The Straits Budget, 1 October 1920

Total Pages: 22
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEINO TUB J WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES VOL. Jtxxiv NO. 3268 Singapore, Friday, October 1, 1920 KSTABMHIIKI) OVfiK HAI.F A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 248 1 leaders— Motor Driving 10 Reduced Output 10 Zeebrugge 10-11 Wages and Work H Compulsory Restriction 11 Compulsion Postponed ..11-12 General Local and Personal 1-2 Reuter Telegrams 3-6 Municipal Commission 7 Pretty Ways 7 Fire at Anson Hoad 7 Compulsion Postponed 8 Singapore Mortality Returns 8 Agri-Horticulture I*
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  • 4552 1 The wedding of Mr. M. E. Jh Airey, Superintendent «of the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Company in Hongkong, to Miss C. E. Chauncy (daughter of the late Mr. W. S. Chauncy solicitor of Sydney, N.S.W.) took place at St. John’s Cathedral, Hongkong, on September 17,
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    • 359 3 REi.vrk Z i*.t London, September .1. j* The i.ies. from M. Desdumel the Prcsmency was iva i si..»ui I* *»•>' !,i tl* Chamber and the Senate t i Lc ceremony lasted half an i ne says: .My scale oi j,,.. j n>, nm/er
      REi.vrk Z • : i*.t  -  359 words
    • 359 3 London, September 21. Men. we. men rml children, wheeling th» .r belongings in perambMatt vo, nr. fleeing from ti'.o seaside village of Hal* breggan. the famous h siery venire, m con.'e juenee vi (list ’.re..aces thro igho’.it ti’.o night, arising out of the shoot,i.;r of Koa l-Cen.-table
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    • 208 3 1 London, P ptember 21. The miners’ conference ved the executive conuaittee’s reporc. London. September 21. A brief ofiic.ul report of the miners’ !l ne ol cur l ut it is understood li.can that tm* endorsed the •xeeutive’s strike programme. D.\-legato.- 1
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    • 83 3 London, September 21. The Times Brussels correspondent states :hat fiags were flying on the public buildngs in the territories of Lupen and Malne«iy in celebration of the 1 ouncil of the i-eague of Nations’ decision to place them .liner Belgian sovereignty. The Belgian ’rime Minister read a
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    • 83 3 Lon.Ion, September 21. Washington Mr. Ilnrding, in his election speeches, has been commenting on the inc: nsistenby of President Wilson’s policy in Ifnyti and tl self-determination clauses of the League of Nations covenant. Mr. Colby, replying, made a statement that the Government lu pcs to end the oc•unation
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    • 68 3 London, September 21. The ninth congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire has begun its s ttuixs at Toronto, un -r tin* presidency 1 f Lord Dosbor uj h. D< lc rates iro pr is *nt from many parts. The congress decided n the cstabiisbment of
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    • 38 3 London, September 22. Albany Three out of the five socialists who were expelled from the New A ork state legislature on charges of disloyalty md were recently re-elected have again been expelled. The remaining two resigned.
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    • 110 3 London, September 22. Fold I.vttmn is appointed Und “r-So”* ctary of State for India, in succession to Lwid Sinha, recently appoint 1 Cov< rm r >£ Bihar and Orisa. London, September 22. New York, from Mexico The kidnnppe 1 British landown r Johnson has been free It is officially
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    • 535 3 Reuter Telegrams London, September 22. 1 he fateful m ‘ of the tr.ple alliance iKeti ied by about oOl) delegates met m -uiulon lo-uay to discuss the threatene 1 *1 strike and late ui the afternoon an Ahead
      Reuter Telegrams  -  535 words
    • 186 3 London, September 22. A telegram from Chicago says that a negro with a hazor practically cut off the head of a white man, leaving him deal. A race riot ensued and the crowd chased three blacks into a Catholic church. Two hid in confessional boxes nr.d a
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    • 399 3 .o’ l.»n, Si 1 nber 22. A telegram fr 1 a date1st shows that he i'ol d ...1 p a < inifercpco has begun legations’ poacr.-i au 1 d.u,, v. i'.dish cirles are 1!i- posed to t that the Soviet i. 1.
