The Straits Budget, 14 October 1915

Total Pages: 18
1 3 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXIX No. 3009 Singapore. Thursday, October 14. 1915. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 280 1 .EAUKKS—TIh Devils in Grey 10 Ambiguity and Atrocity 10 Stibi.1 luvaded 10 11 Double Dyed Traitors 11 helping the Empire 11 and Gknkkal— Local aud Personal 1-2 King N ajiravudh of Siam 2 France and Indo-China 2 (iang Robbery in Perak... 2 Klang Lodge Installation 2 Hie
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  • 3537 1 ,r at indignation is being felt, says aN.C.D. correspondent, by the British portion lt; Lhefoo community at the methods lia!.bT German residents, liberally 0(1 uy their Consul, to iufluenco the 'uii si; against all things British. Their n s Il vu Je procuring of cinemato u ‘V
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  • 1141 2 [CONTRJIU TKI>.| For the fitwt time in history an Oriental Monarch—King Vajiruvudh of Siam—has heeu made a General iu the Hritish army. King (Jeorgo has conferred this honour ou Siam’s ruler in appreciation of the latter’s j recent gift of JCI.000 to tho Widows and Orphans
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  • 380 2 After a year of war, says The Temp-, may venture to form an opinion on the s'ta* of tlie native population in Indo-China. T.situation and the spirit of the are excellent, as a matter of fact. Many people declared that when a
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  • 76 2 (From Our Own Courkspondknt. I Ipoh, October 1- I Cans' robbers have attacked tho p* I Cbenderiang village. They killed tlire* e* I one civilian Chinese and robbed two I houses. The party lay in wait lor the I I and shot them. It is alleged
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  • 106 2 Tho installation meeting f in Lodge was hold on Saturday <)V n Bro. C. L. Chapman was install*'I for tho ensuing year. NNor. w is installing master. After .tho ceremony the now W.M. of Kim needed to invest his oflicers a s Wor. Hro. H. B Durtlcj
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1267 3 Kkutkh’s TkLKCRaMS. I Balkan Position. I GORMAN FORCES MOVING I SOUTH. I Atrocities in Armenia. Kkutkr’s TkLKORaMS. London, October 0, 5.30 p.m. ivtmgiad: Tho Serbian Archimandrite H \\}\i f the Greek Church) at Moscow has Hrtf.v I news that Bulgaria lias rejected the H];a-miu demands and has smt
      Kkutkh’s TkLKCRaMS.  -  1,267 words
    • 2241 3 Greece Shows Her Hand. THE FRENCH FIERCELY ATTACKING. Big Events In Champagne. London, October 7. G.40 p.m. Athens: A Cabinet has hr eu formed with \f, /aimis as Premier and Foreign Minister, M. Gounaris as Minister for tho Int* iior. M. Vanakitsas as Minister for War, M. I
      2,241 words
    • 3903 4 Germans in Serbia. BELGRADE REPORTED TO BE OCCUPIED. Amazing Treason Against Turkey. London, October H, 6.15 p.m. I aris According to Homi-official information from Athens, the new Cabinet, in accordance with the King’s desire, has decided to inaiutuin strict neutrality. The King is reported to have di elarod
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    • 1492 5 Germans Betray Turkey. SECRET TREATY REPORT CONFIRMED. Fighting At Belgrade. London, October 11, L'-O a.m. Athons Tho British Minister has handed to M. Xaimis the text of tho secret treaty between Germany, Austria and Bulgaria. Doubtless it will be the subject of grave debate to morrow. It is
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    • 1748 6 Eastern Campaign. BULGARIA ARMIES ATTACK SERBIA. Change in the Allied Plans. London, October 11, 8.35 p.m. Amsterdam The bulk of the Serbiau news still comes from German sources, and is pompously phrased so as to impress neutrals. London, October 11, 8.35 p.m. To night’s Berlin communique states that
