The Straits Budget, 10 October 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 32 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY J No. 3478 Singapore, Friday, October 10, 1924 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 260 1 1e\deks—- Japan and the league J2 I General Election The Governor’s Address 1 —-1 The Colony’s Budget I Headlights and Homs 1: jhe Rubber W reckers 1^-11 ■eneral.— Local and Personal I Router Telegrams d-• The Council 8 1 I Singapore Mortality Statistics.. 10 Plight to -lava 10 Chinese
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  • 66 1 win had the honour of dintm ii Governor at Govern-Ai-fK« Use on Tu esday M h rV a u n and Mrs Swindell, Lt. Col. ir 1 1 H °pe-Falkner, Miss Hope-Falk-r. ari( l Mrs. Whitmarsh, Hon. >tr, ’Mr' Ur j 1 Mr. and Mrs. Atkink p* H
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  • 4719 1 Suengei Kadja Estate harvested 100,000 coconuts last month. Rampah Coconut Estate harvested 223,800 nuts last month. Mr. V. D. Knowles returned from home by the Porthos on Sat unlay. The Rev. Archibald Ewing returned to Penang on Monday from Sumatra. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Still returned
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    • 547 3 (itCUTEK TELEGRAM. I London, October 2. Liberal Parliamentarian* displayed a -tital attitude towards the Government !t a paitv mooting presided over by Mr. Aiuuitb to-day when the Campbell proseP t i n incident and the question of the Anelo-Itussian treaty
      (itCUTEK TELEGRAM. I  -  547 words
    • 38 3 London, October 2. communique states that an att cnipt to sever the Spanish comy, Ct t:on3 between Tctuan and Sheshuan in a fierce engagement with fighting, in which 128 Riffs. M| k three Raids, were killed.
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    • 37 3 London, October 2. The President, the Minister 5S* u, gn A (fairs and the Minister for V, 0, nie received Sir Robert lln w now on hia way to Paris ,u f°r Hongkong.
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    • 473 3 London, October 2. Geneva: The Assembly put the seal .ui a historic episode oy unanimously adopting a series of resolutions formally launching tne protocol and urging members to support the disarmament proposals. Forty-seven states voted there were no abstentions. Among the speakers prior
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    • 217 3 London October 2. Geneva Before the Assembly closed Uruguay, Brazil, Czeeho-Slovakia, Spain, Belgium and Sweden were elected non>ermanent members of the Council, wherelpon the Chinese delegation bodily left ;he hull. China secured fourteen votes. London, October Geneva The Chinese delegation to che Assembly has communicated a
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    • 298 3 London, October 2. Winding up the debate in the House ol Commons on the Irish Boundary Bill, Mr. Thomas gave a guarantee that the Government did not intend and would not appoint a commissioner when the bill became law
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    • 69 3 (Havas.) Paris, October 2. Negotiations for a Franco-German commercial agreement opened yesterday. M. Herriot, addressing the delegates emphasised the importance of the results of the pourparlers for the future of the two nations. He said the negotiators must re-establish a continuous current of exchanges between France and Germany,
      (Havas.)  -  69 words
    • 57 3 London, October 2. Berlin iieza Khan has concluded an agreement authorising the Junker Aerial Company to undertake the reorganisation :f the air services of Persia. The ser- ire? between Baku and Knzeli will be opened in October and the extension of the route from Teheran to Bushire
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    • 43 3 London, October 2. Berlin It is understood that Jannr has requested the German Government to negotiate a commercial agreement or. the basis of most favour*/I nation treat ment for both parties. A similar German suggestion last year was not accepted.
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    • 33 3 Lond< n, October 2. Rome Signor Mussolini has commu* nicated to the League Italy’s ratification of the Washington eight-hour day eon vention, conditionally upon the principal European powers also ratifying.
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    • 31 3 Londi n, October 2. Moscow The Government commission fixed 17,000,000 roubles as the sum necessary for reconstruction of the portion of Leningrad damaged by floods and relief of victims.
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    • 27 3 London, October 2. British telegrams from Afghanistan indicate that the rebellion is ending. A number of tribes have come to termr with the Amir’s Government.
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    • 238 3 (REUTER TELEGRAM.J London, October 11. King Hussein of the Hedjaz has abdicated. London. October 3. The news of Hussein’s abdication wns preceded oy a message from Reuter's Jcudah conespondcnt staling that a coinin dice of tin: leading inhabitants of Jedunh
      (REUTER TELEGRAM.J  -  238 words
    • 106 3 London, October 3. An earnest discussion between Mr. MacDonald and his colleagues late last night, it is reliably reported, resulted in a decision to go to the country if the motion of censure is carried on October 8 after assuring the passage of the Irish Bill but the
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    • 81 3 London, October 3. Simla The heavy rains which commenced on September 17 and did so much damage at, Bnuratpur have now ceased* The damage to villages and crops waj enormous. Hundreds of railway passengers are stranded and c-ommunicution has oi" a severed between Simla and Mussoorio and in
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    • 87 3 London, October 2. Mr. J. Q. Rowett, managing director of Rowett, Leakey and Co., Ltd., who mainly financed the Shackleton expedition in the Quest I'J‘2l-22, has been found hanged at his London residence. According to papers Mr. Rowett lost ,11.7,000 in the Shaekleton expedite n and was
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    • 47 3 London, October 2. l’oibi In addition to agreeing to a number «>f measures of mutual forbearance. the IIin<lu-Mu>lim Unity Conference established a centre.! arbitration board under the chairmanship of Mr. Gandhi and '•omprying reoresontatives of all communities. f. r the purpose of setting communal disputes.
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    • 27 3 Paris, October 3. Le Matin'announccs that a French professor has succeeded in making mineral oil by ny*ans of vegetable and animal oils. (Havas.) 4
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    • 101 4 liondon, October tt. The conversations between Mr. MacDonald and Pasha have concluded. Zaglul will leave fur home shortly. London, October «'h The early conclusion of the AngloEgyptian negotiations, coupled with Zaglul’s intention to depart a week cnrlier than originally anticipated, created the impression
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    • 55 4 London, October Philadelphia The United States eir cuit court ordered the admittance of si.\ citizens of the little republic of San Marino, holding that San Marino is a separate nation from Italy and the immigration authorities cannot group the small nations of Europe ns other Europe” and
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    • 51 4 London, October In a speech at the Unionist conference at Newcastle Mr. Baldwin roundly condemned the Russian treaty and said he was determined to do all in his power to prevent the proposed loan ever hemming accomplished in fact. The belief in an immense Russian trade was an
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    • 49 4 London, October ,’J. Mai bourne In a speech in the House of Representatives regarding the Geneva compromise the Prime Minister, Mr. S. M. Bruce, said that unless there was anything in the protocol which interfered with Australia's rights there no need for any special action.
