The Straits Budget, 17 March 1922

Total Pages: 22
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES" VOL. LXXVI NO. 3344 Singapore, Friday, March 17, 1922 ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTS OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 251 1 i,E\l»KKS— Imprudent Economic* China'.- Natural AVealth The tleddes Ill-port 10 *J] Mr. Montagu Resign- J* S« .th Africa J- Mi" tin* Slump *2 (ii-ni rul— Personal i; iit»*r> Si-rvici- ..lutit. »-r Commissions I'vinee <if Wales Visit r ilt! Welfare Work A ti istor> ot Sarawak j* Straits Voluntci-rs 1-
    251 words
  • 4711 1 fl ''Ovcrnor in Council has been V, 1,1 Xi ni Pt from the provisions of Drd’.naneo tin* totalisatur to n hy the Straits Racing As- n die Singapore race course on I and r in hawkers are forbidden to irado in any of the following f 1
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    • 562 3 Kki ikk’s Skrvick. London, March 9. \\i a .tuntrton In the Senate Mr. Lodge )n n gratification at the conclusion of f«’,uM»»wcr treaty, the main purpose I i, was the termination of the V r i ','hamso Alliance and the substitu- J.
      Kki ikk’s Skrvick.  -  562 words
    • 84 3 j, London, March fh rr l 4 t ,u a(l »f the French Sm VVushinjrton, addressing the i!*, an foreign committees, < I ;i l "I*. achieved the Franc- *'!V‘ t, l'’ naval security of in-- (j th .V cench Colonies and avertM mediate risk of war.
      84 words
    • 40 3 Tt Paris. March fh an ;o ;d,,.n r .l li u^ Itt S ,ha J lzwt asha had Till• k, ,th M Poincare yesterday, •if Komii, ni ,ss, I °V’ hetided by Yuusmal arrived last night. (Havas
      40 words
    • 16 3 London. March fh u, t !ih,. lOth iMt. Pi rtur f,,r Wnl, s
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    • 285 3 London, March 8. One thousand L K. A. troops have arrived in Limerick, where the situation is unchanged. Hopes of a peaceable settlement are strengthened with the arrival of the provisional Minister for Defence. Negotiations with the insurgent I. R. A. are
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    • 165 3 London. March >. Mr. Bottomley has been cluirg**! at w Street with the conversion t his *>\vii uses of i’5,oO;i subscribed to his he.nes. He personally conducted his i and unsuc e-sfu!iy applied for an adir:::s;v .it owing m co’-te.i.poraneous pro- i lings in t!u* High Court. Prosecuting
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    • 102 3 London, March lb Washington The United States has declined an invitation to participate in the Genoa Conference. London, March lb Washington A communication to Italy containing the decision regarding the Genoa Conference states that America s participation in any general European conference is impossible at present owing
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    • 92 3 London, March X. The South Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Barweli, who is at present in London, writes to the Times supporting his previous declarations on the necessity of a modification of the White Australia policy and is convinced that if coloured labourers are taken to Australia under the
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    • 214 3 London, March 9. Johannesburg The general strike is very limited in extent at present and there are signs of its growth. The campaign of intimidation has intensified in the mines owing to the necessity for concentrating the police in the centre of the town.
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    • 188 3 London, March 8. The report of tlu Chicago packing firm. Armour and Company, for 1921 desciibes the year as the most disastrous in the history of the packing industry. The fall in meat prices and the high costs resulted in a loss of $30,000,000, which has been
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    • 163 3 London, March X. Ivlin During the debate on the military budget in tin* Legislative Assembly, the majority of speakers attacked the proposed expenditure. 1 > r. (lour. the leader of the Democratic party, demanded its reduction to 2P per cent, of ilc- revenue ace rding to the
      163 words
    • 56 3 London, March A Paris message says the Echo tie Paris Mates -that M. Poincare has informed M. Philippe Bert helot that lie will h hron-sht before Counseil de Discipline for endea- urine by independent action when Secrotary General to the Ptench Mini-try to :.Vo the B. tuple I
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    • 34 3 London, March x. Mr. Chao Using Chu ha hern appointed ('him <■ repre <-ritativ< on the Opium Traffic Advisory Committee of tire League of Nations, which wi'l meet it GOu-va due nc April.
