The Straits Budget, 27 September 1918

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget auto not WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ VOL. LXXII Ho. 3163 Singapore, Friday, September 27, 1918. established over half a centuav Price 25 cents.
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  • 172 1 TRADERS— RnFsia's Strangle P„ace with Sdcty Some Local Matters l*-io Military Progress 13 Palestine and Macedonia-.. ...18-14 Cloning the Staaon 14 Local and Gisiral Local nod Personal 12 Tlu "jr 8-10 TiJ Coajmi>sion 10 S-nu' sport Mail Traill 10 l*jr L>*y" Meeting 11 btr.vta 'Var Loan Lottery
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  • 5074 1 Tho Journal of the Straits branob of the Royal Society for Septembtr bas jnst btii n published and is a worthy succusscr to its DQnieroas interesting and instructive censors. Tbo contents are: Malayan M 'ajbracidao, by W. D. Funkhouser; sum* pecQl-ar Pr.pnan Customs, by Miss L. S
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  • 20622 3 K utir’s Tblroramr. Palestine. Me# BRITISH ROUT OF THE TURKISH .FORCES. UTIR’S TBLRORAMft. Loudon, September 20, 10 p.m, H,. tic0 cflicial: Dating Wedneeday commenced a general attack bu IK. the Jordan and tho sea. British and n troops cast of tho Jerusak m Nablus ft <vaL ctJ successfully
    K utir’s Tblroramr.  -  20,622 words

  • 2913 9 Rbutkk's Tblbokamb. Bulgaria Defeated. ALLIES CONTINUE THEIR ADVANCE. Rbdtkk's Tblmokamb. Paris, September ‘24, 8.80 p m. Tbo Bulgar rout is completo. Over a frout of 90 miles from Monastir to Lake Doiran tho defensive line is broken, tho enemy is in full retreat, tho roads and railways are
    Rbutkk's Tblbokamb.  -  2,913 words

  • 1038 11 A largely attended meeting representative -11 oruiuunities in Singapore of the gtno coujiuittee of Oar Day.” was hold in the JT C ii Chamber on the 19th inßt. AmoDg proHcnt being H.K. Major-General li ii Kidont, C. 8., C.M.G the
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  • 470 11 An epoch-making event took place on Mon day in Singapore with the launching of tho Tsnjjng Khu (fittingly-named after its birth plac w hioh, in tho presence of a large assem blage took gracefully to the water. A fine morning favoured the
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  • 215 11 Tho War Loan Lottery committee having obtained tho approval of his Excellency the Governor to tho organisation of a scheme for raißiDg monoy for a fund in aid of the Britipb Red Cross Socioty, his Kxcollency the Governor has been phased to graut to tho lottery
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  • 1119 11 The annual general meeting of tho Kerling Tin Mim-n, Ltd., wa« held at tho registered ofliooH of thooompany, French Bank Building, on the 19th mst., Mr. J. W. Simo presiding. Others present wore Messrs. A. B. Baddoloy, j
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  • 478 11 A case of soino interest to sbippeis wan hoard in the Civil District Court on Saturday b< Mr. Kalph Scott, in which Mussn. Wadloigh and Company Limited, Robinson Road, Singapore, olaimod from the Osaka Shosen Kaisha the sum of
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  • 119 11 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal ('ouiriiiHMiouiTM will bo bold, coiumuuoiLg at 2HO p u». on Friday, wbon amon* Ihn buaiuchh to bo truoHaotiid, will bo resolutions in connection with tbo r< port of (be llou no# Committee. Mr. l(o>and ItraJdi 11 ban uiv* u notion of
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1087 12 is supremely essential.—Strait3, ..Times September 20. Tbo area of Russia is so vast that it is almobt impossible to form an opinion upon the effoot of the military operations that are in progress. With Siberia, it forms about half the area of Kuropo and Asia, but it is
      is supremely essential.—Strait3, ..Times September 20.  -  1,087 words
