The Straits Budget, 25 June 1914

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BURG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXVIII No. 2941 Singapore. Thursday. June 25. 1914. ERTARIIfHEO OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 372 1 .eaders— Japanese Poetry 12 Shipping Dangers 12 Tenure of Oltice 12*13 Lloyd Gsorgo 1 inane© 13 Indian in Canada 18 14 Ireland s Rival Armies 14 Local and Gknkral Local and Personal 1*2 Birthday Honours 8, 10 Proposed Public Trustee 3 Malacca's Roads 3 Lloyd George Finance
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  • 4791 1 Mr. William Leslie, of the F.M.S. railways, Malacca, has returned from long leave. Messrs. A. C. Harper and Co. are opening a branch office at Seremban on July 1. Col. R. F. B. Glover, D. 5.0., late of the Middlesex Regiment, lias gone on pension. Captain James
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  • 468 3 Rkutkr’s Tklkgkam. London, Juno 22. a nion« tho birthday honours, it is announceJ that "Lord Kitchener is elevated to the other honours are the follow- Peerages Mr. Justice Cozens Hardy N? Edgar Vincent, Major-General Broeklev„rKt Sir Leonard Lyell. Privy Councilors:
    Rkutkr’s Tklkgkam.  -  468 words
  • 279 3 In the Centrablatt fur die Zuckor-Industrie a note is made of the proposed production of from palm nuts and coconuts, in which reference is made to previous experiments w >tli palm kernels in the production of sugar as well as with coconuts. The sugar is more
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  • 235 3 We havo made enquiries and from an authoritative sourco learn that with regard to what has appeared in tho press lately respecting the attitude of tho Government concerning the proposed Public Trustee Bill, shortly, tlie position is as follows When tbe Kwong
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  • 430 3 Thero are already a number of enthusiastic athletes who have gone into more or less strict training for the S.C.C. sports, amongst them soino who are capable of putting up good performances, aud therefore it is a matter for regret
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  • 142 3 Much was hoard some years ago concerning the shocking condition of the roads of Malacca. According to Mr. L. E. P. \N offer stan they have now been improved out of all knowledge. Last year 9102,196 were spent on metalling main roads in granite. Two hundred and eighty-three
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  • 467 3 A meeting of tho Licensing Justices was held on Tuesday, Mr. A. V. Brown, the District Judge, presiding. Those with him on tho bench were Lieut. R. A. Cator, Dr. Middleton, Messrs. W. E. Hooper, M. E. Plumpton and P. Cunliffe. The C.P.0.,
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  • 325 3 The following Singapore properties wore disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.’s sale room on Tuesday afternoon. There was a largo attendance of buyers: Omdurman, 5 Dalvey Hoad, Tanglin, free hold European property, area 2 acres 1 rood 15 poles,
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  • 399 3 Rkutkk’s Tklkoram. London, Juno 28. A porploxing Hituation lias arisen on tho Financo Hill, many contending that tho local taxation clause* arc outside the limit* of a money bill and demanding that tho clauses bo dropped or tho bill withdrawn.
    Rkutkk’s Tklkoram.  -  399 words
  • 233 3 According to the Times of Ceylon of duno 15, Mr. A. Kiley, who is charged with forgery and with the theft of 91,750 from Singapore, was again before the polico magistrate of Colombo that day, when Inspector C. .1. Modder produced certain articles which ho had found
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  • 134 3 The superstition that it is unlucky to sit down thirteen nt table is forcibly recalled by two incidents which have attended Sir .John (loldney’s two last half yearly rent audit dinners at Corshatu. \fter the audit last November a number of the principal tenants dined together, and
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  • 1176 4 Tho following narrativo of curious events surrounding the personality of one Grimes, who for a time resided here, but did not sojourn long, is taken from the China Press of Shanghai, dated June 9, and will
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    • 419 4 Singapore v. Malacca. The Singapore cricketers in Malacca this last week end had the satisfaction of achieving a victory by 50 runs over their hosts. They put together a total of 147, of which W. F. Zehndcr scored 38 and Scharenguivol 32, Malacca replying with 97. Morten for Malacca
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    • 276 4 Singapore Qolf Club. Play took place on Saturday and Sunday for the Singapore Golf Club’s Spring Cup and resulted in a win for W. E. Hooper who returned the excellent net score of 73. Fifty members competed, and the first sixteen qualified for further play in the Vode Cup
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  • 392 4 In the Supreme Court, on Tuesday the appeal was proceeding, before Mr. Justice Sproule, of Low Chuan Ouan, who was convicted by a magistrate and fined and ordered imprisonment. Appellant was managing partner of the Singapore Steam Launch Company, and he was charged
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  • 57 4 r l he following was tho result of crushing operations of the Kaub Australian Gold Min" ing Company, Ltd., for the four weeks ended June 20:—Hukit Roman: Stone crushed 3- tons, gold obtained 507 ozs., average per ton 2.520 dwts. llukit Malacca: Stone crushed 8,101 tons, gold obtained
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  • 877 4 This match, which had hoot, ed forward to, took place at KuJR* Io k on Saturday on the ground 1 Kan College, which ha,I bln kindl,“‘u >'*! the occasion by the Headman m D ,0r Kreaves. There was a large at r
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  • 2065 5 London, May 29. The victory of a French horse, and a 1 r»te one at that, confirms the impression r .1 i id begun to grow that our Derby 111 l t H with Tho Tetrarch eliminated lU
