The Straits Budget, 28 November 1919

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXXII No. 3224 Singapore, Friday. November 2*. I9I9. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES” ESTABLISHED OVEI HALF A CENTURY Price 25 cents.
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  • 222 1 lbadbrs— Manioipal Singapore 10 Rapflia and Other* 10 Britain and Egypt ...10*11 Popular Feeling jj The Federated State 3 li Damping 11-12 Loo a a and Gbnbral— Local and Personal 1-2 Sir Artbar Yoang 2 Manioipal Affairs 2 Reutor Telegrams 3.0 U E Mr. James in Perak
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  • 4659 1 Members cf the Stra ta Chinese Bcn.vol nt an 1 L t< r*ry As-»cc atioo weio at li.mj at 67, Buff a o Road, on Sand .y, in honour of Gm dopartur j of their pre ldoct, Mr. Tan Kim K at, wfio ii pr eceding to
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    • 785 3 RlDTBK TlLRiiKASe a Lcndtn, November 17. In tbe Hrueo cf Cmimons, opening the dcbati on ltuFRia Sir Derail! Macfton urged that Rupsia shcrld to left to work cut h own palvaticn. He declared tl at the poi<c\ of intervention 1 aJ failid Tho
      RlDTBK TlLRiiKASe a  -  785 words
    • 332 3 London, Novibcr Id Washington The bcuatohas adoplod th» reservation withholding tl o assent cf thr l nittd Slates to the SLuu.uog airaugt mc.t, ulso the reeeivaficu giving CoDgri ss authority to regulate the appointment of American delegates to the Ltuguccf N iticns and international ccmuiittsirns, nrni tho
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    • 94 3 London, Novembor 16. Paris: d’Annunaic left Fiumo with a fijuadion ot destroyers and landed a detachment at Zara, himself returning to Fiome. London, November 16. Paris: Tho Allied note to Rumania emphasises that tho 1I1:ob expect a derision to ho reached within a week in regard, firstly
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    • 72 3 London. November 1ft. Ten inches of snow fallen in Paris is likely to considerably interfere wi'h the elections in which tboie are over ‘2.COO candidates, in eluding 481 ex deputios. Tho new Chamber will consist cf 620 deputii s compared with tt02 previously, owing to Alsaoo Lorraine nominating
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    • 799 3 Rbotbb Tbliokah. London, November 18. In the House of Commons debate Mr. Ormsby Gove deplored the delay in making peace with Turkey, and said that half the trouble in Egypt to day wsb duo to this con tinned delay. Until a d< finite statement
      Rbotbb Tbliokah.  -  799 words
    • 201 3 London, November 17 The final report of tho Dardanelles Com mission thinks that insufficient consideration was given to carrying out RucooRsfolly the necessary measures in connection with the Gallipoli expedition. Diffioalties wove an dtvoetimatod and an essential oondition which waB unfulfilled was Government concentration of effsvts upon tho enterprise
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    • 216 3 London, November 17. Tho railway loader, Mr. Thomaw, speaking at Bristol, Baid that wince the Rtriko the whole situation had boon reviewed with tho Govern meit Ho hoped tho lattir’s offer to establish >\ jjint board for tin railways, composod cf five general managers and fivo representatives of the
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    • 208 3 London, Nov mfci i 17. Jin* 1 iu i h in »n fditcriftl, referring to Britain’, i Llargc tl n onsibiiity f r the fntriii jf Africa, Rays ica will riq iro greater artf-islanci todnolcp lit n a >ctH and thi onter world will I avi moreen*!
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    • 82 3 London, N. w 17. In the llouio cf Coiumces at ucstion time Mr Bonar Law anuouuciU tl at tl u Govern ment has docidid to dir-continui tho uncmploy tin rt denation to civilians after November 21 but donations to ex mi vice men will continue till Match HI at
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    • 171 3 London, November 17. TLn Jowith Coin npcmli nee Bureau re portR tiiat at a big dimocntratiou iu Johan nebLurg hold to coliLrato tho Hcoond aom vtrsaiy of tho British govern tin nt's declaration in favour of a Jewish Pa (Rime, General SmutH referred to tho cutbnvk ct anti Jowitli
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    • 216 3 London, Ni,vonibor 17. Paris: Prominent toon ducted include the ox Premier Briand, (K neval Castelnau, and ilio (x Minister Labrun, who recently resigned in consequence of M. Clemonoeau'n electoral speoob condi maing bin non rennnei ation of socialism and who favoured an early peace with Gormany. M. K'-ocult,
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    • 137 3 I.ondou, No" mbet 1. PariH At tbo Suprrn.»«* Council, discuss iriK tho HtatuH aud ultimate de-tinalion of (it.uuiiu ships, incladiu t! Impcralof a«M»' gating ITOCOHoom the B iIimIi deluga tiuu cL.uiui that ill ucti >u cf u-o Viudicao Shipping KjiiiI a violation f If ■*'op ri me
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    • 131 4 Lhi 'cu, N.veoib'r 17 TI e S '.i; w’tu wli m L 1 j Meat j *s c .1 -s-* coa-.ii J y v **t. f%von-,u,' t* *i 4 1 m of *o 1, rii. M g OB V. m .4 l Jr t l K J
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    • 232 4 L'cdor, November 17 Paris; The I’/o-hc cie P.*ris p.‘«b htlies «t grauis t\m Eaib.Li n Benoit, tin c.iL-snun cf P.ulct i% m pt to t!y to Au- ran u<.c A rd mg to which i he ai new LXCltiLg R iVlLiUKi r. r. ut. t. iu2i* lu khecou'S ul..;ui.
