The Straits Budget, 13 April 1923

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXXVII No. 3400 Singapore, Friday, April 13, 1923 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIME S ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 359 1 IEADEUS— Industrial Urirent 12 It d an Labour Riv.iii :•!><! 1- ranee JriUu to j S: 10-14 Gei!*: I v x j s Lo at Per*>nala• M Ktut« r\ Service -c jii'M. 1 Employi'if* anil Workers < Political Crum 1 J l> N. B. Wur Memorial 7 S, la
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  • 4700 1 Mr. A. Gilmour la appointed an assistant Controller of Labour. -Mr. N. Coulson is appointed a police magistrate for the Settlement of Penang. Mrs. P. K. Aviet is leaving for England by the N. Y. K. Fushitni Maru sailing, on the 17th instant. Lt.-Colonel R. F. Fitzgerald
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    • 225 3 Kt'TKK’M SKWVM1R. London, April 5. r «i,i According to news received at I..,Ucr«' from Kovno, there have been vi-ru a- '"conliicts in the Ukraine between R>1 h vi«t troops and the peasants. The g,! h vi t s suppressed the revolt with lf
      Kt'TKK’M SKWVM1R.  -  225 words
    • 171 3 London. April 5. Tbn i> a critical situation on the raiiw \> in conneetten with the demand of c .panics that men in the ongiii..- •...!*> should submit to the abolitioii Ia<t Gs. Gd. of weekly bonus, w 1 i. -I oncers. other than railway had to
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    • 75 3 London. April 5. 1 !.r.<*rvie\ved by the Petit PariRa.berti, Minister of Marne. hat France must lay down plan* sn defensive flee to becomplet- lie said that without a fleet J. not have a foreign policy. 1 -1* ci-l not think of conquest by sea, 1 amd. A
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    • 50 3 t London, April 5. j message states that Barbot *r i ,u es n a low-powered aeroplane „f ra,lt aza l to Toulouse at a. height n.a«-K 19 calculated that the with i njcn weighs under 500 lbs. •'Urnimr C o cross the Channel con°n|y 2>4 pints of petrol.
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    • 45 3 London, April 5. r, f W w *tnessed the Prince VmI.;' r <asi .ly win by ten lengths the H-uvti, lf U:i r;.n c haR p ri/7e cup in the Thcr P°wt to point ra^es. tuiisn,.,) (M Vt starter and only two
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    • 16 3 London, April 5. 4 r Bruce will represent r, T!C( n, iniperial Economic Oon-
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    • 254 3 London. April 5. The Hon. Bertrand Russell has an article in the Manchester Guardian, on the Boxer Indemnity and Chinese education, in which he gives warning of the necessity for care in spending the money f the greatest benefit is to be
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    • 84 3 London, April In order to meet complaints of agents and consignees regarding the late arrival of manifests, invoices, etc., the Post t-ffice has specially arranged for a quicker lelivery of mails to the Far East. Letters for Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai are now being despatched weekly
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    • 72 3 London, April 5. Paris Newspapers learn that the French have discovered a secret postal organisation at Mayenee. A milliard marks worth of stamps ami several sacks of letters and parcels were seized and a score of persons were ordered to hold themselves at the disposal of the
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    • 57 3 London, April 5. Venice A commercial conference attended by the representatives of 200 bamhers of commerc:- and banking asso- .a; ions of 21 eoun'ries, ineiuding China and Japan, held a four days’ sitting here. lue wnole proceedings were successfully conducted. The Esperanto conference passed a resolution recommending the
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    • 54 3 London, April 5. A Geneva message states that the Chinese Government having report id that *00 kilogrammes of morphine were secretly smuggled into Amoy alone in one year, allegedly from Denmark, the Secretariat of the League of Nations immediately acquainted the Danish Government who have taken suitable measures
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    • 51 3 London, April 5. It is notewortliv from the view point >f Anglo-French relations that the French ox-Ministcr, M. Loucheur, is at pres nl n England and had a very cordial interview, for two hours, at Dawlish with Mr. Bonar Law, who is recuperating at Torquay after his recent
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    • 26 3 London, April 5. Cairo Lord Carnarvon’s body has been taken to the Kasrelaini hospital to ’u« omb'ilmod before being sent hack to England.
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    • 361 3 Reiter's Service London, April G. Much interest has been aroused in London and Baris over the visit of M. Loucheur lo Kngland. Besides Mr. Bonar Law, M. Loucheur had conversations with Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Baldwin, Sir B. Lloyd Graeme and
      Reiter's Service  -  361 words
    • 166 3 London, April 0. Constantinople A message from Till is -tatos that the Commander-in-Chief, G nival Kgoroii", anil his Chhf of Staff, PougatchelF, and r -wral staif ollieers of the lied army in the Caucasus have been arrested on a charge of conspiring against iu* Bolshevist authorities. London, April
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    • 126 3 London, April 5. The first Canadian store cattle to arrive in England for i>() years, and the first ever to have entered the port of Manchester, were disembarked at Manchester to-day. They consisted of 42" Shorthorn, Hereford and Angus steers and were described by English experts as
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    • 139 3 London, April 0. Duesseldorf The French announce tho seizure of a document addressed to the Police President of Essen revealing a conspiracy by which numbers of olliccra and men disbanded and expelled liom the security police returned disguised us workmen ami are now
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    • 196 3 London, April 0. The possibilities of motorcycling in the air” is a prominent topic in consequence of the flights by M. liarbot. it transpires mat a British plane, called the VS roll, which has been ouilt for the Air Ministry and is undergoing trials, weigh* only 20.)
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    • 122 3 London, April t>. Paris The abolition of European post (Hires in China has led to unexpected complications. Postal orders are now paid through the Chinese posul and the Chinese postal authorities declare that as a result of the impossibility of exactly cxpressMig Chinese names in European
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    • 113 3 London, April f». The railway dispute is easier in consequence of the companies’ new offer 10 only reduce the bonus by half and by consolidating the remainder, if possible, in the men’s wages. London, April The building trade employers discussed the men’s proposal to refer to three King’s
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    • 37 3 London, April Melbourne The Herald’s Sydney correspondent says that a large Japanese commercial concern is negotiating for the purchase of a colliery at Newcastle. Ships will he immediately available for transport of the output.
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    • 53 3 London, April <». Berlin Some of the German new papers have been recently attack ng Ambassador Solf, and referred to the memorial of German merchants in Japan demanding his recall. The Forci. n Gfliee thoroughly investigated the anonymous allegations in respect of the immoral and found them to
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    • 239 4 l»ndon, April <. A liBhlnmn strik.->.» •lrvi- K-< 1 at Southampton among limn«n who In lo i. the union and whoso oHicials divlarohat 1 hoy were not consulted '»> l lt 1 national wages agreement under whan their member wages were reduced >> pound
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    • 83 4 London, April ti. Sir C. W. Macara, in a letter to the Manchester (luardian, states that the 50 per cent, curtailment of production in the Lancashire American c< turn spinning is likely to be continue,! beyond the present nmnth. London. April f». Fall River fl ie unions alfilia'od
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    • 37 4 London, April f>. Angora has not yet replied to the Allied note, hut according to a Montrcux message it is expected that the peace conference will be resumed at Ouchy on April 15.
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    • 39 4 London, Apr 1 <». Sl. Joseph: In tin* trial of William Kos'er, the l< adcr of tlu* Michigan ti*t*l strike in ih<* jury *ii for 24 hours but won* unable to agree. The accused was discharged.
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    • 43 4 London, April Paris The improvement in the condition of Prince Kusako and Prince Asaka is Madi that the Kmba.-i.y will not issue further hullo'ins. It is understood that Prince Asaka is shortly being taken to Paris to undergo an operation.
