been issued. They
      182 words
    • 33 25 Rugby, Dec. 11. The latest returns show that the number of unemployed is now 1,350.800. This is 41,705 less than in the week befoul but 201,152 more than a year ago.
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  • 95 25 Construction Work To Be Commenced. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Dec. 12. Early next year it is hoped that Government will take in hand the construction of several big building schemes in Penang, one of which will be the new General Hospital. The present buildings have been
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  • 317 25 Action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 1 of the Municipal Commission, held on Dec. 4, included the following Agreed that the charges for engaging the animal ambulance, attached to the p.C.A. Department, should remain unchanged. Recommended deletion ol HavelocK Road from the list of streets specified
    317 words

  • 1338 26 MANSFIELD TOWN CREATE SURPRISE. SECOND ROUND CUP RESULTS. The following arc the resu’ts of second round ties of the English F.A. Cup Carlisle L’td. 0 Lincoln City 1 Tran me re R. 0 Bradford City 1 igan Boro’ 2 Grantham 1 Accrington St. 7 Spennymoor U. Scarborough T.
    1,338 words
  • 459 26 TWO STEAM DREDGES FOR SELANGOR. After their experiences in 1925 and the following year, many residents in Kuala Lumpur began to w’onder whether it might not prove necessary before long to remove the site of Kuala Lumpur to the hill bordering the valley in which the present city
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  • 1072 26 First Day of Amateur Meeting. (Front Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 6. The Selangor Amateur race meeting was begun to-day. Apart from a shower of rain between the second and third events the weather was fine, and there was a good attendance, which included H.H. Sultan of
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  • 146 26 Progress of the Batu Ferringhi Scheme. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. io. Excellent progress is being mad with the new water scheme at Batu Ferringhi. The one-and-a-quarter m ile tunnel which was recently cut through j s row being levelled and it is hoped that this
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  • 86 26 Exciting Scenes in Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 10. Exciting scenes were witnessed when two Royal elephants broke their hobbles and fought each other. One animal ran away to the river landing, which broke, the elephant being precipitated into the mud. It became stuck fast, and,
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    • 467 27 Ten Points Lead by Etceteras Overtaken. The A.P.C. defeated the Etceteras and Law on the Padang on Tuesday in a keenly contested Rugby struggle by thirteen points to ten. From beginning to end the match was interesting, the losers supplying the fireworks in the opening half, and
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    • 699 27 S.C.C. Hold Lead With Thirteen Men. Company of the 2nd. W elch Regiment. which is said to be the strongest of the battalion company fifteens, met an S.C.C. Rugby side on the 1 Dec. 6, and suffered a considerably worse beating than the score of oal and
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    • 231 27 Singapore had a runaway victory in their Malaya Cup fixture at Seremban on Saturday, beating Negri Sembilan by five goals, four tries, and a dropped goal (41 points) to a penalty goal (3 points.) The ground was in perfect condition. Goldman scored the first try,
      231 words
    • 173 27 Selangor Start Well But Weaken. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 8. The Malaya Cup panic played here torHv between Perak and Selanpor resulted win for the former State by 17 pom* to 4. The pround was heavy, but the U< The C visitors up a
      173 words
    • 190 27 Find Regiment Second Team Too Strong. The only Asiatic team in Malaya—the All Blues of Negri Sembilan—were soundly defeated by the second string of the Welch Regiment at the Stadium, on Saturday, by 33 points to 5. I* rom beginning to end the game was absolutely one-sided.
