The Straits Budget, 10 March 1922

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES" VOL. LXXVI NO .1343 Singapore, Friday, March 10, 1922 ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
    30 words
  • 287 1 LEADERS— Mir Money Jjj *li. L.o> << prai Prinks 13-13 Tin Kui nor IT S' to Th» 1 optical i'i.'»s t. Soli.,' Irish Issues 13*1-1 General— I. I ■uni Personal 1*3 Kruter’i* Service 3-8 II, lYMoiii hpi’ iit C munittoi < s 1'renlyterian Chuicli 8 I •>.vv K..ins in
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  • 4485 1 k,,k ,,n -i-ht ,T en who Ieft Banfftin, 1 v k ave ,n September, **v M, 'r, h rance> wherc he was ''•niuark f„r ''"I 1 aml travel led to b r th(l av hc celebration of the Hist t tir, i bi- nt i- i C
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    • 289 3 Reuter’s Service. Louden, March 1. parliamentary correspondent of the i,.' Telegraph reports that Mr. Lloyd i- most dissaLstied at not reieiv* t i joval apport of Parliament to i entitled. He has written to il:iin as head of the Unionists
      Reuter’s Service.  -  289 words
    • 231 3 London, February *2S. Wa-hmutor, President Hardin*? has presented to ('ongrc*s a shipping subsidy j ‘km pr wining f- r SdJ.OOO.OOO a year pio\ idod principally by the diversion of icnt. i f the American customs •v c:pt Not n 'ie than fifty per cent, of i.*n m i
      231 words
    • 127 3 London, March 1. 11 a poor monsoon anc ll ,!rs c resulted in the antici- Us "f <1 lakhs hein concerto 1 «,f ;;i crores in the present 1 ~f Sir William Hailey I tniinher. making a statement t .i 'f IVl As. s c*mbly, recommended an u
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    • 33 3 London, March 1. and market live per cent. |,u "pcd a half per cent, to "e impendintr issue of 4U, p r 1 try bonds at u price <>f 1 »t».
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    • 236 3 Let.ion, March 1. A feature of the Loyal weddin*? was the .verldwide interest displayed, notably in /rante and America, where the papers arc Idl 'd With pages of description of the erera scenes in London, appreciate n 'f the devotion of the
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    • 197 3 Pari-. March 1. The inauguration of the Islamic Instiute and mosque took place this afternoon iceordmg to Moslem rites. It was attend* d by a large number of Governmental, Municipal and Colonial high officials ami Moslem notabilities and delegations. Among those present were M. Albert Sar:atit, former
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    • 161 3 London. March 1. The Prince of Wales arrived at Satwari h s meriiincr on a short visit to the Mahanja of Jammu and Kashmir. His oriydal mtentii n to visit the former city was abandoned in consequence of a small out--reuk of plague. 'PI e Loyal camp
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    • 94 3 London, March 1. 'l’he judirc has ordered the winding up of the City Kquitable Associated. London, Mured) 1. At a meeting ofcreditorsandstockbrokers of the Kllis Company the O flic a I Receiver said the liabilities were approximately t-.OO'UMK) and the assets £5 10,000. He -aid Mr. Pa-van. who
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    • 332 3 Li .'ido:i, March The .Morning Past Washington c< rrc ■qx mleut states lla.t a full page nd\ cl,-.-, loi ill 111 the ash 1 1g tmi f'osl, i wi'.ell the Al. America National Coined” was ivsyi nsdde, calls on the Am i :cs*:i i.e
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    • 108 3 London, March 1. Johannesburg The Government haseized the power station, but the vidun teers have not yet got steam up. Thi city is again in darkness. Dynamiting is increasing. 'i here wit" eight lieav? explosions to-day. five n the pi.wer line but little damage was done. A
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    • 76 3 Louden, Mari h 1. The Ra. sian Fa’ K.•!i« i’ Fund, Sum the Children and tile Society < Friends, which three bodies are at j t. sent engaged in send ng relief to !f i lm\ eomlnne llioir e.f rt .Sir.! R hi rts; n lias
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    • 62 3 London, March 1. Cairo: I-'ichl Marshal Allenby has arrived Mid line! a yreat reception. London, Marcli 1. Cairo S iwat h.a> formed a cabinet o! moderate Nationalist complexion, inelud in;4 Wasslf S.mcika as Minister of C-mi municatious, Mustaplia Kathy, Minister of .Justice, (iaafarwali, Minister of Pious Poundatons, I.*mail Siteky,
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    • 57 3 London, February -S. rs It is reported from Mm•ow that a eemference of dede i atos of tin Soviet republic of Azerbaijan, Armenia White Russia, Bokhara. CJenryia, Ckraire. Khorosin and the Fur Kaslorn Rcpubln dune el a protoe* I authorisin'!' Soviet II eda to re present them at
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    • 45 3 London. Mar di 1. Amsterdam In view of the result of the inquiry regard in;e; t h«• Tuhautia fbe Royal Dutch Lloyd is claiming lO,fnHt,o(Mt guilders from the (ierman Coveriiim nt a •ompe*nsat ion. H’he Tuhantia wa- -unk I*;, < J*• i• i..:.n submarine. I
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    • 358 3 London, February 2N. *'<-• t mci* if( n• -iii;m ring employ* I' ••‘•r. was abortive, aM*l the ll* ssihilily of a lock out on March II is n no way t\ m< u*. London March 1. mm ci in the shipbuilding i i'i <•
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    • 447 3 London, March 2. The d -bat" i n the Yap treaty degenerat'd into a farce. 'l'he Republican Senator •’ran*" prop s<* I ail amen divent extending prohibition to Yap, lux object being to kill time an i aim y the supporters of the rcaty. The ana ndmonl
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    • 42 3 L. mini:, Mali h I. llct'lin 111 |.'i ii. nal wartim urni't nl> i'll' mi i 1.1 i Mill w I irh iv ultfil it. llu* (T'jir<.ii nf an a Mciati 'ii nf I-' i 'f I lii't>!ll mTii! mil'.