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    • 128 4 London, April 6. Hel.-ingfors Lenin’s catarrhal symptoms are decreasing and his health is improving. London, April Melbourne The Sun publishes a report that oil has been discovered at Williamstown. A large syndicate has been ginned to curry on further operations. London, April 7. Helsingfors A commission of naval experts,
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    • 312 4 Rki ikk's Skk\ Itb London, April 7Berlin L>sen is now wi hout new.v p.4|>. i .i, the sole n m<.imiig one Having bieii suspenued for a w.-ek lor attributing the gu.u of the hooting at Krupp a work:* to the Iri iich.
      Rki ikk's Skk\ Itb  -  312 words
    • 88 4 London. April 8. Lo,owing his visit to London to study the probable effects of r.he Stevenson Restriction Scheme on the rubbber trade m the United States, Mr. B. (I. Work, of the B. F. (loedrich Company, s'at<s that there will be no shortage under the scheme which is temporarily
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    • 94 4 London, April 7. Augusta, Georgia President Harding in a speeeh gave warning against ;he dovt lopment of “classes” and the organisaticn of “blocs.” He declared that they were a menace to the nation and asserted that international relat/ons had never been be ter than to-day. He added that
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    • 63 4 London, April 7. Washington The Attorney-General, Mr. Daugherty, has advised Mr. Hughes that the clause of the contract under which tie Shipping Board is selling its merchant vessels, to the oMYet that ships should not be operated by purchasers to the violation of the laws of the United
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    • 41 4 1 .ondon, April 8. Cons ant inople The Turkish geply to be Allied note fixes April 2'\ for the '.sui anno conference. The reply main- ins certain reservations on economic d financial questions, mixed tribunals and guarantees for foreigners.
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    • 368 4 London, April 7. r•,.,. M. Loucheur’- vis.t to the* sole topic in the lobbies of the wheiv n.any Deputies a. semlM lhl ,vn,, >l. Loucheur s selfi t s generally approved and .liiai’ity of the ree<.-p-tit>ii tit>ii bv numbers of the British
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    • 231 4 London. April 8. In a letter t*» the Observer, Mr. Charles Watney, Parliamentary representative of the Textile Machinery Makers’ Association, draws attention to the scheme to establish a textile technical school in Shanghai, which is now before the British Government. lie says that he believes the
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    • 57 4 London, April 9. Brussels The fourth official commercial fair, which the King opens to-day, occupies two large buildings in addition It* a number of kiosks. It has attracted private firms from all over the Continent, tlu* Far Fast, and America. The only governments represented are the Union
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    • 43 4 London, April 7. Paris Le Matin offers a prize of 2.7,000 francs to the first airman in a glider fitted with a motor, crossing and re-crossing -he Channel in a single flight and not Ci.nsunrng more than three litres of petrol.
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    • 145 4 London, April 7. ikon .s growing pepuar support in Ireland in favour of an appeal for n.ediit. gey services to Monsignor Luzio, the I envoy, at present louring the 1* rot* Sui'e, whicn m regarded as h lding an unusual prospect
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    • 111 4 London, April 8. A Paris message states that the remains of Prince Kitashirakawa will leave Paris on April 22. The bffdy will be taken to Marseilles in a special waggon lined with white silk and the steamer Katoh, at present in a British port, will arrive at
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    • 100 4 London, April 7. The labour horizon remains cloudy. The principal disputes relate to builders, rnilwaymcn and farm workers. It is estimated that half a million building operatives will stop work next weekend if they do not comply with the notices posted to-day, enforcing a reduction of wages and
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    • 115 4 London, April 7. New York An exciting chase and tht arrest of rum smugglers on the Ni‘ w Jersey coast has ended disastrously for tne Government forces. A coast-guard cutter captured a motor-launch loading liquor from a so-called rum fleet and arrested the crew of two men.
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    • 65 4 London. Apr i 8. Berlin The Lithuanian authorities at Memel have declared a state of sieg< > n connection with the suppression of 1 German inhabitants’ general strike protest against the incorporation of t 1 Memel region in Lithuania. Business*-' have been rdcred to reopen on and troops violently
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    • 45 4 London, Apr*' Simla A plajrue epidemic practically in all provinces in 1,11 There were i),000 eases during the ending March 24, 8,000 of which fatal. The outbreak is most noticean in the Punjab, United Provinces, l n r Provinces, Bombay and Delhi.
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    • 40 4 London. Apr Washington: Officials refuse '.hose over the French Senator, V'• -jjukezec’s statement that I* ray 1 willine to scran her entire fleet if V j e mitions did the same. Some 1 characterise the sutfKostion as ridicule
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    • 221 5 }>i:r tkr’s Service London, April 9. b, ..sanomil allegations of slave Vi.- -itv contained in a letter to The TiJiis from Major Henry Darley, exJ ,,-r r c*nt in South-west Abyssinia, ii”'* lieehires that an area in South Aii n i miles square,
      }>i:r tkr’s Service  -  221 words
    • 157 5 London. April 10. Tin*, was lively debate in the House „f ('m u ->n the Spec al Constables Bill, pr viiling for the continuance of recruiting a: i the maintenance of the force. Tl.c ai umiei which the specials were enrol'.i:*i:ne expired at the end of
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    • 110 5 London, April 9. i’ri!;(*«•>> Yolanda and Count I rirolo were married at the Q, 1 I Tin* o vil marriage, which took I' i f v throne room, was attended by I .r Miicsties and other royalties, Ministers, Siirnor Mussolini and belonging to the Fascists. Xat onal Militia
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    • 82 5 London, April 9. i l ’k message states that prohi* vj 1 seized $2,009,000 worth of J, r ra ds in Manhattan and ti l ‘ti i largest seizure up pitch/ i i. J a^or ra resulted in a ti, 1 u .the smugglers’ attempt ilif. r
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    • 75 5 I; London, April 9., ‘fh 1 hlin, the German press T*, (l n aa been released. v, u're 11 President of the railway !'i. Ar( vos has telegraphed r ai, '.v;r 1 th »t 100 families of r :i’ :m ,a, l 00 expelled from their 1(1
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    • 190 5 London, April 9. Captured documents published in Dublin show that at a meeting of the Irregular executive on March 2d, a motion by Barry, the deputy Chief of Staff, and seconded by the Commander of the Irregular first southern division, that further
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    • 75 5 London, April 9. Pittsburg The Carnegie Steel Company has increased its common labourers’ wages by eleven per cent, and there havi been similar advances at some of the United States Steel Corporation’s subsidiaries, accompanied by a promise of an adjustment in other classes of labour. One hundred
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    • 100 5 London. April 9. According to telegrams from Mcmel received in London, the trouble- cabled earlier broke out with the troops d'spersing a demonstration of 20.000 Germans, m the streets on Saturday against the heavy taxation and customs duties. There was intern*, ttent rifle fire throughout Saturday night resulting
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    • 109 5 London, April I*. A message from Riga states that ow- n (r to ’he condition of Lenin, a reorganisation of the entire system of Government has been decided on at Moscow. special Council of Forty w* 11 be substiuted for the Peoples Commissaries and wi.l consti u{e the
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    • 73 5 London, April 9. The agricultural depression was the chief issue in 'he bye-election at Anglesey, due to the death of the Independent M.P.. Owen Thomas. The result was Sir R. J. Thomas, Liberal, 11,116; Mr. F. T. John, Labour, 6,368 Mr. R. Roberts, Conservative, 3,MBn. Sir R. J.
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    • 25 5 London, April 9. In the House of Commons, Mr. Baldwin announced that tho Imperial and Imperial Economic conferences will open on October 1.
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    • 41 5 London, April 9. Melbourne The Government expert has investigated the oil discovery at Williamstown on April f» and declares th it •here i* no evidence of «*?1 from below ground. He states that the geologioa’ •onditions are not favourable.
