The Straits Budget, 9 December 1915

Total Pages: 18
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXIX No. 3017 Singapore. Thursday. December 9. 1915. UUBIISMtD OVH* MALI A C'*TU«V Price 25 cents.
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  • 230 1 LEADERS Workers and Finance 8 How Belgium Did Her Duty 8 Crushing the Weaklings 8-9 Germans in America 9 More Peace Talk 9 Local and General— Local and Personal 1-2 Municipal Commission 2 Properties of Electric Waves 2 New Colonial Secretary... 2 The War 8 7 German
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  • 3431 1 Surgeons are finding in the bullet and the piece of shrapnel an unexpected ally so far aH the elucidation of medical and scientific problems is concerned. Before the war there 'vere regions of the body concerning which little was known disease seldom visited them directly, yet profound
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1718 3 Rbutkr's Telegrams, Greek Crisis. THE SITUATION CONTINUES ACUTE. Russian Activity. Rbutkk’s Tklkgkams, London, December 1, 8.30 p.m. The Star’s correspondent at Rome says Greece has notified tho Allies that it is impossible to accept the demands for Greek evacuation of Salonika and Allied surveillance of the Greek coast
      Rbutkr's Telegrams,  -  1,718 words
    • 2320 3 Monastir Falls. END OF HEROIC SERBIAN DEFENCE. Activity in France. London, December 2, 1.55 p.m. Paris: A Salonika telegram says wounded Serbian officers from Monastir state that on November 25 ami 26 in the direction of Prilep and Dalenci the Bulgarians and Serbians fought for forty hours with
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    • 3069 4 Serbian Position. REPORTS OF A BETTER TONE. Seven Million Russians Ready. Londou, December 3, 6.30 p.m. Paris: A Salonika telegram states that the Fasti i n General Staff has received news that the Austrians and Germans are moving towards Bulgaria. It is understood tho Allies have ro-cstab lislicd
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    • 1690 5 The Serbian Army. GRAVE ANXIETY ABOUT SAFETY. Futile Peace Talk. London, Dccombcr ft, 1.10 a.m. Italian despatches stato that the fate of tho Serbian Army is uncertain. Ih-ports that a hundred aud forty thousand have reached the Albanian frontier are not con firmed. Refugees from Nish and Kraljovo,
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    • 2504 6 The Greek King. TWO STATEMENTS OF HIS POLICY. America and Germany. London, Docembcr 7, 3.25 a.m. Athens: It is announced that tho latest communication made by tho Entente diplomatists to Government regarding tho Macedonian and military questions contains the bases of an understanding. The Government proposes to despatch
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  • 155 7 Capetown General Smuts made the splendid statement in the House of Assembly that the fortnight's recruiting was successful beyond the best expectations, enabling the L’nion to despatch the nocessary forces to East Africa and also reinforcements. He hoped that in a very short time the Hast Africa
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  • 272 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co. write under date thu 2nd inst. The business of the past week calls for little comment. There have been a few fluctuations, some shares standing a little off their best price but the general tendency throughout the
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  • 239 7 Supervisors J. Listermao, G. Nunn, C. V. Ganno, F. J. Elms and a party of Revenue Officers boarded the Blue Funnel steamer Tydeus when it arrived alongside the Borneo Wharf on the 4th instant. A diligent and careful search was started at 8 and at
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  • 605 7 Hie story of German plots iu China is again the subject of articles iu tho Shanghai papers, one of which wo quote fiom the North China Daily News’s Peking correspondent who wrote ou November 15: 1 lie persistent efforts of
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  • 134 7 Tho Sumatra Post reports that a serious earthquake occurred in the neighbourhood of Fort de Kock and Kota Gedong, Sumatra, on Monday morning, about 1.80. Many houses were destroyed, and their inhabitants engulfed in the ruins. The number of dead, and the extent of tho damage done,
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  • 54 7 It is announced in the Government Gazette that Lieut. P. S. Hunter has been pro moted to Captain in the Singapore Held Ambulance Company, S.V.C.; that Mr. K. B. Osborne is appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the Penang Volunteers and that Mr. William Duncan is appointed Captain in tho
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    • 142 7 Tho December medal was competed for on Saturday and Sunday, aud resulted iu a win for Mr. H. B. Layton, who returned a net score of 76. Twenty one cards were taken out, aud the following were returned:— H. B. Layton 47 43 14 76 H. T.
