The Straits Budget, 29 October 1920

Total Pages: 26
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES" VOL. LXXIV NO. 3272 Singapore, Friday, October 29, 1920 KSTARI.tSIIKI) l)\ Kit lI\I.K A < F.STUBK Price 25 cents.
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  • 215 1 ikaders— Ex-Service Men and Work 12 A Year of Education 12 Life in Malaya 12-13 Our New Health Policy 13 Intrietld Output .13-14 Labour Unrest in India 14 Leneral— Local and Personal 1-2 Penang en Passant 2 Reuter Telegrams 3-7 Singapore War Memorial 7 The Colony #-10
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  • 3816 1 A draft hill is published in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of October vv^11 re-enacts as 1 a Federal Enactment the State Enactments relating to Customs duties. in matters of detail it Produces the existing law. 1'he power to |ix duties and to make rules hitherto residing in
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  • 837 2 U-'roni an Occasional Cor„..„ ’Puiulent). The week opened ivdth"' U<t b< r K of the forces of nature I, V ,K l|is Pla S j“ !> "V Punctually „f a v 'arp-e and somewhat eeeentrl! 'l n( and a water spout in the Str« t,?r' l |T
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    • 507 3 Reuter Telegrams London, October 19. The question of a general election is being discussed. Some of the Tiiiners' leaders declare that the Government intend soon to go to the country. A decision, however, is not likely to be taken vet. but the
      Reuter Telegrams  -  507 words
    • 120 3 Iiondon,- October 11*. Neuter learn? tliat a note handed to the Polish government on Sunday by tlie French and British representatives at vvarwhile firm and friendly, expresses the opinion that the Polish government should completely disavow the seizure of dna and adds that if the situat ion is not
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    • 196 3 London, October 18. Washington President Wilson has sent a letter to Mr. Harding in connection with a speech mentioned on the 17th, querying his statement that France had approached him as a private citizen of a nation which was not a member of
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    • 108 3 London, October 19. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Bottom ley, Mr. Shortt saul that he could not advise the King to order the release of MacSwiney. He declared there had been no form of feeding MacSwiney on the part of the prison authorities. London, October
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    • 111 3 I.ondon. October HI. Bombay The strike situation is unchanged. The telegraph office has now got sufficient recruits to relieve the Boy Scouts and (»irl Guides. The Government of India sanctioned an increased allowance of 7 rupees a month, but the strikers have not returned. Mr. Joseph Baptist,
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    • 73 3 Paris. October 19. Hie committee on passports and customs appointed by the League of Nations has made several recommendations tending to facilitate international traffic for travellers and goods by simplifying visas and formalities and coordinating the customs regulations. The Andre Lebon, from Yokohama, has arrived at Marseilles
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    • 60 3 London. October 19. Brisbane, October 2: Whites and natives hunting Birds of Paradise in Dutch Mew Guinea are believed to have been eaten by natives <>n the Kly River. A -eareh partv of 1*) Chinese hunters reports that it found blood-stained books, .•loth**s, a human jawbone and silver tilled
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    • 45 3 London, October I'd. Bet.wc n and 40 dem< nstrators in Do-vn’-ig SI <d \vere injur* and twenty w* iv treatc I ir. hospital. Ten police were < The fracas la t»*d over two hours r ‘i r uih* r of arrests were made.
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    • 129 3 Loudon. October ‘JO. The Daily Mail correspondent at New York says that the missing link expedition, promoted by tin* Museum of Natural History and the American Asiatic Society, for which a fund of £50,000 was provided, will leave here early
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    • 84 3 London, October 19. Striking evidence of the ability of British shipbuilders to restore Britain’s pre-war position as the world’s greatest ship producer is provided by Lloyd’s Register shipbuilding returns for the quarter ending September .‘lO. These show that during the last eighteen months, the tonnage constructing in the
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    • 426 3 liondon, October 19. Athens The King's condition at ten this morning was stationary, hut very grave. Congestion of the lungs has set in. London, October 19. The Direct United States Cable Company was sold to Government for £570,000. The sale meant the transfer of the cable from American to
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    • 384 3 Reuter Telegrams linden, October 20. Probably the outstanding point of yesterday evening’s coal debate in the House of Commons was the miners’ spokesmen’s criticism of Government’s contention that an increase of wages must In* contingent on increased output. The miners
      Reuter Telegrams  -  384 words
    • 499 3 Mr. Lloyd George, after referring to the gratifying spirit of calmne-s displayed in the debate, said he considered that Mr Brace’s proposals were somewhat obscure. He considered that m* seta ua- of remuneration was likely to produce the necessary results unless the reward bore relation to increased
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    • 366 4 Ixjndon. October 20. Public attention to-day is focussed on the meeting *f rnilwaymcn's delegates to determine t i railway men’s attitude on the coal str !n It will comprise sixty delegates representing various grade, and, according to the constitution, tie dancer lies in the fact that a bare
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    • 104 4 London, October 19. Amsterdam The Handclsblad, commenting on the subsidiary Standard Oil dotation, states that 51 per cent, of the capital is to be allotted to the Banque de Paris and to per cent, to the Standard Oil group. Calling attention to the fact that the Banque de
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    • 77 4 London, October 120. Plans for iiiaUing new main roads round London in connection with the relief of unemployment involve an expenditure of icn million slorhng. The plans provide for a new London to Cambridge road, al.,o a n nib r of main traffic arteries Middl ex and
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    • 224 4 London, October 20. For the Irish reprisals debate in the House of Commons to-day, an urgent government whip has been issued. The feeling i ppermost among numbers of wellinformed persons is that the situation in Ireland has improved since August. Prominent
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    • 299 4 Sir Hamur Greenwood, replying, said that the information regarding most of the cases of reprisals came from the headquarters of the republican army. He defended the Government forces and declared that the discipline in the army in Ireland was unequalled in any country, but admitted that
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    • 278 4 London. October 20. An amplified report on the Irish debate states that Sir Hamar Greenwood described Sinn Feinism as a deliberate, organised, highly-paid conspiracy to smash the British Empire. Referring to the statement of Mr. Henderson with regard to reprisals. Sir Hamar Greenwood said these came from
