The Straits Budget, 15 October 1920

Total Pages: 22
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXXIV NO. 3270 Singapore, Friday, October 15, 1920 KINO TUB WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES ESTABLISHKD OVER HALF A CKNTUBY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 212 1 LEADERS— Shipping and the Straits 10 Britain's Business Position 10 Pccrt-ation Grounds 10-11 Made in Germany 11 Falloden Hall Shoal 11 Malaya’s Railway System 11-12 General— Local and Personal 1-2 Australian Produce 2 Of Interest to Employers 2 Reuter Telegrams 3.8 Medicos in Malaya 8 Penang Wedding
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  • 3782 1 Mr. H. Welham, editor of our contemporary, the Straits Echo, was the central e at an interesting function at the ‘•ffiee of that newspaper, on Friday, says Pinang Gazette. A deputation from the Chinese community of Penang, Messrs. Vooh Paik Tatt, J.P., president of the hinese Town
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    • 440 3 Rei ter Telegrams London, October 5. Mr. Asquith, in a letter to The Times, dares that the very deplorable chapter .f the past nine months, which has accentuated the tragic urgency of the Irish situation, in which the executive is
      Rei ter Telegrams  -  440 words
    • 154 3 One of the most important cases in *b« annals of Egyptian criminal trials ended at Cairo, when Abdul dahman Bey, and Fahmy, respectively an ex-provinc'al governor and an ex-servant of the ex-Khedive, and fwenty-seven others, comprising students, »awyt*rs and members of the Moslem University Elazhar, were accused
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    • 116 3 London, October 5. Farts of Scotland h ave be n devastated *y wind and rainstorms. The rivers Deo 7 j ri1 Bon flooded the countryside for ."’aste of hay, corn an I poultry was v ,r '°d from the low r reaches of the Dot* tln*
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    • 280 3 London, October 5. Wrangrl’s operations in South Russia again coni'* into prominence as the situation is apparently developing wry rapidly and a big move to the line Kkr.t rinoslavitostotf appears imminent. Simultaneously with widespread reports or recurring Bolshevik mutinies, there s news of
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    • 208 3 London, October 5 Rublic belief that MacSwiney must bo getting food is not shared by the Home Office, which explicitly states that ho is refusing all food and there is no reason to ■suspect that ho is receiving food from relatives. II? is taking hot water and
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    • 159 3 London, October 5. The draft of the Anglo-Russian trade agreement has been published, and conirms the recent cabled forecast. It ignores the quest on of the vast liabilities >f the Russian Government and municipalises and private borrowers and proposes irotection against the attachment of Russan gold, securities and
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    • 231 3 London, October f». Illuminating explanations as to why the English commercial community i.s experiencing a period of depression were afforded by Mr. Retor Hylands, pre ident of the Federation of British Industry- in ike course of an address at the
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    • 74 3 London, October G. Berlin It is reported from Kiel that the cargo of the Dutch steamer which was stopped consists mainly of American tinned beef with two British aeroplanes. There were no American aeroplanes. I'aris The conference of Ambassadors has sent a note to Germany with
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    • 57 3 London, October 5. Berlin It is evident that the German niners regard the output question in a different light from their Briti.-h colleagues, :*<«r official statistics disclose that the utnut for the first eight months rf thi j* ar .vas seventeen million tons greater than th>*
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    • 66 3 London, October fi. A patriotic offer has been made by an Edinburgh firm, insisting on anonymity, to forego interest totalling t‘2fi,oo(), i.ecru ing in the next five years on £lOO,OOO war loan stock. The firm foreshadows a possible similar extension for the five y« ars following and
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    • 64 3 London, October fi. Leavenworth,Kentucky: VonSoppan I I)r. Von Sehack have been released on parole. It is believed they will return to Germany. They were formerly consul and viceconsul in San Francisco, where they wenconvicted in IUIK and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment for violating American neutrality by endeavouring
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    • 43 3 London, October fi. The War Office Mesopotamia communique* announces that tl e column preceding from Ur to relieve Sam.awa reached Teisakhairi on the Ist without opposition the advanced rail head on tie- Ur-Famnw;. railway is nuw at Batha, dO miles from Saniawa.
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    • 43 3 London Oct' her fi. IV-rlin It is reported from Bambur-tha 1 *t fire there destroyed the fifi.ono linn B smurck, the ship in the world win h was in c»ur:.'- of construction loi l anding over to the Allies.
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    • 307 3 IlKl Vi:R TeLKGKAMM London, October 6. The idea is gaining ground in reliable quarters that while police an t military •c| i *>a!s in hvlnn I will henceforward be n.', I '.iragc 1 aiiother move is uui.iinent "tth the i.h/ect
      IlKl Vi:R TeLKGKAMM  -  307 words
    • 242 3 Paris. October f». Tin* Sur*- ry f'onrrcs is r; w sitting in ’’••ris. Th'* Pr*»si 'out, flu* I’rlg. :n surgeon, M. !.'‘page, emphasised (lie sit* kin" prore and remarkable di«eov ries French i r\ ical art made during 1 li war. i !i»• r u< h unibassa*
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    • 167 3 London, October 6. 'j here are indications that strong feel•,4 exists on mo t of the coalfields which u. lead to a majority aga.nst the pro- .>.•,! datum line in next week’s ballot, fa t that tie* miners’ federation exehave not suggested bow the miners I vole
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    • 152 4 London, October r>. The central profiteering committee is cooperating with the tr> di rs with a view of reducing the cost of living ur. i as u result investigations are ant Cipated. Lnrg* supplies are guarantee I o<" i;"' clothing and
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    • 97 4 London, October 4. Paris M. Degiers, on behalf of the South Russian government, has telegraphed to the Chinese protesting against the Tcfusnl to recognise the Russian legation and consulates, pointing out that Wrangel’s government succeeds the temporary government of Denikin and Koltchak, who were previously represented in
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    • 107 4 London, October C. The Italian Government bill regulating industrial relations arising out of the recent metal workers’ dispute is shortly being introduced in the Chamber. According to Epoca, it provides for reform of the Supreme Labour Council and creates a special technical council of lf>0 .embers equally composed
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    • 70 4 London, October 0. Serious agrarian disturbances have boor occurring in Sicily recently, and organised bodies of peasants, many of them armed, have now begun to take possession of large landed estates. Already two hundred estates have been occupied. In one instance a monk led 500 peasants to
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    • 83 4 London, October G. Contrary to the Associated Press message from New York, the Morning Post’s Ott nwa correspondent says it is officially denied that the delay in the appointment ©f a minister to represent Canada in Washington is due to objections by Sir Auckland (ieddes. The delay
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    • 43 4 London, October G. A War Office communique announces that with the exception of a few sick all the and children from Knrind have reached Bagdad. General Ironside lias nrriye'l fit Ka/.vin to take over command oi the forces in north-west Persia.
