The Straits Budget, 6 April 1923

Total Pages: 22
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES VOL. LXXVII No. 3399 Singapore, Friday, AprU 6, 1923 ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
    30 words
  • 226 1 1 i A’’airs 10 V ;n: -ipal 10 I 10-11 k ,ltd Restriction 11 d ir'v 'll I IV uais 1-2 t a v :i r iti Malaya 2 t'.' S rvi-'e I V 1 ape 5. M. cipal -N;.. d'd;;. Aviaier V;!• 1‘. (Johorel^Club'g^Kr'^NS^k. a it. Ix-g'-V>T v
    226 words
  • 4048 1 j. Lumpur' eorrespondi nt wires: 1 >ester(]a\ morning the police were (1 (,,u 1° house Xo. 1:01, in Batu Road. V, n r ,n: C a r upstairs, th *y f.mnd K v ‘'J, Jl iim*, named ;'Ln hai, hanging by a rope fasit, in< roof.
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  • 826 2 The Victoria Memorial Ilall niadi beautiful Grand Lodge Room when. 0 Saturday evening, His Excellency Major General Sir Neill Malcolm, K.C.8., was installed as Right Worsli ufj Grand Master of the Eastern Aid*. I-eligo, in succession to Right VVor>hit»fy Bro. VV. F.
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    • 242 3 Reuter's Service. London, March 29. Tlu> Ruhr position was gravely debated in the House of Commons, initiated by Sit Edward Grig}?, who declared that the French policy had taken us into a new jy.rjon of politics—a dangerous and volcanic n -jon. He
      Reuter's Service.  -  242 words
    • 104 3 London, March 29. The National Union of Railwaymen has unanimously decided to call a national all-grade strike, affecting half a million nun. if the companies enforce the proposed withdrawal of the remaining 6s. tid. shopmen's bonus wage. A ballot, however, is necessary. A national stoppage of nearly half
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    • 135 3 London, March 29. I’aris The greatest crowds since the Armistice paid a final homage to the late Sarah Bernhardt when a million reverent watchers lined the streets through which wended the cortege of 50 carriages, head'd by live coaches bearing wreaths, and followed by the remains of
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    • 107 3 London, March 30. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald has written to b ar n Hayashi hoping that for the sake cod feeling between Japan and the ritish working classes, no such j will be taken as indicated in the I J J nian n °te to Japan, protesting against
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    • 100 3 j London, March 29. tbe Civil Service estimates tl "n!n s low a total foreign service of Half J a reduction of £219,000. i f 0 decrease is due to cessation Salari! l< nfu ces the Near East, creas,..)' an a 'h)wances have been inniutic v. W WR
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    • 194 3 London, 29. Delhi Lord Reading has certified the Finance Bill doubling the salt tax. London, March 30. The Viceroy has issued a s atement lefending his action on the ground that it •vas essential to the interests of India and the discharge of
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    • 78 3 London, March 29. Helsingfors A bulletin regarding Lenin records that digestive disturbance is causing a rise in his temperature to 100.2. London, March 30. A Stockholm message states that the Svenska Dagbladet has received a circumstantial story, alleged to be based on a confidential message from Moscow to
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    • 89 3 London, March 29. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir W. De Frece, Mr. R. McNeill said that he was not aware that the Consortium had received any request from China for loans for railway construction. The Government, and doubtless other Consortium powers also, would gladly do
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    • 86 3 London, March 30. Paris :An all night sitting of the Chamber of Deputies produced an excited exchange, when M. Ybarnegaray requested a discussion of the Banque lndustrielle de Chine and Violently attacked M. Briand. The latter was replying when M. Poincare intervened and declared that M. Briand did
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    • 48 3 London, March 29. Chicago Mr. J. O. Armour announces that the Armour Company has acquired the assets of Messrs. Morris Company. The North American Provision Company, a subsidiary of Armours, at Delaware, will take over the Morris business. The combination represents a capital of $500,000,000.
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    • 55 3 London, March 29. Paris The Chamber of Deputies has adopted the new Housing Bill providing for the control of rents of dwelling-houses till January 1, 1925, and empowering an increase in rents in the Paris and Seine Department by 75 per cent., compared with 1914. Increases elsewhere will
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    • 57 3 London, March 29. Rangoon The Governor of Burma has inaugurated, at Taungyyi, the Advisory Council of the Shan States Federation, consisting of the principal chiefs and representatives of minor chiefs with prominent officials. It is said that the council does not possess legislative powers, but would be consulted
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    • 196 3 London, March 2‘J. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir H. Craik with regard to the alleged proclamation signed by Queen Victoria and Lord Salisbury, as Secretary for India in 1K81 and the concession to the Burma Oil Company, Mr. R.