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    • 172 5 London, April 9. Mr. Thomas warmly rebuked the extremists when addressing a mass meeting of railwaymen .n London. He stated that Labour’s weakness was the superfluity of unions and an insufficiency of unity. He pointed out that 28 unions were involved in the
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    • 106 5 London, April 10. Jn the House of Commons at question time, Sir P. Lloyd-Greame stated that exportations from occupied Germany during the past months had been very small, though the French and Belgians had made considerable concessions to facilitate exports the Germans were refusing to permit
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    • 66 5 London, April 9. While the Aberdeen fishermen, though suffering destitution, are refusing to go to sea till the landing of fish from German trawlers is stopped, German boats continue to arrive in increasing numbers. Sixteen arrived during the weekend, but s!\ resailed without landing their catches owing
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    • 53 5 London. April 9. Constantinople The National Assemfrly discussed the law of accep'ing contracts with representatives of the American Development Company for railways and ports in Anatol'a. also the stipulation a* regards mines 20 kilometres either side of the railways. The majority favoured the '“heme, on which tin
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    • 106 5 London, April 9. S iilia Majors ()>r and Anderson of the Seaforth Highlanders were walking near Landi Kotal when they were fired < n and killed. The murderers escaped. [The Landi Kotal is the highest and most difficult point at the Afghan end of the Kvber Pass, the
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    • 46 5 London, April 9. Mr. Bonar Law made an early appearance at the reopening of the House of Commons and was universally cheered when he rose to speak. It was noticed that his throat affection was still troublesome and his voice was almost inaudible.
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    • 38 5 London, April Jt. A N< w York message states that c Wright F I aerop anc engine has com pleted a record breaking tos' at Washing ‘on. It ran for r >7’t hoars without a stop
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    • 10 5 London, April Jt French francs have improved to P»9.:>o
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    • 287 5 Reuter’s Service London, April 10. Berlin The Reichstag was packed to hear Chancellor Cuno’s funeral oration over the victims of the incident at Krupps. Flags were halfmastcd and the hall was draped in blake. All Cabinet Ministers, otiicials and representatives of the
      Reuter’s Service  -  287 words
    • 192 5 London, April HI. Sir John Jordan, in a letter to The Times on the subject of (In* Chinese drug trathe, says that he cannot endorse the statement that Chinese interest in the suppression campaign of 1 POT-17 was duo to a desire to stop foreign imports'ion. He
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    • 97 5 London, April 0. Lloyds shipbuilding returns show that 1,402,000 tolls wire being constructed in the United Kingdom on March HI, an increase of 23,000 tons compared with Dncombor HI. This is the first increaso since March 11)21. The total in other countries is 1,307,000 tons or 50,000 less than
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    • 99 5 London, April 10. Mr. Harris, secretary of the AntiSlavery Society, referring to Mae r Henry Darby’s allegations, says that be whale of the qi.islion of slavery, n *t merely in Abyss nia, but elsewhere, has 'Hi'ii placed on the agenda for Scptcmbi-i ru \t at the request
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    • 245 6 London, April 10. Am rally important development in thr rish situation is anticipated as an »*u oomc of tlir informal conversations be twren the Irish members of tin- Hierarchy who an %plnr*ing the peace proposal The conversations culminated in a I ng nun ting
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    • 115 6 London, Aprd 10. A Santiago do Chile message states that while no plenary meeting of the I'an-American Conference was held last week, nearly all the commissions presented reports wh ch will be formally discussed at the plenary session on April 17. The ino.-t important reports dealt with the
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    • 93 6 London, April 10. A Toronto message states that Lord Robert (Veil, discussing the fisheries trci.ty between the L'nited States and Canada, agreed that Canada and the other I >oni in ions should be consulted with regard to treaties between the King of Kngland and other powers.
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    • 37 6 London, April 10. I’ttsburjr Annng tin* independent noil the Jones Liughlin Corporation, orie of he largest '•■‘eel companies in th(* country, is granting an increase of approximately eleven per cent., affecting about 10,000 employees.
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    • 35 6 London, April 10. Kovno Leaders of th< German I/thuai;i.i.i Home League, including the president, secretary and editor of the Meniel Rundschau, have been depor'ed to (lermany. The local numbers have been at i e.sted.
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    • 43 6 London, Api»l 10. Melbourne Mr. Bruce announces that he does not intend to appoint a Minister to Washington, as he prefers that diplomatic representations should b<* made through Britain, but he will shortly appoint a Trade Commissioner for New York.
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    • 41 6 London, April 10. TV IV < Mlici lias informed the ••hairman of the Far Lantern section of the Manehe? ter Chamber of Commerce that no «flVrt is being spared to accelerate the V and O service to the Far Kant.
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    • 196 6 I .ondon. April Dh The Iluii-c of Comm ms debated notion the (i iveinment to enforce i policy of imperial trade development without waiting for the* Imperial Conf< rciice in October. Viscount Ldnam laid .'■tress on the sity for prompt action on
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    • 93 6 London. April <1. Berlin Ten members if the American delegation to the recent In einational Chamber i f < ominerce Congress at Rome aw arrived seeking for information from financial and industrial circle regarding Germany’s economic position. I,( ndon, April 11. Wa -mngton The annual meeting of the
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    • 81 6 London, April U. In tile House of Commons Mr. Baldwin -ti’d that it was anticipated that all the tauniaioiis and India would he rep re- ».ted t the I'.a.nomic and, *\eept New Zealand, at the Imperial Conference. The Crime Minister of New Zealand is not expected to be
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    • 43 6 London, April 10. Simla It appears that Major Orr and Major Anderson were walking four miles from Landi Kotal on Sunday evening. The shooting occurred at Hyurikandal. The identity of the culprits is unknown. Friendly tribesmen brought in the dead bodies.
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    • 24 6 London, April 11. The Royal Geographical Society’s patrons medal has been awarded to the Australian, Mr. Staniforth Smith, for xplorations in 1’apua.
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    • 137 6 London. April 10. Berlin President Kbert has received M. Krestinski, who presented his credentials as representative <f the Soviet for I he whole of Russia and the Transcaucasus Soviet. Republic. London. April 10. The Air Ministry announces that two British flying-officers, 1). Loch and H. Stringer, were k lied
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    • 570 6 IiKL TKK > SKUWCh London, April 10. Tlii* Government «if out occurred over n uoh. deal motion that the J>P«aker should leave the chair. This enables the urei.minary discuss.on of topics embraced hi tlu* estimates before the latter have been mvetigated by the committee. In
      IiKL TKK > SKUWCh  -  570 words
    • 341 6 London, April 11. Dublin It is officially reported that Liam Lynch died at Clonmel at 8.45 last night. London, April 11. It appears that a meeting of Irish rebel leaders, including: the Countess Markievicz and De Valera, was being: held at a lonely farmhouse when National troops suddenly
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    • 382 6 London, April 11. Essen There were very* impressive scenes at the funeral of the Kruno victims which probably have never been surpassed, except in the case of great neiiap Iis. for i renvds and quantit y <>f wreaths and panoply. The procession eight abreast headed by a
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    • 250 6 London, April HThere is considerable Ail ed circles, particularly the 1* <•' the Angora Assembly’s adoption votes to of the concessions as 1 j with the name of the American, A Chester, extending many kinds of takings in and around Armenia, vm' also Adana. These imply the
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    • 174 7 London, April 11. i-himrton Tlu* State Department has rll ,,.;,lle,l the visa of the permit for the ‘.f,. „f the Soviet Commissar, Kalinin,.to the United States on the ground of i, H ,tire undesirability in consequence of lu> feeling created by the execution ,,f Monsipnor Budkiewicz.