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    • 132 3 Rkitkr’s Skrvick. I.omlon, March 10. Delhi It is understood that Gandhi’* arrest is imminent. London. March 10. Delhi: The government has decided to arrest Gandhi to-day. London. March 0. Delhi General Lord Raw in.son's statement of the condition
      Rkitkr’s Skrvick.  -  132 words
    • 481 3 London, March If. The unprecedented action of the Indiun Government in pubiiciy formulating a policy for the Imperial Government startled London as a break n all constitutional ttadition and i intelligible by the gravity of the situation in India. All the papers coinnu lit on it. Two
      481 words
    • 408 3 London, March 1*. In fin Hi i' i i<f f'imiinons, Colonel Auhrey Herbert a k«•«I whi'tlirr the lm perial <»r Ind'an !o\ ernment had approved of the p 11 1>1 1 <• fan if the latter’s despatch specifying t 1 n edification- di the Treaty of Si'vros
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    • 251 4 Londi n, March 10. Mr. Montagu’s resignation is the topic of tin* moment. Photographs and details of his career are given prominence in the papers, which feature yesterday’s Parliamentary debates and correspondence under Jarge headings. The morning papers practically without exception agree that Mr. Montagu’s resignation was
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    • 83 4 Prince of Wales' Camp, Rawalpindi, March 10. The Prince of Wales, who is staying for two days as tin* guest of the Commander-in-f’hief, is spending his last few days in India in n series of brief visits, mainly to important military centres, reviewing troops arid presenting colours
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    • 43 4 London, March 10. Boulogne Fight were killed and many injured as a result of a violent explosion in the English camp during the unloading of henvy shells left in France by the British army. A fire destroyed the camp buildings.
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    • 395 4 London, March 1*. Washington Mr. Hughes, in a note to the Italian ambassador, Signor Ricci, with regard to (ienoa, emphasises that the L'nitcd States has a keen desire for the economic rehabilitation of Furope hut regrets that it is impossible not to eon
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    • 137 4 London, March 9. Paris The Chamber by 205 votes to 2GO rejected the summer time bill. The vote e* i.lLets with the agreement between the i leiirb, British and Belgian Governments i ads ant ing the clock on the last Saturday in March. The Chamber, by 200 votes
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    • 152 4 London, March 0. There was liveliness in the House of Commons on the occasion of a number of l west ions on the subject of the Russian famine. Mr. Chamberlain, in the course I" a refusal to make a further Government t rant for relief, was greeted
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    • 188 4 London, March 9. Johannesburg The Government is determined to end the present situation and has mobilised the Imperial Light il ire, the Transvaal Scottish, the Railway and Harbour Rifles, and the Pretoria Regiment to reinforce the police. It has warned the public
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    • 113 4 London, March 10. In the House of Commons Comdr. Hilton Young moved a resolution authorising the expenditure of i'OoO.OOO to pay the balance of P.'s, a share on a million ordinary pound shares in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company held by the Government, on which only a shilling a
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    • 294 4 London, March 10. Rome Tht* Cabinet lengthily discuss(.*<1 the Fiunu* problem and were unanimously of the opinion that the question must be settled in conformity with their international engagements and with respect for signed treaties. London. March 10. B Xew N ork In the course of an official nquiry
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    • 354 4 Reiter's Service. London, March le. Pretoria Martial law’ has been nr., claimed on the Rand. London, March 10. Johannesburg Mr. I)e Wet and Mr Merit/, Ministers of Justice and Defence respectively, have issued a statement denying that u native
      Reiter's Service.  -  354 words
    • 437 4 London, March 12. Johannesburg Guerilla warfare is being waged around the centre of the town. Natal troops and other Government reinforcements are arriving. Aeroplanes are machine-gunning the power station. Pretoria Martial law is being enforced. The authorities have suppressed the Nationalist Labourite newspaper, elosed the trades
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    • 302 5 H London. March 10. I r.. r cmecring negotiations have fail1, ci a lock out will occur to-morrow. I understood that the unions did not t,i th« employers’ demand that the .-mental principle of the right of the I \--r- to exercise managerial functions I "> a, -ept«d
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    • 164 5 London, March 10. Mr. Robinson delivered his i■;-i ie attack against the > mite, criticising the ineon- ales who declared simul•t was the greatest achieve* times in the interests of .vet said it imposed ,7 n the signatories conferring to- bomnson interpreted Article Article 10 in the League
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    • 319 5 London, March 11. Ahmedubad Gandhi has been arrested r.n a charge of sedition. London, March 11. Bombay Anticipating his arrest in ‘New India Gandhi appealed to his followers to continue his whole policy with clockwork regu arity.”