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    • 153 3 London, March 23. In the House cf Commons, before adjourning for Easter, the Labour Members presse 1 the Government for a change of policy towards Russia. Mr. Ronald McNeill stated that ‘he policy would not be seriously influenced oy tiie reported currents in favour of a Franco-Unssian
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    • 70 3 London, March 20. Washington The Lansing Ishii agreement. by which the United Stales recognised Japan’s special interests in China, has been cancelled by mutual agreement between Washington and Tokio. The cancellation is regarded us placing the diplomatic affairs of the United States in a more favourable position
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    • 42 3 London, March 30. The British Government have given instructions for the release of Zaghlul Pasha from Gibraltar for reasons of '•health. It is understood that Zaghlul w 11 proceed to France for the purpose of taking a course of waters.
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    • 34 3 London, March 29. Paris The bill for Naval Defence, introduced into the Chamber, provides for the construction, within the next ten years, of six light-cruisers, 15 destroyers, 24 torpedo-boats and 34 submarines.
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    • 32 3 London, March 29. The State Department, through the Ambassador at Berlin, has expressed to the Soviet Government an earnest hope that the lives of Cieplak and Budkiewicz will be spared.
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    • 78 3 London, Marco 29. A Copenhagen message states that the steamer Glenbeg has arrived at Korsoer and will proceed to Copenhagen when 450 tons of cargo, which were discharged has been reshipped. London, March 29. Cairo Lord Carnarvon, discoverer of Tutankhamen’s tomb, is in a critical condition owing to blood
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    • 697 3 Kki.tkk'B Sekvicr. London, March 31. Berlin A message* from Risen states that the French occupied the automobile section of Krupps. The workmen struck and crowded ou side the building. The I* rench mounted machine-guns and when about
      Kki.tkk'B Sekvicr.  -  697 words
    • 177 4 London, April I. Constantinople: The Allied reply to tie* Turki-h eounter-propo. als lias been presented. London, Api .1 I The Allied reply to the Turkish counter propo; als -ugges s a prompt resumption of nejMitiat o n- at Lausanne and accepts ’ll principle the proposal to redraft
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    • 146 4 London, March ii'.k I'iflis The committee on tin* cost of the American army of occupation, who are examining the American and Allied proposals for settlement, have now, apparently, unanimously agreed to the following principles the payment to America, with absolute priority, of one milliard gold marks less
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    • 118 4 L* lldofl, Mail’ll 111. A me. am* from Moscow says that the ‘•rilleiire S dc.ith passed i n Arehhishop Cicplak has been commuted t<> ten years’ impri. oiiment and tin* sentence of death passed on ISishop Ludk ewicz has heeti coniirmed. London, March 111. Moscow The order commuting
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    • 49 4 London, March 111. The North h'eiand Government have i suid a statement of income and expenditure during its lir t complete year, -hewing a s rii plus of 12, after paying the tatutory con Kbution of approximately t'OJKIO.OOO to the licit ish exeln(|Uer for Imperial service.
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    • 62 4 London, April I. la may A motor ear on the l’arist hcrhoitrg road, containing IVincc Kitalii Knwaka, hrother-in-law of the Ln pi ror of Japan, I'rinee tAsaka, Prince Zita, and a lady, struck a tree ifUnr I’erriers. I’rinee Kitashi Kawaka an I tin < haulfeur
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    • 54 4 London, March 111. New ork It i' announced that the i‘ ’*e if the Oriental Company is entirely placed with investors in America and Ivjrope. London, March ill. l ll<* m initiations resulted in a nc.v ici* i landing on the bar is of the r>\ a
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    • 256 4 London, March HI. diplomatic corn pondeid.- in London emphasise the fact that the cx-Pre*’ inier, Zaghlul, being allowed to t.'ike flic cure at Towi implies that be w il; be permit ted to return to Lgypt. lln 11 i tbli ti'ivernmen* lave
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    • 192 4 London, April I. Th revenue of the United Kingdom for the year ending March 111, 102:1. amounted to L!»11,000,000, a decrease of 121 1,000.000 compared with the previous year. The principal increases are motor duties f 1,250,000, estate duties 1*4,500,000, stamps 12,500,000, corporations profits tax L 1,500,000 ..nd
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    • 126 4 London, April 1. L«dia The supreme court had given judgment in the case against the generals ministers in office at the time of Lul'-ana’s entry into the war. The Li line .Minister, Kadoslavotf. and five o her Cabinet Ministers have been sentenced to lifelong imprisonment, General Naiden
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    • 79 4 London, Mafch 111. At. Ktampes, Lieutenant llatclier broke the world’s flying record for 500 kilonet res at an average speed per hour of IS I kilometres. Lieutenant Carrier flew I.OiH kilometres at an average speed of lc<» kilometres per hour also a record. London, March 111. Isi res The
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    • 459 4 KEITEM’S SEKVICE- LomK n, April 2. Bernay: It was Princess Kitashira- kawa. and not Princess Zita, who was. injured in the motor car accident. I rime Asaka, who was also injured, is a brother-in-law of the Emperor of Japan. London, April *2.