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    • 183 4 Sir Ilatnnr Greenwood sual the Roman Catholic church was admittedly impotent to break down this terrorism. Only British forces could do this. The boycott was also breaking ilown. He depicted the a irony of police and military in the past two years and contended such rendered
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    • 125 4 London, October 2*2. Stockholm Lenin, addressing the congress at Moscow, said Wrangel was the only danger. He declared that the Russian economic situation was strengthening in spite of the blockade. This is hardly borne out by the current budget published, showing an expenditure of 1,150 milliard roubles
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    • 120 4 London, October 22. In the House of Commons Sir L. Worth-ington-Evans moved the adoption of the financial resolutions of the Home Rule Bill. He said the general scheme of finance provided for two years. Ireland contributed £18,000,000 towards the Imperial services contribution, this being divided between southern
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    • 68 4 London, October 21. I’aris It is reported that the Soviet government has sent an ultimatum to Armenia, demanding; permission for the immediate transport of Bolshevist troops through Armenia in order to effect a junction with the Turkish nationalists in Asia Minor. Probably Armenia will refuse and the result
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    • 38 4 Ixmdon, October 22. Vancouver British Columbia has voted overwhelmingly in favour of government control of liquor sale at a special election. Defeat of the present dry” act was conclusive, the majority against being 15,000 votes.
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    • 10 4 London, October 22. Stockholm The Branting cabinet has resigned.
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    • 144 4 Rsutkb Telegrams London, October 21. Although London lias not vet felt ••tIVcU. of the strik e to an/exten paralysis which is gradually creeping ovej industiy has been startingly illustrated n I Lancashire and Cheshire, where official re turns show
      Rsutkb Telegrams  -  144 words
    • 361 4 London, October 21. Mr. Hodges, the miners’ secretary, makes a statement that the miners’ conditions of peace are :—Firstly, Government must accept the miners’ assurance that they arc anxious for t? morel output and willing to co operate in securing it secondly, the 2s. wage demand must be
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    • 405 5 London, October 22. An important statement was made in ihe House of v Commons by Mr. Lloyd George before the adjournment with regard to the strike position. He said in formal discussions with the miners’ friends had been taking place during tho past two days with a view
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    • 260 5 London, October 22. There* are indications that the rai’.way*nen’s executive blundered badly when it decided to strike on the 24th unless the yin trouble is solved. Incidentally Mr. Thomas has authorised the statement that nt‘ is personally opposed to the decision. Influences are evidently working at
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    • 243 5 London, October 22. Two policemen were killed and six wounded in an ambush whilst motor lorrying from Bandon to Cork. It is officially announced that the new forces of the constabulary, which will bo recruited among the well-disposed men of Ireland, w.ll be divided into three
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    • 336 4 London, October 2-. A ray of hope has appeared in the situation as a result of informal ,,nv sations between Ministers and the mim and it is stated that the members o t executive of the Miners’ federation, m of whom are separated througf"ui y country, may
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    • 175 5 Louden, October 21. A telegram from Athens ays Professor Vidal, who went from Furls specially to attend King Alexander, left after a pn-lie-lie scene m the ro al chamber. His Majesty decorated Professor i lal and the Government handed him his fm- 12,0u0. Meanwhile Su: stun Del
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    • 97 5 London, October 22. In an interview, Mr. W. F. Regan, who on behalf of the Rubber Planters' Union has arranged a two million sterling contract for supplying rubber to Russia, says the rubber will be delivered from March, 1921, to December 1922. He declared he was satisfied
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    • 67 5 London, October 21. Washington The American Bankers’ Association has approved the report of a committee recommend ng the organisation of a hundred million dollar e< rporation to provide means to extend American trade abroad. The plan contemplates Hi'* sab* in the I’nitod Slat'*: < f a thousan 1
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    • 41 5 London, October 21. Tientsin A terrible explosion has occurred in the coal mines a f Tang han, in Chihli. It resulted in 422 Chinese coolies being killed. The disaster is attributed to the coolies’ practice of lighting cigarettes.
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    • 186 5 Reuter Tkj.kgkams London, October 23. This morning’s outlook on the industrial tuation may be summed up in the words of Mr. Lloyd George yesterday to a deputation on the temperance question. The Premier declared that peace may be brought about within a
      Reuter Tkj.kgkams  -  186 words
    • 193 5 London, October 23. The Daily Express says a determined attempt to postpone tho railway strike notices has been decided on. The railway leader, Mr. Thomas, has refused to sign the strike n- tices. London, October 23. The railway strike lias been postponed. The news of tho postponement of
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    • 296 5 London, October 24. The new week opens with a distinctly more hopeful outlook for the industrial situation. Mr. Lloyd George, who remained in town over the week-end, is having a mooting with the miners’ leaders this morning. Th meeting is in the nature of a preliminary
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    • 276 5 London, tober 23. Tic Emergency mentioned yester day, provides for tic* issue of procluma ti ms of emergency wherie- ,-r tin- action of any body of persons thr-;to interfere wit!) t! supple and distribution of food, wafer, fuel, light or nieau> of loe -motion. Should Parliament not
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    • 109 5 London, October 21. Mineola t Four United States army aeroplanes, winch started on July 15 for a trip to Alaska and back have completed tho round trip of b.ojq ilo. The object was to establish ;n a«T al route to the north-west corner of the American continent
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    • 100 5 London, October 24. Mac Swiney is lingering orr. To-day ho was still unconscious. H.s sisters are not allowed to see him. London, October 23. It was Rtatf-d at midnight that MucSwincy was at the point of death. London, October 25. MacSwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork, died m l'rixton
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    • 78 5 London, October 21. Marseilles A hundred Chinese students, including six women, arrived on board the mail steamer ArMre Lebon to study the French language and commercial methods. I I he students will bo distributed umong the schools and colleges of France. The pxrty is accon panied by Mr.
