The Straits Budget, 20 July 1916

Total Pages: 27
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXX No. 3049 Sinaapore. Thursday. July 20. 1916. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OK THE STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A IEbTURV Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 186 1 laDEKS Taxatioa Alternatives 12 Mat Can We Pay 12 iricish Advance ...12-13 *ir Edward Grey 13 in Proposals 13 CAI AND (i HNK K A L Local &nJ Personal 12 Malivan Fighters 3 Le income Tax 3 TheOften«ivc in Franco 3 The Wat 4 7 Mr. N*l
    186 words
  • 5282 1 l ani J. Llf *lnfantry, which he brill;, le ntl °ned in connection with ihiDi lia; a a, r at Vermelles, are three -ieuUnum UD a W^lOUl arc Second CZ, a e| y- slr A. O. Beckett, Wilier, S Uno rhed aml Swirc Mr Bini Mr H
    5,282 words

  • THE WAR.
    • 2078 4 Kk.I'TKH’H TbLHGIUM.S. Fight for Mametz Wood. DESPERATE ENCOUNTERS RECORDED. Further Progress of The Allies. Rkltkk’h Tblbukam.s. London, July 12, 11.30 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports that the day was marked by sharp local fighting in certain areas. We recaptured Mametz Wood and all the ground lost last night.
      Kk.I'TKH’H TbLHGIUM.S.  -  2,078 words
    • 1822 4 SATURDAY 'S TELEGRAMS. British Advance. I THE GERMAN SECOND LINf I BROKEN. I Progress Considered Very Good I London, July 14 12 3 Genera! Sir Douglas Haig report, Th J was reciprocal artillery activity tl.r‘,.„ i *1 the day. Ah the resSit of iVp Si hRlrtma we not merely maintained
      1,822 words
    • 3391 5 Third Line Broken. BRILLIANT PROGRESS MADE BY ALLIES. Praise for the British Troops. London, July 14, 12.55 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig reports: The period of July 11 and 12 was mainly spent in bombarding the enemy’s formidable second positions and in making other preparations for a further
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    • 1696 6 Somme Battle. BRAVERY OF THE BRITISH TROOPS. Every Man Eager for the Fray. London, July 17, 5.30 a.m. The troops at the front proceeded very quickly while piercing tue second line for the first time on the Western front. They say the evil spell was broken with the
      1,696 words
    • 2612 7 "est Kents Great Fight. ONE HUNDRED RESIST THOUSANDS. Progress, of British Offensive. London, July 17, 7 20 p.m. ’'tnml Haig reports further important 0 stormed aud captured the Jirinau stcoud line on a front of fifteen uinilred yards ninth west of Bazeutin lo -tut aud we* still further
      2,612 words

  • 914 8 Mr. G. P. Owen, secretary to the Straits lUcirg Association, kindly informed us on Tuesday that ho was in receipt of a tele gram from Kuala Lumpur, announcing the death that morning as the result of a fall from his
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  • 471 8 In tho Lokalanzioger recently appeared a remarkable article, under tho heading The New Way to India,” which is an excellent example of the dreams dreamed by tho latest type of Pan-German. Starting with the building of tho Ludwig Canal. 80
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  • 133 8 The Dover Harbour Board (as owners) and Hie master and crew of the steam tugs Lady Duncaunon and Simla, claimed salvage remuneration for services rendered to the Japanese steamship Kitano Maru, in the Duke of Edinburgh Channel, Thames Estuary, on December 3. 1915. It appeared
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  • 145 8 The death is announced of Captain Higgins of tin* Hongkong river steamer San-ui, which cucui red on July 2 in very sad circumstances. Captain Higgins, who was an ex naval com man Jor, left with the ship on a voyage up tho West Kiver the previous
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  • 638 8 Postponed from Saturday last on account of heavy raius, the annual athletic sports meet ing of the Anglo-Chiaoso School were hold on Tuesday afternoon on the Oldham Hall grounds, iu *ho presence of a large gathering of pupils and their invited guests. Mrs. Lee Choou
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  • 35 8 [The Straits Times j 8 nnf the opinions of its corn iol Correspondents should h,. ;tr letters must bo short and to Long, rambling epistles are i;,n rejected or ruthlessly cut down to W
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  • 411 8 To the Editor of tbe Strut, Tune,. I Sir, —Some years ago you u I enough to allow me to make u 9 «V°?i columns of your valuable paper ton!,!# attention of the authorities to an evil JS then played havoc among the nyonlSI Singapore. I
    411 words
