The Straits Budget, 20 January 1922

Total Pages: 26
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BF.ING THF WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES" VOL I.XXVI NO. 3336 Singapore, Friday, January 20, 1922 luSlAm.lGIIKli OVKIi THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 323 1 adeks- illie* hi < anm.-. |unit*ipul Finance. I Bnanu K»t.r >. 1 l Kite Australia. trait- Trading ompany. il n. W ural ,01a! and Personal j** rJii r‘« Ser\ ii* mu a Lumpur Note.-. Malaya's Badge. In Mur vipal t>. 1 .•irislativr Council. 8 Jtgri Sembilau 1 dgc Instalat'«
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  • 4783 1 Mr. I*. A. Anthony ha* come to Singapore. Mr. H. Oxenhani has returned to Penang. Mr. H. W. Firmstone is livinp at Hippie near Dover. Reuter cables news of tin* death of Mr. Edgar Bundy, A. K. A. Lady Treacher is now livinp at Park**sli ne, near
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    • 375 3 Krt tkh's Skkmce. I. January 11- \j,. I.loyd George handed M. H 1 ,|Vaft of the Anglo-French Pact B: 1 if lVrlan.1 «1 to the to-morrow. London January 11. B iomr aide-memoire was I ,a X.i tA* Brian*!
      Krt tkh's Skkmce.  -  375 words
    • 206 3 I. 'rulon, January 11. *t M. Briand is not a fro« i fu'ly demonstrated by tht 1 publican combination in the Peputics, numbering 42. who luiion and telegraphed M. :i lft that the Chamber t i ratify the new con- rir.anv which were to the :t f
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    • 273 3 I*,, London, January 12. f < ’.at la oi r, r m h C ahini *t MinisSoviet <l|!, 'il«l be exacted bo:, f ~artkulttr:y 411,1 K*, a fnormous debt ,l "idholders, before admitting Russian delegates to the economic conference at Genoa. The opinion is expressed that M.
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    • 166 3 London, January 11. Washington The Japanese have tentatively agreed to the withdrawal of their •roops from the German Kiacchow leasehold and from the Shantung railway, on •ondition that. China furnishes adequati police protection. The Japanese suggest'd that the withdrawal of the railway ruards should he treated separately from
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    • 124 3 London, January 11. Johannesburg The Men’s Federation .as .requested General Smuts to call a nnt meeting of employers and the Foderaion. The Unions demand a withdrawal f all ultimatums and n: tices ami no furlier reduction in wages until the margin H'twi'iii assumed and actual increase in
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    • 89 3 London, January 11. Mr. Griffith is summoning the Southern Parliament, elected last May, to meet in Dublin Mansion House on the 14th inst.. for the ratification of the Treaty and the .‘stablishment of a provisional government. London, January 11. P„* have decided not to attend the Southern Parliament
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    • 36 3 London, January 12. Washington At a conference with Mr. Hoover and Mr. Lasker, chairman of the Shipping Boaid. President Harding agreed that the board’s vessels which arc now idle should carry grain to Russia.
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    • 149 3 London, January 12. It is r.ported from Washington that there is anxiety in r sponsible quarters lest Holland should drop out of the nine pow 4*' agreement and request that any reference t her East Indian empire be limited to a careful
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    • 101 3 London, January 12. Rome* It is reported from a trustworthy source that negotiations are progressing to reconstitut the Banea Dis■ with Italian and foreign capital. Mr. Otto Kahn, of the United States, and M. Dreyfus, of Paris, are expected to participate in the new concern. The Italian commercial
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    • 69 3 London, January 11. Geneva The first session of the Council of the League of Nations was >pened publicly under the presidency of Heer Hymans. The Council approved of 'he constitution of a permanent mandates commission, also the report of Sir Eric Drummond on a permanent Court of
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    • 42 3 London, January 11. The South Wales Siemens Steel As elation of Swansea have reduced the »r c of steel bars by 7s. tid. per ton t< t’7 7s. (id., equivalent to a quarter of the var t me price.
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    • 44 3 London, January 12. Madrid The Cabinet has resigned. It is believed that the resignation is due to he King’s refusal to sign the decree dissolving the military juntas, otherwise the Auers’ organisations, which was present'd by the Minister of War, Senor Lacierva.
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    • 52 3 London, January 12. Washington A cost price bill was introduced in the House of Representatives authorising the construction of a channel connecting the great lakes with the sea via Wall End Canal and the »St. Laurence river, the expense to he equally borne by .he United States
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    • 38 3 London, January 11. Mcibourn Mr. Hughes denies the umour.- Hat Mr. Pearce, th:* Australian representative at the Washington C inference, is remaining in America. He ays that Mr. Pearce would return to Vustralia after the conference* closed.
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    • 54 3 Paris, January 11. The Japanese Kmperor’s broth r. Prince Sirakawa. has arrived at Marseilles on Jiis way to Paris for a lone sojourn for the purposs •of studying Prench mstit ut ions. The Krcneh naval ship Astrolabe Lap n»use. specially fitted for hydrographical survey, ha- left Toulon
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    • 634 3 Reuter’s Service. London, January 12. Ihe centre of interest in international polities has liven temporarily shifted from Lannis to Paris where early sensational icvclopmcnts are expected with regard to th.* fate of the proposed Anglo-French Pact,
      Reuter’s Service.  -  634 words
    • 130 4 London, .January Id. New York Thrwere killed and •»(> in jured through a hurricane. The win* sometimes blow at a hundred miles an hour. Pedestrians wcr* often blowr under the wheels of traffic. Lon lon, January 11. Washington The Senate has upheld the right of Senator Newberry
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    • 136 4 Prince <>f Wales’s ('amp, Madras, Jan. Id, The I'rince of Wales arrived at Madras on Friday mnrning early after a very calm and restful voyage in the Duffcrin from Rangoin. He met with a con Jin I reception from very largo crowds in spite »»f tin inevitable
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    • 81 4 London, January 12Washmgton 'I he Sino-.lapanese delegates have agreed on the details for tin construction of three extensions to tie Shantung railway in Kaiochow leasehold. The first two, namely Tsinan fu-Shunteh and Raomsu-Chowfu, will he built by an international group, probably tie- existing e >nsortium, while the
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    • 84 4 London, January 12. Washington: The Cunard Line has sent a letter to tin- representatives of the Immigration Committee stating that investigations showed an error in the Secretary of I.a hour’s accusations in connection with the imposition of the tines, (for bringing an excess of the permissitde ratio of
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    • 64 4 London, January 12. The Huguc The trial of the persons accused of complicity in the bomb outrage here in November last, when part of the House of Major Verspyck, a member of the court martial which tried the case of the military defaulter at (Iroenendaal, was wrecked,
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    • 42 4 London, January 12. Calicut The death sentences on the two notorious rebel chiefs and four followers have been carried out. London, January 12. The India Office announces that Kunharned Hadji, the principal leader of the Moplah insurgents, has been captured.