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    • 215 3 London, September 22. Toronto The congress < f < hambers of Commerce of the British J.mpire has passed a resolution urgin'* ov« rsi as representation on the Imperial flopping < onin lit tee, the taking of all practicable measures to develop the resources of tho Kmpire, especially
      215 words
    • 116 3 London, September 22. In a lott- r to the Coalition candidate at the Ilford by-election, Mr. Lloyd George enumerates the sul stantial benefits which British democracy has won in the past twenty years hv cons* it itional means in a land than whii h there is no freer under
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    • 374 4 London, September 21. Paris Alarmed apparently at M. Millet and’s suggestion that tin* President of the Republic should have mere extensive power, the parties <f the Left have resolved to oppose M. Mdlerand’s election and have deiced to vo*e at to-day’s preparatory ballot
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    • 80 4 London, September 22. The Times correspondent tit Toronto reports that the head office of the C anadian National Railways announces a joint arrangement between the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, the Canadian National Railways and the Uritish-India Steam Navigation Company under which the Canadian Government Merchant Marine and the
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    • 60 4 London, September 23. Some of the most important Dutch shipping companies, including the JavaJapan line, the IIolland-Amerika line and the Rotterdam Lloyd, have combined under the t tie of the United Netherlands Shipping Companies, with a capital of lO'/fc millions sterling, with the object of open ng new
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    • 65 4 London, September 22. Paris Free h f reign trade statistics for the first eight months of 1P20 show imports of 21,fifil ,000,000 francs, an increase of 2.H 1:4,000,00!) compared the corresponding period of IP!'.*, but imports of raw materials e s ntial to Fr nch industries are
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    • 56 4 L« nd' n, September 22. Manchester, New Hn.npsh re The Amos Kean ManufaH aring Company, emL’ :r op liiives and producing four million yards wckl.\, announces a relation of l/;j p r cent, in the price m: nutaetered cotton goods own- to to- Uiis-ttl..,, I Ih, marka in
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    • 556 4 Reuter Telegrams London, September 23. The triple alliance conference was resumed this morning, but adjourned immediately in order to consider the report of n joint deputation to the Premier last night sectionally. It is now announced that
      Reuter Telegrams  -  556 words
    • 110 4 London, September 2l. lives were lost and many people •vere injured as the result of a disastrous explosion <n a barge containing a large ill tank in the Thames, oil' Millwall. Without tne slightest warning the tank sudd niy hurst into tlames. The explosion sent nujre pieces
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    • 534 4 Paris, September 20. M. Millerand has made, to a Havas representative, the f< statement Previous occasions have defined the policy >f social progress and union, which outside tuns at a application of the Peace I n-aty and maintenance of its basic principles in
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    • 192 4 London, September 24. Poking* The question of the status of the Tsarist legation and consulates in China has been brought to a head by the foreign Min stor requesting Prince Kudar*heii', the Russian Minister, to resign. The latter at first refused, but subsequently notified his readiness to resign
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    • 475 4 v v London, September *> 2 I New York A biir a 6 wurnHy welcomed ot the British Sulgrave InltX ltat,v arrived aboard the Carmania ti®’ who Le entertained in various lh 7 going to Norfolk, where they al? bef re rating in the Mayflower cclcSt PartlcU
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    • 156 4 London, September 24. An official statement of the Clare fighting says the police report the attackers used Dum-dum bullets. In addition to the four police killed, one missing has since been found dead, and a sixth is dying. Some of the wounded were murdered when lying on the roadside.
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    • 38 4 London, September 24. Pomhnv The strike of postmen, te e -rnph operators and messengers continue* Telegraphists, numbering f>00, and are demanding increased wages. eers are ottering to help in the P°?‘ liveries which are greatly disorganise
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    • 57 4 London, September 23. Although the Italian industrial^Z 51 is obscure, it already appears tna )C day’s settlement is disowne<. w rkers hnve resolved not to evac factories until the employers P :l > i nVt>r n daring the oceupatii n. while tin* ,M11 j mc jibbing at the
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    • 194 5 London, September 24. The council of the Rubber Gnawers’ Association in London has unanimously resolved, in view of the price of rubber, to recommend ::n Immediate g.-inline re<lucti n of i’tfi* ,n the estimated monthly output of each estate. The
      194 words
    • 132 5 London, September 23. A War Office Mesopotamia communique announces minor British operations w.thout serious opposition. The blockhouse system on the Baghdad-Kut-el-Amara line has been completed. London, September 24. A Mesopotamia communique issued tonight shows general improvement of the situation, though Samawah is still beleagarH. London, September 15 A War
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    • 149 5 London, September 22. (Vrr.he.son The elections for the Fi lketbing necessitated by the incorporati- n of north Slesvig with Denmark. result'll in the composition of the new kethiag L *ing essentially unchanged. The re luiti n in the voting age from 29 to 25, whit h it was expected
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    • 79 5 London, September 24. Melbourne The Commonwealth navy f'ti’ nte S fn r 1920-21 amount to rling. The maximum personnel prol"tl in the coming year is 0.G2S and t j pe<l the figure will he reduced to 4.0 *1 ay r r '>:t July. The sea-going fleet has
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    • 59 5 London, September 24. Arrangements are being made for ®*P<-Timental production of power alcohol ri a considerable scale *n India. It is Hieved it will be found that alcohol for can be produced on a commercial in lar quantities .n various parts P the Empire. At first rice straw
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    • 449 5 Rii’Teb Telegram London, September 24. Mr. Smillic opened the proceedings at to-day’s conference with Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Bonar Law, the President >f the Board of Trade and the Coal Controller by announcing that the miners nad reluctantly decided in view of
      Rii’Teb Telegram  -  449 words
    • 110 5 London, September 25. OiT.cial An t > nssnsMnat' Vai. r-Cenerai Sir Edv.-i.-l Etri.-kuir.-. K'.C.Ih r.t C rk was fi-nitrate 1 by < en ra. Slri- ldand, wh > ws:s in me 1, rcl.irauig the fire, it is 1 1 vv«l gift- tiv ly. Iabr: Ma’or-General Sirici-land norlands the
      110 words
    • 84 5 London, September 2 >. D. RyasanoT, the w ll-known Russ an romr.'.unist, is coming to Hritain as su •css r to Knnvm. T, win l as been r-’fusid nr.isricn to return. lb* in a < o-tor of i-, 0 5 c* i. is repute;! to h 1:
      84 words
    • 67 5 London, September 24. A Moseow wireless mes-age .nstrueted Krasin, on September 21, who has not yet complied, to deny that the K issian delegation was concerned in the sab* of the u issian jewels and the offer of a subsidy to the Daily Herald. The Ma 1
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    • 382 5 London, September 25. Paris M. Millerand, in a message to ‘he Senate and the Chamber, condemns domestic dissensions, that Prance should concentrate wholly on the lovelopment of her greatness and prosperity. Ho affirms that his election shows dial the country is determined
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    • 244 5 London, September 25. The Russian Soviet is reorganising the lied Army the supreme command of which is being offered to Trotsky with Po Ivoisky as assistant. London, September 25. While the Poles continue in pursuit of the IJolshev sts southwards of the l’ripct, tlv Riga peace
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    • 81 5 London, September 25. While pleasure cruising near Harrow at noon to-day an aeroplane containing six ti rsons era*-he 1. Three nun, including the pih t. and t\v> r "vn were l.i'l *<l out*-- I A girl was badly injured. The machine j was smashe 1. London, September 25.