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    • 88 7 London, April 11. The Time.' Berlin correspondent states that an agreement has been reached between the British and German Governments by which an airline between Manchester, London, Amsterdam, Bremen <»r Hamburg, Berlin, Koenigsberg and Moscow will be opened to traffic on May 1. As only daylight flying is contemplates
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    • 54 7 London, October 11. In winding up the debate in the House ominous, last night, Capt. W. Ormsby- re said that without waiting for the Ouperial Conference, the Colonial Office w ,U| d encourage immediate development 1 the means of communication with the town Colonies. Viscount Ednam’s motion
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    • 35 7 London, April 11. I!- conference of Manchester textile < i utorturers has rejected the operatives* that the scheme against underfid.!,!!'*'' n cotton trade should be Jointly, the employers contributing cent' ltnt operatives 25 per
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    • 49 7 London, April 11. V s that in conl.i U a s improvement in futur L T n< n:l bulletins will in tUU on| y I* issued as required. j, London, April 11. PMhi'm i i >a f. r a|, eh Tikhon’s trial has 1,1 UL 'd sine die.
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    • 74 7 PI London, April 11. for 'th,. n <>n n Gazette was not published the i« SM i l,ne, nat least 100 years and an<| otlw.r r e oar, i °f Trade Journa 1 dolav*-«i ,ov ernment publications was f 'f trm! U,l 1Lr a s trike on
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    • 78 7 London, April 11. Berlin The annual report of the Jamburg-Amerika Line snows a net profit of 95,000,000 marks. A dividend of ten per cent., plus a bonus of 20 per cent, owing to tne depreciui.jii of uu mark, is announced. London, April 11. Berlin The annual report of
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  • 472 7 In their report for the twelve months ended December HI, 1022, the directors of TcLak Tin Fields, Ltd., state Mining operations were carried on during the period as hitherto by tributors ut the following watersheds, viz. Sungei i’lanti h, Sungei
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  • 168 7 On January 20, 42 Christian managers and employers at Chefoo met to consider how to practise the resolutions, adopted by the National Christian Conference last May, on employment of children, one day’s rest in seven and the safeguarding of the health of workers. A factory manager,
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  • 70 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, April 11. Chan Wing H.sin, ex-director of Canton Vrs< ml, an I son if an ex-Governor of Kwangiung, was shot and seriously injured m a Hongkong street last evening. The assu.lant escaped. The motive for .he crime is believed
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  • 293 7 The sixteenth annual general meeting of •htreholders was held in the Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd., at the bank premises, f>8 Chulia Street, Singapore, on April 7, Mr. Seah Eng LIm presiding. On the motion of the Chairman
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  • 218 7 Tis‘c:da.v a case was commenced ■n the Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in which the Colonial Motor Co. is suing I\>ey Keng Seng for $2,82(5.75, being amount alleged u* be due for goods supplied and labour lone in connection with a
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  • 120 7 The British North Borneo Herald, of April says :—The War Memorial, which it has been decided will be the Hr tish North Borneo War Memorial, will be unveiled at Jesselton at 10 a m. on l’u« sday. May 8. Major General Sir Neill Malcolm, K.C.B.,
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  • 358 7 Before Mr. Justice Barre'.t-Lennard »n the Supreme Court a case was commenced on Tuesday in which Mr. Lee Kim Soo claims as special damages 11 plus $(>,000 as damages for estimated loss of profit from Goh Choon ■ for alleged negligence
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  • 231 7 Kuala Lumpur correspcndent writes :—Recent visi ors to the Federal Capital no doubt have noticed that the Selangor Club buildings are not on y being enlarged, but various iniprovemt nts are being 1 effected. The enlargements include an open verandah running v 11
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  • 160 7 The fifteenth annual general meeting of he Singapore Shorthand Writers Association (Pitman’s) was held on the Nth nst., at "id, liras I in.salt Road. Mr. Cheang Peng Moh, who occupied the chair, commented on the steady progress of the \ssi Ration, and referred to the facilities uch
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  • 980 8 (From Our Own orrespon h nt i Kuala I.umpui, A pr I th The annual trcncral mretinir < f 1 i‘‘ S« lanK 1 r Indi.n A socmtinn w s held at Kuaia Lumpur, on the Ktli in>t., iG iu< in j
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  • 554 8 nj f the Singapori Natural held at the Raffle® 'in ,m M« nday afternoon. The I're-j Ip.-oi (Major .1. < Moulton) was in the eliair. Mi 11. K. Holttum, Assistant Director j f ti e Uotarm Hardens, read a paper on j ;.;.ila> lan
    554 words
  • 253 8 Then* was a pleasant evening: spent a* lie Carden < lull on April 1 when the members of the Chinese Medical Students’ > tiinn held a dinner in honour of the success of hr. K. C. Voon, who has jin t graduated from the College,
    253 words
  • 640 8 Thv following article is taken from the, tlevelopment of 5V.,-.n- Hill i> now within the icalm oi accomplished fact. Most »>f the pivlu.ilrarics essential to tin* commencement of m u,Hi o,M rat have t een complete, ,„.,l ami it is expected that piactical work
    640 words
  • 149 8 Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard presided owr the Bankruptcy Court <n Aprif (5. Among the matters that came up belore his Lordship was an application for i receiving order, submitted by Mr. H. k. Zehnder on behalf of the petitioning creditor against A. E. Fernando, at present employed in
    149 words
  • 490 8 PROPERTY AUCTION. The Sale of Abdullah Alkaff’ s Estate. The following Singapore properties belonging to the estate of Syed Abdul’ rahman bin Abdullah AlkatF, decayed, were sold by auction by Messrs. Choon-j l\oon Seng and Co., at their saleroom 30 Cliulia Street, on the 4th and 5th inst. Land and
    490 words
  • 171 8 This time last year, the Malaya-Borm* Exhibition was in progress, and to-day if a visit is paid to the site on Robinson Road there will be seen that some »»f the pavilions, after enlargement and im* provements effected to them, are accommodating over 100 police recruits. Then
    171 words
  • 150 8 On April 5 before Mr. Gourlay, Magistrate, chief detective IhM"' ,1 Costello prosecuted two Chinese f° r ,K in possession of daggers, and said t he considered the offence to be a one. The first Chinese was charged being in possession of a dagger the
    150 words

  • 1410 9 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Wes.minster, March 13. T u creation at Singapore of a naval capable of dealing with the require1 i fleet of modern capital ships r,:u.,c,<i Mr. n»t u«i f .ho Admiralty, in the House
    1,410 words
  • 146 9 Among the bills about to be introduced into the Legislative Council is one to consol date and amend the law relating to midwives. The object of this bill is to secure that the practice of midwifery by women is confined to those only who are properly qualified.
    146 words
  • 134 9 The last case on the list of the Singapore Assizes was heard on April when two Chinese, Wong Yong and Lock Liong, were charged with armed robbery and attempted murder. The evidence for the prosecution went to prove that on February 2o the two accused proceeded to a
    134 words
  • 613 9 The Pinaug Gazette of April 3 says M. Joseph Lefert, a Belgian aviator, wiio is on Ins way round the world to win a wager of 500,000 francs, arrived in from Rangoon by the Ekma. The wager was laid in the
    613 words
  • 221 9 The following is taken from an Aberdeen journal of March :—The death took place yesterday afternoon of Mr. William James Murray, after a short illness, at the residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Brown, 7, Queen’s Cardens, Aberdeen. Mr. Murray was the only son of
    221 words
  • 746 9 On Saturday, March dl, the British community of Java were shocked to .e. rn that one of their number, Mr. U. G. J. Van Breda, of the Union Insurance Soe.ety of Canton’s Sourabaya branch, had met with a tragic end whilst
    746 words
  • 81 9 The following appointments are notified in the K.M.S. (iovernment (»azette:--Mr. T. Malley to be an Assistant Superintendent, I* and T. Department, K.M.S., Mr. A. S. Small to he a Supernumerary Officer of (’lass III, Malayan Civil Service. Mr. N. Coulson to he a Supernumerary Officer of
    81 words

  • 2162 10 (By Oar Special <’or»vspomlent.) After a tine pa: ape on ti e tiamsliip Melchior Tre -ub, the British Malaya Foot hall Team arrived at Batavia <m Sunday morning April I, and w;ie net hy the officials of the West .lava Football
    2,162 words
  • 286 10 Tin* children of the* Convent of the Sacred Heart, Malacca, gave an entertainmerit on Monday, 2nd instant, at the Trunquerah Girls’ School to a packed 1 < use, among those present being Hon. Mr. Langham Carter and Mrs. Langham Carter. The programme opened with an overture
    286 words
  • 85 10 rit f T the Government <«a/.tte j.f tlie -lth inst., stale that Mr ,.f h 2 Mt as Offieer-in-Charcre ml '"I Bnt r Mr H. H. Brown to i T h anu al <; n «-''neer, in addition to SO M 1 Captain J. W. Hood, Rifles.