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    • 248 7 There was another rugby game played on the Esplanade on Saturday b 1 -tween a naval fifteen and one ropres< tiling the S.C.C, The previous mectiug provid'd some interesting play, the naval men putting up a spirited tight against players who had the advantage in the matter of
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  • 320 7 The export of Japanese toys in 1905 was only 600,000 yen, but it grow to 1,497,000 in 1910, and to ‘2,591,000 yen in 1914, an increase of 332 per cent, in nine years. Tho destinations comprise over 30 countries,
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  • 96 7 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended November 2< was ‘23.79 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths was 155, of which 119 were male subjects and 3ft female. Con vulsious claimed 25, phthisis 19 and malaria fever
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  • 446 7 Kbutku’h Tklkukamh, (Kkom ()lu Own Cohkksi-om'Knt.) Shanghai, Hecernber ft, 2.10 a.m. The crew of tho Chinese cruiser Chao Hao revolted and tired on the arsenal this evening, shells falling in the Settlement, also a party of rebels are
    Kbutku’h Tklkukamh,  -  446 words
  • 272 7 The Sikh jagah on duty at thu Motor House in Bras ftaHali Road was dono to doatli in the early bourn of Tuesday morning, his assailant,or assailants, gutting clean away without leaving the slightest due likely to be of uho to the police. A constable
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1104 8 —Straits Times, Docembor 3. We do not blame the working classes for much of the pressure they havo brought to bear in order to secure increased wages during the war. There is a good deal to hi said for their point of view. Labour is scarce, and
      —Straits Times, Docembor 3.  -  1,104 words
    • 1177 8 wuo nave tortured Lis country.-Strait* Time9, Decomber 4. Thero has just been translated into English a report compiled by tbe Commander inChief of tho Belgian army for the period July 31 to December 31, 1914. It is not a book that tells of individual heroism,
      wuo nave tortured Lis country.-Strait* Time9, Decomber 4.  -  1,177 words
    • 1092 8 Straits Times, December 0. The fall of Monastir marks almost the end of Serbian efforts to defend Serbian soil. It was inevitable, sinco Greece proved false to her promise to render help, and it wight have been inevitable even if that help had been forthcoming. On the
      Straits Times, December 0.  -  1,092 words
    • 1105 9 Straits Times, Docombor 7. The conviction and sentence of certain Germans who violated the neutrality of the I nited States reveals one special form in which German character asserts itself. M* u of any race are excused for doing whatever lies reasonably withiu their power to help
      Straits Times, Docombor 7.  -  1,105 words
    • 1233 9 this ri;'htH iiii'l libit tuH Strait* Tiiuch, I >t.crinb< r s There seems to liavo been a fresh outburst of peace talk, but it comes, as might be expected, from German sources. It is timed cunningly. Tho enemy has been able to take full advantage of his
      this ri;'htH iiii'l libit tuH '( — Strait* Tiiuch, I>t.crinb< r s.  -  1,233 words

  • 1316 10 A roc* ut issue of “Our Outlook,’’ the official organ of the has the following Of all the opportunities which have come to our Association through the war, perhaps none are so urgent or so far reaching as the j work among wom&lt; n employed in munition
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  • 467 10 Subadar Mir Dast, V.C., 'nth Wilde's Rifles, now attached to 55th Coke's Rifles, who was twice wounded iu France, is now in the Lady Hardinge war hospital, Bombay, where in the course of ao interview with a press
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  • 890 10 The second annual general meeting of the shareholders of F.M.S. Timab, Limited, was helu on October 26, at tho Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. John I. Philips (the chairman of tho company) presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, as you have had
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  • 593 10 The Minister at the Hague for the bntd Colonies has now issued his written renl*♦ the criticisms that found expression K sections of the Second Chamber in riu .2 to the proposed establishment of a CoU;. Council in Netherlands India. Dlal
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  • 113 10 A London telegram of November 10 s The announcement that the Couimouw Government is taking over the wbea &lt; je Australia has caused disappoinlnieu Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchanj. the nowspapers and the business P&lt; frain from comment, pending know le g' details. There is, however, a tendeiic)