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    • 22 4 London January 12. (ienerul Tsing, representing the Chinese air service, visited the French aeroplane works at Villa Coil lav.
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    • 25 4 London, January 12. The Hope has tolegruphed to the King his congratulations on having contributed effectually to the great work of peace in Ireland.
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    • 472 4 IiKt tkk’s Service. London, January Id. Mr. Briand’.* rosignatinn comes as a b tt«*i* disappointment to British hopes. It has torprdi < d the Cannes conference iid possibly also tin* Genoa conference, ’or it is considered
      IiKt tkk’s Service.  -  472 words
    • 162 4 London, January 1 Paris Tbe text of the proposed AngloI* re rich pact was handed to M. Briand by Mr. Lloyd Ccorgc on the 11th and has bt ell published. In consists of live short a h to Hie effect that firstly, in the c nt of direct
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    • 271 4 London, January Id. Liusscls It is rcpni'tcd from Cannes 1 at Lord Cur/.oii and the Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs have agreed on the basis of the Anylo-Belgian agreement. I-ondon, January I d. < an lies I'lie Reparation Committee of hie conference has decided to grant (iormany provisional delay.
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    • 145 4 London, January 1'5. Cannes In the course of a friendly memorandum to Mr. Lloyd George Italy betrays regret at the Anglo-French pact being limited to one frontier, expressing the opinion that an agreement covering the whole Kntente would better serve the aims of the pact. Mr.
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    • 116 4 London, January 14. Johannesburg The Workers' Federation has taken a drastic* step, announcing that a'I essential services will he withdrawn o i Saturday morning, protesting that employers were substituting scab labour, a) so that the Government rejected the h ederution s offer to work the coal mines.
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    • 133 4 London, January 14. I be ourt of Session at Kdinburgh today found for the plaintiffs in the action v the Standard Oil Company of New lock versus the* Clan Line, for loss of V;™’ l I ,oar l the Clan Cordon in July u i vt ssl
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    • 56 4 London, January 14. Paris: Th. commission of inter-Allied jurists which was invited by the Supreme °H n< 1 to K've an opinion on the Leipzig judgments on war c riminals has submitted a unanimous resolution demanding i 1 nM; ‘ny be required to surrender tne accused men
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    • 27 4 London, January 14. Manila Ki K ht .leaths IY„m rlm|,. ra a>vum,| in Ilia |.i,-t fortnight. Ki B ht.v-..„c ii• l eleis are isolated.
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    • 593 4 London, January i; Reuter learns that several members ,t I the British delegation at Washington ar I pr ice -ding home on January 14, I Balfour and Lord Lee have decided that ;t is necessary for them to remain, and the I d lie
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    • 108 4 London, January 1 Messrs. S. and Company’s annual mdiarubber market review estimates that the t< tal shipments from the Hast in 1 \\ere 208,000 tons. Stocks in London aiul Liverpool increased from 50,000 to 77, non. but stocks in the Hast and America weir reduced by about 40,000,
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    • 33 4 London, January l Adelaide: Alarmed at Mr. Barwen statement, the Labour party has issued a manifesto urging the* workers to light tbe movement for the introduction of coloui 1 1 labour.
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    • 285 5 Madras, January 14. rumour that there has ■l-l.H'. u r Viotors wholesale since the kll! t ''V;l arrived. Making enqui■n hij-hc-st oflicial sources late B learnt that it is >;»awn ,llL uf deaths as the result ■t thv that time all was
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    • 118 5 H London. January I I. H|ii So .alien: Parliament met at DubH) at: i unanimously ratified the Anglomaty. The Pe Valeraites were Bn 111. I.oiulon. January 14. Bt-i Si hi ii Parliament of Ireland has I'.ti-l a provisional government, sevoHl of v.-a ati Pail ministers, including Hi<!
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    • 61 5 London, January Id. 11 r :11 Alienhy has rest* indoc Hf" ‘‘eearding tlu* seizure of tin uhte fumis. London, January 14. s Axially explained that K' 1 n <>y’' proclamation does not rila X{ 't'on of control of the 1111 ,t l Linds. On the contrary meaHf 'V‘! i
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    • 59 5 London, January 14. B'rt a tlm f il t 1 i l.- n,,w s i atefl that the rem K| h« refused to sign the BL n; l l -riJ mC u h offi( crs organisation Hlajcstv [t explained that His Biitun it to postpone sigm form heu Xp(t
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    • 68 5 H London, Janu ary 1,1, a fi/.rr 11 t,ic ijca Kuo of K fhiru-.,.. r, m r r? lut,on move <l by ''btaini,, jr neces' 1 Ut ,V <f or t,K Purpost ivcriinKrits V m^ rnia tion from ai 'y*fie,a,al w tt S Secrc- f i«l mc» *injr of
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    • 33 5 I 11• w London, January Id. I ).oon n ;;r:r: lth ,,f r I I” ,J ‘We from st(itk bi-inp 1 a U| id< i writ ten at PHee of 1,7
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    • 362 5 Rev-ter's Service. London, January 14. Paris Mr. Lloyd George is proceeding home. He conferred for an hour and a half with M. Poincare and afterwards with the Belgian Premier and Minister for Foreign Affairs. London, January 15. Paris Mr. Lloyd George
      Rev-ter's Service.  -  362 words
    • 195 5 London, January 14. Washington The a.’reemcnt of Japan to transfer the administration of Kiaochow to China will become effective when a complete settlement has been reached on the Shangtung controversey. The Japanese also agreed to hand to the Chinese Government all documents necessary for the administration. London,
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    • 32 5 London, January 15. Johannesburg Despite the efforts of the extremists underground, the officials of the l T nion are unanimously in favour of maintaining the essential services in thimines.
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    • 26 5 London, January Id. The issue of t'4,000,000 ordinary and ight per cent, preference shar.s in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company is being underwritten next \v?cl..
