The Straits Budget, 31 March 1922

Total Pages: 24
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES. VOL. I-XXVI NO. I<> Singapore, Friday, March 31, 1922 ESTABLISHED OVKIt THREE (JUARTMI OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 160 1 |a!»KKS I r 1- Her \lh<- l 1 I 12-H 1 > !:> m'» >: 13 1 13-14 l lcr;il- Km. 1-2 I 3-P ■tut’ o How "rinc K ,i i i .in ‘'•»!li«l« 8 Ur ‘-'-Hi it IM.t.cil i *•-1 1 Hng i) .ir« 1 n i.t lub
    160 words
  • 4690 1 d'-rday, the dirver I led with car 28.34, i m pean occupant, in I lies* lay, was charged H Lie Traffic Depart-' the accident being H x cut acre i 1 tpone I i ill at $100. H Moor, B i, ''dpJ'T piano, deH the double keyH
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    • 745 3 (1 .<KU\ ICE- | March 2*. f Wit! •> bad a wonderful ,,|ombn. This mornB' -,ulati n <»f thi« district ia cli side of the rail- wayside stations to pa-s. It was like nations which greeted I
      , . , (1 .<KU\ ICE-  -  745 words
    • 114 3 London, March 22. Two further charges against Mr. Horatio Hot tom ley were announced at Bow Street to-day, when the hearing of the previous (barge was continued. The new charges are taking i* If), 00ft from an account of which he was trustee to purchase the ex-German
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    • 104 3 I. union. March 22. iii the House of Coalmens Col. John Ward presented a petition from the British inhabitants of Hongkong for the substitution of popular election for Government nomination of n m-Chinese members of the Legislative Council and the adoption f a larger electoral body in this
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    • 98 3 London. Muivh 'J2. Paris: A*chance in tin- (iovernment’s intent iuns with repaid t &gt; thi international meetings is contain' d in an announcement .dating' that in deference to the Allies' unanimous epinion France will consent to he hound by the arrangements in which she participated in
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    • 59 3 London, March 22. New York The sweeping wage reductions in the cotton manufacturing industry, which have already led to numerous strikes in New England -taUs. have now reached the important textile centre of Lawrence. Massachusetts, whore mills employing 11,000 persons have announced a twenty per cent, cut
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    • 20 3 London, March 22. Rothschild's offer t'0,000,000 Frond) Northern Railway six per cent, bonds at the price of I*o.
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    • 171 3 London, March 22. In the 1L use of Commons, questioned oil the situation on the Ulster boundary, Mr. Churchill read telegrams from both Irish Governments containing charges and counter-charges of raids and terrorism. He thought the whole question of controlling the border
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    • 136 3 London, March 2-h Washington: Mr. Hughes in a note to tin* Allies regarding the demand for payment of the cost of occupation, declares that thi* French and Belgian occupation costs have been fully paid. The unpaid balance in May last amounted to 1,000,000,00 ft gold marks, of
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    • 107 3 London, March 2d. Doih: Ihe Finance Bill has been passed by the Assembly. The rejection of the various proposed new taxes leaves the estimated uncovered deficit 1(1,000,000. A feature of the debate was the unanimity of the members in favour of India's fiscal aut oniony. London, March 24.
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    • 92 3 London, March 2«». Gibraltar: A destroyer during manoeuvres in the Straits collided with submarine II12, wh ch was lost with all bands. The Admiralty, confirming the loss of II12 with all hands, says she was rammed by the de troyer Versatile while exercising olf Europa Point. She sank
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    • 49 3 London, March 22. Paris The Allied Ministers for Foreign Alfairs res, lvcd to joint ly telegraph A t hens, Constantinople and Angora proposing a thrci months’armistice in Asia Minor and the establishment &lt;&gt;f a neutral zone tm kilometres wide under the control of Al lied commissioners.
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    • 59 3 London. Mareh 22. Li 11:« 11 ouse of Commons, replying to Sir Frederick Hall, Col. Amery &gt;aid that wld'f tli" naval reductions wore naturally lep f, iid* 1 t on a l'cim ral ratification of th»• Wa.«hii: 'ton naval treaty ihe t won* not f.p i at iiv
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    • 589 3 Reuter’s Service. Colombo, March 24 Friuay Kandy by night has been very much more w&lt; nderful than Kandy by day, during the Prince's 20 hours’ visit. Not because of the quaint ceremonials, dwarf ed almost into insignificance by reminis (dices of the
      Reuter’s Service.  -  589 words
    • 106 3 London, March 21 In 'he House of Gonimons naval debate, replying to a question, Gol. Aiicry ex plained that all the estimates wore framed n the assumption that the naval treaty at Washington would be finally ratified, ahe bc'ievcd it would be, but if by an\ cave mi
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    • 26 3 London. March 1M. Keval ’The ruling rate of forettrn remittance to K’lmsia through the Russian Imperial Hunk i Soviet rouble- to a dollar
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    • 234 4 London, March 2 Paris; Th. Reparations Commission’s led. 1 ions include that f th*’ I l.iO,0**0,000 gold marks in kind France will receive P.50,000, ooo an I the suspension of payment temporarily permitted will be *■&lt; &gt;1 sidcred b. the Commission &lt;&gt;11 Ma\ 51.
