The Straits Budget, 24 October 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY] No. 3180 Singapore, Friday, October 24, 1924 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 306 1 JiADKUS Company Promotion 12 Municipal Purity Suffer the Children 12-Id Election Prospects 13 Opium Ji The Russian Treaties 13-14 lieneral. I/khl and Personal 1-2 Reuter Telegrams 3-6 Putch New (iuinea 6 Tunplin Club Hare Dance 6 New Lunatic Asylum 7 fanton Quiet 7 New Y.M.C.A. Buildinp: in Ipoh 7
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  • 4885 1 't J u 'tice May Oung, of the High 'V u Kan S° on and Mrs. Mav "i Sun.lav u P? sse crs to Penang !u Elephanta. Malaya > returned from home via J n indudcd Mr. and Mrs. T. A. ft, ar P p °f Kuala
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    • 304 3 [UK! IKK TF.LKCRAM.] London, October 1*>. o j. calc ulated that local pacts have reached by Conservatives and LiborVV,,, the majority of the seventy divis .vtuch the Labour Party won at the i election through a split vote.
      [UK! IKK TF.LKCRAM.]  -  304 words
    • 141 3 London, October 16. Tokio Mr. Yonejiro Ito, President of lie Nippon Yusen Kaisha, has resigned, in O'nneciion with the recent trouble. {A Router cable of September 22 *v.ut-»d The loop:-standing discontent n r l n '7 the cilice employees of the Nippon lu.ven Kaisha has culminated
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    • 76 3 London, October 16. Madrid General Primo de Rivera, b°Lry of partial evacuation of orocco has long displeased the mili- “> party, has now been vested with ri iV^ nsibi lity f° r affairs in Morocco r ,:7 Alfonso to-day appointing him t ommissioner and Commander-in-j," 01 Morocco.
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    • 54 3 Paris, October 16. if* TTi!' ni P or ts for the first nine months L totaHc(l 20,203,000,000 franc.-r>i-ai tons), showing an increase of r^: y francs (2,000,000 tons) comi\'. VVJ t' l the same period last year. l ‘-fiin^ totalled 30,447,000,000 francs *AXnL tons >- n increase of
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    • 278 3 London, October 10. burst The ZBu log shows that *°“b n “les were covered at a speed averaging 02 mikw an hour, compared with 21* by the K 34 in I‘JPJ. The Zilk luol tanks were one-quarter full when thi airship icithcd. London,
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    • 83 3 London, October 10. New York: The Federal Court decided "hat a steamship cannot be attached by Government when members of the crew smuggle liquor or narcotics into tie United States without the knowledge of he owners of th:? vessel. The judgment is a st quel to the
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    • 89 3 Isondon, October 16. The third Imperial Press Conference is being held at Melbourne in 102 n _at tho invitation of the Australian section of the Empire Press; Union. It will be .attended by proprietors and editors ol leading newspapers throughout the British Empire. The delegates will be
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    • 79 3 London, October 16. Berlin: Protracted negotiations with a view to including the Nationalists in the Government have broken down. A con Terence of the Chancellor and leaders of he Government parties to-day agreed .hat further negotiations with a view to widening the basis of government did •ict promise
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    • 69 3 London, October 16. Wellington Replying to the leadc? ,f the Opposition regarding the JapancM amendment to the Geneva Protocol, Mr Mas so v said “We are not going t' trbitrate. We simply say that they can u»t com? here unless we give them per mission, League
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    • 15 3 London, October 16. Mon* The strikers at the coal mines ave resumed.
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    • 131 3 London, October Id. At a meeting of Messrs. Harrisons uml ’rosfichl, tin* Chairman, Mr. Eric Miller, t.timated the tea production for the curcric year at 7t<‘.),0(>0,000 lb:*, and con.uiiiption 7114,000,000 lbs., increases .of bOOU.OO!) Iks. and 23,000,000 lbs., respec--ividy, compared with 1023.
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    • 98 3 London, October 1»J. New York The New York Times states that marly all the New York banks doing international business have received requests for loans from Euro’>«*a» governments and railway, hydroelectric and other industries. It add/ that if only a portion of the leans were granted the American
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    • 77 3 London, October I<*. OJlicml British news of the Wahabis’ entry into M oca adds (he report that they are plundering the King’s Palace and tin bouses of the rich merchants. London, October Id. The latest British telegrams from Jeddah state that only a few Wahabis entered Mecca
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    • 77 3 London, October 16. Paris Lo Journal reports that the Note drawn up by the* commission on the question of tho resumption of relations with Russia very briefly outlines a vast system for an international regie to take up the re-organisation of Russia’s fcreign trade, whilst assuring as
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    • 37 3 London, October 16. Amsterdam The aero expert who went to T'hilippopoiis has telegraphed to the Holland-lndia committee that tie* [•okker can be repaired and the flight to Java can he continued before November 15.
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    • 31 3 London, October 16. Mere contracts for the construction of British ships have gone to Holland, the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company ordering's, 300 ton oil tankers from Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
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    • 37 3 London, October 16. The departure of the light cruiser Weyuoulli for Hongkong, under tho command ff Captain B. 11. Ramsay, with a relief •rew for the Despatch, has been di ferred inti 1 November 4.
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    • 42 3 London, October 17. The net reduction of £D1,7711,15.”» in the Vationnl Debt was recorded in the last inuncial year. Paris, October 17. I.'Rcho do Paris considers it is certain hat M. de Fleuriau will be appointed ba ador m London. (Havas.)
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    • 460 3 [RKI TKU TKLF.r.RAM.] I.ondun, October 17. Mr. Ma<T)onu!.l had a lively passage while motoring to-day from Hirmingham to Aberavon, passing hostile territory at Worcester, where he declined to make a speech, saying his voice had none
      [RKI TKU TKLF.r.RAM.]  -  460 words
    • 616 3 London, October 17. Mr. Churchill appeared in the role of Wellington at the Queen’s Hall, where he vigorously attacked th«* Labour (Jovcrnermient ami declared that the prosperity of the Kmpirn largely depended on the result <*f the election. The Socialist administration was unutterably dull and did not
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    • 117 4 London, October 17. Wellington Speaking in Parliament, Mr. Massey said tlu* people of New Zealand, including Parliament, opposed the policy of the British Government with regard to the Singapore base. Mr. Wilford, leader of the Opposition, agreed with Mr. Massey, but Mr. Holland, the Labour leader, disagreed.
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    • 102 4 London, October 17. Dr. Robert Cochrane, son or Dr. Thomas Cochrane, the founder of the Union Medical College, Peking, left for India to-day. He hopes to visit all the leper missions in forty stations in India and help to bring the treatment to the highest state of efficiency.
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    • 43 4 London, October 17. At a meeting of the Geographica Society, Lord Ronaldshay announced that the Everest committee intended to apply immediately through the Government of India for the permission of the Tibetan Government to make another attempt on Everest in 1926.
