The Straits Budget, 3 March 1922

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget VOL LXXVI NO. 3342 Singapore, Friday, March 3, 1922 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES" ESTABLISHKI> OVER THREE (JUAUTEU OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 323 1 LEADERS— S an.! tI'acili*- 1iiiuomy «lutliwk #1~ I ir 1 European I’r.Mctn i!ut'hl r lUi'i' <"s I•* 11 < i >n it St i iki 1 -1 1 General local iii i |Yr»uiinl I*-' IVuter’* Si rvic« «'i-7 Victoria Inwtitut.i'n T v ii L'iP"ic Philliarniot ic Society tec aiiti
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  • 4404 1 fc&rtinS. *‘itic <. Fj V tl>h IWO and ,r I":* ad'in., t r* to, '**'kangs also called in. <l] ;I total of ~l ll>i( "Pa,., f,„ f M Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Jackson liavo left for home. Mr. II. X. Ferrers is on his way out
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    • 410 3 Airship Calamity. Terr ible Scenes at Wreck Of The Roma. fUI'TCB'B SEBVICI. London, 1* ebruar,.' v.. w The War DepartNlUi,< i lira's the Koma was flights following the 1 ~f Liberty motors replacItalan engines with which I was originally equipped. *tate that the ltoma was »< X .ml the
      fUI'TCB'B SEBVICI.  -  410 words
    • 146 3 L, nd«.n, February 22. mn.dues mi the Kami arc att *mpts to pri*\* 1 1 the •i v*i i despite intimidation i "i* hundred additional men had re'Vl,t'k < n February 21. h ic \ya- creat interest at the opening 1,1 ud»j;t in the Assembly at
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    • 66 3 London, February 22. I' imvVi" at Leeds. Colonel Armstrong. L.-iu.-iri. 11 f ll h of British Ui,. a; u extensive information ,t t sul of the Federation showed '■Jd of eitW ♦h 11 1 h Pl> f a ollt a i.< V V ;V nu (jr export
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    • 26 3 I I*<»i.r|on, February 22. n,;i "'n mV» n urkvt (,(,nti «Ui*» flat, hi f r ,,J "•'<hr.| flu Imu it. 1,1 l M pound.
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    • 152 3 London, Lebrunry 22. The Ardfheis de'ejrut*s waited twc hours before the lender* ..opearod. Dc Valera was o’atd and announce l an .irreement, the nreamble of which states that the object is to avoid a division in the S’nn Fein and t»ive a:: opportunity 1 «.r
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    • 139 3 London, February 2d. It is rep ried from Washingt n that be majority of the* Senate foreign rela.ions committee favour Mr. llrandegeeh m posed reservation to the Pacific* treaty dsolving the United States from any >1 ligation, legal or r.u nil, relating to tht rsulnr p .“sessions
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    • 99 3 London, February 22. A message from Lisbon states that the t.:ation is quite quiet. The army has ruberto support el the Government and cf the Kepubiican Guard has started to surrender its arms, but the* Governi ent has i.e»t yet returned to Lisbon. London, February 2d. Lisbon
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    • 101 3 London. bebru r> 22. !t i> r that pourparlers an* pr >• 'im: in New York which if conip’ct d •i <ecnn- likely, will make l!:*» Standard Oil and the Anjrlo-Persian Oil equal parti rs in tlu* development < f prospective oilields in North Persia. The
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    • 85 3 London, February l2'J. It. the Ilou.-e of Commons, replying C Me. Panics. who uracil the ale lition of he uryent trebled niL fop enbl* Mr Iddlaway said t >• :j» 11 s'-rvicr w.i- in trodueed us a result of 'epic ‘iiLitoo.. by i!inii'ir! l lien <; r.nd v
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    • 30 3 London. February 22. Paris The Government has replied to tile Greek note thnateninu retaliatory •neasures on Greek vessels unless tin Kspoir is released with her enryo intact
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    • 29 3 London, Fehrujtry 2'5. The Government has g ratefully aci epted til** Rockefeller Foundation V. ofT«*r of 2,000,000 towards buildintr and mpiippiu" a school ~f hygiene in London.
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    • 350 3 Paris, February 22. The Senate foreign affairs committee nas passed M. Keynald’s report relative to the' Pamjue Im.ustrielle de* Chine, approving the undertaking of negotiations jy the 1* reneh Government with the Chinese Government for the purpose »f safeguarding tlie* mater’al and moral interests involved. (Havas.) London, February
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    • 48 3 L< i doii, February 22. Lerd fmlu.'ne has repoitvd that he has n.p’otcd the sum f ex-enemy vessels m. '•eh.alf *<f tin* Reputations Commissior t•:li i.:r 2..»00.0t)0 tun-. realism; .'20,000,011(1. 'i bo cost *:f disposal wa; iy 2i. per t'P.M o f ttu* sum realise I
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    • 41 3 L 0..• lun, February 22. Stockholm Liable, n steamer.- are ice ound in lit* Baltic. Some are in a cri irnl position and one has already b**ci .vrecked arid tin* crew rescued. The gall s blowing icebergs ashore.
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    • 44 3 London, February 22. Mr. Bolt* inloy bus been summoned t* ippear at Bow Street on March S on •barge of conversion to h s own u-e <>f .0,000, tii pr* petty of the Victory B< it*, iuh, in September, lit lib
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    • 42 3 Lend n. hCbrnary 22. New York it is umlcrstoo 1 that nr*ro ati* ns have practically been c«ir.clu«l **l fur shortly offcriiqr a Dutch thirty years’ loan f alwmt 7b.000.000 guilders, the issue price about six per cent.
