The Straits Budget, 4 August 1916

Total Pages: 28
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 [Owing to shortage in supplies of coloured paper, the cover of the Straits Budget is for time being printed on white paper. The customary coloured cover will be resumed on receipt fresh supplies.] its Upholding Reputation. VO* //adoni Ipkii/caUhflbij Aw* In mis/jntjcn wJt \Jh* fu/ufaUorh llljiukii bh f mu rhL'tuiAv
      62 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 sum Obtainable from every Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916, ASAH1 BEER, Quarts (l< $11.80 per case of 4 doz.. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASAH1 BEER, Pints $10.50 per case of 6 doz. (Retail Price $1.90 per doz.) SAPPORO BLACK BEER, Pints (<< $11.00 per case
      106 words

  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXX No. 3051 Singapore. Friday. August 4, 1916. -•>— BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABtIIHIO OVER NAIF A CCNTVJRV. Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 266 1 iEADEHS Theory and Reality 12 The First Month 12 Official Murder ...12 13 England’s Effort 13 The income Tax 13 Local and General Local and Personal 1 2 Malayan Fighters 2 The War 3-7 Situation in Kwangtang 7 YM.C.A. Special Building Fund 7 War Week by Week
    266 words
  • 4305 1 wav* kitchener tributes, by tbe th/ii 18 while comparing those in ar i Lords with those of Mr. Asquith w i r 0Uar Law. The Prime Minister's Law’ an< finely phrased. Mr. Bonar of ti WaS bardly less capable. But neither t! r H r° s P
    4,305 words

  • 279 2 We have forwarded S3ono rt r TreaBUrer Malayan Air^s^ P and, Chartered Bank, Ipob tion towards Malaya No. have received the official acknn® 1 r) May we say that this FighterW®* scribed by all nationalities scnptions will be welcomed. Th£ be sent direct to the
    279 words
  • 108 2 As will be seen from the above we bare already transferred the bulk of our snip to credit of the Malayan Air Squadron tun, Charter* d Bank, Ipoh, but we receiving subscription and our fund is P open for that purpose. We shall ultiffl J tianaf*
    108 words
  • 189 2 The report of Siamese Tin for tbe months ended December 31 show P j£20,633, after writing off lW broag bt ciation, and to this is added x A forward, giving a total o n ’October dividend of 10 per cent. was paia m and a further dividend of
    189 words

  • THE WAR.
    • 1668 3 Reuter’s Telegrams. I Lull In The West. I GERMANY’S BEST TROOPS I EMPLOYED. I Importance of Erzinjan Victory. I Reuter's Telegrams. I London, July 26, 10.30 p.m. I General Sir Douglas Haig reports that |x:ept for an occasional artillery duel and Carp local encounters nothing of importance las
      Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  1,668 words
    • 1763 3 German Trenches Taken. HARD FIGHTING ROUND POZIERES. Servia and Bulgaria. London, July 28, 1 a.m. General Sir Dooglas Haig says in his communique: North of Pozieres and Bazen tin le Petit we succeeded in capturing 200 yards of animportant enemy trench. The enemy succeeded in regaining possession, but
      1,763 words
    • 3781 4 Somme Battle. i SOME TERRIBLE FIGHTING DESCRIBED. Murder of Captain Fryatt. London, July 28, 4.35 p m. General Haig, in a communique, states that two desperate efforts to recapture Del ville Wood were repulsed. Tbe struggle north and north-east of Pozieres, and in the neighbourhood of High Wood
      3,781 words
    • 3643 5 The Great Push. THE GERMAN THIRD LINE ATTACKED. Great Russian Progress. London, July 31, 1.55 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig says in his communique: Co operating with tho French, an advance was made this morning cn a front from east of Dolville Wood to the Somme. Progress was made
      3,643 words
    • 1311 6 Further Progress Made. FINE WORK BY FRENCH TROOPS. Blockade Pressure. London, August 2. 12.15 a m. General Haig’s communique says: There is no change in the situation. London, August 2, 5 p.m. General Sir Douglas Haig in his communique says: Further progress was made east of Pozieres. There
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  • 130 7 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following telegrams Paris August 1, 6.10 p.m. Tho French 3 per cent, bonds are at fr. 64 and the 5 per cent, bonds at fr. 89.65. \esterday, wo repulsed counter attacks north of the Somme, inflicting serious losses.
