The Straits Budget, 3 October 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY] No. *177 Singapore, Friday, October 3, 1924 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 310 1 JCADFK*— Premier s«iit! Pasha 12 Turkey ami Iraq The Dyer Case 12-12 Hongkong's Opium 12 Chinese Students 12 Tm* Campbell Case 12-14 [,riu>ral. ami Personal 1-2 U'-ut- r Telegrams 2-7 Some Petition 7 Ziml»:»li>t Recital 7 l atal Motor Accident 7 Selangor CUil» 2 Singapore Mortality .Statistics. 8 Malacca
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  • 4013 1 tK. i• »r f° r the* funds Vn \t will bo hold in the Vicwi!.' i‘ rn,,r > *l Hall on November 0, and fr».m a 10rn tO to 1 p m. and v f.'i il is hop(>d that nrnv Cry tlu opportunity of purchasinff' *«hs
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    • 361 3 [REUTER TELEGRAM. J vasion by Armed Turkish Forces. Britain's Strong Protest. [REUTER TELEGRAM. J London, September 25. a riious situation has arisen in conn with the Anglo-Turkish dispute rcga rd to the sovereignty of the u l vilayet in Mesopotamia. This i3 T of the questions on
      [REUTER TELEGRAM. J  -  361 words
    • 135 3 London, September 23. Voik The Neptune Association i'i-t <>f American deck officers, has 1 >uh in the Federal District Court, hill will he heard on the 30th inst. to "t the constitutionality of the Anglo"K rican Liquor Treaty, and for an injunc["i to prevent the Cunard line bring-
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    • 72 3 London, September 23. 1 > 1 he Dutch Minister, on be- the foreign legations, submitted k 1". Foreign Office and Chang 11 a memorandum which W’hile dis* I', ll l!l > Juiy intention of intervening in ''liiities, protests at the possible M ‘‘ities and villages by
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    • 46 3 Paris, September 24. a < abiiu’t meeting the Minister of 12:, l f ,,n "unced that the budget foi "u d be completely balanced and i,q """prise all the permanent i, ,Lite. These would h* "loly by taxes and the normal f ‘l»t* budget, (llavas.)
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    • 135 3 London, September 25. Reuter learns authoritatively in London that the breakdown in the conversations with Berlin is not regarded as final. The conversations were of a preliminary character to enable the respective representatives to prepare a full report on the possibilities of drawing
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    • 119 3 London, September 25. Leningrad Up to the present nineteen deaths have occurred owing to floods in the Neva, which are the most disastrous since the great floods of 1824. Serious damage has been caused to factories, the electricity station, the telegraph office, the zoological gardens, the university,
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    • 112 3 Paris, September 25. The papers, commenting on the question of Germany’s entry into the League of Nations, state that, very far from giving guarantees as required by the Covenant, Germany asks for them to be given her, and will not apply to Geneva until she has
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    • 108 3 London, September 25. Amsterdam: Later news from Camp Lde shows that although there is no question of mutiny proper there is apparently some indiscipline, seemingly of a good-natured character. For example, when an officer ordered soldiers drinking in a public house to return to camp they invited
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    • 88 3 London, September 20. The newspapers are giving great prominence to a speech by Mr. Churchill at a Unionist meeting in Edinburgh yesterday, Lord Balfour presiding, in which he pleaded for Liberal cooperation with the Conservatives against Socialism, and urg ed the utilisation of the machinery of the
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    • 44 3 London. September 25. Melville, Saskatchewan The Pi im e Wales arrived and received an ovate n. London, September 25. Brussels M. Lemaire Dewarzee, Counsellor the Belgian Legation, has been appointed Minister to Peking, replacing M. Everts, who has been appointed Minister to Berlin.
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    • 251 3 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] An International Control Suggested. League of Nations Proposals. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, September 2d. Geneva The third committee adopted resolution-, dealing with the control of international commerce in arms, munitions and war implements to the effect that tht draft convention should he submitted tc members and
      [REUTER TELEGRAM.]  -  251 words
    • 105 3 London. September 2d. Paris A Georgian Legation comm iniqii'j says it i- leported that the Soviet troops operating against the Georgian insurgents laurelled repeated fierce at tacks, but were forced to retire with heavy losses to the mountains. The Georgian population in dis'ii'ts occ;pi*d by the Soviet troops
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    • 100 3 London, September 2G. Berlin Replying to the French note announcing a 2d per cent, levy on all German imports, the Goman Government have presented a note to P; ns declaring their readiness to cooperate with the French in collecting a levy fur the transitional period on condition
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    • 85 3 London, September 2d. Madrid General l)e Rivera ha. issued a proclamation at Ceuta deducing that the military directory is <i U r mined to maintain at all costs Spain*} position in Morocco as long as n?ces ouy and employ overy means at ho disposal to crush the resistance
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    • 29 3 London, September 2d. U“ -to learns that n German delegation expected i?i London short Iv to begii legotiations for a loan undo the Diwe- < hone.
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    • 163 3 London, September 2fi. Moscow Addressing journalists, M. Uiieherin bitterly attacked Mr. Hughes, the United Elates Secretary of State, and accused him of unconquerable hatred of the Soviet Government. He declared that Mr. Hughes was the defender of American o;l interests
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    • 105 3 London, September 2d. Geneva The Council of the League at a private meeting decided to place under the League’s guarantee articles in the treaties of Sevres and Lausanne dealing with the protection of minorities, race, religion and language. London, September 2d. Berlin The Cabinet approved the memorandum
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    • 101 3 London, September 2d. Beilin: The Zeppelin ZRd, which is the last one to be delivered under the ’tac* Treaty, was enthusiastically wolomed in tie* course of flying over towns t leie leaching Hamburg from Frivdich diafen. Its speed was 70 miles p-*r lour. Passing over Hanover it
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    • 66 3 London, September 2d. Leningrad The first estimates of the damage to industrial premises due to the Moods exceed ten million roubles. The damage to private propeity has not yet been estimated. The martial law pmlaimed yesterday was raised to-day as normal conditions have boon restored. he Soviet have
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    • 62 3 London, September 2d. At ail cxtraoid.miry genoal meeting of diarehi Idos of the Dunlop Rubber Com pany, Ltd., the approved scheme of tlr reorganisation of t'»e company's capital was rallied whereby the capital would be first reduced from 120,000,000 to 10.172,000 and then in •reus' d to
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    • 51 3 London, September 2d. Ottawa Canada and Australia have •oneluded a reciprocal tiade agreement ihd"i which Canada grants preference t* i number of Australian products, nuttbly fiM'dstiiils and wines, and Austruii i .di d? Canadian newsprint tax free mil ;iv preference, inter alia, to Cunadiuu ish. machinery and motor
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    • 38 3 London, September 2*». New Yoik: The Presidential campaign was nominally launched yesterday by th selection ef Colotn 1 Theodore Roosevelt, son of tin* ex President, as the Republican undulate for the Governoi hip of New York.