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    • 134 3 London, February 22. IJukhaiest: Tli* bcIroM «l "f I’rm" s> Uarv of I>'u 111 ji:'i Kmr ,\lo .nndm ol > ubia was i facially eelebraled al the T ?oyul Palace <f Cotroceni on February 21. London, February 22. Lady Feodora Gleiehen. whose illness at 'l. James’s Palace was responsible
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    • 418 3 Reuter's Service. London, February 2J. Hu barvai.”. approved by the Ardfheis yist.*r<lay is rogardel as indicating that 'i numerous aml formidable difficulties of ti provisional govrument are not .1 >»»1 it in the Smiii Fein ranks, but merely •I cckii.g its development, pcnikng a
      Reuter's Service.  -  418 words
    • 143 3 London, February 21. An imp rbont cmfert iu*t mi tin* i><>l it •> tnation in In lia i- living held at Delhi, whither tlv (lovei'imr.' of IJumhay anti Via rAs have proceeded l•» meet the m eroy. Delhi: !n the Legislative Assembly, replying to a question with
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    • 214 3 I.«•*!<It n, February -•>. Nli"! 1 I* I I 1 1, v >• I see: e V» |.:it I •«!<;••• I till ill, II till i|ll je, t t f li< f ;!*•;< t mi I I'n iii v. I In- I'it mb pie: critic: ill” (hi- I,i;
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    • 164 4 London, F’ebruary 2d. The hi lie I) discussed •!<*' t ion **f Lee's alleged 1111 >« U«»t it t ii'ii of tin* Wash ington ('onffrciKT article* by tin* French naval (’upturn Ca.-tex on tin* subje-et of submarini-m and ‘••mi oflicially published in France,
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    • 100 4 London, February 2*5. Tbe protracted political deadlock m Italy makes tbe postponement of the (Jen n Conference eertain. Signors D**nicola, Itoiiomi and Orlando have successively declined to form a cabinet. London, February 24. Home: The (Jovermnent has notitied the power* that the (Jenoa onferenee is postponed owing to
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    • 132 4 London, February 2d. 'I lit* Chancellor of the Kxchequer was fart’d by a lontr question in the House of Commons by Mr. W. Forrest, implying that the differential tea duly had reused to have value even from the point view of revenue, suirKcstinj? that the duty had Kone
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    • 111 4 London, February 2d. Paris Disappointment at Gerifiany’s default of indemnity payments on which France had counted for the balance of her forthcoming budget was freely voiced in the Chamber of Deputies when debating a special vote of 12Mt milliard francs, which will be subsequently chargeable to (Jermany. The
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    • 83 4 London, February 2d. Johannesburg A heavy explosion of dynamite on the main railway line neai Doornfontein station resulted in a slight displacement of tin* line. tape Town In the House of Assembly fhe Prime Minister, (ieneral Smuts, denied t he rumour that the (Jovt rmnent was call
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    • 54 4 London, February 2d. In the House of Commons at question time Sir Robert Horne suid that Britain had not yet received a penny of indemnity from Germany on the contrary, the cost of the occupation was over one milliard gold marks which had been repaid to the
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    • 325 4 London, February 21. Washington: The Senate passed a resolution authorising President Harding to revive flic* Herman Patents Treaty. London, February 2d. New York Federal receiver* in bankruptcy have been appointed f«»r tbe stock brokinv firm of Lardo and Ibirke. Ibe lmhilitn are and asset:* S'l Yu,iion. IJurke
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    • 66 4 London, February 2d. The* speech at Churley by Sir Li. Worthington-Fi’vans foreshadowed a reduction of the* army by dd,00() oflicer* and nicn, involving the disbandment of 24 battalions of infantry, 47 batteries of artillery ami the equivalent to five cavalry regiments. Corresponding reductions will he made* in the
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    • 67 4 London, February 2d. Sir Fric Gcddes lias applied for the < hiltcrn Hundreds. London, February 21. 'I be savings ricommended by the thirdand final report of the (leddes committee total CK,750,000. 'There are also further reductions since the issue of the first report of 1d,000,000 in respect of
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    • 69 4 London, February 21. Over is,ooo has so fur been received by ihe organisers of the gift from Marys of the Fin pi re. It ha* been decided to ask the Princess to accept a fine rope of pearls reaching to the waist. The Prneess will give the larger
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    • 42 4 London, February 21. Madrid It is repotted from Lisbon that the Giivernment returned to the njidul i n F. binary 22. and 1.\000 troops have been distributed at strategical positions throughout the city. All is quiet in the country.
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    • 57 4 London, February 21. I he linuiiciul and economic committee of the League of Nations discussed the problem of double taxation and appointed a sub-committee, consisting of Sir Josiuh Stamp, (Britain), Professors Scligmuii (America), Finamli (Italy) and Bruins (Holland) (o examine flu* overlapping of lll'’ tax 'lion y
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    • 159 4 KCl'TKli’S Slavic*. London, February 25. Crowded London is tak :ig an ever •/rowing interest in Tuesday’s Itoyu wedding at We-tminste r Abbey. F’everish preparations are being made. The wedding cake, which was delivered yesterday, stands six feet high and weighs over live humred pounds.
      KCl'TKli’S Slavic*.  -  159 words
    • 116 4 Prime of Wale.*' (’amp, Lahore, Fib. 25. Saturday Tim I’rince of Wall's arrived at l.ahorv thi* afternoon, having broken his journey from Patiai.i t<» lay thi foundati'n stony «»f the Indian Military College at .fa'lumiur. The Prince met with an exerlh nt reception notwithstanding that thi- place
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    • 101 4 London, F ebruary 24. Tlu* Chamber of Shipping has passed a r* solution urging an early substantia' reduction in wages afloat and ashore, dock and port char •vs, dues and all othei working costs, aLo urging the (Jovernment to direct attention of fore ign g .vernments who lave
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    • 79 4 London, February 22. Berlin The League of German Industrialists has elected twelve of its most prominent members as delegates of the German commercial mission which is going to Moscow to study the conditions in Russia. London, February 22. Berlin Herr Rcnhard M.mncsmann is dead, lie was the head of
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    • 67 4 London, February 21. In the House of Lords, replying to the Archbishop of Canterbury's appeal for a state contribution to Russian famine relief. Lord Cur/on said he requested the Chancel or for a grant hut had not succeeded. Sir Robert Horne reminding hint of the 2.000,000 utvmploy ed.
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    • 62 4 London, February 21. Athens .After a prolonged meeting the abinct announced that in spite of the French threat of reprisals the Government maintained its decision to confiscate the cargo of coal on the steamer Fspoii while releasing the ship. The French Minister to Greece now demanded i|
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    • 309 4 London, F ebruary 25. Paris A demand has been presented t*» tile chamber for the appointment of a commission of inquiry of thirty-thre* members to throw the fullest light on ,1c political responsibilities e.f every j.j t!i i •ngaged in the affair of the* Barque Hd.jstrielle dc Chine.”
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    • 161 4 Londe n. F'ebruary 2*!. Calcutta The Fla>t Indian Railway workers are gradually resuming. A rail was found across the track between Asnnsol and Sitarampur. Stones were* thrown at the driver of a goods train at Burdwan. A European lady was badly cut on the hand in a terrible
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    • 93 4 London, February 21. Pari: M. MiLerand rejected the appeal for mercy presented by Landru. London, February 2">. \ersailles: Landru wa« executed at lawn. He maintained his ealm to the very aid and never ceased to protest his inti" once. He scrupulously' attired himself a:i impassively submitted to the
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    • 59 4 London, February 21. Parts I’he Commission of AeroiittUtica < ontrol has notified Germany that th* •onstruction and importation of civil air •raft may he resumed on May o. Tin Allies are at present negotiating concern mg the future method of supervision of aeronautics in Germany subsequent to
      59 words
    • 39 4 London, February The Admiralty has issued a statenien* claiming that it has made further hire reductions which have now been appro' 1 ••duejng the proposed estimates for by »f *f »„i u i ir, ij |-|i|. oiio.
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    • 92 5 London, February 25. with to-day’s meeting of c ru v and M. Poincare, it is informed quarters that the 1 i• of the former’s plan for :r u .r ju-,i a ten year truce u t j ry nation formal y U
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    • 131 5 London. February ,1, mjI man killed by falling unitra tra'n at South b'cnsimrton station l,'. t p :<U nt it: ‘«1 as Mr. (I cor no Croll. L ,,f Harrisi ns and Cronfiehl and rubbci companies associated f t fj. 11. lit- ivc ntly resinned the
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    • 180 5 London, February 2d. A rational crisi.* has arisen in the iiuluslry. Kmploycrs haw g on i.< tof of a hek out on March m four, torn will; a d.. pat over the freefi in <*f tlie iiiauap in vt with rigard to overtime, in which c
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    • 124 5 I.omlon. February 25. V;' 1 1 f‘»nvi*rn. namely A:t 1 n; 'un-urae*;* Pompano, th< < d Equitable jrroup. has 1 l,s winding up petition. Loneion, February 25. i,*. 1 ,l,l: he doubt rcjrardim* Fm-’ "r f f U 1 ai,urt "f the Citv UVV 'T.‘i ,1|,J;n v >
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    • 47 5 I-ondoti, February 2d. 'W,; ;"V'. r i ‘•‘•nfcreiices held by Mr. ntat with r V, Irish ami North months’ .i u ,v "d to the ,l t* y thr Irish elections rr "Mat V( u South Irish reI, V returnImr ft, Ireland to-huV»-fui‘.' th l sitUHti,1,
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    • 38 5 Th e Rand Strike. I-ondon, February 25. for ;i 1 h (i Government has -.tod special constables. Spr r P Un °n. February 25. 1 ‘.j.k/m,.,? kidnapped and co *ry Official and two hut s ubsoquentl> released .*4!