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    • 43 4 London, October ft. The Federation of British Industries has issued a protest against the omission of an industrial representative from the committee appointed by the Government to decide the best means of spending the British share of the Boxer indemnity payments.
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    • 40 4 London, October <l. Riga M. Kalinin informed workers at Loiingrad that the Soviet Government intends to transfer some of the commissariats to Leningrad, which will be rest< red to its former position as first city of the republic.
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    • 66 4 London, October ft. Melbourne The Federal Parliament has passed the Canadian Tariff Bill. An Ottawa message of September 20 stated Canada and Australia huve concluded a reciprocal trade agreement under which Canada grants preference to a number of Australian products, notably foodstuff** and wines, and Australia admits
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    • 41 4 London, October ft. Ottawa Immigration officials state that the entry of Japanese women into Canada appears to be increasing. Th»*y have entered at the rate of ftftO in the present Fiscal year as compared with 2ftft in the last.
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    • 35 4 London, October 3. Geneva The withdrawal of the Chinese from the Chamber laHt night has caused much comment through it is not believed that it implies China’s withdvuwal from the League.
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    • 30 4 London, October 3. The House of Lords read thij Irish Bill n first* lime rind then adjourned until October 7. The House of Commons lias adjourned until October 8.
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    • 346 4 IKEITEK TELKURAM.J London, October Enquiries at the Labour party headquarters to-day show tiiat while preparations arc very active on the assumption of the imminence of an election, opinion is divided as reguids the moire of i.-sue. Mr. MacDonald
      IKEITEK TELKURAM.J  -  346 words
    • 113 4 London, October 4. Lou ter learns from an Egyptian source in reference to the conclusion of the Amrki-Lgyptmn conversations in London, t.'.at Jlr. MacDonald yesterday informed Pasha that it was impossible to withdraw British troops from Egypt because they were needed for the protection t' lo
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    • 95 4 London, October 4. The prize winners at the Lympne trials wore as follows Air Ministry’s £2,000 Beardmore monoplane piloted by Piercev. Air Ministry’s £l,OOO Bristol Brownie monoplane piloted by Uwins. Duke of Sutherland’s £5OO for taking off and pulling 1, Bristol Brownie piloted by Uwins; 2, £100:
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    • 28 4 London, October 5. Constantinople; The Dutch airmen Kuo ni.u y»*t arrived* having encountered fog after leaving Solia, and being compelled to land at. Philippopolis.
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    • 28 4 London, October ft. >'<•>•<!•■■t of vuicido w.n v»ttimed nl <• jiuiurat on Mr. J. y. Howett, th« ii-lmi Biiam'M, who wus found hanged at ms London residence.
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    • 195 4 London, October 4. NYw V' v!: In :t speech at Madison Squaii! garden, Mr. l>avts evoked enthusiasm* cheers when he declared, I vu N«r disarmament and if 1 become Prcident of United States and a Disarmament Conference meets America will be
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    • 57 4 London, October 6. Mukden C’hang Tso Lin's headquarters state that part of the third brigade out otT the retreat of the Chihl. troops at Ghapeng, south-west of Ling yuan, capturing one fully equipped mixed brigade. They alsM report that Manchurian troops scattered and pursued the thirteenth and ninth
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    • 69 4 (Ilavas.) Paris, October 5. Geneva Interviewed, M. Briand said fhat Germany must enter the League of Nations, but by common consent after inspiring herself with the principles of etiualiiy prevailing at Geneva. M. Briand hopes strongly that the United States will enter the League inter on
      (Ilavas.)  -  69 words
    • 60 4 London, October 3. St. John’s, Newfoundland At the conclusion of the magisterial enquiry into the criminal charges against the exP rentier, Sir Richuid Squires, the magistrate announced that there was sufficient prima facie evidence to justify him in committing Sir Richard Squires for trial .n the Supreme Court.
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    • 53 4 London, October 4. Berlin A general meeting of the heichsbank lias adopted the new bank law already adopted by the Reichstag under the Dawes scheme. London, October 5. r> r n ®ir Charles Addis will be the British representative on the general council of the Heichsbank under the
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    • 44 4 London, October 5. Helsingfors A group comprising the uii.iiH ,p.ti authorities ot Finnish towns ohs concluded arrangements with the Na iunai City Company to float a 30 years '•even million dollars loan, bearing inter* e.-t at six and a half per cent.
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    • 26 4 London, OctoVer 5. Moscow i Five aeroplanes, s-old to the Afghan Government, have flown from rermeza to Kabul, over the trackless mndukush mountains.
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    • 26 4 (Havas.) London, October 5. Marseille:? The Siamese Minister ir Paris will receive H.R.H. Prince Chanda VU* 1 who is expected on Wednesday (Havas.) J
      (Havas.)  -  26 words
    • 155 4 Spread of Fascism. Dic ta Enunciated by Signor Mussolini. l-ondon, O lt ,A w Milan A trove, mnent iSCtl imsihKrities which is continuo*.• than a government of iubject lo interruption.” v tl c!> a comes powerful unless it ii These were two dicta enunciated Mussolini in a speech to the
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    • 54 4 London, October !k Washingtoni Dedicating a monun** m honour of American soldiers wh# perished in the Great War. Mr. CoolS reiterated his opinion that AmericS whim favouring a World Uuit and world disarmament, were not wi’LiJ to have any Power or combination u* Powers decide for them how
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    • 68 4 London, October 4. Sir James Craig was ovated un his return to Lelfast from London. In a speech to a crowd he said they were confronted with a fresh crisis. He had only one remark to make, pointing to a Union Juk carried by the demonstrators, “that
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    • 50 4 London, October 4 Lisbon Many prominent officials bade farewell at the station to Sir Robert H* Tung, including the Secretary for tbt Colonies, the Minister to Peking, the aGovernor of Macao, a number of senators, deputies, representatives, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Chines# Minister.
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    • 64 4 London, October 1 Now York A British steamer has been towed into the harbour with a crew of 28 men and two women under an armed guard. It is alloyed that she has a car?« of liquor w&rth half a million dollars. Prohibition officials claim in connection with
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    • 56 4 London, October 5. Stockholm The final results of the elections to the Second Chamber scow only slight changes? compared with tbt old Chamber. The Socialists have ’PT creased by five to 104, and the party and the Peasants’ Union renter smaller increases, while the l iberal Prohibitionists lost
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    • 34 4 London, October Paris In a speech at Niort d’Albiez announced that a national will shortly be issued with a vu w procuring Fr. 200,000,000 a speed up reconstruction of devas regions.
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    • 41 4 London, October 5. Port Sudan The fall of the Hashing* Government and the abdication 1 Hussein has eased the situation r m gotiations with the enemy are f shortly. The throne was offered to Ali, who, however, declined.