      190 words
    • 254 27 [reuteb telegram] CAMBRIDGE WINS CLOSE GAME. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 11. Cambridge beat Oxford by 14 points (a goal and three tries) to 10 (a try, a penalty goal and a dropped goal) in the annual match at Twickenham. Gloomy weather prevailed. There were 40,000 spectators. Before the
      [reuteb telegram]  -  254 words
    • 131 27 Conclusion of S.R.C. Tournament. The following is a list of prize winner:n the S.R.C. Tennis Tournament concluded <-n Monday with the doubles championship tie in which Dr. Norris and Dr. Balhet chet Messrs. Ess and James, The prizes were distributed by Mrs. Noel L. Clarke, wife of th<* President
      131 words
    • 609 27 Successful Exhibition At Swimming Club. In spite of the very short notice at which it was arranged a very large crowd of members and friends, including many Chinese, assembled at the Singapore Swimming Club on Tuesday night to see the exhibition by the famous international champion, Arne
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    • 132 27 [REUTER TELEGRAM] New Rule Adopted By Association. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 10. A general meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association adopted a new rule stating that No tournament, match or competition in which a player who is not an amateur is concerned shall be promoted or played
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  132 words
    • 992 28 [REUTER TELECRAM] Competitions at The S.G.C. Appended a.-e the full scores in the competition for the President’s Cup at th? Singapore Golf Club, which was won by Messrs. Bourne and Marshall First Round.—Wilson and Hickey beat Dewdney and Kent 2 and 1. Sansom and Hay beat Jackson and Campling
      [REUTER TELECRAM]  -  992 words
    • 165 28 Negri Sembilan Visitors* Victory At Stadium. 7 he All Blues from Negri Sembilan made up for their rugger defeat by beating ;he Indo-Ceylonese at soccer by the ydd goal in three at the Stadium on* Sun*ay. The game was a: r.o time thrilling, rut some good football was
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    • 179 28 [rtuto telegram] First and Second League Clubs In Competition. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 10. or tbe third round of the Enghsh F.A. Cup, to be played on Jan. 12 resulted as follow’s Lincoln City vs. Leicester City, alsall vs. Middlesboro. Palace Em r uton T° wn vs.
      [rtuto telegram]  -  179 words
    • 634 28 The draw for the Perak Turf Club’s 1020 maidens resulted as tollows Kingswear, bay mare, 4 years, by King’s Zenith out of No, Mr. C. L. Green. Louie, brown gelding, 3 years, by Burlingham out of Gloxina, Mr. J. Cameron. Santorio,
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    • 338 28 Second Innings Victory m The Tour. (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, Dec. 8 The M.C.C, tourists opened a tw.» i match against a “Combined Uu> team at Warwick to-day, and afterV posing of the local side for 128 rim on to compile 427 for the loss' 0 V
      338 words
    • 57 28 [REUTER TELEGRAM) Meeting in London Next Year. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 11. At the annual meeting of the M.C.C. at Lords Mr. Findlay announced that was proposed to hold an Imperial Cricket ouncil next May, when future tour.would be discussed. He hoped India, New Zealand, Australia. South
      [REUTER TELEGRAM)  -  57 words
    • 272 28 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Two Goals Against Penang At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 9 On the padang yesterday, bef .re a iartre ciowd, Selangor beat i’ :y iT 'a.s to nil. Beth the goals were >\ red in first half before Penang settled down. Selangor forwards
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  272 words
    • 199 29 Sir C. C. Van Straubenzee Resigns Presidency. An extraordinary general meeting of the Singapore Polo Club was held at the Tanglin Club on Dec. 5, Mr. H. C. Cooke- Yarborough presiding. The election of a President to hold office until the next general meeting, on account of
      199 words

  • 521 29 Kuchai Tin Dredging.—The results of the working of this company’s bucket dredge for November were as follows —Possible running time 720 hours, time lost 156 hours 9 mins., average digging depth 49 feet, ore wun 925 piculs, yardage treated 135,000 cubic yards. •fhe secretary of Austral Malay Tin.
    521 words
  • 258 29 END OF FAR EASTERN TOUR. Shortly after eleven o’clock on Tuesday morn mg’ the appearance of the iCar fl y in boats cf the Royal Air Force Far Eastern Flight over Singapore signalised the successful termination of their cruise. Since leav•n.g the Air Base, Seletar, on Nov.
    258 words
  • 502 29 1 he following pussvug<‘i* are proceeding o Europe by the kurmuia, sailing al 4 p.m. jn Friday Miss D. Hughes. Mr. \V. A. Payne, Mr. W. A hitelcy, Capt. J. 11. Ferguson, Mrs. C. 1). Vheurne, Lt.-l’omdr. Thomas, Lt.-Comdr. turner, Mr. G. a. Brown, Mr. L. Garrett Mr. J.