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  • 205 6 From letters received by the mail, we (Pinang Gazette) learn that tho late Lieut. Thornton, son of Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton, met his death in a cavalry charge, by about 70, against an enemy force (Tangistanis) of about Heven times that strength. The affair happened on
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  • 370 6 GERMANY’S MEN. Coming to the End o f H er Resources. Lacked by official information Ti discusses Germany’s position from o° of view of men still available f 5* Germany,” says the journal m k:i had to send 800,000 m,- u a1^ different fronts men ly to u aU? y
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  • 94 6 (From Oi’U Own Cokrksi’ondk.nt.) Penang, October 7. The F.M.S. railways department bis charged a trader, named Lee Ah Slew, with wilfully giving a false account when consigning a case to Ipoh. He stated that it contained ironware, whereas in reality tit contents were 52 bottles of sulphuric
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  • 138 6 It has long been suspected that case? of plague that frequently occur at \ukokaiua and Tokio are due to rags and old cotton containing plague germs that are smuggled fron: China in vi6lation of the prohibition, says tue .Japan Chronicle. The llocbi alleges that on board the
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  • 131 6 The Rajah of Sarawak lias issued following proclamation, under date ul October 4:—Whereas the GovcrimicB«Sarawak has hitherto in my dci entrusted to a Committee of Adiumisua > is now my intention to inaugurate on her 1 next a permanent and more m l 11 tive cominitteo which
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  • 2302 8 Letter from Home. PRIME MINISTER COMPULSORY SERVICE. From Our Special Correspondent. L -udou, September 17. Most of us are Ir urtily glad that Parlia ment has reassembled. A few weeks ago we were of opinion tint u thing good could come out of St. Steph* n s, and in the
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  • 90 8 (From Our Own Corukspondknt.) Penang, October 12. Capt. P. S. Picot, late Lance-Corporal of the Penang Volunteers, iu temporary command of the sth Hoyal Scots, was shot through the head iu the Dardanelles, aud killed on July 12, while heading a renewed attack after taking two lines
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  • 281 8 It is many months sinco the R.E. bungalow at Pulau Brani rang with such enthusiasm as it did on Wednesday evening last week, when tho Royal Engineers gave a concert for the pleasure of tho units in garrison. Among thoso present were Major A. M. Thompson,
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  • 159 8 itKUTKK'8 Tbluokam. London, Octobern Washington: Tho W« r P approved of tho rofundiu.. of iff tnt duos to steamer, unahlo to procw'uff 0 1 the canal owiuu to tho recent f "'"'tli slide. Several steamships SST?*' 11 tinue the passage by wav of
    itKUTKK'8 Tbluokam.  -  159 words
  • 69 8 Khutk’s Tkklkgkam. Loudon, October 10. Peking: A presidential mandate has been promulgated sanctioning a law passed by the Council of State for the organisation o( a convention of popular representatives which will decide the monarchical nutation. Ibpresentatives will be elected from each district of China. Special classes,
    Khutk’s Tkklkgkam.  -  69 words
  • 85 8 list im; > Tklk«.ram. Loudon, October 10. Tho Rev. R. J. Campbell, in a farewell address at the City Temple, coutirim d m wspaper reports that he is returning to the Church of England. He said he expects to be ordained by tho Rishop of Birmingham
    list im; > Tklk«.ram.  -  85 words
  • 39 8 Kkitkk’s Tblkgham. London, October f>. Wellington In the House of Representatives, the Premier said the defence of 'die Pacific was a matter for the Imperial Conference. He hoped the Conference would inu-t at an early date.
    Kkitkk’s Tblkgham.  -  39 words
  • 30 8 Rktuku's Tklfokam. London, October, 10, 5.25 a.mWashington: It is announced that an American conference at New oik has unanimously decided to recognise the t arr anza Government in Mexico.