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    • 424 5 London, September 24. South Bends. Indiana Two bandits Hold up the Unit' 1 States mail motor lorry and < 'np I in a n otnrrar with maii valued from 000 to *20,000. I.ondon. September 24. Wilkes I’arre The so-rolled vacation strike in the nnthraci* (•<“:«. regions has
      424 words
    • 126 5 London, September 20. In the aeroplane fatality m ir Harrow, when live \v( r<* ki I* I outright, 11 1 ma-lnno r.i d’.ed within five inin iti <>f leaving ‘.iii! h 11* It aop dr mi'. Ti.-r was a slight (11.i t. Tin* Hi;;!it was a l.ort
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    • 75 5 Lon Ion, September 21. Stockholm The general < 1<* -tion resnlts so far bow that lsj Kiksdag memI ts were h 1 1 <1, vi/.., *> < Social Democrats, .">7 (’ctn' rvat ives, 2 t enndi iates of the Avrarian I'-ibn parti s, il Libera.s and thro Left Socialists,
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    • 90 5 I.on-lon, S *ptemb *r 2". It. is report"d that tie bank ra*e will be raised in tie* near future. The decision has been taken in the h"P f, s that lurgu s 4 o»-ks of goods at pre ?it held hack w I 1 he marketed, thus
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    • 737 6 Ret ter Telegrams Paris September 25. The remarkable ease and rapidity with which such a usually elaborate operation as reshaping the cabinet was carried out in a few hours are eulogfi tieally commented upon by most papers which unanimously
      Ret ter Telegrams  -  737 words
    • 311 6 London, September 26. MeSw'iney has day and night hitherto had one relative or another keeping constant vigil at his bedside. It is reported that the authorities have withdrawn the privilege and that McSwiney has been removed from the ward where he lias lain for forty days and transferred to
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    • 180 6 London, September 2 Ci. The Observer discloses that the revelations of tiie Daily Herald Russian jewel transactions are an infinite sin al part of an enormous Russian plan to raise fun Is for worldwide propaganda by the systematic confiscation throughout Russia of all jewels. Kanienetf originated the scheme
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    • 162 6 London, September 27. A distressing p cture of the devastation wrought by floods owing to violent rainstorms in France, Switzerland and North Italy is given by a Paris correspondent who states that damage est mated at f>0 million francs has been done in Upoor Maurienne. Factories are badly
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    • 527 6 Reuter Telegrams London. September 27. The joint conference of coal-owners and miners sat for three hours this morning and discussed the cause of the reduction .n output and the means of securing .liereused output. They then adjourned
      Reuter Telegrams  -  527 words
    • 293 6 London, September 27. Poland appears to be definitely at war with Lithuania. The latest Polish Communique reports the occupation of two intnuanian towns and the capture of 1 000 prisoners and several puns. The communi- S count "-“t on against the Lithuanians owing to the lat f cooperation
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    • 198 6 The Pailv Tek^Sih"'. Scl>,1 mfcot I Wrangel’s headpumTrs rXS7l' nt l **l account of Soviet atrocity V ;T r;blt brought by an officer of Denikin’ Sa ’I who, with his wife anl s- a ?J escaped in a small open bo-Wh m at ’l learned that it was
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    • 275 6 London, September 27. I The newspapers are directing attention! to the reaction in commodity prices which! is begmning to show itself in Britain and| the t nited States. Over-productiin cf| certain commodities, for example rubber I tea and cocoa, is being reflected not only I n schemes for
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    • 196 6 London, September 2 1. Bloemfontein The Dutch congress hc.d to achieve reunion between the Nationalists tavourinp secession from the Empire and the Government party, has failed to effect a rapproachment to the former insisting on their programme. Nevertheless a striking and unexpected result of this remarkable
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  • 1850 7 A of the Municipal Commisst n< rs v. i»s held on Friday afternoon. The President, Mr. R. J. Farrev, was in the i hair, and th others present were Dr. Vcl rnsamy. Messrs. G. II. K. Mugliston, e,. t I ong V* ah,
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  • 329 7 PRETTY WAYS Public Opinion in the Straits Settlements. Thus the Pinang Gazette The minutes of the meeting of the I’enang Chamber of Commerce arc never very voluminous after they have been “edited f<*r the Press, and we have to content ourselves with the announcement of decisions without knowing sometimes how
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  • 217 7 A tire broke out on Monday morning about a quarter to two o'clock, in the block of buildings occupied by the United Rubber Works at Anson Road. The h ire Brigade was promptly on the scene, and despite the inflammable nature of the contents of the
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  • 192 7 A Melbourne message of Auuust 2X sa v- At the request of the directors of the Hadak Company, the committee of Stoc k Kxchantre decided to 'lay not to deal in thf company's share* on thf exchange pctuliiu*. such time as further reports were n tcivfcl
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  • 2638 7 'Hu* following appeared in the Straits I imes of September 21 After a hearing which Iji^♦.•«| throughout the day, the oroner, Mr. i»<*urnc, yestcr‘lay adjourned the impiiry into the death of the six victims of the tra* r e<|y on board the Altenhurg
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  • 137 8 Messrs, the Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, write to the Malay Mail :—ln reference to the article which appeared in the columns of your paper on Saturday last the 18th inst., concerning the recent fire at our premises, the figures HUoted by you have been rather
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  • 196 8 Wo arc authorised by the Government to announce that His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, does not intend to exercise the power, given to him by section 1 of
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  • 1329 8 Following is the full text of the letter addressed to the F.M.S. press by the acting Chief Secretary Sir.—l should like on behalf of Government to convey to the public through the medium of your columns the following on the important problem