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    • 250 4 London, March 2 5. In consequence of the opinion expressed by an Ulster member in the House of Commons that the penalties were insufficiently drastic, the Government has submitted a new clause in the committee stage of the hill for the restoration of order which the house
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    • 88 4 London, March 2.5. t&gt;kmulp,*e, nklaliomn A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the Governor f Oklahoma, Mr. Robertson, and the State Bank Commi: inner, Mr. Dennis, on charges of accepting bribes to permit a bank to do business after it. had been found insolvent. It
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    • 96 4 London, March 22. I he Laris Matin states that M. Philippe Iterthelot voluntarily informed the recent Court of Discipline, presided over by M Poincare, that in 1010 his brother, Andre the chairman of tin* Manque Industriclh do (’him*, gave him 2,500,000 francs ii bank notes of which he
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    • 381 4 London, March 2d. Washington Threatened with an interminable debate on the four power treaty, ttie Senate decided **&gt; limit individual -peedies t.&gt; an hour. Before I he lin;'{ w;i: imp' a Moo of speeches was un loosed. Senator wh &gt; had prepared
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    • 52 4 London. March 2d. In the House of Commons at question time Mr. Chamberlain said ho believed the (loops in west Russia had been slightly increased since January, hut this was not meessarily a warlike measure. He did 1 believe that the Soviet Government •fended to embark on a
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    • 51 4 I ondon, March 21. Washington 'i he 110-.i'e ~f Rep reset)t; t:\"s passed by an overwhelming majority the amended bill providing a bonus for Idiers who participated in the war. in- \&lt; Icing an expenditure of about four milliard dollars. The fate of the hill in the Senate
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    • 47 4 London. March 2d. In the House of Commons, replying to Col. Malone regarding the Boxer indemnify payments to Britain. Mr. Gilmour aid that approximately l!4,.‘&gt;00,000 was paid up to 1020, moreover L‘1.250.000 was paid in respect of private British claims. Mtogetlier l‘l 1,00*1,000 remains payable.
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    • 40 4 London, March 21. Amsterdam A telegram to the Minis ter of the Colonies announces that tin Dutch Indian export duty on oil will In •ompletely abolished commencing in 11*2:' and taxes on profits and income will In substituted.
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    • 39 4 London. March lid. lioval The (Jovernment of the Fa .astern llcpuhlic has sent notes to Japat h’itain and America protesting avrain: tie alleged support of the White (Juan’ nid the export of republican propert. from Vladivostock.
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    • 354 4 Hu tkk’s Skrvick. London, March 24. 1 lew of the gravity of the recent •'i.' in 1 1 eland, the Government has laphal requesting Mr. Collins and &gt;i r .lames (’raig to come to London for a tripartite examination of every
      Hu tkk’s Skrvick.  -  354 words
    • 255 4 London, March 2**. Paris Lc Temps announces that the examining magistrate has called on M. Andre Bert helot to explain the handing aar to M. Philippe Berthe lot of :&gt;..5nn.tun francs. London, March 2*5. Paris It is stated that M. Andre Pert! lot told the magistrate that the
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    • 35 4 London, March 2.7. \V a shine ton The Svretarics Mr. Meln, Mr. Hughes and Mr. Hoover and two h rs will be members of the commission direct the Allied debts refunding opera* ions.
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    • 223 4 I-wlon, Manh ,1 Washington: Thy Senate I’acitu- Treaty by *57 votes to j 1 London, \J anr Washington; The Pacific Ttv ratified with a reservation &lt;ic&lt; ,'V*’ **H the United States unelerstaials .I'.V® treaty involves no mnimitnmnt utof O) uo^B^! iq o
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    • 178 4 London. Mat .q I The House of Commons a.e’p** I til naval estimate.' after a dehat x'M Admiral S'ietcr contended that tin &gt;1 scat as were excessive on the 'i .’.I that there would be no war f&lt; r t* .ta*l The battleships now being bu \rj
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    • 128 4 London. Mar Miami, 1'lorida The th*'t la-w terrible experiences of five pa."' lost their lives in a seaplane d:s;. iroin.vr to Rimini has been criv pilot. Robert Moore, the &gt;ole sun. was rescued last niirht del’r elinjrinir for three days and n wrecked machine. He relate seaplane
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    • 69 4 London, M &lt; Paris Greece lias accopt&gt;| n erms for settlement of tin e ident, providing compensaf ■aptain and payment for the cat [The Greek authorities se /eo ,j Homing that she was carrym f ward London, V i Pur is It is report'd •iat Greece has
      69 words
    • 112 5 London, March 24. v\ Gregorv is shortly setting out v .(iition to south-western Chln ai— in the Daily Chronicle that H«* vl y the collection of zoologica’ &lt; :".I mortal with the object of light on the climate changes n.rol the migrations of animal and hu life
      112 words
    • 107 5 London, March 24. n w» V sensation has been caused ir diking circles owing to the Dominion Min. ter of Finance proceeding against sir Montagu Allan and Mr. M-u- 1 r.'.w. general manager, on a charge of ’..‘ir. niisstating the financial position Merchants’ Bank in the October of!'
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    • 111 5 London. March 25. p„ |Vo Indians have been s'.nt,., t i .;«;ith and feur to transportation f, f, ii f iov tim with the murder «f ;j* n nm iMgireor on the occasion of th p, n. f Wales’ visit to Bombay. London, March 25. li S
      111 words
    • 89 5 London. March 25. f i (L mum mark, which i rdny. rcco: i 'v r atcr t ed internutinnnl ’hat &lt; f last November. the decision *c i -Si.- tr* able. Hotli ti t rep lies have apparont- -;t nothin'.: useful tan be ::i ha- attain raised Id ft\&gt;m
      89 words
    • 110 5 l.undon, March *2l. UJI of the shipyard S 1 Liat the shipyard worker.a, ,'j M v "'h &lt;*n Tuesday evening, ci, "f the ballot unless the o|&gt;ir ,t', notices of reduction 1 cilnexlay. London, March 24. vi,t r Tu ballot resulted in 49,503 &lt;i i Ut l pi?