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    • 507 4 ill hit* I I.< ndon, Man h 1. ”i |.< fl ini'/ II! ill' )*»l 1 IS I fi.iL a li< «.a I' M'< il ‘V 1 a lianliy l»t* i*• i• 11 •.i»« an i *<'*■ ol' the
      ill hit* . I ■  -  507 words
    • 289 4 London, March 2. There were Inraiy di-cu s*ior.s in flu* I>;ii] l*h rearm. Mr. Collins heatedly nun plained that, the l>e Valeraites were breaking' the spirit of the Ardfheis agree, merit, and said lie might still have to appeal to the petiph* if the agreement was riot kept. The
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    • 634 4 London, .March 1. In". I i ..I •of C: r.lMiOli ill tli■ Cl All e a ir» < f the (icliir.- < < nniiitC e ip. a •h" J a‘l. i-!l a of tie i I\cli;-qu< i Knot ii ]|i rne, announced,
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    • 133 4 I. ndon, March 2. Lome: A message from Con.-lantinoplc at< that both Creel, and Turk- in Ada ior are very active militarily, ivident- with a view to a rt. umptii n if ho.Lli- a T irk: h r eojinai-: cue's in the <*i. district v.' i'i repul
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    • 67 4 London, March 2. Johannesburg The Reef i- much i in ter. I'll" nuniher of Piker- wlm have i sullied i- largely in Tea eel. Lomlon, March 2. •lohanneshui g Two thousand more i dice have been drafted to the lieef. 'I in* n rthern suburb.' were lighted
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    • 456 4 I.<n I' n. March Car Til** .•'< nat. aa eoiami'iu* <i Gi 1 I Ihe I I < lot. tl"'llc d' i oral hill ria I• im of h inane •nd tt c re ni'.v. nt. 'lhe finaii' i I cmmittie tot* i, 1
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    • 196 4 London. March 2. C t i'/.ens do your duty,” is the urgent an ieal addressed to London’s 1 ,*17,000 electors in this morniiu’s editorials 'in connection with to-day’s (lections of the Loudon County Council. Sixteen out of 124 cunicillors were returned unopposed, name* iy la Municipal Reformers and
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    • 50 4 London, March 2. The Hague 'The Chamber has rejectid a motion to appropriate one million guilders for Kussian relief. The Minister for the Interior stated that the financial p eition of the country did not warrant the gmid, hul the <iovcriiiuciit wa- ready to encourage private relief efforts.
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    • 311 4 London, March 2. Cairo harg'ng Farvvat Pasha to form a i.i i.i. try, t-ie Sultan said Britain’s t. M mination if the protectorate realises our i a rest wishes and is the result of a '.'.ti.mal etlort which we always eneourag.-'i i supported. Fa»'«:vvat
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    • 157 4 London, March Allahabad The Pioneer reports that ‘light trouble recently occurred in the 1 Ith Sikhs and 10th Punjabis at Jul- r.uiur. Both have extremely fine war cords. Two men of the 14th Sikhs wore lack turbans although in uniform (blaik •ups are worn by Gandhi’s supporter**,
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    • 75 4 London, March 2. Naples 'The report of the arrest of Mr. Levan. < x-ehairman of the City Equitable Insurance Co., is inaccurate. Mr. Bovan i is disappeared since he visited the Bri- -Ii C msu’ate to obtain a visa for hi' i sport. 'The Vice-Consul confiscat 'd I
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    • 123 4 London, Mart'll 2. It is believed that important decision were taken at the four days’ eonferen of the Viceroy of India with the Cover n il’s of Madras and Bombay, which ha just ended. London, March 2. In the House of Commons, at quest i"' l t me, Mr.
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    • 434 5 j t.' T'.li’s SKMN U K. London. March 4. o cu n,berk; n, speakiny at Oxford, U suyyestioiis of the impending t! of Mr. Lloyd Georye and t j, al the Prime Minister offered i support the Government m
      j • t.' T'.li’s SKMN U K.  -  434 words
    • 137 5 London, .Maivh America s snip subside ,m U ">' ,rs l->*t says that such protec- nu.-i upon the trade of America ,l 1,1 I' M °t calculated to fostor inter- •> amity which was much insisted J. wt ashmgton lately. The Journal •ii <•« to li" U i
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    • 122 5 v London. March L rial a-r!'('). ll! Kusso-Swedish enmmerliameli, las been submitted to par1 f ovl<,( s for the compl-tc mutual r- r, relations. ti.,n f r ,U 1 ,ta l on trade and absten"tlu rL i, tlia Propaganda in each ;„id V,KiT y It OOS not
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    • 287 5 Prince of Wales’ Camp, Peshawar, March 4. Saturday After a delightful journey through the Pabbi hill country the Prince of Wales arr ved \t Peshaw’ar this morning thereby reaching the northernmost point of his in-nan tour. He received an impressive military welcome
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    • 168 5 London, March 4. Berlin The newspapers report that the German Atlantic and German South American telegraph companies have coniuded ;li arrangement with American te egrapl companies enabling the German companies to resume cable traffic. The German companies will be merged and afterwards issue shares trebling their capital.
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    • 133 5 London, March 4. Koval In connection with the postponement of the Cienoa Conference, Trotzky has issued a proclamation to the Red Army and Fleet declaring that the hopes of an understanding with bourgeois governments and a resumption of peaceful work has been frustrated by the Allied Governments. It
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    • 67 5 London, March 1. Johannesburg: When after a night--1« ng sitting the Labour Federate n decided to reopen negotiations with the Chamber f Mine, the hitter d"cidcd to d lontiiiue L*> rico'.Mi- llv Federation and would dee! with the separate unions. The F deration subsequently decided to ha!i<
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    • 376 5 London, March Washington President Harding and Mr. Lodge conferred on the ratification of the Pacific treaty. It is understood that the President agreed fully to Mr. Lodge’s proposal to have the treaty taken up on Monday by the Senate and discussed almost daily until a vote on
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    • 110 5 London, March Lord .%oi f hciill'c, in an interview by Mr. Lovat K raser, published in the Sunday Pictorial, emphasised the rapidity with which the Fast was changing fundamentally. Asia seemed to him to have* awaken *d and to be cramming centuries into decades and the time
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    • 48 5 London, March ‘I. The Civil Service Commission announce that no competition for recruitment in Class 1 of the Home Civil Service will he held in as it L unlikely there will be vacancies during the period that would he covered by an examination held this year.
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    • 48 5 London, March d. The educational committee of the Federation of British Industries has decided to recommend all members to give the fullest support to the Chun C'hua Vocational School at Shanghai owing to the excellent opportunity afforded of '•cquainting Chinese with British methods and products.
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    • 40 5 London, Maivh < opcnhagcM Their Majesties announce he betrothal at Cannes of their eldest on. the Crown Prince Frederick, and tin ■'"lifein year old Piince.-s Olga, clde-t 'n'.’.'hter of Prince Nicholas of Greece and tln Grand Duchess Helena Vladimirovna.
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    • 680 5 Paris, March 2. In the Senate to-day the reporter, M. Jeanneney, dwelt at length on the report on the Banquc Industrielle de Chipc, •tat iik that France would duly honour K» signature hut demands that all respon:woi tor the bank's mismanagement must be
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    • 65 5 Paris, March .'> M v \’i» Mini *f -1 ;i ri'lv that tin 1 British, I* I'M an. l I'ciicli Ministers for Foreign i mcitiMe repnrdinp the Orient on. fion will he adjourned apa in as Ripnor an/ r eo i|i| nut come to Paris hv the h*
      65 words
    • 323 6 London, >! irrn J. Rome Thorn lia In i n mtjous trouble nt I' lumr and angu nary encounters ho two a Legi< rial'll and Government police in the* last fow day-, which culininatod enrlv thi* morning in an attack on the Go\tinor’s
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    • 38 6 London, March 4. According t«* a Reuter cable, Mr. Balfour has received the Knighthood of the Order of the Garter. The Order itself may be said to rank indisputably as the first in the world.