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    • 79 5 London, (> -tober 21. Athens: His Majesty has entered a very acute pha e of cerebral cri ;;.s. His condit i* *rt i s piost cr 1 1 I Prof* or Vidal It: s per regally contradicted the story attribut'd to him as regards symptoms if hydrophobia,
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    • 156 6 London, October 2I>. Port Elizabeth Following the arrest of a native lender, a crowd of natives rush«»d a police station. The police resisted for a long time but ultimately wore driven out necessitating the calling up of soldier reinforcements who opened fire nnd
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    • 105 6 London, October 22. Stockholm 'i' 'lie executive of the Swedish Bolshevist party passed a resolution by 13 to 2 accepting in principle the Moscow conditions. London, October 23. Stockholm TN Cabinet's resignation is due to the refusal of the Liberals to cooperate with th Social democrats in
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    • 102 6 London, October 23. A patrol of seven of the Essex Regiment being con'eyed in a motor lorry was ambushed by 12 Sinn Feiners in County Cork. They put up a great resistance for an hour until thn e were killed and three wounded, when the attackers made
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    • 97 6 London, October 21. Wnshinpton A Sino-American treaty has been s trned providing for graduated increases of import duties on tobacco, sujrar. spirits and luxuries into China instead of the present five per cent, flat Tate. London, October 25. Washington The State Department explains that the treaty is designed
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    • 83 6 London, October 24. The Lithuanian situation grows progressively worse. The Poles, not content with occupying Vilna, are now apparently extending the annexation to Kovno in spite of the official disapproval of the so called Zeligowski corps pushing towards Kovno. There is reason to fear that the Pol?s are
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    • 81 6 Paris, October 21. The French national loan operations have opened under the most favourable circumstances. The Minister of Finance, speaking at Strasbourg, pointed out the steady progress of the great work of reconstructing the war-st ricken districts and sail the railway traffic was now almost completely re-established
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    • 88 6 London, October 23. A telegram from Peking states that 2,000 Japanese troops from Vladivostok have entered Manchuria to protect national interests in the Hunchun district adjo ning Korea. A brigade of Chinese is also advancing thither. China has informed Japan that she is able to cope with the
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    • 139 6 London, October 21. New York The Presidential campaign is becoming acrimonious. Mr. Cox, in a specs h at Boston, denounced Mr. Harding and Mr. Lodge for their opposition to the League. He described Mr. Lodge as the arch conspirator of the age, and declared that Mr. Harding was
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    • 97 6 London. October 24. Bombay Strikes and rumours of str.kes are llv order of the day in India. The Bombay gas strike has ended. The striker.-* were dismissed. A good tramway service is being maintained. It is reported from Jhansi that 4,500 employes of the Great Indian Peninsula
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    • 94 6 London, October 21. Par s It is generally believed that a subadiary Standard Oii Company, entitle 1 the Standard Frnnco-Americaine, in addition to plac'ng Standard Oil products on the French market, will d vote considerable capital to the exploration of petroleum strata in France and the French colonies
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    • 245 6 London, October 22. Port of Spain, Trinidad The British cruiser Cambr an and the Canadian Government steamer Farmer have succeeded in beaching the United States Shipping Board steamer Zaca, which is on fire. FfTorts are bmng made to arrest the flames by flooding the hold. London, October 22. Washington
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    • 302 6 Reuter Telegram London, November 25. A feature of tin* armistice day celebrations on November 11 in London this year will be the burial of an unknown British warrior in Westminster Abbey and preparations are being made to deal with enormous
      Reuter Telegram  -  302 words
    • 166 6 Paris, October 24. The German semi-official press is still relentless in attempting to find all sorts of reasons for Germany to dodge ihe peace treaty stipulations. The former Imperial cabinet minister, Dernburg, now contends in a Berlin paper that France lost only e ght per cent, of
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    • 166 6 London, October 25. The news of the death of MacSwiney caused a profound sensation in Cork, which immediately went into mourning. All public functions were adjourned and places closed but there are no disorders so far. Soon after the death was known in Dublin, the military showed great
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    • 267 6 Reiter Telegrams London, October 25. The coal strike negotiations are grossing hopefully. After an hour’s con ference between the Prime Minister R. Horne, Mr. Bonar Law, Mr. Bridm«i»i Secretary of Mines. Mr. Duncancfe"’ troller, and representatives of the nai owner* this
      Reiter Telegrams  -  267 words
    • 236 6 London, October 25. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law’, replying to Mr. Adamson and Mr. iiiomaa, uecimed to deter the Emergency lowers bill pending the result oi the strike negotiations, Government of opinion the bill was necessary. subsequently Mr. bonar Law moved the second
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    • 63 6 London, October 2d. New York A Federal indictment conlaning 12? counts has been returnoi against Messrs. Armour, of Chicago, w ire charged with violating the anti-pro-nteermg Lever law in selling New Le •and lamb. It is reported from Pittsburg mat the Federal District Court justice, i rendering
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    • 49 6 London, October 2.». Bombay The envoy of the Bolshevist.' who recently established themselves Bokhara has occupied the Amirs P An explosion caused many casualties u .<- t'o Bo.sht'vists W(*ro the -uppl es of munitions from the P a The Amir is reported to have ‘ie<J Afghanistan.