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    • 314 4 ISKL'TCB TILIGkAM.J Arbitration-Clause Resignations tSCL'TCB TlLlUkAM.J London, S« ptcral-f r 27. licneva hiatus, ion of tin* articles of the juridical section of tin* disarmament protocol at a meeting of the first committee yesteiday led to a diverg nice of views in consequence of the
      ISKL'TCB TILIGkAM.J  -  314 words
    • 234 4 London, September 27. I he Manchester Guardian’s (ieneva correspondent declares that tho crisis due to Mr. Adatchi’s amendment is serious J t’nless a solution is found all the efforts made at Geneva during the past month will come to nothing. He says M.j Loucheur and trance generally
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    • 167 4 London, September L’S. Geneva: Mr. Adatchi’s amendment t« ;:it:clo Ft of tho arbitration protocol \va> as follows. Without prejudice to the < ounoil’s duty m endeavouring to conciii ate the parties .;o as to assure the ma n t< nance of peace and good understanding I'Ctween the nations.’’
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    • 554 4 London, S' ptember 27. t. M. 1! ms submitted to the ii. Is.. I' a rcpoi t indicating toe ,ij. .!:;cj>■ o! the di .-armament plot ;ccd, wh 'i lu- described a.* mi immense ad..too ..>i i.iiylh itg hitoeito done. Article i Irh s the obligation not to
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    • 295 4 London, September 2S. G tu va The Assembly decided to ;i|«»ne to next session the resolution pitted by Great Britain defining the extent of an economic blockade against i date violating the covenant. The resolution, which is in the nature <‘t an amendment to Article 16 of the
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    • 160 4 London S. pter.iber 2(». I,d j-g with the question of interventj. n in “distracted China,” the Times s ii unfortunate that it seemed lules-ary to maintain the diplomatic ilvtieii fiat the Provisional Government of Peking i-; the Government of China. The ir.e.t submission to this conventional view is
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    • 87 4 London, September 2fi. Berlin: The Munich Provincial Court has c- nditionally released, fiom October 1, II ib r and Colonel Kriebel, both of whom we, entenced on April 1 to five yeais’ det.-rd ion m a fortress, but were to be cor.difonally released after six months, trade to
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    • 63 4 London, September 28. Madrid A communique states that the Spanish advance on continue- satisfactorily. Enemy attacks worn driven back. There was heavy fighting in the Larache sector, near Beniaros. The nemy suffered severe losses. A few Spanish officers were among the casualties. Spanish troops made a sortie
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    • 65 4 London, September UP. battle: Tin* American world fliers landed at Sandpoint aerodrome this afternoon, thereby completing their circuit of ihe lobe. London, September US, No v A #»rk The American world fliers I-vo .niived at Eugene, Oregon. I' h. An orican world fliers started out ••a Anri'
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    • 48 4 London, September US. .M eo’.v According to the Rosta news y a claim for IJO 000,000 pre-wai i !(-< will be presented to Britain as a of the report of a commission of nip dry into looses by the Soviet in L-o-'.Ja owing to allied intervention.
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    • 43 4 London, September 3?. ’•I row A Russian glider record wa es aMished at a meeting at Theodosia at winch od machines participated. The winm r lemamed in the air 5 hours 15 min. killiVi TW ai,men crassle l and were
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    • 36 4 London, September 27. I Rajahs, accompanied by six- en Malays and their wives from Wem- have departed for Malaya on board m.l v't h" m' f» re wSr’ n,i,SU n L r rai,ll,C<
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    • 382 4 Mr. MacDonald Vindicate Government. Russian Treaty Difficult Lon,lon SoMembo, l"n Mr. MacDonald as ,i O*om St. Pancras to deliver tpiini > hi* first political speech a K»»up of men in u«„Li n th f •b'»i!U»il Stick lo the Russi 10tl Ramsay, even if you fall an trcat now
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    • 176 4 London, September N. In the course of his speech at Perk'. Mr. MacDonald defined the Ruri’n" Treaty as the second stage in the efforts of the Labour Government to make peace with Russia. When you make peace with a country you do no associate yourself with its
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    • 74 4 London, Scptnibn Preliminary tests of two aeroplanes were successfully ca 11 at Lympne aerodrome yesterday. are fifteen entries and the Air n jj offers prizes of $3,000 for 111 competition proper, which t<> to-morrow. It is hoped that t will result in the discovery 1,1 able machine for
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    • 18 4 London, ,'Vpt" 1 I’''( 1 Mo row Damage by fl""' 1 .u,.. tad uniuuntctl to U4,000,00<!
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  • 90 4 Obituary. London, September 27. I] ,,nb 1 ft 1 v The death has occurred or Si, li'! ni |».V prominent mn O'.nl and Modem benefactor. DEATHS On S*qP.ejnlti*r I'K. 1921. ;il 130 ptu 2 Devon. Jiire Jtoutl, Oujj S ck l.omi age 11. S::TII. On September 29, 1921. al (he
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    • 444 5 fllKLTKK TILRURSM.J ICriticalness of Japanese I Attitude. »eated Interludes at Geneva. B f RKl-TKK Tf LBGRAM.J B London, September 21/. B first committee, after prolonged an ii,j«U*il discussion, adopted the Bhair man's report on the juridical portion the protocol. unexpected outcome was the JapanB > to article t»—-
      fllKLTKK TILRURSM.J  -  444 words
    • 158 5 Will Japan Give Way Londf n, September 29. Leneva The Japanese difficulty with Tviraril lo the disarmament protocol is boin<r examined hv a small committee «-f ijelraratcs representin'.? Britain, France, da y and Japan. The matter is enjrrossiTr attention here. London, September 29. (fcncva The sub-commission, headed Littleton Groom, Australia,
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    • 58 5 London, September 29. Pii^’.\^ 0^£* n,nann Lubimov, the <- i finance experts, have returned n °n and already had informal cona... uo,,s with the object of fixincr the Mint of Soviet liabilities in order to ■rujc the ground and expedite the j.i Z lnn a definite treaty when
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    • 178 5 London, September 29. Discussing the rubber position, the limes’ city editor points out that rest lie -ion, if mastic enough and continued long .r.ough, must improve the sfatistiea position and lend to a rise in price, but -he consequences would vary with the
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    • 209 5 Paris, September 2S. Berlin M. flerriot, interviewed by Vorwaorts, declared that he had the greatest desire to participate in an organisation for world pence, but could do ho only on condition that the security o •ranee did not suffer. The work of pacification would be illusory
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    • 194 5 London. September 27. Paris A revival of religious stride in France is threatened as a result of the French cardinals sending a letter to M Herriot begging him not to execute the decision to suppress the French Embassy at the Vatican or strictly to enforce th> existing laws
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    • 126 5 London. September 29. The Federation of British Industries has issued a statement asking the Government to adhere to the undertaking of h o ir predecessors that industry be rep re* fitted on the committee established to leeide the purpose to which the British •hare of the Boxer indemnity
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    • 174 5 London, September 29. The funatcul fuiy of the Wahabi win arc attempting to capline Mecca i.illustrated by N’aji Lla.ssii, re pres* fit i tive of King Hussein, who brought, tin tin; ndod Anglo-Hed.jnz treaty to Lnndo. for approval, interviewed by
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    • 144 5 Paris, September 29. Speaking when handing over the Wai Memorial offered to the French village of iiMiuhy by the c'iy **f Liverpool, All ♦Yaish, tin* British Minister of War, suit iie.t France’s life is a-seriated with thi Mi.' of civilisa*ion. (iroat id'*as in civilisation runted from France
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    • 134 5 London, September 29. The situation in China, says the Man•hosier Guardian, continues to perturb be underwriters at Lloyds, who recently a cancellation of war risks on ail .•ontrads that include the insurance of roods to, from or between Chinese ports, t point j (’lit that
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    • 44 5 London, September 29. Only twu aeroplanes and five biplane* survived the preliminary tc:-:ts at Lympnr to find a machine for training purposes cheaper and safer than the standard now used. The failures were ehictly clue t< the necessity for using low-powered engines.