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    • 31 5 l-ondon. Maivh 25. i; P&lt;&lt; rtimI from the Hayue v In 1' n aV{ reports i| r Nurse Caveil are in f r 1 s (mverrmor t (-ntHtions to llollurd
      31 words
    • 101 5 London, March 24. Knowles and Chadwick, respectively owner anti manager of t! works whor; the ammunition explosion occurred, were charged at Tipton with manslaughter. The representative of the Public Prosecutor declared that the precautions for the safety of young girl workers were utterly disregarded. The work of breaking
      101 words
    • 78 5 London, March 25. A new English company with a capital of t‘2,000,000 will shortly be registered t&lt; take over the Anglo-Austrian Bank of Vienna. The control of the bank will be in the hands of tlu- Bank of England. Th" chairman will he General Sir Herbert Lawrence and
      78 words
    • 79 5 London, March 24. There are now over two million tons of shipping, British and foreign, lying unemployed in the thirty-six principal ports of the United Kingdom. of which 1,P00,000 tons are British. Altogether 2,250,000 tons of British shipping is unemployed out of a total of 18,000,000. The position
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    • 34 5 London. Mar« h 25. The by-elect i«.*i, at C’hertsey. occasioned by the death of Sir D. Maemaster. resulted as follows Sir Philip Richardson. Independent I’nionist, 11,811. Sir Hubert Goueh. Independent Liberal, P.4P0.
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    • 44 5 London, March 25. Sir Thonuts Sutherland left £721,000. After numero ’s heqm ts chout tlOO.Ortrt. the residue is bequeathed the Kiny: Kdwurd Hospital Fund, London, minus £250.0rt0 estate duties. f Pe&lt; eased v e chair. an of the 1*. and &gt;. Company.
      44 words
    • 38 5 London. March 27. The proposed redu'dion of cotton p&lt; ratiies* \vu a t f se\"my-fK'• tier rent &gt; i' th'* standard piece price lists is eq-»». \alent to a thirl;, pi -er.t. ♦&lt; 1 uteri if; •urrent wujre-.
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    • 17 5 London, March 20. Colombo The Crim e of Wales sailed n hoard the Itenown.
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    • 156 5 9 f I 111 l*i &lt; &lt; h nvas.&gt; London. March 2d. The Manchester Guardian declares that i.!v abolition of Muitsai in Hongkong is •i belated hut decided reaffirmation of the principles of humanity and freed &gt;m in I’rifi h Government London, March *24. 'oungtown, Ohio The Independent Steel
      « ’ 9 f I 111 l*i < < h nvas.>  -  156 words

    • 284 5 ICEUTKK's SllKvK’E. London, March 27. Paris An official communique says the Xear Eastern conference has decided that Constantinople and a large part of Eastern Thrace will be left under the Sultan’s sovereignty. l rritories bordering on the Straits will he demilitarised, whether assigned to
      ICEUTKK's SllKvK’E.  -  284 words
    • 157 5 L ndon, March 27. An unforeseen result of the ashinjrtoii r aval treaty is that while the jrreut •&gt; &gt;wers are forbid-kn t &gt; sell discarded war* lii|»&lt; to small count idea they may supply ;&lt; iy number &lt; f new and expensive craft, d ims Finland wan
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    • 114 5 London, March 27. The I. 11. A. Convention has confirmed the maintenance if the Republican army under an executive of sixteen members, rid has derided to enforce a drastic boyr itt of the six northern counties. 1. 1 x n, March *27. A significant indication of the strength
      114 words
    • 99 5 I, indoii, March 27. The (Jiflicnlty m ated by tin Indian eyi lative A embly’ rejection of certain a ,es is apnar it!v to be surmounted by !u* (Ji vermm at b 11 .v. inn;. Lord Wintcrton, Coder Se ■retary f -r i lia, has ;&gt; not e
      99 words
    • 258 5 Reuter’s Service. London, March 27. Mr. Lloyd George has conferred in London with Signor Schunwr. the Italian Foreign Minister, with regard to the Genoa conference. London, March 2 H. Faris The Cabinet has appointed M. Liarthou, Minister for Justice, to be head of
      Reuter’s Service.  -  258 words
    • 161 5 London, March 28. Rumour is active regarding the possibility of Mr. Wellington Koo not returning to London as Minister for China when he goes to shortly to report regarding the Washington Conference. Mr. (’hull .Sin-!lsu..* name is mentioned, probably on account of the social popularity of
      161 words
    • 197 5 London, Mart'll i?k Washington: Tin* Senate has uiiam f;. »:i lv ratified tin* ii|»|il&lt; mentary Pacific Ticaty excluding tlx mainland if Japan fr ix» i In* scope of tin |‘aci(ic Treaty. London, March ‘JH ’I i Senate adopted without a roll fall a reservation declaring that tinniest i&lt;
      197 words
    • 36 5 London, March Nairobi \t the enquiry into the not, i a" oi e 1 1. ed that the police wero u tithd in firing. The native a to* wh&lt;nr-e-t led t &lt;» the distur-
      36 words
    • 194 6 London, Mat h 27. Constantinople The Porte. replying to tin* A Hie.'* propo cd armistice, point out that as the quo lion s not nmn-rn its jurisdiction &lt;&gt;!&lt;■ y, it lias forwarded a Copy of the note to Angora in conformity with tie* Wi ll expressed by
      194 words
    • 183 6 London, March 27. The fight In tween Free Staters and Republicans is reported from Newtown Cunningham, Donegal. Republicans arrived at the village in motors at midnight on Saturday, commandeered houses overlooking the police barracks, which Free Stater* recently occupied and opened heavy lire. The Free Staters replied
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    • 165 6 London, March 28. Berlin In the Reichstag, the Chancellor Hr. Until, declared that the Reparations Commission’s demand for the imposition of sixty milliard .marks of fresh taxation is absolutely impossible. London, March 21*. Berlin In the Reichstag, Hr. Wirtb. while accepting the many view- express d by the Reparation:
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    • 36 6 London, March 28. Five thousand shipyard hands have ft ruck at Southampton and thousands more at other ports. London, March 28. Lawrence, Massachusetts: The textile strike has extended. Several thousand additional workers ate affected.