    Rktuku's Tklfokam.  -  30 words
  • 30 8 Rkutkk’s Tklhokam. London, October 9, 2 p tuWashington: President Wilson s fiancee is tho widow of tho leading Washing o jeweller and belongs to a Virginia faun y-
    Rkutkk’s Tklhokam.  -  30 words
  • 20 8 Rkutmh’s Tklkoham. London, October 6The King of Siam has been gazette Honorary General in tho British ariu}-
    Rkutmh’s Tklkoham.  -  20 words
  • 73 8 OBITUARY. Rkutkr’s Tklkgram. London, October 6 The death is announced of Surgeon-Ge* ral Sir Charles Culle, K.C.B. Ufcae OK ATI IS. Ma< Oii.livkay. At Belmont. Kingussie, on September 11, Finlay MacOillivray, retired ruhla r pi inter, formerly of Jebong Kstate, Perak, M. S., aged ftO years. Kiciiwu.iiY. On September 30,
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1024 10 it will be too a peualty.—Straits Times, October 8. Telegrams tell us from day to day how armies have advanced or retreated. < >c casionally then, is an illuminating sentence revealing how the movements of armies affect the lives of thousands on thousands oi people who
      it will be too a peualty.—Straits Times, October 8.  -  1,024 words
    • 1050 10 —Straits Times, October 9. Throughout the crisis in the near Hast the attitu le of Greece has been ambiguous. M. Youi/.elos, the greatest of Greek statesmen, is. understood to he a firm friend of the Allies, but King Constantine, who is neither autocrat not constitutional monarch, 1ms
      ,—Straits Times, October 9.  -  1,050 words
    • 1100 10 St i a its Times, October 11. The campaign in Serbia h a I earnest, and it must be tZ I enormous advantage rests, for the tiujr l I with tho enemy. According to 0 I three hundred thousand (ifrn ,n I to co operate with the liulyariaos
      St i a its Times, October 11.  -  1,100 words
    • 1040 11 Straits Times, October 12. a t* iblislicd y< s to rday a telegram in i i to a secret treaty between Bulgaria •i tny. It seemed too amazing to be t It promised to give Bulgaria tho t Tiokty iu Europe, to blot out i i) lop
      Straits Times, October 12.  -  1,040 words
    • 1133 11 Strutth Tinu m, t )<:tob« r l;f. The Ceylon Legislative Council discussed recently a scheme of new taxation, one object of which is to raise the sum of a million pounds sterling as a contribution to the war expenditure of the Empire, such contribution to be spread
      – Strutth Tinu m, t )<:tob« r l;f.  -  1,133 words

  • 238 11 dn tlio or -anion of tlio tw« utietb unnivor sary of tin- cession of l-'urmosa to tlio •lapaiji si Empire, it is iiitotuloii from April 10 to May -I, ii• xt, to bold an industrial exhibition at T.aipdi wlioro will bo shown the products of Formosa,
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  • 128 11 I bo negotiations botwoon Mr. Tsai Nai II long (Opium Suppression omiuiMsionor lor tlio Provinces of Kwungtung, Kiongsi, and Kiatigsu), an 1 tlio Hongkong Opium Combine liav&lt; U&lt; i n successfully concluded, atnl an agreement was signed on October I for tlio sale ami purebasi of .2nd
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  • 130 11 Tin- following I’ic'.h cumiiiiiai|U" vv.»« &lt;1 itt Simla at tin* ml of last n;.&gt;nHi It has boon brought to tlio notioo i, r i nn nt tliat m vorul Indians i.f tin* &lt;iucat&lt; &lt;1 classes bavo proceed* •&lt; I to England m -&lt; n. b of
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  • 1388 12 Tin.* annual tnei ting of tho Children s Aid Society was belli on Tuesday in the Muni Beui l Room, His Fxcell* ncy the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.O., presiding over a most satisfactory attendance of ♦hose who take an
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  • 454 12 The annual meeting of the Singapore Rowing Club was held last Thursday in the pavilion of the S.C.C., the I’resideut, the lion. C. W. Darbishire, presiding. Proposing the adoption of tho report and accounts, tho President made mention of the financial position
