The Straits Budget, 16 January 1920

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget G BEING THE G WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES" VOL. LXXIV No. 3231 Singapore, Friday. January 16. 1920. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CESTUI V Price 25 cents.
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  • 208 1 J)BRS—ailway Trouble }S poerici and the o»li **’inn riiisb T»ad ReJame 10 JJ liiiin and K'dXK utare cl China upbuilding ,,,U U 41 i»D OiNiail— Deal and Personal rut' r Ttltgnma 61 Daiing Frejeot merger Rates Trophy (tom H M.9. Hampshire (abBK en ouieward Bcund uraaians o(
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  • 4994 1 Bi'V 1 ’t" mv yi'»r6 k‘!i 8 vr h w* 1 i r Mr. ted Mre. J. L. Sime led for Home or Suuday eight. \lm. D H. Ovist, wife of the agr?onlturfl instructor, Koala Lumpur, is leaving f iv heme Mr. W. Forme, Chartered Bank, Ipob,
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    • 1140 3 figVT IB TULIUIBAM*. Lcndon, January 4 D Dlkl0 B armies arc il .Pf**" C f 0 Zuineu* pe-.l. M**i0 m ,l <B from Taganrog ▼i««« ,e 0L>y r *.|,y but base. Denikin bah wbitb W |T)mt/ca»lb«8in also all railway ;f nV btiwoo bin
      figVTIB TULIUIBAM*.  -  1,140 words
    • 562 3 London. January 4. New Yo»k: Tbe arrpsts in the great raid on extremn-ts total 4.510, of whom over half will bo d.ported. London. January 4. Washington: The editorial staffs of a'l tbe communist new-pap-r" have heeu arrest od ani tons cf literatnie re ztd Officials claim to have
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    • 190 3 Londoa, January 4. Mr. Churchill speaking at Sunderland, said tbe conditions in Burcpo and Asia were desperate- Nobody coaid tell what wonia emerge from but it woali bo some thing very menacing to civilisation, especially to tbe British Empire, Now foroes w*re spriogirg up in A ia
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    • 195 3 London. January 5. Tbe rr Kaiser, in a letter to the Tsar, ddted May 80, 1S98, published in tbe Morning Lost, alltg-d tbit "a celebrated Britrh pohticiau sent for tbe German A nbasaadoi and offered b m a treaty if alliance with Germany, which was urgently rrnewee later
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    • 184 3 London, January S Tbo Times refers to tbe immense and in creasiDg quantities of noxious diug-i being oullivated or smuggled inti China Unscrup nlous Britishers and Americans are con oerned iu tbo smugg iakf and Japan is undoubtedly tbe principal cistributicg oentre from wbioh tbe drugs enter
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    • 137 3 4 Louden, January 5. Mexico City: Scores wero kilhd in a Widespread earthquake cu ttio Ctd ms Heavy damage was done, particularly lu W r Cn province. Later: The ear’bqiiko was ft It t! rough cut Mio Thirty dead wi n rountc i in the village cf
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    • 193 3 London, Janoavy 4. A correspondent in China of the Times Trade Supplement, dealing w (b currency in China aid it fining to the rapid lise of the dollar and the price tf silver generally and the b- li f that this is due to tho Chinese hoarding
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    • 130 3 Linden, Janaary 6. Paris: The plans for tho Faris-Saigon flight, on which the civilians Drooilb and Descoyelles have started, have been oarefolly prepared. The aviators have stadied the ronte for many months. The flight will diffov from previous long ri<sta*:oo flights inasmuch as a seaplane will be used instead
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    • 113 3 London, January 4. TLe Sp on Valley result ip generally regarded as a damagng blow to O'vernmont in view of tLe fact that the F«ee Liberals deliberately challenged the Cor.lition by pitting up Sir Jobe Siunr. which challenge Mr. Llojd George acoepteo by inducing Mr. htirfnx to stand
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    • 88 3 London Janoavy 0. Tbo companies registered in London in (ho past six months havo reached the anprecede nts total cf 6,415 with a capital of £<252,003 000, of whnh textiles and clothing ret roient £W,000,000, mines 424,(03,000. sbipp ng £22,000,0„U bar bs *nd huaneo oil £20,200/03, motors £18
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    • 124 3 London, Janaary 5. Tho Daily Mail's Sydney correspondent •datt stoat Japan's sm onnn.rLi nt that sho intends to spend £7f>,(H 0,000 on her Naval programme, of whiou £W,OGU,fOC will bet pent in 19.0, is causing ubojsini. hs in Au-t-aiis, where the sohemo is r* gard< d as
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    • 98 3 Loud ’i’, January 4. After longtl y tr the cl vt ruirent rlTcr to the rail wa u en .’toneuno'd pri vities that lb lowest paid wu*l< wi 1 rt t'lvj Mis. wok and a s c*tion t» pjic will r< reive £d as againrit 22 bi 'ot
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    • 117 4 Londnu, January 6 A confer* uoo of tb** n pr* sertativr.s of Laocv li r* (J ;un *> r* i 1 mm* re aud rm Dluyoirs ao 1 op »a*.iv b* organisations h»*> bu< D bold *»t Maneli st* r to con»id'<r tin <jooMli )u of b imth
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    • 97 4 London, January 0. ATiritnar, DcoiU-b r 10: Tlie Indian National Cor gro*s a unanimous lion d* turn nog tbit in vi» w of tiio rnv* 1 tionn in tbo videnco at 1 1 lluntur commit nion General Gy r 0* r« ru' vl 1 It ro lii* com
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    • 61 4 London, January 0. Tlu congrr-ti n at tbo ports continued to bo Huverely felt. It appears that Govern tu' nt cargoes aeon mu late at tbo porta indtoao of being rapidly Imposed c. Ships ero delayed lor many day* in port awaiting discharge At present Id ships are
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    • 327 4 Parid, January 6. Sr Nittf, tbo Italian Premier, arnvod in Paris yesterday. Fronoh circled dtatc that tbo modi srriouh obstacle id duo noitbor to Franco nor Great Britain, nor even to tbo Uuttud Stated, but to tbo Italian G. vernmont which did not include Kiumo in *ho Pact
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    • 163 4 Lon lon, Jannaiy 4 The Otf of Crloottr, tnm Liverpool with 800 pasßi D i/ers or board. haH not bt «n n port rd sinoo December ‘2B, when she was ell Ushant. A lati r published yofit'rday toper ted the vessel's arrival at I'jifc riau > Londor. Jannaiy 4.