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  • 321 7 The following, says the China Mail, is a translation of a telegram sent by Mr. J. W. Jamieson, C.M.G., H.B.M. Consul-General at Canton, to the Tu Ssu-ling Ts'en Chun lisiun, at Sbiuhing, dated July 22. Oq pretext of making peace L
    321 words
  • 282 7 At the Assizes on July 27 a Cantonese named Lim Ah was found guilty of the attempted murder of P.C. 292 after an affray between Chinese coolies in Pagoda Street on the evening of June 8. The constable, a Malay, was
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  • 1103 7 The fourth annual general meeting of the Ting Kil Tin Mines, Ltd., was held yester day afternoon in the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Kenneth A. Stevens, chairman of the company, preoided, and the others present were Messrs. J. W. Van
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  • 506 7 H.M.S. MALAYA. God Bless This Ship and All Who Sail in Her.” The following extract is from the East London Observer, of Jane 24 and is forwarded by the Malay States Information Agency Whitechapel has a bell foundry, famous throughout the world for over three centuries. There by Fieldgate Street
    506 words
  • 72 7 The hon. treasurer, Mr. A. \V. Vick, c o Kank of India. Australia, and China. Singapore, begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following further contributions: Previously acknowledged 59,955 K. C. II. WolfI 50 Mauasseh Meyer 500 Kev. W. Murray 20 .1. I). I’icrrepont
    72 words

  • 3522 8 From Our Special Correspondent. London, July 6, 11)16. There have been three big news items this week the beginning of the great AngloFrench advance in the rt gion of theSoinrae the publication of the eagerly awaited dospatches on the Naval
    3,522 words
  • 128 8 A former clerk in the Municipal k a -> 1 D9partment named P. Hatna.txi t irj r j up on three charges of forgory in 1 police court on Monday afternoon, charges are of forging petty cash for *17.88, $19 30 and *t7.f° ‘Jj and it
    128 words

  • 418 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Iu their Singapore share report dated the 27th mat., Messrs. Fraser and Co. states: Our market has kept steady throughout the week and only small parcels of shares are being marketed. The price of rubber continues to wane but the prospects
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  • 931 10 In Lis report on forest administration for the year 1915, Mr. C. Cubitt, Conservator of Forests, F.M.S. and Straits Settlements, writes: Bearing in mind the vast areas of forest this country contains, and making allowance for the largo temporary revocations
    931 words
  • 858 10 The following letter, signed by the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, Colonial Secretary, and addressed to the President of the Municipal Com* missionets, was laid on the table at the last meeting of the Commissioners, and is forwarded to us for publication
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  • 556 10 The report of the directors of the h»u» I Tin Mining Co., Ltd., for the year fc „jdl March 31, 1916, states: J I The -fault 0 f the year’s working shows a I profit of $1,469.66. afttr making provision
    556 words
  • 69 10 His Excellency the Governor Las official information that the por t0 is now open. It is necessary, f roUJ warn tLe public that transport obtain Jeddah is at present very difficult -to y and that passage rates are c to likely to be extremely high out
    69 words

  • 1338 11 Tl .hitf of all Uiu <}ueri«i at oire o'clock i IV was How Will it Go but at wiat Do You Think?" had ttljD 'n to the lime-light and «till holds it t all rival*. The ordinary mortal lr u, h lue to
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  • 209 11 The report of the Lahat Mince, Limited, states that during the year 264 tons of tin ore were sold, as compared with -160 tons sold during 1914. The amount realised was <£25,522, equal to £96 67 per ton, against £91.03 per ton realised in 1914. In addition to
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  • 82 11 Tho rate of mortality in tho Settlement of Singapore for the week ended July 22 was 30.51 per uiillo of the population Ihe total number of deaths was 205, of which 146 woro male subjects and 59 female. Convulsions claimed 22, phthisis 29, malaria fever 29, beriberi
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  • 921 11 There wan a congregation at 8t. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday where a special service was held in memory of the late Mr. Percy Gold who was killod in action in Franco on July 21. His Excellency the Governor and Lady
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  • 536 11 Whom tho gods would destroy they first make mad. Germans arc face to taco with tho groatest crisis in their history. Armies of over-increasing power are closing in upon them, and they cannot sen t a
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  • 198 11 Thu following extract in froui the administration report on thu Settlement of Malacca for tbo year 1915 -In August, 1915, tho Government yielded to the wish very strongly urged for the formation of a Volunteer Corps. In November tho Kuropuau company was inspected by tho General Officer Commandinf'
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  • 68 11 Goodooineah, who for nearly seventeen years, had been engaged by tin Singapore Cricket Club as a tumby and lately as head collector, was found guilty on Friday, in the District Court, on three separate) charges of criminal breach of trust ot 110 in each instance, and
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  • The Straits Budget.
