The Straits Budget, 8 October 1915

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXIX No. 3008 Singapore. Friday. October 8. 1915. ESTABLISHED OVID HALF A CEHTMV. Price 25 cents.
    28 words
  • 377 1 LE.VOBttS— Chinese L alty 10 Trench Warfare 10 iuc C.aiuH ami the Losses 10*11 Without Truce or Respite 11 The l nity of the Allies ...11-12 Tue Slowness of Modorn War 12 The New Campaigu 12 Lh.VL AND CiKNKHAL Local ami Personal 1*2 The War 0*7 Japan's
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  • 5031 1 Dr. E. N. Graham and his bride havo arrived in Malacca. The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during September waH piculs 500. The Malay Mail hears that Cspt. Elliott Cooper's wounds aro of a very serious nature. Tho output from Titi Tin Company for September amounted
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1842 3 Kbutkk’s Trlkgramh. London, September 29, 2 a.m. wield Marshal Sir John French in a pa tch reports that severe fighting has mtinued round Loos and northwards. We now hold all tho ground north of Hill s venty, which tho
      Kbutkk’s Trlkgramh.  -  1,842 words
    • 1787 3 British Charge. MEN RUSH AHEAD OF OFFICERS. German Dead Piled Four Deep. London, September 30, 3.30 p.m. Renter’s correspondent at Headquarters telegraphing on September 28 states:—The first glorious charge of tho British from the Yermelles trenches, on Saturday morning, carried them right through the village of Loos to
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    • 2176 4 French Progress Continues. ADMISSIONS IN GERMAN MESSAGES. German Officers Organise Bulgarians. London, September 30, 5.25 p.m. Paris Further notable progress is the feature of to-day's communique. A German counter attack in Artois merely consisted of very violent bombardment of the French new positions east of Soucbez. We gained
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    • 3441 5 Franco-British Advance. MORt PROGRESS BEING MADE. Bulgarian Trickiness. Loudon, October 2, 12.‘15 a.m. I aid Marshal Sir .John French reports t llt th, enemy, on September 29, made vi tal attacks on the positions north-west ,f Hulluch. Severe fighting continued all j a We maintained all our positions
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    • 1517 6 General French’s Thanks. AMAZING OBSTACLES OVERCOME. Russia and Bulgaria. London, October 4, 3.45 a.m. Reuter's correspondent at Headquarters, wiring on the 3rd inst., states that Field Marshal Sir John French, in an order of the day on September 30, says: We have reached a definite stage in the
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    • 1862 6 Balkan Position. ALLIES READY FOR NEW CAMPAIGN. The Germans in Russia. Loudon, October I, y.i.-j auj Reuter says that owing to recent deveion. moots, the Bulgarian government must U taken to have rejected tho Allies’ p.on j. to which no answer was returned coi soquently these proposals have
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    • 1107 7 Bulgaria. NO REPLY TO RUSSIAN ULTIMATUM. Greek Cabinet and The Kins*. London, October 5, 5.40 p.m. Amsterdam According to a Berlin teli gram, the Lokalanzoigei nays that the reply to the Russian ultimatum must be given by German and Austrian guns on this Danube. London, October 5, 11.5
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  • 268 7 The Liverpool dournal of Commerce says it has authority to announce that an important shipping deal wus on August 01 completed between the two well known firms of British shipowners, Messrs. Alfred Holt and Company au<l Messrs. T. B. Koyden and Company. Tho former company
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  • 186 7 Soiuo time ajjo, tin' ilii|iaiU)Hi) authorities decided to oivit privati owu'-d factories a share (<f tlio orders for iiniuiliotjH to bo supplioil to IliiKsi.i. Ah a result of investigations conducted by tlio committee appointed for the purpose, iiowevi r, the discovery Ims bcoo made Unit conditions
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  • 182 7 Mr. Abbott, f»ri lid nt of the Anelo Indian li' lioui', and Ali. mid, In alof 1 1 trtiniero olh'oe, I'aleiitti, are now at Simla, and it is iiii'l' istood that 11 1« question of an AncleIndian contingent for the front will be further discussed. It will
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  • 38 7 A (ioveriime-nt <ia/e*ttei Kxtrairdiuary issu< d on Tuesday st it- s t hat as cholera exists at Itatavia that port is declared an in foe tod place for the purposes of tlio 1 tales l'tOH
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  • 2602 8 From Our Special Correspondent. London, September 10. \W liavo bad much to rouse us up thin week. The (ionium pirates have torpe doed the Allan liner Hesperian, with the loss of that noble vessel and 84 valuable lives, aud two other air
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  • 423 8 Confirmation of the news of tin i,., Standard OH vessel 'g*** received by tho Standard Oil Corn!, 0D J Singapore, but, fortunately, with tho y 10 has come tho intimation that tin l and crew are safo at Balik The