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  • 86 8 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended tember 11 was 82.20. The total nuwt of deaths was 241 of which IT7 were subjects and 64 female. Convu claimed 41, phthisis 33, malaria ie> typhoid fever 0. plague 1, cercbro-sr meningitis 0,
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  • 1061 9 Y ,> foil v. ing report i suppli -1 by the jCt 'ihe second annual general meeting «f Hitam Tin, Limited, was held in the *d oil’iee, 7, Knit* Street, Ipoh, on »j ll.**'- 1 aJ r. u> /V. 1 o\v,
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  • 652 9 The exhibit on of ngri-horticultural orodu'ts, which, for some years past has 1 nnually at Sercmban, has uiva s been locked forward to with the keenest interest and delight by many bur.'iv. i of l<\al agriculturists throughout the State of Negri Semoilan, lies
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  • 668 9 VVitlun tlu* next few moi.Jis it is expect'd that Government will begin work on tw( ‘important public buddings in Singapore, lie (U w Gene ral Fust Oilice *ad ihe ,u vv General Hospital, plans for which have been prepared by Major
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  • 154 9 A visit to the police courts on Monday found the Traffic Department much to the fore, Insp. 11. Benge having something like 1 f»0 summonses to bring to the notice of the* magistrates. The nature of the offences was varied, including dr.ving without lights, without licences,
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  • 297 9 In th<* Supivav* *Mrt t»n duesay Mr. Justice BarreU r I was "raged with the hearing of i.r. hr -ht by Mr. 11. I C’heslf t Mcssr Hend-rson Bros c!a.m.,:w .n-’ f, broach of agreement. Mr. C. < appeared for the plaintiff and
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  • 76 9 (Ancta Service.) Weltevreden, September 25. The Hague, September 22 The chances for Mr. bock, president of the second chamber, to succeed the present Governor(ieneral of the Hutch Indies are Mr. Colyn, president of the BataafHche Petrol Company, was .ked to become 1 lOvernor-Generul but could not
    (Ancta Service.)  -  76 words
  • 54 9 Aneta Service. Wcltevredcn, September 2.1. The bill newly introduced by the Minister for the Colonies irvrcnsmj the export duties on nearly ail the staple products of the Dutch Indies, and imp s ng direct taxes on sugar, coTco, tea, oil and hark, has made the business world
    Aneta Service.  -  54 words
  • 32 9 Aneta Service. Vv’eltev red: 1 1 September 23. Hongkong, S pt. LI It is reported that a Rerio is apri: ir.g !as occurred in Formosa and many were killed.
    Aneta Service.  -  32 words
  • 234 9 Japanese Tr aining Squadron. The Japanese trainin': udron which had been visiting S ngapor* since Sunday left early on Saturday to continue its voyage. On Friday afternoon ViceAdmiral Funakosbi and the captains and ofliccrs of the squadron were At Home on board the Asama, and a large number of
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  • THE Straits Budget
    • 1122 10 -Straits Times, September 24. On the whole Mr. A. W. Cooper mny ho described ns particularly fortunate. The verdict which found him not guilty of a rash and negligent act might have been the other way, because there must he a great many sane and moderate minded men
      -Straits Times, September 24.  -  1,122 words
    • 1167 10 recompensed.—Straits Times, September 25. The Rubber Producers’ Association, which does for the local companies what the Rubber Growers’ Association does for the Sterling Companies, has issued a strong recommendation to its members to adopt alternate day tapping on one fifth of fhe area at present being tapped, recompensed.—Straits Times, September 25.  -  1,167 words
    • 1083 10 Struts Times, September 27. At the request of His Excellency the Governor, the Hon Mr. It. J. Addie has kindly undertaken to act as Hon. Secretary und Treasurer of a local appeal on behalf of the Zeebrugge Memorial Fund, the objects of which are explained in the letters of
      Struts Times, September 27.  -  1,083 words
    • 1256 11 class shews a tendency to follow.—Straits Times, September 2h. Mr. Lloyd George has been described as a wizard, and such he is in many remarkable ways. We read the other day a vivid description of the marvellous tact he displayed at the Spa Conference. The French and
      class shews a tendency to follow.—Straits Times, September 2h.  -  1,256 words
    • 1240 11 .‘U:aits Times, September The meeting of the Planters’ Association at Johore was unanimous in its recommendation that Government should pa; s some form of legislation restricting output to 7o per cent, of normal. We advocated this some little time ago because we felt sure that planters would experience
      .‘U:aits Times, September ”!).  -  1,240 words
    • 1437 11 defence must he available. —Straits Times. Septi mber JJO. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has agreed to the day for bringing tha Defence Force Ordinance into operation Whig postponed in order that the voluntary system may have a trial. This is the course taken in India
      defence must he available.—Straits Times. Septi mber JJO.  -  1,437 words

  • 172 12 A second edition of A Practical Guide t.’.ici -Nut Planting has just been issued Authors, Messrs. It. W. Munro and Brown. (London John Bale, Sons *>anicks.=on 15/-). This is the standi sork, and one can hardly hope for any* iimore complete than .ts exhaustive nent on all the
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  • 142 12 Mr. Donald Currie, civil engineer with Me-srs. Swanson and Sehested, is in hospital with a fractured collar bone and other injuries as the result of a collision with u •ootor car on Sunday morning. It seems hat Mr. Currie was motor-cycling into '<'• from Katong shortly before
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  • 90 12 At th o conclusion of tb? ca*'-? ng-iinst A. W. r.ner at the As. Nes on Septomr *?b the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. Frih, ref- rrod to Do statement of a ’river, named .Mi b'n Awang, sail to he pi- y« by Abrams’ Garage, that he
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  • 67 12 The premier of South Australia has consented to loan the services of th° Town Planner (Mr. C. C. Reade) to the Govern,v,ent of tho F.M.S., and that country will nay all Mr. Reade’s travelling expenses in addition to providing a salary at the rate of £2,000
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  • 43 12 The resolution passed nt an extraordinary general me?ting held cm Spetember 10 to increase the capital of the Ho ITong Bank from .$8,000,000 to $20,000,000 was duly confirmed nt a confirmatory meeting of the bank held on Monday.
