The Straits Budget, 27 November 1913

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BUNG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” vol. lxvii NO. 2911. Singapore. Thursday. November 27. 1913. ESTABLISH!!) OVER HALF A CENTVRV. Price 25 cents.
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  • 264 1 LEADERS— What is a Fair Price? 10 Boers, Britons aud Indians 10 The Fall in Shares 10-11 Rival Citizen Armies 11 Sunday Tappiug 11 The Law aud the Press 12 Local and General Local and Personal 1-2 The Federal Council 3 Tropical Medicine 4 Suicide at Soer&baya
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  • 4685 1 Herr Heinrich Konig, ho repicsi tlx university of Kiel and inn, in cm be i o Royal Institute for Ocean Trallicsand ,K national Commerce, is visiting a ■>' has just cone to Java. His specially to empiirc into rubbei un commodities. The King has given £lOO and
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  • 1190 4 Some ac omit of the work which has been done aud is proposed to be done with the fund now being r iised on behalf of tho Loudon School of Tropical Medicine w T as given by Mr. Austen
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  • 246 4 Mr. A. Pacts tot Gansvijeu, Chairman of the General Syndicate of Sugar Factories in Netlierlauds India, committed suicide at Soerabaya, at 4 a.m. on the 12th inst., by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. He left a letter expressing the wish that his funeral might
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  • 271 4 We understand that General R. H. Law, Inspector General of Equipment Ordnance Stores, from the Horse Guards, will arrive in Singapore from Hongkong by the P. and O. Devanha to-day. General Law is carrying out an inspection of all the Far East stations. lle is well-known in
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  • 13 4 (The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 368 4 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Oratory is nothing else than wisdom speaking copiously (translated from Cicero) aud the speech of the Premier at the Guildhall Banquet on Lord Mayor's day answers to the above admirably. lie concluded a most brilliant speech by pointiug
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  • 210 4 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —I notice a report of a meeting of the above which has been “contributed to your newspaper aud I suppose the information has been supplied as the directors want to let the public know about it. As one of
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  • 395 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Would you kindly insert tho following iu your valuable paper, as by doing so you will greatly favour the larger portion of the working class of Singapore. At the last meeting of the Municipal Commissioners we were sorry
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  • 360 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I bo allowed a short space in your valuable columns, in order to see if that will have the effect of putting some kind of a “hustle” ou to the local postal authorities? On the tith of this month
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  • 310 4 The wedding took place at the Church cf Our Lady of Lourdes, Klaug, on Thursday, November 22, of Mr. Victor lviuloch, of Jeram Estate, Kapar, and Miss Winifred Mary Clare Cox, eldest daughter of Mr. F. Bede Cox, District Officer, klung. The bride, who was given away
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  • 2028 5 A Vf> >7 interesting report on the affairs of Kolantan during 1W2 has been compile i by Mr. tt. Laug ham-Carter, the acting British Advisei* to that state, and we extract some of the points of it: The revenue
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  • 284 5 (From A Cokkksiondknt.) Trengganu, November 16. The case in which a young Chinese is alleged to have been kdled by another Chinese is still proceeding. It is expected to terminate in a day or two. The weather hero has been very bad lately, with much rain, wind,
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  • 236 5 Sydney papers report the death of Captain S. VV. S. Moore, who was formerly in the service of the China Navigation Compauy, from which he resigned some nine or ten years ago, and then resided in llougkong for a few years. A Sydney
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  • 498 5 Messrs. Fraser aud Co.’s Sharo Circular, (Inti it November 10, utn*es The pant week lias shown more substantial advances than have been experienced for several months. The satisfactory results of the last, auction hnvchnd n remarkibly steadynio elite*! on all dashes
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  • 195 5 November 21, 1912. After several days of a buoyant and advancing muikct tho work closes with prices somewhat below tlio host, and this applus more particularly to tho higher priced shares which chiefly benefited on tlio rise. Advices received this morning quota rubber one
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  • 104 5 Her Iliyliness tho Kane* of Sarawak has written a book entitled My Life in Sarawak which Messrs. Methuen published on November 6. Sarawak, which comprises some fifty thousand square miles of land, is situated in the north west of liornco. .lames llrooku iu IMU became the
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  • 950 6 Extraordinary general meetings of the Chondcriang Valley Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., and Jabus (Tin) Hydraulic Elevators, Ltd., were held at the registered office of the companies, 8, Union Street, Penang, on November 19, at 2 and 2.80 o’clock, respectively, Mr.
