The Straits Budget, 17 June 1915

Total Pages: 24
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget •UNO THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXIX No. 2992 Singapore. Thursday. June 17.1915. CSTAf lISHED OVER HALF A REMTWV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 275 1 leaders— Some Local Matters 10 Policy for Angels 10 Defensive Warfare 10-11 The Federated States 11 Optimism and the Reverse 11 The End of July 11*12 Local and Gknrbal Local and Personal 1-2 The Late Lieut. H. A. Lane 2 The War 8 6 Nurses in Pyjamas
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  • 3532 1 Residents of Shanghai learned with much that Mr. George Upton Robins, until teently head of the branch in Shanghai of o,- Bros. and Co., had been killed in ion in Flanders. A telegram to that e< r, WaH received by Messrs. Brand Bros. a y 27. Educated
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1525 3 Kkdtbk’s Telegram. Big French Gain. HEAVY GERMAN ATTACK? REPULSED. The American Note. Rbdtbr’s Tblburam. London, Jane 8, 5.40 p.m. Paris: Important French successes are recorded in a communique. During a violent infantry battle on the Lorette plateau, the Germans replied to a Frenoh night attack with throe fierce
      Kkdtbk’s Telegram.  -  1,525 words
    • 901 3 Italy’s Progress. HEAVY FIGHTING WITH AUSTRIA. German Submarine Sunk. London, June 10, 6.55 a.m. Rome, communique: Along the Isonzo, on Jane 7 and 8, operations continued with a view to dislodging the enemy from his positions on the right bank of the river and of establishing bridge-heads. Tho
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    • 2375 3 The Fighting in France. RUSSIA GAINING GROUND AGAIN. The American Note. London, Jane 10, 2 p.m. Aftor the fight at the Chateau of Hoogo, near Ypros, on June 8, the’Brigadier General in command issued an order in which he particularly congratulated the Third Dragoon Guards on their magnificent
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    • 2809 4 Victories ArojiJ Arras. BIG FRENCH CAPTURE AT NEUVILLE. Obstacles in the Dardanelles. London, June 11, 5 p.m. Paris, communique: We have had farther successes, firstly, at the “Labyrinth” where we continue to drive the enemy back; secondly, eastward of the Labyrinth,” near the high road from Arras to
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    • 1207 5 Russia’s Efforts. TERRIBLE GERMAN LOSSES REPORrED. The American Note. London, Juno 14, 5.10 a.m. That the Germans aro reverting to their old tactics of lightning changes of front is evident from the Petrograd communique which, besides a continuance of desperate fighting north of Shavli, mentions strong German attacks
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    • 955 6 Russia’s Struggle. GALICIA BATTLE STILL RAGING. British Naval Casualties. London, June 15, 5.55 p.m. Petrograd, official: Groat enemy forces repeatedly attempted to cross the River Windan, near Liatzkow, on June 13. Thoy were repulsed, but a detachment crossed the river lower down, and its attempt to advance was
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  • 142 6 We shall return to England,” writes a nurse from Serbia in the Nursing Times, skilled in the of makeshift, and with absolute oontempt for anything appertaining to luxury or even mild comfort. Our adopted costumes would, I fear, shock the famous Mrs. Grundy, for we work in
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  • 1567 6  -  G. C. Irving. (Contributed.) With the ending of the present war in Europe it is reasonable to suppose that a great deal of money will be released and investors will be on the look out for promising opportunities. In the Eastern Archipelago more is now heard of
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  • 183 6 The British North Borneo Gazette publishes a text of a bill relating to the propos establishment of a Savings Bank in Borneo. The objects and reasons sta e. The purpose of this bill is to introduce a ready means whereby small savings may profitably safeguarded and
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1061 10 —Straits Times, June 10. We are all beginning to regard war as ono of tho normal conditionH of life, and to feel that wo can spare a littlo of onr thoughts to other things. This, no doubt, explains why a certain number of our readers have ceased
      —Straits Times, June 10.  -  1,061 words
    • 1026 10 -Straits Times, June 11. The resignation of Mr. Bryan is mainly a domestic concern, affecting the United States only. In another sense, however, it is curiously interesting as an illustration of the political futility of men of Mr. Bryan’s type. Irish, as his name indicates, the ex-State
      -Straits Times, June 11.  -  1,026 words