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    • 54 6 London, March 4. Vienna: Uhanccller Sc.hnber said that credit* amounting to four and a half mil lions sterling had already be«n contributed or promised to Austria by Britain, France, Italy and Czccho-Slo.'i ka. Th*‘ Government proposed to use i portion of it to stabilise the Austrian t*r
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    • 46 6 London. March The Times announces a inn in price from bd., at which it nu.s been sod sinci IP Ik, to I'-d. for registered reader., and 2d. for casual.-.. '{'lie Daily Telegraph and Morning Dost, are at present 2d. and other papers Id.
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    • 138 6 London, March The Hail Lircann has adjourned for six week London, March 1. Iri'-'h p«i services have declared a strike from midnight of March 5 as a protest against wages reduction. London, March ib The Km pi re Mary’s Wedding Gift contributions totalled over til,000, including India C!ox,
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    • 251 6 Rki 1 mi's Lncv:< 1 Lend n. Mnrh o. \'i a‘l 1 ••t on .10 .ce 1 1 ;vv t hat < ii« it d State- administration', achieve «iit- in the lit Id of foreign politics will reviewed in the eour-e of
      Rki 1 mi's Lncv:< 1  -  251 words
    • 168 6 London, March J. Metals failed to maintain their early improvement due to the home political out look. A General Flection would only further hamper trade, while the threaten'd lock-out of the engineering trades is a .I tiiibing factor. Copper has advanced. There is reported German buying, while
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    • 61 6 London, March (&gt;. Lour uni Marques A cyclone lias pracicaliy wipiil out Chinde, the port between Iteira and Quc.imnnc. All buildings i»i the track of the storm were de--troyed :imo' many launches and other craft were sunk or smashed. The loss of life is hi lie,ed to
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    • 38 6 London, March d. The final results of the London County Council elections and the previous strength, respectively, are: Municipal Reformers K 2 against (iB. Progressives 20 against. dX. Labour 15 against 17. Independent I against 1.
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    • 46 6 London, March 4. Am M t t erd.a n: messaf &lt;• stales that th* Ni thor Mids Nansen committee has is--iied an urgent appeal to all munieipalitien tlin world to folh-w Am t&lt; rdam’s lean ui ti i t iii)-’ a Russian famine relief fund.
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    • 41 6 London, March 4. Allahabad T\vo aeroplanes collided in mid air m ar Amritsar and crashed to the •..■round from a height of 400 feet. There are rio details, but it. is feared both the pilots and observers were killed.
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    • 210 6 London, March The 1 ’ari oinmerce Tribunal has heard the action by the Bank of France agam-t the I'ekmg Syndicat** and the S*»• .He M.'i'itirne &lt;lu i'aeilique with regard to payment of 12,ou0,(H»0 francs in drawn hy the Societc Maritime in favour of
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    • 122 6 London. March fi. There was considerable activity in political circles on Sunday evening. Mr. Lloyd George returned in the afternoon from the country and had a lengthy conference with Lord Birkenhead and Mr. Churchill. Subsequently Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Chamberlain. Mr. Balfour, Lord Curzon and others attended a
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    • 112 6 March f&gt;. New York A new epoch in the development of wireless telephony was marked hy a two hour conversation on an ordinary telephone between New York and the steamer America, four hundred miles out at sea. The steamer was called up over the land wires from New
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    • 140 6 London. March d. Mr. Max S. (ircen, Chairman of the Irish fleneral Prisons I’oard and a son-.(-law of the late Mr. John Redmond, was shot dead in Dublin in connection with the sensational robbery ef two dlieials »,f the Ministry of Pensions who W'-re returning from a bank
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    • 91 6 I jondon, M arch «i. 'ii tie House iif Commons at question ‘one Mr. V/. C. Bridgeman said the only producing well in Britain at pre-amt was the Hardstoft. The production for the i\ months ending December hi was 7X l ns. No oil had been sold
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    • 196 6 Kki tkk*s Skkuck. London, March In tin- House of fiminions Mr. Churchill was heckled regarding the proclamations made by tin* Governor of Hongkong. Commander Kenworthy asked whether ibis policy of conscripting labour had the Government’s approval. Mr. Churchill replied that he should have
      Kki tkk*s Skkuck.  -  196 words
    • 228 6 London, March d. The evening papers are most conflicting on the subject of the political crisis, which s* me declare is intensified and others settled. Reuter is informed that the crisis was terminated by the decision of the Prime Minister to continue in office in deference to
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    • 138 6 London, March d. New York The Cathedral of St. John tlii Divine was thronged on the occasion &gt;f a memorial service to Viscount Bryce. London, March Washington The Senate has adopt, d a ri solution submitted by Senator Borah, asking President Harding* Imw the Lan&gt; ii'.g-Ishii agreement
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    • 25 6 London, March Rome Signor Castolli :1(!XV f r ports from Fiume that the wo* restoration of order is pr&lt; .cocnum factorily and without interruption.
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    • 235 7 London, March 7. lo iaiinesliurg The strike executive s J, j .-eneral sympathetic strike, rail' &lt;• Lor.doiu i. .,,.m-l»u!V The strike e\iout. \e's to call a general strike r. ]»r, ts 1 i-tte a temporary victory fur the conference of the strike
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    • 127 7 l*ari&gt;, Maxell iv nial, who has iusi arrived fib-. -iat*’d to a Havas repre- &gt;. t:. ti nt !u* will ropri-cnt not on y Ati I I 111* tin* whole ef the Ter' i-*h jh •oi th. next conversation-. Turkey *•&gt; threw hack the invader ,r ..’i and
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    • 74 7 lauidon. March I'• ,e’ C.immons, reliving to J. Malm Mr. pl a.- .'&lt;i that the e udiwi eh loans were made t (diit a hy the Consortium were not 'aid •»rit.sli Government hut were 1 1 1 ui the tiew Consortium airrec- m on October 1',. ip;&gt;ii.
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    • 44 7 London. March 7. u Reparations Commission 1 t&gt;K total payments in cash t r K n nnd cessioi s of state property I,;’ ni.uiy since the armistice to Decemof mV t a l vm d,457.5r»d.000 gold marks, IKnn'r?' I )4UOS, ftftft represented direct
      44 words
    • 85 7 London, March 7. Si J 1 y l l have died and eleven are n i urt 'd through an explosion in s h iT. Ul f{ ict o, Y at Tipton, Stafford|j h( victims were trapped in a the fi r l! *i an&lt; ‘h'nuded of clothing
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    • 53 7 London, March fi. ip 1 Dou&gt;e of Commons, Sir Robert t !:;n, that it was no: intended a ■&gt;' d nr /"I Tc‘ f Trc as,n 'y Solids at I? 1t r t h( proposed from March Tn-.iir V‘ n ,rs f( r fiv &lt;\P‘*r cent. ’"'I' repays
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    • 325 7 London, March 7. In the House of Commons, replying t*&gt; Mr. I*. \V. Hatfan, who drew attention to the sentence of ten years rigorous ixnprisonment imposed in Sin.up re on a 1 a mil named Sinivusau for robbing ricksha pullers of a few shillings, Mr. Churchill undertook to
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    • 197 7 London, March 7. The gv *s at the Lyceum Club Oriental circle dit.m r irv*lin!*'d Sir T M Bh'iwnagree and Mr Dalai, of th** India Office Mr. Chu. t’hinewe t’ha v ge d’Affnires Mr. Ohta, Japanese Conun-O'*m*r*:»! "ml Dr. Ohiang. Pekin- i’niwm*- tv. Sir Bh*iwnngive. replying
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    • 46 7 London. .March Mr. Chorchi new unce 1 in the House of Commons that inrye force of Republicans hv seized Limerick Town. He said that the British (Government was best discharging its responsihilitv for law and order by leavinir tin* Provisional Government to take action.