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    • 78 4 London, November 16. The B.-ard of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce Las adopted tbo minute of thn China exteative stating that, altboagh trade directly w*th cx-eat my chantries is desirable in the national and tm'vnatiooal internets, it is against tho country's inti rest to reopen connection** with
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    • 106 4 Londcn, Nov mber 17. White Kulphnr SpriDfs: Ibe Prinoe of Wales, ir cognito, is e.uoi ratiug m ♦b»: Virginian Mountain-. !,om his atrfuuruß d*yh in WaEbiogton He hiß rtet hy gclfing for threo hours, Bwimmiog **\i 1 oai and dancing in tbo everieg tor three benrp Ho
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    • 223 4 I i Pane, Novombec 15 Frenob papers state that tb. re is a prifcct Uranoo-Br'tiHb pclitioal nnderstandieg rn the prino p\l foroiyn matters, which L*pp lv occur to b the same as tho standpoint tik.n by other i embers of the Kotmte. Before aviog England M. P incate
      I i  -  223 words
    • 84 4 London, Njvomfc r 1C, "hi.- •■‘.l i'.’i! 't k .e Lnd m -A ber o’ I r d r 1 v r ,i, t K or »,n i ti p 3S*bl k i V tj i i r H>- > I t Jt iu. i<»-'DuH ih.d r
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    • 80 4 T. n 1 on iveml or 1 h Stoiien ef B-i'lv* J i« horrors ae v. iiiv tb* Uk*i' cei tic--. BjUus jii i iv* If tu.f of 0 Olu L 1 i \ul i a p ;t vijill f .-1 'll i» tj ;bj
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    • 98 4 L a h m, N vv\ c. i 18 i UsUlT gttl*’ 1 Ut; 1 Ob v 0 l. l.-o if. tkU^d dtoaio* hi; .'Lwi'. k t *u. *1.1 ok .t' M v; peace treaty it Mr. L.dga't* s. i-i icn which aaiOuLt .n his op’.n.ow
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    • 46 4 London, N -v. mber 18 In the fooruass. r-plyi"g to G Batch.!, Mr. LLurc~iii eaiJ ti com iuoiplatcd, though not finally d.cidei, t.i persons niin.iio. J :u 1 *r dt‘.patches to w. ai a small oakieaf ca the ribbon cf the Victoria Modal.
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    • 381 4 Paris, November 15. Wo arc indebted to tbo French Consulate (or tte (oiJcwds:— A Lithuanian coumnniqtt- reporta that Bormcudt a ocrious defeat, l ary dead and wounded and leaving im portant material. According to tho German nowspapirs, following that defeat, Bermondt ia reported to Lave cff.
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    • 742 4 ItKl'iKli TkLKc.HAM. London, Novomb -m 18. Xho Bolshevist issue made the election in i iuuce momentous for more than tho elec- t:ral reforms it inaugurated, Thu result is figuiflcaut, Lot merely fjt Franca bat for thu vorld wbm’ l ’s boiad to In iotli:noe<3 by
      ItKl'iKli TkLKc.HAM.  -  742 words
    • 698 4 London, November 18. Washington; The Senate baa rejected the reservation declaring that the United States declines its interest in tbe responsibility for the German overseas poaefSeiocs v'so the re«ervation providing t'uat questions -hicii the Uaitad States considered as affect mg its honoar should not bo subjected to
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    • 185 4 Londcu, November IV. New York: the Prince of Wales’s laanoh approached tuu ilij*e wKstroyers tired a salute of twenty one guns. Simultaneously aerial bombi weroexploded rcltasiLg coloured juraohuto' from which ttc* British and American flags w<ro roepended. This display in brilliant suofhine gave extraordinary colour to tho
      185 words
    • 210 4 London November IV. Berlin Jn vUw of Hindenburg’s and Ludtndotit s £rst app* ara.’oe at the war enquiry extsaer Testy precautions were taken to restraiu do r.natruiions in their honoar. A police cordon was around thoß.ichat ig and the ear oenveying them was rtrongly osooriod by tro
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    • 288 5 London, November 18. A British mission is proceeding to Sonth Russia, vi« Constantinople, to Kostcff, under Mr. U. J, Mackinder, M.P. The Government attaches the greatest importance to the immediate economio development of Hooth Russia with a view to plaoing British trade on a Hoond basis in this
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    • 148 5 London, November 19. In Ibe House of Commons at question timo Mr. Wardle stated that 45,000 iron moulders nve still striking, It is estimated that 75 Ov.o are thereby mai e idle. He understood that negotiations are being reopened. It is noteworthy that Sir Auck’-nd Goddcn yesterday vt
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    • 137 5 London, November 19. The first general agreement evor made between Occidental and Oriental representatives regarding labour standards has been reached by tbe committee of tho Washington Labour Conference, which submitted to the Conference tie draft of a convention provid ing that children under fourteen f-honld net be employed
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    • 108 5 London, Novombor 18. th p®* d ®nellos report rhe Commit tbo fuffciiog nf she sink ad wounded in the ongiorl lauding was coitfly asonbable to the tact tba* all arrangcmtrts were made on the he attack wnn iJ h 0 successful and ooubtqutntly i woutd be poss.blo to establish
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    • 98 5 Lji'don, November JO. C*iro, November lfl: Tarbuhnl scotch were reiiLWtd ai cay. D smoostrators seizd trbmcars and biiubents went in proccusinii with tlio Etfyptiac fl iij. lljoligsuisiu o» veloped, The disturbances covered fivjkoaiities. Tb.o > police stations were dacuag. i and pclioe wounded. Persons arrested wtr liberated. The
      98 words
    • 105 5 London, Njvembsv 19. Iu ihe Houbo Commons, Sir Robert ilorne, movirg a supplementary estimate e t Xi,600 OOOfor rnempl lye ent donation. sta‘ed thst at pit seat 479 oGO are rocit./g the oi, inoludicg 844,000 tx service men and 34 000 oivilians. Since the armistice 'mphynoeut had been found