    • 1132 10 tools of their country’s worst foes.—Straits Times, June 12. News from the Dardanelles and f roilJ parts of the French arena strengthens on conviction that, with forces comparable? number and equipment, the defence Liu enormous advantage over the attack modern war. It is true that when ing gas
      tools of their country’s worst foes.—Straits Times, June 12.  -  1,132 words
    • 1039 11 -Straits Times, Juno 14. e still regard the Federated Malay States as about tbe richest bit of country in the world. The tin deposits, little more than surface scratched by Chinese miners, the natural products, the capacity of the soil and climate for agriculture in the broadest
      -Straits Times, Juno 14.  -  1,039 words
    • 1143 11 bo hideous and without honour.—Straits Times, Juno 15. It is curious to notice tho gradual change that has come over the tono of a groat deal of comment in tho Home press, and the reflection of that tone in private letters. We were all, more or
      bo hideous and without honour.—Straits Times, Juno 15.  -  1,143 words
    • 1170 11 —Straits Times, June, 10. —Straits Times, June 12. A curious illustration of tho change of tone to which we had references yesterday is contained in a quotation we mado from the military correspondent of The Times. Writing on May 20 ho said:—" No German offensive in
      —Straits Times, June, 10.; —Straits Times, June 12.  -  1,170 words

  • 330 12 The local branch of the Y.M.G.A., not to be outdone by its fellow-Associations at home in its care for the soldiers, has just made a welcome and interesting experiment. A special room at the Stamford Koad House has been set apart for the special use of soldiers
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  • 232 12 The directors of the Middleton Tin Mines, Ltd., report as follows for the year ended February 28 last: —After writing of! depreciation amounting to 919,663.75, the year’s working shews a profit of 913,386.88, to which has to be added 91|759.20 brought forward from the previous account, making
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  • 1305 12 The report on Kelantan for 1914 of Mr. W. Lang ham-Carter, British Adviser, is to hand. Mr. Carter’s remarks on the financial position of the State—apparently none too promising at the time of writing (April 10) are of
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  • 310 12 On Tuesday, in the second police court, before Mr. Clarke, a Eurasian named Lawrence Alvis, of Serangoon Road, pleaded guilty to two charges of criminal breach of trust as a servant in respect of two cheques, one for 9103.33 and the other for $54.70. Mr. L.
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  • 2261 13 From Our Spkcial Corrkspondknt. London, May 14. Germany is engaged in her last and most jortiHjrate effort to impress neutrals with the appearance of predominant strength. The violence of her onslaught upon the West has been more
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  • 320 13 In a case which came beforo Mr. Justice Edmonds at Ipoh on May 19, a Malay woman named Puteh Sekmab, who had recently been divorced without proof of misconduct, claimed from her late husbaud half of all the property which had been acquired by him since
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  • 725 13 (From A Corrkspondknt.) Koala Lumpur, Jane 10. The now buildings of tbo Hongkong and j Shanghai Bauk, iu Ampang street, are al< most completed, and will be opened for business at tbo end of the month. It is another addition to the many large and imposing bnildmgs
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  • 77 13 The rate of mortality in tho Settlement of Singapore for the week ended June 5 was 22.68 per millo of the population per annum. The total number of deaths was 142, of whioh 106 were male subjects and 87 female. Convulsions claimed 17. phthisis 18 and malarial
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  • 281 15 Honorary Major William Marshall, of the Madras Ordnance Department, has lately died at the age of 83. The deceased was born in Hertfordshire, in December, 1831. He enlisted at the age of 21 in the 3rd Kegiment of European Infantry at Liverpool, and immediately afterwards embarked for
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  • 180 15 In his report on the P.WD. daring 1914, the Colonial Engineer, the Hon. F. J. Pigott, Hays: At the suggestion of the Master Attendant very important improvements were carried out to five lighthouses, by the introduction of the Matthews’ Incandescent Oil Burners. By the use of these burners
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  • 1528 15 A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Friday afternoon, at which there were present H.E. tbe Governor (Sir A. H. Young, KC.M.G.), H.E. the General Officer, Commanding (Brigadier-General Dudley Ridout C.M.G.), the Colonial Seoretary (Hod. R. J.