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    • 137 6 With the "Tcatest re' r t we learn from a Reuter me: ape r'*cei\od on Wednesday of the death at home of the Rev. Dr. (I. F. Hose, for forty years connected with the Anglican establishment of the Colony, and f' r many years Bishop of
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    • 353 6 Rf.i tek’s Serv u k. London, March 2 Vancouver: The immigration autl onties are awaiting instructions on a report they have despatched to Washington i anting the purpose of the anti-Bolshevik (ieneral SemenofF who has landed from the Far Fast. SenvnofF explains that
      Rf.i tek’s Serv u k.  -  353 words
    • 92 6 London, March 2D. Washington In the Senate, Mr. Lr.dpe submitted the Five* Bower Treaty on the limitation of naval armaments. Rcfori inp to land armaments, he said the Fnited States did not propose to further reduee the army as lonp as the attitude f I'ranee made it apparent that
      92 words
    • 54 6 London, March 20. The enpimerinp unions have decided to a k the mediators to endeavour to resume informal negotiations with the employers. London, March 20. The enpinoerinp employers have decided to post lockout notices in the* enpinoerinp shops federated to the Enpineerinp Union, thus all'l l I inp
      54 words
    • 49 6 London. March 20. Capetown Arisinp out of the recent on the Rand, a Mininp Industry ard has been appointed, pr&lt;'sided over by a Hipli (’ourt .ludpe and ineludinp Wiliam Brace, Labour Adviser to the Department of Mines in (ireat Britain, to inve.,titrate the di-puted matters.
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    • 40 6 London, March 2D. In the House of Commons, replying te f’oindr. Kenwrthy, Mr. Wood said tin Governor of Ilongk&lt; ng would doubtlesonsider the best steps to prevent the moval of Muitsai from the colony against their wishes and interests.
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    • 53 6 London, March 21*. Bombay Persian Gulf telegrams re•t rt a serious strike at Abadan anion;’ 1 i an Indian employees of the Anglo*iri Oil Company, who are demanding enhanced pay as a preliminary to discussing alleged grievances. About 2,000 h declined to resume have been dismi &lt; I
      53 words
    • 57 6 London, March 20. \V-.v V» rk Tex Rickard has been found guilty. 'i he jury deliberated for DO minutes 1 i fore returning their verdict. Rickard embraced his counsel declaring this was the happiest day in his life. The judge stated that Rickard would be allowed bail
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    • 57 6 London, March 28. The Hague The preliminary session of the Court of International Justice is ending. The first ordinary session will open on June 5. The court has resolved itself into committees for summary procedure presided over by M. Loder, labour disputes presided over by Lord Finlay, anti
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    • 42 6 London, March 28. As the result of improvement in the pay and conditions of the consular service it is stated that applications of intending candidates to the Civil Sendee Commission are over 100 per cent, more numerous than last year.
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  • 1089 6 [By an A. I. F. Staff Officer.] I well remember when the Prince &lt; f ales, who had been vi.&lt;itinyr the Canadian (’••ip.' in Belgium, accept?d an invitat.on from the Australian Corpi and join •_*&lt;! us in December, 1918, near Charleroi,
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  • 199 6 The theft of £."&gt;oo took place from tie P. and O. steamer Dilwara during night of the 2Gth inst. The serang of '■&gt;; vessel, it would appear, kept the sa\ of some of the crew and had cm f.jOO on the arrival of the Dilwara P
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  • 361 8 I'he foil, winy: report is officially,1 The fifteenth annual general meeting of Iiarehohieiv of the Sze Hai Tong Banking arnl Insurance Company Limited was held at 5H, Chulia Street, Singapore, on Satur- lay, March 25, Mr. Scab Eng Lim prehiding.
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  • 105 8 fin but uni ay about 7.'!() o'clock a train suddenly came to a standstill, in conse»|uenec of the current failing, on the !&lt;w! crossing in Tank Road. It so hap|»"M&lt; d that a goods train for Woodlands h• &lt;1 tlic spot at the same moment with
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  • 488 8 The British Malaya Return of Foreign Imports and Exports for the inrmv ended February 2X, 1022, is issued by the Registrar of Imports and Export- Tt following points should be noted 1 int Only articles imported into or exported out of British
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  • 94 8 The manager of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China advises having received the following telegram from the Head Office —-At the approaching annual general meeting of shareholders the Directors will recommend that a dividend he declared for the past year at the rate of H
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  • 23 8 In the Bankruptcy Court on Friday last i- i- A Vengadasalam Chetty was adjudicated a bankrupt before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard.