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    • 401 5 London, January 15. The Prince of Wales’ arrival at Madras from Rangoon was marked by rather ugly but desultory rioting on the part of budmashes. It seems that the trouble originated in the Mohammedan quarter adjoining Government House. The mob ruslio 1
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    • 68 5 London, January 10. 1 he turbine cargo steamer Dinned built to the order of Alfred Holt’s for the China Mutual Steam Navigation Company has be n launched. The gni.-s tonnage i.* 10,000, The ve.v-ci will probably sail ii h spring. The same firm has also order'd
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    • 39 5 London, January 10. Washington: The Republican members of the Senate finance committee have tentatively agreed that the basis for assessing import duties should be the American wholesale price at the time the article was shipped to America.
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    • 62 5 London, January 15. Paris The tercentenary fetes in honoui of Moliere opened with an impressive ceremony in the Sorbonne, M. Millerano presiding. The’ great hall was thronged by literary, dramatic and distinguishes foreign delegates, present from evcvj port of the world, including China. There arc* special productions of
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    • 40 5 London, January 10. The Hague The Government has nominated Heer X< lens, professor at Amsterdam University, and lleer Vooys professor at Delft, as assessors of tin court of international justice to deal wit! eases arising from labour questions.
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    • 20 5 Lon ion, January 15. Delhi Lord Northcliffe ha arrived and i- the guert of the Viceroy.
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    • 390 5 Reuter’s Service. Lc.n l >n, January IG. China is likoiy t > be the centre of inleivst at Washington this wevk. It is ma n y tlr* Chinese questions that is presenting a sp e.y conclusion of th* < <>nfer nee so much
      Reuter’s Service.  -  390 words
    • 93 5 London, January l<’>. Johannesburg: Owing to the* strike large latches of natives are being marshalled in compounds for entrainment to various destinations in South Africa and Portuguese East Africa. London, January Id. Johannesburg The Chamber of Minehas agreed to a conference of s veil < n each
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    • 61 5 London, January Id. Mr. Charles Bell has returned to England. Interviewed by Reuter with regard to his mission to Tibet in November, I'.rJd, he pointed out that the mission reached agreement on all outstanding political questions. No treaty was made because none was desired. He emphasised that
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    • 43 5 London, January Pi. Washington Great activity by smugglers led to a search by the prohibition authorities which resulted in the seizure of a rum running aen plane on the Mexican border. The 1 freight consisted of l'J'l bottles of liquor.
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    • 34 5 London, January Pi. The department at Dublin Uastl bavin n formally handed over t> the Irish provisional govermn nt by Lord l-'it/.alan on behalf of the King in Privy C ,ined to-day.
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    • 235 6 pari: January Tin* new cabinet is virtually farmed info lows: Premier and Minister f >» Foreign Affairs, M. Poincare; N ice Premier and Minister f Ju v t < M. Lartlioi Interior, M. Maoinmry I inaiu .>1. Ih-lastcyrie War and I*• n. ion .1. Ma^inot Edm-al n, M.
      235 words
    • 157 6 Lend* n, January 17. A meeting of th A-sociated hanibers of oinim rce of (ireat Britain has passed a resolution urging the government to further improve the British < onsular --or ice in order to facilitate British trade abroad. Sir (J-orge Beiiwick, M.P., in moving the resolution,
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    • 99 6 I,< lull.ii, January IT. Wir liinyt'ii President llardiny ha? 1 rair nut Ini without comment to tin Si'iiah* tin’ joint commissions' report, i commcndiny tin* crration of tin* Great Lakes to Atlantic scheme. Tin* cnyinecrs v| injiti* that tin* cost of a foot cliunne. on tl Saint
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    • 72 6 London,January Id. Washington The finance coniniittee of the Senate has approved the Allied debt funding bill with a few modification, notably elimination of the original provision fixing tin* rate of interest at not less than live per cent. The senate adopted Mr. Met orniick’s resolution, similar to Mr.
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    • 58 6 London, January 17. The clash between the civil and the ini'itary authorities in Spain, which evnk cd a crisis, has result s) in vindication 'if the former. All the officers’ committees, the so called juntas, have now signified submission to th constituted authority, whereupon the Maura cabinet,
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    • 27 6 London, January I*• Calcutta The chairman and IT! others were nrrvsted when the local congress attempted to hold meetings in contravention of the Government notification.
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    • 627 6 JiKt TKU’S SKRV1CF. London, January IT. Was Ida. t on A communique states that an mider-'tnnding ha lien reached ri •rardin," th- transfer of the Kia ich iu t' injn t rat 1- n to China. The S;iio-Japm r;,nfi r nee has begun
      JiKt TKU’S SKRV1CF.  -  627 words
    • 64 6 London, January IT. I'nr is An, :'o French diplomatic discussions have a r ady started. In a cordial interview with Lord Cur/on M. Poincare discussed Fran* > British problems, particularly the eastern question. H* agreed that solution o!‘ the latter ouylit not to hi dt'ferr d urtil
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    • 36 6 London, January 17. \N ashington An earthquake shock, described as vciy severe and estimated to ba\e occurred 2,500 miles south of NN a. hinptoii, wo recorded by seismograph nt midnight, |t, lasted over an hour.
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    • 112 6 London, January IT. in ut me of the committee under th,* chairman hip of Sir Stephen Demet* riadi established in 1 t<* diseuss the conditions which certain shipowners endeavoured <o impose regarding It. i.u honyward hills of ladinx the federation „f British Traders’ Associations was f rnied
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    • 94 6 London, January IT. Tv.a td\-fo-:r European nations hav. h in invit.d '.o the (lenoa Conference in a id ti n to ti I iiitcd States ami Japan It i- still <i< tlilful wh tlr-r the Ilritisl 1)■ millions will he i pres tiled. London, January IT. It rim
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    • 83 6 London, January IT. Khvtn liw were l »st throuxh tin luirnuix in tie. North Sea of the (rcnnan -t ;liner \esta after tin* carx-* of naphtha ha J explmled. One boat was destroyed tnd a.t.nthcr r>\ ept away hy the heavy sea. I hr c men were
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    • 64 6 London, January 17. The receipt of applications for the live and a half pec cent. Treasury bonds due on May la, ltt.'JO, terminated nt the dost of bu incs- to-day. On and after January application; will ho received for the i-' su of five per cent. Tr'usury bonds
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    • 55 6 L tidon, January IT. Paris A t. w ileparture f*»r raiding ,v '•‘■y hi a for* ign country l as been taken by th Seine < -partnu-nt. which has been authorised to issue t'.'t.OOO.OOO worth <f bond in Loud, n at interest of sev n pei ■ijo. t
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    • 39 6 London, January 17. Johannesburg, official: As a result of -I'.is- morning's conference between tlu Chamber of Mines and th** Industrial -.t.--u ii i. hoped that proposals will -e submit!-d resulting in settlement of the cal dispute.