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  • 770 15 The Attorney-General, in moving tho first reading of the Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill, said that the object of tho measure was to assist in making the personnel of the Coart of Appeal at Jobore—a court of recent creation—of such standing
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  • 288 15 A valued correspondent kindly forwards the following Definite news was received in Singapore on Satnrday of the death of Sorgt. P. H. Laukaster, The Buffs, killed at the front, and many in the Settlement will feel the poorer by tLie loss of this gallant and
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  • 3106 16 Tho report of the Chief Secretary, F.M S (Sir E. L. Brockman, K C.M.O.), is printed* as a supplement to the F.M S. Government Ga/otte heating date June 11. The Chief Secretary s “Ginral” remarks are found at
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  • 138 16 A can containing more than a ki opium was found accidentally, secrete* manufactured stone, by the Manila cus in a quantity of whetstones, brought in Hongkong on the steamship Linan. stones were in baskets and there was no about them to attract attention, bu happened that one
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  • 103 17 REUTER’S TELEGRAM. London, Juno 14, 4.5 a.m. I )unrobin Castle was partially destroyed bv tire yesterday. Wounded inmates, and valuables, including priceless pictures, were removed. The Duke and the Duchess of Sutherland directed the helpers. London, June 14, 6.15 a.m. Mnuy pictures
    REUTER’S TELEGRAM.  -  103 words
  • 164 17 Reuter’s Telegrams. London, June 14, 11.25 p.m. Paris: At a meeting of the Suez Canal Company, the report of the Council showed that the war had caused a falling off in receipts from commercial traffic, estimated at m arly 40 per cent. The
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  164 words
  • 96 17 Rkutkr’s Tblkgram. London, June 14, 6.20 p.m. Port Said: The British steamer Radnorshire from London to Yokohama, collided with the British steamer Dawlish, Karachi to Gibraltar, oIT Newport Rock. The Radnorshire was holed in the forepeak and returned to her anchorage, and the Dawlish was beached with a
    Rkutkr’s Tblkgram.  -  96 words
  • 214 17 Rkdtkr's Tklkorams. London, June 8, 5.25 p.m. A meeting of the card-room operatives at Manchester, at which it was decided to persist in the demand for war bonuses, has re aggravated the cotton dispute. London, June 10, 8.15 p.m. A joint conference to-morrow, at Manchester, botween the
    Rkdtkr's Tklkorams.  -  214 words
  • 48 17 Rbcter’s Tklkorams. London, Juno 11. Ihe Hague: The Socond Chamber has rrV I® the bill for the temporary Holland a t Vatican. jjLi J 1 1 was introduced in view of tho posment* 01 UCnce Po P® n a P oace s °M e
    Rbcter’s Tklkorams.  -  48 words
  • 112 17 Reuter’s Telegram. London, June 12, 5 a.m. Washington: The United States Government has instructed diplomats abroad to ask for the annulment of paragraphs in commercial treaties conflicting with the new seaman law. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company, will probably have
    Reuter’s Telegram.  -  112 words
  • 119 17 Rkutkr’B Telegrams. London, Juno 10,12.45 p.m. The New Derby Stakes probable starters aro :—Aclitoi (Trigg), Apothecary (Cooper), Chickamaugwa (Macgee), Danger Rock (Whalley), Florimond (Jelliss), Follow Up (E. Huxley), Gadabout (Lancaster), King Priam (Heckford), Le Melior (Stern), Let Fly (Childs), My Ronald (Foy), Prommern (Donoghue), liossendale (ClarK), liushforto
    Rkutkr’B Telegrams.  -  119 words
  • 72 17 Reuter’s Telegrams. London, June 9, 1.50 a.m. The triennial gold medal of the Royal Asiatic Society has been awarded to Mrs. Smith Lewis and hor sister, Mrs. Dunlop Gibson, for their contributions to SinaiticSemitic studies. London, Juno 9. Sir Hugh Barnes yesterday presented the Public Schools’ medal for
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  72 words
  • 68 17 Rmutkk’s Trlkgrams. London, June 9. Athens The King has improved and it is hoped he will soon be out of danger. London, June 10, 4.45 p.m. Athens: The King’s wound is satisfactory but his Majesty has developed slight inflammation of the kidneys with traces of albumen.