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    • 40 5 London, September 29. The conference of religions within th Empire being held in London during tiepast week heard addresses by numerous religious leaders, principally Oriental To-day it listened to n paper by Mr Jlsu-Ti-Shan, of Peking, on Taoism.
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    • 41 5 London, Scptemlier 29. Ships rf the Special Service Squadron reached LlmPs F.nd yesterday evening on completion of the world cruise. Hood. Delhi and Dauntless proceeded to Plymouth, Repulse and Adelaide to Portsmouth, and Danae and Dragon tr Slieerness.
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    • 17 5 London, September 27. Cairo It is persistently rumoured that the Wahabis have captured Mecca.
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    • 442 5 iRELTEH TELEGRAM. J How Japan’s Objection Was Overcome. End of the Deadlock. (.REUTER TELEGRAM. J London, September 3J. Geneva The difficulty raised by the Japanese, by the amendment of the article in the disarmament protocol relating to action by the Council dealing with disputes involving the domestic affairs
      iRELTEH TELEGRAM. J  -  442 words
    • 235 5 Impossible Demand London, September HO. Commenting on what it terms Japan's impossible demand, the Daily Nows says that tin 1 amendment seriously challenges the. existence of the protocol. The admission of th“ I."ague's right to interfere in the internal affairs of a nation would lead to hopeless confusion and probably
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    • 510 6 PARLIAMENT. Imperial Appeal to Ulster s Loyalty. Irish Boundary Bill. London, September “0. The House of Commons was crowded and animated when it re-nsHcmhlcd to discuss the Irish Treaty Amending Hil!. Mr. Maeiionaid had a ministerial ovation as he entered. Though the Irish matter was nominally the only business of
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    • 89 6 Lon,'lon, September 30. Geneva After the Japanese difficulty had been overcome the disarmament sub-committee met to complete th<» protocol. Prior to this the Dominions <!» legations consulted and Reuters Agency understands that they were satisfied with the wording of the proposed formula as eliminating any apprele. unions they may
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    • 61 6 London, September 30. Paris The French reply to the German note regarding export duties points out that the 20 per cent, tax is the »:une as that levied in Britain and mentioned in the Dawes plan, declaring that no additional burden is laid on tho Germun Government
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    • 152 6 London, September .‘5O. Geneva A step towards .settlement ot the Mosul diflieuiiy was taken by tL<* Count'd of the League in appointing a special committee of three t<> enquire into the matter on the spot and report to me Louneil. Both i ides undertake
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    • 71 6 London, September .'ld. Berlin The polict authorities vetoed the release of Hitler, alleging that while in confinement he actively participated in the reorganisation «»f illegal societies into mu* big organisation called the “frontbann,” aiming at the overthrow of the constitution and restoiatmn of the monarchy. Nationalists are excited
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    • 78 6 London, September .‘5O. Reuter is informed that the situation in Iraq appears to be that Turkish troops are stili within the boundary of the Mosul vilayet and burned villages, but no offens vc Las oeen taken by British aeroplanes .omc tiie iMih inst. exc.ipt where aerop.anes werr first
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    • 87 6 London, September L’D At the Rural Deanery, \\*e>tminster, paii.ic.pating in t he celebration of the jubia o of th Ninth China .Mission, wa* the iiev. C hurl: s >cott, who wax one of the curates of Eaton Square who went to liiiia titty years ago and Bounded
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    • 55 6 London, September 550. Mclhourr.e The Commonwealth Board 1 trade states that there is nothing to justify their recommending the Federal (Jovei nnicnt to subsidise snip.; to develop Australian trade in the East, where npparent ly anti-Australian sentiment exists. According to the Board of Trade, higher Australian manufacturing costs
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    • 45 6 London, September 30. Tokio The report of a settlement of the Nippon Yusen Kaislm dispute is premature. An agreement has been reach cd only between the mediators of both sides, the term- of which are being submitted to the Company this morning.
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    • 73 6 London,, September 30. New York Considerable interest is evinced in the effort of a Texas banket o float $50,000,000 worth of .Mexican Govern mt nt bonds in the American market liter the refusal of leading American innkers to loan more money to .Mexico on account of her
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    • 50 6 London, September 30. vvi!h C T; s explaining tlie situation \\ith tegard to the murder of Mrs. Evam m Mexico, Mr. MacDonald said two men who had voluntarily confessed had been committed for trial, therefore the Mexican Government, offered no amends and none had been demanded.
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    • 131 6 Loudon, October 1. Gtnova The galleries wore crowded for tiie Assembly of ihe League full-dress d» l*at on tlu* disarmament protocol. Seventeen d« legates spoke. The general tune was one of satisfaction at the League's great step forward ill securing pence. Hope
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    • 44 6 London* September 30. Au Amcrii an message from Washington says that the immigration exclusion policy i." regarded as purely a domestic issue. Officials arc closely watching Geneva. It is believed that Japan's activity is not aimed solely at the United States.
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    • 35 6 I‘aris, September 30. Le Matin says the French budget for 1"ill amount to Fr. 32,500,000,000. It comprises till expenses and will be balanced by reduction of expenditure and readjustment of taxes. U Lavas.)
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    • 359 6 London, September 20. Melbourne A dumping duty has been*! <>u porcelain in.'.uators trom Japan. L uulon, September 20. 1 lie Minister tor the t'olonies visited in« Paris Mosque and expressed deep sat is tact ion with the progress of the winch will he completed by next .-P‘ ing.
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    • 147 6 UEITKR TELIJCUam.I The Geneva Compromise V* Acceptable. 9t Immigration Law I) isputes (KELTLR TELIJCUam.I Oclutu-r 1 My»«>utne (..ommeiuiiiL' h coedintfs at Geneva, Mr! u P r >* Australia should not accent Ih*' sa>1 promise which was readied ibvious that the Japanese were mI to bring under the I
      UEITKR TELIJCUam.I  -  147 words
    • 132 6 London, October 1. Paris The prospects of n-vipu from the Dawes scheme are T# fleeted in the 1P25 budget, wh:« M. t lenient el has presented tu the 1 inance Commission of the Chamber For the first time since the war tquilibrium between lev.-nue ami expend* :ure
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    • 97 6 London, October 1. Cairo At a meeting of Egyptian press lepresentutives it was decided U elegrrph to Ihn Saud, the Sultan of \*ej«l, v. hose Wahabi tribesmen are only i ft w miles from Mecca, hogg’ng him to how humanity to the civilian population jf Hedjaz.
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    • 82 6 London, October t. The preliminaries for the in rman undertaken in conjunction with the Har.i ■>f England apd leading American ire so advanced that the loan w he lloated simultaneously ail over t world in a few weeks. The American share ha 1 been 100,000,000 and the
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    • 58 6 London, October 1 Cologne Ten were killed and d- i® iured in a railway tunnel J Mice owing to a local train daslunc he rear of the Basle express, which ireviously slopped for a few m ;1)U l •onsequence of locomotive trouble. followed the crash and
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    • 47 6 London, October b Moscow' A delegation has nrn from Bokhara for the purpose ot a t ing the official entry of Bokhara j Union of the Soviet Republics a *j fl beginning of negotiations in the new determination of the Central Asian territories.