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    • 28 4 London, October It is scnii-ofllcially stated that. k Bokharan Ambassador has prosennote to M. Chicherin requesting v j t>t ham’s inclusion in the Union 01 Republics,
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    • 112 5 [REUTER telegram.] London, October 6. it is significant that Mr. Patrick HastJ vciio" is not a member of the Cabif‘\ it ended the Cabinet meeting this ti*i noon which considered the Govern- t s course in the vital
      [REUTER telegram.]  -  112 words
    • 151 5 London, October 0. Air. MacPoiiuld, interviewed by Mr. ickiiani Steed, of the Review of Ke,,,AS v f. vring to the Liberal amenddwelt on the unfairness of asking e tK.venum.nt to submit its case in vai'.co to a select committee on which political opponents would hold r* aiority.
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    • 153 5 London, October 0. Mr. Uoyd George addressed an enthu- audience of 10,000 people a 4 ficesler. He accused Mr. MacDonald of wise of his prerogative in putting the untry to the expense and inconvcnticc of an election instead of consent* jr to an enquiry in
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    • 65 5 a London, October 6. MrFiynn*: The Minister for Defence r. Bit v'len, speaking in the Common 1 Uorso of Representatives, seated 1 tne light cruiser Concord would the Australian warship to \ustralia under the exchange )!m aim become a unit of the AustraEn !u 1 1 for
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    • 63 5 London, October 0>. IX h’ranco has sent a note to Ger* y 'ng that she does not object in 1 to Germany’s admission to tlr i ,r 01 Nations or even to the Council. iV U submission to nil the yvp' 1 .exception laid down in
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    • 62 5 f London, October 0. v ir ‘Lal telegram announces <i soin s eldest son, Emir Ali, lias it th, r r 'Krone of the Hedjaz, but Tv- T a, .'Phate. is* tv, V^a 1 na Uonnl committee states r i. 1 i' VRS °'Lcred the
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    • 174 5 London, October 6. i K correspondent states Uiat Bolshevik clamour with regard to u.leged Bi.tish and American intervention m China has now taken a new turn. Tin Bolshevists now denounce the subtle policy of imperialists” who, they allege are covertly largely assisting Wu
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    • 133 5 London, October G. Cape Town The Cape Times, commenting on Japanese amendments to the disarmament protocol, refers to the observation of a Geneva correspondent •.hat whereas the principal preoccupation of the Dominions was to preserve the •overeignty of their jurisdiction the chief preoccupation of the British delegates was
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    • 152 5 London, October 7. Lloyd Register of shipbuilding returns or the quarter ended September 30 how 1,405,UU0 tons constructing in Great Jrilain and Ireland, a decrease of 48,000 compared with June 30. but an increase •f 107,000 compared with a year ago. The tonnage commenced during the punter was 252,000,
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    • 43 5 London, October 7. Simla While the Hoods on the Jumna ire subsiding the Ganges has leached c •ccoid height. The Hood has caused mormons devastation in the river districts. The train service between Cawn f ore and Lucknow is stopped.
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    • 33 5 London, October 6. Havana Seven people were killed and 5d wounded in a collision at Camaguey between police and ex-President Menocol’s followers during the election campaign. Troops restored order.
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    • 34 5 London, October 7. Teheran According to the press, the Government have granted the of Mr. Imbrie, the murdered American Consul, SfiO.OOO compensation. A soldier involved in the murder has been executed.
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    • 25 5 (Havas.) Paris, October 0. The condition of M. Anatole France, th* great French w’riter, is extremely serious. He is slowly sinking. (Havas.)
      (Havas.)  -  25 words
    • 856 5 I REUTER TELEGRAM.] London. October 7. The Lab ur Party conference has opened at the Queen’s Hall, London, unusual .tillicm taken m the proceedings iii anticipation of a pronouncement by Mr. MacDonald on the Government crisis. The conference was
      I REUTER TELEGRAM.]  -  856 words
    • 234 5 London, October 7. Sir Janies Craig, opening the North Irish Parliament, said the present British deveinmem. brought in a new treaty against the wishes of Ulster. If this was to continue there would be no safety for Ulster in the future. If the Boundary Commission was persisted in
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    • 176 5 London, October 7. Moscow Aceording to a semi-otRcia) version of the treaty between the Soviets and 44 the autonomous three eastern provinces of China,” the main points include reduction of the period for return of the railway to China, and complete revision of the original Chinese Eastern
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    • 46 5 Lnodon, October 7. Melbourne The steamer Belfast Mani is leaving for Europe on the 9th inst. •vith 1,800 tons of cargo, including a thousand l>alcs of wool. She is the first vessel of the new Japnnese shipping combine to enter the Australian-Euro-peun trade.
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    • 41 5 London. October 7. The Federation of Master Cottonspinners at. a meeting nt Manchester decided to continue to run American cotton mills 56*4 hours a week. Pressure will be put on a few firms which are exceeding thean hours.
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    • 247 6 Ixmdon, October 7. Zaglul Pasha proceeded to Paris* tlrs morning on route ti*r Egypt. Zugiul, whoso fact* vs as wreathed in smiles, interviewed by lit liter, said lie h:vl nothing to say but thanks, lie would not say good-bye,
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    • 126 6 (Havas.) Paris, October 7. The special committee charged with the study of the question of a resumption of Franco-Russian relations yesterday held its lirst session. Le Matin understands that the committee will leronuncnd the recognition of the Soviet tie jure, without previously making conditions contenting economical and
      (Havas.)  -  126 words
    • 81 6 (Havas.) Paris, October 7. Marseilles i The Prince of Chantabun. brothnr of the King of Siam, arrived and was received by the Siamese Minister and member® of the Siamese Legation. The Prince intends to study economic questions and the sit* atom created in Europe by the decisions of
      (Havas.)  -  81 words
    • 38 6 London, October 7. Berlin Negotiations between the party leaders for the reconstruction of the Government on a wider basis having come to a deadlock. The press is discussing the probability of early dissolution of tho Reichstag.