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  • 1202 12 Many of us, it is to be feared, have fallen into the lmbit of demanding that we see with our eyes before wo will see with the spirit. We would understand, if we could, for we know that war must mean more than the cabled stork
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  • 546 12 All the units in garrison in Singapore* w represented at a church parade lull lu &lt;. Andrew’s Cathedral, ou Sunday morim. The Shropshire Light Infancy, un i* i Colonel Garrett, came «lo\\u from T U1 iC barracks, headed by
    546 words
  • 117 12 A Pioneer cable from London :J 1 t j )t! stat-os French reports on the C(lU ja; British in the recent battles 11JI|I 1 j D the ascendancy gained by on* u tlie close combats last year 1 11 Ki u than maintained. Some of tbe c
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  • 947 13 B. below details of the report of the i Harbour Board for the half year R June 30 last, signed by Mr. J. U. R a, V.M.G.:— K bit balance of income ana exW ,i
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  • 255 13 A cable from home, received on Sunday, reports tho dt ath on Friday of Mr. I*. T. Kvatt. formerly of Messrs. Lyall aud Kvatt, from which fum he retired about six years ago. Though he had not been in the best of health during
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  • 47 13 We are oflicially informed that the radiotelegraph station at I’aya Debar has b&lt; on opened for the transmission of radiotcli grams to aud from ships. Messages will be received at the telegraph counter, General Post GMice. Only telegrams in plain language will be accepted.
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  • 1464 13 Papers from India give full reports of the Imperial Legislative Council at Simla on September 22, when an important pronouncement was made by the Viceroy on a resold tion by Mr. Mohamcd Shall, recommending a representation to the Seen
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  • 144 13 It is notified in tho Gazette that llis Majesty's Government is repositioning wol tram ore and concontratuH at a fixed rate ot 62 15n. pt-r unit on a basis of 65 per cent, of Wo;}, o.i.t. or ex-Warehouse hi Ori .it Britain, for ores or concentrates
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  • 133 13 I'ourti -on or lift**« n coolies v ert-unpri and in tin: top lloor of a lit ret ly burning biiildin;; in tin: Wanehai district, I loligk ing, early ou tho morning of tin: l:li iiiMt., tin ir t.scupt bring (,-iit oil throne'll tho dt nti
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 146 15 directors of the Asian, Limited, have ltd to suspend publication of the paper s(:U t. Tho following is uu extract 11... note of “Aurevoir; Not Good Buy fH j( oiitt mporary publishes iu its issue |H.- ,u, 1, .her 25 Fnder tlio circumstances vs we aro
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    • 135 15 ■heppt‘1 Harbour Qolf Club. I ’nitre were thirty entries for tho Captain Hscott *&gt; hole stroke handicap, which was ■playl ou Sunday morning, and won by W. piri liaui. w ith a score of 155. I Hie following cards were returned I Bircham 171—10-055 I a. Mi Cormack 190
      135 words
    • 62 15 I S.C.C. v Shropshire**. I tliven represi-nting the Slu..pdiire I i. giit 'ur.mtry lmd 110 ch.tnee against i.n I 1 intimation opposed to them on tlio I Km i lt on Monday evening. The Club did It as they liked witli the soldiers ami wit uersby live goals to
      62 words
    • 219 15 &gt; C.C. v. The s.i C. Mayed an eleven representing -i III' outlie Esplanade, on Saturday, wen by 43, the figure which Bateman, wM.i ,v is tho top scorer in the game, reached b* fur* bring dismissed by Boswell, a gunner v\ii) plow'd particularly deadly with the uul.