  • 99 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Almost every evening between 'is and seven, those who use the tram cars are compelled to change cars at the car barn. This is an inconvenience to say nothing of the time lost in making me change. I wonder if
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  • 152 8 In a Club Dot many miles away from Penang, says the local Gazette, the wt uii t lately decided that no treating was worth a trial. The change was accordingly ellectt and when the receipts from the bar made known, it was found that this par 1
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  • 90 8 A correspondent wrote last < b the Malay Mail, ot Saturday,^ liaviuw ordered some tobarx t lir from Sinwapoto, lie wan ma lt P y to«etlie) S.S. and KM S duties, the't»" v lh t amounting to some 60 per c< n j this of tlm yoods.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 205 8 Property Sale. The following Singapore properties were disposed ot by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.’s salo room on Tuesday afternoon: Leasehold land at 1‘ dornbang Hoad and MintoRoad, total area 4,‘20U sq. ft., boing part of the land comprised in East India Co.'s leases 777 and 818 for 99
      205 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 378 9 <CC ground was in a state which TbC HnL-eer men would describe as bad on reD i afternoon, but nevertheless the S tet.teo the S.C.C. and a naval team mod) enjoyed by every player. It was representative club team, as owing a i» notice not more than three forwards
      378 words
    • 179 9 The July medal (bogey) of the Keppel Golf Club played on Saturday and Sunday was won by A. P. Cameron owe 8, 3 up. H. T. White owe 3, all square. A. Chaney owe 12, 3 down. K. Blackwell owe 6, 4 down. Twtnty three cards were taken out.
      179 words
    • 232 9 Tbe following are the resnlts of Friday’s P in the S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament: B Singles. Chaney beat Hadden, 6—4, 6—2. C Singles. Crossley beat Palgrave, 6—4, 6—8, 6—1. Newcomers’ Handicap. 0,dfi eld beat Chandler, 6—0, 6-0. A Douhles. htinn and Stout beat Tinsley and Griffith J
      232 words
  • 287 9 A Frenchman and a Dutchman who were apprehended by the Hongkong Military authorities for trespassing at Belcher’s Fort were charged on remand, before Mr. Wood on July 7, with trespass. Capt. Cassell, D.A A., Q.M.G., bead quarter’s stall, pressed for the full penalty
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  • 156 9 A message dated July 11 says The Daily Telegraph’s Rotterdam correspondent says that tbe outlook of the German people has chauged in tho last four days from one of confidence in one of the deepest anxiety. It was first believed that the western offensive had failed since
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  • 164 9 There is much sympathy in Ireland, the Dublin correspondent of The Times says, with Lord Uosebery’H description of the Vice royalty as a useless and costly sinecure. The Lord Lieutenant receives a salary of £20,000 a year. In addition he draws 1.5(H) a year fur the expenses
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  • 725 9 Mods. J. De Courtois begs to acknowledge with thanks the following additional subscription Already acknowledged $6,028 HN. Ferrers 100 X. Y. Z. Singapore 20 H. B. Salmond 10 Goodall and Co. 200 D. Y. Perkins 25 Sarkies Bros. 100 Mrs. J. R. Stronach 10 J. Seydoux
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  • 201 9 Somebody has said that British colonisation begins with a missionary who is follow* cd by a soldier, a trader and a newspaper in the order stated. It may be so, and cortainly where two or tlireo British are gathered together a newspaper is regarded as a necessity.
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  • 177 9 When ho entored a little chapel in a village among the Chiltern Hills on Snnday evening there was a movement called sensation.” Everyone knew ho came from the Warrior. He had been in tho great battle; his ship was now at tho bottom of the sea.
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  • 135 9 A large packing concern in California has installed au automatic means for opening tho doors of its horse stable, which allows tho horses to escape at any time of tho day or night if there is danger of tire, says Popular Mechanics. Tho device is operated
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  • 47 9 Messrs. Sellar, Murray and Co. advise ub of the outputs from the following companies for the first half of July: Kamunting Tin Dredging, piculs 322, hours run 278. Chcnderiang Tin Dredging, dredge, piculn lU>, hours run 20*2, elevators, piculs 40, total (Chcuderiuug output) 200.