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    • 88 6 London, October 8. Washington Professor Timothy Smiddy has presented his credentials as Irish Free State Minister to the United States. London, October 8. Now York Cotton market prices broke 1?0 in 180 points from the day’s highest on heavy selling following the renort on crorr condition, hut the market
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    • 1554 6 [BEUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, October 8. The Liberal amendment asking for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the withdrawal of the Workers’ iVeckly prosecution was carried bv dOl to
      [BEUTEB TELEGRAM.]  -  1,554 words
    • 108 6 Palis, October 8. French bankers yesterday ronrithni subscriptions to th** German Dan pn>. •'idoil in the Dawes plan. They an caving f«r London. According to the papers the KrenA share of the loan will be 1*3,000.001. Matin says that one of the questions to be discussed in London
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    • 99 6 London, October S At the Labour conference Mr. (', editor i*f tli** inkers’ Weekly, attawl the labour (ioverninent in connection with military expenditure. He alleged th- is-* of troops in industrial disputes and asserted that the Government continued Mr. Baldwin’s army policy. Mr. l.Tyncs replied denouncing the n»rloUs
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    • 70 6 London, October 8. Mukden Replying to the foreign lotions’ protest, Chang Lin dr 1 1 that his forces must attack Peking it is the enemy’s headquarters, n says the only way to ensure the s ‘»w of the capital is to remove headquar.cfrom it. London, October
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    • 64 6 London, October The House of Lords passed th*' reading of the Irish Biil WJt 1 l t 0 ft tory amendment that the H (U t e lote of the opinions expressed (j gtJ British signatories of the lro 1 hnt r-tHdo 12 contemplate'! more than a readjustment
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    • 40 6 Lun.lon, October^ Alhh.ihnd Riotine Sun •nl Mahomedans, arising 1 c( .rtai r that Mahomedans had bea a nd Hindus, resulted in three >oin h in tr-"!’* 20 injured. British In ui were called out. The city 1S
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    • 30 6 London. October^ Rome: The Pnris-Romc uxe, carrying 00 passongms. q d near Genoa and the engi j vr?•’”?« were overtu' *r ”ix peuple were ki<le< ,l jured.
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    • 154 7 Geneva Conference. Suppl ementar y Re po rts to Be Published. London, October 8. ivplving to Mr. Pownall as to the com-mitViK-nts regarding the use of the navy v British delegates at Geneva, Mr. MacDonald said he proposed immediately to hv on the table a paper comprising the Edition to
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    • 62 7 London, October 9. The Council of the Rubber Growers’ Association adopted the report of the committee, including representatives of local producers in Ceylon and Malaya, ixpressing the opinion that there is no insuperable obstacle in the way of cooperative selling, but the present is an inopportune time to launch
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    • 58 7 London, October 8. It is reported from Riga that M. Karakhan sent a message to Moscow relative to the agreement with Chang Tso Lin raying that Russia was now master of the situation and had delivered the imperialist powers a crushing blow which destroyed their last chance
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    • 53 7 London, October 8. Moscow M. Svidersky, commissar of agriculture, states that the bad harvest affected about 7,000,000 people in twelve provinces. The Government expended 70,000.000 roubles in aid of famine sufferers. M. Kalinin announced that the Government proposed to allocate 16,000,000 roubles for the reconstruction of Leningrad
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    • 60 7 London, October 8. New York Manned by a crew of 40, the airship Shenandoah left New Jersey fii a 7.000 mile flight to the Pacific coast and back, carrying live days’ fuel and food. This is the longest journey ever attempted by an airship in America. Th<
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    • 62 7 London, October 8. In the House of Commons, questioned as to whether the Government were inclined that arms and munitions had been exported from Britain to China during the three years to consignees other than 'he Chinese Government, Mr. Ponsonby '’plied in the negative, pointing out
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    • 70 7 London, October 8. In the House of Commons, replying to bei'l Apsk-y, Mr. MacDonald said the 'nice Soviet republics Georgia? AzerbaiJ ui and Armenia were members of the "ion of Socialist and Soviet republics ami recognition of this fact was implied 1,1 Majesty’s Government’s do jure of the
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    • 48 7 London, October 8. Copenhagen In the lower house the nil.!. 7’ Defence submitted a disar- tent bill abolishing the army and f‘ xc, -Pt for frontier guards and lefence ships, dismantling all ncations and transforming military i n Ma a factories into state and civil
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  • 109 7 I 1 he Straits Times is not responsible foi -lie opinions of its correspondents. Correpon dents should bear in mind that letter* ».u«t be short and to the point. Lone Mnbliug epistles are liable to he rejecud or uthlessly cut d.wn. Correspondents m»*. ncloso their names, not necessarily foi
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  • 677 7 lo the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The communique issued by the Committee of the Singapore Turf Club defending their attitude in the controversy regarding payment of freights on race-horses does not improve their case one whit. They advance three grounds for their refusal to pay the freights,
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  • 369 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, The information of A Resident with regard to the leper asylum in Man la lay Road proves to he a fact. Leprosy s well-known to be an infectious disease, and some sources of infection are believeu to be the bite
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  • 220 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is a pity that the small dispute between the Singapore Turf Club and th 1 F.M.S. horse-owners has not been settled. Both sides are out for sport and ought to show sporting spirit in the discus i >n and
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  • 72 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. S r, —To settle an argument, will yoi please tell us whether or not England i 1 bound, by alliance or pact, to help Japan in the event of' her going to war with America Yours, etc., V.” Singapore, October
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  • 135 7 To the Editor of the Straits Tunes. Sir, —For several months past Scotts Road has been in the hands of the Municipal Read Department and the result i; a first class road with a beautiful but untarred surface. The time having th. refute arrived v.h n according to
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  • 675 7 J'lit* coal concession of Goeuoeng Batu ilwar gave rise to still further litigation .11 tru> Supreme Court on Saturday, oefore Mr. .Justice Acton, when an application vvas made for a retrial of th** action in which the Eastern Mining and Rubber Company
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  • 88 7 Tun nelling Conipanies. We have had u communication for Mr. R. S. G. Stokes (late Colonel R.E.), of K' Bines Consolidated Mines, Kimberley, South Africa, drawing attention lo i movement afoot for a compilation of t world register of tunnellers employed i the Great War and expressing the uipe that
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  • 119 10 Everybody’s vocabulary in English and Tamil, by Mr. R. D. T. L. Henderson, f Kuala Lumpur, is published bv dessrs. Huxley, Palmer and Co., at the nice of $2.50 ($2 to those who ordered he work at its originally advertised nice). In an introduction the author ‘oints
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  • 570 10 A legal point of interest to local banks up in the {Supreme Couit ca no i rue* .Instice (Sir Walter Shaw gave judgment in the ac.jujj in wiiicli the C. an<l O. Hanking (<»t {Mt-nfrun sued Tan Uiye Khuay and
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  • 69 10 The motor-ship Silverelm which arrived at Singapore on Saturday inaugurated a now service between the Straits and New York which has been opened by the rtoosevelt Steamship Company; The service will be a monthly one .I'cot to Baltimore and New York via
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  • 134 10 The Municipal Health statement for the week ending September 27 gives the total number of deaths as 220, representing a death rate of 29.73 per mille per annum compared with 27.84 in the pie cdimr week and with 2G.59 in the corresponding week of last year. The
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  • 186 10 FLIGHT TO JAVA. Serious Damage to Dutch Machine. The Airmen Held U p (Ancta’s Service.) Wcltevredc. Ocwbe, Telegrams from the ir-™,, 4 that there is great as nothing i» known of the J? of the Dutch flyer van fhr l ne foreign Minister, Hecr v »P'lbeek has telegraphed t«, th
    (Ancta’s Service.)  -  186 words
  • 259 10 The interesting Chinese plays sta«f4 by the members of the Hoi Ttw Amateur Dramatic Association in uii cf the Fukien and Kwangtung Flood Keitf Fund at the Poh Cheung Choon Theatre drew crowd* d audiences at each cf the three performances. Amongst th* a:d> ences were Mr. Tan
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  • 122 10 The report of Tan Tock Hospital for the year 1923 shows that average daily number of patients ,Ul the first half and second half <3 the y was 673*33 and 672*50, respectively, against 657*44 and 720.97 for the c spending periods during the P ,c year.