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  • 1494 11 A moeting of the Legislative Council was held on Friday afternoon, at which there wire present H.E. tho Governor (Sir A. H. Young, K.C.M.G.), H.E. the General Oflicer Commanding the Troops (Brigadier-general 1 1. 11. Ridout, C.M.G.), the
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  • 127 11 The Colonial Journal says tho contract undertaken last year by tho Central Engine Works (Ltd.) for the electric lighting of Johoro Bahru township provides for public lighting and for the supply of light and power to Govt mmi nt buildings aud institutions in the town, and
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  • 1177 11 (From Or it Own Coruksuoniikn r.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec* in her *2. A case of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, remarkable for the violence of the assault and the lightness of the sentence, was heard by the magistrate at Kuala Lumpur on Friday last, when Mr. Alexander Fox,
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  • 250 11 A farewell tea party was given by the stall and tiie students of tho English College, Johoro Bahru, on the 2nd inst., to Mr. II. II. Morrisou, English Education Oflicor to the Slate of Johoro, on the occasion of his
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  • 277 11 Edmund &lt;Josse, writing ‘oThoTimos, says: My excellent friend, Professor Seipjsd, of Geneva, who is a fervent supporter of tho Entente A11 i«*h, bus asked mo to bring to your uotiro tho molanclioly ami mysterious fa to of tho |K&gt;ot, Max )authoniloy. Tho professor assures mo that
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  • 70 11 In accordant*); w ;tl* tin provi'Uiui- of the l(i serve I-ore** iwiii ivil not •&gt; Immee, 191 &gt;, tho &lt; »'iVt in &gt;r h;iM h|&gt;[»• 1 1 r t*i&lt; follow11)0 gentl) 111) 11 t'l he ollii'f I -I till' 'MUgaporO Civil &lt; itiard To be romp »ny
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  • 446 12 An extraordinary mishap attended by serious r*“uilts occurred iu the Wet Dock. Tanjong Bagar, on Monday, one, indeed, which, unless the enquiries which will be made iu official quarters reveal some unforeseen factor, can only be accounted for
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  • 342 12 At tbe Hongkong polico court on Novena ber 20, before Mr. Hazcland, two Chinese were charged with importing 40 tads of prepared opituu, and 120 lbH. of loose opium on tbo steamer Glaueus. A second charge of having tbe same iu
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  • 664 12 i A gigantic smuggling plot involving tho passing of more than t&gt;20,000 for tho safe delivery on shore of eighty-six Chinese stowaways found cn the Pacific Mail liner Mongolia j at San Francisco, on October 2H, by irumi gration m.d customs inspectors,
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  • 149 12 On board tho new M. M. steamer Athos which left on Sunday morning for Saigon wore several officers going to Tonkin, most of them severely wounded. They included Captain of Artillery Gateau, who had ono of his legs taken oil during the Ilheims bombardments Commandant Noel;
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  • 517 12 IS THE RIFLE USELESS Will it Disappear from Modern Warfare The war has beeu responsible for the refutation of many theories, and has upset innutneiablo calculations, observes a Loudon contemporary. One of the burning questions of the moment concerns the modern rifle. This arm lias undergone wonderful development, and lias
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  • 343 12 Wo issue to-day (price 10 cents) a reprint of our recent illustrated article on The Magazine Rifle Simple facts about its Care aud I’se With Some Advice on Shooting.” A Foreword” and a few notes have been added to the article, which will,
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  • 667 12 Tho respect in which the Into \i Hcwett was bold by all classes oVtbull A&lt; kong community was apparent this If. 11(JD K’ says the Hongkong Telegraph of v? tetnoo 25 from the "number of
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  • 131 12 On the occasion of the anniversary 0 Nanak Sindh’s birthday, in the i T vvara, Shanghai, and in the P r &lt; r m lt j oD large and representative Sikh congo v the following resolution was pass'." ,j tuously with the request that the s &gt;im&lt;
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  • 1089 13 ibc following casualties aro reported London, November 22. Killed.— 2nd Lieut. E. R. Midgloy, Yorkllirt, L.I.; 2nd Lieut. J. S. Pressly, Yorks|jire L.I. Died of wounds. -2nd Lieut. C. B. Grundy, Mnl llesex; 2nd Lieut. A. Mello, Londons. Wouuded.—2nd Lieut. G. H. Abbott, Scottish Borderers; 2nd Lieut. R.