    85 words
  • 632 10 The lepuit of the committee of Tanidjn Club for the year ended January Ji, pjl! states Finance. —The working account for the year under review shows a profit of $1,51)8.20 as compared with $2,92:1.00 f or the previous year. Allowances have
    632 words
  • 183 10 Some time back the tenant "f land in Malacca being a year in a, roa with his rent, the District Officer Malacca seized and sold a certain °f the land. The tenant, eight later, brought an action against the < ro»‘asserting that there was
    183 words

  • 800 11 following report is oltteially sep- v >cth annual i-ral meetii/; ot n l ‘‘llu ‘llonx i-tnk, •<«.. was h«-M at ...p-’s reg.stored oo‘.c~, Market ■T;, (Mi April 5 at ‘-M0 Besides niwn, Mr. Um C. Siaw. lh«f ji ,'t'si’llt
    800 words
  • 105 11 r ,l, m>MT ,f utvts of the S. R. K. (V.) 1 on pontoon operations on ii'ar the Drill Hall, on Monday °wiiiR to tie roughlle s «*f the rapt, hut there was v 'hinge r in the operations, o‘(*» of the rafi not being a j.
    105 words
  • 798 11 A care in which Chia Tian Soon and ’i Siew SciifeC are d'Hi'tred with a u.nptid cheating, was resumed <;n Apr l i dove Mr. Ahearrx. It was a.lcge! Ip. liie miplainant, i*eck Choc, that the ace.used came to bis house
    798 words
  • 65 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 7. Mr. Dally, Intclliy/ net* Department, and Air. Hussey, of the Central Station, on information received last night, raided u -arret society meeting at Petaling Hill Vine men were captured together w th ‘he society’s documents. All are being held
    65 words
  • 403 11 Recently u visit waj paid to this city by Mr. .1. J. Anderson, tin* chairman of the Clover Meat Company of Queensland, and at the time just a luiultul of people were aware of h.s presence and the object he had in view. It
    403 words
  • 198 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April (>. A new development has occurred in the case in which the Royal occultist was summoned by Kandasamy, a supposed occultist, at Kuala Lumpur. Kandasamy was arrested yesterday evening on a warrant ssued by the magistrate at Ipoh. It is
    198 words
  • 206 11 The Don;# la whin'll left for l/»n*ion on Wednesday, took away the following from the Straits and F.M.S.—Messrs L. V. J. Laville, R. Napier Hendrie, Groom, R. I). Gillett, Rust, RofTey, Mrs. and Miss Slack, Mrs. Maephail, Mrs. and Miss Vyse, Mrs. C. A. Matthews, Mrs. Kwing, Mrs.
    206 words
  • 401 11 In l;1 Cour. on April a case was heard by Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard in which the In 1 inational Ranking Corporation sued Fong Yew Tun;;, manager of the Chong Shin*; J>ij» nsary, NorJt Brill: e Road. Mr. R. Williamson appeared fo»- ihe
    401 words
  • 349 11 The third annual report of the directors of Robinson and Co., Ltd., for the financial year ended January *ll, PJ23, states Turnover. Durness during ihe* year bowed a decrease as compared with thu ;)i'ec. dinjc twelve months, due to the
    349 words
  • 48 11 V\Y regret a slip in our notice of the consecration of Napier liodpo, Teluk Anson. The site on which tin* is built wms bought by the Codec from the Church of I'mrii nd by kind permission and oflices of the Bishop of the Diooeso.
    48 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1183 12 Straits Times, April There has been a year of almost complete peace in the British industrial world, and the effect was to produce u fair degree (if confidence. The number of un employed wa decreasing, more capital was seeking employment in trade, hopes were expressed that we had
      Straits Times, April ♦».  -  1,183 words
    • 1203 12 Straits Times, April 7 The Rubber Producers’ Association of Malaya held its fourth annual meeting on Thursday, and was attended by five persons, one of whom, the representative of several companies, intimated that he had heard of the meeting quite accidentally, and complained that the members were inadequately kept
      .— Straits Times, April 7  -  1,203 words
    • 1138 12 fa! mg s lor:. Ftrn's i. i Publication of the Notification *ht Government of India with refer, r, conditions of emigration o? ui j labour to Malaya, gives an opp<r\ ,.-y for expressing the very great fee. ng „f gratitude felt in Malaya to the Ir.dat Government. The
      , fa! mg s lor:. Ftrn's i. i. .\  -  1,138 words
    • 1125 13 Strait" Times, April 10. Tlu i it ’ll and scope of M. Loucheur’s vi>it n remains somewhat obs(uiv. It would appear that before leavi'.; Per is M. Loucheur conferred with M. I’o non: r.d that while in England he c«>: v« i with Mr. Bonar Law and
      Strait" Times, April 10.  -  1,125 words
    • 1131 13 fitra'ls Times, Ajirifl 11. Is there to be peace in Ireland It would be a marvel if it came, and yet it seems possible, almost we had said probable that it will come as the result of exhaustion among those who refused t*' accept the Free State status. The
      – fitra'ls Times, Ajirifl 11.  -  1,131 words
    • 1322 13 limits Times, April I*2. We recorded yesterday some very heavy penalties imposed in Johore upon thirteen Chinese convicted of smuggling rubber. We entirely concur in the severity of these penalties, because it has to be borno in mind that the offence is robbery of the Government and, at
      limits Times, April I*2.  -  1,322 words

  • 69 14 The Straits Tirana ie not reaponaibla for r.« 14-niwOA of its correspondents. <-orre.l on l* ots should hear in mind that letters nuut be short and t‘< the point. Long r. -a tiling epistles arc liabla to be rejected or uthlcHMly cm down (~n*mend*uu n ,M it *l.jhc lio
    69 words
  • 249 14 the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—With reference to Mr. (JraburnV ,ci in sour issue of the 2nd in-.. v. ill i :.<• to explain that the reference O (1 M barge. 1 readies re ferred te> in Dr. Annual Report, applies only i„ ci in- < tking
    249 words
  • 372 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I have* just read Mr. lirahurn’s t r in your issue of the 2nel. inst. and am ejuite at a loss to understand why in shoulel draw such unjustified and un-ju-t coneius.ons about the Malacca I’laiiti rs’ ii etlioel* of elealing
    372 words
  • 172 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I don’t «wn a ear but that is n very important. I hire a car ocraionally and was in one coming to town i few mornings euro when the police on 'uty at Mill S reet and St Road ‘'ifhalled
    172 words
  • 470 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Referring ti» the letter that an* iM-iretl Ml the columns o< your esteemed iouni 1 of yesterday’s date signed by e-An li-iliaii it may he pointed ou tlm, ♦lie beginning and do-ing \v -ids of toe letter under reference
    470 words
  • 136 14 To *he Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —Further to the correspondence vou were good enough to publish on page 9 of your issue dated March 21, I beg to say the Comptroller General, Trade and Customs Department, Melbourne comniunierdes as follows Regarding Federal Income Tax the l*edei*ui
    136 words
  • 299 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I think that at one ard the same time during last year four prosecutions were proceeding in respect of misappropriation of money or stores by Government Officials, namely two in the OHii e of the P.C.M.O., one in tht* office
    299 words
  • 250 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- In view of the need that exists of so rue kind of printed repository jif factan i figures relating to the various branches of field sport in Malay a the writer has devoted some time to an elfort to
    250 words
  • 215 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Your account of the dis; taking bathing fatality in Java in your i-sae <>f th instant, raises an issue quite u*.ique in my experience, if true, and it would e of interest *o residents on oui coasts if one
    215 words
  • 140 14 The following action was taken a committee meeting of the Municipal < )!1 missioners on the Gth instant Race Course Road. —Approved e\«'iv.. tion from payment of assessment Vegetarian Temple, fill Race Course lo" 1 and decided to consider further thi P°' tion of other vegetarian temples. Drinking
    140 words

  • 1038 15 The following are the Singapore results ,fthe Cambridge Local Examinations held j n December last Senior Hoys. Studmts under 18 years of age who L w obtained honours.—Class II.—Ng VK»k Boon, It. C. Oehlers and Wong Yin y t n ,r (Raffles Institution).