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  • 45 12 Mr. P. A. B. McKerron is to act as assistant Superintendent, Government Monopolies, Singapore Mr. W. N. Masterton is to ac t as Surveyor-General of Ships, Straits Settlements and Mr. F. G. Bourne is to act as Coroner for the Settlement of Singapore.
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  • 215 12 At the A>so i y -ptembsr 2G hr fore the aj. 1 f, Sir John Bucknill, K.C., th 1 *>i Public Proo•utcr, Mr. (I. Mi, aski .1 permission, in view of t’. n tm* ease against Mr. V. W. Cooper. "> e.
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  • 259 12 Tilt* depression of th? past week is not iuitc to acute, confidence is again bein'? restore! by the appearance of a few ouyer» in both the industrial and mining section*. Rubber shares have again only attract I slight attention although shares
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  • 73 12 As the result of anoth. r motor fatality, which ccci.ired ct N< rth Bridge Rond a Wednesday, when a Chinese la!, a ire 1 4, w.s 1 no.v. 1 ('own hv a motor levy ur.d killed, Kishin Singh, the ?hh driver was proluced byfor th? ee.
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  • 83 12 A verdict of culpable homicide amounting" to murder again. t some person or persons unknown was i turned by the oron* r. Mr. I’.(l.Bourne,on Wednesday in the case of a Sikh named Rama Singh, who died as a result of injuries inflicted with an axe outside
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  • 90 12 In answer to the early call yesterday from Tanglin Barracks, Insp. Edwards, of the Orchard Road Police Station, went there to find that one of the Staffords, Private Cottrell, had committed suicide. He was found dead with a rifle shot through the left temple near the
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  • 332 12 A Maritv ard 1 Brisbnr** on jst VUR held at uf *I Juki ru ;/roundi ni aided! urtmasur 'Captain orr.stenjpf. fV n. 1., 11 n M iir-r rr Ji.ait.. p ii-v, Mai?u in iTU"* navigated the Suki Maru up the craL?
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  • 219 12 “SUNDAY CLOTHES.” Why Some Dark Suits are Worn In Singapore We take the following from the current issue of the Monthly Paper of St. Andrew s Cathedral We have lately heard a repetition of an absurd fallacy which we thought had been killed long ago. You cannot “go to church
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  • 149 12 The following may interest some ot your readers, says Profiteer in the Sarawak. Gazette :—A small motor was sent to Singapore for repairs. The firm to whom it was sent advised me that they did not undertake that class of work, but k»ndiy volunteered to hand the
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  • 45 12 A cable received on September -3 .1. de Scey-Montbeliard, acting French C°m\ 1 stated that M. Clemenceau, accoiripan by two friends, sailed from Marseille the Cordiliere on the 20th ult., and i* in Singapore on the 15th inst., on nis to Java.
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  • 1450 13 Haddon Chambers has made his mark upon the hnglish drama, and nothing from Ins p« n fails to catch the* mingling of pathos and humour which is the oharacteri.t> of it. The Singapore Amateur Drai atio Committee need no other justificat (in than
    1,450 words
  • 152 13 The following ap])ointiii tv notified in the F.M.S. Govern nu t «•alette Mr. H. P. Clodd to be an < r. >.liei; i member of the Federal C .until. Mr. V. i. Mackenzie to be Deputy Accountant, F.M.S.R., Mr. A. J. Sturrock to be a Supernumerary Officer
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  • 88 13 Some ten days ago a Chinese amah employed by Mrs. Freeman was knocked down by a motor ear nt fie* junction of Grange Road anil Pater n Rond. The driver paid no heed whatever to the mishap and simply passed m while the unfortunate woman picked Ii-
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  • 78 13 Our Kuala Lump’ c co-respondent telegraphs that Mr. A. !5. Voule., acting Judicial Gommissiom r. 1 .M.S.. u II act as Chief Secretary during tic.’ nc of the Hon. Mr. .K Set on Jain"' CMC. Sir I). L. Broi kman K.C.M.G., < h ef ,S r.Jary is
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  • 562 13 Early in the year, Mr. F. E. Marsh, I acting water engineer, presented to the Municipal Commissioners a special report on the waterworks position in regai*' to ♦ln* sufficiency of the present sour ~f supply. This document has n<.*\ l,«•«•), issued
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  • 268 13 The Secretary c#f Murai Tin, Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, forwards a report by tie* d.ree tors which has been circulated among shareholders. This says, in part, that tie directors have carefully considered tin question of a reconstruction of the eoni pany but cam'* to the conclusion that tl
    268 words
  • 424 13 At the statutory meeting of Malayan Mutches, Limited, a report of which appeared in our issue of March b, n Mas stated that I In* majority of the mie b.m r.- Ins n*-w arrived on the the bidam-e being in ‘randi, and