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    • 199 4 Kiltie Tblvgeamh London, January fl. Ik in estimated that the iaoreaso in railwav ral«H which will be enforced January Id will mean an increase ty 22'dd. pet pound in the pneo of cotton i(uo'h fof export. London. January 7. At the Kailway
      Kiltie Tblvgeamh  -  199 words
    • 173 4 London, January 0. Washington: Mr. Bakor, Secretary for War, announces that tbe Rede rcocntly arrested and now held for deportation w.ll be concentrated at Tpton Camp, Long Island, which was one of tbe United Stateß army camps in wartime. New York: Weinstein, who has boon arrested, is tbo
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    • 246 4 London, January 6. Tho final report rf tho select c'cnmiltp*' on nation*! exp ndiimo deals wiiti th»> Mnistry if Shipping and tiud« tl a*> its work an a whole wan most efficient. Tun mam su'j.ot of criticism im tho ixpondituro ou natimal nhipyaicJn, the loss on which roust
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    • 111 4 London, January 7 Tho Board of Trade return®* if imparls for Deornubpv aro JCi69o:P,OIO srd esport*jEWOO. (MM)), increases of X*sB 030,000 and X V, 000,010 nsptc ivcly compand with I) con b r, 1918. The imports -n 1910 wer X 1,882 O0J,(00 and cxpoits X'798,000 C( 0. lucreas*
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    • 110 4 London, January 0. The Times' Paris correspondent Bays too Temps' inspired < xo'aoatinn indicates that tno omission tf trie word Associated fr m kho Boprome Onancii decisions is dae to the fao that the United States Ambas«« dor in Paris is not empowered to assent to oertain
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    • 68 4 Londor, Janofcry 6. The Ministry of Health announces several oases of a itbrar, two of wbiob were fatal, doviog the pa-it few wo»k'. They bavj been definitely traced to shaving brashes from Jap *.r, and investigations have sinoo revealed the arrival of several farther tainted consign* mints
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    • 70 4 London, Janaary 0. The will of the late Viaoount Astor bae beta filed disposing of bis American estates, the valao of which is not stated. His real estate in How Yjrk City alor j was assessed at $6C,0;f,0 iO, which was transferred in treat for bis two
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    • 50 4 Loudon, January 6. The following vessols will assemble at Plymouth on January 15 to proceed to tbe Cuina station Colombo, light oroieer, Magnolit, Hollyhock, Fuxgrove and Bluebell, sloops, on i Cricket, Mott, Mantis, Cockchafer ard Cicala. Tbe C dombo will be tbe senior officer's ship of tbe flotilla.
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    • 49 4 London, January 6. Washington: Admiral Jelliooe was tbo guest of the American Navv at the of Mr. Daniels, a g*e»t Naval gathering including tbe Naval attaches at tbe Rmbassies It is noortaiu whethor Admiral Jellicoe is leaving America to proceed to Soatb Africa or direct to London.
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    • 212 4 Pare, January 6. Paris by the end cf tbe week will again have a contingent of Allied Premiers and Foreign Ministers as daring the first peace omterencr. Daily meetings will bo confined to the Big Four, bnt powers with minor interests will bo called into consultation when their
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    • 1057 4 RauTis TiuatAYH London, Jpnoary 8. Paris: Conv< rnationß with the Goimao* »ogarding the jamdictiou applicable to oo copied tciritoiitß ate likely to oontinoo (or some davH, hence the exchange of tat fioa tiona will probably be pobtponed to the beginning of the ww
      RauTis TiuatAYH  -  1,057 words
    • 580 5 London, Janun.y 7. cl Col. Tallent btioginR J P««' effo. i. au«bo..t.l.«ly ieawd. London. Januar j 7. Whnim- Ad iwithouianpapei announces u 9 ffhc &h» pr’«»'»* iTuiB e b li B (Mcn.lT* lent. b»« Bt.rtod la. coan ;f t'ABHQjil a new pence offer horn ar sissr*p— bo,i6h le >,
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    • 295 5 London, January 8, Tbe preliminaries governing the British Empire Exhibition cf 1921 are completed. Toe exhibition will probably be hold in Brents Park. The Imperial, Domioiouh and oolonial governments have erp css ed approval of the undertaking, which will bo on a vast scaly involving tie nr. cdoup
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    • 140 5 London, Janaa*y 7. A cosfcrenoe cf tbe lailwaymen's delegate* m ft in piivitn &uJ »dj jurnod t 1 fo naerrov, witlout coming to a decision. M«. Thoiaas in a statement »ays that the conference was engaged all day in hearing explanations. Ho addid that branch resolutions eo
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    • 171 5 London, Janaary 6 New Y rk lotion against tbe extremists in pro?ee.tiQK btLk'y at Chicago. Malles, tbe atatioticiaa on tbe Federal Trade Ccmmisbion, baa been arrested on a charge of of the ccrnmnsi*. party. H‘ was oonficed ia a military camp in 1017 as a conscientious ot j
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    • 127 5 London, January 7. De lhi, Deormber 81: With reference tc lie striotures in some of the London news papers on tbe Afghan campaign and the operations on the frontier, it 19 pointed oat that the Afghan wav concluded with extra dinary rapidity, the Afghans suing for peace after
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    • 87 5 London, January 7. Los Angola* Carpeutior has accepted thr cßjm to fight Dompsty for a purse of A 80.0.0 put up by J«mr*s Ccffrotb, owner of the racetrack at Tiajuana, who will probably construct a special arena for tbe mat oh. He suggests an the date July
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    • 73 5 London, January 7. Mexico City: According to the latest re port* a dcijn towns and villages in tho Htxtc of Vera Croz aro either wbol y or part.y destroyed aud Caloahulco is oompiett-iy i ngulfe nothing remaining but a huge pit filled with debris. Louden, Janaaty 7. Mexico
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    • 54 5 London, Janaaty 7. The Daily Mail states that Vickers are building tor the Government a six-motor aeroplane to oarry 60 passengers. London, January 7. A telegram from the Hagae states that Fokker is oonstraoting an aeroplane to oarry 00, fitted with Bleeping booths and a smoking room for flights
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    • 77 5 Londor. January 7. Commenting on tho Tientsin telegram stating that Cuina is asking the bankers commission for a loan of £3 000 003, the Financial News remarks: .-although the Chinese uatoms retarns for J 919 establish a record •ill Furpluees handed over are squandered, chu fly for the
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    • 71 5 London, January 7 Tbe Daily Mail etatoß that a foreign firm tiading in Minciog Lane is involved in liabilities ot tialf a million as a result of a two millions rubber transaction. It was feared that it wool 1 cause general trouble in tbe rubber market, bat it
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    • 60 5 Loudon, Janaary 7. Tbe gunboats Moth and Mantis, which havo boon refitted sinca returning from the ▲robargel rivtjr expeditionary force, wer'• oomuiissioned at Sheevneas yesterday and the gunboats Cockchafer and Cricket comLeiasiunrd at Chatham, all for service oa tb»> China Station. The respective oommaoders stu Lieut. Commander* A.
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    • 54 5 London, January 8. Csiro, January 7: Viscount AHeoby ha« arrived at Jeddah aboard of 11 M S. Centaur King Haas in received Lim at the pier and decorat ?d him with the Grand Cordon of the eider ot tbe Mahda with jowels and s!bj presen.od him with a
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    • 40 5 London, January 7. Dublin: Battle Kelly, brother ot the props i**tor ot the public bon to where oonaipira sera had assembled, has boon arrested in connection with the attempt on Viscount French's life and sent to Kurland in ou-itcdy.