    1,038 words
  • 248 15 The report by the diretors of the Hotel van Wijk Co., Ltd., for the year ended Deeembei .‘51, 11)22, s ates :—After making the usual provision for depreciat on and writing off all debts known to be bad, there is a loss on the year’s working $8,0;)(5.70
    248 words
  • 174 15 Mr. O. C. Smalley, secretary, Kclantan Gold Min’s, Ltd., writes :—The Superintendent of the Kclantan Gold Mines Ltd., reports during March that the scheme of systematic mine development initiated by tile Consulting Engineer of the company ,is being vigorously carried out. On the Mount Berching property two
    174 words
  • 156 15 The Municipal health statement foi the week ending March •> 1 gives the total number of deaths as 1 <2 repiesenting a Icath rate of 23.94 per mille, per annum, jompared with 25.(51 in the preceding week, and with 30.54 in the correspondng week of last year.
    156 words
  • 853 15 Mr. M. R. Thornton, the Liberal representative for Tavistock, gave notice of following questions in Parliament on rebruary 21 To ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether in 190 L there was an agreement executed by Siam with
    853 words
  • 359 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, April 9. On Saturday evening last, in the Malacca Club, the Malacca Amateur Dramatic Society, gave their second show, before a crowded hall. It was a very enjoyable entertainment, and those pre* >ent must agree that everything pointed to the fact that no
    359 words
  • 254 15 Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging.— Hours- run (two dredges) 992, cubic yards tre. ed 137,000, total piculs 1,079.30, net value $73,325.38. No. 2 lost 155 hours in first half of month boiler cleaning and repairs. Asain Kumbang Tin Dredging.—Hours run 561, cubic yards treated 100,000, total piculs 598.35,
    254 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 872 16 'I In- foi owing account of racing I-.' tin 1 Loyal Singapore aclit 1 ill*. < n Sun day n on nor, is coatrihuted Yesterday morning’s race \va for the Hiesidcnt’s Cup an event of long s‘an.1iiijjr judging l*y t.Jie title. It is
      872 words
    • 900 16 A coi r<" pondeiit sends us the following Ihe Miri Recreation Club held their port on tlu* Dadaug oppedtc the Cluh Building in bright sunny weather on (Custer Sunday. Practically the when population of Miri was present, and the numbers cf the* (iyiukhunu lub un<l the* IB
      900 words
    • 179 16 Our I poll correspondent wires :—The Ijx.h Gymkhana was held in fine weather on Friday. The sport was pood and the re was an ample number of pentle,);(n I tiers. The results were as follow; Polo Scurry, Half Mile. Gradan Chick, Strode 1 Kilat, Welsh 2 Maharajah, Vasey
      179 words
    • 367 16 The April monthly medal was won by Mr. 1'. W. Lyall, with a net score of <1. The followinp cards were returned F. W. Lyall 79— s 71 G. Cullen 89 17 72 M. D. Rut ley ..76 2 74 F. Stocks 88 14 74 R. R.
      367 words
    • 91 16 Our Ipoh correspondent wires About a dozen Perak clubs sent delegah s to a meeting at Ipoh on Tuesday vvh> n the Perak Sports Association was inaugurated to control sport in Perak and to appoint delegates to the Central Malayan committees for tennis, soccer, rugger and athletics
      91 words
    • 395 16 S. F. A. League Fixtures. At a recent meeting of the Commit*, of the Singapore Football Association fixtures in the First and Second Leairi were arranged as follows uts 1st Division. April. 16 S.J.O.B. v. R.G.A., S.R 20 S.C.C v. S.C.F.A., S.C.C. 23 Middlesex v. S.R.C., SCC 25
      395 words
    • 256 16 A good game of hockey was seen n the S.R.C. ground on Tuesday when the S. R. C. were at home to the Machine Gunners and Signallers of the Middlesex Regiment. From the commencement, the Ciub brought the ball up, and after lj minutes’ play Stack scored the first
      256 words
    • 363 17 S. C. C. Tournament. the S.C.C. cricket tournament on lV the Bankers, Brokers and In,a .j,, K v’beat the Etceteras, the scores B. B. and I. r W. Hare b Holder 3 K. i ih(Iv c Rolfe b Scharenguivel 8 j> Wodehouse b Scharenguivel GG v i lie- c
      363 words
    • 66 17 [Reuter’s Service.] London, April 11. Sydney: In view of the fact that an English team is not due in Australia until the end of 1924, Mr. I redale, Mcretarv of the New South Wales ticket Association, has suggested that the South African team should make a nef tour
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  66 words
    • 146 17 u R*” writes :—I have met Mr. Stevenson, the well-known billiard- b who is recently home again after his round the world trip and who played in 11 n'upore about a year ago. He is now paired in a 12,000 up match with alkiner, and seems
      146 words
    • 38 17 [Reuter’s Service]. London, April 11. I'nj' il: n The New Zealand t„ ave received a cabled invitation l:r>j a tl ‘am to England during the ,„r' as,,n It is anticipated that the ,Ullon will be accepted.