    Rmutkk’s Trlkgrams.  -  68 words
  • 54 17 Kkutku’h Tklkgkams. London, June 9, 6 50 p.m. Capt. A. T. Pridham, Indian Medical Service, attached to the 8th Gurkha Rifles, committod suicide at Plymouth in a train on June 5. At tho Coroner’s inquiry, a verdict of temporary insanity was returned. Tho deceasod had suffered from
    Kkutku’h Tklkgkams.  -  54 words
  • 32 17 Rkutkr’s Telegram. London, Juno 12, 6 a.m. Vera Cruz Fivo hundred foreigners from Moxico City liavo arrived by special train and an American transport conveys them to Galveston.
    Rkutkr’s Telegram.  -  32 words
  • 25 17 Rktukk’s Telegram. London, May 14. Lisbon The election iR proceeding quietly. The results ho far assuro a democratic majority and an evolutionist minority.
    Rktukk’s Telegram.  -  25 words
    • 119 17 5. C. C. Tournament. Results of play on the 9th were Profession Pairs. Engrs., A. G. Stredwick and S. Tonkin beat Mers. 12, G. Mamoli and J. Hodgins, 2-0, 7—5, 7—5. C. S. 2, C. H. G. Clarko and E. L. Talma beat Press, R. D. Davies and
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    • 197 17 5. v. Public Services. An S.C.C. eleven met a Public Services team on Saturday on the Esplanado when thoy suffered a narrow defeat, their total falling short by 11 of that compiled by their opponents. For tho Club, Tinsley was top scorer with 26, on tho other side Talma
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    • 153 17 Match at Johore. A football match between the Johoro Government Schools and St. Andrew's School, Singapore, was playod on the Johore Padang last Saturday, the result being: Johoro Government Schools 2, St. Andrew’s 1. The St. Andrew’s team arrived in Johore at 4 p.m. accompanied by their Headmaster, the
      153 words
    • 168 17 5epoy Lines Golf Club. Tho May medal wan won by Mr. Leggatt. Scores: C. A. Leggatt 46 40—7=76 H. D. Keith 41 48 6 86 H. N. Soper 45 48 8 85 Tho ladies’ competition this month will bo played against bogey on Monday next. Garrison Golf Club. The
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  • 244 17 The Bishop of Siugaporo's request regard* ing Sunday work ou estates met with scant sympathy from tho Central Perak Planters’ Association at a meeting on Saturday, reports the Times of Malaya. Mr. A. B. Milne, chairman, introducing the subject said it had
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  • 269 17 An Old Straits Man writes as follows to the Morning Post: Many impossible suggestions havo boon made for reprisals on the Germans, but you might consider this. 1 am told there were at least 90,000 Germans in Grout Britain alone before the
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  • 214 17 A special general meeting of members of the Singapore Cricket Club was held on tho 10th inst. in tho pavilion to consider a new rule which, as put by Mr. K. L. Talma, who presided, read as follows: Tho Committee shall be
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  • 125 17 OBITUARY. Rkutkr’s Tklkoram. London, Juno 11, 6.50 p.m. The death is announced of Sir Charles Layard, Chief Justice of Ceylon from 1902 to 1900. DEATHS. Barnabas.— On June 7, at Malacca, Peternella Barn..has, wife of Joseph Barnabas, of I ranquerah, Malacca aged 73 years. I)k Sousa- n June 8, Urban