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    • 171 7 London, October 1. i„ the House of Commons Conuir. ,ji wo(d-i>cnn re-opcned the Irish dote lie urged the adoption of an lmJ jjJl attitude, remembering that solution v in the unity if Ireland as n dominion ttu* British Commonwealth. He quoted m
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    • 261 7 London, October 1. \m. tenlam The Dutch airmen flying o Batavia started at 8.43 this morning. London, October 1. Piaguc: The Dutch airmen have niu’d. The Dutch air pilot, A. N. J. Thoma sen Thcussink van der Hoop, is accompanied iv First Lieutenant van Wecrden Poelman
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    • 96 7 London, October L b>ii dad A new line is occupied b> '.'Man levies controlled by British a,ld ussisttd by friendly As.-yriai •eMnen thirteen miles north of Anm- 1 )Ut onc of the Iraq police posts a >een re-occupied, and British air- .itc maintaining vigilance to prei a renewed
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    • 109 7 I I London, October 1. v.hirh U;tra lian warship, Adelaide Sc rvid. ‘e L oln l panit d the British Special ;it l»ortsm!n?i! ron rpi ho,ne has been docked hi a officers and men are dav u a, y s v ,s t London and tokv‘ l,„ f
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    • 46 7 London, October 1. 1 iicL'dt i-./ f lanco-German conference '!H‘iio,i ‘rl a^ 0 nn,crcia l agreement ha? M H,w l a 01 y s P eet *hes were made H'«. lot a p d Ambassador von t- h together. Wh,ch thc d(,,c f?ntes took
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    • 42 7 London, October 2. Pari* Ph e Georgian Legation reports that a fresh Soviet attack against the entrenched Georgians at Svanethia was repulsed with severe Soviet losses. It alleges that the Bolsheviks shot 9,00') prisoneis and are massacring the villagers.
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    • 41 7 London, October 1. Washington The Inter-State Commerce Commission has authorised the Southern Pacific Railway Company to acquire control of carriers comprising the LI Paso and South Western system bystock purchase and to lease them subject to certain conditions.
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    • 29 7 London, October 1. H le executive of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce passed a unanimous resolution urging the re-open-ing of the Empire Exhibition in 1925.
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    • 13 7 Major Zanni s Progress. London, October l. Shanghai Major Zanni lias arrived here.
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  • 195 7 1 he police courts in Singapore have to deal with a good many languages, hut a new one came up in the Marine Court, yesterday, when a Somali fireman was charged with disobeying the captain of the Paris City. Some difliiulty
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  • 159 7 A Chinese woman named Ang Yang who was convicted in the Police Court oi keeping an illicit still in a swamp in the Thomson Koad district, and also of being in possession of illicit liquor, appealed before the Chief Justice in
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  • 146 7 Some Petition A petition, in which J4B persons, mostly Chinese, prayed for the abolition of the present restriction upon th export of rubber, was recently received by the F. M. S. Government, sn'y the Straits Echo. Investigation showed tha of the petitioners, only HI owned any land planted with lubber,
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  • 167 7 SUPREME COURT. Litigation Over Java “SugarKing's Will. The litigation in connection with the will ol the late Oei Tiong Ham will come up in the Supreme Court on October 22. the list for the October sittings was fixed on Monday, before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw). There were forty-two
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  • 150 7 A Malay who was alleged to have held up another Malay—a visitor from the Dutch Islands—-in a street in Singapore, and, in company with aiiothci man, robbed his victim of $2l appealed in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, against his conviction
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  • 251 7 The following Malacca properties uer. sold by auction by Messrs, ('li ning Koon Seng and Co., at their saleroom, 28 Riverside, Malacca, on .September 1‘) There lots of year.'* leash >ld land at Tranqu*o:ih Load. Malacca, are; •JOSS, 2K2.1, and 2r<X sq. ft.. Mr. Ta So Bin
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  • 263 7 I(i’ f'dl i.ving passenger hive nrrici l i t}• J-'fc.iits from I. by II". 0 }.|tl li I'ane Kin-ligar Mr. and Mrs. li. I! \I, in and child, Mr. and Mis 11. I*. Aplin, I I. IV Aitkin, Mr. (5. M. Alioi.l, Mr. and ,M. '5. 11. \i rad
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  • 360 7 Mi-m’s recital at the Victoria 1 her tie, on Monday, was attended by a »*«ige aic.ii nee and one that, as the prog amine progressed, was extremely enthuras:ic j M its expression of appreciation. 1 iie talented violinist gave us close
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  • 37 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 27. A fatal nmlor cycle accident occurred ast night, the rider, a Tamil conductor named INmnampnluni, employed on Siiathisla Estate, going otf the road and curtaining fatal injuries.
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  • 47 7 (Anetnks Service.) Welti u* dm, S’pt* l iber 27. A Intel a. ociatbiii la. bien formed to e kn*,\vn a the Fedeia'iin of the Lcad1L I'd.- m Netherbind., East Indies. vintv hot I have joined. A brunch office S ngnp o*• v.dl be established.
    (Anetnks Service.)  -  47 words
  • 285 7 An aet'on based on an indenture of inutgage e ecu ted by Ong Seng Hock, ioh I iong Lai, and others in favour of he Overseas Chinese Bank came to u P ‘C*l;> end in the Supieme Court ,e teid.iy. hcfoie lli> (!!:i«*f Justi't* (Sir Walter Shaw),
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  • 2315 8 Mr. D. Drummond presided over a good attendance at the half-yearly general meeting of the Singapoie Chamber oi Commerce, held in the Exchange Room on Monday. After the usual formalities had been gone through, the Chairman called on the secretaries to lead
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  • 111 8 Oin Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Monday :_Thc half-yearly C eneral ooc mjr of the Selan K or Clul/was heki K„J;:,f > n Saturday, Mr. R. c. i v tee-chairman, presiding. The ‘h( n rem H ,n P roposin thc adoption of h If !•’i 5 l account
    111 words
  • 579 8 Mohamed Ali, the well l. dealer, appealed in the Sunr* 0 Catl cn Monday afternoon. befell?.!?* c Justice (Sir Walter Shawl i conviction and fine of *2 aim gainst possession of opium. U for Meg* Mr. F, G. Stevens appellant with Mr.