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    • 73 5 London, November 19. Milan: At a prcoosnion of socialists and rrvolotionaiies rejoicicg in the first socialist vic‘ono:', a homo burst in the cathedral square injuring three bad'y Tho demon s-ratals then marohed to t-* wffLts of the cx-soiuiers' association. The troops fired, wounding 26. The exeoutive rf the
      73 words
    • 94 5 London, N vember 19. In the House of Lemmons Sir uck’and Gedcce introduced tbe Imports end Bxpovta Regulation Bill, which proposes to constitute a committee to regulate tLo imponaiicn ct goods with a view to preventing oumprng and safeguarding key industries and irdns tries affactrd by tho
      94 words
    • 93 5 London, November 19. Active operations have boon begun on «be Indian frontier agaijr.t tbo ri calcitrant Mabsuis who have recently bo* u vt »y troublesome. Follow »ng tbe ttj etion cf tbe B.itiub demands a fqot»d?on of twenty five aeropl&m p. inlousivoiy bombed tho Mib..uJ centre Kaniguram, which
      93 words
    • 84 5 London, November 18 In House of Commons, replying to Mr David Davies, Mr. Walter L ng slated that tho recommendations of dmiral Jollicoi would all need careful conuderat’on, firstly by tho Governments to wbrui thi y were ptir arily addressed, secondly by tLe Im rcriul Government and
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    • 87 5 London, November 19 In the House of CcmmcnH rrp to Mr. O.mfby Go«t, Col. Auiiry raid tbe Gevorg Lueut cad deciad to intiuit the poopte of M%lk& with Call respnrs ble control in purely vca llo of all services and (□notions of Government. in fn a« Malta's position
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    • 133 5 London, November 19. The Doily News statos tiiat tho Sjlieisci 'nneral and the Attorney General have return'd from Paris. Il is b. heved that Britain s prorsi .g for the trial rf tho ix K veo* in London but thoro are difih nno s of opinion ■mong the Allies
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    • 505 5 Rsotss Tblioramh London, November 20. Paris: Tbe Supreme Council has d joidtd to inform tbe German dibbles that th» poaco treaty becomes operative on January 1, couat-qnently the protocol mat» be signed by then It wis pointed cut that delays iq rallying
      Rsotss Tblioramh  -  505 words
    • 295 5 London, Novetobot 18. Homo Jiwld. »h t» *own on tho Holahfcvint iu llit) I'* l P.ant by a VI MC w meßaaKO annouooioi; tbo atnval of a Konau delegation ak Tcliclmbinak ou Novoubur 10. The mossage says t iat acccr 4 icg to tho I* legation, at a c
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    • 128 5 London, November 20. The Times New York correspondent states that according to tho Dupsrtmenl of Commoroo in nine months of this year tbe United States exported nearly •226,C00.0G0 worth of golo, of whioh IC9 0COO; 0 went to Sooth America and •116,000 (00 to Aaia also 1109,(.00,000
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    • 159 5 Pans, November 19. Tho next Ouambor of Deputies will inolnde in its 626 members tho 24 n> w deputies belonging to Alnace Lorraine 670 remits are air. adj known, 664 deputies being elected und 6 being submitted to second ballot. Forty six results of devastated areas are to
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    • 76 5 London, Novomber 19. In tho Houeo of Commons, Sir Hama* Greenwood annouucf d that arrangements had been made by which the Admiralty would give tho Deportment of Overseas Trade early information cf any tailings of His Mo j siy’s ships whioh might bo utilised in order to allow
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    • 66 5 Lundoo, November *20. N*'W Vo»k: The visit of tLo Prioco of Wales continues lo bo the solo preoccupation of Now York. The Prinou is mont popular, and wherever bo goes rtooivus an uurjAfioas weloome from enormous crowds. Ho has daily a heavy programmo ci sightseeing marked every
      66 words
    • 70 5 London, November 20. H idtpcst, November 19: bo Crbin* t, »f k .i t o nPideriog the 1 elar ii >n el S r C!o»k tLut t < Koi ni< h ou»tiK to ri cognise tho listing <i vt r i .t, agre» <» lO i Ur m< ut,
      70 words
    • 68 6 London, November 20. In the Horn e of C tn’i?on?» the oßccctinnanco f the civilian nr.employment Jonatiou washn tuily e'eba‘*d, Coahticnißis as well as L.b mi.ti H H*rcugiv m* sr Gnv. rn in na to n cotsdi ils decision. Mr Bona* Luw 1« ft the t]*i< ‘-lion to tLn>
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    • 95 6 Locdou, Novombor 20. Col. Amery. addr*s irg ft oolonial mis Bior.arv meeting ftt Bradford, said i# might, fe. argei d th*. having established a League of Nations cocci titrated G .rts upon imperial unity bah b- cnuiu urceotssary and inigb’ cmu be larmfitl no entirely disagreed with
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    • 65 6 London, November 20. Brussr Ip Ti e new Chamber will consist of 78 Catholics, 66 Soo «1 fits, 84 Liberals aud nine Indt pendents. Ail thu in in inters were re-elected. London, November 20. Bmsscls: The Socialists gained 80 and fcht Catholics lest 26 ani the Liberals eleven
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    • 55 6 London, November 20. The House of Lotclb has passed the Indus trial Courts Bill, to which the Royal assent Las been given. London, November 20. Washington: The Labour Conference approved the child labour agreement. London, November 20. Ottawa: The Minister for Naval Affairs fort»hadowed a reduction in Naval defence,
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    • 425 6 Kbttrk Tkuorams London, November 21. I" the rf C m-nens Mr. Bocar Law replying to a qo etirn as to whethor the action cf Congress had made a difference to the Anglo French American agreement, stated that the Brtieb undertaking was contingent