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  • 1027 5 Singapore, The Emerald Isle of tlio East is truly a rendezvous for many nations. Ono sees a dozen different types iu as many moments. Indian, Chinese, Malay, German, Dutch, Eurasian, British, each individual specimen of humanity intent ou working out his own
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  • 212 5 Thus Cliorita iu the B. N. Borneo Herald:—Up a certain river in Borneo Micro once lived a very large and voracious maneating crocodile. The number of victims young and old put down to his account was appalling and his head was eagerly sought aft< r. The son
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  • 157 5 A Government Gazette Kxtraordinary published on the 17th inst. announces that, tho Governor having gone on six months' leave, in accordance with Aiticlo X\ 11 of the Letters Patent passed umh r the Great Seal of tho United Kingdom the Oath of All* giauce and the Oath
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  • 931 6 The following is the full text of a circular issued to the shareholders of the British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited, uuder date May 27 “The board have recently had under con sidoratiou, in conjunction with the
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  • 444 6 Ukutkk’h Tklkobam. London, Juno 17. Tl io death is announced of Mr. Bonnet Burleigh, tho famous war correspondent. By the death of Mr. Bonnet Burleigh who was round about seventy years of age, the Daily Telegraph loses the famous war correspondent who
    Ukutkk’h Tklkobam.  -  444 words
  • 228 6 Mr. I). D. Evans, who, for tbo past three years, has been retail manager of the firm of Messrs. Katz Bros., lias severed his connection with tbo firm and goes home on the steamer Goldmouth. As a token of esteem and regard employees of
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  • 90 6 f I be mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Bcgistrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending Juno Id, there were 2.73 deaths ()h? males, fifi females), giving a ratio j>er millo of popul itiun of 39.90. M.Jaiial h ver accounted for 07
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  • 378 6 M. A. Kilty, a passenger by tbe N.D.L. steamer Luetzow, waH produced at tbo Colombo Police Court on .June 9 on a ch.arge of forgery ami theft of $1,750 on May 24, says The Times of Ceylon. Inspector
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  • 213 6 In tho Bankruptcy Court on Friday, before Mr. Justice Sproule, the public examination was commenced of Walter Pereyra, tho Government Veterinary Inspector at Malacca. The debtor, examined by the Official Assignee, Mr. C. J. Saunders, said that lie was born in Poona and twelve years
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  • 133 6 At 4.30 p in. on Thusday, ono of the largest steamers that has ever entered Singapore was alongside the west wharf, and anyone visiting the ship—the Imperial German transport Patricia—may form a good idea of the size of the Empress of Ireland recently lost in the
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  • 120 6 At tho request of the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, the Head Committee of the Dutch lied Cross Society will send out four ambulance corps, each consisting of one head-nurse and two nurses, states La <Jazette do llollande. Tiny will tako with them complcto outfits for
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  • 765 6 Opium and Liquor. WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT MONOPOLIES. Superintendent’s Annual R eport. Mr t t Government Monopolies, report on the working of tint i ShU( (i ki» for tho year 191.-1. in the cotf*'>' remarks, Mr. Baddeley says of to During the year 1913 opium was n, t ed, partly
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  • 1328 7 vnrther stories of the Empress of Ireland disaster are contained in newspapers just to ba Quebec message, dated May 81, reads ,i; Sil ster was tho worst ever experienced St Lawrence River. The Empress I land’was torn
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  • 206 7 Messrs. J. A. Hamilton and Litn Peng Siang sign the report of the Central Engine Works, Ltd., which covers tho year ending December 81 last, and says —After allowing for directors’ and auditors’ fees, and making full allowance for depreciation, and sufficient for doubtful debts, the
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  • 143 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co. s sharo circular, dated tho 17tli iust., states London advise daily that the market there is quiet with very little business doing and their quotations of sterling rubbers wore practically unchanged throughout tho whole of the past week. With the fall in the
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  • 924 7 From Our Own Correspondent. London, May 29. Numerous currents and cross-currents have rulfied the surface of the Stock Markets recently, but at the time of writing we aro in smoother waters, at least temporarily, aud a moro cheerful feeling prevails. All that is
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  • 593 7 Tho following in tho report of tho directors of Bulat Tin Mine Company for presentation at tho shareholders mooting on dune*29: Your directors submit herewith tho company’s accounts and tho manager's report for the year ending March <il, 1914. Tho
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  • 231 7 Unusual excitement prevails at Kurokawa Minaiui, Akita County, Akita Prefecture, over a sudden t»ush r»f an iminenHO quantity of oil at noon of May from a well of the Nippon Oil Company, which continues to send up a still larger quantity, says the Japan Daily
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  • 2431 8 Co nt it i mrr k i >. Those who know it claim that the Gulf of Siam quite rivals iu picturi sqimncsH the much vaunted Inland Sea of Japun. It is true that it.