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    • 391 5 London, March 12. Ahmcdubad The district superintendent of police, Mr. Hailey, was motoring to arrest (iandhi at his institute* near Ahmednbad when he encountered Shanker Lai, a banker, and a well-known Bombay merchant and leading Nationalist, whom he arrested and took to the institute, where he arrived at
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    • 308 5 London, March 11. Washington Indications point to a Senate vote favouring ratification of the four power treaty by a margin of two to one. The argument being used in the course of the debate by foes of the treaty alleges that Mr. Balfour induced Mr. Hughes to accept
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    • 203 5 London, March 10. The New York Times approves the decision of the United States not to participate in the Genoa Conference. It says that the general feeling will be that the United States is well out of a conference to which Lenin boasts he will dictate. London,
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    • 60 5 London, March 10. Athens The resignation of the Cabinet is imminent, following the Chamber's rejection of a vote of confidence by 101 votes to 150. London, March 10. The Greek Chamber’s vote of no confidence followed a statement by M. Gonnaris showing the failure of his mission
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    • 57 5 London, March 12. Finn m e Princess Mary and Viscount I.ascelles have arrived and were cheered by large crowds. They motored t" Ficsolc, where they had an equally enthusiastie reception. They are staying at the Villa Medici, where the British colony and the Italian aristocracy have co-eperated in
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    • 572 5 Reuter's Service. London, March 13. Pretoria: An official communique states that 2,200 prisoners have been captured by the military operations in the central area. An aeroplane was forced to descend. Another broke its under carriage in attempting to rescue stranded
      Reuter's Service.  -  572 words
    • 307 6 London, March \\';i' I. ingt on l< is < xpeeted that Scant opposition to the I'acdic treaty will tor iniriate at tin- end of th present week, when a favourable vote will he obtained on the naval limitation and Chines treatie and tie* I'aedie
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    • 521 6 London, March 12. In spite if the hartal and friendly crow*!, tl eked the route when the iTilire of Wale, drove hi slate through the city of I’cslmwar. small tuibulcnt minority in the crowd atiempied to demonstrate hut witli no cue, A great and entiea. aistie
      521 words
    • 237 6 Paris, March 12. Tin Allied Finance Ministers who have b ■< n mi etmp in Paris tins week, concluded their deliberations yesterday wiili the 1'i ature of the agreement providing for I. various settlements. T!.e expenses of 1 imies of < ujiation in Germany from May I, 1021,
      237 words
    • 169 6 London, March L’k Paris The Chieapo Tribune states that in addition to the recent claim the I nitod States will shortly be demandinp another $211,0(H),000 for occupation expenses up to May, 15)22. London, March L‘1. Political circles in Paris are disposed to view tropically America’s demand for
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    • 120 6 London, March l.’k The prospectus <f the l"»,o()0, 000 I*, and O. Company debentures has been issued. The stock may be redeemed at par on or after October 1, 11C10. Any stock not previously redeemed will he repaid at par on October 1, 1040. The aroeceds
      120 words
    • 107 6 London, March 10. Mr. Lloyd George is better and has intervened in the engineering dispute, participating in a conference between I)r. Maenamara ami representatives of the employers and men at Downing Street. The Federation of Engineering and Shipbuilding Unions has decided to join issue with the \malgamated Engineering
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    • 63 6 London, March The Hoard of Trade returns for February show exports at l'fiH,2r>0,000 and imports 1*00,250,000, decreases of nearly IT), 000,00(1 and £7,000,000 respectively compared with January. Exports of I manufactures decreased by .1*10,000,000 and exports of cotton yarns manufactures I by £0.500,000. Imports of raw materials fell
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    • 289 6 Kki tkr’s Service. London, March 1 ir: the House of Commons then* was a at question time. Mr. Chamberlain sail! Iim iv discu-sinn (ii Mr. .Montagu’s speech Lord Cura n had call.*«l liis attenti 11 t» the Indian («< vermnent’s first t *le:ram
      Kki tkr’s Service.  -  289 words
    • 52 6 Louden. March 1 >. Allahabad It is reported from Teheran tl at the Persian (iovernment lias received t‘lf»'0,udn from Washington auainst future oil ra;.allies vot.d by the Mejlis. This indicates that the Standard Oil and the Ana* -Persian c« mpanies have reached an ai:icement their conllictinu i
      52 words
    • 44 6 London, March 1". Washiiv/L n The Army Bill, which has been reported to the House of Repr entntives, pr».\ id s for reduction of tlu* regular army to 11.’),000 men and 11,000 officers. Army expenditure will be reduced by $110,000,000 to $270,000,000.
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    • 27 6 London. March Id. The Angora mission, headed by Yussuf Yt nia’ Bey, commissary of foreign affairs, has arrived in London to confer with the Government.
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    • 36 6 London, March Id. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir Walter de Freer. Sir Ilaniar Greenwood, on behalf of Mr. Churchill, said n* date had been fixed for the evacuation f Wei-hai-wei.