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    • 30 6 London, January 17. Washington It is odh inlly Mati-d that mii I V Kl dealing with the fundinr or Allied debts meets with President Hard mg s approval.
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  • 146 6 f s mu- official inquiries made r rentiv in •veantan shew that the price at which nee is sold to ie labour forces on estat.s varies from 10 to :>2 cents per gantang. i«- < is ate sc s at cents a gantang up to I
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  • 648 6 (From our Own Correspondent! H Kuala Lumpur, January I Two xentli men who have h»hi, Ur ,’.,jH in Malaya in the cause of eilucati (in severinx their connection with th. one permanently and the other t,.„, rily. The first is Mr. Bennett the respected head of the
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  • 207 6 A home paper in yivinjj details of sonic of the new armorial bearings which arc bciny yiven to ships of His Majesty’s Navy includes the Malaya. The bailee is follows and is descriptive of the vessel a-** all tin badges are intended to be.— Badyc tildes, a
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  • 169 8 I II'*' nr\i mi tini’ yf t hf I ,e filial i\'t• oiineil will he held un Monday next and 1 1 1 1 mmix i at ci :ifriin1 1 mI wdIt j loiij.' of L I lay. Tin* Ttcasii <r will 1" .in \tcfi ini f *L*o,n»»(i
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  • 168 8 Before the Lh’tf .lustice. Sir Wnlter Shaw, a ease was commenced last week ‘‘"lit imiisl on M-.inlay in which Me -is. a'han <> w II and ('o. me j.m, \y. t p n h'J-ine mi' 1 I II style f the I fiited Import and Tradiim <
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  • 692 8 The trial of foui Chinese, Chin Simon hob, Chin Sam. Chin See and Wong Xgee, which opened at the Assizes before Mr. Justice liarrett-Lennard, on January 12, was continued and concluded on the ];;th, the ai.iiig' Soiicitoi'-lGenerul, Major 'Langley, M.C., prosecuting
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  • 132 8 I he installation nievtinir «»f the Noi»ri Semhilan Lndirc was lud t S-mnihan on L mm.r;.' 7 when Mr. V. A. T-n-ler instiled I’m. \V. H. Monil.r.vs as \V. M. for !h" «ttsn uvr ear. Follow'-ur v the other '-r..e;' f. the year I. V Wor.
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  • 566 8 A number of bankruptcy matters before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter on Friday, amongst them tin* ca.-e ~f/ Chinese, named Chin Kwong Ching Mr. (I. B. Kellagher, the A- -ti nt Official Assignee, stated that th* examination of this bankrupt had
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  • 249 8 1 here appeared to he some hitch in the arrangements made on the 12th for cm II ing the Kilted Company of the Volunteers with due eclat. The idea was that th"s« who had given in their names to j< in the
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 578 10 (From Our Own orrcspondcnL.) I*«• ii;tnv r Januaiy I2. Gloii it weather prevailed fur tlx-si-emin a\ rarifir ;if I f 1:111 j*, ;i 11 r;•« ling a luri attendance. The going wii- x rellcn il t* fui|i v> mi< were tlx rent, ts
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    • 419 10 S. and I he Staffords. I he match which opened thi* S.C.C. rncket M-ason on Saturday had -ome feeing.,. r, on t attached to it. for Jt was ,M the natuie ot a farewell to those very l ood friend of the club >, tin* elt-v«n of m South
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    • 90 10 Iv J. Riches c Dick ills h Rennie S 5 G. Clarke c Caryll b Clarke 20 11. M. Ccntrell c Lee b Clarke 3 H. T. Holder b Caryll 12 A. Cullrii <• Clarke b Junes.Mitton 7 A. 11. Assiter not out 22 G. K. 11.
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    • 34 10 f f.o 21 1 Lt. G. Rennie, two for 21 Lt. F. A. J. Caryll, •me for 2d; ('apt. J. H. W. Joncs-Mitton, m for ,s ,t. M. hi Hot, none for 31.
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    • 98 10 Lt. C. Simpson b Westwood !.t. G. S. Helinie Ibw b Westwood ]-J Id. I*. A. J. ary 11 st. Cantrell h Westwood Lt. S. I-’. Clarke c Westwood b Hrander •>(-, G' pt. Green Ibw It Westwood .J G;i]»t. J. 11. W. Joncs-Mitton Ibw b (i 11 Hit
      98 words
    • 45 10 We tWood, seven for 15; R Hr-Midi. uni- fur IS; (i. ntlp h-| lir n 'j, 1 1 I F- -1 Riches, nmii* f.,»• 5 A 'f J r,, r. A 11 a v sit,*r, f'* 1 14 R. T. Mulder, none fe.r 22.
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    • 419 10 I < 'i M A., who are la-coming a force koned w ith in local cricket, scored win over the S.R.C. Saturday. »>;»t»vd fir t and were out for ot Wli h I,ei issuis made a very good K KM| ""t-'' l
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    • 559 10 Tin tlcrd ot the series of races for the* Soun rville Bowl will take place on Sunday morning. Club course. Start 10 o’clock. Rercentage handicaps, 3*y hours limitThe Small Class will race for Rhy’lis 11! Cup. Start 10.30. Usual course. Owners and crews of boats are requested
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    • 942 10 Malacca Heats Negri Sembilan I Tlu* rugger game cn the Radang n i. I uary 12 did not furnish any brilliant and with several regular first fifteen away a lot of interest was j,, st Colours w. rj better forward and th, having a rather scratch three line th,.