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  • 173 13 The latest addition to the M. M. fleet on the Eastern run, the Atlios, arrived in port late on Saturday afternoon and was despatched for China ports yesterday morning A reception was In Id on board immediately after she had been bt rthed and from then
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  • 136 13 At a public meeting held in the Town Hall, Penang, on Monday, the following resolution was adopted on the proposal of the lion. Robert Young, the chairman: “That the Prince of Wales's Fund be replaced by a general relief fund opening on January 1 and
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  • 1191 13 A highly interesting description is given in a recent issuo of tho Public Ledgor, Philadelphia, of a trial voyuge made in a submarine, stated to bo intended for use iu KurojH an waters, at (Quincy, Massachusetts. I ho writer tirnt describes
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  • 322 13 1 consider tliiH a most important tost case for British articles," said Commander Beckwith, K.N., in judgment in a cruse at tbe llougkoiin Marine Court on November ‘2O iu which the Chim s&lt;&gt; crew of the steamer Inveric were charged
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  • 266 13 Commandeering Defined. An interesting decision whh given by Mr. Justice Atkin in the King's Itcuch t'ommor cial Court ah to tlio meaning of the word “commandeering" as applied to a charter party. Messrs. Arthur (Jnjiol aud Co., coal merchants, of Cardiff and Paris, sued Mr. D Sotilidi, owm r of
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  • 320 14 Kkutkk’s Tklkokam. London, December 6, 8.50 p.m. Presiding at a meeting at Caxton Hall, at which a resolution of regret at the loss India has sustained by the death of Sir Koostomjee Mehta was proposed by Lord Harris and carried unanimously: Lord
    Kkutkk’s Tklkokam.  -  320 words
  • 108 14 Keutbk’s Telegrams. London, December 2. Malta: Tho British steamer Malinche has sank. Two lifoboats brought in the crew who were exhausted from battling with a storm for twenty-four hours. London, December 6. Three men are suspected of causing tho liner Star of New Zealand to bo wrecked at
    Keutbk’s Telegrams.  -  108 words
  • 54 14 Reuter’s Telegrams. London, December 7. Sir Samuel Evans, President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Courts, when leaving the courts was knocked down by a motor bus and his leg broken. Rocently he has been very busy with prize court work. The aocident, like many others, was duo
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  54 words
  • 38 14 Rbutbr’s Telegram. London, Doccmbor 7, 2 p.m. There bavo boon storms in Great Britain for two dayH. Six vessels wore wrecked on tbe East coast where there were exciting rescues. Fifteen livos bavo been lost.
    Rbutbr’s Telegram.  -  38 words
  • 38 14 Kkutkh’s Tklbohamh. London, December 6. Tho (jaeen, Princess Mary and Prince Albert inspected at Sir George Frampton’s studio the statue of the Gucon which is finished for Delhi. Her Majesty expressec the greatest pleaauro and approval.