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  • 69 10 It is stated that a Japanese '•vili shortly commence salvage °P e f vviih a view to recovering the an j k he Sarie Borneo, which cal Vindj fr with great loss of life of 0 f tb* r.assin some time ago. j to •argo consisted of
    69 words

  • 464 11 <rrom Our Own Correspondent.) Pen any, October (hsinir to heavy rain the King of uin was unable to come down from Bel Kotiro to attend the at home given }lV t he Iiesident Councillor and Mrs lodrington in his honour. There was
    464 words
  • 332 11 Shortly before noon, on Wednesday a fire t i !,c out at the Elkaycs Match Factory olT Balcrtier Hoad, on the border of the Scran oon River. When three engines of bit* l ire Brigade, with a trailer pump, arrived at the
    332 words
  • 372 11 An action was commenced in th° u,t oil Thursday, „afo. e m, a f H Ustlce (Slr Walter Shaw), in c:l llu intuit sens of Sumapah Hasathrough their father, asked 4-01 a declaration that un indenture of .ease was void. i
    372 words
  • 413 11 On Wednesday afternoon the case was continued before Mr. Pryde, District Judge n which six Sikhs, Bagga, Kishen, Penan, Jang. Bhong and Sardara Singh, ire charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurl during the early morning •t September 20 last
    413 words
  • 380 11 The ca-e was taken up on Tuesday before Mr. W. J. K. Stark, the Kuala Lumpur police magistrate, reports the Malay Mail, in which the Registrar of Companies charged Messrs. Caldbeck, Mactircgor and Co., as agents for the General Accident Fire and Life
    380 words
  • 167 11 A breakdown in health while engaged as a civil servant in the Malay States was revealed at the inquest at Christchurch on Joseph Alfred Barrett (28), of Glentworth Road, Clifton Woods] Bristol, whose decapitated body was foun/i on the railway. His
    167 words
  • 191 11 The following appointments are notified in the current issue of the F.M.S Government Gazette Mr. C. J. Henbrey to be a Deputy Conservator of Forests 3.5. and F.M.S., Mr. W. C. S. Corry seconded for service in the State of Johnre, Mr. R. Morgan seconded for ser vice
    191 words
  • 370 11 After staying nearly a year in Siam and tiie K.M.S., Mr. Ebbe Kornerup, the well-known Danish author, explorer, painter and journalist, who has travelled in nearly every country of the world, kft Singapore yesterday by the Au.'itialien, of the Hast Asiatic Co., for
    370 words
  • 203 11 Reviewing the world cruise special squadron ending on September 28, when the ships return to home ports, th-» Times navnl correspondent says that th« voyage has been, in every way, a magnificent success and Admiral Field and RearAdmiral Brand and
    203 words
  • 220 11 As is always the case at these affairs, the Victoria Theatre was packed to tbo lours for lh.* Children’s Concert given on Saturday afternoon, and many who caron •vere unable to gain admittance. Th« ontribelions of the Singapore Rhilliai-* Orchestra were the chief items of the programme, and
    220 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 954 12 ed over as well a* they can be.—Strait* Times, October 3. Wo have three delegates to the League of Nat ion conference, where* they will have as much weight as if they painted themselves black, w.>re rush petticoats rattled their sharks* teeth bracelets and roared that
      ed over as well a* they can be.—Strait* Times, October 3.  -  954 words
    • 1088 12 i> r .—Strait* Times, October 4. It was nearly ten months ago that the Conservative Party, which had appealed to tlie nation to support the Protectionist tariff, was thrown out of office by a majority of seventy-two votes. The advent of the first Labour Government followed with the
      . i>r. .—Strait* Times, October 4.  -  1,088 words
    • 1017 12 THE GOVERNOR ’S ADDRESS. —Straits Times, October 6. Elsewhere in this irsue we publish th t full text of the annual address tlolivtrH by His Excellency the Governor to thLegislative Council, this morning. flu review will hcaitcn all in the Colony, eli there outside v. ho have dealings with us
      •—Straits Times, October 6.  -  1,017 words
    • 969 13 'tinUs Timer. October 7. It is pleasant to note the quite optim1 tic tone of Mr. Baddelcy in introducing Slrait3 Settlements budget for 11)25. i* become so used to an atmosi Kr c 0 f gloom j n connection with and conditions generally that a Pccch which
      'tinUs Timer. October 7.  -  969 words
    • 1066 13 Straits Times, October S. We are given to understand that, nt the present time, the chief of the traffic hpHitimut i.' promoting an intensive •umpaign against the use of glaring headight** by some ef the motor car owners in Singapore well as an equally ktcrmir.ed cffoit to
      Straits Times, October S.  -  1,066 words
    • 1054 13 brains ami labour.—Straits Times, October y. Commonsense points towards there be considerable truth in the story of the Financial Times that American manufacturers are anxious to wreck the Stevenson scheme so that the cultivators of rubber will be rushed into their arms. The rubber industry in the
      brains ami labour.—Straits Times, October y.  -  1,054 words

  • 476 14 inferring to the death of the Sultan of Brunei, which occurred on September ID, the Sarawak Gazette says His High-! mss had been ailing for a lew’ days, and nad only recently lost one of his wives and a chili, at which he was very grieved.;
    476 words
  • 1226 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, October 2. In the Beamish Cup soccer match at Kubu Flail*, yesterday afternoon, the United Chinese Association won the toss and played down the fi.ld from Malacca. .Malacca kicked oif ant! immediately asRuined the offensive. Ilinie and 1 ishei nut playing, but Mairtcca’s
    1,226 words
  • 185 14 The following is taken from the nutmr rami uni of information and statistics accompanying the Governor's address to the Legislative Council on the introductionrf the budget last Monday The Currency Commissioners hate ce.'sed to re-issue old notes ami all notes which
    185 words
  • 182 14 At St. Andrew's Cathedra! on day last a quiet but very P n n. ding, was solemnised, by ifj hton. Parsons, between Mr. A. N* voungor son of Mr. C. K r en t, the late Mrs. Rushton, of Ajhfer<, ind Miss Olive Smith, of *Hj Western Australia.