    125 words

  • 807 18 It is a matter of fairly general knowledge now that the local Government is endeavouring to recover the cost it incurred in the burial of the civilians killed by tho mutineerof the 5th Light Infantry in February. Bills, varied in
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  • 887 18 Speculation has often been rife as to the whereabouts of Capt. von Muller, Prince Franz Joseph von Hohenzollern and other officers of the Emdeu. According to an interview granted by a Mr. Conrad ilaumann to the Fremantle correspondent of
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  • 489 18 Tho chief merit of The Treasure Hunt, by Sir Arthur Laseuby Liberty, lies not at all in the treasure or tho hunt. One is somewhat sceptical about the former, says a writer in a 1 home paper, aDd the latter is
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  • 19 18 Hornsby—On J;iu3 9, the w fe of Dr. JoLiu F. Hornsey, of Amaranth,” Cavanagli Road, or a sou.
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  • 133 18 IT.vws— Ckank Ou 29th April, at St. Paul s Chuicii, St. Leonards, Arthur Gordon Plews, of Cyroyran Valley, Anglesey, to Florence Lily, fourth daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Craue of Tauioenis, Cues ham i ois, Rucks, late of i'ampcuis, Singapore. Fhaskr —Gawlkk.—On June 10, at the Presbyterian
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  • 161 18 Singapore, Junk 16, i9 l5 exchange. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4^ Demand 4/4 Private 8 m/a J/4 On India Bank T. T. 175 On Hongkong...Bank d/d On Shanghai ...Bank d/d On Java Bank T. T. l4Q^ On Japan Bank d/d Sovereigns—buying rate India Conncil Bills last
    161 words
  • 354 18 Singapork, June 16, 1915. MINING. IX1 Bu cr9 Sellen 19 10 Anipanc 3.50 7.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.35 C.45 10 10 Bolat 2.40 2.55 IQ 10 Kampat 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.00 1.50 10 ID Kint*Association 7.00 Jgl £1 KintaTin 1.14.8 1.17.6 £j £1 Lauat Minos
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 104 18 NOTICE. I'ho post tree price of the Strait t Times h #.U a year T i pos,t fre j price jf the Straus Budget i> $14 a year. It > sot necessary .0 subscribe for a year. The sub* t ‘rip 'Ons for shorter periods are at the same proportionate
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 107 1 Gknkkal Kubber Items J May Rubber Returns j Planter's Tragic Death 1 Singapore Rubber Auction «> The Davies Case 5 fKLRGRAMS London Rubber Reports... Meetings and Reports— Sungei Purun Rubber 1 \nglo-Malay Rubber 1 Ledbury Rubber Estates I Allagar Estates 'j Ivapala Islands Estates Scguuat Kubber Estates 3 Lauadron
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    • 41 1 Know Ouk Own Correspondent.) London, via Penang, .Juno 11. Mt ndaris records a loss for the year of t-73. Strathmore pays 12.1 per cent. Interim dividends are announced as follows: Kuala Klaug 15 liarpeuden 17 J; Straits 7).