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    • 456 5 Paiis, Janaary 8. French oirclts believo ia Italy’s wdling no-13 to throw in her lot with England and France in settling tho Turk* y quesl.on in accordance with Anglo Fretcu desires in return for a fair Fiume settlement. Concern ing Jago Slavia all dealings will be through the
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    • 39 5 London, January 7. Tbe ’Varsity boat vaoe is fixed for Maveh 27. London. Janaary 7. His Majesty has awarded tbe 1914-1 S Star, tho British War Medal and tbe Viotovy Medal to Mr. L!oyd George and Mr. Asquith.
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    • 450 5 Raursa Tibbobams London, Jboqbvj 11* Replying to a loyal ruossago (tom the C't'EvOH of Londoa ou the ooonsion of tbe exchange of ratifications the King telegraph* ed to the Lord Mayor With all mv heart I reoipmeato their hopes and fervently pray
      Raursa Tibbobams  -  450 words
    • 512 6 London, .fanaavy H. Writing to the Times, Lord Sfd nhano, dealing with (ho danger < f B' hi vmio in the Bant, nays that hr view* kho it title h iuatiou in the Far K»h( with grave anxiety. China may bn too vast, too duj intid, to
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    • 173 6 Lender. January 8 'fl annual bullion It iter Cjouliour a n-iKnt blicai in nb at .0 01 iu i-ocnod into tbn Unit d Siuton, mlca'dre O ,vc 1 nrxrnt from tin »l or: to I' poir.! 'h athdoliot tL fir. -f v ’tofrilv.r dolUrn Rtkl under tbn
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    • 168 6 London, January 8. Now ork A warrant hm lo *n ig>urd f)r the* am at and di pt nation c f Mirt-nn, the self Ptjfl*<i ia in Loudon, January 8 A’bany, Now York Stain TLn L* > it latere by 140 vote* to 8 ro'uarul to alio
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    • 126 6 London, January 8. A depotation of the j Jut industrial coonoil for tho silk itdustry visited Sir Auckland U i.d< h at the Hoard of Trade yesterday and nr that tho most vita, factors stl otiog ti e i ’k iuaus ry a*i present wrie thj rates
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    • 81 6 London, Janaary 8. BornLuy. January 2: A widespread strike of mdihands has began. Over score of u i'.lHarerff cted. Ho far there have been no dii yubancos. The men’s aemands include a fifty p< r oent increase of wagos, ten hour day and a yearly bonus. London,
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    • 174 6 Paris, January IC. Tie inaogural meeting cf the economical couocil of tho Gcreral Confederation of Labour Las j ist betn held at Paris. Iu lab.ur circle!) the is regarded as tigeihcant of development which iu l.k» ly to oiuiectiato tho foroi b cf the syndicalist organisations on
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    • 378 6 Riotih Tilbokamh. London, January 8 J 1 o situation is increasingly H»-»intis pit Iikitik whern thero are 9.C 00 am K I cliak Ui ovpcntn b in»< constantly rei -fcrood rod i with r a tine fins aDd aeiop’anp*. *‘'r-cty»nti lki holdii«
      Riotih Tilbokamh.  -  378 words
    • 218 6 London, January 8. Cairo, January 7 1 1 r.l ans aro oxcited by tlic dr ath ef a compatriot, a musician from the Koraaal, Who was killed by a blow from a har.r >o vyhtle r ndtavooring to fyroo a cotd:u ci irfccps 01. aring u crowded
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    • 229 6 London, January 11, la roßponso to a summons from Mr. Lloyd George, respecting tho railway situation, S;« E.ic Geddes, Minister of Trunspcrt, and Sir tvobefii Uorur, M.uister of Labour, have gone to Paris. Ccnsi qacntly the confertnce b-tween the raiiwavmen and Sir Brio Geddee, fixed for the 12ih,
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    • 116 6 London, January 9. Washington: President WiFon, in a m'jfcsago to the D mocrat Natiouil Com mitter, dr-elarep fhKt the only way tj determiuothc will cf ih* A meric'.a people re gird ing tho Li jgauct Nawioua ia to muko it an ipsuo for urn ut xt uiecti jo.
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    • 96 6 Lcndon, J senary 8. Ot*awa: At. tho onoual iatMview will* tbe C median Goicrntceol tuo tfl-cia'p rcqac8 f d rsir Miching ou eg it Lour day and a 4 4 hour v tic. They lemaudid for all wokeis cf crgaci eatioa and riioiniiion cf iho
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    • 121 6 Lcr dcn, January 11. Lloyd’s Register shows that nearly 3.COC ,(T0 tous rf shipping were bsiug built in tfci Ul ol KiL K oui on D.cemfcei 81, m inermn* ut i77,'03 as coapartd with H piembrr £0 and ov r a million a? ormpared with Dec. ru bet 81,
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    • 61 6 L r dor, January 8 New •Ynl: Tl,e riscltcf i- 1 r< h n ror mt< r pm, onntirn if 10 f‘ l ,l la ”'H w5° 241,001 fo» P*Rti L'i.rc-ha-e Hi c ttrel, 82,U o|. r rchibitior. j< obßiquiuf y the absolute majority whioh was necessary to
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    • 38 6 London, January a, Mr. Arthur Henderson at Widnes renndUk ru cbesuggisted alliance between the Übon >Dd L.b0.1 iwrtie. on Ibo RtoonJ ,b», “i alliances spelled compromise, whilo Übrn fur principles not admitting of com promise.
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    • 34 6 London, Janoary e, The Times correspondent at Dublin that a sensation has been oaused by the summary dismissal of Brigadier General Sir Josirh Bjrce, K. 8.8., Inspeotor-Geaeral 0 f the Royal Irish Constabulary.
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    • 22 6 London, January 9. The Australis n Lieutenant Farrar and Mscionnti h* vo departed from Hodublow ic at icplaLo DH9 for Australia.
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    • 25 6 London, Janoary 6. The result of the moulders' ballot conoern. ing settlement on January 2 wssAgainst acceptance ot the terms, 16,718; tor, 9,681.