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  • 182 8 Reuter’s Telegram. Dkr Ostasiatisciik Lloyd Tkleoram. London, Juno 19. The Hague opium conference lias agreed that despito the abstention of certain Powers the convention of 1912 can come into force when ratified by the signatories. Dk.R OsTASIATISCIIK LLOYD TkLEORAM. Berlin, June 19. The Ilagne opium conference declares that
    Reuter’s Telegram.; Dkr Ostasiatisciik Lloyd Tkleoram.  -  182 words
  • 125 8 A telegram from Paris, dated May 20, says: —Tho Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company’s boat express train bound from Marscilh s to Paris had a narrow escape from disaster on Saturday. It was timed to stop at Macon, but the; brakes failed to
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  • 850 8 (Fkom A CoRRIBI>ONL»KNT.) Kota Bahru, .June 15 The railway in Kelautan has now h opeu for a mouth, and the inhabitant* 1 had time to get over the novelty, if j t said that the lethargic Malay
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  • 17 9 straits Times is not responsible for F Tuions of its cot respondents.] jilt- Ol’l u ,u
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  • 346 9 T,, tho Klitor of tho Straits Times. PrrsuTuinji that example is better ‘„‘rt it would be interesting to know Ciovernor of a British Colony finds V iy arv to travel by a foreign mail boat i.Uo Singapore. Each nation has f a n P aspiraliou» aid if
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  • 771 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Iu your issue of June 15 you were kind < tough t > publish a letter of mine and ri ply to it in a footnote. Iu your footnote you accuse me of being “gro-sly inaccurate in
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  • 300 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have read your leader heading Shipping Dangers,” of tho 19th, and the suggestion made by you with interest, and agree with you that some sort of fender on the bows ct a sh amer would lessen the
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  • 352 9 To The Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—The success of tho recent St. Gcorgo’s Ball has drawn attention to the fact that there is no association iu Singapore, composed of Irishmen resident in tho Straits and F.M.S. which has up to tho present attempted to organise a
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  • 409 9 An impressivo ceremony took placo at Jesselton on tho evening of April 27 when the remains of the late Mr. Alfred Jones were re-interred at tho cemetery, says the B. N. Borneo Herald. Tho corps was brought round from
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  • 173 9 Tho lion. Mark F. Napier, presiding at tho meeting of lteuter’s Telegram Company, Limited, said that tho year ***** had not been ono of pleasant memories for busin< ss people in general, and they had had their share of anxiety, but, from a pecuniary point of view,
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  • 162 9 For some time past, says La Gazetto do Hollandc, the question has been discussed of founding a technical university in the Dutch East Indies, where so many industries aro in a flourishing condition. An association has oven been founded in this connection, and wo are
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  • 845 9 Excitement ran high on the Esplanodo on Monday evening when tho S.C.G. and tho K.O.Y L.l. turned out to play tho final of the Singapore Football Association Cup competition. It was generally thought that victory would go to
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  • 2243 10 From Our Special Correspondent. London, May 29. Seventy seven By this majority the Horne Rule Bill passed its third reading iu the House of Commons, on Monday afternoon, and was sent to the House of Lords. Mr. Gladstone's first Home
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  • 412 10 The report of the directors to the members of tho Straits Trading Co., Ltd., for the half year ended March 31, being tho second half of tho business year, 1913-1914, states: After writing off depreciation and making provision for bad and doubtful
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  • 360 10 The Straits Settlements and theFUu again bgure m the list of the King's birt'u honours, aud congratulations will be U 7 bestowed upon the recipients of hi, M,- ,7 gracious recognition. The Hud. E c ‘l has been decorated Kni«»lit
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  • 341 10 The Hickmers Liuo can this year look baek upon 80 years of a successful past, la the year 1834 the shipwright K. C. Hickmers, of Heligoland, started a small shipbuilding yard in Bremerhaven. The small enterprise soon began to prosper, was enlarged, and besides other craft the
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  • 69 10 It is stated in the Governn (N r i:iso that tho King will not by ros pcct to tl‘ e his power of disallowance t j uU Oroiuance to auienu 1 no t 1( t)i'>* and Motor Cars Ordinance offc nance further to auien» t0 ui"<d;