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    • 162 4 Paris, October 17. According to the Journal, the Govern wnl will communicate sem:-officially .vith Plague, Bucharest and Washington tohe.ruing the recognition of the Soviet before sending the mite to Moscow. (Havas.) London October 17. Paris Lc .Journal says that a draft note
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    • 103 4 London, October 17. Rangoon in speeches? at Tharrawaddy and Prome, the Governor, Sir S. H. Butler, declared that he was determined to suppress the movement for non-pay-ment of capitation ta::, which was not economic but political, originating from rumours of home rule, restoration of a Burmese king
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    • 78 4 London, October 17. Peking A communique says Chang Tso Lin’s troops w*ere driven out beyond the Great Wall. London, October 17. Mukden A communique says that Marshal Chang* Tso Lin’s troops occupied Shahaikwan yesterday. London, October 17. The British Communist party telegraphed heartily congratulating Sun Vat Sen on
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    • 56 4 London, October 17. New York The city budget for 1925 is tentatively placed at $490,000,000, the largest on record. It includes $2,000,000 for police, giving the city an additional thousand policemen, $2,000,(KM) for street ••leaning, sl,t>oo,ooo increase in salaries of minor officials and an additional $1,000,000
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    • 46 4 London. October 17. Madrid A communique states that a b:g concentration of rebels is strongly entrenched in the Sheshuan sector. An <. ncniy attack on a food convoy was heavily repulsed. The enemy had over i hundred killed while the Spanish losse« were small.
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    • 67 4 London, October 17. There were 21 serious cases of malaria among the crew of the P. ami O. steamer Macedonia which has arrived at London the second officer died. The message describes the Macedonia Thp f t r m Chin a ut thia is incorrect Ihe
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    • 38 4 London, October 17. It is officially stated that the report of decision to continue the British Empire Exhibition is inaccurate. There has been no further development, bevond anada s intimating willingness to continue the Canadian pavilion.
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    • 311 4 [REUTER TKLEGKAM.] London, October 18. A week of oratory shows that the Conservatives, whose hopes of victory arc very high, arc vigorously attacking the Labour liovenimeiit on patriotic grounds Mr. ('marchlit yestculay gave as the slogan the foul Ked Hag
      [REUTER TKLEGKAM.]  -  311 words
    • 528 4 Mr. MacDonald, at Barry, asked hi* opponents to make a decent intellectual fight, instead of sniffing 1 like mangy dogs on a dungheap.” Thai the Liberals are selling their soul is the theme of the Labour platforms, where defence of the Russian Treaty and pride in
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    • 348 4 ILondon, October la. Nomination day passed otr pretty from incident in bright, sunnv with* rhere was the usual crop of iast- mmut surprises, mainly provided by the labour tes, who put forward candidates wl*i t had been expected that the tight would be between Conservatives and Libera!*
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    • 161 4 London, October 19Riga M. Zinovieff, in the course of remarkable speech at Moscow reyan 1 Mr. MacDonald’s Premiership, oxpres the Bolshevists* heartfelt dev ire >° continuance of Mr. MacDonald’s admi. tration, because it was under pressure revolutionary Labour. He asserted Mr. MacDonald's so-called followers forced him to
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    • 173 5 London, October 19. Boulogne In a speech at the iladic i’c'ialiiT party congress M. Herriot claimV that as the result of the Governments l loavours to end the isolation of France u "position was now unassailable. lie tl i t j discern
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    • 88 5 London, October 19. The foundation stone of the first London Mosque was laid this afternoon at Stuthliolds, Wandsworth, by Khalifatul Masih, head of the Ahmadiyya Islamic community, in the presence of the Japan,.st. Ambassador and others. The build im.’. will cost about i* 10,000, but at present
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    • 76 5 London, October 10. Wa-hington Replying to Mr. Henry, who svnt a letter withdrawing his dfi r < f Muscle Shoals, where he pyoposed t build up an enormous hydro-electric enterprise, the President expressed the hope that if Congress thought it best tc re-tore the property to private
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    • 94 5 London, October 18. r!in Tl;c bargaining in the govern mem by the various parties with a view to the formation of a coalition, which two day.'! ago, was apparently doomed to futility, has had a remarkable denouement in the announcement that the cabinet would be enlarged by the
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    • 90 5 London, October 10. T'-lunn: On the occasion of his apl»"intinent as Comniander-in-Chief of the hi Africa General do Rivera issued m l ,lt>l l, iiati°n to the 'troops declaring i adcr necessary efforts to save the of Spanish arms and the lives of "■'or:.', the territories will
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    • 49 5 London, October 18. Xnltmu' A f f r^ n a speech at was impossible at precanndt* !Tl UC u t,lc Army, for Russia ■'"lvitn i lsk h einpr bought to a state of h f c lc Red Army protected "pre.ssion I )oss ihility of foreign
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    • 45 5 Lcwdon, October 10. "lanv Thc oI^ian reply to Gerl’?a. h°r admission to the ('l»icctif»»i iJ yf V* e K um l°es not see any nianont Gen iaii y occupying a porr' at 4 n the Council on the fulfil- certain provisions.
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    • 108 5 London, October 19. (•/'m 11 \na^,U Id i- Wide tributes were paid f* Anatole France at the funeral msl?up WUS a Ullded by IJout koL l T T f tbe Cabi,ut mem. l s 1 Academy and diplcnv ts. A noteworthy occupant of a special enclo.suie was
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    • 106 5 London, October 19. Berlin In a speech at Frankfurt-on-Alain the Minister for Foreign Affairs Herr Strescmann, referring to the Zeppelin flight, said he hoped Germany would be permitted to continue the construction of airships without restri tion. He declared that all states represented on the Council of
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    • 85 5 Paris, October 18. Lc Temps states that no French aero>!ano is shipped to China without the i\'iil:on authorities having ascertained that it is for commercial purposes. (Havas.) London, October 19. Paris The Foreign Office has issued i statement denying the transportation to China of military aeroplanes for
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    • 81 5 London, October 19. Simla Reports from outlying districts 'how that many hundreds of villages were swept away by the recent Ganges and Jumna floods. There was heavy loss of life besides enormous crop and cattle losses. Thousands took refuge in trees and were attacked by snakes.
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    • 70 5 London, October 19. A < <mi e. -:< n has been planted for a hope cotton-growing scheme in liaq, on which an expenditure of £17,000,000 is projected. The necessary works include a Mirage for the Kuphiates, the formation *f great storage reservoirs, and the contraction of a
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    • 79 5 London, October 17. Now York With reference to the despatch from Nome, Alaska stating that the Russian armed transport which in August raised the Russian flag on \\®angel b land, carried off the Biitish colony, Stefannson informed Reuter’s Agemv that the colony, consisting of thirteen Eskimos, headed by
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    • 33 5 London, October 19. Pukhnrest Russian bandits have been in collision with a detachment of Rumanian troops at Tatarbunar, in Bessarabia. Ten Russians were killed and one was wounded. The remainder dispersed.