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    • 64 4 London, October 5. Stockholm There was a solemn ror*'Prin V i ,p nf the late Crown i;i; v* r °ffin, which was covered with fc- when the Crown Princes Margaret M morial Fund, oxrpfding £7« 000 was hnnflcMl to the Crown Prince. The Crown fuid P W
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    • 224 4 London, October C. The highlands have experienced the worst floods since the historic overflowing of the Moray in 1829. It is impossible yet to gauge the extent of the disaster, but the rivers lay, Spey, Dee and Don are raging torrents. A
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    • 257 4 London, October 5. Washington The federal council of the hen hes of Christ in America, representing most of the protestant denominations, have presented their chaplain’s medal to Mr. Wilson as an expression of appreciation for his services in leadership in the world and bringing to the world
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    • 124 4 London, October 5. Recent police court proceedings against a Chinese restaurant keeper for allowing loose women to frequent his premises have led some newspapers to devote space to the gaming vice, which is all ’god to be rampant in Limehouse, whore some 2.n<). Chinese and other Asiatics ami
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    • 86 4 London, October G. Render learns that the most reeent. not* from the Hritish Government to the Sovie* requests a definite reply by the 11th insi with regard to the release of the Rritisl pr.soners at Ilnku and the cessation of Rylshevist propaganda in Asia. The note adds
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    • 128 4 Lord n. October 7. Mr. Smillio, in a statement at Glasgow, advised the miners to vote in acceptance of the owners' oiler as a temporary measure, i down for liu\e month.; during win \i an uvreement satislying the m.ncrn :1 i ned. Mr.
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    • 104 4 London, October 7. The Times Constant a pie correspondent states that the situation on the Armenian bonier is unquestionably serious. The Turks have captured Serykan ish ami Soghar.ii and Armen 'an.* are being simultaneously attacked on the Eastern border with a view to stopping reinforcements going westwards. The Nationalist
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    • 43 4 London, October 7. Peking China has asked the I idiomatic Corps to sanction a 10 p r cent, surtax on the Customs duties to assist the famine relief funds. The Diplomatic Corps has referred the matter to their respective Governments.
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    • 60 4 London, October G. A tilogrr.m fiver. Riga states that the Russo-Rolish d'.ou'.'iticiis agreed to sign an armistice an rolir.iinary peace on October 8 with a view to a\Oidin t a winter campaign. London, October 6. Warsaw: It is reported from Riga that an armistice was signed last
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    • 86 4 Lcn lon, October 5. Copenhag-. Exccmional ceremony •711 ri:ed the o of th j new Rigsdag by t ie king th .-> Lou.g tno first session since the incorporation o C South Slcsvig in Denmark. His Nn.csty, in a welcome to the reunion of th new
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    • 45 4 Lcnion, October 6. would appear that the damage to the >5,000 ton Mner Bismar.v is not so exensive as a* first r.ported. At any rate Lloyd's II; mg mt merely reports 'hat tee 1., tr .e, one room above .he engine-:-, e
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    • 40 4 London, October 6. The Times’ Manila correspondent states hat the Philippine senate, treasury and nint buildings are on fire. They are 1 flaring furnace and are probably doomed n spite of the efforts of the lire brigades.
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    • 30 4 London, October 6. Cairo Four of the accused in the nnspiracy trial were acquitted. The •cmaindcr, including Abdul Rahman, were *ound guilty. The sentences will be jromulgated.