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  • 30 6 King of Greece Dead. London, October 25. The King of Greece is dead. DEATH MKNZIKS. tin board <i.h. Mentor, or 1 •J2, It. Mcnzies, Pmoral Hultit Sembswang Rubber < <* I to
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    • 136 7 Rr.rtER Telegrams Lon.Ion, October 2d. X tionol was told at Low street »ais mining cone miner n mynp.ry man yesterday and believed ,o be a Bolshevik spy, when an nli-*n. who r( r u «cd to jriv any information regard,ni» himself,
      Rr.rtER Telegrams  -  136 words
    • 136 7 London, October 20. 0 Th.e South African newspapers K °*at out that the native unrest, culminating in riots, t* largely to be attributed to Bolshevik propaganda among the natives. The organ of the communist party has been •wring organisation of the native coloured races to cooperate
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    • 157 7 London. October 26. In th" House of Commons, replying 1 or the debate on the situation in Ireland an to allegations cf fr:sh reprisals, Sir Haniar Greenwood said that, despite recent outrages, which 1m enumerated, ‘Jn policy of the Gov rnment was succeedin'.rapidly. The total number of
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    • 180 7 London, October 2fi. It is officially announced that the Government has informed the German Government that it does not intend to exercise the rights whereby, under the peace treaty, German nat’onals’ property in England may be seized in the event of voluntary default by Germany. This applies to
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    • 273 7 London, Oct< her 20. The minors' executive is reopening official negotiations with the government this morning. London, Oct* b**r 2*'. The conference between the miners’ executive and the Government lasted throughout t!r» day with internals during which the
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    • 117 7 London, October 25. Athens The dissolved parliament will bo convoked as speedily as possible for the •lection of the Regent. Admiral Coun- turiotis* election is a foregone conclusion. The elections for the National Assembly will possibly bo postponed for a week. London, October 25. The Times’ Athens
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    • 63 7 London, October 26. Montreal The drys have been victorious .n Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. In a gen -ral olebiscite on the question of prohibiting the importation of liquors from other >rovinces the cities of Winnipeg and Halifax voted against prohib tion, but nearly all the
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    • 89 7 London, October 25. Bombay: Colonel and Mrs. Wedgwood have arrived and were received by leading aboi rites. A procession was formed, inluding a number of tramway strikers, who held up the cars and threw stones. Col. vVedgwood, in a speech, said he was th°re >n behalf of
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    • 47 7 London, October 26. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Allen Parkinson, Sir Philip LloydIra'mie sai 1 he had no p >w r t > pro.- -n’ •i temp rarv reducti- n of output as r<* •mum -nded by the Lubber Growers A.-so lation.
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    • 29 7 London, October 25. Port of Spain The American steamer i'aca li.*.s been beached. The lire is extinguished. Eng in s and boilers are exten sively damaged.
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    • 38 7 London, October The international balloon race for i c (h rdon-Bennett trophy resulted, arc«>r a r to an informal statement by Aero C!nb officials, in vict. ry for the Belgian bal r. Rclgicu, which covered 1.100 miles.
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  • 261 7 A claim for damages to the tout! amount of *22,200 is being brought by Mr. Hugh Beck, marine engineer, employed by the Straits Stcamsip Go., Ltd., aga nst the Abrams Motor Transport Go., arising o .1 of a motor car accident in
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  • 43 7 We understand that H.E. Excellency the Governor (Sir Laurence Guillemard, K.C.8.l will lay the foundation stone of the Singapore War Memorial on the Esplanade on Monday, November 15. It is expected that M. Ciemenceau will be present ut Hie ceremony.
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  • 59 7 The marine court of inquiry at Penang into the loss of the Stephan found the master guilty of default in not taking steps to save life. H s certificate was suspended for three years. The gunner was held to be blameworthy, but owing to technical reasons
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  • 233 7 The celebrated French airman, Henri Bronilh, accompanied by one mechanic, about to attempt a flight from Baris to Saigon by hydroplane. The route propos d is Baris, Naples, Athens, Alexandria, Baghdad, Bushire, Chahbar, Karach., Sambar, Allahabad, Chittagong, Rangoon, nnd Saigon. The Rugby football match between Selangor and
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  • 622 7 A correspond* r,t writes in the Morning .lark Hobbs is a magician. The n w: pt It rig down the wind howled stumps were <i< ing their best keep •ife ir: the <•(•:.t.v f tie* Innes Recreation i i :nd
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  • 146 7 In my greenery yallery childhood I, «>o, Rachel Ferguson writes in the Daily ’ketch, wrote poc: is which though infi-it'-ly superior to the eotiklings of Yung lilder, were, quite kindly and properly, >ns < r ned to the dustbin. 1 even wrote t probl i.i play (The
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  • 127 7 Lor.g before the birth of most of the >mpn <rs fur the harpsichord in 1 **70, to exact R riatus Harris bu It an organ r th" Church of St. Sepulchre at what is :nvv li’olborn Viaduct. 'I bis organ is so vorn ejt as
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  • 300 10 At Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the first reading will be taken of an Ordinance for making provision for the public service for the year 1921. It is enacted as follows This Ordinance may be cited as the Supply Ordinance,
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  • 1464 10 The foPowmg is tuk-n front the memorandum a* i'** ,hl Governor s adIress to 1 < ounert on the in trod a ;i lli Lt An i v u o > ily disastrous drought in Siam- r; V tic’i normally has an ■xport.