    579 words
  • 117 8 The Municipal Health sta n the week ending September r total number of deaths as presenting a death rate .-/u’*{o.l3' n mille per annum compared j n the preceding week and with ea r. the corresponding week V.' The chief causes of mortality Beri-beri 10, phthisis 25,
    117 words

  • 1581 9 <] ion. Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, September 2d. 1 rialvMVland that there are numerous u s for the Malacca Best Office Club billiard tournament. The competitors are -U matched and good garner. should bo •-.vvl. championship and runner-up mazes, re*-pertively, aie being presented j Mr. S. Emmanuel, and
    1,581 words
  • 909 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Weltcvredi n, September 21. Amongst tiie foreign visitors to Java khis week must be mentioned H.H. the .•ii.t.ui I KeJant.m. v.’hu proceeded to B..n •loi ii*-; i'«.r a i’o;tnight’s tay. He, how ver, left Java I i-t Saturday and, accord Siv; to
    909 words
  • 100 9 We are ofliidaily informed that the Indian Immigration committee at a meet in:' held on August 27, uiuun niously voted u sum of Rs. lo.doo t he applied to the relief of the distress in South India consequent on the rccern
    100 words
  • 262 9 r, u- following is taken from the Nagasaki Press of September f». iiv ione al oi Mr. J. N. Wardrop, •’.KJJ.S., who died suddenly at Unzan on "lie-day afternorn, Look place here ,'eaterday afternoon. A service was held n the Chapel of the Seamen’s
    262 words
  • 163 9 The* Chief .Ins'ice (Sir Walter Shaw) tin .sided over the Hankjiipicy Court on *‘i i«lj»y .u’U't ii'-on, a *.I aiuonjir the mitt > .(•is dealt with was the making of reand a<l jpdirat in;j orders affairist M. ft. A media who, a« cording t.o tlu; ipplicntion of
    163 words
  • 187 9 A Router cable received on Sa*urday an noniiees tlie death of iseotint. I/ong, ft former First lord tf the Admiralty, who was horn at Hath in JS'il. He was elevat'd t i the peerage in It was in I^SO that he entered I'a'lietn< n», as member
    187 words

  • 1482 10 The construction of a new canal t< prevent the periodic flooding of Orchard Hoad, the prohibition of motor-busses front plying on residential roads, the formal dedication of the Mohatnedan cemetery at Bidadari, and certain grievances of residents in
    1,482 words
  • 378 10 The following is an excerpt from the report of the Hongkong com mission which has been investigating the opium i problem i The difficulties of detection of smug--1 j.linjr are in present circumstances in* .-.uperable. Hongkong, with a total area of
    378 words
  • 231 10 Medan, alias Essah, a young Siamese woman, who is alleged to have at one time had dealings with an lpoh Bombay merchant, was arrested on Monday afternoon at Batu Gaiah railway station while travelling on the mid-day mail to Penang, says Friday’s
    231 words
  • 155 10 The report of the committee appointed tM V. Governor of Hongkong to consider Hongkong’s position with regard to the obligations incurred under the International Opium Convention, 1912, was laid before the Hongkong Legislative Council by Command of H.E. the Govornor on September 18. From it
    155 words
  • 521 10 An interesting judgment wjs i the Supreme Court on Tu/.i.,. -i»c Chief Justice (2<j r 4ave his decision in the jj' 1 AM. Fmin 102, propriety of 02 aerated water factory, Hlk d injunction to prevent X. ,7* 48 former manager, from Jause
    521 words
  • 166 10 In their report for the year n T !M‘| U s 30, 1924, the directors of United Enpj* of Ltd. state that after allowing n B f* directors, auditors, and < trustees, making the allowance preciation and writing off u sidered bad balance at profit account is
    166 words

  • 2523 11 \From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 20. n result of certain action on the the Singapore Turf Club, the Lriiv of the out-station owners have n forced to consider the question of nttiug all future Singapore race ,u> The trouble arose
    2,523 words
  • 342 11 Involved litigation was commenced in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw), in which the plain tilts were the I*, and O. Banking Corporation, and the defendants were the two Chinese executors of an estate
    342 words
  • 261 11 An ideal night and an ideal programme were features of Monday night’s exercise* at the Malaysian Union Seminary *f Upper Serangoon Rond. The entire evening was one surprise to those attending, for little notice had previously been taken of this institution and its work. The programme was
    261 words
  • 107 11 A ‘imnll but very appreciative audience attended Mr. E. Bevcnvijk’s piano recital ii me Cutch Club. The very distinctive •rd well chosen programme of the artist* vbese teacher whs the famous Busoni* r-oymositions of Mendelssohn* Schubert, Liszt and Chopin. Especially j ia. i im ntioned were splendidly
    107 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1067 12 —Straits Times, September 20 It lias taken Zaghlul Pasha, the Prime Minister of Egypt, close upon six months to call personally in London on Mr. MacDonald, the Premier and Foreign Minister of Britain. Hy the time this article appears in print, the Premiers will have met, and
      —Straits Times, September 20  -  1,067 words
    • 882 12 stvaita a holt from the blue comes the news of a new serious situation in the Anglo-Turkish dispute, concerning that vilayet of northern Mesopotamia, Mosul, about which we have heard before. Mosul .vas one of questions left unsettled when tile Treaty of Lausanne was signed, and it
      —stvaita  -  882 words
    • 1107 12 -Straits Times, September 2ft. From time to time l-;!.sc* of General Dyer crop u n i press. Despite nil that has politically to bury the case > v d it is still by no means 1 have been surprised jf J( ,r aml n °t upon leni-elf
      -Straits Times, September 2ft.  -  1,107 words
    • 1038 13 HONGKONG S OPIUM. Straits Times, September 30. The report of the committee appointed •'> the Governor of Hongkong to consider the Colony's position with regard the obligations incurred under the 'lnternational Opium Convention of 1912 makes most interesting reading in view f the fact that the conclusions arrived ’d by
      Straits Times, September 30.  -  1,038 words
    • 844 13 higher education ahum.£i!rait.s Times, Ouober 1. We published yesterday a Reuter cable, illative to the use of the Boxer indemnity for educational purposes, that will have n read with considerable astonishment, ft appears that a statement has been ued by the Federation of British Industries asking the Government
      higher education ahum.£i!rait.s Times, Ouober 1.  -  844 words
    • 1141 13 survive*! other obstacles.— Straits Times, October 2. Mr. I Iain say MacDonald i.» a Hr. Jckvll and a Mr, Hyde. Since his accession to power he has ruled with moderation, and to his credit there lie one or two very line pieces of statesmanship. He has created
      survive*! other obstacles.— Straits Times, October 2.  -  1,141 words

  • 170 14 An unusual type of building, which has elicited numerous enquiries regarding its object, is well forward in erection at the junction of South Canal Road and George Street, at the back of the Central Police offices. This building is a rotary converting sub-station for the electric lighting
    170 words
  • 97 14 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Penang, have received the following cabled advice from London :—The board of directors of he Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have lecided to recommend, subject to audit usual adjustments, a final dividend for the financial year just ended of 10 per cent,
    97 words
  • 72 14 The following were the guests of His Excellency the Governor at a dinner at Government House on Friday, September ’0 H. 5.11. Prince Vnrnaidya, Commander H. C. Rawlings, D. 5.0., Mrs. ulius, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. L. Braddell, dr. and Mrs. H. C. Hopkins, Squadron -coder Tomkinson,
    72 words
  • 40 14 We learn that orders have been revived from home for the cancellation of he sale of any further material connected with the proposed Naval Base in Singapore. If the rumour is correct it is somewhat significant.