    47 words

  • 1143 10 Tlio eighth annual general meeting of the shareholders of Krauiat Pulai, Ltd was held on May 21, at Wincdu ster House, Old Broadstreet, E.C., Mr. A. L. Kuaggs (chairman of tho company) presiding. The Chairman sai I: (Jentlemor, Mr
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  • 623 10 Regimental Sergeant-Major PL M. May, M.S.V.K.. 1915, now lieutenant, Queen's Own West Kent lh-giment, Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force, has produced a wonderfully attractive Drill Hand-Book. It is really a book for all non-commissioned oflicers aud men of the Auxiliary Forces, with special chapters devoted to the history and
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  • 1389 10 The people who thought a boxing show would not bo an attraction in Singapore at the present time received a pleasant surprise at the Palladium on Tuesday. The house was packed to overflowing, aud judging by the applause the
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  • 139 10 All ranks, as soon as they land in 1-ranee, are, says the Manchester Guardian, ur n eDt warned against answering questions asked them by people whom they don t knotf even though the questioner is apparently a British officer, for enemy agents have be®® found in
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  • 176 10 Instead of enjoying a honeymoon■ t«P o J| Chinese servant girl is now in >c says a Hongkong paper, as is a H a posed man of her choice. It oriua fcion few days ago the police receive to the effect that a servant 8J rl
    176 words

  • 1643 11 ■...committee el the Penang Chamber recently had under their cona letter from the Board of Trade to Buonekong and Shanghai Banking Gorpo B nu‘ following questions were asked Kie replied the Chamber thereto aie B main reasons
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  • 576 11 Speaking at the Missionary Session of I Synod at home, the Kev. W. Cross, of the Singapore Presbyterian Church, referred t<> his work out here, saying that there is going forth to tho Straits Settlements and Malaya a constant
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  • 43 11 (From Our Own Corrbspondknt.) Ipoh, July 13. It is rumoured that coal has been discovered at Enggor, near Kuala Kangsar. The Government Geologist is making an investigation. No definite pronouncement has been raado. Enggor is on the main railway line.
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  • 245 11 Overseas Club Tobacco Fund. llow greatly the gifts of tobacco and cigars are appreciated by soldiers and sailors is proved by tho expressions of thanks which tho secretary of tho Overseas Club receives. Ono sergeant writes: —“It is the wish of membors of this Platoon No. G, B. Co., 4th
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  • 462 11 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Circular. Iu their share circular, dated the 12th hint., Messrs. Fraser and Co. state: The feature thin week has beeu the advance in the price of Straits Traders caused by tho announcement made by the directors that they purpose calling a meeting
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  • 206 11 A pretty wedding was solemnised on July 10 at hlukuug Muti according to Hindu ceremonies, the contracting parties being Mr. C. Kajauayaguu and Miss Sellathangam Coomurasaruy, second daughter of Mr. C. Coomarasamy, expense store accountant, military department, Blakang Mati. Very attractive preparations had been made for tho
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  • 161 11 Mr. C. Stamford Hallies, formorly of Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh, and now Flight Commander in charge of a balloon section in Flanders, in the courso of a letter to a friend in Kuala Lumpur, says: “.Jensen of Kelautan is in another balloon section near here and
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1019 12 deal oi public confidence behind it. —Straits Times. July 14. Oar Chinese friends iu Penang are obviously hostile to an income tax—or at least that part of them is hostile which is articulate. Certainly it is a fact that the feeling in Singapore is far less unanimous, as
      deal oi public confidence behind it.—Straits Times. July 14.  -  1,019 words
    • 1173 12 WHAT CAN WE PAY Straits Times, July Some opinions expressed in oar presence the other day left us convinced that there are still a good many people who do not realise the gigantic war burden that is being borne by the United Kingdom without a murmur, and realise still less
      Straits Times, July  -  1,173 words
    • 1048 12 »nce the Hun set out to conquer.—Straits inei. -July 17, So far, there has been no serious check tr I the British advance. The first and second I lines of tho German defences have bt e I broken, the intervening space has h I consolidated, and the third
      »nce the Hun set out to conquer.—Straits inei. -July 17,  -  1,048 words
    • 1019 13 Stroits Times, July 1H. The elevation of Sir Edward Grey to be peerage removes from the House of 'ornmous one of its most brilliant and one of ts oldest members. He entered the House c ne year before Mr. Asquith, and :a served in it continuously for
      Stroits Times, July 1H.  -  1,019 words
    • 1124 13 —Straits Times, July 19. Wo do not mean it in tho least disrespectfully when we say that the (Jhineso discussion of the incomo tax is inconclusive and uninforming. There is first of all the unanimous and generous admission that something must bo done to help the Empire. From
      —Straits Times, July 19.  -  1,124 words

  • 176 13 The rocc nt children’s fete in tho Victoria Memorial Hall has had very satisfactory financial results. Entrance tickets produced $1,417, donations $690, and tho amount collected at tho fete from tho refreshment bar, sideshows, etc., was 91,294.52, a total of s‘l,4if 1.02 which will bo forwarded
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  • 152 13 An affray broke out on Saturday on board the steamer Yacob, which tiad arrived from China ports, Chinese passenger coolies being engaged in a tight which at one time threatened to become serious. A number of men were in jured, and several jumped overboard in terror.