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  • 125 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent "iris that a young Malay woman was found to be missing from the night mail train on Saturday shortly after passing Kuala Kubu. She was being brought to Kuala Lumpur from Ipoh under the custody of two Punjabi constables. It is reported she
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  • 83 10 H.M.S. Durban will escort H.M.S. Kenown from Singapore to Japan, being relieved as escorting ship about Mav 1. by H.M.S. Cairo. H.M.S. urlew is due to leave Hongkong n April 17, for Coehin China ports and Singapore, where she will be relieved on the China Station by H.M.S.
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  • 1924 10 A meeting of the Legislative c 0U nrii was held on Monday afternoon. The nor’s Deputy, the Hon. Mr. F. s C.M.G., presided, and the others’ ml- Officer Commamlini &lt;H.h. Major-General Sir Neill MaW»W K.C.B., D.S.O.), the Attorncv-Genmi (the Hon. Mr.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1293 12 &gt; Tiim March J1. We have rciT veil from a correspondent a ropy of a leaflet i su&lt;ml by The SinoBritish Trail*- Association, (hna House, Knight -bridge, London. ('opiesof thi- leaflet we urnicr land, were sent to the f'hine &lt; Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, am &lt;»ur corn*
      > Tiim March J1.  -  1,293 words
    • 1219 12 Straits Times. March L’-' America repudiated President Wilson, and Franc* has hewn a tendency to repudiate more Ilian one ot the Ministers who represented Herat Allied Confcrcn/cs. One quite understands the desire »f bodies like the Anieriean Senate, the French Chamber, and the Hritish House of
      .— Straits Times. March L’-'  -  1,219 words
    • 855 12 inn Maivh '27. So we have reached “PrinceCharmin. s’’ week and ail our streets are a very ,os of preparation, and all our people ar&lt; full of anticipation and curiosity. Truth to tell, we are conscious of no little cuv f y ourselves. Our Royal Guest comes f: in
      ' inn Maivh '27.  -  855 words
    • 1055 13 tab nin es within a decade. —Straits Times, March 2H. te- Senate has ratified J with a reservation. To 1 do not think that very, iki i be attached. Asj "d Great Britain there* nre In certain circumbound herself to give F; Japan, but the cotimged very considerably
      tab nin es within a decade. —Straits Times, March 2H.  -  1,055 words
    • 1116 13 the Ka stern world. Straits Times, March lit* 0 We have just received a copy of the official guide to the Malaya-Borneo Exliibition. and as Dr. Gilbert Brooke appears to have had the burden of the work connected with its preparation and publication we offer him
      ' the Ka stern world. Straits Times, March lit*  -  1,116 words
    • 1115 13 1 Straits Tinu March 11 wa- a pleasure to record yesterday tde splendid enthusiasm of the welcome '-riven to the Prince of Wales on his 'i»t val u the I'edi ral Capital on Tuesday, and it will he an eipial pleasure to roe &gt;rd as ■arty a ,reception at
      " ’■ •' 1 !" . Straits Tinu March  -  1,115 words

  • 109 14 1 1 &lt;• i n |m wii*»* •"!&lt;• "t tli&lt;- South Taipni" Tin Co. .Mr. h. A. M. Ilrom tin hail man, made a lom- &lt;• pl.anatory »&lt;n tin* »•&gt; -ition of tin* company. ||&lt; pr.iI" 1 i i ,v ol u 111 iti &lt; i I!
    109 words
  • 2038 14 I I In i! tial ordinar;. meeting of the l Mtiiicipul Goiiinii- ionei was held in tin* Boa id room on I-relay. The President. Mr. R. J. I*art* r, presided, the other (’om mi.* .-dorters present being Messi.-. J. A. Kl'as. J. M.
    2,038 words
  • 469 14 The Hon. Mr. A. B. Voules took tim cliair at the general meeting of *fu Singapore Cricket Club held on M; afternoon to consider the dchentun :&gt;»r the Government loan which is being ih tained for the building of billiar* i Cot
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  • 39 14 The Penang correspondent f t‘ Mail states that II. E. th E" Vf rt r Ilf me on short leave by the AnchiExcellency expects to be away J 1 and probably to return via t'a’ 1
    39 words

  • 63 15 rimes it not responsible foi •The ralt T S co respondent*. Corrc*..I""'-"* aid bear i* mind th.t letter. Lndeu*' h a t d and to the point. Long liiutt b !,h&lt; its are liable to be rejected or ’■"'"‘‘"'V'cu down. Corre.pondenu mui tl.e“r name., not necos.erily for tnci 0|,(
    63 words
  • 88 15 I To the Editor of the Straits Times. I i do net know whether at the I 4 l* entrance tickets at 20 cents I' h can be obtained in book form say, ■:r i per book of ten tickets If not, l‘‘ ,’"i Inggcst that this method
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  • 132 15 Malaya- Borneo Exhibition Stamps. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir It would be a great boon to the ,v &gt;tjimp collectors in the Peninsula r nil cl-cwlicr?) on outstations, mines etc., Li,,, would like to purchase sets of the Liiritu- surcharged issues, but who for various reasons will
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  • 466 15 I To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir. -It is gratifying to know that th? Ivrong done the whole community by Inking away their very valuable asset in Ih ir beautiful public hall is not to be let Kil until there i- a restoration,
    466 words
  • 419 15 ll Kditor of the Straits Times. t.l 'a 1 1. 1 you will &gt;e doing a great r«il., !lV numher of People of 1 iinosti.ra,,. i*‘ ,u aff °rd some time Knjrlish to l- 10 co ?t of obtaining which U( atlon in our English 1 "'"*i
    419 words
  • 394 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Having read with the greatest interest your leader of yesterday on the above subject, I take this opportunity to fay a few words relevant thereto. The question of Sino-British Trade forms one of the biggest problems between (ireat Britain, and
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  • 191 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I see in your issue dated 2»lrd inst. an article headed “The Leech Again Popular.” I am not surprised at this and my reasons may interest your readers medical and otherwise. About 22 years ago in this country I had