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  • 318 6 The enterprise of utilising some of the excellent fruits which Siam furnishes m such abundance and preserving them for the foreign market is comparatively recent, says The Siam Observer. The most suitable of such fruits is undoubtedly the pineapple, which iu certain
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  • 210 6 The first annual report of tho Board of directors to tho shareholders of the Chinese Commercial Bank, Singapore, covering the year commencing December 2, 1012, and ending October 15, 1913, states that, in spite of commercial depression and all the initial dilliculties incidental to the commencement
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  • 1040 6 (From A Special Correspondent). The Uuiversity of Birmingham has taken a step which may have far-reaching and important consequencos on the future of the British Empire. Among the higher authorities who serve iu the King’s Dominions Overseas,
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  • 161 6 The first aviation fatality at Manila occurred on the 14th inst., when Lieutenant C. Perry Kicli, of the Philippine Scouts, ami an army aviator, fell into the bay from an altitude of 1,000 feet, death quickly resulting. Lieutenant Rich started out on a trial trip over
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  • 164 6 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of the ‘Jlst iustant:—Mr. F. 1). Kvans to be executive engineer, P.W.D.; Mr. V. .1. Martin to be an assistant engineer, P.W.D., Selangor; Mr. T. 8. Adams to act as second magistrate, Kuala Lumpur; Mr. L. L.
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  • 155 6 The mail from Sarawak on Thursday brought news of the death ot Mr. John Rohrmaun, who was at one time connected with the shipping department of Messrs. Behu, Meyer and Co. The deceased was first taken ill with bacillar dysentery a fortnight or so ago
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  • 94 6 News reached Colombo on the llth iust M that the Ceylon Steamship Co., Ltd. s steamer Lady Blake, which left that p 1" on the previous evening with two bundle* deck and a few second class passenger and general cargo, grounded in Pauuiben Channel on the next
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  • 1883 7 After somewhat prolonged negotiations, a dispute which had arisen between tbel'enin sular and Oriental Steam Navigation Compauy and their officers, was settled ou Octoher 29. I lie history of this unpleasant incident is set forth below:—On October
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  • 208 7 (FUOM A ColtKKSI'ONliKNT.) Kota Hliaru, November 17. flood weather favoured tho llari Raya Hadji holidays, and the festivities passed oil without anything unusual happening. Large crowds of k am fie rig people, adorned in Kelantan s brightest, flocked into the tovvu with tlio apparent object of squatting con
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  • 202 7 All in Siam who have met tho American Minister, .Mr. F. W. Carpenter, will sincerely regret to learn that lie is relinquishing his appointment, as a successor has now born appointed by the prosent Government. Mr. Carpenter arrived nearly year ago, his appoiuttuent being ono of
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  • 184 7 Tho land acquisition case heard by the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court on November Id concluded with a verdict which endorses the oiler of the Collector of Land Itcvonuo. The land in question, which was required by the Municipality for the purpose of widening Thomson
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  • 75 7 A popular cousin of 11 is Highness the Sultan of Johorc, and head of the State Secretary’s department, 11. 11. Suleiman bin Hand died at r > a.m., on Tlmrs day, and was buried in the afternoon at the cemetery m ar .Johorc llaliru in the
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  • 533 7 Tho current issue o( tlio K. M. S. Government (Jazetto contains tho following uotifica tion relating to tho cultivation of coconut** in tho coast districts of Kuautan and I'ekan In order to encourago tho cultivation of coconuts in tho coast districts of
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  • 344 7 !n v ]< w of the approaching expiration of tlio terms of the Japanese shipping subsidies, ;i protest Hays tlio London correspondent of tlio Manchester (iuardian, is again being undo by tlm British India Strain Navigation Company and other British com* panii