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    • 87 6 London, March 14. I he list for the i‘a,000,000 six per cent, joint Midi Orleans and French Railways loan at *a price of SI) was closed immediately. London, March 14. Athens M. Stratos has failed to forma < ’abinot. London, March Id. Alliens M. Stratos i- forming a <
      87 words
    • 771 6 MONTAGU INCIDENT Scathing Speech by Lord Curzon. Full Text of th e Private Letter. Reuter’s Service. L iid' ii. March The House of I a>i"is was crowdei. a an the galleries were thrmured with and members of tlu* Commons, win i, r( j Curzon refilled t Mr. Montatru. L,.nj Curzon,
      Reuter’s Service.  -  771 words
    • 142 7 London, March 14. Wiivir Aeroplanes opened operVordsburg in the western ihs- hannesburjr. dropping notices f '..rition by eleven this mornwas ‘th* most disturbed s- 1h ..rued. There was even snip1 f;;r ',V 1 K-art of the city, also heavy :1 astern suburb of Jeppes- u, A j,
      142 words
    • 66 7 London, March 14. u of resolutions by various disL:, nuHtiims "f engineers urging the It i i,,ion Congress Council to take l‘.*|j c action with a view to resisting: the plover-' attempt tasmash working class I ini-ation- a council meeting m Lon1,,’ to-dav decided to ask Government
      66 words
    • 49 7 I London, March 14. I Paris The Allied Finance Ministers. I’.i'lyiiiu to tlu* l nited States demand, ■if,’r to the clause in inter-allied agreeIdit of the same date reserving the |;ht- <»f United States Ministers. They Kii that Washington should determine question with the Allied Governments.
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    • 58 7 I London. March 14. I New York It is reported from MacaP'ter. Oklahoma, that about fifteen fatal■<*s occurred in a destructive tornado in Hlalioma while scores were injured. P London, March 14. P New York: The Guaranty Trust Com■ny lias arranged to purchase the new Hs'it* of
      58 words
    • 47 7 Paris, March 15. I lir drhaii' and Midi Railway com* ;bond issue in London is meeting ll‘ tin* same unqualified success as the oiis railway s recent issue, testifying to further strengthening of Franco-Bri- business cooperation and British in--t rs faith in French credit, tHavas.>
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  • 107 7 fin. Pauls 401.8”. [Miilau Tin.—Piculs 91.87. t n 'i'‘ r iaiig I in Dredging.— Dredge l'>iuk tritmtor* 140 piculs, a total of piculs. W vm "K Tin Dredging Co. advise the fol- i m r ''UM'nl for the second half month rffhruniy 28 Xo. 1 dredge 928
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  • 82 7 lr, r J„', lia,IU wires that iii *T f nu °urt, Mr. Justice Whitley I s' |t su 't for libel brought by K. r -r. 1, a wining engineer, against lof’t P!" 11 Graham and Fell, direcI' 1 '.I X a u Tj" l'"- with
    82 words
  • 46 7 K wires that a ■vV'f.,'!• i'w! f rorn the reservoir H a ,GaHens, Penang, swerved ■v u I U v Rfty feet into the bed B. r i j|, )r, e <>f the occupants of the i( d. though two were sent to
    46 words
  • 1893 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala I.umpur, March It. j The lion. Sir Lionel Woodward, the Chief Judicial Commissioner, will he en- traced during the major portion of this week in an interesting civil suit, involving a sum of about half
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  • 573 7 Suggestions have heen made that the French Portion of the Boxer Indemnity should he used for the benefit of the Manque Imlustrielle de Chine’s creditors, and the following extracts from the repert by the Rappcrtour (leneral of the uuincc Commission of
    573 words
  • 96 7 A vernnunt (Jie'.ett.e Kxt >t-«Ii:::«* ir-.s u*»l on Saturday, state- that llis K\ v!!em\V t lie (invert) r ha hern pleased f ‘rrant (’miiinissions as Second I-ieutclient in the Straits Setth e < tits nlurteer Kni-ec »o the followin'', w ith "h'r t, from .Inrrtnrv jl, W. V.