    • 1066 12 t* ava vt v«ww wi Straits Times, July 28. To have said, evon eighteen months ago, that in a great European war soldiers would fight with nail-studded bludgeons as did the barbarians of fifteen hundred years ago, would have been to invite ridicule. And yet the thing
      t* ava vt v«ww wi Straits Times, July 28.  -  1,066 words
    • 1259 12 —Straits Times, July 29, It is a month since what was rashly described as “the great advance” began. After a week or so it was decided to change the phrase to push and that more accurately though less elegantly describes what is happening. Tho nature of the
      —Straits Times, July 29,  -  1,259 words
    • 1003 12 —Straits Times, July 31. All Britishers are to some extent sentimentalists. The execution of a woman revolts them, and we are glad to believe that in America this chivalrous sentimentalism has done a great deal to counteract the merely sordid tendencies which are apt to dominate a young
      —Straits Times, July 31.  -  1,003 words
    • 1212 13 —Straits Times, August 2. 1 ,s entirely England's own fault that she been misunderstood to a great extent a Je war began. While thousands of 1 n were working like Trojans to overcome a t0rr ‘b!e disadvantage of being unprepared, vs, r< *K°orant, obstructive and disloyal t consciously
      ,—Straits Times, August 2.  -  1,212 words
    • 1104 13 williuK to UMHist its iutroduction f Straits TiiuoH, Augunt 3. Tbe decision of the Singapore Cbineso is at last expressed quite clearly in a sense hostile to the income tax. There is nobody more representative than tho Chamber of Commerce, and there appears to have been great
      williuK to UMHist its iutroduction f—Straits TiiuoH, Augunt 3.  -  1,104 words

  • 39 14 |TUo Straits limes is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must bo short aud to the point. Long, rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.i
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  • 1487 14 To the Editor of the StraitH Times. Sir.-With regard to tho proposed income tax and the various suggestions that have In en made, may 1 he allowed to give my views on the matter It in a well known fact that clerks and other educated employees in receipt of
    1,487 words
  • 189 14 To tho Editor of the Straits Timos. Sir,—Wo have an Ordinance called Tho Lord's Day Ordinance preventing Snnday v> irk in the Docks and Shipping which is v< ry proper by giving tho men rest, and if Christians, enabling them to attond Church, but why it should not
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  • 106 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. “Tho latest advices from Sir William Taylor slate that the X Huy apparatus has now been installed in the F.M.S. hospital and that the electric light installation for tho two now wards has boon completed. Owing to the heavy and increasing
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  • 345 14 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—1 enclose a copy of an article that appeared in the columns of the Ceylon Mail of June 17. 1916, on the above subject, and although tho lot of tho overseer in this part of the world is equally trying, if
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  • 168 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Reading the eulogies of the work of the retiring engineer of which members of the Municipal Commission delivered them selves on Friday, I gathered that the Commissioners were quite pleased with what they, with their engineer’s assistance, had done in the
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  • 75 14 Reutkr’s Telegram. London, July 30, 8,5 p.m. An analysis ot the tepary beans grown in Burma has been made, by the Imperial Institute. It indicates that the beans possess a high food value aud it is stated that they should havo a ready sale in the I’uited Kingdom