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  • 234 10 Holding a concert in the new hall of Raffles Hotel proved a successful experiment on Sunday. The accoustic properties proved to be good, and a large audience enjoyed some excellent music in comfort and coolness. The three artistes, Mr. Gregory Ivanoff, violinist, Signor Enrico Palmetto, tenor,
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  • 65 11 (The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Lone rambling epistles are lin bio to bo rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but
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  • 114 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Allow me a space in one of the columns of your popular journal to congratulate the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Kcng, O.B.E., on the questions he is asking re the arrears of the subordinate staff. The correspondents Tamby and
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  • 689 11 When A Flag is not a Flag To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In your issue of October 20 a letter appeared with the heading, the Welcome M. Clemenceau, in which a learned contributor found time to criticise the lecorations on Johnston’s Pier. lie states that he saw the
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  • 274 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sii, 1 have read the letter under this heading in your issue of 21st inst. and 1 v i can see no point thevin as t.o why Government should “think twice or even once before accepting s.rvices of Volunteers.
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  • 623 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.--It was with a sense of disappointment that I read the passing of the Municipal Amendment Bill through the Committee stages at the Legislative Council on Monday, as reported in your yesterday’s issue. In writing this letter, I should like
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  • 491 11 To the Editor of the Straits Turn"-. S r,—It has always been the custom in this country for employers to regard u* an essential as full seven days working week. T ines were when the extraction of latex from the rubber tree was regarded as a
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  • 294 11 The preliminary inquiry into the case in which Strang Mohamed Yusof, the wellknown local stev dore, is one of the a'-cus <! was continued ;n the second police court Wednesday. It is alleged that Ng Tye Seng, who is charged with attempted
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  • 532 11 fne I. and O. ;t"j'mer Somali, which let I,m lon on S pUmber 25, with the t lowing passengers, arrived in Singa- \> yesterday r. K.IL Ad;:,ns, Mrs. W. A. Alexan- Mr. J. S. Amman I, Mr. A. Ammand, Mr.. Amm and,
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  • 371 11 "’lie Secretary of State for the Coloniett h; been pleased to approve the following «it< rations in, ami additions to, the office T t lie Chief Se< retary to Government, K.M.S., as from duly 1, 11)20, viz. First As istant Secretary to Govern,m
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1169 12 Straits Times, October 22. It is the darkest hour bofor* the dawn As w<* write there is a possibility ths* a cable is lingering on its way from London announcin'' that the railwnymon and transport workers have preferred mod ration to a sympathetic strik There was
      .— Straits Times, October 22.  -  1,169 words
    • 1477 12 -Straits Times, October The report on Education in the Straits Settlements for the year 1919, recently made public, is signed by Mr. Winrtedt, the Assistant Director of Education, but Mr. Winstedt remarks that though he wrote the report, the events which marked the year occurred during
      -Straits Times, October  -  1,477 words
    • 1147 12 portion is concerned.—Straits Times. October 25. Our contemporary the Malay Mail has been petting the opirron of European ladies on the question, Is life in Mala} a worth while It is a question a hundred years old, much older so far as the East generally is concerned.
      portion is concerned.—Straits Times. October 25.  -  1,147 words
    • 1313 13 Straits Times, October 2G. The first annual address of ilis Excel--Inncynncy the Governor to the members of the Legislative Council yesterday after'v>' u was admirable in tone and matter. It tends to de pen the impression that in Sir Laurence Guide uard we have an administrator
      Straits Times, October 2G.  -  1,313 words
    • 1445 13 as do men on the spot.—Straits Times, October 27. We are getting close to the date fixed upon by the Rubber Grow rs’ Association for the commencement of an endeavour to restrict output by twenty-five per cent. It is the most important experiment the rubber industry has ever
      as do men on the spot.—Straits Times, October 27.  -  1,445 words
    • 1083 14 to the hearts of her workers.—Straits Times, October 23. Strikes and rumours of strikes are the order of the day in India. This we were told on Tuesday in a Bombay message which might well have berm despatched three weeks back as labour unrest in the
      to the hearts of her workers.—Straits Times, October 23.  -  1,083 words

  • 171 14 We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., a copy of the Dictionary of Coll quial Malay (MalayKnglish and English-Mulay) by Pr. 11. O. Wii.stedt, of the Malayan Civil Service. The book is companion to the author’s simple grammar entitled Colloquial Malay, and
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  • 153 14 News reached Calcutta yesterday, says a wire of October 15, that Mr. Charles Ilowitt died in London on Wednesday after a seizure. The Ilowitt Phillips Company arrived in India from East Africa early in 1014, and played continuously in the big towns and hill stations
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  • 105 14 According to a Daily Telegraph correspondent, reliable information tends to show that the Bolshevists are trying to establish themselves in Netherlands lnd a, especially in Java. Important amounts of gold have been sent to that island by the Bolsheviks under the pretext of trade. They have gone
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  • 121 14 At an ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday, Mr. G. R. K. Mugliston will ask Will you please inform me Mr. President, when will the estimates for next y:ar come up for discussion Also will they include provision for Tanglin electric light and sewerage, an improved
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  • 517 14 STRAITS POLICE F ORCE. Provision for Substantial Increase. The following is from a m* accompanying the address of "r randu to members of the Legislative r ov rn <>r The police force was vcr> Council 1 under strength at the bei>iW 0nsi(,era My particularly j„ Ku r „p f during
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  • 239 14 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s Weekly Report. Messrs. Fraser and Co’s report, dated Wednesday, says Nothing has transpired throughout the 'week to affect our market one way or th» other. Rubber is, if anythin?, a* a lower level and the shares are mostly quoted at reduced values. Tin
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  • 536 16 Messrs. Baker Fcaron and Company, Kuala Lumpur, reported at 6 p.m. on Friday Business during Hie week has steady and a fair volume of transactions falls to be recorded in most sections, although tin hus af?ain accounted for the majority
    536 words
  • 89 16 In letters received by the director'* of the Badak Company from Mr. II. F. Scarborough. the c- mpany's representative in tbe Malay Peninsula, Mr. Scarborough rivet- further confirmation of bis opinion. r'*nt. by cable nvssuge, that tbe property is valueless, Conn enting on the sen'-a-t onal cable message
    89 words
  • 871 16 The thirteenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, British ndia House, Penang on Saturday, September 20. Major H. F. Nutter, in the unavoidable absence of the chariman
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  • 461 16 The- following report is supplied by the Secretaries. An extraordinary general meeting of Kemaman L.inited was held at the Offices of the Company Chartered Bank Chambers, at noon on Monday. There were present Mr. Chew Woun Poh (chairman), the hon. Mr. W.