      KEITEM’S SEKVICE-  -  459 words
    • 88 4 London, April 2. Santiago de Chile The United States delegates have submitted at the Pan* Amciican Conference their proposals for the improvement <»f Inter-American trade relationships, including the uniformity of customs. A juridical committee is studying the project for the establishment of a code "f international law applying"
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    • 46 4 London, April 2. Ahmedahad A strike is due owing to h proposed wage cut of 20 per cent. London, April 2. Bombay The majority of the 55,000 mill hands at Ahmcdabad have struck owing to reduction of wages. A long struggle is expected.
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    • 58 4 London, April 2. A New oik message says the wonder lirigible is expected to be ready in September. It will be capable of carrying welve aeroplanes which it can release W bombing excursions and then collect ijjain by means of huge hooks. It will he inflated with
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    • 203 4 London, April j». Mr. Godfrey Isaacs states that he is only awaiting the issue of a licence by Government, to begin immediately the erection in England of the first* of a series of powerful Marccni transmitting stations forming a world chain for th* purposes
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    • 159 4 London, April 1. The question how to use the British portion of the Boxer indemnity is discussed in an article published in the Observer. The article advocates the establishment of a central education commission at Shanghai or Peking to administer the funds, in touch with local or provincial
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    • 105 4 London, April 2. Berlin Following the incident at Krupps, President Ebert has telegraphed to the proprietor and management of Krupps expressing horror at this menstious bloodbath which the French military have wrought among peaceful, defenceless workmen.” The Chancellor also telegraphed, emphasising that the workmen were protesting peacefully.
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    • 75 4 London, April 2. Athens A message from Tiflis states that a fire has destroyed one of the ini* mense warehouses of the Near East Kc" lief at Alexandropol where 10, OIH Armenian children were housed. It is the largest orphanage in the world and several orphanage buildings
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    • 50 4 London, April •>• New York The Fall River Cotton Manufacturers' Association has offered > 1 employees a wage increase of 12Vs P 1 1 cent, to be effective from April Thirty-six thousand employees are afu“‘ id. The New Bedford Cotton Manufa' turers' Association has offered a sinin-
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    • 22 4 London, April 2 Forty-six thousand miners in |J U Rhondda valley are striking to-day on 1 im>n unionist question.
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    • 238 5 RCVT**’* London, April 3. i;|».von persons' were killed 'r-v,rinded, the latter including: two ipincers and a journalist, in the t ail'ray at Krupps on March 31. London, April 3. or The Council of Krupp’s workers n solution protesting against > in.. It
      RCVT**’*  -  238 words
    • 261 5 London. April 3. I '.uua! inter*st centres in the Inder. -.t Labour Party Congress, owing j -he recent projects for an increase in w it of the party’s activities, which •.V, h v on up till now limited to political r pagv d-i. o> embarking on a
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    • 82 5 London, April 3. int nonU. A message from th that the Turkish reply to note from the Powers, which r f .V 'patched to-day. accepts the it[„, a resumption of negotiations d ip. r f an<1 s uggests April 15 as the parriip,, Vi ri 'P*y
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    • 27 5 a London, April 3. "i;! <J, V Carnarvon is worse, his fitinn now affected and his con- s.l 1 renewed anxietv. Four ftr( attending him.
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    • 22 5 \V r London, April 3. p n( swa^e from Moscow irp •MidkK.wicz. the Roman Catho- nav b <*n executed.