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    • 647 6 Riutib TilmiamSi London, January 9. The ratification of the Peace Treaty od January Id and the at sumption cc the following day, vie., Sunday, of cnplum»tic e'Aliaoi wihi Gtrinaiy givis special point to Hie following time limits which the Allice bate
      Riutib TilmiamSi  -  647 words
    • 337 7 London, January 9. R il<t m ..t.- Conlunnee b,* decided Tbf tri rntni oS« r, a. i 10 tpM L «f» r Deck »o the cxooatiVb itt. tre to reopen Bcgoiintiot o. L ndon, Janoa»y 9. Thd Railway Conference cont.coe* to Mt Th L w tj- t.Cbivcd from
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    • 253 7 Pari?, Jacu&ry 12. F» nr r'tenhv rroaet jd to elcofc 240 w r -4 ,ar3 i'e t* j c'.t. gone* o> J? -o a *bo tutu 1 i h -1 1" injJ. It H 2 C 00 5 -i** ct 314 rUw*o&ite, ls x,\ Bn r( ftbitd J
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    • 113 7 London, J*mvy 9. New York The split between Mr B»yan aui Mr. Wilson or. tbo question cf wfittbex the League shoabi be maJo an ishuo of tbc th is dieouened with interest, rspuciaily of iti nn the pi s detilial el'Otion. Mr. Wiisun’4 ruosn docs not b'ul at
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    • 111 7 London, Janaary 9. Mexico City: Fresh eartkqiikes bav<> occavred to tbe north we-t ot Vera Cruz Eight viiUgts were overwhelmed and an itemecse lake is now frtratoi.iog ever th, devastated area. A n-w oral, r ha? >n tbe volcano of Orizaba where the bui ht»split open and eolphor,
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    • 146 7 London, January 9 Tbe Blackburn Kangaroo will bo ;b> u•• d in tb»' rr ja: s*»ct Biitifjb A it'ictic exprc'iti''?: It-.viLg tu July. Ihe actual fligl t, sia.tiog t x Briiaix, wi tlngr-- G v.Ld known, bat utuiof, m..;ut ian w o altitude is 12 COJ feta.
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    • 81 7 Lc.ndor J sruary 9. Intrrviewrd at Ci i prlar i. dcp’.rfUrfc> {jr Iti Sail:’ V.PJ'jUjJ A I •ifcj oi.'.d *t th. iu E.y.t tss r ac L'c«>.: Wi*.i gL’Ow'. prufepeci ci a ..s-oty jir M hg:uie»t. Londcn, Jauunry 9. K ywe’ 4 A’mir .l J'l -rnd S R j»v
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  • 349 7 !*owinB uprestco *n the N. C. Vco! D.;.:e lb c 24: Too hv’>p' *T J 9 Most 8 hit SnaLtfhui jts. t .-y i. hs > h bor -lie l.fcv 0 z o‘ b v.fn a i’M. •vt« y Horoti tv m 8 b *-.a
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    • 89 7 There is ev°,vy prosp <ct ot a tournament being hell in Kuala Lompnr on Fubmary 19 and 21, Chin -so Near Yeas coder tbe aus of toe Selangor Polj Cmb. The Stn<a pure Polo Ciub hop 69 to two teami, and it ero will ba ore each
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    • 60 7 The following tixtaru card for infor-Ttate erioket matches has btou drawl np: Chinese Nuar— Fjb. 20—Pjnang v. Pjvak in Peoaog. Selangor v. Negri SenubJan at S< "embao. Easter —April 23—Cjlony v. F.M.S. at Kuxla Lampur. Siorsp'tro v Negri S mbifaa at S tremban Bark Htlilay, A igasi. 2
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    • 145 7 Tb® taeciiog of the Taipiog Branob of thr M.S.V.H. Bakialiou K tl j Ciub op Jtunary 1 p cjuo* d itta i romhri.iblo shooting by sever *1 mrmb rs an d sn a*! round improvuuient by the members ginetrlij. Pt rl'aps the mo<*t r iu*rkable at the 8C0.90J
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    • 343 7 The Garris'ct G: s f Cl :b s Udits’ medal for J inoary riEu’twd a p follows: Mii. Savi ffl-10^45 Id s. P. uigcv 65 8 47 Me. Cantr *1 (6 4 5i M S evous 68 scr. 53 Mcj. G kUela‘ur GJ so.. 60 Tie result of the
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    • 290 7 8a r ;djy L'3« .i r ".w ibo fi -t cf the r»* h f Mifi. ij'.Q ’i 0»p«n i i* rnovul l r*l J l y o >t*i ma*-r 1 Mi*r»i li c tr.' I*. MlB .5) ii l Mid S.upO >h B*. tto'* t* vi
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    • 182 7 A hvge crowd watched a very interesting gvjio of soccer on the B.C.C ground on Wed* *:?sdAy. It was tbo M ktohistcrs'last game be* t or,. their dtp r.Q,tt for homo to ay, and they pu'-up an e&o il> u*-suow again *t the Ciuo,
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    • 234 7 What promises to be an interesting feature of the S.Q 0. Sptirg T nu n Tournament, which b-g'os ia i* tin V iter»ns D aM‘*s Htiodiaap I bio is op to acuvo o rs of ih Clah '*f th- n»«if 40 or over with twelve yrar i r
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  • 389 7 Tr/D y fnafario# n n from Hall &ro pl&u.ii’jfc daring euker'K.B ti s cf o A.t.n.i* 10 81 1 j. lifeboat. '1 v,r»;u S.-ui, -7, i h p’a wain, and \V. i'll, M i.Oi'm li*H u;.iS<.jr r»
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  • 320 8 A message reached Smgsp >ro on the ovi ning of iho 8»h ifhl. that a Hoocnd steaim» had run a«-ho»o neat lh< Hultan Shoal aid was in need of amis! anoe H r location wan given an Buffiile Inland, which ih a
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  • 359 8 The N. (1. Daily Newa aayn: Tho rooont anccu to tho iff »ot that tho Mussageri a !f ritmiea Co. had inoroaaec their rates lor o. singers from Shanghai to MarßoilleH by p>r cent ,i s bringing tho fa-o ap to
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  • 185 8 When H M.B. Hampshire wbh stationod at Hongkong in 101'i tbo ship's team wero the toon* vh op in tho Hongkong ***** Id noiupetition ord bod tbo honour of having tho team's nauiou lasoribod on tbo runners' cp oup, also temporary possession in tho close
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  • 1285 8 (From Our Own Cobrksi’ONl>kni\) Penang, January IP. I, bi ea rrin rked that there has never b»*u-i such a fon.ivo and happy now year in IVußig aR that which we hv/o jastboin rehbraiug. Toero certainly has nun an outhttak tfr»jo:ong up >n a most gonerca--oale. Kv»jr)b.>dy appeared
    1,285 words
  • 183 8 Before Mr. Jastioe S K roulo on action came cn in wbch Mr. K. do Stoats olaims from Mr. J. M WiUnn, arrears of royalties amounting to 147,804.95 in respoot of losses of coal and iron ficlos
    183 words
  • 412 8 Ttao following is a ILtofttad p»"*nßg''rß whioh Jett fir uouipby the P, an.l 0. sjeiuior K «Mt on Saturday M.. Jas’ioe F*-rer M ir.hy, M? 3 Woo*, M«h Fish, Mrs. L. M. E /an°, Messrs. H„witi. S vift, Street, JiCjoj«, B\.varda, Fjtb'jp. I) intord Wood, Ritchie, Guooh, Paltrier,
    412 words
  • 280 8 A general mooting of Baraeian British »ahj ids of Selaogov was bald at K i 4 u Lu apar O J vioday There was a i*,. e attendance reports the Malay Mail, and Mr A'exander Fux, who presided, said tbii -uowed
    280 words
  • 316 8 A deputation consisting of the Hon. Mi, H P Ciodd «nd Messrs. A. MaeLennao. C. D. alater, G. E Teale and E. A. 8. Wagner wb.s granted an intervi w by the British Resident on the fi.b. inst for the parpose of considering
    316 words
  • 92 8 A Chinese who was banished from 3 G'-spore ai an nndesirable oharaoter, was ®»kO at Hongkong with theft of a blanket »t Hoogbom, and going to Hongkong alter aving been banished from British soil by the Singapore authorities. With regard to he second charge, the defendant said
    92 words