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    • 19 4 London, October 6. Madrid A general strike, apparently f a revolutionary character, has broken >ut throughout PortugaL
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  • 73 3 Obituary. London, October r >. The death has orrurro l of Mr. Will am !Tf incmann, at the ago of fi7. He was the foun ler, in 1 Sim, of the publishing house \v..,eh bears Ins name, lie wrote bevcrui plays and wufc a great traveller. DEATH EET Mi Sect
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    • 342 4 Revtfr Tei.fcrws London, October 7 The reported signature of the Russrw Polish armistice, with which Kusso preliminary peace, signifies a greaUWh triumph. One account n l h of the, has been dictating terns wth 5 breathless rapidity. Ifs p 0
      Revtfr Tei.fcrws  -  342 words
    • 175 4 Paris, October 7. Hrussols The financial section 'if tho conference has unanimously adopted the motion of its President and the French delegate, M. Ceilier, to recommend to the Council of the League of Nations for adoption, a plan for the extension of an insurance system covering credits engaged
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    • 130 4 London, October 7. The Portuguese Legat on n on states* that the reports of the K r t Portugal have been exaggerated. t gram from Portugal on the Otn received at the Legation, merely re a partial railway strike on the Lump Portugesa. The message says ‘b ;i
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    • 330 5 London, October 7. What amounts to a reply to Mr. Asquith’s Dominion Home Rule suggestions f„r Ireland is contained in an interview w ith Mr. Lloyd George by Mr. Harold Spender published in the Lloyd George Liberal Magazine. The Premier
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    • 277 5 London, October 6. Washington: Admiral Benson, chairman of the Shipping Board, stated that the Shipping Board never formally sanctioned the agreement between the American Ship and Commerce Corporation and the Ham-burg-Amerika Line involving American ships operating on the former German trade routes. He stated that wh le
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    • 103 5 London, October 7. from Milan it is reported that the Sici- n land seizures, which are continuing,are f-nr.ftl at direct cultivation of land with* "‘t intermediaries, but co-operatives will ►'na ran tee to landlords the payment of r nts fixed by commissions. comprising pealandlords, experts and
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    • 154 5 London, October 8. Milan The report of the Italian labour mission to Russia is an impressive and significant document, coming from men originally pro-revolutionists. It severely criticises the Bolshevist regime and declares that the peasants may be better oIT simply because Bolshevism in the
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    • 120 5 London, October 7. A telegram from Paris states that the Government has decided to settle the question of reparations due to France under the Peace Treaty by direct negotiations with Germany, later submitting the scheme for the Allies' approval. If the plan is carried out it is believed it
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    • 108 5 London, October 7. A further Mesopotamian communique dealing with the tribal situation reports the submission of a large number of tribes on the middle Euphrates, upper Euphrates and in the Shatt-el-Adhaim district, 50 miles north of Baghdad, and south Kurdistan. London, October 7. A War Office communique states Our
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    • 109 5 London, October 7. Reuter learns that the Soviet Government's reply to Viscount Curzon’s note of the 6th is wholly unsatisfactory. It does not give an undertaking to abstain from propaganda, but agrees to repatriate all British prisoners in Russia in exchange for Russian prisoners in the hands
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    • 85 5 London, October 8. Brussels There has been a shocking street accident. Two English women, wives of delegates attending the International and Financial Conference, were knocked down by a motorcar furiously driven, while their husbands were attending an official reception. One was killed outright and the other is
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    • 79 5 London, October 7. Croat preparations are being made for the first session assembly of the League of Nations meeting at Geneva in November. Work is in progress on the Palais des Nnlinns. th<* newly-acquired headquarters of the League on t!,e shores of the lake. The missions of
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    • 771 5 Reuter Telegrams London, October 9. Mr. Lloyd George delivered his widely anticipated address on Ireland at Carnarvon to-day. The Premier declared that more had been done in the past forty years to redress the evils of Ireland than had been
      Reuter Telegrams  -  771 words
    • 529 5 London, October 7. New York Sir Auckland Geddes, in a speech at the dinner of the United States 'hamber of Commerce to representatives of the British Chamber of Commerce, declared that adequate world trade development, by Britain and the United States required both nations to lay their
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    • 161 5 London, October 8. The council of the Rubber (2 rowers* Association stnte that they cannot at present foreshadow how long it may he advisable to restrict output, but the words this assent will not he binding h< yond Pec< m her .'ll, 11*21 are being added to the
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    • 290 6 London, October 8. Mr. Lloyd (ieorge addressed between L<>oo and r >,ooo people at Llandudno on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Welsh National Liberal Council. The Prime Minister was given a magnificent reception. In the course
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    • 142 6 London, October 8. Brussels 1 be* reports of four committees of il.o International Financial conference dealing with international trade, intermitim. I credits, cum ney and exchange and public inance have been presented to the conference which adopted them unanimously. Ihe reports overlap considerably. bit the most important,
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    • 125 6 London, October 8. It is reliably stated, following on the visit of the 1‘resident of the Zeppelin ompany to New York, that the financing of the Europe America A.rship Service is assured. The first two specially built commercial Zeppelins will be ready for freight across the Atlantic
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    • 51 6 London, October 8. I’aris Official confirmation concerning the reported direct Franco-German negotiations as regards reparations is not yet forthcoming. An official communique del a res that for the moment direct negotiations are confined to technical questions as regards exports and imports and that none respecting reparations are at present
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    • 45 6 London, October 8. General ratiael in a communique reI'oits the r» it of tw Bolshevik mfantrv '•'visions in I one cavalry division and hums a thousand prisoners. In thi* direct > of Sin. I.ovo ‘2,000 prisoners, four trams, three u, ami many machine-guns were taken.