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  • 246 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your article of the 2.‘Jrd instant headed 44 China and its people has interested me very much. I would like to know where and at what price could a copy of that book on governance of China
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  • 322 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I understand the Horticultural Section of the Agri-Horticultural Show in connection with the M. B. E. has been cancelled owing to the lack of support. I believe not a single entry was received. This is astonishing. One can
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  • 380 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Fn reference to your kind, cautious and instructive criticisms regarding the above association, I should like to bring the following points clearly before your readers, particularly before the correspondent who forwarded you the leaflet, with a view to firstly
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  • 93 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-- Reference your report of the Municipal Commissioners' meeting. During the discussion of Septic Tanks— 44 Mr. Brown could not understand why a layman was setting his opinion against that of a professional.” That, as a matter of fact, is what
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  • 352 15 To the Editor of the Strait* Times. Sir, —In the interests of the Muslims of this Colony, may I ask your favour to allow me to say something through the medium of your valuable paper on the hill which is to be shortly introduced in the Legislative Council
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  • 563 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Hard Time*, deserves the thanks of poor parents and "Tuan Still,” i name known to most non English speaking Chinese, will receive the blessings of many m&lt; re, if be will use some of his valuable lime to enquire into
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  • 110 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I notice in your paper Mn'vli 2Mb that lie* Uu Tan Cruiei Asl;o!d w:e i hri." 'cni'd I lie Packet of Wiiiidliiii 5.” at the Dardanelles. Ties is not so. The Cruiser Ashtdd w.t- christened I he Packet of Woodbines at
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  • 266 16 We really cat not review Straits Produce. Once in our very young days we were directed to review the latest copy of Punch. So we wrote “Comment would he superfluous, hut don’t miss reading it. 5 oil’ll lie sorry il you do,” and handed
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 148 16 Rain again interfered with cricket on .'all.i .'ay and of the two mat dies due to played oil' in tie Singapore &lt; ricket rourimment, only one wa- played, the Ihr the S.C.C. v. S IM', bring postponed. *n the s C.c side &lt;f
      148 words
    • 1059 16 lhe S.C.C. II g&lt; l some way towards •.•ning up matters with the S.C.F.A. II n March 211, when, on the former’s ground, i. t y won by 2—1. For some twelve month- past victory has always gone to «h Chinese when these teams have met :.nd on the
      1,059 words
    • 148 16 Klcinman and Green had an easy passage over Prentis and Dyne on March 23. ReIsuits were as follows:— l Championship. j Sinclair beat Milligan, G—3, G—2. Championship Pairs. j Donnell and Hunt beat Holder and Riches. [6 1, 6—1. Klcinman and Green beat Prentis and
      148 words
    • 707 16 i Tlu* final for the Governor's Cup, between the Marion and the Helen, was »ailed ofT on Saturday afternoon in ideal weather, the Marion winning after a most interesting race. ('apt. Bredenberg started the race at 2.45 sharp and the Helen crossed the line a few seconds
      707 words
    • 95 16 The result of the March medal (stroke* was a tie between Messrs. W. E. O. Stanford and W. Peach, scores being 93—15 78 net. The ball sweep for Saturday was won by Mr. C. C. Nicoll with 35*£ net and on Sunday by Mr. W. E. O. Stanford with
      95 words
    • 86 16 The Hon. Mr. A. N. Kenion presiding at the annual meeting of the Ipoh Golf Club said that the income had exceeded the expenditure for the year by $2,2150. This was due to the entrance fees paid by 71 new members. The balance sheet showed tluit the
      86 words
    • 73 16 Mr. Stevenson gave a very attractive iisplay of the art of billiards in the Simpang Club, Sourabaya, on Wednesday :ast when he met Mr. Shackleton in a game of 80ft up. Stevenson went to the table 22 times to make his 800 and his best breaks were 07, 98,
      73 words
    • 146 16 We have received a long letter from a correspondent, signing himself 44 Lover of Fair Play,” with reference to the race for polo ponies which will form one of the items at the Prince’s meeting. He alleges that in the case of Maitland, which was duly
      146 words
    • 278 16 A Router wire of March 2J states 1,4 in Paris Wales beat France at by eleven points to three. I Another Hole in One. I r James on the 20th inst. did I u/,]p not yards) of the Klang Itv hth h jn one This is believed to
      278 words

  • 370 17 I A curious case came on and was conllu'lcl before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard |i Wednesday in which Daleep Singh watchman at Baffles (Jills’ School claim- &lt; n a promissory note $9.'58 from Ang B‘'ck S* nir. a clerk employed in the Borm C
    370 words
  • 155 17 R| -t. n, i-'Vim k. l &lt;lim 't&lt;&gt;rs of the Far R al th- tliird v,t to be present- *cad&gt; r annua l meeting on March V ahmit, t,, s our directors beg the ve'ir U u u v au dited accounts R'yi'mi, t Se Ptember
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  • 39 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, March 29. The Government of the Colony has paid compensation of one thousand dollars to the dependents of each of the four killed in the shooting at Shatin.