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    • 337 5 Kidtkb’8 Service* London, April 4. The Italian former Prime Minister, Signor Nitti, in an article in the Pall Mall Gazette, asserts that the French Government, at the dictation of the French iron magnates, are craving to dominate continental Europe. He says that
      Kidtkb’8 Service*  -  337 words
    • 168 5 London. April 4. La<iy Norihclilfe has married Sir Robert Hudson at Hartlebury. London. April 4. The Northclitle wedding was solemnised by special license in the chapel of Hartlebury Castle. The Bishcp of Wor- .•< ster ofiiciated and Sir Charles Russel, •rave ihe bride away. Sir Robert Hudson,
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    • 220 5 London, April 4. Though the peacemaking is apparently not progressing in Ireland, captures of Irregulars are proceeding steadily and reports of the arrest of a dozen or more Irregulars are received in Dublin almost daily. It is noteworthy that these include women, who act as couriers, thus strengthening
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    • 164 5 London, April 4. Warsaw It transpires that Bishop Btnlkiewicz was executed at four o’clock on Friday morning. The news was delayed owing to the Soviets suspending telegraphic communication for feur days. The sen'once was carried out in a cellar in the Cheka building, the priest being pla.toi with
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    • 90 5 London, April 3. Calcutta The Bengal Provincial Conference. the provincial organisation of f he Na‘i< nal Congress, at a meeting at Jessore, resolved to appoint a committee to regulate the cultivation of jute in view of the fact that the present cultivation far exceeds India’s requirements and that
      90 words
    • 64 5 London, April 4. A Constantinople message states that the American destroyer. Fox, collided with the British light-cruiser, Ceres, at the entrance to the Bosphorus owing to the current. Roth were considerably damaged. London. April 4. The Admiralty rep; rt that the accident to H.M.S. Ceres is slight and
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    • 72 5 London, April 4. A Paris message states that the aviator Bai'bot, the record holder of motorless flying, flew for a quarter of an hour at a speed of 90 kilometres at a height of 200 feet in an aeroplane fitted with a seven horse-power motor, at Toulouse. The feat
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    • 53 5 London, April 4. Fort, Worth The Taxes Federal Authorities have arrested 18 oil company promoters who are accused of using the mails to defraud the investing public. It is alleged that millions of dollars have been obtained by misleading circulars. Warrants have been issued for the arrest
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    • 33 5 Londt n, April 3. Russians have arrested another Britisl trawler charged with illegal fishing or V'e Murmansk coast. A British light >-iii < r has been despatched to protect British trawlers.
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    • 205 5 London, April 3. Apart from tho decision 1o reopen the Oamperdown Jute Works at Dundee, the strike at which led to a lockout of .30,00 1 jute workers, the industrial situation has not improved. Builders and electrical workers continue to negotiate, hut up till new there has beeen
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    • 41 5 London, April 4. Cairo Lord Carnarvon spent a fair night. 11 is condition is still grave, but mere hopeful. London, April 5. Cairo Lord Carnarvon died peacefully at 2 a.m. He was conscious almost to the end.
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    • 25 5 London, April 1. Helsingfors A Lenin bulletin says his temperature is DUVa and his pulse 101 and that the pulmonary catarrh has not extended.
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  • 478 5 The Times of Malaya «»f April :t, gives the following details of tin- railway accident at Ipoh, of which brief mention was made in our issue of Tuesday The Ipoii railway station platform was once again. the scene of a nerve
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  • 2220 9 Our Own Correspondent.) Bam e.k ng, .March 22. ,r to a little comedy i> now being piay1 ,,n the worlo’s stu;. v iy American inanjf;uiui'i*rs and others «.f their purs .a on ‘.j u apparent edifitati.m ..7 ti e Jni.shj tionist. Thus rar tnc i t*tcr uasj
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  • 1141 9 The following minutes of a meeting of the Infant Welfare Advisory Hoard, held in the P.M.O.’s Office, Kuala Lumpur, on January 10, PJ23, at IQ.JO a.m. are sent for publication Present. Dr. F. E. Wood (vice-chair-man.), I)r. A. K. Cosgrave, Dr. M.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1165 10 Straits Times. March .‘11. In a sense the meeting of the Federal Council this week may be said to have been formal and uninteresting. No big question was discussed, and no momentous decisions wore taken, and yet, as wo look at the record of the proceedings, ther is
      Straits Times. March .‘11.  -  1,165 words
    • 1179 10 bo considered and respected.—Strait. Times, April 2. The President of t hi* Municipality favoured us with some attention at the meeting last Thursday, and we believe that he wishes to be absolutely fa'r, which is precisely what we wish to be ourselves. We know that a long and
      bo considered and respected.—Strait. Times, April 2.  -  1,179 words
    • 1205 10 S.i > Times. April 2. The revenue of the United Kingdom for the year ended March 31, 1923, amounte] to t*914,000,000, a decrease of £211,090,000 compared with the previous year. There is a budget surplus of £101,500 000, but the taxpayers are warned not to be over confident
      S.i : > Times. April 2.  -  1,205 words
    • 1135 11 -Straits Times, April 4. w hi'i an article yesterday from New h-rK < mn me which very fully justifi"' t report made on their return by r* f thi llubber Growers’ Associate v.* i recent y visited America. The h. j. "f th<> cor smners are not
      -Straits Times, April 4.  -  1,135 words
    • 1154 11 —Straits Times, April r >. We have just received the report of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines for 1022, with which is included the minutes of th«annual meeting held on March 25. It forms very interesting reading, and we would like to emphasise some observations made from
      —Straits Times, April .r>.  -  1,154 words

  • 200 11 The dramatic section of the Malacca Chinese Fonth»l l Club re-staged the play entitled The Two Faithful Brothers at the Star Opera Hall on Sunday. The weather being fine, there was a large attendance. Bouquets were presented to the club by Messrs. Cheeing Koon Seme,
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  • 73 11 The profit of Gopeng Consolidated for year ended September GO. was £56,4511. making with amount brought forward £75,245, of which quarterly dividends at lid. per share (15 per cent, per annum) absorbed £50,.'505, leaving £15,880. Direc- ors have decided to write off £7.500 from pipeline and mine equipment