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  • 1581 8 The first annual meeting of tho Singapore Temperance Council was held on November 19 at the Y.M.C.A., and should prove a source of much encouragement and satisfaction to those who have the interests of tin* movement at
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  • 139 8 Tl le announcement that the famous American pi ima donna, Madame Nordica, is shortly to visit Singapore, will be received with very keen interest and satisfaction by everyone here interested in any degree in the musical art. Madame Nordica’s record as an operatic artist and a concert singer
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  • 88 8 The mortality returus for Singapore issued by tile Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending November 1.7, there were 250 deaths (182 males, 68 females) giving a ratio per millc of population of 40.61. Malarial fever accounted for 09 deaths, phthisis 07, convulsions
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  • 1007 8 In his annual report on tho prisons of the Colony for 1912. Mr. C. F. Green, the Acting Inspector, notes that the total number ot prisoners ou January 1, 1912, was 1,117; received during 1912, 4,631;
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  • 443 8 Ia the report of the directors of Malayan Tiu Dredging, Limited, for tho year to Juno 30, 1913, which was to bo presented at the meeting at the Chartered Accountant’s Institute, Moorgatoplace, E. C., on November 6, it is stated that
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  • 165 8 The P. and O. steamer Simla, which arrived at Penang from London on the 19th inst., says the Straits Echo, brought four brides who were quietly married at the St. George’s Church that morning, the Kev. F. W. Haines officiating at all the weddings. Mr. L. E. P.
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  • 1078 9 As chairman of the board of directors of the Singapore Poultry and Dairy Farm, Ltd.. Mr. Albert C. Davis signs the first annuai report of tho company, dated November 24 which is to be presented to shareholders at a meeting
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  • 183 9 The new Japanese steamer Kashima Maru which has arrived on her maiden trip from Japan re London, and which sailed on Tuesday is a sister ship to the Katori Maru, which passed through recently, aud is replacing the Aki Maru, now ou the service between Japan aud
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  • 141 9 Somewhat of a sensation has been caused in the newspaper world this week by what was apparently a slip on the part of the advertising branch of Reuter’s Telegram Company, states tlieL. and C. Express of October 31. The company has established a Financial Publicity Department,
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  • 139 9 Complying with the request of residents of Singapore, which lacks a female medical practitioner. Mrs. Tsuclnda, one of the female physicians at the Shisei Hospital, Ivq.inaeln, Tokvo, will proceed to that port f«om »oko hama on the l‘Jth inst., and will open up a practice, says
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  • 917 9 Tho annual distribution of prizes of the Penang Volunteer Corps, followed by a smoking concert, was held at tho Drill llall, Penang, on November ‘20, when the Hon. \V. Evans, Kcsident Councillor, presented the prizes
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  • 770 9 Tim annua) of tlio M.S.V.Il, bj His Exoolleucy Major General Stephenson, (Ml., General Officer Commanding, StraitH Settlements, took place on the polo ground, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday afternoon, and being favoured with beautiful weather proved a most successful function, 291 oHirers and men parading in camp
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  • 133 9 When the news of tho recent terriblo disaster which had lmpfiened to the mail train from Marseilles to Paris reached Colombo, anxiety was felt fur tho safety of Lieut.Colonel Cordon Frazer who was a passenger by the M. M. Paul Lecat which Imd arrived iu
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  • 44 10 Cu’MKCK On November 22, at Waringa Hill, Paterson Road, the wife of V. Clumeck, of a MOD. Bkllini.- On November 25, at the Nursing Home, St. Thomas’ Wa'k, the wife of H. Bellini, of IK vea (Johore) I lubber Plantations, of a son.