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    • 45 7 Paris, March 7. A party &lt;T prominent Dutch merchants and shippers has arrived at Lyons to isit the fair, which is again an unqualified success. The Dutch visitors were the quests of the Mayor, M. Herriot, and the city cruncil at luncheon. (Havas.)
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    • 35 7 London, March In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlin announced that the Herman Government was criminally prosecutin'.’ the ilockstr h firm at Dresden wh n re the con •calvd yens were recently discovered.
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    • 32 7 London, March 7. Port Said The Dutch steamer Merauk, from Batavia to Rotterdam, has arrived at Sue/, with one blade of her propellor brok&lt; n. A survey will be held.
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    • 274 7 Kkctkii's Skkvick. London, March 8. Washington messages show that the Pacific tleafy debate in the Senate is nowwell uud i wuj and wiil continue uninterruptedly until the vote is taken. The opining: -peeches laid stress on the importance to Ameiica &lt;d’ the
      Kkctkii's Skkvick.  -  274 words
    • 179 7 London, March 7. Sir A. Balfour, entertained to luncheon at the City Carlton Club, rcfirring t» Conservrtiv* diTerenees on the subject of the Coalition, sai l he would remain a Conservative until he went p* a land where political parties would no longer interest him (laughter!, nevertheless he
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    • 181 7 London, March 8. Johannesburg So far the general strike declaration has locally affected the larger unions, an I D.OOO engineers and 8,7)00 builders have struck. A distinctly ugly spirit is developing, commandoes numbering sometimes 200 marching to works and factories and compelling the cessation of work. Huge
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    • 35 7 London, March X. The by-election at Wolverhampton West, onsequent on the deatli of Sir A. Bird, p'-ulted as follows Sir Robert Bird, Coalition Unionist, it;,too. ’’i Walkden, Labour. I.'J,7DD. There is no change.
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    • 182 7 London, March 8. Delhi A sensation was caused in tbo Legislative Assembly by a speech by the &lt;'omniander-in-( hiel, General Lord Rawlinson, replying to criticisms of military expenditure. !i. pointed out that the Army :i India had 1&gt;«• ti reduced by D,OOO
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    • 253 7 London, March 7. The problem of hundreds of thousands of Russian refugees in Kuropc was raised in the House of Commons when, moving the supplementary Foreign Office estimate, Mr. Harmsworth said it included £1500.000, making a total of £1.100,000, for the maintenance in Kgvnt. Cyprus and Malta of
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    • 102 7 London, March K. Washington Tin* acting Secretary of State, Mr. Het.rher, as chairman of the Intermitional Communicate ns Conference, has presented to tin* Ambassadors of i'ritain, !•'ranee, Italy and .'apan plans for fh" di Iributi-n all ex-Cori inn cables. It understood that it proposed to divide the rallies
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    • 51 7 London, Maridi 7. de-era 1 papers are deniandinjr th reival of the export duty on West rieao pa!in kernels, notnb’y the Daily a which de-dares that in o': Da and .Malaya are the direct oute mo of a tax which is threateninir to ruin th- West African
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    • 54 7 London, March x. Mr. Lloyd Ccoriro is better and fir. -sided at the Cabinet nmotinir at Downing St root this rnornimr which considered, inter aha, the proposal to lord Russia font), 000 for famine relief The Prime Minister leaves far Criccieth to-morrow and is expected to b*
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    • 93 8 London, Miirni &gt;. In the lion &lt;.f I p ply uv to 1 1 ns with regard to tin- Muitsui fy topi in Mon-'koii}', Mr. 'lnin full pointed »»ut that th« hand &lt; f fie* Governor of Ifanuknntr had been cm epl iorrilly fill riwnnr Lo the
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    • 70 8 London, March 7. Berlin The M inister for Korei^n Affair*, Dr. Rathenau, in the Keh-lpta" naid the Government had agreed that an effort must he made at all costs to show ex-enemies that Germany was prepared to discharge her reparation- liabilities to the limits of capacity, lie
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    • 54 8 London, March H. According to a Greek semi-official communique hostilities have been resumed in Asia Minor. It declares that twenty Turks were killed in five hours fijrhtinir following a Greek attack on a post on the Eskishehr front, and six Turks were killed in a cavalry encounter
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  • 100 8 What might he described as an almost unique occurrence took place in the District Civil Court on Tuesday when the Solicitor-General appeared to prosecute a claim on behalf of the AttorneyGeneral. It is alleged that Captain R. O. H. I .aw had verbally promised to
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  • 103 8 Just before the steamer Kuching left port on March 2 detectives hoarded the ship, whereupon a runaway Chinese couple attempted to stab themselves to death with a knife. The girl was wanted by the poliec for alleged theft of cash and jewellery, valued about $1,2-&gt;O, from
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  • 89 8 »Ve ar, ir,il&lt; hteit to the Kegmtrar of I n ports ami hxpmts, Singapore, for the folloAing early return of Imports ami K\ ports for the months &lt;&gt;| .lanuarv amt J ehruar\. I to* total value ol Foreign Imports of Merehamlise into Hrilish Malaya during I*
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  • 136 8 Ill' 1 I'.M.S. Retrenchment Committee is having a long sitting in Kuala Lumpur under lb,, chairmanship of the lion. Mr. W. S. Gibson. It is stated that the Railway Department is under lire at present. When Misclm Elman, the violinist, s&lt; t forth on his world tour
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  • 299 8 Jh ..onial ...eating &lt;f tli&lt;' i'resl .tejian a id \\Vuiiesilay jm the I .idim-on Hail, Hie Rev. G. H. Douglas presiding. The session’s report and the report of the Managers were adopted, i 1-" latter lat'o .-.I expen nor. during 'll- y n
    299 words
  • 288 8 News of a murder and suicide, a suicide and a death wa* broftight to Penang over the week end by three different vessels, states the Pinang Gazette of Monday. The Antilochus brought a grim talc of a tragedy which took place on the
    288 words
  • 187 8 The .lava papers of the Ist instant contain news of the enormous damage done by tin heavy rains experienced there on the previous night. From .Jogka comes the news tluit the Poendocng Sugar I aetory was flooded to a depth of over a meter and that
    187 words
  • 618 8 A capita! Mow was the general verdict the larg" audience left the Victoria i heatre on Momla.v after the first of the wo variety cntei tainne nts arranged in aid of (lx* Ex-Services Association Bene*olciit i* uiml. Aml it certainly was a :.pifi.l
    618 words
  • 136 8 On February 2«» Lady Guillemard, Patroness for Malaya of the Girl Guides, •Ml the following telegram to Her Royal Highness Princess Mary through Lady Baden-Powell Please tender to Her Loyd Highness Princess Mary dutiful congratulations and earnest wishes for h&lt; r future happiness &lt; n
    136 words
  • 361 8 H. the Prince of Wales has signitied his desire to meet all Kx-service men at an informal parade. This bus been arranged and will take place on the tennis lawns in front of Government House at 12 noon
    361 words
  • 120 8 I»i t'« ic Mr. lustier Barrett-Lennanl yesterday a east* was to be commenced in whit h Messrs. Hnoginndt ami Co. are claiming damages to the extent of $b,732 from Messrs. Wall Moll and Co. for alleged breach of warranty in connection with the purchase by them
    120 words
  • 295 8 An action arising out of a promissory n* to made by a dying man came before M r..lusticc Barrett-Leonard in the Supreme Cojit on Wednesday morning. Soh Pong Toh claimed $6,720 from Tan Huan Roo, the executor of Koh Ann Soo, who he alleged signed a
    295 words

  • 2285 9 have Loen at work outside the ordinary man who is working k access of the Malay .-Borneo t which commences o., March A will he an uni(jue opportunity 1 the varied amusements of the L; w people of Malaya and the Far l
    2,285 words
  • 207 9 The fc'luwing were tlm guest- of Mis Kxcellency the (he/ernoi and l.ady (lui le.nard at dinner .it &lt;•rum' nt Ifou-e en l luirsday. the 2nd iust. lit. IK n. Sir I. \,’«.*st Kifigewby, (1.F.U.. Hd .M.H., Kd .S.l IKK. Mai i-(Jeneral Fir *il! Malcolm. K.C.1?., I .S.O. Od.