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  • 169 15 1 nor to the war practically the whole of in rubber for erasing purposes, says 1 inancier, was iu the bands of Germany Austria. In the aggregate this con'•ituft s a very laigo business, running into hundreds of tons of rubber aunually. therefore, immediately necessary for
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  • 300 15 I lu- following official notification was published in Ceylon a few days ago: -Cases having arisen where persi n&gt; proceeding fit m the Last iu oio- r to j &gt;iu the army have arrivid at Marseilles without funds, it is
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  • 355 15 The Allies will win because they have the greater numbers and tlu greatest wealth. Our efforts will attain their greatest mag uitude at the moment when lh rmauy is exhausted. When the list avail ibU m m has joined the (ttrinau
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  • 150 15 Baron Isliii, the Minister oket for I*on ign Affairs in Japan, whelms just passed through Singapore, was to urrivu in iokio on the 11th iust. I’pon liih formal appointment to the portfolio, other diplomatic changes are expected to be announced. Among these, says the Japan Chronicle,
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  • 464 15 A strange story of a soldier’s postcard, in which the writer informed his parents of his death, has been told by a Ihissiau oMicer to a correspondent of the Kiel! Mysl at tin trout. The postcard ran as follows My
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  • 79 15 From On; Owv Cokkksi'ondkm Kuala Lumpur, October 12. IT d&lt;-ith took place of Mr. E. I’. Hatch, -r of Miui s, Selangor, at Sereudah, y&lt; t. rday. The drift of an enactment to provide for the registration of certain residents in the I.M.S. lor the purpose
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  • 145 15 Stkwaim On September 11, at Old Court, Hanger Hill, Ealing, the wife of a. I&gt;. Stewart, of tlio Chartered Bank of India, Australia aud China, Batavia, of a daughter. .Ikli —On September 27, 1915, at I poll, the wife of Arthur S. Ji If, Malay States Civil Service, of
    145 words
  • 158 15 Sinoazokb, &lt;)&lt; tohkk 13, 1915. EXCHANGE. On London ...Hank 4 m/a 2/44 Deiuaud 2, 4* Private 3 m/n 2/4-f On India Bank T. T. 175$ On Honokono ..Bank d/d 2l| On Shanohai ...Bank d/d 98$ On -Java Bank T. T. 1374 On Japan Bank 112 Sovereigns -buying
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  • 350 15 SlNOAPOKN, OcTolIKK 13, 1915 MINING. Issue 2 Value Buyers. Seller*. i j l» Ampang fl.00 8.50 1 1 Ayer W*«o* 0.36 C.45 10 10 Bulat 3.00 2.10 10 10 Kauabci o&gt;0 30 10 Kinta Assi.eiution 7.00 £1 Jl 1 Kintu Tin 1.14.6 1.17.8 £1 £1 Laha.,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 107 15 NOTICE. Ill” (ret* price &lt;&gt;f the S ilrrutx Ion, is i '.s a year I .&lt;• post fre i pr;&lt; »f tint Sfrailt Hu ho t is $i j y y*rar. It is not necessary to suljscribc for a year. I lie .u' seriptions for liorter p nods are at
      107 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 71 1 Gknkhal Kubber Items I Kubber Company Promotions 2 Coolies iu Ceylon 2 September Kubber lt&lt; turns 2 K.M.S. Kubber Export Duty 2 Kubber Share Market 2 The Kokok Chat TklkokamhLondon Kubber S|&gt;eeials 1 Mkktinuh ani» Kkcokts Malang Kubb&lt; r Instates 1 Mandai-Tokong Kubber... 2 Tanali Mi rah Estate 2
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    • 464 1 The Malay Mail hears that various Selangor rubber estates have received instructions from home to open up fresh’ arias. This is, no doubt, due, at least in part, to the steadiness of the commodity, hut it speaks well for the general outlook. With reference to a telegram in
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    • 1957 1 The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Malang Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on September H, at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate-place, E.C., Mr. Wal ter Norfolk presiding. The Chairman said: I take it that, as usual,