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  • 166 16 Mr. Langham Carter had before him on Friday a powerfully built man, named lan Ah Jin. who was charged in connection with an incident at Pasir Panjang in the early morning of the 10th It »eems that Mr. 11. Ellis, manager of theLinotype and Machinery Co.,
    166 words
  • 77 16 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended October was d 0.73. The total number of deaths was 200 of which 174 W’ere male subjects l?? Convulsions claimed 23. phthisis 27, malaria fever 35, typhoid fever l3, beri-beri 20, pneumonia 1/, influenza
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  • 76 16 The Hon. Mr. R. J. Addie, hon. secrctar\ and treasurer (local) lias much pleasure in acknowledging the followin" subscriptions —-F. Y. Blair $100, John Somerville $50 I Hirincr the year the sum of $1,055 ha* been subscribed in Penan" and $4,117.11 in Singapore, making a total
    76 words
  • 463 16 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Improvements Effected in T h e Colony. We take the following from H m dum accompanying the m mor anGovernor to the member, of th t r° f tive Council nt LegislaS tes have been purchaser) settlements for additional V.” pH thr <* mentary schools, and they
    463 words
  • 160 16 The following wireless message was received bv Ilis Excellency the Governor from H.MiS. Curlew yesterday tain, officers and ship’s company H.M.B. Curlew say au revoir to His Excellency the Governor and wish to convey to turn, and through him to all those friends who made our visit
    160 words
  • 117 16 On Saturday morning Mr. Vilh gave a public demonstration of the r. motor lorry in the open plot of P* n front of the office of the Eastern y don A. and C. Telegraph Co., on arm* 3uay. It was an ideal spot for s lemonstration as
    117 words

  • 4412 17 T; seventh annual general meeting of shareholders in the Malayan Collieries, (United, was held on October 15, at Kuuiy pur, Mr. .1. A. Russell presiding. After the u.-ual preliminaries, The Chairman su'd Gentium *n, the r port and accounts hav.rgr 1 in your!
    4,412 words

  • 187 18 At a spec'al general meeting of the Moslem Institute held at its club premises, 28 Race Course lioad, on October 2, a resolution “That in the opinion of the Moslem Institute it is high time that a Mussulman is appointed on the Legislative
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  • 23 18 wiT/v* TV, rn(, tin v tht> Federal Council au i«wu U K ula Lumpur on November Ij2o, and following days.
    23 words
  • 2615 18 Wo take from the Malay Mail the following which has In*.mi adjudged the bosij and in st original artido sent in in con-j m*cti» n with our contemporary’s competition for articles by ladies on Life in Malaya. The writer of the first
    2,615 words
  • 144 18 Capt. Rowbotham gave his decis* on Monday, in the third police court, in i case in which Mr. Seah Eng Kun, of 8, Boat Quay, a well-known member of Chinese community, was charged witn p ing the occupier of a common gain, g house, and, together with
    144 words

  • 3263 19 A large company, representative of all nationalities took the opportunity to meet our visitor M. GPmencoau afforded bv the garden party eiven by H. K. the Governor and Lady Guillemard on October 21. pbe threateninc weather bad cleared away, #n d a v?ry pleasant
    3,263 words
  • 133 19 .Shortly after five o’* lock M. Clemenceau ailed for Java on th<* Melchior Treub, tp.-r a memorable week’s visit. A big nipany assembled to hid him bon voyage, u.d the road to the wharf was gay with I ion. Accompanied by bis friends *1 T'ur—a nt an
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  • 91 19 (Ancta Service.) Welt' vredcn, October 2fl. The Australian Prime Min stcr, Mr. Hughe-:, has invit'd M. Clemenceau to visit Australia at the conclun on of his <>' r i f tic* Dutch Indies. It is not known tli|- M. C|.*menceau w II accept the
    (Ancta Service.)  -  91 words
  • 55 19 Il has been arranged that th.* Scottish Cniv r tics Stu'.eiiis Dinner he held at tlie ,S n 'upor.* ltil> ori Saturday, O toher Will any student whoso name hus h en inadvertently omitted, and to whom a notification has not been s -nt, kindly communicate w
    55 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 732 20 S. C. C. Beat United Services. Saturday’s rugger match between the S.('.C. and a combined team representing' the Harrison atal Il.M.S. Curlew fonn -d a very premising open ng of t!ie Club’s season. Tho Club won by b> points (two goals and two tries) to r 1.
      732 words
    • 94 20 The first handicap points race for the! Odell Cup was sailed olf on Sunday morning, cloven boats competing. An excellent start was made in a light breeze, the boats crossing the line almost nbr.ast of each oth'T. Gertrude was first round the man* of-war-buoy c losely followed
      94 words
    • 274 20 An interesting soccer match took placi on Saturday afternoon between tho Hong king and Shanghai Bank teum and a team repr ..eiitmg St. Joseph’s on the latter's ground. The result was a .draw of one ad. both sides scoring in the second half. A Malacca correspondent writes that a
      274 words
    • 17 20 Reuter message of October 2b states England beat Ireland 2—o at soccer at Sunderland.