      Kbttrk Tkuorams  -  425 words
    • 219 6 London, November 21. Dlsmssug the est rr:ateß of Germany's armed str» ngth, to which prominence was recto tlv yivi a, sd au.bority jast renamed ficrn Germany icfcrmid K th**t there are turoo categorus of armtd mtn in Girmaty, firstly the national army of 100 000 fixed at
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    • 283 6 London, November 20. In future the import into Fiance of Ger man colouring maittrs free of import duty will be allowed. Prohibition of the exportation of foreign bonds by Germany will come to an end on November 80 according to present legal regulation. The Swiss people are
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    • 80 6, November 21. Ottawa: Sir Robert Bjid-.n, who Lad been convalescing at Virginia and Atlantic Lily, accepted tbe invitation to accompany tbe P«inoe of Wales on tbe battleship Renown to New York and Halifax. Tbe Prime Minister'd health has so greatly benefited that bo will proceed from Halifax
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    • 79 6 London, November 21. In tbe House of Commons Dr. Addison, Minister ot Hoaltb, stated that tbe Government will assist tbe lcc&l authorities to obtain money Ur Loaning and also to financially to Hibt small builders. Tbo Builders Federation has agreed that u u of ns members will
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    • 63 6 London, November 21. A Blackburn no cv*:tlcd Kangaroo, piloted by Lieu;, ant- V. K.uglj urd D II Williams, is computing in the fight to Australia uoo fium 11 uneitw. lbett bae bu u v.u news or vJupt. Mat hews niece mbit 16, when be vs vs recurred U Lave
      63 words
    • 152 6 London, November 21. The text of the Anti dumping Bill shows that the committee mentioned on N ivcu-bor 19, styl' d the Trade R gelation Committee, will consist of the President of the Board of Trade, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, the Parliamentary Usdor Secretary for Fo’eign
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    • 78 6 London, November 21. Renter is informed that tho majority of til.- Waziria have accepti d the British terms. One sc ?lioo deliberately did not participate at the r. Cent meeting with the British, con eiquo.'tly aerial operations against it will oommoiae forthwith. Tho attitude cf two stotioos is
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    • 34 6 London, November 21. The Manchester November Handicap betting is: 6to 1 Chator, Alasnam 7to 1 Kirg John, John Jackut; 103 to 9 Grand Fleet, Planet; ICO to 7 Royal Bucks, Golden Fleece, ▲yneloy.
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    • 155 6 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following:— Paris, November 21. The Paris Press reports the candidature of Marshal Fich for the Senatorial elections in the Fmis*.ere. According to the reports of M Clemen cean’s friends, the latter would res ga only after the senatorial
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    • 162 6 Rbutbk Txlboiums. London, November 22. Stockholm, from Holsing*'rs: Den kin reports that be bts brcfce.i though tbe Pol* i bevik front between Orel ad Tambcfl, r nnibi aticg s£,fCo Boisiieviko. He adds that tbe peasat-s and work non cf tbe manuf ctunng centres ate revolting against tbe
      Rbutbk Txlboiums.  -  162 words
    • 125 6 London, November 22, Hamburg, November 21: Addtrssirg an extraordinary minting of tha HamburgAmerica Line, tho chairman, Von Sobinckrl, said that with the oxci ption of tbo remuau of a few am >ll steamers every tiling bad betn tek°n Jr m tbo company, in ixchango for wb ch it
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    • 88 6 London, Novombor 22. The War Offioo announce* that between tuynst 1914. and October 81,286.035 honours, cxotnding those to the Air Force, wtv-e awarded for servioes in the fijld, and 13,862 for other war Bervicos, of which the Indian forces were awarded 6,317 and 186, rospeo* tively. The
      88 words
    • 81 6 London, November 22, Now York The national adjustment commission has awarded the deep sea long* shoremen 83 oents an hoar and 120 oents an hunt overtime, an increase of 22t per oent over the in force to October when the strike began. London, November 22, Washington: The bituminous
      81 words
    • 60 6 London, November 22. The P and O ex-German liner Prin/, Hobevtns, which arrived on her first voyage (ran the Babi, has b ea partially destroyed by fire in the Royal \lb?rt dock. It ia hoped rnacb cargo will be salved. London, November New York The ex-German liner
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    • 53 6 London, November 22. The Government baa appointed a committee to prepare a complete scheme of im* pi rial wireless o.mmnnioatioas. Sir Henry Norman is the chairman and there ia a strong peisjonel, including the experts Sir J. F. C. to Bell, Mr. J. E. PeUvcl, Professor Eocles and
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    • 40 6 London, November 22. Home Tbo final election results were Socialists 166, Catholics 10C, Liberals 161, Reformist Socialise 16, Democrats 28, Rapublicans 9, ex Soldiir* 23, Democratic Radicals 1, Nationalists 2, Independents 8, Socialist Radicals 1, Indtpendent Socialists 1.
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    • 144 6 (Havas.) Paris, November 21. Tho French Minister of Publio Works, M. CUveille, is to be appointed chairman of the International Commission of the Rhine. According to the tie\;y of Versailles the Rhine becomes an international river, with French prominence concerning waterworks. Paris circles state that the present ministry
      (Havas.)  -  144 words
    • 16 6 London, November 22. New York: The embargo on wheat will be lifted on December 15.