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    • 248 6 London, October 8. The text of Viscount Curzon’s note to the Soviet is now published. The note, which is dated October 1, points out that the Soviet flagrantly violated the conditions under which Great Britain was prepared to resume trade and is
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    • 88 6 Paris, October 0. The national committee to right consumption is arranging in Paris for November a meeting of delegates similar to the American and European organisations io examine the opportunity for the creation of an international union to better coordinate etForts against consumption. The International Law Institute will
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    • 73 6 London, October 8. The Board <>f Trade returns for September record another notable increase in exports and the lowest total of imports since last November. Exports total 117 1 millions sterling, an increase of ">1 millions compared with September, 1919. Imports show 152*y millions, an increase of four
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    • 61 6 Warsaw In agreement with Poland and Lithuania a commission appointed by the League of Nations has fixed a provisional frontier stretching from the German frontier to the confluence of the Igorka and Nienien, along the Niemen as far as Uchis, south of the Sereth. The Polish and
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    • 175 6 London, October 8. The Times states that the prospectus is being issued of a new British loan nominally of 15 millions sterling at three per cent, local loans, stock to be issued at 50, for housing and other purposes. London, October 8. The Times correspondent at Toronto states that
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    • 527 6 Rcctes Telegrams London, October 8. Viscount Grey in a further communication to the Westminster Gazette replies to Mr. Asquith, suggesting that the naval powers Sir. Asquith proposes to give Ireland are only the same on paper as those conceded
      Rcctes Telegrams  -  527 words
    • 141 6 London, October 9. Viscount Curzon, replying to Tchitcherin’s note of the Bth, declares that while Britain strictly adhered to her undertakings Kameneff openly violated the principal condition of his admittance to Britain. The Soviet trifled with the question of British prisoners, sent Russian troops to Persia, conspired
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    • 128 6 TRAIN DISASTERS. Appalling Collision In France. A Terrible Death R o ll. London, October 10. Paris An appalling disaster through the Paris-Nantes express ing at sixty miles an hour running I goods train standing in Houilles station* Light passenger eoaches were tel<g n g2’ Twenty-five bodies of the dead h,
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    • 256 6 London, October 9. Washington S.r Auckland Geddes and Sir Charles Addis, London manager uf th** Hongkong and Shanghai bank, met Mr Davis, the under Secretary of the Suv Department, on October 8, for a confer.** which it is understood was arranged w r a view to hastening
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    • 107 6 London, October 9. The Times correspondent at Warsaw states that the Poles are exhibiting great indifference to the prospect of peace, attributable it is stated to a belief that real peace with Soviet Russia is impossible and the necessity of having to maintain, an army in the held
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    • 69 6 London, October 9. The sudden cancellation on a large f Japanese and American orders ha> cans* unprecedented losses in the Bradfon trict and a crisis has occurred in the shire wool trade. On the other ham Amalgamated Textiles declare that a putable firms anticipated a slump, confidently
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    • 271 7 London, October 8. Kcw York Speaking at Nashville, Mr. fox formally accepted the League of Nations as the issue of the Referring to Mr. Harding’s denunciation of the present League, he said, Now he is against the League, 1 am for
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    • 88 7 Paris, October 10. Beyrouth, Syria Railway traffic is again normal in the Hanran district which is now completely pacified. Moslem notab iities are heartily cooperating with the French authorities. The situation in Cilicia is steadily. (Havas.) Paris, October 11. The advent of the democratic regime in
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    • 111 7 London, October 9. Mincola American and Brit sh aviati< n experts witnessed a striking night demonstrate n by the civilian airman l’aul Collins with an alleged fireproof aeroplane w.t!i patented device for permitting safe night landings. Pr or to the ascent the aeroplane was treated with a fireproof
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    • 72 7 London, October D. Paris No decision has yet been taken as regards the postponed Geneva Conference to discuss reparations. The k rench Government replied to a note from V iscount Curzon suggesting that such a conference should be held by agreeing to it, b’ut specifying that the
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    • 125 7 London, October 9. Milan As a result of the agreement between workers and employers, electric power is again available and the tramVa ys have restarted. London, October 9. Stockholm It is reported, according to the Petrograd Isvestia, that Tomsk was occupied by anti-Soviet peasants led by ‘White” officers. Several
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    • 587 7 Reuter Telegrams London, October 10. The Renown entered the Channel and is proceeding to Portsmouth, accompanied oy the third fiotilla of the Atlantic licet ui:d six destroyers. The Prince oi Wales iius sent a message to the press expressing
      Reuter Telegrams  -  587 words
    • 139 7 London, October 11. Th° report of the Ksher (Committee has aroused grout interest in India and Kn|p!an i. Conmient is generally favourable, but there there has been some criticism, leaded by the Times which contended that th<* committee’s proposals involved sub- rdinati* nof the Indian Army
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    • 61 7 London, October 11. Tlu* I)ailv Telegraph Helsingfors corre, pendent reports that Litvino I declared hat he left Norway in consequence Dv mposs.lnlity of reaching an agreement ,v:!h the Norwegian Governm'*nt fgar i ,ng commercial relations with boMe. in. s a. He said Norway s a.tit ole to
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    • 252 7 London, October It. It is considered that the prospects as regards the coal ballot on the I!tti nst. are bright r owing to the moderating ~i -liuence liuence of Mr. Smillic’s appeal wh eh lias hern backed up by two other prominent
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    • 190 7 London, October 12. The Times correspondent says meetings with regard to the China consortium dl be held in the week beg nning 11th inst., except on Tuesday. The British group is headed by Sir Charles Addis, the American by Mr. Thomas W. Lamont, the French by M. Rene
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    • 124 7 London, October 12. A New York telegram says nightrid. rs are spreading terror through the cotton states. They arc men, mostly farmers bitterly d sappointed in expectation of the present cotton crop, determined that no cotton shall be ginned until the price advances to forty cents per pound
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    • 184 7 London, October 11. Mr. Asquith has replied to Mr. Lloyd George’s recent speech in a communication to the Press, in which he describes the speech as a declaration of insolvency on the part of the Coalition Government. “Ireland,” he says, presents the one issue of supreme importance involving
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    • 187 7 London, October 11. .'.bichino-gunning by the attacking party *.ti i !h* i ilitery lorry is r< ported in conneci on wMi the ambush at Kanturk. The b ny was l.eld up by milk carts drawn the r* ad. One soldier was killed and veral injured. When the
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    • 79 7 London, October II. Hcrlin The Poles have taken the Lithuanian capital of Vilna. The Polish i.i.imand proclaimed a new c vernment. London, October 11. M appears that the Polish capture of ;i i w:.s due to the unauthorised action if Cnicnl Zdigovski, who, after r-signinjc i, 1 et'Ding
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    • 106 7 Paris, October 12. T- Cabinet, und. r the presidency of M. Mill rand, has adopt' 1 several measures 'endin'; to brim: about, a p- neral reduc- ion in th«> cost of livin' by re rulating )!:<• r• and slaughtering of cattle, pro\Tailing speculators, fostering the conii n
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    • 111 7 London, October 11. Washington Mr. Wilson has suffered a !i"lit relapse of his illness, attributable to i.e" extra exertion in his campaign in the rests of Mr. Cox. Friends and physii.wis are ct nvinced that Mr. Wilson han regained bis normal strength and must it t a slower
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    • 55 7 London, October 11. |1 vas reported fr< m Athens yesterday hat tie* King of Cro was worn-. The King was bitten by a pet monkey. London, October 11. Vhens The King lm- shown marked "i f impr iven.cnt. His temperature fad n to Iih.i. A French specialist ia
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    • 102 8 Lon !f n, October 10. Bt-rlin It is reported front Weimar tha* Admiral von Scheer, his wife an I a maid were assassinated and the Admiral’s 18-ycar-old daughter was seriously wounded by two masked men who br d:e into the Admiral’s villa in the aft* rile a.