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  • 1356 11 bom a Cokkkspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, Juno 20. a VPr y marked decrease in the H T, r nf 'noisy and cumbrous motor 'lying on our roads of late. The M bu principally are that, firstly, the *<*1! have prohibited them from H ,uth0, tin ir terminus iu
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  • 565 11 (From A Corkkspondknt.) Batu Pabat, Juno 20. This little State is at last to have a reservoir, the most important need of every country. Jungle felling au<i clearing and blasting of granite boulders at the base of the hill whore the reservoir is to be placet!, has
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  • 1035 11 Fuller details of tho polo matches iu America when tho English team scored a brilliant success over the Americans arc given in telegrams via Rangoon. The tirsfc match was described as a surprising exhibition of English teamwork aud accurate hitting.
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  • 270 11 Referring in his report on Malacca to the Malav Training College, Mr. L. K. P. Wolf< istan, the Resident, notes that in 19R) there were thirty Colonial and thirty Federated Malay States students in residence. Owing to tho opening of a new college at Mataug iu l'erak
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  • 205 11 In May hint it wan tho intention of tlio Kino of Siam to pay a State visit to the Monthons of Nakliou Sri Tharmaruj, I'ataui and I'huki t, leaving Bangkok ou June l'J. lu the interval, Hays tlio iiaugkok Times, cholera has unfortunate ly broken
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  • 194 11 In a Consular report on the trade in SwnLow in 101 J, Mr. Consul l'itzipios says: The native banks have pursued their characteristically rtckless way of doing business, lending money without ad< ijuate security, and issuiug wholesale banknotes without any reserve to meet payments.
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  • 50 12 Oxkmiam. -On Juno 10, at Armadale, Victoria, Australia, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Oxt nham, of Penang, a daughter. Jamks.— On June 24, at the Nursing Home, St. Thomas's Walk, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. James, of Dungun Mines, Ltd., Kuala Diingun, Trengganu, of a daughter.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1151 12 was content to havo it suggested.—Straits Times, Juno 18. Longer ago than wo quite relish thinking about, wo had a slight dilTerouco of opinion with Robert Browning. Wo ventured to say that many of his versos aro a ntero jingle of words conveying no meaning. The poet took
      was content to havo it suggested.—Straits Times, Juno 18.  -  1,151 words
    • 1066 12 —Straits Times, Juno 19. A few days a«o a liner in tho Atlantic waH struck a glancing blow, which, happily did no serious damage. Yesterday we reported a collision in the Channel between the Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Inceniore. Both these accidents took plaeo during and in
      —Straits Times, Juno 19.  -  1,066 words
    • 1173 12 lu u s absence.—Straits Times, We aro not particularly partial to the club gossip typo of journalism, because we have a preference for facts. Under certain conditions one can bear as much at a clubbar in half an hour as would serve, if injudiciously used, to set
      " lu''’ ‘u *‘‘s absence.—Straits Times,  -  1,173 words
    • 1150 13 —Straits Times, .1 uuo 22. There are certainly some aspects of tho Lloyd George policy which are open to very grave objection. Apart entirely from the merit of his proposals, tho Chancellor lays himself open to attack upon his methods. In the Budget Bill of 1909, out
      .—Straits Times, .1 uuo 22.  -  1,150 words
    • 1275 13 passively to being starved out of existence.— Straits Times, .luuo 251. A telegram published yestorday au now need that the Komagala Maru has been detained in Canada because the Indians, numbering 370, who arrived by her are not allowed to land, and will not consent to be
      passively to being starved out of existence.— Straits Times, .luuo 251.  -  1,275 words
    • 1173 14 have not entirely lost tho martial spirit.— Straits Times, Juno 21. Three thousand Nationalist volunteers, most of them in uniform and carrying rifles havo reviewed at Carrick-on-Shannon. The incident is noteworthy, because Ireland has hitherto been excluded from tho privilege of volunteering on account of its tendency
      have not entirely lost tho martial spirit.— Straits Times, Juno 21.  -  1,173 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 94 12 The i'ont tree price <»f the Straits Times I* $3B a year The po«-t t'r" price of the Straits Hwtget it $l4 y»ar ft ia urt r. <r»sarv to *ut*cribc for a year. The tub cription* for shorter period* are at the same proporionatc rate a* for a vear. The
      94 words
  • 32 12 HEATHS. Goi>d*i>!> On Juno 12, on board s.s. Morea,” in the Bed Sea, Percy Goddard, of Tanjong Olak Lubber Plantation, Muar. Mactaooaut —On Juno ‘21, at Singapore, James Guthrie Muctaggart, aged 43.