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    • 125 6 London, November 22. The 'Manchester November Handicap result was; 1. King John. 2. Planet. 8. Chattor. Seventeen ran, Won by (cor lengths, same distance between seoond and third. Betting: 18 to 2 King John, 10 to 1 P.anot, y to 2 Chattor. There were many S'raits pcop’e the
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  • 266 9 The work of tho Singapore Court of Appeal oommenood on Tuesday bJoro the acting Chief Jnstioo (Mr. Jnstioo Woodward), Mr. Jnstioe Spronle and Mr. Justice Whitley. Mr. Dudley Parse n*. cn behalf of the owners of tho steamer Laurie#, and her master and offiours,
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  • 250 9 In the courso cf proceedings at the Assizes on Friday the matter of Foong Kwok, who stands obarged with po«H n «sion of forged currency notes and possession of instruments for forging ourronoy note*, oamo up before Mr. Justioe Brown. Ween tbu
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  • 196 9 < )n charges of incre v-ung tl.o r* nt of a hoaso b. longing to him, icociviug u- awfully in creased rent and i ,kiog nt*:, -t to eject a tenant, a Chides named Kbo Tung Sang wrh on buc; i-\y I'utri *J50 on kbo firm convicted
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1168 10 will «ive splendid retains. —Straits Times November 21. r..o M ir vpa! Bui-.ot of Singapu! indicai.' s i ■"> i.krab e > hi a tiic c ..t i‘ loct« aduiw.i i c. j. ,i.m wjuid b ;u v;t able (v«.ri A i. t .ui.uiBtra.»<v mo-c. w&t- .ii ou
      will «ive splendid retains.—Straits Times November 21.  -  1,168 words
    • 1200 10 —Str&its Times, November 22. Discussion in the House of Commons does not help very muoh to better comprehension of the Russian situation, Th~re are men in the House who know all there is to know about the country, but the majority of these men seem to be
      .—Str&its Times, November 22.  -  1,200 words
    • 1069 10 Balfour's ciliu and mastorly ppotch. —Straits Time?. November 24. Wo are glad that it fell to tho lot of Mr. Balfonr to mako a statement of tho Government policy in regard to Egypt. He is the greatest of oar living statesmen, wl ioh is no disparagement of
      Balfour's ciliu and mastorly ppotch.—Straits Time?. November 24.  -  1,069 words
    • 1044 11 Sktaita Tjiiigh, Njv< mb The General Elections in Fiance and Italy—move particularly in the f jtmor—indicate how very greatly the people in these countries dread the menace ct Bolshevism. Ordinary political sentiment is pat on oae side and all men of woll balanced mind vote for simple security.
      Sktaita Tjiiigh, Njv< mb »  -  1,044 words
    • 1151 11 obviously moons business.—Htroili Times, Novembev ‘26. *Ao aro glad in seu that Mr. Jau sd ait buldiy with some af l w problems ti,a. c rn'iot b) iguored in the making of a U J mi mihtiouir s speech. One point at th outset sounds rather liko
      obviously moons business.—Htroili Times, Novembev ‘26.  -  1,151 words
    • 1058 11 are permitted to enter.—Straits Times Normb i 27. To those who regard Froe Trade, oven, ov good old British one sidod freo trade—an tho perfection of all coonomio wisdom tho introduction of a humping," or rather aa anti humping Bill will bo conclusive proof ot doplorablo backsliding. The argument
      are permitted to enter.—Straits Times Normb i 27.  -  1,058 words

  • 160 12 At the inquest on Mr. Kershaw, formerly planting in Porak, who, as already recorded in onr columns, died in the Grand Hotel, Calcutta, on Ootober 16 from gansbol wounds, Inspector Jennie g? said that when he went to the room in which the tragedy took plaoe he found
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  • 158 12 Before Mr. Boll, second magistrate, on Friday Mr. Shelley Thompson mentioned tbe c ksci in wbioh Rntnam, a Tamil chauffeur, ir charged with doing a rash act, which has n fetenoe to tbe death of a Bovanese womar, who it is alleged was knocked down and
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  • 119 12 H.E Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M G Gover nor of Sierra Leone and formerly Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, was enter lained to dinner by the Afrioan section of the Chamber cf Commerce, while passing through Liverpool on bis way back to Sierra Leone. In the
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  • 92 12 The rate of mortality in tbe Settle ment of Singapore for the week ended November 15 wae 88 17. The total number of deaths was 242, of which 187 wero male subjects and 66 female. Convulsions claimed 23, phthisis 84, malaria fever 88, bevi bui 16, Bmall
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  • 50 12 The Bteamors Hung Mob, the Russian Vitan and the Japanese Towa Main arrived in port on J uesoay, after encountering a typLo .n oil Cape Patar&n on the 22nd inst. All were more or less bad y damaged, and the Tova Mam reported one sailor miaeag.
    50 words
  • 84 12 A cable mcPHrgc. has just been rocrived iti im ting that the U-xui L ij’go of England ban pointed tne Hon. Mr. W. F. Xatt, 0,B L,, to be District Grand Master cf the Bestirn Archipelago, atd that the Grand Chafer has appoititid L.m Dstiict Grand Snpuit tcndi Qt
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  • 485 12 Id moving in tho Federal Coano.l on Taosday that this Ci on oil resolves that, wilb a view to encouraging tbe establishment of a malob-making lodastry in tbe F.M.S., it is expedient that an import doty be imposed on matches importd
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  • 326 12 Messrs. Fraser and Co’s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Cv, in their weekly repori!, dated November 2T. s;ate: In the robber snare market business w&i again very active the tune firm Business was on a larger scalo than for some time past and altbcugb p«i;e movement;
    326 words
  • Local Telegrams.