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    • 30 5 London, October 19. Stockholm M. Branting liar, formed a Cabinet which includes several formei Ministers. The Minister for Foreign Affairs is an under-professor of law at Up ala.
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    • 168 5 t tit* i T.,i’. 71.1.1.. JUM. j London, October 20. Rrigudici-General 1). Riuce writes a tie. to Iho Turns with r.ftience t..* ilu* repotted consent of Fir F’. A. A glen to .cturv tor the Peking Government the issue of Treasury notes of
      t tit* i T.,i’. 71.1.1.. JUM. j  -  168 words
    • 95 5 London, October bO. The Hague l)r. Vissoring, Pres dent of the Netherlands Bank, will d< part for South Africa at the beginning of November to enquire, in consult-tion with Professor Kemmcrer, of Prince town University, into the quest on of the advisability of introducing the g Id
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    • 80 5 London, October 20. The Conservative battle cry for the final week of the campaign is, Work for a clear majority and relief from elections,” according to the advice given to workers by the Conservative headquarters, which arc receiving encouraging reports of party prospects in the constituencies. The nominations
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    • 86 5 London, October 18. Palis Newspaper forecasts state that French diplomatic changes will include M Flcuriau, Ambassador at Peking, to be Ambassador in London, the Charge u’Affaires, M. DemarUl, succeeding M. i'leu iuu. 1 o Journal says that no bettei election for London could be male «a nobody has
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    • 83 5 London, October 20. Berlin: On the Government’s recoin niendation, Herr Ebert has consented t< dissolve the Reichstag. The decision to hold < iccti- n-: is pro;, pi ed by the altitude of the Demecials ii efnsing to p.;ilie pato in lit" C u’eniim n: in which
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    • 34 5 London, October 20. Moscow In view of the general election in Britain the central executive committee of the Soviet union has decided to adjourn the question of ratification of the Anglo-Soviet treaties.
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    • 40 5 London, Oct fiber 19. Paris: Mr. Seymour GilbeiL, per mam nt Agent-General <f Reparafio: has arrived in Paris from Am* rice After conferring with Mr. Owen Young and the Reparations Commission Imwii have for Berlin in a few days.
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    • 126 5 Paris, October 20. Speaking at the Radical Congress M. He;not suited that at Geneva, Fiance n ade the formula of arbitration, security disarmament a triumph and was the h.;t to s'j'n the Protocol, nut Fiance w.ll i/t ie a uupe in her good ib-
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    • 87 5 London, October 21. Montreal Mr. Wixon, United Stntes yoinimssioner of Immigration, who i« investigating the existence of an alleged gigantic ring with headquarters here cneaged in smuggling aliens into the tinted Mates, says rum runners arc now turning their attention from liquor to u lens and gaols near
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    • 69 5 London, October 20. Washington Kpinard will return to rir.nee in a fortnight, having injured a liiailer in Saturday's race, and will not )o able to race again this year. New York M. Pierre Wertheimer announces that owing to the injury sustained Kpinard will not race again t»ut will
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    • 47 5 London, October 21. Manchester The decision of the spinners of American yarn to increase ♦he working week to 2 hours from November II is regarded as convincing proof that trade is improving. Manufacurers of cotton goods complained that deliveries were delayed under existing conditions.
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    • 24 5 London, October ro. Gtnr.a Iho United Slates Governnviit have intimated time intention of represented at the iiitenialional •I'inni conference (>ll November li.
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    • 31 5 London, October *0. I be Council of t li»_* League >il. iiiij lin'd at lii\ v »*ls on lhe <t!i :ns.t. in r lined.on with the Iraq floliti.T dispute.
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    • 28 5 London, October 20. The Hirh Commissioner for New Zealaml announces that it. is impossible for N( w Zealand to participate in the Empire Exhibition for 1025.
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    • 25 5 London, October 20. Amsterdam lire Handel:’Mad learns that only one per cent, will be allotted to Hutch subset ibers to the Herman loan.
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    • 117 5 London, October 1b. Cairo: Tin* lb 1 .id government have* ommunie *t<d with I lie Fgyptian press 'nyir.g the reported Wahabi oxce.'ses and '/•••mi ii'g to compensate nmi-combatant-n‘ering thuuigh the inxa.-ion. London, October lb. Milan A Mercedes car driven by t oui.t Zborowsky, tin* famous racing motorist, while competing
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    • 461 6 [KEUTFR TKLEfIRAM. J London, October 21. Lord Curzon, in a in London, said the Russian loan had disturbed tho commercial community more than any proposal of the Labour Government, whose assumption of office was a foolish and fatuous experiment
      [KEUTFR TKLEfIRAM. J  -  461 words
    • 181 6 London, October 21. Duesseldorf The French troops evacuated Karlsruhe and Mannheim without incident. London, October 21. Berlin Diplomatic circles in London have been informed from Coblenz that German and Allied experts have agreed to the withdrawal of certain pledges, including abolition of customs between occupied and unoccupied Germany,
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    • 188 6 London, October 21. Cairo In a speech at Alexandria, where he was given an enthusiastic reception on his return from Europe, /.aglul Pasha declared that he was ready to sacrifice his life for Egypt’s independence. He pointed out that th Foreign Office White
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    • 133 6 London, October 22. “After five years of effort Communism is approaching her hour of triumph in the Ear East and shortly China’s one hundred millions will be united through the C< mmunist international to the Soviet Government under the Red Flag. After China comes India and after India
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    • 90 6 London, October 22. Mr. J. 0. P. Bland, in a letter to The Times, refutes Brig.-Gen. C. D. Bruce’s strietmes on Sir F. A. Aglen. He points out that it is Sir F. A. Aglen’s duty to carry out the instructions of the Chinese Government so long as
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    • 44 6 London, October 21. Washington Three men were killed and IS injured due to the backfiring of a six-inch gun on the new scout cruiser Trenton during target practice off Cap Henry. Three of those injured were blown overboard and rescued.
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    • 57 6 London, October 21. New York The United States Foreign Securities Corporation is organised with a capital of $30,000,00?) for the purpose of buying, selling and underwriting American and foreign securities. One investment will b* 1 *2,700,000 worth of stock of the American Continental Corporation, recently formed to
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    • 30 6 London, October 22. May cnee The French troops have vi’.i u. inl the zones of Dortmund, yo-chcid and Vohwinkel and the town 't Limburg without incident.
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    • 34 6 London, October 21. Stock Exchange dealings in the German in began on the basis of 2Vj per cent l <m l i ni They touched four and are !mv h premium.