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 34 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 17. t flip finest game of tho season, the Cricket Club defeated the Old 1'arquhars in the football cup final by four goals to odc.
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    • 26 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 17. Tun hi l Chinese chops have failed with |,abilities amounting to $200,000 and 160,000 respectively.
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    • 43 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 17. The Hon. A. R. Adams in presenting the football cup said bo hoped soon to be able to announce that Government bad sanctioned the formation of a Chinese company of volunteers for Penang.
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    • 74 15 (From Ouk Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 20. Twenty three prominent Chinese were charged with gambling at the Celestial Club The charge against ten was withdrawn. Ibo assistant "superintendent of police, Mr. Cuscaden, described tbo raid and said there was a stampede when the police entered. Money was
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    • 84 15 (From Oi k Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 20. At the inquest on the body of Mr. James Kidd, second engineer of tbo steamer .Malacca, who was picked up in the harbour on the 16th iust., a verdict of death by misadventure was returned. The Captain
      84 words
    • 80 15 (Vrom Our Own Corrkspondknt.) I poh, Jane 17. In the High Court, three defendants in the Ipok vegetarian nun case were summoned on a judgment summons for the amonnt of damages given against them for slander. The damages amounted to $1,500. Only the wife of the male
      80 words
    • 66 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 18. A meeting last night decided to form a rerak Art Club, and a provisional scheme was drawn up. The attendance was poor, but it "as felt there was a sufficient number of people in the State interested in the subject
      66 words
    • 56 15 (h rom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jane 22. Mr. Oliver Marks has laid tho foundation one of St. George’s School, Taiping, which Doing built for the Christian Brothers. Tho “V in allow for three class rooms each H< l nar e on oach of throo floors.
      56 words
    • 66 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 23. tf ;V rions of cholera is reported bpt. r V(! occurred at Longgong. All traffic ft n aud Grit has been stopped and It i„ ,C< cor d° n i* put round the district, jjjnn there have been eight or
      66 words
    • 77 15 ii m Our Own Correspondent.) j Ipoh, Juno 23. out ,v^at(!B Guides have been called wi',l,j n a disturbance for a second time J’f tin- prHonor ayH in rai P in af >l- Some t i U[ ,j rs r usentod one of their number Tin.
      77 words
    • 41 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 18. Largo swarms of locusts appeared in north Johoro recently in great numbers and aro now visible from the railway from Tampin through Malacca, Nogri Scmbilan and Jobore to Batu Anam.
      41 words
    • 182 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 20. The death occurred at Seremban on Saturday of Capt. T. N. Dunman, K >yal Kngineers, who was engaged on the Colonial Survey Section. Tho deceased was a uophow of Mr. W. Dunman, of Singapore. Cant. Dunman served
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    • 558 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lnnipur, June 19. Following aro tbo results of the first day of the sky meeting Race One (Four furlongs).—Sunrise (Mr. Dickson) 1, Patrick (Mr. Walker) 2, Tweedledum (Mr. Palmer) 3. Won by 1$ lengths. Time 55 4/5 sics. Dividends $23. Rack Two
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  • 673 15 Tho fifteenth annual general mooting of Messrs. 8. Moutrie and Co., Ltd., was held at Shanghai on June 8, when Mr. K. C. Pearco presided, supported by Mr. W. J. Isenman, director, aud Mr. F. J. Hinton, secretary. Tho Chairman,
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  • 161 15 Fourteen days’ rigorous imprisonment was the punishment passed upon William T. Williamson, the quarter-master of the P. and O. steamer Syria, who, in the Marine Court on Thursday afternoon, pleaded guiltyot disobeying the commands of tho master by being absent from his post as look out
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  • 102 15 Rkutkk'm Tklkokam. London, Juno 19. Mr. Lewis Harcourt presided at tlio annual banquet of tho Corona Club at which tlirco hundred wero present, including many* Colonial Governors. Mr. Harcourt eloquently eulogised tho work of the colonial nor
    Rkutkk'm Tklkokam.  -  102 words
  • 233 15 The following appointments aro notified in tho F.M.S. Government Gazette: —Mr. J. Feenoy to be Chief Inspector, F.M.S. polioo, Mr. C. 11. Wyatt to be Chief Detective Inspector, F.M.S. police, Messrs. U. 0. Taylor and G. C. Jackson to be Chief Court Inspectors, F.M.S. police, Mr. 11.