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  • 75 11 Some t hie*f <>r thieves got through the •<mf of the* premises of Messrs. Robinson .till Co. on Suneb.y night. Apparently the* ‘•obbe»rs were* elisturbe*d by the* empleiyees f the Five Piers office being on night, ity next door and eU*campe*d with com»aratively small booty to
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  • 3046 12 (From Our Own Corre: pendent). ku da Lumpur, April 1. Considerable interest was rent red in the mulch, F.rgupore v. Selangor, which began on Saturday morning at 11 o’clock on the !> al padang in d'dighlf :1 weather. It seemed to Ik* an
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  • 150 12 By kind permission of Lady Guilbn’- 1 1 > ■i Y. W. C. A. Pageant will be hcl< 11 iovernmcnt House grounds in May. Ma i> countries will be represented, and Ml Pageant Committee will be wry d anyone possessing a national cost ion* of
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  • 725 13 The- British Mnlayn Return of Foreign Imports and Exports for the month ended February 28, 102.1, is issued by the Registrar Imports and Exports. The following points should be noted Only articles imported into or exported out of British
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  • 154 13 Municipal health statement for lt W(H ‘k ending March 24, gives the *l number of deaths as 184 representii,n a rat e of 26.61 per mille, per 1,1,1 compared with 21.44 in the preced- w«*ek, and with 34.27 in the corre•4 oii'liny week of last year. The
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  • 163 13 On March 28, the trial commenced at the Assizes before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and a special jury, of Con Chwee Chai, Lim Seah, Tan Kee, Lim Boey, Lee Kim, Lim Chee Teck and Lint Boon, the last-named having been arrested and charged after the
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  • 156 13 The steamer Frangestan.the former Ham-burg-Amerika liner Bosnia, was in port on Monday. She has a tonnage of 9,8.35, and has been newly-fitted out by the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co. for the owner, Mr. H. Namazee, of Hongkong, as a pilgrim ship. She has the
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  • 65 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, March 31. Fire broke out on the Kwuiaang at an early hour this morning, some cargo being subsequently damaged by water. The sailing of the steamer for Singapore has been postponed till Monday. The Kwaisang belongs to the Indo-China Steam Navigation
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  • 383 13 A correspondent furnishes us with tho following The Port Dickson man-eating tiger having got a reputation for itself, you may be interested to know that he iB no longer a man-eater. At about 7.30 a.m. on March 27, this tiger sprang
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  • 204 13 A correspondent writes to inform us that, on March .'5O, at .‘l.iiO p.rn., trie Indian residents of Si torn no re mustered in Incite numbers at Rrftlca Institution hall despite the inch weather and held a public meeting to mark the formation of an Indii n
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  • 109 13 ,ln the Kuala Lumpur Supremo Com', the Straits Steamship Co. are suing the P. M. S. Railway Administration f r damages in respect of repairs which had to lie ofFected by the Singapore Harbour Board to the steamship Krain in consequence, it is alleged, of
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  • 67 14 i Toe Strata Ti nea 1* r**po»»tbU f<" thi opinionr of its corrcaporxienta Coir* •poniiuntH nhould h«o.r in mind that letter* must be abort atnl to tbe point. Long rambling epiatlea are liabla to be rejected o rutbUhaly cut down. Correapondente muH' encloae their name*, not ui ccaHarily for
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  • 421 14 To the* Editor of tin Straits Times. Sir,— Following up your excellent It Juki of nth in-taut ori “Australasia” i hould like to point out Imw greatly it would advai.lago the s ojoumers ia British Malaya if it cou d ho arranged that a fa t and
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  • 1101 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Through the medium of your valuable paper, I venture to make a suggestion for the consideration of Eurasians in Singapore, Penang, Malacca and other places. 2. The nomination of Mr. Tessensohn to the Legislative Council of Singapore has given
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  • 1195 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Now that the Chief Secretary is poking into the wasteful methods of expenditure on the Railway and the utter disregard of estimates it would, no doubt, be of interest to the public if Mr. Anthony was asked, to give some
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  • 266 14 To the Editor <<f the Straits Times. Sir. —I am an occasional reader <'f ;.tur paper. Alt hough your opinions are decidedly anti-French, I have no doubt that you will be kind enough to print this. I understand all opinions and 1 do net object to
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  • 433 14 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —Referring to your leader “Nations and Nerves of Thursday the 21>th idt.. one might make a parallel between y ,,ur alleged fears of France as well as those of pro-Germans in Great Britain, ami tin* pre-war German policy which
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  • 169 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. it is unfortunate that during ,j, (-id intes possible sources of reometimes neglected. V n taive in point brought to notice ci’e• i:* t to I’ahang is that*the i;..\. m.v nl Officers th-eve are oxemp e 1 f:ovi p.iving lent on
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  • 89 15 I To the Editor of the Straits T.mes. I S r. In the hope of scotching a I rum nr ha: lily just in’ e to my no ice I thr u :h y i- leader of th»* 2nd inst. I I to ay that tin* story
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  • 391 15 What About Education I To *he K iitor of the Straits Times. I >;r with unusual interest I'■ a i rmd frequent ciscussicus in '.uiM cmunins relu'.ive to EducaI !1 t <’e <l< :ty. This subject appeal- as one of vital impoitance to the I ’.i!' unity, perhap.- of even
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  • 127 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —While sympathising with the inauguration of an Indian Association I beg to bring to the n.iiee of your rea iciv, specially Ind K«I1S, that the meeting held at the Rallies Institution Hall o.i on the 20th ultimo w;i < not
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  • 342 15 Following is the pass list of the King Edward YJI College of Medicine March examinations Final Exaiv nation for he Diploma of L.i Sen (with h nours), M. K. i. jmyah, C. Subranianyam, .1. W. arena ret ne, Yoon Kim nmg, S.