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    • 171 11 a Malacca correspondent *nte. h *vv read in your issue of thi 10th account of a meeting m the r M ’aiding a cricket tournament. 1 t,,-,,naiiiciit. in addition to the Sin a■n’j <hows the cricke'in* oint I be ieve the Malacca Club, ".“Vlub attached with a
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    • 180 11 I, till* S.C.F.A. league on Saturday AthUtu* beat Straits United lV jl i,. Konjr l’n Soli scored the goal. \V' Star’s victory over Aston United n;i» m. I>y the only goal scored. Uim {,).n. S'idi was the scorer. .cairuc ’1*11 l»l»*. 1» W L I)
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    • 105 11 Tl mr.ual meeting of the Singapore *'tshu Clult will be held at the Extoatiju Friday, January 27 at 6.15, r\ft' i tii. ordinary business the meeting j ot>: icr the following suggested ><!'. t mi to the rules ihi jj The committee may a! 1 hold further
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    • 123 11 1 l: u vt 11 hockey match between Staffords or the f nr. i r l ■’•lay end *<l in a drew -tach score I for the club in an.! (’apt. Lee equalised for n the second. l, r > fi'i '"Hi intiTestimr staim.. with i-uii f t j.‘,
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    • 29 11 arpentier. ti "il.ti'.'ir,""", fmm Anwlfs i. O. ».ps. y-s V ni p* S(, y is willing Z ,n t Lon,|,,n if thf pro! I" vide* suitable;
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    • 21 11 1 mon fianie. m“ "l.;' a, ua ry -talcs Au.t! t < wu. th< r »W«T by twi
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    • 421 11 The famous billiard player H. W. Stevenson, ex-champion of Britain, arrived .n Singapore < n Wednesday, and daring the next few* weeks people in Malaya will have opportunities *1 witnessing his ski 1. This afternoon at .’>.15 he w li engage in a match
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    • 122 11 A Reuter wire of January Id states tPat Descamps. Carpentier’s manager, says that after the match with Lewis Carpentier will possibly seek another fight with Dempsey. Kvidently Carpentier’.- victory over C »"k has given him confidence again. A Reuter wire from New Yolk states Gat in a twelve
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    • 51 11 ;>* r deorari f the 17ih i’-sf. fates that at the National Sporting (dub i a twenty round contest for a purse of Dick Smith. ex-cruiser weight cham- r -f T -itr.ln b< at \lh >r* M.I. A i ar. cr.;e „v w« r ht c! amph-n,
      51 words
    • 215 11 The monthly medal competition on the Huppel Golf (dub links will be played tomorrow and on Sunday and flu 1 ladies’ spoon on Monday. Thr results of the Christmas and New Year competitions at the Ktppel Golf C'ub were as follows: Christmas Eclectic Competition.— G. Paterson .‘U— 2 1
      215 words
    • 41 11 A Reuter wire of the 12th inst. states At the Albert Hull to-night Georgcb Carpentier, light heavy-weight champion of the world, knocked out George Cook, the Australian heavyweight champion, in ..lie fourth round.
      41 words
    • 211 11 On Tuesday the St. Francis’ Institution team and the Post Office team contested a tie in the first round of the Government nter-denariinvntal football competition in Malacca. From the start the St. Francis* did the pressing and, except for occasional inroads into their opponents’ territory by the
      211 words

  • 246 11 The B. I. steamer Purnea. (’apt. H. J Baker in command, which arrived »r Colombo recently from Tuticorin on inn usual trip, brought to Colombo 41 Maldiv ans, including five women and two children, whom the vessel had brought from Tuticorin.
    246 words
  • 288 11 \>* dai'day was the orcasa fi for llie n n in nt i f (!•>'.* Eurasian company of the volunteers, and ready and gratifying was the Eurasian community’s response to the call for recruits. The strength of the company was fixed at 158.
    288 words
  • 170 11 (From Our Own Uorrespondcnt.) Hongkong. January IK. A Straits Chinese name.i Yong Uhing Sung was arrested on board the Nagoya while n posse -ion of >'l2b,o‘M». He has been d:.\rgcd with embezzling $7n,000 and i. lor a week j»
    170 words
  • 50 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, January 14. David Tsoy, the Straits Chinese who escaped from his detention com on Christmas night, has u n arrested in Cunlon ami brought hack 21 Migkoag. II wus niter scnttU'”.*o to .-ix months’ imprisonn ent for the offence.
    50 words
  • 167 11 The directors of Muiai Tin Ltd., report that prospecting and development work on Ju* mine have proved so satisfactory that they have decided to inert asc the capacity of the crushing plant and make a number of improvements which will reduce costs and improve efficiency. To enable
    167 words
  • 121 11 he soc.a-fary f l u N::rt n 1 •‘rcdgb.g, writes For the half month ended January S. the dr«*-!.<;e worked Mo h mr digging 17.200 yards for a recovery of •>n piculs f'n or*. Sine* stnrfin r dlg.i’i •ip ration hir'i n cciV.i t >
    121 words
  • 80 11 A former Hongkong man named Mr < E. Macfarlane has been murdered in North B< rneo wlicrc he was engaged as manager on a rubber estate, states a Hongkong paper. The late Mr. Maefar lane was formerly attached to the R.G.A. at Lyeniomi and on comtdetion
    80 words
  • 78 11 the foverrcii has issued the following notification The Volunteer Ordinance. 192). having now become law,the Volunteer orps of the Colony as constituted under the pi i<) ’s On! nance a* to exist, and I desire to expres to officers, warrant olfi eers, non commissioned officers and
    78 words

  • The Straits Budget.
    • 1143 12 1 he whole of Kuropc. Straits Times, January I d. The object of the Allied onf'*n*nce at < anncs kcchis to ho to roach some definite understanding as to what hall be «Jon** about the German reparation payments, and in onnection with this there i a niovemet
      1 he whole of Kuropc. Straits Times, January I d.  -  1,143 words
    • 1101 12 Straits Times, January* 14. The Commission appointed by Ills Kxcelleficy the Governor to in<|uire into the financial position c»f the Singapore Municipality has completed its labours and Wallace printed it.- report. The document is largely technical and is designed rather for the guidance of the law maker and
      Straits Times, January* 14.  -  1,101 words
    • 1107 12 Bvra T- Times. January 1*’». ’I lie French political crisis is very e-'-avo misfortune, hut we do not see how -I. Df'and could have remained in the Yemiership under the conditions which |».mailed. He has had to carry on most •aih.-idi and vitally important nopotiations h Mr.