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    • 384 5 London, February 24. i w 'j o: k A sensation h* s b *en lit!- 1 1 by the publication of ’otters re•ently written to his father by Lieutenant Lay the, a victim in the Roma catastrophe, :i which he declared that the ship behaved so badly
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    • 42 5 I.ondon. February 25. The Bod in i bv-clection, caused by the death of Sir (diaries Hyson, has resulted ir. the return of Mr. Isaac Foot, Ind■.•pendent Liberal, with Id. 751. M:t.i< r-lleneral S:r Frederick I’oole. ('onliti* n Fnionist, polled lO.filO.
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    • 38 5 London. February 25. Paris: u is reported from Mayence that two shot- were fired without result at ex-Kimr Ferdinand of Bulgaria while he was lea\ irvr the opera at Munich. Ilis issailant, a Bu’yarian, was arrested.
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    • 33 5 London. February 2-1 Toulon The festivities n honour of the visit of the British Atlantic battle cruiser squadron includ ’d a banuuet at which speeches were made ursine’ an Anu’lo-French Alliance.
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    • 41 5 London, February 2(5. Portsmouth, A I’nited States coastguard cutter seized the Nova Scotian motor schooner Emerald, flying the British flap:, with a carjfo of a the>us*;nel cases of liquor for New York eledive ry. The crew was detained pending: e-xanina-tion.
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    • 33 5 London, February 24. Parliament has afiproved the expenditure1 estimated at t"15,000 for partiedpati'U in the Brazil inn (Yrtonnry Exhibition Rie> da Jan ‘ire. 'Idle* (dty of London has also subscribeel £2(5,000.
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    • 343 5 London, February 25. Paris Mr. Lloyd George and M Poincare are meeting to-day at Boulogne, the meeting is ascribed to the instrumentality of Lord Derby. It will be very ri( f owing to the necessity of the Prime Minister returning to confer with Mr. Gr flith and
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    • 72 5 London, February 2(5. Rome The King has approved the list °f ministers submitted by the ex-Minister for Finance, Signor Facta, comprising eight Democrats, three members of the Popular *»r Catholic party, one Agrarian, one Socialist Refi rmist and one Right Liberal. Signor Facta takes the Premiership and Ministry
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    • 38 5 Leiiideui. February 25. I'aris The (c.vtrnment has passed on a demand concerning the Banejue Industrielle ele hino te* the Foreign A (fairs mmsttee. The* Government will decide the question e>f the* appointment e»f an •nejuiry cetmmission.
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    • 26 5 Loneion, February 2(5. Stockholm The ice blockade of Gothenburg has broken. Fourteen ships hclel up ofl injia Lighthouse have arrived at (lot henhuru’.
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    • 137 5 L« nelon, Fe bruary 25. It h as been decieled te» postpone* the sailing e f the British trade ship until metre definite siyns are apparent e»f the* receive* ry e»f wen'ld conditions. Lemelon, February 25. Prague The Pedi.di Minister e*aleirorieally denies the reporteel existence* e»f a ecret tre*aty
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    • 193 5 Riutxe’s St Evict. London, February 26. Boulogne A communique states that M. Poincare and Mr. Lloyd George, had a four hour talk on certain problems, particularly relating to fienou. It was agreed that political guarantees wi re to be secured in
      Riutxe’s St Evict.  -  193 words
    • 85 5 London, February 27. Berlin Boldt and Hittmnr escaped t« Sweden from Swincmucndc. London, February 27. In the House of Commons, questioned vith regard to the e-cape of Boldt and Hitt mar, the Attorney-General stated that jovernnient had strongly protested to Germany, who had given assurances that it had
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    • 73 5 London, February liij. 1 lu* I'rinee of Wales spent three* days at I atiala playing pole, shooting and pigsticking. He was entertained at a "Oi’tfcous state banquet and laid the foundation stone of (Jeoruc’s Koval Military College at Jullundur, the first* of several schools for the sons
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    • 62 5 London, February 26. Helhi •I he All India com nuttee, after an eijrht hours discussion, passe*! (I'andhi’s lesolution practically unaltered. It is un*ierstood that the resolu 1,0,1 L r »»<*s beyond Candhi’s personal views and was drafted to meet the opinions generally held b\ th.* Congress leaders. .Matavivas
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    • 70 5 London, February 2f». VVasiiini*ton I lie Senate Foreign Kohitions Committee has ordered a favour;i 1 e report on the Pacific treaty with its supplements ro*rardintf naval limitation u l I submarine treaty of which the com nuttee approved, the sole reservation "li'ch was submitted to President .."I ee
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    • 29 5 London, February L’d. Johan, M,b„rr Five success ve dynamite <xplosions occurred near one of th** shafts f ,l v M'ne, hut did not produ. *> a stoppage.
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    • 22 5 London, February i?i!. *Z, y Z k C T, ri '>7"»‘par«liv,ly unimt have fail,. A wci-k.s failures number even.
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    • 233 6 Kidtbk’.h Service. t London, February 27. Bright '.jiisbine I" day revived hop's, which f heavy rain ye.-tcnlay quenched, that Princely Mary’s w *ddin; r would be favoured with weather t:»!*‘ on- favourable to the enorinou Urr* g f sightseers who are air ady
      Kidtbk’.h Service.  -  233 words
    • 300 6 London, February 27. Washington President Harding is expected to recommend to Congress tomorrow a ship subsidy plan providing for the ruising o( a so-called revolving fund, of about thirty million dollars yearly, through the diversion of a percentage of the customs receipts. The* advocates of the plan
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    • 118 6 London, February 27. r* reach ncwspap- i expiv s undi'-guis* <| satisfaction at the re. alls of the Boulogn mooting; thi* accord attained nl-o evoked general approbation in Britain, though the Independent Liberal organs are inclined to be critical, the Daily News Grilling the result a diplomatic
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    • 252 6 London, I ebruary 27. Conferences with the Irish d« legates seem to have r<av-ured th'* members of the Cabinet regarding the signifi :un*'* of ;he postponement of the Irish elections. It is reported that Mr. Criflith was able to convince them that the
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    • 127 6 London, February 27. The organising committee of the international credit corporation has reported in favour of the establishment of a national corporation in each affiliated country, the aggregate capital to be £20,000,000, to which Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium will subscribe equally, but the other countries, including
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    • 160 6 London, February 27. One result of the depression in shipping and trade generally has been that the quantity of merchandise carried through fhe Manchester Ship (’anal last year was the lowest in the last twenty years. The receipts have dropped by over £250.000 and traffic by nearly one
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    • 144 6 Paris, February 2H. la memory of Moslem soldierho so valiantly fought ami died under the Fr ’iic'li flutr d urine; the vreat. war, the Frenr* Government has decided t) erect a lately mosque and Islamic college on irrout.d donated by the city of Paris and the vicar of
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    • 120 6 London, February’ 27. Johannesburg, February 27 The strike situation has been aggravated along the reef over the week end. It culminated ;n a fierce encounter early in the morning between the police and strike commandoes. The former made baton charges. Fierce hand to hand fighting, both parties
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    • 96 6 London. February 27. The plans of M. Benes to create a great central and east European federation, in which Austria’s accession to the Little Entente would he a step, have further progressed as a result of a conference at Bukharest at which Poland agreed to join Yugo-Slavia. Rumania
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    • 98 6 London. February 27. f •nstiintinoplc Yusuf Kemal, the YrMi' na ist Foreign Minister, with oth*»r members of the mission to the Entente capitals, is leaving on Monday for Marseilles. Yusuf, who openly declared that the only Government in Turkey was the Angora •'•'•rnnv nt. succeeded, desnite
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    • 85 6 London. February 27. The alleged shooting at the Prince of Wales’ party is not confirmed and was apparently not serious. The incident occurred on February 21 while the Prince of Wales’ cars were being taken from Delhi to Patiala. The police received information that two shots had
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    • 47 6 London, February 27. The Hague The international commission of inquiry into the loss of the Dutch steamer Tuhantia in wartime found that fhe Tuhantia was sunk by the explosion of i torpedo fired from a German submarine. The question whether wilfully or mistakenly was not decided.