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    • 27 6 London, October 21. I.icul-C,,!,,,,, 1 C. R. V. Steward, of thr ln> k.llmp r», him liecn ii|, r oinl»d ""bLi'y utUu he to Peking.
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    • 253 6 [kkutlk telecram.] London, October 22. Rowdyism and disorder at meetings is on the marked increase in the election campaign in London, Glasgow and other centres. Mr. IloghiiL Liberal candidate for Xoith BhHitscu, was struck in the face by a sit no and a
      [kkutlk telecram.]  -  253 words
    • 336 6 London, October 22. Derlin The dissolution of the Reichstag has been greeted with a sigh of relief, for it was recognised that it was impossible to conduct the affairs of the country properly with a government always at the mercy of the votes of one pei tv. Political
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    • 39 6 London, October 22. Amsterdam Workmen, with a new l’h li,'moni,° th 7 matcr !*'> h ave left for L i P L“i rc P air the dam a cred iltaht in W a h foltnl g M PCCtCd to
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    • 24 6 f London, October 22. mic h U understood that the ~ort,; n the German loan l, a r considerably over subscribed.
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    • 71 6 London, October 2, Rome Senator Debono national militia, against whom a of the a s*nou« outcry following the U: of Matteoti, has resigned on I niUr <kr that his task of instilling th* .K‘° Ur d discipline and devotion to a J )lrit of Of country and ho
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    • 48 6 London, October •>•> Captain George Hyde taU« to-day of the cruiser Vindictive 'whiT' 1 preparing at Chatham to rdio^n 1 Diomede on the China station t£; the the first time under peace condition? tl, a captain in any Ilominion l hal taken command of an Imperial
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    • 31 6 London, October 22 The All Blacks beat; Manchester by 23 0. ‘‘-hire at London, October 22 In a soccer international at I ivnJT i England beat Ireland by 3—l.
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  • 70 6 (Aneta’s Service.) Weltevreden, October 21. A telegram from the Hague anmJnL that ossische Zeitung, of Berlin, report negotiations between Duke Adolf <f Mecklenburg and the Dutch Indies Gov eminent as regards the New Guinea coni cession will shortly be resumed. Weltevreden, October 22. The Government declare that
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  70 words
  • 374 6 I h»* following passengers* arc p nceed inc io Europe by the Moera, which sailed at S m to-day, the 24th instant Lt. A, K Howell. Lt. S. W. Lushington, .Mr. P. o. Jenkm. Mrs. D. Mackenzie and two children, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingram. Mrs. A. K.
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  • 180 6 Always one of the most enjoyable hihJ successful of the social events of rat' 1 week, the Tanglin Club dance was oub 1 eld on P’riday, and as usual proved thorough success. T?ie club had been effectively decorated by Mrs. Fulcher and Miss Fawcett, and Chinese
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  • 409 7 ■ihf Government have decided to build iu ..,v lunatic asylum at Singapore at a *2 250.000, and that amount will cost w appropriated in the present Budget. It l0 }Htl to complete the work in about three years’ time. There are at
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  • 43 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, October 17. Canton is now quiet and the large tires are under control. The Merchant Volunteers have been defeated. The damage is estimated at seven million dollars. Loss of life is heavy.
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  • 134 7 For some time past, says the Times of Malaga, the board of directors of ihe* Ipeh Y.M.C.A. have been busy with plans of development simultaneously with a considerable increase in the membership of the Association. A scheme for erecting a suit'mle building on the recreation
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  • 73 7 )o-terd < >y > Captain Jones, third agistrate, fined a Chinese lady, named r s he Tjong Tiong, of 2-5. Cairnhill nnd costs for rash driving in yimford Road, on July 27 last. It was h the lady was driving at a oMf on le evening
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  • 1423 7 Mt -srs Frmer and Uo.’j weekly ropor., ua fd October 22, tat cm 1 i.'i view of the considerable rise which 1US a en P»“ve >n the of lubber ana me improved .statistical pos.tmn or the loinniotuty, there lias naturally been
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  • 248 7 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes oji Friday :—A Malay constable was today charged before Mr. Stark with theft of a cigarette from a Chinese woman’s street stall in Damansara Road. The accused pleaded not guilty. Mr. C. H. Sansom, acting Commissioner of Police, said that on October
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  • 666 7 Thu estate of t!»«* Jute Oei Tiong Ham, who was k))ow*n as th(* Java Sugar King, ami whose wealth was reputed to be vast, was the subject of litigation which commenced in the Supreme ourt yesterday before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter
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  • 109 7 The last of the pilgrims from the Straits are now returning from Mecca. |he Blue Fennel steamer Oanfa brought a large number yesterday, and only ono more batch remains to return hi re. A chiM was born on the Oanfa between Penang and Singapore, and
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  • 401 10 I>. Company, S.V.C., held their first company prize meeting at Bukit Tinrah range, on Sundr The day opened inauspiciously witn heavy rain, and shouting\ which was to have begun at 7.30 a m., was not possible until after ten o'clock, by which hour
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  • 166 10 Mr. S. G. Williams in his report upon the special works of the water department for the year 1922 says :—The construction of Seletar reservoir, which had been commenced in 11)21, was definitely abandoned at the end of that year, under the expressed stipulation that construction upon
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  • 442 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 21. At the half-yearly meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, Mr. i A Pledger, who ptesidiit cave an interesting resume of the part six months. He referred briefly to a few matters of moment.
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  • 176 10 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette :—Mr. W. A. Gummei* to be Superintendent, Survey Department, F.M.S. and S.S., Mr. F. Wilson, MB., C 11.8., to be an assistant Medical Superintendent, Cential Mental Hospital, Tanjong Rambutan, F.M.S., Mr. C. C. Cooper to he a
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  • 121 10 A Chinese Lim Kim Moh, driver of motor bus .'>o67, while driving in Tanjong Pagar Road on the 9th instant ran into and smashed up a ricksha, knocking the puller into a drain with the ricksha on top of him. A few yards further on the ous
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  • 504 10 The half-yearly meeting of the ExSer vices Association of Malaya was held ,ji the secretary's office, Selangor Club, on the 12th instant, those present the Chairman, Lt.-Col. J. i'. Swettenhain lion. Secretary, Mr. A. VV. Every, and the following delegates :—Major 1*.