    182 words

  • 1000 15 I t«<rn Mining and Rubber CoinI lM Mrs, II. ItuHwil. Messrs. ITT Kussill, K. C. Russell, 11. J. P. J‘>»r 1 shareholders in Malayan Collier! have requisitioned mi extraor■V 0> (Vrcral meeting, of the company, te has'ben tix.-d for O-.-toher 18. to uilll
    1,000 words
  • 54 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 7. Mr. Joaquim, counsel for the appellant, m the i eck-Russell cast*, made an application yesterday in chambers, before Mr. Justice Farrer Manby, to have the appeal postponed until the first appeal court of lJJo. His Lordship postponed the hearin» of
    54 words
  • 358 15 Rahman Hydraulic Tin.—POO pels. Kanumtmg Tin Dredging.—Output (three dredges) 1,810 pels., hours run ),P0!J yardage 259,500 cubic yards. Kstimated realised value of ore $125,000. Mcnglembu Lode.—Tli pels. Rat rut Basin Tin Dredging.—September output C01 pels., 002 horns worked, do,000 cubic yards treated. Malayan Tin Dredging.—Output 1,300 pels, yardage
    358 words
  • 110 15 An interesting afternoon was spent at St. Andrew’s School on Friday, when nmny parents and friends gathered to inspect an exhibition of school work, :nd hear an attractive programme nresented by the pupils. The drawings, pastel work, clay modelling, and paper designs were numerous and reached
    110 words
  • 992 15 The following report is supplied by the seen tut its The loin til annual general meeting of Nawng Bet Tin, Ltd., was hud at the registered office of the company, 4, Swetteuhuin Road, Taiping, on Tuesday, September 30, Mr. A. J.
    992 words
  • 490 15 TL> annual inspection of the Singapore Volunteer Corps hy Ihe General Officer Commanding, Malaya, Major-General Sir T. Fraser, took place on Sunday in the form of a tactical scheme worked out over tho country lying between the Gap and the Holland
    490 words
  • 198 15 A case in which a Chinese, named Ang Seng Ileng, waa charged with importing more than $25 worth of silver coins into the Colony, viz. 68 Chinese dollars, 16 Japanese and three Mexicans, was brought to a conclusion hefme Mr. Ibydo on Friday. The accused
    198 words

  • 1232 16 Describing the pin inti ft' ns a worthless and perjured individual, and a shameless and unrepentant thief/* Mr. Justice Burrett-Lonnaid gave judgment in till Sup; erne Court on Saturday morning in the actior\ in which an Indian merchant, named K. M.
    1,232 words
  • 229 16 A case which is fraught with interest to Chinese matrimonial circles, in which' a Chinese lady, Son Voon Stn, is i suing her husband Mr. Ang Kiong HeeJ fur maintenance, was fixed for hearing otfore Mr. I*iyde on Friday, but when the
    229 words
  • 84 16 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, October 7. ?°"K» U watchman was shot at ami wounded Ihy a detective yesterday. Jt appears that the watchman went to a owkay s house and tried to force admittance, alleging that the towkay owed him money. A policeman and a detective,
    84 words
  • 879 16 iMi ious story of rath speculation v>Uo .(id ,i\ tiie Lanxiuptcy Court on Friday, i)ou*ic the thief Justico (Sir Waite* Shaw), when a Singapore lady named Misw .u* .»>u:.a applied ior her di->olia»go l'rom uankruptcy. Mv. 11. C. Looke-Y aiboiougn appeared lor the
    879 words
  • 336 16 THONG EK STEAMSHIP CO New Steamer for Singapore. Pontianak Trade. The sea trials of tiie Khoen Hum carnal out in the birth of 'lav cm wli' her :>. This vessel has been .w 1 in the firm's Caledon Shipyard Thome Ck Steamship iVmL Borneo The Vessel ‘has uesictned for traninif
    336 words
  • 423 16 Tin* following passengers lire duj rr«»r. Europe by the Suwu Maru un Monday next dosHi:.. i*. Ashiyu, F. J. Bryunt, Mrs. F. L oessoll, K. Bossharri. Mr. smd Mis. Botellio, Father A. Backer, Miss M. S Ilotolh', vV. J. Carroll, ('apt. and Mrs. V*'. I’. Mr. und
    423 words

  • 495 17 The Exnort* °Th*°foifwi!lS P 'n* 1 f nd u ,0r the momh ended August 30, 1021, i„ issued by th<Registrar of Imports and Lxpoits. lh„ following points should be noted 8 Only articles imported into or exported out of
    495 words
  • 257 17 CONTRACTOR’S CLAIM. A M. Alsagoff Sued in Supreme Court. fhc Ch ‘t‘f Justice (Sir Walter Shaw) occupied in the Supreme Court on u< "hh an action in which a conrac, or named P. Govindasamy sued M Alsa K<>ff for $1,200, being the alleged to be due under an hu.,.. 1
    257 words
  • 114 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 2. A record rainfall for any 24 hours was I registered to-day at Fort Cornwallis, the i total being nearly UV 2 inches. It is still raining hard and low-lying districts are inundated arid in some places the water is knee
    114 words
  • 255 17 The cuirent issue of the Government Gazette contains the following circular despatch dated August 1G, l'J24, from the Sccietary of State for the Colonies addressed to the Officer Administering the Government of the Straits Settlements Sir,—In his Circular despatch of the 17tli of
    255 words
  • 427 17 Rambling* of u Rolling Stone, by Gerald Philip Stevens. T. Fisher IJnwin, Ltd., 1, Adelphi Terrace, London. 12s. Gd, net. Singapoie and Maluya residents will be interested in this book of reminiscence*, for the lolling stone is Mr. Gerald I*. Stevens, a barrister
    427 words
  • 90 17 TIm* petition of tin* Chinese banketv.os tin* I’.aniiue Indust rielle de Chine, which was tik'il in July, 1!)21, was ilis I,i' iS"il by consent by the Chief Justice 'Sir Walter Shaw) on Monday morning, nd the scheme of settlement approved t a meeting of the creditors on
    90 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1849 18 (Ant*la’s Service.) Wcltevreden, October 3. The match between the Bengali football team and a Batavia combination resulted in goalless draw. The first team of the Anglo Chin ;se School met an Old Boy’s team in a match on the 2nd inst., on the Oldham
      (Ant*la’s Service.)  -  1,849 words
    • 464 18 [Reuter Telegram.] Aston Villa beat Notts Forest. [Reuter Telegram.] London, October 2. In a tirst division match to-day Aston Villa beat Notts Forest 2—0 on the latter’s ground. London, September 24. The results of football matches played in the league on September 24 were Third Division. (Southern Section).—
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  464 words
    • 277 18 Colony v. F.M.S. Annual M aUh The Malayan Lawn Tenirs A has prepared the following r J7. Ulw for the annual match, i0 r J. pj which it is to be responsible for says the Malay Mail. The match will be played in or February of each year.*
      277 words
    • 329 18 Sussex Regiment Defeat Selangor Club. The Selangor Club hockey team met a side representing the Royal Sussex Regiment on the padang. Kuala Lumpur or Saturday, says the Malay Mail. It was a keen game, characterized at times by pretty combination, but the defences of both teams held the balance
      329 words
    • 23 18 [Reuter Telegram.] iKcuter London. Oct^ 1 Nc Washington At basebal York Nationals defeated Americans in the first of for the world championship