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  • 519 17 The following is the report by the directors of the Titi Tin Co., Ltd., to be presented at the ninth annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at Chartered Bank Chambers on Wednesdav, April 5 Your directors beg to submit
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  • 125 17 According to the records of the trade enquiry agents, Messrs. Stubbs, London, there has been an unusual total of 1,1 bO failures of traders since January l. Compulsory liquidations of companies have quadrupled compared with 1919. Petitions will be presented to the Law Courts one day next week
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  • 669 17 Presiding at the annual general meeting I of the Penang Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday last, Mr. W. S. Goldie, the chairman, after touching on the accounts, made the following remarks on the trade position The report is very complete
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  • 25 17 Sungei (»au.— Plant 52.07 picul-, tribute •?5.44 /3 piculs, total HH.Il'a piculs. Ting Kil. Plant piculs, tribute 19.17 piculs, total 1H2.K0 piculs.
    25 words
  • 83 17 The P. and O. steamer Dilwara, which irrived from Hangoon a few days b;iek, awaiting, it is said, orders as to where he i» to proceed to next. It is reported tf, a t this good old vessel, which has done lut.v for many years both as
    83 words
  • 138 17 Mr. H. K. Bratton, M.P., received this morning a cable from Mr. Parkhill, Secretary of the Nationalist Association of New South Wales, and by his courtesy we are enabled to state that the result of the State elections in New
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  • 523 17 An interesting legal matter came up before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard on Saturday when Mr. J. Cobbett on behalf of Mr. Cesare Gaggino presented a petition that he should be granted administrative powers with regard to the assets of the estate of his
    523 words
  • 74 17 We have been asked whether the Secret try of the Sinn British Trade \ssociatinn is Mr. I.. ft. Haynes, formerly ‘radinir as ft. Ilavnes and ('&lt;&gt;. I,t&lt;l., \uala Lumpur. We have n&lt;» positive in format ion on t he point, and have merely to •epeat that milch
    74 words

  • 423 19  -  i i os( ar K. r»«&gt;vis.) 4 nd subsequently the ref‘ ii'i atoi-s U, Singa- tVr t! oppjrUntty of t iji v products and manual 4 ,‘f the Australian States, f K u large number who l .1 at tin* number and v ,various exhibits and who ,Yi what
    423 words
  • 134 19 &lt;«j *ral nui tmg of the H was lu'hl on Wod- Huh House. Mr. H 'he year’s working the H th- adoption of the i li -se w re appi v- f Mowiiur gentlemen K f"r the incoming 1 '1. Sinie, president,
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  • 335 19 We much regret to have to chronicle the death of Mr. Dobree Butler, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Perak, and C.P.O. Ipoh, in tlu* General hospital on Wednesday and who was buried the same afternoon in the Bidadari cemetery. Mr. Butler
    335 words
  • 269 19 of Vpres and the famous salient will ever be associated with the fine feats of British arms. There were few British regiments which did not t. ke part in holding the line there, if not actually engaged in the three
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  • 171 19 Our Penang correspondent wiles that the Taiping Tin Dredging mpany’s annual report sta*&lt; s that tin* output of the two dredges was P ,s id piculs. I he av rage yield per cubic yu d was catties and the revenue Sl2&lt;»r». 1.I including the balance brought f tvvard
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  • 559 19 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. In their report, dated March 28, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state The share market has been practically lifeless during the week under review, and with the exception of the Loan group, where a steady demand has been maintained, we have very little
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  • 86 19 Kll. M: tendt; pital. *•&gt;: M o-d; V\!'2. the wife &lt;&gt;t' '’r W M.'c n son. g Kris' (»n March 20, 1222. th* v. n'* of .;r. I Breen, M.C.S., a son. ;;,\V HI’.oN'NFK On Mnicli 2, I 2 t Fairfax l‘ i:id, South Hump tool, Kotulon t,,
    86 words
  • 157 19 EXCHANGE Singap &gt;re, March .‘{0. On I.Mtidon, Bank I m/s 2/3 31/32 Demand 2/3 23/32 IVivat m. credits 2/4 3/32 On New York Demand 41)% Private 52 'A On France, Bank 525 On India, Bank T. T. 171) On Hongkong, Bank d/d 8% p.r. prom. On Shanghai,
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  • 435 19 MINING. Singapore, March 30. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1 1 IliUm Tin 1.10 1.20 1 1 Jelantoh 0.60 1 1 Johan Tin 0.60 0.70 i'l iT Kant. Kamunt. 1.9.0 1.11.0 cd. 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 3.50 4.50 5 5 Lingui Tin 2.75
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 98 19 NOTICE 71,0 post fret* pric&lt;• of the Straits 'I'm to flu' I’nited K inpalorr. and foreign c•» i• i •*i&lt;* i S"» 1 a year. The post fno* price of the Straits Iludget is SM u voir to an&gt; part of the world. It i.&gt; not noc s ary to
      98 words
  • 21 19 I)KA I II i uN February 22, 1922, t 129, n aooil I'ourt, K' ill»;»m if itt&lt; n, I,it. -f Singapore
    21 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 114 1 (irnrriil Arc.oh.i iit&lt; Atfaii I (I. h Is i ni l i111 &gt; »rt t Uul/t.i i 1 I &gt; at &gt;i l, i Itoiit i Vl;i 11. I t Local 1 i A ict ion f. Coi.t, i in KliMa-r *liaro I'ho* .1 (.orr«-«|xiixloiM Moirhanls no
      114 words
    • 472 1 On Saturday, at Ipoh, before tin* Jinn. Mr. .Justice C. K. Watson, fifteen ToUtyii coolies were charycd with having on I-’eb-ruary 11, l!)22, on Arcadia Coconut Instate, near Mayan Ikilofi, assembled for an unlawful purpose namely, to attack It. Nutt. It.