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  • 217 15 At tho cloning session of tlio Society of Friends yearly meeting field in London at the close of tho homo mail, May 28, a memorial on the opium qncstion was adopted in these terms: —"The yearly meeting of tho Society of Friends in Groat liritain.
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  • 188 15 Tho total of tho shipping entering and clearing at ports in tho Colony of Hongkong during tho year 11)1.1 amounted to 490,228 vessels of 517,742,982 tons, which, compared with the figures for 1912, shows an increase of 1,609 vessels of 1,007,***** tons. Of tho above, 47,520 vessels of
    188 words

  • 1597 17 Berlin, .Juno 10. Both night and morning there were fresh attacks at Durazzo, the Prince’s troops so far being victorious everywhere. The losses of tho re bels have been large. Tho Kaiser has ord» red the immediate departure of the cruiser Breslau for tho lonian islands ami Durazzo.
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  • 297 18 Considerable interest is being taken in the arrangements for the Far Eastern Athletic Games, which are to be held in Shanghai next October. The committee which fiaH the affair in hand is a strong one, with Mr. J. 11. Crocker as
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 241 18 June 17 Dunora, Brit, str., Dickinson, Kobe, A. Gilfillan Furst Buelow, Gor. str., Fagen, ll’kong Behu Meyer 18 Seang Choon, Brit, str., Graves, Rangoon, Giong Ho Van Swell, Dut. str., Baasbank, P. Brandan, S. Agency Syria, Brit, sir., Longden, London, P. O. Co Patricia, Ger. tra, Rorden, Tsingtau Xatica,
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    • 234 18 Junk 17 Polyphemius, Brit, str., Japan via ports Agapenor, Brit, str., L'don R’daui A’werp fTenpaisan Maru, Jap. str., Muko Sal&mis, Brit, str., Hongkong 18 Kkma, Brit, str., Penang R’goon Calcutta Teesta, lit it. str., Penang Madras N’tam Luzon Maru, Jap. str., Bombay via ports Kamakura Maru, Jap. str., C’bo
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  • 266 18 Sinoapokn, Jlnk 24, 1914. EXCHANQE On London! Bank 4 m/a 2/4 Demand 2/8g$ Private 6 m/a 2/4 S 8 m/e 2/4& On GaauAWT MMI Bank d/d 288 Private 8 m/s 242$ On Franon Bank d/d 293$ Private 3 m/a 297$ On India Bank T. T. 174$ Private
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  • 346 18 Singafo&i, June 21, 1914. MINING. Val“| B ye S 6116 10 10 Ampang 8.50 1 1 Ayer Weng C.50 10 10 Belat 2.30 2.60 10 10 Bruang 0.75 1.50 10 10 Kampat 10.00 10 10 K&naboi 1.00 1.65 10 10 Kinta Association 8.00 10.00 £1 £1 Kinta
    346 words
  • 64 18 Per P. and O. Nellore, filing J„i v i >, J. Bond, Mr. D. C. K. Davidsoi M„rf r Mrs. and Miss Gawthorne, Mr. and Mrlfw Anderson, aud infant. Mr. and Tovey-Cozens, Mr. A. E. L. Smith A “i Mrs. Cumberledge, infant aud the MiWu Cumberlcdge, Miss
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  • 283 18 Rkutkr’s Telegram. London, Jane 18. The German liner Buelow, from Yohohama to Bremen is a. bore near Weymouth. Tb sea is smooth and the passengers are taken off. The Biielow went on the rocks in a fo<« Her position is favourable if the weather kee ps tine.