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  • 266 8 Writing on board the I’, and O. Sardinia. a Malayan Volunteer says: You will be pleased to hear that we Law 14 men on board all going home to enlist in the New Army, aqd we have gone inti mild training already will also be of
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  • 122 8 On board the Messageries Maritime sh 1 r VilJede la Ciotat, which left last w< Saigon, were a troupe of Spanish artist' s ,n--to Manila,, from sixty to sevt nty "i Ann,unites rescued from tin: huplra < several French officials, officers and amongst whom
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  • 2412 9 The second annual general meeting of shareholders in Malayan Collieries, Ltd., says the Malay Mail, was held at the re 2istt red ollices of the company, 8, 9 aud JO, L 'ko Yew Buildings, Kuala Luuipur, on September 30. Mr. J. A.
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  • 197 9 The Mining World says —Redruth is the homo of Gopeng Consolidated, and there the company is managed on a most moderate scale of cxjionditure by a board of directors who thoroughly understand Imw to deal with tho metal tin—which is produced. Gopeng has been described as “the best
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  • 138 9 The following were pause fur Europe by the .Japanese mail steamer kanaka Maru which Hailed on September ‘2'J Marseilles: Mr. Axten, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Churchill, Mrs. Conyinj»ham, Mr. and Mrs. Holden and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. Graham Hutchison, Mrs. T. K. Kdmett and
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  • 881 9 Tho present shortage of synthetic dyes has created an unusual demand for natural indigo. Tho < ioverutuent of India, who are Hiving special attention to the improvement I of indigo at the prcHeut time, no doubt appreciate this fact, and it is possible
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1164 10 and worthy of our best endeavours.—Straits Times, September 30. In many ways tho meeting held at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday is epoch-making. It was the result of earnest work by earnest men who have been striving for months past to make Chinese British subjects realise that
      and worthy of our best endeavours.—Straits Times, September 30.  -  1,164 words
    • 1126 10 heavy, but it is not very black.— Straitj Times, October 1. An old-fashioned student of war may easily find himself hopelessly at sea when studying a modern campaign conducted on the entrenchment system. L» t us try to consider what the system means and under what conditions it
      heavy, but it is not very black.—Straitj Times, October 1.  -  1,126 words
    • 1094 10 n h 1,v currency in Germany.—Straits Times, October 2. During the long pause which is inevitable after a fearful struggle such as that which began last Saturday, we have time to make some estimate of gains and losses, ami to hear something of the brave
      n h1,v currency in Germany.—Straits Times, October 2.  -  1,094 words
    • 1120 11 Straits Times, October 4. n < rai Goitre's message to liin troops prior ll yroat assault were to tho effect tliat of nwive is about to bo carried on with 11 tf uco or respite.” That would scorn to ,l( ito that tho Allies fool themselves
      Straits Times, October 4.  -  1,120 words
    • 1125 11 their Is st assurance of success.—Straits Times, < Ictober <0. Thero aro some interesting points in an article by Colonel Maude, published recently in tho Liverpool Daily Post. Wo made a casual reference to it the other day. but it is worth while to look
      their Is st assurance of success.—Straits Times, < Ictober <0.  -  1,125 words
    • 1092 12 Straits Times. October 6. Modern war has one’s peculiarity— it is slower than old-fashioned war. There can be no doubt that tho Germans failed in France simply L cause they could not keep to their own time table, and while this is due in part
      . Straits Times. October 6.  -  1,092 words
    • 1006 12 —Straits Times, October 7. Uto( k Troops have been landed at Salonika, and it is probable that they are partly Frcucli and partly British. The number is said to be 150,000, and it is also said that Greece has formally protested. That protest, it may be assumed,
      —Straits Times, October 7. Uto(k  -  1,006 words

  • 347 12 The Y.M.C.A. Hall was packed on Tn Digbt for the liarnardo contort an,l Scouts had to enjoy tho music ..V”’ citations from the vantage ground i verandahs. The programme an instrumental trio by Mr. and Mrs u Eber aud .Mr. C. C. Hall,u K “ho
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  • 246 12 At tho Synagogue, Victoria Street, on Snnday, Mr. E. S. Nathan, sou of the late Mr. Ezra Nathan, and Mrs. Nathan, of l’ari«. was married to Miss Helene Adler, daughter of Mr. Adolphe Adler. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Membre du Conseil Supcrieur