    424 words
  • 442 13 li rt!> after thre« o\ loek oil Saturday, i.ibcr 4, Francis I). Lewis, chief olhc r of tin* steamer Rajah of Sarawak, wh;< li bad arrived from Java and Singapore a few hours earlier, walked otr the
    442 words

  • 70 14 [Th« Strait* Time* not rrrpundbl* f* the <ioir:< on of it* eoj r« !<p. *>«lent.'. c < -'could b***ir *i M.nd 'r‘'e r mOMt hr hort and to tn< .f>< m. f ramM.rg cpintb <ir« links* t *>t rutblri-Jy .-ut down. <Yrr< n i enclose th**ir names m«» *.r
    70 words
  • 460 14 Peace and A mity: Are They Possible? To thi* Editor ..f the Sir. it S.r. !.< i: g t <lu\vn t') ‘I v- utom an nsL c:r I why di»i w war u. tli tier any an<l stall'! t was beat* n 7 *v<* l.i. v. a.u ii :.s v•
    460 words
  • 309 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. j Sir, —With regard to your leading article j this evening, I wish to say that leaders of j men everywhere should in these days, j when production is required to replace the' loss of the War, emphasise the necessity
    309 words
  • 282 14 To the Editor of the Straits T.n Sir, I have been anxiou: 1; i i •diier p< ns than mine to wi. i, above mutter, but to deep t utter astonishment none of th here have ruised a voice for a lt< lief for the
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  • 362 14 T tlo Editor of the Straits Times. S.r i beg to suggest that you initinte a campaign in t !i.s town to secure complete control of motor traffic and to obtain for the general public tho safety to which they are entitled. You may rest assured of adequate
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  • 264 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. I read with interest the letter under the heading of Government Eyes, Please appearing in your issue of the 20th it;d. regarding the 10 per cent, bonus of Iasi year’s which as mentioned was not applied to the peons,
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  • 124 14 To tin* I'M it r of tin* Straits Tunis. S.r. Tiu* committee f tin* Municipality rave* liroit d 11 »**i r secretary l<» rc(|iu*st J a* run *v:il of toe i bstruct'on in Victor Si root ou 'iiii tin* t entral Engine Works. Can t the\ ;.o further along
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  • 504 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- make no apology for returning once nu tv to this s inject on account of its great importance. You have as good as said that this place is untenable in the case of temporary naval inferiority. The accept;* ice
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  • 135 14 The Bangkok Daily Mail understands 1 ha! a draft copy of the new Treaty of Friendship. Commerce and Navigation between Siam and the United States of A mer e;, is expected to arrive hi Bangkok some time next month. The Treaty is to go hef-ue the Senate*
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 240 14 A strong wind nrevnil.wi Sum,ay's racing, and the 1 o[ 0U h( »ut Wichl l lub boats had to n tfapor« elmppy sea. The race was n<J Wilh a the I'orton Cup series A w of r. was ma le „wf„« misfiring. In fine style Sti-IU lrn
      240 words
    • 359 14 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wire?: Fine weather favoured the Sky meeting the going was good and the attendant* fair. Results Race I.—Bruce (Mr. Watson) 1 Battieaxe (Mr. Beecher) 2 Miss Pudd (Mr. Seaton) 3. Time 1.26. Won by two lengths and a half, third a short
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    • 143 14 sOCCtT A correspondent writes a match between Raffles Institution a H Anglo-Chinese School on the ground resulted in a draw of thus J aS) n was a good game and much was shown. There are runiei |j Kf inter-school competition, and ma c this desene to be encourage. A
      143 words
    • 259 15 RESULTS OK SEPTEMBER 23. Championship Singles. Tyler beat Pash, 6—3, 4—6, 6—2. Donnell beat U term ark, 6—3, 6—o. Profession Pairs. Potts and Thomas beat Majors Gunner and Shore, 6—2, 6—l. B Singles. Roy Smith beat Williams, 7—5, 6 2. Wilson beat Winter, 3—6, 7—5, 7— s]
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    • 86 15 The following are the results of the final founds of the boxing in the Olympic Games Flyweights.—Ginnaro (U.S.A.) beat Peeterson (Denmark) on points. Bantam-weights.—Walker (South Africa) beat Graham (Canada) on points. Feather-weights.—Fritsch (France) beat Gauchet (France) on points. Light-weights.—Mosberg (U.S.A.) beat Johansson (Denmark) on points. Welter-weights.— Schneider
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    • 81 15 A Reuter wire from New York of the 23rd states :—The Cuban sportsman Ordapal has cabled to Kearns, Dempsey’s manager, offering to guarantee Sino.OOf for a fight between Dempsey and the called Spanish heavyweight champion .Johr Sanches at Havana on the second Sundn\ in January. Kearns is
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    • 31 15 The match for the club cup on Saturday rnded in each side scoring two goals, lr. consequence unother chukka will be played Qn Saturday next at 4.45 p.ra.