    40 words
  • 1181 14 A case which was commenced before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard in the Supreme Court about a month ago, and was postponed owing: to His Lordship’s illness, was resumed on Wednesday. It was vne action in which an Indian merchant
    1,181 words
  • 170 14 A meeting of the Legislature < ouncB will be held on Monday, the '5th inst M at 10J10 a m. The Attorney-General will move a resolution to the effect that the Standing Orders of the council he amended to read as follows :—The hours of meeting >ha*l he
    170 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 211 14 Property Sale. The following Singapore P r °P^ 1 were sold by auction by .Messrs. t 1 Koon Sen- and Co., at their sal*™” 30 Chulia Street on September U 999 Roi >99 years’ leasehold land at Si* 13 a Road, area 4,223 sq. ft., Mr. ye'* rnhman bin Shaik
      211 words

  • 2432 15 Lj- s Majesty the King if Siam left aporii hy train on Monday, for lulu Lumpur. n; u following: cables were exchanged Iiis Majesty ami Ilis Majesty tleorjjfc* I Singapore, September 25. K M. King Gaoige. 1 have n»-day
    2,432 words
  • 696 15 (From (Jar Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 25. A message from our Ipoh correspondent received too late for publication yesterday states The King of Siam and suite left Ipoh at 4 p.rn. on Wednesday after an uneventful stay. There was a gathering if about 2U) (' at
    696 words
  • 52 15 We are officially informed that tha Government of the Federated Malay States sold 42 i> tons of tin during tha month of September. The total sales of Government tin stocks up to the data of September !50 are 7,400 tons, and tk% remaining tin stocks are
    52 words

  • 2155 16 (From Our Ov»n Correspondent.) I poll, September 25. Detai).s of n great hyuro-i loctrii scheme for Perak, published in tin Times of Malaya to day, show that generating stations axe proposed a. Kuala kangsur for Larut and Ivin a, and at Tupuh for
    2,155 words
  • 255 16 Wedding Kirkmnn—Heimers. A very pretty wedding took place in •St. Andrew’s Cathedral, on Sent. 2>. between ML* Evelyn Kirkman. only datmht- ‘*i Mr. and Mrs. Percy l). Kirkman, of Sngapore. and Mr. Ifelmers only son of Mr. and Mrs. H,-liners-Gar-.•e.fs, <.f Kotteidum. The bride looked very charming in a
    255 words
  • 58 16 sJa h hs°SHtn ,itU 7 f r tbe service of the tiaits Settlements for the year 1925 has Pensions 1 Y th u h:,m of tensions, retired allowances, gratuities $U7^54° Un JZ X& medical, nosmta s and di ;n<*n sanes $2,140,300, defence rortrlk* r s.’looo 000 contribution
    58 words
  • 283 16 The ball in aid «f st n.,., 4 place in the Victo,*!-. wfcfe on Fiiiiii} was n every point of view. aa < s h o j Over six hundred ticket< 1,. ::nd tho large hail wn*« Thanhs to willing help\ gamsers
    283 words
  • 274 16 I.i-tu-rs have iv-ik-juiil in our rv.uou and reierencc has keen made frm:i iaf to time to the nuisance caused by th excessive use of the rooter horr. by drivers of motor vehicles in Singa n c*rt \SV understand that the police for SuUtS tune past have
    274 words
  • 145 16 When tho case against a former nose clerk of the General ,j employed on sorting duty, named Chong Poh, who was charged I heft of a letter addressed to W'oarno Brothers, Orchard (,f which was $1.50 in notes in a bill bv M»\ G. P.
    145 words

  • 152 17 I The Straits Times is not responsible for Ihe opinions of its correspondents. CorreInondents should bear in mind that letters h-ust be short and to the point. Long ►ambling episMes are liable to be rejected or ►uthlessly cut down. Correspondents must Inclose their names, not necessarily for I i
    152 words
  • 1126 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The letters which have appeared in your paper on the subject of the pre* .sent system of recruiting for the Civil Service of the Straits Settlements have failed to disclose any clear perception ol the present state of
    1,126 words
  • 283 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —J. E. W. might have told you ihat Bandoeng’s European popula lion was about nine-tenths F'urasian anb that practically the whole of Bandoeng’.jopulation is non-productive—merely parasitic. It is not essential to the well >eing of Java. He might
    283 words
  • 85 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Under the above heading, there was a paragraph in your paper of the 23rd instant, in which it was said that The petitioner stated that she was married in the Church of the Nativity, Serangoon.” I hog to say
    85 words
  • 228 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The campaign for the raising ol funds for the Anglo-Chincse Primary School, which was announced some week? ago, is proceeding very actively at pre sent, and the advisory council of thi school appreciates very “greatly the res ponae that
    228 words
  • 591 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I have browsed on the letter signed by Jock, and it strikes me that more dilapidated twaddle never dribbled from the end of a tortured pen. 1 sincerely hope (hat Jock will never be in a sampan some dark night, never
    591 words
  • 414 17 l’o the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Of all nuisances in the way of noitc 1 believe the worst was invented this morning. There is a small temple in Orchard Road where six or eight Tamils make life unbearable for a number of residents in the
    414 words
  • 309 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your visitor to Brisbane from England who would have us believe that lie witnessed a sea fight between h thresher and a whale (vide your issue of 27th inst., page 12) scarcely conveys a compliment to boxing or to
    309 words
  • 368 17 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Kir,-May I a k whether it is not \vr< n'T for the authorities to build a lep< i asylum within a residential area A sit” Has been unfortunately selected in Mandalay Road in immediate proximity to residences, and buildings are now
    368 words

  • 283 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,--The account your Kuala Lurnpui correspondent has given you of what has transpired between the F.M.S. and Penang owners of race-horses and the (’ommittec of the Singapore Turf Club is more oi less correct, hut I am afraid the caption given
    283 words
  • 587 18 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, r I he Straits Times exercises a peculiar fascination over its readers and doubly so over old correspondents like myself, who once enjoyed the hospitality of its columns rather frequently. The fascination is too irresistible to refrain me, after
    587 words
  • 253 18 The wave of Tcochcw crime still continues in a vicious circle in and around \V'.v Market Road, which was the scene of another dastardly murder about 7 o’clock on Monday when a Teochew cobjltT, named Wang Yeow Peng, whilst mu king in
    253 words
  • 54 18 (Aneta’s Service.) Weltevreden, September 2f>. At the* Physical Science Congress at Muitenzoi'K, Dr. Van Valkrnhurg, who studied Australian conditions, stated hat Australia was more and more domi•’•ting the niaikct of the Dutch Indict *th articles for consumption such a'utter, meat, fruit, etc., while the future f the
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  54 words
  • 74 18 The Malayan headquarters of the CJi.j (•tildes Association have been moved [torn Taiping to the top floor of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank buildings Kuala Lumpur. Anyone requiring inr, rmation or equipment should appl\ tlune, either to the hon. general secretary or to the Chief Commissioner for
    74 words
  • 628 18 (From A Correspondent). Ipoh, September 21). The half-yearly general meeting of the Perak M( tor Union was held on the 24th instant, with Mr. H. J? Cooper, President, in the chair. The report of the committee stated that the membership was 233 the funds $2,074. Mr. H. Huntsman
    628 words
  • 134 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 26. At the half yearly meeting of the Motor Union it was reported that thiie were 223 members and a credit onlu.nce of $2,074 with arrears of sub'■'iptions $520. The drivers registered ve re 18. The Chairman said that the general