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    • 59 8 London, October 11. Tho Mesopotamia communique states Eleven were killed an 1 4:> wounded in the fighting south of lldlah in tho middle Euphrates region. The enemy casualties were probably heuvier. A thousand Arabs opposed the advance of the Samawah relief column but were routed. Our losses were slight.
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    • 228 8 London, October 11. Tho French Minister of Finance, interviewed by the Daily Mail, sai l all danger resulting from the French financial position was over. London, October 11. Peking The Japanese Legation has informed the International Opium Association that Japan has definitely decided to abolish the opium monopoly systems
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  • 319 8 Interesting details have come to hand regarding the steamer Professor, one of the ships handed to Great Britain under the terms of armistice, on the occasion of her last voyage from the Far East, to London, to which she took some
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  • 67 8 [The Straits Time* ia not reeponeibla fo> tie opinions of its correspondent*. Corrtre indents should bear in mind that letter, mu.* be short and to the point. Lonj ■M~;l>Mnf? emstU-e are liable to be rwjected oi -uthfcssly cut down. Correspond* nu oias' •n<*!o*e their name i, not necessarily fo*
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  • 83 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I beg sufficient space in your columns to refer many of my correspondents to an article in the Lancet of September 4, 1920, entitled Antisyphilitic Prophylaxis, by Dr. G. R. Hamilton. It is a description of an investigation of the
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  • 210 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Really it is a rejoicing, sir, to the few Trincomalians in this part of the w rid. to read the good news through the medium of your paper that she is going to be reestablished us a naval and military station.
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  • 270 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —An urgent appeal has be n signed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and Y<>rk. Cardinal Bourne, and the Heads of the Free Churches, asking that collections ■nay he made in all Churchrs in the Unite 1 K nvrdcm on Sunday,
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  • 158 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Th Rent Board will cease to exist In December and what the Government intends to do to protect the poor wage«arm rs is a matter of conjecture. But th matter is one of first rate importance to the public
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  • 610 8 To the Edi:.- of tic Siiuits Times. Sir, —The Ci v ermivi.. .Medical Department—assistam surgeon branch—is now short-handed end understaflcd. With the Med cal S* boot m Singapore, winch is <»f 15 years wii r. there is n > reason why such a s-; to of af ni
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  • 169 8 Tvalumpar.- 3*.. vi liability.—Hours 503, yards 70 yield pL-uls 470.82. Malayan T—Output 1,150 piculs, yardage* 255,800 cubic yards. Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging.— Hours run 1,148, cubic yards treated 10,000, total piculs 057.43, nett value $75,302. Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging.—Hours run 548, cubic yards treated 73,000, total
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  • 371 8 Hotol Kuala Lumpur, will b. t-d instructive by thoso u *k th tended, reports the Malayan Leader The eredit for the success of the two daiV meeting must be g.ven to Mrs. l) r T)ovt Allen (the hon. secretary) who has S'
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  • 281 8 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s Weekly Report* Messrs. Fraser and Co’s report, dated Wednesday, says A iren.ral state cf depression still prevails the share market and the liases have not improved matters a few industrials have provide 1 deals on a small scale but generally speaking these values
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  • 57 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 1— The wedding has taken Pl a s. c at ir t .nGeorge’s Church, Penang, the j pel Gamier ofticiat ng, of Mr. > Mclntyre, of the Asiatic p tro ar a ret, Singapore, and Miss Beatrice* 1 j: only daughter of
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  • 1724 9 With three plnces in eight races out of n im* there was every provision for interesting i, port on Tuet lay, when the Singapore v- r t;ng Club’s autumn meeting began. j, v '(l such fields us eleven and thirteen n;J-‘ things
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  • 407 9 We (Ilongkcng Daily Press) learn that Mr. F. C. Jenkin, C.B.E.* who has been practising very successfully as a barrisli r in Hongkong since 1912, has been offered and has accepted the post of Public Prosecutor of the Straits Settlements, an
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  • 92 9 A grave disaster occurred in the Flower World, a Chinese pleasure establishment on the night of September 27. A fin in the cinematograph led to a stampede Bodies were trampled on the stair nsr* Th** stampe lers resembled wild beasts tearing, clawing, and biting. The fir.