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    • 272 15 The semi-final of the Singapore Golf Championship was played on Sunday and resulted as follows Smith l>f*at, 2 and 1. Rutley beat Finlay son, 1 up. The September Medal at the Keppel Golf Club was played for over the week end (25th and 2'Jth) and resulted in a
      272 words
    • 124 15 The American lawn tennis team which is going to Australia to challenge for the Davis Cup—Tiblen, Johnson, Garland and VVilLams— is leaving Vancouver for Hongkong about October 21 en route for the Antipodes. We understand that a movement is on foot to invite them to
      124 words
    • 77 15 Mr. F. Dcason a''. Secretary of the S.C.C. writes “I‘lease n< tc that the figures published in your paper yesterday are entirely tin.fficial and not a correct statement of th< season’s averages. It is as well that this •should he made clear.” We should be jrlad to
      77 words

  • 167 15 The statutory report of the directors of ‘he Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd., shows that the total number of shares allotted is 23,990 shares of $5 each fully paid up, of which 10,990 shares were issued for ■ash, and 7,000 shares issued to vendors in part payment of
    167 words
  • 70 15 Subject to the approval of the Hongkong Legislative Council the Government will •i evt the existing' in leht "Ine-s of fir* Uni- ersity and will provide for a $1,000,0 )0 ndownunt fund, beside-, inenas ng the yearly grant. The Government h pes for ontributions fr< m other s
    70 words
  • 123 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, September 29. Mr. George Penny will arrive in Penang early in November on behalf of the directors of the Eastern Smelting Company. It is announced that Messrs. Barker and Co., Ltd., ceased to be managers of tlu* Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd.,
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  • 59 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, September 27. At a meeting of a committee of Chinese in the Town Hall, it was decided that the committee of six Chinese, appointed in July, should appeal to all wholesale and retail traders, shopkeepers and others, on behalf of the
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  • 119 15 With reference to Gazette Notifications Nos. 1616 and 1617, published in Straits Settlements Gazette No. 96 of September 10, it is notified for the information of the public that the e feet of the notifications is as follows:—(a) Whereas the amount of rice which any licensed retail
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  • 95 15 CLIFFORD. At tin* European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on September 21), 1'.)20, to Mr. and Mrs. (I. F. \V. Clifford, a son. DOUGLAS NEWTON. At North Devon, Devon Estates, Malacca, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Douglas Newton, a boy. DAVISON. At the Maternity Ilopital, Singapore, September 27, 1020, to Mr. ai.d
    95 words
  • 56 15 HA!RD HAMILTON. At Ibrox U.F. Church, on August 17, 111*20, by the Kr*v. W. 'l'. Henkhead, 11. D., James Parker Haird, Lawns, Sarawak, youngest son of the late Archd. Stirling Haird and Mr". Haird, 2-18, K<*umure Street, Pollokshiehls, to Nancy Hunter, only daughter of the late John Hunter Hamilton,
    56 words
  • 132 15 Singapore, September 30. EXCHANGE On i.ondon, Bank 4 m/a C/4 1/lf Demand C/818/10 Private 3 m. 3 credit# 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 39% Private 90 duya 46% On France Dank 675 1 >n I nnia, Bank T. T. 122 On Hi cukont', Hank d/d 87%
    132 words
  • 413 15 Singapore, September 30. MINING. Tm. Val. Pd. Bnjren. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 12.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.10 1.25 L*1 3 1 Kam. Kamunting 2.5.0 2.15.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6.50 6.50 1*1 AT Kinta Tin 2.7.6 m*m, 1 1 HitamTn 2.70 2.90 cd. i 1 Jelantoh
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 87 15 NOTICE. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $.'18 a year. The post free price of the Straits Uudget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subsciplions for
      87 words
  • 190 15 DEATHS AI.LCnrK. On September 1!H, llt‘20, nt General Iln pital, Siii'raporc, following operation, Joseph F. Allcock, Chief Storekeeper, T« pham Jones Kailton, I. J., Jehuie Hahru. GUI‘.'NESS. On .September II, *****, I lie Cecil Gmime <, D.S.O., l.ieiitenant, Royal Iri h Regiment, only son of Cecil Gainm •<, ami Shanghai
    190 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 85 1 General— Rewards for Ex-Service Men 2 Factories J'rosper, Planters Suffer 2 United States and Rubber 3 Local Rubber Auctions 4 The Price of Rubber 4 August Rubber Returns f> Radella Estate 5 Correspondence— Crop Restriction 5 Restriction of Output 5 Meeting and Reports— Sempah Rubber Estates 1 Kedah Rubber
      85 words
    • 406 1 The report of the Sempah Rubber Estates for the year ended March 31, 1920, j states that the whole of London administration charges and expenditure on upkeep of mature areas has been charged to revenue, leaving a credit balance of £15,nil. Deducting amounts written off buildings and
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    • 1078 1 The tenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of The Kedah Rubber Company, Ltd., was held in the Penang ham her of Commerce on Satur lay, says the Straits Echo, there being present Mr. L. E. Slowe (chairman), Pr. C. F. Nicholas, Mr.
      1,078 words
    • 164 1 At a con forme? of rubber p’nntors in Colombo on September 17, it was decdietl that it was impossible to introduce any form of restriction this year, regarding rubber but that Ceylon producers would be willing to restrict output in 1021 to the extent of 20 per
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    • 676 1 Tho tenth ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Juru Estates, Limited v\iis held at Eentield Street, Glasgow August 10, Mr. T. A. Galiie (chairman of the company) presiding. In moving the adoption of the report and accounts the Chairman said: It
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    • 2569 2 An extraordinary general meeting of the 1 shareholders of the Semanggol Rubber* Company, Limited, was h Id in the registered offices of the Company, 9, Union Street, Penang, on September 22. reports the Pinang Gazette. Mr. I). A. M. Brown pr sided,
      2,569 words
    • 388 2 Following is the report by the direct -vs )f the ISukit K. B. Rubber Co., Ltd.,to he tenth annual general meeting of i!io non.hors, to be held at the Chart* red Rank Chambers, Singapore, on Monday, (X t; bcr 4 Gentlemen, —your directors beg to
      388 words
    • 422 2 1 lv- f< Rowing Is taken from the cur- i f The Planter w v lews as to how the sacrifices of -r. ice men can la-st be recognised I ivw.-.-rq d in material form by the 1 u ciMuicnt, which
      422 words
    • 443 2 ’a tie present state «»f the Rubber '.ling Im.ustry, tie- question is some--1 I wlvdher tin* public are geti;.g the b nefit of cheap rubber. Actually fa t *ei..s t» be that the big munti;i i-'.cr: f rubber goods g-*t most of the lit of tl
      443 words
    • 2531 3 An ordinary mootin'.' of i! Planters* Association of Malaya was I.<1 1 at the Johnre Civil Fervire C i!», Johore Habra on Monday. Mr. .1. !;*-i o or ided. and there was a good atf< n !nn"<*
      2,531 words
    • 224 3 Mes rs. M< nson and Co., Malacca Street, Singapore?, is ue a noti?> plantation rubber in p rts into the Un ted States in 1918-19-20. The conch. u stated is that the United fixates can easily handle in orditmvv time*. 1(5,000 t ns monthly of plant::!