    134 words
  • 789 18 The following report i« plied by the secretary of the 0° a The annual gc.efal me7ti„7™, p n 1 >~ holders of the Singapore Co'H J hare Company was held at the offieJ* nt 7 f tor >» Boustead and Co.,
    789 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 937 19 ’]h;‘ Stmliursi was packed to overflow-i-on .September 26, wrien the licngaii met the S. C. Y. A., and wen by uoal to nil. There must have been )o00 present, and at one time it looki’ ;lS though the police arrangements t-re going to
      937 words
    • 69 19 (Ancta’s Service.) Weltevreden, September 29. In their first match here the Bengali footballers beat the Hercules team, the Java champions, by 2—o. T 1 Bengalis played brilliantly. Twentj thousand people witnessed the match. This was a fine achievement for the team who beat the S.F.A. and the
      (Ancta’s Service.)  -  69 words
    • 565 19 Selangor made amends to some extent for their loss of the Malaya Cup by defeating Singapore in a friendly match at tiie Stadium on Saturday by three goals to two. There were changes in ootn teams, Smith, Aeria and Pennei ether being absent from the
      565 words
    • 357 19 I Reuter Telegram. J London, September 27. The following were to-day’s results F irst I)i\ ision. Birmingham 1, Burnley 0. Blackburn 1, Aston Villa I. Bolton J, Sunderland 2. Leeds 1, Huddersfield 1. Liverpool 2, Notts Forest 0. Newcastle 2, Bury 2. Notts County 3,
      I Reuter Telegram. J  -  357 words
    • 331 19 Hundred Yards Championship. The 100 yards club championship was the event at the Swimming Club on Sunday, and good conditions favoured it. Fight entered—a very good number for a championship—so that the start, from the raft was rather crowded, blit all got well away considering this. The result was
      331 words
    • 60 19 [Reuter Telegram.] London, September 25. Cape Town The British Rugby team beat Western Province by 8 points to 6 m fiie last match of the tour. London, September 25. At Gloucester the New Zealand Rugby team beat Gloucestershire by tf points to nil. London, September
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  60 words
    • 292 19 An B.C.C. side visited Johore Bahru on Saturday afternoon ami won un interesting game by nine points to eight. The cluh team was a fairly strong one, anl the opposing side was selected from Johore players, together with several from H.M.S. Pegasus, ’flu* Johore forwards
      292 words
    • 121 19 Good form was seen in the S.C.C. practice game played on the padung on Tuesday. Among the forwards Phavre scord a good trv, and Ahlitt and Robertson combined well together, the enterprising vork of Beville behind the scrum prnlucing plenty of open three-quarter play. One
      121 words
    • 53 19 [Reuter Telegram. 1 London, September 28. New York The Giants broke the rword established 49 years ago when they won the National League championship for the fourth time in succession, defeating- Philadelphia yesterday* s—l. London, September 29. Boston Washington won the American baseball league championship,
      [Reuter Telegram. 1  -  53 words
    • 67 19 At the West Sussex Lawn Tennis f”hampionship at Bognor, Khoo Hook Hye in partnership with J. J. lizard (the Varsity Tennis Blue) won the open 'oubles, heating J. B. Gilbert (Davia Cup International) and H. Portlock 2, G—l, G—l. This is no mean perf irmance
      67 words
    • 34 19 The S.U.r. played (he Royal Engineers on the padang on Monday afterinon, and won by four goal* to nil. All ho ('lub goaln wore scored by ()e tilers* vho played an outstanding game*.
      34 words
    • 577 20 That Main Event. The rawest thing yet offered tu the public in trie way oi this professional boxing was pulled at the Happy Valley on I* t idity in i lie so caoed u» tween the Filipino Young Policy anil Valentin Gulil. 'inis auuir had been biiieu and auvcitisco
      577 words
    • 44 20 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, September :)0. Makatangay, the Filipino lightweight, knocked out Johanny in the second round. The winner was all over the local man. who was only saved by the boll from a knock out in the fiivt round.
      44 words
    • 159 20 [Reuter Telegram.] London, September 27. In the linal of the American amateur golf championship Bobby Jones heat the new star von Kim 1) up and 8 to play. In the semi-finals Jones, who played par golf all day, heat Ouimet 11 and 10. the heaviest defeat
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  159 words
    • 204 20 St. Joseph’s Old I Joys Win. In a match on the padang on Saturday St. Joseph’s Old Hoys’ Association beat an S.R.C. eleven by five wickets. Scores S. R. C. V. Westerhout c Shcphcrdson b Weerakody 22 A. (ia list an c Shcphcrdson b Weerakody B. Mi.sso b Weerakody
      204 words
    • 137 20 Singapore, Hongkong And Shanghai. A cable has been received by Mr. L. S. Green hi II, hon. secretary to the Ilongiong Cricket Club, stating that it is practically certain that a team representng the Straits Settlements will leave for Hongkong on November 5 nr <». This means that
      137 words
    • 65 20 [Renter Telegram.] London, September 27. New York Fifty thousand people witnessed the second international race at the Aqueduct track. The result was LADKIN l EPINARD 2 WISE COUNSELLOR 3 Won by a very short head. A. length between second and third. Time, 1 rain 3G 2-5
      [Renter Telegram.]  -  65 words
    • 102 20 Rover writes Without the support of F.M.S. and Penang owners, who are not satisfied with the decision of the committee of the Singaporo Turf Club in the matter of freight and stabling allowances, the forthcoming Gold Cup meeting may be a tame affair. The absence of such
      102 words
    • 62 20 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 29. In consequence of the Singapore Turi Club turning down the request of th< I .M.S. and Penang owners for freight ami stable concessions, the following horses are reported to be unlikely t< mlcr for the Gold Cup Grist Victrola, Amaze
      62 words
    • 346 20 The Singapore Turf Club’s autumn meet...*-to be held without the help of ertain un-eountry owners apparently is to be followed by three extra meetings, on the Saturdays, November 1, 15 and 29. There will be eight races each day, •ash sweeps, unlimited non-selling sweeps and other amenities.
      346 words
    • 702 20 The Golden Girl Trophy. The clerk of the weather completely capsized the proposed programme lor the above race on Sunday, and the Sailing Committee, at the eleventh hour, dociiieu to alter the course as published, to enable the contestants to finish in time for tifli.i. Mr. J. K. Perry,
      702 words
    • 451 20 Malaya (ommand Comp«tit:oh The following are the positions in of merit of the teams competiiJ A o0 yards Malaya Command r !L^ r‘ni io r' T h,> c,,n,p< titio «hw, h2 to platooii teams, Mas initiated bv Com Sir Neill Malcolm and is find annually i Phase Phant
      451 words
    • 42 20 Singapore Ladies K*ik The September spoon place at. SeMar on Septcnibc suited as follows 100 200 300 N Mrs. Wilson 20 28 piij Mrs. Mugliston 20 28 i.*J Mrs. Gattey 27 28 2. i(,jJ Mrs. Lyall 20 20
      42 words

  • 1756 21 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s weekly report. October 1, says Tin has appreciated steadily throughout th«* week and the share market has responded with increased activity in most (l f ihe more popular counters. Rubber i<>nti,Hies steady with shares entirely neglected. Industrials are
    1,756 words
  • 512 21 Whether certain houses of ill-fain l on Calcutta Mri**ts should he removed or not led the express on of interesting views by councillors at a rivcnt meeting of the Corporation. The discussion arose <»n a motion by Mr. N. N. Bose to have
    512 words
  • 50 21 bAIIJ.IE. A* th<> M»t( rnily llu. pifal, S nga p-tr. tin S<-pfombor *J'', 11*;*I. In M rinio nuchaa.Mii, wife «)f Jam.’s BiiPi x mm. w 'll. GODWIN. At the Singapore Private il ’spi lal. on September JB, pi’Jl. t* Mi an<l N|. h 11. S. Godwin, p son.