    207 words
  • 493 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. March »&gt;. At Kuala Lumpur to-day the Chief .Judicial Commissioner. Sir Lionel Wood- fil'd delivi red the judgment of the full i t of Appeal iti the appeal by .Mr. Witii iin'i:ii'i', :»&gt; Ucceivcr for an insolvent
    493 words
  • 378 9 The followin': pee oncers were on Hu* i'. ami O. steamer Novara which left I*onlidii, on February an arrived here &lt;n Wednesday dr. an I \lrs. F. \V. Burehell, Mr. X. IL Bjukc, Mr. .1. W. Hirkne!l, (’apt. ami Mrs. X. Bowater, Mr. li. .1. Belhomme,
    378 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1119 12 Straits Times, March H. We had a .“mail paragraph in yesterday’s issue stating that a 1 iv«• million &lt;i "&gt; sterling loan issued at K*i for the I'aris-Lyoris Mediterranean Kailway was subscribed in London &lt;in a few minutes. A sound investment at seven per rent, is alway attractive,
      Straits Times, March H.  -  1,119 words
    • 1078 12 U-si vcrviciy hr ha* r.rt*If• rt-«J. Straits 'i ii March 4. We are not markedly partial to Mr. l'l«Vd George. He is the prince of «.p--pMtunists and we are hostile to opportunism, hut we &gt;• hould he very sorry indeed to hear that he had really acted
      U-si vcrviciy hr ha* r.rt*If• rt-«J. Straits 'i ii March 4.  -  1,078 words
    • 1032 12 Straits Times. March ♦&gt;. What makes everything deu- fl Singapore we were aske.l recently' and we replied that nothing was so &lt; x 1 pensive as trying to reduce prices- w. had made the experiment and knew. H ut the question is important aid as times are ns»t
      Straits Times. March ♦>.  -  1,032 words
    • 1057 13 —Straits Times. March T. W. i.a\» endeavoured several times to ur readers grasp the difference be•w Government help and Government 11« rferenre in trade, and most of them .early,M-e the distinction. A very good iliu-tratioi of what we mean may be found in the proposal ably and
      —Straits Times. March T.  -  1,057 words
    • 1157 13 fhanuv f |M*rsonm*l. Straits Tirm*s, Mar* h s. We reasoned soundly win n we expressed oi’r difficulty in believing that Mr. Lloyd George had serious intentions of retiring from the Premiership. He has had splendid support on every vote of any importance in the House of Commons
      fhanuv « f |M*rsonm*l. Straits Tirm*s, Mar* h s.  -  1,157 words
    • 1145 13 .Si rail I lines, March Mr. Churchill announced in the House of Commons that a large force of Republican.'. had seized Limerick Town. He said (hat the British Government was best discharging its responsibility for law and order by leaving the Provisional Government to take action.” Such
      .Si rail I lines, March  -  1,145 words

  • 179 14 Th Micrctai.v, of Xawt.y Pel Tin. Ltd., /or wan Is the following information:— r chruary lid urns. Hours run I.yard ajvc -Ik o d lin ore won ,nculs, value 'i, |a). Ou iii); to an acrid* ill to the el valor ca I n and main
    179 words
  • 86 14 (tar JVnany eorre: p-url'-nt wins that on Monday an action wa commenc’d in 11 e Silpr a. e ihirt. i, IV i Mr. .In tic Whitley, at tin- inst.-nr#* of Mr. \V. .1 L. ,V| t diner, f Koupihnn Soul hern Siam, nyain. I .Me r Arthur
    86 words
  • 1068 14 I Ik i r Kit's Skk\ ick. f l‘ rom Our *w o oi i i*spondefit. t Ilot.ykonp, Ma*\ i. L*. The atmosphere is electric. The HonpI «)fu r Strikers' Ollice has issued notices l mill p a peiierai st
    I Ik i r Kit's Skk\ ick.  -  1,068 words
  • 298 14 -ssrs. I,acton and Aie\ai;«ier. who are a walkin'; l,.ur from Sir yapotv i K yku: I, ar ioyyedly pei sever ny in tlieir la v k, and the K.liter has been very pit ase to receive the failowiny note on their
    298 words
  • 114 14 (From Our Own Correspondent..) '•■Jala Lumpur. March 7. liile I!, mpt in;;- to arrest a Chinese fcllim.: i wii timber in a forest reserve oi I’intu (ledonp, a small island olf Port v tti iiham harbour a Malay f: rest P'iiai.1 was slashed to death yesterday morn
    114 words
  • 539 14 iia-ie is at present l\ mg m r n&lt; i ketch-rigged yaoht f, v Ur Sochi L, though from the descC,., 4 the crews exploAs since leavim.- V. she could have been appropriuti v St.ariv II aftm 1 .jack fatndon’s s. mnular vessel,
    539 words
  • 208 14 Hefere Mr. Ju tee Barrett I'-t hi ti -March 2 the .Shanyhai File and Mn Ii surance Co.. Ltd., were defen»lants action hrouyht by (Any Siew Kiatn. v claimed P'.j.ouu under a policy &lt; f .n- i ■&lt; Plaintiff was the iv.-ncr of tonykam IMa ran
    208 words
  • 60 14 Waterspouts in the S traits. Passengers on thi* Cit&gt; of Ma- M which arrived at lYnanp la t I the privilege, while the ves el w; inp up fr ?n IV rt Swi tt- r.liat "f v inp th. rciiin al'lt* .-peel:.' 1 f j f 'flit wafersp i’Jt' t»'a'
    60 words

  • 1869 15 Benefit Societies Illegal An Interesting Will Case At Kuala Lumpur. inter -sting point mine up in A i- Lumpur .Y.-ueme Court ret". u .n certain points at issue with t the will of the late Dr. L. IL r gued before Sir L. M. WoodV' liai-mml Kuril, with whom was
    1,869 words
  • 405 15 Owing to the near approach of his departure for a health sojourn in Europe, some of l)r. N. L. Clarke's friends entertained him to dinner at the Hotel St. George last Friday evening. There were present Messrs. N. B. Westerhout, President
    405 words
  • 132 15 (.'epics of the Billowing telegrams have been forwarded to us for publication From the Governor of the Straits Settlements, to the Secretary of State f&lt; r tin* Colonies February 27. 1922. All nationalities in British Malaya have collected #‘&gt;,o9o for purpose *&gt;f wedding present to Princess