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    • 67 6 London, February 27. 'lhe Amsterdam Doctor Bredius, tlhe well known Rembrandt expert, who is going to live at Monte Carlo, has offered to sell hi* house at the Hague to the city f*»r 100,000 guilders. He presented the c iv with Jan Steen’s picture, the Satyr with Peasant, and
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    • 47 6 London, February 27. On the ground that the best interests of ihe industry will he best served hv united action, the Rubber Shareholders’ Association his abandoned its independent scheme for separate propaganda and has decided to support the work i f the Rubber Growers’ Association.
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    • 52 6 London, February 27. Tlu* Archbishop of Canterbury has appointed the Rev. Howard West Mowll, of Wyclitfe College, Toronto, as Assistant Bishop under Bishop Cassels in the Dioc»*se of Western China. London, February 27. The King ha invested the Karl of Harc\v oil with tip* Grand Cross of the Vic
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    • 1495 6 Kiri THR’h SKKVICK. London, February j> Despite gloomy weather forecasts a much rain during the night, Prince Mary’s wedding morn dawned bright and with tin* dawn the pilgrimage The route was crowded by seven o’clo in the morning, mostly
      Kiri THR’h SKKVICK.  -  1,495 words
    • 29 7 I• m I i n, Fohruarv K n klVUr"" '"••>'■ at <; t).-rj H Hai| u v h, f; ris Me lit, f,, w minuter” suhs ■^ihf,' ir London
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    • 253 7 London, February 2s. The special progress made in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in considering and recommending the conference 1 reiities appears to have given much satisfaction in the United States. The committee, with the one exception already telegraphed, has made a clean sweep nullifyng the vexatious
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    • 153 7 London, February 28. The (1*>\ eminent has published a *ledaration ad'lnsse*l t.» the Sait n of with regard to the future status of Ejrypt, • down the following principles First, the British protectorate over t* rminared and Egypt is declared an :r,«lepen*lt*rt sovereign state; secondly, as soon
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    • 152 7 I.' udon. February is. Paris M. IYmotte’s counsel has draft el a ten p j *.rt* arirument that his event’s irest is uni M stifi°d and tha.t he should he provis'o” div rob-vr \v f’l sale of shr’’:*»■ t.. th<* S.udete \’s»cienn he arjrues that the Banque Tndu«trielle
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    • 114 7 London, February 2 V Johannesburg The city is in a very serious plight to-niirht owimr to th technical staffs leavinir work,declaringthat tin* protection a'forded them is in ,r and thus leadintr to the closin'*- of th. nowor-staf ion. The Industrial Federation n declarin'!’ the str’ke asked the
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    • 34 7 London. I‘’ebnta.r\ 28. Amsterdam Interviewed by the Hau’uo Post, Sir Francis poterdinir d nom <*ed Dutch Indian oil taxation and declared it would drd’o the Royal Dutch from the Dutch ladies.
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    • 218 7 Reuter's Service. Prince of Wales’ Canip, Lahore, March 1. The fourth race in the Lahore Gym khana yesterday afternoon was a big affair, and for some reason was generally supposed to be for Princess Mary’s Plate. The Prince of Wales no unted amidst a regular storm of
      Reuter's Service.  -  218 words
    • 174 7 London. February 27. At the inquest on the late Mr. George Croll til evidence showed that deceased had been suffering from neurasthenia as the result of overwork during the warand that he was worried by the depressed state of the rubber industry, though his financial position wa
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    • 104 7 London, February 27. The latest sensational development in the Equitable Insurance affair is the Daily Mail’s Naples report that London has telegraphed ordering the arrest of the Chairman, Mr. Bevan, who was last seen ?it Naples where, it is reported, he tried to get a visa for Constantinop'e.
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    • 89 7 London, February 2*. A provisional agreement has been reached between the Reparations Comniissioii and (lerniany which provide. 1 for the at mtal payment in jjold marks of 72 U)00,0()0 in cash and 1,-1a0,000.000 in kind. The former does not increase if th latter i< not readied. Then; will
      89 words
    • 103 7 London, February 2s. The possibility of Russia refusing to lartieipate in tlv fl'-noa (’onf( mire i< uiyaested in a teleirram from Moscow x 1 1 h says that M. t hicherin ha declared lie proposal t ii.\ six month-’ probation ’or Russia > he a.bsoiutely inacreptahh* (e
      103 words
    • 22 7 London, February 2*. !!<r':ri Tin chemist Schaaf has exhibited a newly-invented non-inflammable -."liuloid film which merely melt- under ureal heat
      22 words
    • 69 7 London, February 28. New York The creditors of Ingersolls have authorised the sale of the property on April 10 unless an olfer of $1,500,000 is received in the next ten days. London, February 28. New York The entire Dutch loan was subscribed in a few’ minutes at
      69 words

  • 879 8 (From Our Owii < orrespondent.) K uji.ii Lumpur, February 2K The unniiul general meeting of the Selangoi hrjiM h of tF.«• I'.M.S humbor <>f (lommern was hold to <iay ut the offices of Messrs. i. vatt ami vecrotarie I he Hon.
    879 words
  • 483 8 In anticipation of the restitution ot some eijuiwiient. t the late Town Hall, it has been decided to reconstitute, after a period of abeyance, the Singapore Phil- harmonic Society. The name of that Society was maintained after the ceasing of all choral operations, by the Philhar,o< n
    483 words
  • 194 8 The 2nd Battalion, The Middlesex Regiment has been detailed to carry out two Company tours during the month of March. The first begins to-day when a company proceeds by the kclantan to Malacca and then marches in easy stages via Tampm to Chengkau Station in Negri Sdiibilan
    194 words
  • 82 8 Mr. I\ 11. Hetisbaw. acting (icncral Manager, F.M.S. Uailways, anticipates that the Railway Department will have difficulty >in providing the number of coaches required for passengers travelling to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore during the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. It would assist the
    82 words
  • 1187 8 Before Mr. Bull, second magistrate, on Monday, the preliminary enquiry was commenced in the case in which G. Vv. Gomes stands charged with the murder of his mistress and child at his residence near the 5th mi.e, Bukit Timah Road, on
    1,187 words
  • 277 8 MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION. Winners of the Slogan Competition. To find a fitting slogan for the Exhibition beginning with the letters M.B.E.,” for a prize of $25, about 2(H» attempts have been received from all over the Peninsula. Six competitors have sent in a list which is not according to the
    277 words
  • 150 8 W v have received the following 1 I munication from Messrs. Ciuthrie and "•> I agents for the Singapore Klcctr.e ha- 1 way Co.. Ltd. -In your is«ue of *th in'* it is published that the Municipality h' 1 I off .‘it'd i.‘1 oO.OftO, plus stores, to
    150 words
  • 30 8 Tlie total amount of Malaya 1 1 1 1 Mary Woddinjr Gift Fund nrkn 1 in the Straits Times up to ve 1 j sr». I
    30 words

  • 3348 9 .j.ual ordinary (teneral meetinif of \i.Miriiial Commissioners was held in <*• Feb. 24. The Pres,- i;.,I. Fairer, presided, the other ii<*' i present being Messrs. J. M. ‘"k i 1 *<e:isohn, E. S. Mai.asseh, A. G. in .V o i» Griffith-Jones, lion. Mr.