    Rkutkr’s Telegram.  -  283 words
  • 292 18 Many will learn with sincere regret of the deatli of Mr. James Guthrie MacUggar,. weU-known aud a most popular gentu-nw in Singapore. Fur sometime tin ceased had not been feeling well although it was ouly within the last fortnight that realised the necessity of
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 128 1 General— Singapore Rubber Auction 1 The Gardens’ Bulletin 1 The Late Sir John Ramsden 2 Mav Rubber Returns 4 F. M. S. Rubber Export Duty 6 Rubber Tennis for Rubber Men 7 TrLKtiiAMS— London Rubber Auction 1 Rubber Exhibition l London Rubber Specials 1 Londou Rubber Market 1 Corkksfondksce
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    • 395 1 Presiding at tlio meeting of tho Sungei Say. ng Rubber Company on May 22, Mr. R. K. M egor saiti that, as explained at tlio last slum lio'.di rs’ meeting, it Rad been necessary tolind further capital for tlio development of tie (Htatcs. To provido that, as
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    • 284 1 (From Our Own Corbksponoknt.) London, Juno 23. The tone was rather slow at the auction which began to day. Nine hundred and seventy nine tons of plantation were offered for sale, of which 844 tons wero Malayan.
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    • 186 1 Presiding at tlio statutory meeting of tlic Semenyih Rubber Estate on May 28, Mr. O. M. L)undas Mount said that tlio meeting had been called to comply with the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, which provided that there should be a statutory mcetiug within three mouths from the
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    • 131 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 23. There wu«« a private view to day of tho Rubber Exhibition, which Prince Arthur of Connaught opeus tomorrow. Tho exhibition is a great advance, on its predecessors, especially in tho section for manufactured
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    • 194 1 (From Or»t Own Cokukspondkm.) London, Juno 17. Lankat pays 12} per cent, dividend, places to reservo £lO,OOO and carries forward £8.500. Interim dividends announced are liarpenden 20 per cent., Pataliug 80 per cent., Selangor 6d., Kuala Klang 10 per cent, and Snngkar Chutnor 10 per cent. London,
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    • 67 1 Quotations Current During The Week. Para First Latex to Arrive Crepe Juno 17 2 9* 2/4* 1H ‘2/9* 2/4* 19 2/9* 2/4 22 2/9* V/4* 23 2 9* 2,3 The East Asiatic Co.’s Report. Fine Para Plantation. I Spot Forward First Latex Juno 17 2/9$ 2/9* 2/2*
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    • 417 1 Tho Singapore Chamber of Commerco Rubber Association hold its 145th auction ou Tuesday, when there wero offered for sale 848.42 piculs or 112,457 lbs., and sold 605.84 piculs or 80,712 lbs. Tho prices realised were Sheet smoked flue ribbed $ll2 to $ll9 m (rood ribbed 102 108
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    • 106 1 Tlio seventh issue of the (hardens’ bulletin, Straits Settlements, which is published as material becomes availablo, is before us. From the contents a very j»oofl idea is to bo formed of tho inter* stinf> nature of tho matter embodied in its papes. Mr. I. 11. burkill writes
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    • 2497 2 The annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Rubber Estates of Krian, Limited, was held ou May 25, at the Institute of Directors, 4, Corbet Court, Gracechurch Street, E.C., the Hon. Lionel Holland (chairman of the
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    • 207 2 Sir John William Ramsden, 5th Baron of Byram, Ferry bridge, Yorkshire, of Ardverikio, Kingussie, N.B., and of Bulstrodo Park, Gerrads Cross, Bucks., a director of the Straits Rubber Company, Limited, who died April 15, aged 82, left unsettled property of the gross value of X489,028,
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    • 1369 2 The eighth annual ordinary ing of the Rukit Raujong Syndicate i was held on May 2U, at the reck 'd 107, Feuchurch Street, K.C. M r Blair presiding. iar ta The Chairman said: Followingour na custom,
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    • 548 3 The sevi nth annual ordinary general meeting of thi* company was held on May 22, at 50, Oroliaiu-street. Mi. Noel Binglcy (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of tin- o port and accounts, said that in order to
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    • 1418 3 Tho fourth anuual general meeting of Kimanis Rubber, Limited, was held on May 21 at the office, r >, Whittington Avenue, E.C., Sir William Hood Treacher, K.C.M.G. (chairman of the company), presiding. The Chairman said: 1 do not think there
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    • 1367 3 Tho anuual general mooting of tho Klphil Rubber Company, Limited, was held ou May 28, at tho Rubber Growers’ Association’s Council Room, ffH, F.astcheap, L.C., Sir Kobert Laidlaw, J. P. (chairman of the company), presiding. Tho Chairman said: I am suro you will consent