    Reutkr’s Telegram.  -  75 words
  • 585 14 (From Our Own Corrksfondknt.) I r i it I enan Ki July 27 I Lovely weather favoured tl„. of the Penang summer meetim/? 1 i]a ?B attendance was very large, ad tLf -H follow:- K UeBu| t» are u ON v OA,)STKH --«»x furlong I Kitty (Vincent)
    585 words

  • 988 15 Ti, Utli ordinary (jenera! meeting of tbe Tb > «i?lVm of tbe Eastern Mortgage and jlinrelio! (i91v.i1 (Limited! was beld AS*fJ L P y Daeb«ood House, 9, New “•'fleet, under tbe presidency of Sir j[ MnJtr Koger, tbe chairman of tbe “Sft
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  • 494 15 A recent number of the New York Tribune contained a long leading article entitled, Why Germany Cries for Peace, from which we make the following extracts: The single fact in the world situation of to-day is that Germany is crying
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  • 144 15 An earthquake shock was felt at Kapar on Thursday night at about 6.55. running north and south and lasting about ninety seconds. This is the second shock at Kapar this year, says the Malay Mail, the first being on February 29 at 8.55 p.m.,
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  • 118 15 A freight steamer named Tsuyama Maru, ot 7,252 tons gross, has been launched at the Mitsu Bishi Dockyard, Nagasaki, for the Nippon Yusen Kaisba. She is intended for the new eastern line via Panama Canal. A he steamer Toba Maru, built to the order of
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  • 945 15 A New Zealandre writes to The Times as follows As the devout Arab goes to Mecca, so have I come to London. I have come to pay homage to a city and to the ghosts of the past that people it. Far off,
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  • 370 15 Last year Mr. Alfred Capper, tbo well* known entertainer, finished A Rambler's Recollections and Reflections, and. in placing it before the public, addressed himself to the professional critic and reviewers admitting that he bad no habit of the pen. Bat his delightful volume
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  • 318 15 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., an agents for tho Government of Britmli North Borneo, need us a copy of the rules under soction 13 of the Customs and Excise Ordinance, 1916, forbid* diet' the entry of persons into the State by sea otherwise than
    318 words
  • 144 15 From the report on the administration of the K.M.S. police force for the year 1915, it appears that sei/able offences reported totalled H.H97 as compared with 9.H97 in 1911. Non sei/able offences reported decreased from 56,77 H to 50,702. Ihe effect of repatriation is most striking;
    144 words

  • 2036 16 From Our Special Correspondent. London, June JO. j The first lialf of the present year of grace is nearly over. We have passed our millionth minute of the war as an ingenious statistician reminds us; it was at ‘20 minutes to twelve
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  • 292 16 An extraordinary general meeting of Selangor Coconuts, Ltd., was called for July 31 at Kuala Lumpur for the purpose of authorising the sale of blocks 2,3, 4 and 5 to the East Asiatic Company, Limited, for a sum of $375,000 in
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  • 244 16 In the annual report of the Government Veterinary Surgeon, Singapore, for the year 1915, Mr. P. Scott Falshaw says:— The total imports of live stock were 224 horses, 17,678 cattle, 21,873 sheep, 8,701 goats, 99,492 swine', 109 dogs, and 253 buffaloes, as compared with 564 horses, 16,561
    244 words