    96 words

  • 2603 8 (From Our Own ’orn-spondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March (ireat preparation in pro'/rev- m anticipation of the i>it ef ti e I’rince of Wales, and many people ate l»u -y day and night trying then utnio t t cany out the prearranged programme. It
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  • 434 8 “J. W. S.” writes:—Those who are engaged or intending to become engaged in child welfare work and those who uninterested in its progress are asking themselves what the next developments of the work are likely to be. The child welfare movement commenced
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  • 202 8 fit the Supreme Court on Monday inert inp the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, decided a dispute arisinp out of the seizure by the Sheriff of a number of mot"! cars, under an execution obtained M. C. Aropyasamy Mudaly again-' Mohamed Ibrahim, Tanplin Motor WorkClaim
    202 words

  • 1496 9 -licit* un China’s Mineral Possibi--1 iv. |h iidii o(' in'* Economist „r.i :ry «»>s w.-:i11h of modern natmns is. created ~v tlu* manufacturing: indus'\m* prosperity of the manufac- ir l ,n'lu>tries is based mainly on the ntina "f minerals, amon«: which lM
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  • 99 9 According to tin* Sarawak Gazette, Her Highness the Ranee has written a small hook entitled Sarawak, dealing with the lives of the three Rajahs and the History of the Country under their Rule. This is at present in the hands of the printers, and will he
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  • 845 9 Tin* bankruptcy proceedings before Mr. Justice Barrett-l.ennurd last Friday included the* continuation of the public examination of Mulla Fidaaly who, j it will be remembered, during his earlier exau.'i nation had stated that he sold h’s ‘nle) c:.t in a business I at
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  • 852 9 PRISONER’ S ESCAPE. Claims for Money and Jewellery Recovered. The matter uf the claims f. r money and j wchery in the possession i Von Yong Teng, quoad: in partner of (’hop Soon Chua Seng <’han, of North Canai Road, who was arrested o*i a warrant issued ftnm lo re
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1073 10 good needs no bush.—Straits Times, March 10. We* note that Siam* attention *s being Xiven to tin* abuse of the German Wireless station at Nauen. It is used for the purpose of disseminating press messages which ar*' coloured to suit German interests ami nia\ be intensely mischievous. One
      good needs no bush.—Straits Times, March 10.  -  1,073 words
    • 1129 10 Straits Times, March 11. We are quoting to-day a very interesting article sent to The Economist by a correspondent who has obviously given very close attention to China’s Mineral possibilities, more especially to her vast stores of valuable coal. One authority, the correspondent quotes, states that “China’s
      . Straits Times, March 11.  -  1,129 words
    • 1151 10 Straits Times, March It has been impossible on the telegraphed summaries to form anything like a clear view of the Geddes Committee report. Sir Eric Geddes was chairman, and the other members were Lord Inchcape, Lord Faringdon, Sir Joseph Mac lay and Sir Guy Granet—all men of
      Straits Times, March  -  1,151 words
    • 1311 11 -Straits Times. March 14. J The resignation of Mr. Montagu raises several quite distinct issues, and we shall probably know a little mere of the man ‘before their discussion closes. First of all, was he warranted in taking upon himself to publish the despatch in which the
      -Straits Times. March 14.  -  1,311 words
    • 1091 11 Strait.' Tinn-s. Mar«-h l.» There is practically no doubt that what has been described as the Rand Strike has developed into a purely revolutionary movement. The history of the affair is instructive. Certain economies were suggested by the mine owners, and wenout by angry protests that the intention
      Strait.' Tinn-s. Mar«-h l.»  -  1,091 words
    • 1134 12 itself to international facts. Straits 'I’imes, March HI. There was 'cut to us hy a recent mail a special r« view of tlie Iron and Steel Trades in 1921, and it is mi symptomatic of th** conditions which have prevailed in almost every other British industry
      itself to international facts. Straits 'I’imes, March HI.  -  1,134 words

  • 114 12 Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard had before him in the Supreme Court on Saturday, a sequel to a police court case resulting from the loss of a large amount of pepper and in which the Borneo Company originally claimed $.‘10,000 from Tan Ah Kiew, the owner
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  • 398 12 A I ■j > resell tat i and v. el!-at tended meeting of Indian. ;r d < ey li.m -e was held j 11.. i ..tej::oi :i :> ia I riuii* Me. i 'liiiiiai.d.. L'.opcharid pu'siding, to eon r tl p ihility
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  • 313 12 In the case, which was commenced ami eont'luiled in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, on Saturday, in which Mr. W. L. Riley claimed $2,052,.52, principal and interest on a promissory note from Mr. II. J. Holm of
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  • 64 12 Receiving orders under the Bankruptcy Ordinance have been made against Tan Thye boon, trading as Chop Hua Hunt. Arab Street Goh Kwye. trader of Uoebore Road Khoo Koh Kiat, trader of Telok Ayer Street Seow Lee Keo, trader of Prinsep Street Mohamed Deen bin Haji Ismail, «»f Kinta
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  • 237 12 (From Our Own Correspondent. Hongkong, M,.i ll iis olltemi y diuicd taut il.e ;i j eminent gave luslrueiions i::,.. i.,,. must be settled or that the local gov. n,. i.ient brought pressure to :>.ai on the owners. It is stated that ttio
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  • 510 12 Tlie action in which Mcssr.**. Ilooglanut ami Co. cia.m.d damages to the extent of $«’»,7o2 us well as interest on $5,S.I2 tin price paid to the defendants—from duly •>1, 1920. to judgment from Messrs. Wah Moll and Co. for alleged breach of warranty
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  • 64 13 .-traits Times is not responsible for 0 n. nf its correspondents. Correa* tl hould bear in mind that letters f 0,llU ‘i i Sort and to the point. Long sths are liable to he rejected or I down Correspondents must .h«>i! names, not necessarily for ti' 1 i, L
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  • 954 13 T lhe Editor of the Straits Times. have read with interest Utter in your issue of 8th ;"',,!>nir the prices charged for iViMs in Singapore as compared '•‘"fc JlU* of lmlia. W i, U vttv recently had the privilege acting a large modern manufac- plant in Singapore