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  • 199 12 News has roached Blackburn, says a mai paper, that Lieutenant W. Cooper, an o Blackburn amateur footballer, was decora e at the front with the Military Cross o August 27 for an act of remarks coolness and resource. Lieutenant hoop who was mining in the Malay States
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  • 928 13 (From A Correspondent.) Bangkok, September 28. Malia Vajiravudh returned to the nitalfrow hiH up river residence at Bang CftP ln ut ur the ancient capital of Ayuthia.on Saturday last, coming down by motor boat. imriDti his »tay he had received a telegram m King George, asking him
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  • 561 13 On September 29, at tho Assizes, Mr. Justice Karnshaw gave his decision on the application, made the other day by Mr. G.G. Seth, the D.P.P., to reserve questions for the consideration of tho Supreme Court under a particular section of
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  • 752 13 Swearing in The New Army.” As, no doubt, is fairly well known about town by now, the authorities have set in motion the machinery controlling the disposition of the reserve forces placed at their disposal by tho legislature demanding the registration of all male British subjects of puro Kuropeau descent.
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  • 230 13 At the public examination in bankruptcy of tho Hon. Ernest Victor Gibson, the ac counts showing liabilities .£1,288, of which X‘B4s is expected to rank. In answer to Mr. VV. P. Bowyer, Official Receiver, debtor said ho was a member of tho Irish Bar, and held
    230 words
  • 83 13 The following arc the figures for trans Atlantic travel during the first six months of this year:—From Europe to the I nited States: First class, 8,795 passengers, a diminution of 28,025 compared with the corressponding jieriod of last yea?'. Second class, 84,197, a decrease of 89,401.
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  • 146 13 Rkl’tku’s Trlkokam. Loudon, September 29, 6.45 p.m. In the House Commons, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, replying to Sir .1. D. Rees, said no decision lias yet been taken on the very importaut subject of the representation of India at the next Imperial
    Rkl’tku’s Trlkokam.  -  146 words
  • 279 13 The death iu nctiou of Captain F. W. Grantham, second sou of Sir William Grantham, will bo greatly regretted by those who kuow him at homo or hud met him iu India, says tho Calcutta Statesman. It is hardly eight's u months ago
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  • 286 13 Recently it was reported that a Chinese company had opened negotiations to purchase the stock of opium in Hongkong with a view to clearing the existing stock within nine months, and that the matter had been referred to the Jiombuy combine. Pr&lt;x:ise
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  • 200 15 I &gt;ince the Over- Seas Club made its appeal P rtbruary for funds to provide an Imperial preraft flotilla, 19 aeroplanes have been purposed at a total cost of £‘32,400, states the P and C. Express of September 1. The first proplane was provided on Empire
    200 words
  • 111 15 at items am from St. Andrew’s Hi., a ,i r on tbly Paper: Wo understand ■uvV v ’h H. Leo will return hero from Hii S |_r ltJ f October and that the v fc *pfcctc-d about December 12. The resigns his work as headA n drew’s
    111 words
  • 2606 15 War Week by Week. THE TSAR AT THE HEAD OF HIS ARMIES. Soldiers’ Battle of Gallipoli. (Fkom Ouk Own Cokhbsi’ondknt.) London, September 9. There are a good many signs of transition to a new phase of the war. There are tho significant changes in the Bosnian command, the visit of
    2,606 words

  • 1691 16 From Our Own Correspondent. Hongkong, September 20. Wlm'.cver danger* attached to the raining of the monarchical question bus been remove 1, for the present at leant, by an announ icment of the President. It in an explicit an could be. It in my
    1,691 words
  • 85 16 The installation corcmony of Lodge St. Micliaol, No. ‘2938, was held in Freemasons’ Hall on September 29, the installing officer being Wor.Bro.W. Craig, I.P.M. TbeW. M., Wor. Bro. 1). C. van L. Bootukamp, invested his officers as follows: Wor. Bro. A. W. Still, S.W.; Wor. Bro. H. Carpmaol, J.W.;
    85 words
  • 1056 16 Tho Pinang Gazette of Septembor 2H says:— A very largo concourse of the various communities of tbo Settlement witnessed an imposing spectacle on tbo Padang, last even ing, when His Excellency the Gonoral Officer Commanding tbo Troops, Straits Settlemonts, Brigadier General Dudley
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  • 571 16 Following is tho report of the directors o( the Perak Kongsi Coconut Company Directors:—Messrs. M. Kelway llambrr A. J. Yolum, Edwin G. Coulson, aud X. Vi, Davies. Agent and Secret iry.— Mr. w" Davies. Estate Superintendent.—Mr. W. H. Vaughan Smith. Acreage.