    Kkutkh’s Tklbohamh.  -  38 words
  • 270 14 Reuter’s Telegram. London, Docomber 8,1.15 p.m. Tbo Government bas accepted tbe offer of Colonel Hall Walker to present bis famous racing stud, including tbo well-known htallions White Eagle and Uoyal Realm, free to tbo nation on condition that Government purchases tbo site at Government’s valuation. Tbo stud
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  270 words
  • 103 14 Reuter’s Telegram. London, December 8, 6.30 p.m. Tbe Japanese steamer Kitano Maru, from T okobama for London, is ashore near Margate.’ London, December 4, 2.10 p.m. Tbo Kitano Maru bas been refloated. Tbo Kitano Maru left Singapore, on October 27. She was built in 1909 for the
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  103 words
  • 65 14 Rkuthr’s Tklkuram. London, December 2, 8.20 p.m. In the House of Commons, Sir E. Cornwall suggested that expenditure on the new Delhi this year be reduced. Mr. Austen Chamberlain said the provi sion made was stated to be the lowest amount required to carry on the work
    Rkuthr’s Tklkuram.  -  65 words
  • 42 14 Reuter's Telegram. London, December 3. Lisbon: The new Government has mot Parliament and it was announced that it will abstain from party politics and follow a purely national policy but will always give assistance necessary for the victory of the Allies.
    Reuter's Telegram.  -  42 words
  • 19 14 Rbutkr’s Telegram. London, December 3, 5.35 p.m. Tokio: Tho Empress has given birth to a son.
    Rbutkr’s Telegram.  -  19 words
  • 34 14 Rkutkk’s Telegram. London, December 5, 9.45 p.m. Official: Sir .John Anderson’s departure for Ceylon is not yet fixed, lie will probably remain at the Colonial Office till the end of February.
    Rkutkk’s Telegram.  -  34 words
  • 127 14 Reuter’s Telegram. London, December 6, 5.30 p.m. Tbo Secretary of State for India has addressed a letter to all Indian civil sirvuuts on leave in England reminding them that they are liable, in case of necessity, to be recalled immediately to duty in India, unless medically unfit.
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  127 words
  • 88 14 Reuter’s Telegram. London, December 1, 6.55 p.m. In tbe Houso of Commons, in reply to Mr. King, who suggested iu connection with tho resignation of tbo Vice principal of tbe Calcutta School of Art, that tbo European Principal of tbe school might be withdrawn and tbe school reorganised
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  88 words
  • 231 14 Experience during tho mutiny iu February demonstrated the need of arrangements being made iu advance to provide for the cart of women and children in the eveut of any other trouble arising during the continuance of the present war. The commtUe-o formed uuder the Reserve Force and
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  • 111 14 Tho London Institute of Marine Underwriters have cabled out to Singapore advising that four more steamers have been sunk in the Mediterranean, including Cayzer, Twine and Co.’s liner, the Clan Macleod, which trades between India and Glasgow. In consequence of the number of steamers which have been
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  • 40 14 Pin horn. —On November 1, at H, Parkcrescent, Oxford, tho wifu of R. 11. Pinhoru, of Penang, of a daughter. Tkkkkltoua. —On December 2, at .Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Terkeltoba, a son. Java and India papers please copy.
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  • 154 14 Sinqapoki, Dkckmbkk 8, lyjg exchange, On London Bank 4 m 2/4^ Demand n t "/■Jj Private 8 m/a On India Bank T. T. On Hongkong...Bank d/d 1 16} On Shanghai ...BaDk d/d h9j 0n f AV A Bank T. T. y Japan Bank 1(J Sovereigns—baying rate India
    154 words
  • 340 14 Singapore, Dkckmbkr 8, 1915. MINING. Va'.Tc B “y° rs Sclltre ID 1«) A Lapacg 6.50 1 1 Ayor Wong 0.30 C.40 1C 10 Bolat 2.00 2.10 IS 10 Hanaboi 0.80 0.90 10 10 K.mtaAssociation 7.00 4a £1 Kinfca Tin 1.11.6 1.17.6 £J .Cl Lahat Minos 4.25 10