    • 67 12 (From Our Own Csrrisvondint.) Penang, November 21, Tbe trial at Penang Assises before Mr. Jnstioe Sproulo, of Z. B, Cornelias sad Cbng Lian Song, revonue officers cf tbe Government Monopolies, on tbe oharge of theft of 880 A merioan gold ooinß on board ths L% Marne
      67 words
    • 101 12 (From Ovk Own CoKaitsroNSKNT.) Penang. November 26. The Municipal Commissioners have approved of the 1920 Budget, the estimated expenditure being $2,281,000. The assessment on houses has been increased to 16 per oent, the gecersl water rate to 5 per oent. and the rate on building land to
      101 words
    • 61 12 (From Ovk Own Corrs&gt;vomdbnt Penang, November 26. Mr. Gob Hoon Cheng has promised $lO,OOO and Mr. Tye Phye Yam $6,0C0 to the ttafles College. The estate of tbe late Mr- Tye Koe Guan has premised $6,000 yearly for ten years. Mr. R. S. Seymour of tbe Foreign Office
      61 words
  • 536 12 The Malay Mail reports that A Coulcber formerly of Singapore and Utterly au exmanager of Chow Kit and Co., Kuala Lumpur was on Monday oommittod for trial by the Koala Lumpur magistrate ou a charge of theft, which was reduced from one
    536 words

  • 1733 13 Tbi second ocuit was crowded with Indians at necn on Friday at whioh hour Mr. Bull, second Magistrate, said he would hear th" application regarding bail in re sp&gt; ct of BsMtpab and Buddha hiugb, placed btfoio 1 :m ia c rm
    1,733 words
  • 94 13 Anxiety is felt in local shipping circles owing to tho non arrival of tho Toyo Kisen Kaisha steamer Anyo Maru, a vessel of 9 584 t.-.ns gross, doe lure from HoogkoLg f. u» days ago. It is feared that shi lias moountir cd tho n ccDityphoon io
    94 words
  • 475 13 Macphail and Company, Ltd., Weekly Report. November 20 to 28, A big vdomu of business is passing at nteadily advanoing values rendering the task of selecting good openings for investment increasingly difficult. ihe oonaidt raolu number oi now fixations promising will doubtless afford an outlet for some
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  • 282 13 Ab already recorded Capt. L.C. Taylor, died suddenly, from heart failnre, at hi* residence •n Aboo Siteo Lane, Penang, 0D Tuesday, It appears that ho got oat of bod, and was apparently going to Bwitcb on tho cleotnc zght when ho foil across a
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  • 959 13 (Fkok Oi u Own Penang, Noturnbov 28. Ouu oi 0)o lofH HOtopal- \u incut b &gt;r* of tho W rich ij j:ck brigade o are t xp.uitiag the pr* stat luu 1 bjorn in Penang l*u upon an loginiotH method of procedure the other day *b gouUoman
    959 words

  • 824 14 The annual general met ting of Tin Mines, Ltd., was held at the registtrm offices, French Bank Bnildirgs, on Friday. The chairman, Mr. J M. Sime, (rondel, and the others present were Mr ,1 A. Elias (direct ’r), Mr K. 11. Toft
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  • 91 14 Protracted negotiations for the acquisition of laud at hukit Timab Hoad required for a Chinese con r tery by the Municipal &lt; omtuis sioners haviug proved unsuccessful, the matter carno b( fore the Supremo Court on Novemb riy Ti e claim was for |8:,0 pi r acre,
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  • 681 14 The statutory meeting of tho Lamuoh (British) M.uiog Co. Ltd was Leld in the Registered Offne of the Company, Govern ui» nt Baildiags, Downing Street, 1*. ntng, on N ivitnbor 19, reports the Pinaog Gtajtit*. Mr. F Dnxbury presided, and
    681 words
  • 166 14 The following is a list of ptsseng.rß who arrived by tho Blue Funnel liner Tydens from London on Saturday: Liut.Col. Cotgrcve, D.S M Colonel Sohombcig, Majjr Sawuid, Capt. J. E. Edwards, Sergt -Major P Gicggins, Messrs. A. V. A .liton, H. Bird, A. Ballantyne, L. C.
    166 words
  • 51 14 A request ter Burm:R.?, TaH.iug and K*rou lUHiciaos has been scut oat from tue ls» italtalion, 70th Burma Kifios, to term a Oc.L,d *■&gt;* the b Uai’On which w. l shortly be corn ing /rim E&lt; and will be posted to Taiping tor garrison
    51 words
  • 580 14 (From Oca Own Correspondkni',) Malacca, November 24. Tho now theatre hall at Bunga Raya was formally opened last Friday night when a crowd was eutertainud to a cinematograph show, music, and refreshments. Tho Resident and Mrs. Wolf erst au were present, and Mrs Wolft-is au was presented
    580 words
  • 170 14 About three m*&gt;u‘.Ln ago a car at thg time owrK*d by Mr, Giayburn and driven by a "hauff ir, canned S/od biD Sabir, cDiliJo3 with a rick-ha. smashing tb'j vehicle, and breaking the nnllor’s &gt;eg Mr. J. V. Viacondo, who w ,s ia tbo ricksha at the
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  • 156 14 In the tontine orders by Major General Sir J. M. Stewart. K.C.M.G., C 8., commanding tbo Aden Field Force, dated the s;h inst, appears the following:—The Malay States Guides are leaving Aden immediately They have b,. n with the F eld F ji3j mu October, 1915,0 vi
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  • 429 14 (From Oub Own Corrbspondbnt.) Penang, November '24. Tho oontonts of six boxes containing gold f )r the Chartered Bank have been abstracted from the atroag room of tbo Namsang. The vat u s was 910,000. The discover y waa
    429 words
  • 349 14 Before (be opening of th Federal Council, at Kuala Lumpur,on Tuesday, Mr. F. 5&gt;. James presented' (o five officers ard one name. The first says (ho Malay Mad, was tue Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (o Major Malm,
    349 words

  • 68 15 Straits Times is not responsive ter -ho opinion of its correspondents. SV 1 1 bloald mar in mind that letter musi bo Btiori and to tho point ramb UK epistles are liaoln to bo r joobed 01 ruthlessly cut down. Cutrespor. dents iui'H etolosc tLe« naum, cot necessarily
    68 words
  • 478 15 To tho Bditor of tbo Straits Times. Sir,—I have read a part of Mr, Cook s new book H* lflos (to be exact np to page 18 ct it), and I must confess eerprise that the author who has been to long in thc-se parhfihould hav* made tho
    478 words