    50 words
  • 228 21 Singapore, October 2. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 in/s 2/4 3/13 Demaivl 2/4 3/32 l’rivute 3 m. credits 2/4 5/8 On New York, Deniund 52 I Private 90 d/s 54 «i On France, Bank 910 On India, Bank T. T. 157 Vi On Hongkong, Bank d/d 3%
    228 words
  • 482 21 Singapore, October 2. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyer* Seller* 1 1 Batang Piulang 0.57% 0.G0 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.38 1.42% cd. £1 £'l Idii.s Hydraulic 24/G 25/0 1 1 Johan Tin 0.55 0.57% £1 £1 Kiim. Kamunting 45/0 4G/0 x«l. £1 £1 Kamunting Tin 42/0 43/0
    482 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 98 21 NOTICE All c •nnrmicHi»'tis for hath tl>» Strait* liov} nnd thy Straits Bodgct should ho o:h'r*v:;cd to tho Hyad O!«oo, *>«dl and S'/ml-y Sin-ots, Singapore, Straits S- ttloni«iits. I,*. r*><sf fro'i pfjo'* r, f tho S'r>if- Tinio \.o tho I riifi'd Kingdom and r>t'ojj»n countries 1 I v 0,1 r
      98 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 71 1 General. August Rubber Returns t Rubber Smuggling Rubber Restriction 1 r.M.S. Rubber Propaganda 1 Local Rubber Auctions 2 London Rubber Stocks 3 Needs of Rubber Industry 3 ('orrcspondence.— Restriction ar.d Jungle Propositions 2 Native Rubber in Dutch West Boineo 2 Rubber Paving 2 A Criticism 2 Meetings and Reports.—
      71 words
    • 66 1 Bedford Plantations.—5,146 IBs. Hernam Perak.—11),368 lbs. Bukit Timah.—13,935 lbs. Brunei United Plantations.—12,916 lbs Changkat Serdang.—12,807 lbs. CJlenealy.—15,187 lbs. H ill rise.—8,400 lbs. Haytor.—6,731 lbs. Indragiri.—34,418 lbs. I.unas.—30,800 lbs. Nyalas.—17,083 lbs. Key land. —5,930 lbs. Sapong.—76,000 lbs. Siak.—25,147 lbs. Trolak.—9,930 lbs. Sumatra Caoutchouc Maatschappij.— 165,330. Tebing.—15,200 lbs. Trafalgar.—Nil.
      66 words
    • 230 1 The second annual report of the directors of New Craigielea, Ltd., for the year ended May 31, last says that the profit for (h«* year is $25,092.10, to which must be added the balance brought forward from last year, viz., $4,11)4.65, making a total of $29,886.75 which
      230 words
    • 545 1 The annual general meeting of the Tambalak Rubber Estates, Limited was held at the company’s registered offices, Hongkong Bank Chambers, on Saturday, Mr. II. B. Haker presided, the 'others present including Messrs. W. P. Plumm:r and A. S. K. Macdonald. After
      545 words
    • 520 1 The motor launches of the Customs Department had a busy time during last week-end, says the Malay Mail of Sept. 25 when they effected no fewer than seven captures of boats attempting to smuggle rubber out of the country. The first captuie
      520 words
    • 290 1 At the annual meeting of the Rubber Traders’ Association of Ceylon held at Colombo on September 19, Mr. J. J. Wall presiding, in the course of his address, said The rubber market has shown little signs of strength, the rising prices in
      290 words
    • 235 1 A meeting of the F.M.S. Rubber Pro paganda Committee, over which Sir George Maxwell, K.8.E., C.M.G., presided, was held at the committee’s office s in the Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on September 24. Major Knox, propagandist to the committeewas introduced, and preliminary questions relating to propaganda
      235 words
    • 376 2 •fu> Strait* Times i* not responsible foi of its curreopomleuU. 1'um l' Ml Mould bear in mind that letter* v )t short atnl to tins point. I.014 bin epistles are liable to be rejected m U-Mal V tut down. Correspondents mu* tiseir names, not necessarily foi I cation but
      376 words
    • 409 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The only rubber in Dutch West men worth considering is up the tucwns River,between 8U ami 23.< ini cs in Poniiai.ak. There are two large nquan estates, one largo Japanese ri two Chinese estates, whore ordinary nling
      409 words
    • 255 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I should like to make a few comments on the article in your paper on the abandonment of rubber paving round the Cenotaph in Whitaali. I was at home when th'S was being laid, and being a planter, naturally I
      255 words
    • 562 2 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. i Sir, —Several days ago some Malacca shareholders in the Runggor Rub. cr Estates, L <1., wrote to me uskiu; me to criticise in the press the unfairness 1 on the part of the directors for no. j u.ving a dividend
      562 words
    • 728 2 The Singapore Chambe r of Commerce Rubber Association held its (575th auction ion October 1, when there was catalogued 1,5015,514 lb.s. or 072.4(1 tons offered 901,2<9 ILs, or 402.35 tons; sold 797,905 lbs. or 35(5.23 tons. Spot. London is. 2%d. New York
      728 words
    • 750 2 The annual general meeting of shareholders oi the Kluang Rubber Co. Ltd., v.a» held ut the registered oltices of the Company, Honing Lank Chambers on luesday. Mr. A. J. beiguson was in ‘he Citair and me others present were Messrs.
      750 words
    • 713 3 The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Uukit Nilai Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on August 14, at tlu* office of the company, 17 St. Holcn’s-plaoe, Bishopsgate, K.C., Mr. Clarence E. Harvard (the chairman) presiding. The Chairnian said: Ladies and gentlemen, —T
      713 words
    • 37 3 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s cable received from th'-m London oftico on Tucsdnv. «rjyrq Lo. don storks I ,OKT i.*t»« d'-wn for tin week end or S« r.dxu 117, total m.\v m hand 41,010 tons.
      37 words
    • 863 3 A North Country Shareholder has addressed the following letter to the Financial Times-: As there has been a reduction from t»C» to 55 per cent, in export of rubber undir the Stevenson scheme owing to the price remaining under Is. per
      863 words
      • 326 3 Stock j p ar Exchange Par Sto^ Value. Company. Company. i*l Anglo-Malay 17/3 2/ London-Asiatic ,"**> i*l Ayer Kuning 27/6 ill Linggi 3/4% f| Bakap Plantns 10/ 2/ Lubok -6/3 i’l Banleng 21/3 XI i.umut 1/3 £1 Batu Cnves 11/3 XI Malacca (Old) 1
        326 words
      • 710 3 Capital Issue Paid I p Value Dividends Closing Priew. V raser Lyall I n 12.500 1 4 p.e. for year 29-2-‘>4 mi 0r pun> A Co. Kvstt 1*!0,i.hto „ii for year i I-SJ 105 1-«S >•«* 1 nh’ZTzil**?* "f f«“" <»> 8.00 10.00 8.00
        710 words

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    • 236 4 A A THE Reward of Achievement is B# spwtf 7L< 1 Popularity wT. fw t. A /.5 t r >» < mJ T T c c “1 na orfi JKk L v«. t a va*-wm >4 f 4OJ. *X3| ■v. v y M The popularity of the Buick is the
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    • 85 5 t a w r wtay V S y w a *4L «'i s^ggi *iir m" 3 fKrJ *ir. > v >- pn i.-». M :«Eisfrr% v W S BP YOU WANT TO MAKE ANYTHING KNOWN i ADVERTISE IN THE Ajm f >1 .t k B**4 Ofic«: SINGAPORE, 8.S. SIXTEEN PAGES
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