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  • 234 15 (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 2. At 5.20 p.m. yesterday, while Mr. b. Short, of Kuala Lumpur, was taking a couple of actresses, of the* Warvvu n Comedy Company, for a drive in a motm car lie* met with an accident at the junction
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  • 872 15 7 here was a large gathering of medieai men front all parts of British Malaya on the occasion of the annual meeting «f thel Malaya branch of the British Medical Association. On Friday morning an important clinical meeting was held in Tan 1
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  • 732 15 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. t Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly re* port dated Apr»l 4. tat* < The incidence of the Faster Holidays has considerably curtailed business in the anal markets and with no very pronounced changes in the price of tin or rubber to record,
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 281 16 b Results At the Easter Meeting. The two days’ Easter rtflc shooting meeting was brought to a close at Selotar range on Monday morning, whan there was again keen competition, as on Saturday. The shooting at the meeting was, on the whole, good, l ull results were as
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    • 295 16 Singapore Wins the Golf Interport Match. The most important Malayan Golf meeting was begun on Friday at the Selangor Golf Club, reports the Malay Mail. There was a large crowd oS golfers from all aparts of the country when the first competition commenced. Medal Competitions. The whole of
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    • 465 16 Result* of Faster competitions were 1H Holes S'roke.—Won by J. llodgins, K 2 K 74 nett. Mixed Foursome.—Won by Mr. and Miss Weutherstone with a score of 4fi—4% 41%. The replayed tie for the March Medal w:e won by Mr. .1. Strachan, all square over Mr. A.
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    • 19 16 IVKDNKSDAY'S PLAY. Championship Pairs. Potts and Wodohouse beat Laybourne and Roy Smi h, o—B, o—2, 6—2.
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    • 39 16 PLAY ON MARCH 21*. Championship Pairs. Lee Warner and Tyler beat Bateman and Braddell, B—o, 10—8. TUESDAY’S PLAY. Evans beat Bowcrman, w.o. Goldie beat Gale, 21—11. WEDNESDAY’S PLAY. Championship. Norrie beat (’hater, 21—12. Jamieson heat Brown, 21—16.
      39 words
    • 55 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April 4. In the final of the inter-state polo tournament yesterday, Kuala Kangsar Iskander Club beat Penang by three iroals to two. Karlier matches were Perak beat Johore, Iskander Club drew with Selangor and Penang beat Singapore. In the semi-final Iskander Club beat
      55 words
    • 63 16 (Aneta’a Service.) Weltevreden, April 2. 1 lie Rest of Batavia heat the British Malaya team by one goal to nil. Weltevreden, April 3. On Monday afternoon, the Hercules team beat the visitors from Malaya hy 3 goals to nil. Weltevreden. April 3.
      (Aneta’a Service.)  -  63 words
  • 57 16 Padang Plandok piculs. Nawng I»et.—Hours worked '>o2, yards treated 25,070, ore recovered 270 piculs. The followin'? are the returns of Larut and associated companies for March Larut. —Dredge worked hours 045, yardage treated 80,000, piculs 792.86. Tupai.—Dredge w’orked hours *>4o, yardage treated 80,000, piculs 961.65. Kota.—Dredge worked
    57 words
  • 354 16 The death of Mr. J. A. Farmer, late wharf representative of* W Mansfield and Co., at Scrnngoon Hoad on March 28, was not altogether unexpected, because hi: failing health about two years ago led him to take a trip tj Australia and to his
    354 words
  • 100 16 The proprietor of a liquor ami perioral store at the corner of Bencoolen Street and Middle Road h:ul an awakening at 12.30 am. on Monday. Two motor-cars collided outside of his premises, one swerving across a drain and smashing int > the hop upsettinp the counter and
    100 words
  • 38 16 NLAVh. On March 30. 1923, at MaternitHospital, Penang, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Neavo, of Bukit Mertajum, a daughter. ANC.- To Mr. and Mrs. Ang Swee Teen, at Sournbnya, on March 30, 1923, a son Both safe.