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    • 149 1 Mr. S. Arter. of (ilcnmario Estate, was i iu the Lusitania. Ho was rescued dt'er floating for four hours. Mr. T. W. Maclean, of the Langkat s 'itnatra Co., Ltd.. one of the oldest British planters iu Sumatra, has been visiting the A London wire says: Mr. Herbert
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    • 135 1 report of the Suugei Purun (F.M.S.) r Company, Limited, states that the lt l e '°P or Uie year amounted to 45,241 lbs., m i l' avora 8° gross price realistd was rti u If/ 0 s per lb. London lander) ji)* l i)f) 10 ro P
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    • 1728 1 The ninth ordinary general meeting of shareholders of tho Auglo-Malay Rubber t ornpany, Limited, was hold at the Cannon Street Hotel, Cannon Street, E.C., on April 60, Sir Frank Swottenham, G.C.M.G. (chairman of the board), presiding. Tho Chairman, in
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    • 353 1 The report of the Ledbury Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the total crop (invoice weight) of the combined estates was 412,908 lbs; average sale price 2s. 2.08 d. jier lb; cost, f.0.b., 9 82d. per lb depreciation, 1.21 d. per lb; si lling expenses (including freight and
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    • 2330 2 The fifth ordinary general meeting of the Allagar Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on May 10, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C, Mr. Charles B. Sutton (chairman of the company) presiding. Thu Chairman said: The year 1914 has
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    • 149 2 Lower Perak.—4,soo lbs. Bujong.—B,soo lbs. Benar.—4,7oo lbs. Sungei Matang.— 11,528 lbs. Gloucester.—4,62s lbs. Bruas-Perak. —1,559 lbs. Lanadron.—los,s64 lbs. Scnawang.—2o,ss7 lbs. Batu Anam.—lo,osl lbs. Pengkalan Durian.—4,o79 lbs. 8ute.—3,186 lbs. Sungei Bagan.—ll,47o lbs. Sungala.—2,6BB lbs. Dominion.—27,ooo lbs. Tebrau.—67,9ls lbs. Jeram Kuantan.—B,l47 lbs. Shanghai Kelentan.—l,22o lbs. Ledbury.—42,B47 lbs. Sandycroft.—l4,2BB lbs.
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    • 876 2 The second annual general uioetine 0 r Kapala Islands Estates, Ltd., w L,I1 Shanghai on June 4 when Mr p at Measor, presided, and the other dirL Al present were Messrs. S. s. Ct0rs S. Kadoorie and Liu Chan«- y in
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    • 1113 3 The fifth ordinary general meeting of the (Jobore) Rubber Estates, Limited, dd ou May10, at the I .codon Chamber rcalorcc/caooon Street E.C.. Mr Joseph Hauisden (chairman of the company) rr Tlir I> cii airman said: Gentlemen, in pro ntin to you
      1,113 words
    • 275 3 Tho report of the Lanadron Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the total crop (invoice weight) from tho combined estates was 1,241,508 lbs.; average sale price, 2s. 2.37 d. per lb.; cost, f.0.b., 10.07 d. per lb.; depreciation, .76d. per lb.; selling expenses (including freight aud insurance), .97d.
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    • 188 3 Tho report of the Rangoon Para Rubber Estates, Limited, states that during the year it was decided to abandon some small areas at the bottoms of nullahs wuicli were subject to Hooding, a total of 21 acres, thus reducing the area plant'd with rubber to 2,227.61 acres.
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    • 179 3 Tho report of the Cluny Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the output of dry rublx r for the year amounted to 151,911 lbs., against an estimate of 140,000 lbs., ami the gross sale price realised was 2s. 2.06d. per lb. The estimated output for 1915 is 180,000
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    • 875 3 Tho eighth annual ordinary general meeting of tho Ulu Kantau Hubber Estates Company, Limited, was held on May 3, at tho London Chamber of Commorce, Oxford Court, Cannon Streot, E.C., Mr. A. A. Baumann (tho chairman) presiding. Tho Chairman said Gentlemen, tho
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    • 870 3 Tho fifth annual general mooting of tho Karan Rubber Estate Co., Ltd., was held at Shanghai on Juuo 5. Mr. A. W. Burkill presided, and the other directors present wero Messrs. S. S. Benjamin and Chun Binghim. Tho attendance represented 2,875 shares.