      472 words
    • 1598 1 Tlie tentii annual general meeting of the Garir.g Malacca Rubber Estate. Limited was held on February 1, in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers’ Association, Ih. Kastchcap. E.C.. Mr. Edward Dane fchnirmnn of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the
      1,598 words
    • 278 1 i The United States official trail I ispel any doubt as to th&lt; .x: n; recent recovery in the An erica i j industry. Not only were the er j ports of rubber into the United I i •cember
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    • 907 2 Haytor Rubber Estates. K e en Discussion of Directors’ Qualifications. I mutual general meeting of Haytorj I state* Ltd., was held mt March the Registered oilres «»f the !•’reach Hank Buildings. Tlte v. (iihbons was in the chair and re also present Mr. F. L. Tomlin, a nd Messrs. F.
      907 words
    • 595 2 The annual general meeting of tin* Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on Monday afternoon in the Exchange Rooms, Mr. J. M. Si me presiding, with Mr. K. (iattey for the secretaries. After the usual preliminaries the chairman said Gentlemen. —The
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    • 1301 2 The annual meeting of the Teluk Anson Rubber Estate Ltd., was held on Tuisday at the registered offices of the Gompany Battery Road, Mr. W. P. Plummer, who also represented the secretaries, Messrs. Derrick and Go., presiding. There were also present Mr.
      1,301 words
    • 451 2 Tin* directors’ report to the shareholder- of l.ukit Timah Kubbor Kstatos, Ltd., fi.r tlie year enileil llecember .’II last, stat**^ Tlie net I«»^for the year a* &gt;howti by the profit ami Ins account amounted to :i‘Jti.-X, from whirh most he deducted the
      451 words
    • 1175 3 Th*- fifth annual mu.if m&lt;-etin/ "I ahar holil. i nf lli. \&lt; w Aml.iT t kjl.l.iKstati-. I.til.. wm lie-d at .Shanghai &lt;n March I. Mr &lt; (irayn/pe* l»i‘ •sitlinis. Support ill/ him mi the iluitt-nrate were jV| «•&gt;s, .1 I Stewart amt
      1,175 words
    • 693 3 Tlu- (U-ath of Mr. lu-urav Croll. tlirorlor *&gt;f Harrisons and rostiebl’s Limited. (Irout Tower-street, K.(\, Kastern and general nuK-hants, who was kille*! at South Kcnoptoii Station, was the* subject of an inquiry before Mr. H. It. Oswald, tlu* West London
      693 words
    • 857 3 The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Raub Rubber Estates. Limited, was held on February 21, at the offices of the company, 8*'», Cannon Street, E. C., Mr. George Irvine Watson I the chairman) presiding. The Chairman raid The report and accounts
      857 words
    • 821 3 The sixteenth annual general m,..,. of the shareholders of the Jebong i|\ r s? Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on Mare! p. at Colombo. Mr. L. A. Wright was h chair, and the others present were M. r R. (J. Scott, H. Glyn Eccles,
      821 words
    • 993 4 njcrt'fiicy general meeting of the V trict Planters Association was Cla t h. Klang Club on March 13, the }H n hand being chiefly to discuss l ,u 0 f t i K .sub district committees th v 1 the control of the maximum
      993 words
    • 64 4 iThe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but as
      64 words
    • 940 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —From the summary of my remarks at the Hay tor meeting as giv;*u in your report on riday, your readers would a fer that I opposed “the election of Mr. Murray (a practical planter) to the board r.s an
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    • 357 4 To the Editor of tin* Straits Times. Sir,—Many residents of the Colony and ncighln ”r!n d have been interested in the objections that a certain gentleman rakes at nearly every shareholders meeting that is held in this Colony, and the public is beginning to wonder what is
      357 words
    • 804 4 The* fo I lowi n l* report is officially supplies! The twelfth ordinary anauai general meeting of Kadellu Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on Saturday, March 25, 11&gt;22, at 4. Fort Road. Malacca. Owing to the unavoidable absence of the Chairman, Major
      804 words
    • 27 4 AM«*n' Succcsjuirs (Eastern), Limited, inform 'i their London cable, dated March 22. rends a- follows Market steady 7 7 ,d stocks *57,112.
      27 words
    • 1041 5 M&lt; •Hur*. (iut 11 I'M* an&lt;l &lt;0. report: Singapore, March 23. Consequent on reports of a weaker tendency in London and New York, the W oekly Auctions opened yesterday to an easier Market, values -bowing an all round dcclirio of I to
      1,041 words
    • 394 5 The following tapping experiments will he commenced on April 1. at the Experiment Station at Peradeniya 1. An experiment to test the relative results from. (a) Tapping alternate days throughout the year. &lt;h) Tapping tlaily during the months i f January, March, May, July,
      394 words
    • 1045 5 Stock par Exchange Par Exoha Value. Company. Prices. Value. Compaay. Prices* M rih March I. ;i Anglu-Malny 19/6 il Linggi .1 Pakap Plantations 12/ £1 Lendu jj 11 Ranteng (Selangor) 20/ £1 l.umut t'l llatu
      1,045 words