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  • 117 9 Mr. J. S. Nathan, superintendent of Census, inf' rn s ns that a census of De Colony, the F.M.S. and the States ol K dnh, Ke’antan, Trengganu and Jolior* be held cn the night of Sunday Aj ri. 21, I*l, the date on which the com is
    117 words
  • 722 9 'V* statutory mating of the shareh a *rs if ila want: Yin. LM.. was held r. i.’ay in the r *yist( r»d office of th« i. n;>; v. Downing Street, Penang. Mr. >\. '/hitlock r sit'id, tho others pre- 1 e
    722 words
  • 199 9 ti r tin;? suit* by auction wan <: i■ >»• c({ in the salerooms of Messrs, i Y’./ell un i Co., Ltd., hi We In sday rim. Tiit* lot offer-d was the 'l' r!i r’*, whiih was stran It* I
    199 words

  • THE Straits Budget
    • 1029 10 o of ami godown capacity.—Straits Times, October 8. A few weeks wo puhfi u heil a telegram from Batavia announcing that a irroat shipping oombino l ad b»*en formed in Holland, including no than nine companies, whos* plans were to establish services to British India, Australia,
      o — — of ami godown capacity.—Straits Times, October 8.  -  1,029 words
    • 1098 10 Straits Times, October 1). During the past few days some ominous and not at first sight very intelligible cables have been received dealing with the trade situation at home. Last month, we were .told that the Board of Trade r?turns for August showed a groat increase in
      Straits Times, October 1).  -  1,098 words
    • 1018 10 -Straits Times, October 11. Wliilo it is ns yet too cnrly to expect any announcement no to the result of the deliberations of the Improvement 1 rust, which is engaged on a scheme of tt>\\ n planning for Singapore, it is known that several important changes have been
      -Straits Times, October 11.  -  1,018 words
    • 1120 11 Co.ony can jrivo them.—Straits Times, October 12. From the Continent, America and the Dutch Indies German goods are entering the Straits and can now be purchased at almost any of the small kedais. Peep sea steamers arriving hero are bringing the manufactures of our late enemies, and
      Co.ony can jrivo them.—Straits Times, October 12.  -  1,120 words
    • 1020 11 .Straits 'l imes, October 11. As there docs not appear on the orders of tho day for this afternoon’s mec<i:g of the Legislative Council any special vote providing for the erection of a light on Falloden Hall shoal it must not be assumed that the Government has
      .Straits 'l imes, October 11.  -  1,020 words
    • 1425 11 Strait Ti:..i*s, October 14. We t: rn wi!h parlrolnr inter t to the r p it mi the F.M.S. Railways for 1919, wh: h has jus* hi < n i 'i -d over the si*rna l ire of .Mr. Anthony, the General Manag r an 1 <
      — Strait# Ti:..i*s, October 14.  -  1,425 words

  • 144 12 A case of a sensational nature is now being heard in the Madras High Court, in which the official assignee as the receiver of the estate of the lale Nawab Syed Mahomed Fahib, for many years a non-oflicial member of the Imperial Legislative Council an 1
    144 words
  • 154 12 Wcarne Bros., Ltd., have just received cable advice from the Canadian Ford factory that l ord eais have been reduced $7O (g'ld) as Iran S pi'tuber 22. This is a reduction of a’> >ut $175, Straits, on the tourm iar. Wcarne Bros, do not, however, expect to
    154 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1040 12 Sinclair and Utormark provided a surprise on the 7th instant. They were opposing Donnell an Leggatt in < hanpior.ship Fairs, an 1 the general expecta- ir n was a win for tlu* latter coup e, who se 1 t i seem unbeatable. While, however, Sinclair and Fternaik
      1,040 words
    • 219 12 The following scores w< re returned ir. the Ladies' October competition at tin Sepoy Lines Golf Club Mrs. J. M. Jackson winner 50— 8 equal 42 Mrs. Lyall 62— 8 44 Miss Law 47— 3 44 Mrs. Webb 56— 8 4s> Mrs. S. It. Robinson 05—15 60 Mrs. Hunter
      219 words
    • 133 12 The Y.M.C.A. Swimming Committee have decided to hold the.r first annual swimming carnival, at the Fort Canning swimming pool on Saturday November 13, commencing at 4 p.m. The preliminary list of events decided upon is as follows Novices liace, Y.M.C.A. members only, who have learned to swim
      133 words
    • 124 12 The Malay Mail states that it has boon decided to send a cricket team to represent the Straits and F.M.S. in Hongkong No announcer, ent has yet come from the S.C.C., but that, of course, is not to say that an eleven is not being raise 1. i
      124 words
    • 190 12 The S.C.C. hockey players r operations on the Padang on iv osume <l afternoon after a spell of some week* opponents were a team renr.»««nf* lhcMr Hongkong and Singapore j/(; n A lnK l;avo a reputation for hockev *u-hii’v h,> well upheld by a win of
      190 words
    • 158 12 Only five novices elected to enter for tht 75 jards race arranged for their benefit at the Swimming Club on Sunday. All startevi at go,” and the result was an easy win for Parr, with Martin Craig for second place. A good game of polo followed. Although
      158 words
    • 159 12 An exciting game was the outcome of the meeting of the A and E teams in the St. Francis’ Association league tournament at Malacca *n Monday. Both sets of forwar Is pressed continually, but ab.e defence repelled the atia.ks successfully. 1 he A team missed a glorious opportunity wi.h
      159 words
    • 59 12 The October spoon of the S. L. R. A. was wen by Mrs. Shore with a nett score of 53. the following scores were returned 200 100 Total Mrs. Shore 25 23 68.40 Mrs. Lyall 26 33 68.15 Mrs. Langham Carter 23 29 67.96 Mrs. Jackson 22 23
      59 words
    • 68 12 The Penang C. C’s invitation to the Hang!. ok Royal Sports Club to play Rugger on November 13 and 15 has been aecepte 1, and a team is leaving Bangkok by train on November 10. Hitherto, no reply has been received from Selangor as to whether it is
      68 words
  • 43 12 A supplementary commission has been issued by the Governor under wh ch Mr. Justice Parrett-Lennard is appn'ntea chairman of the Tramways commission in place of the Hon. Mr. R. J. Addie. who resigns the chairmanship but remains member of the Commission.