  • 828 16 The annual meeting of th<> Andrew’. Society was held »t *<• Club on July 27 Mr. Frank Cr ck the hon. president, was in th. there were about twenty me.nvJ 1 la,r aDd including Mr. A. VV. Still hon P^en* treasurer
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  • 658 17 I KkL IKK S TELEGRAMS. I London, July 27, 9 15 p.m. I -h heads of Mr. Lloyd George’*i abortive I T ltf nt have been published. 1 bey are previously cabled. Uuder the T\ i Representation at Westminster it The number
    I KkL IKK S TELEGRAMS.  -  658 words
  • 92 17 Kkutbe’s Tklkuram. London, July 30, 3.5 p.m. >tudvin<» t 1 1G of the Interior is ;n i, V 1 'lotion of Mecca pilgrimage, to 'j. posi* 00( pilgrims will be asked &ii, t c J ut on money of JE50, £60, and r':\ v y lr 't. second
    Kkutbe’s Tklkuram.  -  92 words
  • 196 17 Reuter’s Telegram. London, July 30, 9.30 a.m. Now o rk A fire which started in a munitions warehouse on a small island in New \..rk Bay spread to a lighter loaded with shrapnel bullets, exploded shells and set hred to dynamite trucks on the wharves Lhe
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  196 words
  • 103 17 Reuter's Telegram. London, July 31, 5 a.m, North Bay, Ontario: The towns of Coch raoe, Matbesou, Mushka Station and Timmins Lave been destroyed by forest tires and Porquois Junction aui Iroquois Falls are burning. There are a hundred dead and many injured. Londou, July 31, 5.35 p.m. Ottawa:
    Reuter's Telegram.  -  103 words
  • 66 17 Rhctek’s Telegram. London, July 29, 1.45 p.m. Tbe object of the prohibition of the importation of opium is to check smuggling from the United Kingdom to the East and to America. Bona ti ie medical preparations containing opium are exempt, but all dealings in the drug itself are
    Rhctek’s Telegram.  -  66 words
  • 53 17 Reuter’s Telegram. London, July 26, 11.15 p.m. Buenos Aires: A Chilian steamer has returned to Terra del Fuego in a damaged condition. She towed the schooner Emma, with Sir E. Shackietou aboaul, from 240 miles south of Cape Horn. Tue Emma will proceed to Elephant Island when favourable
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  53 words
  • 23 17 Reuter’s Telegram. London, August 1, 5 p.m. The Chinese parliament has opened. Li Yuan-bang was appointed president and took the oath.
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  23 words
  • 38 17 Reuter's Telegram. London, July 30. Thero was an imposing manifestation in Paris to commemorate the death (on July 30, 1914) of the socialist leader Jean Jaures. Mr. Albert Thomas, Minister of Munitions, made an impressive speech.
    Reuter's Telegram.  -  38 words
  • 37 17 Rbuter's Telegram. London, July 29. Copenhagen: The King while sailing alone in a small boat near Aarhus capsized. He clung to the bottom and was n sciied none the worse for his long immersion.
    Rbuter's Telegram.  -  37 words
  • 387 17 Reuter's Telegrams. Lcnlon, July 26, 8 p.m. In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamber lain announced that he had asked the Raj to report whether the loss of life on the troop train was due to the route taken or to the lack of proper arrangements or to
    Reuter's Telegrams.  -  387 words
  • 63 17 Reuter's Telegram. London August 1. 7.25 p.m. In the House of Commons, iu reply to Colonel Yate, Mr. Chamberlain said the regulation excluding conscientious objectors covered only the Indian Civil Service, but the principle would be equally applicable to open examinations for the police survice. As regards other
    Reuter's Telegram.  -  63 words
  • 41 17 Reuter’s Telegram London, July 29 11.50 a m. Washington: The Mexican Ambassador indicates that a satisfactory solution of the differences between Mexico and the United States has been reached. It is believed that Carranza has agreed to a joint commission.