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  • 45 16 At the Chamber of Commerce Soptember 27, the Hon. C. t j l)lir io stated that the exports ol lU ir e January/June, 1915, were ot jyll than in tlio corresponding *r di! This, the speaker now the correct figure being 3.o°°
    45 words

  • 1547 17 I KkuM Olb Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 6. Inhe number of attendances at drill* 1 for a volunteer to qualify a* K itut, bus been very properly raised to hti ii juoderate number of thirty in the Hr ixcluHive of musketry drills: and camp Kiu are
    1,547 words
  • 167 17 Before embarking at Penang for Singapore, His Excellency Brigadier General I). H. Kidout, C.M.G., addressed the guard of honour, composed of Sikh police. The speech, which was interpioted to the Sikhs by Assistant Superintendent V. Savi, was as follows: Men of the Sikhs 1 am very proud to
    167 words
  • 94 17 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for tho week ended October 2, was 28.00 per inille of tho population. The total number of deaths was 1 of which UJfi were male subjects and 48 female. Con vulsious claimed It), phthisis 27 and malaria fever
    94 words
  • 962 17 The following aro extracts from loiter of Kric O. Westerhout to his l ulu r at Singapore. Hu belongs to tho 1st King Edward’s Horse and was sent to I Vaoco on •luue If. In tho latteT part of July,
    962 words
    • 240 17 5.C.C. v. Government Services. I lie cricket match between the S.C C. and a team repr&gt; seating the Government St r viceH, pi iyed on the Kspl made on Saturday, ended in a draw. The club butted first ami put together a total of 1:»5. Of thin K. W.
      240 words
    • 139 17 Singapore Golf Club. 1 ho October monthly medal was played for on Saturday and yesterday and resulted in a wiu for S. Kltuslie who returned a net score of 75. I hirty six cards were taken out and the following were returned W. S. Kltuslio 45-{15 —15 75 .1.
      139 words
  • 41 17 (Fkom Ol’k Own Corkksi*oni»int.) Penang, October 1. A cable from Lady Constance 11 adow HtaUs that tier fob, Lieut. Patrick lladow, was badly injured in an aeroplane accident at Hendon on September 21, but is progressing favourably.