    502 words
  • 44 29 Minimum Subscription Not Reached. The following statement is issued by ,Ic«srs Derrick and Co. in connection with h- application for subscriptions for h-ires in the proposed Singapore Dreary Co. The minimum subscription vas not reached and, therefore, the company cannot be floated.
    44 words
  • 214 29 Harbour Board Pay Off Strikers. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 7. During the last two days a large number of lightermen employed by the Penang Harbour Board have been on strike, demanding increased wages. Outside labour has been engaged, but this is insufficient to man all the
    214 words
  • 141 29 Police Stoned and Severely Handled. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 10. An exciting affray around a toddy shop in Silibin Road, Ipoh, on Sunday night grew into serious proportions requiring a strong posse of police. Matters quieted down after a prolonged row among Tamils. Ipoh,
    141 words
  • 35 29 JAMES. On November 9, 192,8, at J.e Havre. France, the wife of Rowley K. James, >f a daughter. SEATON-BUIST. -On December 3, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Seaton-Buist, Pangkatt:«n Estate, Sumatra, a son.
    35 words
  • 160 29 Singapore, Dec. 12. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/s o/4 l to Demand V/«,r n Pr J, vate 3 m "edit 2/4 15/32 On New York Demand 66 3/16 Private 90 d/s 0 On France, Bank T.T. i n?On India, Bank T.T. Ji On Hong Kong, Bank
    160 words
  • 793 29 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Dec. 12. MINING. Isaac Vsi. Fd. Bayers Sellers £1 £1 Asurn Kumbang 44/3 45/3 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 41/- 42/* 1 1 lintang I’aclang 0.47 0.52 l 1 Batu Caves 1.65 1.80 1 .75 Bukit Arang 1.00 1.06 pm. £1 £1 Burraah
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 87 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should he addressed to the Mead Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the I'nitcd Kingdom and foreign countries is $4S a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 25 29 DEATH CRAIG. -At the General Hospital, Singapore, at midnight on Dec. 8, 1928 (from typhoid fever) James Craig, of Tebrau Estate, Johore. Aged 24 years.
    25 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 85 1 General— Rubber Situation 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 Singapore Rubber Auction 1 The Future of Rubber 1 Rubber Position (By A. W. Still) 1 The Rubber Market 1 America Buying Rubber Shares 2 Native Rubber 2 U.S. and Rubber Control 2 Indian Labourers 2 The Controller of Labour 2
      85 words
    • 71 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices J:n. Apl. Date L’dcn S'poro D. c. Mar. June d. S < Dec. 9 6 8’.- 0.29 L- 0.29 s 0.30 1 C.30\ 7 D' 5.29*4 0.00 OSO 1 0.31 8y 16 0.291- 0.29*4 0.30*4 0.30\ 10 8 9
      71 words
    • 36 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore). Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in London are now 16.517 tons, showing a decrease of 338 tons during the past week.
      36 words
    • 120 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerc* u b0 As>oc a-.on held its 894th auction on c 1 wVn tn»re was catalogued 1,838.039 tons offered 1.542.505 lb. or 688.62 ton? sold 1.225.422 lb. or 547.06 tons. Spot v« a J °v s ISd. Nc orli 1T\ cts. PRICES REALISED.