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 93 14 NOTICE Tlio post tree price of the Straits Turns is a year The post free price of the Straits budget is Jo; &gt;. yea". It is not necessary to subscribe for a year, l'hc sub* seriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. I’he
      93 words
  • 82 14 OBITUARY. Rbdtkk's Tklkgkams. London, December 2, 5.50 p.m. Tho death is announced of Sir S. C. B. Ponsonby-Fane. London, December 4, 2.10 p.m. Tho death is announced of Lovejoy, the well-known billiard player and inventor of tho anchor cannon. DEATH. Koenitz.— On December 8, at No. A, Adis Road, Alice
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 114 1 Gknkral Rubber Items 1 F.M.S. Agricultural Bulletin 1 Rubber Shares at Hongkong 1 Penang Robber Estate 1 Rubber Corps and Rain... 2 Singapore Rubber Auction 8 F.M.S. Wedding in Colombo 4 November Rubber Returns 4 Mr. Matbieu’s Coconuts Opener 4 F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty 4 Tklbokamb Loudon Rubber Specials
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    • 285 1 Mr. F. J. Churchill has returned to bis duties upon Tebolang estate in Negri SembiIan. He bas been fighting upon tbe western front, where be wont through tbe second battle of Ypres (gas included). A Kuala Lumpur correspondent informs us that tbe rubber estate known as Long Fait,
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    • 100 1 The October issue of tho Agricultural bulletin of the F.M.S. has been issued. Its contents include an article by Mr. J. Grantham on the nitrogen content of rubber a °d its relation to the rato of vulcanisation vulcanisation experiments by Mr. I». J. Eaton 4efc ds alive
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    • 1189 1 The seven the ordinary general meeting of the Bakap Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held on (&gt;ctobcr 27, in the Council Room of tho Rubber Growers’ Association, 88, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. A. J. M. Harrison (chairman of the company) presiding.
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    • 108 1 Tho Planters’ Loans Fund Enactment, 1915, passed at the recent meeting of the Federal Council, is published in a F.M.S. Gazette Kxtraordinary, and couich into force on December 81. In exercise of the: powers vested in him by section 1,thoC!.i&lt; f Secretary nominates tho following to be
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    • 124 1 (From Oi k Own Cuhkmhponpnnt.) London, l&gt;ecember 1. Interim dividends Announced aro Madiugh-y 8, l In Kautau 7|, Kapar Para 16, Kurau 15, Federated Selangor 12|, Linggi 15. Johore l'ara |&gt;ays a final dividend of 7f and Sckung one of 5. London, December 8. Interim dividends declared
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    • 86 1 (Pkom Our Own Corkkhpondbnt.) I (Hill, December 2, It is officially announced that 2 d Lieut. W. H. ltastow, lt |&lt;’ A., nephew of Mr. ,1. II. Rastow, of Pinji Kstate, has boon killed in j the Dardanelles. Deceased was for a time planting in this
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    • 191 1 A Hongkong sliaro report of November 20 huv h Thu tone of the market has under* gono a slight improvement during the last week, and in codhimjuodco more business has rcHulted. A good deal of interest has centred in the leading Singapore and Shanghai local rubber
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    • 103 1 d'he employees on active service from tho I’enang Rubber Estates Company's Province Wellesley properties are as follows: W. I&gt; Chapman, planter, ('ale lonia. wif.h (ieueral Itotha's expeditionary force; Private l&gt;. C. Duncan, planter, lawi Estate, C. Co. U 14th Rattn. Loudon Scottish; Lance-corp. I L. S. Ferguson,
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    • 2173 2 The annual general meeting of tho Pulau Bulling Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd., was held on Saturday at the offices of the com pany, French Bank Buildings. The chairman, Mr. W. H. Macgregor, presided, otlieis present being Messrs.
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    • 14 2 {The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its cot respondents.