    Reuter’s Telegram  -  41 words
  • 229 17 A Government Gazette Kxtraord inary issued on Wednesday prohibits the landing of any person from a port or place outside tho limits of the Colony on Singapore Island outside tho limits of the port except at certain specified authorised landing places. If landing at any authorised
    229 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 156 17 The M.S.V.U. wcro the Club’s opponents «u Saturday afternoon, and the game resulted in a win for the home toam by eleven points to none. A latgo mmibjr of spectators witnessed the gam including His Kxcelleucy the Governor and several Naval oltioers of Allied Powers. The visitors, led by
      156 words
    • 91 17 The following ties in the S.C C. lawn tennis tournament weic played on Saturday Championship. Manning beat Hartnell, 6 1, I—o, 6—l. B SiNiiLKs Hanihcap. l>oig beat Cheek, B—o, 8-6, 6—l. Wilson beat Webb, 6 -2, 6—B. Vktkkan.s* Doublks. Talma and Tyler beat Hooper and Hallaway, 6—2,
      91 words
    • 139 17 At Malacca, on Saturday, a St. Francis School team met the local (Jroenlytes at soccer, and the result was an easy win for the school by 4 0. The first half passed with uo score, for though the school was aggressive all through the forwards just failed to find
      139 words
    • 47 17 The following was the result of the Ladies’ Garrison Jlillu Club spoon competition on July 28: 150 yds. 100 yds. Total. Lady Gvcln Young 24 28 68.31 Mrs. Mugliston 23 28 67. f 2 Mrs. iiasevi 18 1H 67 62 Mrs. Scott 24 28 67X4
      47 words
  • 170 17 When the war is over wo are going to have a (simple religion, a religion without frillH,” said the Ilishop of Stepney on June 17, addressing those who took part in the second procession of prayer and intercession service
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  • 78 17 The London (ia/.' tte announces that Second-Li* utt riant (temporary Lieutenant) K. K. Orchard, S;h Liverpool Territorials, has been mentioned in despatch! s for gallantry and special conduct on the field. Lieutenant Orchard, who was formerly with Messrs. Lane, Crawford and Co. in llougkoug, aud was a
    78 words

  • 1049 19 Thf> battle about Hooge and Zillibeke, the Canadians bore a shelling in H b the worst of the war, was ksc ,.intn three distinct actions. There was bombardment and attach tbe bt °f"?‘ counter attack when
    1,049 words
  • 517 19 Tommy is away from bis mess and his pals in Flanders, back in the London he wanted to see again, and there is the City beyond the railway terminus, and usually it looks about as unfriendly to a man
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  • 248 19 A number of people interested in a project to provide a hill station for Siam have, says the Bangkok Times, raised sufficient funds to bring the scheme into being. Land has been chosMn on the spur of hills near to hhoon lan, north of Nakon
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  • 116 19 Ellison.— On July 27, at 4, Sophia Koad, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. I. Ellison, a daughter (Mother and child both doing well). China and India papers please copy. Long.—On July 29, at the Nursing Homo, to Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Long, o£ Pulau Dulang, a daughter. Chatkr.—
    116 words
  • 153 19 Sinclair—Suiukkland.- On June 24, at Queen Street, U. F. Church, Edinburgh, by the Rev. Jas. Durran, M. A., John Sinclair, pharmacist, Malacca, eldest son of the lato Adam Sinclair, Union Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, to Helen Dunbar, Ella, young est daughter of the late Jas. Sutherland, Ulbster, Wick. Tan
    153 words
  • 166 19 Singapori August 8, 1018. KXCNANCIE. On Lomug* Bank 4 m/s 2/4if Demand 2/4/., Private 8 m/a 2/44 i On Franck Bank T. T. 828 On India Bank T. T. 174 j On Hongkong...Bank d/d 10J On Shanghai ...Bank d/d HI* On Java Bank T. T. 186 On
    166 words
  • 364 19 Singaporb, August 8, 1916. MINING. Value Buyers Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 5.00 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.86 0.60 10 10 Belut 1.86 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.86 1.00 1J 10 Kinta Association 5.00 XI ill Kinta Tin 1.6.0 1.12.0 ill XI Laliat Minos 8.00 5 00
    364 words
  • 366 19 Interesting light, both upon tho question of German casualties, and also upon the statements made from other Gortuuu sources regarding Russian atrocities in Eastern Prussia, is afforded by a well-informed article, entitled German secondary schools for girls in war time,” which appears
    366 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 133 19 NOTICE. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries I* u year. T i-- post Ire price ot the .Vr vis Buiget is Si t y**a r to any part of the world. It <s not to subscribe tor a year. l'ne subscriptions
      133 words
  • 57 19 DEATH. Griffith Jonrs.— On July 12, William Lionel Phillips Griffith-Jones, M. C., Lie*., 2nd Bat., Durham Light Infantry, late > Bukit Mortajam Estate. OBITUARY. Rkuteii’s Telkuram. London, July 20, 8.5 p.m. The death is announced of General Sir H. J. llildyard, G.C.B. who retireu in 1911. London, August The death