      Bvra T- Times. January 1*’».  -  1,107 words
    • 1129 13 -Straits Times, January 17. it -fvrrat years now since we incurred Hit i\ ';:!h of stalwart Australians Hi 'Unurstint tliat they might do worse themselves than mark off a portion of Northern Territory as a reserve for Hvata immigration. Some of the arguHit r.ts pat forward in reply
      -Straits Times, January 17.  -  1,129 words
    • 1427 13 v !l he joiners. S't rails Ti', •iMiiitry IX. Wo have road through the report of th Strait.' Tradinjr Co. with ionic d» <rroo if cart*, and the only definite opinion it has made or our minds i< that there have hoon serious differences of opinion between
      v !l he joiners. S't rails Ti', •iMiiitry IX.  -  1,427 words
    • 1345 13 ii iiit n;,i ncie Straits 'lime-. J .Hilary lit \7e have been lather tartled by tin* e lament .Mr. .In-tire Harrctt-Lennard has ven in the case of a not >rious seditioniKt, Syro Abdulla, who was arrested in the CuViiy after a banishtm nt had hern i. -nei! against
      ii «■ iiit n;,i ncie .. Straits 'lime-. J .Hilary lit  -  1,345 words

  • 361 14 \.Y .e re i V <d .Vo. 1 f tl -Hal f St ;.it I u i i I t he R-»yal A at ic ty It with t!i very little v. ii ib jei I i f .Maiaya'i Fishes and is t *en by Mi N. Maxvv
    361 words
  • 158 14 Wo art* n Tied to tho Registrar of Imports and Sports, Singapore, for tlu* following rilurn of Imports and Exports includint’ value of item in class I)., hullion and coin, for the* months of November and December, and totals for six months ending I >eci mher
    158 words
  • 144 14 At ITuioclioa, Dana, during the early p i t of Dcccinher a number of guests were present at a weddiny feast. Several days afterwards 20 of them were suddenly lei/.i-il with (its of vomitiny and colie. Tw< Ive die I in a sliort. time and the epidemic
    144 words
  • 532 14 Messrs. .Fraser and (!o., writing on tl 17th inst. state: The local share mar-, ket has remain 'd in a very uninteresting mdition throughout tlr past we Ic ami W( do not look for mucli improvement until after the Itituse New Year,
    532 words
  • 92 14 Murid Tin. piculs 4t»4.*51. .hawan .Mint*, uun N’o. l.'J. From Vecm'i* r i t i .January hours worked -1 ’i diidMn cubic yards, output -T.! bit;.. :i 'I in. Plant piculs L’2i), trihut pic it I ,|i. a ti ta! of piculs 2.AN.40. Kinta A ciation.
    92 words
  • 172 14 On Saturday, the Chi f Justice, Sir N' 1 a l. r Shaw, and Mr. Justice Barrett1,1 vi S *M to !•’ar a ihslrict Court appeal ia which I.iiii Cheng Swve appealed j > ti t ;i judgment of the civil district ''dvoied on X*»\
    172 words
  • 347 14 (From Our Own Correspondent., H Hongkong. January pj H The Chinese seamen have declared general strike-. Crews left the shir, jH large numbers, going to Canton. wise shipping i.- paralysed, and (Vnc'H sailings are suspended. The unions have made elaborate* I rangements
    347 words
  • 139 14 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, January IT An exciting seizure of smuggled Ciiu.est liquor took place in the early hour- f Saturday morning in Klang River It appears that on information received A S. I*. Langworthy and Chief Inspector Lxiniondie
    139 words
  • 135 14 < I* min Oir Own C respond nt.* Kuala Lumpur, Novembe’ I I he* local goveinnieni has earme’h' ttie sum of $7-1.0 i.) for cxjiendituie ;n ,,!i Mention with the Pri ;ce ol Wales' -M It is reported that the general
    135 words

  • 2038 16 Oil TucS*tJI,\ Ml -I I! 1 11 I «U I I 11 I <• 11 nurd deli;croit jij'iyim nt. in Dm in w)iicli thr alli'i'i'i imliiiM nt "in-t, •\W" Alxlulla, ua at tin* ji,i umu-.viuii: i t 1 i'KUih t
    2,038 words
  • 103 16 Me an officially informed that II.At.S. L.ahuriium will -arrive here on the 22nd uM "d h'.’ive on the 2<5tIi for RutuvitTcn to New Zealand. II. AL S. Hawkins. II.Mi," the flag of II. K. Allot ral So DuiL K.r.B., Goiiiinander-in-ch:ef u 11 arrive on the 21th and leave
    103 words
  • 781 16 During Novemh r an*i December last ji number »*f residences in and around the T-.nj-lin District" burgh t. and fur a hall! d the act;-, of th< Then the detective department got the scent v i .,*h detecti\ Insp.
    781 words
  • 54 16 (I om ()ur Own Correspondent.) It \T" ien .l inujiry 12. I "ust to 1 ’a* -old about 1 0,000 t ’tu ,V Or. 11. dell. > .Maj -Ju.m-Julv e.\-gi down. l,; I (msl sale* ueu crop so far an :no Picul*, of which i.utp.uso r, 1 i
    54 words
  • 263 16 An interesting ceremony took tl i. me Governor’s Office, Penang. day when H.E. Sir Laurence Gnin‘ •»' the Distinguished I- lyin die breast of Li ut Roger 11 <ji an assistant in the .shipping di ai of Messrs
    263 words
  • 576 16 The following editorial i* ft >.i Strjiit* Kcho of the loth insta: H Li passing sentence of i it: yl rig-mus imprisonment on a pri.*i i.* S n.gjipni’e. Mr. Justice Barrett said tluit hi had noticed adverse erit in the Malayan Press upon tin 1’ .S
    576 words

  • 291 19 f,/ ,h l-.-i.tir of the Straits Times. «‘»;iide under the i f 'nuI m«: umpany in your r. ,at ,'d you write with re•t f. u 1 lu,c v,un the war broke *"v» n,:,,.., a,, t *‘l to help tin 1 ‘‘\ert the
    291 words
  • 402 19 The Bexhill-on-Sea Observer of December IT, has the following account of the funeral of Dr. Middleton, who was for many years Principal Medical Officer, Singapore Municipality The funeral took place on Tuesday of Dr. William Robert Colvin Middleton, M.A., N. 1)., C.M., D.P.H., of 81, Dorset-road,
    402 words
  • 150 19 The Chinese sub-committee of the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital building fund acknowledge with thanks the following donations towards the expenses of the sale, concert and variety entertainment to be held at the end of this month at the St. Andrew's Mis don School and at the Victoria
    150 words
  • 256 19 In connection with the forthcoming Malaya-Borneo Exhibition, the AgriHorticultural section will consist of an Agri-Horticultural Show, in which agricultural products may be entered for competition from every part of the Malayan penin sula and from Borneo, Sarawak, Brunei ami Labuan. One section will be devoted
    256 words
  • 235 19 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 12. At the inqu.*st on the death of the late Mr. Doughty Smith, the verdict of the jury was thal death was caused by gunshot wounds fired by a person or persons unknown, presumably Chinese gang
    235 words
  • 94 19 The Division Commissioner for Singapore of the Girl Guide Association in Malaya writes as follows VVe have been asked from Headquarters t.o collect money for a wedding: present for Princess Mary. The Guides at home are clubbing together and it was thought by Lady Baden Powell
    94 words
  • 116 19 Before his departure on leave Mr Cranna of the Y.M.C.A. started a Marine Kxchanae Library, the idea Keina to enable mariners railing* at the port to exclmnae their small stock of hooks for a fresh set. Mr. Cranna, now back in Sinaapore, has resumed control of the
    116 words
  • 215 19 Series A. sl,o'J«> 7419. S.Vil). *****. $3)9. 5458 5241, <»l*m). 2057 $5O each. 0994 3(505 6084 8521 2839 5042 6387 9694 $lO each. 0004 1426 2784 4952 7136 0065 1616 3045 5309 7220 0363 1730 3111 5542 7249
    215 words
  • 222 19 The annual meeting of the Malaya l ranch of the British Medical Association will he held in Singapore on Friday, January 27, aid the following day. The imVting xvi 11 commence at 10 a.m. in King Edward VII Medical School. A presidential
    222 words
  • 183 19 Amotip the < utward passeiipers by the steamer Leicestershire were Mr. J. L. Beardon for Siopapore, Mr. W. McGrepor Burns, formerly of Kuala Lumpur, for Uanpoen, Mr. nd Mrs. L. D. Butler for Malacca (Mr. Butler’s fine voice and skill at the piano wire in considerable request) Mr.