      224 words
    • 2943 3 A 1 i j ‘-han'bor 1 eve neld ia Kuu.a Lunmurf mui.nng to discuss the rubber n v 8 and the qvv'sti m whdh"r it is (wJH? ocs.rablft of ll i riday? Vpu s U B Th,. Hen. Mr. H. P. do,H (Chairman)
      2,943 words
    • 755 4 The 465th auction of the S.ngapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on September 22 and 22, when there was catalogued 2,156,222 lbs., 962.64 tons. Offered 1,452,129 lbs., 648.27 t'>ns. Sold 1,102,954 lbs., 492.82 tons. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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    • 205 4 The report of the Jerain Rubber Kstutes for the year ended March 31, 1920, states that, after debiting the whole of London administration charges and all expenditure on upkeep of Jorum. Estate to revenue, and writing off £3,609 for depreciation of buildings and machinery, there is a
      205 words
    • 64 4 With p'fcp ii' ,M to No lirat.( n No. -S, publisho'l in tli h’..'' S. >v. rnmrnt I'azoUo of .lanuat 'l, 1 ID, it is notified hat tin* prioo < i rst ra c rubber for hr pi rio I Krptein' r‘J 1 Sept Ulbor ‘<»o,
      64 words
    • 66 5 'The Straits Tirn<»« is not r««poD4ihl<* for th« opinions of ii* correspondents. Corrsspv: dents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long rambling epistle* are iiable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for Rublication but
      66 words
    • 475 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Better late then never, and one hopes that Mr. Macfadjcn’s name will sway the balance, bring in the waverers and, if necessaiy, pave the way to Government enactment!. The present general scheme appears to he 25 per cent, reduction in
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    • 413 5 To tho lvl.tor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —The present depression prevailing throughout the rubber growing industry, serves as a s ond reminder to those engaged in the business that the commodity is yet to be placed on a sound commercial basis. The first warning clearly revealed
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    • 506 5 The second annual general meeting of the Medini Rubber Company, Limited, was held on August 12 at 59, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Frank C opeman presiding. 1 The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said there was nothing
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    • 44 5 Holland American Pi 5.—1,117,000 lbs. Si Pare Pare—6ll,o4o lbs. Netherlands Langkat.—3l,926 lbs. Malaka Pinda.—4l,4l7 lbs., making a total of 455,120 lbs. for the year ended August 31, 1920. Bukit Kati 1.—12,097 lbs. United Malacca.—l 4,243 lbs. Taiping K. Estates. —10,506 lbs.
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    • 77 5 The directors of Uadella Estate have decided to stop tapping entirely. The labour force will be reduced by 70 per cent. It is stated that a Rubber Club for London, in association with a similar institution in Manchester *>n the lines of the Rubber Club of America now
      77 words
    • 906 5 Stock Par Exchange Par j Value. Company. Prices, Value. Company p Aufiru8t 25 August 25 2/- Anglo-Malay 40/- £1 Linggi 57/g £1 Batu Caves 37/6 2/ London Asiatic £1 Bakap Plantna. 31/6 £1 Lumut
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 GET KUEF-QUmr A twisted ankle, a sprained wrist, a strain*i muscle— the#* are things that demand relief in a harry. And that ia Just why thousands who are UhMe to theee mishaps always keep a bottle of Little's Oriental luim close at hand. There is absolutely nothin* equal to it
      359 words
    • 69 6 nuiim Hnaigut mmuiE (FOR LADIES) WASTE NO TIME v Tftid and Frond far Tun Tnmdiatoly you natlaa ray disorder of ti F< eurnier'a Hyaenique Mix tun quickly nnoni all suffering. There la Natkiuf to equal It Anythiaff 10 Widely Known. It la Justly described aa the FINEST KEMEDT IN THE
      69 words
    • 124 6 mmm LtMEJUICl Prepared solely from pure Lime Juice and the finest refined sugar.. L rtf 4 .S>*V‘ ;lYv THE STANDARD FOR PURITY EXCELLENCE. Insist on having ROSE’S. Ipt it THE CANADIAN FORD BdUi the Singapore Automobile Club's official eertifleate for petrol con »umptlon, 34.6 mllee on I gallon. WEARNE BROTHERS,
      124 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 222 7 J i/ i'-' v V Jif. 4 Ji',' ■Jk t- I i v*r< i ula. -v; /■v,. n :js;V ,t;kK *:i Wi< i& i •A ill v (H > V t f -r\\ V-v r r> iV,“ V.f u A.. V MTj ■>... A 1 i J| 1 fl V
      222 words