    57 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 104 1 Uknkkal Penang Rnbb< r AoctionH 2 F'.M.S. Rubbt r Export Duty 3 Singapore Rubber Auction 1 July Rubber Returns 4 Tangkah Rubber Estate 4 Java Produce Market 5 Tklkukamh London Rubber Market... 1 Loudon Rubber Special 1 Meetings am* Reports— Klian-Kellas 1 Chinese Labour 1 United Malacca Rubber... 2
      104 words
    • 87 1 London, July 28 The London Rubber Market is quiet and steady, the prices being practically tho same as a fortnight ago:— Fine sheet 2/2 to 2/3 Crepe 2/3 2/4 Fine hard Para 2/8 2/10 The last report
      87 words
    • 206 1 From Our Own Corrksi*ondknt. London July 27. Intorim dividends aro declared as follow Gedong G por cent., United Serdang 15, and Ayor Kuning 5. Mergui Crown pays a final of 10 pet- cent. Commenting on tho F.M.S. Chief Secretary’s annual report, tho L. and C. Express says
      206 words
    • 1804 1 The third ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Klian-Kellas, Limited, was held ou Juno 19, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, FI C M Mr. Edward Ledford (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman
      1,804 words
    • 134 1 (From Our Own Corrksi-ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August t The Negri Sembilan planters Soreraban last night, Mr- E presiding over an attendance of cbiel The shortage of Chinese labour was subject of discussion, the meeting t j ofl opinion that immediate and conce was
      134 words
    • 791 2 ti,. directors in submitting their report unOiuieDt ot accounts for the year ended “Lj 30, 1916, state: set profit for tt.e year after i Inetiiw directors fees $.)<,610.04 jdJ-Ba'lance brought forward last year $64,065.34 Interim dividend
      791 words
    • 1039 2 The annual ordiu&ry general meeting of the members of the Northern Tjiliwoeng Plantations, Limited, was held on June 20. at the registered otfice of the company, Fenchurch House, 5, Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. Walter Hilliers (thechairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, although
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    • 307 2 A general meeting of tbe Taiping Planters’ Association was held on July 21 in the Perak Club, Taiping. Tbe president of the association, Mr. W. S. Cookson, was in the chair, and among the planters present were Messrs. G. N. Magill, of
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    • 94 2 Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co advise the Penang press that the under mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at their auction sale on Thursday. Smoked ribbed shoot 5114 to 5118 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond... 112 Cnsmoked sheet 100 108 Crepe tine pale thin
      94 words
    • 871 2 The sixth ordinary geueral meeting of the /asm (Malacca) Rubber Estates,, was held on .June 27, at the registered office, Winchester House, Old IlroAd-street, E.C., Mr. T. Ritchie (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said The issued
      871 words
    • 3175 3 The suit wan commenced in the Supreme Court, Penang, on July 25. in which the plaintiffs are the Shanghai Klebang Rubber Estates, Ltd., in liquidation, and the defendants the Ranking and Trading Corpora tion N&uden Ten Cate,
      3,175 words
    • 107 3 For tlie perioil from August ,J k inclusive, tbe value of tbe bi*be»t rubber is fixed at 2a. 2d. P tr V tX p< duty on cultivated rubber on jj a@ js duty is leviable on an ad vtt 0 e p',.M accordance with the rules
      107 words
    • 924 4 The director.’ report for tbe year ended W*‘‘, profit for the year a. shown by «V and loss account amounted to tt« rf compared with *26,947.93 for year. To this must be added tbe P re v ai rra 10
      924 words
    • 151 4 Reporting under date, July 27 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. state: On the resumption of the sale to day demand was hardly so good as yesterday and prices were a little easier. The highest figure realised was $l2l which was paid for fine ribbed smoked sheet. There was
      151 words
    • 186 4 Mr. R. Arnold, presiding at the meeting on June 15 of the Bahru Stlangor Rubber Com pany, Limited, said that they had not yet entered the tapping stage, and he could there tore say nothing about costs of production. Tbe results obtained by their neighbour, tbe Rukit
      186 words
    • 163 4 The report of Holyrood Rubber, Limited, states that iu consequence of the improvement in the rubber market the directors have been able to conclude satisfactory financial arrangements with a view to the further development of the property. The laud which it was proposed to surrender to the Government
      163 words
    • 223 4 Kamuning.—66,sB9 lbs. Kimanis.—2B.ooolbs.; 7 months 121,7961b5. Labu.—45,586 lbs.; 7 months 800.495 lbs. Banteng.—B2,34l lbs.; 8 months 87,8181b5. Cheviot.—22,6oB lbs.; 7 months 174,707 lbs. F.M.S. Rubber.-157,000 lbs. K.L. Rubber.—lB4,ooo lbs. Tanjong Malim.—76,ooo lbs. Kuang.—l7,2so lbs. Bungsar.—6,ooo lbs. Ayer Kuning.— 66.000 lbs. Brad well 85,590 lbs Chersonese.—s9,6lB lbs. Dennistown.