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  • 26 10 Burkk TrjtTos. —On November 22, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, by Archdeacon I/iud, Insp. Tom Burke, F.M.S. Police, to Alice Mary Turton, Fiusbury Park, London.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 985 10 sellers take no defensive action.—Straits Times, November 20. We have met the representative of an old established rubber estate who says that lie is perfectly content with rubber at 2/- per lb. Ho informed us that cost of production had boen so much reduced by
      sellers take no defensive action.—Straits Times, November 20.  -  985 words
    • 1157 10 protests of Indian politicians.—Straits Times, November 21. The Liberal party took much credit to itself for Laving had the courage to trust the Boers with self-government while memories of the South African war were still fresh in the minds of men resident in South Africa who
      protests of Indian politicians.—Straits Times, November 21.  -  1,157 words
    • 1135 10 industry is bandied carefully and honestly. Straits Times, November 'll. Some little time ago The Economist examined the highest and lowest prices recorded for the shares of well known sterling rubber companies during the present year. It was able to show that there had been Fome
      industry is bandied carefully and honestly. Straits Times, November 'll.  -  1,135 words
    • 1114 11 Straits Times, November *Jl. Against the citi/en army which lias been formed by Sir Edward Carson to defend the rights of Ulster, there is now the army of Nationalists which is to defend the rights of an Irish Parliament. If the Irisn could b< suspected of humour
      Straits Times, November *Jl.  -  1,114 words
    • 1217 11 any < Htutt: tiiat in being ncnsibly handled.— Strait* TiiueH, November '25. We do not know whothor it will lie possible to stop Sunday tapping by mutual consent throughout Malaya, as Mr. W. M. Sime has suggested. Wo aro not sure, oven, that if it wero stopped there
      any < Htutt: tiiat in being ncnsibly handled.— Strait* TiiueH, November '25.  -  1,217 words
    • 1445 12 —Straits Times, November 26. We are grateful to our contemporaries throughout the Malay Peninsula for the extreme kiudnoss of their references to ourselves in connection with tho libel action Dennys v. Straits Times, recently tried at Ipoh. Tho perfect consensus of opinion that in the
      .—Straits Times, November 26.  -  1,445 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 89 10 The Post trer price of the Straits Times is #38 i year The I»om fre*t price of the Straits Budget is $14 a year It it in luiessarv to subscribe for a year. The sub criptions for shorter periods are at the same proporionate rate as for a vear. e
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  • 870 12 Early this year, it may be remembered that we published the gist of correspon dence which hail passed between the Imperial Merchant Service Guild and the Foreign Office relative to tho establishment of a light, or lights,
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    • 430 12 5.C.C. v. Merchants. A club eleven, captained by W. E. llayner defeated a fairly strong team of Merchants on the Padaug on Saturday. Rayner’s not out 08 was the feature of the batting, whilst in the bowling department Day was credited with five wickets for 34 scores. S. C.
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    • 266 12 Singapore Golf Club. The Autumn cup competition was played on November 22 and ‘23, and resulted in a win for Mr P. Walton, who returned a nett score of 78. The links were in fairly good condition considering the recent heavy rains. Thirtyone members competed and the following cards
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  • 773 13 A flutter was caused in Chinese commercial circles on Thursday by the posting-up of a notice in the following words on the door of the Kwong Yik Banking Company’s premises in khng Street: J •‘The directors of
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  • 1377 13 couiu!!'nf^ ra fjf *i kcho makes the following S. thw «W;-'Vc .lesit-n to ao manta (.vim.?. V ?1 C °r dmlly with tho "ontimeats expressed by the Straits Times in the interests ded f UbliC Com P anios ™d
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  • 132 13 Tho combined Homo and Mediterranean fleets which are now cruising in the Eastern Mediterranean form an imposing dispLy of British naval strength. Tho fleets am under the command of Admiral Sir A. lit rksloy Milne and consist of tho following ships: Firsl Battle squadron (Homo fleet). Col
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  • 166 13 In ID is country, says The World (London) judges usually retire when they feel inclined, but not so in the Colonies; they have to go when they are told. Mr Justice Thornton, of the Straits Settleim nts, has just vacated his position in the Supreme Court of
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  • Local Telegrams.