  • 81 8 The mail which arrived on Friday evenirg brought ouly lottors posted on Dooember 11 ami newspapers of that date. The previous ioail brought letters end papers up to Dtotmoev 4, end those posted botwein tnat r’ate and the lltb are still in trarsist somewhere, with no news of
    81 words

  • 442 9 r nprft l Dudlev Ridoat.OO.C, H ntfl visited Kuala Lumpur on Straits pntpoHO ot presenting the 3storJ*y fcr Cocdont Medal to Lock S 'V Ceanl H. E. Li*?;* The faoclioa took place at the tbe s w, barters,
    442 words
  • 271 9 The approximate return of the export of rice from k for the month of Decern bei hex now been isued. The quantity wbp only 97 CH2 picils valaH at Tea 1,558,989. is ool. pr d with 1M 875 pioala valued at Tex. ‘l 590,604 in November. The
    271 words
  • 146 9 Übon b o oit 01 Chioeee ag,iot.ltu,»l *»P«i.ll, oo h e e H D,J ,elt in ‘J 111 b<l ftlfttes in Negri few »U< l “1“ bo >eteem fonetdetirl» the c n Committee is still lotnipration. I n hih\» C aBpi9lp <j Chinese Ibe o» u«i 1 oistricts,
    146 words
  • 434 9 Under date January 9, Messrs. Fearon Baker and Co., Kaala Lompnt, report: Business continues on a scale anpreoe dented since 1910 and numbers of robbers stand nt prises higher than they have ever been. The rise has been gradaal, on
    434 words
  • 207 9 The Amsterdam correspondent of The Financier states that it is reported that a Bill is pending and will shortly be in.rodaocd ia the House, by virtue of whioh the Royal Dutch will get tbe canosssioss for the ex tensive oilfields in Djambi (Samatra', Same years
    207 words
  • 181 9 December 29 saw what may well bo called the first of the publio happenings iu oonneotion with the cehbration of the natal day of his Msjisty the King, in the form of the ceremonial opening of the new Ad minietrative Building ot the Koyal Siamese State Railways
    181 words
  • 338 9 The following is from the ourrent issue cf the Cathedral Monthly Paper:—lu spite of having made a fresh start" in O itober, there has been a marked shortage of men lately at the Choral Kaoharisfc Ua the Sunday after Christmas we were
    338 words
  • 340 9 Lord luobcape, presiding at a meeting of tbe P. and O. Company, said if coal mining profits were to be limited what about farmers, soap boilers, cottoa spinners, brewers, dis tillers What about backers, finance houses, stock and money brokers,manufacturers,
    340 words
  • 148 9 We have recievod the following oommuui cation from tho hon. secretary, Straits Settlements Aesociation :—I am directed by tbo Committee of the Straits Settle ments Association (Singapore Branch) to inform you that on a discussion cf the Bill for imposing a tax on income now before khe
    148 words
  • 376 9 The motor veP8 r I Cochin-Chin©—the first reinforced ship of oon«idcrable size to be oon* strooted in the Bast—is row in Singapore harbour, bavin# come down from Saigon five la>h ago with a c»reo of onetboasand tons of vice. She is
    376 words
  • 360 9 The Rot. Father Beobarosbas joat retarned to Malaooa from Franco and took over charge of the pariah of St. Franoia and the Her. Father, who acted tor him davitg his abaenoe on war serviof. goes to Singapore as Chaplain to the tvoope,
    360 words
  • 95 9 The rate of mortality in tbo Settlement of Singapore fer tbo work ended Docombor 27 was 86.87. Tbo total nuojbor of deathH was 268 of which 18J wero male subjects and 87 fomale. Convulsions claimed 4<>, phthisis 45, malaria fever 87, typhoid fever 0, beri bori 18,
    95 words

  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1072 10 Straits Times, January 9. Now tfO'jblfi so* ns t'j lit; b<'At y lit tli' British Railway f-yi‘ mh. A hc<.1j ct pay which s< or. s to ur. t f >lk rx -ri rn ly g< not ous has b. t*a ptrpom d by th» G jve rruuent,
      — Straits Times, January 9.  -  1,072 words
    • 1053 10 —Straits Times, January 10. Most of us have boon feeling rather sore ii. ly, about tbo actions of A motion. Tbe nate’s distraction of tbo peace treaty, as f*t as it has power to destroy i», io tbo ohief iffence, but tboro bavo boon marked and
      —Straits Times, January 10.  -  1,053 words
    • 1068 10 manageable piopoitioca SUaits Times, January 12. The British Board of Trade retor 0e f 3| 1919 are now issued and they give food f a mott serious rtlhotion. Imports for tbe year were valued at £1, 682,000,000 D( j experts at j£798,000,OC() so that the exeen of
      manageable piopoitioca — SUaits Times, January 12.  -  1,068 words
    • 1211 11 Straits Times, January 18 It is gtnt rally fcc’ievod that peace rat’fioatioDshavu b cn i xehanged au 1 tbat Germany has now another scrap of paper "—a fairly one —which sho will treat disrespect* fully if she daic. Bat discussion of the origin of the war is
      Straits Times, January 18  -  1,211 words
    • 1049 11 bentfaotor of bis follow ooaotfjmen.— Straits Timop. January 14. Western eyes are being tamed towards China for two reasons. Firstly, it has a Vast population incapable of its own defenco, and then fore it is liable to fall under the inflaenoe of foreigners, and if these foreigners
      bentfaotor of bis follow ooaotfjmen.—Straits Timop. January 14.  -  1,049 words
    • 1107 11 that this tondmey will reappear.—Straits Times, .1 inuary 113. Tbo fact, telegraphed by Reuter, that at the end of 1919 there were tbroo million tons )f shipping under construction in Britain and five million ton-j abroad is satisfactory as far as it gees, but the moro interesting fi'nro will
      that this tondmey will reappear.—Straits Times, .1 inuary 113.  -  1,107 words

  • 214 12 In tbo ceurse of an exhaustive address oo the prefect (oof situation in Milaya, Mr. K. S. II jbo, tbo Diruotor of Food Prcduotico, at a meeting of tbo Malacoa Planters’ Association on Monday, made ono or two an nouDCo’nents which will bo of interest both to planters
    214 words
  • 205 12 Thcro was tbe usual ctop of riro casea in tho police c lurts on Monday. M'. LangbatnCarter fired a retail dealer, rnaaieJ Woo Char, of IH6 North Brilge Roac\ $3OO, or three months' rigorous imprisonment for refusing to sell riou, wbilo Li Chang, who came to give
    205 words
  • 1900 12 Tho Supreme Court was orowdod on Mon day morning when his Lordship thoChief Justice, Sir John Buckndl, K C, look his Boat in anticipation of tbo trial of the Indian murder case, in which two Indians of snbstano 1 Ba°apab
    1,900 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 192 12 Property Sales, Tbe following Singapore properties were Hold by poblio auotion by Messrs Ching Keog Lto and Co. al their sale-room on Monday aftornoon. There was a large crowd of intending purchasers in atlr.ndanoe, the btidiog was bri >k and the prie s obtained were exceptionally good Freehold land and
      192 words

  • 27 13 ANMTA SKKVICB, WtHtvft<3 tD January Tbe *!c»me» Hot*" oS^^oAistrn** ,d J f 0 18 ,'V i« on bo»iD bojod to. BmPwitU bixktco ai^situ pore-
    ANMTA SKKVICB,  -  27 words
  • 37 13 jANKTA SERVICE.] WoHevindcn, J»no»«y 10. Ibc S"SL d M..ved tbn vice Aa T« i oii Prick and was welcomed ncroiok •).**'I t ne e »cd the Datoh »«tHocf, «uo Iwoagbt tbo com Admiral.