    38 words
  • 153 16 EXCHANGE Singapore, April f». On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 V.; Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3 m/s credit* 2/4 19/30 On New York Demand 54 u Private 90 d/s 55% On France Bank 759 On India, Bank T.T. 174’i On Hongkong, Bank d/d 27. p.c. p.m. On
    153 words
  • 459 16 minim;. Singapore, April 5. Isaac Yal. I*d. Buyers. Sdltri. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.42 *2 0.47*2 1 1 Hitani Tin 1.50 1 .*50 1 l Jelantoh 0.20 0.30 non 1 I Johan Tin 0«60 0.55 i'l IT Kam. Kamunting 2.2.0 2.4.0 xd lo lu Kinta Assn. 7.90
    459 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 92 16 NOTICE All communication* for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlenents. Th t p 0? t fro l? ric 9 of the Straits Times to the I nited Kingdom and foreign countries is $5t a
      92 words
  • 135 16 deaths CHONG -On Man* 31, 1923, Chong Tian hah alias hong Chin Seng, aged 07 y uirs, Sole Proprietor, Chop Tong Yee Bin. at No. 11, Stanley Street. He leaves behind him a widow, 9 sons. Messrs. Chong Sze Being, Sze An and brothers, 3 daughters and grandchildren to mourn
    135 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 99 1 Ecneral I The Planter I London Rubber Position i I \merica and Rubber 1 I \merica and Restriction 2 I Dutch and Restriction 2 I Local Rubber Auction 3 I Health on Estates 3 I (Jula-Kalumpong Rubber Estates 3 I (Hendon Rubber Co. 4 elegram—- Value of Rubber l
      99 words
    • 127 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 4. At the Assize Court yesterday, Sir -•oiiel Woodward, C.J.C., heard a case in nhich a Chinese, named Yap Chai Kee, charged with fraudulently being in locse-dcn of counterfeit rubber coupons u:ow nsr the
      127 words
    • 214 1 The Planter for April is well up to standard we have grown to expect of tie subject of Planters Past and l t is Mr. Sharpe-Smith, well-known B* a u at 'tical planter and director of KmlTk- ,ub,H>r companies. Mr. SharpeB f 1 ls a tfreat believer in
      214 words
    • 67 1 i*?* 1 I>cats report on 'lw-roasi. ~f past week shows a *<*<*k i„ tens. This is the fourth l, -k has 'cession that a reduction in i ~(k in' I<„ V 1 n shown. Approximate ,aa J»n for week ending March Thi f o P inv r,*
      67 words
    • 1776 1 AMERICA RUBBER. Report of Rubber Growers’ Delegation. Manufacturers Appreciate Restriction. The Financial Times gives the following summary of the report of the R.G.A. Delegation to the United States The report of the delegates of the Rubber Growers’ Association on their visL to the Rubber Association of America, New York, may
      1,776 words
    • 1085 2 The 14th ordinary general meeting of the Good Hope (Selangor) Rubber Go.. Ltd., was held at Colombo on March with Mr. II. V. 11 ill in the chair. The Chairman, in moving the adaption of the report and accounts,
      1,085 words
    • 703 2 'ii..- Mill ordinary general meeting of l, ue nbia K ibl r E *tat( Limited wa» I cm lib i'll»ry 2ii, at the offices of t.i company. 4, Lloyds Avenue, L.C., Mr. I. Owen (chairman of the company) ;>;• -tiding. The
      703 words
    • 1015 2 The following article appealed in the New York Commercial dated March A 192:;: -The Kucher Conference at Washington has stirred up a hornet’s nest among leading rubber and tyre manufactured of this country who have read with growing dissatisfaction repor.s
      1,015 words
    • 677 2 A correspondent in Java writesl At a meeting of the local Rubber I Planters Association held at Weltevredm I on the 22nd instant, Mr. C. M. Hamaker, I the chairman, made an interesting speech, of which the following is a free tranila- I tion I Gentlemen, —It
      677 words
    • 65 3 bi’Ai'* Time* U no*. to- J in j m, of its c«>rro6pond«nt*. Corrc* 11 r,r*. rtioiild bear in mind that letter* •I'"' lv H |.ort and c»* tne point. Long epihilea are liable to be rejected or iv cut down. Correepondente muu |ttt their namea, not necessarily foi ‘sweation
      65 words
    • 250 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. v One can only be astounded at the volitions contained in the Malacca f'icut’ural Medical Board’* Report for published in the Prm. lre*t*r to the way in which the Malacca apparently dealt with the finandepression of ID21 to 1U22 and their