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  • 196 10 Tine Kil.—Plant pels. 105.58, Tribute pels. 85.22. Total pels. 200.80. Sungei Gau.—Stone crushed 873 tons output won 52.00 piculs. The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., reports the following outputs* of its associated companies for the half month ot October Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging Hours run (Two dredges)
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  • 357 10 The Archbishop of Goa ari-K.u the Tam on Sunday. H, .l, I l* m the Portugese Church in rna ami attended a tiffin at the Mb' at which there was a large Hou Itonm-a Catholic priests and others* t? Archbishop will
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  • 299 10 A Reuter cable from London, dated October 18, announces the death of Admiral Sir Percy Scott, Bart., K.C.V.O., I.L.1). Ii r.ay De recalled that in February lar-t the ditinguished admiral was very ill iniwd. He arrived at Plymouth on February :’4 from Malta where
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  • 122 10 The Municipal Health suUciu" the week ending October 11 f total number of deaths as 22-, 1 pff ing a death rate of 30 per 111 L annum compared with 20.05 in ceding week and with 23.53 in LT sponding week of last year. In jj, •auses
    122 words

  • 254 11 n f the largest undertakings prowl I j in die Budget for JU2. r i a the Jr,. water scheme, which will cost ..frVuii.iloo, and which will be completed n”about two yeal t 1)U ,(.)it. Malacca obtains its water a r Kuiau,
    254 words
  • 307 11 Afti r a lapse of several years, the old Chi Club of Singapore was revived at •h,. leginning of the current year under tin entirely new’ constitution. The leicvf .ated club has proved to be very po-j-jkir and can r.uw boa<t
    307 words
  • 172 11 Wedding Mason—Clark. j pretty wedding was solemnised :1 1 r.cday afternoon at St. Andrew’s dial,, tile Veil. Archdea- 0. Swindell i.fiic'uting. The con- pail its were Mr. i*'. 11. Mae-on .i‘ A'r.cuiturai J r part meet S.S. ar.d soil o 1 Mr. and Mis. F. Mnroii, <n. Ht’*tfi i(Miiro
    172 words
  • 1169 11 (from Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, October 17. A meeting of ex-service men was held V 1 ‘dunteer l>iiii lir.ll on Wodnesdax m.U to arrange for the eJebruting oi th cinu tice. lit.- meiting was not a hugv ne fgt wa very enthusiastic. Major was in tho chair and
    1,169 words
  • 475 11 M UNICIPAL COMMISSION. Action taken at a meeting of Committee Ni 1 h* !«1 on October 13, included .he fi.llowing Decided to prohibit under section 207 •i* Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal) tin carrying of any dangerous or offensive tunic within the area bounded by Orchard Hoad, Tanglin Road and a
    475 words
  • 693 11 ('wirplicatcd litigation amongst the desieniaius of 'i an h;rn Seng, who died in lM>i, ami who w<im one of the wealthiest and host known Stion* (’hinono < f his day, was commenced in the Suptcme ourt on Tuesday. h»*fore the Chief Ju.tice
    693 words
  • 51 11 (From Our Own orr< snnndont.) l’enuntr, October Hi. in rbc Fni** t Trading (\>mi'any’s ease, n vhi«*li Tub r»t u Imoih', the manu^in; 1 liroctor, or; thn cHints of ■»f:ch of (vast. e >’*nsel fur the procreation offered no further evidence, and the reused was <c«*tj tit
    51 words
  • 63 11 (From Our Own Corrospondont). l on:MU r October Ifi. Kurnsinn named Walker, rharpoil with criminal breach (>f tru t ms m -ervant *1 11* p" i of three suits "f money, the: nroperty «>f Horne* Motor.-, Ltd. ple-adis! euiitv. lie was bound over r «>r two years
    63 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1044 12 most grievous irregularity.—Straits Times, October 17. It is of vital importance that everything connected with the promotion <f public companies shall be open to public discussion and criticism. It is pertinent to any promotion or reconst ruction to show what the relation of the promoters has been to
      most grievous irregularity.—Straits Times, October 17.  -  1,044 words
    • 1032 12 rigidly rcnpi-cti':!.—StKiit- Time. IS. Once, long ago, how long: we need not particularise, the sudden conversion of a City Father from a roaring: lion to a cooing dove was lucidly explained to us. It appears that the ex-lion was a manu facturcr and dealer in certain things that
      rigidly rcnpi-cti':!.—StKiit- Time. IS.  -  1,032 words
    • 997 12 Times, October 20. Malaya is growing in population :tn k Wvaith. We have certasnl- nji( > ciufl pci loos Of depression in certain n lf bus infra, and misfortune* !.:,v tV(H iv ta Uw who were si;:.wril, v}> 0 benevolent efforts, of which th- n,ii i t
      Times, October 20.  -  997 words
    • 993 13 —Straits Times, October 21. The nominations in Great Britain do r.ot help one very much in forming a cenc'.us: n as to the result of the impemlGeneral Electiou. The pact between Liberals anti Conservatives has not been '‘jy clearly defined, but it seems to be based on this—that
      —Straits Times, October 21.  -  993 words
    • 995 13 l)p cruel mid humiliating.—Straits Times, October 22. A great International Opium Conference opens on Nov, 11, and no part of tin* British Dominions is more profoundly interested therein than Malaya. We have recently had a local commission on opium consumption, and no one who wishes to thoroughly understand the
      l)p cruel mid humiliating.—Straits Times, October 22.  -  995 words
    • 968 13 St* aits limes, October 2 According to Ixud Curzon the chief issue in tin* General Election is whether the Anglo-Russian Treaties should be »at ified or rejected. The special issue upon which the general public has seized is i hat portion of tin* treaties under which the
      – St* aits limes, October 2  -  968 words

  • 212 14 B v the hit f .lustlre (Sir Waltm •’h.'Mi presidin'. i* tu* huukiuptcy t\*uri mi 1* rainy after!.'on Ai. Nun.: Mi.humid Saihoii of ihe firm hearing his name tarrying on business as halters, lu-itr.-. and hatim dashers at NS, North Bridge Road, was examined as to his aifo'rs
    212 words
  • 201 14 Mr. F. (J. Bourne, the City Conner •jobs an enquiry in Pan Kah Kee’s rubber factor* on Wednesday lespeciing the dtaii: d a coi.iit named Tan (‘hint, who was said .0 have been bit on the head by seme darts, of rubber thrown down from the fourth storey.
    201 words
  • 132 14 The following statistics of the work of ."t. Andrew’s Mission Hospital, Singapore, for the. quarter ending Sept. 30 are published lor the information of subscribers v request of the Hospital B« ard. Inpatients :—Remaining from June f>4 B’mi M-. adults (women) ELI, children 1-4. Total admissions
    132 words
  • 100 14 Two Mohamedan women, ti e daughter oml widow of the same man, applied in the Supreme Court on Mondav, for •«f probate. The Chief Justice* (Sir Walter Shaw), in giving judgment, said that according to the usual law the widow took precedence of the daughter.
    100 words
  • 44 14 AU 10 t( A st U(1(I, ,on to the* fleet Of Thonf SI ,V arr VC( l f r °ni homo v^ter(by. I, is the h'hoon Uota, k flne stoamof •>..) Urns, bin It at Dundee, which will ,un Singapore and I’ontianals.