  • 878 15 To tho Editor of tho Straits Tic:os. Sir,—Now that Pro-Teacher ha* initiated lUo question cf the 25 per cent, iuoremont cn tho grant in-aid, I bog to say scmelhing whicu may help him to nudorsiand c« which may pusxtd I the mar.. In tho opinion of many this
    878 words
  • 193 15 To the BJitor of the Straits Timos. Sir, —I see the now Attorney-General has arrived, but ho is only a brother o! a g ntlo man in Cyprus. Roally wo soem to hxvu bt-on very b*dly treated, oppv.ciaily tlio legal uat rm.f. Funcy not sending thu real
    193 words
  • 338 15 To the Jditor of the Straits T.moB. «j ,7—Tt is rather interesting to note tha Me G.l ea is of opiaiou that au .vorogi Tamil cooho iu Ihii country is "finmtially ct ut rvpi cially duriug those abui tm*! lij l iave no idea bow Mv. OiWei
    338 words
  • 514 15 To the B litor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—I understand that the Me licul S ihool 11 jdtel i.i cloned for the time being an I iamatoi turned out on tho streets of Singapore, homeless an 1 penniless without nuy previous aotioo. The Iloetol is established and con
    514 words
  • 599 15 To the B Jitor of tho Straits Timos. —What I consider tho most inellioiont telephone by item I have mot during my very i xtennivu travel,i xmts iu Singapore. Wuotuor the fault r its with defective installation ur a slaoK stall. I lon’l know,—I think however a little
    599 words
  • 211 15 To the Bditor of the Straits Times. Sir. 4l!ow mu to say through thu oolumoH of your paper, t at yuar oorr* sponduot Vluariau only i xposen Lin scanty know* lodge about Mohamme Janistn wiicu ho tries to give rvu excuse for thu Malay in dideieuoe t
    211 words
  • 326 15 To the KJ.tot of the Straits Timos. Sir, It ih rum rind that tho operations if tho p i!nat K as BmJ aro to cease -1* &gt;»Sly tuor ana being that tho m i asere winch wa i ictroduc d to protol poor i autn ftoui rapaaious
    326 words
  • 561 15 T, tho K it or of tbo Straits Times. S r, lu ftp y S Au lu m l.tbrur »'h murk-* iu ju if i l uu o t Wiu i it Ibt foil ''K .UiJiLo li»-i apparently overluckud. 1'urthtr- more, connected oe 1 nm with an estate
    561 words

  • 371 16 Full referenoe to the trip of the Dutch Government stunner Nias to tho Nicobar islands to assist the stranded English ■teamer Fez Ilka tho Niouweblad van Atjjh publishes the following On Monday at 8 a m., the steamer Nias left
    371 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 373 16 M mbers of tho Pclo Club were' out again pi. Saturday attirnoon ou tbe Balestier Road G t rd, end had an enjoyable time. Three ehutkaa were phytd, so arranged as to give twelve players two chckkas t'acb. In tbe firdi rl.nkka Ai.pp,.Bi*a B, the teams being
      373 words
    • 100 16 Only fenr entered for tbe 440 yards race at the Swimming Club on Sunday. Hopkin, who started at" go," Davidson and C»o c sley. w.,0 went off fifty seconds later, and Cole, whoso succession of wins thiE year resulted in him being pu at 75, Tbe handicap turned out
      100 words
    • 257 16 On Snndry, tbe Yacht Club migrated to J.brre to race for tbe Cballen. e Cup pre seated by Mrs. S. A. I jinc. The yachts wire towed round on Saturday aftetonn, when all arrangements for tbo Course, &gt;Uik Ro&’s, etc were made by tbe cfficials ot tbt
      257 words
    • 116 16 in (xreTent game cf Rupger was seer ou tie SCC. pet id cn Monday, wbn tbo leb Ltd their first rncounter wifL tb( Str finds. Ibe vifiterp itcicdtd one cr two itli* military plryart, bur tbe majnity cf the fifteen Hpntntcd tLe new regiment The
      116 words
    • 34 16 In the Roceer match between the S.R.C. and the S.C F.A., cn the former's ground oa Monday, the rtsalt w»q a draw, no goals being scored, after a well contested game.
      34 words
    • 50 16 The SCC. soccer team met the Brookdale RDyers on the Esplanade on Tuesday and won well by 2-0. Uarst sooted twice for the Clnb in the first half. On changing over the visitors tried their best to get through bat found the defence bard to beat.
      50 words
  • 237 16 "Immense quantities of silver dollars, bullion *rd bar Biivcr are being accumulated by the Baiks in Shanghai Out doIlaiR here have fallen far Nor reached their .oweet levtl Whertas in b illion, coin, nul bar SL: nghai mutt fairly revLil. What ourzled rue at firs
    237 words
  • 104 16 WoBL/-On November 20, at So. 108. Orcba«i Kcac, SirgapLte, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Wwelz, a sic (we:gLed x4 1U:&lt;) Garunbr— On November 22, at Oi«es, Sivgapcrc, to Mr. and Mis. Gardu*.r. a son. 'rk'ils—On C:tf b v 14,1919, at Champion Cot»l, N. ‘-cLrm, m ar Sitiingbourne, Kent, re
    104 words
  • 143 16 Bvalford Eooiu. At St, Andrew’s &lt; Atbecml, SingapoiH, on November 28, Wy »he Actinv Co cniai cbaplm, Rev. B. N. Milts, PLihp Grtgcry Sradlcrd, only ion of Mr. E. K sad Mis ki. P&gt;racford, ol OioatbrcV Yorks to Winifred Madge, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. and Mrs B, Booth,
    143 words
  • 143 16 SiNUAPona, NovKMBaa 27, 1019. EXCHANGE Un I annav. MM .Baak 4 r./r m 2,4* Demand M 2 4* Private ft ta;r 1/6 On Naw Yana Lem and M 47 j Private Iff da pi M 60* On FaAM«a.»....Bax&gt;. M 440 On India Bunk T *T. On H«MttBon«...
    143 words
  • 496 16 SiMaapoaa, Novbmbbb 37, 161k MINING. v3ue 1 Bn J"»' SeJIew. K lk A.X3|iMg nom nom 1 3 Ayei wesg 3 10 3 80 Jrl mam kamuahi &lt;i 3.140 2 16.6 14 19 8 76 8 60 41 41 kin la Tin 2.6.0 2.1C.0 none 41 41
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 86 16 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Times to the United King iom and foreign countries is 93? a year. Tttapoat tree price ot the SlrsMfJ Budget is $U year to any part of the world. It is not nectssarv to subscribe lor a year. The subscriptions for shorter
      86 words
  • 82 16 DEATHS Rodi iouks —At 14, Cburcb Street, Malacca, on Ntv ll fctr 20. 1919, El a Margaret t wife tf Mr. A, A. Rodrigues, aged ft2 J» ath. lorry—On November 58, at 818 Grylaag Road, r ►aport, G. »i nza Martin.ah Lon z. U n V I r. i r.