    132 words
  • 58 15 Our I’enaim correspondent wires that 1 ij,• il mi. Mr. .1. Mitchell. (\&gt;:. Whyte and |J&lt; v. *evuls addr ed a meeting of &gt;i,. K.irasian \s~ociation in the I’aris* Hall, en Sunday, to stimulate the recruit m"■ f'»r IS. Co., Penantr Volunteers. I committee was appointed to
    58 words
  • 675 15 "Mi' 1 Straits Settlements \olunteer Force ha: n&lt; w been in being for two months, and ha* r *ar i a tie* drongth shown below. C li'oi 3 *3 3 _c 5 3 w aJUU &lt;((■ s.v.r n;&gt; ins ot *;io it&lt;
    675 words
  • 141 15 iif'irc Mr. .In tit*** Hamit l.ennaid in S .pi 'onrt. on Monda\ Mr. Kolnnd Urn &gt; ■I. apponri nu* on behalf of tin* .in Slopping 0., moved ih:,t direr ‘"ii mir r hl lie riven fur tin* carrying into Tort of tin dot roo of
    141 words

  • 2874 16 A Jesselton cori e-p'ii ileiit favour us with tIn f"l owim Deliyhtful weafloi. exc'-llenl y»&gt;ifu'. the prcKCfu’e of tlie lit lloll. the Dresid nt, IIis Kxcelh ney tin- Coveinor an I Mrs.. Dear; on. and a record number of Luro pi •an inc udiny
    2,874 words
  • 41 16 f 1 ,,f din the U( ;.!al:iy. convicted .&lt;* Du murder of r 1 Darhvsliire lia\ ny h.-en cnrifirmed i H D the Sultan in Coum-i! were earri ‘di u.t ed ect on February 25 in the Johore (»aoI.
    41 words
  • 783 16 ’i.. .Jjst.ce I'C.rrett-Lennard, who (ir sided m the Bankruptcy Court, last Lridav had a number of bankrupts befnr, who were indebted to different ty, M f Indian moneylenders, and some of W r practically received half the .-un■signed for. Khoo Pen«:
    783 words
  • 67 16 Th»* Kangaroo, which arrived i' from I rcmanlle early last wee returned eu Saturday, bruuyht a mint of sheep for Sirurap re. :t i&gt; I le hoped that the importaf »'d &lt; tie price of mutton in town I he same vessel brought up a 1
    67 words

  • 44 17 I'ltiif- i* rot i&gt;&lt;» is»jb!r fot ns coii-o -f.vMiil u:.*. Conn|lt?Jir in that an«i to tla* point. L&lt;»nj’ ,i to h* rejected oi A’n. i respondent* 11» t ~S i t r,»*,-e «-iri!y t’ »i !'»&gt; faith ~-cui ipstr:iv o I'v tl.e WlUfiV inserted.i
    44 words
  • 312 17 t!1 Kditor of the Straits Times. With regard to your Editorial 7 (l f the 2nd inst. under the Hong‘in tnki and seeing that those who papers from India are protr 7 i i ivg to draw your kind attention that there is a Chinese ReadV r ii
    312 words
  • 1122 17 I 1 t‘ie Editor of the Straits Times. Mr. Yo one will n\ that people who re- did ,n t ii- mu: try for any length &gt;t tiriu* get n rvy and the blame is usually iaid on the d'mate. Whilst allowing that 1: f -e nervating
    1,122 words
  • 233 17 To the Editor of Hie Straits Times. Sir, —I was greatly interested in you*’ article in your yesterday’s issue on tin subject of the price of aerated waters in Singapore. These prices considerably 'astonished me when I compared t*n-m with ’hose asked in India, the more so
    233 words
  • 361 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—As it is already pretty impossible to obtain board and lodgings in the hotels during the exhibition week the public outside Singapore, who intends visiting that place during the said period, would be saved much delay and inconvenience
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  • 509 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I was interested in your remarks last week about China (Jrass fibre, and your offer to communicate the name of a gentleman who was willing to supply the name of British manufacturers of decorticating machinery. The gentleman in question
    509 words
  • 341 17 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent, writing on Saturday, states The carelessness w ith which public prosecutions in provincial Magistrate’s courts are sometimes carried out was revealed to-day in the Rasa rice ease in which the lllu Yam Station Master is appealing against
    341 words
  • 109 17 hi|l ithmit t(* be introduced into the l.e gi.- lative- Council to amend the Pons’nns Ordinanre. The Secretary of State has .approved the raising of the maximum of ijoiint of pension which can ordinarily a drawn by an ollieer of the Colony from 'l.OiiM to ci.TMh The new
    109 words
  • 98 17 'lie health statement for tin- Municipality of Singapore, for tin- wo |&lt; ending bruary 2- .low there wore ,”&gt;4 cases, &lt;» fatal, of smallpox in that period. The ra-es on urred in the following localities lioohore Road, I'rinsep Street, Amoy Street, Amln-r Koad, •lal.un 1 »esar, amphell l.ane,
    98 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1489 18 Middlesex Again Winners. The meeting t,eiwc:*n tin MuMIc.-ex ami the S’.R.t'. "ii t Iu- lat ti i' gi oumi mi ch 2 wn- marred l,y i:t:n which quite poilt the chances of seeing the oldn-r ut thmrlicst, hut even the .Mi idle e.x iilUIUged t&lt;l win l*\ the mil.
      1,489 words
    • 216 18 Hockey is at last being started at Kualst Kang.-ar. A game has boon arrangcd for this week. it is oxpoctod that llis Highness tin* Sultar, who is si very keen player, will take part. The Association football season commences in real earnest sit Kusila Lumpur next Saturday when the
      216 words
    • 46 18 A Bcuter wire from New York, dsiterl the fith inst., states thsit Mr. Ifsirry Fra/.00, the hsisebsill nisignsite, smnounces that he hsis offered .Isick Dempsey thr* record individual purse of $,‘2)0,000 to [’"-Ii Harry Wills, the negro hosivywoiglit, on September 2. possibly sit Jersey City.