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    • 206 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Notwithstanding the Government wiuding-up orders for German concerns the Government is still running, for the benefit of the holders, the German-owned rubber factory of Helm, Meyer and Co., Ltd., to the loss of work, interest and credit of
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    • 222 2 The report of the Langkon North Borneo Rubber, Limited, states that the number of trees being tapped at the end of March was 85,566. Tapping has been carried on daily during the year. Tho average yield per tree has been at the rato of 1.44 lb,
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    • 701 2 Several applications have bom I Rubber Growers’ Association fur p.-rm!" tbe ß to publish particular’s contained in stit issued as a private circular to the association have released it fTl'fffl cation. lor Pubii.H The circular, signed by Frank fl
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    • 1305 3 The sixth annual general meeting of the members of the Sungei Buaya (Sumatra* Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 26, at the registered office, 5, Whittington Avenue, E.C., Mr. D. W. Lovell presiding. The Chairman said I havo, in
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    • 376 3 The Singapore Chamber of Commeroe Rubber Association’s 219th auction was held on the 1st aud 2nd inst. when there were offered for sale pels. 6,192.52 or 825,669 lbs. (tons 368.60). Prices realised Sheet smoked tine ribbed ...8153 to 8163 good ribbed
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    • 1282 3 The sixth annual general mooting of the Kamuning (Perak) Rubber and Tin Couipuuy, Limited, was held on October 28, in the Council Chamber of the Lubber Growe rs’ Association, 68, Eastcheap, E.C., Sir William Hood Treacher, K.C.M.G. (tho
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    • 328 3 Thn report of the Kualu Lumpur Rubber Company, Limited, states that the profit fur tlm year tu .June 30 amount to £64,298, to which han to bo added the balance brought forward, £11,AW, making a total at credit of profit aud Iohr account of £75,968. Of thin
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    • 150 3 The report of tho Sengat Itubbei I.state for the 12 months ended June .'5O stairs that the amount of rubber harvested totalled 27.'5,1001h., against an amend* I estimate of 260,0001 b. The estimated crop for the current year is ;526,0(&gt;01b. Notwithstanding the smaller crop, and incti .ts»-
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    • 455 4 An extraordinary general meeting of Linggi Plantations, Ltd., was held on October 27, at 5, Whittington-avenue, E C., for the purpose of submitting for confirmation the following resolution, which was passed at a meeting of the company held
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    • 183 4 The report of the Batu Matang Rubb&lt; r Plantations, Limited, states that the output of rubber was 113,084 lbs., against an estimated crop of 102,500 IbH., and compares with 82,253 lbs. obtained for the previous season. The original estimate of crop for the current year was 115,000
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    • 162 4 A quiet wedding took place at Christ Church, Gallo Face, Colombo, on November 24, when Mr. Charles Neighbour Crush, of Pataling rotate, F.M.S., who arrived by the Novara on the 17th, was married to Miss Bessie Pipe, daughter of the late Mr. Edward John Pipe, who
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    • 549 4 Straits Rubber C 0.—164,500 lbs. Penang Rubber Est. —140,000 lbs. Rubana.—6o,ooo lbs. Tali Ayer. —56,250 lbs. Batak Rabifc.—lB.soo lbs. Bagan Serai. —27,000 lbs. Ayer Kuning.— 51,000 lbs. Bradwall.—Bs,9l4 lbs. Chersonoso.—s6,l3o lbs. Dennistown (Krian). —46,279 lbs. Highlands and Lowlands.—ll4,l9s lbs. Klabang.—l4,B7B lbs. Krian Plantations.—23,lso lbs. Sungei Krian.—sl,6ls lbs.
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    • 219 4 The demonstration which Mr. Mathien gave last week, in the courtyard of Messrs. John Little and Co., of the working of his coconut opener made a favourable impression upon those who assembled to inspect the patent. It is a simple contrivance, which, consisting of a holdfast
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    • 202 4 The report of the Singapore Para Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the profit for the year is .£16,476; add balance of last accoant, .£5,472; making £21,948; out of which an interim dividend of 2.J per cent, was paid on April 26, £3,272; leaving a sum of £18,675,
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    • 755 4 At the meeting of the Plantpru' of Malaya held in tlie Chamber of Co^ I** 1 00 Penan*, on Monday, Mr. W. Duncan dS®? I*' 1 the secretary (Mr. H. C. E red to the ve7y cons.derable be had received
      755 words
    • 65 4 For the period from December I'’ j inclusive, the value of the highest g 1 rubber is fixed at 3s. Id. per lb., and theJ on cultivated rubber on which expoj 1 Cl leviable on an ad valorem basis in with tho rules under the a
      65 words