    44 words
  • 1049 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October HI, T!u‘ police magistrate, Mr. Stark, was !encaged iniougnoiit tlit* greater part oi to-day a: heating a ca.>c in wliich a Uliincse. im iu»u Tan i’ciig Civong, proprietor «»t H<ik i.oon,' Hotel, Ampung Street,
    1,049 words
  • 352 14 Judgment was given in the Siwrem CYun on 1 uesday, in the action ln whb! Jie sons of Thomas AtcCl dasapan, suing tnrough the,r fatiuTr S ed lor a declaration that a lease’ null and void. The action was brought
    352 words
  • 199 14 A Chinese boy named Ci’h Sen?, formerly employed at the Bank of Communication*!, appealed in the Supreme Court on Monday, before the Chief Justitv (Sir Walter Shaw), against a conviction and sentence of two years’ rigorous imprisonment for housebreaking by night tnd
    199 words
  • 52 14 There are seven cases— one two attempted murders, one causing a 'V n ra«-h act, one using as > ro, 'urged note, one robbery nr v ''.jurn grievous hurt, and one unbivf.i <, '*em banishment —to be t? e’o 4l! i 3 y Singapore Assizes, which began >
    52 words

  • 2279 15 j.i.mial meeting of the Childrens Society wuri held in the Exchange A,a V’> i .'mini; untie.” die pic",Y of Iii» Excellency the Governor, being a huge and representative uu*‘ etm>, ni .,in* r present. 1 V‘ ;er the usual preliminaries His
    2,279 words
  • 156 15 A new dredger for use at Singapore and Malacca is to he bought by the Government, together with six 60-ton hopper barges. The new dredger will be of the bucketladder type, and her capacity will Ik* double that of the Mudlark, which
    156 words
  • 129 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 10. In the suit in the Supreme Court, in which Mr. L. S. de Gamier sued Nawng Pet Tin, Ltd., for $800, Mr. Justice Whitley gave judgment for the plaintiff for $307, the plaintiff to pay the cost:; of the
    129 words
  • 140 15 In connection with the development of Penang Hill as a residential district, the (lovemment have under consideration a scheme for building a new hotel there, and it is possible that money for that purpose will he appmpiintod in next year’s Budget. The
    140 words
  • 568 15 The following excerpts are from th« annual report on the Bankruptcy Department for the year 1923, by Mr. G. C* Y'alpy, the Official Assignee Singapore.—Three hundred and ninetyeight bankruptcy notices were issued a* cmnjmred with 489 in 1922. 131 petitions were tiled as
    568 words

  • 69 16 The Strait* Time* Is not responsible foi the opinion* of it* correspondent*. Carre Mpondenls should bear iu mind that letter** must be short und to the point. Long rumbling epistles are liable to be reje«’t«*<l or ruthlessly cut down. (J or respondents must enclose tbeir names, not necessarily for
    69 words
  • 6656 16 To the Kilitor of the Straits Time:*. Sir, —In your i.>.*ue of the 1 tth instant Mr. Fredk. C. I'eek h as found it necessary to warn tin* public n< t ti* foi any shares in the Menoehan Coal Mines. Limited. His principal urmiment is
    6,656 words

  • 135 17 To the Editor of the Straita Times. Sir.—1 have watched with great in. terest the invitations issued by HiH Excellency the (governor for many months ami what strikes me as most surprising is that nearly* all 11 is Excellency's guests were Europeans and that the Asiatic
    135 words
  • 350 17 Ou.Monday afternoon before Mr. Pryde, District Judge, a Kurcpenn named J. It. Chaiton was charged on two counts of i heating in respect of two cheques issued h.v him for *2.‘i and to Messrs. Seng Boon lioo and Scow Lek Kee, without having
    350 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1141 18 By the judges’ decision Siivino Janiito was deviated to have lost his tit its <f lightweight champion oi the Orient t; Jerry Monahan alter l.» h-min. inumbs oi rugged fighting at the Happy N alley in r inlay, .v targe i row,I, remintseem of
      1,141 words
    • 189 18 (Aneta’s Service.) Weltcvrqden, October 2?. The Bandoeng Association beat tin* Bengalis by 1. This lapse from form on the part of a tenth which hn»- done so well up to now is probably to be accounted- for by the news that the hon. secretary of the
      (Aneta’s Service.)  -  189 words
    • 152 18 S.G.C. v. Garrison Match. Tlu» result of Sunday’s mfttch between Singapore Golf Club and Garrison Golf Club was a win for the Singapore Coif Club. Scores \sere as follows, Garrison players given first Nash ard Baker 0, Gibson and Ruttley 1. F. C. Stewart and J. S. Miller 0,
      152 words
    • 93 18 The following are the results of competitions played over tho weekend at the Keppel Golf Club October Medul (Stroke).—Winner, J Thomson HO—7 715 nett Gold Medal 1923-4.—Winner, J. Trynei 8.)-— 11=74 nett.. Ball Sweeps.—Saturday, D. Stewar 34 a Sunday, J. Tryner 35V. nett. Ten cards were taken
      93 words
    • 195 18 [Ilcutcr Tclcginm.] ('mored Courts’ Championships. I Reuter Tclcgtam.] London, October IS. At Queen’s Hub in the covered courts’ championship finals, Spence J*eat Wheatley (the holder) by (5—2, 6—2, 4—(>, 6—1. T In the ladies’ singlos, Mrs. Beamish beat Mrs. Craddock by (5—4, —1. 1,radon, October 20. At Queen’s
      [Ilcutcr Tclcginm.]  -  195 words
    • 222 18 [Reuter Telegram.] London, October IS. The All Blacks beat Yorkshire by 42 points to 4 at Bradford. In an inter-county friendly Yorkshire beat Dei byshire by du points to IS at Headingley. In a County Championship Rugby match Warwickshire were beaten by Leicestershire by 16
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  222 words
    • 169 18 [Reuter Telegram.] London, October IS. The following were the results of today’* matches in the First Division ©f the English League and the Scottish League. First Division. Arsenal 1, Aston Villa 1. Burnley U, Bolton WYlerers 0. Bury 1, Blackburn Lovers 1. Cardiff City 2,
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  169 words
    • 685 18 llaja I)i Hiiir’s Trophy. Only nine boats turned out o for the Raja di Hiiir’s troph crews of which looked in* V sympathetic postponement f, r powers that bo the Flag O'Wi tk ever turning down any weakness and insisting Hut in should see the start, rain nr Punctually
      685 words
    • 87 18 The Warren Shield. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. October 1"* The F.M.S. Warren Shield results as follows :—A Co. (Kuala Lump■ a points, exceeding last years winner’s record. D Co. (Taiping) 337. B Co. (Klang) 333. E Co. (Seremban) 317. C Co. (lpoh) did not compete. The above first
      87 words
    • 146 19 [Reuter Telegram.] London, October 18. IVith The first match in the iHisli cricket tour opened at Perth tov against Western Australia. The .‘ither was fine and 6,000 spectators present. The wicket was soft, but proved as the match progressed. Western Australia won the toss and
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  146 words
    • 210 19 is good news that those responsible >r raising a side to represent Malaya in it- triangular tournament at Hongkong ivo been successful, and the following ill make the trip L. M. Brand, M. Grenier, E. W. N. I’yatt, A. K. Holmes Brown (Selangor), T. Foster (Negri
      210 words
    • 116 19 A “Regretful” Incident. At the annual meeting of the Penang l ricket < lub, Mr. N. A. M. Griftin, and Mr. I>. 1). Hogan were unanimously iv-eUvted President and vice-President respectively for the ensuing year. The wnts showed a profit of $800. Hu* Rugby report stated that
      116 words
    • 136 19 Garrison Beat S.R.C. Hu tiarrison won an interesting game a,n ta(? S.R.C. on the padang on Mon- afternoon by three goals to one. The u > were not at full strength, but they •'M'i up very well in the first half, and "nerval score was one all. The halt
      136 words
    • 75 19 Visit to Penang. U, I,, n> r h 0 H Rising and Polo Club nainent af W p ltcd Lo take part in a tour•’iml th,/. t,n a ng at Chinese New Year tided I,, tonim, ttee have unanimously dofh„B e W the invitation. 'an f ok .,T‘. mes
      75 words
    • 54 19 [Reuter Telegram.] Caulfioi,] /v i L< n on October 11. Caulfield (Victoria).—The Caul field Guineas race resulted as follows HEROIC VERSINE SIR DIGHLOCK 7 Be. ting :—4 to 6on Heroic •05to 1 Dtaffik rBin 8 lo 1 “Win* Sir Twelve run. Won by three length* 2nd
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  54 words
    • 33 19 Tho rrsult of the Caulfiel.l C'uu. one wn! r v<n n of the Amt:alia,, to f, wns a win for 1 msec, with Feathu* N second and All Sunshine ihird.