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    • 120 1 (From Ouk Own Corrkspondhm London, October 7. Interim dividends are aunounci i follow :—Chorus *21 per cent., Kalumpong Is., Sink 9d., Suntiy &gt; 1 1 per cent., Ceylon l’ara 12!, v,u United Sumatra 3d., Consolidate I 1,1 ,l i Chersonese 5 per cent, and IVreMs divid&lt; nd
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    • 652 2 Tin fifth annual of the Mandai*l l ii*' (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Limited, j ‘'j,) ou Tuesday at tlio offices of the com- nv 191, C(nil Street. The chairman, Mr. fV’chim Tuan, presided, others present Messrs, Lee Keng Hee, Tan Cheng
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    • 208 2 A koine paper reports that under the comP n Ml, y winding up order made against the kubki i Produce Agency (Limited), of Austin E.C., Mr. W. J. W’arley. Assistant RJicial Receiver, lias issued a summary of t; a company’s statement of affairs showing hital deficiency in
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    • 687 2 I be annual general meeting of shareholders in the Tanah Alerah Estate, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on September 27. There were present, Mr. A. \V. Rurkill, chairman, Mr. E. 1. Ryrno aud Mr. Cliuu Ring him, din dors,
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    • 179 2 I ii|ring the past right months the arrivals ut &lt; .olios in nylon w* re B,hub less than in ill* corresponding p* riod of 1911, and the nuinh* r leaving the island was 11,171 less. The train route continues to he lurg* ly usi d, the at
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    • 342 2 Melville l&gt;ov. Syndicate.—1,4 Id Ihs. Cnitcd IVmiuug (F.M Sd.— 27,5216 lbs. Emerald Rubber and Coconut.—13,281 lbs. Auglo-Johore.— 21,620 lbs. Linggi.-- 149,779 lbs. Chemboug.—34,000 lbs. Hruas Perak.—1,766 lbs. llill Rise. —3,546 lbs. Ayer Hit am.—‘26,037 lbs. Roverlttc.—16,205 lbs. Black wator.—12,696 lbs. Rukit Cloli.—25,000 lbs. Rukit Selangor.—7,933 lbs. Cliota.
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    • 238 2 For the petind from October 15 to 21, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubb- r is fixed at 2«. 5Jd. pei lb, arid t‘i*' duly on cultivated rubb&lt; i on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance
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    • 454 2 Thu following i &lt; the report of th« director* of thu Chong Kubbcr Kstate-H, I .hi Development account ban boon debited with tlie su»m of Th. If. olt# ii* per accountM. Thu uutt profit for thu year amount* to Tlh. 15,881.97. Deluding
      454 words
    • 307 2 The report of tlm I't rak Lubber I’luutatioiis, Limited, stati s that tlm net profit for tlm year to .lime afti r writing oft X’MM) for &lt;li preciation, amounted to X'.’»,(ifil), to wliicli has to be udded the credit balance! of Xa,OdO brought forward. After the
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    • 111 2 1 lii: London and Chum Express, of St |»t«rube I I I, says 'I In if lias be, n a COUMidt ralilt inert-use ill th&lt; amount &lt;1 business taking place. The tone all round is firm, and in n spouse to pi rsistelit investim tit di maud,
      111 words
    • 1175 3 The fifth annual meeting of .liuiah Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on Monday at the Exchange Buildings. Mr. .hum s Snodgrass presided, others present being Messrs. J. McClymont, F. C. Peck, I. Bond, (’apt. Cook, Chew Woon Pub and O.
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    • 540 3 The Government of the F.M.S. has issued the foilowiug warning which appeared iu the Times of Malaya of the 7th iust.: It has come to the notice of the Govern ment that some persons aro attempting to establish a market for seeds of a plant
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    • 929 3 Stock Siuiicii Ihruch] Par UividoudM. Malayan Exchange Kruse? I r Capital Value Comfanucs. Prices, Closiu 1914. 191»- September 13. Zll!"!?' 150,000 2/- 32 44% Vnglo-Malay 8,7* xd 8 •26,750 XI 150% 170 Batu Caves
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