      [Reuter’s Service].  -  38 words
    • 52 17 PLAY ON APRIL 6. Championship Singles. Potts beat Leakey, 1 G—2, 7—5. Championship Pairs. Sinclair and Doig beat Lee Warner and Tyler, 6—3, 5—7, 6—4. MONDAY’S PLAY. Championship Singles. Kleinman beat Potts 6 1, 6—0. WEDNESDAY’S PLAY. Championship Pairs. Kleinman and Utermark beat Potts and Wodehouse, 6—3,
      52 words
    • 123 17 PLAY ON APRIL 6. Single Handicap. T. B. Norrie beat E. B. Evans, 21—16. Double Handicap. Chater and Haig v. Smith and Bowerman (unfinished). FRIDAY’S PLAY. SingVs Handicap. Norrie beat Smith, 21—10. Double Handicap. Doig ami Kinloch beat Evans and Mc- Millan 21 13. I MONDAY’S PLAY. Simile
      123 words

  • 460 17 A correspondent earnestly appeals to us to publish the following Will the governors, directors and committee of St. Andrew’s House give some explanation of the deplorable state of poverty into which the institution has fallen It appears to be almost entirely without the needful furnishings for the
    460 words
  • 790 17 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report dated Apiil 11, states: The local share market during the past week has been quiet with very few changes in quotations to note. Tin shares have been comparatively inactive, the ten !< ivy however, being in
    790 words
  • 368 17 It is no.itied for public information by the Government of the Netherlands East in lies, Government of the Federated Malay Stages, the Billiton Maatschappij and the Straits Trading Co., Ltd., being •he parties to the Bandoeng Agreen.uU relative to the accumulated stocks
    368 words
  • 73 17 (I'roni Our Own Correspondent.) Penan*, April 10. Mr. Albert C. Davis, formerlv managing d rector of the Far Eas‘t traders, Ltd., was charged before Mr jcott, in the District Court, by Goh Chong »\<*ng, managing-director of Connolly (ear Last), Ltd., with malicious prosecu- on. The sum of
    73 words
  • 222 17 An armed robber.* was committed m broad daylight on April 4. when ibout 11.30 a.m. on that day, four Chinese •ntered house No. 07, Prinsep Street saying they wished to see the towkay y the house and give him a basket of fruits. The only
    222 words

  • 1090 18 The plan and perspcr'ive drnv.Mi" < f a p:npo ;m! Malay pavilion a' the iW't i Km pi it* Kxhibition, I w i ri ei ivi-d r:u |y mi I*cbruary. I In* I**x1 1 ii»i- »< n .\n li't; ct had
    1,090 words
  • 110 18 (From Cur Own < one-p >ndc nt.) Penang, April i; i.iU S dim It'll.In r Co., report a net i •<,|p, ,,f shh,» and recommend a 7 1 j e«rP. dividend and a carry forward of -S1IM*,I• t». Lira Ah Woo and Poh Alt hi, w.u> v.
    110 words
  • 179 18 The follow ing is contributed hy the hoti. secretary of tlu* Indian Association :—A meeting of the* hoard of elirectors was heiel at 72 Kcrbau Hoad, on 7th instant to ed'i t tlu* presilient, viee-pre*side*nt and hem. treasurer. Owing to the* inability of Mr. Kadcr Sultan and
    179 words
  • 86 18 e are imh l.tcd tn the noting Registrar Imports Mill Exports, Singapore, for the lloving comparative return of the total mpurts Mai exports of merchandise for the Month of .March, lt>2'l Tin* 1 1 t:il value of Foreign Imports of :uc rchondise excluding Parcel Post into
    86 words
  • 91 18 Hit Wednesday, an Indian, charged with ash and negligent driving, through which he caused a collision between car 117(1 th t he was driving and car 239 at the junction of lleneo den Street and Middle limit! a few weeks back, was fined .$100 or two
    91 words
  • 64 18 I Court last Friday, Mr. I'• I’Ji'id, yave his decision in the ii'; drawn rase in which a Japanese Muii d Koine, who was employed as an Mieipi'eter at the Income Tax office, was •harea’d with accepting tfratification. Mr. David said in his < pinion the •erased
    64 words
  • 465 18 Singapore, April 12. MINING. laauc Val Pd. Buyera. Selim, 1 1 Batang Fadang 0.42 1 0.474 1 1 IIHam Tin l.*o 1.60 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0.30 m 1 1 Johan Tin 0.474 0.524 £1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.1.0 2.3.0 10 10 Kinta Assn. 7.‘J0 8.50 3
    465 words
  • 131 18 EXCHANGE. Singapore, April 12. On London, Bank 4 m/s Demand oz/V, 1 Private 3 m. credits >>% t On New York Demand Private ‘JO d/a On France, Bank On India, T.T. On Hongkong, Bank d/d On Shanghai, Bank d/d a On Java, Bank T.T, On Japan, Bank
    131 words
  • 387 18 Before Mr. Ahearne, second magistrate, on Tuesday, Annie Wong, former cashier at tin* (I. 11. Sweet Shop, in Battery Hoad, was charged with criminal breach of tiust n ri'spict <»f $3.00, the property of Mrs. I Howe, proprietress of
    387 words
  • 186 18 (Aneta’s Service.) Weltevreden, April 11. 1 in is steadier and business has been ,OI V‘ at tht Bank limit of 158. Rubber !s (lull and for April-May is quoted 90-91 guilder cents. The following details of the tire cn the s eanur Kwaisang, previously mentioned in our
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  186 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 87 18 NOTICE All communications for both the Strait? Times and the Straits Budget should he addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Manley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlenents. l'he post free price of the the United Kingdom and is $51 a year. The post Straits Budget is $11 a of the world.
      87 words
  • 94 18 IN MEM OK AM :AX. In loving memory of Mr. Tan Khenir. "rh' L] M V who d' 1 1 0,1 the 25th day of hi nose 2mi Moon last year. DEATHS I>K SOUZA On April 7, 1920. at 7, St homas’ Walk, Singapore, Joseph Alfred de Souza, youngest son
    94 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 112 1 fit iu i a I- Rubber 1 j l4 .j Rubber Auction'* 2 |> u I)Ihv Price Control Export of Rubber S.S. and F.M.S. 3 Marco Robber Returns 3 K'dation of Labour 3 K»>'rift ion in Sarawak 3 British Malaya 1 Rubber Restriction 6 lYlcurams—it IVrak Rubber Fatal Attack
      112 words
    • 55 1 On April '*th and h thirteen Chinese Wt re Cell v ed a iintu Pa hat in .lohor; f*>r -in igciing rubber. Five of the were fined $43,000 each* two .*y,.i ini ai-h, f n r $20,00) each and two $12,300 cadi. 21,100
      55 words
    • 92 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 9. Hu l’a’it Perak Rubber Co. report ;2; w that the revenue from rubber was ■'•O'l, less expenditure on fees, etc., leavintr a balance available for djstribu--10,1 -l.fifio. The directors recoma dividend of five per cent, and to u ,v f°
      92 words
    • 77 1 1 1 rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 12. •V v.-.s has reached Penang that Gerald i a young Englishman on one of p]! 1 J ites of the HoPand-Amcrican v<::> a t,ns in Sumatra, succumbed }v r to injuries inflicted bv a coolie previous day.
      77 words
    • 31 1 (Anota’s Service.) I Weltovreden, April 10. b S .r ,v quotations are as follow’s ;-;i 1,1, udy. buyers April-Mnv 02 i dune U2U. Sellers 1 a cent, higher.
      (Anota’s Service.)  -  31 words
    • 1785 1 (From Oui Own Correspcndent). Kuala Lumpur, April 8. A general meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association was held at the P.A.M. hall at 10.30 u.m. yesterday, Mr. J. S. After, vice-chairman, presiding. The tollowing is the chairman’s annual it view
      1,785 words
    • 1474 2 Rubber Producers. Chairman’ s Interesting Review Of the Situation. The fourth ordinary general iTieo'in'.‘ of the Rubber Producer# Association of Malaya was hi Id at ivnrh Hank Ruildiinfs on April 5. (Mr. II. I* reuman pre.-ided, ami the others presen* wen Mi‘ rs. .1. M. Sime, II. H. Ward, K<h
      1,474 words
    • 941 2 I!i" auction of the Singapore _hsi;i.tM»r 'f '’nmmerce Rubber As.-oc-ia--n was be! on April 5, when there was alogurd 1 .(»<(5,0’!.”i lb.s. or ton* 748.40 o.'jered CM 1.1*37 lbs. or tons 40(5.40; s ,1 '< •> 11 ,r> 1 J |b<.
      941 words
    • 829 2 The Lobby correspondent of the !it cial Times wrote on March b ,4a The case for and against the restriction of rubber exports from My,a and Ceylon was argued before the 1,.1'i‘s ot the 1 1lit* hoU'c of Commons
      829 words
    • 26 2 Messrs. Lewis and Peat ropor p r latest advices show that stot J> 'Mec held in fiondon were flown > >!• the week ending Saturday Apr'
      26 words
    • 95 3 I 'idcbU'd to tin* t'jntroller of Ruble, r Export for the following details I ,1'xportable under licence for the 1st and 2nd quartets of the Re.'trirti»Mi R.Yance pa- Licenced Total Rubber which p.issI i\»..rtel in for 2nd Exportable ed through Total. I 1st quarter.