    43 words
  • 87 12 A Melbourne message of September says: Members of the State Ministry not favour the proposal that they ‘h° •’rrnnge an official inquiry into dieting reports received concerning da Ink Co mins. The sub-'et was r r f o the Crown law authorities, an have made certain inquiries,
    87 words

  • 486 15 Ipohite writing to the Times of Malaya -ays Most people in the F.M.S. have occasion to go to Singapore, either on pleasure iir on business. On arrival at Tank Road Railway Station, a visitor finds great difficulty in obtaining means of transport.
    486 words
  • 118 15 Mr. H. B. Waring’s Company, which is at Present touring in Indiu, and playing to '"y audiences, will visit Singapore in the n, *av future. The company is exceedingly Vt isatilc, and their repertoire is an extremely leng..ny one, including as it docs jh*. following
    118 words
  • 274 15 Considerable interest has been aroused among local Chinese by a prosecution under the gaming ordinance now being proceeded with against Mr. Seah Kng Kun. a leading member of the community, and several others. The case was opened in the third court before ('apt.
    274 words
  • 269 15 The F.M.S. Governm nt Ga/.i tte contains notifications of the following appointments :—Mr. J. N. Milsum to in* an assistant Agriculturist, Agricultural Department, F.M.S. Mr A. Wilson to be assistant Auditor. External Ai lit Department; Mr. R. A. Constable to be Chief Draughtsman, Signal and Telegraph Branch,
    269 words
  • 167 15 The Taiping correspondent >f the Malayan leader wiring on the 7t!i inst. says :—ft is our sad duty to record the death of Incho Alang Ahmed, Datoh I’aduk, a Tuan of Perak, at Penang, yesterday, on his return from a pilgrimage to Mecca. The late lnehe
    167 words
  • 105 15 The rate of mortality in the ,*o tt.lenient of Singapore for the we« k ended September 25 was fift.f.t). The total number of deaths was 221) of whi-h 15ft v re male subjects and 6ft femal < avulsion:claimed 2ft, phthisis .”1. malaria L-ver 21, typhoid fever I.
    105 words
  • 160 15 (From Our Own Correspondent*. Penang, October 13. The half-yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held to-day. Mr. Lome presiding. He said that lie hoped some definite rubber scheme would be arrived at shortly ami that when it was adopted it
    160 words
  • 65 15 (Aneta Service.) Wcltevreden, October 8. During his stay in the Dutch Indies M. Clemenceau will be invited to regard himself as the guest of the Government. governmental secretary will accompany him on various visits to places of in < »vst and finally to Medan, whence he will
    (Aneta Service.)  -  65 words
  • 71 15 (An«ta Service.) Weltevreden, Octol» *r 11. Sugar speculators are intending to establish a second hand trust with 11 1* object of keeping up the sugar price at forty-live guilders. The realisation of tlies" plans, however, dcpcii Is in the first place on whether speculators amongst wlio.n is
    (An«ta Service.)  -  71 words
  • 139 15 (Anota Service.) Weltevreden, October 12. Then* has been a further eruption «>f th<* volcano at Mcrapi. So far s.x are reported killed an*! thirteen injured, ami six are missing. Major W’. <1. St. Clair, who for so many years edited the Singapore Free Press, has arrived
    (Anota Service.)  -  139 words
  • 78 15 MtCl’LLY. On October 14. nt Newlyn. 17. (ji 1 stead Hoad, to Mr. and Mr. .1. A. Met'ully, a son. POTHS. *)n October 10, !t*20. at Monaco Villa, Singapore, the wife of Major II I'oths, late K.(i.A., a son. STAFFORD. On October K, a* Knstlmurne. Aileen, wife of Sydney
    78 words
  • 128 15 Singapore. October 14. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/a 8/41/18 Demand 8/818/18 Private 2 m. 2 credits 2/4% On New York Demand 2ft% Private ft*) days 45*4 On France Bank 586 On Inftia. Bank T.T. 124 On Hongkong, Bank d d 77’_* p.c. pm. On Shanghn., Bank
    128 words
  • 417 15 Singapore. October I I. f rj MINING. 1st. VftJ. Pd. Buyers. Sellara. lft 1ft Ampang 11.00 I 1 Ayer Wong L10 1.25 il t*l Hum. Kumunting 2.0.0 2.10.0 In 10 Kinta Assoc. 5.00 6.00 £i £1 Kinta Tin t.7.6nom. 1 l Uitarn Tin 2.70 2.ft<) 1 1
    417 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 86 15 NOTICE The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $.'W a yeur. The post free price of the Straits Budget i« <11 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for
      86 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 64 1 General— I’uluu Hu la UK Rubber 1 Local Rubber Aeutions 3 Rubber Incongruities 4 September Rubber Returns 4 Telegram— Nellmay Rubber ('o. 4 Meeting and Reports— Bukit Jelotong Rubber 1 Chembong Malay Rubber 1 Rubber Position 2-3 Kempas, Limited. 3 Semanggol Rubber Co. 3 Brunei Plantations .‘1 Bukit Katil
      64 words
    • 525 1 The report of the directors of the Bukit Jelotong Rubber Estates, Ltd., to be presented at the tenth annual meeting at Malacca on Friday, October 15 for the year ended May 31, 1920 states that the profit for the year after
      525 words
    • 1152 1 The statutory meeting of the Chembong Malay Rubber Company (1920), Limited, was held on September 7 at the offices of tin- company, 5, Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. K. (i. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said (lentlemen, the report,
      1,152 words
    • 1005 1 The following: urgent notice to Debentureholders in the Pulau Bulang Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd., has been issued by the Secretaries, Messrs. Kvatt aad Co. We regret to inform you that the linancial position of the company has become very critical
      1,005 words
    • 3904 2 meet ng of th.isc e ;ncern 1 with the q.. stioii oi rubber on.put restriction was held on October 5 in Kuala Lumpur. The lion. Mr. W. Duncan took the chair. The Chairman, in his opening remarks, r ep /i ts tho Malay
      3,904 words
    • 432 3 The 467th auction of the Singapore Chamber of omnierce Rubber Associatior was held on October 6 and 7, when there was catalogued 2,430,463 lbs., 1,085.03 tons. Offered 1,839,908 lbs., *21.41 tons. Sold 1,245,100 lbs., 551.41 tons. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
      432 words
    • 1301 3 The tenth annual general meeting of die shareholders of Kempas, Limited, was held on the lltli instant at 4, rort Road, Malacca, Major W. M. Stine, 0.15. E. presiding. hollowing the usual preliminaries, Tho t I airman, according to the official report supplied,
      1,301 words
    • 610 3 An extraordinary general meeting of .lie shareholders of the Semanggol Rubber Company, Limited, was held in the registered offices of the company, 9, Union .Street, Penang, on Friday. Mr. D. A. M. Brown was in the chair, and there were also present Messrs.