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  • 1275 14 In const .jiitnco of the divergence of views amongst the Chinese community regarding tho proposed income tax as eviuc-d in till' reports published m the papers, the member* of the K Ho lleau Club held a special
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  • 134 14 Fuom Our Own Correspondent. Penang, July 17. Tho following arc the handicaps for the first day of the summer meeting, commenc ing on tho 25th inst: Race No. I.—Loaddeer 11.4. Nullo 8.5, Black Satin 7.8, Welcome One 7.10, Milkv Way 7.9.
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  • 248 14 Mr. A. D. Allan has retiree! from the managing directorship of Messrs. McAlister and Co. with whom he has been connected for upwards of a decade. On Sunday he left for Australia where he will remain for a month before proceeding to England. Although
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  • 53 14 Mtssrs. Derrick and Co. advise us of the following output for the four weeks ended •Inly 1.): Bukit Roman.—Stone crushed tvM) > tons, gold obtained 79H ozs average per ton '.2.468 dwts. Bukit Molucca.— Stone crushed 4,600 tons, gold obtained 353 ozs., average per ton.
    53 words
  • 570 14 (Fhom Olr Own Correspondent.) Malacca. July 14. At the Stadt House, on Saturday, tho Bth inst.. the Long Service Medal was presented to Bachu bin Ludin by the Resident, Mr. L. E I'. Wolferstan, in the presence of a gathering of Government officials. The recipient had done 28
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  • 222 14 A former resident in the F. M. S now at the front in France, writes to the Malay Mail:—Your readers may be interested to know the particulars of the death of C*pt. L. WcodrofTe, brother of Mr. H. C. Woodroffe, of Messrs. Hibbert, Woodroffe and Co., of Kuala
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  • 48 14 Messrs. A Isa golf and Co., on Saturday, received a cable from Jeddah stating that business had been reopened and inquiring for the dates of the despatch of steamers. From this it is apparent that the obstacles to the aunual pilgrimage have now been removed.
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  • 361 14 According to a London wire T Major General Maurice, Director of \n y Operations, of the British Gen.Li ‘i Urv interviewed by a representative Associated Press of America, said e time of the desperate fighting ou tlm v T e
    361 words
  • 232 14 A Cairo correspondent ot the Pioneer in a letter dated JuneS states the pacification of Darfur is proceeding apace. The military administration of the province is being oiganisid under the control of Colonel Kelly, who is following up the fugitive Sultan
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  • 31 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, July The coronation of tho Sultan of 1 fixed for September J, when the p*. festivities to be observed will exten days.
    31 words
  • 117 14 The first prosecution undi*s® tobacco ordinance was made b y j u tbe tendent of Government Monopolies m third polico corn ton l' Hc f Burwas charged with keeping seve rc j lolise mese cigars other than in a bom 1 Btr vice. and Mr Taylor, of the
    117 words

  • 2051 15 Hnt > \oderson writes the following in the v York Tribune In a British military aeroplane, painted k a ud designed fur pursuing Zeppelins at j across Loudou yesterday, and “‘"V of 7,000 feet looped the
    2,051 words
  • 28 15 Rrdtbr’s Tblbqram. London, July 15, 1.50 p.m. Washington: Justice Clark of Ohio has been nominated as supremo judge in succession to Judgo Hughes, the presidential candidate.