    jANKTA SERVICE.]  -  37 words
  • 285 13 The BEOOQOcerucut i» m»da ol the openinu o ,!be Lo» A-^ 8 Si T*J 7, W V in Singapore 10 of Mr. .r. Bm th H tgeot lo> this territory. She offloes uitrint* i st 2, de Souza Street, marks
    285 words
  • 183 13 We mb info,oed by tne Secretariat that I e Comraiittie Las heeii appointed Forcer” lDl lUfc,iaebtioD of Lo 41 l>«<enoe Clairtnan Lt. Col. W. p, Homo. Vntt» b \i" H B nneUl M »P» H F QUw, c. Barn Mnrdocb, Mr. E M
    183 words
  • 54 13 Pad ang Market Report. d,r W»o* of tho P pii Pub]l,ehed nnde tbP fn ,j A*Pocia«iion of itfotmlSov 2 »bt r* 1 .4£“jss.r- et «"s. Wm i,^v. tns fi( w%nd, p/io-jpin Lc "W-i, uiVoJj r Bd Dr °*Cic»ry i5 ln iifi l tm V ,d p,ioeft fir ®J u,® ".v
    54 words
  • 545 13 Tbe following comparison ban born ruadej offi :i*lly of prices oorreut in tue S'ugapor* mark* te during the flr q t week ot 1914 and the flint week of 1920. Beyond doubt a considerable rise hae been icovitablo, bnt tqnally beyond doabk
    545 words
  • 105 13 A cable was received from London oc tlicB,hinst by the Singapr ro Y M.C.A sta'.ipg that a physical director has been appointed ard would reach Singapore in March. Mr .T“ff rs >n oomos with »he highest credential 0 Uis a graduate of Springfi-Id College, l'« c
    105 words
  • 700 13 Lord Iochoape’s veoent statement that it was uoped soon to re-establish a nerraa! mail B»rviotH between In U and Ecgiard forms the tixt of a leading article iu the Tim* b cf India dealing wiib the renewal o be mail contract
    700 words
  • 199 13 The aanouucemcct that his frionds are sending him a now Gorcptane and thak ho has been decorated with the Medal Mii.taheby the French Govern ment has rraob :d Captain Poulet, rayo tho Rangoon G-zoUe, and tie is very gv.tefnl t or tho recognition that has come from bis
    199 words
  • 349 13 The mtiriugo veto Belumni°ed at Maty's Cbu'ol, K Lumpur, on the afternoon of January 7, of Mr. R. B H. Outer, of K /ala Lumpur- cf Singapore, and Mits P ijllit, Wilk.DHor, dauuhtir of Mr. and Mjb.
    349 words
  • 178 13 Tberrp'it and accnuntr of tho board of wardens < f th? Cathedral nf the Good Shepherd tor the y a* ended November HO last -ti. w credit biltiDce tf 14,808. It is mention- d tha* fSHthe q Kston of rccewiog the *oliog.; of the Childs
    178 words
  • 178 13 News ba« beon received by tbo Ho Hong St mm-hip Company t..iat their vessel, the Cong Wan l, wbioh is oniplcyfa iu the 'oolij ca-ryirg train b rtwnon Sing-more and Soa'h CtnnH ports, h struck a r >ck in the v’oir. ty of Auny. Tbo cable co
    178 words
  • 144 13 Mr. Muu»ico L >cg, tho now Governor* General r. f French who is replae* •eg idr Albert S-rrani.ia expootod shortly frum Franco Mr. L:>rg, who has been a M -inb r of Parliament for tho last fifteen years, is specialty competent in all Colonial tfiiro
    144 words

  • 1081 14 A Government Oaz t .O KxUai r iuary wa tHHUIII oo WidoiHii ty oflorU' oc. g> vn g th* l* a* •f a bill abi ol to b inticdac rt i >ti< !>• o l**'g 4 lativo Coaooil giving »cc <r
    1,081 words
  • 849 14 The caao in which a Tan il MohamtJac nvuit d Mohauicf kij-ope wan &nai/4in tl bt f jv. Sn .J In Bucknili, K the Chitf Ju-li-e for attt rnptimt to inurJev a Malay caur d Sulaim»o i n Suptemb*.! 21 at
    849 words
  • 262 14 A cbrt*y, it'vrai, orrerrony tock P’m e v 11*( h r\ ccn* tpofitftrt, rt A r >aimi t.*,M >ciu. 01 Mr.'dnj tbil flj i <»,t n; M II. B»»np, wLo 1;bb b:m cjut ifc«0'ott)'o Mft' cc» Kuhbcv Phntit) jkf> in rid, f t u n ytaip,
    262 words
  • 811 14 Henri Gtorpo Heiinborj/. alias Cofonul Htmi Prior, who w»b ico&ntiy e.ttrnditel from Htcfk.k rn a warrant wa« prcdocid nn it mend h}*aio on Wudi bufor. Mr. Svkee, the third uisp'i-.tra<p, un.a charg* i(c h ea»inK ti e Bi lyiuu Cc
    811 words
  • 88 14 Tho n toVs of ‘hn and senior li ?al euit; ii a'i cb bilh 1 4 >h. i r o e*i i hi* rt I y th > S ».ate o: Ho <*kr.; g Uuu v wily. -h. oi y mtue -'n the H erur i Lh •ij
    88 words
  • 79 14 The Malayan Tin P- id. T Derm- i Cj.|Ui picul ltitf.S »ti y ujp, r O' i Mjj I, T6i pfculst M l!t M P ~r f pc’’. 130, r •< ko i i 7.**'' a ,ot.V, if y'!> 1 7 c.'J. Tan n i .11 M
    79 words
  • 340 14 MYSTERY DIAMONDS. Treasure Thrown up From T he Lusitania An extraordinary story, involvis th romantic oovery of diamonds valu iboat jC 130,0JU which were salved aK H QbiLK of tbs Lusitania, writes Ctiruoido correspondent, will be b»tnpi» b; fore the Postmaster General i n ;he H u of Commons by
    340 words
  • 181 14 Ttlrgrama rc*»ch-d Hcugkoog on Jr.nna»j 6 tiom G**r: t n n poriing that a devastatmg fir*> w&c r.-gi gin c ly. It is nodois ood feat the tt.e br:ko rut iu Cbcaig Lck K l fault knowu t» ferrigners as FueMik r Strte«.” The flames
    181 words
  • 168 14 Tbt- Hon Mr W. F. Natt, O B E., presided at 1 Xa.-aoroiimj genital meotiog of tuc s traiti Trading Ccn ptuy,, fcild d Cc ytr Q ry, ytftttvday at which »h. f l ve‘o uM;u, which was pa .s*.d fn* 10 1 xirem ioMi ypenorr
    168 words
  • 141 14 At a me r tirg of thi {"'tan iirg Committer c 2 1 1) PA M. inl i o»i Wedot dy. t v/aa dc j* »d 0 hung fj»w..,d at tl)6 B.A.M. roe i A l 'c j i i to bo hi Id cn Iho ‘2B u
    141 words
  • 47 14 The Colonial S oret&Tiat Icfovmn ns thrt a n.iVo f<oni tho Siornt ry of S.alo b r b<c re liv-.d, dated! Jaonary 10, sia’ ‘Broota V. »hal cf dipjait bi rat-fijuimol l reaty of Pjaco wito' Qe*many will bt a at foa7 o’olook to*day."