    3,348 words

  • 364 11 )Krom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 25. >( i| n o\v looking forwurd to the t thi. Prince but in such distracting r;p t Straits, as we are in. even un,i t ion of pleasures pall. Artu* :i,!t 1 V t he entertainment of the boinir
    364 words
  • 217 11 The c.•u- kly. meeting <>f the Rent Ass*.*.*>nv r.t ard was held in the Municipal b'.. r»l I, :i Tuesday afternoon. Mr. resitling. Other me.nbo**.. prc> u u r. M.ssrs. E. A. Elias, Gaw Kliek k am. k- San IIin. A.M.S. Angullia, and II
    217 words
  • 190 11 ,ar > 37 at St. Andrew’> Cath ,V 1 the marriage took place 0.,', -Y-rod Westendarp, B.A. y, 1 n:i "f Mr. und Mrs. A. j 1 j' 1 Dulwich, to Miss Adelaide Mi dujghler of the late Mr. and The ol Berramangra, N.S.W. Tl, j, Ai ••h?l<*acen
    190 words
  • 971 11 An extraordinary genera! meeting of the Straits Motorcar Service* was held at the registered office of the company 14, St. Helen’s Court, on February 18, with Mr. S. M. R. Naidu, the managing director, in the chair. The others present were
    971 words
  • 650 11 The Pi. unu Gazette of February 21 has tin* following C'omiJi nl 1ms heen made in Penang frequently of late on the very low percentage of Eurasian.- who have accepted service in the Volunteer Force. The number is urqestionably of very modest dimensions
    650 words
  • 151 11 Mr. Ritter is i :i to erect ,*i cement firt iy cm th Wn. *pu rive** 1 tin* west f( f Ti a.ngi 11 *v1 1 i<■ 1 1 li; Mt*ar I»ol:'-re< Sumatra E t <>i i a. I h large qiiai*- .f 1", m* nd c.iroii*
    151 words
  • 390 11 The orch *strai coi cert given by the Singapore Philharmonic Society in the Memorial Hall on February 2.'» was certainly a pleading sucoo?-. The orchestra In. grown i impo. ing dimensions, numbering near!} forty, and under the experienced leadership of Major W. G.
    390 words
  • 459 11 The lion, tin* Ur.tish Resident Mr. Sioiior a.i i <4 numb* r oi jjui is won* present .vi.sU-iMu.v nn, sajs Suturduy s Malay Mull, to witness the launch on til* .'claliiiK i ifi Company 's piemises of u urge bucket <Jred;ce pontoon. l
    459 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1176 12 simple purity <»f purpose. Straits Times, February 24. Kvcry country ha> it rrar.k-, sm Kiie •and which ahoiinds in th in cannot complain that them an- a few in America. There is a certain Mr. John -a; who see:i.s to think that the foundations of tin-
      simple purity <»f purpose. Straits Times, February 24.  -  1,176 words
    • 1195 12 Straits 'I’imes February 2a. Gol. Armstrong of the Federation of British Industries has been giving his opinion that we may have to wait for another year and possibly longer before there is a revival either in the home or export trade. Simultaneously news comes from London that the
      Straits 'I’imes February 2a.  -  1,195 words
    • 1105 12 *iM!id economic independence.- Straits I c.'. February 27. We were very glad to see in the Gazette of Friday last a notice of the conditions under which War Service land grants are to be made* in Malaya. There has been a long period during which nothing has been
      *iM!id economic independence.- Straits I c.'. February 27.  -  1,105 words
    • 1125 13 Straits Times, February 2K. Mr. Lloyd lieorpe ami M. Poincare have m- t again ai d they both seem well content with the results of their conference. They d* .arc that perfect apreement exists, that ?h»- policy to hi- followed at the Genoa &lt; onfen-nce has been outlined
      Straits Times, February 2K.  -  1,125 words
    • 1182 13 Straits Times, March I. A correspondent has drawn our attrntion lo certain proposals that are beinir made in reference to the Allenhy Rubber Company, and we have a prreat deal of sympathy with \vl at hi* says about the way in which the company was floated. That opinion
      Straits Times, March I.  -  1,182 words
    • 1235 13 'I line-, March 2. It is very obvious that the Hongkong shipping strike is acquiring a p&lt; litical complexion. Workers who have no special grievance of their own, but who appear to have fallen under Bolshevist influences and taken up the “class war” cry have joined in
      'I line-, March 2.  -  1,235 words

  • 65 14 The Straits Times in not responsible tot h*&lt; opinions of its correspondents. Corres ‘Oadentu should hear in mind that letter* oust be short and to the point. Lonji ambling epistles are liable to be rejected oi utl.lcssly cut down. Correspondents must nelose their nnmes, not necessarily tot uiblication but
    65 words
  • 1297 14 To the R'hmr .f the Straits Tiiir Sir,- In hr- letter to the press, dated 21st instant, Mr. A. II. Todd says tiiat the burden of ext i a secretarial assistance falls entirely on the Straits Racing Association. He fails to n. .Lion however that the Asso-
    1,297 words
  • 93 14 A Suggestion.” To the Editor &lt;f the Stvaits Times Sir, I am afraid A. M. C. T. is either ignorant that India consists of several rations and religions or a self rccommen- He ought to have adilressed ns fmlians” and ir.t a* Hin u community.’ The one reply that could
    93 words
  • 131 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. The following exercise was civ-n C* a certain class consisting of teachers Prepare illrstrat ons for a lesson &lt; n the ihictioiis and industries of Malaya to i Midard Many of the teachers int-er-ted the que.-tjon in their own way
    131 words
  • 219 14 To tire Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your leader on Saturday last you said "There a re practically no si' &gt;v of reeovry in I’m sin,” etc., to which I r an o &lt;ni" you that, accord i»ur to tetter:- ci ived hy me from Kusma and
    219 words
  • 130 14 What’s in a Name T*i th" Editor of tin Strait- Tim*. I Sir, I no* surprised that the l’n-.-i ~J of the M'micipal Csmimissioners J heve c m &lt;ii red it wise to have a iu» ..J of the Finance Commission An the Int* &gt; ill C mmittoe Ii supported
    130 words
  • 142 14 To the Editor of the Straits Time* Sir.—To settle an argument a.- to whither or r.ul a judge of the Supreme C-*nrt of the Straits Settlements is a im-m J f the Straits Civil Service wii' u f. kinoly favour nu* with your reply which shall he decisive
    142 words
  • 111 14 To tlie Editor of the Straits T i Sir.- -As a shareholder in the abov, company I fully emlorse Mr. A. F. I A lett 'V m y &gt;ur paper of the 17&gt;th i. jiar cnlari.v the last paragraph that *'f new ccmpany be registered in
    111 words
  • 233 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Si.', Disappointed states that task was to I’repare illustration' V lessen (&lt;n the prorluetions and it he V of Malaya to Standard V." f I Ir my &lt; pud. n there are f«*u 1 V lessor:s which the ubove title
    233 words

  • 1973 15 &gt;wiii— report of a sub-committee St rail.-* Sett eiiuntH (Singapore) ii English School accoinmo- |ncii forwarded by the Iso... t it A t'nc publication ‘appointment of the sub-eom-tt the committee meeting belt! on i, i:»*w. a public meeting to con- I matter, convened by
    1,973 words
  • 435 15 We hail an extract the other day from a north China paper in reference to the commercial value of China Grass, better known, perhaps as Ramie on Rhea Grass.” It belongs to the family urticacca*. An expert who has given very considerable attention to the matter
    435 words