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  23 words
    • 983 19 [Reuter Telegram.] Defeat The Services. ■r c opened their list of rugby J -Vn’Saturday, when they met the vhu padang, ami won by three t rd a try (18 points) to nil. he bei vices are a much stronger side 1 were last season, thanks to the waters uf
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  983 words
    • 533 19 Sunday's Sweepstake Race. Tb* programme for the week-end’* racing had to be altered at. trio eleventh hour, as, ow*ng to the mobilisation of thi Volunteers, it was felt that some boats would be minus crew.--, so instead of com peting for the Rajn di Hilir of Perak’? trophy, the
      533 words
    • 68 19 [Reuter Telegram.1 London, October 4. Colombo The M.C.C. team en route to Australia defeated Ceylon in a one-day match by L r > runs on the first innings. The M.C.C. were out for Til, Gresswd! taking eight for .‘IS, and Ceylon replied with 68, R. Tyldesley
      [Reuter Telegram.1  -  68 words
    • 713 19 S.T.C. Wire fo Other Clubs. In connection with the dispute which .an arisen between the Singapore Turf lub Committee ami ceitain up-country .wn**is, on the question of payment of freight on racehorses attending race ueetyigs at Singapore, the Committee •x th Singapore Turf Club further eonddered tins matter at
      713 words
    • 295 19 Grady Wins a Championship. A large crowd witnessed some interesting boxing at the Happy Valley on Friday, The title event between Battling Key and Eddie Grady rather suffered in comparison with the other ten rounders, Taih» v. Cowboy Reyes and Boy Wallcy v. A1 Trono, the last of which
      295 words
    • 124 19 kt‘ppi‘1 Annual Meeting. The annual general meeting of tho Keppol lio;f Ciub was held on Tuesday, when the accounts for the* year ended lur.e were approved und adopted. T h“ following »Dice bearers were elected for the ensuing year President, Mr. G. \V. A. Trimmer vice-president, Mr. F. Niblock
      124 words
    • 265 19 King of Siam Attends Gymkhana. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 5. The Polo Club Gymkhana proved a very successful function. Though dull, the weather was cool and fin* and there was a large att<ndance, including the King of Siam, who was received by the Resident Councillor
      265 words
    • 56 19 London, September 28. San Sebastian.—The race for tho Grand Prix resulted as follows :—Seagrave (Sunbeam) first. Constantine Mhigutti) second. Morel (Deluge) third. Time 6 hours 78 seconds. During the race one of the two comnoting Sunbeams fell into a ravine. Tho driver, Lee Guineas, was seriously
      56 words

  • 890 20 1 From Our Own Correspondent). Weltevreden, October 3. The party of Japanese members of Parliament who were to visit the .\clheilands Indies bus arrived here, and n*,mbers altogether nine persons. *no visitors were the guests ol the h»eai Japanese Association ut a dinner at rii Concordia
    890 words
  • 209 20 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Wednesday:—A Sikh police constable named Bishan Singh was to-day charged in the Kuala Lumpur police court before Mr. Stark with possession of gnnja. I he accused at first pleaded guilty, but laict claimed to be tried. Mr. H. Lloyd, O.C P.D.
    209 words
  • 520 20 A Chinese teochew named Low See Kin was arrested on Wednesday evening at a hut in Kaliang Road in possession oi a Colt revolver which, it is alleged, he had stolen from a godown at Taujong Rugar. He was charged yesterday nefore Mr. Pryde with theft
    520 words
  • 203 20 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, October 8. cal's 0 celebre, involving a land •i.ncessiou of over 22,000 acres in Lowvi ihu.k to a Danish planter of that district, named C. M. Naested, is proceedii..r a t the I’erak Supreme Court, in which the
    203 words
  • 45 20 (From Our Own Correspondent). Wchevroden, October 3. Winsser, ex-manager of Djaboeng Instate, at Malang, broke into the house of the family of Sanders and murdered the seventeen-year old daughter, and then commit led suicide. The apparent motive for the crime is jealousy.
    45 words
  • 42 20 NAGALINGAM. -On October 8, 1924, ut 75 Hill Street, Singapore, to Dr. and Mr*. S Nagalinguni, a daughter. I‘H 1LSON.—On October 6, 1924, at the European Hospital, Batu Gajah, to Mr. anu Mrs. T. M. Plhlson, of Troiuk, u son. Stillborn.
    42 words
  • 180 20 APLIN —MACKAY.- On S?ptember 1, 1924, at St. .Martin's, Trafalgar-square, Hugh Douglas Alpin, Sarawak Civil Service, to Maude Muckay, widow of C:ipt. Mackay, Skipton, Yorkshire. DEMl’Sii.1 -HARPER.—On October 4, 1924 ft St. Andrew 1 5 Cathedral, Mr. J. C. U Dempsey of U.L., Ltd., Singapore, to Victoria Louisa, daughter
    180 words
  • 204 20 Singapore, October 9 EXCHANGE. On I/)iidon, Bank 4 m/a o/i Demand 3/R Private 3 m. credits MU On New 4 York, Demand o/H Private 90 d/t> *1\ On France, Bank &4 On India, Bank T. T. '-do On Hongkong, Bank d/d nnm On Shanghai, Bank d/d pr,;m
    204 words
  • 465 20 Singapore, October 9. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers 1 1 Biitang Padang 0.59 0.61 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.35 1.40x4. i*l Ail Idris Hydraulic 25/- 2>/1 1 Johan Tin 0.18 0 52 LI i‘l Ram. Kamunting 47/- 48/ft to Kamunting Tin 42/9 43/9 I 1 Kinta
    465 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 91 20 NOTICE All c.'i.imunicnt ions for both the Straits Times and the Straits Kudget should be r.ihlr»\»sed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle* ia on Is. The post free price of the Straits Times to the I’nited Kingdom und foreign countries is $S-1 a year. The
      91 words
  • 176 20 DEATHS Cl! UA.~- On October 6, 1924, at R47, Serango. n Hoad, Chun Jin Swee of Teck Choon haw Mill. He leaves a widow, four sons, l.oon fing Boon Teck, K. T. Chua and noon halt, tv.o daughters and two grandchildren. -At Ayr, Scotland, on September 14, 1J-4, Henry Ormsby,
    176 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 53 1 iencral. Lubber Exports J pt ember Rubber Returns 1 L,<al Share Market 2 Rubber Smuggling Rubber Restriction Propaganda for Rubber .Malacca Planters Sole Crepe Making Uriiish Malaya l/ial Rubber Auctions London Rubber Storks 4 licet:Tins and Reports.— Nt vv Craigielea, Ltd. J lb unci Plantations Bukit Jelotonj? Rubber Rubber
      53 words
    • 221 1 The analysed returns of rubber exports for the first eleven months of the second ■*:*triction year are as follows, the figure* H»ing given in tons SECOND RESTRICTION YEAR. Net Malayan November 1923 1922 1923 1922 Total 17.643 21,641 Less Foreign 7,441 6,167 10,102 16.474 December Total 26.7*01 19,427
      221 words
    • 1139 1 The annual general meeting of New Craigieleu, iAd., was held at the registered offices of thu company, lioi'.gk<ng atinK t.iiac.Peib, on Tuesday. The lion. Mr. J. M. Sime presided and the ethers present were the Hon. Mr. J. \V. (’ampbell and Messrs.