      33 words
    • 55 19 [Reuter Telegram.] Lon/Jon, October 11. aJfoMowf:!"' Yo,k lu,ndica P res ul:ed PHAROS i BUCKS YEOMAN o verdict a I'<urtccn ran. Three lengths between lust and second, and the same between second and third. Betting :—7 to 1 against l*haro% 20 to 1 against Bucks Yeoman, and
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  55 words

  • 168 19 O:* Tuesday, a young Chinese named feiew was charged w r ith trespass with intent to commit theft. Examined bv Coutt Inspector Wilson, the second officer of the steamer Min/Uroo, said he had left his cabin for a few minutes, closing
    168 words
  • 149 19 The Currency Commissioners’ Ab struct as at October 1, 1024, is as follows c. While amount of Currency Notes in Circulation on October 1, 11)24 83,780,028.70 Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the month of September, 1924 83,770,598.03 Cuirency Guarantee Fund l iquid Portion on
    149 words
  • 1443 19 The following is the full text of the iii Ming by Mr, Pryde on Saturday in the proceedings in which Mrs. Song Voon ■sung is claiming maintenance from her iiusoand, Mr. Ang Kiang lice, on the preliminary point as to whether the parties
    1,443 words
  • 174 19 J!i: many friends in Singapore and in Eastern parts generally will learn with •arrow of the <leath of Captain Walter Janus Kemp, who was well-known out belt* as a captain in the cable-ship service. The death is announced in a
    174 words
  • 55 19 (From Our Own Correspondent > Ipoll, October 2<b The I’crak Motor Cymkhana was poilt by rain. About bn niotmits attended, but the competitions were small. 'Jesuits were: Tilting at balloons, Mrs. ’’air parade of cars, Mr. Vernon Smith, in a Sunbeam ladies’ race, Mrs. Jiaburn backwards race,
    55 words

  • 1957 21 It is very ffratifying to see that the *v )ik of the Philharmonic Orchestra, at hy periodical Children’s Concerts, is beginning to bear fruit. At the recent concert th enthusiasm and appreciation of the children were most marked. From another source comes the news that a member ol’
    1,957 words
  • 98 21 A repoit presented by the master of the Clan Macnaughton on his arrivul at Singapore on Sunday states that on September 20, shortly after he left Durban, and while steaming along the coast of Africa, the rtcamer suddenly vibrated for several seconds.
    98 words
  • 64 21 The Straits Motor Garage have just completed delivery of thirteen Ix’yland vehicles which have been constructed to the requirements of the Singapore Municipality. The order comprised five l-tonners fitted with cranes and hydraulic tipping bodies for conservancy work two 2-tonners fitted with 450 gallon tanks; two
    64 words
  • 50 21 KER.—-On September 19, 1924, at Thornbury. Crowthorno, wife of Alan Ker, Singapore, a ROI). MURRAY.—-On October 1*5, 1924, at Lmboenp Tandjuenp 5, Souruhaya, to Mr. ami Mra. T. II, Murray, si son. MARSHALL. At Johor* llnhru, on October 22, 1921, the wife of F. <1. Marshall, of u daughter.
    50 words
  • 214 21 Singapore, October 23. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 3/1G Demand 2/4 3/32 Private 3 m. credit!* 2/4 6/8 On New York, Demand 52% Private DO d/s 54% On Prance, Dank 920 On India, Bank T. T. 154% On Hongkong, Bank .d/d 1% p.e. prom. On
    214 words
  • 459 21 Singapore, October 23. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellars 1 1 Batung l’adang 0.57% 0.00 1 1 Mitam Tin 1.75 1.M0 *1 £1 Idris Hydraulics 27/- 28/1 1 Johan Tin 0.51 0.51 VI £*1 Kam. Kamunting 47/- 48/£1 £1 Kamunting Tin 43/- 44/- cd. 1 I Kinta
    459 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 86 21 NOTICE AH communications for both th«* Strait* Times and the* Straits Budget *houtd be addressed to the Ileud Oflice, Cecil ami Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom und foreign countries is $."4 a year. The post free price of
      86 words
  • 67 21 DEATHS CHEOK POLY NEO.—Wife of the late Mr Tan Siew Khonp, ape f»9, at No. 2ti, Trus Street, mother-in-law of Mesrra. Teo t*ny Scnp and Chcum Uheow Senp. PEREIRA.- On October 23, 1924, at 19',1 Owen Road, Louia Rernnrd I'emim, lit* Superintendent Quarry No. 1, l'ulau Ubin 70ZEU.—On September 21,
    67 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 64 1 G«ncraL— Rubber Restriction I li Tlie Rubber industry 1 Dutch Native* Rubber 1 Loral Rul »i 14• r Auctions Rubber Restricti«»n RuUs II Rubber Posit ion I<omloti Rubber Slinks Sopteinitoi* Rubber RcUtrtis Telegram— Neiiniay Rubber < t». Meetings and Report*.— Sunnysid** Rubin r to. Jiniah Rubber Muar Rubbc r
      64 words
    • 219 1 In exercise of live powers vested in hint |>y section lib of The Export of Rubber (Restriction l Enactment, 11*23, the Chief Secretary to (Jovcrnmert has made certain amendments to t!u* rules published in the FM.S. (iovcrnnmr.t Gazette notification No. 2S 41 of April 21*, 1924, to come
      219 words
    • 204 1 The following report is supplied by the secretary of the company The second annual meeting of the Sunnyside Rubber <’o. Ltd., was h«*ld at the registered oflares, fl, < ■ameron Street, Sorembau on the 27th ultimo. Present Messrs. M. L. Phillips, IV. P. Crawford and R. C.