  • 796 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 24. Th»* second meeting of the Infantilu We!(are Adviser,, hoard was held yesterday men. ng ;.j t'aivosa under the presitleih;. oi me il n. Mr. W. George Maxwell, t'.M.t!.. the Chief Seeivtary. At this meeting,
    796 words

  • 501 17 I .Krcni Mur Own Correspondent.) I Hongkong, February 24. I m iit Chinese stevedore was shot tr and killed a ricksha I f,t Vrava thi- morning. His assailant. I or! Unposeil to be a seaman, was I r It reported that
    501 words
  • 104 17 n a r n ‘K ns concluded in the iii i ,IM *&lt;\&gt;urt before Mr. H. C. I..,.. aturday. of the 1 charge pre- UVl hmese, two of them k l a 1 an&lt; l the Other from Wm cha nred with beinjr tt-mp. t./ ‘»V &lt;trn&lt;,,i
    104 words
  • 131 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lurnpur, February 25. A serious accident is reported to have occurred recently in Unhang during inspection of the railway line by Mr. F. 1). l&gt;. Opens haw, chief resident engineer, and Mr. C. G. Hutton, in charge
    131 words
  • 164 17 The strength of the Singapore Volunteers is now as follows :—Europeans 610, Eurasian company three officers and 167 other ranks. Chinese company three officers, 166 other ranks and nine supernumerary.*Malay company four officers and 150 other ranks and S. F. A. company
    164 words
  • 204 17 You will be «loing your young men a service if you advise them strongly not to come to the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States for employment, says a journalist in Malaya, in a letter to a member of the staff
    204 words
  • 197 17 The current issue of the h.M.S. Government Gazette contains the following notifications Mr. J. P. Fitzpatrick, L.R.C.P. and S.i., t &gt; hi* a Medical Officer in the F.M.S.. Mr. (1. R. V. Bolster to be a Probata.nary Assistant Commissioner of Police in the F.M.S., Mr. A. Thompson, if.Pc.,
    197 words
  • 752 17 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. In their report dated February 28 .Messrs. Fraser and Co., state The share market has shewn little improvement during the week under review, although a moderate amount of busini ss lias been put through in investment* si &gt;cks, tin* prices of some
    752 words
  • 70 17 A ease was mentioned before Mr. King, additional magistrate, on Tin-day. in which it is alleged, Mr. A. f’estana, bailin' of the civil district c art. voluntary caused hurt t &gt; Miss MorPoiro and her mother *it tbeir .cnee in Beiicoolrn Street on February
    70 words
  • 687 17 On Tuesday, before the Chief .Justice Sir Walter Shoe, Sng Ah .Sing, a Chinese police constable appealed against his eonvictioji at the p .':&lt;■&lt;■ court for voluntarily causing hurt to one Ho Ho whilst a prisoner in hi' custody. Mr. Sheliey-Thonipson
    687 words
  • 142 17 Tun Ah t'hwoc, who was sentenced in tin* lo\vi*r courts, on chari'es of reeeiv- 3• stolen properly, and with possession f the same, to IK months' rij'nr.ui.s on the two changes, and three months in ad lition on another charge, appmilod ajrainst the sentences.
    142 words

  • 715 18 Tlht»' was «|;jit«* an array of counso, in tin* third court yc tcnlaj on 1m half of creditors in respect of property In-&lt;1 hy Y.*o i on”• Teng, quondam partner of hop Boon hua Song haii of North anal Road, Singapore, who, it
    715 words
  • 89 18 Durimr Hr* ended February IS. 21 eases f smallpox wer* reported two of whirl) wen Tlir rases occurred in the followin'/ lorn' ties la I'ayit L"bar Koad, I'! i’rin &lt; p Strc-t. Mackenzie K :nl pin» 'ur station I’j'wj'h 14 ('amphell Si. .f **s *pli*s Institution,
    89 words
  • 97 18 Our I'en.aii" correspondent wire I &lt; n February ‘.id 't’ljeve &lt; a remark aide tn r &gt; «1 1 151*i Iu; HDvct bon l&gt; ra e hd*y. Tin- son the tow lay previt .isly accused of the possession of explosives has been charged as Teh
    97 words
  • 545 18 Before Mr. Justice Barrett-Bonnard oil uesday a case was commenced in which Mr. Syed Abdul Rahman bin Sheik Alkali’, of the Arcade, and another, owners of house* ltd, liesker Road,, are suing .dr. Non is for possession of the property which, it
    545 words
  • 329 18 Mr. K. K. Senior Hospital A sistar.t, Kau!&gt;. wa d'-rtai? ed t&lt;* an At '’ionic, on Febrvaay by the sub••ainati* medical stKauh, on the eve i r hi:; departure &lt;n retirement from the service. There were present Mr. C. W. A. Senmtt, Distri i Oflieer, Kauh,
    329 words
  • 330 18 Alt.nories t»f the sensational movements in the prices of the Badak I in shares before the collapse of the market in .!ul&gt;, IU2O, were revived in the City ourt at Alclhournc &lt;m.January 21. w hen Henry Kalkner Scarborough. Alfred Clarke, ard Thomas West
    330 words
  • 160 18 Tin- Blur Funnel lim-r Mentor arrive*! on Sisml:;y ir«o-.;i». from Liverpool earr. d i-r .&lt;•. m passengers, of whom Jv. lo-* oiiiarkiii for Siny;apoiv ■:id surroundT.-.r places. The Mentor fn n l.iverjiool on the afternoon .l -nuary ami c-oinpK-teil the voyaire to this pert with only
    160 words
  • 166 18 Rapid progress is beiny made with tin erection of stands ulouy the main route in view of 11. K. H. the I'rincc of Wales’ visit on March 2.1, and the War Memorial is approaching completion. A pavilion is homy erected around the Rattles statue, and here the
    166 words
  • 147 18 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, ami Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, who returned from I'enarur. where they sat on the r &lt;nrt of Appeal, by the Ipoh &lt; n Monday, •ivod the Civi Hist of eases in the Supreme Court for March. Among: the act oto is
    147 words
  • 164 18 The Japanese Consul (Jeneral, Siru'apol forwards the following communuun by the Foreign Office, on Februar\ 1 Treaty on Limitation of t J Armament at Washington on Februar\ 8J22, comes into force upon it- raiil'eat J by all contracting powers. With L
    164 words
  • 314 18 The Bresbyterian Church, Kuala Lumpui could not hold the very large gatherun wh’ch assembled on Tuesday afternoon in honour of the marriage of the papula! padn the Rev. Andrew Drummond ILu. iwith Aliss Yeira Lickley Spark till recently of the Furopean Hospital nursinu
    314 words
  • 147 18 On February 2o tin* master of the &lt; it&gt; of Bust ,n reported to the police that members of !iis Asiatic crew, consisting i f Bengalees, declined to work the vessel It would appear that there was a sunnierimr f the treub'e soon after the vi -sci
    147 words
  • 108 18 Our Kuala Lumpur correspond' wiriny esterday states: A quiet -y diny was solemnised to-day at St. Roman Catholic Church. Bukit Nan:n parties heiny Major A. B. See, M.&lt; j well-known Kuala Selanvor pointer, son of the late Arthur Sloe and Mrs. of Otham, Kent, and Monica &lt; l.'i
    108 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 688 19 t tremendous crowd round all ''"Luf tin* Hold last Friday, when the f yUI m j s c. F. A. met in a friendly in' Chinese certainly would have n,aU importers had counted for anything f “Cs they lost by two goal* to
      688 words
    • 104 19 /r;i,,( lfy n&gt;r r,,u,ul f(,r the Tele*. n J plu &gt;’ e&lt;l V n February 25 and 2G vi. ir fil nt,on &lt;‘«l competitors qualified 1, lrawn n&lt; under:— Mcwart v D. Maw. 1| l n v Greip. -i r l? l i n w'tV r Mair
      104 words
    • 430 19 The Singapore Cricket Tournament I started on Saturday, when the S.C.C., S.R.C., Lanka Union and Public Services and Law were out. The wickets were hard and true, making it a good day for batsmen. S.C.C. and Public Services and Law met on the former’s ground.