    47 words

  • 40 15 r; aC“sbouu 8 to \mt' Kastbe^ 011 ft J be r- jected 01 t,' efi*- 1 d n Co«rtspoDdin« «dos« t lL „.»iy mi <*>*■ ol „eccMM>IJ «o> E«w» m 1,“,“ otmm* 6 »«a°° d b t o».ec‘trV i6d be
    40 words
  • 1128 15 I To U,e Bdtfo., I ihP>e is veiy little obance I Si».— Al in mercantile ,n 1 W hcm tbe Chinere Bcvro to boy tlbelt fie diff Jfe ni de fc^ bt c '.ttcd office l»cn># Kotr, B ,h y Evtn wtr e permission g’ven Wl to
    1,128 words
  • 458 15 To the Editor cf tbo Straits Times. Sir,— It is a pi*y jpa spoil your excellent p;p r with such “driveling af written by Avick dt*t«.d December 31. H •> in his letter I win di^oipline’ into cb tii'-uc’’ by r.ij o»d n ir-iw wita the oerse o’ Crtmiwi
    458 words
  • 1216 15 To the Bditor of the Straits Times. Sir,—From your explanation it is clear that to keep rp the definite relation ym advocate the creation of a "cow basis of ex change as distinot from the old basis of xcharge," Y u do not however, say why th s ar
    1,216 words
  • 1014 15 To the Editor of tbe 8tva7ts Times. Sir, Heaven h lps those who help themselves w'ole Z%’ba (a Yonog Malay) in kVer rolaticg to K vacation fnr Malays. If this m»x ui is a reliable one, it remains f>r tbn F.\f S Malays to wait patiently for
    1,014 words

  • 758 16 To Tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Hit,— Yonr loading article of yesterday i'h of gnat interest t j all <*ho are oonm ctt;d with *Mo trad*) of Great Britain. May I be i allow d to maku a few observations ob you* romarhM You Htato that Britaia
    758 words
  • 247 16 To tho Editor of tho Straits Timep. Sir,—I take it that with such a show of the highest political, scoial and religious opinion behind it, the Leaguo of Nations is net dead, □ci is likely to be defunct, however difficult it may be to bring it
    247 words
  • 150 16 To the K litor cf the Straits Times. Bit, —Tho lato Mr. Ilvrry Lochamu who uvnsrd away at tho G n- ral Hospital, Peaarg, la I week, was, oompa»ativMly littit known out ia tho Straits here, but was b< tv r known up in China. i ll tdt
    150 words
  • 145 16 It appears that Singapore is not so badly off after all in *.«gard to the heavy rains which have fallen on-tlio Bland Rinoo tbe beginning of the yoar. Wo mentioned n-c, ntly that dnring the fi it five days 9.H0 iaohes had fallen and thou ht it
    145 words
  • 61 16 (From Ouk Own Coukbmpononnt,) Penang, January 18. Tbo oase in which Tek Chen# Wah, for merly olrrk in Murhih. Guthrie and Co., Ltd's., InHoranoo Djpartmont, Penan#, wan charged with alle#ud for#ory aad uniu# an Konuine fo»#od ntn wan oonoluded in tho Penan# Ahhizo Coart yesterday, the
    61 words
  • 195 16 Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly report, dated January U, state Although the pno*) of the commodity was unctrtam with an easier tendency a firm tone was pn sorv-jd iu tho rubber shave market and Qiota'i )os, though showing no
    195 words
  • 147 16 Th° Admiralty havo decided that tbo sloops fitting out for tho China and New Z .'aland Stations shvll be paintod white, with grey appov wrrk*, ns for light cruisers cn the China Station. The sloops for the East Indies aod Red Sea are to be
    147 words
  • 124 16 Mist Agnes Boyd, a former inhabitant of Singapore and teaohev in its schools and cow a nuise at Middlbscx|Uoepital, writes to ask fjv local help towards the "Women's Shilling Fand” whioh was originally arranged as a welcome to tbo Prince of Wales on his return from America, as
    124 words
  • 78 16 Brisk—On J&vuary oat Singapore, to Mr, a&d M J. Bri jk, a daughter, Van W noaavdsn. —On January 6, at Weitovvtdon (Batavia) to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Van Wyngaarden, a son. Babnit— At the Buropean Hospital, Koala Lompnr. on January 11, U2O, to Mr. and Mrs. G P.