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  • 281 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. j Sir, —With reference to Pro Bono Publico’s letter in your issue of yesterday,) it is part of our business t > make arrange- 1 ments for the accommodation of newly arrived passengers to this port. Acting on
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  • 130 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—With reference to the suggestion re M.B. E. postage stamps, I quite agree that there is sufficient time to have the •urrei.t stamps over-printed locally. An occurrence like this may not happen -gain and it is a pity to let it
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  • 279 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Anyone who appreciates the ordinary amenities of life and the order bscrved in must cities, must sympathise with “Victim” and his cry of anguish at the awful din in Singapore. He remarks (possibly getting hardened to the persecution) that
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  • 153 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In connection with the naming of the two roads being made in the Exhibition grounds, in the competition two Malay suggestions were made, the second of which was Jalun Kcmajohan and the translation given as Road of Prosperity." There are two
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  • 289 13 The directors of the Hotel van Wijk < o. in their report for the year ending December dl. 11»21, state that after making ample prevision for depreciation, writing off bad debts, and providing for 1922 income tax, there
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  • 86 13 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore f< r the week ending hebru ary 25 was 2H.4K. The total number of deaths was 240 of which 154 were male subjects and H(> female. Convulsion* claimed 1f>, phthisis 2, malaria fever 22, dysentery 11, beri-beri 15,
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  • 80 13 We have received from an estate maun gar a Picture post card, bearing a picture of Mahatma Gandhi standing on India and holding a banner with an inscription “India for the Indians.” Our correspond gt informs us that this card and another came to one of the Tamil
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  • 939 13 (I*roni Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March D. Tin* lion. Sir Lionel Woodward (\.L(\, was enraged t --day in the further hearing id' the action, Cr plcy and Lcsslar hxccuturs of the will of the late Dr. A. K. Keur-) v. Mrs. Keun
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  • 388 14 The llriti*)i Malay a IWturn ..f "‘"rhlended January .*J1. 11)22. is issued by the Registrar of Inipoits an I hxj following points should he noted Only articles imported into or exported out of British Malaya are included. Trade between the various ports
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  • 118 14 Our Penung correspondent wires that Mr. J. I>. Kemp moved at a meeting of the Municipal Commission that the government should he approached with a view to fixing the ricksha fares in Penang the same as in Singapore. The present rates were severe on clerks and shopkeepers.
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  • 104 14 Mr. G. W. Gunatilaka, president of the Singhalese Association of Malaya, has received a communication from the Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, stating 1 am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram, dated February 28, addressed to His Excellency the Governor, Sir Laurence Guillcmard and to
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  • 3011 14 The following appeared n the Straits Times of March 10. The firms who are exhibiting at the Malaya-Borneo Exhibition have still three weeks to the opening day, hut considering the very ambitious erections undertaken by several exhibitors this will be none too much. There
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  • 150 15 Colonel Bcar-on, D.S.O., Engincer-in-Chief, Singufx "e Municipality, accompanied by Mrs. Peat.son, returned to the Colony mi Tuesday after their stay in Western Australia whither Colonel Pearsen proceeded in January ast to make a study of cold sterage conditions, etc., in regard to the piospective trade relations
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  • 62 15 Tin* Times f Malaya reports 'Hie Ion Mr. A. M. i’ounitiey, I* inatieial Adv er. F.M.S., is in Ipoh. lie arrived b\ 'lu* night mai' from Kuala fain pur on '’umlnv. 0» Tuesday at the Ipoh iiesi < I e delivered a lecture" on economy
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  • 2245 15 The petition of six creditors for the q winding up of tin* Banque Industt'ielle de Chine which was adjourned from a previous date, occupied the hearing of Mr. j Justice Burrett-i.eimard in the Supreme Court on Mi nday. A further aflidavit was
    2,245 words

  • 204 16 Tin- following notification is, by direrti«»ti of the Chief Secretary to Government, published in tlit* F.M.S. Government Gazette: The Chief Secretary to Government places on record tin 1 splendid devotion to- duty displayed by the late rgcant Major Karim Itaksh, of* the F.M.S. Police l 'orce, who,
    204 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 914 16 The match between S.C.C. II and the 1 fiited Hanks on the club’s ground on tlx* .oli ended in victory for the former by 1 0. For this the winners owed a good deal to M. Jamieson who kept goal in a way which indicated that this was
      914 words
    • 308 16 Our apologies are due to competitors in tlx* S.C.C. tournament. The other day we -aid something about given decent weather the tournament would be over in a few weeks. It has rained ever since. No one has yet succeeded in deciding whether it rains when they have
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    • 79 16 Wednesday's results were as follows: A.—Thong Foong Koon beat Chua Seng Hong (I —l, f>—7, (5—4 Kiong Chin Eng bes t Ong Siow Sian w.o. M.—Cheu Su Lan beat H. L. 11. Lim S (i —d Wee (Jhee Cheong beat Low Seng Cbye (1—
      79 words
    • 207 16 A very good game of hockey was played eri the padangon Monday when the Middlesex were i pposed to the S. L. C., and both I *i'.ms appeared to be equally matched. After ten minutes’ play Stack of the S. L. C. scored the first goal of the match
      207 words
    • 455 16 Phi first race for Viscount Milner’s Cup eaim* oil on Sunday morning and as there "etc many entries and a strong breeze the excitement was fast and furious! twelve boats wire sent away at JO a.m. b.M l» and as it was a run with spinnakers m*L
      455 words
    • 37 16 Playing against the Y.M.C.A. in their grounds at Brickfields, the Selangor Club registered another victory. Scoring was not free and neither team could top the century. The fielding of both teams was smart.