    • 1099 12 Straits Times, Sepeembcr 21. We reproduce to day the remarkable message to Congress in whioh President Wilson summed np with a masterly band the objects (or which the Allies are fighting. It is a grim thing (or any German or Austrian to look upon, but i( it
      Straits Times, Sepeembcr 21.  -  1,099 words
    • 1260 12 Straits Tunes, September 23. It came as a great surprise to ua whe* I we beard that tbe Government intended t c I introduce a conscription law. But we ku ow I now that it never did so outrageously I from its own traditions. The Govern I
      Straits Tunes, September 23.  -  1,260 words
    • 1199 13 of tbe oommon responsibility.—Straits Times, September 24, Sometimes wo Hujile a littlo Radiy as we ooto tho offjrtH that aro umdo to braud up pOHHimiHt. Ono writes for one's publ'C W» romombor ao instance long ago. Thoro wa* wildly reckless doaling in rubber sharon, aoo we kept haiping
      of tbe oommon responsibility.—Straits Times, September 24,  -  1,199 words
    • 1137 13 of tho world wide battlefield. —Straits Iimea, September 25. The greatness of General Allenby’s bucccsf in Palestine brings Turkey to tbe end of her Dopes of deriving any benefit from tho war Ooeof tbe latest communiques states that the last avenue of escape west of the Jordan
      of tho world wide battlefield.—Straits Iimea, September 25.  -  1,137 words
    • 1001 14 shall perish by the Bword. —Straits Times, S' pleinbtr 26. Thcro is a fair prospect of fighting weather” in tho Went for about six weeks moro. After we got well into October opera lions on a great Bcalo aro difficult. Heavy, continuous rains, possibly oven auow, make
      shall perish by the Bword.—Straits Times, S' pleinbtr 26.  -  1,001 words

  • 286 14 Last Sunday there was a crowded congregation assembled at St. Andrew's Cathedral to wituchs the ordination of three deacons to the priesthood. The candidates were the Rev. D. S. Ponniab, of St. George’s Church, Penang, the Rev. Chan Wing Tsocn, Cantnncfcc, and the Rev. Dong Bing
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  • 91 14 Tho rato of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore (or the week ended September 14 was 30.17 per mille of tho population. The total number of deaths was 214, of whioL 1*2 wi ro male Bnbjoots and 52 female. Couvulsiuns claimed 26, phthisis 41 malaria fovot 19,
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  • 73 14 McHsrp. Powell and Company, Limited, at their palo room on Tuesday afternoon in thi pr< Hence of a large gathering representative of the lauded intercuts in Singapore, sold at public unotion the well-known property Teutonia Club, Scott's Hoad, Tanglin, to Mr. K. S. ManaHHoh for #61,000. A
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  • 948 14 The fcl’owiDg lias been received by the General Oflicer Commanding from the War Office bum ih isfutd aR a bumi official state mint to the Press: London, September 23, 8.45 p m. General Allenby’s victory has been obtained ovor a group
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  • 194 14 September 19 to 25, 1918. (Another dull week.) The Rubber position is more or r changed except that for (October) 1 second month in succession tbe usual »|m mrnt of 2,C00 tons to London Uh been eliminated. Tbo price of tin ,s
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    • 59 14 The monthly medal resulted in a tie bo tween J. Kennedy and W, S. Barrett with a score of 2 down. 27 cards wero taken out. The following ate tbe best cards returned J. Kennedy 2 down W. S. Barrett 2 H. T. White 8 R. F.
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    • 104 14 A fifteen of the S.CC. and a naval team met in a game of rugger 0° Wie E F pl* cft d® on Monday, the match ending in favour o the clab by 9 points (3 tries) to a try. toe game was little more than a strenuous
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    • 26 14 The ladies’ monthly medal was on Monday and resulted in a wu Montgomerie with a score of 52--1. Fight cards were taken out.