    41 words
  • 387 17 Recruiting for the South African contingent —the Springboks, an they will bo called in ailectionale remembrance of the famous football team has gone on merrily over since the conclusion of the campaign in Dumara land, says I nited L/upire, the organ of the Koya.l Colonial Institute, and
    387 words

  • 1195 18 The new School of Tropical Medicine in Calcutta i« at hint finished and ready for occupation, says The Statesman. 1 nfortunately, owiug to the war, a number of medical moil in civil practice have been recalled and have had to go
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  • 195 18 While tho Westinghouse Electric’s biggest war order is for 1,81)0,000 rifles, its order for shells is an exceedingly important item to the company. The first shell order was for $4,500,000 (gold) but tho amount has now grown far beyond the expectations of the company when that order
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  • 218 18 From an article in the Tropical Agricnl turist, the journal of tho Ceylon Agricultural Society, it would seem that the renewed interest which is being shown in Ceylon in tho coffee question is due to tho advent of tho species known as Kobusta. This is indigenous
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  • 98 18 The Pahang correspondent who lately wrot'* emphasising tho need for an improvement in tho mail set vico to tho East Coast states that it has been pointed out to him that the European population of Kuautan and district is about 100 and not 00, as he stated
    98 words
  • 1239 18 (Fkc M A CoUliKsl'ONDKNT.) Soerabaya, September 30. The past has been an eventful week for us in shocks and surprises, the first in importance being; the wreck of the Koningin Emma, followed shortly after by the neiws of the suicide of Gramser Hrinkman on the morning* cf
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  • 315 18 The news will bo read with tbe keenest interest, says the Siam Observer, that HU Majesty King George of Great Britain ana Emperor of ludia, has been pleased to up point His Majesty the King of Siam to l*. aa honorary General iu the British
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  • 144 18 A party of bluejackets might ha y o seen the other day tucking cases of pineapples under their arms and gi y &gt; Ellison thanks for the efforts lie lias u secure these luxuries for those y &gt; demonstrated that Britannia sti 1 waves. We need
    144 words

  • 653 19 a ,ly on a trip to Singapore sends us the follow in*' cutting from an American paper What Great Britain has done and is doing tin "ar is summarised in striking form hv tin Chicago Daily News, which, says the 11
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  • 178 19 11 H s t.Uf'd that the plans of a German plot ,J S' ‘/o aneouver aud other Pacific Coast ‘h l have been revealed to the authorities. I'" iletails, says a despatch from Toronto to I,U( s &lt; are reported to have been worked ey
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  • 760 19 The department of statistics at Simla has issued a valuablo memorandum on prices and freight* in India since tho outbreak of the war. Mr. Findlay Shirras in the courae of an analysis of the figures writes: Since tho outbreak of
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  • 108 19 The Kev. K. V. H. Jiutne, M..A., acting Principal of St. Andrew’s School, and Bishop’s Chaplain, has been offered and lias accepted the post of senior assistant Chaplain at St, Andrew’s Cathedral, shortly to be va-cated by the departure of the l(&lt; v. 11. G. Peiln for
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  • 336 19 The Peking correspondent of tho North China Daily Nows wroto on September 8: At a meeting of bankers held yesterday it was decided to hand over to the Chinese Government .£750,000 of tin* £‘2,000,000 provided out of tho reorganisation loan
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  • 276 19 An Ichang correspondent writes to the S. C. Morning Post, on the Ist inst., as follows: l nfortunately, the railway soh&lt; me has also come to a standstill for the want of money. Two years ago, some engineers arrived hero to survey
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  • 184 19 A despatch from Fukuoka to the Osaka Asnhi states that serious irregularities have been discovered in connection with the settlement of the titles to public property at Tsingtuu. It is reported that the. Japan* se officers placid in charge of the Tsingtau properties, in making their
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  • 247 19 The registration ct companies under tho Hongkong Ordinances has been a groat con* venienco to firms in China, and from time to time the Colonial Government has been much exorcised in the matter on account of the international character of the
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  • 287 19 Mr. Wakamiya, director of the Shipping Affairs Bureau of the department of Com* municatious at Tokio, is quoted in a press interview as saying that while the war has caused a great dearth of ships the world over, Fngland, Germany, France
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  • 273 19 Heavy tinea were indicted upon Chincae brought to be second police court by rcaaou of the activitieH of the officers of thu Preventive Service. One of the accused, Wont* A Choi, was called upon to pay S.'UJO, failing which lie will upend thu next four mouths in
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  • 108 20 Rkutru's Tklkohamh. London, October 4, 1.20 ptu. Oflicial nowH is now published of an out tagoous bttack on General SLuutH, during an electioneering meeting at Ncwlauds, r.oir Johannes burg, on September 2H. Tbe meet ing wax largely composed tjf hooligans armed with HtickM
    Rkutru's Tklkohamh.  -  108 words
  • 94 20 Krutkk's Tklkokamh. London, October 2, 5.40 p.m. The Maharajah of Kapnrthala and suite have left for Paris and are rt turning to India early in November. Sir David Wodderburn and Sir Krishna Gupta have issued an appeal for a Gokhalo memorial scholarship of £lOO per annum, tenable for
    Krutkk's Tklkokamh.  -  94 words
  • 58 20 Kkutkk’s Tblbgkams. London, September 30, 0.15 p in. The American ship Vincent has been burned. The captain, mate, second mate and carpenter were injured. No details aro to hand. Tho American ship Vinci nt, IPO4 tons gross, was built at Dumbarton, in Imo4, for the New Hngland
    Kkutkk’s Tblbgkams.  -  58 words
  • 59 20 Kbitthr’s Tklrukams. London, October 1, 1 05 p.m. Miss Davis, tho youngest daughter of a former Lieut.-Governor of the Punjab, inoculati d hersolf with the bacillus of gas gangrene, in the American hospital at Neuilly, in order to tost an antidote devised by Dr. Taylor, of the Imperial
    Kbitthr’s Tklrukams.  -  59 words
  • 26 20 Hkutkk’h Tblkohams. London, October 4. Maharaja Sir Pertap Singh is going to India shortly on leave to attend a wedding in Jodlq ur.