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    • 71 16 I Tailtean (fames, otherwise Irish Olympic*. wi I be held in Dublin on August 7. Each country will be invited to send a minimum team of forty-five. The Gaelic Athletic Asso< iation. in announcing th* foregoing, claims that the world has hitlu»to been ignorant of Irish prowess, which
      71 words
    • 66 16 A Ueuter wire of the 11th inst. states that at Hereford in the national cross country running championship J. Guillemot, France, was first in 57 min. 1 see. H. Eckersley, Warrington Athletic, was second in 57 min. 28 see., and J. Schnellman, France third in 57 min. 58 secs.
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    • 121 16 A Leuter message from New York says India is the latest to challenge for the Davis Cup. If Reuter’s London house had saved all the names up until the entries are closed and then sent a complete list we should have been just as well pleased. As
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    • 26 16 A Leuter wire of March 1) states that in the Lugby county championship final Gloucestershire boat North Midlands by nineteen points to nil.
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    • 445 16 The St. Joseph’s Old Boys’ Association has issued its report and statement f .accounts for the year ended December L 1021 for the annual general meeting, which will be held on Sunday at Shdo a n The report states that the total number at the close
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 Property Sale, I he follow mu Singapore* properties \v< fo Ml,I hy auction I»y Messrs. CheoiiK K"on Sonjr ami Co. at their sale-room, 20. hulin Street, on the xth instant i reehohl latnls ami houses 211-1!, Race (/out o Roail. area 2,717 sq. ft., bought h.\ Mr. Tan I toon
      153 words

  • 170 17 >n t.f rfu- Rev. Manuel luri to < actin'. Vicar (ieneral of s •!>>-, i ('!r.ii: Singapore. a warrant I fur tlu* arrest of Jose <l. it is alleged ~:,v it-prcM-ntcil himself to the till- I nth instant as a partner r f f r,n Fiz/.anaga, Hernianos,
    170 words
  • 94 17 X K.'i Present bad times the ari tutting down services work on new iines. The j :iln< r service is t<» he post- r'aml m rvi >• s i, j ulI 1 (,m K ‘I’ new lines V- 1 s “ian»r Sulempoean on the Sumatra, and
    94 words
  • 65 17 to tho Municipal Health ,w ‘he week emlintt -e w 24 caal s ‘’’tTi-i tleatha. The cases •i-iiau o,. f .u f °JlowinK localities:-— 'Sir... r Nass,m Road, DunStreet Middle Road, Tang. r N rr j )on kapor, Bukit Timah Svo7 V^ m «ago Une, Sago rt
    65 words
  • 540 17 Preparations for the Prince are proceeding at a great rate, Sundays anti holidays included. Triumphal arches are springing up, roads to be traversed by Royalty are being repaired and painters are painting as they never painted for. It is calculated that
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  • 546 17 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. In their report dated March 14 Messrs, l'raser and Co., state The local share* market remains quiet although there is a general indication to purchase any heap Industrials that come on the market. The tin and rubber sections are again dull and
    546 words
  • 184 17 Arising out of some differences between a Filipino barber, named Qovera, employed in the Victoria Shaving Saloon, Adclphi Hotel building, and the proprietor of that establishment, named J. Nerva, the saloon was the scene of a veritable pandemonium about mid-day on Wednesday,
    184 words
  • 98 17 COI.MAN. At Tjikini Hospital, YVcItcvrc •leu, on February 28, 1022, to Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Column, a son. DK SOl'ZA. On March II, 1022, at 217 I, Queen Street, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Lambert P. de Souza, a son. FISHKK. At Sungci Mahru, Malacca, on March 15,
    98 words
  • 18 17 .1 FaNKIN'S Dial.IS. At Singapore on March II, 1022, Mr. YV. YV. Jenkins and Miss Anna Helis.