      46 words
    • 29 18 A keuler cuhlo from Wichilu, dated the lib in t., state:. that Strangle! Lewis re.r,mod the world’s hoavywr-ight wrestling throwing Stanislas /by co the lust of three Lnlls.
      29 words
    • 299 18 S. R. C. beat R. G. A. In -pite of the rain the S.R.C. R.G.A. match was proceeded with on Saturday, and the Recreation Club, pursuing their winning sequence, scored another very good win, this time to the extent of five wickets and 56 rum. Batting first, tin* S.R.C.
      299 words
    • 231 18 The March Medal i Bogey 1 competition of the Singapore Golf Club was played on Saturday and Sunday, 4th and 5th inst. and resulted in a win for Mr. V. J. Coleman with a net score of All Square.” Fifty-four cards were taken out ami the following were returned
      231 words
    • 467 18 lie oja ii :ig iu&gt; of the fix tun &gt; fr r this ith \v;'s f.*r His Excellency the G:iv'i*rin r’s (’up, and as weather and entries .ai! that he desired on l-V.nday, .’i t i .\v ding time ensued. Twelve boats faced the starter at
      467 words
    • 51 18 A Reuter wire from New York Mutrs that Australasia has challenged f.. t Davis Cup. A Reuter wire from New York states that Denmark has challenged f,,r f t p Davis Cup. A Reuter New York wire state- tkat Spain has challenged for the Da' i- U
      51 words
    • 487 18 MONDAY'S |»l. \Y. Champion-hip Single*. i Pi t Jim inary Ties.) O. Fuller Inal C. R. W'ardi* ft—7. 6—l*. K. I). Hcbivn beat A. II. Asmici 4i 6— Newcomer?-’ Handicap. H- N- Harvey beat VV. Williams, w.j E. Crawford beat S. Van tielu.t* 1 1;—0.
      487 words
    • 120 19 ,f ;vi .iiday s ties in the u 'v 'i c.og v. Thong Lomus io.g siow umn v. k Kng, untinisheu. hl .w Kim v. Ian leng Kim S. Quahe beat Ian Ah Chua Sim Chee beat ii. &lt;ham 0—0, 0—0; Tan Thian F„»
      120 words
    • 96 19 n,, Middlesex Reirimcnt are holdim* imttuliun &gt;|)'-rt&gt; on March -J. Th and Relay race arc open to Naval .•'Military formations anil e\-oir\iu The Belay team consists of 440, 220, 220, «&gt;n •'•&gt;(). 220, 440. yds. run m that ortlei rWr’Vilfbe seven* runners. Th( two open events will
      96 words
    • 48 19 According to a Reuter message of the gr -re-:., at Twickenham the Navy beat the Army at Rugby by 7 points to 2. In a basket ball match on Friday the Lac. Nan School had a good win over the V M,(’.A. by 40 points to nil.
      48 words
    • 329 19 Ti,* thirty griffins consisting of twenty r*.•&lt; and u- potties purchased in Aus’valia fur the Singapore Sporting Club uiiVni it&gt; m,(*i condition considering that they had Wen thirty-seven days on the wati r. They arc c ertainly a very good lot ami if breeding gees for anything
      329 words

  • 1077 19 On Saturday, the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and Mr. Justice BarrettLiunard. had an appeal before them by the Municipal Commissioners, represented by Mi*. Williamson, against the decision of the District Judge, who upheld the return of the bailiff of that
    1,077 words
  • 639 19 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. In their report dated March 7 Messrs. Frafter and Co., state There has been a decided improvement in the amount of business put through during the week, but interest in still centred on investment stocks. Tin is once again down on the
    639 words
  • 833 19 Before iin* 11 m■ i Justice, Sir Waiter Shaw, t n Wednesday, a divorce action was i mi.k •cd ip Mr. Chong Faow &lt;i) .;r* I• 11\ mi the police* department, woii. at ilu run.dang Kerhau police n. cks tor the dissolution
    833 words

  • 1180 20 A corespondent forwnid&lt; Mu f«• Ii• &gt;wiiiir Om Sulurduy, tu'- Ith in in tin- wellilluminated hall &lt; f 11n* M a urea &lt; lui* thru- sat together a s.-lert few at a fan-well «1 1 r 111&lt;* r
    1,180 words
  • 202 20 i.arut 'l'm Dredging Hours run 5H9, yardage treated HO,OOO, piculs 405.20. A sain Kumhang Tin Dredging. Hours r in torn* dredge) 530, cubic yards treated HU,OOO. t' ta' piculs ‘105.00, nett value 7.77*2.71. Lost 102 heurs for Chinese New Year boiler cleaning and repairs to sparse pipe.
    202 words
  • 227 20 Kurt her interesting evidence v given «&gt;n the resumption at Melbourne &lt; n tin* !»t h inst.. of the Hadak ease, in which Henry Kaiktv r Scarborough, Alf reel Clarke* and Thomas West Orton an* charged with conspiracy as a result of the collapse of the* Hadak boom
    227 words
  • 129 20 A e*ase* eif poisoning is reporteei from (iuylung as having occurrcel on the* evening* of the re I instant in whie h a Chinese n imeel (’hua Sent Kim, his wife* Tan, anel the*ir ebilelren, be*came* se*rieiusly il! i.ft' r partaking of fe&gt;oel into which, it
    129 words
  • 325 20 Among the passengers proceeding home hy the Haruna Maru—the crack boat of the N. Y. K. fleet ye&lt;t‘rday is the Hon. Mr. 1). Y. IVrkins, the well-known senior partner of Messrs. Drew and Napier of this city. Mr. f*
    325 words
  • 195 20 At a meeting of the Penang Municipal Commission on Tuesday, on the matter of tin* foundation of the Prai Electric Power Station, the President said that some of the Commissioner.' wen* not quite satisfied that the b.-st arrangements had been made. It wa- fr.iriy obvious that
    195 words
  • 51 20 His Majesty the King lias graciously e&lt; iiscnlod that His Exec leacy the Governor's annual ball at Government House should this year he given, not as usual in l( nrair of lii- Majesty’s birthday, hut in honour of the visit of His Ib-yal Highness the Prince of
    51 words
  • 98 20 Ili’oNd. ein .March &lt;&gt;. 11*2J. at 44 Bangor," ti, Nassini Hoad, t I &gt; r*. and Mrs. Uheemg ee 11 ai, a soli. &gt;!I NS&lt; &gt;V. eMi March i, l‘. &gt;22, ;t the &lt;let era it v ilo.-jiitai. Singapore, to Mr. anel Mrs. K. K. .Itdiiison, i&gt; dauglit *r.