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    • 345 20 Tlu re was much speculation regarding 'he result of the meeting of Donnell anti 1 \ggntt and Kleinman and Cot grave on Monday in the semi-final of championship pa rs. Donnell and Leggatt are a formidable pair, but on the other hand K!e man has a reputation
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    • 88 20 A Reuter message of October 24 states that the world’s covered courts lawn tennis champ.onships have been contested at Queen’s Club. The finals resulted as follows :—Men’s singles, Gordon Lowe beat W. C. Crawley, (5—2, 6—3, 6—l men’s doubles, P. Davson and Mavrogordato beat the lion. F.
      88 words
    • 165 20 Th China Mail states It is understood that Malaya will not be able to send a tennis team to Hongkong, but some of the members of the cricket team can handle a raoquet well, and it is hoped that some match 's may be arranged. The
      165 words
    • 220 20 ([< ruin «mr Uwr Correspondent.) u .n.-nr, tVC ’,*-r 24 The S .'-\y Meeting ycaterUaj. v. as cai »o fully, providing a pleasant all* r i:s i r a large attendance. Results i\ il me Cup.— Bolter !*.ld, Elliot, 1 Battlenxe .vi2, Strode 2. Time 4-f>.
      220 words
    • 494 20 If not a great amount of science, there was certainly plenty of willingness about most of tho boxing contests brought off at the Union Jack Club on the 21st inst., between Il.M.S. Curlew on one side and the II G.A. and 1st South Staffords on the other. A
      494 words
    • 403 20 Space only permits of all too brief a notice < f the athletic sports of our visitors from II M.S. urlew which took place at the S.C.C. on Friday afternoon under the patronage of 11, E. the Governor and I ady GuiUemard. The Club was an
      403 words
    • 480 20 The annual athletic sports of the Sir.sra pore Recrcavion Club were hehl successful ly on Saturday afternoon IviAre a large gathering, including His Excellency tr.t Governor and Lady Guillen urd, Mr. Justice Barrect-Lennard and Mrs. Lennartl and many others. Credit is due to the comni't’.ce fur
      480 words
    • 308 21 11l date of the Y.M.C.A. Swimming Carnival, which is to be held at the Fort J oining Pool, has been altered to Satur- |V< November 20. The full list of events as follows Novices Race.- Ist prize- cup. 2nd prize 'up. Y.M.C.A. members only who have l
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  • 197 21 The mail train from Singapore, which should have reached Kuala Lumpur at a.m. yesterday, arrived exactly four hours later, reports the Malayan Leader of Friday. On the previous night, a /goods train preceding the mail train from Singapore met with
    197 words
  • 201 21 The following appointments are notified m the F.M.S. Government Gazette :—Mr. D- F. Brow’n to be a medical officer, F.M.S., Mr. A. P. Cropley to act as Superintendent of Stores and Furniture, F.M.S.. Mr. F. J. •MacDonald to be an assistant Timber Superintendent, F.M.S.R., Mr. J. S.
    201 words
  • 784 21 The report, just published. of tin* Com- 1 mittee ot w**)l-known men ami women ap-: pointed last year by the Association for Moral and Social Hygiene to inquire into sexual morality, is an extremely interesting and valuable document. The e\ idonce of the
    784 words
  • 366 21 Somo startling revelations m n report just issued by the Ministry of Health will give the public an insight into the charm ter of a number of foodstuffs offered for sale. Special attention is drawn to the egg and custard power
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  • 32 21 The Governor has been pleased to appoint Thursday. November 11, 1920, to be observed as a public holiday throughout the Straits Settlements, in commemoration of the Armistice of November. 1918.
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  • 79 21 LEE. On October 22. 1020, at No. Trafalgar Street, to Mr. arid Mrs. Lee Lai Seng, a daughter. MACA LISTER. (*n October 22. 1020, at Sepoy Lines, Singapore, the wile In G. 11. Mai.Mi .-ter, of a girl. PALMER. On October 21, 1 f*2o, at the Maternity Ho-pital. Singapore,
    79 words
  • 164 21 BARR fHOPE, tin Septemfier 2!. 1 at St. Peter’s Uhu reb. St rent bain, .loh n i upper Barr, son of John Barr, J.P.. and Mr Barr, of Ardrossan and Belfast, 1 > Violet Ethel (’hope, younger daughter of late Herbert Irons (’hope, of Singapore, and <>f Mrs. hope,
    164 words
  • 121 21 Singapore, October 28. ■XCHANG! On London, Bank 4 m/a 1/41/14 Demand fl/S14/14 Private m. 3 credit* 2/4 23/32 On New York Demand I'rivat tMi da> s On France Bank 590 On India, Bank T.T. 139 On Hongkong, Bank d d TO’* pc. pm. On Shuug'hui, Bank <1
    121 words
  • 417 21 Singapore, October 28. \1~\ MINING. Im Vai. Pd. tirtn. Mim 10 10 Ampang 11.00 1 1 Ayer Weng L10 1.26 t’l l'l Kum. Kamunting 2.6.0 2.16.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6.00 6.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 2 7.6 namu 1 1 Hitum Tin 2.60 2.70 1 I
    417 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 89 21 NOTICE The post free ftr j»*«* of th«• Straits Time* to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $.'t8 a your. The post free price of tin* Straits Budget is $14 u year to :«:iy purl of the world. It is not necessary to sul» acribe for a year. The
      89 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 51 1 General Jleath of Mr. T. 1.. Anderson A Rook for Young Planter.' Rubber Restriction Local Rubber Auctions September Rubber Returns Price of Rubber Meeting and Reports— Pulau Bulang Rubber Kinta Kellas Estates Sunge.i Ragan Rubber Melvill (Selangor) Rubber Prye Rubber and Coconuts Correspondence— Rubber Restriction Rubber Share
      51 words
    • 444 1 Following is the report of the director.' of the Pulau Hulang Rubber and Produce 1 Co. Ltd., for presentation at the meeting to be held on November 6 Gentlemen, Your directors submit here- 1 with a duly audited statement of the accounts
      444 words
    • 1356 1 estate.- i' considerably greater than has been t• case on tiiis estate during the' period undei review. 1 here are at present) 20 Kaneu-iv r- ruitiis at the Coast, and of Fate comii' hu e been arriving from India more reeiy. Within am
      1,356 words
    • 642 1 The eleventh ordinary crural meeting of the Sun^oi Bugan Rubber Company, Limited, held on Saturday at noon at tht Chartered Bank Chambers*. The lion. Mr. YY. F. Nutt. wr presided. said Gentlemen,- The annua! report and accounts have been in
      642 words
    • 1855 2 Tilt* annua! meeting <-f the above was; held on October 7, at t hi* offices of Mc.-si*g. Boustead Bros., Agents and Secretaries, Colombo, who w* re represented by Mr. 1’. H. Selby. Mr. K. Boustead presided) and there were present Messrs. H.