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    • 1828 4 The seventh annual inoeting of shareholders in tbo Tebong Rubber and. Tapioca Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on May 28, when Mr. W. A. Davidson, presided, sup Krted by Messrs. It. Macgregor and Chu ,0 sau. aDd tho
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    • 1072 4 Tho ninth annual general meeting of tii shareholders of tho Tenorn (Borneo) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 4, at Glasgow, Mr. T. A. Gallio (the chairman of the company) presiding. Tho Chairman said: I presume I havo your permission,
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    • 382 4 The death is announced of Mr G Stahl manager of Changkat Estate, one ‘of sections of Caledonia, P.W. Mr. Stables wsl motoring home on the night of the Hth insf when he met with an accident, the cause of which has not yet been ascertained, and b
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    • 339 4 The report of the Selangor River Rubber Estate Company, Limit* el, states that the balance of profit and lu-.s account brought forward was £4,233; less bonus pciil J-° manager and staff for 1913 account, £2iiJ. The balance of profit and loss account lor this year is
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    • 1917 5 Tho eighth annual general meeting of the Sungei Cboh Rubber Estate Company, Limited, was held in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 38, Eastcheap, EC on May 6, Mr. Alexander Thomson (chairman of the company) presiding.
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    • 462 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 194th auction was held on the 9th when there were offered for sale Pis. 3,114.43 or 415,257 lbs. (tons 185.88) sold Pis. 1,927.98 or 267,064 lbs. (tons 114.76). Prices realised Sheet smoked fine ribbed ...9120
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    • 216 5 The report of the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, states that the profit for the year to December 31 was £114,223; add bulunco from 1913 profit and loss, £7,146, making £151,370; less debenture interest, £17,694; income tax, £15,462; French taxation, £81,006; debenture sinking fund, £8,918; leaving for disposed
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    • 515 5 The report of tho directors submitted at tho fourth annual general mooting of tho Compauy, at Winchester House, London, on Thursday, Juno 3, read as follows:—The directors submit their report with aooountft for tho year ended December 81,
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    • 268 5 Jackson Oswald Davies, the broker, again appeared iu the District Court on tho 10th inst., when Mr. E. L. Talma reviewed tho evidence which has been given in tbo course of tho case brought against Duvies by Mr. Robt rt Nixon, of Sungei Nibong Estate, Batu Tiga.
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    • 1033 6 Tho nintli annual ordinary general meet ing of the Rukit Panjong Syndicate, Limited, was held on May 12, at 107, Fenchurch Street, E.C., Mr. Charles Rlair. presiding. Tho Chairman said: Gentlemen, I have pleasuro in presenting to you the
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    • 314 6 The report of the Third Milo (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, states that the net profit for the year to December 31, after allowing XI,540 for depreciation on buildings and machinery, was XI 1,507, to which falls to be added the balanco brought forward of X3,100, making
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    • 235 6 The report of the Cliota Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the net piotit for the year, after writing of! tho sutu of £294 for depreciation on buildings aud machinery, amounted to £4,903 carry forward, £1,040 making £5,950. It is proposed to pay a dividend of l*d. per share
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    • 146 6 Tho report of tho Cheras Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the total crop for the year amounted to 88,012 lbs., as compared with an estimate of 82,000 lbs., the average gross price realised being equivalent to 2s. 1 60d. per lb., London landed terms. The estimated crop
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    • 944 6 Stock Singapore Issued Par Dividends. Malayan Exchange Fraser A Co Capital Value Companies. Prices, Closing P,;,.’ 1914. 1913. May 13 June 16, 150,000 2/• 32% 44% Anglo-Malay 8/9 xd 8/6 26,750 XI 160% 170%
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