    98 words
  • 57 20 SKi: I.I*:|:. (11l March 3, 1922, at 1 t-c, Owen ad. Mi See e'hlli l.ijiM, second daughter of the lute Mr. See Kwe Boon and Mrs. See Kwe Boon, and sister of Mr. St*e Teeing Wah, J.P., Municipal Coin misMon&gt; r. to Mr. Bee Cheng Hock, *on of M
    57 words
  • 136 20 Singapore, March 9. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/s 0/4 Demand 2/3 3/4 Private 3 m. credits 9/4 \/t On New York Demand r® Private 90 days On France, Bank On India. Bank T. T. On Hongkong, Bank d/d 5 i M ,.1' On Shanghai, Bank d/d
    136 words
  • 451 20 S.t.rap*iiv, Mutvii MINING. Issue. Val. Pd. Buyers. St*. era 1 1 Ayer Weny: I .no I 1 Hitam Tin 1.10 1.20 I 1 .lolantoh o.i;o t 1 Johan 1 .n 0.70 0&gt;0 t‘l i'l Kam. Kamunt. 1.10.0 1.12.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 3.50 4.50 5 Lingui Tin
    451 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 85 20 NOTICE The post free |»ric«* of the Straits to tin* United Kingdom and foreign coui'rie; is $r»l a year. The post free price of the* Straits Budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter
      85 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 75 1 I.i •criil |»n.•. HimL.'i Products ,1 Shar*"* 1 i; ,r&gt; Kubl.r Return* I i, iii(|i&gt;n Uublvr I’rii v I C i! i T i\.it i»T. hi .lava Rubber Auctions 1 l .irr»'»|&gt;orn!»*i t |.T »ll &lt; ti?4g K it.mi r .is Furl V lir;:* ami Report— M il. M'tf
      75 words
    • 208 1 Tin- ivjmrt «&gt;f the director* of the MalakotV Rubber l*«*. for the year ended lu*ci;nber '&lt;l. 11)21. state* that the net fn.tit f. r tin* year, after making full pro- nf' r depreciation, and for income a «f 1u6.N0, amounted to $96,668.76 which ha* to be added
      208 words
    • 129 1 F Brown and S. W. Moor- i'. I 1 11 Prominently associated with ant at ion Rubber Products, Limit- h has opened a shop at 40, Fencomi ~P 'r’ London, for the sale of 1„ from pure rubber. A leading that u. r ,lOl s an(l thc
      129 words
    • 99 1 u-t i&gt;si,l..i v ln( v and Co., Penang, have b',i| ar i, |j of their Handbook on H r M'ning and Industrial 'f« h n,.,. e v ery useful book of .ir! v &lt; al investors, more partitat..,|‘ ''‘'l Sl *yen years’ dividends are ‘he information (is set
      99 words
    • 1275 1 The thirteenth ordinary general meeting »»f the Bakap Rubber Plantations, ltd., was he d at 128, Leaden hall-street, K.C., under the presidency of Mr. A. J. M. Harrison (the Chairman of tile company). The Chairman said Gentlemen, —It you please, we will take
      1,275 words
    • 298 1 Ayer Hitain IMant. Syntl.—4)5,051 lbs. Ayer Kuning.—7*1,000 ibs. Batu Itcita.— .’&gt;5,81)8 lbs. Bangoeng Rocrba.— Nil. Bagan Serai. 27,500 Ibs. Batak Habit.- -.’11,000 Ibs. Bahru Selangor.—10,000 lbs. Bluekwatcr Estate.— 10,001 lbs. Bukit (\oh.—*27,000 lbs. Bukit Selangor.- 05,574 lbs. Balgownic*.—*20,750 lbs. Bertam Consn Mated.—108,000 lbs. Bassett.—10,200 lbs. Brauwall.— 40,808
      298 words
    • 30 1 Messrs. Mens’ Successors iKuslcrn* Limited inform iis that their London cable dated Mnivli *1. ay- 1 tin* prn is 8'»d. and tin. r loch ai e (.on.
      30 words
    • 1112 2 ’flu- twelfth oMbiiary general mectiiig of Tangkah Rubber Estate., wa In Id on February I. at the i&lt; gi t'-n &gt;1 oil: -e of the company, 1 I, »In at Tow•*i Ir i-l, Ed Mr. II. J. Welch (the liainaani pro: d ing.
      1,112 words
    • 1030 2 'll:.- twelfth annu"l '"'r.rral nm.-ti:r: o: lie OM .:.b if tic* S 'lidit; iill ir'.M.S.t bio-i i tiipany, l.t-1, In ,«1 mi 4an at r\ 1 1 it ingl am iiW'ti n Ed Mr. .d.icg i "or, Ali I.! .1.1'.
      1,030 words
    • 552 2 T- the Edit&lt; r of the Straits Times. F &gt; ur reference to t ie in yout a.. u of y..-t:*rday is my i .veuse for wi a m u v t'a- Dunns Annu il Meeting. 'ti 'V en:,.i ;;t inciting I did not ay r
      552 words
    • 110 2 n the Editor of the St iait Times. l O'. 1 he ealorilic value of rubber is 50 p« r cent, greater than coal and equal to rial oil. 1 1 I'houi a tue' brick made up of crude oil hredded low grade rubber dry lallang il
      110 words
    • 776 2 The report of the directors of i&gt; UIi (i iiohlur Company states that the result f;r the year t&gt; August ."1 shows a !w s The amount carnci iv.ard. amounting to £1,700,324 deduct.rg the preference dividends paid f!!. t he ipiarter eudeel November
      776 words
    • 3708 3 Tll0 ordinary general meeting of the Vsoeiation of Malaya, which a T,!,! i„ the Chamber of Commerce, on Monday, was of short durawhole proceedings barely occupyhour, report, the Pinang Gazette, r, ie was a large attendance. Mr. T. J. l,ning was in
      3,708 words
    • 438 4 In a statement, based on informaton just to hand from their Sourahuva oflice, Me •ssrs. A.' Wattie and Co., manager&gt; and secretaries for a number of rubber companies in Java, furnish details of tinnew taxes that have been practically
      438 words
    • 729 4 Singapore, March 2, 1022. Messrs, (itithiie and Co. report: I he valu** of the c ommodity continues to decline in all Markets. Prices locally have dropped to sheet 25!_• cents, crepe 25 cents and present prospects seem to point to a return
      729 words
    • 1048 4 stot Stock Pur Exchange Par Exchange Value. Company. Trices. Value. Company. Prices 1* ebruary 8. February k. il Anglo-Malay IS'.) 11 Lendu 11 Bakap Plantations 12/ 11 Eumut 24/6* tl Bantcng (Selangor) 213 i Eondon-Asiatic
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    • 194 5 FOURNIER’S HY6EWQUE MIXTURE (POM LADIES) WASTE NO TIME I Tes ttd and Pwvnd for Y*nr*. *.tely you notice any dieorder of the take Foamier'* Hjrpenique Mixture. 1, quickly removes .11 sufferln*. t. j is nothin* to equal it Anything ao Wid&lt;*V Known. I It ie justly tmsoried u tho FINEST
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    • 99 5 ADVERTISEMENT SPACE AVAILABLE in these columns. Particulars on application to the MANAGER, STRAITS TIMES. v y*; t 'V ’*\i 4* j .j! A 1 1 Il'.ll PROCESS MOCK ENGRAVING .r* f 7 WANTED immediately a process block engraver. Good wages to an efficient worker. Apply personally between 3 and 4
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