      430 words
    • 341 19 On the S.R.C. side Lanka Union were the visitors, and they suffered defeat by 29 runs. Batting first, the Union were responsible for 127 to which Fernando, Chunchie and Tampoe-Phillips were the chief contributors. Fernando was out to a very tine catch by Bliph. Coelho did
      341 words
    • 435 19 The annual meeting of the Singap* re Football Association was held at the S.C.C. on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. J. M. Sinie, who was in the chair, in moving the adoption of the accounts said that the receipts, composed of entrance fees to
      435 words
    • 838 19 The Club House was only opened as recently as December, 1920, by H.E. the Governor, but steady propress has been made. Five of the small class boats and no less than 18 of the larper class are now in commission. The latter are 32 feet by 8
      838 words
    • 318 19 Thi* Middlesex paid their first visit to the Swimming did) on Sunday, and, as in other sports in which thc*y have* been seen, they mad* a very rood impression at water polo. Their display was all the more creditah c seeing that in the aquatic line the players
      318 words
    • 334 19 Under tie jp&gt; pice f the Sir.rap re Polo Uluh it proposed to hod a rymkharm in •■or.nection with the MnlayaBorn it li\ii 1. t e i n \oril S. The com* i i t» will I i pleased if rent’emen who po &lt; p n suitable
      334 words
    • 348 20 The hockey lu tve en the S.R.C. and the Mid !e-e\ mi I* -I If-I resulted in a win for the latter hy 2 I. The teamwere Middlesex. Simp-on C. Q. M. S. Cox and Scrgt. Follcntint forp. Conners, W. C). Quarrel, and I’te. Arnold l.ieut. Chapman, Corpl. Mcwitt,
      348 words
    • 222 20 ’I’liere was ;t larf.’ fiitheritif »if spectator.- at the t**tirii prize distribution of the St. J* pit* D! I Roys Association on S:ttur*le.y e\«n u- Refore the distribution tie,” &gt;• .1 exhibition fame n? double- !i vi a Tan Chorif (lark and Seal, Fn: r I 1:. t and
      222 words
    • 119 20 la connection with the ahbve Sports, .Messrs. Tan Cheap Kce and Co.,, th* proprietors of the Alhtmhra. have pr"scnterl to tin- committee a handsome s Ivor shield to be competed for. It is of -t'-rlinp silver, mo ;nted on polished oak arid modelled in high relief
      119 words
    • 68 20 Our I’enanp correspondent w ires that at Me annual m&lt; -tmp of the I’enanp Turf Cub the chairman. Mr. W. S. (oldie, said the club had mad" a profit of Sib.9ls and was in a very flourishinp condition. Mr. Kemp was elected president, and the mniittee con-i
      68 words
    • 37 20 Reuter wire of Feh. 25 states that the international rupby match at Twickenham, England and France drew with II points all, while at Edinburgh, t land heat Ire .‘and hy -ix (mints to t hive.
      37 words
    • 42 20 volley hall pame was played between the Y.M.C.A. and the 'fan Nan School on the former’s proitnd &lt;n Monday oveninp. Ihe Y.M.C.A. won hy 2 panics to 1. the scores heinp JK 21, 21 10, 21 1.
      42 words
    • 28 20 A Reuter wire from St. Moritz states that the Frenchman Cochet won the final of the men’s sinples in the world’s covered court tennis championship.
      28 words
    • 21 20 A Reuter wire from New York dated February 27 states that Canada has hallenred for the Davis Cup.
      21 words

  • 86 20 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Sinpaporc for the week ending February II was 2b Cl. The* total number of deaths was 227 ef which 152 were male subjects and 7.'* ft male. Convulsions claimed IP, nhtlr.-i- .'l7. malaria fever 24, dysentery lb, heri-hcri 17.
    86 words
  • 63 20 Our Penang correspondent wire.- that a number of cases reported to the police of wealthy Chinese receiving threatening letters, accompanied by knivi led to the irrest &lt;»f a man named Ng &lt; !iin, on a charge of trying t&lt;» extort 52,000 front Mo Seng l.i, a rice
    63 words
  • 87 20 Captain R. rnbull »f the China Xavifntion stear Jiip Shansi was presented with Lloyd’: medal at u lun die n in laikic’s hi?-’ ini r,f rm m at Shanfhai on February i&lt;’&gt; for fallantry in connection with the wreck of the llmif Mob in March 1 last
    87 words
  • 140 20 We are informed by the Kc-idetit Nava! Oll’u’er that similar arrangements are being made for communication w ith 1I.M.S. j Renown as in the case of the visit of; 1LM.S. Malaya last year. A temporary j tvleph *n will be installed ,11 the signal hut.’ on
    140 words
  • 366 20 Success of the Pulo Tikus Seminary. For the first time in the history of Malacca, writes a correspondent, an ordinativn .eu-viee was held at St. Francis iChurch on Sunday, 19th instant at 8 a.m., 'the priest-elect being Lee Teck Motif, a Itiative of Ayer Salak. His Lordship
    366 words
  • 100 20 Mr. James \Vick» u. of I’umrth. Redruth. st&lt; oi Aies.-rs. Abbott and Wicketi, chan'ii an i* (iopenp Consolidated., and other mining companies member of tlv- Council of the Cornish Chamber of Mims, J.l*. for Cornwall, and a prominent Methodist layman, who died •n
    100 words
  • 104 20 RLLVA.V On March 1, 1 !*iiJ. at oj, Xtn-t i«» Load. Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Aiithi.nj L. hclvHti, a c*iiufliter. hh JON'O, On'March L’, Lil’l’. jit tin* Medico Surgical &lt;!:r.ic. Thomson R**ad. to VI r. an! ■Ir&gt;. M. n* Jong, laughter. ON’S'M.ILJiK. On February 27. lpjo t ti
    104 words
  • 90 20 1.1. I 1 f,\ L&gt; On Pel,runty 2S, l! 22, at the I’re.shyterian Church, Singapore, iit h* n, Rohert, eldest son of tile late -ames Rent, n. Perth, Scotland, ti .learne Athol, younger daughter of J. Alfred, Levey, Shan,Ion, Melbourne, Australia. \M:STi:\DA!IP cross. On February *»7 at St. AmU’ew’s
    90 words
  • 151 20 liAllUS' v Sinfapore, March 1 On London. Rank 4 m/s 1 Demand o/,*i I’rivate *‘i m. credits 2/4 ;•&gt; On New York Demand -i.y Private DO days r.,,* I On France, Hank 1 On India, Hark T. T. 17TL On ilonfk’tif Hank d, d 2‘» p.e. on'o*
    151 words
  • 441 20 MINING. Sinfapore, March *J. Is&gt;ue. Val. I’d. Buyers. So: or.I I Ay**r Mr 1 1 1 II'turn Tin 1.20 l.tlo i j**.-.t't.t.r 0 (if 1 J han Tin 0.70 1 v'l Kam. K immtinf 1.12.6 1.15.0 1 r i' J K mt.s A»**r 1.50 4^0 Lbift’
    441 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 90 20 NOTICE Tin* post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries i- .'‘.i J a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $11 a year to any part of tite world. It is not necessary to uh'cribe for a year. The subscriptions
      90 words
  • 73 20 OKA I lls HL 'RA DA. On February 23, Rt22 at ''esidt no*, N’o. *7, Nelegie Roa,|“\I,s-, de M 1 fiindii, in her 77tli ve i I*I'd I i'.N'S, 'pi el.r um j R t In hi 82nd MOW At his resid, r„*e, H;,nd;. HMir, Malacca. Mr. Si„v.- Y.’sn. v;
    73 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 73 1 (.riural l&gt;i» r It 111 Iftn-ijjr i' i; !i&lt;&gt;» t I I'it y 1 ~,i iiiililuT Return* i; I*. A ociat ion i: Auctions ii-ui. ts Jitis.n c 1/ *:uhl*« r 1 i ,1. fiMindfi |;.u.i', i i .m.pan.v 1 Vtiiu* :mvJ Report—- .v -tii.. V... nr UuM*«i ;M».