    Hkutkk’h Tblkohams.  -  26 words
  • 20 20 KkUTRIi’s TbLROKAM. London, October 1, ft.GO p.w. The Holy Carpet ceremony took place at Cairo, y« nterday.
    KkUTRIi’s TbLROKAM.  -  20 words
  • 107 20 Rkutkr’s Tklkukamh. London, October 6, 1.35 pm. Commenting on the appointment of .Vr. Louis Kershaw as secretary to tho Revenue Di partmeut of the India Ollico, the Times remarks that the appointment follows the commendable precedent of 1901 when Mr. Holdcrncss was similarly transferred. Tim appointment of Mr.
    Rkutkr’s Tklkukamh.  -  107 words
  • 52 20 Rbutkk's Tblkorams. London, October 5, 7.10 p.m. Washington: The Chinese Government has engaged an American cotton growing expert to encourage the production of the staple in China. It is announced also that negotiations are iu progress fur tho employ lueut cf an American forestry expert by the
    Rbutkk's Tblkorams.  -  52 words
  • 35 20 Kk.ltku’s Tklkgicam. Loudon, October 1.35 p.m. Lisbon The people are celebrating the anniversary of the Republic. Dr. Machado, formerly Prime Minister, has taken the oath as President of the Cabinet and retains utlice.
    Kk.ltku’s Tklkgicam.  -  35 words
  • 40 20 Rkutick's Tklkokam. London, October 1. The Wellington Lost (N urges tho New Zealand Government to act promptly in supporting the representation of India on the Imperial Conference in view of India’s splendid servicis in the war.
    Rkutick's Tklkokam.  -  40 words
  • 48 20 Kbctkr's Tklkokam. London, October 1, 4.25 p.m.* There has been a terrific gale at New Orleans. Many buildings and churches are in ruins and there is scarcely a window which is not broken. The velocity of the wind was nearly a hundred miles an hour.
    Kbctkr's Tklkokam.  -  48 words
  • 42 20 Rktukr’s Tklkokam. London, October 2, 2.40 p.m. New Orleans: There are 255 killed and 105 missing as a result of the hurricane on the Mississippi and Louisiana coasts. The damage to property is estimated at a hundred million dollars.
    Rktukr’s Tklkokam.  -  42 words
  • 36 20 Hkctkk’s Tklkokams. London, October 2, 2.40 p.m. Hongkong: The Canton Government has appointed a syndicate to regulate the Hale of prepared opium in Kwantung with the object of expediting the suppression of opium smokiug.
    Hkctkk’s Tklkokams.  -  36 words
  • 25 20 Rkutkk's Tblkoram. London, October 1, 4.25 p.m. New York Wireless telephony has been established betwoeu Honolulu and America, a distance of 4,600 miles.