      120 words
    • 153 1 In a private letter Mr. B. J. Eaton, of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, wrote on Nov. 6 I have just spent a week in London attending meetings of the Ceylon Committee of Ceylon Rubber Research Scheme and the London advisory comi°f Lubber Research Institute
      153 words
    • 1390 1  -  <Bv A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London. Nov. 11. j In the Financial Times the other day. I came across the heading American Oil Restriction,” ard tho first few sentences forcibly reminded me of something I wrote in 1923. Read the words in I brackets
      1,390 words
    • 575 1 Temporary Sag May \k Expected. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, Deo. 6. The minor day to day fluctuations r. Price of the commodity, during the past vy. leave the London market vb..lance at $4d., whilst New York jgold easier at 17 1 cents gold. Locally. 4 f>
      575 words
    • 125 1 Labour Unsettled and Loss On Year’s Working. The annual report of the Sekong Rubbtn Company. Ltd., stiites that a crop ci 228,704 lb. was harvested during year. Of this quantity 173,971 lh. w< sold at an average gross price of 9.St dper lb., while the balance has been
      125 words
    • 354 2 IS BRITISH CONTROL IN DANGER Considerable purchases of shares in British rubber estates have been made in the Stock Exchange on account of American financial interests during the past two or three weeks, says the Daily Mail of Nov. 2. The total is put in some
      354 words
    • 187 2 Quickly Adjusted to New Pike Level. Summarising a report issue 1 by the Agricultural Economy Division oi the Department of Agriculture, given in a Dutch official publication, a translation of which is given in the Bulletin of the Rubber G rowers’ Association, it is seated that it appears
      187 words
    • 117 2 Special Meeting To Consider Selling Property. A special general meeting of Melville (Johore) Rubber Estates will be held at 24, Battery Road, on Saturday, Dec. 15. at 12 noon, for the purpose of considering and. if approved, passing the following resolution: —“That the Directors he ard are
      117 words
    • 484 2 Sir Frank Nelson’s Fear. To the Editor of the Daily Mail. Sir, Mine has been a somewhat lonely voice, both in Parliament and in the Press, in my endeavour to point out that the blow inflicted upon the great British rubber-growing industry by the Government s
      484 words
    • 262 2 A Warning To Employers. According to the Malayan Daily Express, the Controller of Labour, in the course of a notice to employers of Indian Labour, states that his attention has been drawn to the frequency of complaints to Officers of the Labour Department by Indian labourers who have
      262 words
    • 321 2 A KUALA LUMPUR VIEW. In their weekly share report, dated Dec. 6, Messrs. Charles Bradburne and Co., Ltd., of Kuala Lumpur, say Tin. A big sale of tin in Singapore has been followed by a big drop in the quotation foi forward metal which closes at £231
      321 words
    • 324 2 Official Visits to India. The following letter has been addressed to the Secretary of the Planters’ Association of Malaya by the Controller ol Labour, Malaya, the Hon. Mr. K. \V. F Gilman: “I have the honour to acknowledge Ihe receipt of your letter dated Oct. 9,
      324 words
    • 356 2 BIG CONSUMPTION IN 1929. In their weekly report issued yesterday. Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co., Ltd Kuala Lumpur, state: The tin commodity market is certainly justifying the forecast that considerable fluctuations were to be expected, of which wo have made mention several times recently. During the period under
      356 words
    • 228 2 Lewis and Peat, Ltd., report from London on Nov. 11: The price of rubber having kept more or less stationary for about five weeks commenced to give way last week and now shows a fall of about a half-penny since our last report. Selling has been general
      228 words
    • 119 2 The census of stocks of prepared rubber ready for sale or export held by dealers and on estates of over 100 acres on Oct. 31, 1028, is as follows Stock Estate held by Territory. stocks. dealers. Total Tons. Tons. Tons. tt M s 41,032 3,783 47,815 s's 6,268
      119 words
    • 680 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co.’s Weekly Report. Macphail and Co.’s weekly report, aatt?d Dec. 11, states The outstanding feature of the past week has, presumably, been the rather discouraging slump in Tin which ha> shown a very drastic reaction from »ts previously hopeful aspect. The London price at
      680 words
    • 449 3 Anglo-Johore t onsolidated. —31,000 lb. A\i r Kunii'g.—77.000 lb. Alor Tongsu. —33.630 lb. Ayer Kittling.—10,184 lb. Asahan. —01,300 lb. Anglu-Sumatra. —63.623 lb. Anglo Malay.—130,590 lb. Allenby.—48.250 lb. Brieh.—31,942 lb. Bedong Malaya'.—24.000 lb. Broome (Selangor).—46,980 lb. Benar iSelangor).—22,000 lb. Bertam Consolidated. —265.000 lb. llertam Extended. —31.000 lb. Bassett.—33,200 lb.