      610 words
    • 640 3 Following is the report of the director, of Lnaiei United Plantations, Ltd. f™ presentation to shareholders at the meet mg on the 15th instant Gentlemen, your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of thi accounts of the company from January 1
      640 words
    • 904 4 Me. J. S. M. Rennie writes in the Times Trade Supplement as follows :—1 should l,kc to point out the incongruous nature ,f circumstances pertaining to the rubber plantation and manufacturing industries at the present time. \Ve have recently read that the WoodMiinc
      904 words
    • 593 4 The tenth annual ordinary general meeting of Bukit Katil Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the company’s office on Tuesday, September 28, at noon, Mr. Tan Soo Hock (chairman) presiding. The minutes of the ninth annual ordinary general meeting were read and
      593 words
    • 105 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 8. At the annual meeting of Nellmay Rubber Co., Mr. Lindley, presiding, said that the net profit was $36,762, making $86,767 to he carried forward. The balance on the Government loan has been reduced to $30,000. The report and accounts were
      105 words
    • 565 4 An extraordinary genera! meeting of ;the Segamat (Johore) Rubber Estates, j Limited, was held in the Council Chamber of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 38, Eastcheap, K.C., on August 20, to consij der a resolution to wind up the company. Mr. VV. L). Campbell
      565 words
    • 656 4 Anglo Malay. 110,290 lbs. Allenby.— 8,900 lbs. Anglo Sumatra. 94,442 lbs. Asalia a.- —70,037 lbs. Ayer Kuning.— 76,000 lbs. Ayer Molek. 16,300 lbs. Alma. 27,500 lbs. Atbara. 27,375 lbs. Ayer Tawah. 28,920 lbs. Ha tang Benar. -29,674 lbs. Hatu Anam.- -23,767 lb*. Hutu Village. 1,796 !bs. Bute.
      656 words
    • 1840 5 The statutory meeting of the Bukit Selangor Rubber Estates (1920), Limited, was held on Si p ember 7 at 5, Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. K. G. Money (chairman of the company; presiding. The Chairman said This is the statutory meeting
      1,840 words
    • 940 5 Stock Par Exchange par Stock Value. Company. Price*, Value. Company. htngl Sept. 15. Sept. 15. 2 Anglo-Malay *58/1 Va 2/- London Asiaic i'l Batu Cave* 114/- £1 Lumut r £1 Bakap Planln*. 27/6 £1 Malacca
      940 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 332 6 iET REUEF—QUIGXLYI twMted ankle, a sprained wrist, a a trainU e— »w thing* tut demand n in a hurry. And that ia Just why isan-u who ereltabla to thoao miahapa 3 keep a bottle of Utile's Oriental c!n.<e at Hand. fere IS absolutely nothing equal to it for mr the
      332 words
    • 74 6 FOURNIER'S HY6EUQUE MIXTURE (VOS LADIES) WASTE NO TIME •ad Proved for Toon Immediately too notice may disorder of th ayslwa toko Fournier's Hyrenique Mixture If «uitkljr nbotu all suffering. Thoro to Nothing to equal It. Anything so Widely Known. It to justly described ns the FINEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD
      74 words
    • 120 6 v/ctuwr 10, nr# LflUE JUICE Prepared solely from pure Lime Juice and the finest refined sugar. THE STANDARD FOR PURITY EXCELLENCE. Insist on having t 2 asst THE CANADIAN FORD Holds tho Sinrsporo Automobile Club’* official certificate (or potVoi consumption, 84.6 mils* on 1 cnllon. WEMME BROTHERS, LIB. TOUR WIFE
      120 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 Y 7 r.r v/.< sc >,-rns -—I, tri »£>&■« iJ w «> i 0 -x Sar-iS: f ti xi. ‘*i T >' «f,*: .-v if! <£■'’'' 5,v; OSMfeS* J < r< jjjpsJgS: 9*«C^u 1 BSdJfe**- V, 9 i i rr; 5 si -dt, iVL rx.~'z/?rK&f£SE c V C XT. 4
      157 words