    Rkutkk's Tblkoram.  -  25 words
  • 155 20 Tho latost figures show tho male population of Australia to be as follows '.—Citizen soldiers, 18 to 26, number 336,000 between 1H and 85 they number 330,000, whilo the number liablo for mobilisation between 85 and 60 is 614,000, or a total of 1,310.000. When 100,000 mon have
    155 words
  • 245 20 The fortnightly report of Messrs. S. D. Setua and Co. containH the following information with roferenco to the wholesale purchaHe of Hongkong opium In our last report we had intimated about a company being formed in Canton for the purchaso of the
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  • 114 20 It is notified that, in accordance with the provisions of the Courts Ordinance, 1007, llis Highness the Sultan of Johore has, with the approval of the Governor, appoiuted the following judges of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements to perform tho duties of judges of the
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  • 86 20 Coullib. —On September 29, at Sourab&ya, Java, the wife of Kenneth K Coullie, of the Chartered Hank of India, A. C., of a daughter. Grkensill.— On Octobor 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart-Greensill, of the Sungei Gau Tin Mines, Hentong, Pahang, a son. Klein man. On October 5, at
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  • 135 20 Bucklky— Hbnkkkr.— On August 27, at the Church of Our Lady and St. Edward, Chiswick, Second-Lieutenant Peter Burton Buckley, H E., fourth son of Arthur Barton Buckley, of Genoa, to Mary Marjorie, second daughter of Richard Tucson Henekor, Montreal. Nathan— Adlkk.— On the 3rd inst., Edward S. Nathan, only
    135 words
  • 155 20 SlNQAPORI, OC'TOBKR 7, 1^5 EXCHANGE. On London Bank 4 m/s Demand Private 3 m/e 2 /4D On India Bank T. T. 1?5j On HoNQKONo...Bank d/d rp On Shanghai ...Bank d/d On Java Bank T. T. l87 On Japan Bank ail j Sovereigns—buying rate |g India Council Bills
    155 words
  • 351 20 SlNOAPORB, OCTOBKR 7, 1916. MINING. pJJJfe g Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampaag 6.C0 6.50 1 1 Ayer "Weng 0.35 C.45 10 10 Belat 2.00 2.10 10 10 Kanabol 0.75 085 10 10 KintaAssociation 7.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.14 6 1.17.6 £t £1 Lahat Mines 3.75 4.25
    351 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 98 20 NOTICE. Hie p*&gt;,t t re e price of the Straits Tim, s is I'tS a year. T repost (re price of the Straits Ruig,t is $U year. It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a
      98 words
  • 219 20 OBITUARY. Bkltbk’s Tki.kokam, London, October 1. Tho death in reported of tho Ht. Hon. Sir George Firwi'll. a former Lor&lt;i Justice, who resigned ia 1913. Londou, October 4. Tho d« ath is announced of Mr. Justice Bucknill. Tho Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. J. A. S. Bucknill, K.C., will have
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 94 1 OhNKKAL Rubber Items 1 Singapore Rubber Auctions 1 Kubix r for Rotterdam 1 Uubbi-r in the East Indies 1 Kubber Estate Tragedy... 2 St pt»tuber Rubber Heturns 3 \un/ou Robber Prospects 3 'iubbt r Estate Labour 3 I’KLK'iRAMS Loudon Kubber Specials 1 N, w Serendah Dividend 1 Q, K»I
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    • 409 1 Mr. A. C. Owen Fowler, of Jementah K-tatt. is now 2nd Lieut, in tbo 13tb Worcesters. Mr. F. S. Allan, of Edinburgh Estate, and Mr. .1. Me Ewan, of Kuala Lumpur, have left for homo. The famous rubber factory Prowodnik in Russia, the tyros of wbicb are popular
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    • 1024 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 210th auction was held on Septembi r 29, when there were offered for sale pels. 4,300.22 or 573,363 lbs. (tons 255.96). Prices realised Sheet smoked tine ribbed ...9126 to 9129
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    • 176 1 (Kkom Own Cokkkmpondknt.) Loudon, Soptotubor 00. The following final dividends aro announcod: Taujonu Mulmi 7 por cent, Hu kit Linking-'lO, Incli Kouuotli 15, full. Oulonx IJt sar pays .7 por *****, interim, and lientota .7 por *****. Lubber is firm at ‘2/4f. Tho Hubbor Trust is paying
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    • 26 1 (Fkom Ock Own Cokkkhi»oni&gt;knt). lioudoii, October 2. The New Sorcndah Rubber Co. declares a live |H&gt;r cent, interim dividend, payable on October 10.