    • 68 13 fl'uoM IIi h Own Ooukkmi'oni»kn i Penang, November 20. Capt. Peters, of the German steamer Malaya, has been fined 92a, for alleged abetmont of five Kling coolies in attempting to leavo tho Settlement without permits. Tho coolies boarded the vessel after tho boarding officers gave clearance for
      68 words
    • 52 13 Kuom Our Own Corkkhhondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, November 21. S(.langur yesterday beat the K.0.V.L.1. in the football match by five goals to one. Splendid work was done by R. A. S. Wagner, the home centre. Col lis I howno scored the visitors’ goal. The Yorkshires play Ivlaug at
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    • 181 13 (From Ouk Own Cokkkhi'onoknt.) Kuala Lumpur, November 21. Thu thin! tiro in four days occurred in Pudu Street, early this morning. Nine shophouses, mostly of the wood-framed typo, were putted and the rest of the hip block was only Kuvcd after three hours’ strenuous work by
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    • 91 13 (FltoM A COKItKMI'ONDKNT.) Labuan, November 2*2. Mr. H. Chevallior, the Acting Resident of Labuan and Rrunoi, left by the I'howfa on Thursday, and received a hearty send off. A procession of native**, with iiiuhic, paraded the town, which wa:i decorate*! with flags, and tho Chinese tired cracker**
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    • 209 13 The preliminary enquiry into the charge of causing death by a fasti act, which has been brought t.gaiust a Malay motor driver named Molmmed .lunet, was continued on Saturday in tlio third court, Indore l Mr. Forror Mr. A. V. Itrowa, the I&gt;.!*.!*., appeared to prosecute,
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    • 141 13 We r&lt; gret to record the d&lt; 11&lt; of Mr. Krauk I &lt;\ Kidd, a member of tl*e reporting staff of the China Mail, Hongkong, at tin agoof 28 y&lt; ai'H, as the n Milt of .111 accident eistainod whilst handling an automatic pistol. Tho weapon hadboin
      141 words

  • 1657 15 Berlin, November 1H. Mr. Carnegie states that in a discussion with the Kaiser, His Majesty declan d that ho would take further steps to reduce the number of duels. Adruiral Kebcur commands tho Gorman squadron which is making a cruise abroad. Tho Mexican Congress was opened on Thursday
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  • Shipping Intelligence.
    • 257 16 November 19 Denbigh Hall, Brit, str., Laidlay, Manila, McAlister Saigon Maru, Jap. str., Yamaguchi, Bombay, Guthrie 20 Bohemia, Aus. str., Moerans, Shanghai, Rautenbcrg Candia, Brit, str., Peel, London, P. A O. Co Kirin Maru, Jap. str., Nakamura, Yokohama, P. Simons Altai, Rus. str., Albrocht, Novorossisk, Borneo Co E F.
      257 words
    • 255 16 November 19 Ncleus, Brit, str., A’dam L’don A Antwerp Indo Maru, Jap. str., Bombay via ports fLincairn, Brit, str., Christmas Islands |Tami Maru, Jap. str., Rangoon j Jumna, Brit, str., Tiunbury W. A. Seang Choon, Brit, str., Penang A Rangoon 20 Teesta, Brit, str., Penaug Madras A N’tam Elcphanta,
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  • 263 16 Singapore, Novkmbkb 26, 1918. exchange On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 J Demand 2/4 k Private 6 m/s 2/4 8 m/s 2/4i 5 On (-’•kwavv Bank d/d 238.j Private 3 m/s 244$ On Fbanos Bank d/d 294 4 Private H m's 301 On India Bank T. T.
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  • 353 16 Singapore, November 26, 1618. MINING. vSuel Buyers. Seller. 10 10 Ampang 8.50 9.25 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.C0 10 10 Belat 2.35 2.60 10 10 Bru&ng 0.60 0.85 10 10 Kampar 10.00 1C 10 K&naboi 2.00 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 14.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.18.3
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  • 678 16 There are eighteen appeals to be heard in the Court of Appeal which was opened in the Supreme Court, on Monday, the Chief Justice (Sir \V. H. llyndman Jones) presiding. With him are Mr. Justice Fisher and Mr.