      95 words
    • 736 3 I n t -n lid annual general mee’ing of la-.dok T.n, Lt‘h. was held at |r;i;:*»««.■«•: m>- wM I.. mrni.m l presiding. ‘V;,. CnaiMnaii said :-T.t ntleiuen 1 reft-. |i;it tin* chairman, Mr. 1). i. Lewis*, i,i. to be present to-day. The
      736 words
    • 361 3 Anglo-Johore Consolidated. —15,392 lbs. Ayer Kuning.—til,ooo lbs. Anglo-SuiiUitra.—li,oS4 lbs. Asahun Rubber.—44,ooo lbs. Bandar Sumatra. >4.000 lbs. Lah Lias.- M 1,418 lbs. Boven Hanoi (Siantar). —35,470 lbs. Bassett.—No tapping. 8i1a.—44,500 lbs. i j.mine .‘r>cl-.ngor 1. 29,785 lbs. i»uki. l’aiong. -0.029 lbs. Bagan Serai.—nil. Batak Habit.—22,ooo lbs. Bradwall. —2.’
      361 words
    • 835 3 TiV eighth annual general meet ng »>1 the shareholders of the Shanghai Serna* ban Rubber Estates, Ltd., wa hld at Shanghai on March 10. Dr. R. S. I*y presided and was supported by Mr. A. Iv. Craddock, the Rex. ivrc Sallou, Messrs. M.
      835 words
    • 577 3 The following notification issued by the Indian departnu r.l it' revenue and arriv'd lure, and dated I'elhi, h ebruary J 7, is published in the Government Gazette In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10 of the Indian immigration Act, r.;22
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    • 214 3 His Hijrhnt’ss the* Rajah of Sarawak having de*ciele*d to e*e»-e>pe*rate* with the Struts Settlements, Malay States and i) he r rubber producing territorie*s in theiir policy of restieting the output of plantation rubber has g veil notice that the •lantity of plantation rubber which may !.c exported
      214 words
    • 265 4 The Registrar of Imports and Export’ has sent u> the following comparative KUtcnunt of th** quantity and value «*f rubber exported from British Malaya durum' Mian h, 1022. '1 !k figures, which are in centals of lot) lbs.,
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    • 791 4 The fifteenth ordinary general meeting of the United Sen Jang (Sumatra) Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was held on February 27 at 2-4, Idol-lane, E.C., Mr. Heath dark (the chairman) presiding. The Uhnirman said that the capital remained at 1000,000 and the planted
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    • 223 4 The thirteenth yearly report of the djreciors of the Ayer l'unas Kuhecr Estate, Ltd., for the- year ended January 21, 1022, states:—The profit for the year is $27,Gil.44, brought forward from last account $27,500.39, making a total of $G5,lo7.S2, which the directors recommend be carried forward
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    • 111 4 At the first ordinary general meeting of the Rubber Research Scheme (Ceylon) held at Colombo on March 2H, the chairman (the Hon. Mr. F. A. Stockdale) handed over the prize for tho Rubber Budding Competition 1922. The winner of the competition was Mukalana Group, Matugnma the proprietor of
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    • 1250 4 The seventeenth annual general meeting of shareholders in the Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on March 16, at the office of the company, Colombo. Mr. A. Wright (director) presided, and there u« re present Messrs. K. C.
      1,250 words
    • 474 4 MELVILLE DEVELOPMENT. Considerable Reduction in Co st s Anticipated. The iimuul report of Melville Dev.lp. mini Syndicate, for the j.iir triid i uriiiV r ;.i. i 1.22, s aUs *he area of the estate remain* from the prev.oas w.»r. and a iol.ows:— 1 oia. planted urea n)\4 re*. K.-s
      474 words
    • 2997 5 N e w Rubber Processes. actical Chemist’s Interesting Review. Ktl m Our Own Corre»pondent.) Bandoeng, April 5. ptine of the Netherlands Indies a Planters’ Association held at b March 22, a paper was read i, (i ,1c Vries, (consulting rubber thf Experimental Station, un the subject of new rubber w
      2,997 words
    • 64 5 (Tit Stuio fiiii'O* i. 4 nc* !<*r me opinion* of nk correspondent* Correspondents should bear in tnir.d that letters must be short and to the point. Long rambling epistle* are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily fur pVblicatiun but as
      64 words
    • 403 5 To the Editor of the StraiU Times. Sir,—I read with a certain amount of amusement the letter of I*er;a Dorai in an issue of your paper printed some ten days ago. 1 n his anxic'y to get a h t at the Malacca Planter.’ Associat’d; and
      403 words
    • 1107 6 'I h«* thirteenth ordinary general meet(>f tin. ill <1 Or Rubber instates, I^t< 1., wa.s field on Man h 7, at tin* registered ollice of tin* company* Lc*udi*nhiiAistreet, K.C., Mr. V. K. Wick war (chairman of the company) presiding. Thi hairnmn salo
      1,107 words
    • 619 6 The following is Mr. Winston Churchill’s statement with reference to attacks on the policy of restriction One ot our principal means of paying our debt to the United States is the provision of rubber. Before the Stevenson -chime was brought into force
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    • 377 6 RUBBER SHARE PRICES. LONDON EXCHANGE STERLING PRICES MAR. 1 4 Stock Exchange l'ai t VMue. Company. Fricei. Value. Cumpiu.*. 11 Anglo-Malay 3/ y Lmggi 3^ il Ayer Kuning 2/ London Asiatic 4/41, u Bakap Plantations I</|> M Lutok 3 3 A bantung (Selangor) J} Lumut 38/g £1 Batu Laves M/
      377 words
    • 722 6 p 'U 'it «m!I n- -j Clobimr Pried* Paid Up Value Dividend* Eraser LyaU ft Company Co. Evatt J AllenbyNew ($1) 1.00 1.15 1.10 1.20 110,000 1 nil year 30-9-21 Alor Gajah ($1) 1.10 1.20 1.15 1.30 040,414 2 5 p.c. for year 30-6-20
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 FOURNIER'S fTSERIQUE MIXTURE (fob lAtam w**n no ran TwU4 u 4 Ftmi tor T«n M(di ,Uly |M Mtl«* »*f -tea teke Mixtm U gnteUy ar i. nothing to it. Anytking Known. H la )aitl| Averted u tbi FLVOT iMfIMT 111 ram world. Bo sure TOO f*t PawnlafY Urvnivn Mixture. Iffooo
      116 words
    • 26 7 NOW READY scubblbmpads FOR MSN 100 sheets (lOVfr in. by 8% in.) lor 20 OBITS Postage 14 eta. each extra. Apply Manager, STRAITS TIMES, i Singapore.
      26 words
    • 90 7 M»i Rtfrumtni w/: HARRISONS, BARKER Co„ Ltd. Singapore and Penang. theJLftter Biliousness, sick headache, giddiness, lassitude drowsiness and depression of spirits, all result .from an inactive liver. A teaspoonful of ENO'i 44 Fruit Salt" taken in a glass of cold water at intervals will prose. soothing and refreshing, and stimulate
      90 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 WEARNE BROS. ENGINEERS BOAT BUILDERS 20 H P. Ford Marine Complete with PropeDor, Shaft and Coupling, Water and Oil Pumps and Reverse gear. A $1,000 o in* Gray Marine Engines Coupfete with PropeHor, Shaft and Couplings, Salt water outfit, Oil pump, Magneto, Controls and Reverse 3 H.P. Single Cylinder 2
      129 words