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    • 188 1 At the Mansion ilouse Police Court, on September 7, George Hendrick vau Nio, ship’s cook on board tin* steamship Butavicr, was charged with shipping a &lt;piantity of cycle covers and tubes and failing to make due entrance and clearance before shipment. Mr. Simpson, prosecuting for the Board
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    • 198 1 Writ,inn on the subject of rubber export* 4 from .lava and Sumatra, the United States Consul at Batavia points out that in Ibid the Netherlands and Krit'land were almost e«pial participants in the trade, but during I ill t the latti r country inert used
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    • 937 2 The fifth annual ral luetrlin** of the shareholders of the Stiawan Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was hold at tho registered office of the company, 3, luiou Street, Penang, on September 27. Prcseut: Hon. Robert Young. Dr. d. Kirk, Messrs. James Seller and L
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    • 560 2 The report of the Rubber Cultuur Maatschappij Amsterdam," Limited, for tlie year ending December 31 last states that tho property of the company has been increased by the purchase of the estate Soengei Silau against payment of 50D shares of I,oooth 'l’his
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    • 124 2 The Malay Mail records tho death, which took place iu painful circumstances on Friday, of Mr. W. M. Jarvie, an assistant employed on Rrooklauds Estate, Ranting, ft is stated that Mr. Jarvie, who had breu unwell for some dayH past, got up very early on Friday morning
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    • 1801 2 The fifth ordinary general meeting of the Java Investment, Loan and Agency, Limited, was held ou September 3, at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.U., Col. Sir Robert Williams, Rart., M.l\ (the chairman of the company), presiding. Tho Chairman Gentli
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    • 15 3 'j j,. Straits Times is not responsible for t t options of its correspondents.!
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    • 273 3 Tu tlio Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—My attention has been drawn to an ortidi in your issue of 2nd inst. under the Z.v.: heading. \V oU ld your informant not have been better j Vi ,i*d to have reported the ease he kuows 0 j it
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    • 564 3 i'iratu. 1 ,700 lbs. Ihitu Rata (Sumatra). --80,076 lbs. Sumatra l*ara. —52,000 lbs. "trait- Rubbe r Co. -178,000 lbs. Pinaug Rubber Estates. —114,000 lbs. 1 Kubana. —15,000 lbs. Tali Ayer.—53,400 lbs. hdtak Rabit.—18,000 lbs. hagau Serai. 23 500 lbs. Ayu K'ining (F..M.S.).—43,574 lbs. liradwall. —27,370 lbs. Clursonese.—61,071
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    • 312 3 Tl ie f&gt;iitisli Consul at I'ara lias forwarded the following particulars of the results of the rubber crop year ended dune .'JO last and the prospects of the yield of rubber in the Arua/on Basin in the present crop year: The total entries for the year ended
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    • 475 3 The report by tho directors of the Jimah Rubber E-tates, to the fifth annual general meeting to bo helel on the 11th maneuvering the ye&gt;ar ended June 30, Hays The profit for the ponied (subject to directors’ fees) amounts to 915,417.68,
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    • 255 3 Messrs. Sime, Darby aud Company supply us with the following notes on the fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of Kcmpas, Limited, held at 4, Fort Road, Malacca, on September 30. Thecbiirman, Mr. W. M. Sin ic, in pr op jsing the adoption of the report and
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    • 556 3 It is tin: interest of every planter to oiiuoio;i&lt;*o a free Mow of labour to Malaya; therefore it is tin* duty of all planter associations to put down vigorously anything that tends to |n ounce a feeling among» slate coolies that
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    • 348 3 I lie r&lt;‘|x&gt;rt eif the Sumatra I’roprmtary llubbcr Plantations, Limiteel, state s that the manne r’s e:X|s*ctHtmuH of obtaining a crop of 4H.000 lbs. rubber for the Mciisoii worn not &lt;|iiitc realised, the actual amount harvested b* ill” 40,25:1 lbs., which sold ut a net av&lt; rugo
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    • 359 4 The directors’ report ou the ManduiTekong Rubber Estates, Ltd., for tho year ended July 81 last, states Tho profit for the year, subject to directors’ tccHand the manager's commission, amounted to $28,930.49, which added to the nett balance carried forward from last
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    • 1312 4 Ceylon is just now bein*» favoured with a visit from a successful tobacco grower in New South Wales in the person of Mr. J. Wynne who has arrived in Kandy after an extensive tour in the) tobacco-throwing districts of the Central and
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    • 929 4 Ifwood I’ar Dividend!.. Malayan ExdmLe Erasv7 vT Capital Itloo Companiks. Prices, Cloning; 1914. lJld. September 7. October 7 1.70,000 2/. 32% 44% Auglo-Malay 8 6 8/ 26,750 XI 150% 170% Batu Caves 12* J
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