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  • 154 14 A faction fight between a nn.r> r Hokiens and Maoau coolies which arow far as can be ascertained, over a dog a pig at Kallang Pudding daring the T11 of September 24, assumed a serious a 1 1 the Macaus arming themselves wim v weapons—poles and knives amongst
    154 words

  • 976 16 Tho ourfch ordinary general mooting cf 1 poll T' j Dredging, Lt b, held on July 2, at Wine io-t ,,r H Old Broad street, K C Mr. H. IVvIo, A.K.S V.., M.l M.M, (chairman of the company), prosid»Dg. i The
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  • 369 16 Tbe following bill is about to bo introduced in the Legislative Council: A bill intitulod an Ordinance (or making provision (or tbe Public Servioe (or the year 1919. Whereas tbe expenditure (or tbo service o( the Government o( tbe Straits Settlements
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  • 196 16 The heating wan oonclnded before Mr. G. A. Hereford, in the Third Conrt, Penang,on Friday evening, of the charge of abetment of cheating against Khoo Teh Chyo, a Chine&o tin ere dealer of Beach Stroot. Penang, and Ong Hock Tuan, a clerk employed by the Eastern
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  • 713 16 Before Mr. Jastice Ebdon on Fri<i a case was continued, and concluded in he Cboo Ah Tek and Ong Choon H« chMKod with forgery, for the cheating, of certain agreements tmYd of auction with the recruitment of art? C0D Mesopotamia. Tbe jury
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  • 152 16 While tho Straits Echo ha* not comu-jt* ted itself editorially on tho subject o registration of Chinese marriages, > u 1 says onr Penang contemporary, noveruo in a position to contradict tho sfcatonn a majority of the Penang Chinese favour of compulsory registration fact is that
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  • 39 17 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinion of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that Letters most be short and to the point. Long rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.]
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  • 564 17 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. gi r| _Is it not time that Government passed tbe Registration of Servants' Bill and made tbe lives of tbe European women in this Colony a little more oomfortable Tbe 11 boys at present are becoming more and more unmanageable whilst
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  • 1007 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I do not know wbetbor yon are aware that some days ago, the Nienws van den Dag has taken np yonr defence against the allegu tions pat forward by several Frenoh papers in the Cochin-China coloDy, asserting that yonr
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  • 310 17 To tho Editor of the Straits Timos. Sir, —Murderers aro banged and law breakers punished—is tho law then to be considered revengeful or is it dono as a detorrent Tho sinking of liners carrying innocent passengers aud wounded soldiers and air raids by tho enemy on undefended towns are
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  • 529 17 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits T.'aios. Sir,—I have hoped that a mo-o able pen than mine would answer Mr. Darbi*-hire’s most extraordinary statements at the mooting of tbe Chamber of Commeroo. 2. It would appo&r that the lion. Mr. Darbishire is a great authority on
    529 words
  • 122 17 A correspondent writes The question of a larger post offico was rnontioued at the meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Com merce the other day, but nothing waH said hbout tho shipping offioo, where the ccnges tion is terrible. My idea is to add tho ship
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  • 658 17 To tbo Editor of tbo Straits Times. Sir,—From tbo intorost oviooed in the launching of this vowel, 1 take it that tbo success or non-t-uootss of soch ship oonstrao* cion in Singapore is considered a matter of pubiio interest. Tbe public tbertforo may care to know something
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  • 177 17 Mr. B Cnbitt, Conservator o( Forests, F.M.S., and S.S. in liin annual report for 101 7* «ayR: Towards tho clone of the year the appointment of Fort at Koaourch Oflioer was offered to Dr Foxworthy, for several years the head of the Forest School and the
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  • 775 18 Mr. Codrington, cletk to the Exemption Tribunal, forw&id* tho following list of results at Monday’h hearing, coupled with the intimation that “if any further information in required it can probably bo given on application" Tho following employes were granted exemption whilst in
    775 words
  • 279 18 Riutbr’s Tilioram. London, September 17, 12.66 im. Mr. Lloyd George has sent a letter to the Association of Operative Cotton Spinners appealing to the spinners, in the interests of the men fighting, to return to work and leave the decision of the disputed matters in the hands cf
    Riutbr’s Tilioram.  -  279 words
  • 78 18 Rioter’s Trlrqram. London, September 19, 12.86 p.m. Tho Prose Buroau states that enquiries have been made at tho India Office why copies of the report of tho ltowlatt Committee wore not available in England. The explanation is that the simultaneous publication in India and England would have delayed the
    Rioter’s Trlrqram.  -  78 words
  • 48 18 Rbutbr’s Tblboram. London, September 19, 8 p.m. Montage’s silver report states that there is no change in the position of the market* Trade demand is fairly active. Shanghai exchange is still nominally qaoted at 5/6 the tael, bat business has been effected at con* siderably higher rates.