      223 words
    • 246 4 For 1915 tbe revenue account shows a profit of £43,441. after allowing liberally for all estate and home expenditure, and £2,483 is brought forward. The directors recommend a final dividend on both classes of shares of 25 per cent., less tax, payable July 5, making
      246 words
    • 166 4 Mr. Justice Astbury has delivered judgment on the petition of Tangkah Rubber Estate, Ltd to confirm a reduction of capital from £125,000 to £77,118. The petition was opposed by Mr. .John Stiven, a member of the Stock Exchange, who held 1,200 ordinary and 350 preferred shares, and
      166 words
    • 775 4 The following is the report of the directors of the Kelemak Robber Estate, Ltd., to the shareholders to be presented at the annual meeting on August 0. Your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of the accounts of the company for
      775 words
    • 1058 5 Stock Singapore Issued Par Dividends. Malavan Exchange Fraser Co.’s f 'unita] Value Companies. Prices, Closing Prices, Uap,la 1915. 1914. June 28. Augusta. 150 000 2/• 60* 82% Anglo Malay 11/10$ 10/- 12/6J 000 XI
      1,058 words
    • 873 5 The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Merbau (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the offices of the company, 17, St. Helen's-place, Bishopsgate, E.C., on June 20. Mr. Archibald Grey (chairman of the company) presided. The Chairman
      873 words
    • 149 5 Messrs. Francis Peek and <v. Weekly Re por( Us Messrs. Francis Peek and Co si. supply us with the following ri^' ?0r# position of the Java produce market th week ending July 28 ket for the Batavia, J Q lv <>a Rubber Market.-The rubber n JL\ still
      149 words
    • 330 5 The report of the Federated (Selangor! Rubber Company, Limited, states that the profit for the yiaf, after writing off j£l,ioj for depreciation of buildings, machinery, etc was £29,149, which, with the amount brought forward, £3,119, makes a total of £32,268. Deducting the amount of the interim dividends,
      330 words
    • 356 5 The report of the Consolidated Rubber and Balata Estates, Limited, states that tbe net profit, after deduction of a loss of realisation of the 1914 balata, amoun s 15,589, which is carried to the balance-suee*. The loss referred to wa9 largedly 1 due shrinkage in weight
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 313 6 1 J Keep your liver active and the small every-day worries and disW appointments will not trouble you. It is the mind that mahcj I„ I .prv not our condition of life, and when you keep your stomach healthy, towels active, your blood pure by the regular use of Beecham's
      313 words
    • 281 6 After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholei colic or bowel complaints, every part of the body needs strengthening. It i? not enough merely to take tonics or artificial stimulants, for onfy by building-up every part of’tbe body can health be regained. SCOT T’S Emulsion is a pure
      281 words
    • 187 6 A positive paying investment in any business, whether large or small, is —soon PRINTING Its value cannot be overestimated. Your advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. DON'T PAY OUT MONEY tor the poor kind,
      187 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 93 7 Highest Quality $5.50 per case of 6 doz. crown cork pints Soaa water Oingerbeer or Tonic 4C 31 Nf iJ .O A X pO A »8E V 1* (RMUROZ^c 0 y^y' ttS f 67 ET CECI ST R s t. N C R A P O Rt rr fo <%
      93 words