      250 words
    • 424 3 V,, v». Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, March 2:*. V.i .i' havi again fluctuated within i:.;;; v. mhi:s. and close slightly steadier i.r. n v,i Spot sheet has been in co;. -to: t|y rood demand between 57 and an i moderate
      424 words
    • 459 3 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 24. Mr. J. Murray presided at the annual general meeting of the shareholders of Hamilton (F.M.S.), libber Co., Ltd., held this morning at Messrs. Boustead and Co.’s 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur. The Chairman
      459 words
    • 515 3 The II n. Mr. J. \V. Campbell, a imii;; rater of i Ih* MhIuCJ'E Agricvittuial Medical Board, has submitted the ful-ow-ijju' report to tin.* Resident Councillor, i' i l i 1 h vo the honour to subin.t herewith the third annual statement of
      515 words
    • 554 3 The following is the report pre- n ul to the annual general meeting of Rubber Producers Association ot Malaya ’1 iv.* membership the Association ul 114 consisting of 107 eompat'ie ai d 7 indi Eouals, representing a total ~v* of approximately 1**6,749
      554 words
    • 700 3 The following report is forwarded by the secretaries, Messrs. Sime Darby and Co., Malacca The thirteenth ordinary annual general meeting of Radella Rubber Estate, Ltd. was held on March 24, at 4, Fort Road, Malacca, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding.
      700 words
    • 145 3 Messrs. Ilbert and Co., Ltd., Shanghai secretaries of the (Juia-Kalumpong Rubber Ms'at os. Ltd., state that they have received the following cable from the I ondon secretaries of the company The annual general meeting will be hold on March 27 and the share register will ho do-
      145 words
    • 863 4 The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the Gedoi.g (Perak) Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on March 7, at the I ftice of the company, 16, Philpot Lane. E.C’., Mr. J. L. Loudoun-Shand (the chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,
      863 words
    • 673 4 The following report is officially com m union ted The gen-ral meeting of shareholders ot he Kama an Rubber Company, Ltd.. wa< held at th registered office of the company, 1 Ki d.anki.n »'t, Kuala Lumpur, on Mure 1 27,
      673 words
    • 180 4 Ihe output of Glendon Rubber Companv for year to September GO, 1922. totalled 274.2-10 lbs. realising net average price S.l7d. against 270,150 lbs. in previous year, which realised 7.49 d. cost per pound f.o.b. was C.ODd. compai<d with 0.21 ti. Restricted crop for am nt year is
      180 words
      • 382 4 tocil i Jjtue* Exchange: Par fcxchiui t u r t Com puny. Value. C'oropaay. H r^J u‘ Anglo-MaUy 2/ Lonjon Asiatic Ay 11 Kuimic fU/ Q .2/ Lutok :1 j I'.akup ations £1 Lun.ut .58 0 li. ntciitf (Selangor) u/ £1 Malacca Plantations 4;,/
        382 words
      • 739 4 apitnl Issue Closing Price?. H Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lvall A I "Company Co. Evatt. H 1 Allenby New ($1) 1.00 1.15 1.05 1.15 fl 1 nil year 30-0-21 ..Ai r Gajah ($1 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.40 I 046,414 2 5 p.c. for
        739 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 143 5 a M uim i"" Mri u4ImM teTtm. »rr.*diotoly 7— ttf iliwiw of th« H to ftorftfart Bnnito Wxtm. |lt ««icUy »wwo* oil wrtfoiinr *ero It. Aajtklif M WfaMr l»m. hk ftotb itwiMftod m to St Be nn fefoM oil NOW READY mimmjm FOB CASH 100 ahceti (10% in. by 8%
      143 words
    • 122 5 as A tlL'-' »/-»v aaK. >a7*. |5£3wS* .V WiFi; a*r .ftp* r^V. 3 S«/> RtfT*liHtJiH») I-"'l'* r 1 HARRISONS, BARKER A Co, Ltd. Singapore and Pc^ui. Si' -w j Sick Headache Biliousness 1 hesc troublesome complaints are generally due to a sluggi h liver, ami are most frequently experienced by
      122 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 S jf&Kl 5ALE5 ano SERVICE WEARNE BROS. Ltd ENGINEERS BOAT BUILDERS 20 H P. ••;>>*. *.*'5 A -»v t. Ford Marine Engines Complete with PropeDor, Shaft and Coupling, Water and Oil Pomps and Reverse gear. $1,000 Gray Marine Engines Coatpfete with Propellor, Shaft and Couplings, Salt water outfit, Oil pump,
      139 words