    Rbutbr’s Tblboram.  -  48 words
  • 40 18 Rbctkr’s Trlboram. London, September 20, 2-25 p.m. Paris Thirty were killed and a hundred injured in a collision between two Marseilles expresses in the Pacy tunnel between Laroche and Dijon. American soldiers effectively assisted in the rescue work.
    Rbctkr’s Trlboram.  -  40 words
  • 30 18 Kbctir's Tblboram. Loudon, September 24, 8 a.m. Mr. Lloyd George is staying in the country till oomph te recovery. Ho is expected at Downing Street next week.
    Kbctir's Tblboram.  -  30 words
  • 19 18 Rbdtbb’s Tblboram. London, September 25, 12.85 a.m. Mr. C. H. Stubb has presented Stone* henge to the nation.
    Rbdtbb’s Tblboram.  -  19 words
  • 74 18 [Ankta Skrvicb 1 Batavia, September 19. Yesterday half a million piculs of tbe Java sugar crop of 1918 were sold, whiob makes the total amount of the Java Sugar crop of 1918 sold 17 million piculs, whilst tbe crop* is estimated at 25 million piouls. The result
    [Ankta Skrvicb 1  -  74 words
  • 48 18 [Anita Service Batavia, September 25. This afternoon a huge fire broke oat in the native kampong and within an honr more than 100 bouses were destroyed. The Fire Brigade was absolutely powerless owing to the dryness of the river. Oreat material damage was done.
    [Anita Service ]  -  48 words
  • 23 18 (Anuta Skrvicb.) Batavia, September 28, 10 a.m. The Dutch convoy is expeoted at Priok on Thursday morning at eight o’clook.
    (Anuta Skrvicb.)  -  23 words
  • 79 18 Praoasam.— On September 18, aft 166 Prin* *ep Street, the wife of M. G. Piagasam, of a son. Clark —On September 20, at 8ft. Andrew’s, 8, Quueu Street, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. u. H, Clark, a son. Java papers please oopj. Prkntis. On September 21, aft Penang, to
    79 words
  • 22 18 Lm—Koh—On September 20, at Oakland Villa, No 12‘a7, lanjoug Katocg, Lam Pow o Mrs, Puoy hug Hong (nee Koh Gwtk Lian.)
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  • 157 18 Sinoapo**, Sbptbmbir 28, lbX8. BXCHANQB Oil L#bd*m Buk 4 m/fl 2ii j Dem a J/eJj PtiT»le8m/e ,.,j Ok Nkw Tin Demand M PrirateMdapa... M 0« Fu>.i Bart m 0» I»dl» Bask T. T. Ok Hokok«m« Ok Shamokai ...Bank d/d M 4C? D* JwiwiwMiMluk T. I Jafam.... laik
    157 words
  • 352 18 8uiaAPoaa, Sbmbmbsi 16 mi MINING. 2 Buyers. Sellers. II II Ampanf 8.75 0.26 xd 1 1 Ayer Weng 2.75 2.95 II II Kinta Anodithn 18.75 14.26 II 41 JLinta Tin 1.6.0 1.12.0 41 41 Lahaft Miaei T.00 8 01 6 6 Lingui Tin 6.43 6.80 II II.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 88 18 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is f&J a year. Tue po-.i 're price of the Straus budget is $14 a year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscr lte for a year. The subscriptions
      88 words
  • 42 18 OBITUARIES. Rkuthr’s Tklkqram. Paris, September 18, 11.10 p.m. Mareel Monnier, famous in China and the Far Bast as cxnlorrr and author of Chinese drama, has died id France. London, September 21, 7.30 a.m. Obituary: Mrs. Herbert Bedford (Liza Lehmann), the celebrated composer.
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