      1,139 words
    • 271 1 A rubber estate of eight acres in the Feletar district was the subject of litigation which came to an unexpectedly sudden end in the Supreme (’ourt on Wednesday. The case was one in which a. Chinese lady named Ong Lay sued Koh
      271 words
    • 189 1 Ayer Kunintf. —31,000 lbs. Anglo-Johoie Consolidated.—19,168 lbs. Anglo-Sumatra.—<15,600 lbs. A ahan Hubber Instates Ltd.—50,000 lb* liah Lias.—90,500 lbs. Batfan Serai.—25,*>00 lbs. liatak Habit.—24,000 lbs. Bukit Palonpf.—14,293 lbs. Bruseh Tin and Hubber.—16,000 lbs. Bradwall.- -26,904 lbs. Bila (Sumatra). —27,000 lbs. Lrrtam Consolidated. —122,000 lbs. Hei tain Extended.—5,000 lbs.
      189 words
    • 924 2 The* annual general meeting of Brunei i’lantatioiis, Limited, was hclti at the registered offices of the company, 1* ranch Bank Build in rk, on Wednesday. Mr. VV. A. Suns was in the chair, the others present including Messrs, li. C. Cooke-\ arborough
      924 words
    • 1848 2 Weekly Repoits of Singapore Firms. Me ;srs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report dau-.i October 8, states Tin has had a small advance during the wi:*k and there has been fair activity in the share market. Sterling shares especially showing an increase in puces. Rubber has been very
      1,848 words
    • 320 2 (From Our Own ('orrespoiidt’nt.) r Kunia Lumpur. Octolier H. fhe five luunciies n«»\v in commission is whe Ltraits «>f Malacca for the purpose cf •'•costing rubber smuggler* hive been »lt)ing very good work recently. Tht* oth?day, seven big seizures were reported and
      320 words
    • 214 2 The Chief Secretary to the Government has granted partial owmP; cion from the provisions of the hxp^ r of Rubber (Restriction) Enactment all purposes of export of m a minute < rubber iroods as follows A. Shoe soles, clog straps, mats a™ tyres shall be deemed to have
      214 words
    • 1255 3 The following report is supplied by the ‘taries of the company 5t v fourteenth annual orilmaiy general I ,,g of the Bukit Jelotong Rubber |!V L lt s Ltd., was held at the company’s I-: 0 October 3 at noon, the
      1,255 words
    • 465 3 In furtherance of the work undertaken by the Propaganda Department of the Rubber Growers’ Association, the Counci, is making an appeal to all producers in areas outside the restriction legislation tc agree to a voluntary contribution on a basis similar to
      465 words
    • 1469 3 (Fron. Our Own Correspondent.) There was a large and representative meeting of the Malacca Planters' Association in the Malacca Club on Sunday the Hen. Mr. J. W. Campbell (chairman) piesiding. Arising out of the minutes of the previews meeting, the Chairman intimated
      1,469 words
    • 171 3 On September 20, at t h»* Research .uborn lory of the Rubber Growers’ Vssociation on Patnling Estate, Petaling. Clangor, a lecture oil the subject of o!e crepe rubber was delivered by Mr. il Pinching, A.R.C.Sc., Senior S«• i**n t.fic OITicer, and afterwards a demwn t ration of
      171 words
    • 286 4 The Registrar of Imports and Exports lias sent us the following C i 0inp \i lir m statement of the quantity and value of rulber exported from British Malaya September 1924. The figures, which are in tons,
      286 words
    • 698 4 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., reports Singapore, October 2. There has been a further substantial ri>o in values and, with trade buyers interested, the immediate outlook is distinctly 1 good. The local market has been firm and aotivc throughout the week, with buyers
      698 words
    • 102 4 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s cable, received rom their London office on Tuesday gives London rubber stocks 772 tons down foi l«n V S,o inK October 4, total now on i and 4o,241 tons. The October Planter has a leading .11 tick* on the anti-restriction campaign, the usual
      102 words
      • 365 4 Stock Par Exchange par p Stock Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company. tl Anglo-Malay 17/3 £1 Linggi tl Ayer Kuning 26(3 2/ London-Asiatic £1 Bakap Plantns 10/ 2/ Lubok £1 Banteng 21/3 £1 I.umut *'3 £1 Batu Caves 11/3 £1 Malacca (Old) ,J £1 Batu
        365 words
      • 729 4 Capital Issue n Paid Up Value Dividends Friser* I.pil 4 o, Company Co. Evatt. 4 pc. for year 29-2-24 ...\ilenby ($1) 1.02% 1.07% 1.02% 1.074 i 0 1 11,1 f °r y<?ar 30-9*23 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 r 13 P.e. year
        729 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 >T'4| £?*Si itiv’ r r r.'.r/ tl'fc, s ,v itir'tfr F?ae .TfC‘ v**' *V jS -*i» i iirV v* j- c> A 7 J {> .jv '1 r > 4 The pop natural r popularity of the Buick is tlie natural result of its achievements in trials and everyday use,
      201 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 r October 10, 1924 if-.'v THE STRAITS BUDOhl. am wi'ii a 1 TSr t Jf v < —< •V w~ i ASSagik :i .t.v-- t v’ •ft v .NMfl •*i£V .V* 1 r I* S* T^~>. •Ir- T *0 :'-V v v. ft/.*: •> T < V Vjk > f
      246 words