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    • 13 4 [The Strait* Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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    • 365 4 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I be allowed a few linos to express »uy thorough agreement with Negri Sembilau’s” Admirably worded reply to “Arceness.” It contains the whole caso in a nutshell. The rates of pay which prevail now on tho majority
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    • 765 4 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, I am not under tho mistaken impression supposed by Double Account.” At any into I closely agree with his statement in regard to the object of the Depreciation Fund, although I think such a fund out of place in
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    • 288 4 The report of tho Toerangie (Sumatra) Rubber and Produce Estates, Limited, states that at the end of the financial year the planted area of tho company’s estato was 1,760 acres. A further area of approximately 300 acres had been cleared and has since been planted, bringing the
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    • 273 4 The report of tho British Malay Rubber Company, Limited, states that a small extension of Go acres at Jindaram was made during the year to December 31 and a recent survey shows tho planted area to be: On Kubaug, ‘2.030.60 acres; Jindaram, 1,191.28 acres. With the
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    • 1776 4 Tho fifth ordinary general meeting of the Lendu Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 20, at tho registered offices, 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, E.C., Mr. J. C. Sanderson presiding. Tho Chairman said Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that the chairman
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    • 83 4 Alma.—9,Boo lbs. Bukit Toll Alang.—o,67l lbs. C1uny.—12,473 lbs. Kinta Kellas.—l4,soo lbs. Shanghai Klebang.—o,o9o lbs. Kuala Kangsar.—26,992 lbs. Sungei Duri.—6,6*H lbs. Kota Bahroe. 20,001 lbs. Chemor.—9,oBo lbs. Ooodheart. —1,060 lbs. Tanjong Pau.—6.096 lbs. Sapong.—l2,2oo lbs.; to date tc Langkon North Borneo. 6,. >00 date (two mouths) 13,000 lbs.
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    • 900 5 Balgownie Estates. LARGE REDUCTION OF ALL-IN COST. Fifty- Five Per Cent. Dividend. i* (j M. Kiudersley signs tho ninth .1 reiiort of tho Balgowme Rubber aunU i el for tho year ended March 31 Estates, tho following state last. L t protit (or tbo yoar in *104 828.W9, I, must
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    • 810 5 The first annual general meeting of tho Bute Plantations (1913), Ltd., was held at Shanghai ou J uue 3, tho directors present being Messrs. A. Burkill, presiding, O. Thoreseu, S. S. Benjamin, E. S. Kadoorio, aud (Jliu Pau-fay. The attendance represented 110,090
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    • 1695 5 The first annual general meeting of the Jeram (Kuantau) Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on Saturday afternoon at the registered offices of tho company, 6F, Battery Road. Mr. Chiarn Kong presided. Together with the report and accounts, tho following
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    • 84 5 For tlio period from .1 uim* 20to .Inly '.I, 1911, inclusive, the duty r»n cultivated rublx r on which export duty is leviablo in the F.M.S, on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules nudor the Customs l>uti<s Fnactmeet will be asm hhcU on
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    • 2743 6 The eighth ordinary general meeting of the Malaysia Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 23 in the Council Hoorn of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 3M, Lastcheap, E.C., Mr. George Cordcroy (chairman aud managing director) presiding. Tho C'hairmau said:
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    • 2875 6 The fourth ordinary «»on,. r .i Bojon« Rubber Estate, Limited JJ"? fthe May 21, a.tho office, of House, New London Street F C JnjoQ Parry (chairman of the companvi Sl The Chairman said: Gentlemeu P t M and balance-sheet
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    • 1481 7 Tho annual general mooting of shareholders of tho llcuwood Tin and Rubber Kstate, Limited, was held on May 20, at Glasgow, Sir William llood Treacher, K.C.M.G. (the chairman of the company), presiding. Tho Chairman said Gentlemen, in moving the adoptiou
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    • 378 7 Arising out of the announcement in Thu Financier that a rubber tennis court would bo laid down ut the coining exhibition aud that a tournament open to anyone connected in any capacity with the rubber industry is to be ar.e'teed, Kovtral lloic-o men bavo approached
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    • 1938 8 Capital Stock Singapore Autho Par lae Dividends. Malayam Exchange Fraser and Co. s rated. l in? ioir 101*2 Comfakim. Prices, Prioes, Marked If- 1918 m2. May 26. June 21. 85,000 2/-fy. paid 8%for 31/12/11
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