    82 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 68 1 3iniral—1 Iu Pan Ian Svln S ir 1 n not Rstatea 1 ()'*ober Rnbhrr Returns R Singapore Rubber Auctions 3 Rubber Items 4 wOKRISPONDKNCK— P A M K’fwms 3 liigau Rivpv Rubber Co., I/d. 3 Ulu Paud'n Mbstinos and Rkports— Indian Labjur 1 Srmbroog Rubber Estate 1 S S
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    • 143 1 Messrs Evstt aud Co secretaries of the klu Paudau (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd. irform n\ that Block B of the cciu pany's land at Holland Road, cemp-ieing i.n area of 33 acres 1 rood 25 p firs has been sold for 370,000 ca ll and that negotiations
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    • 380 1 The JiroctorR of SungKBi Chnmor fistattH recommend a final dividend for the year ended Juno 30 of 25 per cent (equivalent to fid. per sliarO, lf's income tax at 6*. c the X, mak ng 35 pec cent, for tho year. Tnt directors have also resolved to
      380 words
    • 1476 1 A cic&gt; ling of the I* diar Immigration Committed was held at P.n -g c N v m j *r .0 III r p Controller f Laboa* Mr E F. Oilmau; *a:r:n-i’J Pri .ciju! Medical Offi F.M.S. (D.* C f. "O'}}, C
      1,476 words
    • 569 1 Following in tho r. port by tho dim'.tom of Sunbicug Rubber K late, Limit, d, to tbo mull auuual general meeting of Hum hohlova to b'j held m tho rtgiihr J oHi :t of tho Cuoitw.-d bank C&gt;.ambers, Singapore ,ou Thursd
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    • 4502 2 The ordiuirv fcouArA m ot tk 'momboi« rf J-tr.iitq S ttl-m v Rubber Limit'd, ai i&gt;3t.)bi r 21 v r late H e, Finsbury CirouH, EC, &gt;&gt;r 'Nc-t Ridgi wuy (Sh ohairu an pr. i’ii. g. Tho C: sir? hm.
      4,502 words
    • 68 3 Tbe Straits Times is not reiponsibl* lor the opinion of its correspondi uts. Coire spondents sboold bear in mmd that letters most be short and to tho i ns. Long rambling epistles are liable to bt. r. jeettd o* ruthlessly cot down, Correspondents most enclose their names, not ner&lt;*sarily
      68 words
    • 277 3 To the Editcr of the Straits Times. Sir,—I bnvo read with much interest tbe leader in your issno of yesteidsy and agree that Mr. Kennedy’s prcpceals tor election toCcurcil serm to bo ill fit'od to an urt tbo representative character eft lie ooi.l.c. plated body." A Cooncil
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    • 213 3 To iha 8 liter of tbo Straits Times. S*r,— In regard to tbe secretaries’ Goad'dMg uot)Q.a*ic.n of the ovorsub cription j shares °f th-abov co upaty. r, in c mmor. wah the majority of other early appl cauts, would lik. tu know why the subscription
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    • 368 3 To the E 'itor of ike Straits Time?. Sir, —A friend cf min* o wood 1,C00 share" of he atevo oompany which be purchased at 1 4 cents p r share on the out bre-k t war. H« still bo.ds them and be inforu.* mi that almost every
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    • 40 3 Siak Sumatra.—22 643 Ibi. Taipiog Rubber Estates —10,015 lbs Sspcng Estato.—62 380 !bp. Malaka Pinda.- 42 649 Ibi. Biut-eh Tin and Rubber. 17 000 lbi. Lck Kawi.— 26.80 1 lbs Sanacg—lB 800 lbs Pahang Consolidated. 45,668 lbs.
      40 words
    • 172 3 We rrr. arivi-r J by M"m»H Banker and Co., Ltd, the, secreta-ies of the B*ii*n River Ribber Co. Ltd, that ic m-pmse to the prospects rfLring 62.5G0 tharis ci $2 caoh for sc*. criptinn, apolicadons have been reccivt tot 720,f?46 thme. Allotm. nte are to be
      172 words
    • 739 3 A 422nd r.noki.n i of tho Singapore Chamber if Ccuiuioico Habit r Association wtio held on November 20 and 21 when there was efferud for sale 2,448,817 Ibu tous 1,093.28. Hhu'bs Khalimid. Oou|j per It lvit. ed smoked shoot i Singapore
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    • 1011 3 An extraordinary g' a( ral of Mfrgui It ibo* K trtn*. Ltd., was l;«'d ..tlhe »igi*er"d offlu*. Fr* nob Hack It j.JfJi rQ Mota* v |&gt;.) o k h.doj tho following r&lt; &lt;nla tun: Tint tbe diriotor* bo and they lior« by
      1,011 words
    • 1097 4 Tbe ninth ordinary general meeting of the Kima Kellas Kubbtr E tatOH, Limited, was hi Id at tho ifliji s of the company, 107, F&gt; n church Street, E C, on October 18, Mr. Edward Bedford, C E., ichairmau of the
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    • 646 4 The F.M S. Rubber Planters’ Estates, Ltd pays a dividend of 85 par cent., making 110 per cent, for the year, No 9 of Messrs, Fisser and Co.’s Facts acd Figures of Dollar R ibber Companies is jast out The information given is entiroly up to date. Mr
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    • 942 4 Issued Pat Dividends. Malaga* p 8t i°° k Singapore Capital. Value, E^ han 8 e Fraser Co.'s 1918. 1917. Closing Prioes. 150,000 2/. 45* fi *cy 1 Ootober 22. November 27. tUl*&gt;0 £1 10%
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