      204 words
    • 1548 1 Tiie following article, by the Editor of the Straits Times, appeared in the Inventors* Review of September 2U ’1 be tone of the rubber markets ought at this period of the year, and in view of ir.ierii.'iliunai conditions, to be more hopeful
      1,548 words
    • 357 1 The Editor o? the Netherlands I”iiio» j Kovicw, wilting in the September bsu*. 1 I says :—Mr. C. 11. Strutt recently gave it as his opinion that the lower tilt* pdaof rubber tlu* !i*s:y the natives will tap Some have even thought," he said tna, i a
      357 words
    • 250 2 \Vc arc* indebted to the Controller f Rubber Exports for the f, it v,: relating to restriction in British Malaya 1 following statisI. Total Total T U1 Expo.cs Exports British Itostriction I'uoio:. Malaya Arca R u b&" March 1924 22,291 14,020 s April 1924, 20,551 10,759 7 7
      250 words
    • 781 2 The fourteenth annual general meetii'.g of the Jimah Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at the registered ortiee, < liarieied Bank Chambers, on Saturday. Mr. C. Miles presided and the others j present included Messrs. James Robert•'or C Itowctson, W. Eldred, Lee Ban
      781 words
    • 119 2 The Hon. Mr. J. M. Sime presided over the annual general meeting of' Muar Rubber Limited, held at its registered offices, French Rank buildings, on Friday. The others present included Messrs. J. C. Knox and C. V. Bailey. The report and accounts for the year ended September •‘10
      119 words
    • 666 2 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., report Singapore, October 16. After showing an all round rise in price of 3% cents the market closes quiet and a little below best. London and New York have been strong and a good turnover has been done
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    • 104 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 17. At the annual meeting of Nellmay Rubber Company, Ltd., Mr. F. Ouxbury, who presided, said he expected that next year the company would be entirely free of debt and the directors hoped to be able to give some return to
      104 words
    • 244 2 The directors of Colinsbuigh Estate, Ltd., repoil for the year ended May ,‘ll last :—After charging all secretarial and office expenses and directors’ fees to icvcnue, the year’s working resulted in a profit of $15,240,110. To this falls to be added the balance of $8,445.05 brought forward from
      244 words
    • 181 2 In exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 28 of the Export of Rubier (Restriction) Enactment, 1024, the Thief Secretary to the F.M.S. Government has granted partial exemption from the provisions of the said enactment for all 'imposes of export of manufactured rubber goods as
      181 words
    • 107 2 YVe are indebted to Messrs Wilson and Uo. for a copy of tlie Rubber Trade Association of London monthly statistics shew injr results to end of \ujrust, 1112-1. These reports are based m the Hoard of Trade retutiih and deal with rubber imported into and re-exported from the
      107 words
    • 93 2 Messis. Lewis and Pent's cable, received from their London otlico on Tin day, gives London rubber stocks l.'.MM) tons down lor hi* web ending October 11, total now on hand 1 toils. Me:.: rs. I’.nu,tend and Co., Kuala I.tnn;uir, advise the ifroipt of a telerum from tin*
      93 words
    • 637 3 The eleventh annual mooting of share* holders in the Shanghai Pahang Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on September 25 at the offices of the secretaries and general managers, Messrs. A. It. Burkill and Sons, Shanghai. Mr. M. Speulman presided, supported
      637 words
    • 170 3 Output of North Labis f.lohoro) Rubber ami Produce Co. for year ended dune 00. I924, was 318,005 lbs., being approximately tin* quantity exportable at minimum rate of duty. Average net sale price, including estimated value of unsold exportable portion, was Is. O.G5d. pei pound. Cost of production
      170 words
    • 657 3 The fourteenth annual general meeting jf the shareholders of the Padang Jawa Rubber Estate, Ltd., was helu on ber 17, at the registered offices, 7 Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. W. Arthur Addinsell (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said
      657 words
    • 53 3 Bedford Plantations.—4,805 lbs. Bernam Perak.—18,684 lbs. Cicely.—47,257 lbs. How Senp.—10,866 lbs. (llenpowrie.—18,480 lbs. Clenealy Plantations.— 14,072 lbs Ilillrise.—7,400 lbs. Haivroft.—16,869 lbs. I -owei' Perak.—17,252 lbs. X. V. Onderneminp.—28,400 lbs. Key land.—4,400 lbs. Uatanui.—22,598 lbs. Sunpoi Tukanp.—8,551 lbs. Trolak.—9,200 lbs. Tebinp.—14,700 lbs. Ibiitcd Plantations Ltd-11.887 "u'* 1.017,860.
      53 words
      • 341 3 Stock p ar Exchange Par p St ock Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company. d htD l» II Anglo-Mulay 20/6 £1 Linggi fl Ayer Kuning 31/3 2/ London-Asiatic I,, 3 £1 Bakap Plantns 10/ 2/ Lubok il Banteng 35/ it Lumut J'3 fl l>atu Caves
        341 words
      • 683 3 Capital Issue Paid Up Value Dividends Closing Prices. r> Fraser Lvall A 312,500 1 4 p.c. fur vear °9-°-°4 Co. Evatt. SK l S,?™- i:so IM* S B 5 „1, year 3t, 2 1f S’S Z 200,000 c v^/'3.10 M*' 24 t m M
        683 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 ii HEAD VALVE* I m m A A A > MOTOR CARS STANDARD MODELS 4 Cylinder 6 Cylinder $2,550 $3,350 APPLT C O TD (In—rpof U4 is 81ai«pon) MOTOR DEPARTMENT. 20, GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. I H' THE Reward of Achievement is Popularity The popularity of the Buick is the natural
      133 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 337 5 *5% y &•■*<•'._ v JV jSr‘'.'.‘ V-' >•’ 1 £89r21 SL EwFfc' OTfeg, W i>r &sswlaE*&5 .a 5 v ir r $.k i-r-.r < T<- DLt'Vf *>* ''YP& 7^r‘ gMp*^£ £f vJ*L -< :-< r* w 7 -kw/ >>s 7 ..wtAft; .*;>€••.' v, •*«H 2 >i\“:Jr?y toj T N~iy- f..v
      337 words