    183 words

  • 64 20 Struit m Times is not responsible* for the bpiniui.N "f its l>onel<-nts should hear m mind that tt«*i must bo short and to th<* point. epi th < are liable to he rejected 01 ruthlessly cut down. <or respondent -e must enclose tlieir nain«*s, not nece sarily tot publication
    64 words
  • 288 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, About. two years ugn an att< i. pt was made hy the local hrancli ef tl*« British Medical Association to per. jo b tin* authorities at home to remove tin college from the list of those
    288 words
  • 509 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -Your various correspondents con firm rather than dispute the statement as to thv real objects outlined by the Pro indent of the Municipality at the genera’ meeting of some of the architects. As regards the qualifications necessary J should like
    509 words
  • 1038 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. .Sir, I can now speak from my own experience re a cerium phase of police udmiinstration, and 1 mu-t say that 1 can quite understand why even the most public-spirited men do not as a i ole take tin* trouble to
    1,038 words
  • 170 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. As will he seen from the notice in ymir advertisement co.unins. special n. ‘editing days are not b -ing set aside ii future. Ini riding re.-ruits may get their enrol •in-lit forms either from the Drill Hull oi the Clubs,
    170 words
  • 148 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.- A few days ago I not iced an article in your paper referring to the approaching visit of "Our Smiling Prince,” and asking owners and tenants of buildings on the route of the procession to decorate and illuminate their premises.
    148 words
  • 587 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Th only undisputed fact in your paper iv the Kilted (Ympuny fiasco last night is contained in your first sentence, There appeared to be some hitch, etc.” May ask wb was responsible for the arrangements as advertised And why.
    587 words
  • 349 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. H Sir.—Repeatedly have I been ucco-nM f late hy respectable Europeans who apH without work or means and unable to PI assistance anywhere and I wondiT has h.come of our charitable and institutions. The European untrapiwB meat fund is evidently only for
    349 words
  • 746 20 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The recent unprecedented fall in the value of the German Mark and th*. consequent heavy deals in them in Malaya and elsewhere in anticipation of a ri> 1 raises the interesting question to the appreciation of the Mark in the
    746 words

  • 297 21 To the Lditor of the Straits Times. B.Yr.-Should anyone ask, Wliat is the road i*i Singapore,” I feel sure that if answers were placed in a ballot box. Road would In ad the list of reB' 1 Thor,* is no doubt that the portion B
    297 words
  • 254 21 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The letter of Post CJraduate, which appeared in your paper of the 14th inst. reciuirts a reply. Doubtless the officer referred to in the first part of the letter is Lieut.-Colonel A. J. Hull. F.R.C.S. whose abilities are indeed
    254 words
  • 416 21 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Would you he good enough as to allow me a little space in your valuable dailv to point out that while mutton is at ‘cents at the non-Government stalls in the market, it is at 48 cents at the Government
    416 words
  • 72 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 10. At the annual meeting of the Menglem--7u Lode Syndicate, Mr. D. A. M. Brown residing, it was announced that the profit was $5,877 on the year’s working after providing for depreciation, development, tc. The mill was stopped in 1920 and is
    72 words
  • 84 21 Our Penang correspondent wires as follows. Invited guests were present at the dockyard of the Eastern Shipping Co. at Sun go i Nook on Saturday for the launching < f the Company’s latest steamer Koplah. i f 500 tons gross. The vessel is 180 feet long
    84 words
  • 114 21 Aneta Service. Weltevreden, January 15. At a big meeting of the native pawnshop union board it was proposed to stop the strike, but the strikers are not willing to do so and already many have been automatically dismissed. Ten cases of typhoid are said
    Aneta Service.  -  114 words
  • 78 21 Aneta Service. Weltevreden, January 13. Yesterday a strike broke out among native pawnshop employees in Djocjakarta, and to-day it has already spread to all the pawnshops in Djocja and environs. A general strike in all pawnshops in Java is now threatened, and other native organisations arc threatening
    Aneta Service.  -  78 words
  • 114 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 18. The Kedah and Siamese police are working together over the Doughty Smith case, and big rewards have been offered for the capture of the gang robbers. No arrests have yet been made. [Mr. Doughty Smith, manager of the Padang
    114 words
  • 88 21 !(U RTNKY On January 14. 192'- at Penang ihe wife of H. A. Courtney, Hongkong and Shanghai Rank, of a son. China papers please copy. ItODYK. On January 12, 1922. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of Air. 11. (i. Rod.vk, of a daughter. SHAW. On January 13,
    88 words
  • 79 21 DOUGLAS TK.MPLK. At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore on January 17, 1021! at 11.30, I>. S. S. Douglas to Margaret (Jeorgina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I'. Temple, Birkenhead, Kngland. KHOO ONG. At No. Sin Koh Street, off Walking It >ad, on January l<>. 1022, Khun Sinug Hoe, eldest
    79 words
  • 139 21 Singapore, January 19. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2 4 1/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 9/32 On New York Demand 48Va Private 90 days 50Va On France, Bank 570 On India, Bank T. T. 173V4 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 14 p.c. prem.