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    • 415 1 I' "f rubier for the assessment &lt;f &lt;:utv f.&gt;r ;i,*• period February 17 to F-bna *&gt; 11'22. inclusive, is 21) cents P r puunc. ti being two cents below ti.i hiuF-'t pr &lt; obtained for first grade at th- Singapore auction during i’*c wi k cv.-imjr February
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    • 780 1 The following are the minutes of a meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee held at Penang oil Friday, February 7. 1022. There were present The Acting Controller of Labour, S.S. and F.M.S. (Mr. \V. Peel) Chairman, the Principal Medical Ofliccr« F.M.S., (Dr.
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    • 67 1 'The Straits Times is r.ot responsible fo lie opinions of its correspond* nts. Cori**? ■ondents shoulil bear in mind tlint letter nust he short and to the point. I.on •ambling epivtlt s are liable to be rejocied o •uthlcssly cut down. Correspondents mis nclosc their names, not necessarily fo
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    • 638 1 To the Editor of the Straits Tunes. Sir, A circular issued to the shareholders of Allenby Rubber Co., Ltd., by their secretaries, Messrs. Harrisons and Cmslield, &lt;»f Kuala Lumpur, i- a documer.t which furnishes mucii food thought. This food moreover see ms ..auseatintr and indigestible and likely
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    • 306 1 A (iovernmenl (Jazette F.xtruon'i'iiary aas issued on Monday further anvndin.’.r iru'inanco Id? iF.M.S. Kxport Muties 'dd lection by deleting the words Rubber Any cultivated rubber l inelud na latex”) and the items of export duty mder that heading and by substituting herefor Rubber Any cultivated rubber t
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    • 2694 2 The annual tr&lt;neral meting of Lunas Rubber Instates, wu- hold at th" iegistercd &lt;&gt;f 1 i&lt;■ &lt;• w of tin* company, I 1 rench Hank Buddings, on M';iaJa&gt;. with Mr. I*. M. Robinson in Hi' idiair, tin* other prc vent being tin*
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    • 386 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 27. A general meeting of the pi unt As-*.c at’.e.n ef Malaya was he el j n f i i.i.mder of Commerce at Penang t,,. 4i V'itd Mr. (i. Cummin in the chair Mr. M. Kcnnnway gave particular,
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    • 224 2 Alor Hukit.— l.iil«i s. Amalgamated- 22,'574 lbs. Iiukit Kiara—20.000 lbs. Rrooklands 72,’&gt;00 lbs. Meri.nang— 25, 1:; 1 lbs. Halau—27,024 lbs. Hukit Kepong—10,020 lbs. hembong—.'12,007 lbs. Chela.— Is,.*#00 I its. &lt; or.nemara—7..’&gt;40 lbs. I7«rrang— 20,020 lbs. Fosbrrrr—4,40.*&gt; lbs. (Ileiishiel—20,120 lbs. Hamilton— 8,700 lbs. Itidragiri Rubber Limit'd.—00,451 lb.-. .1
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    • 1195 3 lion, secretary of the /.puttee of the Dollar Rubier Association, sends the following v;c c .ci'.inys ol a public meet* a* (K .|j ;t the Town Hall, Kur.'.a X l*"" un September 20, 1021, and at eli»«i-ur resolution was passed
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    • 320 3 An extraordinary general meeting was i.ilii on Wednesday at the office of tie &lt;elritaries, Messrs. Harrisons .and Crcsield, of the Allenby Rubber Co., Ltd., to ulopt reconstruction in conformity wi h lu circular already published. According to the Malay Mail, Mr. (J. D. Mathewrcn, the
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    • 748 3 T he 540th auction of the Singapore &lt; humbci of Commerce Rubber Association was held yesterday, when there wascatalogued 1,7.18,Bod lbs. (tons 7715..1L’). O.IVred 1.4G«‘{,7&lt;».’&gt; lbs. (tons 7). Sold 1,270,092 lbs. (tons 567.41. PRICES REALIZED. Kibbed Smoked Sheet Cents per lb.
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    • 353 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 1. A point of vital importance t every British and foreign' company, wherever it may be registered, hut carrying on business in the F.M.S. is at issue in connection with an application which has been
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    • 180 3 Air. J. M. S.'itie presided at an extraordinary general meltin'? of the Singapore (hamber of t onimeive Ituhher Association held &lt;.n Monday, and moved the adoption of the revis'd ru es and bye-hw u After tin explanation of eertain alterations in the proofs the rules wen* carried unanimously.
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    • 141 3 Our I poll rorre pomlent wire that All. (irahurn, the ehairman of toe IP t im? I’ndang? Planters’ Assoeiatmn, pres.d •&lt;! at a lari?e gratherinj? at tin* grenera! nnolini? &lt;&lt;n February 2'!. Tim &lt; hairio; tended a welcome to the hi.drict Oiliees, Mr. Willi ants. The
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    • 860 4 have some more facts possibly for the IV A. M. mecing. The chairman stated that there was only a week, and that he agreed with Major Gough. A proposition by Major Gough, seconded by Mr. Hayton, that the election of delegates arid the framing
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    • 612 4 A YER MOLEK RUBBER CO. Working Expenses Rigidly Reduced. The twelfth annuul ordinary general meeting of the shareholders in the Ayer Molek Rubber Company Ltd., was held at the company's office, 71 Heeren Street, Malacca, on Tuesday, February 14, with Mr. Tan .liak Hoe in the chair. There wer«* also
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    • 111 4 Messrs. Aldens’ Successors (Eastern) Limited, inform us that their London wire, dated Fob. 27, reads as follows Price 7 ‘xd, stocks 67,664 tons.” Account:* t»f Rcmbia Rubber Estates for year elided September 1921, show defied of 11,894, which deducted from balance in hand leaves £9,900 carried forward.
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    • 1000 4 Stock stock Par Exchange Par Exchange Value. Company. Trices. Value. Company. Prices. February I. February 1. L‘l Anglo-Mu I ay 18/9 IT Lendu \\f £1 Bakap Plantations 12/ ll Lumut 24/(5 ill Banteng (Selangor) 22/C
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 280 5 mjIllllER’S lYaENIQUE wxnnE (KOE LADIES) waste NO time L.fd and Proved for Yooro. diately 7&gt; ,U 0,, T d, 0r,, r f th jggedliite 1 n .inn. Mlvinr* ‘uk« Kourntor*. Hycontqu. quirkly romovo. .11 .ufforiM. ure i* nothinf to equal it. Anything bo Widely Known. It is justly deseriad
      280 words
    • 72 5 ADVERTISEMENT SPACE AVAILABLE in these columns. Particulars on application to the MANAGER, STRAITS TIMES. PROCESS BLOCK ENGRAVING WANTED immediately a process block engraver. Good wages' to an efficient worker. Apply personally between 3 and 4 p.m. or if in the F.M.S. or Java, write to the MANAGER, STRAITS TIMES. CASH
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 RWU IN 4iwiNiiiimiiiiM«nfiuiiiiiiliMnHmiM fi What is It f i' y vvjr v '’'V** K**' f fa IL X' 4 g v it t- t .T.-V THE BEST OIL MEN PRODUCES FOR T ,000 USES.' Jidmitted by Users all over tfje World. USE ONLY THREE-UE r t &gt; For TYPEWRITERS, GUNS,
      86 words