    78 words
  • 87 16 Jams— Norval— Oa January 11, at Bt. Andrew b cathedral, Singapore, |y tbo Right Revotend the Birhop of Singapore, assisted ky tbe Reverend B. N. Miles. Colonial Chaplain, Major D. James, only •uiviving sun of Mrjor tbe Hon. T. and Lady James, to Blanche, daughter of tbe lake Captaia
    87 words
  • 124 16 Sihoatorr, January 16, lvjo. EXCHANGE Or 1 •rcon......lamk 4 m/a Oeuud PriTale I mn Ou Nbw Yau...Demand PHnt 5 HJr )j Or rum.» m luk Jn Iidu Baak T!f On Diitim Baikd/d 121 j Or 8HAMRRAl...BARjk d/d Or Java.—.««»».. Bc*h T T Oh Jtf mi in mwiBllk
    124 words
  • 491 16 Smuapoae, January 16. 1B20 MINING. Value Buyers. Sellers. IB II Ampaiig 16.00 16.00 I Ayer w e eg 1,06 8.28 HI ill Ram. XamuatlaK 1.14.8 2 16.6 xd II 10 Kinta Association 8.60 0 CO 41 41 Kinta Tia 2.8.0 2.1C 0 aoo 41 41 Lahal Miaec
    491 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 86 16 NOTICE. The pout tree price of th»* Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is |3a a year l'iepo>l fre price of the Straits Hu.iget is $14 .t year to anv part of the world. It i<. not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter
      86 words
  • 54 16 DEATHS Lei Mia Ssno— At Swatow, China, Mrs. Lee Mia Htn<, first step mother cf Mr. Lee Kim Soo, in her 74th year. Deeply regretted. Cardoza— On January 12, at 18, Piinsep biAgaoore, Olrtilda Mabel, eldest daughter cl Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Cardona, in her 17th yoar, Ceylon and
    54 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 63 1 SiSlKAl— Lsb)a» 2 „.w.K-i*«Cj«p»»» a p., c9 ot Bttrtot b L„ p5 .e KiW=* iastiaoa HOStS***** p B e Local Share Market tf||TIN.»S a»n Khpobt*p 51 j GioOtfily P.»olft«una J Doabp Ribbet 2 Aluai B»»att\ Ltd. j Mijedie Habbtr PUtterB A isooiatun of Malaya Biojme PuoUlioM Bantam (Java) Rubber
      63 words
    • 401 1 The Action Controller cf Labour, Kuala Lompar, (Mr. k) W. K Gilman'. has drt»wd ihbUUniioD of ;be PA.M, to tbo question cl the reepoupibility of employers .n relation to tbecMt of laboan r=>’ d( p odent* &od h«« asked fir ad expression
      401 words
    • 1224 1 A special o'mfertnce of representatives of the D.strict Planters' A sociatiocs cf Perak was held in Ipob in Saturday morning to consider the (ji.Hit.on ct the reconstruction cf the Planters’ Association nf M»!aye. Mr G. (f.irdon Brown (Central Perak Planters’ Association) presided. After
      1,224 words
    • 125 1 (From Ol’k Own Coukbsi'ondknt Ipoh, January 12. A special oocfcrcnco of the Disti Planters tstociatioup, held at Ipah, favoured Mr Konn»-dy’d b gy -stiODH tJJ r -coo •itrLCtion cf tne P. t.-M w ish cortainexc po'om aud additions, including an alteration in tLit representation on 4he
      125 words
    • 654 1 At the tenth annual general meeting ol Q1 nealy Plantation*, Ltd., to be held at OreBbam House on January 19, the follow* ing report, signed by Mr. U. Robinson, will be presented Yjar directors herewith submit the oom* Paul’s a
      654 words
    • 1193 2 An general inc ting of h« Dualop H r>b r 11 #u>p*uy w >.h •>• M ou 1J o b i u, K goal Hi L »n H for tbo purp ih' ofc>osilc*t p i >1 < fit, pas i«.g a roHol it"'a
      1,193 words
    • 659 2 Tho tonth arnual i» nr ral n ctivy c? o* v ol *r i m the ab jv.i ompxtiy was *< I ,iil» tub r‘2'd at tho c tin of tho Vi »ii 'J t llf etfcf H JlgO it I
      659 words
    • 155 2 Tbo report of the Bantam (Java) Rnbbtr ,/>*♦< n for the year r ndod June DO lant Hiatts tuC *hi profit is £‘2i r, 9J. vb'oh, wi.h amount btcu,/ forwaru, 4 9/H, makes £57,919. Ti edu ors to carry to develop* mnt pcc, t £st“4, utr 1
      155 words
    • 1360 2 The ninth annual g' meeting of tho Majodie (I dmrf-) B ibb 1 r Estati-p. Ltd w«s t». 1 i on Djcembur 10. it the rrgi»*e*ed < fllce of th ciuip »u 4 B* B 0 Mr. A fiel R. \V rren .ho
      1,360 words
    • 368 2 The prospeetos of this company ih jail •ssaed and tbe list will close oa tbe 17tb test, Tho capital ia 11.003(00. and the whole it offered for pablu, subscription, the rUn* being 1 each payab'e 25 cents oo ap hcaptioa and 75 conts on allotment. The venders
      368 words
    • 81 2 A i ordinary meeting of the Planters A-Hiciation of Malaya will bo held on Wid c.isday, the 28th iast., at Kuala Lamra*' Toe Agenda inolodes: Minutes of rofieting held on Ootobor 27, 1919 War Relief fuedf labour(a) Tamil immigration, (b) erre of labourers' dependents, (o) register
      81 words
    • 51 2 W’ith r» foreuce to Notifications Nof 13’, publishid ia the F.M.B. Goveioa.tDt Gi zette cf January 8, it is notified tl d of first grade robber for tbo r 'j January 9. 1820, to J 'Coary 16. if inclusive, is $11) {ter pound, uiaivJoi/ $148.8 |)or
      51 words
    • 1145 3 DD nal general mee* 0 c£ The e v D Jk MiJbber Plantations, L mi Member lOaUbo wn ted, btld vVidcU- *H" Uenne, O.d B/itd r®j’* ;®j c m» j^pb K “y (ohftumaD aDd Street,* 0 tol p ,e 0 idicR. in
      1,145 words
    • 742 3 The 428th auctions of the Singapore Cuambor of Comme:oe Rubber Association were held on Wednesday and Thursday when there was offered (or sale 1, 890,483 lbs 616.28. Pbicis Rbausid. C uts pet lb u bk-jd smokrd 'beet i Sitigapcm standard qaahty
      742 words
    • 680 3 Tacdpug.—l4l 869 lbs. A igio Sumatra 90,165 lbs. Sangei K*«i.— S 4 624 Ibs. Tanah Ditar. 27,776 lbs. Asahin 75 Bi 7 ioh. R P. I. Trust Ltd 100,936 lbs. Bah Lias-1 1 424 Ibs. Tcerangie 4H.9U6 las. Mcndans —113,381 lbs. B la.-82 (07 lb Central (Sumatra)
      680 words
    • 307 3 Thu following circular has been issaod < Iho incorporated Society ol Planters, as its name implies, is a bo ly incorporated by law aud wai registered, under aLioenoo frem the Cuief Soorelary, F.M S. as a Society not (or prcfil bat (or promoting useful objeots
      307 words
    • 1310 4 Tho ninth ordinary > ot »al io< oting of the Bantam (J »vh) K ibht r K-tates, Limited, w*h Leld at tiiu lu ..tote of Coati •»< 1 4oootiut ants, Mortal) I'lsc li w V, 'in December 10, Hir A 'riaodt r
      1,310 words
    • 557 4 Macphail and Company, Ltd., Weekly Report, January 1 to 7. The woek opened well with business but o’osos somewhat q iic>tly. The features have b on tho record pnoe of tic, resulting in a big in ivement in tin stock 0 aod the steadying of tho upward
      557 words
    • 1063 4 Stock Singapore Issued Par Dividends. Malavah f Exchange FraßoriCo’i Capital. Value. Companihs. Pricee, Closing Ptipm 1918. 1917. Ddoombor 10. Janaary is, 150,000 2/• 46% 65% Anglo-Malay 18/7* 10/0 13/.’ oj,£l 10% 25% Bakap Plantations..
      1,063 words