    139 words
  • 427 21 Singapore, January 19. MINING. !ss. t'al. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. I 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.30 1.40 1 1 Jelantoh 0.60 l £1 Rum. Kamunting 1.17.6 2.0.0 10 10 Kinta Asoc. 3.50 4.50 i 1 £1 Lahat Mines 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.00 4.50
    427 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 85 21 NOTICE The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countrie? is a year. The post free price of the Straits lludget is 511 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter
      85 words
  • 99 21 HEATHS .1ACK. At Sydney. Australia, suddenly January 12. 19*22, Alexander Jack of The Straits Trading < Ltd. < Hy cable 1. MATHEWS, On J; unary 16, 1922. at the General Hospital, Singapore, Theobald James Mathews. Age 21 years, lie haves a mother and four sisters to mourn his loss. WKK
    99 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 50 1 (•Mirra I I K. Kiililh i' M<<vomont min r KuMi' i' Return 2 I,oral Kuhhc.* \mi ion Rubber Produeers -soriat iom Meetings and Reports—iVrnk River Valley I Brook lands Rubber I ludragin Ruble r 2 Aim;. Kstate-, Broome (Selangor i Rubber Devon Iv tales (Malatvai Rubber Share Prices
      50 words
    • 401 1 The directors of the Perak River Valley Rubber Co. Ltd. report as follows Gentlemen, Your •directors have the pleasure to submit their eleventh annual report ami accounts of tin 1 company for the year ended September .'10, 11*1*1. Area and Cultivation. The
      401 words
    • 1767 1 The ej wntli ordinary general meeting the Ibooklaml.' Selangor Ruhhei Co., I id., was In id on December I at the I ibbi r (inAvers’ Association, M\ Ka*t1 < ap, h.< Mr. h. G. Money (('liairman the company* presiding. Ill" representative s of
      1,767 words
    • 187 1 We are indebted to Messrs. I locate and Co. for a copy of the Rubber I rade Association of London monthly iitistics of I'nited Kingdom Imports ait': I.\ports of rubber showing results f" r November. The essential fijrures arc follows Imports, November 1021. 192'h 1- rom
      187 words
    • 1207 2 I. f((Urt annual (tencral nu-etim: of f Rubber, Limited, was held at t.-red offices, French Bank BuildH retf 1 .Mr. .1. A. Elms presided present were Messrs. A. E. B'< othl h (Mnrkson. Tan Kheam Ho.*k, 'v. Bailey, the last-named the
      1,207 words
    • 220 2 A tv -Maluv. 59,159 lbs. M enby. —1,392 lbs. B” **‘111 43.959 lbs. I' k*im. 24,<>99 lbs. T Yt t Tiga. 45.599 !bs. L*i;. i: Tin and Rubber.—19.599 li>s. 1! k .-i.TSo ibs. B..* gun Serai. 38,999 lbs. Batak Habit.- 3.8.599 lbs. t’lirrurkat Salak.- 5".oo(i lbs.
      220 words
    • 1009 2 A meeting of the Alim Estates, was belli at Shanghai on December 2'i 14,01I» shares being represented. Mr. E. T. Byrne presided and was supported bv|Mr. N. G. Maitland and C. .T. L. Stewart, directors, and Mr. A. J. Welch representing
      1,009 words
    • 697 2 J< s r. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, January 12. iii. period under revuw nas been mark* d by a djii market., bu .u prior to the opening of the auctions yesterday, having been of negligible proportions. At the auctions ji fair
      697 words
    • 1510 3 The ninth annual general meeting of th«* Broome (Selangor Rubber Plantations, Limited. wa- held on Ili'CHiibiT 16, at the eompan.. offices, l Buckingham (late, S\V„ m’i Arthur V. Houghton prc*si«lin^. The < liairman said (ieiitlcmcn, in the lirst pla I would like
      1,510 words
    • 99 3 (M f KstaU.s I .Id., r Hint III,, m-t proflt (iimiuntj I?, ,0 «-Db.4K of which the sum of I "’I" ids the proli.s accrued l 1 tu ,,u "'l""ntof the company and ,!MS n»n(..| to the credit of capital I'" 1 »•*<■ nrcunt having a balance
      99 words
    • 87 3 'xmila l.c ci, I 4 11 nnr.t ion f Vc'. M m w 1 V lar r Pr< UC and Si a, 7 1 ciation unl «ar infm mat i,. 1 l ,,rl ;«l the former at 4, o IS reemvoer. M antiim> il is th r
      87 words
    • 1028 3 Stock stock Hu tiehinnPu KicW v,;u. Pnc«*. V«ln«. Compui*. p riCM l)ei*cmber 21. December 21 ij Angb -Malay 21/10** £1 Lendu j,, f| liakap I’lantatioiis 12/6 fl Lumut 27, i\ Bant rig (Selang’or) li‘2 ♦'>
      1,028 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 IlilER’S HYSENIQUE I FOR MMES MB PMB mixture (POR LADIES) WASTE NO TIME I o f h Foun»l«r'« Hyeeniqu« Mixture. Sickly remove® .11 „o.mne to «1““' inytnin* so Widely Known. I It is justly descried as the List remedy in the world. u you set Fournier’s Hyseniqu. Mixture. ,u substitute*
      333 words
    • 138 4 terrriaiTs Mijkn Fountain Pen Make* letter-writing easy. Waterman's Ideal is a positive boon to letter writers. It is ready at a moment's notice and never gives the slightest trouble for it is the most perfect Fountain Fen made. As a GIFT it is ideal. Three Type*-- Sett Ilia*.’’ Safety' Regular.
      138 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Are You Getting AND Jf your Requirements are:— Books, Stationery, Printing, English American Magazines, 'ibrop us a line and we are there to serve you. v Our Motto “RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES" G KIAT Co., 8-4 5, Change Alley, Singapore. 53, Beach Street, Penang. 'aklr Addrm 44 SERVICE,”
      53 words