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  • 63 16 Per P. and Nubia, sailing December 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. Peel, Miss Holloway, Mr. A. W. S. Wagner. Per P. and O. Devanha, connecting at Colombo with Medina, sailing November 28.—Mr. W. Peacock, Mr. Simons, Mr. R- M. Lewis, Mr. K. G. Furley, Mr. J. Graham*
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 249 17 B9E; T 11 WILKINSON'S “TANSAN Ctaoioest ot all Choice Waters." S T USE 44 ii WILKINSON'S TANSAN ft Choicest of all Choice Waters. AND Per 4 dozen Pints $6.00. HKS2RrSi, j\ \i-" f j .v&gt; Per 8 dozen Splits $8.00. 4 Less 5%. &lt;3 I i|W«** ,rt jew** Caldbeck*-® LONDON
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 434 18 IK* coer/v&r i v Y %&lt; w m PULSOMETER STEAM PUMPS. The Palsomete* Steam Pomp is a pomp that has no moving parts except the ralves, which are of an exceedingly simple type and oan tfe readily replaced by unskilled labour. There being no frictional sorfaces to cat oat, the
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT.
    • 123 1 General— Rubber Items &gt;## i Singaj*ore Rubber Auctions 1 F. M. S. Rubber Export Duty 4 The Rubber Industry 5 The Price of Rubber 7 Telegrams— Loudon Rubber Special 1 London Rubber Market 1 Meetings and Reports— Kuala Kubu Rubber Estate 1 The Djapocra Liquidation 1 Marnbau Rubber 1
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    • 361 1 The output of Hayoep estate in October was 17,999 lbs.; for ten months 126,280 lbs. Messrs. F. W. barker and Company inform us that they have received a telegram from London advising them that the directors of Ledbury Rubber Estates, Limited, have declared an interim dividend of 5
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    • 81 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 21. Edinburgh Rubber Estate Las declared an interim dividend of 71 per cent. Bukit Kajang pays a tiual dividend of 5 per oeut. Tandjong Rubber Co. issues 2,400 dow shares at
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    • 77 1 Fine Para Plantation. t Spot Forward First Latex Nov. 19 a/2.1 2/4^ 20 3/2* 3/1 2/4 21 3/2 3/1 2/3* 22 3/2 3/1 2/3* 24 3/OJ 3/- 2/3* 25 1,0 i 3 r 2/3* The following messago has beou received in
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    • 171 1 The report of t!ie Kuala Kubu Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the crop estimate of 40.009 lbs. for the year to Juno 60 was realised, the total quantity invoiced amounting to 40,950 lbs. Crop and sale prices compare with tho previous season as follows: —1912 16,
      171 words
    • 155 1 An extraordinary gem ml nncting of the I)j ipot i'i (Imiragiri) Kubh.*r Co., Lid., v/;.Ik id at Commercial I'nioii buildings, Singapore, yesterday, for tho purpose of considerL, tho following special resolution in”conn, don with the sale of the prowrtv to London That the company be voluntarily
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    • 1004 1 The fourth annual ordinary general meeting of the Matnbau (K.M.S.) Lubber Company, Limiti d, was held on October .‘10 at the ollico of the company, 16, Phi I pot Lane, E.C., Mr. J. L. Loudoun-Shaud (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman
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    • 296 1 Thu Singapore Chamber of Coiuiuoroe Rubber Association's 115th auction wiih hold on Tuesday, wlien thuro wore ofTorod for sain 795.HO piculs (or 100,107 lbs.) and sold 7*»:i. is piculs (or 101,797 Ibs.i. Tlio prices itulincd were: Shoot Smoked 9110 to 9101 Unsiuokod 106 116 Crojm No. 1
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    • 2515 2 The third ordinary general meeting of the Chcmbong Malay Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 30 at Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Edgar Geo. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, we are holding this
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    • 508 2 The statutory meeting of tlio Taiping Rubber Estates, Ltd. (1913), was held at the Palace Hotel, Shanghai, on November 13. Mr. 13. A. Clarke presided, aud the attendance included Messrs. ,J. Frost and E. S. Kadooric (directors). The total number of
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    • 516 2 The fourth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Sungei Kari (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Limited, was held ou October 28, at the Institute of Directors, 4, Corbet Court, E.C., Mr. W. Arthur Aildinsell (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said
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    • 2847 3 The hid ordinary eneral teefeg of tbo Bcranang (SelaOj-or) liubber Plantations, Limited, was held on October 27, at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Edgar G. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: With your permission
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    • 810 3 Tho report of tbo Hrieh Rubber Estate, Limited, states that tho not profit for the year to July Jl, including XI,454, tho balanco brought forward, is £7,91(1. After deducting tho iutorim dividend of 5 per cent, paid May 1, absorbing £2,464, and