    Rrdtbr’s Tblbqram.  -  28 words
  • 26 15 Kkutkr’s Telegram. London, July 14. The Government has issued regulations requiring County Councils to organise schemes for the diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases.
    Kkutkr’s Telegram.  -  26 words
  • 20 15 Rbutkk’s Tklkgra.v, London, July 14. There is a railway strike in Spain martial law has been proclaimed.
    Rbutkk’s Tklkgra.v,  -  20 words
  • 27 15 Kkutkk's Tklkoram. London, July 17, 3.30 p.m. The Rev. Cyril A. Alington, headmaster of Shrewsbury School since 1908, has been elected headmaster of Eton.
    Kkutkk's Tklkoram.  -  27 words
  • 52 15 Pkukika.— On July 18, at Singapore, the wife of Stephen Pereira (nee Langan), of a daughter. Tan.— On July 17, at 82, Amoy Street, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Tan Kuk Sin, a son. Lubbock.— On July 17, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of F. Lubbock, of
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  • 46 15 Pash—Lanodon.— On Monday, July 17, at St. Androw’s Cathedral, Singapore, Reginald Gordon, sixth son of the lato Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pash, of North Adelaide, South Austra lia, to Eva Ivy, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. York LaDgdou, of Perth, West Australia.
    46 words
  • 169 15 Singapokh, July 19, 1916, EXCHANGE. On Loht>c«< Bank 4 m/s 2/441 Demand 2/4* Private 8 m/a 2/4 4 On Francs Bank T. T. 826 On India Bank T. T, M 1744 On Honorong...Bank d/d 124 On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 834 On Java Bank T. T. M 1854
    169 words
  • 358 15 Singapore, July 19, 1910, MINING. Value Buyers Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 5.00 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wen# 0-85 0.50 10 10 Belat 1.H5 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.85 1.00 11 10 Kinta Association 5.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.5.0 1.12.6 £1 XT Laliat Minos 3.00 5 00
    358 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 131 15 NOTICE. The post tree price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries a year. T ie post fre pric* oi tne Struts Budget is So ik year to any part of the world. It is not necessary to subscribe tor a year. The subscriptions for shorter
      131 words
  • 85 15 OBITUARY. Rbutkr's Tklegrams. London, July 13, 3 40 p m. The death has taken place of Mr. James Sant, R.A., late principal Painter-in Ordinary to Queen Victoria. London, July 16. Paris: The death is announced of the scientist, Professor Elie MotchnikoiT, Pro feesor at the Pasteur Institute. DEATH. Lohato dm
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 519 10 FRESH BUTTER in 1-lb. and %-lb. pats. SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE CO.. LD. Singapore, Koala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. i i i ftrt iMPom*... M B m -J m B notice. Tr IIIIL; I i' I Jl HR_ 4| M In consoq l .,-n..e S B B B B W nuiuemu*
      519 words
    • 247 10 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain—you cannot do better than take SCOTT’S Emulsion. In every part of the world this valued food tonic has proved its worth as the purest and best of all forms of cod liver oil treatment and the richest strength-maker for
      247 words
    • 216 10 A paying inf antenati t in any bnriaess, whether large or mu all, ia GOOD Printing distribute and the sletiaaery you one generally a lasting impression, favourably or otherwiae, aoeonding to its kind. Dos t P»y Ow itety Car the poor kind, get the paying kind. It always pay* and
      216 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 s -'-A si o 75 •is Ss -5 i. i a* > ThlC D*‘G GUN IN^CRaTEO' Mr**. l^^assss** rr-j-'S "A. -3^ v t i OUR CROWN CORK AERATED WATER8 No Deposit to Pay No Return of Bottles No Heavy Cost No Bother of Bottle Accounts $5.50 per case of 6
      90 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 BUN Obtainable from every Liquor Dealer at the following prices from April 1,1916. ASAHI BEER, Quarts d< $11.80 per case of 4 doz. (Retail Price $3.00 per doz). ASAHI BEER, Pints (a $10.50 per case of 6 doz. (Retail Price $1.90 per doz.) SAPPORO BLACK BEER, Pints $11.00 per case
      93 words