      1,855 words
    • 1760 2 The eleventh annual orif:na*y general meeting of th«* I'rye Rubber and Cobnut! Plantations, Limited, was held on Sepctiibor at tin* ofiiees of th«* company, Mincing Lnne House, r i9, Fastch ap, K.C., Mr. Wtn Fre<ik. de Bois Maclaren
      1,760 words
    • 151 2 The death took place suddt nly on September 10, at Ramside, Auehterarder, Perthshire, of Mr. Thomas Lawrence Anderson, fourth son of the late Robert Anderson, of ‘J, Helhaven Terrace, Glasgow. He was a member of the firm of '’bartered Accountants, Messrs. Gibson and Anderson,
      151 words
    • 75 3 I'm* Strait* Times u not re^ponsih 1 foi th' nioriH of its correspondents. Correa jk>i I it-• r i"' ii I<| tciuf iu mind that le’terr mu-t ne short uni] to the point. Long ram blit: are liab’e to be rejected 01 vutMe«**iy i“.t down. Correspondent! must tincow lie
      75 words
    • 296 3 f To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. .Sir, —At a public mooting hold at Kuala Lumpur on October 6 about 60 men wore present ail of whom wore incrested in the rubber industry. Without a dissentient voice they agreed that a curtailment of rubber outputs by 25
      296 words
    • 329 3 A littio iruHr which every embryo rubber planter should carefully study before he leaves home for the Kast is Rubber Planting—a Book for the Prospective Pstate Assistant in British Malaya, by Mr. C. Ward-Jack son, Secretary of the Incorporated Society of Planters. It is a
      329 words
    • 85 3 Messrs. Sim", Darby and Co., Malacca, inform us that the following companies have given instructions to reduce output as from Noverubi r 1 (’hempedak, Chimpul, Jasin, Merlimau, I’egoh and Tebong. Mr. It.’ll. manager of Bukit llitam Ksta e, !ia- had his bungalow roh'>'d, the mis-,rig articb s
      85 words
    • 438 3 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, October 21. For tiio weekly rubber auction held yesterday, 872 tons were catalogued f«*r Mile. Demand throughout was good, and brisk bidding made it possible to complete proceedings on the first day. ibices all over wor**
      438 words
    • 99 3 Ayer Hitam.—4o,l47 lbs. Bahru Selangor.— lbs. Beverlac (Selangor).—lo,4oo lb 9. Blackwater.— 15,370 lbs. Bukit C101i.—33,000 lbs. Bukit Selangor.—2l*,*6o lbs. Bukit Katil.—l4,ooB lbs. Bukit Jelotong.—6,3B9 lbs. Craigielea Plantations.—l3,76o lbs. Dusun Durian.—s*o,34o lbs. Jeram.—23.733 lbs. Kapar Para.—06,248 lbs. Langat River.—26,l2l lbs. Malaka Pinda.—3B,sB3 lbs. Pilmoor.—4l,2oo lbs. Rosevale.—2o,s4s lbs. Selinsing.—33,42B
      99 words
    • 49 3 With reference to Notification No. 28 published in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of January 3, 1010, it is notified that the price of first grade rubber for the period October 22 to October 28, 1920, inclusive, is 60 cents per pound, equivalent to $BO per picul.
      49 words
    • 988 3 Stock Par Exchange Par P Value. Company. Prices, Value. Company '^hang* Sept. 29. Pnet% Sept. 29. 2 Anglo-Malay ‘’6'3 2 London Asiatic •••>/< Va il Batu Caves ila/* £1 Lumut 47 £1 Bakap Plantns.
      988 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 :t reuef-qinokly ns ted ankle, a sprained wrist, a strata, [u. rle— these are things that demand i a hurry. And that is just why ii da who are liable to these mishaps keep a bottle of Little’s Oriental close at hand. i r is absolutely nothing equal to it
      414 words
    • 134 4 LIME JUICE Prepared solely from pure Lime Juice and the finest renned sugar. THE STANDARD FOR PURITY EXCELLENCE. insist on having ROSE’S. THE CANADIAN FORD Helde the Singapore Automobile Club’s official certificate for potrel con tumption, S4.6 alloc on 1 gallon. WORM BROTHERS, LTD. DON’T THROW MONET AWAT oh large,
      134 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 1 Zip*: V-^'r. ,V 1 v£ v^-*i’v I I V,s>t J 1 C-' <■ -•V;. J r. 1*. 4 j i v' 8(* 1 The World s Best tNBROCOLI 8T0PPINI 4 CO. i Singapore HR r.pfAGENTS
      35 words