    18 words
  • 157 17 EXCHANGE Singapore, March 16. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/3 3/4 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 1/8 On New York Demand 48% Private 51% On France, Bank 528 On India, Bank T. T. 176*4 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 7*4 p.c. prem. On Shanghai, Bank d/d
    157 words
  • 430 17 MINING. Singapore, March 16. Issue. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.10 1.20 1 1 Jelantoh 0.60 I 1 Johan Tin .0.70 0.80 il il Hum. Kamunt. 1.10.0 1.12.6 cd. 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 3.60 4.50 5 5 Lingui Tin
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 86 17 NOTICE The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is .*54 a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $11 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for
      86 words
  • 103 17 DKATIIS AI.KAFF. On February 10, 1022, at Hadral mout, Arabia, Syed Ahdnl Hainan bin Ahdollah Alkatr, late manager of Alkatf and Co., Singapore. Age <!0 years. (IH’A BOON TOH NKO. On March It, 1022, at her residence No. 05-5, Kivcr Valley Hoad, Chuu Moon Toll Neo, beloved wife of Mr.
    103 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 65 1 I.fiii' K ii lil rf Mr ill' l It tillin' r St oi'k (in .'ii Loral Ifnlilii'i Auction'- It Hi lt i I* :i Frill ii.i i If ill'll* r ItrtiiMi- tt Meelii-;;-. 11:1 I Hr ii a s t '.r it H I'ir i r. t:it. i
      65 words
    • 334 1 Tin- l iiitc«J Slate." Kuhhcr < Hiiipany's lU2I result show a decrease in net sales of 1H .dhU.OOO dollar and a deficit of fi,7d 1,000 as compan-d with a surplus the precedimr year of t,0|.',,r,0!>. The annual «»i-nc-ral meeting <»f the Incorporated Society < f |‘:anters wa> held
      334 words
    • 131 1 The report of the llaytol* Rubber Instates f«»i" the year elldeil December I*l, IP'JI, shew th< re was a net loss of l*'l 1,•!.».*, as ugaitof a profit of I for the previous year. Deducting this I ft* m the l.alii'ic" of I X..YJ bronchi f< i
      131 words
    • 2724 1 The following art* extracts from tht minutes of the second annual general im etinir of members of tin* Incorporated Society of IManters held in Kuala Lumpur on March 4, P.*22 The Chairman, Mr. A. B. Milne, read the at nual report for the financial
      2,724 words
    • 1788 2 Mr. M. Rex. Collector of Statistics, reports under date March d 1 have the honour to forward herewith a final statement showing the result of the recent ccnsu» ot lubber stocks so far as the F.M.S. are concerned. 2. 1 best
      1,788 words
    • 745 2 Messrs, (iuthrie and <'n. report Singapore, March *J. The rubber market experienced a short period of activity over the week-end and values rose to 28 4 cents, but the advunee could not be maintained against the heavy ‘hear’ interest operating, and
      745 words
    • 176 3 The Registrar of Imports and Exports has sent u» the following statement of the quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya during February, 1922. The fipures, which are in centals of 100 lbs., represent total exports
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    • 605 3 A lor Bukit.- 4,31 t» lbs. Ayer M01ek.—15,569 lbs. Anglo-Ma1ay.—73,618 lbs. AUcnby.—l3,297 lbs. Anglo-Johoro Consolidated.-- 18,041 lbs. Anglo Sumatra. —57,000 IbR. Asahan.—sB,ooo lbs. Alma.—l9,ooo lbs. Atbara.—l9,7so lbs. Ayer Tawah.—3o,66s lbs. Alor Gajah.—9,24o lbs. Australasia. —7,800 lbs. Ayer Panas.—3o,ooo lbs. Bukit Kafcnl.- 7,644 lbs. Bukit Jelotong.—s,4Bo lbs. Bikam.—2l,2oo
      605 words
    • 1046 3 Stock Stuck P*r Exchantce Par Exchange Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company. Price? February 15. February l.y i’l Anglo-Malay 17/6 £1 Lendu tt |j/ £1 Hakap Plantations 12/ £l Lumut -_>4 £1 Hanteiig (Selangor) 20/ 2
      1,046 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 MOTHER'S HY6EHMJUE MIXTURE <POR LADIES) W ASTE no time Test d and Preved for Year*. jat eiy you notice any disorder of the Uke Fournier's Hygenique Mixture, quickly removes all suffering. nfr is nothing to equal it. Anything »o Wide’* Known. It ia justly as the FINEST REMEDY IN.TSE WORLD.
      222 words
    • 85 4 ADVERTISEMENT SPACE AVAILABLE in these columns. Particulars on application to the '*<• ,V k w 4 7 .4 MANAGER, STRAITS TIMES. t <*7* A, U i i I PROCESS BLOCK ENGRAVING WANTED immediately a. process block engraver. Good wages to an efficient worker. Apply personally between 3 and 4 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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