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    • 1753 4 The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Para Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on October 29 at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, E.C., Air. Henry do Courcy Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said
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    • 81 4 For the period from November 28 to December 11, 1913, inclusive, tlie duty on cultivated rubber on w hich export duty is leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis iu accordance w ith the rules undor the Customs Duties Enactment will bo assessed on
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    • 1333 4 The sixth annual ordinary general meeting of the Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations, Limit**!, was hold on October 27, at the Cannon Street Hotel, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. Keith Fraser Arbuthnot (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said You
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    • 239 4 The report of the Jong-Landor Rubber Kstates. Limited, states that the crop for the year to June 30 amounted to 151,840 lbs., which shows a substantial increase on the estimate of 100,000 lbs., and the previous season’s output of 49,129 lbs. Crop and sale prices compare with tho
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    • 194 4 The secretary of the Scottish Malay hubher Company, Limited, haw issued a statement that the crop for nine months to September 80 is 210,973 lbs. Of the crop sent forward for sale 85 per cent, is first grade rubber, the balance being lower-grade crepe. The estimated crop
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    • 1363 5 The third Annual ordinary general meeting of the Batu Rata (Sumatra) Rubber Planta' tions, Limited, was held on October 30 at tho Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Keith Fraser Arbuthnot (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman
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    • 1041 5 The third annual general meeting of the North Labis (Johoro) Rubber and Produce Company, Ltd., was held on October HO, at tho office of the company, 1 t 4, Great Tower Street, E.C., Mr. Charles Arthur Lampard (the chairmau of the
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    • 280 5 The report of the Hajoe Kidoel Rubber and Produce Company, Limited, states that during the year to March 31, till acres were planted w ith Hevca-interpreted with &lt;xJTee —bringing the total planted ar&lt;;a ax at March 31,1913, to about 3,777 acres. The e« ffee crop
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    • 581 5 Tho following information minting to the rubber industry in taken from the London uud China Express of October Hi —A much improved tone haw been exhibited in tho rubber share market, and there has been ronsideruble buying of
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    • 265 5 In the report of tho Bandar Sumatra Rubber Kstute for the year to July .11, it in stated that tho crops w&lt; re Bubb&lt; r, 1011,452 lbs.; coffoe, cwt. Tho estimatcfi were largely exceeded. The gross price for rubber wan Hs. 4.72(1., and tho all-in cost, including
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    • 3952 6 A general meeting of tho Malacca Planters’ Association was held on Sunday in the club at Malacca. Mr. II. M. Darby presided and there were present: The Hon. F. W. Collins. Messrs. \V. M. Sirne, J. M.
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    • 584 7 From the I&gt;aily Commercial News of San Francisco (October 1")) we quote tbe following reflections on rubber prices, in reading which it should be borne in mind that the prices named are American gold:— The rubber trade in this
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    • 2035 7 n T f n T' 1 annual meeting of the Utak Habit Rubber Kstato, Limited, was held on October 21, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, EC., Mr. Edward Lawrence Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding. r J The Chairman
      2,035 words
    • 427 7 The report of tint Galling Hesnr Robber Plantations, Limited, states that the planted area remains tho Maine as at the end of tho previous year—namely 2,406 acres. It bas been decided, under present cirrnmstanoeN, to poHtpouu the extensions previously con* templated. The whole of the area under
      427 words
    • 262 7 Tim report of the Colonial lltihbcr anil Produce Investment Corporation, Limited, states that the sum of £190,271 .‘ls. Id., appearing in the balance sheet as investments, is represented approximately as follows: .‘{'.l per cent, in rubber shares, 17 per cent, in first mortgage rubber debentures, 44
      262 words
    • 1921 8 Capital Stock Singapore Aotbo- D V de0d Malayan Bwhunge FtMer.ndOo e riaed. r, 1 J “J5, 101a mi* OoMeamia. Prices, Prices Marked 2/* 1918. 1912, October 29. November 26. 85,000 2/-fy. paid 8%for 31/12/11
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