      449 words
      • 551 3 Stock p ar Exchange Value Company. Prices. t'l Ahaco 2 Allagar fl Anglo-Malny fl Ayer Kuning tl Renteng 20 2 1’i.tang Consolidated 1 1 'J fl Bat 11 Caves J® f Patu Tiga J* 8 2' Bekeh J 2 Bert;itn Consolidated 3 9 2
        551 words
      • 709 3 Capital Issue Closing Trices laid I p Value Dividends Fraser Ljall A Company A Co. Evatt. 289.293 1 Nil for year 29-S-St ..A»i«mby <*n 1.47% 1.46 L$5 160.000 1 20 p.c. for yaar 10-9-17 A'or Gajah i$n 1.15 1.30 1.U7 1*5 1 7% p.c.
        709 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 AB, “P~» rpj-^ypn-p^ 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been Chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. I ®HE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is that it
      135 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 t lir JJr |f Pays To Buy Genuine j| EVERS' Unit Cells i5rgi •«»4lw M* jttl Eveready Unit Cells are built especially to withstand all climatic conditions. Heat or cold have no effect upon the brilliant, powerful light they give or their long lasting qualities. That is why nearly every
      156 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 259 6 1928 i 1 m lb.- December 13, WORTHY HOST.—Hullo you both look jolly smart to-day CgfflfeTS.~We reckon, sure, Jimmy. HOST,—By the way, were they made at home? GUESTS.—What do you mean HOST. I mean, those suits of clothes you are wearing now. GUESTS.—Oh, no; they were made locally at BANDARA’S,
      259 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 319 7 r «r}u’> ;j l i. 1 -5f 4 ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES 1927, LIMITED r Telef rmms I “STATBTRUST." SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Editions, Bentley's and Uebers. No. SO. 3, COLEMAN STREET, SINGAPORE. -'.IF. i Le* A Trust Company Registered under the Trust Compan Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited
      319 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 -W w tu«o« iim i M«ll s. 1 V (jKtrumoun m, (futurr EMIL JANNINGS in MVAYOP ALL FLESH BELLE BENNETT PHILLIS HAVER.DONALD KflTH Silken hone, flashy clothes. Eyes that flirt, blows that hurt. Here is Paramount'a •The Way of All Flesh"! l fj 4*' A Emil Jannings IN THE WAY
      143 words
    • 122 8 WHEN ON LEAVE RETAIN YOUR LINK WITH MALAYA BY ORDERING THE STRAITS BUDGET WEEKLY EDITION OF The Straits Times To be sent you regularly each week $14 for 12 months $7 for 6 months Including postage. Address:— Cecil Street, SINGAPORE. Obtainable from newsagents throughout Malaya. i 1 MAKE A BIGGER
      122 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 187 9 BEAT RECLAIM AND THE DUTCH! <— Talk to your Tamils in ACTUAL TAMIL out of the IDEAL pocket field book PLANTER’S EASY TAMIL We have REDUCED the PRICE to $2. Direct from the publishers, j PETER CHONG CO. SINGAPORE. I 4 MAKAN KECHIL 4 Ham Sausage, Truffled Sausage, Hague Liver
      187 words
    • 265 9 v( TOYS AND NOVELTIES v T^Arv<^ J Ro.d l« Motor Car. 45 eta. to f tV.ter Spr.yrr, and 60 cl... Painted fail. 20 eta. and .10 ct... IWla.n Tea <■»“ J"Porcelain baby dolla with ailk dreaaea SO cla to Mamma D»«a*< M.50. Wttoden Pi re Engine. 35 eta. and TS
      265 words
    • 207 9 A Text-Book for Engineers and Architects. THE THEORY AND DESIGN OP STRUCTURES A text-book for th e use of Students, Draughtsmen, and Engineers Engaged in Constructional Work (with numerous illustrations and worked examples.—) fourth-edi-tion new impression, by Ewart s Andrews THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS* A text-book for engineers and archil
      207 words